#PLUS there are way more polite ways to ask than 'i miss doing this!!! ppl don't want me except for content'
demonsfate · 4 months
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maybe somewhat controversial but saw somethin on a confessions blog saying this and i guess i do kinda miss when rping felt... sillier at times? like with both the existence of magic anons & dash commentaries. things just feel Stricter or More Serious now? not sure how to put it. dash commentaries do still happen, but not as frequently as i used to. like GOSH, i remember 5+ years ago, i'd have my character saying something bizarre and it would BLOW the entire dashboard up. like almost all my mutuals would be commenting on it, a lot of "silly drama" would happen because of it. some would agree with my muse, some would prosecute them. that doesn't really happen anymore. though, i also understand. i get that ppl have boundaries, but sometimes it really feels like you have to walk on eggshells lest you upset somebody.
i recalled one time this character was just being AWFUL to mine (mine who has done nothing wrong lol) just hurling insults, mistreating them, whateves. so y'know, there were dash commentaries about this and it eventually lead to the other mun getting very upset that their character was being "villainized". and it's like ... don't ... write an antagonistic muse if you don't want that? or the very least, don't write them BEING antagonistic toward innocent people? i mean, when ppl's muses & anons used to bully abaddon, i actually loved it. because indeed deserved it, he's a horrible horrible person who mistreats and kills the innocents. and plus it's just fun ok? i love conflict - regardless if it's angsty, serious, or silly conflict.
and magic anons... i get it can be a flawed concept. (ppl can send their Thinly Disguised Fetishes in it - not that i care but obvs other ppl would rightfully care) but i still thought it was very fun because it's like temporary or mini aus. it plunges characters into otherwise impossible scenarios and then give you new thread concepts based on those scenarios. i'd say even to this day, i still accept magic anons. but that feels pointless to say because they're virtually nonexistent anymore.
this was all i was gonna discuss in this post, but i can also understand why the rpc is often... less engaging anymore? why we have a problem with communication, why we have a problem with less anons being sent out. this isn't a generalization, of course - there are other reasons why this happens. but this is something i've personally experienced in the past, and it makes me think it could be the same for other people. it's just the fear of being blown up at, again - upsetting somebody.
i've seen people be legit hateful towards the anons they get A LOT. like an old rper i've stopped writing with would literally call the anons "assholes" and trying to "ruin fun" because the anons would just comment on the threads or ask questions regarding the threads? and it's like i thought that was supposed to be a common thing... anons like that just help add insight to how the muse is feeling regarding a thread or somethin. but the way they reacted was so unnecessary hostile? when they could've politely told anons to stop or just... fucking deleted the anons like lmao. and it's not just this too but i've seen other people just react bitterly to certain anons they get. or this one time where somebody REQUESTED for CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and i sent an anon giving my criticism, can't remember quite what it was but obvs i said nothing mean or insulting - i just told them a problem i noticed and gave tips on how they could possibly improve (AGAIN, THEY ASKED FOR THIS) and they later went on their blog talking about how they got ANON HATE???? HELLO????? so yeah, i understand not liking certain anons you get or whatever. but ppl react to them with so much hostility, that it makes everyone else afraid to send anons anymore because they'd rather say nothing than upset the user, especially if they're gonna be potentially villainized for something that is virtually harmless.
then there is just talking to people ooc. hell, i've had somebody who followed one of my old blogs (this was like a few years ago iirc?) and their rules had that blood was one of their triggers. so i told them that i tag that so they don't have to worry and they literally said something like "I didn't ask you to :/" and that's it??? and then they were just rude to me the entire convo until we eventually unfollowed lol. not to mention all the skype & discord contacts i add over the years and then we just stop talking in no time...
anyway, i'm not saying everyone is like this at all! there are MANY super cool people in the rpc, many people i have a lotta fun writing with here. but when you look back at all the bad experiences, or even looking at the bad experiences at are currently unfolding, it makes more and more sense why a lotta the "silly" rp aspects that ceased to exist. why there are no more magic anons, and why dash commentary & anons in general are becoming more and more scarce.
it was this post that inspired me to talk about this. which i actually don't agree with everything op said. in fact, i wouldn't even say the primary issue of current threads is romance or smut. more so, i noticed that fluff / slice of life threads with no conflict is what makes up for most threads nowadays it seems lmao. which is also understandable, because again - it's a popular known issue within the rpc that it's hard to have conflict in threads, lest somebody legit gets their feelings hurt OOC!!! hell, this has happened to me a few times because i often play antagonistic muses. which again, is another issue that makes people feel like they're constantly walking on eggshells. but anyway, it just inspired me to think about and discuss this.
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theloveinc · 2 years
#ok ive been thinking about it bc it was itching at me and i guess what feels weird is like...#i think everyone wants interaction . big blogs AND small blogs and everyone in between#even if they don't write regularly#so to ignore the kind words of ur anons trying to reassure u ... AND misunderstanding their points? just feels super nazsty to me#people leaving tumblr also means fans leaving tumblr too ???#quote unquote fans#esp since like. why are u blaming ur followers for this? people SHOULD interact w/ everyone but no one is really at fault for#talking to their fave ppl and not to u#PLUS there are way more polite ways to ask than 'i miss doing this!!! ppl don't want me except for content'#idk. u voluntarily write content?#so u should expect a mix of responses to it vs. like the automatic assumption that u want to be told random stuff so u can respond to it#idkkkkkkkk#just felt like she was saying:#'i want ppl to interact with me bc i like it... and not bc ppl actually want to interact with me'#and maybe i justsay this bc im unfamiliar with one place#but...#ur in the stranger things fandom so it might not work the same as the anime fandom#dunnnnnnooooooooooooooo#i think WE ALL work hard for more personal interaction but it takes time#i was also gonna say........ hmmmm#i cant remember but ill come back and edit this if i do#OH it was something like... also if u cant support other writers too / sustain interaction w/ them................#what are u really asking for? it's not like the message is making the community better#it's just making ur situation better when ur in a very specific niche#caitie blabs
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writinandcrying · 4 years
Should I stay or should I go?
tmnt x reader - Headcanon - PART 1
Link for part 2 - Donnie and Mikey
Pov: for external reasons ( your wifi wasn’t working, renovations in your apartment, hell, the whole building, pipe broke down you have no water for 3 days straight) you had to stay at the lair, it was all fun and games for the first 3-4 days, but routine had caught up with you and the turtles, you have never been that close to them for such long time. Which turtle wants you stay longer, and which one wants their space back?
not all turtles have a crush on y/n ( like, at the same time), but depending on which turtle you are reading, they have the crush on y/n (does that make sense? I hope it does )
🎏He wants you to stay
🎏( you thought I was going to say leave huh?)
🎏At first when you asked if you could stay some days at the lair he was a little bit... apprehensive? Not anxious per say, but definitely questionated if you would be comfortable, if your routines wouldn’t crash, could be keep up his “host” facade for that long?
🎏He was surprised how quiet you were, I mean, whenever everyone were at table for dinner or at game night you joked along, but during “normal activities” work, reading, studying, just, going through your day, you were so quiet. Did you not feel welcomed at the lair?
🎏Truth to be told you didn’t want to feel like a burden or a problem to them, you were already a new person in their space, so you just kept it to yourself. Took turns in who to ask something for if you need it, ( mostly tried to do stuff on your on) so no one would feel overwhelmed
🎏 Leo doesn’t want you to feel like you don’t belong, so whenever he makes tea, or it’s medication time at the dojo, he asks if you would like to join him, at first you thought it was just out of politeness, (and at first it was) but he insists so much that you give in, at some point you both get used to doing stuff together and like each others company
🎏 He loves his brothers? Yes. Loves spending time with them? Of course! But there are a certain amount of things that he would rather do with you, he feels... more comfortable doing so. Doesn’t feel pressured to put up the leader facade, to be serious all the time. he could be him with you, and there wasn’t many times that he could do that ( with master splinter he could, not all times tho. Lately there was so many foot activity going on that master wanted him to stay focused in almost all of their conversations ) so your hangouts were blissful to him
🎏he doesn’t even realize 4-5 days have gone by, when you finally get a call from your landlord that you can go back, he really wants to ask you to stay some more, not only he felt at ease talking to you, but he never slept better those last few days, for him, knowing that you were “under the same roof”, you were protected inside the lair, made him sleep so profoundly, it gave a sense of security he didn’t knew he craved.
🎏 he doesn’t have the heart to ask you tho. asking you to stay seems selfish of him, you have a life, you belong with the other humans out there, this last days with you made him feel so normal, but with that call it was like a bucket out cold icy water runing on this carapace, you both don’t belong in the same world, it was foolish to think anything like.. a relationship, could work between the both of you
🎏Leo gets so caught up in this intrusive ideas, he closes up. At first you think you did something wrong, everything was just fine minutes ago, but then maybe- just maybe, all of the tea you shared together, the shows you watched and the late night talks, was he just being nice? He didn’t want to spend all of that time with you, did he?
🎏 for the first time since you got in the lair, you felt bothersome, you pack your stuff fast, you don’t want to be a burden no longer, you say your thanks to his brothers and master splinter, apologize for any inconveniences, then when it comes to Leo, the air becomes heavier, it harder to read him, your throat tightens, you don’t know if you should thank or say sorry to him.
🎏 you tell him both
🎏 you walk alone through the sewer, moments before you got asked if you needed to be scorted, “it’s no problem” he assured, Leo was smiling but that were something in his eyes that made you question his words, you made your way as you declined his offer. It was easy to Make yourself believe it was the god awful smell that it was making your eyes water with tears
🎏 for the best days, Leo trained for hours, was harsher on patrol, at home, got more quiet than what he normally was. Everyone noticed, no one commented on it. He missed you, He wanted to you to back so bad, he wanted the late night talks, he endless laughter going on between both of you, but in no way he would tell you so.
🎏 if he only knew you wanted the same as him
🧨 he wants you to stay, but he also wants you to go... you should go
🧨 don’t get me wrong, he loves the first 2 days you are there, my god. He had never felt so powerful at his own home
🧨Raph LOVES spending time with you, you make him feel like the funniest guy around, likes working out with you, or you just admiring him while he works out, wink wink ;)
🧨 has a lot of pent up tension from watching you workout, or just simply having you watch him train and such ( he is a horny man don’t look at me) and he might or might not think of you a lot... in the shower.. in his bed.. in the middle of the night... He lives for the thrill of you being so near him but would actually DIE if you caught him- Well, u know. Anyways, he lives for your attention
🧨 he lives for it until he noticed how eco-y the lair was, and oh boy he needs to fart. Really Bad.
🧨the reason why raph wants you to go is because he needs to fart? Yes. let me tell you why:
🧨Raph cares a lot about his exterior, specially with his crush is around. in his mind he has a reputation to maintain with you, so yeah, he does NOT want to embarrass himself in front of you, plus he needs to work on mikeys sweater and he hasn’t shown to you that he actually knits ( and it’s very self conscious to do so, will you think less of him for having such a... homey- Grandma material, Hobby?)
🧨 so yes; Raph would rather die than to let it rip next to you, but he wants to so bad oh my GOOOOOOD ( mind you this is crush state, if it was a s/o of long time you will need to deal with the monstrosity that comes from his behind, sorry), when he realizes that farts arent the only thing that needs to be let out he lowkey starts to panic ( no, he did not take a dump while you were there, is raph one of those ppl who has a shy 🍑 when there’s new people are around? That cannot go outside his own home? You bet he is)
🧨he does feel more at peace knowing you are safe and sound while sleeping at the lair like Leo, but when you get a call that you can go back to your home, he is upset... and relieved( won’t show the latter until you are out at the door and he’s running to the bathroom)
🧨 will miss you, your sassy remarks, your ass, your company in general, but will only notice those feelings after reclaiming his space back
🧨Mind you when he left his mighty trone, shit was so clogged, Donnie wanted to kill him ( because obviously he is the one to fix everything around the lair)
🧨for his disdain, Mikey had revived a long lost forgotten nickname from old days: Shit blaster 3000
🧨 (Mikey had to hide for 2 hours from Raph trying to beat up his ass from bringing that name back - which stuck for 2 days, mainly cuz Donnie was so pissed at him he wouldn’t let it go of the name)
🧨 but hey, after that he asked you to stay over a lot more! Slowly he started to show more and more about him, ( the relief he felt when he finally showed you his knit projects and you loved it, he was holding up his breath the whole time) he also loves how more comfortable you got after staying those days with him them, so yeah, feel free to stay over a lot more!
🧨just, don’t stay for long periods of time
🧨 (for donnies sake)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I don’t know how I went from soft to sad Leo to sassy and fart ass raph in one Headcanon? Raph Headcanons are always so serious or u know ~sexy~, but honestly he has such comedy potential, anyways- I hope you guys enjoyed it sbfbgjkfkdks, tell me if you want me to do Donnie and mikeys!
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shiningjoy · 4 years
so i’ve finally watched s3 of free! and i wanted to put my thoughts in about it and hopefully also get some ppl to reply (respectfully) with their own input? also sorry if my knowledge of free seems spotty or incomplete since i don’t obviously have all free lore burned into my head so pls inform or correct me on anything i’m missing!
anyways before even watching s3, i noticed it was pretty widespread that s3 was rather disappointing or at least fell short to s1&2. and not only that, but i could see that s3 was likely going to be a bit disappointing just bc of how many less ppl were interested in it or even knew about it (ofc popularity=/=good but i doubted that the loss in numbers was just bc time had passed) sadly, the season actually exceeded my expectations of the worst.
first of all, i think way too many characters were introduced without any need of them being there. ofc not all of them seemed worthless to being there, but i think at least half of them didn’t have a need of being there (or at least didn’t need to appear as much as they did) or they could’ve at least waited to introduce them. don’t get me wrong, i loved characters like isuzu and albert, but with how little they appeared or added to the plot, i don’t think they were necessary at all. they introduced so many characters and kind of tried to forcefully endear them to us but it just seemed really shallow and random. i was really uninterested in the new iwatobi hs sc tbh (i love rei and nagisa, but i just don’t feel anything for the new members tho it was funny how the new manager is interested in fat instead of muscles) i don’t think isuzu was worth introducing, but i do get why they introduced albert at least. he was supposed to serve as their first rival introduced strictly from the professional world, and to emphasize there are many people above them not just in japan but the “world stage” but i definitely think they could’ve waited on that until the free 2021 movie tbh. plus i felt that any conflict he brought to haru was resolved within 1 maybe 2 episodes so yea they definitely didn’t really need him bc he hasn’t had much impact (yet) if anything, they could’ve just had him briefly appear at that training camp haru was at to race him and beat him to remind him that he still has a long way to go to get to the top. but all other appearances of albert were so extra and unnecessarily emphasized how inhumanely talented he was (the arcade scene, the thing with the chopsticks,etc) it just felt like really weak foreshadowing
also, the main conflict in s3 was just way too prolonged and solved unsatisfactorily. first of all, i don’t know why the blame seemed to be shifted by ikuya and hiyori almost solely to haru, like yes he was the one who quit first but it wasn’t an attack specifically to ikuya and the rest of them left too, so they should’ve held more grudges on haru makoto and asahi rather than just haru (or if anything at least have more blame on asahi bc makoto at least talked to ikuya beforehand) like did he just forget asahi also made a promise to not move away? honestly from the content they gave us, i’d argue that asahi and ikuya were actually closer than how ikuya and haru were, since i feel like most of the latter relationship was based on ikuya admiring harus swimming.
second of all, hiyori was another character i found so unnecessary and just weirdly protective over ikuya. he repeatedly gets in the way between them and ikuya when ikuya never said he didn’t want to talk to them (and it’s not like talking to them is gonna give him a health relapse) and so he just seemed to be there to prolong the conflict between them which was irritating. not even natsuya, ikuya’s actual brother, was that obsessive over him so i really don’t get hiyori. even sousuke, who was actually friends with rin before haru and the others were was not that possessive over rin, and there was actually pretty good reasoning why he had a grudge against haru (he didn’t see haru taking swimming as seriously as rin and thought that would cause him to hold back rin who looked up to haru, and was jealous that haru who had the talent to swim the world stage with rin wasn’t taking advantage of it when sousuke wanted to but couldnt bc of his injury) and like what right did he have to say to haru that his swimming hurts others when it didn’t even affect ikuya negatively (instead it inspired him and led to him wanting to swim like haru) like how haru originally thought it did to rin and how it did to asahi in high speed 2?
third of all, like i said before the way they solved the conflict between ikuya and the rest made little sense. like yes harus swimming is magical but i don’t get how swimming IM with him could instantly solve all the problems between them. (ik that it was based on the promise they made to race each other but i’ll get into that part and how shallow it felt later) if anything, i think what would’ve been more impactful was something happening to ikuya that made him realize that he can/should rely on/trust others, (maybe a more serious accident?) and enjoy swimming with a team and not just alone since his personal conflict was that he thought swimming alone was better than swimming with others when actually he was lonely (at least it was in starting days). and that wouldn’t even have to be with haru and the others that he learns that lesson. it could be with his own university team and hiyori, which would give hiyori a much better purpose of being there. (or they could’ve just not had him exist) if they were so inclined to have closure between ikuya and the other boys by having them resolve ikuyas personal conflict, i feel like it should’ve been at least haru AND asahi (maybe even makoto too but idk how thatd work when he’s no longer competing) racing him in the same race (if not them doing a relay but i guess they didn’t want to make it too obvious than they already were that they were just recycling the plot of s1 (lol)) if anything i think they could’ve even waited for them to reconcile while they were on the olympic team, but ig kyoani didn’t want to wait that long to reintroduce ikuya and wanted to use s3 to warm ppl up to the idea of ikuya being on the olympic team which they didn’t do very well considering how bad the development was
also what was with ikuya saying he swims his own way while obviously taking sm inspiration fron the way haru swam? it was so contradictory and even as kids haru told ikuya to swim his own way when ikuya told him that he wanted to be like haru and he understood that obviously but didn’t apply that to his actions at all? and i’m surprised haru was ok with ikuya blatantly copying him when i vaguely rmb that he’s been shown to get annoyed with even makoto when he seemed to be doing that?
another fault in having all these characters was that haru’s actual personality seemed to be taken away for the sake of these characters.
they wanted to establish a deeper relationship between ikuya and haru, but it just seemed so off the way they went about it in free! haru promising ikuya to race him just felt so ooc to me and had little emotional impact tbh bc of the lack of reasoning i felt haru had to agree to such a thing besides him promising ikuya that just bc he asked rather than bc he actually wanted to race ikuya. (while it took rin weeks to get haru to warm up to him and then agree to the relay, and seeing the process of haru getting used to the idea then openly enjoying swimming with the others was really touching) i think they just added that to make harus quitting have more impact on ikuya but i don’t think it was necessary at all when they already made plans with the rest to swim the relay again and win. if they wanted to make it seem like ikuya and haru had more of a one on one relationship with each other they should’ve gone into more about how haru saw the same darkness in ikuya that he did in himself like in high speed 2. make them bond over their similarities since i’m pretty sure ikuyas purpose as a character is to give haru a rival that is like how sousuke is to rin is; which is being rivals while being two of the same person. (in contrast to haru and rin who are very different and are rivals that inspire each other) but the way they try to establish the relationship between ikuya and haru pales sm in comparison to sousuke and rin that it’s a bit laughable, even more so in those occasional moments where they try to act like ikuya can measure up to rin’s impact on haru
another much more obvious event where haru’s character is forced to act ooc for the sake of the establishment of another character is with albert. yes, haru has grown a lot from the beginning of the series and has gotten a lot more open, expressive, and friendly, but that’s mostly just to the friends around him, but that’s not even to all of them (he still seems to find kisumi irritating and in TYM tries to leave at the sight of him lol) so him noticing, randomly approaching a stranger he doesn’t know a single thing about to help them order food and then even going far as to have lunch with him was the most blatantly ooc thing in the season. i think he may be polite enough to help him order his food but i don’t get why he even noticed albert in the first place. they should’ve just left him noticing albert to be at the practice race. like i said that scene was just there to emphasize albert’s skill with the chopstick thing but i think saying he was the world record holder and also being way ahead of haru in the race was already enough
besides haru’s character, another character i felt they did wrong was makoto. besides the plot of s1 being recycled, s3 makoto seemed to just repeat the development he went through in s2. by the end of s2, he already establishes that he wants to coach swimmers. and at the end of s3 he comes to that same realization but acts like it’s something completely new to him introduced by nao that he never thought of before?? the only difference was that he said in s2 he wanted to help kids realize how great swimming is, which was sweet and suited his personality, but in s3 he says he wants to do it for athletes on the world stage. tbh i like either way, and the latter one would help him be able to stand with rin and haru who in s2 he was afraid of being left behind by (hence why he swam the free against haru in s2) but saying that being an olympic trainer can also help him inspire kids and show them swimming is fun makes no sense. choose a path you want for the character already and make it consistent does he want to help athletes in the world stage or does he want to help kids fall in love with swimming? bc i doubt any kids pay attention to the coach or trainers in the olympics rather than the actual athletes so that reasoning like i said didn’t make sense.
and after haru lost what i think was the 200m (?) free at the All Japan Invitational, i found it weird that they had makoto there after to talk with haru and rin about the race? idk to me it just feels like it’s tradition for it to end up just being rin and haru talking when they’re struggling with swimming (in s1 was their fight in front of the tree that looked like the one by their elementary, in s2 it was the australia trip) his presence didn’t even feel necessary either, he just randomly interrupted the moment by saying his future plans after haru had that angst yell lol. it felt like just an appeal to mh shippers which is not a good enough reason at all
the last point i can remember at the moment is that the ending was so underwhelming. i don’t understand why they couldn’t have shown the ending to rin and harus 100m free race when the movie trailer already confirms that they’re going to the olympics. why cut to albert watching them on the tv?? all this build up to not even show the results of it? I think this ending really just confirmed that s3 was so unnecessary and just there to warm ppl up to the olympic movie but not actually give us anything good or plot moving
anyways sorry for this dump. besides all these criticisms, i want to say there were parts of it that i enjoyed, i just didn’t go into it bc this post is already so long, and me bagging on ikuya was not hate; i actually like him and the only time i teared up in s3 was in his race with natsuya lol. i’m afraid that at some parts i may have not expressed my thoughts exactly so please don’t be too harsh if you engage, but i’d love to hear other ppl’s analysis of s3 and the characters as well !!
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lanajvmeson · 4 years
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emerges frm a field of corn slinking in w a faux mink shrug dangling around my elbows n a strand of wheat between my teeth..... farmer eleganza.... hlo! my name’s nai. i am bt a humble ghoul arrived to haunt ur home. 23 n she/her pronouns n i live in manchester. fun fact my friend’s neighbour used to b harry styles PE teacher. i played delilah yrs ago as carlson young (n even cara delevingne at one point what the fk) which feels so weird n ancient to me nw bt i missed her a lot so decided to spruce her bk to life.... ANYWAY delilah’s pinterest is here n i’ll jst leap right into things without further ado
their family is kind of modelled off the sedgwick family like old money n pretty dysfunctional bt all abt keeping up a seamless facade of perfection... with a pinch of the kennedy’s in there. her dad’s high up in politics n his dad before tht ws in politics n it’s just a long prestigious line of clones in expensive suits as far as delilah’s concerned. her dad i picture as like.... nate archibald’s grandfather in gossip girl.... personality wise.
for as long as she cn remember she’s found this cookie cutter white picket fence life boring. stifling. to delilah it’s like being hemmed in a stuffy room n forbidden frm opening a window. it’s all vry Rich People Problems i wnt lie bt <3 she feels everlastingly bored. All The Time. plus her family hs always been a focal point fr tabloids etc which doesn’t help this feeling of not rly Living but just being the focus of a spectator sport. they’re lowkey a bit of a household name so they get a bunch of scrutiny n......... well. new bullet point alert! cue a powerpoint transition
(self harm & depression tw) frm being young delilah always knew there ws sort of. a white noise inside her where everyone else saw a technicolour movie screen. it rly hit her at like 12 i’d say as she was jst coasting towards adolescence. it ws pretty obvious frm her behaviour i’d say bt her parents only became Aware it ws a problem when she stuck a fork into a socket n short circuited the power in the house. she got shocked unconscious n when she woke up she told the in house dr they’d called (to keep it under wraps frm outsiders) tht she just.... couldn’t feel anything. she’d been reading frankenstein (she’s always liked gothic literature) n thought it’d zap her to life like the monster
her parents got her on medication n figured that wld fix everything. they didn’t like to talk abt things and that was that. it wasn’t to be mentioned again
delilah’s parents r just very.... sterile. family is abt appearances. they’ll be all smiles n flowing conversation when ppl are around bt it feels like being an actress n reading frm a script. being a toy in a dollhouse
she had two siblings: an older sister named clara & a younger brother named elijah. clara ws always like.... the Dream daughter. did everything right. amazing grades. america’s sweetheart. LOVED by the press. did sm charity work. elijah was fine/kind of a slacker compared bt coasted by on athletic prowess (captain of the rowing team). delilah hs very much always been the anomaly in this idyllic line-up. middle child effect! altho having said tht she’s always ran w the popular crowd of her age group bc Rich + Pretty = Status. it’s all quite superficial n delilah’s attitude on the matter can b summed up w this photoset. having said tht there was Some merit in constantly being paraded around as “such a pretty thing” bc a few modelling agencies attempted to scout her bt delilah found that boring. she wants to b called brilliant not beautiful. her mother called this her “not playing to the advantages that god gave her”. with a tight-lipped smile and a “god forbid i use my brain”, delilah only disappointed her further <3
(drugs & ed tw) delilah gt pretty heavy into partying fr the sake of trying to Feel something. intense on the drugs front (coke n prescription pills). rarely eating. she got a silver broach of a swan tht she pins to most of her clothes n u can unscrew the swan’s neck n pull it out to reveal a little powder spoon. still wears this today. clara n delilah were always super close n clara wld cover fr her a bunch. making up lies n jst having her back to their parents if they ever asked where she was / she ws in trouble n needed to keep it under wraps. when delilah hd an article in a tabloid pretty mch like this one clara talked their parents dwn frm sending her to a rehabilitation centre in switzerland. they gt it pretty much scorched frm existence bt delilah kept a clipping bc honestly she thought it was funny hw pale her mother went abt it
(car accident & drunk driving & death tw) at a fancy benefit the astors were all attending among 4857925974 uppity families delilah wound up heading off w some of the rich kids n one thing lead to another n a couple of them gt arrested fr a coke scandal. delilah used her phone call to contact clara n fr once clara hd let loose a little n hd something to drink bt still drove to the station to bail delilah out n try n fix her mess bt.... skipped a red light n crashed. she died upon impact.
(hospitalisation & drugs & addiction tw) this made delilah spiral massively obviously.... she clung on by the skin of her teeth fr a while bt she rly was just getting quite out of control doing an extremely excessive amt of coke to get by at this point so her parents actually did.... end up shipping her off to switzerland for rehabilitation. they didn’t tell anyone this tho n as far as ppl were/are aware she was doing charity work with habitat for humanity in trinidad. her parents literally........... hired ppl to take photos of things there n a social media team posted them to her instagram account jst. the most elaborate lie.... it’s a lot.
delilah jst pretty much went along w whatever they said at the facility bt didn’t absorb any of it too much.... she did get sober there bt it was vry much bc she had no other choice rather than a want to......... she even pretended to “find god” while she ws there n memorised bible lines to recite w a coolly detached smile. in her head she ws probably thinking abt hw her mandated therapist cld gladly eat shit and she’d be happy to watch. it was just like.... everyone there was RLY hideously overpaid bt did they actually Care abt their work or patients? debatable. wasn’t the most healing experience thru delilah’s eyes bt... maybe it’d work better if she’d actually opened her mind to it bt anyway...... <3 cornelius fudge voice: she’s back. the dark lord.....
nw tht her history is out of the way i’ll leap like a flea off a shaggy dog’s back into personality! aesthetically she almost ALWAYS wears white/cream. reminds me of the woman in white frm sharp objects. rarely she’ll dabble in silver or gold or like..... vry pale green bt.... always muted tones. usually white or cream. big white sunhats. white sunglasses. white pussybow blouses w a little white skirt n a pearl barrette in her hair. she even smokes white sobranie cigs tht r imports like it’s a lot she’s truly committed to the aesthetic.... paired w like. classic patent mary janes.... she tends to flutter around the place like a silk moth. likes lace too. hs a very put together image n even demeanour like she’s very lithe n graceful n drifts like a ghost which kind of contrasts w... who she is at her core bt in the astor family it’s all abt appearances <3 the only deviation from this is she sometimes wears dark blue mascara once in a blue moon n if ppl comment on this she’s like. idk what ur talking abt? glides away like a ghost in a haunted mansion n is never seen again.
very perceptive. incredibly observant. yrs of early life media training n being born frm politicians means she’s an excellent liar. she knows ppl n knows what makes them tick bt she’ll only use this when necessary. she isn’t a terrible person bt she knows how to b Very mean n will equip this as a weapon shd a situation call fr it. also more prone to lashing out since her sister......... she hs sometimes played chess games socially fr kicks
dark n biting sense of humour. rather frank abt things. VERY ruthless when scorned bt she isn’t particularly?? emotive abt it??? her bf cheated on her once n when he told her she slapped him rly hard in front of sm ppl he knew n then jst walked away. blocked him on literally everything. removed him frm the face of the earth as far as she ws concerned. had him blacklisted frm every event n told ppl they’d be cut too if they continued to associate w him. goodbye sir <3 u are the weakest link <3 needless to say he regretted it <3
very loyal to u until she isn’t. finds it very easy to cut ties if need be. once her trust is broken it is gooooone baby goone.... the trust is Gone. selective in who she cares abt
vry cavalier abt sex. she doesn’t sleep around hugely i dnt think??? bt when she does it isn’t often tht emotionally invested she’ll jst out of the blue very nonchalantly blow out a wisp of smoke n b like. so u want to fuck me then? cool. proceeds to get up as if she’s walking to leave n then looks bk n is like what do ur legs not work? follow me. n leads them somewhere
nothing rly.... moves her particularly. she isn’t very animated. it’s like she jst finds the entire world thoroughly unimpressive. it’s difficult to stimulate excitement from her. it’s like that hugh laurie quote where he realised he had depression bc “boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars”.
has a pet swan bk at home she’s named lilith inspired by satan’s offspring. lilith bites ppl if they get close n is honestly an abomination of a bird. delilah finds her funny n throws her bits of croissants sometimes bt even she isn’t immune to her pecks. in some ways they’re similar...... hv a graceful surface appearance / aesthetic bt a darker attitude beneath the surface
exes: the ex bf tht cheated on her n she got blacklisted from 94872347 social events cld be a fun thing to explore..... delilah wld be EXTREMELY cold towards him n honestly want him dead. wouldn’t show any shred of caring abt him at all she’s very gd at stoning her emotions n keeping them inside. hasn’t cried since her sister died as an example of how..... withdrawn she is from confessing her innermost thoughts n desires. maybe an ex bf before tht that she rly didn’t take seriously at all..... typically she just isn’t interested/invested in romance she’s vry apathetic abt it all
party friends: those tht run in similar rich kid circles tht she would have smuggled off with at fancy events so they could let loose.......... ppl tht r completely her opposite who she finds interesting bc they represent everything she always wanted outside the oppression of her strict regiment family....... mutual bad influences tht are heavy into drugs n always enable each other...... u name it!
hook-ups: she doesn’t have a HUGE amt of these bt.... maybe a select handful.... some she wld have hooked up w once n never again n just been like >_> if they implied they shd as if it was preposterous n she was thoroughly over it.... some maybe she’d find interesting enough to extend beyond tht...... none she’d invest in if she cld help it altho? maybe someone as an exception to tht rule cld be fun
friends of her sister: (death tw) clara was universally well liked for being rly sweet n well intentioned n she attended yates only two yrs delilah’s senior so she might have some connections here still somehow??? cld be angsty to work with
i won’t lie i’m rly hungry as i write up these wcs so my brain’s going blank n i’m gna have to sprint to get some toast bt <3 roommates, enemies, competitive friendships, resentments, angst, chaos, drama, strife, u name it n i am dwn!!!! hits post n takes off galloping dwnstairs
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svtntntn · 6 years
on the rocks;)
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so let's get down to business
seungcheol first got into bartending when he was deemed the bartender at parties, pouring drinks for everyone in the kitchen as to keep an eye out for who was drinking too much and needed to stopped
basically mr. responsible
he decided to look up actual cocktails and mixed drinks and tried doing it at home, that's when he decided to go to bartending school and actually be a licensed bartender
works at this place called ‘the underground’
seungcheol usually wears a black t-shirt with plain black slacks and nonslip shoes behind the counter
sometimes he'll break out his black button-up with one and two buttons undone at the top and slick his hair back;)
he usually works on the same nights as hansol, wonwoo and mingyu, as wonwoo and hansol are v quick and detail-oriented when making drinks, and mingyu’s great at spotting customers who need drinks as well as getting their attention
flirts with customers from time to time, but only bites his lips and sends them a couple winks if they're into him—nothing more
seungcheol works his night shifts until the morning, choosing to be the last person to leave to make sure everything is cleaned up and locked up at the end of the night
lowkey has the respect of a manager but is still on the same level as everyone aka mr. de facto leader:)
you first see him across the room when your friends wheein and yongsun leave to get the first round of drinks, watching them talk briefly before he prepares their order
seungcheol's eyes catch yours across the room, but he focuses on making drinks instead
bc he's on duty and you're probably with your s/o or your friends and you probably just want a night to relax
you don't need some bartender like making googly eyes at you the whole night
but you're doing exactly that to him
hyejin notices you staring at the bartender the whole night, "(y/n), you should go flirt with the bartender"
"wHAT? me?" you shake your head, pulling your gaze from the handsome man, "no no no no no" 
"do it! here, I'll help you!" hyejin pulls you to your feet and to the bar counter, smiling at the cute bartender while twirling her hair around her finger, "hi! could we get a couple drinks?"
"of course, what can I get for you ladies?" under the lights, his smile twinkles, like actually sHINES
your eyes dart over his chest for a name tag, but there's none to be found and when you look back up at the bartender's eyes, he winks at you
"my friend, (y/n), actually wanted—what did you want again?" hyejin turns to you to answer, but you're drawing a blank, "one, uh—water please?"
hyejin’s jaw slackens in disbelief as the cute bartender chuckles and nods, "one water for the beautiful lady then"
just as he leaves, hyejin slaps your arm, "(y/n)! what was that! water? you could have asked for any other drink on the planet!"
"but-" you're about to mention how the cute bartender did call you 'beautiful' but hyejin mumbles something about needing her drink and goes back to the table when seungcheol appears with said water for you
"one water for the beautiful lady, (y/n) was it?"
"yes, and thank you so much! uh I was—" you're about to say something else when someone pushes by you and snaps their fingers at the cute bartender, barking out a list of drinks to him 
seungcheol holds in his anger at the insensitive customer and politely excuses himself to fix their drinks
you tap on the shoulder of the rude man, "excuse me, you don't have to snap at the bartenders like a dog. they're fixing your drinks, so be kind and patient with them, will you?"
you leave with your water before the man can say anything else and avoid looking back at the bar 
when hyejin raises her eyebrow at you, you shake your head and join in on the conversation with moonbyul and yongsun, momentarily forgetting about the handsome bartender and the rude customer
towards the end of the night, one of the taller bartenders rings the metal bell positioned over the center of the bar, saying something about last call for drinks 
your friends mention they're about to leave after the large crowd of ppl do when the bell is run again but with a different announcement, "would someone by the name of (y/n) come to the bar! your wallet is with one of the bartenders! thank you!"
you're confused bc you do have your wallet on you? 
you pull it out as moonbyul and wheein all stare at you while yongsun and hyejin push you towards the bar
this had to be a misunderstanding, right?
you wait by the bar counter for a bartender to come by and the one with light brown hair stops by you, "oh you're (y/n)? seungcheol has your wallet, let me get him"
"wait, no! that's the thing, I do have my wallet" you hold up your own as proof
"oh," hansol scratches his head bc seungcheol just told him he had a customer's wallet, but you seem to have it so okay then, "oh sorry about that, enjoy the rest of your night! sorry for the misunderstanding"
"it's all good! you too" you end up leaving the bar without the cute bartender's name or number:(((((
guess you gotta come back:')))
meanwhile seungcheol is cleaning up around the bar and in the backroom when everyone strolls in after locking the front
"hey hansol, did anyone named (y/n) come to the counter?"
hansol's grabbing his headphones from his bag, "(y/n)? oh yeah, she did!"
"wait—she did? what, why didn't you tell me!" seungcheol groans and slumps over into a pillow on the backroom's couch
"she told me she had her wallet, so she left… am I missing something?"
seungcheol runs a hand over his face, "I wanted to get her number before she left, that's why I said I had her wallet"
"but you didn't... oH!" hansol makes an apologetic face, "sorry"
"it's okay, she'll probably come back" seungcheol remains hopeful and guess what??
you do come back!! albeit a couple weeks later, but you come back!! 
but this time, it's for a blind date ripppp
wheein and hyejin had an idea of setting you up with a colleague of theirs from work for awhile and they set you up to meet this guy at the underground club/bar
so you're dressed to kill in a hot outfit with your hair all done up and when you walk into building, no one can take their eyes off you
you take an empty seat at the bar counter and there's tons of ppl asking to buy you a drink, but you shake your head and tell them you're waiting for your date
and when seungcheol overhears this, he gets kinda pouty bc he’s lost his chance with you:(((
but it doesn't mean he can't talk to you or serve you
you're warding off another stranger trying to buy you a drink when seungcheol swoops in, "excuse me miss, is this man bothering you?"
"oh no, I was just asking him to leave, thank you" you give the stranger a pointed look and he gets the message, putting his hands up innocently and obeying your wishes
"thank you for helping me" you're a blushing mess bc the cute bartender is back and you're suddenly v conscious about how you look
"nope, that was all you" he fiddles with his clean rag on his side of the bar, "(y/n), right?"
"you remember me?"
"well yeah," seungcheol shrugs, "you looked really really pretty then and you look really really pretty now, how could I forget?" 
seungcheol's surprised he managed to get the words out as you blush and look down at your hands
"plus you defended me when that one guy snapped at me, not many people do that"
you and seungcheol end up talking more and more and he just wants to be with you one-on-one and not at work, but wonwoo and mingyu call him out on being distracted by you
"seungcheol, could you help out with some orders? I get you want to talk to the pretty woman, but we are on-duty here"
seungcheol sheepishly smiles and winks at you, "sorry guys, lemme make her a drink real quick"
he makes you his favorite drink but before he leaves he slides over a napkin with his number, "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm choi seungcheol"
your smile is as wide as can be and you decide to act a bit more confident once you see the number on the napkin, "perfect, I can finally stop calling you 'the cute bartender' in my head"
"I wouldn't mind if you continued calling me that" seungcheol has this satisfied smirk and he's biting his lip and—
it's wonwoo who calls him this time
"sorry sorryyyy" he's caught by the guys again and he excuses himself to help other customers at the counter
you grin to yourself as you hold the napkin bc you finally have the cute bartender—seungcheol's number
you fold the napkin to put in your purse when there's a tap on your shoulder and there's the guy you're supposed to be set up with aka your blind date, "excuse me, but are you (y/n)?"
you stand up to greet your date, "yes I am, you must be hyunwoo? you work with wheein and hyejin?"
"I do, yes! sorry to keep you waiting, it took me awhile to find this place, I don't really go out to clubs and bars much" 
hyunwoo's super sweet to you and he seems like a genuinely nice and amazing guy the more you talk to him, but you're just not feeling him?
maybe bc your heart's already taken by the cute bartender
and hyunwoo thinks the same of you—super kind and wonderful in every which way, but you two just don't click together romantically
and that's okay!!
hyunwoo and you both recognize that and part on amicable terms, wishing each other a good night and luck in the future 
you smile wistfully at hyunwoo's departing figure when seungcheol meekly walks to your side of the bar, "(y/n)? are you okay?"
seungcheol's been staring at you and hyunwoo the whole time he's been on his shift, only interrupting to ask if you or him needed a refill but other than that, he's been staying a respectable distance from your date
"huh? yes, I'm fine! thank you seungcheol," you're swishing your drink in the glass and seungcheol is confused by what just happened bc you and him were smiling and stuff so...
"bad date?" he’s really confused and he just looks so damn adorable when he’s confused
"oh no! no, he's a good guy, we just didn't click well"
seungcheol's awkward as he doesn't know how to change the conversation, "sorry about that"
"no it's alright, this night isn't a complete failure" you hum positively, just when seungcheol asks why is that
you pretend to think for a moment before answering, "well, the cute bartender I've been thinking about for weeks remembered me from the first time I came in here, and he told me his name finally, and he made me a really good drink, and he gave me his number, and he really wants to take me out for breakfast or coffee when his shift is over"
seungcheol finally catches on and he grins, "he does?" 
"I don't know," you playfully ask, "does he?"
he really does;)
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bangtan-spells · 6 years
Jungkook Scenario: Rumor Has It - Part 2.
Request: Can I request Jungkook Rumors has it pt 2. Y/N agrees to be in relationships w/Jungkook but asked to keep it a secret so ppl wont gossip.Jungkook doesn't know what to do so he ended up treat you a bit poorly at work so ppl wouldn't figured out. you misinterpreted think you were right about Jungkook is just playing w/u. So on the company's party night when a guy asked you whether you have a boyfriend, you just said no. Jungkook overheard it and got mad.
Part 1.
Genre: Romance.
Not only had you accepted going on a date with Jungkook that one time, but you were now actually seeing the guy regularly. Jungkook, you thought, wasn’t as bad as you had deemed him to be, the thing was he was both a devil and a gentlemen which made him a deadly combination you hadn’t been able to resist. You were dating your boss under everyone’s noses and that fact made you both nervous and excited as you could be. Just last night you had given him the definite green light but you had insisted in keeping it a secret from everyone as you didn’t want your relationship to be in the way of your work or to create more unnecessary gossip, to this Jungkook agreed rather reluctantly, he seemed not to care too much about that but then Jungkook was more of the reckless type, not at all like you.
The vultures kept their eyes open on your every move as always, since they had always had the thought of you doing some funny business with Jungkook their behavior hadn’t changed much, which meant you needed to be extra careful.
Jungkook walked past your section as every morning, handsome as ever in his suit, he nodded formally at everyone stopping just for a split of a second near your desk to then greet again with a casual “good morning” and then kept going. You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the sly smirks and the special attention that at the beginning bothered you. How things changed so quickly, you barely could believe it, but then keeping it discreet was for the better, it would made you uncomfortable being talked about more than necessary.
-Y/N- one of the vultures, a woman named Sonhye talked to you at mid morning. -Have your report ready, I’ll deliver it to Mr Jeon-
You frowned  a little wondering what was happening, usually you were the one handing the printed reports, as requested of Jungkook himself, so her handing them now made no sense. -I thought…-
-I will be delivering them from now on- she said proudly like it was a big achievement. You nodded, if you opposed then they would talk shit about you, damn they would even say you were jealous, which you weren’t.
It bothered you a little, but you decided to not think much into it and keep on as if nothing. You were walking to the elevator to go out and buy something to eat for lunch break when you felt a hand grab your arms, and next thing was you being pulled to a little meeting room you had never been before. Jungkook smirked at your surprised stare and leaned down so his face was closer to yours. -Good morning-
-Hi- you said not helping your smile. -Was that necessary?-
-Very much so- he answered kissing your cheek, sneaking his arms around you.
You hugged him too, you didn’t see him since last night but the feeling of his body close to yours once again felt too good. You had been “dating” for three months now and things were getting more intimate each time, you still have not had sex, but the desire was there, on both sides. You felt his hands massaging your waist and back and his lips kissing  their way from your cheek to your lips. Jungkook was reckless. Which was why you has asked him to be more careful.
-We can’t- you said pecking him but creating some distance. -Not here, remember what we talked about-
-Is that really important?-
-It is, for me, in my position it is- you stated firmly
Jungkook straightened his back, pulling apart but not entirely letting go of you, he nodded. -Alright, I do whatever you want, you see, and you think so bad of me Y/N-
You laughed at his fake victim tone which made him laugh too. -Please, let’s… let’s take things slower-
He seemed taken aback. -I thought everything was fine?-
-It is but… let’s just take things slow, ok? Remember what we talked about-
-Y/N, I know but…-
You didn’t let him finish, remembering you had limited time on break and god only knew what could happen if anyone came in or found out you were sneaking on rooms with the boss. -I have to go, ok? I have work to do-
Jungkook nodded and you went out of the room, almost escaping from him, you didn’t even understood yourself anymore.
You had a very busy schedule that week and the next that followed, Jungkook even had to fly to Daegu two times for meetings so you had practically not seen each other after that last encounter. You thought everything was fine, but then a sour feeling installed on your gut, what if Jungkook was playing you all this time and you were just believing his lies? 
You had told him to be more discreet, but now he didn’t ask you for your opinion like he used to, now it was Sonhye the one always treating with him going to his office and whatnot. Sonhye was way older than the two of you, you didn’t know if married or divorced, but what if… You shook your head, reorganizing your desk, you were thinking crazy now. Over Jungkook, he was the one crazy, not you. You had the job to be the rational one in this relationship. But was this even a relationship?
You had accepted the dating, but you had not talked about anything further than that, dating meant you were his girlfriend? He had not used that word, he had never referred to you as such, he had not asked you. You wanted to smack yourself with the stapler, you were a fool. Maybe he was just waiting to take you to bed. That thought made your stomach drop, because despite everything you had started to feel something for him, you had cared about him. You had thought maybe he felt the same way, but now, you weren’t sure of anything anymore.
And to add more to your inner fight he walked past your section, dashing in a dark grey suit, you almost jumped on your seat, you had not seen each other all day or talked too much and truth was you missed all the attention. But this time Jungkook didn’t even spare a glance to the editorial section, walked past as if nothing, not minding even you.
Jungkook talked to you that night as most nights on whatsapp, it was your main way of communication but you had not said anything about your thoughts maybe waiting for him to say something, or maybe of you being afraid. Jungkook seemed to be treating everything casually and that angered you, it angered you because you had done the exact same thing you said you wouldn’t some months ago, fall into his charms like a silly girl. You had wanted tot think Jungkook was the man that you were needing in your life, for a moment you truly believed it as you two not only had good chemistry and liked each other physically, but in other aspects your thought he was the one for you. Now you couldn’t say that was the case.
To top it all now you had the news the company was launching a party for the project you were working for, of course you were happy of the success and that meant Jungkook’s meeting’s had gone well, but it made you a little sad that you weren’t as involved as before. You had asked for it, for things to be more discreet, but that meant being excluded or not giving you your place? You didn’t think so, and it hurt because you cared about him, much more than you would like.
Will I see you tonight at the party?
You read his text and sighed, of course you would. A part of you wanted to skip the whole event entirely, the other part was resentful of not going with him. But that would be a scandal for sure.
I’ll be there
Nice, I’ve missed you Y/N
Your heart jumped, he said things like that and you just felt happier. But what did he miss? It was you and the constant flirtatious bickering, the little games, or maybe something more?
Me too, see you there Mr Jeon.
You called him that to mess with him, since he always insisted in you calling him Jungkook. But then it was the appropriate way to address him at the party, after all you’d have to act as boss and employee and nothing more.
We will have a talk about your ways later Miss Y/N.
You got to the party by yourself, you could bring a plus one, a date, but the only person who could serve as that was the main host of the party and your boss, so that was a no. You guessed you could have told a friend but it was better to come alone, so if things weren’t looking up you could just leave early. Nevertheless you had put all the extra effort to look good for tonight. A bordeaux dress that had cleavage enough to be sexy but still suitable for a company event, it hugged your body in all the right places and you paired it with strap black heels. You let your hair loose and straight and used glowy makeup being the center of attention your lips, also in bordeaux.
You greeted people as you were walking into the salon, the party was held in the event center of the building, everything was decorated perfectly and you could feel the luxury even in the canapés and champagne flying around. You saw the vultures, three of them with companions, one alone but still with the group, you greeted them politely but didn’t stay long enough, you had given them enough of a close up for them to talk about your look, or try to, since you were sure you looked impeccable tonight.
Then there was the time for the opening speech, everyone gathered to watch, to hear Jeon Jungkook talk about the new venture with a huge company from Daegu, the deal had been closed this week and it appeared to be promising for the magazine. You were happy for him, you wished you could celebrate this together, the thought of you proposing something like it crossed your mind but then you didn’t know if that would be too much.
Beside Jungkook were another executives from the magazine and the Daegu team, led by another young man close to Jungkook’s age. You noted he was also quite handsome, but your eyes were just for Jungkook. Incredibly handsome in his all black suit, his fair skin seemed to glow, his eyes shone, he was happy about this success.
Jungkook proposed a toast that everyone joined raising their glasses, including you who couldn’t stop staring at him, Jungkook saw you then, fixing his eyes on you as he drank. You smiled and shook your head after drinking, clapping when everyone did to then turn around. At last he had looked at you and he got you all giddy, you needed to do something with all these feelings, but what could you do?
You turned and left the empty glass on a table to then feel a hand on your shoulder, you knew it was him, you turned back and there he was, the man of the night looking at you. 
-Y/N- he smiled. -Sorry, I’ve been busy with all this-
You shook your head. -It’s ok, I’m happy for the new business, congratulations-
-Yeah, I hadn’t told you because…-
-It’s ok Jungkook, you didn’t have to-
At that moment another man, the same one that was standing with him during the speech approached you, he was indeed very handsome and you wished you could have focused more on that than on your struggling feelings for Jungkook.
-Y/N, I have to introduce you to our new business partner, Kim Taehyung-
You bowed and smiled. -Thank you for working with us-
Taehyung smiled. -Pleasure is mine-
-Taehyung, this is Y/N, she is…- Jungkook cleared his throat looking at you unsure of what to call you. But then there wasn’t anything you could call your relationship, not really. You thought that was fine for you, and to some point it still was, but the thing was you had discovered the label, the definition was more important than you had initially thought. You cared for it and you cared for Jungkook, or else you wouldn’t be feeling as hurt for such a meaningless detail. -One of our finest, the best editor we have-
You shook your head smiling politely. -Mr Jeon thinks too highly of me Mr Kim, I do work my best-
Taehyung smiled again. -I’m sure of it if my friend says it- he patted Jungkook’s back. -But call me Taehyung, no need to be so formal at a party-
You smiled a bit flustered not sure about what to say so you kept silent, feeling Jungkook’s eyes on you was proving to be nerve-wracking enough, but when you were to look at him he avoided your glance.
-I see you don’t have a glass- Jungkook said to the two of you. -I’ll look for them, we should… celebrate-
-Thanks Jungkook, very nice, if only you were as nice discussing costs-
Jungkook laughed as loud as Taehyung. -Business are business- he said before walking away.
You were bit uncomfortable not knowing how to treat the new business partner of the company, if you should stay there or you should just go somewhere else and not interrupt. Perhaps you just had to go home and call it a night.
-So Y/N, how do you like these events?-
You laughed lightly. -Not so much to be honest, my place is writing, this is good for the company though-
-Right- he smiled. -I have to say I like them, but I get that everyone feels at ease in different places-
-Yes, not everyone understands that-
Taehyung gave you a knowing look and then continued doing the same as you, looking at the people at the party from afar, sometimes throwing a little glance to the side, to you.
-I… I don’t mean to be intrusive but… I see you are alone- he chuckled a little. -Sorry, I just thought you might be with your boyfriend or… husband?-
You laughed to not say the first thing that came to your mind. That you were screwed in that department. -I don’t have a boyfriend, that’s the reason-
-Outrageous- he laughed.
You were thinking if he was seriously flirting with you or not when you heard a throat being cleared. Both of your turned to Jungkook who had returned with the glasses of champagne and had a completely different look. If before he was being friendly and charming now he looked like he was forcing himself to be, at the defensive.
-Here you have- he said handing Taehyung his glass and then placed yours on a nearby table. -Do you mind if I… steal Y/N for a minute?-
Taehyung drank from his glass and lifted his shoudlers. -By all means-
You frowned not liking you not being included in whether you should be stolen or not, but then you figured right now your opinion didn't matter as Jungkook took your hand and started to practically drag you out of the party.
You had to rush your steps to keep up with him and he wasn’t giving away anything as much as you asked.
-Jungkook, what is this? Can you please let go of me? hey!-
He guided you outside, towards the parking lot, where you two were completely alone. He then stopped but kept his grip on your wrist just for a few more seconds before letting go of you.
-What is this about?- you asked a bit angry about him acting so aggressive all of the sudden.
Jungkook licked his lips, he had his hands on his waist so his chest looked even broader, you could see he was worked up by his breathing, but you didn’t understand why.
-So when were you going to tell me?-
-Tell you what?-
-That you…-he huffed. -That you broke up with me, you dont’ want this-
-What?- now this was outrageous. -Jungkook I don’t understand-
-I heard what you said to Taehyung, is that what you have been saying to the guys that talk to you? That you don’t have a boyfriend?-
You couldn’t believe it. -Jungkook, I told him that because that’s the truth, you and me, we, we have something but…-
-But what? I thought everything was ok-
-Ok?- you snorted. -Jungkook you barely… you changed the way you treated me, since we started this you changed, you don’t ask for my opinion anymore, you prefer Sonhye bringing you the reports, you don’t even greet me in front of people-
-Because you asked me to- he answered confused. -You said you wanted to go slower, you needed space so I gave you that-
So that was what translated “space” for him? You were starting to see all this was a misinterpretation on both sides but you still felt stubborn, on feeling ignored, on him not formalizing your relationship.
-Space doesn’t mean you ignoring me-
Jungkook sighed moving his hands in frustration. -When have I done that? Never, since you started to work there I’ve been crazy over you, trying to get your attention, you didn’t like it so backed off to not bother you and now you say I’m ignoring you-
You bit your lip, that sounded about right, you had to admit you had been rather ambiguous with your requests, but it was due to the fact of your own doubts and fears, doubting if you should really get on into a relationship with him, fearing what people might say. Jungkook had been thick headed to see it but you hadn’t helped either.
-You said you didn’t want people to know, and I complied- he continued. -You said we should go slow and I don’t mind that Y/N, I don’t if that would make you trust me, but then you go and say that you…-
-I’m sorry- you interrupted him. -I’m sorry, ok?- that fazed him and you sighed crossing your arms, feeling your cheeks burning. -I just… I let myself get away with what people would say, because I’m not your girlfriend-
-But you are my girlfriend- he retorted instantly.
You smiled out of nerves and incredulity. -Since when? We have not talked about that-
-Since… since we started to go out more serious-
-But how could I know that? To some people that doesn’t mean anything-
-To me it does-
-Then why you didn’t ask?- you went again getting on your nerves.
-So you want to be my girlfriend?-
-Jungkook seriously I…- you couldn’t believe now he was the one being this slow.
-No, sorry, I said that wrong- he went closer to you until he could touch you. -Y/N, I don’t care about what people would think or say, I can wait as long as it is necessary for you to see that you can trust me, to see that I care, that his isn’t a game I’m playing- his squeezed your hands and you were trying hard to fight your nerves and your scandalous heart that wanted to go out of your chest. -I should have planned this differently, but this can’t wait no more, I would go crazy if anyone thinks they have their free way to you- he let go one of your hands to caress your cheek making you inhale deeply. -Would you be my girlfriend? Mine no matter what anyone says-
-Yes- you breathed not being able to hold it, to drag this moment or the magnetic attraction between your lips now on top of each other, you held to him coiling your arms around his neck while he kept a hand on your cheek and the other held you tight by your waist pulling you more to him. Your lips were moving and nipping until you gave him space for his tongue to play with yours, you had missed him kissing you so tremendously you let out a little moan that got Jungkook more eager to devour your mouth, to press you to his body and move his hands, one to your small back, the other ran down your side to your hip where he squeezed and this time it was him letting out a faint groan that got you feeling your body on fire.
-I don’t care about what people say Y/N, and for your job, you don’t need to worry- he said as bite your lower lip and then kissed your jaw, his lips moving to your neck. -I’m crazy about you Y/N-
-Jungkook- you exhaled his name as he kissed his way up to your lips again.
-I’m serious, I want nothing more than to go inside that party and tell everyone you are my girlfriend, scream it to the world, hell, tell everyone you are my woman-
You stopped to look at him after he said that, to see if it was just the heat of the moment, how many doubts you still had of him? You kissed his lips making a decision then, to trust him, to trust in what you were feeling.
-Do it then- you said searching for his hand to lace your fingers. -I fell for you too Jungkook-
He smiled wide, so much, his eyes shone and it made you laugh how happy he was with your confession. -Jungkook!- you screamed his name when he took your off the floor, hugging too high and tight, he kissed you again before he let you down. -Let’s go- he said taking your hand again, you looked at his eyes and nodded, squeezing that hand as you walked together to the party.
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peachyteabuck · 6 years
fool outta me [bucky barnes x reader]
summary: bucky and you finally have a conversation about your feelings after you catch him getting jealous about your friendship with thor
pairing: bucky barnes x writer!reader
words: 2080
trigger warnings: some teeth rotting fluff. talk about personal insecurities. allusions to previous and future sexual contact without much specifics. mentions of an unspecified childhood trauma
notes/other: hi hello i know i’ve been writing a lot of fluff n stuff. i will get back to fics abt two or more ppl just fuking rawing each other soon. dw. 
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You and Bucky have been dating for awhile. Not a long time, but awhile. You hadn’t officially moved in together yet (you still paid your half of the rent for your shitty apartment), but you still often slept in his room in the Tower. You’ve had sex, but had never gotten too adventurous. It’s good, Bucky and you are happy. You’re in love. No need to push it, no need to talk it further, no need to complicate things.
You’re sitting on the couch, reading some book about the gendered politics of crafting, when you hear a loud crash in the kitchen. The others are all in other places at far ends of the Tower, and you’re pretty sure Natasha went out to get coffee. But any of them in the kitchen on the common floor? Without you noticing? Nope. Not possible.
Good news is, you trust Tony enough to not allow some stray or burglar to come and kidnap you, so you decide to investigate. You keep your hardcover novel with you to act as a makeshift weapon...just in case.  You’re expecting a rat, or maybe some sort of ghost, possibly a dog no one thought to CC you on the email about - definitely not the god that’s been spooked by a a Nutribullet plastic container thingy that’s fallen from a poorly-stacked cabinet.
“Thor Odinson,” you groan, grabbing and gently placing the large smoothie-thing (oh god, what do you call those things anyway? Do they have names?) in the sink. “You scared the shit out of me!”
He looks sheepish as he explains. “Sorry, my lady. It looks like someone in this residence didn’t put…” he gestures to the object. “That away correctly.”
“It’s fine.” You half laugh, half sigh as you go to hug him. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
Thor chuckles. “It has! Please, sit back down. I’ll be there in a minute and you can tell me everything I’ve missed!”
You smile, nodding and going back to your place on the extremely comfortable couch. Ever the gentleman, about two minutes later he hands you your favorite mug - a baby blue one with cursive gold lettering that says “flight” with little birds on it- with your favorite tea inside. It’s warm under your hands and provides a relief to the ache from holding the book.
“An apology - for scaring you like that,” Thor tells you as you blow lightly at the steam from the beverage.
Again, you smile. “Apology accepted.”
The conversation between you two flows beautifully. You two talk about this and that: about your writing and his kingly duties. About your new book deal and his universal travels. It seems ludicrous, comparing your lives. But he seems genuinely interested in your life - just as you are his.
Book long forgotten, it seems like hours later when Bucky enters the floor with Natasha and Sam in tow. They’re all chatting about some new upcoming training technique they’re going to try with some of the subordinates. Once they all see Thor, they greet him with the same grand gestures and loud voice they’ve always seemed to use with the equally grand and loud god.
Well, except Bucky. He greets only you and only you with his signature peck on the lips, sitting beside you and pulling you into his chest. He’s showered - thank Gods - and he smells like the body wash you bought him. The honeycomb is calming and comforting, much more so than sweat and adrenaline and whatever else got stuck to him.
“How was the workout?” You ask.
He shrugs when he answers. “Good - the usual.”
You roll your eyes. Bucky may not be able to see it with the angle you’re at, but he knows you’re doing it anyway. “Always so descriptive,” you tease. He smiles, welcoming your chide remarks.
Thor watches the pair of you. You can tell Bucky notices, but neither of you really say anything. He had a habit of staring at things while on Midgard, it became a habit after one-to-many all-too-forward inappropriate questions, mostly made while in public (Why does that woman have a metal bar through her ear? He asked in a coffee shop. Why would anyone want to build a bear, especially little children? He texted you when he went to the mall for a first time. Why does this text end in an eggplant? He questioned when he picked up your phone and accidentally read all of your notifications).
It’s no biggie - at least not to you, so you badger Natasha about her postponing a girls’ night. Bucky, though, doesn’t take his eyes off of the God. He watches Thor with his assassin’s precision, and you choose not to comment.
Soon, your conversation with Thor picks back up. The whole time, Bucky’s muscles occasionally tense. For awhile, you ignore it; You know better than to push anything, so you drop it from your mind for the time being. Later that night, though, you bring it to the surface again as you get dressed for bed and Bucky brushes his teeth.
“Sooo…” you begin, leaning on the doorway to the bathroom.
Bucky spits the black (charcoal was Steve’s new thing, and Bucky’s always willing to be his guinea pig) saliva into the sink. “What’s up, babe?”
You shrug, attempting to remain nonchalant. “What was with you while I was talking to Thor on the couch earlier this afternoon?”
Bucky immediately denies his actions. “Nothing, it was nothing.”
You scoff. “I’m a retired interrogator for the United States Navy. You can’t knock me off your path that easily...James.”
Oooooo, full first names are coming out now. This is getting serious.
Bucky scoffs, too. Yours was serious, though. The one he does is obviously an attempt to mock you. “And I was interrogated for like, seventy years. You can’t crack me that easily.”
You stare at him via the mirror, blank-faced. “Really, you’re pulling the Winter Soldier card?”
Bucky shrugs, finally wiping off his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You don’t budge, metaphorically and literally. “You’re deflecting and you know it.”
He just grumbles something unintelligible and brushes past you, huddling under the thick comforter on his side of the bed and turning off the lamp on his nightstand. Bucky’s acting like a small child who just got told he can’t go over to his friend’s house on Saturday because he has to get up early for Sunday mass. Luckily, the only more stubborn person on this Earth besides him (and Steve) is you.
Plus, you babysat until grad school: you know how to handle petulant children. You turn off the rest of the lights and snuggle into bed right beside him, curling your arms around his middle - just like he loves it. He’d never admit it, but James Buchanan Barnes (World’s longest serving POW, Winter Soldier, Veteran, Avenger) absolutely adores being the little spoon.
When he settles into you, you know you’ve got him right where you want him. “You know, if you don’t want to talk to me, I could just give Wanda the go-ahead to read your mind and spoil all of the pranks you were planning to play on Sam…”
He flips over and gasps. “You wouldn’t…”
“And I won’t!” You assure. “You just have to tell me how you feel.”
“Ugh,” Bucky exclaims dramatically. “Talking about emotions.”
You snort a little, kissing his warm, sweet-smelling shoulder. Damn, you really know how to pick a body wash.“You knew this was going to happen! My mom was a social worker, you can’t hide that part of me for long!”
He growls, then sighs. “Fine. But turn over.” You start to question him, but he cuts you off before a single sound can leave your lips. “I can’t have you looking at me while I say this.”
Listen, you bargain with yourself. You got him to open up! That’s great. Let him do it in his own way. Being the loving girlfriend you are, you flip over and face the wall.
It’s a few pregnant moments before he starts, but when he does - he can’t seem to stop. “Look, I know...listen. I was super like, sauve and stuff...pre-war and shit. Talk to Steve, he’ll tell ya. But being under mind control for a Nazi organization doesn’t really like, help your self-confidence, you know? When I met you, it was hard. I remember you, at that party. You looked...oh god, you looked so good in that velvet pantsuit. And those heels! When Natasha introduced us, I legit almost fell over,” it takes every ounce of all willpower you have not to giggle. You remember that day so vividly: how much your bra hurt, what the champagne tasted like, wanting to jump Bucky’s bones the minutes you saw him. Everything, you remember everything. “And then Natasha threw, like legit threw all of your books at me once we got home. And I read all of them. Several times. It was just...I remember I wrote down all of my favorite poems and like, read them every chance I could get. I just, you’re so articulate, the way you use your voice, the way you write. I was...floored. Still am. I just, you never cease to amaze me. And I remember the first time we slept together, and your dirty talking - god. I wanted to stop fucking you so I could write down everything you said. I’ve just never, I’ve never met anyone who could manipulate the English language like you can.”
You wipe a tear from your eye. God, what a fucking charmer. No wonder you let him get it on the first date.
“You’re so...like, you’re like some Greek statue. Carved from perfect marble and so precious. Sometimes I want to touch you make sure you’re real but I don’t want to smudge you, wreck your beauty. And I’ve always felt like...remember that poem, from your second poetry book. The one about trauma from your childhood?”
You sniffle. That poem, that’s the one he talked to you about on your first date. Normally you felt so uncomfortable when people complimented you, but with Bucky it felt so natural. “That my trauma felt like the jagged edge of a rock at the bottom of the pond; ever present but with no exact location until it was too late.”
Bucky picks up, still facing away from you. “Yeah, I just...I never thought anyone so fucking amazing could love someone like me. It felt like you were a shooting star that somehow fell in love with some stupid cliff’s edge, or some other shitty rock or something. I don’t know. I just...I’m worried that you’ll see me like I see me, and Thor is like...the hottest person ever. He’s just as bright as you are...at least, I don’t know, I remember you and him talking about your writing’s allusions to mythology and I had no fucking idea what you were talking about and I just...I don’t know. I love you, I love you so much, and I’m trying everyday to prove that to you. But I just, I’m not sure how to do that properly, so sometimes I-”
You don’t allow him to finish his sentence. You surge forward, your salty tears mixing with his as you kiss him. Bucky kisses back without hesitation. Both of you are reluctant to pull away, but oxygen cares not one bit about how in love two people are.
“I think dating a writer rubbed off on you,” you whisper, lips still almost touching his. “Because those words...fuck. If you keep talking to me like that, we’ll never be able to leave this bed again.”
He laughs, deep and husky. “What can I say, I’m a changed man. First the loofah and that body wash, then the yoga, now this…”
You bark out laughter, then sigh happily. “If Thor would make you crack like this I would’ve invited him to Midgard a long time ago…”
Bucky jabs his fingers into your side, tickling you. “Don’t even joke about that! I’m trying to be tender here, and this is how you treat me?”
You kiss him again, smiling. “Aw, my love. How ever will I make it up to you?”
He taps his finger to his chin for a moment, then flips you over so that he’s on top of you. “Oh, I think I have a few ideas…”
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morganalefays · 6 years
I would agree with everything you have to say about Bernie running, if this was his first time doing so. But it isn’t. And history is just repeating itself. He does more meaningful work as a senator than trying to persuade a historically anticommunist country to adopt (incredible and good) socialist policies and vote him pres. And i think it could be argued that the reason ppl voted for trump was largely racism/illiteracy over true anti-establishment. Bc nothing about him is anti establishment.
(ask 2) You can call it misdirected blame, but there were Bernie supporters who, after he lost the primary, refused to vote or voted third party. Which, sure, wasnt the total reason, but it contributed to tr*mps win. And theoretically it would be great to tear down the system, make it better. But the reality is not that. Plus I think we should prioritize getting a tyrant out of the White House before trying to pass universal healthcare (which we havent even been able to do in this country....)
(ask 3) I do not mean to come across as hostile, just frustrated. But I apologize if it is the former. No one is saying to just hand the nomination to one person. Because you are correct. That’s what the primaries are for. This is specifically regarding Bernie, who took his chance before and failed. And arguably ended up affecting the outcome of the 2016 election. So for him to make another attempt in this current climate... where even AOC’s points are demonized, seems sort of wild to me personally.
No worries, i don’t think you come across as hostile at all. you are allowed to disagree with me, i think we are both just trying to make clear our points.
I agree that he is not anti-establishment. he claims to “drain the swamp” while being the biggest corrupt person in the swamp and continuously hiring people that are extremely questionable. but that doesn’t change the fact that that is the rhetoric he uses and it works. I don’t think it fair to say that half of americans are illiterate or just vote for him because they think that racism is fun. there clearly is a big issue of racism but i don’t think one can explain his win entirely to that. i definitely don’t think there is anything that justifies voting for trump, i think he is a terrible human being and dangerous for the US and the world, but i believe an important step to defeating him is understanding why people would vote for him instead of giving it an easy explanation of people being stupid. there clearly is something that he provides in some way that people have been missing in politics even if they don’t like him as a person.  
I agree that it would be absolutely wrong if people refused to vote for hillary because bernie didn’t win, i don’t have any numbers on this but i kind of feel like this argument has been blown out of proportion and that a few vocal people have been seen to represent the entirety of bernie’s base. but also when it comes down to it, you can’t force people to vote for things they don’t believe in. (even though i personally think its incredibly stupid) 
You can also argue that hillary lost in 2008 but still gave it another go in 2016, and it is because of this that it wasn’t another democrat who got the nomination that could have united democrats in a more convincing way. don’t get me wrong i would have liked hillary as president but there are a number of things that blocked her from winning and i don’t think bernie should be disqualified for having already competed. 
I understand where you are coming from and i agree that getting trump out of office and replacing him with any other democrat is the first priority, even if they are not my ideal candidate. but i also think that in order to win, a candidate need to stand for something and inspire people, their only platform can’t be to “be against trump”. 
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sanjuno · 7 years
NRT+SW: That We Answer To Our Stars
Just remember that you people asked for this and if I end up posting a story concept that you love and want to see as a fic? Be well aware that all of these outlines only have one thing in common:
Which means I won’t be turning them into fic for a year at least so... *handwaves* Encourage me IRT your favourite WIP of mine, because finishing one of those will clear up space in the docket for a new story to get some attention.
Now, these outlines can get kinda disjointed but at least you’ll get to see a bit of how my brain works when I plot out stories.
>Kaguya’s multiverse trip goes wonky b/c best crossover fodder scene
>Uchiha Clan dumped wholesale on Rim World/Wild Space World in SW’verse. All the Uchiha Clan. All the Uchiha since ever.
->World is XL planetoid version of TG44, with added biome options b/c YOLO (unless you’re in the Uchiha Clan I guess b/c then you get to Live All The Times?)
>Indra, Madara, and Sasuke separate ppl w/ wiggy chakra resonance. V disorienting.
->Ninshu gets Dialled Up To Eleven = Force Bonds! Force Bonds everywhere!
-->Entire Clan gets Highlights Reel of Historically Important Memories (also so much purposely induced trauma wow WTF.)
--->Mass Meditation required to untangle/unfuck heads
>Entire Clan now Force Sensitive BTW
->WTF w/ crazy Nature Chakra infesting everyone? Uchiha are Not Pleased.
-->Upside: Force Bonds/Ninshu Super Connection can be used to awaken Sharingan w/out Psyche Destroying Trauma so yay for that
>All Uchiha now have Kaguya’s est. life span. Also nubbin horns and forehead sensory organ b/c aliens are a SW thing I can do this now (don't know if want full-on third eye or just funky Clan Marking thing? Hm...)
>Sep. forces land on new Uchiha Homeworld b/c shenanigans and The Force Likes To Meddle
->Sasuke introduces said forces to Kirin b/c is reminded of T7 mission to Land of Iron? Or Snow? Dunno which but Naruto’verse says machines = bad juju so Sasuke is 100% justified ok thanks.
>212th follows. Obi-wan is v concerned by the Uchiha
->Entire Pop. of Planet is FS WTF is this nonsense?
-->Clones v impressed at least. Free-range jedi are badass why were they not informed of this being an option? (Clones made for jedi = have a hard time leaving GAR b/c existential dissonance when no jedi for retired soldiers? Also Kamino sucks and slavery sucks more but now the Clones who don’t want to be soldiers or recycled can Take A Third Option! So much Clone chatter about the Uchiha thing wow.)
>Madara is sent to be Senator b/c Jedi are Very Insistent that this Planet be part of the Republic.
->Madara terrifies all the politicians b/c Uchiha Hate Politics (they're too blunt and the see too much) but Madara is best at it v good at lying without saying anything untrue.
-->Madara knows Palpatine is skeevy b/c Uchiha See All The Things and You Can’t Fool Me With Such A Weak Illusion, Foolish Human and now there are clashing manipulators and Your Attachments Make You Weak and this is going to get out of hand so quickly I just know it. 
>Sasuke is apparently still best Prophecy Child Bait and Anakin is Conflicted b/c how can he be attracted to someone not Padme?
->501st would like to adopt b/c last time Anakin fucked off without backup Sasuke came back 5 minutes later with Anakin hogtied over his shoulder and the Seppie base on fire. Sasuke is so unimpressed b/c That’s Not How You Infiltrate Enemy Lines, You Moron
-->Sasuke is still 100% going to seduce Anakin and Padme b/c his life is Not Complete without an Idiot to yell at and a Crazy Berserker who likes to pretend she’s The Sane One to ride herd on.
--->Obi-wan is Done With All Of Them b/c Sasuke isn’t even pretending to try and hide his intentions b/c if they get fired Sasuke can just take them back home for a proper marriage. Mikoto is So Proud of her boy. 
>Madara and Mace have ‘sip and bitch’ IRT Palpatine being an evil fucker
->At some point Madara will wonder out loud what Palpatine is grooming Anakin for? Mace is Concerned by this revelation. Madera is not.
-->Sasuke had Issues IRT not sharing well with other children. BTW Mace Sasuke is planning to steal away Anakin and marry him. Don’t worry he will be returned eventually and so will his wife.
--->Mace thinks Anakin had it coming. WTF was the boy thinking? Did he really think he could hide anything from a temple containing several thousand telempaths? Jedi can get married, it’s just considered polite to ask first and go through the counselling with the Mind Healers beforehand. (Idea! Coruscaunti Jedi treat marriage the same way the Japanese treat Gun Control. Lots of paperwork and regular mandatory psyche evaluations and pervasive low-key terror at the idea of having one.)
->Madara will hear the “too much fear in him” story and cackles
-->Slaves have to please their Masters to survive. Anakin was freed to be a Jedi so if not a Jedi then he’s a slave again? No Fear = Be A Jedi (Not A Slave) and now Anakin is The Hero With No Fear
--->Therefore everything the Council dislikes about how Anakin acts was initialized by the Council. Mace hates Irony so much. Madara is still cackling in his face.
->Madara wants the aged out Initiates who still want to fight (or even just the Initiates who don’t suit the Jedi lifestyle)
-->He has a Clan to maintain! About 25% of the Uchiha never fell in love or fell in love with non-Uchiha so they need Marriage Options. (Uchiha don’t fall out of love easily either so new potential spouses need to be Impressive As Fuck and the jedi know how to be Impressive.)
--->Species doesn’t actually matter Uchiha’s Forest of Death planet has lots of different options despite being mostly Giant Fuck-Off Trees and the higher your Force Sensitivity the higher your chances are for successful cross-species hybrids. (Madara is planning to keep Obito and Itachi away from the aquatic species for a while b/c they have a concerning fondness for fishes.) Hybrids are viable though b/c The Force loves grand babies.
>Izuna is there as Madara’s Security Chief and he’s having Far Too Much Fun getting to be paranoid for a living. Plus all sorts of time to spend with his wife! (Need to pick name and develop Izuna’s wife beyond terrifying DFAB genderfluid interrogation specialist but at least they’re happy together.)
->Izunami (Izuna’s daughter) and Kagami are tiny children again b/c weird cross-dimensional space-time fuckery is like that
-->Shisui is super amused to be ‘older’ than his grandfather.
->Kagami approves mightily of Madara-shishou’s friendship with Mace (reminds him of Tobirama-sensei!)
->Izunami is 100% in favour of actually getting to ‘grow up’ with her Mom and Dad around this time (although she only really listens to Madara b/c he was her Parental Authority Figure and old habits don’t break) Jedi actually find this comforting b/c even if Uchiha crazy about attachments there are familiar bits there in how they arrange instruction even if the three students at a time thing is weird.
-->Both Izunami and Kagami are So Relieved that their Spouse is the same age as them b/c while they would be willing to wait until the other grew up this is much less creepy.
>Speaking of age fuckery Itachi is smol now and just about permanently leashed to Mikoto’s side.
->Sasuke is v amused b/c Aniki deserves this.
-->Mikoto and Fugaku are the first Uchiha couple to make a new baby and it’s Sarada b/c she’s the only good thing about the Next Gen (Except for Snake Fam but they aren’t a part of this fic boo)
>Obito is Madara’s primary assistant b/c some of the Uchiha are Not Over the whole Killing Us All Off thing.
->Obito runs into Quinlan Vos. Results are hilarious.
-->Brainwashing to the Dark Side ep. goes v differently. (Need to re-watch this ep for details but yes) Obito will rampage over everything b/c dude has No Chill
>Shisui is v jealous of his relatives b/c Itachi is too smol to play with and also has been hijacked by Isami (who will hold her death over Itachi for the rest of forever but again Uchiha don’t really fall out of love so she’s also learning Itachi wrangling skills from Mikoto now.)
->Everyone else is finding Jedi favourites and Shisui misses his ANBU team b/c it’s not like he really had time to make any other friends
-->Sulking Shisui trips over Feemor while waiting for Madara. Apparently Uchiha and Yoda’s Lineage have A Type. 
>BIG PLOT POINT: Uchiha Remember
->’Curse of Hatred’ spun by Madara as ‘plague’ caused by ‘non-native invasive plants’ (Blames it all on Zetsu and says plant was toxic to non-Uchiha) Says is why there are no non-Uchiha in TG44′s population despite stories otherwise.
>Uchiha think the Jedi Code is silly but the Clones are the Best Thing. All Clones look different to FS/Sharingan
>Uchiha have a habit of “stealing” spouses.
->BTW Shisui has No Patience
-->Upside: Feemor is v flattered by the attention and TG44 has a v interesting ecosystem. TF is in everything on this planet like WTF how does this work?
->Kagami is So Proud. Look at his Grandson, so proactive.
-->Starts to ‘hint’ that maybe Madara-shishou should think about settling down.
-->Mace has been meditating and consulting with the other Masters of the Order.
--->War changes everyone. Plus certain contracts between the Jedi Order and the Senate have been voided by the drafting of Jedi Generals. (Look up the details of the Ruusan Reformation for more info on disbandment of Jedi Military Powers and what it means when Senate gives them back the right to raise levy forces.)
-->Jedi don’t need to look harmless anymore just need to look less dangerous than the Seppies and the Sith.
>Uchiha Clan FB keep any of them from Falling to the Dark Side.
->Sasuke finally gets his hooks in Anakin and Padme. Notices the ‘nightmare vision’ problem first time he sleeps over.
-->Kidnaps Obi-wan to ‘repair’ the stress fracture in Anakin’s only familial FB b/c having his partner be so alone in his head is creeping Sasuke out and it’d only get worse if the bond to Obi-wan breaks completely.
--->Obi-wan is too tired to even object and now Anakin is freaking out b/c he’d been so focused on Padme maybe-dying in childbirth that he hadn’t even noticed how sick his Master looks.
---->Oh and also there is a Sith Energy Parasite attached to Anakin’s FS and it’s been poisoning his bonds. Sasuke just facepalms while the Jedi have panic attacks and drags in the genjutsu expert hostile deprogramming specialists.
----->Upside: Uchiha now know what Sith Master’s chakra signature is and can hunt him properly. Also help Mind Healers check all Jedi for similar problems, starting with Active Duty Generals. My the Council Chambers look so much Lighter now. 
>Then some stuff happens where Palpatine is exposed as the Sith Master and there are explosions.
>Plot Twist is that Madara and Mace have been banging and rewriting the Jedi Code of conduct since like their third date and no one picked up on it.
->Mace: *stares Anakin in the eyes* And that’s how you hide an affair, Skywalker.
*jazz hands* And this is how my fics look before I start writing them.
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earthdeep · 7 years
ok this is really starting to get on ludicrous levels but... can we quit with the aa5 hate a bit? like srsly? y’all are gettin waaaaay too aggressive abt ppl liking this game. half the time it’s shit over nothing! it’s not like ppl are out here praising this as a masterpiece of writing. srsly the only times I’ve seen what y’all are insisting stans are doing is for aa4 (usually guessing at what was intended for future sequels that actually continued on from it) and shipping (especially narumitsu shippers? some of u are REALLY invested in subtext like wow). 99% of the praise I’ve seen for aa5 is for the characters. which is more than fair! in case u forgot, aa5 introduced us to the entire blackquill/cykes group, in all their lovable glory! and fleshed out the universe with the wonder that is lawyer highschool (which, listen, if ur accepting 13 year olds are allowed to prosecute, this isn’t actually incompatible with the depths this fictional justice system will sink) that also managed to connect parts of aai2 into the timeline as well! ffs apollo’s single friend only exists in canon bc of aa5!
and u can say everything’s clumsily implemented all u like. but, uh, in case u hadn’t noticed, aa5 isn’t the first time it’s gone weird. have u seen t&t lately? dahlia and godot were soooo clumsily integrated. I’ve ranted on godot’s mary sue qualities before, but ugh. both have the same problem of “oh by the way did I ever mention that INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT ex of mine who is totally irrelevant btw haha oh wow they’re suddenly relevant how about that”. fucking jfa has the same issue with franziska aka “woah now there’s ANOTHER von karma? and she’s even MORE challenging than the last one?!” srsly let’s not pretend her sudden arrival made sense for a prodigy who is also next of kin to the most infamous prosecutor around. nick not knowing who manfred was was clumsy too. what I’m getting at is that the aa series does not in fact have the smoothest writing, to the point where nick and later apollo appear to live under rocks in order to lose out on what should be common knowledge in their situation. srsly apollo how did u never notice that there’s some frontman in a rock group pushed by the literal police who looks scarily like ur boss, has the same last name as ur boss, said band is literally called the GAVINners. like christ I’m not into music but I at least recognise the names of 1d members. in all honesty I am so glad athena did not end up like those two pebble-dwellers and had actually p good reasons for either not knowing shit (hello l’belle and his private company) or keeping quiet (hello the entire space station situation). athena is good at this. 
there’s other stuff I’ve seen too specifically abt the satire that started the series. yes, gyakuten saiban was created to satirise the unbalanced nature and unbelievably high prosecution rates of the japanese courts. gyakuten saiban 4 was written in reaction to the real life introduction of the jury. (srsly if u have time, go on a research trip. there’s a lot of interesting stuff surrounding the background of the series.) but, forgive me if I’m missing something, what the FUCK were 2 and 3 satirising? as far as I’m aware, takumi was asked to continue the series bc ppl liked it. and it made capcom money. takumi eventually got totally sick of it and left the main series but please don’t act like this is something new from capcom. not everything in the series is pure political commentary. some of it is just regular stories. this is true for almost any satirical series ever. it doesn’t make them unenjoyable. besides y’all are content to shit on soj anyway for being a cheesy take on of a corrupt government system so maybe u just don’t care and just have a hate on for anything tangentially related to aa5.
and on whether it’s unenjoyable? nah man aa5 is fun. monstrous turnabout was a bit slow I reckon, but everything else moved at a nice pace, had fun characters, had those good good friendship moments. it was a bit wobbly in places, but we sat through turnabout serenade and turnabout succession! would u like my list of plot holes in serenade alone? bc I have one. I had to make one to break down the damn thing enough to write an au version of it. and with aa5 and the phantom? apparently that’s largely on the localisation team deciding western audiences wouldn’t accept ‘yokai’ as the answer and then just... not... putting anything else in? literally could’ve been solved with one word being swapped out or jinxie mentioning said yokai in one of her lists which... yeah that one’s on the game. idk maybe in the distant future when the games are all remastered for the new new new nintendo 3dsi that’ll be fixed too. or maybe the miracle never happen. who knows.
like probably the only other thing I can’t argue with on criticism is the art style. yeah, I’m not keen on fuse’s faces. nuri suffers with a certain level of same face too, but (as shown in dgs) the other parts of his design are pretty and managed to shine through in 3d. but the colours are way better come soj now the main team is getting into the swing of it, and anyone who doesn’t think khura’in is pretty as hell can fight me.
but srsly there are actually a lot of good points to aa5. it is not the antichrist. personally it is far from my favourite game (with my own fave as aa4 bc dem characters tho... barring the perverts) but many of its flaws are not new to the series. and while it has lost potential in various parts such as several important characters being dead on arrival, let’s not forget it left behind some especially nasty parts of the series and appears to be CONTINUING to leave those behind. mmm just look at that lack of literal canon pedophiles we’re supposed to feel sorry for... sorry every time I remember aa3 I like it less and less. which is a shame, bc young!mia is still the most relatable protag ever.
anyway, let’s not become the dicks who shat on anyone who liked aa4 back in the day, yeah?
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comicteaparty · 5 years
July 22nd-July 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 22nd, 2019 to July 28th, 2019.  The chat focused on Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic by Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic by Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett~! (https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/book-1-cover-page/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until July 28th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Insofar, what are your theories on Anne’s past history? Why did she become a knight, and what do you think is the story with her parents? Additionally, what do you think happened to her as a mage that she hopes doesn’t happen to Amy?
My favorite scene in the comic thus far was the fight between Anne and Bernard (chapter 7, and a little bit of chapter 6). It's an incredible action setpiece, with cool techniques on both sides, and the way Bernard tries to sway Anne to his side makes him a really memorable villain.(edited)
Honorable mention to the ending of chapter 1. I love a good hook, and the reveal that Anne's armor was fake the whole time made me sit up sharply in my seat.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think Erik is still a B rank mage? Is he really satisfied taking on lower level missions, or is there something he isn’t telling Anne? How do you think he and Anne even became partners?
1) My favorite scene is probably the one where Erik is fighting on the...roof plateau area (whatever you want to call it) against two mages. While Anne has gotten plenty of action to be awesome, I felt until this point that we hadn't gotten to see Erik's true colors. Then whoosh, suddenly Erik is like "let me show you how amazing earth magic is" not to mention Erik got blinded and still whipped their butts. 2) In terms of Anne's past history, I get the impression for sure that she's an orphan. So probably not dissimilar to Amy where she went to learn magic partly out of not having anywhere else to go. I personally think she did something unexpected and bad with magic. Not enough that ppl were like "oh no monster" but enough that the academy place kicked her out. So then she left and became a knight because she was no longer welcome to become a mage at the academy at least.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. How do you think Amy will continue to affect Anne as the story goes on? Do you think Anne will still be able to be a good mentor, or will it be damaged by the missions she takes? Additionally, is educational reform the only reason she was asked to mentor Amy?
3) My fave character at the moment is definitely Erik. Which I just relate to the whole "i could probably do this thing but that sounds like a lot of effort" attitude. Plus I like his sort of...air of mystery? Cause at the very least he's a lot less open compared to Anne so I'm really intrigued where he stands on everything. 4) I think Erik is still a lower ranked mage partly cause of the reason he said (ie lazy lack of ambition) and partly for reasons that he's not telling Anne. Though I don't have any theories on what he's not telling her. But I don't think its friendship ending, more like something Anne would be surprised to learn. In terms of how they became partners, I kind of feel like they probably got assigned to the same mission or something and just clicked. Since they both seem kind of radical in what they're willing to do so I imagine that gave them a bond. Since if I was an average mage I probably wouldn't necessary want to go on their crazy missions with them. XD
Attila Polyák
Erik gets a lot of love. Cool! Earth bending wins!
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What are your opinions of Anne’s theory about what Charr is up to? What does this have to do with the box that she and Erik had to retrieve twice? How does this tie into Bernard being found dead in an impossible place and Igor Björn being in Minas Fril?
5) my favorite illustration so far is probably the bottom panel on this page https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch7-p18/ I really love the use of the fire both in the background and foreground. It's used in a really nice way that frames the picture. I also like the little spark details flying off the fire. Gotta love them particle effects. 6) I think Amy is kind of gonna force Anne to mature and think more about her actions. Cause as I've said before I believe, Anne can be a bit reckless. Like gettng stabbed in the leg, for example.. And I think the desire to continue to help Amy will have Anne going "but if I do this thing I'll get hurt and that will hurt Amy." I do think the missions will damage her mentorship to a degree. but more in the what if sense where Amy will be fine but it had the potential to be more. I think for the most part Anne will be a good mentor though, cause she cares a lot. In terms of educational reform, I do think that's part of the reason. However, I also get the impression that there was something more in there. Like the mentorship is just as much to help Anne personally grow as it is for Amy.
7) Anne and Erik are the characters I like to see interact most. They have a really fantastic dynamic that comes with a good amount of well-intentioned jabs, cooperation, and balance of personality. Plus I think they both have the highest capacity to reveal each other's backstore more in terms of story. 8) To be honest, I thought Anne's theories were a bit convoluted, albeit definitely with some truth in them. I feel they're definitely missing some crucial information that will make the puzzle snap though. As for the box, I assume it contained information or something that would be so bad it'd help rally the people or something. I think the Bernard and Igor things are misdirects of trying to keep everyone thinking things are fine, nothing to see here. Though I think Igor is also trying to convince others to stay out of the war that may be happening soon. In subtle sneak ways of course.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. How do you believe the Crimson Charr Reunification Army is faring, and how might they return to have a role in Anne’s personal story? Do you believe Bernard is actually dead? If so, what might have ominous final orders have been?
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Why do you think that the negotiations in Minas Fril seem to have been complicated and going to take longer than Anne had anticipated? Do you think things will go in Dyr’s favor, or will something sour the event?
9) I really love all the details of the trees and leaves during the chapters where they're in the forest. I especially really like the shading and the use of different levels of background. It really brought a lot and made it feel very forest like. And it's nature so that definitely takes a lot of effort. 10) If I had to take a guess, I assume their boss' death really took them a few steps backwards. However, I do think they're gonna purposely seek at Anne, if only for revenge. Cause I don't think Anne is going to be forgiven. Which as that statement implies, I do think Bernard actually died. Especially after that foreshadowing where he was talking about the final orders. In terms of what the final orders were, it was probably a "do this one last thing that will spark the war" or someting. Cause don't need the reunification army when the goals are achieved. XD
11) I think the comic's strength is definitely character interactions. You got a lot of drama, a lot of endearing moments, a lot of intrigue. It's really just got everything you could want and its all balanced and logical. So the characters really are what drive the story and make the scenes interesting. 12) If Anne's theories are right, it's possible that people in Dyr aren't the only people who suspect the upcoming war or political intrigue going on at least. And from the description of Dyr's position, I imagine they are a vulnerable country where nothing is ever easy. Cause it'd be super easy to just prey on them and get whatever you want cause you know Dyr needs the support of your country. So I imagine no matter how smooth things are supposed to go, it's never that smooth. I do think something is going to sour the event while they're in Minas Fril and further complicate their position. Though I don't have any clues as to what atm.
One thing I really like about the art in this comic is the way magic looks. Everything is so sparkly and pretty and smooth all at once... it's really inviting.
I'm not sure if Bernard actually died or not... the newspaper article seemed pretty fishy to me. If he is dead, I think the reunification army lied about the location for... some strategic reason. Possibly relating to those last orders he was giving?
I agree with you Rebel, the comic's greatest strengths are the characters and their interactions. My favorite is Anne teaching Amy. Amy is really cute and determined, and you learn a lot about how Anne had to grow up through those interactions. Though I also love the banter you get between Anne and Erik - two close friends who do all their work together, despite being very different in some ways.(edited)
1) I have a soft spot for the first inn scene https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch2-p16/ It was a brief little breath of air where we get to see the more day-to-day details of these two partners. But most of all, between the atmosphere of the room and the beautiful little town (bottom panel in the page I linked) it felt so cozy! And what can be more comfortable than curling up in bed in some PJs after wearing big heavy armor all day? :'D I will also second that Eric's fight on top of the cave was pretty interesting. We're seeing a lot of impressive and new spells from all the parties involved, at play! 2) For Anne's history, I have to wonder if her parents had anything to do with the war, as she has strong feelings towards her home, Dyr, but that's a loose guess. As for whatever it was that happened with her mage training, I'm imagining some scenario where she accidentally "demonstrates" her skills in a way that causes a lot of property damage. Impressive, but destructive! 3) Mia! That lady comes off as those steely-eyed, strict military types that would be hard to approach, but the next moment as soon as her shift ends, she melts into romance mode and goes to bring her lover a cake. That contrast in her character was so charming. 4) Wouldn't put it past Eric to be hiding something, but as far as I know, maybe the guy just doesn't give others the opportunity to recognize his strength. 5) Oh man, there are so many backgrounds I've been wanting to gush about throughout the comic. The town scenes, the forests, the sunsets.... Every panel since they made it to Minas Fril was pure scenery eye-candy! @o@ Just look at this https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch16-p19/ And there's this really cool panel of Eric about to bust out some mad magics on those wolves. https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch15-p07/
6) Echoing RebelVampire's thoughts, I'm hoping Amy will help Anne mature and grow as a character. It gives her something serious to work for; something to protect. I do have an anxiety that something bad will happen between her and Amy once Anne gets back from her mission. Like, maybe Amy will have gone through a hardship that Anne wasn't there for her for... 7) Well, besides Mia's and Gjurd's relationship, I like seeing Mr. Mannfred's interactions with the others. This is a high profile dude with no apparent fighting skills, yet here he is LEADING the way into danger with Anne and Eric behind. From how he treats others, he gives off "good leader" vibes. I wonder what other surprises he has under his hat. 8) I'm not even sure if Bernard is really dead at all, or if they're using his death as a tool to rile up people for war. Whatever the reason, I think her theory of trying to keep the countries from forming alliances holds some water. 9) I'm going to gush about background details, again. I like the detail put in that gives you something to look at on every page, like the town-people in their colorful outfits interacting. Couldn't help but notice that Anne had some dead-flowers outside of her apartment! 10) They seem small and weak, as a whole, but methinks they've got the determination and brainpower to /make things happen/. 11) The comic definitely has some cute moments, but I think the world is what does it for me. You start out a little dazed and confused (as most long-running stories go), but a few chapters in and it seems like a very neat place to live with likable blends of magic and technology. 12) I'll give the Charr reunification army some credit and say they're probably having some success in complicating things, though I think it would hurt Ilial more than Dyr, if I'm understanding the situation?(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Why do you think Lucretia has taken an interest in Anne? What could this mean for Anne’s future? Ultimately, how do you think Lucretia’s role as an archmage might help or hurt Anne as the world events start to take a serious turn?
13) I'm actually hoping to see Erik and Amy interact in the future. Since Amy is an important part of Anne's life now, I'm interested to see how Erik adjusts to that and what good Erik can maybe do for Amy too or something. 14) Honestly I kind of...just think Lucretia thinks Anne is hot and bold. XD If I was in Lucretia's position, it'd probably also just be nice to know someone who isnt some political backstabber looking for any sign of weakness. I think Lucretia is going to help Anne by feeding her info and warnings that Anne probably wouldn't otherwise have access too. For what reason hard to say, but for now I don't think there'll be any hurt. Probably. Maybe.
Attila Polyák
Thank you all for reading and sharing your views on Tales of Midgard here! Hope you all had a good time while reading my work!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic this week! Please also give a special thank you to Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/book-1-cover-page/
Tales of Midgard’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/talesofmidgard
Tales of Midgard’s Webshop: https://talesofmidgard.com/webshop/
Tales of Midgard’s Paypal.me: https://www.paypal.me/talesofmidgard
Tales of Midgard’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidgardComic
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lafortis · 7 years
Do the first 12 ask things
tell me about your crush!!!!!!!ahh well my crush is a beautiful elegant person whomst I do not deserve but whom accepts this about me and is understanding and wonderful anyway (and draws rly rly fucking well and [I’m lead to believe] is a mean lean vegan chef chopping greens)tell me about your exidk which one to talk abt so I’ll go with list recent. she was pretty cool, she followed me on Twitter and I recognised her from HS then a week or two later she had a mutual friend invite me to a basement party where me n tittles (aka The Good Jordan) got demolished and I think I smoked my first tiny bit of weed, then I made out with her on her basement floor or mattress or smthn (her pajamas were very soft). I sort of talked tittles n nevin into talking me into hitting her up afterwards, got together (while they were still around lmao) and watched a like bo Burnham special and made out or something. She was coming off a breakup, we hung out/talked on n off for a while with her being super inconsistent, dated for a few months (I drove her around a lot), and then it got #messy I guess yikestell me about your dayI woke up, finished my book and had a coffee (which I’m becoming increasingly convinced I should stop), grabbed rob, picked up Reid from work, got food, went home, grabbed Nevin, went to Anthony’s for melee n too watch evo. Jordan (aka The Bad Jordan) and Richard showed up too, it’s aiiiight, we break apart when Anthony has to pick up his gf, we drop Reid off, the crew we came with plus alek whom we get from McDonald’s go to my house to watch the rest n play melee, n then we’re done :D Rob and I go to try to catch a togetic but mine flees :’( now I’m heretell me about your dreamsLiterally my dreams or my aspirations? I think yesterday i dreamed I made day two of evo or some other big tournament and then missed my bracket and got disqualified (believable tbh), and probably also some random sex dream and maybe some other stuff. I’m off my vyvanse rn so i think my dreams r more vivid. As for aspirations… Probably like power honestly. Not like sinisterly, just the concept of decision making power. Like I think I’m smart and could do well and save lives if given the reins of whatever. tell me about your dramaLord… Aight. uhhh the messiest I’ve ever been was the end of the relationship with my last ex and I don’t want to just literally say everything on Tumblr but idk. basically she cheated on me at a house party I wasn’t at and I didn’t find out until after we were on a break/maybe half broken up for something completely random and petty, and after she interrogated me about cheating on her, from one of our close mutual friends. i was miffed, don’t even remember most of it, mostly just got near-black out drunk at a Canada day party, vomited on alek I think, loudly forgave the dude she cheated on me w. also there was some suggestion she cheated on me more than that but also some suggestion she may have lied about that to seem cool???? Idk it was all messy and I didn’t comport myself particularly well either (although I forgive myself I guess given the circumstances)tell me about yourself :-)I’m a 21 year old white guy, a little above average weight, average ish height, pretty stocky and broad shouldered, my head is huge. I’ve dropped out of uni twice. I’m supposedly smart but have trouble putting that to good use. I’m very good at some of the most technical elements of super smash bros melee and am working on the rest. I enjoy history and fantasy and my major if I ever finish it is in international relations. geopolitics is the core of what I find interesting above. Politically I’m probably a democratic socialist. I listen to a lot of mainstream hip hop and not much else tbh (I have a nujabes Spotify mix to relax n study to). I’m on an Effexor XR (for anxiety and depression), an SNRI, and Vyvanse (for ADHD), a stimulant. I have two lovely dogs. I think I’m really self aware but I’m not sure. I have too much arrogance and also too little self esteem. I’m often quite loud, and my brand of humour is like mostly either the like false arrogance/bravado, running jokes into the ground, or wordplay I guess? Or just sarcasm. Idk I make ppl laugh most of the time but I’m not sure I’m actually funny. I think this is enough without getting too much righttell me about something awkward/embarrassingUhhh idk what would be awkward and embarrassing. I had a huge crush on one of my long time friends in early high school. We admitted to each other we were like each others first choice to marry when we were adults. But we started hanging out for a day or two like we were dating and I like literally suffocated her into just immediately pulling the plug because she realised how wack I wastell me about a funny story or somethingUhhhhhhhhhhhh this might be where it really breaks down. I’m not sure I have a funny story. Which is odd, given I just said I thought I was funny. But I couldn’t rly pluck one out of thin air that wasn’t mostly just bullying someone the story was about lmaotell me your favourite band/artist/album/songKendrick Lamar is probably my fav artist rn, Yeah Right by Vince Staples is my fav song probably. The Kendrick feature is insane. (I don’t love Kendrick as much as this response make it sound I just have that album on CD along with damn so it’s been in my head of late)tell me about your favourite memeSearch Toyota previa on my blog to find the post. That is my favourite post. I love that post fuck I have no idea why but fuck. tell me about your favourite ficI don’t rly read fic but I guess my fav was the one I read almost all the way thru, Harry Potter and the methods of Rationality. It was kinda dumb rationalist wank but I’m a rationalist wanker so sue metell me a secret ;)Ohoho there’s a winky face so it better be sexual I guess… Idk what kind of secret there is here. I don’t rly keep those tbh, except for other ppl. Uhh I’ll just choose something rly private? What is there even then hmmmMMMM wait of course I have a good one duh. I was part of an internet secret society :o still am I guess. If u wanted a sexual secret uhhh the secret is in my junk? Women love that shit. Mostly. I was gonna say I’ve made all but one of my partner’s cum but that’s not rly true anymore given I’ve had a few one off hookups under various extenuating circumstances and never got to correct my failures :’( such is life Thank u so much for this and I’m so sorry for all this FUCKING text I’m gonna edit in a read more but I’m sorry mobile users if it doesn’t work I’m so so sorry
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Pelosi, House women peddle lady parts at presser; Boo Russert, cry sexism
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Pelosi, House women peddle lady parts at presser; Boo Russert, cry sexism
Sigh. The peddling of lady parts continues.
As Twitchy reported, Nancy Pelosi held a press conference today to deliver the oh-so-shocking news that she’s not stepping down as House minority leader. On the plus side, she committed a hilarious and epic flub: She said that Democrats “still have the gavel.” Whoops!
But, wait, there was more hilarity to be had at the press conference. Evidently, all that was missing in the lady parts peddle-fest was some Code Pink style vagina costumes.
Flanked by dozens of women members & congresswomen-elect, Nancy Pelosi announces she’s staying as Minority Leader. twitter.com/CHueyBurnsRCP/…
— Caitlin Huey-Burns (@CHueyBurnsRCP) November 14, 2012
Pelosi: “The thought of four men at that table was not an appealing site…”
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) November 14, 2012
Men have cooties; can’t even bear the sight of them! But what about their Man-God Obama? The Patriarchy ™ is totally fine, natch, so long as he pats you on the head and pays (or makes someone else pay) for your birth control. Poor, helpless dears!
I have never seen @nancypelosi play up the pro woman theme as she is doing now. Even joking about the scary sight of all men at the table
— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) November 14, 2012
When you lose CNN’s Dana Bash …
Pelosi say she’s staying “in order to continue work empowering women”
— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) November 14, 2012
Apparently Nancy Pelosi, not content w/class warfare is now promoting gender warfare w/her we R women here us roar crap speech. #scary #tcot
— Alana Burke (@AlanaBurkeSays) November 14, 2012
I’m pro-women/Democrat/older people but that #Pelosi presser was a shitshow. Go find the Gingrich v. Bob Michel playbook. #permanentminority
— Aaron Polkey (@apolkey) November 14, 2012
@slone “We don’t have the gavel. But we have something more important… unity.”For a second I feared she might say “vaginas”! #Pelosi
— TrueTexasTea (@TrueTexasTea) November 14, 2012
Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is out of touch. Her interpretation of women empowerment is convoluted & sad. Don’t ever pretend to speak for me.
— Jacqueline Otto (@jacque_otto) November 14, 2012
The “future” of US women as represented by Pelosi & her new gal pals feels an awful lot like a huge step backwards.
— Kindy (@CallInSick318) November 14, 2012
Then the ladies started booing a male reporter. Luke Russert dared to ask a pertinent question, rather than worshipping at the altar of lady parts. Thus, he’s sexist. And agist. And whatever other “ist” they can come up with.
Luke Russert RT @charliespiering: Pelosi and women Democrats booing and mocking a male reporter. . . not sure who it is
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 14, 2012
.@lukerussert gets groans from women on stage by asking Pelosi if her leadership means younger leadership can’t move forward
— Alex Pappas (@AlexPappasDC) November 14, 2012
Luke Russert asks if Pelosi staying on prevents younger ppl from stepping up. He gets booed by all of the women in Congress… #heyladies
— Rebecca Berg (@rebeccagberg) November 14, 2012
RT @realclearscottThe response to @lukerussert‘s very legitimate Q to @nancypelosi is really something to behold buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/na…
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) November 14, 2012
Libs on Twitter also freaked out. How dare he treat Nancy Pelosi as he would any other politician. Doesn’t he know that “empowerment” means being treated as a delicate flower who surely can’t be held accountable for anything. She’s lucky she can hold a gavel, much less remember if she has one or not.
@lukerussert would never ask McConnell if he’s blocking younger members from moving up. Way to be offensive Luke. #Pelosi
— Nerdy Wonka (@utaustinliberal) November 14, 2012
Pelosi’s body has a way of shutting down a “Legitimate” sexist question from Luke Russert, the confirmed Douche Bag.
— Micheal Stinson (@Symbolman) November 14, 2012
That kid got his job due to nepotism so this is rich: “Nancy Pelosi swats down Luke Russert’s offensive question!shar.es/GJbWQ” ”
— Lisa Guerrero (@4lisaguerrero) November 14, 2012
Hey, @lukerussert, #peggynoonan & #georgewill called. They want to buy you a drink, nincompoop. #pelosi
— SFLiberal (@SFLiberal) November 14, 2012
But, wait. Don’t Progressives of Pallor always criticize the GOP for being the party of old white people? What’s good for the goose, toots.
Lament “old white men” of the GOP= Sound analysis.Ask #Pelosi if its time to move along? “Age Discrimination.@ingrahamangle
— Brett J. Patron (@Longtabsigo) November 14, 2012
I stand corrected: (2) Luke Russert asked a good question.Pelosi tried to laugh it off and had her phalanx of Dem women boo him.
— Maxwell Power (@power_maxwell) November 14, 2012
Luke Russert took to Twitter to explain his question, which was a good one.
Negatives: Very polarizing, moderates hurt by association. Fires up #GOP. She’s an older face for a younger party
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
While Pelosi laughed off my Q as age-ist, many House Ds will privately gripe it hurts caucus that all 3 leaders are 70+.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
The longer the top 3 stay, the longer it takes to infuse the caucus with new blood like #GOP did w Cantor, Ryan, McCarthy etc.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
Bingo! But, you know, facts don’t matter. They have gender identity politics to wage. You’ve come a long way, baby!
A happy warrior puts the faux-outrage in a hilarious, ageism-mocking nutshell.
Elderly women often take up hobbies; scrapbooking, collecting Precious Moments figurines, destroying Western civilization. #Pelosi
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 14, 2012
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/14/pelosi-house-dem-women-hold-presser-to-peddle-lady-parts-boo-luke-russert-cry-sexism/
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