#POI season 3
czechtex · 1 year
on my person of interest rewatch. really love how joss carter was so widely respected by just about everyone that she was avenged by one of the biggest crime lords in nyc after her death.
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thedragonhermit · 4 months
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First of all, surprise! More Person of Interest! Wow!
Second, my brain would not let go of trying to form a PoI x Fallout AU, and for a while I didn't think I could make it work (ie: how do you get a franchise dependent on stuff like the internet and phone booths to work in one with neither), until I had an actual shower thought about it being specifically a Fallout 4 AU!
Basically it's just Fallout-y versions of the PoI main cast, with Fallout-y versions of their backstories, and following a Fallout-y version of the show's plot, but the plot of Fallout 4 is also happening at the same time with John filling the role of the Sole Survivor (except Harold got him out of Vault 111 instead of Father, and John isn't Shaun's dad lol). Oh and the Institute's surveillance of the Commonwealth is provided by the Machine, and yet Finch has ensured they don't have full access so he can use it the way he wants to: to help improve the lives of the people of the Wasteland!
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Person of Interest | 3.21 'Beta'
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willowmosby · 1 year
Listen I told my self that I wasn't going to get invested enough in Person of Interest to talk about here but here I am anyway. It was chugging along being a good background show with Some really fun, if a little trope-y, cop characters and watching Harold Finch and John Reese act kinda gay and stop crime. I'm a big Amy Acker fan ( that's actually why I even started the show) so I wasn't upset about the shift in focus towards Root and Shaw a little bit as I entered season 3.
The problem I have actually run into is fucking season 3 episode 9: The Crossing. It just made me angry at a show's choices in a way I haven't felt in a while - please note I haven't watched past that episode as of writing this but I will eventually do so.
An the assumption that she really is dead( that looked pretty fucking fatal) I will miss Joss Carter a lot but that's not necessarily what made me angry. It seemed to me that the writers knew that the actor wanted out of the show from the start of the season as the whole season 3 arc was a seemingly slow moving suicide. It wasn't poorly written but it was obvious that this was a different type of Joss Carter than season 1 & 2.
No my problem wasn't necessarily her death. It's the "romantic" declarations of the episode. Now before you look back at the start of this and post and think I'm just mad because it wasn't my very unlikely to ever be a cannon ship that got confirmed, well you're only partially right.
Yes I'm a Rinch shipper( if follow my blog at all you've probably put together that I often root if the queer ships) but I genuinely would have been fine resigning myself to fanfiction while they get hopelessly paired up with some unsuspecting women. I understand that's how crime drama TV operates. And you know I actually like John and Zoe as a ship, if they were developed a bit more I think they could've been a lot of fun.
My problem is not that the whole you "saved me from commiting suicide" speech John gives Carter is equally, if not more, applicable to his relationship with Finch. Well, okay my problem is not only that. My problem is where was any of the romantic build up between Carter and John, like literally anything? They work great as narrative foils when Carter was still on the "the law is the only law" train. And they work great as friends as Carter steps more into the "some minor crime for the greater good is okay" camp. But not once did I think " oh these two are about to fall in love". Not even when Shaw asked about it earlier in season 3 did I think the show was going to actually pair them up like this. Now I hear you when you say that there are examples of characters with less chemistry have become couples. It's just, I'm not sure what the narrative gain is here. They had to know they were killing off Carter that same episode and this "revelation" doesn't add anything to the character. If anything it doesn't make sense with the revenge for Cal Becher (Beacher? Beecher?- You know who I'm talking about) angle that the writers have been using all season. And if it's about furthering John's character that's just dumb. I wouldn't consider it fridgeing as I'm pretty sure this is an actor who wants an out of contract situation(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), but that doesn't excuse it as a narrative choice. John unequivocally cares about Carter and would be upset about her death regardless or romantic inclinations, as would Lionel and Finch. They already have an in on the revenge story line (which is where I assume they are going with this). Why bother with the romance especially when John already has the lost love story in his background. Like what Jessica isn't enough of a dead romance they needed to shoe in Joss as well.
Anyway I also wish this was like a mid season finale not episode like 9. Like bro why are you putting away one of your biggest villains so far and this is only a third of the way in the season.
And I wish that Lionel wasn't just suddenly back in the plot, like I know you have a bigger cast now and I m glad he's here but build the guy up a little bit better please.
I also think the Root in a cage thing is a little weird like I know all of these people are chugging the " the ends justify the means" juice but it still seems like there are other options Finch would choose. ( that being said Root and Finch's conversation about the machine somehow come off like " I had sex with your daughter, and I don't care if you know” which was hilarious to me)
Anyway sorry for the rant thanks for listening and I do hope the show gets back into a groove.
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themirokai · 2 years
POI 03x01: Liberty
Season 3! I have thoughts! Here we go!
So my initial reaction was, and my notes say that I love Shaw. And I do, but then I started thinking about her more and realized that her main role seems to be A Badass Who Is Not Like Other Girls And Does Quips.
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(This is one of those gifs that I’ve seen a million times and it was super fun to encounter “in the wild.” But also, “Look! She eats her steak on a knife! She’s not like other girls! She’s a badass!”)
Previously the role of Badass Who Quips was filled by John. And while he’s still that, we now know him as a more nuanced deeply traumatized character which makes him so much more interesting. I guess my hope is that we get more background on Shaw so that she is fleshed out more than this.
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ALSO? Y’all I have seen a huge number of fics which refer to her medical training and have the boys going to her for treatments but it seems like her only qualification is that she’s been shot a lot???
I am very interested in what seems to be The Machine taking Root and saying “I can fix her.”
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BUT I do feel like exploring the new(ish) characters is coming at the expense of sidelining Carter.
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GIF by @eyesofwitt Original
She got busted down to beat cop! She’s still going after HR but not telling John and Harold about it! That is interesting! I want more. I know John checked in on her (in the most cursory way possible) but it seems super weird to me that Harold, who is an empathetic and caring person, has seemingly not reached out to her.
ALSO has Harold not noticed that his chess buddy Elias is no longer in jail?? That seems like something he would care about!
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
It does seem incredibly unlikely that Harold doesn’t know the circumstances behind John’s enlistment. He knows everything about John right? Is there later canon on this that I should be aware of if- ahem- there were to be some forthcoming fan fic?
And finally… look they are clearly on a date at the end:
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GIF by @deelylah-sedai Original
Friends, pals, it is Extremely Distressing to me that apparently no one has written fic of this beer date! And while I make absolutely no promises, I have been Thinking Thoughts about such a fic.
Anyway, come tell me what you thought of this episode or if you disagree with my takes!
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witchofinterest · 1 year
friends, romans, countrymen, what was the last show that made you think abt is incessantly?
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I asked Chatgpt for a summary of the S1 of poi and then asked it to say it in rap and it gratuitously calling John insane sent me
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xninaspace · 1 year
Y'all didn't tell me POI had COMIC BOOKS written for season 3 !
This is epic dude.
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pascallatte · 2 years
Y/n and Lina’s memorable Narcos scenes (season 1)
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: Narcos BTS part 3, a little throwback, more like a compilation of Y/n’s funny moments on set, for the se 1 of Narcos
Date: December 2015
Taglist: @benonlinear, @t-stark35, @heyitsme-2, @elleeeee21, @holmesstrange, @tagakalat, @flyestvenustrap, @oldermenaremyreligion, @cherryred444, @avengersheart, @guacala
A/n: this will be in both reader’s view and what can be seen during the episodes. Hoping you guys won’t get confused. 
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Episode 1: Descenso - chimney with a moustache
Seated next to Pedro, you were holding your own fake drink waiting for the camera to cue.
“La Dispensaria?” Maurice said as soon as the cameras started rolling. “Listo." The camera signalled to both of you before the lens focused.
“Adivina quien era” stating his line as he gestures to you and Pedro. Raising your eyebrows, you tried to keep your look as serious as possible.
“Tu companero,” you shoved a couple nuts in your mouth as you shook your head, chuckling. “Me acaba de dar un regalito,” Maurice continued to say his lines while you tried to not be bothered by the way Pedro’s ‘smoke’ was directed at you.
“Pois-“ he was interrupted by your cough and wheezing, making both males turn to you.
Pedro cracked a small smile,” what the hell happened to you?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” looking around at the staff, “ The smoke just got too much I was like inhaling everything this chimney with a moustache was producing,” pointing to Pedro who broke into a laugh before pushing your face to the side.
Episode 2: The Sword of Simon Bolivar - Stumble-lina??
“And action!!” 
You watched from the entrance as Boyd and Pedro shook hands for the hundredth time for their supposed meeting.
“Javier?” Pedro only gave a nod in response, before he walked closer to you, hand still raised, “Catalina?”
“Yes,” shaking his hand. Raising his eyebrows. “American?” He asks.
You only stared at him and didn’t give him an answer, before looking behind him at Pedro. Nudging your head to the side as a signal for him to lead "Steve" inside the embassy.
“We’re going to Medellin?” Boyd asked Pedro as both walked in front of you, at a quick pace might I add.
Trying your best to keep up, you just focused on staying in character. You cleared your throat speeding up as you see the door you were supposed to enter to.
“Jarheads..” You walked inside, “this is-whoa!” And of course, you didn’t see the mat on the floor making you stumble down.
“Ok cut!” Screamed the director
Sitting on your knees, you looked up at them before crossing your arms. “Can I walk before you guys the next time we shoot this,” your scene partners both hid their smiles when they understood what you mean.
“ Guys, I can’t keep up, and if you want this part to finish, better put me in front.” You said getting up and breathing out a laugh, noticing the red faces of your friends as they stopped themselves.
Episode 3: The Men of Always - Pedro cam mess
“Hello, Pedro cam! I’m supposed to enter that scene behind me in a minute, I think, but in the meantime, I'm gonna hold on to this,” turning the camera back to them, they were seen sitting inside the small restaurant about to talk about the dead cat if you weren’t mistaken. You zoomed in on their faces, stifling a laugh when you got a clear view of Pedro.
Boyd who noticed your position, let out a subtle smirk before going back into character.
“Ahhh, look it’s Javier Penaaaa, the stupidly, hot, and annoying DEA agent who loves his moustache so much, but that might just be P himself”
Zooming in a little bit more, you tried to trace his moustache with your finger in front of the lens. Chuckling, you didn’t notice that a cut was called out, making Pedro look at you as you audibly gasped.
“You!” He pointed at you while you tried to run away.
“No, I didn’t do anything OIII”
“Get that camera away from me,”
“ What do you mean, there are cameras all over you, why won’t you stop them,”
“I won’t be explaining myself,” he takes the camera before facing it towards himself. “Ok ‘Pedro cam’ is no more.”
What you didn’t see in the back was Boyd stalking closer to the two of you, and as soon as Pedro finishes talking he scoops you up and places you on his shoulder running away.
Episode 4: The Palace in Flames - The blooper that was included in the episode
You were once again seated in a cafe with Boyd opposite you and Pedro on the right of you. Breathing out a sigh, you leaned on his shoulder, zoning out.
In spacing out for a few seconds, you didn’t notice the director yelling action. Which made you make a confused face when Boyd stood up to give Joanna a kiss, looking around you saw the cameras rolling. 
“Your girlfriend?” Ana asks Pedro while gesturing to you who was still processing what happened.
Figuring out that she was in character you cleared your throat and shake your head, “uhh No, I’m also CIA.”
“And cut!!”
Groaning you leaned your elbows on the table, covering your face with your hands, “I think I spaced out.”
“You think?” Pedro said laughing, before reaching out to ruffle your hair. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was muffled when you moved and planted your face on his chest making your scene partners and staff laugh.
Episode 5: There Will be a Future - the scene that proved the slow burn watchers was theorized when Netflix announced your character, Catalina, was to be Javier’s love interest.
“Was with my buddy, John. He was my best man. We were late,” sighing, Javier takes a sip from his beer, before turning to look at Lina through the mirror.
“It was fucking blazing outside, 110 degrees,” She was seen taking a long glance at him before looking out the window.
She listened the whole time Javier was telling his story, and never once did she interrupt him like she used to.
“Please don’t tell me you left her at the altar,” Steve grinned towards Javier.
Javier turns to look in Catalina’s direction only to see that she was already looking at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, as if communicating through their eyes, before Javier breaks it responding to Steve, “I….don’t know if she actually made it to the altar.”
“Well, you saved her a lifetime of hell.”
“Yeah, she forgave me. Eventually, married a stockbroker from Dallas” 
“Hm,” Lina lets out finding this part of his story funny.
Glancing at her, “Trust me, she’s better off,” 
“What if Father Sabrino talks?” Steve asks Javier as soon as he sees a car coming their way.
Sitting up, Lina checks her gun, before leaning on the centre console letting out a shaky breath.
Javier turns to her, answering Steve’s question but maintaining eye contact. As he slowly places his hand on top of hers.
Navegante enters their car eyeing Lina up and down before looking front. Noticing the exchange, Javier tells Steve to take Lina’s seat making her sit in front.
“Sorry, I’m late. I couldn’t came before.” Navegante’s broken English broke through the tense air.
“What’ve you got,” Lina asks him with a slightly shaky breath. Javier’s hand was on her knees by then softly stroking the part, trying to calm her nerves.
“Gacha’s going tonight to Cartagena,” the dealer says making all three agents look at him.
“Gacha….is in Cartagena. Tonight.” Lina repeated as soon as they arrived at Javier’s room. 
The thoughts in her head kept her pacing around the room. And all Javier can do is watch her.
“I-.. if gacha’s there that means, he’s there too right? Escobar? W-which means we can catch him, right? Now?” Turning towards Javier who was now standing behind her to her surprise.
Without waiting for a response, she takes her gun and checked if the mag is full, patting herself to see if she’d brought anything that can reveal her identity.
Lina kept mumbling to herself seemingly close to panicking because this was the closest they’d been to Escobar and his group since she’s arrived, close to a year ago.
Looking at him, “J-javi, check your gun, you have to” her rambling ceased as soon as Javier’s hands had cupped her cheeks tilting them upwards.
Shushing her, “Catalina, Lina, Hermosa. Calm down, nothing will happen ok?” He reassures her. Slowly breathing in and out, he guides her to follow his breathing.
“That’s it, it’s ok, yeah? Nothing will happen tonight, nothing will go wrong, you have to calm down,” Javier says softly, which is something he himself was unfamiliar with. He then leans his forehead on hers as he stared into her eyes to soothe her.
Nodding, she reaches up to hold his wrists and exhales before closing her eyes. Leaning forward to rest her forehead on his chest instead.
Episode 6: Explosivos - that was hot
“So I just push him right??” 
“Yes Y/n, cameras rolling in five, four, three..” 
You stand in position, getting in character.
“Get the fuck back, the fuck back,” you aim your gun at the person to your left. Before turning back to the actor you’ve thrown to the ground.
You kicked him once, before straddling him and inserting the tip of the gun in his mouth. Shouting, “Usted trabaja para mi, maricon!” holding the man by his hair. Hitting his cheek a few times, as you angrily stared at him.
“Si! Claro? Esta claro?” the actor nods shakingly. You let go of his hair and stand up. Spitting on him, “Fucking bitch,” you finished with a kick.
“Aaand cut!!!”
Running back to the actor, you asked if he was ok and if that was too much, you only received an appreciative nod for asking and a resounding no it wasn’t too much cause it was what was needed.
A large smile erupted on your face as soon as you turned back around, fanning yourself, “oh my gosh.”
“That was hot,” Pedro said standing up from where he was watching from the side before taking you in his arms.
Episode 7: You will cry tears of blood - y/n shenanigans
The camera zooms in on you is laying on the ground with a water bottle on your neck. You were seen fanning yourself, as you’ve just finished the chase scene for this part of the episode.
Pedro walked towards you, offering a hand to pull you up. Accepting it, you slowly stood up before resting on the wall behind you. You were seen conversing with each other but the camera was too far away to get something, the next thing you see was Pedro getting soaked and you running away from the irritated stylist, who was also seen laughing.
Episode 8: La Gran Mentor - behind the scenes of y/n’s disheveled look as Catalina.
Standing in the room, wearing a robe. Make-up smudged, hair messy, and with a look-of-content, the camera moves to show the room you were in.
“Hello Netflix, well, this is the look of my character, Catalina, after uhmmm- the scene” you looked behind the camera
“I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what scene and who I’m with, but this is the look, the room, and the vibe. And let me tell you, I am loving it.”
The view cuts to you in bed being fixed up by your stylists, waving to the camera. You joke a little, by slightly pulling the blanket down your chest which made the stylist slap your hand making you laugh.
Episode 9: La Catedral - we are all simps for Catalina
“Bueno, que piensa?” Javier asks the person behind the desk. Before looking around to see if Lina had followed them to the room. Well, what do you think?
The man takes a closer look at the pictures. Assessing them carefully before nodding to the three agents waiting, “Vale la pena revisar estas fotos. Investigarlas, y créame que lo voy a hacer.” Placing the photos back in the envelope. These photos are worth checking out. Investigate them, and believe me I will.
Lina stood up from her chair leaning closer to the desk in front of Javier, “¿Cuánto tiempo?” She asks looking at the man. How long?
“¿Disculpe?” Excuse me?
“¿Cuanto tiempo antes de que lo termines?” She said dragging her nails on the desk. how long before you finish it?
He thought for a moment, looking at his desk, “tal vez unos días o una semana?” Looking out to see Steve leaning close to the windows. Maybe a few days or a week?
“Pero no podemos esperar unos días, es urgente,” Lina said looking at her partners who were seen nodding at her comment. But we can’t wait a few days, it’s urgent 
“Bueno, lo siento, todavía tenemos cosas que priorizar, esto puede esperar,” the man insisted suddenly growing nervous as soon as her gaze was locked on him. Well I'm sorry, we still have things to prioritize, this can wait
Slowly walking towards him, Catalina takes the folder from the table before pushing it to his chest, “Oh, vamos, por supuesto, puedes priorizar esto. Quiero decir que somos nosotros los que pedimos tu ayuda,” she said slyly. Oh come on now, of course, you can prioritize this. I mean it’s us asking for YOUR help. 
Leaning backwards, he moves his head from side to side taking a look at the two other agents who were avoiding his gaze. Gulping, “Quiero decir, lo sé, pero como dije, no puedes hacer nada por ahora” the shakiness of his voice was evident making her smirk grow wider. I mean I know, but as I said you can’t do anything for now.
Reaching to run her hands on the collar of his button-up, she leans closer before whispering, ““Estas seguro”. Are you sure?
“Seguro de que?” Sure of what?
“¿Que no puedo hacer nada? Estoy seguro de que me conoces, ¿verdad? Haré cualquier cosa por ti, entonces, ¿qué tal si primero haces este archivo antes de hacer cualquier otra cosa? ¿Sí?”  Lina locks eyes with the man leaning closer to his face. That I can’t do anything? I'm sure you know me right? I will do ANYTHING for you, so how about you do this file first before DOING anything else? Yeah?
“mhmm si,” he nodded quickly, taking the envelope in his hands.
Quickly moving back, Lina clasps her hands with a wide smile, ¡Genial, gracias!” Great, thank you!
“Uh, Vuelvo enseguida.” Lina nodded as she waved goodbye to the man who sped right past her. uh, be right back.
Javier and Steve look at each other in disbelief watching Lina take a seat, smirking. Laughing, Steve walks to you and massages your shoulder a bit.
Sitting back Lina uncrosses her arms high giving Steve, “damn this girl can do things right.” He said shaking Javi on the shoulder and walking out of the room
"Uh..nice going Lina,” "
"that’s all?" she asked peering up at him from her chair.
“Huh? What do yo-"
“What I mean is, that's all you can say after I gave you a hard-on, no offence boss but you’re gonna have a hard time hiding….that, smirking Catalina slides her hand from his chest up to his neck before following Steve out the door.
Episode 10: Despegue - take 100??
As soon as you heard a knock, you reached for the door. Expecting it would be a serious scene you put on your game face. Opening the door, instead of facing a “scared, disheartened’ Javier Pena, you were met with the “teasingly, goofy” face of Pedro Pascal.
Bursting out in laughter you hold you stomach leaning on the wall, “Pedro, you’ve got to stop doing” you told him out of breath.
“Oh please, I don’t even know why you’re trying anymore y/n. He’ll never stop as long as you’re the one to answer the door.”
“Alright, come on up!” He said, arms under your pits helping you up, as you recovered from laughing.
Playfully hitting his cheek,” I’m serious though, this is like our 10th take, I don’t wanna be stuck opening doors the whole episode.”
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Okay so, I don’t know why this is speaking to me now but rewatching this specific scene, where Jonathan says to Nancy at the end of season 4 after both of them going through their respective season’s ordeals,
“Sorry I wasn’t here.”
He says this not because Fred died (so similar to how Barb did), not because he wanted to be there with her during Spring Break, not because he wanted to follow her journalistic hunches straight into Vecna’s childhood home, not even because Vecna tried to come for Nancy and could’ve killed her the same as the others, but because he felt guilty he wasn’t there when the Upside Down, and the entities that had taken Will, came for the people of Hawkins, with Nancy included.
It’s not that Jonathan wouldn’t have cared if Vecna or anything from the Upside Down had hurt or killed Nancy, of course he would, but Nancy in mourning? Nope. Nancy with her detective brain leading her into danger? Not willingly. Nancy being forced to confront the feelings of guilt she’s never been able to address or overcome during her entire relationship with Jonathan? Hell no.
Jonathan, bless his soul, has sadly dedicated his whole life to one thing; protecting his family and by extension, himself from the hurt of being helpless to save them. Nancy he cared for, she had similar goals to him, but she’s not a priority to him now, and frankly, she never really was.
I think this scene jumped out to me so much because he says this semi unprompted while he and Nancy are in the middle of an awkward silence together, and the response he gets is not necessarily one I think he expects either:
“To be honest, I’m kind of glad you weren’t.”
And that begs the question, what did Nancy mean by that.
She has her quick cover, but it’s clear that she meant what she’s been saying for the last two (yes, two, because it didn’t just start in season 4) seasons, that when Nancy needs Jonathan, he isn’t there.
In season 3, we first see it when Jonathan and Nancy start having arguments about work, Jonathan not supporting or defending Nancy with their sexist bosses, Nancy’s hunches jeopardizing her and Jonathan’s jobs when Jonathan needs the opportunity more than she does, etc. etc. etc.
But we see it, the same as they both admit even then:
“I guess we just don’t understand each other anymore.”
“I guess not.”
And going into season 4, we see the same thing. At the start of the season, Nancy is complaining to Fred about Jonathan not coming to Hawkins for Spring Break and not committing to going to the same college as her in the Fall so they’d be together again, and she’s clearly annoyed and when she has a journalistic hunch, she only has her friend Fred to follow her (which she sadly later regrets).
Meanwhile Jonathan is complaining to Argyle that he doesn’t want the same thing as Nancy but he doesn’t know how to tell her. He doesn’t want to keep lying to her but he doesn’t want to tell her the truth and risk her giving everything up to be with him (which he wouldn’t do for her, can you imagine him leaving Will behind for Nancy?). And it’s absolutely fine that Jonathan is realizing that he doesn’t want the same thing anymore and that the relationship isn’t working anymore, but Argyle said it best:
“What was I supposed to do?”
“Not lie!”
So when Jonathan says in this episode that he’s sorry he wasn’t there with Nancy while her and the kids and Robin and Steve are dealing with Vecna, and Jonathan and Will and Argyle and Mike are tracking down Eleven and running for their lives from the shady government ops guys, is he really telling the truth?
Would he rather have been with Nancy, following her hunches, letting her lead them into danger to find the truth, and being there for her when her guilt overwhelmed her?
Would he have rather done any of those things which he has a history of not doing, than be where he was, protecting and being with his family and the one friend he’s had that he could have alongside his family while out of harm’s way up until this point?
I don’t know that he would.
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isagrimorie · 4 months
I'm rewatching Person of Interest and for my money, it's still the best thing Jonathan Nolan's ever made. More than Westworld, hell more than Fallout IMO.
Season 1 builds up so many factions Team Machine has to go up against:
The Government
The Police (In the form of HR)
Elias: (Followed by the Five Families, and then the Russians.
Edited to Add: And Root, of course. She's so ingrained in Team Machine for me, I forgot she was the main antagonist in seasons 1 and 2.
Season 2 introduces the threat of what will become Samaritan.
The show does its best when its juggling with multiple storylines on top of the Case of the Week and its Team Machine vs a variation of all their enemies.
The moment POI kind of loses its track is when Team Machine only has one enemy to contend against, Samaritan.
And then in season 5, they make the mistake of making the bad guy a nebulous entity with not one good rep except Blackwell who is just a nothing burger.
Martine could've been a great face or someone with Root's equivalent stature in the Samaritan organization.
Wait, they did try with that wannabe Root Hacker guy from season 3 but, again, he's just a wannabe Root.
But also what made POI different is how much the story cared for the Number of the Week.
They don't make procedural sci fi like POI anymore, not even the creators of POI.
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ocelotbread · 10 months
fortnite lore is so funny bc you’ll be doing season voiceline quests and the first character that talks to you will be like “haha fishstick got his head stuck in a toilet go get my plunger from insert poi here so i can get him out!!!” and then the second one will be like “every night I am haunted by visions of a dying island and a godless world. please kill 3 people with this epic suppressed assault rifle.”
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tanuki-kimono · 11 months
Hello! I love your blog bc it helps me a lot with writing and crafting. Thank you so much for making it!
Are there any patterns that deal with poison? Either in the pattern or in the dyeing process?
Even if there's not I'm glad you and this blog exist 💗
(anon continues) Poison in the dyeing process, like when green dresses were dyed with copper arsenite and it was extremely deadly.
Or a pattern of someone being poisoned, like a historical/folktale.
Thank you for your kind words <3 I tried to keep things organized but the subject is huge so my of the top of my head answer is going in many directions. I hope you'll still find what you need :3
I'll briefly cover here dyes and (pigments), poison motifs, real life and supernatural poisonings. Buckle up we've got a long post ahead!
Tbh I had to think for a moment because I don't recall major "poison" stories linked to dyes in Japan, be it fictionous or real (yet that doesn't mean none ever happened, especially considering Japan's history of industrial poisonings...).
Most gruesome details in the fabric industries I know of are about the horrific life & work conditions of female laborers in spinning mill manufactures (as in many countries, Japan industrialization process was ghastly...).
If potters and dyers had excellent practical knowledge, chemistry as a science officially started kind of late in Japan as it was not a local interest, and as rangaku (study of Western knowledge) often favored other subjects like medicine or warfare.
So, until the introduction of aniline dyes (not textile related, but this article about the use of synthetic dyes in ukiyoe printing is super interesting), Japanese worked with "natural" dyes, like ai (indigo) which was the most used during Edo period.
As with any ingredient, being natural doesn't equal safety. Some mixtures could be quite potent/foul, and process could be dangerous. Plants and minerals base ingredients could be toxic (cinnabar and orpiments were then used as paint pigments, and lead could be found in make up), as were mordants used to set colors.
If you want to easily overview which ingredients were used to create colors, I recommand browsing [Irocore] which presents colors with explanation in English in their database (pick a color then scroll down).
Not related to poison, but ai (indigo) is traditionally prepared in aigame/enormous floor set jars I find utterly terrifying:
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I don't know if this tidbit can help you, but some dyes and mordants actually damage the fabric overtime, leaving them brittle (silk desintegrates after a while which is a huge issue in textile conservation).
Concerning "poison" themed patterns, none would be actually used traditionally on a kimono or an obi beside novelty items ^^;
For example, many plants can be toxic, but I don't see them set as pattern for this property - they'd rather refer to a poem, be a symbol of the passing of seasons etc. Fuji (wisteria) can be quite harmful, yet it's a beloved traditional motif in Japan.
You have much more chances to find pattern with kujaku (peacock) which are thought to be impervious to poison in Buddhism, than say venomous mukade (centipede) or the horrific ômukade (a youkai I covered in a folktale).
Snakes like the habu and mamushi are dangerous, but if used as pattern snakes are most often auspicious and linked to rain dragons or goddess Benzaiten.
If you squint hard, toxic fugu could count as poison pattern, but such a seasonal delicacy as a motif would mostly underline wealth (as those fishes are pretty expensive as they are prepared by specialized chefs), a kind of carpe diem spirit, or just a fun pattern because fugu balloon shape is cute ;)
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Poisoning was certainly a thing is Japan since ancient times (see kodoku sorcery). Poisons were for example used in some fishing techniques.
I am pretty sure some kuge and buke were disposed of this way - even thought poison was seen as a coward weapon (hence why its supposed to be only used by shinobi/ninja - even if this "fact" is opened to a lot of discussions!).
During Edo period, such murders made up the news and penny dreadful-like illustrated books favored by city dwellers in need of a fright. But those stories didn't pass to posterity beside cheap ukiyoe plates, and were never as popular as some shinjû (double suicides) or ghost revenges like poor poisoned and murdered Oiwa's:
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If your poison is both physical and metaphorical illbeing, mushi could be your guys ^^ This term actually covers everything small and crawling, from real worms and insects, to anything inside one's body causing distress - be it a parasite, an unknown illness, an overboard emotion, a curse etc. If you've read/seen Mushishi you've got what I mean:
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In fact any illness-causing being could count as poison-bringer. Hôsôkami (smallpox demon) was truly feared by all before vaccination was introduced in Japan.
Finally, continuing the supernatural poisoning trail, best girl is probably legendary fox witch Tamamo no Mae who among other terrible deeds made emperor Konoe fall sick with poisonous miasma (some version of the story attributes the disease to another monster, the nue). I covered a similar murderous kitsune folktale here.
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detective-fiasco · 3 months
I’ve been seeing your posts lately, and as a fellow POI fan I must ask what are your top five favorite person of interest episodes? Thanks for reading this you rock!! 😉
1: The Devil You Know
I have Morior Invictus tattooed on my leg. It was the first tattoo I ever got and far from the best I have but I have zero regrets.
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If nothing else I hope I am remembered as a Team Elias fucker first and a human being second.
This episode is my absolute fave because it goes into more detail about Elias and Anthony's relationship and their loyalty to each other (parallel to what John and Finch, and Shaw and Root have going on). It's the first time we're really shown what Anthony is like outside of Hot Sarcastic Henchman, like the way he thinks and why he is how he is, and Elias being willing to risk his own life to save him after, for the majority of the show, being like "I'm better off alone", which is fucking poetic cinema honestly.
Plus Winston Duke and Jamie Hector are FANTASTIC, especially with the lieutenants talking to each other ("someday you might find yourself sitting in a chair that looks a hell of a lot like this one"), and Elias pleading with Dominic.
I really think those two were fucking WASTED in season four, they're both phenomenal actors in their own rights and they should've had better. I have, uh, a couple of fics in both my head and my WIP document about them. But we'll deal with those later
2: If/Then/Else
If/Then/Else is literally one of the best episodes, maybe THE best episode of television ever made. (It's kinda like my favourite v the best type situation, much like with The Thing v In The Mouth of Madness if that makes sense). It's got everything: action, time loops, love confessions, FUSCO
The other three are a little more difficult.
I really enjoy Number Crunch, Flesh and Blood, and Firewall in Season 1. In Season 2 my faves are God Mode, Relevance and Prisoner's Dilemma (Donnelly my love). Season 3 is Lady Killer, The Crossing and The Devil's Share. Season 4 is Pretenders, Asylum and YHWH. Season 5 is 6,741, The Day the World Went Away and Return 0 (with honourable mentions to Sotto Voce and Shotseeker because Elias, and QSO because Scott Adsit my beloved)
If you wanna pick three and ask me what I like about them go ahead but I'm struggling to pick between them haha
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Finally finished Person of Interest, and it is hands down one of the best series I've ever seen. Jonathan Nolan, you bastard, you did it again! I just love how love and empathy are recurring themes on his narratives (I've recently rewatched Interstellar too).
It's going to be really interesting rewatching Westworld, because I see so many parallels, and I think POI compliments season 3 (or maybe Westworld expands on Person of Interest, or both), and this will for sure add another layer of interpretation.
Anyway, the last two seasons in particular of Person of Interest were brilliant, and I'm very happy with the conclusion. Can't say I didn't see it coming, my boy Reese screamed doomed by the narrative since episode 1, but it was still heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.
Shout-out to Bear for being the best boy and making it to the end, and same goes for Fusco!
10/10 will watch again for sure and everybody who hasn't watched it already, really really should.
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
ATLA Book 1 Character Stats
One thing I have been wondering for a while is how many lines of dialogue each character has in ATLA. I recently figured out an easy way to calculate it, so here are the stats for Book 1.
There are 3490 total lines of dialogue in the season. They are divided up as follows:
Aang 818 lines, 23.44% of total Katara 633 lines, 18.14% of total Sokka 610 lines, 17.48% of total Zuko 174 lines, 4.99% of total (Note: if you include "Young Zuko," this jumps to 182 lines and 5.21%) Iroh 129 lines, 3.70% of total Zhao 107 lines, 3.07 of total Jet 74 lines, 2.12% of total Yue 51 lines, 1.46% of total Bumi 45 lines, 1.29% of total Mechanist 35 lines, 1.00%
Character stats for more obscure characters below:
Jeong Jeong 30 lines, 0.86% Pakku 29 lines, 0.83% Teo 29 lines, 0.83% Bato 28 lines, 0.80% Wu 28 lines, 0.80% Zhang leader 28 lines, 0.80% Shyu 25 lines, 0.72% Suki 25 lines, 0.72% Gan Jin leader 23 lines, 0.66% Haru 23 lines, 0.66% June 18 lines, 0.52% Arnook 18 lines, 0.52% Gyatso 18 lines, 0.52% Meng 18 lines, 0.52% Canyon guide 17 lines, 0.49% Fisherman 16 lines, 0.46% Warden 16 lines, 0.46% Roku 15 lines, 0.43% Chey 14 lines, 0.40% Pirate captain 14 lines, 0.40% Herbalist 13 lines 0.37% Guard 12 lines, 0.34% Calm man 11 lines, 0.32% Kay-fon 11 lines, 0.32% Tyro 11 lines, 0.32% Earthbender captain 10 lines, 0.29% Gan Jin tribesman 10 lines, 0.29% Great Fire Sage 10 lines, 0.29% Jee 10 lines, 0.29% Kanna 10 lines, 0.29% Oh 10 lines, 0.29% Senlin Village leader 10 lines, 0.29% Fisherman's wife 9 lines, 0.257879656% Hahn 9 lines, 0.257879656% Haru's mother 9 lines, 0.257879656% Koh 9 lines, 0.257879656% Captain 8 lines, 0.229226361% Mother Superior 8 lines, 0.229226361% Oyaji 8 lines, 0.229226361% Yagoda 8 lines, 0.229226361% Young Zuko 8 lines, 0.229226361% Tashi 7, 0.200573066 Shinu 6, 0.171919771 Storyteller 6, 0.171919771 Air Nomad boy #1 5, 0.143266476 Cabbage merchant 5, 0.143266476 Gate guard 5, 0.143266476 Koko 5, 0.143266476 Lin Yee 5, 0.143266476 Malu 5, 0.143266476 Pipsqueak 5, 0.143266476 Qin 5. 0.143266476 Smellerbee 5, 0.143266476 Air Nomad boy #2 4, 0.114613181 Fire Nation Soldier 4, 0.114613181 Hakoda 4, 0.114613181 Man 4, 0.114613181 Messenger 4, 0.114613181 Ozai 4, 0.114613181 Soldier 4, 0.114613181 Baboon spirit 3, 0.085959885 Little girl 3, 0.085959885 Old man 3, 0.085959885 Omashu captain 3, 0.085959885 Pasang 3, 0.085959885 Southern Water Tribe boy 3, 0.085959885 Tax collector 3, 0.085959885 The Duke 3, 0.085959885 Village girl 3, 0.085959885 Woman 3, 0.085959885 Bujing 2, 0.05730659 Chamberlain 2, 0.05730659 Firebender 2, 0.05730659 Guard captain 2, 0.05730659 Merchant woman 2, 0.05730659 Old Fire Nation civilian 2, 0.05730659 Pirate 2, 0.05730659 Village boy 2, 0.05730659 Village Woman 2, 0.05730659 Aang and Sokka 1, 0.028653295 Aunt Wu 1, 0.028653295 Both 1, 0.028653295 Citizen 1, 0.028653295 Colonists 1, 0.028653295 Crew member 1, 0.028653295 Elder general 1, 0.028653295 Engineer 1, 0.028653295 Eye-patch soldier 1, 0.028653295 Fangirls 1, 0.028653295 Farmer 1, 0.028653295 Fire Nation kids 1, 0.028653295 Fire Sage 1, 0.028653295 Firebenders 1, 0.028653295 Gan Jin man 1, 0.028653295 Girl 1, 0.028653295 Gyatso and Katara 1, 0.028653295 Li 1, 0.028653295 Lieutenant Jee 1, 0.028653295 Man with Red Shoes 1, 0.028653295 Mask dealer 1, 0.028653295 Painter 1, 0.028653295 Ping 1, 0.028653295 Poi 1, 0.028653295 Poi and Ping 1, 0.028653295 Prisoner 1, 0.028653295 Puppet Fire Lord 1, 0.028653295 Scout #1 1, 0.028653295 Scout #2 1, 0.028653295 Scribe 1, 0.028653295 Shop keeper 1, 0.028653295 Shopkeeper 1, 0.028653295 Southern Water Tribe girl 1, 0.028653295 Spectators 1, 0.028653295 Strange Man 1, 0.028653295 Together 1, 0.028653295 Tribal man 1, 0.028653295 Village kids 1, 0.028653295
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