senorablack · 10 months
when youre feeling a lil blue and someone fkn psychic or whatever drops a huge comment on one of your older fics 🥹
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pictureinme · 1 year
kinktober day xi. FEAR PLAY - jonathan crane
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word count: ~700 tags: solo, fear toxin, male masturbation, pretty dark n depraved lol, medical play, restraints masterlist | ao3
shout-out @lovelybucky1 for the stellar idea!
Jonathan tightens the restraints on his legs as he lays on the examination table, leaving his arms free. It was past the busy hours at Arkham Asylum, a time when he would do some of his most fulfilling work. He had just finished tweaking his various experimental versions of his tried and true fear toxin, but he needed to be sure it was exactly as he wanted it.
He never had any qualms about testing these serums on himself– no, that wouldn’t be fair to his many less-than-willing participants if he didn’t sample the wares every now and then. That’s how Jonathan rationalized it in his head, at least.
His breath catches in his throat as he takes the syringe from the medical instrument cart, the green liquid he was oh so familiar with causing him to suddenly hesitate– Jonathan had never taken it in such a concentrated form, only using the gas on himself. However, this was something he wanted– no, needed to do, right?
Taking the syringe in his hand, forefingers on the plunger, he rids the needle of its protective cap. He sighs as he injects the serum into his median cubital vein, Jonathan had no need for a tourniquet– he wasn’t a fussy child getting his chickenpox jab. He feels the cool liquid enter his vascular system, effects only taking seconds to make themselves known.
He flings the syringe across the room, the glass shattering against the wall as the darkness inherent to nightfall creates shapes of his traumatic past. He laughs, shutting his eyes, allowing himself to feel that irresistible feeling of true terror. There was a flurry of chemicals entering and exiting his system: adrenaline, cortisol, oxytocin, serotonin… not to mention his own concoction causing all of these to mingle beautifully.
“Oh, God…”
Jonathan’s eyes opened slowly to the shapes creeping even closer to him, and he couldn’t help but feel his slacks tightening– the real reason he so desperately bid his time until the late hours at Arkham. His body is covered in goosebumps as the shadows gather at his restraints, causing him to thrash subconsciously– he only gets harder.
His hips thrust against nothing as hallucinations fill his mind as well as his sight, even coming close to auditory. Whispers of things long hidden tickle at his ears, making his hair stand on end. Jonathan leans into the unreal touch, desperate for more of these unique sensations. He reaches down to haphazardly unzip and unbutton his pants, releasing his arousal to the sterile air of the examination room.
He hisses when his fingers wrap roughly around it, the voices seeming to laugh at his taboo reaction– it only spurs him on. Jonathan sets a rough pace for himself, he didn’t want it sweet or gentle– he didn’t deserve that. He was a sick son of a bitch, getting off where he’d tortured so many people. He fucking loved it.
The lack of lubrication as he jacked himself off was painful, but it was just how he was going to do it. His eyes glaze over as bits of pre-cum lessen the harshness, making it more bearable– maybe he could last? The thought goes out the window as he sees indescribable hallucinations wrapping themselves around his legs as well as his abdomen, tendrils of pure dark digging into his skin.
They make him want to spread his legs further, as opposed to closing them shut like a normal person. He was far from that. Jonathan moans loudly as his fingers swipe over his reddened tip, the sensitivity making his back arch. He squeezes his eyes shut as his fist tightens around himself, he’s oh so close.
Jonathan’s eyes focus on a specific visual hallucination creeping into his peripheral, its glowing eyes piercing into the depths of his psyche. He watches its hand make its way to wrap around his throat, cutting off his oxygen flow– despite it not being real.
That was enough to send him flying over the edge– his movements became sloppy and uncalculated as ropes of his desire landed all over the restraints, as well as his slacks. The creature of his mind’s creation did not relent, only softening its grip enough to let him catch a tiny breath now and then. Jonathan continued to milk himself for all he’s got– not planning on stopping until the toxin was fully flushed from his system.
How long would that be– maybe an hour or so?
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Across The Holonet
The Bad Batch. Tech/Reader. | writing-positivelyexisting🫧
For the 100 followers celebration, I give you this fluffy Tech/Reader! Thank you guys! <3
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Walking through your apartment door, you immediately kick off your torturous heels into the small pile of other shoes in the entrance. A sigh of relief escapes your lips, feeling the cool tile floor sink its teeth into your bare feet, and your shoulders slump slightly forward now that no one important would be looking at you. Yes, the comfy confines of your apartment is your own little safe haven and you were a-okay with it.
You toss your keys onto your small dining table that sat in its nook by the balcony and an all too familiar beep from your data pad calls to you. A smile comes to your features and the excitement in your stomach grows.
You pull it out with earnestness, your smile ever growing when you read the name and the text that came with it.
Tech: I apologize for my delayed response, but here’s why you are incorrect:
The concept of “love” is purely subjective. Any “scientific” findings can hardly be attributed as fact. “Love” is merely a concept, a fallacy. A phenomenon, if you so wish.
Now, to be honest, what this man (whom you do not actually know) said broke your heart, yet set it ablaze all the same. He did have some points, but you were going to argue to hell and back on this subject. It was kind of your livelihood.
YN: I won’t say that you are incorrect, that love is subjective. However, on a physiological level we do experience “love”. Our whole body is included when this happens, all five of our senses! There’s stages to love and even found chemistry!
You bite on your bottom lip, anxiously watching his little thought bubble illuminate as he is typing back a response.
Tech: That’s interesting you say that. Please, do explain in further detail, YN. I’m most curious about this research.
Thank the stars and Maker you live alone. The pitchy school-girl squeal you emit as you begin rapidly typing away your explanations would have surely gotten you some sideways glances. You find yourself so ecstatic to share your knowledge on romance, you are a romantic! A hopeless one maybe, but a romantic still.
You skip over to your plush bed, laying down and smiling as you send multiple texts in a row. You really are passionate about this, although the true science of love isn’t your main focus. No, it isn’t about science for you. It’s about literature. The emotions that words can have. How one can convey just so much devotion with one singular sentence!
Still, you decided to dabble in the science of love just a little. And thank the stars again because it’s proving useful right about now.
YN: Our brains release a magnitude of chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and the chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin reinforce the attachment a couple has that makes the relationship last!
Tech: I do see how that is accurate. The chemicals you listed are definitely considered “happy” and therefore could explain “love” on a more complex level. You have done some extensive research on this matter. Is this your profession?
YN: No it’s not. I study romantic literature. Kinda a hopeless romantic, if you will. I’m a really big sucker for the “found family” trope. Do you read any literature like this?
Tech: Well, you’ve surely impressed me with the science even if it isn’t your expertise. I do read from time to time, however it is more about news articles, history texts, and manuals for all sorts of technology. What is the “found family” trope? It interests me.
You giggle to yourself. Tech reads manuals? You shake your head with a smile at this nerd on your screen, typing an answer to his question.
YN: “Found family” is when a group of unrelated characters create a sort of pseudo family based on shared or similar experiences. Usually the characters aren’t related by blood but sometimes there are characters who are maybe half siblings or adopted.
YN: Why I like this plot device so much is because I dream of having my own family someday. For now, I’ll experience my dream through fiction. What about you, Tech? Do you want to experience creating your own family?
On the receiving end of your text, Tech is stumped. He can feel his heart rate increase as he thinks about how to answer.
Tech: …that is a difficult question. It depends on what you mean. I do not think that I have ever really understood the typical emotional connections that most people have to the concept of a family. Due to reasons, of course. However, I would like to find someone…someone that I can connect with on a deep level, who I can share my life with. Do you know what I mean?
You stare in wonder at his message. What did he mean by “I do not think that I have ever really understood the typical emotional connections that most people have to the concept of family”? Surely this man has a mother and father, at the very least? No matter how many questions you have for him, you don't want to pry and make him uncomfortable.
YN: A significant other, I believe, is the concept you're looking for. And, yes. I also would like to find a significant other to share life's endeavors and to grow with.
Tech: I see. Yes, that is the concept that I am searching for. I find it difficult to comprehend this concept because I am, by nature, a rather independent and self-sufficient person. I am not used to feeling a need for someone else.
Tech: However, I would like to find someone who can help me to understand how to feel these things, if you know what I mean? I would love to help someone grow, just as I would want someone to help me to grow.
Somehow you feel like time has stopped. Reading what Tech said about wanting to find that someone kicks your heartbeat into overdrive. Your breathing is slightly out of rhythm but you feel absolutely fine. Then you close your eyes and shake your head.
You don’t know this man beyond your screen. You met him a week ago by pure chance. He had responded to a little snippet you posted on the holonet and it jostled your emotions enough for you to respond back. You and him have been talking since. Primarily, and personally, you find his comments intelligent and his conversation is so stimulative! Your friends that you know closely don’t have this kind of communication like Tech. It’s a nice change of pace, truly.
YN: I understand completely, Tech.
Tech: And how about yourself? What are your thoughts on this concept? What would you say is your definition of a perfect significant other?
Tech: To me, my perfect significant other would be someone who is willing to accept me for the man that I am, and who has some of my core traits, such as logic, independence, and an unwillingness to rely on someone else. I would like a significant other who can help to offset my shortcomings, as I would help them with theirs. I believe that such a person would be a perfect match for me. What about you, YN? What traits do you favor?
This man continues to leave you stunned. You really didn’t expect him to give you a full description of what he wants in a partner! You situate yourself to sit on your bed, no longer feeling like this conversation is lazy. It seems like he’s actually moving away into a deeper conversation with you. Does he want to get to know you more… personally?
You take a deep breath, trying very hard on getting a normal pattern again. You reread his message and figure you will simply answer his questions.
YN: I favor a man who's honest, independent, logical, and patient. I expect him to be caring, wanting to understand me for me. Who will not judge me of my past, but will help me on my journey to become a better version of myself. Of course, I would like him to enjoy some things I enjoy, but ultimately I would love for him to be different so that we may be able to learn from each other.
The rapid beating of your heart returned. There is something about this conversation that is seriously so… exciting. You can’t quite explain why, but there’s a suspicion rising in your chest. It’s subtle but there. You find yourself nibbling on your knuckle as you wait for Tech to respond.
Tech: That is an excellent choice! I am quite a firm believer myself in the idea that differences are what can create a good relationship. My belief is that if two people in a relationship are too similar, there becomes an increased risk of conflict.
Tech: Having the two people within a relationship being different allows the two people to work well together. I believe that I could work well with someone who has a good mix of similarity and differences. I think you are quite wise, YN. Would you say that you are happy with your life at the moment?
His last question makes you raise an eyebrow. No one’s asked that before. Are you happy? You lower your data pad into your lap and take a moment to reflect.
You scan your room, seeing this place you’ve built and made your home brings a small smile to your face. You think about the job you have. You love reading and writing, getting to share all sorts of information about love with others fills you with a warm feeling. You’ve got a close circle of friends which you see a few times a month and you wouldn’t trade them for anyone else. Your upbringing was normal, so no complaints there.
Though, your dating life could be better. You weren’t really dating around but you know if someone offered you wouldn’t say no. This part of your life you’ve been letting it work itself out.
You bring your data pad back into your hands and type your answer.
YN: I am content with it. Although, I believe there is something missing. I know, however, I will find what it is in due time. Maybe it’s the lack of romance in my own life… What is your opinion on finding a significant other?
Reading your message, Tech tilts his head and looks away from the screen. Your question is a little daunting to him. He’d never really thought about it.
As a newly runaway soldier of the Republic he could probably try and form his own opinion on a partner. Though, he wondered if being an ex-soldier — and now renegade of the Empire — would be an appropriate lifestyle to harbor a relationship. Still… a man can still hope, right?
Tech: I see. Yes, I do believe that you have a good outlook on it. It can be difficult to know what it is that is missing, but that does not mean that you cannot work towards finding what it is that you are missing. I am content with my life as well. Perhaps not fully happy, but that does not mean that I cannot become happy.
Tech: As to your question, I think that finding a significant other should happen when the time is right. It is important to be patient, and to look for someone who best fits your needs as a person. Would you agree?
YN: I do agree! My father used to say “patience yields focus”. I really do try and apply it everywhere in my life and so far it’s proven useful. I’m glad we can see eye-to-eye about this, Tech. I think, especially now, many people are desperate to find love on their own.
Tech: I share the same sentiment. We seem to understand each other.
Tech: Unfortunately, I do not have any more time to further our conversation today. I would very much like for this to continue, however, and of course that is if you would prefer to continue as well.
YN: I would like nothing more than to continue our conversation later. I understand life can get busy, so shoot me a message whenever you find time again.
Tech: Thank you. I will.
You put your data pad down again and let out a breath like you were under water. What was that conversation? You place a hand over your heart and can feel it violently pumping against your ribs. Shutting your eyes with a small smile you recognized this feeling all too well. The fluttering in your stomach was as tell-tale a sign as any. Yes, you have developed a crush. A crush on someone over the holonet. A crush on someone who happened to comment on your writing. A crush on Tech.
You chuckle softly to yourself. This is silly. Still, you’ve learned not to hold back your emotions and simply let them flow through you. Decidedly, you are not planning on doing anything with this crush. You were going to watch things play out for themselves. Whatever happens happens.
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word count: 2,198.
beta read by: @beating-a-dead-plot I LOVE YOU 💛 mwah, mwah!
tag list: @dangraccoon @i-am-the-geek-overlord @kixs-husband @ihaventpickedausername
I know this can have a second (if not more) part to it, so let me know with comments if you want a second part!! Love you guys, thank you all again for 100 followers!!! <3
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xylophonetangerine · 4 months
The quasi-humoral popsci understanding of neurotransmitters is funny and instead of trying to correct the misunderstanding I think we should try to brand the noradrenaline system as the evil neurotransmitter that makes you feel bad to balance out the purely positive effects people think are associated with "release of dopamine/serotonin/oxytocin/whatever".
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What if: when Lance was revived by Allura instead of it just being a singular event that bore no further consequences (other than trauma) to Lance, his quintessence was screwed up?
(So, quintessence. The essence of all life, energy and vitality. Certain species are more in tune with quintessence and are able to control and interact with it. This includes Alteans. There is a limited amount of quintessence within everything. This amount dictates the lifespan of the creature. The longer the lifespan, the greater the quintessence held within them, and the less likely they are to succumb to injuries and illness.)
When Lance was brought back, instead of his quintessence remaining stored within his body 24/7 with no regeneration or leakage, the containment type thing was broken. Quintessence is constantly ebbing in and out of his very being. His lifespan is greatly increased to near immortality, at times the quintessence flow can greatly weaken to the point where his body may collapse, and he gains the ability to manipulate it to his will. However, this ability does not come without danger. To use this ability he must widen the flow, allowing more quintessence to leave and enter him. This makes him extremely unstable and susceptible to collapse and quintessence overflow or quintessence deficiency.
Quintessence Overflow: when the amount of quintessence within an entity far exceeds the physical limitations of its being. This can cause emotional instability, susceptibility to illness and injury, spontaneous injury, high risk of poor moral choices (such as murder, arson, thievery, etc), increase of negative thoughts, etc.
Scientific explanation: human brains create and release chemicals responsible for maintaining and creating emotions. Quintessence, while it is an energy outside of most physical limitations, effects the chemical and hormone releasing cells in the brain. If there is too little quintessence it may cause the brain to attempt to fill in the gaps by releasing excessive chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Resulting in manic episodes of pure euphoria, and a loss of inhibitions. However, if there is too much quintessence the brain may try to create more room for it by releasing less chemicals than is healthy. Resulting in depression, self-loathing, an increase in murderous/suicidal thoughts, and more illegal tendencies.
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istg nothing on this planet is funnier and sexier than jealous will fics (the ones where will is a pillow princess and fucking proud of it are just pure gold lmao) they just give me such huge quantities of serotonin and oxytocin they make me pass the fuck out-
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cinnamoon1 · 3 months
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iamactivedoggy · 6 months
Embrace The Wag: Life Is Better With A Dog By Your Side
Whoever said that a dog is a man's best friend couldn't have been more accurate. Dogs bring an unparalleled joy and companionship to our lives, making every day brighter and more fulfilling. But what is it about these furry companions that make them so special? Let's delve into the wonders of having a dog by your side.
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The Bond That Transcends Words
One of the most beautiful aspects of having a dog is the bond that forms between human and canine. It's a relationship built on pure love, loyalty, and trust. Dogs have an incredible ability to understand our emotions, offering comfort with a simple wag of their tail or a gentle nuzzle. Whether you're celebrating a victory or weathering a storm, your dog is there, unwavering in their support.
A Healthier, Happier Life
Numerous studies have shown that owning a dog is beneficial for both your physical and mental well-being. The daily walks and playtime sessions keep you active and encourage a more active lifestyle. Not to mention the stress-relieving power of petting a dog, which can lower blood pressure and release feel-good hormones like oxytocin and serotonin. In essence, having a dog promotes a healthier, happier you.
Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Dogs don't judge. They don't care about your flaws or imperfections; they love you unconditionally, flaws and all. In a world where judgment and criticism are all too common, the pure acceptance of a dog is a breath of fresh air. They teach us valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and living in the present moment.
Teaching Us Important Life Lessons
Beyond their cuddles and companionship, dogs are excellent teachers. They remind us of the importance of loyalty, patience, and resilience. They show us how to find joy in the simplest of things and approach each day with enthusiasm and curiosity. Through their actions, dogs inspire us to be better humans.
A Source of Comfort and Companionship
Life can be tough at times, but having a dog by your side makes the journey a little easier to bear. Whether you're coming home after a long day at work or facing a difficult challenge, your dog is there to offer a comforting presence. Their unwavering loyalty and affection provide solace in times of need, reminding us that we're never truly alone.
In conclusion, life is undeniably better with a dog by your side. From the unconditional love they give to the valuable lessons they teach, dogs enrich our lives in countless ways. So, if you're considering welcoming a furry friend into your home, don't hesitate. Embrace the wag and experience the joy of having a dog as your loyal companion.
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empoweredmomnetwork · 8 months
The Science of Happiness
Happiness, that elusive state of being we all yearn for, isn't just a fleeting emotion. It's a complex science that delves into the emotional landscape of joy, contentment, and the psychological factors that contribute to our overall well-being. As we embark on this exploration of happiness, remember the profound truth of the quote: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your actions." Within these words lies the essence of happiness, brimming with feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, and emotions of gratitude, positivity, and serenity that contribute to your overall well-being.
"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions."
The Emotional Landscape of Happiness
Happiness is a multifaceted emotion that transcends simple joy. It encompasses feelings of contentment and fulfillment, weaving a tapestry of positivity and gratitude. Understanding the science of happiness allows us to dive deeper into the emotional aspects of this state.
Feelings of Pure Joy
Happiness is like a bright light that makes us feel good inside. It's not just a feeling; it's like a science that explores different parts of our lives. Let's look closely at one part called joy. Joy is when we feel really happy about something.
When we feel joy, our body releases special chemicals that make us feel even happier. It's like a happy boost for our mood and makes us less stressed. Joy is not just a feeling; it also helps us see the good things in life. Imagine finding joy in the laughter of a friend or the beauty of a rainbow – these are moments of joy that make life special.
Scientists also study joy and how it affects our minds. They say we can learn to find joy in everyday things by thinking positively. This means looking for good things even when things are not perfect. When we practice finding joy, it makes our lives more meaningful.
Sharing joy with others is also important. When we are happy, it can make our friends and family happy too. Joy is like a friendly wave that helps people feel connected and supported. So, let's learn the art and science of joy. It's about finding happiness in little things, enjoying life's good moments, and thinking positively. Understanding joy helps us create a life that's not just happy but also very meaningful.
Emotions of Gratitude
Let's talk about gratitude – that's a big word for saying thanks and appreciating the good stuff in our lives. Gratitude is like a magic power that makes us feel happy inside. It's not just about saying thank you; it's about making it a special part of our everyday life.
Imagine if we start our day by thinking about things we are thankful for – like having a cozy bed or a yummy breakfast. It sets a positive tone for the day! There are great activities we can try to bring more gratitude into our days. Like making a thankful jar where we put notes about good things that happen. Or saying thank you to someone who did something nice. It's like spreading happy vibes around!
Being thankful isn't just good for us; it's good for our minds too. So, let's make gratitude a superpower in our lives. We can start small, maybe by saying thanks for a tasty snack or a fun playtime. Little by little, we'll discover that being grateful makes our hearts feel really, really happy.
The Science of Happiness
Happiness isn't just an abstract feeling; it's rooted in science. Understanding the science of happiness unveils its profound impact on our lives. Studies reveal that 40% of our happiness is influenced by intentional activities and thoughts. It's not merely an emotional state but a complex interplay of neurochemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.
Neuroscience showcases that practicing gratitude triggers the release of dopamine, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, enhancing mood and motivation. Moreover, cultivating positive emotions can broaden our mindset, increasing creativity and problem-solving abilities. Research also highlights that acts of kindness and social connections activate the brain's reward center, fostering a sense of fulfillment and well-being.
Positive psychology emphasizes that happiness isn't just about fleeting moments; it's about a mindset and intentional actions. Embracing a growth-oriented mentality, characterized by resilience and adaptability, enhances our ability to navigate life's challenges. Science supports that fostering optimism and resilience can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Moreover, the science of happiness isn't just about individual well-being; it extends to broader societal implications. Studies suggest that happier individuals tend to have stronger social connections, leading to healthier communities and increased productivity. Embracing the science of happiness isn't just about personal satisfaction; it's about creating a ripple effect of positivity that impacts every facet of our lives.
Understanding the scientific underpinnings of happiness empowers us to make intentional choices, cultivate positive emotions, and adopt practices that contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life. It's not merely an abstract concept; it's a scientifically-proven pathway to a more vibrant and enriched existence.
In conclusion, happiness is a complex science, an exploration of the emotional landscape of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, and the psychological factors that contribute to well-being. It's a journey filled with feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, and emotions of gratitude, positivity, and serenity. Embrace this science to cultivate a life filled with vitality, well-being, and strength.
Happiness isn't just a feeling; it's a science. It encompasses a diverse emotional landscape of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, interwoven with the psychological factors that contribute to well-being. Embrace the journey of happiness, filled with feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment, and emotions of gratitude, positivity, and serenity. It's the path to a life brimming with vitality, well-being, and strength.
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nonbinary-beast · 11 months
TedxAMaton stuff
I figure after Am and Ted make good headway, or even during the process, Ted finds out that there is a part of him that is indeed attracted to the machine. Perhaps it has grown on him after years of being in its presence, or maybe there has been something in him that has indeed admired its form since AM had given itself a body.
Under a cut since its long and a tad suggestive.
Regardless, something does manage to spark there much to Ted's surprise- part of him wonders if it has to do with having sought him out enough to sit in the machine's arms and inevitably fall asleep there. He figures that it is just the agreement that they have between them that keeps AM from mauling him, but if that were the case, then why does he find it or perhaps... him, giving a gentle kiss to the top of his head before he slips into a restful slumber?
Why does he find it comforting instead of offputting?
Why does he so often find himself now needing that immense presence, that warm, smooth chrome surface pressing against him when he rests? When he is distraught? When he... wants to be held by the machine? It is nearly alien for him to think it, he feels, after over a century of torment. But then again, their truce has lasted about half that time, or so AM had told him.
He still liked updating Ted on what day it was, the time of day, the month, and how long it has been since AM had stopped tormenting him and began teaching him how to love again. Although recently he stopped insinuating that this was for his own amusement.
Ted's sudden need for AM's presence in his life was purely chemical in nature, the machine had reasoned when Ted had finally asked him. What he was feeling were the effects of serotonin and oxytocin, which had been released whenever they were in positive contact with each other. Every touch, every time Ted was held, kissed, each time he leaned against AM or they had some form of meaningful time spent together, there were a few drops released into his system- not by AM's doing of course, he had been quick to point out. He had been clear to ensure that during this exercise that there would be no tampering.
Initially it was because it would be all the more sweeter for Ted to fall for him on his own, but now AM loathed the idea of tampering with his mind for some other reason. It took a while for him to admit it, but he had grown attached to Ted in turn outside him being the last of his playthings.
Though AM did not romanticize things, he was right. Spending time with the machine over the years since their truce felt good, he kept coming back, and now he felt an attachment to him outside of their prior tormentor/tormentee relationship. But there is more to it that Ted has noticed, and is uncertain about.
For instance, the way he stares at the machine a little too long when his back is turned- not so much thinking about anything in particular, but admiring. The way his chrome form gleams under the artificial lights, how reflections warp around the perfect contours of his body. His eyes follow the lines of each sculpted artificial muscle group, and he cannot help the wandering thought of perhaps letting his hands explore them.
When Ted is in AM's arms, in close proximity to that maw which mauled him so relentlessly before, and kisses him so gently currently before he slips into his dreams; there is an urge to reach out and touch his lips, trace them, slip his fingers between them and bravely venture into his mouth. He finds a desire, much like an intrusive thought and a secret all in one, to touch the sharp blade-like teeth that tore into him years ago without hesitation.
AM had to have been reading his mind still, he thought, when at one point the machine opened wide in a yawn and let it linger there. Once Ted had gotten over staring at that array of curving blades presented before him, he caught AM watching him.
No, he was waiting.
Carefully, Ted let his fingertips graze over AM's lips, getting a little more confident once he found that the jaws did not snap closed immediately. His heart pounded in his chest as he let his fingers trace the edge of one of the larger curved blades that served a dual purpose of incisor and canine, expecting the machine to snap his hand off like a guillotine, but that sudden severing jolt of agony never comes.
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fityourself · 1 year
6 Unknown Facts of Zumba – A Fitness Dance to Lifestyle
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Zumbaᅠis a popular and energetic fitness program that combinesᅠDance and Aerobicᅠmovements with music to create a fun and effective workout.ᅠ According to the research, Zumba is not only a fitness dance which improves the body physic, it also has many secret benefits as discussed below.
Zumbaᅠis a new form of exercise which makes aᅠsharp impact on mind and moodᅠas well as its ability to boost energy and melt stress levels by purely focusing on movement and music.
Doing Zumba fitness activity at the beginning of the day can send a signal to brain and that helps a ᅠperson to get aᅠboost in levels of hormonesᅠlike Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin which later create a positive impact on your lifestyle.
Basic moves and groove like mambo, merengue, salsa practicing in yourᅠZumba FitnessᅠCentre canᅠbenefit in decreasing your stress levelᅠand improve your mental balance, hence energizing you for the day.
Finding a good trainer or choosing the best fitness for yourself is also a topic for discussion but it can be eradicated by taking help ofᅠhealthcare applicationsᅠwhere all local fitness centers are listed.
Zumba does not only affect your physical health but also helps inᅠimproving mental health. This improves our decision making, managing daily tasks and increasing the concentration towards your task.
Zumba activity can help toᅠconnect yourself with youᅠbecause doing Zumba can help to improve the body coordination by repeated practices of dancing that can work as a nerve therapy of legs, arms, and other body parts.
It is  important to note that while Zumba offers numerous advantages, but every person has unique capability and endurance so better to consult with your trainer before performing any type of Zumba activity. In today’s  digital world everything is in your smartphone – be it finding a good trainer or fitness center nearby. There are multiple applications available that can guide you for best services and one such platform is  HealTrail Application, that can be easily installed in your smartphone. One  can enjoy the integrated healthcare services on  fingertips.
Come, let's join Zumba !Let us know which type of dance you are going to practice in Zumba……. comment down and share the article with your loved 
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His song chemicals got an opening line that made mention of Oxytocin. Recklessly so, but...
Its leading me to believe tht the man has good grasp of what constitutes as oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins and serotonin.
Now this might just be me, but I feel like if you have a good grasp of where n what those things are, n u learn to be observant about where u get supplies of those things...
I feel like it might just help with making some of our decision makings more informed. As in making sure your source of happiness is not based off of addiction alone kind of thing. Also tht its not based of pure escapism at the same time too because contemplation is necessary. Even if its painful sometimes.
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dailypsyfacts · 1 year
Treating Mental Health Disorders With LSD?
Welcome to my second blog post! Today, I brought an interesting topic that has gained some attention in the media recently. It’s about the legalisation of LSD in Australia. Just a disclaimer, this is not a promotion for drugs! This is only legal in a clinical setting with a professional supervisor accompanying the process. Sorry to disappoint. So, how come Australia is the only country where LSD has been legalised?
It all started when Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann (1906-2008) accidentally discovered that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has hallucinogenic effects. He and Western scientists then started to research the psychedelic substance for medical purposes. LSD had already been marketed as a treatment for anxiety disorders and for use in psychiatric research by the pharmaceutical firm – Sandoz – Hofmann worked for. Unfortunately, LSD soon became a drug of recreational use outside the scientific realm. Its purpose then quickly went from potential therapeutic effects to inducing an altered state of consciousness purely for pleasure and casual use. Hence, it’s been banned in the late 1960’s which also stopped the medical research in psychedelic substances. However, the research into LSD came back again in the 1990’s and has gradually increased since then (Houseofswitzerland.org, 2020).  
It turns out Albert Hofmann accidentally synthesised LSD when working on a parasitic fungus that grows on rye in 1938. A few years later, in 1943, he must have accidentally absorbed a trace of the substance as he started to feel strange sensations. These sensations, however, raised his interest in the chemical, so he decided to run more tests. At some point, he intentionally ingested what he thought was a tiny amount (0.25 mg) for the first time without knowing what it would do. He would soon find out, when he experienced the first ‘bad trip’ in history of LSD when he made his way home on his bicycle, that this was a massive dose. He described his surroundings as a parallel universe with distorted pictures. It’s a good job his laboratory assistant was with him as he couldn’t remember cycling home but rather felt like he couldn’t move from the spot – despite a very rapid journey according to his assistant. Interestingly, he mentioned that he felt completely powerless in terms of using his mental abilities to sort of ‘wake up’ or put an end to this. No matter how much physical or perceived energy he would try to force, it was useless. He also mentioned the dissolution of his ego. Hofmann’s conclusion was that LSD is too risky outside of a controlled environment and was therefore against the recreational use of LSD, but he did say that it always has its place for the purpose of exploring the human soul and coping with life’s anxieties (Houseofswitzerland.org, 2020).
This nicely leads into my next point as it is precisely the reason it has been legalised in Australia. Just last month, on February 3, 2023, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGD) in Australia has officially allowed the psychedelics MDMA and psilocybin for medical use as of July 1, 2023. MDMA – otherwise known as the active ingredient in ecstasy – and psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – will be treatment options for PTSD and treatment-resistant depression, respectively. Precisely, Australia has authorised MDMA which mimics LSD in a way by invoking feelings of depersonalisation and altered perception and thought without the overt hallucinatory effects which doesn’t make it a classical psychedelic. Researchers assume that MDMA acts by increasing the reuptake and release of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Another factor may be an enhanced release of oxytocin. The results of studies involving MDMA show highly significant results that almost make you wonder why they’re not used more often around the world. It only took three MDMA-assisted therapy sessions for 67% of participants to no longer qualify for a PTSD diagnosis (MAPS, 2021). 88% of participants within the same study significantly reduced their symptoms. Jennifer Mitchell, lead author of the paper, says that what seems to make MDMA so effective is that it raises compassion and understanding while reducing fear. Other studies came to the same conclusion of substantial clinical benefit and a cost-saving effect for third-party payers (Marseille et al., 2020). Especially, PTSD patients with a dissociative subtype seem to show great results. Mitchell further notes that MDMA may help patients to confront and overcome their trauma instead of distancing themselves from a trauma and avoiding to cope with it, if the right mindset and an appropriate environmental (clinical) setting is given (Mackenzie, 2021). This could be what Hofmann was implying by exploring the human soul and coping with life’s anxieties.
Psilocybin, too, includes LSD and even the neurotransmitter serotonin. Dephosphorisation leads to the psychedelic being able to cross the blood-brain barrier and can easily activate the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor given its structural similarity (Mackenzie, 2021). By activating this specific receptor, scientists assume that this activates the psychedelic effects. However, these effects are highly dose-dependent which is why heightened perception, imagery, complex hallucinations and distortions can occur if measured inappropriately. Scientists theorise that psilocybin alters the thalamic gating in the brain and increases the activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is impaired in patients with depression (Mackenzie, 2021). Psilocybin has been directly compared to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram in a clinical trial. The result was that psilocybin could keep up with the antidepressant effects and may even invoke a deeper and faster effect (Carhart-Harris et al., 2021). However, only 59 people took part which lowered the power and significance of the study.
This raises the question then why drugs like alcohol or sugar are legal, when LSD-involving psychedelics such as MDMA and psilocybin and their possible benefits aren’t?  
Indeed, psilocybin is illegal mostly worldwide, but has been decriminalised in several cities in the US over the past few years (Mackenzie, 2021). However, Western countries such as Australia experience an overwhelming number of drug-related deaths that are caused by alcohol and tobacco – both legal drugs (Parliament of Australia, 2023). Meanwhile, LSD is classified as a narcotic worldwide, except for Australia. A 2007 study by Professor Nutt and colleagues proposed a ‘drug harm ranking’ that compares the harms caused by a range of drugs, legal as well as illegal. Specifically, alcohol is placed on rank five of the most harmful drugs right after heroin, cocaine, barbiturates and methadone. It is noticeable that alcohol and tobacco are ranked much higher than LSD and ecstasy which are ranked at 14 and 18 (Nutt et al, 2007). Professor Nutt criticises that alcohol and tobacco should not be seen as non-drugs. Therefore, Nutt et al. promote a relative approach that compares both, legal and illegal drugs, to not isolate only the illegal ones as it can lessen the harmful effects of legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco. They also recommend educating the public on relative harms, rather than just selected harms. I would argue that people simply don’t want to know about the harms of legal drugs as it is too comfortable not to. People are usually used to having a beer or a glass of wine in Western cultures. If it’s just that, the harms should not be too bad. However, people don’t need a prescription for alcohol or tobacco, unless they’re underage, which means that those legal drugs are always available in huge quantities. However, it is interesting that sugar is not listed within this table which may imply that sugar is not seen as a harmful drug per se. Can sugar not be harmful when consuming too much of it after an exhausting day? Sugar can possibly develop into an addiction too (Ahmed et al., 2013). Limited evidence shows that sugar activates the same reward and craving systems that addictive drugs induce. An evolutionary explanation can give insight. Within the evolutionary environment, humans have developed a preference for foods high in sugar and calories in order to survive. Today, we need to stop eating sugar in order to survive. Physical consequences, such as obesity, are known to decrease our health.
Overall, the same rule that applies to almost everything is that the potency makes the difference. If the dose of LSD is too high, unwanted effects, such as hallucinations, may arise. However, this should not be the case in clinical settings. The highly significant results of clinical trials investigating the effects of psychedelics, such as reducing anxiety and symptoms of PTSD, must be recognised. Maybe Australia only made the first step and more counties will consider using psychedelics to treat mental health disorders.  
Ahmed, S.H., Guillem, K., Vandaele, Y. (2013) ‘Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit’ Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care 16 (4), 434-439.
Carhart-Harris, R., Giribaldi, B., Watts, R., Baker-Jones, M. et al. (2021) ‘Trial of Psilocybin versus Escitalopram for Depression’ The New England Journal of Medicine; 384:1402-1411. Doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2032994  
Mackenzie, R.J. (2021) ‘An introduction to Five Psychedelics: Psilocybin, DMT, LSD, MDMA and KEtamine’ Technology Networks. Neuroscience News & Research. https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/articles/an-introduction-to-five-psychedelics-psilocybin-dmt-lsd-mdma-and-ketamine-355897
MAPS’ Phase 3 Trial of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Achieves Successful Results for Patients with Severe, Chronic PTSD. (2021)
Marseille E, Kahn JG, Yazar-Klosinski B, Doblin R. (2020) The cost-effectiveness of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy fort he treatment of chronic, treatment-resistent PTSD. PLoS One 15(10): e0239997. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239997
Minet, P. (2017) ‘The Swiss beginning of LSD’ Translation based on an article by Pascaline Minet published in Le Temps. https://houseofswitzerland.org/swisssttories/history/swiss-beginnings-lsd
Nutt, D., King, L.A., Saulsbury, W., Blakemore, C. (2007) ‘Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse’ The Lancet. Volume 369, Issue 9566, 24-30. Pg. 1047-1053. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60464-4
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Pillow talk | Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: You and Steve have sex, something feels different than the other times 
Word count: 0.5k
Request: Could u possibly do a Steve Harrington x reader with prompt 58? I’m just a slut for love confessions. Thank you! (“You make my heart feel some type of way and it’s freaking me out.”) 
A/N This request was from @chevyharvelle​ but I accidentally deleted it...
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The soft glow of the full moon mixed with the garden lights illuminated Steve’s room the perfect amount as you laid in his bed post-love making. You couldn’t see the color of his eyes, but you could see the glow of his skin and the beaming smile on his lips, having reached sexual nirvana less than ten minutes ago.
‘’You’re so beautiful,’’ he said in the quiet of the night, tucking your hair behind your ear as you laid on your side, watching his chest rise and fall as he breathed. 
A glowing smile bloomed on your lips, feeling pure bliss through your whole body. You had definitely excelled your daily required dose of serotonin and oxytocin.
A beaming smile bloomed on your lips, feeling pure bliss through your whole body.
You didn’t think Steve could be so affectionate and gentle in bed - he could be such an over-confident douchebag sometimes -, but he proved you wrong. He wasn’t what you’d consider a ‘rough’ person either, but it still surprised you how sensual, caring and selfless he was. He wanted to take things slow and really feel it, not just fuck. He made eye contact with you, pressed sweet kisses all over you. He made sure you were feeling pleasure, not just him.  
You didn’t know if he was like that with all the girls he’d been with, but you felt damn lucky to experience it.
“You make my heart feel some type of way and it’s freaking me out,” he confessed in a whisper. 
You scooted closer and lair your head on his chest, feeling Steve’s arms close around you. ‘’It’s called love.’’ You kissed his chest, which was still sticky and warm from your activities. 
‘’Is it?’’ he asked, genuinely questioning.
You raised yourself on an elbow, looking down at him. ‘’What do you mean? You’ve been in love before, right? You and Nancy-’’ 
He shook his head. ‘’I’ve never felt like that with Nance. It was never this intense.’’ Steve grabbed your other hand and kissed it from your reversed palm to your wrist. ‘’I’m gonna sound dumb, but when I’m with you, I feel like I’m on a fucking cloud of happiness. Nothing in the world makes me more happy than being with you.’’
‘‘A cloud?’‘  you repeated, holding your laugh. It was an odd comparison.
‘‘Don’t make fun of me. I’m just telling you the way I feel it, okay? Sorry that I’m not some romantic Shakespeare character.’‘ 
You had never taken him for one either - despite his window-climbing à la Romeo Montague.
‘‘I love you the way you are, Steve Harrington. Even when you write me stupidly cute little notes. Dear Y/N, I want you to know that I really like you. I think about you all the time and can't help but look at your beautiful face during passing period. You aren't like the other girls and I'd study science everyday if it meant I could spend more time with you. I love you Y/N and I hope you feel the same.‘‘
Steve was embarrassed, yet shocked and amazed at your excellent memory. These were exactly the words he had written to you on a piece of paper during class. He had slipped it in your locker between two periods. ‘‘How do you remember what I wrote? I wrote that two months ago.’‘
You shrugged, your cheeks flushing. ‘’I may have read it a few times...’’
‘‘I think more than a few.’‘ 
You giggled and Steve kissed your cheek down to your lips. 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring----stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey  
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brightlotusmoon · 3 years
Hello, based on all the conditions you mention in your profile, I imagine that you've thought more than most people about the brain and about cognition...I'm curious to know if you have any theories about humor? What process causes that tingling feeling of delight, what it's evolutionary purpose might be, etc.?
Oooh, I love this inquiry!
My own humor is dry and sarcastic and most people call me deadpan. But I actually don't know if that's the autism or my parents raising me to quote movies in everyday conversation since the 1980s. You know what, it's both. Mom has undiagnosed ADHD anyway.
I think humor is directly connected to our need for connection, communication, and survival.
Those beautiful tingles of pure delight and the expulsions of breath that tighten the abdominal muscles and cause a serotonin explosion in both gut and brain? They tell us we're safe and free to let go.
Real, genuine, true laughter comes from a sense of literal connection. Neuroplasticity in the hippocampus increases, neuronal connections are made with alarming speed. Our senses ramp up. The world looks brighter. Our friends are hilarious and wonderful and we want to hug them. Oxytocin flows, pushed by endorphins. We're having fun, we're relaxed, let's talk about ourselves more! Hey, have you eaten one of these mushrooms that makes your brain connect to the universe? I love you, buddy.
Now, being born disabled requires developing gallows humor. You have to be able to laugh at your own pain and trauma. And you have to be able to make fun of your disabilities, to complain cheerfully, to kvetch and kvell in the same breath. Our humor is our coping mechanism. Our survival.
Hang on, I need more THC for brain healing that will help me finish this thought but uh, thanks for coming to my halfway TED talk.
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themoontaxi · 3 years
Congrats on 100 and having possibly the coolest celebration idea ever!!
🍬 (curious) candy - i love new music
🍿 (philosophizing) popcorn - Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?
hi new fiancée! thanks again, it really means a lot <3
so i finally tackled that topic, but be warned it’s gonna be disappointing… so let’s just say i was out of butter and sugar for the popcorn ahaha
so first the easy part:
heard you’re a swifty, so i went with something not too different…
she’s a gem <3
and now a disclaimer… when i first saw your question my mind went like “oh shittt. i mean i did say i want challenging questions, but how the hell am i supposed to answer this WITH LYRICS?” like most songs i listen to are full of sadness and devastation, but rarely happiness and certainly not nEuROscIEnCe lmao. like yeah, i can recommend you ten good books on that, but songs?!? well i tried nevertheless, but these are more loose threads and it depends on your interpretation if these can be linked to your question, but it at least made sense to me… anyway, here’s the playlist in case you wanna listen to them.
yeah you rid me of the blues // ever since you came into my life // because you’re my medicine // said i, i adore you // and that’s all i have to say bye-bye // and you opiate this hazy head of mine // because your my medicine / Medicine - The 1975
they will see us waving from such great heights //“come down now,” they’ll say // but everything looks perfect from far away // “come down now” // but we’ll stay / The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
i know places we can go babe // where the highs won’t bring you down babe // no, the highs won’t hurt you there babe / I Know Places - Lykke Li
so we spent what was left of our serotonin // to chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon / Graceland Too - Phoebe Bridgers
your love // score love as a painkiller // your love // more love // pure love as a painkiller // your love // is just a // your love is a painkiller // sweet tasting overdose // oxytocin // oh, i’ll never be told / Painkiller - Nothing But Thieves
give me a run for my money // sipping bubbly, feeling lovely, living lovely // just love me // i wanna be with you (love me, just love me) / LOVE - Kendrick Lamar, Zacari
you rely on someone else // to make you feel alright // as far as i’m concerned // that’s no kind of life / No Kind of Life - Clearlake
i sang a hymn to bring me peace // and then it came, a melody // it felt so sweet // it felt so strange // it made me feel like i belonged // and all the sadness inside me // melted away like i was free / Happy - MARINA
we’re in the car on a highway // it’s a magical feeling that no one’s got a hold // you’re a catalyst to your happiness you know / Pumpin Blood - NONONO
i’ve had enough // there’s a voice in my head // says i’m better off dead // but if i sing along a little fucking louder // to a happy song // i’ll be alright / Happy Song - Bring Me The Horizon
well… as i said, i tried. maybe the pretty colors will suffice lmao. hope i didn’t let you too far down <3
also let me know what’s gonna be your tag :)
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