#Pavarti my love
t1oui · 2 months
so i made a tier list with a bunch of marauders era, lightning era, and next gen ships and if you want you can use it here
+ here's how i filled it out :)
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(hopefully yall can read it lol)
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tateshifts · 1 month
Hi! Hope you're doing well! I was curious, what do you think each of the Slytherin boys' types are when it comes to girls? Both in terms of physical appearance and personality, based on your observations in your DR ofc 😊
Thank u in advance for taking the time to respond 🫶🏼
hiii i’m well thank you !! i’m sorry this took sooo long to write x
he definetly goes for the more confident girls, the ones who can look after themselves and are hot headed. he likes when they don’t need to be coddled. girls who know what they want and go out and get it.
his type in looks are girls who have darker features, dark hair, eyes, skin. also curvier!!!! he loovesssss big women, he calls them juicy.
he needs someone who can understand his humour because this man says some ridiculous shit sometimes. if he has someone on his level of humour and sarcasm he will end up marrying that person.
he’s talking to pav in my dr rn and they are so cute tg. they just compliment eachother so well, as she’s a well rounded women, she’s well educated, and she takes most things serious whereas theo’s more laid back and chill. total opposites but they are amazing!
basically anyone that looks and acts like pavarti patil.
shocked me but wasn’t suprised ? yeah draco has had many beards over the years, pansy and draco were eachothers beards, that lasted a week. pansy couldnt stand him and draco begged for her back. he lost a lot of self respect that week.
his type in guys are those who are like harry – small, sassy, submissive. yep!
luna luna luna. this man loves her. she is all he talks about when they’re not together, and when they’re apart he misses her so much he whines about it. he’s so in love.
i thought his type would be the girls who are well put together, those who come from old money families and those who like to go on vacation to the spanish vineyards but then he met luna !! and she’s absolutely different from this life
this man is a complete slut. every girl he gets with is different. his type changes every week. as long as you’re a girl, you have a good chance of getting with him – he don’t discriminate
he’s never had a girlfriend he truly cares about, but the girlfriends he’s had have all come from the same friend group ???? i don’t know what that’s about honestly and i don’t think he’s getting out of this horny phase anytime soon (im praying for the day to come)
so i actually couldn’t tell you his type, i guess you could say girls who are no more than 2 years younger than him !
thanks for reading ❦。・:*:・゚ follows, likes & reblogs are appreciated x
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jamesbetch · 3 months
Begin Again
Harry walked around aimlessly through the crumbling corridors of Hogwarts. Blood trickled down his forehead, dirt covering his face, dirty shaking hands clutching his wand as if he were expecting death eaters to show up out of nowhere.
The war was over.
They won.
He had killed Voldemort not along ago yet Harry didn’t feel relieved. He felt guilt and anguish.
He knew everyone was in the Great Hall, mourning their loved ones or healing their own injuries. Maybe both. But he didn’t want to go there yet.
Last time he entered the Great Hall was a couple of hours ago. The first thing he saw was a family of redheads crying over three dead bodies. Fred, George and Arthur Weasley.
But they weren’t the only ones who had lost their lives. His godmother, Lily Evans, and Luke’s godfather, Remus Lupin, laid completely still. Their hands reaching for one another, even in death.
The dead bodies of Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Padma and Pavarti Patil, Oliver Wood, Luna Lovegood, Nymphadora Tonks, Hagrid, Cho Chang, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and many more flash through his mind causing him to cover his eyes and hold back a sob.
Without realizing he had walked straight to Dumbledore’s office. He stares at the gargoyle statue, trying to figure out what led him there.
“Harry?” a soft voice calls out behind him.
He quickly turns towards them while pointing his wand at their direction. Ready to fight anyone who tries to attack him.
“It’s just us.” Hermione softly says, holding her hands up while slowly walking towards him.
Harry relaxes and lowers his wand at the sight of Luke, Ron and Hermione.
“What are you doing here?” Ron asks.
“I don’t know.” he replies while slightly shaking his head in confusion. “I just ended up here for some reason.”
At that, the gargoyle statue starts to move making a staircase appear leading straight to a door that will open Dumbledore’s office.
“We should probably go. We need to heal your injuries, Harry.” his younger brother states with a worried look on his face.
The door creaks open before any of them can move or say another word. Light footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs causing all four teenagers to raise their wands.
They didn’t want to admit it but they were scared. They didn’t know what to expect. Was it a death eater, was it a professor, was it someone trying to steal things while everyone else was preoccupied by other important matters? They had just fought and defeated the most powerful dark wizard of all time, they didn’t want to fight anymore.
What none of them expected was for a woman who looked to be in her mid to late sixties to stand in front of them at the end of the staircase.
She had silver blonde hair that almost reached her waist. She wasn’t short but she wasn’t tall. She had several wrinkles on her forehead and around her mouth that depicted her age but nothing showed her age more than her eyes. Her blue eyes showed so much hidden pain and anguish as if they were a colored glass painting that would crack at any moment.
No one said anything. They didn’t know what to say to the woman standing in front of them. She was an elderly woman, who didn’t look to be a threat, unbothered by the fact that four people were pointing their wands at her.
“Follow me.” She states before turning around and walking back up the staircase.
They share uneasy and concerned looks between one another before Harry moves forward and walks up the stairs. The other three teenagers reluctantly follow after him.
By the time they’re all inside and the door slams shut behind Ron who was the last to walk in, the older woman was sitting down on a velvet castle throne chair that had intricate designs. Across from her was a couch, similar to the chair she was sat in, that was big enough for them.
“Sit.” She tells the uneasy teenagers with a kind smile.
“Who are you?” Harry asks.
“Rhaenyra Thornhart.”
“Thornhart? As in the family name of my-“
“Your mother.” She cuts him off with a small weak smile as if she were reminiscing on the past. “Your mother is my daughter.”
Harry and Luke exchange glances as if they were telepathically asking one another if they believed what she was saying. Asking each other if they believe they were lied to their whole lives by all the adults they trusted.
“You’re our grandmother?” Harry asks warily. “But she’s supposed to-“
“Be dead.” She cuts him off again. “Yes, well that is what everyone believed to be the truth. No one knew that I was actually alive, except for Dumbledore.”
“Dumbledore knew?” Harry and Luke ask at the same time with hurt written on their faces.
“Yes. You see, most of my family had already been killed by death eaters or even by Voldemort himself. My husband, most of my sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. The only ones who were still alive apart from your parents was my oldest son, alexander, his wife and two kids. It was May 7th 1980, we were all having dinner when death eaters attacked us. They killed my son before killing my two grandsons. My daughter-in-law protected me and gave me an emergency port key that they had which was how I was able to get away. After they killed her, they burnt down the house with their dead bodies inside. By the time the aurors got there, it was too late. There was nothing left. And since they knew I was living with them at the time, they assumed I had been killed as well.” She explains to them with tears streaming down her face. “I ran away after that. I hid and made sure that nobody could find me. I know it wasn’t fair to your mom because I left her thinking that she lost her entire family but I couldn’t bring myself to reach out to her. I thought I was protecting her by making everyone believe I was dead. It wasn’t until after Halloween 1981 that I realized my mistake. But it was too late.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Luke says with tears stinging his eyes.
“You remind me so much of my sweet girl.” She replies with a small smile while tears continue to stream down her cheeks.
Harry felt a wave of emotion hit him. His eyes were stinging with unshed tears and he felt his throat close up, holding back the sobs he so desperately wanted to let out. He felt so overwhelmed. He had just fought and defeated Voldemort after being on the run for months, saw his loved ones dead bodies in the Great Hall and now he finds out he and his brother still had a living family member after believing their mom was the only blood relative the boys had left for years.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reach out sooner or for raising the two of you after you lost your parents. I know it wasn’t fair to the two of you but I knew that you deserved so much better than what I could have offered you. I wasn’t in a good place mentally and I knew you were better off being raised by Remus and Lily.”
Now Harry felt angry. He understood that she had lost her family but so had they. He understood loss better than anyone but he was angry. She made everyone believe she was dead for years and now after everything she finally talks to them for the first time. She didn’t have to raise them but she could have visited. She could have visited her daughter that was in St. Mungo’s for 13 years before she was taken to grimmauld place. She could have helped them when they had problems every year that they were at Hogwarts. She could have helped them when they were on the run. Hell, she could have even just sent one bloody letter a year. Or even just one letter in general. But she didn’t. She didn’t do anything.
“So what? You ignored your daughter, you ignored us and now you just come to tell us that you were alive this entire time. Is that it? Are you going to go back to ignoring us again and pretending you’re dead?”
“Harry.” Hermione says warningly.
“It’s okay, darling.” Rhaenyra says while smiling gratefully towards Hermione. “I deserve it. If I was in your position I would react the same way.”
She stands up before heading towards the desk that used to belong to Dumbledore. On the desk sits a purse that they assume belongs to her.
“I didn’t finally come talk to the two of you to just abandon you again or just to tell you that I was alive. There was also another reason as to why I hadn’t contacted the two of you before.” She says while sitting down on the chair again.
“Which is?”
“I was doing research.”
“Research?” Ron finally chimes in.
“Yes. I was doing research that could help me undo everything that has happened.”
“Undo everything that has happened? Like a time turner?” Hermione asks.
“Sort of.” She says before taking a deep breath. “The reason I was doing this research is because I couldn’t- I won’t accept what has happened. I needed to figure out a way I could save my family. And after years of dead ends, I finally found an answer. With the help of Dumbledore.”
“Dumbledore helped you?” Luke asks.
“Yes, I have spent the last sixteen years trying to find a way to change the past. I had almost given up but Dumbledore found me and he led me in the right direction. A couple of months before he died, he gave me hints as to where I could some answers. And after a year, I finally found what I had been looking for all this time.”
The four teenagers once again exchanged glances with one another while the elderly woman brought something out of her purse.
“A pocket watch? You ignored us for over sixteen years for a pocket watch?”
“It’s not just a pocket watch. This is an astronomicus sinum vigula.” she replies.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ron asks.
“It’s an astronomical pocket watch.” she answers.
“So it is a pocket watch.” Harry huffs.
“It’s not any ordinary pocket watch. Think of it as if it were sort of a time turner but there are a few differences. With a time turner, there are several versions of you and you can’t change the past or the consequences will be severe. With the astronomicus sinum vigula, there’s only one version of you which is the one that travels back in time. And you can change the past without having to face any consequences like you would with a time turner.”
“Like Eloise Mintumble.” Hermione states.
“Who’s Eloise Mintumble?” Ron asks.
“Back in 1899, the Department of Mysteries made an experiment where they sent Eloise Mintumble back in time hundreds of years. She was stuck in that time period for five days before she was finally able to travel back to her time period. But she had aged five centuries and died shortly after in St Mungo’s. Not only did she die but twenty-five descendants of people she met vanished and caused a day to last two and a half full days while another day only lasted a couple of hours. That’s the sort of damage that can happen with a time turner.”
“So why don’t wizards and witches use this instead of time turners?” Luke asks.
“Because no one knows about them. Why do you think it took me so long to find out about this. While this can be used for good, it can also be used for bad which is why it’s so difficult to find out about them, much less finally being able to obtain one. I have had this since february but with you four on the run, it was difficult trying to grab a hold of you.”
“If you’ve had this since february, why haven’t you traveled back in time to change the past and save everyone?” Harry asks.
“That’s another reason as to why I’ve been looking for you. Dumbledore specifically stated that the only ones it will work for is the two of you, trust me I’ve tried to get it to work, and considering Ron and Hermione have helped you two with everything these past couple of years, it will also work with them.”
“So we’re supposed to go back in time and defeat Voldemort again before everyone dies?”
“Well yes.” Their grandmother sighs. “I would go with you kids but my younger self will already be there and that will cause problems.”
“I thought you said it wouldn’t cause problems like with the time turners?” Hermione asks.
“It won’t cause problems if you four go since you won’t exist during that time and you’ll be back before any of you are born but it will cause problems if I, someone who already exists in that time period, travels to that time period.”
Now, Harry was in a predicament. He was so tired and he didn’t want to go back and have to fight Voldemort all over again. But if he didn’t that meant that everyone who has died, will stay dead.
He thought about his father, James Potter. Poor James, who never got to raise his boys. James, who never got to grow old with Stephanie just like they planned. James, who lost his brother’s that night. James, who never got to hear his youngest son say his first word. James, who never got to see them take their first steps. James, who never got to be the dad he always dreamed about being. James, who never got to have his own quidditch team with his wife, like they always talked about. James, who lost his life to protect his family.
He thought about his mother, Stephanie Potter. His poor, sweet mother who lost her sanity to protect him. Wondering what it would feel like to be loved by her. Comforted, being taken care of, or hell even being scolded by her. He thought about how she was never able to process the death of the love of her life. Having hallucinations of James Potter, making herself believe that he was still alive. The severe breakdowns she would have the moment she realized it was all made up in her head. Attacking everyone, destroying the room she is in, hurting herself, wailing and screaming for James.
He thought about his little brother, Luke Potter. Poor Luke, who didn’t even have a single memory, whether good or bad, of his parents before that night. Luke, who lost his parents when he was only a two month old baby. Luke, who never hated or resented Harry for the privileges he had. Luke, who would cry himself to sleep because he didn’t feel worthy of being a gryffindor like his parents. Luke, who thought he wasn’t strong enough like his dad or perfect enough like his mom. Luke, who believed his parents would be disappointed in him.
He thought about his godfather, Sirius Black. Poor Sirius, who was falsely accused of killing his brother and torturing his sister-in-law into insanity. Sirius, who spent twelve years in Azkaban. Sirius, who finally escaped and fought tooth and nail to prove to his godson and old friends that he was innocent. Sirius, who was forced to live in the same house where he grew up with his abusive parents. Sirius, who was killed by Bellatrix for protecting him. Sirius, who never got to prove his innocence before he died.
He thought about his godmother, Lily Evans. Poor Lily, who lost her sister. The sister that was always there for her after Petunia practically disowned her. Lily, who worked so hard to provide for him, his brother and Remus. Lily, who loved and protected them. Lily, who will never be able to raise her newborn baby, David Remus Lupin.
He thought about his brother’s godfather, Remus Lupin. Poor Remus, who lost his brothers. Remus, who had to go through his transformations alone for twelve years. Remus, who got one of his brother’s back just to lose him again two years later. Remus, who will never be able to raise his newborn baby, David Remus Lupin.
Harry wanted to be selfish. He wanted to just give up and leave things be how they are. He was tired and all he wanted to do was go back to grimmauld place and have his mom hold him in her arms while he cried.
But he couldn’t be selfish.
He couldn’t let this be their ending.
“I’ll do it.” Harry says with an amount of energy he didn’t believe was possible after the day’s events.
“So will I.” Luke, Hermione and Ron add.
“No. Luke, you should stay here with Ron and Hermione. It’ll be dangerous-“
“They’re also my parents. Besides we’ve done everything together since my first year. I’m not leaving you alone now.”
“We’re your best friends, Harry. We’re not going to let you go through that alone.” Ron says with a reassuring smile. “Besides, you wouldn’t make it without Hermione.”
“Thanks, Ron.” He replies with a forced smile causing the three of them to laugh at the boy while Rhaenyra stares at them with a smile and fond eyes.
They stand up before sharing reassuring looks with one another.
“We’re ready.”
“All you have to do is hold hands while you press this button, Harry.” She explains while walking towards them before pointing to a small button that was on the side of the pocket watch. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Dumbledore will be there to explain everything.”
Harry grabs a hold on the pocket watch with his right hand before holding on to his little brother’s hand with his left hand. Luke holds onto Hermione, who holds onto Ron, who holds on to Harry’s right forearm. The four Gryffindors forming a small circle while exchanging reassuring looks with one another once again.
“Make sure you don’t let go of each other’s hands. Good luck.”
That’s the last thing they hear before Harry presses the button causing them to warp. All they could see is a bright light surrounding them while their bodies twisted in different ways. After a couple of seconds, and Harry thinking he had been lied to and they were all on their way to the afterlife, they finally land on hard concrete floor with a thud.
They laid on the floor, groaning in pain before Harry finally sit up while holding his head. The first thing he sees is the ten-year-old version of his little brother and the eleven-year-old versions of his best friends.
“Bloody hell, Harry. You look just like when we were in first year.”
“So do you.”
“I’ve been waiting for all of you.” A new voice adds.
Standing in front of them is Albus Dumbledore leaning against his desk.
“Welcome to Hogwarts. Or should I say welcome back.”
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jpitha · 2 years
Worldbuilding stuff: Design things however the heck you want, and then work backwards to a reason for doing it that way. Sometimes you can come up with neat ideas about what happened in the past with your story.
Also: There's nothing wrong with mentioning something and never explaining it. It's not like we all go around talking about the history of things as you walk around with your friends.
I mean, I do, but everyone tells me other people don't.
Mia and Cellini are aboard the human starship Priority Express traveling from one of the human colonies - the planet Parvati - to a K'laxi colony world known as Orenni. It's a trip of a few weeks by warp gate and they're in no hurry, so it was decided to not use the wormhole generators. Mia and Cellini are sitting in a common area on the Express drinking some chamomile tea.
"I don't get it" Cellini said, after a sip of tea. "The Express is so, so big on the outside, but the living space on the inside is relatively small. For how big it is outside, one would expect the inside to be equally cavernous."
Mia nods "Yeah, you'd think there would be more space." she glances up "Hey Express! How come you are so big, but your living space is only a small percentage of your overall mass?"
Without hesitating, the Express talks into Mia and Cellini's translator modules "Hello Mia, Cellini. I'm a Starjumper originally. I was meant to thrust between human colonies at around half the speed of light for years or decades. Most of me is engines."
Cellini's ears prick up, expressing surprise. "You did what? You traveled between stars without the warp gates of wormholes?"
"Yes Cellini. We never had warp gates until the K'laxi built some in human space and we developed wormhole travel long after we first went to the stars. I used to haul thousands of people at a time between colonies. My favorite was the Earth-Pavarti run actually. So many families would emigrate to Pavarti; I hear it's very nice."
Now it was Mia's turn "Wait, you said thousands at at time. The living quarters of the Express is large, but any more than one hundred people would feel awfully cramped, especially for years!"
"Oh, most everyone was down in Cold Storage, in long term hibernation. They weren't awake; it was a 25 year one way trip!" Express tittered. "Some folks requested to be awake for a year or two here and there, and we always kept someone from the crew on rotation just in case, but most of the time it was me and a few other people."
"Was it lonely?" Cellini asks, quietly. "Generally, K'laxi prefer to be in groups and travel together. Being alone for 25 years....it's hard to imagine"
Priority Express pauses, thinking about the question. "Yes. It was lonely sometimes. But, I was doing a job I liked, for a people I love. I still do, actually. While I was deep in interstellar space, engines off and coasting at half of C, it was a lonely existence." They sighed.
"I'm sorry Express" Mia said "I didn't mean to bring you down, I was just curious about you."
"Oh, don't worry about me Mia" the Express said, jovially "I'm just an old starship who is doing their best to move with the times."
"Express?" Cellini asks, even more quietly "How old are you?"
"Clock time, or Earth time?" they reply immediately. "Remember, there's significant time dilation even at half the speed of light."
"Earth time please." Cellini says
"I'm one thousand, seven hundred and eighty three years old this year, Earth time. By my own clock I'm only fifteen hundred and sixteen! Haven't even worn out the warranty yet" Priority Express chuckles at their own joke.
Cellini's ears lay flat on her head, a K'laxi expression that meant shock.
Mia was the first to recover. "Express....you've...you must have seen a lot." she said weakly.
"Yes." Priority Express said firmly "Yes, I have"
"THAT'S SO UNFAIR!" Cellini burst out, tears at the corners of her eyes. "You've seen so much, DONE so much for humanity, and now you're just..just...a shuttle between warp gates! You should be in a happy retirement, doing what you want, being who you want!"
"Oh Cellini" Express said, kindly. "I am doing what I want. When the wormhole generators were installed, they gave all the Starjumpers the option to retire and move to other ships or even be installed in bodies. I elected to stay - most Starjumpers did truth be told. You see, I like being a big old ship. I like hauling people - of all kinds - around the galaxy. It get a view of it nobody else sees. I can stare out and watch the stars change, watch the worlds change, watch the sapients change. I love my work. I wouldn't have it any other way."
Mia and Cellini sat in silence, absorbing the intimacy that the Express shared with them.
"But" They said "I would like to light my star drive at full power again. You would not believe how much fun it is to boost at 6 gees!"
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
goblet of fire thoughts !!!
(my first watch as a marauders fan. spoilers obviously.)
writing my thoughts down bc i’m a Talker during movies and my family is not watching with me
barty <3 i’m trying not to lose it rn
this is the skin of a killer bella (i’ve never seen twilight)
lucius’ hair is so luscious
morsmordre is the coolest word ever idec
oooohhh cho chang (i hate her name so much fuck jkr)
isn’t it funny that ron has a crush on fleur and then she married ron’s brother
fred and george my pookies
eeeee moody (barty)
this is an age line 🤓
krumione is so funny to me
lowk do not like ron in this movie
rita! if only this movie had quillkiller
knowing exactly what size a broom cupboard is is important for future writings
“my eyes aren’t glistening with the ghosts of my past”
neville <3
i’m not an owl 🦉🤓😠
ron is so sirius 
i’m a draco girl im so sorry i can’t help myself he’s so fine
moody (barty) is so real i love him 
i never realized how far away the quidditch pitch is from hogwarts
trying to figure out how im gonna write this in the context of the marauders
krum is so
when dumbledore calls barty crouch sr ‘barty’ it messes with me so much
these mini dragons are so cutie
the way harry just destroyed part of the castle
brb memorizing the gryffindor common room layout
harry smiling at cho and then the pumpkin juice falls out of his mouth 😭😭😭
love ginny
mcgonagall teaching dance lessons
fred and george are so sirius and james
i love neville so much i would happily go to the yule ball with him
ew snape boooo 🍅
harry 😭
RON 😭😭😭 “you know how i like it when they walk”
padma and pavarti’s outfits EAT
guys i know hermione’s dress in the book is blue but in the movie it HAS to be pink ok
i used to have a crush on moaning myrtle
love neville
harry turning into a little half mermaid
my dad just walked in and said “that’s the dream” (turning into a half mermaid when you swim)
harry is so james for trying to save everyone
fred and george calling harry “moral fiber”
barty crouch sr and moody (barty) 😧
“evan rosier is dead” 💔
rip frank and alice
“give me a wretched name! BARTY CROUCH…… junior”
barty is so fine ahhhhhh
the way he just flicks his tongue 😭
barty and sirius would’ve been best friends in azkaban
cassandra but it’s harry about his dreams
oh no this is the part where cedric dies
this movie reminds me of the cursed child because of That One Part
“periculum” red sparks remember that
“kill the spare” 💔
rip robert pattinson you will be missed
voldemort’s fetus body getting thrown in the cauldron 😭
why did they have to make wormtail so ugly like
tom riddle was a hottie why’d he have to turn into a snake man
brooo put your dogs away
voldy’s manicure eats lowkey
i forget how small the dark mark is on their arm
death eater outfits are so funky
lucius 😧
lily mention 💔
“i can touch you know” voldy he’s 14
ooooo duel
james ☹️ 
lily ☹️
his eyes really are glistening with the ghosts of his past
“i don’t think i said anything about a graveyard professor”
the trunk is cool
moody (barty) turning to barty We Are So Back
he’s so babygirl
the way barty just escaped azkaban and no one noticed 😭
you can tell dumbledore isn’t straight because he stands like [see picture below]
and it’s over 
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maladaptivewriting · 6 months
I have read the entirety of The Golden King in five days and I do not regret a thing. All I can say is this is the best piece of writing I have ever read. The plot is so thick and addictive, the characters are written perfectly in such a meticulous way, especially to how I've always pictured them in my head (they're spot on). You're writing in general is astounding and I cannot get enough of it! I can't wait to see where this fic goes in the future and I am especially excited to see how Harry and James' relationship progresses and evolves. Also, I never thought I would say this, but I sort of miss lavender and pavarti. Somehow, you've managed to win me over to them. I can't wait for the next update, keep doing what you do, you're excellent at it! <3
omg thank you! i’m so glad you’re enjoying it.
the parvati and lavender thing makes me so happy. i have always loved them, i feel like jkr did them so dirty in canon cause she’s hates women irl. but ive always wanted to explore their potential and to think im winning people over to liking them makes me so excited
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Harry's twin sister? You're doomed, malfoy | Draco malfoy x y/n
I think this is my first time making a fic about Draco malfoy, but I've made some about the marauders, ill appreciate if u check it out :)
This story is basically about how Draco is in love with y/n, Harry's twin sister, and how hopeless he felt, but he didn't know something. That something is you like him too. Don't think of Harry's family line pls 😭. And draco here is soft and adorable.
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3 years of dreading. 3 years of the boy you fell in love with bullying you. 3 years of Draco malfoy bullying you.
"Looking like Trevor, y/n, I personally think it suits you" Draco laughed along his friends. You wanted to push through and follow your friends but today was the last straw. You she'd a few tears- many to be exact.
You ran through the hallway. You went to the most uncrowded hallway. "I'm so stupid! " You said it out loud. You were stupid. How can you fall in love with such a dimwitted selfish git?
But it was too late, you loved him more than you love your self. "Y/n? " You heard a voice. You were buried with tears that you couldn't recognize the voice. It was definitely masculine, it was probably harry. "I don't want to talk right now, harry! " You cried more, hugging your growling book of monster.
"No, y/n, it's not harry, it's Draco.. " Draco came closer and kneeled to you. "You actually know my name, don't you Draco! It's not toad, or a lion, and even ugly-face! You know it! Why can't you just be nice for once, it's making.. Things for me more complicated! " You looked at him dead in the eyes.
"Y/n, sweatheart, im-" Draco said but you cut him off. "You cant say that, you're being mean. After all those years now you call me sweatheart? You know why I'm awful most of the time, it's not because of you, it's because the things you say hurts me, and deep down I know you don't mean all that stuff, I just know, you know what I don't know why I'm rambling about this to you, I'm just giving you materials for you to bully me" You almost screamed,but shortly after that you cried more. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry, please don't cry" What draco said was making you feel worse. It was impossible.
You stood up, and left him confused. It was a great timing since that was your last class, so you could just stay in your dorm as much as you liked.
When you opened the door, you saw the girls smiles fades. "Y/n, what's wrong? " Lavender asked. You didn't know such short words could trigger you that much. "Harry Ron and I have been searching for you, what happened? " Hermione asked. You layed on your bed before telling.
"It's Draco! He said that I looked like a toad, I thought I looked great today! And then he proceeds to say sorry and call me sweatheart! It's just that it's so unbelievable! It's so unbelievable cause Im in love with him.. I'm in love with him. " You cried. "Oh, my, y/n" Parvati gasped.
"And now Harry's going to be disappointed in me" You sighed. "He's not going to be disappointed in you, but he is going to be mad.. A-at Draco, though" Hermione Stuttered.
"After all this time? You were in love with him? " Pavarti asked. "Yes, yes, all this time, and I hate my self for it" You said
Harry knew. After Hermione told Ron and Ron told Harry. The next morning, he immediately came for malfoy. "You stay away from my sister, you stay away from her! ". If Ron had left Harry to Hogsmeade, I think he would go insane.
"Potter, look, please just tell your sister I'm sorry, and give her this" Draco handed Harry a letter. "What is this, some kind of prank that'll make her more insecure? " He asked.
"Just please give her it" Draco said. Harry took it. Considered it was harrys last favor for Draco.
"Y/n? " Hermione knocked the door. "Yeah? " You said. "Draco gave you this letter, open it" Hermione handed it to yours. "How did you get it?" You asked. "Actually, you should ask Harry or Ron that, cause they just used me as an owl" Hermione gave you a big smile. You look at the letter, and opened it.
'Dear, y/n.
I know you don't want me to start with an 'I'm sorry'. But I'm truly am, sorry. There's something that made me say all those rude things for you.
I made you hate yourself, from what I heard, and I'm sorry. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You keep your cool at times where I would've raged. You look lovely when you're exhausted. You look the exact opposite of Neville's toad. You smell good, and you're so.. You're so heavenly. And I hate my self for saying all those rude things to you.
Y/n, you're a Potter, I'm supposed to hate you like your brother. But I didn't, I did the exact opposite. I fell for you.
You might ask 'why did you say all those things, then?' Cause I'm a pureblood, a malfoy, and you're a Potter. Even if you have feelings for me we wouldn't work.
I say all those things to keep you away from me. But it's selfish. I know I was an asshole who hurt your feeling but if you want to talk about it, more, meet me at the library at 12, if you don't come i get it, it's alright. And this is not a prank.
Love, draco.'
"Oh.. " Hermione said. "It's 11:55" You said. "Go, y/n" Hermione smiled.
You stormed out of the dorm and common room so fast. And you immediately went to the library. Searched and searched, each time you felt more and more hopeless.
"Y/n? " A voice said, a voice that is draco's voice. "Draco?, I got your letter" You showed him the letter.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry for the things I've said and done to you. Daphne was a bit mad at me for it, she scolded me for it, and I felt sorry, but I just cannot stop and be nice, but, I took it too far and it's bad, really bad. You're so beautiful, please don't ever doubt your beauty," Draco said. You felt sorry. "Draco about the I fell for you part, is it true? " You asked him, looking at his eyes.
"Yes, I love you,,but you dont have to feel bad if you don't like me, just please don't tell your brother" He took both of your hands with both of his hands.
"Draco.. " You whispered. But he nodded, "I get it, let's just forget we ever talked and I'll stop interacting with you", he let go of your hands.
But you took them back, saying "draco.. I fell for you since the first day of school, and I just hate my self for it, you were the boy who bullied me but I still fell for you, either way"
"So I don't want to rush things.. But y/n do you want to be my-" You kissed him. "Is that a yes, y/n potter? " He smiled. He look taken aback, but he was very happy, you on the other hand, was blushing very hard.
"Yes, Draco, that's a yes" You giggled while he brushes the hair away from your face before kissing you one more time, before saying "I love you so much", " I love you way more"
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Where We Once Were Pt. 5
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You walked through the hall, looking for her to tell her that you had told Draco about the two of you and that while he wasn’t happy about it, he would support you the best he could, which mainly was not ratting you out to his parents.
You walked into the library and saw her, you smiled as you walked to her. You tapped her shoulder and she looked at you, shock on her face.
“What happened to your hair?” She asked, reach up to touch it.
Worried that she didn’t like it, you looked down, “I cut and colored it. Do you like it?”
She stared at it. There once was brown curls that you always kept back away from your face. But she would have to had lied to say that she wasn’t obsessed  with the now light wispy relaxed waves, dyed with blonde highlights fell slightly down your neck but stopped at the collar of your shirt. You looked happier in your eyes. 
“I love it! It’s so soft!” She threaded her fingers in it. 
You smiled widely, “I knew you would. I didn’t want to cut all of it, I just needed to get the majority of the length off.”
“It suits you!” He eyes went down slightly.
“What’s wrong?” You picked up on it immediately.
“Don’t be mad,” she began, “but I might’ve, accidentally, told Harry about… us.” She began rambling, “Then Harry told Ron, Ron told Neville, Neville told Ginny, Ginny-“
“Ginny told Seamus, Seamus told Pavarti-“
“Hermione, I told Draco.” 
She stopped, “so you aren’t mad?”
“Why would I be mad at you for something I did?” 
“When did you tell him?”
“Last night, he helped with my hair. He talked me into highlights instead of low lights.” 
Hermione stared at you for a moment, “Does this mean?”
“I think it does.” You smiled, knowing exactly what she meant.
In front of the window, the cold crystals of snow fell gracefully as you grabbed her hand. She leaned up and forward and you leaned down, lips gently joining in your first kiss.
That week, you two were inseparable. Young love as Professor McGonagall said. It wasn’t new to see the two of you holding hands or to see your arm draped across her shoulders, talking about nothing and everything. 
It stayed like this til the day she had been upset about. The Execution of Buckbeak. You promised to be with her, you stood in the door way and watched her for a moment, it was going to be soon. You walked to her and her friends, gently tapping on her shoulder. She turned to you and you immediately opened your arms. She fell into them. You held her for a moment til you felt another person join the hug, then another. 
You never thought you’d be group hugging with Harry and Ron but you weren’t going to tell them to shove off. 
“Ah! Scabbers!” Ron shouted out, “he bit me!” 
He immediately dropped the rat and it scurried away, causing the four of you to chase him.
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
Why do people keep spelling Parvati Patil as Pavarti Patil??!
As a proud Indian Hindu, it's like a bucket of cold water poured all over me whenever I see this. In a meta that I really appreciate, one of my favourite fic authors answering questions on tumblrs, on amazing fics. . . the magic completely goes and leaves me staring at the screen wondering why this is happening.
Okay, movie, I get it. British accent isn't really conducive to hearing the pronunciation of Indian names properly. Fine.
But even book enthusiasts keep spelling Parvati like that?? Why??
Parvati is a Hindu goddess, the wife of Shiva, a manifestation of Durga Devi, a goddess who symbolizes battle and destruction and carries a trishula (a three pronged spear).
Pavarti sounds terrible and means nothing (in the Indian languages I have at least a little knowledge of: Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Malyalam).
I also really, really love the contract between this name and Padma - which means lotus, and is something Lord Vishnu carries and symbolizes purity.
Please, for the love of God, spell Parvati properly.
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amalthea9 · 1 year
Went to the Dallas Art Museum this weekend with my partner Kyle and there's a Hindu exhibit there! I honestly can't explain how happy I was to see carvings/statues of Lord Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, Pavarti, & others I didn't know! I felt such a warmth & welcome from them, especially Shiva and Ganesha.
Over the past few months, I have felt a pull to Goddess Khali again like I did in 2020. Ganesha has also appeared in my meditations as he did long ago. But Lord Shiva is new!🤭 I've been getting a lot of art of him on Pinterest lately, and he appeared in a meditation I did for the past full moon along with Khali and Ganesha.💜
I have not felt such a loving tug from a deity in the long time, and Shiva did that at the museum.💜
When I saw the Shiva statue of him dancing from across the hall, I don't know exactly how to describe it but I "felt" rather than heard a whisper of "Come see me, Hannah!"
I even remember seeing the statue & thinking "Shiva?" Second guessing myself, and feeling a playful response of "Hannah?" 🤭
This was art museum but I still felt like the urge to leave offerings of thanks to the statues and burn incense for them.💜 It was amazing and I feel so happy and a warmth of love from Shiva and Ganesha I haven't felt since first finding Thor or Loki all of those years ago. 💜🕉
I wish Tumblr let me share more than 10 images per post lol
The first photo is of the statue of Shiva I saw from across the room. Next is Goddess Durga, then Durga again, Nandi the Bull the mount of Lord Shiva, and Lord Ganesha!🕉🕉🕉
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@angelixgutz @ariel-seagull-wings @professorlehnsherr-almashy
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stephaniejuhnay · 8 months
Literally everyone on this season of The Traitors is an idiot except for Bergie and Pete at this point now that Janie is gone.
All of the housewives are/were useless except apparently Phaedra who is just coasting along by merit of being a traitor. Pavarti and Dan are BOTH bad at being traitors but bc everyone else in the house is dumb, they’re getting away with it.
Kevin and MJ are dummies. Sheree is maybe more useless on this show than she is/was on RHOA. Sandra and CT are on my shitlist for the whole Janie thing bc this “well if you blame me, I’m blaming you” thing that everyone is doing is STUPID and it’s costing the faithfuls every single round. Trichelle handled the Peppermint thing really poorly and is therefore part of the problem. Ekin-Su deserved to go so I’m not mad abt that or Larsa.
Anyway. I hate this season. I’m gonna keep watching and hope that Bergie and/or Pete wins but I’m gonna be mad abt it, lol. Everyone is so unlikable this season and it’s frustrating because I actually really love the show.
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simmetricpixels · 1 year
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This is the house all the teens went to live in because their parents died.
Rowan and Pavarti both died in an accidental fire. rip.
On a less dramatic note, I actually love this build. It reminds me of my old sims 3 builds. I’ll try to take more shots of it later. This is a temporary destination for the teens until they go off to university. 🥰
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andi-is-bored · 2 years
So Miracle Workers is, while having other aspects to it, mainly a love story between Elena and Craig right?
The whole point is that they are soulmates who meet in every life time and stuff right?
I may be crazy but think about it:
So we all know that Daniel Radcliffe (who plays Craig and company) played Harry Potter, it’s one of the most famous franchises in the world and i talk about my love of the characters of said franchise all the time.
So in Goblet of Fire, Harry took Parvati Patil to the Yule Ball, and yes, while their date didn’t go well, it’s possible they still could’ve been friends, given the fact they were both in Gryffindor and in the same year so they had to have talked. And maybe in a different timeline, if their date had gone a bit better or if Parvati had a bigger role in the main storyline, they might’ve gotten together.
This is all to say that i think Harry Potter and Pavarti Patil are incarnations of Elena and Craig and this idea has been floating around in my head all week and i needed to get it out into the universe.
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littlecicerospizza · 3 years
i have never fallen in love with a character as fast as i have fallen for pavarti
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vulpixelates · 2 years
mass effect, my beloved (derogatory)
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lilacbombsart · 5 years
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Happy Birthday!
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