commanderurush · 2 years
Hey I am gecko here are my creatures
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saint-sebastian-coded · 9 months
end of year fic round up
n.b probably going to publish a little more between now and new year’s day but it’s close enough. 
How many new fics did I write this year? 121
How many fics did I publish this year? 87
How many words did I write? 241 703
How many words did I publish? 175 345
Five most used tags? Drabble (23), Angst (11), Alternate Universe - Canon Convergence (8), 5 + 1 Things (7), Hurt/Comfort (6)
How many fics did I finish? (multichapter) 5 hang on til the chaos is through, oh my brother, my brother, my brother (who have you become in the wake of all that’s happened?), o mio padre (there’s a ghost in my body), Gideon the First the Second, Gross Old Weapons, Home Grown Orchids, and Family Drama: A Guide, 
How many WIPs am I bringing into the new year with me? 6 Great the Roman, the trees deny themselves nothing that will make them grow, A Conversation Between Us, child prodigy, well you don’t know me. but i know you, don’t wave no goodbye 
What was my most popular fic this year? (for both kudos and hits) rot with all the burnouts in the cell
What was the longest oneshot I wrote this year? that funny feeling
What was my favourite fic this year? probably that funny feeling
What fic events did I participate in this year? Sapphic Summer Riordanverse 2023, ATLA Sapphic Week (a bit), Mogtober 2023, PJO TV Show Countdown
What fic events am I participating in next year? Femslash February, @wundrousarts mini Silverborn Countdown, ATLA Sapphic Week, MCGA Week 2024, Sapphic Summer Riordanverse 2024, Mogtober 2024
Summaries of next five fics (vaguely)? jack, fenestra, and paximus are stuck on a spaceship and no one remembers anything (nevermoor), chase cousins road trip, five times magnus and natalie went hiking, and one time he went with annabeth, john gaius character study after harrow the ninth, the locked tomb gilmore girls au ish, 
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consultingdalekhunter · 11 months
trick or treat!
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Have 815 weasels. They’re all named Paximus
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
literally my only complaint is... rodimus prime??? its not like they called him orionius prime... or. holy shit.... paximus prime....
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i wanna know more about paximus luck
all we know about the guy is that he's lowkey famous, goes by the nickname "plucky", and his knack is disappearing.
he just sounds like a cool dude. like a more down-to-earth, trouble-making version of jupiter, possibly. the two of them (plucky and jupe) are also almost the same age (assuming plucky's about 30 something, which would make the most sense) which would mean they're a part of the same generation of wundrous society members (even possibly the same unit, but it's unlikely, since jupiter would've probably mentioned that).
so anyways, this is a plucky kinnie account now- /hj
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wizardgrey · 4 years
pax is so unpredictable. i tell him i wanna cosplay an anime girl and he's 100% supportive but then i'll tell him im a monster fucker and he wants to burn me at the stake.
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problematicagent · 5 years
Each of my classes in a sentence
Jedi Knight: if I’m gonna save the galaxy, might as well have some fun doing it!
Jedi Consular: if it is my duty to save the galaxy, I cannot play around or have fun.
Smuggler: fly fast, kick ass, siphon gas
Trooper: [Havoc Squad Leader Dewannu Brudges has been convicted of several war crimes]
Sith Warrior: Slavery is bad, the Jedi are right, I really don’t want to be here.
Sith Inquisitor: I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by- [is pummelled by Thanaton again]
Imperial Agent: Born to die, galaxy is a fuck, 105620271037462937 dead force users
Bounty Hunter: The money is fine, but I’m here to meet hotties in armour
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fucknotfw2005 · 7 years
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ohpollenpowder · 2 years
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Rainbow Turtles!!!! From left to right we have Autumn Sunshine [AUX] as purple, Amaru Prismishaatter [LGBT] as blue, Midnite Mech [ArcP] as green, myself (Reforged Caladbolg) as yellow, Dæmon Ryujin [Fang] as pink, and Paximus Urush [LGBT] as our adopted red skyscale!!!
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Autumn Sunshine had a bit of a hilarious glitch for a while! They were running very slowly in their turtle seat but definitely staying still. But then they did a circle and they were suddenly zooming in their seat!
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Ended up tagging up from the very beginning—at first trying to stay yellow but no one had a map that was red. My squad was so lovely! Engineer Makk [TS] and Arsène Song were my front clearers of mobs and whatnot and were absolutely fantastic!!! This was also our most beautiful rainbow!!
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I didn't get very many shots because I was at the front of things, but hoping tomorrow I can take more of a back seat!! I got to meet a lot of fun people via the discord chat and in game!! We hung out at the garden for hours afterward. Looking forward to tomorrow! Not sure how much I'll be there seeing as it's Father's Day for the USA.
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stepboldlyjess · 4 years
Heloise: There’s something wrong with her, everybody knows it! She’s done something to him, I know she has. She’s some sort of…I don’t know what she is, but she can control people. I’ve seen her do it. She made him leave! What if she’s hurt him, what if she made him hurt himself?! She’s got it in for us because of what we—because of…oh, ALFIE!
She trailed off into sobs.
Miss Cheery: Heloise. I know how upset you must feel, but—
Heloise: What’s her knack? Nobody knows. Know why the Elders won’t tell anyone? Cos it’s something dangerous. How come all these disappearances only started happening when SHE joined the Society?
A sea of faces turned Morrigan’s way. A familiar creeping sensation climbed the back of her neck, and in that instant, she realised she’d been waiting for this. Since her first day at Wunsoc, since the disappearance of Paximus Luck, the cursed girl who still lived somewhere inside Morrigan had been waiting for this. The accusation.
Miss Cheery took Heloise’s arm again, just as the whispers began.
Lambeth: Be careful.
Miss Cheery: Why don’t you come with me, Heloise? Come on. Let’s get you up to Proudfoot House and we’ll sort this all out. I think you need a nice cup of tea.
Lambeth: Be careful.
Morrigan: What are you—
But Heloise was yowling like an angry cat, and wrenched her arm out of Miss Cheery’s grip. Heloise: Shut UP! Don’t you TOUCH ME!
Heloise drew her arm back and Morrigan barely had time to register the flash of silver in her hand before the girl had lashed out. Miss Cheery cried out in pain as Heloise sliced her right across the face with one of her throwing stars, drawing a thin, shallow line of blood.
There were gasps and shouts of dismay all around them on the platform.
Morrigan opened her mouth, a strangled noise of shock and fury rising up in her, but no sound came out. Instead, she felt a wave of anger such as she’d never felt before. It crashed over her not like water but lava, molten fire burning her from the inside. The taste of ash sprang to the back of her throat, just like it had when the first blackmail note had appeared. Her sudden rage was a monster, clawing its way up from deep within her chest, from her lungs, searing the flesh of her throat and bursting out of her mouth, igniting the very air around her.
She felt the wrath of a hundred dragons.
She would set the whole world aflame.
A fireball sprang from Morrigan’s lips.
It burned through the air, uncontrolled and without a target, singeing Heloise’s skin as it whooshed past her and shot straight into the domed canopy of trees overhead, setting the station roof ablaze.
Heloise screamed.
Everyone screamed.
Morrigan heaved in deep, gasping breaths, watching the horror unfold while her fury burned itself out.
Murgatroyd: ENOUGH!
(Chapter Thirteen: Fire and Ice-page 225)
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commanderurush · 2 years
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Pax in places (ft @elvirarottingfur)
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host24space · 5 years
Paxi zkoumá exoplanety!
Připojte se k Paximu na cestě za hranice naší sluneční soustavy. V tomto videu určeném pro děti ve věku od 6 do 12 let zkoumá Paxi extrasolární planety.
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commanderurush · 2 years
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wizardgrey · 4 years
10 bucks says pax blocks me over this
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wizardgrey · 4 years
i like me and pax's dynamic. it's just me saying stuff and him wishing i would stop saying stuff.
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problematicagent · 4 years
Ryuln’s Homecoming
It had been years since Ryuln had seen his family. The last thing he remembered of them was being blasted by his mother and waking up in a medical pod on the shuttle to his first Sith trials, completely alone in a cold metal casket. During the Trials, he lost track of time. It all blended into a constant stream of blood and rage. A hatred unseen by any of his instructors before him, fuelled solely by the betrayal of his family.
His first time seeing clearly since that day in the slave pens on Dromund Kaas was the moment that Darth Baras had commanded him to slay Overseer Tremel. Ryuln could not betray the trust of the first person who saw him as more than a tool for the Empire. Tremel treated him almost as an equal. So Ryuln lied. He brought the hand of the Overseer, but Tremel lived. Ryuln was beginning to see with Clarity again. When he was introduced to the Twi’lek grave robber who would aid him through the tombs, the fog began to disperse completely. This girl, not but a year younger than he was, was no Sith. She behaved without a care in the world, and she would not apologise for it. Being able to experience the galaxy through new, bright eyes focused his mind. He had reached the end of his trials, cut his rival at the academy down to mark the end of his senseless rage. He was completely focused, ready for whatever may come after his trials in hopes that soon, he could return to Dromund Kaas.
His wishes had been granted. Baras had ordered him to the capital. As Ryuln stepped out of the spaceport, the humid weather and the soft droplets of rain fell down upon him. The fresh scent of the jungle wafted into his nostrils. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be completely immersed in his home planet. His master, knowing nothing of Ryuln’s past, had suggested he become familiar with the area around Kaas City. He smiled for a moment and turned to his companion, who was dwarfed beneath his massive red frame.
“Would you care to meet my family,” he asked softly.
Vette was confused. The other Sith were cold and intimidating, seeing her as nothing more than a slave, but the Pureblood before her, with eyes that glowed like golden cinders and scars marring into the deep crimson of what would have been an otherwise handsome young man, was kind. He showed no sign of malice towards her. She thought for a moment.
“Sure beats being in the rain,” she replied with a chirp.
The taxi speeder arrived before a massive compound, a silver and purple family crest resembling an Acklay marking the towering gates before the pair. Ryuln looked over to Vette and reached into his bag, producing from it the shock collar he had taken off of her. Ryuln sighed.
“My parents have no connection to the force, but they gained power in other ways. They champion the largest slave trade the Empire has ever seen.”
“So why would you bring me here? Seems messed up to bring a former slave to a plantation and make her put on a shock collar.”
“I’m not here for a reunion. I’m here to kill them,” Ryuln uttered. “Care to help take down two heads of tyranny?”
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