#Park Myeong-shin
alltomevibes · 11 months
so there's gonna be a kidnapping day s2, right, because the way the last episode ended....
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Koyote profits, why Shin Ji takes more...Kim Jong-min and Donga "dissatisfaction? This alone is a godsend" ('Radio show')
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ma6e · 1 year
JAKE A KIAN. [O algo así. La carta se encuentra prolijamente doblada entre las páginas de un sketchbook, sin intenciones de llegar a su dueño. Por el traspaso de algún material usado en el mismo sketchbook, tiene manchas amorfas de distintos colores encima. La letra descuidada y los borrones hechos de la misma tinta, sugieren que fue escrita a poca luz y con palabras rápidas, como quien se despierta en medio de la noche a escribir a la luz que entra por la ventana. El sketchbook se lo deja en la casa de Kian, por accidente. Es posible que la carta se deslice y llegue a sus manos.]
Mi amor, amorcito, mi vida. La cabeza me está dando vueltas en cosas que no debería, y acabo de imaginar el escenario más terrible de la vida: estás enamorado de alguien más, y es un sujeto que te trata tan bien y eres tan feliz, que no puedo ni siquiera quejarme. ¿Por qué me siento inseguro en este momento, por qué te imagino lejos de mi? Hace poco alguien me dijo que soñar con alguien es porque ese alguien está pensando en ti, pero si estás pensando cosas que lleven a que ese escenario se haga verdad, entonces prefiero que no me pienses. Que ni se te ocurra. Necesito botar estas imágenes de alguna forma, pero me rehúso a pintarlas, así que te escribo, y que se queden aquí encerradas para siempre, y tú a mi lado, y que esta imagen no se vuelva a materializar nunca más, porque no me puedo imaginar sin ti, y a ti sin mi. Lo siento, estás atrapado en mis brazos de por vida. Que pena. Soy un idiota. Te amo. ¿Esto cuenta como una amarre? Son como las tres y media de la mañana.
HAOKAI A JINAH. [La carta se encuentra dentro de un sobre blanco, como una carta formal, pero la estampa tiene la caricatura de un oso con un brote verde sobre la cabeza. Como los dormitorios no tienen un buzón muy ordenado, la deposita directamente por debajo de la puerta de Jinah. Tiene escrito su nombre, y en color rojo, las palabras top secret. Es un intento de bajarle el perfil, y hacerlo un poco gracioso, porque no es una carta de amor. De hecho, solo el sobre tiene esas pizcas divertidas, pero eso es algo de lo que Jinah se daría cuenta una vez lea el contenido. El mismo se encuentra escrito de su puño y letra, una letra ordenada y bonita, en tinta azul.]
Jinah, mi corazón, Sé que he estado extraño y ausente estos días, estas semanas, y me disculpo. Estoy tan acostumbrado a mi independencia, o a que los demás dependan de mí, que es difícil tomar las manos que te tienden. Es difícil verse vulnerable, incluso frente a las personas que sabes te contendrán en lugar de dejar que te desplomes. Dicho esto, si fuera menos cobarde, te diría esto en persona, pero es más fácil cuando sé exactamente lo que voy a compartirte, y cómo me vas a pillar la próxima vez que nos veamos. Lo que quiero que sepas es, que no estoy bien. Pero no tiene que ver contigo, ni con el amor que me entregas. Todas esas son cosas que valoro y amo, y no quiero que pienses que no es así, o que planeo dejarte ir. Porque no es verdad. Es mi madre. Hace unos meses se encontró una anomalía en sus exámenes de rutina, y eso ha evolucionado en lo peor que puedes imaginar cuando sabes de algo como eso. No sé hace cuánto lo sabe ella, pero yo me enteré hace aproximadamente tres semanas. Un poco más, un poco menos; he perdido un poco el sentido del tiempo. La cosa es que, ella está lista para irse, me dice, pero yo no estoy listo para dejarla ir. Cada vez que me encuentro con ella, que ahora es más seguido que nunca, me lo comenta. Me prepara, de alguna forma, para lo que ella ya asume como inevitable. Lo intenta. Pero no lo logra. No estoy listo, no me siento listo. ¿Sabes cómo es eso? Porque yo no sabía, y me abruma. Tanto, que no sé cómo encuentro la cabeza para seguir sumiéndome en cosas de la universidad, pero sé que no lo hago con tantas ganas como acostumbro. También sé que lo que tengo contigo ha sufrido un poco por lo mismo, aunque el único lugar en el que me siento un poco más vivo es cuando estoy contigo. ¿Encuentras tonto que te lo diga de esta forma? No me atrevo a articular las palabras y que estas salgan de mi boca. Dejarlo en un correo electrónico, por otra parte, se sentía más vacío que hacerlo por este medio ¿Te parece?. Pero estaba convencido de que tenía que contártelo, o terminaría por perderte. Y quiero que sepas que te amo. Tuyo, ZHK.
KOSTYA A MYEONG. [La carta se encuentra disfrazada en un sobre rosado con stickers de caricaturas de gatos dándose un besito, estrellas, corazones, y piedras de plástico, que asemejan a ese de un fan-mail. La persona a la que va dirigida es claramente Myeong, pero el remitente es una vagueza. La referencia a un gato con honoríficos cariñosos... en femenino. Nadie que no los conociera íntimamente y lo que comparten sospecharía que vendría de él, mucho menos que no se trata de una mujer. La carta ha llegado a manos del manager de Myeong, quien tiene como tarea entregársela al mismo. La carta misma está escrita en una hoja para cartas adornada con dibujos de un cielo estrellado, perfumada con su colonia, escrita en una fina tinta negra con una caligrafía acorde: elegante, y un poco difícil de leer. Junto a ella, una postal que no tiene más que un beso marcado.]
Mi estimadísimo Myeong, ¿Cómo te encuentras? Espero que mi elección de papel te agrade. Y los adornos, también. Los elegí yo mismo, con mis propios ojos y manos, y así me autodenomino tu mayor fan. No haría el esfuerzo por nadie más que tú. Estoy sentado en la mesita más bonita, con la vista más privilegiada de una ciudad que no visito tan seguido como para decir: estoy acostumbrado a esta belleza y ya no me impresiona. Pero aún así, no me siento completo, ni satisfecho, ni privilegiado. No te tengo a ti. Tampoco a mis gatas, pero para este mismísimo segundo en el que pensé en escribirte, ellas pasan a segundo plano. Quiero y necesito a mi chico. Estoy tan inspirado, y me siento tan desesperadamente enamorado, que hasta podría escribir una o dos canciones sobre ti. ¿Querrías escucharlas cuando regrese? Aunque lejos estés, en mis sueños te tengo. Como un gato sin dueño, siempre me encuentro. ¿Muy cursi? Piénsame, amor mío. Ya nos volveremos a ver. Kotenka ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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passionforfiction · 2 years
The Fabulous
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I frankly don't know where to start., so I'll be blunt: I didn't like this series. I forced myself to finish it and I skipped episodes - and mind you, this was an 8 episode series. It was the combination of poor storyline, character development and representation. The characters come off as frivolous, the gay characters feel like a stereotyped caricature that felt cringy at times. And I just couldn't connect with any of the characters. It annoyed me that Pyo Ji Eun could forgive and give a second chance to Lee Nam Jin who insulted her when they broke up, but she couldn't forgive and give a second chance to her friend and ex-boyfriend because she couldn't see how he expressed his feelings for her. These characters are static, there is no true growth in them. At the end of the series they are the same as they were in the beginning.
The plot felt superficial too. It could have worked if there had been some depth to the conflicts that could truly make the characters do some growing; for example Ye Seon Ho's situation as a model. This could have been explored more. The conflicts are all triggered by the whim of celebrities, rich people or influencers. Shim Do Young is supposed to be the cute boy trying to make it in the fashion industry and he comes off as annoying and shallow.
Thierry's story could have been a nice subplot but they turned that character into the biggest caricature of the set of characters.
It's a pity because the cast has some really good actors in it, but they were not able to bring to life characters that the audience could connect.
I truly don't recommend this one. There are other series about fashion that are much better.
Poster from Kpopmap - https://www.kpopmap.com/fabulous-2022-drama-cast-summary/
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daniel2334 · 8 months
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Landscape from the cultural factory's defensive camp
Next to the Hwal Fish Center in Bangeojin
The newly opened cultural factory defense team
A new art scene will be introduced in Dong-gu, Ulsan
The cultural factory defense team that will become a space
with the opening of
Art is a diverse visual landscape
It's a special invitation exhibition that introduces the achievement
six writers in painting and sculpture
(Kim Yu-shin, Kim Ji-hyo, Park Young-hwan, Bae Ja-myeong,
Right-setting, cold blue)
Twelve works are on display.
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2015mai24 · 2 years
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#hardcore pure#🎬
ich habe schon viele koreanische Filme gesehen, der bricht die Gnadenlosigkeit
Seo In-guk as Park Jong-doo Jang Dong-yoon as Lee Do-il Choi Gwi-hwa as Alpha Park Ho-san as Lee Seok-woo Jung So-min as Lee Da-yeon Ko Chang-seok as Go Kun-bae Jang Young-nam as Choi Myeong-ju Sung Dong-il as Oh Dae-woong Son Jong-hak as Soo-cheol Lee Sung-wook as Kyung-ho Hong Ji-yoon as Song Ji-eun Jung Moon-sung as Kyu-tae Lim Ju-hwan as Representative director Kwon Soo-hyun as Jin Kang-woo Jung Sung-il as Detective Jung Pil-sung Kim Kang-hoon as Lee Do-il's son Lee Hong-nae as Piercing Shin Seung-hwan as Mantis
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nam-san: Ma Dong-seok Yang Gi-su: Lee Hee-jun Choi Ji-wan: Lee Jun-young Han Su-na: Roh Jeong-eui Lee Eun-ho: Ahn Ji-hye Kwon Sang-sa: Park Ji-hoon Teacher: Jang Young-nam Tiger: Park Hyo-joon Yeon-su: Seong Byeong-suk Madame: Jung Young-ju Ju-ye: Lee Han-joo Director Choi: Park Sang-hoon Director Oh: Ahn Seong-bong Ju-ye’s Father: Jeong Gi-seop Ju-ye’s Mother: Kim Young-sun Western Grandfather: Sin Sin-beom Western’s Mother: Hong Yi-joo Film Crew: Production Design: Jo Hwa-seong Sound Supervisor: Kim Suk-won Editor: Nam Na-young Special Effects Supervisor: Jung Do-ahn Adaptation: Ma Dong-seok Lighting Director: Song Hyun-suk Director of Photography: Byun Bong-sun Production Sound Mixer: Jung Gun Producer: Choi Won-ki Makeup & Hair: Nam Ji-soo Special Effects Makeup Artist: Pi Dae-seong Digital Intermediate: Lee Hye-min Production Design: Park Gyu-bin Original Music Composer: Kim Dong-wook Editor: Ha Mi-ra Martial Arts Choreographer: Heo Myeong-haeng Writer: Kim Bo-tong Executive Producer: Byun Seung-min Martial Arts Choreographer: Yoon Seong-min Original Story: Kim Dong-gyun Adaptation: Kim Chang-hoon Writer: Kwak Jae-min Executive Producer: Choi Byeong-hwan Special Effects Makeup Artist: Seol Ha-un Props: Kang Shin-hong Key Grip: Lee Hyun-gyu Special Effects Supervisor: Im Jong-hyeok Line Producer: Choi Su-im Visual Effects: Yuk Gwan-woo Movie Reviews: Chris Sawin: The film features some hard-hitting and explosive action sequences that will rightfully cater to fans of the genre. The battle in the basement of the apartment building, where we see Nam-san use a shotgun to blast his way through some of the doctor’s ‘enhanced’ individuals, is a total exhilarating blast. Ma Dong-seok has been a powerhouse for most of his career post Train to Busan, but he sends people flying whenever he throws his fist or pulls the trigger. _Badland Hunters_ also has to break a record for most decapitations in a film. **Full review:** https://bit.ly/bdlndhntr MovieGuys: Badland Hunters does something things well, others just passably. Action is wall to wall and well choreographed.Special effects are excellent. Characterisations are solid if predictable and the acting is not to be sniffed at. However, the story is unremarkable, with a climax that feels, well, anti climatic. In summary, an okay but hardly exceptional watch, that would have benefited from more creativity on the storytelling front. Ritesh Mohapatra: “Badland Hunters: A Visually Striking Action Spectacle with Narrative Shortcomings” In this post-apocalyptic action thriller, Badland Hunters, while suffering from a repetitive and clichéd plot and uninteresting characters, excels in stunning hand-to-hand choreography and scintillating action set pieces. The film benefits greatly from the expertise of its veteran stunt coordinator turned director, known for his work on Train to Busan. Commendable world-building, visionary concepts, and excellent VFX are hindered by conventional writing. The short, crisply edited runtime avoids unnecessary elements. Don Lee’s exceptional portrayal of Nam-san, with exhilarating action sequences, overshadows the film’s narrative weaknesses, making it a guiltily satisfying popcorn-worthy entertainer, particularly for adrenaline enthusiasts. Instagram & X @streamgenx.
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movienized-com · 6 months
The Day of the Kidnapping
The Day of the Kidnapping (Serie 2023) #YoonKyesang #ParkSunghoon #KimSangHo #HyunWooJi #SeoJaehee #ShinrockKim Mehr auf:
Serie / 유괴의 날Jahr: 2023- (September) Genre: Mystery / Thriller Hauptrollen: Yoon Kyesang, Park Sung-hoon, Kim Sang-Ho, Hyun-Woo Ji, Seo Jae-hee, Shin-rock Kim, Jung Soon-won, Go-Ha, Kim Dong-Won, Kang Young-Seok, Seung-Jun Oh … Serienbeschreibung: Die besondere Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem ungeschickten Entführer Kim Myeong-joon (Yoon Kyesang) und dem 11-jährigen Genie-Mädchen Roh-hee……
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nutricare-company · 10 months
Nutricare Co., Ltd., honored with Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province ‘Excellent Company’ award
Nutricare received the honor of being selected as an excellent company at the '5th Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Job Awards' hosted by Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province.
The Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Job Awards is an event that discovers and awards excellent companies in Gangwon-do that have contributed to job creation, employment stability, and welfare improvement. This event started with application and reception last August, and the city, county, and province conducted the first document review and quantitative analysis, followed by the second on-site investigation and qualitative evaluation, followed by three thorough evaluations leading to the final review committee decision. and were selected through a fair review process.
Nutricare received positive reviews for its contribution to establishing a proper working culture and creating jobs, and with this award, it received the opportunity to participate in employment environment improvement projects, a special corporate promotional broadcast produced by G1 Broadcasting, preferential treatment for small and medium-sized business development fund support projects, and priority support for overseas marketing. You will receive various benefits.
The companies that won the Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Job Awards are ◇ Grand Prize = Pharma Research (CEO Kang Ki-seok, Kim Shin-gyu) ◇ Excellence = Kukje Steel (CEO Noh Jeong-hyeop), Nanointek (CEO Park Young-sik), Nakcheon (CEO Seong Jae-gi), Nutricare (CEO Kim Ho-beom), Daehwa There are 11 companies including Pharmaceuticals (CEO Byeong-tae Noh, Eun-seok Kim), Bifido (CEO Myeong-soo Park), Sea World (CEO Hak-do Lee), Eunsung Global (CEO Ki-se Lee), Hansol Eco Packaging (CEO Hyeong-yeon Kim), and Hugel (CEO Seon-ho Han, Hyeong-jin Moon). .
Meanwhile, the 5th Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Job Awards will be held at the Chuncheon Sky Convention on the 15th and will be broadcast live throughout the province through G1 Broadcasting.
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year
Joo Min-kyung(Bae Ok-hui)
(google translate)
‘Hiphage’ Joo Min-kyung, “I like the reaction of waiting for the Okmyeong couple the best.”
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Joo Min-kyung, who was ‘hip’, sent off ‘Bae Ok-hee’ with affection-filled thoughts on the end of the show.
1. Thoughts on the end of ‘Hip-Hope’
First of all, I would like to thank the viewers who loved our drama. And it was such an honor to be able to work with all the people I met through the drama, including the director, writer, senior and junior fellow actors, and all the staff. Ok-hee was a character who met and interacted with many people, so all the scenes she had together were meaningful and memorable. I think it will be remembered for a long time. More than anything, I was really happy to be able to play Ok-hee, and I was fortunate to be able to show Ok-hee as she grew up a bit towards the end.
2. Were there any special preparations you made to play the character ‘Bae Ok-hee’ or anything you paid attention to while acting?
I always worry about being seen as a pretender in every project. Bae Ok-hee was a challenge for her as it was very different from the roles I had played so far. So, Bae Ok-hee seems to have taken it seriously, constantly reminding herself that she was the best fashionista in Mujin with her unique mental world.
3. How was the atmosphere on set of the drama and the chemistry with your fellow actors?
The atmosphere at the scene was very good. Senior Han Ji-min, I worked with her on her previous work, and was close to her, so she took care and encouraged from the beginning to the end. Maybe that's why I was grateful that it was a warm place where laughter never stopped when seniors came. Senior Lee Min-ki always seemed to be focused on his character on set. However, he was a senior who silently looked after and took care of those around him, so I learned a lot from watching him. I didn't have many scenes with Suho, but when I talked to him, he seemed like a simple country boy.
I am actually a long-time fan of Senior Kim Yong-myeong ‘Comedy Big League’, so when I first met him, I was very nervous and a little surprised. Even though I was a junior, my senior always took care of me first and created a fun atmosphere on set, so I was able to film happily. And Ok-hee's family, Mom, Dad, and Bae Deok-hee, the four of us lived in situational drama when we met, but it got a little confusing later on. (Laughs) Surprisingly, I liked it even more because the four of them were so similar. Lastly, Ok-hee's unit Shin So-yeon, Lim So-ra, Park Bo-bae, and Ho Sol-hee were all bright and energetic friends. The younger members of Okhee's unit gave me a lot of good energy on set, so the filming wasn't difficult.
4. In particular, the chemistry with Kim Yong-myeong, who played the romantic role in the play, received a good response. How was your collaboration with Kim Yong-myeong? Are there any memorable reactions to the Okhee♥Yongmyeong couple?
I am a regular listener of 'Comedy Big League' and a huge fan of senior Yongmyeong, so seeing him on set was amazing and nice as it felt like I was watching TV. He was always cheerful and brought snacks whenever he had time, so it was a fun place to spend time with him. I remember that while filming with my senior, I kept bursting out laughing and there were a lot of NGs. I think the most memorable response was that they were waiting for the ‘Okmyeong couple’.
5. ‘Hip-up’ My favorite scene/quote of my choice
I think it was the scene where wheat was rolled for a drinking competition. Actually, I've never tried it before, so I looked it up on social media and researched it before filming. The director filmed it beautifully, and I think the viewers liked it. 
And I keep thinking of the last line that Ok-hee shares with her boyfriend in episode 3: “Oppa’s lipstick, peach suits you better than red.” I cried a lot while filming that scene. She thought that Ok-hee may have seemed light-hearted Geumsappa(falls in love quickly), but she was a transparent friend who loved her with all her heart at every moment. Maybe that's why that line stayed in my heart for a long time and I cried a lot while watching the broadcast. I think it hurt me more because I thought it might not have been the best thing I could say while acknowledging my boyfriend and pretending like nothing happened.
6. Lastly, a word to the viewers who loved ‘Hip’
I hope you had a good time crying, laughing, and being together in Mujin. I greeted her with a slightly odd Okhee name, but she was kind to me and encouraged me, so it was a really happy time. Looking at the viewers' reactions, I thought they all needed a friend like Okhee. I hope that you will be able to recharge yourself to get through the week with a tiring weekend 'hip' and with Okhee on your side, and I will work hard and prepare well and happily so that I can greet you in a different way with another work. I am sincerely grateful to the viewers who have loved and watched ‘Hip’ and Okhee so far.
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enterenews · 2 years
Jung Yong-hwa, an eyewitness who opens his heart
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Haru (Jung Yong-hwa) told the mother, who believed that the child was possessed by an evil spirit, “I will go to the hospital and show you the reality of the evil spirit, so please tell me the truth on the rooftop that day.” suggested.
As a result of the examination, Ji-yul received a suspicious result of encephalitis. One day while she was contemplating the cause of her encephalitis, as if she remembered something, she requested an obstetrician's consultation and she went into an emergency operation.
After her surgery, Haru showed her child's mother that Jiyul had been removed from her body and said, "The identity of the evil spirit possessed by Jiyul is a teratoma, a kind of tumor in the ovary." she explained. Encephalitis caused by untreated teratoma caused Jiyul's aphasia and epilepsy.
Coming out of the operating room, Jiyul said, “Mom… ” she said with difficulty. Haru said, “If the treatment goes well, Jiyul will return to his old self.” “Tell me about what happened on the rooftop that day. Is it true that Jiyul hurt her father?” she asked.
At this time, the religious leader and followers burst into the hospital and caused a commotion. The religious leader told the child's mother, "Don't be deceived by this satanic devil!" and one day said, "Satan the Devil is that woman." said she confronted the guru.
One day, she convinced the mother of her child that she would be able to determine for herself who is Satan the Devil. In the end, the child's mother said, “The person who killed my husband was actually a person. Please arrest me.” and she named the cult leader as her killer.
KBS 2TV's Monday-Tuesday drama "Brain Cooperation" (Director Lee Jin-seo, Sung-jun Sung/Screenwriter Park Kyung-seon) is a full-fledged brain science comic investigation drama in which two men who can't kill each other solve a criminal case related to a rare brain disease. Haru Shin, a neuroscientist with a special brain, and Myeong-se Geum, a detective with the brain of Hogu, collaborate on an exciting brain disease case and deliver a message of laughter and empathy.
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seong-star-hwars · 3 years
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Sweet Home as The Onion headlines - part 3/?
part 1, part 2
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Koyote 4:3:3 is a concession from Shin Ji.
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
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  Un homme est activement recherché par la police après qu’il ait tué l’un des hommes qui ont violé et assassiné sa fille, alors qu’il est sur la piste du second meurtrier…
    “Banghwanghaneun Kalnal” (방황하는 칼날), ou “Broken” pour la distribution internationale, est un thriller policier sud-coréen datant de 2014, écrit et dirigé par Lee Jeong-ho, à qui l’on doit également “Bestseller” (2010). Les acteurs principaux sont Jung Jae-young, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Fatal Encounter” (2014), Lee Sung-min, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Spy Gone North” (2018), Seo Jun-young, qu’on a pu voir dans “Bleak Night” (2011), Lee Soo-bin, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Long Way Home” (2015), Lee Joo-seung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Socialphobia” (2015), et Choi Sang-wook, dont c’est ici la présence aux castings d’un long-métrage. Il s’agit d’une adaptation du roman japonais “The Hovering Blade” (2004) de Keigo Higashino. Il s’agit également du troisième film sud-coréen adapté du travail du romancier japonais après “White Night” (2009) et “Perfect Number” (2012). Ce métrage est paru le 10 avril 2014 en Corée.
L’histoire proposée par “Broken” nous invite à suivre Lee Sang-hyeon (Jung Jae-young), veuf, qui mène une vie paisible avec sa fille de 15 ans, Su-jin (Lee Soo-bin). Mais un jour, elle est enlevée, violée et son cadavre est retrouvé dans d’anciens bains publics abandonnés. Sang-hyeon est impuissant face à la mort de sa fille. Il ne reste plus que ses sentiments de colère et de désespoir. L’enquête de police progresse très lentement, incapable de rester silencieux et inerte, il décide de prendre les choses en mains. Sang-hyeon reçoit un SMS anonyme contenant des informations sur le coupable, y compris l’adresse d’un des auteurs du meurtre de sa fille. Une fois sur place, il trouve une vidéo montrant l’agression de Su-jin. Lorsque le propriétaire rentre, il se cache, mais lorsque ce dernier s’extasie devant la vidéo du viol de sa fille, pris d’un accès de rage, il tue l’individu à coups de batte de baseball. Découvrant qu’il y a un complice, il est déterminé à trouver ce deuxième agresseur de Su-jin et se lance à sa poursuite. La police est cependant sur ses traces, et les autorités, sous la pression médiatique, veulent absolument l’arrêter avant qu’il ne fasse un carnage. Une course contre la montre est alors engagée..
Le scénario concocté par Lee Jeong-ho, qui endosse ici la double casquette de scénariste et de réalisateur, a des relents de déjà-vu. Une double chasse à l’homme. D’un côté un père qui cherche à venger l’assassinat de sa fille. De l’autre la police qui cherche à empêcher cet homme d’aller au bout de son projet morbide. L’homme sait qu’il est recherché et la police sait que la cible de cet homme est en effet le meurtrier de sa fille. Une histoire qui n’est pas sans rappeler “The Fugitive” (1993) réalisé par Andrew Davis, film dans lequel le docteur Richard Kimble (Harrison Ford) tentait d’échapper au Marshal Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) tout en prouvant son innocence et en cherchant à identifier l’auteur du meurtre de sa femme. Dans ce “Broken”, Lee Sang-hyeon, incarné avec beaucoup de forces par Jung Jae-young, vit une véritable tragédie. Après avoir perdu son épouse, il perd son unique enfant. Le monde s’effondre et il se retrouve face à l’incompétence de la police et se voit adresser des réponses toutes faites. Un message anonyme va cependant l’aiguiller sur la piste d’un des auteurs du crime et il va rapidement se retrouver au cœur d’une spirale meurtrière.
En substance, on peut aborder la trame de fond comme un questionnement. Un homme perd sa fille dans des circonstances dramatiques et tout au long du récit, ce père s’interroge sur le pourquoi. Il le hurle de tout son corps. Pourquoi lui a-t-on enlevé son enfant ? Il n’obtiendra jamais de réponse. C’était un crime de circonstance, un enchaînement de situations qui ont mené à la mort de Su-jin (Lee Soo-bin). Cependant, en enlevant la vie aux responsables, dont certains de ceux-ci sont à peine plus âgés que sa fille, Sang-hyeon (Jung Jae-young) reproduit la même injustice en plongeant à son tour des parents dans la tourmente. Comment pouvons-nous répondre à cette spirale infernale ? “Broken” n’apporte aucune réponse à ce questionnement. Tout ceci nous conduit à un métrage terriblement efficace, car terriblement terre-à-terre.
La grande force du film réside essentiellement dans la prestation de Lee Sang-hyeon qui livre ici un personnage littéralement détruit par le meurtre de sa fille. Il transforme son impuissance par sa volonté de vengeance. Il sait pertinemment que cette vengeance n’est pas la solution et qu’elle n’apaisera en rien sa peine. Toutefois il refuse d’attendre, car finalement que devrait-il attendre ? L’arrestation de ces jeunes criminels qui ne risquent que quelques années de prison ? Des excuses ? Une éventuelle rédemption ? Chaque scène amène son lot d’intensité. Il y a un sentiment que chaque situation peut dégénérer en confrontation physique. Finalement, il n’a plus rien à perdre et c’est certainement ce sentiment qui domine et on se rend bien compte que son voyage est un aller sans retour. Lee Sung-min incarne un chef enquêteur lancé sur les traces de Sang-hyeon. Bien qu’il soit animé par la volonté de l’empêcher de tuer à nouveau, il comprend sa motivation, et il est systématiquement sur le fil du rasoir, prêt à basculer du côté de ce père-meurtrier et à le laisser faire.
Les valeurs de production de “Broken” sont d’une très bonne qualité. La photographie présentée par Kim Tae-gyeong est très réussie, emmenant le spectateur dans l’horreur d’un viol suivi d’un meurtre dans un endroit dégueulasse, offrant ainsi une dimension encore plus sordide à l’acte. Les séquences dans la forêt enneigée ont une approche très poétique, allouant ainsi au personnage principal un bref moment de répit qu’il met à profit pour activer les souvenirs de son enfant disparu. La confrontation finale est très tendue et sa conclusion est tragique. La bande originale signée par Kim Hong-jib est plutôt discrète et le montage orchestré par Nam Na-yeong offre un métrage de 122 minutes captivantes et fortes en tension dans une atmosphère très sombre. Rappelons que ce monteur (bien qu’il s’agisse d’une femme je doute qu’il soit d’usage de dire “une monteuse”, ce qui aurait une connotation déplacée), a déjà œuvré sur plus d’une soixantaine de films. Elle fut nominée dans la catégorie Meilleur Montage pour son travail sur “Arahan” (2004), “The Good, the Bad, the Weird” (2008), “Scandal Makers” (2008), et “Confession of Murder” (2017), et l’a remporté pour “Crying Fist” (2005) et “Masquerade” (2012). Elle a également un Asian Film Award pour “I Saw the Devil” (2010) et un Blue Dragon Awards pour “Masquerade” (2012).
En conclusion, “Broken” est un très bon thriller criminel, disposant d’une histoire familière, d’une intrigue forte et d’un développement solide, marquant et très intelligent. Le rythme est très bien structuré avec une montée en puissance, le récit est limpide et la narration fait appel à quelques rares flashbacks. La photographie est très bien orchestrée, la bande musicale est sobre et le montage est irréprochable. La distribution offre de bonnes prestations, littéralement écrasée par la somptueuse prestation de Jung Jae-young. Bien que l’expérimenté Lee Sung-min offre un personnage intéressant, il est cependant éclipsé par son confrère. L’ensemble est passionnant et touchant. A voir sans hésiter…
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    BROKEN (2014) ★★★★☆ Un homme est activement recherché par la police après qu'il ait tué l'un des hommes qui ont violé et assassiné sa fille, alors qu'il est sur la piste du second meurtrier...
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genevieveetguy · 3 years
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I know you're a good guy... but you know why I have to kill you.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Boksuneun naui geot), Park Chan-wook (2002)
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lycheesqueeze · 4 years
4 K-Dramas that make me go  ✨w o m a n✨
Today I present to you the Crème de la Crème. Beautiful, pretty, smart and unstoppable: These K-Dramas make me want to marry the female characters. I promise after watching these four series you will question yourself again what sexuality you are. 
Strong roles for female characters are actually rare in K-Drama. Too often they depend on the help and validation of men, are portrayed stereotypical or in unrealistic ways. These following K-Dramas are breaking the standard roles of those female characters and make them the heroine of the story: 
- Hotel del Luna [호텔 델루나] // 2019 by Oh Choong-Hwan, Hong Jeong-Eun // 16 Episodes 
Hotel del Luna is a story about Man-Wol, who is forced to care for a supernatural hotel due to a sin she committed in the past. It is a guest house for the souls/ghosts of deceased humans who have unfinished business on earth before going to the afterlife. Besides Man-Wol there are also other staff at the hotel such as the receptionist Hyun-Joong and the human hotel manager Chan-Sung. The story evolves around Man-Wol’s past life, her relationship with Chan-Sung and the development of her character. 
Man-Wol seems to be a closed in and out of touch character. She loves to spend money on pretty things, acts invulnerable and classy. Her character is strong and independent and as the story develops, we realise, that even in her past live she always relied on herself. The second lead character, the human hotel manager Chan-Sung, helps her to overcome the grief of her past and move on to the future, so she can finally enter the afterlife. 
It is an interesting, sometimes sad, mostly entertaining drama with a heartwarming story. If you look closely you can spot other known faces such as Sulli, Lee Do-Hyun, Kang Mi-Na and Soo-Hyun. 
Main Actresses and Actors: Lee Ji-Eun (IU) as Jang Man-Wol & Yeo Jin-Goo as Koo Chan-Sung
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- Run On [런 온] // 2020 by Lee Jae-Hun, Park Si-Hyeon // 16 Episodes 
Run On is a simple romance drama without a big plot line. It tells the story about the average translator Oh Mi-Joo who lives a pretty normal live. Through her job she meets the sprinter Ki Seon-Gyeom who retires shortly after and starts working as an agent for his friend Kim Woo-Sik. They start dating and throughout their relationship they have to face different kind of problems and how to overcome them. The second plot revolves around the unemphatic CEO Seo Dan-A who meets the young art student Lee Yeong-Hwa who starts working on an art pice for her. They too start dating. 
Oh Mi-Joo and Seo Dan-A are really strong characters who have their own live and principles. Although having different backgrounds they both display an independent woman who cares for herself first. All relationships in this drama are pretty healthy and something we can actually learn from. Another fact I really like is that we finally see more than only straight characters. Dan-A for example could be seen as a non stereotypical Bi-Character and Yeong-Hwa’s best friend is a gay character with the difficulty of coming out to him. 
As I mentioned before there isn’t much of an exciting plot line but the development of the characters and their relationship is fun to watch and makes it a relaxing drama. 
Main Actresses and Actors: Yim Si-Wan as Ki Seon-Gyeom, Shin Se-Kyung as Oh Mi-Joo & Choi Soo-Young as Seo Dan-Ah, Kang Tae-Oh as Lee Young-Hwa
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- It’s Okay to Not Be Okay [사이코지만 괜찮아] // 2020 by Park Shin-Woo, Jo Yong // 16 Episodes 
A story about a sassy child book author who moves back to her old house and starts working at a mental hospital to give lectures about literature. She meets Moon Gang-Tae and his little brother and starts to befriend them. Gang-Tae also works at the mental institution and lives at his old friends house. Together the three start to overcome their past traumas and problems. 
Moon-Young the child book author is a mysterious woman who seems to be sadistic and a little bit crazy. She doesn’t fit into society norms and doesn’t give a s*** about other opinions. Moon-Young also has a fantastic taste in fashion and carelessly of her surroundings wears what she loves (extravagant clothing that looks like she hoped out of a fairy tale). As the story develops, we learn that she has a lot of suppressed trauma because of her mother who wants to kill her. The male lead Gang-Tae has to deal with the difficult relationship with his autistic brother. Moon Sang-Tae, Gang-Tae’s brother on the other hand has untreated trauma from his past, that leads to him being mentally unstable. The plot line focuses on the trio who heal each other through their friendship and trust in each other. 
I really enjoyed watching this drama. All characters are interesting and have their own motives and stories. Seo Yea-Ji is a great actor and fits the role of Ga-Young perfectly plus she is super pretty. I recommend this drama for everyone who wants to watch something out of the ordinary. 
Main Actresses and Actors: Seo Yea-Ji as Koo Moon-Young & Kim Soo-Hyun as Moon Gang-Tae
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- The Uncanny Counter [경이로운 소문] // 2020 by Yoo Sun-Dong // 16 Episodes 
This Drama is about a high schooler named So Mun who is lives with his grand parents and is a pretty soft boy. He becomes a “Counter” and joins a group of other “Counter” to catch evil spririts. Together they start digging up the wrong doings of mayor Shin Myeong-whi and his partners while catching an unstoppable evil spirit named Ji Cheong-Sin who commits a lot of murders around their town. 
The reason I included this Drama is the strong role of Do Ha-Na who is part of the counter group and becomes good friends with So Mun. She is the definition of a strong woman who is independent and relies on herself. Nonetheless she needs help from time to time to overcome hardships. Other female roles such as Counter Mae-Ok and Mun’s friend Ju-Yeon are also non stereotypical female roles with interesting and special traits. 
The Uncanny Counter is not a romance Drama but more so an action or fantasy one. It is full of inspirational scenes, characters and interesting plot twists. 
Main Actresses and Actors: Jo Byeong-Kyu as So Mun & Kim Se-Jeong as Do Ha-Na
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