capncornflake · 11 months
I have broken the second seal holding shut Pandora's Box. Like last time, the resulting spell is completely free for all to read and observe.
happy halloween/samhain/dia de los muertos/etc 🎃 ⏳ 👻
Direct link: https://gospeloferis.com/preview/DPH-002.pdf
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kippelhouse · 1 year
Uno de los privilegios de los "machirulos" en Ukrania (y en casi todo el mundo "civilizado") es el de servir obligatoriamente (bajo pena de muerte) como carne de cañón en las trincheras. La Fiscalía puede "perseguir" a los ucranianos en el extranjero mediante la expedición de órdenes internacionales para capturarlos y obligarlos a luchar en la guerra contra el invasor ruso.
Kiev busca a miles de ucranianos huidos de la guerra para forzar su regreso y alistamiento. Polonia llega a un acuerdo con Zelenski y comienza las deportaciones entre un grupo de 80.000 refugiados del país vecino en edad militar. Otros gobiernos de la UE recibirán previsiblemente en las próximas semanas miles de solicitudes de extradición por parte de la Justicia ucraniana.
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th3r34l-k1ng0f-h3ll · 3 months
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this little catboy is insane about transfemme Edgar Allan Poe
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autism-corner · 25 days
the emberassing thing about having a favourite artist is putting on their music and going 'oh i know this song! its very good!!' EVERY TIME a new one startss
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gurorori · 1 year
i wisj somone treat m with kinedness when im slow,
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saintsgrrl · 2 years
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
To the person who subjected my eyeballs to gnomes poeeing on Gabriel: I will boil your KNEES
Anons, start ripping each other apart for my entertainment :]
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cyberpunkonline · 2 years
Discordianism is a religion or philosophical system that is based on the belief that chaos and disorder are the natural state of the universe. Discordianism originated in the mid-20th century and was popularized by the publication of the "Principia Discordia," a satirical religious text that was written by Greg Hill and Kerry Wendell Thornley under the pseudonyms "Malaclypse the Younger" and "Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst."
At its core, Discordianism is based on the idea that individuals should embrace chaos and disorder as a means of finding freedom and meaning in life. According to Discordianism, the pursuit of order and control is ultimately futile, as the universe is inherently chaotic and unpredictable. As a result, Discordians believe that individuals should learn to accept and adapt to this chaos, rather than trying to impose order on the world.
There are a number of key concepts that are central to Discordianism, including:
Eris: Discordianism is based on the worship of Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos and discord. Discordians believe that Eris represents the natural state of the universe, and that she is responsible for creating the chaos and disorder that are inherent in the world.
The Law of Fives: One of the central tenets of Discordianism is the belief that the number five is a sacred and powerful number. According to the Law of Fives, "all things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to five."
The Pentagon: Discordians often refer to the Pentagon as "the center of the universe," as it is believed to be the physical manifestation of the Law of Fives.
The POEE: The POEE (The Paratheoanametamystichood of Eris Esoteric) is a Discordian organization that is dedicated to the worship of Eris and the promotion of chaos and disorder.
The Sacred Chao: The Sacred Chao is a symbol that is central to Discordianism. It is a combination of the Greek letters Chi and Xi, and is often depicted as a circular symbol with an X in the middle. Discordians believe that the Sacred Chao represents the balance between order and chaos, and that it is a symbol of the inherent unity of the universe.
While Discordianism is often seen as a satirical or humorous religious or philosophical system, it has also been used as a means of critiquing mainstream society and challenging traditional ideas about order and control. Despite its relatively small following, Discordianism has had a significant influence on popular culture and has been referenced in a number of books, movies, and other media.
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skaiiiryn · 7 days
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Mister Poee and Karl (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
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acaciaeocene · 2 months
GP: Is there an essential meaning behind POEE? M2: There is a Zen Story about a student who asked a Master to explain the meaning of Buddhism. The Master's reply was "Three pounds of flax." GP: Is that the answer to my question? M2: No, of course not. That is just illustrative. The answer to your question is FIVE TONS OF FLAX!
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capncornflake · 1 year
The first part of my magnum opus, The Gospel According to Eris, came out today.
It is free. Share it around.
The chaos unleashed by the Apple of Discord only works if everyone gets in on the action. Join me as we launch the most subversive psyop in American history!
Direct link: https://gospeloferis.com/preview/DPH-001.pdf
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Her slime has a nasty habit of clogging the poees of her and those touched by it
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(If you are wondering what this mean, poe is chasing karl but karl goes to V)
(And also how are you my beautiful bestie?)
V saw the racoon and what could be asumed to be his owner and just pick up karl
 (⊗𝕧⊗) "littule guy!"
then she looked at the tall man
 (⊗𝕧⊗) "this your littule guy?"
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(( and i am goood how are you my much prittyer best friend
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paracawsal · 1 year
so last night I was looking at the seasonal artifact and out of curiosity I counted the number of beads on the top (not counting her sigil)
unless I miscounted, there are 23 beads which is hilarious to me bc:
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“The Inside Story!
The Law of Fives is one of the oldest Erisian Mysterees. It was first revealed to Good Lord Omar and is one of the great contributions to come from The Hidden Temple of The Happy Jesus.
POEE subscribes to the Law of Fives of Omar's sect. And POEE also recognizes the Holy 23 (2+3=5) that is incorporated by Episkopos Dr. Mordecai Malignatius,KNS, into his Discordian sect, The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria.
The Law of Fives states simply that:
ALL THINGS HAPPEN IN FIVES, OR ARE DIVISIBLE BY OR ARE MULTIPLES OF FIVE,OR ARE SOMEHOW DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY APPROPRIATE TO 5. The Law of Fives is never wrong. In the Erisian Archives is an old memo from Omar to Mal-2: "I find the Law of Fives to be more and more manifest the harder I look."”
-from principia discordia, which is worth a read since there are a ton of references in the game regarding eris (fair warning though: it is very much of its time so maybe keep that in mind if you read it)
anyway whoever did that: nice lol
edit: isn’t there something about the nine being five? or something like that?
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charmyposh-blog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Alfani Loafers.
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