#PS Waverley
scotianostra · 1 year
Wee video from the stern of Waverley last week as we head back to Oban.
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juniperhillpatient · 11 months
Not really an ask, but I just re-read your recent analysis of your fic, and I must express my agreement on all points raised.
Especially regarding Azula and Katara. The two really are perfect for each other. Both of them manage to bring out both the very best and the worst in each other. In a round about way It brings both passion and love into their relationship. And a relationship without passion (which can be of the sexual and angst variety) to spark it and (romantic) love to sustain it will fizzle out. And in your fic, Azula and Katara defiantly both have that love and passion in equal measure. They would also have it in canon tbh. Though I can also see the two moving past these issues as well, that passion and love between Azutara will remain. Which is glorious to see! Well read but you know what I mean.
Though I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, Azula and Katara better be careful with all these talks of the future. After all, if any couple could defy the laws of biology and have a surprise kid(s) without any… penile interference (shall we say) it would be them. Even in a non-bending/Spirit World Au.
Also the coming joining of Azula/Katara/Suki/Yue paints a very…interesting and tantalizing picture.
Sokka better be careful though, his sister and future sister in-law my just steal both of his girlfriends. Accidentally of course😉 as the steam queens may prove to Suki and Yue to be a more… compelling option in the bedroom.
Looking forward to the next update!
Ps: And also thanks for this amazing story (along with all you other ones, though my favorite of which remains your Wizards of Waverley place AU) Its giving me a great place of (temporary) escape from the realities of collage and the world. Al least until I need to go back to it.
-745 Voice of the People
Hii!!! Thank you Omg 🥺🥰 Like, first of all let me just say - you’re so kind & supportive & it is SO appreciated 💕
Also - yesss love your analysis love your assertion that Azula & Katara could create a magical pregnancy 😉
So true - Sokka better watch out! Especially after how this latest chapter played out 🤭
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, reading them is so fun 🥹
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ginsterphotography · 2 years
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PS Waverley on the River Thames and out to the Thames Estuary & the Thames Forts.
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ardrosims2 · 24 days
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Look at them having family time. Disgusting.
(PS Waverley and Thulian are genuinely very attached to each other. They always want to do the same things, and if I leave them be for a bit they're always hanging out together.)
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scottsmithfan · 1 year
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MV Alfred dock at Brodick while PS Waverley went away for the clyde.
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coastal-connection · 1 year
PS Waverley
Always a joy to see the worlds last sea going paddle steamer cruising these waters. An amazing vessel as she was built in 1946 and with lots of commitment she is still going strong. The trip aboard her is well worth it, Just even to see the incredible engineering and attention to detail. Looks to be a lot of skill involved to manoeuvre her alongside the piers too.
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capewolfe · 2 years
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Paddle Steamer Waverley.
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fotoflingscotland · 2 years
PS Waverley at Largs Pier by FotoFling Scotland
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master-john-uk · 2 years
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PS Waverley, the world’s oldest working seagoing paddle steamer passes HMS Prince of Wales... the newest not-working RN warship off the coast of the Isle of Wight. 5th September 2022.
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Christmas with the Waverleys ❄️: Part I
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? So I really wanted to do something for the Holidays and this is what I came up with. Writing this was a really joyful process, so I really hope that this brings a smile on your face💛 
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕
Thank you so very much @caseyvalentineramsey for prereading and @jamespotterthefirst for prereading and helping me up with the editing. You guys are life-savers and I love you💛💛
Characters: For this part, the characters are my OH MC(Dr. Pooja Sharma) and OH F!OC (Dr. Alexandra Walton)
Word Count: 1467
Rating: General
Prompts :-
CFWC(@choicesficwriterscreations) Winter Season Prompt #6: Character A doesn’t like the holidays. B loves it. Will B try to find out why or convince A to celebrate it?
@wackydrabbles #74 (Will appear in bold): What do you want me to say?
@choicesdecemberchallenge​ Day 23: Friendship
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December 23rd
The riffling of sheets, concomitant typing on the keyboard and the gentle tapping of a blue ballpoint pen.
Aha! Here it is!
The dainty curling up of her lips purported that her quest had been prosperous.
The young girl let down her brunette hair as the muffled voices of Boston's December traffic infiltrating the quiet beige Living room subserved as a token of the celebratory season.
With balmy footfalls, she went to the bay windows of her residence, moving the white satin draperies and looked down to the provocative streets.
Festivals. Gaieties. They were not her thing.
For her, they were needless gatherings, wastage of capital and time.
Christmas, New Year, never held much of a significance in her life.
No matter how much she relished seeing all the people fortified with holiday disposition, she never aspired to be one of them.
Engrossed in thoughts, she nearly plummeted at the unforeseen chime of the doorbell.
A deep breath.
Another one.
And another.
And the abrupt adrenaline rush faded past as she reacquired her equanimity.
An agile glance at the wooden digital timekeeper on the davenport told her that it was 10:30 in the morning.
An unlikely time for someone to visit.
Must be some parcel posts.
Moving to the door, she clemently swivelled the knob and-
Alex was comprehensively purblind as to why Pooja would have come here at 10:30 am, groomed as if she was the anthropomorphism of celebratory spirit.
Not acknowledging her interrogating glimpses, Pooja went inside. Alex accompanied.
And then, Pooja's eyes fell on the vademecum and jotter sitting on the settee.
Hmmm, so they are my rivals.
"Poo? What's the matter? Has something goofed?"
Alex still had no ounce of idea about all that was transpiring.
Pooja roared as she denoted towards the current occupants of the couch.
"What is wrong with my manual?"
"Lex, ITS CHRISTMASTIDE! You, sitting here and swotting is Inequity!"
Pooja held up a hand to prevent her from proceeding further. She knew unequivocally what Lex was going to utter. That she shunned celebrations. All this was a waste and the record of criticisms moving on & on.
She had endured her overtures the prevenient time.
But this time? This time, circumstances would change. Alexandra Walton would be carousing Christmas, no matter how absurd it appeared.
"Lex. I understand, okay. I know you loathe fiestas. But-"
"Now don't begin convincing me and convert to a walking, talking book of 101 reasons to savour festivities."
This wasn't going to work. Even if she convinced her, she knew better that she would not heed in.
So, what to do now? Hmmm…
Pooja's mind went back to the discussion she had the previous night.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Of course not! Look!"
The Portrayal of Numerous ocular evidence of the case were placed in front of her.
"So, you're stating that she is here, in Boston and that all this is gonna work?"
"Exactly! Believe me, Poo, you will not regret it. Just give it a try!"
This was the only alternative. She ought to do it. It seems implausible, but the stuff she saw with her optics, felt versus her skin, couldn't be a deceit, could it?
"I need a promise."
"Promise? Wow! What a marvellous way of pressuring me into all this."
Alex substantially scoffed. Pooja lightly smacked her forehead.
"Why did you do it?"
Alex produced a perfect faux crybaby face as she tended to her point of the hit.
"You killed my Lil Lil forehead cells!"
Pooja scarcely restrained her chuckle as she set up the stern big-sister facade,
"Just shut up and listen first. I demand you to promise me that you will go with me somewhere on Christmas Eve."
"On a voyage?"
"No, bimbo! To meet someone."
A pouty face followed. But Pooja's glare was enough to make her regress and concede.
"Fine, Promise. But don't you dare pull me to a holiday funfair. Remember, I can bite."
Alex responded as she unveiled her teeth.
"You won't have to stoop that low" Pooja affirmed while stifling a hearty guffaw.
December 24th
"Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?" Vexation grazed Alex's features.
But her irritation was Pooja's gold. It was one of her reactions which made her laugh hysterically.
"If I die, I will spook you until I am served with 12 boxes of extravagant Walter's White and Pink Chocolate because you are making me do THIS." Alex pointed at the two of them.
"Which, I should make it clear, you won't get. 'Cause you won't die. Also, If means?"
"No, like I mean, subsequently we all will die, but before that, we will become top tier doctors, make millions, eat chocolates."
"We will get husbands" Pooja added to the list.
"They will die"
This earned Alex a scowl from her best friend.
"Then we would be sitting in our opulent houses and would be promoting golden dentures on our Pictogram."
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"And then we will die. We will be in heaven and do the Hippity-Hop dance with our already-in-heaven husbands", And the two of them laughed like crazy. Passers-by gave them side glances, most of them presuming they both had gone mad, but the two couldn't bother less.
After a little while, they reached in front of a modest house. Entering through the small copper-coloured gate, they peered around.
It posed an explicit opposition to the modern peculiarities of Boston. The place was serene. The garden surrounding the humble stone-exterior dwelling was immaculate and well-kept. The two of them went towards the white gate and pressed the doorbell.
Seconds later, an elderly lady opened the door.
"Hi, I am Pooja. And this is Alexandra" She introduced the two of them.
"Of course, please get in sweetheart. I have been expecting you." The lady gave a friendly smile and motioned the two of them to come in.
While entering, Alex tugged at Pooja's sleeve, dragging her back.
Keeping her voice as faint as plausible, she spoke, "Why did you bring me here? To discover how to make gingerbread?"
Pooja almost let out a tee-hee and gave her a warning look.
"What do you want me to say? You dragged me out of my cozy blanket and summery dreams to learn how to make gingerbread!"
Lightly hitting Alex's forehead, she jokingly admonished "Shut up Lex! Just wait and watch."
And then they followed the lady to a dim room.
In the core of the room, stood a circle table, encompassing which, three obsolescent chairs were orderly arranged.
Several aromatic candles blazed the shadowy nooks. Various shelves positioned on the walls with articles they couldn't recognize due to the gloom.
They were motioned to take a seat on the chairs.
"So, Miss Pooja! I am so overwhelmed to have you and your friend with me! I am very certain, that the forthcoming journey will be a once in a lifetime venture." The lady's grin revealed two blank spaces in her teeth.
"You have planned everything for us?" Even though they had talked beforehand, Pooja still felt a bit dubious. What is something went awry?
She halted the train of thought. What ifs are endless. Trust yourself, everything that happens will be for the best.
"Yes, dear. Your request was the loveliest. And I have planned to make everything accurate, just the way you want."
At her words, the tension heaving down on Pooja dissipated.
"Now, both of you lay your hands on the table and relax. Don't ask any questions, Don't have any concerns. Just follow my statements and repeat the words I chant after me."
They both followed. Relaxing, for Alex, was hard, but for her twisted sister, she tried her best and finally calmed down.
The lady began. "Relax. All the arrangements are made. I am sending both of you to the Braidwood Manor, where the Waverleys live. You both are getting a chance to experience Christmas as it was celebrated nearly a century and a half ago. You both will reach London in the 1880s. Take a deep breath"
It felt like someone had cast a spell on them. They both followed all the words, all the instructions wordlessly. As said, they took a deep breath.
"Very Good! Now repeat the words after me. Try to remember them. I am sending you both in the past for a day but in case you wanna come back earlier, you will need them"
Then the lady tapped her purple-painted fingernail four times on the table and began, "Zahiri Washiki Ra, Zahiri Washiki Ma, MaRa LaYa Ma."
Both of them repeated. The gloomy room echoed with the words.
PS: That's all for Christmas with the Waverleys Part 1🧡! Part 2 will be up tomorrow.
If you reached till here, please know that I am truly grateful for you🌟 I wish you nothing but happiness and smiles for the Holidays and the coming year❤
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day ahead🧡🧡
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PS Waverley: The last seagoing paddle steamer in the world
Launched in 1947 in Scotland, this ship was initially being used for various ferry and charter trips, mostly from Craigendoran, a suburb of Helensburgh in the west of Scotland located on the mouth of the Clyde River 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Glasgow, to the village of Arrochar on Loch Long. From 1948, after the nationalization of railways and their steamers it belonged to the British Transport Commission and Caledonian Steam Packet Co., and from 1952 to 1972 to the coast fleet of British Railways Caledonian Steam Packet Co Clyde.  
In 1974, the ship, now already the last seagoing paddle steamboat in the world, was after a long time of declining passenger numbers sold for £ 1 to the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society. It has since undergone several substantial repairs as well as yearly maintenance and is still used from May to October every year for various excursions around Britain, mostly near Glasgow, but also including trips on the Thames to London and other regions.
The ship is 73.13 m (239 feet, 11 inch) long, 9.19 m (30 feet, 2 inch) wide and is depending on the water it is currently allowed to carry 740, 800 or 860 passengers. Until 2013, the highest limit was 925, in 1947 it was 1350. 19 crew members are required, or 15 in protected waters.
It has a triple-expansion or three-stage steam engine with 2,100 horsepower and can achieve speeds of 18.37 knots (21.14 mph or 34.02 km/h), while normal speed is 14 knots (16.11 mph or 25.93 km/h). Until 1957 coal was used for fuel, then until 2019 fuel oil, and currently marine gas oil. The boiler has been replaced three times, most recently in 2020.
Read more:
History page on the official website of the ship
Paddle Steamer Preservation Society: Paddle Steamer Waverley
Gordon Stewart: Paddle Steamer Waverley (paddlesteamers.info) with many additional photos
Image sources:
Topmost image, at Portsmouth Harbor: Barry Skeates, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Second image from top: Robert Mason, CC0 (Public Domain license), via Wikimedia Commons
Third image from top, in London: Chris Gunns, CC BY SA 2.0, via WIkimedia Commons
Fourth image from top, on the mouth (Firth) of the Clyde River: Phil Sangwell from United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Fifth image from top, in the Scottish town of Oban: Adam Sommerville, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Third image from bottom, in the Scottish town of Largs: Ronnie Macdonald from Chelmsford and Largs, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Second image from bottom at the Landing Bay of the island of Lundy in the Bristol Channel: Roger Davies, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Bottommost image: Pam Fray, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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scotianostra · 1 year
Looking over to the mainland near Mallaig as we leave Armadale, Isle of Skye.
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bluesman56 · 4 years
Waverly by Tony Via Flickr: PS Waverley is the last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer in the world. Built in 1946, she sailed from Craigendoran on the Firth of Clyde to Arrochar on Loch Long until 1973. Bought by the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society (PSPS), she has been restored to her 1947 appearance and now operates passenger excursions around the British coast.
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printagonist · 3 years
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PS Waverley - vintage style railway travel poster art of last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer in the world #pswaverley #waverleyboat #paddlesteamer #waverleygifts #clyderiver #riverkelvin #glasgowboat #glasgowmuseum #pswaverleyposter https://etsy.me/3fWhlae (at The Waverley Paddle Steamer) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPiwXgZDD-v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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suwalls · 7 years
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PS Waverley Wallpaper
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mjnewham · 2 years
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Fun afternoon, walks on Wroxall Downs (thought he was gonna jump in the trough at one point), lunch at the Wight Mouse (he loved his sausage) and seeing the amazing PS Waverley heading for Freshwater Bay. #iow #isleofwight #pureislandhappiness. https://instagr.am/p/CiAdWZfN8x_/
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