#PNL Records
donospl · 1 year
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 12]
premierowa emisja 5 lipca 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Tania Giannouli “Intone” z albumu  „Solo” – Rattle Records   Tobie Medland’s The Aviary “The Aviary Part 1” z albumu “The Aviary” – Future Fable Records Cecile Strange “Where My Heart Lives” z albumu “Beyond” – April Records Sheen Trio “Terminal C” z albumu “Gozar” – Berthold Records James Ilgenfritz “#facepalm” z albumu…
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diyeipetea · 2 years
Large Unit: Clusterfuck (PNL Records, 2022) / New Map (PNL Records, 2022) Por Pachi Tapiz [Grabaciones de jazz]
Large Unit: Clusterfuck (PNL Records, 2022) / New Map (PNL Records, 2022) Por Pachi Tapiz [Grabaciones de jazz]
Large Unit Clusterfuck (PNL055. PNL Records, 2022) En 2023 la Large Unit cumplirá su décimo aniversario. Como preludio a las celebraciones de la primera década, Paal Nilssen-Love, el baterista y percusionista noruego y líder de la formación, publica en PNL Records casi al final del año 2022 (la fecha de lanzamiento es el día 16 de diciembre), dos nuevas grabaciones tituladas Clusterfuck y New…
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ailtrahq · 1 year
For those looking to follow and replicate the trading portfolios and strategies of lead traders, Binance’s copy trading can prove to be a game-changer. In a groundbreaking move, Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, is set to transform the crypto trading landscape with the introduction of copy trading for its highly liquid futures products in selected markets. As contained in a press release shared with Coinspeaker, this innovative feature will allow millions of users to simultaneously become both lead and copy traders, creating a dynamic community of traders seeking to enhance their crypto trading skills and experiences. How Binance’s Copy Trading Works Copy trading is a trading strategy that allows less experienced traders to mimic the strategies of more experienced and successful traders. It’s like having a seasoned trader guiding your investments without needing to actively manage your portfolio. Binance’s implementation of copy trading takes this concept to the next level. Binance highlighted in the press release that its copy trading system empowers both experienced and new traders alike. Seasoned traders can become lead traders, sharing their wealth of knowledge and strategies with the community while earning a 10% profit share and a 10% trading commission rebate from copy traders who replicate their trades. This not only provides a platform for experienced traders to monetize their expertise but also encourages them to engage with other users, creating a sense of unity within the trading community. For those looking to follow and replicate the trading portfolios and strategies of lead traders, Binance’s copy trading can prove to be a game-changer. Users can follow up to 10 lead traders at a time, gaining access to valuable information such as the lead traders’ 7-30-90 day ROI, PNL record, maximum drawdown, and AUM (Assets Under Management). This transparency allows users to make informed decisions about which lead traders to follow and which strategies to replicate, effectively lowering the barriers to entry for less experienced traders. Binance’s Chief Marketing Officer, Rachel Conlan commented on the update, saying: “Binance’s mission is to improve financial access and our products aim to help our users achieve greater control of their own finances. We believe copy trading lowers the barriers to entry into crypto and can help improve social engagement within the community.” User-Friendly Activation and Management Binance’s user-centric approach is evident in its user-friendly activation of copy trading, requiring just one click. Upon activation, users receive a dedicated copy trading account, simplifying asset allocation tracking and management. This dedicated account system also allows users to easily compare lead traders’ portfolios and AUM, further aiding informed decision-making. Furthermore, to ensure user protection, Binance has implemented a range of risk management features for copy traders, including risk controls, slippage limits, choice of allocation, and leverage risk indicators. Copy traders have the freedom to choose their own risk settings, including Take Profit/Stop Loss levels, leverage levels, and margin modes. This customization empowers users to manage their risk according to their individual preferences and risk tolerance. To protect copy traders, Binance has set slippage limits at 0.3% for BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT and 0.5% for other futures contracts. Orders will not be executed if these limits are exceeded, minimizing potential losses. Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
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leontiucmarius · 1 year
OFF/ON THE RECORD, 17 aprilie 2023. Invitat, ora 21.55: Cătălin Predoiu, ministrul Justiției
Coaliția PNL-PSD a adoptat modificările Codului Penal și Codului de Procedură Penală, nu a pus prag la abuzul în serviciu dar a reintrodus probele rezultate din MSN în dosarele penale, interferând din nou serviciile de informații în actul de Justiție. În plus, proiectele de lege au fost contestate la CCR de către ÎCCJ, Avocatul Poporului și câteva din partidele de Opoziție. Cum s-a împiedicat…
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gazeta24br · 2 years
O ministro dos Transportes, Renan Filho, inaugurou nesta terça-feira (21) uma série de reuniões de membros das comissões de Infraestrutura (CI) e de Desenvolvimento Regional (CDR) do Senado com ministros das pastas correlatas. Aos senadores, além de falar sobre as prioridades do Ministério dos Transportes, o ministro voltou a destacar que a análise do novo arcabouço fiscal pelo Congresso Nacional, previsto para as próximas semanas, deve levar em consideração a necessidade de investimentos do governo, especialmente em infraestrutura rodoviária. Segundo Renan Filho, hoje é mais caro transportar uma carga da fazenda até um porto, do que transportar do porto para China ou para a Europa. Ao citar levantamento feito pela Confederação Nacional do Transportes (CNT), Renan Filho disse que 66% da malha rodoviária federal e estadual está em situação regular, ruim ou péssima. Ele se comprometeu a, em até dois anos, zerar os trechos nessas condições, mas ressaltou a necessidade de recursos. “Se voltarmos a uma capacidade pré-PEC [da transição], não teremos condição de frear a piora da nossa infraestrutura de transportes”, alertou. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="754"] Ministro dos Transportes Renan Filho e o presidente da Comissão de Desenvolvimento Regional, senador Marcelo Castro em  audiência pública sobre atuação do governo para estruturação dos sistemas de transportes nos próximos anos. Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil[/caption] O ministro disse ainda que apesar de estarem em estado ruim, 96% das rodovias têm contrato de manutenção, mas não têm recursos para este fim. O orçamento da pasta para este ano, herdado do governo Bolsonaro, foi de R$ 5 bilhões, contra R$ 45 bilhões em 2012. “É um nono!”, criticou. Com a aprovação da PEC da transição, o orçamento para 2023 subiu para R$ 21 bilhões, o valor é semelhante ao de 2020. Renan Filho comparou os investimentos em rodovias feitos em 2022 por Brasil e Uruguai. Na avaliação do ministro apesar de ambos terem investido cerca de US$ 1 bilhão cada, se a comparação considerar os aportes por habitante, o país vizinho investiu 50 vezes mais. “Não dá para o Brasil investir menos que o Uruguai”, avaliou. Para que o Brasil conquiste a confiança de investidores, o ministro dos Transportes disse que a pasta vai estabelecer, a partir do Plano Nacional de Logística 2035 (PNL), projetos para execução futura. A expectativa é de que o documento técnico com um conjunto de dados, informações e cenários futuros auxilie de forma estratégica nas discussões e no processo de tomada de decisões. “O Parlamento precisa discutir se vai ter mais recursos. Vamos eleger com clareza os projetos [prioritários] para garantir qualidade e, por outro lado, mais recursos para esses projetos para evitar que vá para coisas não importantes. Esse é um mecanismo que aplaca os ânimos do mercado, saber o que será feito com os recursos disponibilizados." 100 dias Como meta para os 100 dias do governo Lula, que serão completados no início de abril, Renan Filho destacou que os esforços estarão concentrados em “obras estruturantes”. Segundo ele, trata-se de um conjunto diversificado de pontos de atenção que podem ser resumidos em “recuperar rodovias, ampliar o transporte ferroviário e salvar vidas”. No curto prazo, há também a intenção de preparar o país para escoar a próxima safra de grãos e atrair o capital privado com um portfólio robusto de ativos. No curtíssimo prazo, o Ministério dos Transportes vai priorizar os principais corredores logísticos do país, por onde se dará o escoamento da safra recorde que o país terá agora. “São rodovias que atravessam vários estados, de Norte a Sul, e impulsionam o desenvolvimento regional”, disse. O ministro afirmou que será investido R$ 1,5 bilhão na manutenção das rodovias que conectam os principais corredores a esses portos. "Temos ainda foco na manutenção do corredor Sul-Sudeste, que terá muita movimentação de caminhões e vai demandar mais R$ 1,2 bilhão.
Importante destacar que estamos atuando de forma cirúrgica e, em especial, conseguimos recompor o orçamento para investimentos, que vinha em queda desde 2014". Ferrovias Aos senadores, Renan Filho defendeu ainda que o governo tenha fôlego para investir em ferrovias para que a expansão efetiva da malha ocorra de maneira mais célere. Mesmo reconhecendo que, nesse setor, os projetos demandam tempo para estudos e obras, a pasta está estudando como aprimorar o marco regulatório para ajudar a destravar o investimento privado no setor. Para o ministro, não há mais tempo a perder: “esse atraso custa dinheiro ao país. Precisamos equilibrar nossa matriz de transportes, modernizar nossa logística o quanto antes, reduzir custos e aumentar a competitividade do nosso agronegócio no mercado internacional”.   Agência Brasil
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When to Stop Trading a Strategy?
In trading, a drawdown is a peak-to-trough decline during a specific recorded period of time of an investment, portfolio, or fund. A drawdown is usually quoted as the percentage between the peak and the trough. For example, if an investment has grown from $100 to $150, and then fallen back to $120, the size of the drawdown would be 20%. The maximum drawdown is the worst peak-to-trough decline during a specified time period.
When a trading system is losing money, an important question one should ask is: are we in a drawdown or the system has stopped working? The distinction is crucial because the two situations require different solutions. If we are in a drawdown, it means that our system is still working and we just have to ride out the losing streak. On the other hand, if our system has stopped working, we need to take action and find a new system.
Reference [1] attempted to answer this question. It outlined,
Trading strategies that were profitable in the past often degrade with time. Since unlucky streaks can also hit “healthy” strategies, how can one detect that something truly worrying is happening? It is intuitive that a drawdown that lasts too long or one that is too deep should lead to a downward revision of the assumed Sharpe ratio of the strategy. In this note, we give a quantitative answer to this question based on the exact probability distributions for the length and depth of the last drawdown for upward drifting Brownian motions. We also point out that both managers and investors tend to underestimate the length and depth of drawdowns consistent with the Sharpe ratio of the underlying strategy.
We found that the authors have some good points. But we don’t think that the assumption that the log PnL of a strategy follows a drifted Brownian process is realistic.
Note that in the article discussed in Momentum in the Option Market, the authors demonstrated that a trading strategy’s PnL can exhibit serial correlation. This is in contradiction with the assumption above.
Let us know what you think in the comments below or in the discussion forum.
[1] Adam Rej, Philip Seager, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, You are in a drawdown. When should you start worrying?, 2017, https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.01457v2
Article Source Here: When to Stop Trading a Strategy?
from Harbourfront Technologies - Feed https://harbourfronts.com/stop-trading-strategy/
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Stefan Stoica, presedintele PNL Dolj: Investiție de 2 MILIARDE EURO pentru infrastructura de transport din Oltenia
Stefan Stoica, presedintele PNL Dolj: Investiție de 2 MILIARDE EURO pentru infrastructura de transport din Oltenia
Presedintele PNL Dolj, Deputatul Stefan Stoica, anunta o investitie record, in valoare de 2 miliarde de euro, in infrastructura de transport din Oltenia. “Investiție de 2 MILIARDE EURO pentru infrastructura de transport din Oltenia 🔹 A fost publicat Proiectul de Hotărâre de Guvern pentru modernizarea Magistralei CFR Craiova-Caransebeș. Valoarea totală a investiției este de 12,5 miliarde de…
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Airline Reservation System
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What Is Airline Reservation System ?
·        Airline Reservation System is a web-based booking solution that helps in consolidating information from all airlines through the use of global distribution systems. The system gives inventory and rates in real time to customers as well as travel agents.
·        Airline Reservation System covers the details about flight schedules and its fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records. An airline's inventory covers all flights with their available seats.
How Airline Reservation System Is Beneficial For Travel Business ?
·        We are Award-winning Airline Reservation Software Development Company across the world. On airlines websites, we integrate hotels, transfers, sightseeing, cars, cruises, and dynamic packaging modules apart from airline IBE.
·        We provide airline reservation and booking software design services for inventory management modules, incorporating centralized database architecture for real-time data, flight schedule and seating management, waitlist management, codeshare, and re-accommodation.
·        Airline reservation system, also known as Flight Reservation System is fully airline reservation software solution integrate GDS/Flight XML services in travel agent travel portal so they can easily access all flight information and functionality online to reduced operational cost, development and maintenance time.
·        The main goal of this software is to reduce the manual errors involved in the airline reservation process and make it convenient for the clients to book the flights as when they require such that they can use this software to make reservations, modify reservations or cancel a particular reservation.
·        It is designed for online travel agencies to give ease of booking to the users, where they can search and book flight tickets in real-time. Users have the flexibility to choose the preferred seat and updated with further steps of booking.
·        Our Flight Reservation System Software manages customer information in case of emergency, e.g. flight cancellation due to inclement weather. The flight companies will utilize this profile to track customer choice and travel patterns to serve them better, plan routes, for better marketing and effective scheduling of flights.
Why Airline Reservation System Is Important For Airline And Travel Business ?
·        We are a pioneer name in the travel technology industry, we provide the airline reservation system with API integration of GDS like Travelport, Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre etc. We also provide airline reservation system with third party API integration such as Travel Boutique Online, Yatra Akbar Travels Online etc.
·        We enable you to run your airline smoothly while enabling you to boost your airline profitability. We provide cutting-edge IT solutions to airlines of different sizes and all business models.
·        Flight Reservation System is a major contributor to the growth of airline and travel industry. It updates inventories of several airline companies real-time. It is integrated with the global distribution system, which handles and runs the international booking of flights.
Airline Reservations System functionality includes
·        Internet Booking Engines for reservation
·        Reservation/Booking Management
·        Airline Hosting System and Services
·        Airline Scheduling
·        Fares Engine
·        Internet Booking Engine Statistical Module
·        Airline Inventory Hosting & Management
·        Airline IBE Hosting
·        XML interfaces for distribution of airline system data
·        Travel Agent Reservations
·        Full GDS Type A & Type B reservation connectivity
·        Direct Access from all GDS systems for reservations
·        GDS E-Ticketing
·        Amadeus, Sabre, Worldspan, Galileo, Abacus
·        Interline with other Airlines
·        IATA Interline Eticket (IET)
·        IDEC Interline Settlement for IET
·        Airport Departure Control System Module
·        PNL export to other Airport Departures Control Systems
·        Airport APIS (APP) transmissions
·        Reservation Reporting Modules
·        3rd party system interfaces
·        Scalable database system for all sizes of airline
·        Hosting of other systems
CONCLUSION: For more details, please visit our website: https://www.flightsreservationsystem.com/airline-reservation-system
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eivindopsvik · 5 years
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order here:
In the late 1990s three young musicians in the Oslo jazz scene – Paal Nilssen-Love, Ketil Gutvik and Eivind Opsvik – hooked up with two legends – Carl Magnus “Calle” Neumann and Bjørnar Andresen. Neumann and Andresen were extremely important in the development of Norwegian free jazz in the late 1960s and early 70s, playing with Jan Garbarek, Arild Andersen, Svein Finnerud Trio, Terje Rypdal, George Russell and many others. The project was named The Quintet and it was the meeting of two generations, with Neumann and Andresen passing the spirit of the 60s on to three musicians who would make their mark in the 2000s. But putting the historical importance aside, The Quintet was  simply a band of five equal musicians who created unique music together. In their short time the group only released one album (now long out of print), so it is with great pleasure that PNL Records at the 20th anneriversary of the band can announce the release of “Events 1998-1999” – an extensive 5CD box-set that tells the full story of The Quintet. In addition to the previous album the box-set features four previously unreleased studio and live recordings. The music heard on the five discs shows the full arc of the band, from their first meeting in a studio to one of their last concerts. To give the music more context the box-set also comes with two booklets of interviews (with Arild Andersen and Ketil Gutvik), liner notes (by Chris Monsen and Paal Nilssen-Love) and many photos. This is the most elaborate project PNL Records have undertaken, with a large number of people helping out and sharing their knowledge, so anybody with an interest in the history of Norwegian free jazz is in for a treat.  
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esattamenteesatta · 3 years
Motivazione: La storia di Roger Bannister #093
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burlveneer-music · 8 years
Pan-Scan Ensemble - Air and Light - free jazz nonet on PNL Records
releases March 3, 2017
HISPID 007 / PNL035 Co-released by Hispid Recordings and PNL Records.
All music by Pan-Scan Ensemble (TONO/STIM/KODA)
Lotte Anker – soprano, alto and tenor saxophone Anna Högberg – alto saxophone Julie Kjær – alto saxophone, flute Thomas Johansson – trumpet Goran Kajfes – trumpet Emil Strandberg – trumpet Sten Sandell – piano Paal Nilssen-Love – drums and percussion Ståle Liavik Solberg – drums and percussion
Recorded live in concert on December 20th 2016 by Stig Gunnar Ringen at Blow Out, Mir, Oslo, Norway. Mixed and mastered by Lasse Marhaug. Photo by Tine Hvidsten. Cover by Lasse Marhaug.
Special thanks to Øyvind Brungot Dahl, Andreas Drevland, Tine Hvidsten, Kari Grete Jacobsen, Stig Gunnar Ringen.
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suetravelblog · 3 years
Palace of the Parliament Bucharest Romania
Palace of the Parliament Bucharest Romania
Palace of the Parliament – DestiMap The Palace of Parliament or People’s House is “according to the World Record Academy, the heaviest and most expensive civil administrative building in the world”. Completed in 1997, it cost almost 4 billion Euros to build. In the administrative building category, it’s second in size only to the US Pentagon. The building has 12 levels above ground and 8…
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leontiucmarius · 1 year
OFF/ON THE RECORD, 2 aprilie 2023. Invitat, ora 21.55 : Titus Corlățean, președinte Comisia de Politică Externă din Senat
Coaliția de guvernare a redus în doar câteva ore pragul pentru abuzul în serviciu de la 250.000 de lei, la 9.000 de lei, fără nicio explicație și fără să țină cont de criterii obiective. Cum au ajuns PNL și PSD să-și dea cu stângul în dreptul pe Justiție, de frica criticilor? Cum se poate delimita răspunderea penală de cea civilă, administrativă și disciplinară în cazul abuzului în serviciu? Se…
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petruparcatoru · 4 years
Cei de la Recorder au scos un articol unde poti vedea grafice interactive cu raspunsurile viitorilor parlamentari si tin sa va spun ca 2 oameni au pus la ultima carte citita Fluturi de Irina Binder
Un PSD-ist de 48 de ani din Botosani care s-a cam fastacit sa admita
Un PNL-ist de 44 de ani din Ialomita care e impotriva educatiei sexuale, doreste in schimb EDUCATIE CRESTINEASCA si nu ii e rusine sa admita ca da domnule lui el chiar a citit toate cele 3 volume!
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notebooknebula · 4 years
Marcus Crigler on Improving Businesses and Profitability
https://www.jayconner.com/marcus-crigler-on-improving-businesses-and-profitability/ Jay Conner (00:07): Well, welcome to another episode of Real Estate investing with Jay Conner. I'm Jay Conner, the private money authority. Your host, and a special welcome to you. If this is your first time to be tuning in to the show, we talk about all things real estate investing here. And if you've been tuning in over the last year and a half or so, you know I've had some amazing guests here on the show and today is no different. But before I introduce you to my special guest, this is going to tell you how to save a bunch of money on your taxes and how to increase your cashflow in your business, which I know you're interested in. I've got a free online class that will plug you in to getting funding for your deals. Regardless of what your mortgage broker, your hard money lender, or any of your other funding sources will tell you. Jay Conner (00:57): So if you're interested in getting more money to fund your real estate deals, I'm going to reveal to you the five easy steps as to how you can get funding. So when I started out in 2003 I was relying on the local banks to fund my deals. And then in 2009 I got cut off with no notice and I was introduced to this wonderful world of private money and I haven't missed out on a deal since for not having the funding. So head on over after the show to www.JayConner.com/MoneyPodcast. That's JayConner.com/MoneyPodcast. I'm so excited to have as my guest on today's show, my good friend and fellow mastermind member, Mr. Marcus Crigler. Before I bring Marcus on, let me tell you a little bit about him. Jay Conner (01:50): So after developing relationships with some of the biggest leaders in the United States in real estate investing, Marcus began to notice something that was rather problematic. And it was a trend in many of the real estate investing portfolios. And that was accounting and taxes. Our favorite subjects, right? We're being approached reactively. Listen carefully. Reactively instead of proactively. So Marcus said it out as his mission in the firm where he's at. Duckett ladd is the name of their company. So he set out on a mission. So using his firm's extensive experience in real estate as the platform. And by the way, these people, Marcus and his partners, he's a partner in the firm. They specialize in working directly with real estate investors. So he and the team have developed a very, very strategic approach to increasing cash flow. And as I said, reducing tax liability for their clients. And that's representing over $500 million in assets. So they've got a very partner focused approached to help their real estate investing clients make quicker, more accurate financial decisions. So the business owners, CEOs, what have you, can spend their time doing what they're most passionate about. And of course, as you all have heard me teach and coach, I say to automate the business, do what you're passionate about, dictate, delegate everything else. So with that, Marcus, welcome to the show, my friend. Marcus Crigler (03:32): Hey Jay! I appreciate you having me. I've been able to listen to the show several times and just getting to know you over the past couple of years, it's just been an honor to meet such a guy like you. It's been a blessing. Jay Conner (03:43): Well, same here man. I love your heart. I love you have a servant's heart. I believe that birds of the same feather flock together. So that's why we hit it off right after meeting each other a couple of years ago. And of course, as I mentioned, we're in a mastermind together and get to see each other four times a year. But first let's start with this, Marcus. How is it that you're qualified to talk about what you're going to be talking about on today's show? Marcus Crigler (04:09): Yeah, that's a great question. So first and foremost, I'm a CPA and that just means I went through and studied really hard and passed the test. That's pretty much what that means. But more than that. And the thing that probably qualifies me more than passing a test is what I've done to study this industry. And study how people in this industry can not only save money in taxes but save a generic cashflow in their business and become more profitable. And so I get the luxury and I say luxury and I mean luxury of working with some great, great real estate investors. And so I kind of get a cheat sheet, if you will, to see what are the really, really solid real estate investors doing it. And how can I help real estate investors all over the country, you know, take in some of those concepts and really grow their portfolio and grow their business with that knowledge. Jay Conner (05:02): Well, you know, one thing that really stood out to me about you, Marcus, is when we first got to know each other. Is you and your partners have got a very, very unique approach and perspective when it comes to how you view your real estate investing clients. And really what the relationship should look like and what your relationship looks like with your clients. So, you know, most people that you know are using a CPA or an accountant, most of the time it's, you see them one time a year, you're doing the tax return, et cetera. So what is it about you and your partners that is so different from the traditional relationship that a CPA would have with their real estate investing client? Marcus Crigler (05:58): Yeah, it's a great question. So one of the things that, when we set out to do something a little different in the CPA profession, we're all younger guys and you know, we all have kind of a mission behind us. And when we set out to kind of make a change in this industry, one of the changes we wanted to make was the ability in the common nature, I guess, for our business owners to come to us and ask us questions about how to make their business better, how to make their business stronger, not only saving taxes. We can do that and, and most CPAs that know the industry can help you in that realm. But where we differ a little bit and where I think we have a little bit of a better opportunity to serve is that we don't care just about how much money you're saving in taxes, but we want you to make more money as an individual, as a business. Marcus Crigler (06:46): And so we want to see you at a minimum quarterly. And go over your books, make sure they're correct, make sure you're able to make decisions on those books or records that you have. Because if you're not, if you're not basing decisions in your business, off of data, it's just simply a guess. And if you're guessing at your business, eventually it's going to hurt you. You may be able to get by with it for so long. Once you get to a size and business where you are, you're a full time in this industry. Having somebody with a financial background that can analyze your books and give you an idea of, Hey, this is what's going right in your business and this, this isn't, you know, this is really, you're struggling here. Either need to focus on this a little bit more, maybe drop, maybe this is a piece of your business that you need to focus on. Marcus Crigler (07:30): And so those are the kinds of conversations that I'm having on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. As a matter of fact, just yesterday I spent a full eight hours with a group in setting up a plan for their 2020 goals and how to get them, how to achieve them. Not only set, you know, everybody goes and sets goals. You can set these big enormous goals and you're never going to hit them. What we look at doing is setting these goals, but then backing into, okay, strategically, how can we actually manage to hit these things? And now we can hold them accountable to those goals throughout the entire year. So that's just a completely different relationship than just going in and seeing your tax guy once a year and hoping that, you know, at the end of the year you don't have a big tax bill or you know, finding out at the end of the year. Oh wow. I didn't make any money. Jay Conner (08:18): It sounds like part of your relationship is being an accountability partner. Marcus Crigler (08:24): It absolutely is. Yeah. I, you know, it's funny, you know, we call it sometimes, we call it CFO, fractional CFO type work. Almost every single client that we have is on some sort of fractional CFO type level. But you know, and the reality is, some of it is being a psychologist. Some of it's being a coach. Some of it's being kind of a mediator between partners. All of those things kind of play in because we're so hands on business and we allow the business owner to have a really a third party representation in their business that most businesses don't have. But they, but they really need, Jay Conner (08:59): Yeah. Well, you know, most entrepreneurs, most, not all, but most from my observation lane towards being the visionary, being the creative type and us people, I'm one of those, we really need somebody to help us have the discipline of looking at the books, looking at the numbers, looking at the balance sheet, looking at the year to date profit and loss and comparing those line items. I mean, you know, last year through the first three months we spent X number of marketing dollars in these different areas. Well, you know, is that stuff being tracked and measured and can you really measure effectively, you know, your costs to conversion, your cost of lead and really be able to see you. What are you getting a return on your money? Right? Marcus Crigler (09:52): Absolutely. Yeah, that's a great point. And you know, reviewing your books and really getting an understanding. What do they mean, what's on the balance sheet that should be important to you? What are the things that you should be looking at and analyzing? What are the things on the PNL that you should be looking at and analyzing? And what's the difference between the two? And what's the cash flow statement? And why should I look at that? Those are all the things that we talk about, but you know, you made a good point there. You know, I went through an exercise and you know, two weeks ago or something like that on a marketing. And you know, we dove into this, this company's marketing budget and where they were spending their money and it was interesting, they were in a bigger metropolitan area and they were spending all of these direct mail money in a zip codes that they were, they weren't making any money in those zip codes. Marcus Crigler (10:42): So they were just throwing bad money, good money and bad over and over and over again instead of dialing it in, using analytics to drive your decisions, not just go out and plaster, you know, direct mail everywhere. In that situation we were able to take 80% of their deals and narrow it down to half of their zip codes and now they have the decision to, okay, do I want to have the same budget for direct mail and hit those zip codes harder? What do I want to reduce my drag mail budget? Now they've got the ability to make that right decision for what they're, what they want to do. And so those are the kinds of things that we try and dive in and help our clients become better that way. Jay Conner (11:21): That's great. Now your firm, particularly you. You focus on real estate investing clients. So you probably, since you, you know, served quite a few real estate investors as clients, you have probably noticed a trend of commonalities of to where, there's just some, some common missed opportunities if you will, that real estate investors through using their local accountant. That doesn't specialize in, you know, like you all specialize. What are some of the areas or items that real estate investors could be taking advantage of that they maybe are not taking advantage of? And, or you know, errors. Marcus Crigler (12:09): Yeah, absolutely. So I'll tell you the biggest mistake that I see and the one that causes the most surprises is incorrect entity structuring. And when I say an incorrect entity structuring, that has everything to do with knowing when to have a disregarded entity. Knowing when to have an S corporation. And knowing when to have a C corporation. And know when to have a partnership. And those are all taxed a little differently. And so the IRS has different rules for all of those. So if you don't mind, I'll just kind of give a couple of quick examples of how people can use those types of entities to benefit them. Marcus Crigler (12:45): So in S Corp, and I'll just to kind of talk about the two main, which is an S Corp or partnership. So an S Corp is where you want to house your active income business. So this is a business that, you know, if you're a flipping company, that's where you house your flipping company. If you're a wholesaler, that's where you, house your wholesale. It's active. You're out actually out there, you're physically doing work or you've got a team physically doing work and you're generating income from them. Now, that's an S Corp. Now if you have rental properties, this is very, very different. This is where I see the big, big mistakes happen. If you have rental properties and you have those inside of an S corp, it could cause you a huge, huge heartache as far as hidden taxes that you don't know about. I won't go into those because they're kind of complicated and we don't have enough time on this podcast to do that. Marcus Crigler (13:37): But what I will tell you is anytime you're on a rental property, you're most likely going to want to have that into what's called a disregarded entity, which is an LLC that you own 100% yourself or in a partnership. And again, we're all speaking in generalities here cause I don't know anybody's specific situation in that kind of stuff. I got to get my disclaimers there as an accountant. Right. But, but generally speaking, you're going to want to have those rental properties in a partnership because it gives you more flexibility and it eliminates a lot of the tax traps that you've seen in S-corporation with real estate. So just by doing those two things right off the bat, that probably is going to eliminate, I'd say 50% of the mistakes that I've seen, especially hidden mistakes that I've seen that, you know, I hate to say this, but last year I had a new client come to me this year and just because they didn't follow those rules, that cost them $200,000 in additional taxes. It is just entity structure, right? Marcus Crigler (14:34): And just knowing where to put the right things in your business. And so that was not a fun conversation for me to have. And unfortunately there wasn't anything we could undo about it. But that's how important it is. Right. So other things that I see quite often, you know, we talk about this QBI deduction and if you've been an entrepreneur, and over the last year you've probably heard of that. That came in with a new tax code changes. Well, once you reach a certain threshold and get on and go into the details too much here, but once you reach a certain threshold, you have to pay out salaries in your business in order to maximize that QBI deduction, which is 20% deduction for you of all your income. So that's a huge deal. But if you're not paying out salaries, if all your, your employees are 1099 and you're not paying yourself out of salary, you've lost that opportunity. And so that's a huge mistake and it's a simple mistake to fix. That's the great thing about it. Those two things are both really, really simple things that can save a ton of money on your textbooks. Jay Conner (15:38): I got you. So in addition to that, I know you've got a free report that you're going to offer of the audience here in a moment. And that free report I think is titled the three biggest mistakes in 2019 that real estate investors either guilty of or whatever, Marcus Crigler (15:59): Yeah, the three mistakes real estate investors make on their taxes is, is, and it's from 2019 I wrote this right after the 2019 tax season was over with and just kind of compiled three big things that I saw real estate investors mistake. Both of those things that we just talked about are all in there. It goes into a little bit more detail about what you need to know about those and how that kind of fix those problems going forward. Jay Conner (16:21): Alright, well before I ask you another question, let's go ahead and give out your contact information mortgage as to how people can go get a copy of that report and how they can continue the conversation with you. Marcus Crigler (16:33): Yeah, absolutely. So the easiest way to reach out to us is Duckettladd.com it's our website. On the website you'll have a little button that says, are you a real estate investor? You push that, it's going to take you to our real estate investment page. And you can see everything you want to know about us as a firm, as far as real estate investors. And on that page you also get the opportunity to get that free guide throw in your email address. We're not going to spam you with a bunch of stuff. We don't actually even have an email campaign going, but it's just so opportunity for us to kind of get ahold of you and reach out to you if we have some cool things going on. Jay Conner (17:08): Alright, so we've got viewers and we got listeners here on the show. So let me make sure I got this right. So your website is www.DuckettLadd.com. Correct? Marcus Crigler (17:26): You got it. Jay Conner (17:27): Alright! Super! Well everybody, you definitely want to take advantage of getting on over there to that website and getting that free report. So Marcus, so you've got real estate investors as clients, pretty much all over the nation, right? Marcus Crigler (17:41): Yes. That's accurate. Jay Conner (17:42): Right. And so tell everybody where are you located? Marcus Crigler (17:45): Yeah, I'm in Springfield, Missouri. Which, you know, most people probably have heard of Kansas city, no not there. No where near Kansas city's at. We're about two and a half hours South of Kansas city. We're an MSA of about half a million or so. Jay Conner (17:58): Gotcha. So let me be the devil's advocate for a second. So you got clients all over the nation, so clearly you're going to be able to help people with the federal return. And of course you can coach them and consult them on, you know, the cash flow and saving taxes. But how do you work it when they're needing to file their state taxes? How does that work? Marcus Crigler (18:23): Yeah, that's a great question. So, just as you kind of alluded to, we do have real estate investors all over the, all over the country. So we do have to file a number of state returns. Matter of fact, I believe we have a state return in every state except Hawaii and Alaska, which I wouldn't mind doing one at Hawaii. I'll specifically go to that client to see them. But yes, so we have experienced in just about every single state. If we don't for whatever reason or if we need to learn a little bit more about it, we've got a great group of tax professionals that can do a little dig and do a little research plus, you know, to be honest with you, we have a, we pay a good amount of money for our tax software that also helps guide us through these States and these various States in the intricacies of every state, that kind of stuff. Jay Conner (19:10): Gotcha. Now when you're working with your clients, you know, with you being there in Springfield, your, you know, your meetings that you have with them, I mean, did you all get together in person or do you have throughout the years, zoom conference meetings or you know, how do you communicate with your clients? Marcus Crigler (19:28): Yeah, it all depends. Mostly zoom, video conferencing, very similar to what we're doing here. Most people, that's their preference anyways. Even if I was in their town, they would rather you kind of sit in their office, in their, you know, in their location that they're comfortable with. And be on a zoom and we can pretty much accomplish everything possible on that. Longer meetings. When I do strategic planning full days, one, two day meetings, we usually do that in person and that can either be in our, in Springfield, Missouri, we have the ability to host that or sometimes I go out to clients. It just kind of depends on the situation. Jay Conner (20:04): Excellent. Excellent. Alright Marcus, well we're out of time for this show, but any parting comments you'd like to share with the audience? Marcus Crigler (20:12): Yeah, Jay. Well, I just appreciate you having me on here and I hope that you know, we're in, we're in 2020 now tax season is here. I hope everybody has been able to do a little bit of tax planning and you know, they don't have any surprises on their tax bill. And then like I said, I just appreciate you having us on here and I really appreciate what you do for your audience. I think it's just fantastic that kind of value you give out for free, which is even more incredible. The kind of free value that you give out. I just have certainly respected that Jay Conner (20:40): You bet, you Marcus. Well, I appreciate you, Marcus. I appreciate our friendship and our time that we have together the mastermind. So everybody, again, take advantage of that free report and reach out to Marcus at www.DuckettLadd.com Well, I'm Jay Conner, the private money authority. Thank you for tuning in. Be sure and not miss out anymore of the episodes we have coming up. So if you're on iTunes, be sure to rate or subscribe, rate and review. If you're on one of our YouTube channels, be sure and subscribe there as well. So we look forward to seeing you on the next show. And here's to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. Bye for now. -------------------------------------------------- Visit: https://www.jayconner.com/
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pigeonpartytime · 3 years
This is kinda a part two to Detritus and McCarran Meet at Hades’ Palace but like not at the same time because it’s set 17 years after. It’s a spiritual successor to the last one, I guess. But I hope y’all enjoy my orignal content of my own world. - C
Do Not Tempt the Wrath of Hades
Detritus hadn’t been down all day when they came. He was upstairs in his quarters listening to his record collection before one of his right-hand men told him that McCarran was downstairs in the throne room “with an strange man”. He said it was urgent. McCarran never came without warning so Detritus knew something wasn’t right.
He quickly did up his shirt after putting on some armour underneath. He grabbed his revolver and put it in the holster on his belt. He then grabbed his trench coat and metal crown as he walked down the stairs. In the throne room, McCarran was on his knees and his arms were manacled. A figure in a white uniform removed its helmet, revealing a pale face. Detritus glared at this man stood in his throne room with his best friend restrained under him, blood streaming down his face.
“Detritus. Or should I say Lawrence Connolly. It’s such a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.” The uniformed man says.
“Let go of my friend.” Detritus walked up to the man, towering over him. He was over 6 inches taller than him, yet he didn’t flinch, “You don’t know what you’re messing with do you?”
Detritus turns briefly to nod to one of his henchmen stood around the perimeter of the room, signalling for the army to prepare. This wasn’t going to be a polite encounter.
“I don’t? Detective Connolly. My name is Lucien Augustus. I am here from the Provadence National Laboratory to eliminate your threat to our aim of uniting and bringing peace to Terrefis. We cannot achieve that with you monsters having invaded half of this continent.” Lucien replies, a coldness in his voice that definitely didn’t go unnoticed.
“I got this land through democratic means. What you want is illegal. Even in a nuclear wasteland. And it’s Chief Detective Inspector, asshole.” Detritus growls, his voice going lower and lower with every word. “I didn’t work for 200 years for some nerd to come and tell me about the laws I’ve read over a hundred times. Now you’re going to let my friend here go and you’re going to leave my palace. My empire. And never return. Do not tempt the wrath of Hades.”
Lucien recoils slightly before letting out a long, loud, caustic laugh. His dark grey eyes staring blankly into Detritus’s.
“The wrath of Hades? What are you going to do? Send your militia up against my steel titan? You can’t scrape the surface of our might.”
“The ultimate sacrifice. It will kill everyone in this Palace and the whole citadel. But everyone from here to Natzoya will see the beacon. Do not tempt the wrath of Hades.”
Detritus grins at Lucien before clocking in the face with a fist. As he staggers, he quickly gets McCarran out of his manacles.
“You need to get out. There’s an escape out from my quarters. Get to my garage and take the fusioncycle and get as far away as possible. I’ll meet up with you to the east. The camp is just outside the blast range.”
“Blast range? You’ll kill yourself! Laurie. Come on, you have to get out as well...”
Detritus doesn’t let McCarran finish, “Dominic, I’ll survive. I’m these idiots’ god. The radiation will protect me. Now get out. The fusion cycle goes pretty fast, you’ll just need to avoid the bullets.”
“OK. I’ll see you later, good luck. And, thanks.” McCarran smiles before running out, frantically trying to get a signal from his radio but to no avail.
Detritus walks back over to Lucien, now stood back up straight, wiping a dribble of blood from where Detritus’s old wedding band cut him.
“Now. Any last words?”
“Heh.” Lucien replies with blind confidence, “Yeah. I’m taking this tower down with you.”
A large slam shakes the tower, the open doors showing the ‘face’ of the titan, a huge android battle machine.
“If you destroy the tower, everything goes down with it. Do you even know what used to be down under the crater? An army weapons bunker. And it’s filled with enough explosives to make every bit of the crater explode like a volcano. In 3... 2... 1...”
As Detritus hits 1 on his countdown, a deep rumbling makes the tower tremble in its foundations.
“Do not tempt... the wrath of Hades.”
The tower disintegrates in nuclear waste, exploding outward, destroying everything within the walls of the citadel. Detritus seems to levitate amongst the radiation. His trench coat flapping in the settling breeze. A tear streaks down his cheek as he realises everything he had made was gone. The houses. The people. Hades’ Tower. The books. The records.
A small piece of paper drifts down by Detritus. He catches it in his hand, the page reads “O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!”. He slowly floats back down to the ground. He takes off his crown, places it on the remains of the steps into the palace before turning away and walking slowly through the ruins. Irrads and Necri litter the streets. So do synthetics.
He walks to the east, covering his eyes as the suns rise over the horizon one after another.
“Do not tempt the wrath of Hades”, Detritus whispers to himself, “I sounded like an idiot.”
So What Now?
It had been a week since Hades’ Palace fell. Since the Empire fell. Detritus had been staying at the Courier HQ for the time being but hardly left his quarters. He sat there in mournful silence, with sadness he hadn’t felt since discovering what had happened to the outside world 200 years before.
He sat on his bed, playing with his golden ring, the only memory he had left now of the world before. It was a memory that brought warmth to his heart. He remembered him as human, a young man. He wad with his wife, the two were walking down the street during the night after an evening at the bar. They stop off at a small park on the way home, sat by a pond. He feels the gentle breeze, the warmth of his wife against him.
A tear streaks down his dry cheek, the tear hurts more than the memories. He hears the door knocking as he wipes away his tears.
“Hey, Laurie. Can I come in?” He hears a familiar voice, McCarran is stood at the doorway.
“Yeah...” Laurie mumbles, snuffling.
“How you holding up? This a lot for you to take in.” McCarran comes and sits next to Laurie, putting his arm around his shoulder, “That’s a pretty ring.”
“Yeah. It was.” Laurie replies, holding himself back from crying, “I was married before the war. She was beautiful. I miss her so much.”
“Losing someone is hard enough. Then to loose everything else you have. I’m... sorry, Laurie.”
“Thanks. I don’t think I’ll really the same after this. I’m sorry as well.”
“Hey. I actually brought you something. I spent a good bit of money on this and I feel like you needed something to make you feel a bit better.”
McCarran reaches into his rucksack and brings out a square paper bag. He takes out the contents, a limited edition copy of Laurie’s all time favourite record. McCarran smiles up at Laurie as he stands up and walks over to the small record player in the corner of Laurie’s quarters.
“Do... do you want me to put it on?” McCarran asks, looking over to Laurie before putting it on.
Laurie wipes his tears from his face again before smiling slightly. McCarran sits back next to him and grabs Laurie into a tight hug. The two sit there for a while, listening to the same album they had listened to when they first met 17 years before.
“So what now? What’s next for the Syndicate, McCarran?” Laurie inquires, slight look of hope made his clouded over eyes glisten.
“I’m not sure. I got my revenge, thanks to you. I guess we just have to wait and see.”
“Yeah. I’ll be by your side no matter what. We’re gonna make a difference.”
The two sit there, listening to the album play. This was the dawn of a new era. But their work wasn’t quite finished yet. The director may be out of the picture, but the PNL was still a threat.
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