#PLEASE add on
hello-eden · 4 months
Tim was missing
Tim has been missing for over 5 months now. This wouldn't be a usual concern for them if he had said he was going. After the whole going off the rails searching for Bruce when everyone thought he was dead and ending up blowing up League of assassin bases thing, Everyone decided it was best that there was a check-in. Gotham Vigilantes used the same system for the missions as the Justice League but after everything went on they decided to make their own.
They had a log on the bat computer for longer missions so people know where they're going. The check-in is usually once every 2 weeks if it's a deep cover Mission with trackers on at all times, but there has been nothing from Tim. 
Everyone didn't really notice at first Tim left at a very busy time. Tim texted regularly in the first week and kept up with everything that was going on, that most of them thought he was still in Gotham.
When everyone noticed he wasn't there they thought it was just a regular mission, but when Babs needed him to double check something on a case file and realized he wasn't on the roster for no contact missions she started to get worried.
Apparently the last time anyone had seen him was when he was in the bat cave for a drug screening after a very bad scarecrow attack. His trackers were offline. All of his emergency buttons and trackers were sending a signal even if it was not trackable.
The most worrying part was the silence. usually they would hear some whisper if they'd been captured or God forbid if he was dead but there was nothing. Everyone tried to use every contact that they could think of but no one could find anything.
until now 
Every single tracker on Tim lit up like a Christmas tree. It took barely a minute for everyone to start dispatching themselves to find him. Jason and Cass were the ones that were chosen to go. Tim ended up in an abandoned Laboratory. Everything they could find on the building in the paperwork was said to be abandoned just before building was finished. the second they saw the building in person you could tell that was wrong. it was definitely abandoned now but it looked like the people left in a rush. the people working there probably left a day or two ago. The dust barely just started to form.
When they looked on the trackers he looked to be in the basement level. As they walked through the building it was like every floor looked like it had been copy and pasted. Every room had white walls so it was easy to see the splatters of blood in the hallway leading to the room they were looking for. They were very concerned. The blood had specs of green that seemed to be luminescent even though the blood was dried. they feared for the worst.
Jason opened the door and looked inside with Cass not far behind.  The room had white walls like the rest of the building but instead of the normal White/ yellow headlights from the rest of the rooms they were bright Blue. There was blood just like the hallway even down to the luminescing green specs.  The room had two chairs on the side farthest from the door and a bed in the furthest corner. Tim was laying on the bed and looked to be staring at the ceiling. He had made no move to interact with them even as they got closer.
 “Replacement” Jason whispered to Tim once he was by the bed. When Tim didn't respond he grabbed his rest to feel a pulse.
Even though it looked like he was breathing it could be his mind playing a trick on him. Jason needed to feel his pulse.
Jason felt the pulse, it was slow but it was there. Jason looked over to Cass and said ”he's alive all right”. 
Relief very clearly in his tone. Cass's shoulders relaxed only a little after hearing that.
They looked him over trying to figure out why he wasn't responding. His heartbeat was slow like he was asleep but Tim was a light sleeper unless he was knocked out or drugged he usually woke up the second someone touched him.
he didn't look to be hooked up to any machinery and the place had been abandoned for at least the day before they arrived. he wasn't even wearing his vigilante outfit, he was in civilians clothes.
Once they realized they were getting nowhere with this they looked around the room as it was becoming clear they couldn't wake him up nor was he an immediate Danger.  They decided to look around only the rooms near the one that Tim was contained in to make sure that there weren't other people there as that floor seemed to be a containment unit.
Jason decided to look in the other rooms while the Cass stayed in Tim's in case he woke up.  As Jason left to search, he looked around the room. she ended up finding Tim's bag underneath the bed pushed to the furthest corner away from the door.
Cass sat down on the floor with her back leaning on the side of the chair.  She searched through the bag.  The more she looked through the more confused she got.
She couldn't find Tim's phone neither civilian nor hero. She couldn't find his laptop but she did find a tablet that she knew Tim hadn't had before. she would question if this was Tim's bag if not for the wallet and ID she found in the front pocket.
She found small things like a package of tissues, a water bottle, chapstick and some of Stephanie's hair ties. Cass could tell that they were Stephanie's due to the fact they were all purple.
She found a hidden Pocket as she was looking through the lining of the bag. It looked to be a syringe filled with glowing green liquid. The same green that seems to be in the blood from the hallway. In the same pocket there seems to be a folded file with medical scans stuffed in between. As Cass went through the bag there was one question that had been on her mind since the beginning.
 Why was Tim here?
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break-the-glass-block · 6 months
How to Improve QSMP Award 2025
Person in a stained white bear suit randomly appearing in the background, only one host notices it and is gaslit into thinking they are crazy.
More pans to the content creator audience, I want to see everyone (especially Philza) loosing their mind
Fix the audio but the scuff continues (like MCC April Fools)
Camera goes to the wrong person and that person takes the award on the winners behalf with a really bad impression
"And the Best Jumpscare Award goes to-" *Stage light falls from the sky* "JESUS CHRIST!"
"Which camera am I looking at?" "The wrong one." "...Thank you."
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filthforfriends · 6 months
A Brief, Incomplete List of Performances To Make You Fall In Love With MÅ Again
Inspired by my love for @icarodamiano
For Your Love, O2 Academy
Humble, Madison Square Garden
In Nome Del Padre, 1Live WDR
The Loneliest, Jimmy Kimmel
Kiwi, Ronquieres Festival
Full set, Radio Italia
I Wanna Be Your Dog, Hammerstein Ballroom
Zitti e Buoni (acoustic), Pre-Party Eurovision
Full set, RDS Showcase
I Wanna Be Your Dog, Howard Stern
Le Parole Lontane, Hipodromo de Palermo
Le Parole Lontane, Circo Massimo (2022)
Coraline, San Remo
Timezone (acoustic), Madison Square Garden (2023)
Trastevere (demo version), Circo Massimo (2022)
Back to Black, Madison Square Garden
Full set, Cosmopolitan Russia
Full set, 3FM Exclusive
Gasoline, Global Citizen Festival (2022)
Zitti e Buoni, Lotta på Liseberg
I Wanna Be Your Slave, Open're Park (2021)
Mammamia, Swedish Idol
IWBYS & Zitti e Buoni, Wiwi Jam at Home
The Loneliest (1st performance), The Underground Club
Bury a Friend, Global Citizen Festival
Womanizer, Coachella
Drum solo, Summer Sonic (2022)
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surrealisticcereal · 9 months
i think apollo will stay changed after becoming human
first time making something like this. so uh, yeah, kinda sorta analysis after the cut and a lot of this is based off of this analysis and also the toa discord. yeah. let's get this started
i think that apollo will stay "human" even after regaining godhood because that's the point. it's a story about growth, healing, change, hope, and identity. apollo lost his, not just by being put into lester, but his identity, as apollo the god.
and it isn't just apollo. meg is a big one as well, her arc sort of mirroring apollo, with nero being compared to zeus quite often in the narration. i think another arc that sort of mirrors apollo's is reyna. her arc is centered around identity. she needs to find it outside of the senate. apollo needed to find it outside of olympus. and quite ironically, the roman camp is called camp jupiter. and it was reyna that told apollo something he needed to hear. sure, he could never take back all of the shitty things he has done in the past, but he can still do good.
apollo thought he was the worst of the gods, all because he felt. all because he felt devasted when his loved ones died. all because even after all of that pain, he still loved. that is who he is at his core. someone who loves.
the reason he couldn't change at the start was because that man was in denial. but if you ignore his, i will admit this as someone who loves toa, kinda annoying narration and read just his actions, he is actively putting himself at risk to save percy, meg, his kids. he even knows the names of connor and travis, even knowing their personalities enough to know that they are pranksters. because that's who he is behind all of the glitter and blinding smiles. someone who cares, but can't show it.
how can i talk about apollo's change without mentioning jason. jason, i think, is the push that caused him to decide to change. "remember what it's like to be human." apollo and jason both sacrificed themselves for the team, only difference is that jason's stuck. this was his push. that apollo, as the god, could've helped. and that's was what he was going to do.
and in ton, we meet the troglodytes. they called him lester-apollo. lester was used as an epihet for apollo. this is mentioned in the toa server if this rings a bell. lester is now a part of his identity. it's so deeply engrained.
he may forget the people's faces, but their impact will never leave them.
apollo will stay changed because he wants to change. he wants to take those steps. that's what sets him apart from the olympians, the ones who live by one saying. "gods can't change." they can, they just don't want to. because that would mean, admitting what they did wrong and feeling guilt. apollo already was doing this, clear from the song that he sang in tho. he just needed a push.
but there is still hope. the nod from athena showing comradery. the idk what to call it with hera. apollo's trials didn't just impact him, it impacted all of olympus. for better or worse.
sure, maybe he will relapse, turn back into the selfish god he was. but why would you want to believe that? it's a story about hope. so have some.
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sweettjrose · 1 month
Came up with a Disney Comic Villains Teacher AU this is what I have:
Peg Leg Pete (Mr. Pete) - P.E. Teacher
Also works as the Coach for the Wrestling and Football Teams
Doesn't put much effort in teaching but cares a lot about getting his teams to win through ruthless practices or any other means cheating
Married to the Art Teacher
Trudy Van Tubb (Mrs. Van Tubb) - Art Teacher
The most beloved teacher at the school
Expanded the art program to also include fashion design and jewelry making
Does not allow anyone to hurt or insult her students
Works with the Drama Teacher to keep the arts department alive and funded, despite constant threats of closure
Sylvester Shyster (Mr. Shyster) - Civics Teacher
A good teacher who is able to make what could easily be a boring class entertaining
Part of this is that he often shows the shady side of the politics and slips in loopholes and ways to get around the laws he teaches
Knows all the school codes, rules, and statutes by heart as well as how to get around them.
Spends a lot of time with the P.E. and Arts teacher
Portis Egmont (Mr. Egmont) - Chemistry Teacher
One of the many science teachers at the school
Can be seen as a bit boring, but grabs the kids attention by showing off cool inventions and experiments he works on in his free time
Constantly feels like he is competing and proving himself against the other science teachers (Ecks, Doublex, Triplex, etc.)
Is related to the P.E. Teacher and is visited by the Drama Teacher a lot
The Phantom Blot (Mr. Blot) - Drama / Music Teacher
Has very high standards and can be very strict and intimidating
Has bigger plans for his career (Principal, Head of the School Board, Taking over the entire Department of Education) but is working as a teacher for now
Only teaches music to find the best musicians and singers for his plays
But his students still like him as he can be very charming on his better days, clearly knows what he's doing, and is partially why the arts department is still alive
Sponsors many of the clubs including the drama, track, and robotics club
Scuttle - Janitor / Bus Driver / Cook / Etc.
Not a teacher but still a well known and well loved member of the staff
Usually tasked with random odd jobs throughout the school outside of his typical duties
The students love him for all the silly and entertaining shenanigans he gets into
Spends a lot of time with the P.E., Chemistry, Arts, and Drama Teacher
Dr. Vulter (Dr. Vulter) - JROTC (Military Prep) / Environmental Science Teacher
The kids in his JROTC program are extremely loyal and obedient to him
Even his science students know not to mess with him
It is mystery on whether his kids are actually doing a normal JROTC program or something a bit more, but people are too scared to try and find out
His past is also a mystery, though he does have a lot of aquatic memorabilia
The Rhyming Man (Mr. Rhyme) - Creative Writing / Language Arts Teacher
Talks in rhyme as he teaches
Pretty good at teaching, though is known for brutal grading, having erratic temperamental behavior at times, and in general just being scary
Nobody really knows anything about him as he usually keeps to himself and focuses only on teaching his class.
The only person he really talks to is Dr. Vulter, though he does seems to strongly dislike the Drama Teacher
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mollywog · 9 days
Planning one of those mudpuppy books that makes cat puns - this one will be ‘Jobs for Cats’
First page: Catuary
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shobolanya · 7 months
my Dirk Gently Supernatural crossover thoughts
i love both dghda and spn so ofc i imagined what could happen if the characters met (note that is is just pure crack but i would love more suggestions)
✦ they would met on one of the two cases in dghda or on one of the spn cases
✦ like sam and dean are just doing their usual thing when this weird chatty british dude, his assisfriend and a gorgeous badass appear
✦ i imagine dirk, todd and farah finding the case because dirk had a hunch they needed to be there and they meet these two FBI guys (who soon turns out aren't real agents) and they team up
✦ anyway they solve the case and sometime in the process of solving it they learn about what they really do
✦ i mean sam and dean learn about dirk being a holistic detective pretty fast but when things get messy the winchesters reveal what they do
✦ now i think they could team up again on some bigger cases (i imagine this being post season 2 of dghda and around season 12-13 of spn)
✦and maybe the universe led dirk to the winchesters so they could help each other
✦ so after they work on more cases more of the characters meet each other and here's who i think would get along with who
✦dirk and rowena become besties and sip tea and gossip; also she understands more about dirk being a holistic detective than he understands himself
✦ dean has a small crush on farah (but who doesn't), he's still married to cas though
✦ tina, farah, jody and donna are the best team ever
✦ charlie and todd would be friends and she knows mexican funeral
✦ to his shame (not really) so does dean and he would never admit it but he was a fan before the band broke up
✦ dirk would be friends with jack because they are both confused sad cinnamon rolls
✦ also mona would randomly appear around the bunker nearly giving sam a heart attack; after that she would love to stay around jack and cas
✦ rowdy 3 would adopt jack (i got the idea from an amazing fanfic and it is a great dinamic nothing can change my mind, the rowdy 3 would be kind and understanding to jack and they could give him a cool jacket too)
✦ at some point friedkin appears because i want him back he's my dear beloved
✦ priest appears too and he teams up with arthur ketch
✦ bart and dean become best friends
✦ sherlock hobbs and donna are the best sheriff team
✦ rowena could teach amanda some spells
✦ the rowdy 3 can tell apart angels, archangels, demons, crossroad demons etc just by sensing their energy
✦ mona once turned in the impala to prank dean
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
Tumblr media
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gipsyjr · 4 months
How to beat final Boss, according to anime characters.
FullMetal Alchemist: just deck god really hard
Naruto: harem of naked men
Bleach: get really big kitchen knife
Demon Slayer: dance all night
JoJo's Bizzarre Adventures: punchy schizophrenic ghosts, I dunno what to tell you
One Punch Man: p u n c h (kinda obvious)
Soul Eater: see the moon was kinda just sitting there and-
Dragon Ball (franchise): POSE AND SCREAM
Saiki K: it's me, im the final boss
My Hero Acadamia: ok well we *havent* beaten our boss yet, but I *can* say shoving our ass in his face really helped turn the tide-
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deathsmallcaps · 4 months
Beware of the Joys
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ow-old-men · 2 years
Category is; titles of pretentious video essays about overwatch. GO!
The retelling of religion: The Iris and the effects of the great awakening
Influencers with guns; the quiet dystopia of Overwatch
The structure of the body, a look at omnic anatomy
The making of a metaphor, the overwatch ultimate as a symbol and a mechanic
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pluralprogramming · 2 years
@ other systems/plurals
how does sleep work for y'all in headspace and when the body is asleep?
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the inside of an ikea
mcdonalds sprite
an ice sphere
eggs from a box
airport security
driving in nyc
seeing a rat in the subway
drinking the subway juice under tye seats
one scoop of nutella
quadshot expresso
one hit of weed
boomboxes at top volume
strumming an electric guitar
water bottles
gallons of milk
fashion tattoos
a trans flag
cards against humanity
mechanical pencils
modern day flute
that one stupid instrument that sounds like horror
a juul
pumpkin spice latte
modern day 12year old(any breed)
seasoned food
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hualianisms · 4 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
[this post is outdated. up-to-date version here.]
Donate to a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical treatment, daily necessities or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents:
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine on IG. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*urgent and crucial!)
Gaza Municipality: The official Municipality of Gaza is doing vital, life-saving work to rebuild the water pipes in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
eSIMs (*very urgent):
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
Crips for eSims for Gaza: donate any amount to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care: Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and medical supplies. Currently raising funds to support their efforts to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (gfm) (paypal) (gogetfunding)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
How to help if you can't donate:
Share & amplify Palestinian fundraisers in your irl & online circles
Organize or help to run an online/irl event to raise funds for Palestine
Get involved with a protest/strike/direct action in your area
Contact your reps
Educate yourself & others both irl & online
Daily clicks on Arab.org
(you can even adopt 1 fundraiser campaign to regularly boost it & make materials promoting it online, or print posters/flyers about Palestinian fundraisers to encourage others to donate. (poster/graphic about gazafunds.com: here, flyers about esims: here, flyers about gazafamilyfunds: here)
(longer masterpost of all ways you can help)
(*all these links and more now in this rentry page. will no longer be updating this post, instead refer to the rentry page)
Last updated 3/6/2024 with Gaza Wound Care & We Feed Gaza. Wanted to focus on Palestinian-run grassroots initiatives that will actually reach Gazans on the ground, so all of these except eSIMs, PCRF, MAP are by Palestinians. Donating to international orgs is not ideal rn as aid is still being stopped at the border. Please focus on Palestinian-run initiatives on the ground in Gaza.
Remember, small donations really do add up. Any amount counts, even $1!
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bookshelfdreams · 9 months
Tumblr media
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xgoldenlatiasx · 7 months
I’m really glad that Aaron’s self-immolation for Palestine is getting attention, but on November 8th there was also a Congolese man who did the same thing for the genocide happening in the DRC. From what I read in the article above, his fate and identity are unknown but I think his story should be getting equal amount of traction and I haven’t really seen anyone talking about it on Tumblr specifically yet.
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