#Para: First Fall of Snow
SEBLAINE- PRESENT DAY (Late December/End of Year One)-I Still Remember the First Fall of Snow
Para/Phone Call: I Still Remember the First Fall of Snow- Part 1 of 2. 
Rating: PG-13.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee 
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Year One: Present Day. December 30. 2 and a half months after No Stopping Your Plans (Present Day, End of Year One. Blaine 22 (as of October 22), Sebastian 21 (as of August 27)
Location:  Ohio/Blaine’s Apartment- Brooklyn, New York
Info: Sebastian attempts to travel back to New York after visiting his parents in Ohio during a snowstorm. Blaine panics.
Warnings; please read: This para has themes of alcohol addiction, depression/anxiety, mentions of past domestic abuse, and mentions of death. This RP in general has themes of past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), previous unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, and death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. He is not a nice man at all. Never will be in this RP. You’ve all been warned.)
Title Taken From:  All Too Well (TMV) (TV)-Taylor Swift
Under Cut for content.  As usual, the para is mostly unedited.
 (And how it glistened as it fell,
 I remember it all too well)
 Blaine’s POV: 
All over Brooklyn large snowflakes fell in tufts of fluff so soft and delicate that Blaine was almost certain he could hear them whisper like fluttering wings against his window. Everything looked magical around the city and Blaine wanted so badly to love the glowing white blue hue the same way he had five years ago but his stomach was in nervous knots as he watched it fall steadily from a darkening,  light polluted sky. The sight was visually beautiful but it terrified him all the same. He tried not to reach for his phone to check in with his loved ones once again. He’d already bothered them all this afternoon when the impending forecast of a snow storm turned out to be accurate. 
He was mostly, as usual, worried about Sebastian as he was supposed to have been back from his Christmas break visit with his family this morning, but too much snow and bouts of blasting winds had stopped all flights temporarily and his boyfriend was stuck in an airport in Columbus, Ohio for who knows how long and service all over the Midwest, east coast and more was spotty at best so he was stuck just waiting to hear when he’d get to come home. Blaine had to believe that he’d get home and he’d be safe though and that had to be enough. The short time he got to talk to him today Blaine had made sure to keep his voice calm and as supportive as possible even though he wanted nothing more than  to tell him how very worried he was about the weather. 
Sebastian had been angry that they might not get to spend New Years Eve together, but he’d told his boyfriend that the date didn’t matter and they could mimic their own ball drop if they missed the night anyway. In reality the thought of not getting to celebrate their year back together on that specific date made Blaine feel a little lost. It was their anniversary after all. One year since that not so chance rooftop meeting and that perfect snowflake on Seb’s cheek beckoning Blaine with a reason to touch him again after so long apart. Filling them both with  a wave of familiar feelings and the pull of a mythical string drawing them back together where they belonged. All the pain and happiness they’d been through the last year together was thanks to last New Years and Blaine really wanted him home, but he could wait if it meant Sebastian was stuck somewhere safe. 
 Good god though Blaine fucking missed him. He missed him more than he cared to admit to anyone- let alone himself. It was a sort of aching that left him feeling sore and it scared him a little. They’d talked and texted while he was away and Seb said he missed him, of course, but Blaine wondered if it was this much. He wondered if this was normal. It had only been nine days and it wasn’t like they didn’t go days without getting to see each other, they spent time apart all the time. This felt different though, perhaps it was because Sebastian was miles and miles away.  It felt like his arms were stretched too far with wanting Sebastian closer and he didn’t know what to do with that. He just wanted to pull him back towards him and it worried him that maybe he was feeling too much. He felt untethered- unmoored from himself and he didn’t like feeling this way.
Sebastian had, of course, asked Blaine to come with him so they could spend Christmas together and Blaine had been so ready to say yes, but then he let himself sit and think too hard about it and it just didn’t seem like the right time. Sabine had been supportive of their relationship, if a bit tenitive but Seb’s dad was just… well, the worst trigger and Blaine wasn’t sure it was  a good time for him to be there, especially considering the date he’d be there… 
There was also the money aspect, Blaine still wasn’t comfortable with Sebastian’s easy and almost careless way with it and he wasn’t ready to let him pay for a trip that might lead to disaster anyway. Sebastian had promised him before leaving that he was okay though, that the therapy and the AA meetings were helping and that he’d call him if he felt like drinking or doing anything else that he might regret. So far his boyfriend had been just quiet about the whole trip, sort of changed the subject if Blaine asked about his dad, it worried Blaine but he didn’t want to pry or bother him with it, he’d learned that Sebastian would come to him when it was time to talk about what was bothering him. . Sebastian’s main concern the whole time had been coming home. Blaine didn’t think he’d have gone back to Ohio at all if it weren’t for how much he loved his mom.. 
It really was probably for the best that Blaine stayed in New York. He hadn’t wanted to mention it to Sebastian and remind him of what time of year it was even though Seb knew, he had shown that he knew in the way he kept lingering on Blaine face with concern when they said their farewells at the airport, that and the subtle check ins on that day as well let Blaine know that Seb was thinking about it- Sebastian had went through a hell all those years ago, too. Different, but just as damaging. Yet Blaine still couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud to his boyfriend. Not only was two days ago the anniversary of that last time Blaine felt happiness as a teen, but it was the date he lost everything good in his life. He wasn't sure how he’d handle living that day over while trying to win Thomas Smythe over.
December 28, a date burned into his brain for the rest of his life, had always loomed and haunted like a ghost. This year wasn’t any different except that he was free now. He could spend it how he liked and he spent the five year anniversary of his parents deaths quietly on facetime with Cooper. He was in California still- hadn’t gone home to visit their graves, neither of them had in years. Something about the eerie way the snow dusted their stones was far too pretty of a picture for all the tragedy and grief it left them so it was best they didn’t go. The image of their lonely, cold graves with their names forever etched in gray still fills him with a sorrow he knew he’d never get over. He’d miss the two of them forever and nothing would ever fix that. Not his happiness with Sebastian, not being free of Kurt. Nothing- not even time.
Neither he or Coop really knew how to talk to each other anymore yet neither of them were quite willing to just hang up. They’d  shared old pictures they each had saved, digital and physical and sniffled and laughed a little bit over them and Blaine was okay with that until they got to the ones that were from that last Christmas they were together as a family-  right there in the last photo of the bunch was one of his mother covering her smile as Blaine opened up his guitar while his dad looked on with what must have been pride. It was his last ever gift from them and the very guitar that Kurt still had his claws in. Blaine hadn't seen it since he’d been brave enough to leave, and probably never would again. Kurt had hidden it away or really had sold it off in a gesture of cruelty that only he could produce. One last thing to hold over Blaine. That man managed to keep his nails dug into Blaine somehow and suddenly he didn’t want to look anymore and what was first cathartic turned sour and when they finally did hang up Blaine let himself pull Soot into his arms and cry over them. 
He cried and at first it was marred by memories of Kurt’s mocking, nightmare blue eyes but then he let himself really remember his parents- his beautiful, sweet mother with her gentle hands and his serious but sometimes very silly dad and he cried harder than he had in years for them- full gulping sobs. It felt almost good to freely mourn them without Kurt interfering and making him feel small about his feelings. He cried all the time, he knew that and he was often ashamed over how sensitive he was, but his cat purred against his face and it felt right and that was something Kurt couldn’t take away anymore.
He spent the rest of that day keeping himself busy- he’d talked with Seb on the phone and hearing him say I love you over the speaker over 500 miles away made him feel giddy.  He’d exchanged some ridiculous yet funny messages that made him actually laugh out loud with Sam and cleaned his whole apartment. He’d even let Soot dip her paws in the powdery snow that had fallen on the windowsill that day. She seemed to enjoy herself but soon fell asleep burrowed in Blaine’s sweater, cold paws pressed against his chest…
 But now, two days later, he really just wanted to kiss his boyfriend's hands and face and watch something stupid on the television.  Wanted to celebrate their Christmas and New Year’s with him the same way they’d celebrated Blaine’s twenty-second birthday in October- in his apartment, just the two of them pressed together and giggling like they were all that mattered. 
He sighed and reached for the phone, the time read 7:36 p.m. and it was dark out. He groaned in annoyance with himself as he pulled Seb’s name up because of course he couldn’t stop himself.  Just one little call to keep the other man busy while he waited and then maybe he’d walk down and get himself some dinner from the corner store before the snow really took off and then he’d settle down on the couch to work on his advanced music theory and composition work. Classes started back up soon after all. To his surprise Sebastian’s beautiful, mischievous face was already flashing at him in an incoming call before he could press the proper buttons to call him. He almost declined the call in his haste to answer, maybe he’d make it back in time for tomorrow night after all.
“Let me guess, they’re delaying you until next week?” Blaine meant it as a joke but his heart sort of sank at the prospect.
 Sebastian’s POV:
If it weren’t for his mother, Sebastian wouldn’t go home for the Holidays. He wasn’t much for the BER months and all of the family oriented activities everybody felt guilted into attending. Ever the realest, he knew that the chill in the air towards the end of September meant that wine soaked arguments and gift receipts were around the corner. For him, it wasn’t all warm scarves and the scent of cinnamon, laughing with family like a perfect commercial. Sebastian didn’t need gifts or the judgemental looks in his aunts and uncles faces. But, he did need his mother and she loved to decorate and celebrate and show off her home. So, every Christmas he showed up and tried his best but always seemed to fail somehow. Even if she said she loved him and not to mind what the other Smythe family members thought, he could still see how tired his  mother was, the sad tilt of her red lips when he snapped back or poured another cup. 
This year was going to be his first sober Christmas in a long time. He hoped that he could keep it together without Blaine’s gentle golden gaze. He knew that Blaine was a phone call away and the other man had already encouraged him to reach out if he needed to. 
Sebastian had wanted B to join him on the trip. In the back of his mind he had known that the answer would be no. Ohio was complicated, he understood that. His own father was still quite cold about Sebastian and Blaine reconnecting. He knew his mother would welcome his boyfriend in with open arms but that wouldn’t stop his aunts from gossiping or thaw his father’s frosty demeanor. This time of year was hard for both of them but even more so for Blaine. The anniversary of his parent’s deaths was only a few days after Christmas. The yuletide season was marred for his boy and all he wanted to do was hide under an old quilt with him until New Years Day.  
The days of winter break passed by as the snow fell. Sebastian faked his way through dinners and spoke on the phone with B on the phone as much as possible. His mornings were spent with his mother over french press coffee and cigarettes. These were his  favorite moments anytime he came back home. The two of them in her clean kitchen lit up by the winter sun. The scent of her familiar lavender soap mixed with the rich tang of tobacco and her red lipstick print on her porcelain mug brought him comfort. He silently wished he could bottle up all of the goodness these little things she did brought to him. Sebastian could take the bottle back to New York and keep it just for himself.
 The nights in his childhood bedroom felt cold and lonely. It almost felt like he was a teenager again, wrapped up in his dark green sheets, dreaming of Blaine, willing him there. They would talk on the phone late at night, Seb’s voice hushed. ‘Just like old times.’ Blaine had joked. He would tell him about how his aunts got messy wine drunk, about the 5 identical sweaters he was gifted by various family members, and how much he missed him, Soot, and his tiny apartment. Sebastian lamented about how he didn’t want to miss New Years but the midwestern weather just wouldn’t give.
He felt like he had jinxed himself. There he was, sat in an airport by his lonesome. He was going to miss their day. Sebastian felt agitated as he stood at a large window and watched the wind whip snowflakes across the tarmac. B had assured him that everything would be okay and they could still celebrate together. 
Sebastian chewed on his nails and pondered his options. He felt like he'd go crazy stuck in this airport with crying babies and the temptation of the lounge he had access to. He had to get out of there. He’d rent a car. Yeah, he’d just rent a fucking car. He grew up in midwestern winters, he’d driven in them before. He could do it. 
Blaine picked up and made a joke. Seb chuckled and cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear as he signed the paperwork for the car. “Actually, No. I’m going to rent a car. Can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. I’ll be there before you know it and we can watch the ball drop together.”
The other side of the line was quiet.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine almost lost his hold on his phone as his breath hitched and caught in his throat. It was all he could do to let it back out again.
Breathe in and back out again, Blaine.
Come on- count to ten. You’ve got this, it’s okay. He’s still safe.
One, two, three…
It had taken Blaine a moment to really hear what Sebastian was saying to him. He could hear the triumph and annoyance with himself and the hint of relief in his boyfriend's voice but none of it really registered right away. All Blaine could focus on was that Sebastian wanted to rent a car and that meant he was going to drive. Blaine’s eyes blurred white and then a blue black that buzzed in his head as he watched the fat snowflakes slip down his city window leaving streaks like tear tracks down mourning cheeks. Was he crying too? He reached up and touched his face and was surprised to feel that his cheeks were dry. He felt seventeen all over again stuck in a never ending loop that started five years ago. He felt real fear for Sebastian’s life creep down his body for the second time since August.
All he could hear now was Cooper struggling to tell him the worst news- There was ice on the r-road. God, they’re gone, Blaine. I-I don’t know how else to say it. Mom and dad are gone… Who would think to call Blaine if something happened to Sebastian? Would he be forgotten? Or would he have to listen to Sabine Smythe heartbroken and struggling to tell him like his brother had? He had to force himself to speak, though his voice felt like it was stuck in his throat, his tongue felt heavy and his fingers felt numb as they regained their grip on his phone.  
“Baby- please don’t.”
He was all too aware that Sebastian, or anyone else that he cared about could be ripped away from him at any given moment, he’d been through it and knew in his heart that it could happen again and probably would-  but the thought of Sebastian out there on the road on a night like this for the next nine or so hours was enough to send the mental progress he’d done over the last year into regression. 
“I know how hard it is for you to be idle and how much you hate not having control of what goes on around you. I know that you’re probably overwhelmed and anxious and that’s not a good place for you to be in, I know, okay?  But I’m asking you not to do this.”
His heart felt ready to break all over again. His thoughts ran wild with unwanted scenarios that all ended with Sebastian dead- his beautiful, mischievous face frozen and reduced to just a picture in someone’s old newspaper. Gone. He licked his too dry lips and pushed on, afraid that if he stopped talking that it’d already be too late. He tried to keep his voice as steady and clear as could given his emotions,
“I hate asking this of you because I know you’re struggling to be still right now. I know you want to be here and not stuck there, trust me, I want you here too, but you have to stay there for now, okay? I’m sure they’ll reinstate your flight soon. I’ll stay up and keep you busy all night. I know you brought a notebook with you so you could write or something to pass time, too. Between the two of us we can keep your mind occupied.”
At this point he felt like a drowning man grasping at whatever he could to keep himself afloat. His  voice was starting to break and crack while he stumbled to put into words how desperately he needed Sebastian to understand what he was feeling. He was fighting panic and it looked like he might lose.
“I know it’s not fair of me to beg, but I fucking can’t, Seb. I- I can’t go through another phone call like t-that. It would destroy me… I never properly healed from before and-I just... Please don’t drive. I need you to promise me you won’t, I need to hear it. P-please. I’ll do anything.”
 Sebastian’s POV: 
Sebastian felt embarrassed. Heat crept up his neck and cheeks and his stomach turned uncomfortably. He had been so focused on getting back to New York that he hadn’t really considered how Blaine would feel about the situation. It all suddenly felt so obvious as the other man’s broken voice begged him not to drive.
“Okay, okay.” Sebastian hoped his tone sounded calming. He picked up the rental contract he had just signed and tore it in half before walking away from the kiosk. The clerk looked confused but he just shrugged and turned to find somewhere to sit. 
“I feel horrible and so fucking stupid, B. I should have known better. God.” 
He listened to his boyfriend speak and rubbed his forehead. There was nowhere quiet to sit. Blaine was right. It was going to be hard for him to stay put but, he wasn’t going to betray him. He sat down on a hard plastic chair and pulled his luggage up onto the free space next to him. 
“I won’t drive, I promise. I won’t do that to you and I appreciate the offer to stay up with me but you need sleep. I’m not going to make you stay awake just because I’m bored or anxious or whatever. I can like, play a game on my phone or something.” Seb cradled the phone against his shoulder and picked at his nails. B knew him well, he was struggling to chill out. “I really am sorry. I don’t know why I thought this would be okay.”
They stayed on the phone for a bit and Sebastian tried to focus but he heard somebody near him mention a hotel. “I wish I could stay at a hotel. I don’t think anything is close enough to get there safely. Guess I’ll just have to buy a fucking Monster or something from a vending machine. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anyway but I’m afraid I won’t be alert, you know?”  Seb wanted to be selfish and keep the other man awake with him, that would be the easiest way to quell the anxiety coursing through him. “I should let you get some sleep. Soot is probably annoyed that you’re still awake.”
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let out a slow breath as the thick ball of anxiety slowly tried to unfurl in his gut only for it to be replaced by a guilt that he remembered far too well. Guilt for having inconvenienced someone else. Rationally he knew Sebastian wasn’t angry at him for asking him to stay put but the irrational part of his brain, the one part that Kurt had damaged with his huffs of annoyance and sharp claws anytime Blaine felt any emotion other than faux happiness, told him that he was wrong for asking. He wasn’t though because this is what people in healthy relationships did, they talked to each other and helped each other through the difficult things. He had to take another breath  and press his forehead to the cold window of his apartment before he could speak again.
“Please don’t feel bad, you have done nothing wrong and you are not stupid, Seb. I’m not faulting you for not realizing how it would affect me. You’re not  responsible for my triggers. I am.  I just…” He sniffled but managed to keep his emotions in check, breathing his way through it like he was taught and willing his guilt to ebb away because he knew Sebastian loved him and that he wasn’t cross with him for this, sure, he may be anxious but it wasn’t because of Blaine. 
“Imagining you driving right now- I just can’t. I know I can’t keep you safe in a bubble and I’m not asking for that, I just- this month? This time of year…I-” He struggled with himself to find words, still stupidly worried he’d somehow messed up before settling on the simplest thing,, 
“Thank you for understanding, and I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, okay? I promise.”
Blaine shook his head as he listened to Sebastian try and reason away why he couldn't keep Blaine on the phone and allowed himself to settle down on his little couch, his feet tucked up under him. He made the soft clicking noise with this tongue that sure enough got his fuzzy little feline to hop up on his lap, she nuzzled into the phone like she just knew her papa was on the other line. 
“Please, Seb, you don’t need to apologize, it’s sweet that you wanted to get here so fast, and a normal person would have embraced your gesture, but I’m not, well- you know, normal. But, I have a feeling that you’ll be in my arms by tomorrow night and we’ll be swaying together on my roof listening to the bang of pots and pans, kissing the New Year into existence.”
He felt the beginnings of a tentative grin trying tug on the corners of his lips in anticipation, wanting nothing more than to hold his boyfriend to his chest and kiss the worry and anxiety out of his faraway voice. He let himself take a deep breath, and finally the guilt was slowly replaced with hope and want. He pressed further into the couch, making himself comfortable with Soot curled up on his shoulder, surely curious about why her dad’s emotions were all over the place.
“Sebastian, I’m not hanging up, not a damn chance.” His voice was gentle as he tried his best not to laugh at the thought of letting Seb go for the night, the thought felt absurd to him, “Soot is actually worried about you and wants to see your face, put your earphones in and facetime us so she can see that you’re safe and then you can tell us about something good that’s happened over the last few days and then something you’re looking forward to when you get here.. We’ll be up as long as you need us. Besides, I don’t need to sleep nearly as much as I need to see your face right now.”
 Sebastian’s POV:
“Since Soot is asking so nicely...”
Sebastian tried to pay it casual but he could feel the grin overtake his face because how the fuck was Blaine still so sweet after his mess-up? He obviously wanted to see Blaine’s face, too. More than anything. He knew the joke would make the other man smile. He slipped in his Airpods and accepted the facetime option. He was tucked away in a somewhat quiet corner and the two of them kept each other busy until the time blurred. At around 5:05 a.m.  they announced that the flight would board at 6:30 AM.  The wind had died down and conditions were safe. A surge of relief flooded through him, he was so ready to be back in the city, back with Blaine. 
Sebastian had pretty much slept the entire plane ride with little interruption. His body felt exhausted but his mind was elated to be that much closer to his favorite everything- his safe spot.. Nothing exceptional happened until he was bounding up the stairs to his boyfriend’s apartment. It was only about 2 in the afternoon and they would have the whole of New Year’s evening and day together.  As soon as Blaine opened the door they were in each other’s arms, he wasn’t sure who reached for the other first. His exhaustion seemed to almost melt away as he felt B’s hands rub the small of his back, as he felt the soft whip of Soot’s skinny tail rub against his shin in her own special greeting. He was back with Blaine. 
He was home. 
(Part two of two will be posted in the next couple of months. We’ll see you soon!)
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gardensofbabilon · 1 month
just between us.. - Kuku x Fem! Ex x Felipe Ramusio x Fem! Reader
a/n: bom dia galeraaaa, volteiii (semana sabática) e to com o ramu na cabeça a um tempo
summary ★: all too well - assim como taylor um dia escreveu, você seguiu em frente mas seu ex ainda se lembrava.
warnings: palavrões etcc
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curtido por pipegonotano, carlitosalcarazz, vogrincicenzo e 245.637 mais.
snalcaraz dump das mini férias de verão (eu passei pelo pior frio do inverno) e agora de volta para meus deveres de irmã no USO!
ver todos 13.192 comentários
carlitosalcarazz quem mandou abandonar seu irmão preferido
vogrincicenzo o frio da argentina não faz seu tipo?
↳ snalcaraz ainda amo!!!
feliperamusiomora 😍😍
pipegonotano você fez abacate pra outro... essa é a pior traição do mundo!!!!!!!
↳ snalcaraz eu deixei pra você!!! nem vem!
user32 como doi saber que poderia ser o kuku nessas fotos...
user828 O SOFT LAUNCH??? UM HOMEM?????? OI???
kukusgirlf eu ainda superando #eles e ela em outra...
↳ kukudailyght e ele também superou!! se liguem..
↳ user827 alguém me explica a lore????
↳ kukudailyght o kuku e ela namoraram por uns 3 anos até sociedade da neve sair, parece que se desentenderam e acabou, já faz um tempinho inclusive, mas ela ta sempre ao redor dos amigos... então sei laaa,, eu acho que ela quer voltar
user27 então quer dizer que ela tava na ARGENTINA com o PIPE e não viu o KUKU??? ahhhh taaa
↳ user44 boatos que ele fugiu dela igual o diabo foge da cruz
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curtido por matiasrecalt, pipegonotano, blaspolidorii e 399.182 mais.
snalcaraz dias de sol em madrid ft. taylor swift
ver todos 26.832 comentários
↳ snalcaraz sempre!!
user61 eu to achando meio susss que ela ta seguindo exatamente o calendário dos conversatórios..
↳ user44 ela literalmente mora em madrid...
feliperamusiomora te amassei no xadrez pqpp
↳ snalcaraz se você acha....
blaspolidorii você precisa me levar para experimentar as batatinhas!!
user88 ela e o kuku ainda são amigos???
↳ kukupdates eles literalmente não se seguem.. vamos superandooo
pipegonotano o violão 😶😶 virou cantora??
↳ snalcaraz sempre fui, invejoso
user233 kukuuuuuuuuuuu sei que foi você que tirou essas fotos
user233 eu mataria uns membros da familia pros snkuku voltarem..
carlitosalcarazz você em casa é milagre em, quem fez isso?
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curtido por snupdates, kukuprince e 8.920 mais
lsdlnupdates 'Cause in this city's barren cold, I still remember the first fall of snow. And how it glistened as it fell, I remember it all too well!!! ALGUÉM ME DEVOLVE ELES ESQUIANDO EM ASPEN 💔💔
ver todos 1.239 comentários
snupdates todos temos que superar um dia.. mas esses dois
dellasgirl pq eles.... deeeus minha família precisa voltar
lsdlnlover alguém sabe me dizer pq eles terminaram?
↳ alcaraztea basicamente o kuku disse que queria focar em si mesmo, ele tinha vários projetos planejados para esse ano, a sn comentou que eles chegaram a ficar 6 meses sem se ver devido ao filme e isso abalou o relacionamento, eles tentaram mas não deu em nada, já que ela queria uma família e ele não, então foi melhor terminar
user27 tenho certeza que ele morre de saudades dela!! almas gêmeas frrr
enzosgf strangers to lovers and strangers agaaainn = eles.
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curtido por pipegonotano, carlitosalcarazz, vogrincicenzo e 145.637 mais.
kuku.esteban pequeno recap de acontecimentos desses últimos meses: meu primeiro prêmio.
ver todos 23.192 comentários
vogrincicenzo muito orgulho de você, amigo!!
matiasrecalt é o remus lupin argentino
user344 o segundo slide 💔💔 ele nos entende
↳ lamejoralcaraz significa que ele ta com saudade da ex
user82 só de pensar que ele terminou com #ela por esses prêmios.. era melhor no flop
lsdlnupdates paaaiii volta com a nossa mãe por favor
user131 o carlitos nos likes kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
sndiosas algo me diz que a sn vai matar o carlitos
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curtido por dellagustin12, feliperamusiomora, pipegonotano e 459.182 mais
snalcaraz não achei uma boa desculpa para postar ele mas percebi que nosso amor não precisa de nada disso. minha vida é tão mais feliz indo ao redor do mundo com você em uma moto.
ver todos 22.012 comentários
feliperamusiomora eternamente ❤
user273 eles fazem tanto sentido vou chorarrr
user553 eu não acredito que ganhamos um padrastooo
↳ user44 padrasto nada ele é meu PAI
dellagustin12 lindos!!
pipegonotano chega de segurar vela no conversatóriooo meu deeeus
alcaraztea quando o homem te leva pra viajar junto com ele e te inclui nos seus planos e brojetos>>>>
matiasrecalt morro de inveja desse bigode
vogrincicenzo como amo vocês dois (obrigada pelo sofá em madrid)
↳ snalcaraz sempre que precisar!! :)
user83 kuku.esteban
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curtido por pipegonotano, dellagustin12, vogrincicenzo e 257.654 mais.
kuku.esteban i remember it all too well
ver todos 18.952 comentários
user333 a foto dele bebezinhooo
user00 ele quotando all to well.. eu sei bem quem você é esteban
lsdlnupdates ser filha de um divórcio é tão difícil
user273 eu fico pensando se ele não tivesse dito que ia focar na carreira o que poderia ter sido
↳ user44 eles poderiam estar casados com filhos agora 💔
kukusgirlf acho que eles vão voltar (sou delulu)
↳ user827 ela bem feliz com o ramu e vocês nessa
user76 acho que vou entrar em combustão, eles eram tão lindo juntos
lamejoralcaraz pai que saudades 💔
pipegonotano ta ficando calvo paizão?
dellagustin12 amassou nesse look bb
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curtido por jabayona, vogrincicenzo, feliperamusiomora e 591.188 mais
snalcaraz coisas boas vibrando nessa nova vida de papais
ver todos 82.012 comentários
feliperamusiomora amor tão grande que virou mais uma pessoa 💞
jabayona parabéns lindezas! espero encontrar vocês em madrid em breve!
↳ snalcaraz morrendo de saudades jota!
vogrincicenzo o primeiro bebe da gangue 😭😭😭
↳ snalcaraz e o seu vem quando?
carlitosalcarazz não acredito quee eu vou ser titio 😭😭😭😥😥😥😥😥
kuku.esteban parabéns!!
↳ snalcaraz obrigada!!
lsdlnupdates O KUKU É MALUCO
user273 por que ele comentou mds to DOENTE
↳ kukupdates eles nem se seguem LGUEM VE SE ESSE HOMEM TA BEM
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For @para-amour and any others looking for P/C fic recs
These are some of my fave fics and authors so far:
Spontaneity by theramblinrose, I love babyfic and this story Spontaneity has one of the most loving and in character birth scenes of a P/C child where they are both present that I've seen to date in fic. You can find it linked below.
Spontaneity by theramblinrose
Then there is Cave Baby by Mighty_Oak_Roots. Basically Beverly watching "her friend and captain" Jean Luc handling an infant in an emergency situation and enjoying both his discomfort and his caring nature towards the baby in equal measure, with some longing for what could be and a cute last scene that definitely is romantic and potential family P/C. It can be accessed at the link below.
Cave Baby by Mighty_Oak_Roots
Now for two novel length fics
I loved Snow Falling Softly by Mackillian. I read it last year and was invested from the start. Without giving too much away, if one likes the plot we have this season with Jack, this is similar but on an extra intense level in terms of emotion, complexity and dynamics. It's set during TNG and It also allows Wesley to react to the storyline and process his own emotions about not being an only child and the circumstances! Highly recommend. It is however over 500 or so pages when downloaded as an epub, so even online, it is an all weekend read, at least. Link is below.
Snow Falling Softly by Mackillian
I had barely started In The Depth of Winter by Mackillian last year when I got pulled away by stuff in another fandom. It is the sequel to Snow Falling Softly. It redoes All Good Things in a way that centers the fallout from Snow Falling Softly. It seems just as good so I am looking forward to finishing it. It is 700 pages in epub though so it may need two full weekends to read. Link can be found below
The Depth of Winter by Mackillian
I am also including this single chapter vignette In Paradisum by Mackillian because it is the sequel to The Depth of Winter. I have not read it yet but skimmed the first few lines and the writing seems on par with the two novels. You need to read them to understand this piece. Link to In Paradisum ready below
In Paradisum by Mackillian
Now for authors from whom I recommend reading everything they've written for the pairing:
I am absolutely loving everything I've read so far written for P/C by pktechgirlus. The style is spot on and very emotional while also at times being humorous and steamy. My favorite so far from this author is the story "Never And Always" but all I've read so far are incredible. Some are semi explicit, some are not (Warning, not all end happily) Here is the link to the author's TNG fics,
pktechgirlus's TNG Fics for P/C
There is also one for them from the Picard era which I love too, you can find that below
Vignette by pktechgirlus
And finally, the author I feel has the most solid, in character grasp on P/C in totality. @ussjellyfish. I adore reading their work because they understand the multi facets and deep humanity that is at the core of P/C. They can both perfectly write P/C playing on the holodeck, or saving each other from certain death even by committing violence in defense of the other or breaking laws/oaths. They keep P/C's love paramount, but also allow for mistakes to be made by each and vulnerability to be shown. Even the way they write physical intimacy between P/C feels like P/C and not "insert couple here" and I usually skip sex scenes now because I've been in so many fandoms that reading those scenes are a dime a dozen , but not those written by USSJellyfish, they actually make me care about seeing these characters enjoy each other.
They have both long novel length fics for P/C that are part of a series. and shorter one shot pieces.
The novel series starts with the fic Fair Trade and is several novel length fics long. I haven't finished the entire series yet but I am enthralled by what I have finished of it.
And some of my favorite shorter fics of theirs for P/C are Kindling and Lifeline, both are hurt/comfort fics of a sort. Kindling is explicit.
As I said though, I recommend reading all of their fics for P/C so I am putting a link that leads to all of their P/C fic below.
USSJellyfish's P/C Fics
(They also write Beverly/Kathryn fic, Beverly/Deanna fic, Riker/ Beverly fic, and other pairings on TNG, Fic for several parings on Discovery, and for several on Voyager including Chakotay/Paris and J/C. so much to read!)
Happy reading everyone, I hope this list was helpful!
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inspiredwriter · 10 months
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Stefany : Leo, Está nevando mucha nieve😃😄🌨️❄️¿quieres acostate conmigo en el suelo para ser Ángeles de nieve? 🥰😇❄️💖💞💘
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Anastasia : mirá Mikey están Decorando el árbol de navidad es muy preciosa 🥰🤩🎄✨podemos ayudar a decorar y poner Estrella encima del árbol😄😚🌟🎄❄️💝💕💗
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Leonardo: Yeah, that would be adorable, Stefany~😁😇🌨 *Throws a snowball at Stefany's back* But first we'll have a little fun!😈🏃‍♂️❄ *Runs away*
Stefany: *Makes a snowball and runs after Leo* Stop, naughty turtle, I'll give it back to you😄😈🤾‍♀️❄ *Throws a snowball at Leo's shoulder*
Leonardo: *Wipes snow from jacket* Hahaha, get this, my kitty!😄😘🤾‍♂️❄ *Throws a snowball at Stefany's chest*
Stefany: *Throws a snowball at a branch and the snow falls on Leo* Hahahaha, you look like a snowturtle, Lee!😄😍☃️💖💞 Hahaha!😄🤭
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Michelangelo: Well, I think this is a great idea🤔😃📿✨ *Puts on a necklace and approaches the guys decorating the Christmas tree* Hi guys, can my girlfriend and I help you?😄😗🎄
Some guy: Yes, we need someone to put a star on the top of the tree😀🤗⭐🎄 *Gives a toy star to Mikey*
Michelangelo: *Takes a toy star and gives it to Anastasia* This is not a problem for us😉😁 *Takes Anastasia in his arms and puts her on his shoulders* Come on, babe, put a star on the tree🥰😘⭐🎄
Anastasia: Okay, my love~!🥰🤗⭐ *Places a toy star on top of the tree* Everything is ready!😄🌟🎄
Some girl: Great, but can you also help us hang a dragon garland?😃😙🐉🎄
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Donatello: My love, I want to give you a snow globe😄😍🎁🌎❄💝💘💖💕
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Raphael: Darling, would you like to eat some oranges?😄😏🍊💓💗💘💞 I could make you some orange juice😋😘💪🍊🍹💖💕
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livewireatalanta · 7 months
who: @livewireatalanta ; self para where: nadia's bunk when: the very early hours of february 22 what: nadia has a nightmare. trigger warnings: descriptions of a knife and injury (stabbing) with mentions of blood
Waking up in strange places had been a regular part of Nadia's life since getting assigned to Delta-5. Sleeping bags in FOBs, cots in temporary site bunkings, burner apartments, safe houses. Nights in her own bed, in that apartment outside Chicago were few and far between -- so much so that she hardly thought of it as her bed. (She hadn't thought of it as her apartment since Mark had died.)
Still, waking up in the middle of the forest in a snow drift, with no tent or pallet to speak of, was a first.
It was brutally cold, so cold it burned. Ate through the warm layers she had on. Boots and a hat and gloves, some sort of pelt-like jacket she didn't recognize. Rising and shaking the snow off, Nadia tried to locate herself.
It was night, but the stars, the ones she could see through the leaves, were...                                                                                  falling.                                                                                                        Spinning.
Moving, anyway, so fast it made her dizzy. No chance of celestial navigation then, even if she hadn't always been shit at it. No bodies of water visible or that she could hear but there was a slight slope to her left. Higher ground for a vantage point it was, then.
Nadia had barely begun trekking uphill when she heard the telltale snap of a branch behind her. She didn't turn, just held still (held her breath) and waited for movement to pass in her peripheral vision. Nothing came. And then another snapped branch, closer this time, and then a rustle of                              wings? Or just                                                       leaves?
                       Maybe ground movement in low brush?
Nadia tapped into all five of her senses (plus the sixth sense of pure gut instinct) but she couldn't place anything more. Fast movement, though, probably meant a prey animal. Prey animal probably wouldn't be a threat to her. Nadia kept moving.
It wasn't long before she heard                                                   the laughter.
But not laughter like a child, or any human. This was a cackle, the                                                                           spurting,                                                     hissing                                                                                           splatter of oil in a hot pan. Bristling                                         and cruel                                                                      and...hungry.
(How laughter could sound hungry, Nadia didn't know, but it did. Just like it had that night. Hungry and delighted. Hungry and hunting.)
Where her thigh was once bare but for her clothes, Nadia now had her knife strapped. She wrapped her fingers around the handle and slowly pulled it from its sheath. What little moonlight, starlight there was caught on the blade of her knife.
The crack of a branch again. Right behind her this time.
She whirled around and in one fluid motion had her knife jabbed up into—
                                              "No." The word was jagged and slick as it dropped from Nadia's mouth, and then kept spilling forward. "No, no, no, no. No, please."
It was supposed to be Dalton, on the point of her blade. That's what happened, that night. She heard the horrible cackle of whatever the fuck it was they were hunting and she could feel the blast-furnace of its breath on the back of her neck so she turned and caught Dalton through the stomach.
But here. Now. It was Mark. A horrifying bubble of blood grew from his mouth and then burst and Nadia                                                                screamed—
  and woke, in her bed. What was now her bed, in the bare, Foundation-assigned apartment. Sweat soaked through her sheets and she was gasping through hyperventilated breaths. The weak, grey light of early, early morning was just breaking through the window. 
Another day of "orientation" lay ahead of her. At least coffee was on the agenda for this day.
Without waiting for the shivers to stop, Nadia swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Rose. Made for the bathroom. She didn't wipe the tear tracks from her face until she was already under the shower.
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thecapitolrogue · 9 months
Closed | Self Para. | The Capitol: Kyan's Apartment | Day 72
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
The image of Gleam is hazy, blurred by time. Her biting remarks had stayed with him as if the words were scars upon his skin, but they were never so sharp. Far from a joke, yet hardly an attack. An observation between friends. He couldn’t deny the accusation.
“Never said I wasn’t.”
Kyan was never one to dwell on the past. What’s done is done, the world pushing them ever forward, but he was helpless against the cold shock of dread and panic. He’d give anything to be there again, 15 years old and tossing insults while they perfect their knife work. He’d give anything for one more back alley meet up, hiding from suspicious officials. He’d give anything for them to take it back, to say they’d been confused, that this wasn’t her fate. 
The holo’s remote shattered as it hit the wall. He hadn’t even been aware he’d thrown it. For the first time in his life, Kyan’s hands trembled as the usual cold front he maintained crumbled to dust. Was this devastation? Desperation? 
“I’ll be fine.” 
The dusty back room of the Justice Building was sweltering as he saw Gleam off on reaping day, foolishly jealous that her name had been pulled and not his own. Her arms crossed over, expression hardened as if his farewell had been an inconvenience. 
“I dunno, you were pretty pathetic at target practice last week.”
If he were being honest, he had never once doubted her ability to reach victory. They’d spent years sparring, trading blows as freely as they had cutting remarks, and even if Kyan had spent years mocking her technique, Gleam was a more than capable fighter. 
But she’d never been good at controlling her anger, never made an effort to keep in line. Gleam was loud and unapologetic, refusing to fit the mold they had cast for her. They should have known it would be her downfall.
The Capitol pinned hit on the rebellion, but Kyan was smarter than that. Her years of nonconformity was a danger to no one but Snow and, of course, herself. There was nothing the President hated more than an unruly victor who threatened the system. Gleam had never been one to let someone hold power over her, and Snow refused to be painted a fool. It was only natural for him to get the last word in whatever war they’d been waging.
Kyan was under no illusion this had been a message for the rest of the District 1 team, as well. There was no doubt Snow had known about their secret meetings or the pretend romance with Helios. Gleam’s death was a warning — a promise — that with any misstep, they’d be next. 
Their conversation from just a few days prior came back around. The remnants of the morning’s storm pooled around them in shallow puddles on the back alley’s cobblestone. Kyan hated the rain, but he had gone for her. Because she had asked him to. When Gleam told him of the threat, of how going home to One seemed like a trap, he thought the war was getting to her. His words were not of warning, but of exhaustion.
“Would it kill you to just do what you’re told? For just once in your life?”
Neither of them could have predicted an ending such as this. Killing a victor had been unprecidented before the war, after all, and while she was difficult and incisive in private, the public only knew her to be devoted to the Capitol. It was his fault then, for encouraging her to just go do the damn thing. 
The bottle of whiskey must have apparated in his hand, because Kyan couldn’t recall reaching for it. He took a swig regardless, inviting the burn of the liquor to ease the pain of the sky falling around him.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On June 3rd 1863 Neil Munro, novelist and poet, perhaps best known for his "Para Handy" stories was born in Inverary.
Neil Munro is best known for his ‘Para Handy’ stories these days but his writing career encompassed journalism, poetry and criticism, as well as his novels, making him one of the most visible literary figures of his time. His books fell out of fashion for a while but reprints of his work in the early 1990s and the appearance of a biography has brought him to the attention of a new audience.
Born in Inveraray in Argyll, in 1863, he came from a family of Gaelic speakers and though the language was beginning to lose its currency in that part of Scotland and Munro wrote in English, its influence can be felt strongly in his writing.
He began his career as a journalist on newspapers in the Glasgow area. After the publication of a short story collection, followed by two or three novels, he cut back on the journalism to concentrate on his writing. The appearance of a new character, Para Handy, in a short story in 1905 introduced a new comic strain in his work and the three collections of Para Handy stories (including The Vital Spark) were immediately successful. They transferred to the small screen in two separate sitcom series with the eponymous hero played by Duncan Macrae in the 1950s/60s and Gregor Fisher in the 1990s.
Munro returned to journalism during the First World War, becoming editor of a Glasgow evening paper in 1918.
Although we know Munro best for his Para Handy he was a very accomplished poet and it is his poem To Exiles I have chosen to highlight this. I hope all our overseas members with Scottish blood can take something from this work, I particularly like the last two lines "Fond are our hearts although we do not bare them,-- They're yours, and you are ours for ever-more."
To Exiles
Are you not weary in your distant places,
Far, far from Scotland of the mist and storm,
In drowsy airs, the sun-smite on your faces,
The days so long and warm?
When all around you lie the strange fields sleeping,
The dreary woods where no fond memories roam,
Do not your sad hearts over seas come leaping
To the highlands and the lowlands of your Home?
Wild cries the Winter, loud through all our valleys:
The midnights roar, the grey noons echo back;
Round steep storm-bitten coasts the eager galleys
Beat for kind harbours from horizons black;
We tread the miry roads, the rain-drenched heather,
We are the men, we battle, we endure!
God's pity for you people in your weather
Of swooning winds, calm seas, and skies demure!
Wild cries the Winter, and we walk song-haunted
Over the moors and by the thundering falls,
Or where the dirge of a brave past is chaunted
In dolorous dusks by immemorial walls.
Though rains may thrash on us, the great mists blind us,
And lightning rend the pine-tree on the hill,
Yet we are strong, yet shall the morning find us
Children of tempest all unshaken still.
We wander where the little grey towns cluster
Deep in the hills, or selvedging the sea,
By farm-lands lone, by woods where wildfowl muster
To shelter from the day’s inclemency;
And night will come, and then far through the darkling,
A light will shine out in the sounding glen,
And it will mind us of some fond eye’s sparkling,
And we’ll be happy then.
Let torrents pour then, let the great winds rally,
Snow-silence fall, or lightning blast the pine;
That light of Home shines warmly in the valley,
And, exiled son of Scotland, it is thine.
Far have you wandered over seas of longing,
And now you drowse, and now you well may weep,
When all the recollections come a-thronging
Of this rude country where your fathers sleep.
They sleep, but still the hearth is warmly glowing,
While the wild Winter blusters round their land:
That light of Home, the wind so bitter blowing --
Do they not haunt your dreams on alien strand?
Love, strength, and tempest--oh, come back and share them!
Here’s the old cottage, here the open door;
Fond are our hearts although we do not bare them,--
They're yours, and you are ours for ever-more.
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slate-skylar · 9 months
a visit from the president; self-para
The first time he opened his eyes, body alight with pain, there were nurses there. Flitting about his bed, hooking him up to things. He’d passed out, he didn’t know how long for.
The second time he opened his eyes, mind thick now with morphling, there was a woman standing there. A familiar woman; the thought struck him, odd, that he hadn’t realized she could step out of the TV. That he hadn’t realized she could be in his dimension, moving through the world like him. But of course she could; she’d been doing so his whole life, adjusting the chess pieces when things seemed to become too fair.
Nerissa Snow stepped through the fog that made up the hospital room and came to sit delicately in the chair beside his bed. He blinked a few times, but his vision didn’t clear and the woman before him didn’t disappear.
In fact, she started to speak. “I’ll be clear, as I know you’re having trouble with one of your ears,” she said, and she lifted her hands to show him that she was holding a small black box. She opened it delicately and removed an object. It was wooden; a toy. He struggled to focus, to understand what it was. Then she gave it a little shake; the toy rattled, and he remembered a similar one that belonged to Ivy, and then Luna. “A gift, from my family to yours,” she said, and she placed it on his lap.
“You’re– a killer– you evil bitch–” The words came from deep inside him, as the rattle and the fear and her eyes pierced enough of a hole through his fog that he was able to speak through it. He tried to move, but he was strapped down to the bed.
“Ah.” She patted his lap with a delicate hand, a smile on her face. “Maybe so, but you’re the more impressive killer of the two of us. Took down four Careers; I’ll admit, we didn’t see that coming.”
She reached for something on the bedside table, standing up as she did. “But you’ll want to see your finale, I think.”
She pressed something on the object, and the TV on the opposite wall came alive, bright lights and sound that he couldn’t recognize for a moment, a replay of what had happened now hours before.
“Your kill count is growing higher by the minute, Slate Flint,” Nerissa Snow said as she rounded his bed and left the room, closing the door behind her so that she would not have to hear again the sounds of the bombs falling on the TV.
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portfolio-of-dreams · 2 years
ship your moots and assign them a trope?
weeee, this took a bit because I have so many but this is from the top of my head! (pls i’m sorry if I missed you!!)
@cyancherub Aki, work colleagues. They definitely hit it off in the beginning and slowly Aki couldn’t stay away from Cassie always going on missions together because he has to keep her safe!
@sennsational Baji, (obviously), Soulmates. There’s no other troupe for them. When they met it was like they finally found their person, red string of fate type thing. They immediately knew each other was “the one”
@dilu3 Sasuke, friends to lovers. (side note: I always see Sasuke things and think of Lala.) They kind of grew up together and fell in love naturally, it was easy for both of them to realize their feelings for each other. It was a little harder to admit them tho (Sasuke)
@ch3rryf1z Nishinoya, schoolmates. I imagine Lauren is good at school and has a class with Noya so she helps him with studies and after a while he finally asked her out.
@nyaaaaanma Kenma, soulmates. I love them together. They compliment each other so well. Ella has a big personality and Kenma likes to be reserved. They bring out the best in each other.
@fairyfuyu Aizawa, teacher-student. He had eyes for Honey as soon as she entered the classroom. He held onto those feelings until she graduated and finally told her and the rest is history.
@nymphoheretic Itachi, best friends brother. 🤭 Nymph is friends with Sasuke but he has a damn fine brother (they hook up in secret hehe). Eventually things fall into place and they start dating!
@sweet-seishu Inui, “damsel in distress.” I can just see Katie getting in trouble because she has a mouth on her and Inui comes to her rescue. After hanging out a few times after he finally confesses he has feelings.
@asmology Cass gets shipped with me. Otherwise, Hanma (begrudgingly), fake relationship. They have a mutual interest to make their exes jealous but somewhere along the way they develop feelings for each other. Both of them are too stubborn to admit it though so things remain the same for a while.
@munsonsins Gojo, friends to lovers (my fave). They’re always seen together so everyone assumes their dating until they officially announce it and tell the others- but it doesn’t come as a surprise.
@suyacho Gen, “stuck together”. They meet in the stone world, duh. They have to work together and cooperate with Senku and the team to try to get things moving along. Snow always teases Gen about something and at first he hates it but slowly comes to enjoy it and then they can’t be separated 🫶
@b-achiras Luffy, oblivious love. Apollo loves Luffy and tries to get him to understand his feelings but Luffy is so oblivious to his acts of service 😭 Eventually, Apollo has to spell it out for him and he’s like “OH! I like you too, took you long enough” but like ?? luffy is the one that didn’t notice his feelings lol
@blueparadis Mikey, “opposites attract”. I imagine Para to be in a different gang or not affiliated with them at all. She meets Emma and they go shopping together and what not but every time they run into Mikey, they stare at each other because they don’t understand one another and the choices they make. They are two very different people with different views but the more they see each other and spend time together the more they realize they want to be around one another, eventually admitting feelings.
this was a doozy and I couldn’t help but elaborate on why I thought about each troupe. Thanks for the ask anon ❤️
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mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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White Out: The Beginning
On January 20th at around 11:30am, dark, dense clouds gathered over Mount Phoenix and the temperature dropped dramatically. Strange, the weather forecast had been clear for the day. Large, fluffy snowflakes began falling; slowly, at first, but within moments the snowfall was so relentless that you could barely see five feet in front of you. By 1pm, a blanket of snow three feet deep laid heavily over the island.
By 3pm, the snow was more than any shovels or plows could tackle, and many entrances to businesses and residences were completely blocked. And it was still falling. As a result, the council sent out the following message to every mobile device on the island:
Residents of Mount Phoenix, please do not panic. This heavy snowfall was unexpected, but we are taking every measure in our power to ensure that things return to normal as quickly as possible. For now, we urge all citizens to shelter in place until we can clear the roads and sidewalks. Stay safe, stay warm, and do not do anything reckless.
Welcome to the blizzard event! This event will run from January 20th to the 31st, and it is a little bit different from our usual light-hearted events. The situation will evolve over the course of the first few days (in OOC time), so please be sure to pay close attention to any updates from the main blog! The second half of the event will not have updates, but will simply give muns time to start and/or continue event threads as needed.
As you can see from the blurb above, muses will essentially be trapped wherever they were between approximately 11am-2pm on January 20th. This can be at work, at home, or in any building that your muse might have stumbled into to try to wait out the blizzard. Regardless, in most cases they will be unable to leave wherever they were when the storm started to get bad.
There are also several ways to participate in this event! If you are busy but still want to participate, you can have your muse be trapped alone and write a self-para about their experience. (I would suggest doing this near the end of the event, since the situation will be evolving as time goes on.) Another easy way to participate would be to have your muse trapped alone and have them send out texts/DMs/calls to their loved ones and friends via ask. These things can also be done if your muse is trapped with others, of course.
And otherwise, you can have your muse be trapped with another person/other people! Feel free to plot some drama or fluff with a friend/lover/enemy of your muse. Or, let the other muns know where your muse is stuck via our Discord plotting channel (particularly if it is in a public place or one of the apartment buildings), and plot out interactions with whoever also ended up in the same place! There are lots of possibilities with this event, so have fun with it!
Please tag all event-related posts with “mp; white out”.
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thenachassist · 2 years
On midnights
It's always a joy whenever auntie Taylor Swift releases an album. It's fun to find which track will fit your life at the moment or which one will you dedicate to your new person before he becomes a memory you remember all too well. 🥴😂
So I have finished listening to all songs when I learned that she also released the 3 a.m. edition today. Damn, Auntie. You have so much time at hand. You know, I follow you primarily because of your wordplay. What an incredible lyricist you are. Saranghae, God bless you, and thank you for your life. 🥺
Anyway, here are my thoughts for the tracks included in this lovely masterpiece called midnights:
•Lavender Haze - Persona is high in love, pretty much intoxicated by the euphoria that love brings. Like, I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you. Feels like written for Joe Alwyn. Sana all.
• Maroon - Looks like the young woman from Red has fallen in love and sigh, has lost again. She's in her late 20s now, sipping wine, thinking of the recent break-up. Losing someone when in you're late 20s wasn't so red anymore, the shade had been darker like her make-up or her life in general; thus, maroon. Char.
•Anti-Hero - Self-loathing song. One you will listen to at midnight when the world is quiet and the voices inside your head are loud.
•Snow at the Beach - This track is me. Weird, but fuckin' beautiful. Hahahaha. I particularly like, /It's fine to fake it till you make it, till you do, till it's true/ Very inspirational sa aking candidacy for First Lady ng Pasig.
•Midnight Rain - For those you have never replied to Bumble, those whom you ghosted.
•You're On Your Own, Kid - Lyrics sounded like the ones from Speak Now.
• Question - I like how the questions were laid down. Parang I Bet You Think About Me ang arrangement. I especially liked, /Can I ask a question... Did you ever get back with your ex?/ Syempre wala yan sa lyrics kasi tanong ko talaga yan. Hahaha
•Vigilante Shit - THIS IS MY MOOD ANYTIME OF THE DAY. HAHAHAHA. /I don't dress for women. I don't dress for men. Lately, I've been dressin' for revenge./
•Bejeweled- Persona gets her shit together finally. Naalala niya na isa siyang gold at hindi recyclable. Hallelujah!!!
•Labyrinth - Liking how she's aware that she's falling into the trap of love again but so what? Happy now, Iyak later.
•Karma- Diss track for Scooter definitely. Hahaha. /Spiderboy, king of thieves. Weave your little webs of opacity. My pennies made your crown./
•Sweet Nothing - Yung alam mong sasaktan ka lang nya because everything is sweet nothing pero go lang. Hahaha. The music itself is like the title, sounding very sweet but when you look into the lyrics... Oh boy.
•Mastermind - Walang iba. Ito ang kanta na iniaalay para kay Ginoong Victor Ma. Regis Nubla Vico Sotto.🥴
•Hits Different- Imagine yourself 3 months after the break-up-- you're fine, you're well. Then you randomly wake up at 12 midnight and then you remember your ex. You think of the person but you were never ever getting back together, and somehow, that's okay.. That's how the song felt like.
When I finished taking notes for midnights, aba bigla nilapag ang 3 a.m. edition and so here are my two cents and bente pesos:
•The Great War - Imagine two kakampinks falling in love with each other after attending rallies last March to May. On the 7th of May, as they stood with the crowd in Ayala Avenue not knowing what would happen in the next few days, this song eventually plays. Oh my heart. /All throughout the great war, always remember, uh-uh we burn for better, I vowed I would always be yours cause we survived the great war/ 🥺
•Bigger Than the Whole Sky - Salamat sa saglit. Hahaha. Song for your fling na nawala din eventually. No hard feelings.
•Paris - Purely love song na walang red flag, I think? Or pwede rin naman may red flag, yung persona... /I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever/ Hahaha. Forda ferson na mabubudol natin into loving us forever. uWu.
•High Infidelity - This one gave me Death By A Thousand Cuts and The Very First Night Vibe kasi medyo upbeat pero dark yung lyrics. Hahaha. /There's many different ways that you can kill the one you love the slowest way is never loving them enough/ Edi meow. Also, may ice-celebrate na naman tayo every April 29th.
•Glitch - She sounds like the persona from Paper Rings na kalmado na. Hahaha. Yung pang 3 am na ang aura kasi tulog na lahat. /We were supposed to be friends/ This one is for Joe Alwyn too, I think? Sana all umabot ng two-thousand one-hundred and ninety days.
•Would've, Could've, Should've - Motivation 'to para sa lesson on auxiliary verbs and their contractions hahaha. Pero if you look closer, more than the regret, the song speaks of the awakening ni persona. Losing her innocence in the process of loving this person. This could be the matured version of the girl from All Too Well looking back at the experience. /Stained glass windows I regret you all the time/ /But you made me feel important you tried to erase us/
•Dear Reader - I think this one is purposely placed at the bottom of the list. It's the last one you should listen to, at 3:57 am when the dawn is breaking, and you are advised to /Find another, you should find another/
Overall, the songs are calm, euphoric, and mad at the same time, the typical moods you get at midnight when the world is slumbering peacefully and you're alone in your room. Faves for now are: Maroon, Snow at the Beach, Vigilante Shit, Mastermind, Paris, and Dear Reader.
Rating: Perfect over Perfect!!! Hahahahaha
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otatraducao · 11 months
赤西仁 「Christmas Morning (2015 Mix Ver.)」
Snow's blowing on a cold winter morning Look from you I feel my heart beating Never thought I couldn't get to know you Never thought I would be with you Now I wonder how we ever could have got here Without your love in my life, my one fear Waking up without you We are changing and I know that you don't need Everything we had was all we could be Couldn't hear the words you told me I'm giving, I'm giving, I'm giving, I'm giving I'm giving up, on you
Neve soprando em uma manhã fria de inverno Você me olha, eu sinto meu coração batendo Nunca pensei que não conseguiria ter você Nunca pensei que estaria com você Agora eu me pergunto como nós poderiamos chegar até aqui Sem o seu amor na minha vida, meu único medo é Acordar sem você Estamos mudando e eu sei que você não precisa De tudo o que tinhamos, era tudo o que poderiamos ser Não foi possível ouvir as palavras que você me disse Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou desistindo… de você
Oh, I've been holding back this feeling for too long and I'm about to fall on you I gave you, I gave you, all of me, all of me
Ah, eu tenho segurado pra mim esse sentimento por muito tempo e Eu estive quase em queda por você Eu te dei… Eu te dei… Tudo de mim… Tudo de mim…
First time I saw your face the storms came the winds changed You fogged my mind with snow I'm blind now You opened up the gates when you came, amazed me And now I'm drowning down down down down down
Na primeira vez que vi o seu rosto as tempestades vieram, os ventos mudaram Você embaçou minha mente com neve, estou cego agora Você abriu os portões quando você veio, me surpreendeu E agora eu estou cada vez mais e mais me afogando
We running to this beat on Christmas morning Everything that I've done, I've done it for you We running to this beat on Christmas morning Everything that I've done, I've done it for you
Nós percorremos para este som na manhã de Natal Tudo o que eu fiz, eu fiz por você Nós percorremos para este som na manhã de Natal Tudo o que eu fiz, eu fiz por você
Snow's blowing on a cold winter morning Look from you I feel my heart beating Never thought I couldn't get to know you Never thought I would be with you Now I wonder how we ever could have got here Without your love in my life, my one fear Waking up without you We are changing and I know that you don't need Everything we had was all we could be Couldn't hear the words you told me I'm giving, I'm giving, I'm giving, I'm giving I'm giving up, on you
Neve soprando em uma manhã fria de inverno Você me olha, eu sinto meu coração batendo Nunca pensei que não conseguiria ter você Nunca pensei que estaria com você Agora eu me pergunto como nós poderiamos chegar até aqui Sem o seu amor na minha vida, meu único medo é Acordar sem você Estamos mudando e eu sei que você não precisa De tudo o que tinhamos, era tudo o que poderiamos ser Não foi possível ouvir as palavras que você me disse Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou… Eu estou desistindo… de você
You don't know how much I sang this song You don't know how long I left it on You don't know how much I sang this song You don't know how long I left it on You don't know how much I sang this song You don't know how long I left it on You didn't know how much I loved you
Você não sabe o tanto que eu cantei essa música Você não sabe o quanto que eu deixei tocar Você não sabe o tanto que eu cantei essa música Você não sabe o quanto que eu deixei tocar Você não sabe o tanto que eu cantei essa música Você não sabe o quanto que eu deixei tocar Você não sabe o tanto que eu te amei
First time I saw your face the storms came the winds changed You fogged my mind with snow I'm blind now You opened up the gates when you came amazed me And now I'm drowning down down down down down
Na primeira vez que vi o seu rosto as tempestades vieram, os ventos mudaram Você embaçou minha mente com neve, estou cego agora Você abriu os portões quando você veio, me surpreendeu E agora eu estou cada vez mais e mais me afogando
We running to this beat on Christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for you We running to this beat on Christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for you
Nós percorremos para este som na manhã de Natal Tudo o que eu fiz, eu fiz por você Nós percorremos para este som na manhã de Natal Tudo o que eu fiz, eu fiz por você
Now I fall now you fall now we fall together Now I fall now you fall now we fall together Now I fall now you fall now we fall together Now I fall now you fall
Agora, eu, em queda… Agora, você, em queda… Agora, nós, em queda juntos… Agora, eu, em queda… Agora, você, em queda… Agora, nós, em queda juntos… Agora, eu, em queda… Agora, você, em queda… Agora, nós, em queda juntos… Agora, eu, em queda… Agora, você, em queda…
0 notes
swynlake-rp · 1 year
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This is Halloween! This is Halloween! 
MUN: S! Members applauded S for diving in head-first with two memorable new characters that we already love. From the scrappy Angel to the dignified Darius, we can’t wait to see what stories you tell here!
CHARACTER: SCAMP! From the first time he popped up on the dash, we’ve simply been obsessed with J’s Scamp! He may have just joined us, but he’s already up to some exciting new plots and we just love to see it. Welcome to Swynlake, Scamp!
Honorable Mention: PACIFICA! Pacifica had a huge month, finally escaping her parents and exposing them for their shady ways! Way to go, Pacifica, and props to L for executing a thrilling and dramatic plot.
THREAD: THE MERCREW’S GROUP THERAPY SESSIONS! We love to see a community of Magicks come together like this. While Bruce, Aquata, Alana, Gil, and Gabriella each have their own reasons for being there, we’re excited to see where this goes next. 
TASK: HARVEST WITH THE HAUNTLEYS | FOODIES! Snow, Cass, and Julieta are such a power trio, and we loved to see them team up for some fall food talk. More of this, please!!!
Honorable Mention: BACK TO SCHOOL-ISH | TANYA & ANGEL! This one got a shoutout for being a creative take on the paired thread prompt! A back-to-school thread… where neither of them actually go to the school. Way to go, S and E!
THE FOREST IS NORMAL! BUT STILL CLOSED: Thanks to Ella and her deal with Grandmother Willow, it seems the forest has retreated from its invasion of the town. There’s no need to worry about creeping vines or meddlesome chipmunks anymore. However, the forest remains closed and requires a permit to access— failing to comply can result in hefty fines!
PETITION TO REOPEN THE FOREST: DENIED, Despite almost unanimously passing by the Board, the Petition to Reopen the Forest has been denied by the acting mayor. NOTE: Mayors have always had veto powers on petitions, so Eboshi isn’t technically overstepping, but it is rarely actually exercised. 
NEW SHERIFF/DEPUTY: Announcing Swynlake PD’s newest dynamic duo: Tom Harrington (Sheriff) and Maximus Keaton (Deputy)! They will be replacing Clayton now that he’s skipped town. Feel free to have your characters talk about it and hit up C and L to plot!
EVIL TWIN: Oftentimes, your character is the hero of their own story… but what if they were the villain? Make an aesthetic and a short description of what it might be like if your character made different choices, went down a different path, and became a spooky version of themselves! (Aesthetic + 300 words)
GHOSTS: A self para or thread where your character encounters one of Swynlake’s many ghosts. Feel free to play with the ghosts that we already have in canon or invent a new one! And remember that unless you are a medium, ghosts do not appear to you. 
OCTOBER 4-11: BELLE’S FOREST SIT-IN Come be part of a peaceful protest to show the town’s displeasure with the closure of the forest. Characters will be occupying the forest without permits. There will be snacks and drinks.
OCTOBER 11-18: A TOTALLY NORMAL PENNY FORRESTER CHARITY CONCERT Wow, it’s so wonderful that Penny is donating her time to perform for a good cause! It’d be a shame if something… happened. Something like a peaceful but extremely theatrical protest against the suspension of the elections… (Organized by Phineas and Pip. Because of course it was). Canonically on October 14.
OCTOBER 18-25: BOARD MEETING Between the closure of the forest and the postponement of the elections, Swynlakers have a lot to be opinionated about! Come make your voice heard. Canonically October 19.
OCTOBER 25-NOVEMBER 1: HALLOWEEN FUN! Get in the Halloween spirit with Swynlake’s many offerings…
Town Hall Trick or Treat: A family-friendly Halloween bash with tables from local volunteers and businesses giving out candy. Dress up in your favorite costume and bring the family! Pixie’s Halloween Haunt: For the nightlife crowd, Pixie’s will have its annual Halloween bash and costume contest! Go all out for a chance to be crowned the winner, and check out the club’s selection of signature themed drinks. Emira and Kleopatra’s Danse Macabre: Come frolic and dance until you’re dead at Emira and Kleopatra’s danse macabre, held in the PrideU dorm common room. Medieval attire encouraged, but not required!
Scott “Scamp” Richards: October 2
Cassandra Hamada: October 5
Mirabel Madrigal: October 6
Agustín Madrigal: October 6
Bae "Nemo" Nam-min: October 9
Elliott Morey: October 12
Gaston D’Avenant: October 13
Rose Whitman: October 15
Thomas Harrington: October 19
Todd Sionnach: October 20
David Hatter: October 29
Zero Hallows: October 31
Characters Involved: Ting-Ting, Hercules, Su, Hera, Snow
Plot: Ting-Ting found out that she's pregnant -- gasp! After puking on the Ferris wheel at the fall carnival with Hercules (and also not getting her period) she had a hunch, but confirmed it with a test on Sept. 17 (John's birthday). So far, she's only told Hera, Su (and Mei) and Snow.
Characters and Muns Involved: Pacifica, Ollie
Plot: This thread is the culmination of a lot of self paras and plotting over the last few months as Pacifica and Ollie work together to steal the evidence they need to finally hold the Northwests accountable for their actions 
Characters and Muns Involved: Cass, Hiro
Plot: To make sure that Aunt Cass isn't alone, Hiro used his skills with robotics and AI to create a cat for her named Boba
Characters and Muns Involved: Jessica, Belle
Plot: Jessica reaches out to Belle for help with her harassment and Belle has to turn her down 
Characters and Muns Involved: Bruce, Aquata, Gil, Alana, Gabriella
Plot: Bruce launched his merfolk therapy group! Aquata, Gil, Alana, and Gabriella all attended and they covered ground rules and then began discussing an anonymous online submission box where merpeople could share their concerns. They're a bit nervous about the security of the whole thing, but willing to take the risk.
Characters and Muns Involved: Annie, Kim
Plot: After being sent on a wild goose chase by Annie to investigate the residents of Southern Isles, Kim finally put her foot down and told Annie she wasn't going to do it anymore. Annie didn't take it well. 
Characters and Muns Involved: Hercules, Aquata, Merida, Ren, Cora
Plot: The gym has been undergoing renovations following the PanDemonium attack, and the withdrawal of the forest from the pool area (bye otters ily). Everything should now be back to normal and classes have returned to their normal schedule!
Characters and Muns Involved: Gil, Jim, Roz
Plot: After a mission gone mostly wrong, Gil asks the RAS for extra help in Swynlake. Roz approves the request and Gil is shocked to find that his former flame/the spy he worked most closely with in NYC is now in Swynlake. TLDR: Leo is in town! Staying at the Tipton for now! Getting a lot of coffee with Gil... what does it mean??
The A.V. Club
Characters and Muns Involved: Penny Forrester, Eilonwy, Su, Angel
Plot: Penny has started a film club! People should join this if ur character likes film <3
Characters and Muns Involved: Ella, Tiana, Aurora
Plot: After a disagreement about Willa’s education, Enchantra grew hostile, branching out into town in protest. Though her friends offered to help any way they could, Ella came to a compromise with Grandmother Willow, setting the forest back to normal as Ella moved into her own home closer to the forest itself. 
Characters Involved: Belle, Tibbs, Eilonwy, Alana, San, Mads, Berlioz, Hades, Toulouse, Ashitaka
Plot: Belle’s personal life has exploded in the wake of the Underworld opening. Her husband’s brother almost died and he won’t speak with her. Hades is disappointed in her. Her best friend, father figure, and other friends were injured. Her best friend, Berlioz, whom she told that it was her fault, is pissed at her now. She is trying to repent by throwing herself into getting the forest reopened but that’s not going well either…not to mention, Ashitaka showed up on her doorstep, causing even more problems…
Characters Involved: Belle, Agustin, James, Simba, Rose, Gil
Plot: As if summoning a demon wasn’t enough, now Belle has been fired from InterPride for insubordination. Her summer long crusade to help a cairn of Stone Trolls has been thwarted at every turn, building to a blow up with her boss. What’s her next move going to be? 
Characters Involved: Candace, Mirabel
Plot: At Phineas and Ed’s back to school party, Candace and Mirabel made out on the dance floor and then went back to Mirabel’s place for a hook up…except Mirabel started crying. Things got awkward and though Mirabel has apologized and explained she was upset about her ex…things are still weird
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Snow Fall: The Late Submission
Snow Fall by the New York Times definitely got me taking back my initial thoughts on the read and making me want to apologize to the author for my disrespectful claims of it seeming to be boring while I haven't even read it, very much like how I first almost gagged when I see my relatives eating oysters but after actually tasting it, I am now even eating it raw when it's freshly caught. The storytelling and the really immersive widgets like the video of Elyse narrating her experience during the avalanche, the geographical view of the whole Cowboy Mountain, the photos the aftermath of the disaster at Tunnel Creek, all of them made it a unique experience for me. A first for someone like me who has read countless of books in the past and eventually burnt himself out to the point of nothing amuses him anymore except for eating and listening to other people's problems, Snow Fall has truly made me love reading temporarily as I enjoyed it while giving me a hint of what's it is like at that snowy mountain. That is enough sidetracking and let me now get back to my part by part review on Snow Fall.
Snow Fall has 3 parts and the first would be the Avalanche. Some souls really liked to experience the full thrill of life by doing something that might actually make their lives flash before them, mountain climbing and skiing are one of them. Skiers like Elyse Saugstad, had always thought of the vast white as double-edged. They can be the source of adrenaline one longs for to make their life complete or the River Styx itself. That one time Elyse was doing what she loved, the unpredictable and unavoidable happened, an avalanche. She was aware of the chances of it occurring and had lessons on what to do in case of an avalanche but can one really maintain their composure and remain calm if the shadow of death is looming? It is white and is coming after you at accelerating speed, such is the case with Elyse as she prematurely inflated her compressed air wings from her backpack out of fear. As she thought that her companions would laugh at her for doing so, there might be another way to deal with a white snowy wave coming for you but in the end her lessons managed to make her live through the snow burial, so… all's well that ends well? Overall this part of Snow Fall is my favorite as it made me do the thing I do best, putting myself in others' shoe, as I imagine how it feels being toppled and swallowed by snow, and how she would put her hands on her face to be able to breathe, all the way to how she wiped the snow from her mouth. I thank my brain for being in a constant state of delusion and I was able to recreate the scene in my mind.
The next would be the Tunnel Creek, a combined story of the tragedy from 1910 and the geography of the back country and how to reach it, not really immersive like the Avalanche but due to the tailwind left behind by the first part, I miraculously didn't get bored. The tragedy of February 1910 which took the lives of less than a hundred people is very much the Fimbulwinter before Ragnarok as it is said to have a snowstorm lasting several days and causing an avalanche which would trap trains resulting to 96 passengers being taken to Valhalla. As it seems the Tunnel Creek attracts death as much as it attracts skiers for the same reason, the snowy slope ride down from the back country. They say that people tend to find their selves giggling as they glide down the slope because of the little bits of snow that slams through their face as it tickles them, the geography of the slope also makes the Valkyries giggle as they would accompany another soul (opo, nagrereference ako ng Norse mythology dahil sa snow, masyado masaya para tumigil pero sige stop na me) for the sheer number of people going down the slope creates vibrations that would eventually trigger an avalanche.
The Plan in Motion tackles about how all of this happened as it was said to be born from a drunken idea from a bar by Chris Rudolph. He has noticed that it has been 2 whole weeks since it has stopped snowing and he thought that it might be a good time to finally pass through the Tunnel Creek to promote his "Steven Pass" by inviting some guests and get skilled skiers to come with him as an attraction in which by some dumb stroke of luck, were there at the bar with him. To make this really long review a bit shorter, he invited guests and told them they could invite other acquaintances as well for a camping convention. By this part of the story the tailwind brought by The Avalanche already petered out and I'm starting to want to finish this article fast rather than fully understanding it because no thrilling things that would wake up and exercise my mind like imagining myself consumed by snow or digging up frozen carcasses of passengers are there during the "Steven Pass" meeting. Atleast they had good photographs of sunsets on a snowy mountain.
Honestly, the Snow Fall by the New York Times is like a literal snow glide down a slope on how the story progresses, from exhilarating near-death experiences to people having a chat about promoting one's business. I just didn't like the last part but overall it was a pretty good read and I am glad that I have read it. It also gives a new idea for the future of digital journalism as it was proven effective for me that this kind of immersion would work wonders with people even if they haven't went to snowy places or reading articles at all. This approach might just help people appreciate digital journalism more.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2022.12.16
Friday, December 16th:
(exclusive): "Litvinenko" (AMC+|SundanceNow, bio-pic drama, all 4 eps), Far From Home (netflix, Nollywood teen drama, all 5 eps), A Storm for Christmas (netflix, Norwegian mini-series, all 6 eps), "The Recruit" (netflix, spy thriller series premiere, all 8 eps), Paradise PD (netflix, animated comedy, season 4 available, all 10 eps), Cook at All Costs (netflix, competition premiere, all 8 eps), Summer Job (netflix, Italian Gen Z reality competition, all 8 eps), Beast of Bangalore: Indian Predator (netflix, true-crime, all 3 parts)
(streaming movies): "Snow Day" (Para+|NICK, movie musical remake of 2000 comedy), "Nanny" (amazonPrime, supernatural horror-thriller), "The Apology" (Shudder|AMC+, horror-thriller), "Private Lesson" (netflix, Turkish rom-com, 90mins), "BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths" (netflix, Mexican dramedy, 160mins), "The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari" (netflix, documentary), "Le pupille" (dsn+, film short), "If These Walls Could Sing" (dsn+, Abbey Road Studios documentary)
(shows streaming weekly): Slow Horses (apple+), "Echo 3" (apple+), The Mosquito Coast (apple+), Mythic Quest (apple+), Acapulco (apple+, season 2 finale), Shantaram (apple+, series finale), Play-Doh Squished (freevee), America's Test Kitchen: Next Generation (freevee), Three Pines (amazon, next 2 eps), "LOL: Last One Laughing - Mexico" (amazon, season 5 opener), Dance Monsters (netflix, competition in CGI costumes, first 3 eps)
(primetime specials): Joe Bob's "Ghoultide Get-Together" (Shudder), Metallica Presents: "The Helping Hands Concert" (Para+), The Amber Ruffin Show (Peacock, season 3 finale), The Hollywood Christmas Parade (theCW, 90th annual event, 2hrs)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Snow Day" (NICK|Para+, movie musical remake of 2000 comedy), "The Housewives of The North Pole" (BRAVO, earlier, 2hrs), "Holiday Heritage" (HALL, Kwanzaa, 2hrs), "A Christmas to Treasure" (LIFE, 2hrs+), "Bound by Blackmail" (LMN, 2hrs), "The First Noelle" (BET, 2.5 hours)
(hour 1): Lopez vs. Lopez (NBC, fall finale) /   / Young Rock (NBC, fall finale)
(hour 2): The Greatest #AtHome Videos (CBS, "Holiday Special"), The UnXplained (HIST, season 3 finale)
(hour 3): The Last Cowboy (CMT), We're Here (HBO), Battle of the Bling (HGTV, 60mins)
(hour 4 - latenight):   The Graham Norton Show (BBCAm), Sex Diaries (HBO, reality series premiere, ~60mins), Random Acts of Flyness (HBO, ~70mins)
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lady-snow-flower · 2 years
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I posted 758 times in 2022
That's 700 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (8%)
698 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 758 of my posts in 2022
#gif chat - 390 posts
#mirror mirror on the queue - 143 posts
#snow quartz - 138 posts
#para - 131 posts
#snooze - 127 posts
#spooky spooky girls - 59 posts
#about - 36 posts
#text - 34 posts
#flor de nieve - 32 posts
#inspo - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this is why i love snooze bc we were jsut like yeah cute pumpkin carving and now we're getting into bruce's language and snow's loneliness
My Top Posts in 2022:
Skeleton In The Closet || Spooky Girls
The inn was almost completely booked!!
She couldn’t believe it. It was the first time since Snow had started managing the Hauntley Manor that this has happened! But the rush of autumn weather had ushered in a wave of bookings-- and even a brand new Nightly in the form of Mr. McQueen-- and so Snow’s days were full of making sure all her guests were taken care of.
She was finalizing the dinner menu with Bones in the kitchen when Tanya burst in. 
Snow startled, giving herself a paper cut. “Ow,” she pouted, then back up at a crazy-eyed Tanya. “Um, hello-- is everything okay, Tanya?” 
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26 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Whistle While You Work Pt.4: Heartbreak Weather
The storm dropped out of the sky. 
That was how it felt. It had been on the radar, expected in the afternoon, and so Morey Construction turned up early to get as much done as they could. But by mid-morning, the sky was bruised and the atmosphere heavy. The only real warning was a couple of errant drops of rain dotting the wood. 
And then it poured. 
Chaos erupted on the site, the team scrambling to grab materials to bring inside. Janet and Gem began to wrestle with a massive tarp to cover the exposed part of the patio where the roof was-- well-- not. But the wind snagged it in its teeth, dragging it back over and over again. 
Snow raced outside to grab one of the ends. “I got it!” She yelled over the pouring rain, the howling wind. Sheet lightning brightened the sky for a brilliant second, followed by the crash of thunder. 
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[outfit that is now soaked lmfao]
28 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Tea Time || Sessie
Snow needed a break. 
Normally, she didn’t feel this way. She loved her job-- even the difficult bits, in fact, especially the difficult bits. She loved schedules and meetings and balancing budgets and smoothing over guests’ worries or complaints. But it seemed there was an exception to this rule, wasn’t there? 
His name was Lightning McQueen.
Lightning McQueen was driving her up the wall. And so Snow decided to put on some tea and take her twenty minutes, escaping out into the garden where it was chilly, but sunny-- a perfect autumn day. Perfect for tea. 
“Oh, Ms. Wright-- do you mind if I join you?” she said as she approached Jessie, sitting with a book at one of the tables. 
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29 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
All’s Fair in Love and War || Snooze
Oh, now this was something right out of Snow’s dreams - a romantic carnival date!
She’d heard so much about the carnival too, in the weeks leading up to it. Ken had fawned about it with her, she’d pestered Robbie Ryeo for some more details...and of course her group chat with the girls had been blowing up, as everyone talked about who they were going to bring. Snow was thankful in that moment that she had someone. She’d forgotten what a great feeling it was-- to have a person. Maybe Bruce wasn’t her boyfriend (yet), but maybe after the carnival...
“Oh wow, everything looks so cute! Ah, I love fall!” Snow squealed, hanging loosely onto Bruce’s arm as they entered the fairgrounds. “You came to this last year, right? What was your favorite part?” 
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32 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Does It Spark Joy? || Open Text
Snow: Hey! You know that cute little thrift shop that’s opening up this weekend? I was trying to go through some of my clothes to donate but i think i need help 😅 can i send you some pics? 
47 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
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