#Paul Boyton
frimleyblogger · 2 years
Paul Boyton, The Fearless Frogman
Paul Boyton, the Fearless Frogman, crossed the English Channel before Captain Webb, wearing an inflatable suit and using an oar @CSAswimmers @csandpf
Paul Boyton was born in County Kildare in 1848 and shortly afterwards was taken by his family to the States. He grew into a strong swimmer with a sense of adventure, spending his youth in the navy and then establishing the United States Life-Saving Service, the forerunner of their Coastguards. A meeting with Clark S Merriman, who had recently invented an inflatable, rubber life-preserving suit,…
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travsd · 3 months
Whither Ruth Warrick?
It’s June 29, and having already written about such June 29 Birthday Children as Richard Lewis, Fred Grandy, Nelson Eddy, Joan Davis, Slim Pickens, Ed Gardner (Duffy’s Tavern), and Coney Island amusement pioneer Capt. Paul Boyton, I turn my attention ever so briefly to actress Ruth Warrick (1916-2005). NB: her surname is not the more common “Warwick”, which is, I am sure, a common mistake. I…
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Ok we paused it so a quick list of highlights so far:
I always forget how deep Ben’s voice is until he speaks and when he does...oh man
As usual Lucy is stunning
I wanna be like Joe in this, he just says what he wants and does not care about anything
Freddie is king of bad hair
Deaky is a close second
Belting all the songs w my gf
Rog singing really high
Rog throwing miscellaneous breakfast food at Brian who does not care at all
The breakup scene is so sad wow
“Another time Fred”
Paul can choke
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simply-sams-things · 6 years
This is everything
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witch-robin · 6 years
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Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor appreciation post. 
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)  |  dir. Bryan Singer. 
+ Bonus:
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lindaseccaspina · 5 years
Clippings- The Regatta of 1878 -- Captain Boyton and Ned Hanlan
Clippings- The Regatta of 1878 — Captain Boyton and Ned Hanlan
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        Captain Paul Boyton was an American showman and adventurer, known for his dangerous and original water stunts. Boyton helped establish the United States Life-Saving Service and became captain of the New Jersey Life Saving Service. Boyton’s life-saving expertise led him to the inventor Clark S. Merriman. Merriman had recently invented a life preserving suit, which was made from India…
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mrkoppa · 6 years
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c262 FASHIONABLE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN (had some cultivated wild gardens; in which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land)
Photographic image of The Royal Gardens at Kew from National Geographic Magazine by B. Anthony Scott, ©1950 National Geographic Society; book page reproduction of the painting Sir George and Lady Strickland in the Grounds of Boyton Hall, by Arthur Devis, 1751; excerpts from the Skowhegan Croquet Rule Book, published by Forster Mfg. Co., Inc., of Wilton, Maine, in 1974; photographic image from Lands & Peoples, Vol. II, ©1929, 1930 The Grolier Society; and inkjet printed image of Heracleum mantegazzianum downloaded from the internet in 2018.
Inspired by The Return of the Giant Hogweed, by Genesis and the Nursery Cryme album sleeve, designed by Paul Whitehead ©1971 Genesis Partnership
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unwoundvisions · 5 years
Cayla Stark Info Fill (1982)
My crush’s name is: Tony Stark
I was born in: 1949
I am really: Happy
My eye color is: Hazel 
My shoe size is: 7.5 UK size (I think)
My height is: 5′7
I am allergic to: Certain ingredients in antibiotics. 
My 1st car was: I didn’t get a car until Anya was born. It’s nothing like Tony’s fast cars. It’s just a Range Rover. Not flashy at all but it will fit all four of us which is all I care about.
My 1st job was: Doing makeup for people. 
Last book you read: The Lion, The Witch and the Woredrobe 
My bed is: Comfortable.
My pet: We have a Coker Spaniel named Lady (yes, after Lady and the Tramp). We also have a white cat named Marie (Yes, after the Aristocats).
My best friend: Tony Stark (but also John Decon and Rachel Boyton).  
My favorite shampoo is: Anything that smells fruity.
Piggy banks are: Very cute (my kids actually have them).
In my pockets: I’ve got reminders scrambled up in them, candy for kids, probably a couple of hair ties and maybe money.
On my calendar: Birthdays, vacations, and lots of business related things.
Marriage is: The best.
My mom: Supportive. 
How many cousins do you have? A lot I think.
Do you have any siblings? No (in this universe).
Are your parents divorced? Yes
Are you taller than your mom? No 
Do you play an instrument? No but Brian has tried to teach me guitar. It never goes well.
What did you do yesterday? After some work stuff, Tony and I picked up the kids, ran errands, ran into Rachel and Rog, eventually came home to eat dinner, watch tv and get them bed.
[ I Believe In ]
Love at first sight: Not really. 
Luck: Yes
Fate: No.
Yourself: Kinda.
Aliens: Yes.
Heaven: Yes.
Hell: Yes.
God: Yes.
Horoscopes: Kinda (but they suck for the most part).
Soul mates: Kinda.
Ghosts: Yes.
Gay Marriage: Hell yes. 
War: Fuck no. 
Orbs: Like the orbs ghost show in pictures sometimes? Kinda?
Magic: Kinda. 
[ This or That ]
Hugs or Kisses: I really don’t have a preference.
Drunk or High: Drunk
Red heads or Black haired: Red heads (I’m biased).
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.  
Hot or cold: Cold.
Summer or winter: Winter.
Autumn or Spring: Autumn.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
Night or Day: Night.
Oranges or Apples: Appels.
Curly or Straight hair: Both.
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King.
White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Both.
Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops (just because their more comfortable and I’m lazy).
Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke. 
Buried or cremated: Cremated.
Singing or Dancing: Singing.
Small town or Big city: Big city.
Manicure or Pedicure: Both but my least favorite is pedicure.
Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas.
Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate.
Disney or Six Flags: Disney.
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
War: Is good for absolutely nothing. Pointless and it’s the worst.
Gay Marriage: Should be legal everywhere.
The presidential election: Rarely turns out the way it should. 
Abortion: The woman’s body, her choice.
Parents: Can be the worst sometimes but they usually mean well. Unless their awful.
Back stabbers: Conniving assholes.
Work: Has become more about supporting your life than doing what you love.
My Neighbors: Probably hate how loud me and the kids can get in the back yard.
Gas Prices: Always too high. 
Designer Clothes: Are a luxury but I don’t need need too many.
College: A lot of work but fun sometimes.
Sports: Confuse me.
My family: is my world.
The future: Looks very bright. 
[ Last time I ]
Hugged someone: I hugged quite a few people yesterday, my kids, Tony and Rachel.
Last time you ate: This morning, Tony made breakfast.
Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Elton came over a couple of days ago and it was the best.
Cried in front of someone: I took the kids to see E.T and properly cried when he had to go home. They were confused.
Went to a movie theater: Actually went a few days ago with Tony, Roger and Rach.
Took a vacation: We’re trying to plan a proper one but we did take a short trip to New York with the kids.
Swam in a pool: A good while ago. 
Changed a diaper: Thankfully, Anya has been out of diapers for a couple of years.
Got my nails done: Way too long ago but there’s always more important things to do.
Went to a wedding: We went to one a year ago for one of Tony’s clients I wasn’t too familiar with but it was nice.
Broke a bone: Thankfully, never.
Got a piercing: I got my ears pierced when I was a teenager but I never wore earrings enough so the now are filled in now.
Broke the law: I haven’t really. I’m boring.
[ MISC ]
Who makes you laugh the most: Tony Stark 
Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My kids. 
The last movie I saw: E.T
The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: A weekend with my family and no work...hopefully.
The thing I’m not looking forward to: Having to cross paths with Paul or fucking Quentin.
People call me: Cayla.
The most difficult thing to do is: At the moment, answering tough questions kids ask.
I have gotten a speeding ticket: No, and somehow my husband never fucking has despite his driving. One day he will and I’ll finally be right.
My zodiac sign is: Pisces.
The first person i talked to today was: Anya Stark, she woke me up to tell me that Tony made breakfast.
First time you had a crush: Was when I was super young and didn’t realize what it was. It was actually a girl who lived near by.
The one person who i can’t hide things from: Tony Stark
Last time someone said something you were thinking: A couple of days ago when Tony told me to stop worrying about the kids. They were at home with a babysitter we trust but I still worry.
Right now I am talking to: Peter, he’s doing his homework while I fill this out.
What are you going to do when you grow up: I’m grown up so my goal is to stay young with my kids until they grow up and get annoyed.
I have/will get a job: As a manager for Queen but I’m also producing movies now when I have the time (which is rare).
Tomorrow: is Monday
Today: is Sunday 
Next Summer: Queen’s Hot Space tour 
Next Weekend: Family time.
I have these pets: Lady and Marie.
The worst sound in the world: I’m going to say it’s a tie between listening to Quentin speak or newborns crying.
The person that makes me cry the most is: I’m gonna say myself because I’ll get myself worked up over nothing.
People that make you happy: Tony, Peter, Anya, Rachel, Deacy, Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elton...and so many others.
Last time I cried: Not long ago due to the E.T fiasco.
My friends are: Amazing. 
My Car: Perfect for what we need it for.
I lose all respect for people who: Those who don’t treat people with common decency and respect.
The movie I cried at was: Again, damn E.T. Stupid little thing. Making me cry in front of my actual children who did not like him because of his ugliness.
Your hair color is: Auburn
Your dream vacation: At the moment, I want to take the kids to Disney World. They’ve seen much cooler places but maybe they’d like it too.
The worst pain I was ever in was: Emotional pain? When I was a teenager. Physical? Childbirth was just as bad as I imagined. Worth it though. Just won’t be doing it again if I can help it.
How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat red meat very often. If I do, it’s medium well.
My room is: Has lots of kids toys in it. I really don’t know how they keep getting in here.
My favorite celebrity is: I’ll go with Elton.
Where would you like to be: I’m happy at home at the moment.
Do you want children: I did and I got them. A bit sooner than I expected but they’re here now and can hold conversation which is fun. 
Ever been in love: Yes.
Who’s your best friend: Tony Stark 
More guy friends or girl friends: Guy friends.
One thing that makes you feel great is: Tony.
One person that you wish you could see right now: Freddie, he’s always so busy.
Do you have a 5 year plan: Not at all.
Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope.
Have you pre-named your children: Anya was sort of prenamed because I had thought of the name before but she was almost named Amelia for a while.
Last person I got mad at: Tony, for working through the night and not letting me come help out.
I would like to move to: We’re happy here.
I wish I was a professional: Singer and director.
[ My Favorites ]
Candy: Sour gummies
Vehicle: Range Rover
State visited: New York 
Singer: Freddie Mercury
Band: Queen
Animal: Tiger
Theme park: Disneyworld, though I haven’t been but it looks really nice.
Holiday: Christmas
Sport to watch: None but Peter likes football so I’m trying to learn a bit about that.
Sport to play: I’ve played some football with Peter but he’s way better than me.
Book: The Hobbit.
Day of the week: Friday
Beach: I don’t have a preference. 
Concert attended: Queen in Montreal, 1981 
Thing to cook: Pasta
Food: Greek or Italian.
Restaurant: Italian.
Perfumed: Anything thats not too strong.
Flower: Roses.
Color: Red.
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I nostri 5 episodi di Poirot preferiti
A quanto pare in questo periodo ci piace fare le liste e, visto che è estate e abbiamo più tempo a disposizione, ne abbiamo stilata una perfetta per fare una maratona di Poirot. Ecco la nostra personalissima lista.
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La domatrice (2009)
Durante una spedizione archeologica, Poirot si mette sulle tracce dell’assassino di Lady Boyton, una donna despota e dominatrice uccisa sotto il sole cocente della Siria.
Di questo episodio, anche se presenta numerose differenze rispetto al libro della Christie, ci piace molto il personaggio manipolatore di Lady Boynton e la risoluzione del caso, brillante e davvero sorprendente.
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La Sagra del delitto (2013)
Ariadne Oliver, eccentrica scrittrice di gialli, deve organizzare una caccia all’assassino in occasione di una sagra, ma il suo sesto senso le dice che qualcosa non quadra. Spaventata all’idea che stia per essere commesso un delitto decide dunque di chiamare in soccorso il suo caro amico Poirot.
Ci sono tanti motivi per cui adoriamo questo episodio e due di questi sono l’ambientazione (il set è stato allestito nella splendida tenuta estiva di Agatha Christie: Greenway) e il fatto che per la prima volta in un libro venga descritta “una caccia all’assassino”. L’antenata di Mystery, insomma.
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Fermate il boia (2008)
James Bentley viene arrestato per l'omicidio della vecchia signora McGinty. Ancora una volta Poirot, insieme alla sua fidata amica Ariadne Oliver, riuscirà ad incastrare il vero assassino.
L’intreccio di questo giallo è assolutamente perfetto, così tipicamente “christiano” e avvincente. Trabocca di elementi che apparentemente sembrano inutili per poi rivelarsi magicamente fondamentali nella risoluzione del caso. E poi c’è Ariadne Oliver, che è sempre una certezza.
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Il ritratto di Elsa Greer (2003)
La giovane Lucy Crale vuole provare l’innocenza di sua madre Caroline accusata dell’omicidio del marito Amyas, ricco pittore. Con l’aiuto di Poirot, riuscirà a scavare nel passato per scoprire una terribile verità.
Questo episodio, di un fascino indescrivibile, vanta una regia impeccabile da parte di Paul Unwin, regista teatrale di grande talento. Rispetto agli altri episodi, c’è una maggiore attenzione alla psicologia dei personaggi che fornisce all’intreccio una carica emotiva non indifferente.
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Dopo le esequie (2008)
In seguito alla morte di Richard Abernethie, si apprende che quello che doveva essere l’unico beneficiario, il figlio George, è stato invece estromesso dal testamento. A rendere tutto più misterioso (e sinistro) c’è l’omicidio della vecchia zia Cora, picchiata a morte proprio il giorno del funerale. Poirot dovrà servirsi di tutte le sue celluline grigie per farsi spazio tra le menzogne della famiglia Abernethie.
Questo episodio è di gran lunga il nostro preferito. L’intreccio è assolutamente ammaliante e perfetto. La soluzione del caso è sorprendente e articolata, senza contare che il colpevole, di una follia omicida esemplare, è davvero inquietante. Recitato in modo impeccabile, “Dopo le esequie” è un gioiellino imperdibile.
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met-drawings-prints · 8 years
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Captain Paul Boyton, Swam the Straits of Gibraltar, from World's Champions, Series 2 (N29) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes by Lindner, Eddy & Claus via Drawings and Prints
Medium: Commercial color lithograph
The Jefferson R. Burdick Collection, Gift of Jefferson R. Burdick Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
Swimming The English Channel
Who swam the #Englishchannel first and who was the fearless frogman? @CSAswimmers @csandpf @Country;lifemag https://www.countrylife.co.uk/out-and-about/sporting-country-pursuits/curious-questions-was-captain-webb-the-first-to-swim-the-channel-246721
Captain Matthew Webb famously swam the English Channel first but was he beaten to it by Paul Boyton, an Irish-American who went by the moniker of the Fearless Frogman? Find out more by following the link below: Curious Questions: Was Captain Webb the first to swim the channel?
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In the United States alone, the country became popular with its different types of theme and amusement parks and it homes the first permanent amusement park located in Northern America.
They recognized this historic and first permanent amusement park as the Coney Island Sea Lion Park and built back in July 4, 1895 by Paul Boyton in Brooklyn, New York. He actually made an effort to create an almost 16-acre into a stunning theme park and allowing many visitors to enter it by following the imposed guidelines and necessary fees to enjoy the different carnival rides and attractions.
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imaginerding · 7 years
Love Splash Mountain, Pirates and the Caribbean and it's a small world? What do they all have in common? From the Old Mills (River Caves to water toboggans to shoot-the-chutes to log flumes to river rapids, George covers them all. When you think of water rides, you probably think of log flumes, shoot the chutes or river rapids rides. Those are the three most popular categories of water rides, but you can also include boat rides, although they feel more like dark rides. The first water rides are generally thought to be the old mill type rides. Old Mills started around the mid-1890s and they were sometimes called river caves. For the old mill rides, you would ride in a boat that floated or was propelled through a small channel. There was a large mill wheel or paddle wheel that would propel the entire ride using a strong current. You would float past scenes, which would be educational or scary. A lot were based on fables or were travel-related. Due to the mores of the time, couples weren't supposed to be alone or be physical. At least not be without a chaperone. Many of the old mill rides had dark areas that would allow for some kissing or hugging. This Is how the tunnel of love term came into being. The tunnels of love also had scary mocments that would offer a chance for a quick hug. Most of the early mill rides had wooden canals which were prone to leaks. This made them very expensive and only the big parks could afford them. Once concrete became more readily available, they were a bit easier to build and maintain. There are very few Old Mill rides left in the world, six at the time of recording this video, with two in the United States at Kennywood and the Minnesota State Fair. If you get the chance to ride one, you should, it's a neat experience. Water tobbogans would be In existence in the 1890s and there's a photo of one at Cedar point in 1890. There were others in the mid-1890s and water toboggans would be considered more of a water slide than a water ride, though. But it's interesting to know when they developed. Shoot-the Chutes have been around since the late 1800s and could be considered an antecedent to the log flume. Shoot-the-Chutes are flat-bottomed boats that slide down a ramp into a lagoon. The boots are usually much larger than a flume and there's usually just one drop, The first shoot-the-chutes was built in 1884 down the side Watchtower Park in Rock Island, IL. It was a greased wooden track that that was about 50 feet long. It skipped across the Rock River when it reached the bottom. The builder, JP. Newburg took his concept to Chicago where more of them opened. Paul Boyton opened the first amusement park in America in Chicago in 1894. It was the first park that charged an admission and used mechanical rides. The park was called Paul Boyton's water chute. Obviously, one of the main draws was the shoot-the-chute. In 1895, Boyton opened Sea Lion Park at Coney Island. Sea Lion Park was the first gated and enclosed amusement park. After that shoot-the-chute rides gained immense popularity and spread all over the country. Most shoot-the-chute rides used an employee to pole it back up to the top or they even had elevators. Most modern chute rides can be differentiated from log flume based on their seating; chutes usually seat 4-8 across and typically just offer a ride up a hill and then the drop. According to Knott's history, Bud Hurlbut, a Knott's concessionaire, worked with Arrow to create the first log flume ride. Walter Knott liked the idea but didn't want an untested ride on his property. Hurlbut sold the idea to Arrow who designed and installed the first log flume at six Flags Over Texas in 1963. Arrow was asked to install them all over the country. Walter Knott agreed to let Hurlbut install one at Knott's, after seeing that they were safe. The Timber Mountain Log Flume was one of the first themed log flumes. Of course, Splash Mountain is one of the more famous. You've heard the story behind the flume, right? There's always the story of mill hands and lumberjacks riding the log flumes down the sides of mountains as the flumes transported the logs. In 1875, a reporter traveled to the Lake Tahoe area and did a story on the logging industry. He was invited to ride a flume boat, which was a cut-out log, like a canoe. Apparently, they traveled 15 miles in just 35 minutes. They saved a full day of travel in a carriage but they were all injured in some way and swore to never do it again. The next big change in water rides would be with the premiere of the river rapids ride, which debuted in 1980 at Astroworld in Houston, Tx. It was called Thunderhead and was proposed by the park's general manager. They've become very popular with more than 20 in the United States. Kali River Rapids at Disney's Animal Kingdom is a river rapids ride. What's your favorite water ride? Leave me a comment and let me know, I'd love to hear from you. by George Taylor
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The first permanent amusement park in the North America is the Coney Island Sea Lion Park and created on July 4, 1895 and by Paul Boyton in Brooklyn. He made an effort to fence the almost 16-acre theme park and charge the visitors as part of the guidelines before they can enter.
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