#Palia oc: Eureka
ariparri · 9 months
Palia OC - Eureka
🎉 First art of the new year! 🎉
So I recently got into Palia a few days ago and of course as I always do, I made a new OC for a new interest 😆
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Eureka is an artist and her preferred medium is painting and sculpting. Her design was inspired by one of the default outfits and the Bard outfit from the Premium shop. Why isnt there a standard clothing shop for the game?! 😭 Jel why are you so expensive!?
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And then her hairstyle is a combination of these two styles together. I really like the under dye style and both hair look great on its own. Loved them both so much I ended up using both for Eureka's design 😆
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I also made a blank version for those who would like to use it! You can get the file for the template here in my Collabs & Templates folder on google drive! The subfolder is labeled Palia.
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I used Hodari's own as a reference and simply added my own description for my OC. Hodari's own was the only one I was able to find but I did see a thumbnail with Tish and Hassian and the background for their's was different so I went with a different one for the template.
You can definitely edit this however you like. You don't even need to use this for human OCs, I actually forgot to remove the text for the Group label.
Also, add me on Palia! My user is Mochizuki Yuna! 💜
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ariparri · 7 months
🏮 Happy Luna New Year 🏮
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The Maji Market is so much fun! I’m usually shy around other players but everyone was so nice! The chappa chase can get a little annoying though when the animal just disappears from in front of you and spawn somewhere else (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) And then the damn game freezes once the timer runs out (c" ತ,_ತ)
Anyways here’s Eureka making her wish for the Luna New Year! Her wish for the new year, catching that damn disappearing mujin ( ̄ー ̄)
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I’m actually really happy with this one! I tried out a different coloring method to practice more on color theory because I still don’t know jack shit about it (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎) I’m an artist and I still still struggle with colors!(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
But still, I really do love how this one turned out. My coloring usually has about three or four layers of coloring for each part of the character. But I was able to keep them all down to two!
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ariparri · 7 months
It happened!! Eureka and Hodari have each other's pins! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ ♡♡♡!!
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And he even gave us his portrait (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)╯~♡ How cute.
So Palia allows us to romance multiple characters. I’m not sure who to go for next :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
It’s a struggle between Jel and Reth on who gets to have the second romance pin slot!
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ariparri · 7 months
POV: You’re Poor
The struggles of an F2P player (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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ariparri · 6 months
The only things I need left for the bundles (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
I just need these two fishes and the emerald.
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And of course the rest are bugs (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
I hate bug catching, I'm so bad at it!
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And one day Disco Muujin will join the others in my trophy room.
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ariparri · 7 months
Finally another drawing for Eureka in the works
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ariparri · 8 months
Here I am sharing a few more of my favorite screenshots from Palia
Hekla calling me out just for picking all the funny dialogue (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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Of course Elouisa would believe in chain mail (๑>◡<๑) She actually fell for a pyramid scheme and had me pay for it! ಠ_ಠ
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Potential drawing ideas! Sorry Reth, but the image won’t leave my head. I can imagine you crying like Peter in the bathtub from ITSV.
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And I love every single one of Badruu's jokes. This is one of my favorites xD
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Oh another set of screenshots I plan on using for a scene redraw!
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ariparri · 8 months
I’m enjoying the Luna New Year event and the Maji Market. The chapaa chase is so much fun xD I can’t wait to make a drawing with Eureka running around catching them!
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And the new emotes are cute xD Look, here’s Eureka with her future husband (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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Reth man, I can’t handle the flirting (๑>◡<๑) I love all his dialogue man, especially his “I like easy things” dialogue xD
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ariparri · 2 months
Saw your reblog of the Palia Questions asks! So have some numbers to answer for your Palia OC: 3, 13, 23, 30, 33. :3 Do as many or few as you'd like!!
Oh hello, thanks for asking (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))☆
Palia OC Asks
3. As a human, what has their experience been acclimating to the culture in Kilima Valley? Did they get comfortable quickly, or did it take time to adjust to?
It has been very peaceful for Eureka. She’s quite the optimist, and was looking forward to the new environment around her so she got comfortable very quickly. She did take some time spending hours in the library reading upon everything about the Majiri and how things have changed since her time.
13. Did your character learn to cook from Reth? What do they think of his lettuce soup? What's their favorite thing to cook?
For the most part, Eureka already knew how to cook but she has learned a few good recipes from Reth. Soup is great and all, but Eureka has a major fondness for chili oil dumplings and rice cake stir fry. She likes her spicy food. And as for dessert, blueberry pie!
23. Use of Flow is forbidden to Majiri outside of the Order—what is your character’s relationship to Flow? Because of being a human, how do you relate to it in a way that your neighbors might not?
There is this strong connection Eureka has with Flow. She cannot explain how, but there’s this weird yet warm feeling whenever she gets near it. She compares the feeling to drinking hot tea on a cold day and she can feel the warmth spread throughout her entire body despite the cool air embracing her.
After completing the puzzles in the temple she would get sudden flashbacks to her time back in human civilization. The scenes are all random though so she cannot piece them together coherently if she tried as there are still major pieces missing. When she tried desperately thinking hard on it after finishing the temple of flame’s puzzle, she ended up suffering from a splitting headache and collapsed. Hassian and Sifuu had to bring her back home.
30. Speaking of Caleri, have you heard that she doesn’t know about the cryptids of the Valley, or rather denies them! How silly—you and I both know about the stars right… What’s your character’s take on Elouisa and her theories? How comfortable is your character with Elouisa?
Although Eureka doesn’t exactly believe in most of them, she does like having discussions with Elouisa. She enjoys Elouisa’s approach on things that have a more logical meaning over her theories. It’s a different point of view, and Eureka’s an artist, she appreciates engaging with different perspectives on things. The only thing Eureka wasn’t too happy about was Elouisa getting Eureka in on a pyramid scheme and spending so much of her gold on it.
33. Delaila is a prize-winning jam maker! What does your character think about the Daiya matron? Are they close to her? Does she make them miss their own mother/guardian/parents, or do they even remember them?
Eureka absolutely adores Delaila! She just loves the woman’s loving personality. Eureka usually goes over to the farm and both ladies enjoy their long conversations over tea. Sometimes Eureka would help Delaila out with her tasks around the house and wouldn’t mind offering any support in making her jams. As for her own family, Eureka cannot say she misses them as she can’t even remember their names or faces. Many of her memories are hazy bits and pieces of what her life was like back in human civilization. But she tries not to dwell too much on her past as she continues making a new life for herself in Kilima. Delaila is great friend of Eureka and she is one of the few people she goes to for some advice or comfort.
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ariparri · 9 months
Palia Masterlist
You can find all my content for Palia, whether it's fanart or just art of my OC, here!
Blog masterpost
Player ID: Mochizuki Yuna
Character Card
Luna New Year
Other Content
Reth's Soup Recipe
Collabs and Templates
Character Card Temp.
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ariparri · 9 months
Palia OC In The Works!
So guess who got into Palia! Me. And of course I'm an idiot that decided to make a new OC for my current obsession
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Now I'm stuck on a name between Eureka, Cellica. I thought Eureka would be a good one for my OC given that she was "discovered" by Jina and Hekla in the ruins by appearing out of nowhere xD
And Cellica just sounded really nice xD Though if I take the meaning behind the name it could match with the lore in Palia. The name Celica is of Latin origin and means "Comes from 'Coelica', literally meaning 'heavenly' or 'celestial' and the lore for humans involved constellations, magic and the elements.
More on Palia can be found here in the wiki.
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