Surely THIS time the new international auxiliary language will resonate with the masses and be adopted worldwide, not like the last one
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eightfourone · 4 years
Pandunia is the first IAL to get the word for 'humanity' fully correct
taken straight from their website: For example, insania means "humanity" both as the collective "humankind" and as the abstract "humanhood".
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Language Tier List
The Perfect Language [Epic]: VötGil
Really Good: Ido, Interlingua, Pandunia, Toki Pona, Lojban
Good: Solresol, Novial, Volapük
Okay: Esperanto
Bad: Zese, aUI
Leave Please: English
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jansegers · 5 years
International Auxiliary Languages
"That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest number" - Otto Jespersen, 1908 International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) are languages constructed with the aim of facilitating communication between people who would otherwise have no other language in common. They are usually designed to be significantly simpler, and thus more easily learnt, than national or "natural" languages. [...]
Here are some links to information on other International Auxiliary Languages. These links should lead you to all the information that is available on each language. Esperanto - Don Harlow's compendious site. Virtual Esperanto Library by Martin Weichert. The International Language Ido maintained by myself. The International Language Ido: improved Esperanto - Includes English-Ido, Ido-English vocabularies. By Robert Carnaghan. Novial - Novial-Informatione, maintained by myself. Novial - Bruce Gilson's pages on the language of Otto Jespersen. Union Mundial pro Interlingua - Official Website of the Internationalllll Uniion for the IALA's Interlingua. Interlingua 2001 - Celebrating 50 years of Interlingua. Pages by Thomas Breinstrup and others. Glosa - Official-looking Glosa site with information in several languages, by Marcel Springer Glosa - a possible second language for the world by Robin Gaskell. Occidental - Naturalistic IAL published by Edgar de Wahl in 1922. Pages (partly in Norwegian) by Morten Svendsen. Cosmoglotta - Electronic journal in Interlingue-Occidental. Pages by Robert Petry. Latino sine flexione - Nice new pages from Jay Bowks on Peano's "Latin without inflexions". Basic English - Simplification of English invented by C. K. Ogden. Pages by Jim Bauer. Volapük - First IAL ever to gain mass acceptance, now looks quite archaic. Pages by Ken Caviness. Dutton Speedwords - Shorthand system also proposed as an international language. Pages by Robert Petry. Dutton Speedwords - Internet resource from the New Congress s.Z. Novial 98 based on the language of Otto Jespersen. Novial Pro - Novial reform by Marcos Franco. Latino Moderne - Highly naturalistic Latin-based IAL proposed by David Stark. Romanova - New naturalistic IAL. Pages by David Crandall and others. LangX/Lang53 - New project to define a hierarchy of languages. Pages by Antony Alexander. Lango - Project for an IAL based on a spelling reformed English, by Robert Craig and Antony Alexander. Ceqli - Language based on English and Mandarin, by Rex F. May Unish - International language project by Sejong University in South Korea. This site is now the home of the Journal of Universal Language, information on Unish can still be found here Lingua Franca Nova - Romance-based IAL by Dr. George Boeree Intal - Novial-like system developed by Erich Weferling Intal - Le INTernational Auksiliari Lingue - new Intal site by Stefan Fisahn, with complete grammar of Intal Folkspraak - Germanic-based IAL, presented by the The Folkspraak Institute Universal Picture Language - context-based picture language, presented by Wally Flint Aiola - New Esperanto-like project by the Aiola Research Group (ARG) Blissymbolics - Symbol system by Charles K. Bliss. New activeBliss site courtesy of Matt Landau Lojban - Logical language developed from James Cooke Brown's Loglan. Presented by the Logical Language Group (LLG) Esata - Based on English cut down for international use. Including complete description of the language Sona - by Kenneth Searight, designed with sonority in mind, based on a limited set of "radicals" Neo Patwa - formerly Dunia Patwa, creole-based system by Jens Wilkinson Atlango - Esperanto-derived system by Richard A. Antonius Mondlango - Another Esperanto-based system, this time with a fair helping of English, by He Yafu Kotava - La langue de communication universelle, aprioristic system developed since 1975 Latinvlo - a development of Stephen Chase Houghton's Master Language, by Paul Bartlett Medilingua is an attempt to reform Novial in the direction of Interlingua (IALA) Europaio / Modern Indo-European is a project to revive Proto-Indo-European, with multilingual website Temenia is an international auxiliary language, or model for constructing one, which is unusual in that it uses the Greek alphabet Pandunia is a constructed language with a cross-cultural vocabulary and phonology with traits from the most widely spoken languages of the world, by Risto Kupsala Toki Pona is a constructed language with a limited vocabulary, simple phonology and positive outlook, by Sonja Elen Kisa Sasxsek - A Language for Earth, a constructed language designed to be used as an auxiliary language, by Dana Nutter Lingwa de Planeta or LdP, a new project based on world languages such as Chinese, Russian and Arabic. By Dmitry Ivanov and others. [...]
#TokiPona #mention #sona #konlan #anno2007
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jansegers · 5 years
Categories of constructed international languages [...] Worldlang Worldlangs use several unrelated source languages from around the world, typically including at least some of the most widely spoken languages today.
List of Worldlangs Publication year Language name(s) Author(s) Current status Link to more information 2012 Pandunia Pandunia Academy Active Pandunia site 2011 Angos Ben Wood, United States Active Angos website 2010 Paqatyl Jorge de Oliveira a.k.a. Kjor Olfaa, Brazil Active Paqatyl website and forum 2010 Vollanjo Niyameddin Kebirov, Azerbaijan Active - 2008 Ardano Zeinelabidin Elhassi, Libya Active Ardano site 2007 Sanua Risto Kupsala, Finland Discontinued Language description 2007 Sambahsa-mundialect Olivier Simon, France Active Sambahsa-mundialect wiki 2006 Lingwa de Planeta (LdP, Lidepla) Dmitri Ivanov, Russia Active Lingwa de Planeta site 2005 Neo Patwa Jens Wilkinson, Japan Discontinued Neo Patwa site 2003 Sasxsek Dana Nutter, USA Discontinued Sasxsek site 2002 Unish Institute for Universal Language, South Korea Re-activated Journal of Universal Language issues 2-1, 3-2 & 4-1 2001 Toki Pona Sonja Elen Kisa, Canada Active Toki Pona site 2000 Big Six Danny Wier, USA Discontinued A message in Conlang mailing list archive 1999 Acadon Leo Moser, USA Active Acadon site and blog 1997 Noxilo Mizuta Sentaro, Japan Active Noxilo site 1996 Ceqli (Tceqli, Txeqli) Rex May, USA Active Ceqli site 1996 Dunia Ed Robertson, Scotland Discontinued Description in LangMaker.com 1995 Vorlin Rick Harrison, USA Discontinued Vorlin site 1993 Jigwa Jigwadx Jungdwei (Jigwa Central Team) Discontinued A draft of Jigwa 1974 Lusane Luis Sainz Lopez-Negrete, Mexico Discontinued A message in Auxlang list Written and compiled by: Risto Kupsala Last update: 2014-09-25
#TokiPona #Worldlang #anno2014
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