shikabaneghost · 1 month
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That is a Phantump?
Part 2 :
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kira-summit · 6 months
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sugarysketches · 1 year
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.:Originally made March 18th, 2023:.
Ludovica, but as a Jirachi, inspired by a buncha Jirachi adopts a friend’s been making
[character uses xey/it pronouns]
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rinnights · 2 years
Ace and his little fletchling!
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orykorioart · 11 months
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(From Jun 2021)
Here’s some more silly art for the Pokemon AU. I think Mags would have a lot of fun specializing in training dog pokemon, so he was definitely a dog walker/trainer when he was younger.
(Tumblr’s quality is SO bad for this one for some reason - click for better quality!)
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kk-dirge · 1 year
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and a smal animation of her :3
i might make her partner riolu? cuz when i was spamming thru the opening quiz i kept getting randomly assigned riolu as a partner
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coalbone · 1 year
Xina Kwan would have a pikachu, she's old fashioned like that
Ofcourse she has allot of pokemon so it's not her only fella, but it's definitely her partner pokemon, like, emotional support rat.
Her regional pokedex is def full tho.. she aims for higher
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
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“Area what...?”
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"Sometimes I really wonder if I should consider moving from Paldea."
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
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Anyway! Here have some doodles form today and yesterday! We gots more Dadclipse and his babies backups! With Killcode, likely barged some doors to hold the grandchildren. And Lunars! Just Lunar's don't worry about it.
PokeAu with Minior Lunar and Lycanroc Bloodmoon. don't know what happened there HMNN, some mafia boys! Some colored drawings, Sun!Lunar and Servant!Eclipse, i like how eclipses came out
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i-pogchamp · 10 months
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pokeau lineup of those with teams so far! (Sprites used from pkmn showdown) (Puffy naturally has a thousand sheep but. team.)
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shikabaneghost · 1 month
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Part 2 of is this tragery (Name to be defined) Okay now I give way to daily or weekly steps, it depends on my motivation.
(Me too Akira, I need Sleep… I’m Work Hard in is this comic)
Part 1 :
Next Part :
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kira-summit · 6 months
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sege-h · 6 months
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Having my little Pokemon kick and drawing PokeAU Rosu and Mael about it
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Stumbled on your AU and it sounds SO COOL, the female protags often get sidelined and I really loved reading about them here! :D I was Immediately expecting Hikari to be full of ghosts or a time traveler with the comment about her way of speaking and bearing and it's so cool! ALSO man,,,I love protags being older than base game lets them be,,,,I love to see it
Question about your Hikari specifically; from what I can tell as Akari she is still in Hisui. Will she ever be able to make her way home? Or is it like a concurrent, conflicting timeline thing? I hope this doesn't sound mean dxfcgv I'm just really interested in how they work out in story!
Also if it IS a fall and then return, did she know the other protags prior? Does it change how she interacts with them? REALLY love that Leaf is as nonverbal as Red, that's something I really enjoy about Red that I like to see for her as well! Esp since Leaf Green was the first game I owned (borrowed my cousin's Blue for One [1] car ride but yeah) so I am especially attached to her as the protag. ;w; Green I am sure has no idea how to handle her sincere congratulations because that MAN he is....he sure is. XD
LOVE TO SEE SOME LOVE FOR FEARSOME POKEMON YOU GO KOTONEEEEE so so glad you still have Kris present as well, very attached to her dxfcvgbn
Me handshake Haruka I too want every single pokedoll in existence, what is her favorite pokedoll she has? Is there a story behind it? Has she ever learned how to make her own? Also LOVE to see a sea shantier, heck yeah. Does she have a favorite shanty? Or favorite vibe of shanty I guess dxcfvbghn LOVE that Touka suplexes Boldores, has she always had that strength or did she have to slowly run a gauntlet of suplexing Pokemon until she got there? Did she ever suplex a train- I saw you're a fan of ferriswheelshipping and I enjoy that your Touko and N both share the desire to protect innocents, is it maybe something they bond over?
I feel Mei's clumsiness on a deep level because I swear I run into things every DAY, at least she has someone to keep her from getting hurt too badly. XD I really like that she's both doing Pokemon things and looking for her prince; in a lot of media I feel like one is often sidelined for the other, and it's nice to see what looks like it'll be a healthy mix! Also I have to ask, do her Enamorus attempts end in success or catastrophe? Who has she most famously [or infamously] gotten together?
Love what you've done with Serena as well! Does she ever Rhyhorn race herself?
AND WE LOVE A GHOSTY PRANKSTER as someone who just Absorbs behaviors from those around me I really really enjoy the thought of someone doing that with ghost Pokemon. And love the callback to the hex maniac line heheheheheeee
RIP GLORIA YOU ARE NEVER GONNA RECOVER FROM THAT ONE OH NOOOOOOO but love the use of valiant bcus it's not used enough and it also like. Paints a picture. Like in a crisis, this Gloria would stare it down and do everything to avert it, and I really like that.
I've barely even touched Paldea szdxcfvg so I know nothing about it BUT love a straight A scholar, and I love Juliana's naming scheme too! Does she have any favorite courses? Any specific part of Pokemon research she may enjoy?
ANYWAY THIS GOT. REALLY LONG. I'M SORRY. But I also gotta ask my favorite question for any Pokeoc/Pokeau, which is what is everyone's favorite Pokemon type and why is it Bug type
FEEL FREE to not answer all my rambles sdfxcggvh I know it's a lot, but I really love what I saw on the protags page and I wanted to know more! :D
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I agree that the protagonists are prone to being sidelined; it's been a steadily increasing occurrence ever since character customization was introduced to the series. That's actually one of several reasons why I began this blog!
These girls are so very important to me.
Now, to address your Hikari-related question: Hikari, or rather Akari, is determined to return to her time, reunite with her companions (both human and Pokémon), and continue striking terror into the hearts of challengers as Sinnoh's ruthless Champion. But she may tempt a boy into following her home, though...
And yes! Akari has in fact met the other protagonists prior to being sent to the Hisuian era! The narration of the story I'm currently writing even mentions a few of the other girls, showing that she does indeed know them, and well enough to apparently be familiar with some of their various quirks.
All of them meet one another sometime shortly after the events of Black 2 and White 2, at the World Tournament in Driftveil City. It's sort of similar to that scene in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a collective realization of "You're like me...(!!)"
But about Hikari's/Akari's manner of speech. This is something I'm struggling with somewhat, since I'm afraid that what's written in her character profile may be misleading. I'm aiming to give her an elegant way of speaking, but this is more meant to allude to her not sounding unusual at all when she's swept away to Hisui - which ironically only makes her seem even more suspicious to those like Kamado.
My decision for Leaf to also be mostly nonverbal was partly because it sounded interesting to write, but also because I wanted to try a different approach with a silent character - normally they're depicted as shy or standoffish, but Leaf isn't either. She's as vibrant as can be, and loves to interact with people.
Kotone's team isn't set in stone yet, but aside from Eva, her Typhlosion, she has a Gyarados (Carmen), and I would love to give her a Tyranitar too! All three quite fearsome!
And Kris taking the role of Kotone's friendly rival - I dislike adapting characters out, I want to give a role to everyone, especially the first female protagonist in the series. Even though she's the friendly rival, Kris is intended to be just as tough of a challenge as Silver - she has the starter weak to Kotone's, which is a Chikorita, but she very quickly covers her partner's weakness.
Haruka doesn't exactly play favorites with her Poké Dolls; each is a valuable member of her plushie family! She freaks out if even one is unaccounted for. About her sea shanties, she does have a few she's fond of, like 'Paldean Ladies', and one that you may be familiar with that goes something like,
"O'er across the ocean's tide Rays of sunshine far and wide Wingull they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!"
Not a sea shanty, but she also enjoys singing 'Rainbow Connection'.
Touko's strength is tied to her passion to protect the innocent! It all began when she was young - she would beat up anyone that bullied Bianca or her "baby brother" Touya. Her having Pokémon now doesn't really stop her from pummeling people (or trying to), though-
She and N, while they're connected on wanting to protect innocents, throughout the events of Black and White, they constantly butt heads on the best method to do that. Touko also calls him "geek boy" after hearing him speak math one time.
Mei's most notable attempt at playing Enamorus... well, I'm certain if you think about it long enough, you'll figure it out!
Serena enjoys Rhyhorn riding more as a recreational activity rather than something to seriously pursue. It's more like Rhyhorn strolling when she's on the back of one.
Mizuki is meant to be this girl in FireRed and LeafGreen!
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Another reason she admires Leaf is because she didn't even so much as flinch when she and her Ghost-type pal pranked her. Her eyes just widened in surprise, no scream as expected!
As for Gloria's past crush, Hop is a good boy and lets sleeping Yamper lie. But her big brother Victor... "But Leon, you CAN'T go! I LOOOOVE you!" And he carries on until she has to slap him-
Juliana doesn't have a favorite class because she loves everything about her academic experience. But Director Clavell is her favorite member of the staff.
Everyone's preferred type? Well, I wouldn't say anybody has one since their teams are relatively balanced. Haruka and Kotone show appreciation for Bug-types, though!
This response has gotten rather lengthy as well, but thank you for showing such interest in Sisterhood!
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kk-dirge · 2 years
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they're gossiping........................
frank's model was done by @rikacreature !! because he deserves to be visualized in renders too
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