biancarogers · 4 months
AMD Computex 2024 Keynote - Commentary & Analysis 👀 🔊 🖥️ https://applevideos.co.uk/mac-studio/amd-computex-2024-keynote-commentary-amp-analysis
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melabitme · 1 year
Cinque ragioni
— Fonte: Pinterest. Il blog è stato fermo per quasi due mesi, purtroppo è stata una estate pieni di impicci casalinghi e di lavoro, e solo ora riesco ad avere il tempo per mettermi di nuovo alla tastiera a scrivere. Nel frattempo però non ho smesso di buttare giù le idee per i nuovi post, come questo qui sotto che, anche se arriva in ritardo, non ha perso la sua attualità. Di conseguenza, buona…
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solluxsunday · 10 months
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deadpixelchecker · 2 years
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You’re sitting down to watch a movie or play the latest PS5 release, and you turn on your TV. But for the first time, you notice something concerning.
It looks like there are some black spots on the TV. You figure, no big deal, it’s probably just dirt or grime. So you go to clean it off, and that’s when you realize: you’ve got dead pixels.
If you are using the latest TV model then you can check dead pixels online by using one of the best Dead Pixel Checker Tools.
Dead pixels can range from a minor annoyance to a major problem. Not sure what to do about them? Here’s where to start.
Which TV Types Get Dead Pixels?
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All current display types (LCD, LED, OLED, etc.) can produce dead pixels. There are other differences between various display types, such as OLED being more susceptible to screen burn-in, but the risks of dead pixels are relatively even across all TV types.
Can Dead Pixels Be Resurrected?
It depends on who you ask. PCWorld says no: a truly dead pixel is just plain dead. There’s no fixing it.
Other sources list strategies to revive a dead pixel. But whether these strategies are ever actually successful on truly dead pixels is a matter of debate. Moreover, people who report success reviving dead pixels may have dealt with stuck pixels, not dead ones.
It’s also important to note that some of the methods for reviving these pixels are quite risky. Your attempts to fix the screen issue could further damage your screen and will often void a manufacturer’s warranty. So before you start tinkering, make sure to consider whether the problem is truly worth the risk.
What Are Stuck Pixels?
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Stuck pixels are different from dead ones in that they still show signs of life.
A dead pixel will be completely black and won’t change or show color. (An always-white pixel is sometimes also called a dead pixel or might also be called a hot pixel, but it’s the same story: nothing you do makes any difference, so it’s functionally dead.)
A stuck pixel is different. As the name implies, it may be stuck rather than dead. If you have a pixel displaying red (or blue or green) when it shouldn’t be, that’s certainly annoying. But it’s better news because it means the electronics powering the pixel aren’t disabled or destroyed. They’re just stuck.
The good news with stuck pixels is that you can usually find a way to un-stick them. Some of these are even software-based, so you won’t have to worry about voiding the warranty on your TV.
Strategies to Try
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If you’ve determined that you have some dead or stuck pixels, here are some strategies to try. But, again, you should proceed with caution past the first point — if you proceed past it at all. Some of these strategies are risky and could further damage your display.
1. Check Your Manufacturer's Warranty
Your first step should be to check your manufacturer's warranty, especially if the dead pixel showed up when you first turned on your TV. Unfortunately, manufacturers don’t always cover dead pixels. 
Some do and some don’t. Some set a threshold (say, five or more dead pixels) before they’ll repair or replace the unit. But you should always start here.
If the device is brand-new and the manufacturer warranty doesn’t cover dead pixels, you may also be able to exchange or return the device from the retailer that sold it to you.
2. Check Your Extended Warranty
Next up is your extended warranty, if you have one. Again, not all extended warranties cover dead pixels, but some do. Sony company extended TV warranties, for example, do cover dead pixels. 
Sony company also offers unlimited claims up to the purchase price of the TV with no deductible, meaning you can contact Sony company worry-free to have your TV repaired as soon as possible.
If your TV can’t be repaired on the first claim, Sony company will even send a replacement TV.
3. Give Your TV a Break
If you’ve been using your TV heavily, it may just need to cool down. Leave it off for 24 hours, then see if the pixel issues resolve themselves.
4. Try a Software Fix
Next up is an attempt at a software fix. These utilities will rapidly flash colors across your screen in an attempt to shock those pixels back into working order. Stuck Pixel Fixer and JScreenFix are the two top options in this space.
This method tends to work only on stuck pixels, but it’s worth trying before getting hands-on in step 5.
5. Use Some Pressure
This is where things get risky. PCWorld recommends covering the screen with a scratch-free cloth and then pressing gently with a stylus on the stuck pixel for around 10 seconds. Gentle tapping with something slightly firmer is also an option.
6. Repair or Replace
If nothing else has resolved your problem, your next step is to send your TV in for repair or replace the device entirely. Living with the stuck pixel is also an option.
Protect Your TV with the Right Extended Warranty
Sony company offers the best coverage for TVs. With a Sony company warranty, your TV is protected from screen burn-in, dead pixels, power issues, connectivity failure, and more. Even better, Sony company’s warranties cost up to 70 percent less than warranties from manufacturers or retailers, ensuring that you get the best protection for the best price.
Are Stuck pixels permanent?
Are Stuck Pixels Permanent? No. More often than not, stuck pixels are temporary. You might have to try a few methods to remove them.
Can a dead pixel spread?
As long as the touch screen (or parts of the touch screen) doesn't stop working, you'll be fine. The worst-case scenario, if the display takes damage that causes the dead pixels to spread, is that you'll have to take the phone in for repairs. 
What does a dead pixel look like?
A dead pixel won't turn on, whereas a stuck pixel is permanently on. Since it's permanently on, it typically appears as a bright, persistent dot on the screen, and is either red, green, blue, or white. If a problematic pixel is dead, it should look like a small black rectangle.
Can you fix a dead pixel on a laptop?
Get yourself a damp cloth, so that you won't scratch the screen. Apply pressure to the area where the stuck pixel is. ... While applying pressure, turn on your computer and screen. Remove pressure and the stuck pixel should be gone.
Can you see dead pixels when the screen is off?
No, dead pixels look like any other pixel when the screen is off, they just don't get power (like the other pixels) when the computer is on. Odds are you have some dust, or some sort of residue perhaps, on your screen.
Why are my dead pixels spreading?
Dead pixels can be frustrating when using a computer. Dead pixels often occur in the LCD screens of computers, televisions, and other devices. This happens when a component fails and causes a pixel to go black. Sometimes this can spread to other pixels, which can appear as a "hole" in the screen.
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pc7ooo · 2 days
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Первые обзоры Intel Lunar Lake — отличная автономность, средняя производительность, но неплохие возможности для игр
Сегодня начались продажи ноутбуков на базе новых энергоэффективных процессоров Intel Core Ultra 200V (Lunar Lake). Большинству обозревателей (а их пока не так много) в руки попал ноутбук Asus Zenbook S14 OLED на базе Core Ultra 7 258V. В данном материале мы собрали наиболее интересные данные из обзоров этого ноутбука от порталов Tom’s Hardware и PCWorld. Источник изображений: Mark Hachman / IDG
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/24/693-pervye-obzory-intel-lunar-lake-otlichnaya-avtonomnost-srednyaya-proizvoditelnost-no-neplohie-vozmozhnosti-dlya-igr-grss-344030187.html
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7ooo-ru · 27 days
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Пользователи Windows 11 смогут навсегда удалить скандальную ИИ-функцию Recall с разрешения Microsoft
Microsoft прислушалась к недовольству пользователей. Компания решила дать возможность полностью избавиться от спорной функции Recall в Windows 11, а не просто отключить её. Об этом сообщает PCWorld, ссылаясь на внимательных пользователей, которые уже обнаружили эту...
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/31/329-polzovateli-windows-11-smogut-navsegda-udalit-skandalnuyu-ii-funkciyu-recall-s-razresheniya-microsoft-grss-337171983.html
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tfgadgets · 1 month
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iwan1979 · 2 months
Hackers can watch your screen via HDMI radiation | PCWorld
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asphinxofblackquartz · 2 months
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marvelousgames · 2 years
Watch "Deus Ex Human Revolution Reshade and HD Texture Mod" on YouTube
Deus HR the best in the series
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infogenesis · 2 months
Come Riparare il Registro di Sistema di Windows: Guida Completa e Aggiornata
Il registro di sistema di Windows è una componente fondamentale del sistema operativo, che memorizza tutte le configurazioni e impostazioni necessarie per il corretto funzionamento del computer. Tuttavia, può capitare che il registro si danneggi o si corrompa, causando rallentamenti, errori e malfunzionamenti. In questa guida completa, esploreremo come riparare il registro di sistema di Windows in modo efficace e sicuro.
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Perché è Importante il Registro di Sistema?
Il registro di sistema è essenziale perché contiene informazioni vitali per il funzionamento del software e dell'hardware del tuo PC. Un registro danneggiato può portare a:
Errori di sistema: Messaggi di errore frequenti e crash.
Rallentamenti: Prestazioni ridotte del computer.
Problemi di avvio: Impossibilità di avviare Windows correttamente.
Sintomi di un Registro di Sistema Danneggiato
Prima di procedere con la riparazione, è importante identificare i sintomi di un registro corrotto:
Messaggi di errore: Avvisi continui durante l'uso del PC.
Crash frequenti: Il sistema si blocca o si riavvia senza motivo.
Rallentamenti: Il computer impiega più tempo ad avviarsi e ad eseguire operazioni.
Programmi malfunzionanti: Le applicazioni non si aprono o funzionano in modo anomalo.
Metodi per Riparare il Registro di Sistema
Metodo 1: Utilizzare lo Strumento di Ripristino del Sistema
Apri il Pannello di Controllo:
Cerca "Pannello di Controllo" nel menu Start e aprilo.
Vai su Sistema e Sicurezza:
Seleziona "Sistema e Sicurezza" e poi "Sistema".
Ripristino del Sistema:
Clicca su "Protezione sistema" e poi su "Ripristino configurazione di sistema". Segui le istruzioni per riportare il sistema a un punto di ripristino precedente.
Metodo 2: Utilizzare un Software di Pulizia del Registro
Esistono vari software che possono aiutarti a pulire e riparare il registro di sistema, come:
CCleaner: Pulisce il registro e rimuove le voci obsolete.
Glary Utilities: Offre una suite completa per la manutenzione del PC, inclusa la pulizia del registro.
Wise Registry Cleaner: Specificamente progettato per riparare e ottimizzare il registro di sistema.
Metodo 3: Utilizzare il Prompt dei Comandi
Apri il Prompt dei Comandi come Amministratore:
Cerca "cmd" nel menu Start, fai clic destro e seleziona "Esegui come amministratore".
Esegui il Comando SFC:
Digita sfc /scannow e premi Invio. Questo comando eseguirà il Controllo File di Sistema e riparerà i file di sistema corrotti, inclusi quelli del registro.
Esegui il Comando DISM:
Se il comando SFC non risolve il problema, digita DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth e premi Invio. Questo strumento riparerà l'immagine di Windows.
Suggerimenti per Mantenere il Registro di Sistema Pulito
Esegui Manutenzione Regolare: Utilizza software di pulizia del registro periodicamente.
Aggiorna il Sistema: Mantieni Windows e i programmi aggiornati per evitare conflitti.
Evita Software Inaffidabili: Installa solo software da fonti sicure per ridurre il rischio di danneggiare il registro.
Risposte alle Domande Comuni
Q: Posso riparare il registro senza utilizzare software di terze parti? A: Sì, puoi utilizzare strumenti integrati come il Ripristino configurazione di sistema e il Controllo File di Sistema.
Q: È sicuro utilizzare software di pulizia del registro? A: Sì, ma è importante scegliere software affidabili e creare un backup del registro prima di eseguire qualsiasi pulizia.
Q: Cosa devo fare se il registro è gravemente danneggiato? A: Se i metodi standard non funzionano, potrebbe essere necessario reinstallare Windows per risolvere completamente i problemi del registro.
Collegamenti Esterni a Fonti Autorevoli
Microsoft Support: Utilizzare lo strumento di Ripristino Configurazione di Sistema - Guida ufficiale di Microsoft.
How-To Geek: Come Usare SFC / Scannow per Riparare i File di Sistema - Una risorsa affidabile per la riparazione del sistema.
PCWorld: Strumenti Essenziali per la Manutenzione del PC - Suggerimenti e strumenti per mantenere il tuo PC in perfetta forma.
Seguendo questa guida completa, sarai in grado di riparare il registro di sistema di Windows e mantenere il tuo computer in perfette condizioni. Con la giusta manutenzione e gli strumenti adatti, il tuo PC funzionerà sempre al meglio!
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fitlifefuel · 2 months
How to Know Which Version of Windows You Have: A Complete Guide
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Have you ever wondered which version of Windows your computer is running? Whether you're a tech newbie or a seasoned user, knowing your Windows version is crucial for compatibility with software, drivers, and updates. This guide will walk you through the simplest methods to find out your Windows version, along with some extra tips and tricks to enhance your knowledge. Let’s dive in!
Understanding the Importance of Knowing Your Windows Version
Knowing your Windows version is essential for several reasons:
Software Compatibility: Ensures that applications and programs run smoothly.
Security Updates: Keeps your system protected with the latest security patches.
Troubleshooting: Helps resolve system issues more efficiently.
Methods to Determine Your Windows Version
Here are some easy ways to check your Windows version:
Method 1: Using System Settings
Open Settings:
Press Windows + I to open the Settings menu.
Navigate to System:
Click on "System" and then "About".
Check Windows Specifications:
Here, you’ll find your Windows edition and version.
Method 2: Using the Run Dialog
Open the Run Dialog:
Press Windows + R.
Type winver:
In the Run box, type winver and press Enter.
View the Information:
A window will pop up displaying your Windows version and build number.
Method 3: Using Command Prompt
Open Command Prompt:
Press Windows + X and select "Command Prompt" or "Windows PowerShell".
Type the Command:
Enter systeminfo and press Enter.
Check Windows Version:
Scroll through the information to find the "OS Name" and "Version".
Additional Methods
Using Control Panel: Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System to view your Windows version.
Windows Logo: On older versions like Windows 7, the Start menu logo gives a clue about the version.
Understanding Windows Version Numbers and Build Numbers
Microsoft frequently updates Windows, releasing major versions and build numbers. Here’s a quick rundown:
Windows 10: Known for its frequent updates, e.g., Version 20H2, 21H1.
Windows 11: The latest version with an updated interface and new features.
Addressing Common Questions
Q: Can I upgrade my Windows version for free? A: Yes, Microsoft often offers free upgrades from older versions to the latest one, like from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Q: How can I find out if my Windows version is genuine? A: Check your activation status by going to Settings > Update & Security > Activation.
Tips to Keep Your Windows System Up-to-Date
Enable Automatic Updates: Ensure your system receives the latest updates.
Regularly Check for Updates: Manually check for updates by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
Use Trusted Sources: Download updates and software from official sources to avoid malware.
External Links to Authoritative Sources
Microsoft Support: Find your Windows version - Official guide from Microsoft.
How-To Geek: How to Determine Which Version of Windows You Are Running - A reliable tech site with additional tips.
PCWorld: How to Check Your Windows Version - Another trusted tech resource.
By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to determine your Windows version and keep your system running smoothly. Stay informed, and enjoy a seamless computing experience!
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