#Penelope Tennyson
a-beneficial-union · 7 months
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Pen had a bit of a habit of worrying. It was one of the little things which Rook had never thought he would miss.
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moodymisty · 3 months
Hello! I am the anon who talked about Konrad's manipulation and mental torture of the reader. While reading Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson - a poem which retells the legend of King Arthur, his knights, his love for Guinevere and her tragic betrayal of him, and the rise and fall of Arthur's kingdom - I began to think of a new scenario about Lion El'Jonson's beloved. Also this a bit of rant, sorry
Also this was inspired by the legend of Lady Godiva and the Arthurian Queen Guinevere :)
In some sort of a chivalric romance, Lion falls in love and begans to court a Terran noblewoman. Like Ulrich von Liechtenstein - in his work Frauendienst (trans. Service of Ladies), he retails his often-fictional, self-styled autobiographical where he, as a young knight, becomes obsessed with the lady he once served as a child - I imagine the Lion being the type of guy who does everything he can to get his beloved's attention. Maybe she had lots of suitors, maybe she was from a great family, maybe she was just a plain beauty, but nonetheless the Lion was absolutely smitten and happy to do anything. He duels her suitors, in jousting, in sword-fighting, but most, obviously, simply didn't accept. The Lion was 10+ feet tall "man", ruler of the Black Angels and son of the Emperor of Mankind. No man with a sane mind would fight such a person as the Lion!
He, after a long time, finally can marry the woman he loves. I didn't imagine how marriage with Lion El'Jonson would be like, but it's clearly not that great. He's a cold and serious, who often struggles with his emotions. His wife would have a soothing nature with him and helped him with his struggles. He would be those types of guys that completely changed when around their lovers lol. This guy is definitely a cuddle bug, loves receiving kisses and loves simply talking with his beloved. But, out of the room, he would definitely just ignore her. Firstly, he is a busy, he doesn't have almost to no little time. Secondly, he'll be genuinely scared for his sons to perceive him as weak and soft. He must be beacon of hope and power to his sons which is clearly possible when around his beloved.
Fast forward to the end of the Horus Heresy, his beloved somehow lives through all of it. I didn't think of a mortal living for over a millennium, some suggestions maybe? However, as we know, Lion takes his 10,000 nap, leaving Azrael to take the mantle of Chapter Master. In this case, Lion's beloved would be a Penelope-like figure: eternally devoted and in love with Lion. A legend would form around her, spoken between the Dark Angels, a woman who refuses to show herself, a woman who waits and waits for her husband arrival, a woman would take and take care of parts of Lion armour, such as his helmet and shield, and walks around, holding them. The Dark Angels would take an example of their mother's loyalty and devotion, often pressuring and reminding the Fallen of their mourning mother: "When our Mother weeps and mourns for our Father, you dare betray them?!" or something like that.
I love when people add traditional knight imagery to the Dark Angels, it makes what is usually a some what boring chapter far more interesting. I really like this anon <3
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tv-girllover07 · 1 month
Something metal🥁
Kevin Schlieb x fem!reader
Movie: Metal lords
Part 9
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Blue italic= there thoughts
Green italic= Kevin narrating
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Scene skip ⏭️
“It’s only a wedding” I said to Hunter while I drive as I could hear the clacking of earls toying as he played with them in the backseat
“Look, you’ve got to understand something, Kevin. We don’t fit in.” He spoke to me in a lower voice
“You can try as hard as you want. You can get yourself a girlfriend, or whatever, but you still won’t fit in” He kept on talking
I quickly cut him off “She doesn’t fit in either. Why can’t we all not fit in together?” I asked him getting pissed off
“We’re not taking about that now. I don’t even wanna go there. We’re talking about you being a traitor--”
“Maybe I wanna talk about it” I said louder as I kept on driving
“I’m the founding member of Skullfucker, and I say no Yokos.”
Earl leans in from the backseat “You said ‘Fuck’.”
“We are both founding members of Skullfucker.” I said “Don’t!” Earl yelled from the backseat
“I am way more founding. I write songs, buy equipment, designed our Facebook page--”
I cut him off yelling “Oh, fuck our Facebook page!”
“I’m the founding member of Skullfucker, and I say no Yokos!”
“No more fuck!” A scream came from the backseat
“Shut up!” I yelled back at Earl and a little at Hunter
“End of conversation.”
“No, you-- No. You can’t just declare end of conversation. You don’t have that authority.” I spoke turning my head back and forth from Hunter to the road
When Hunter didn’t say anything and just continued to look out the window I look over at him and sigh “Fine, end of conversation.”
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Scene skip ⏭️
Y/n’s POV
“And that is how you knit a sweater.” Andrea finished her presentation, she walks back to her seat as we all clap for her
“Very good, Andrea. Did you hear how she enunciated and projected? Get her all the way in the back, right?” The teacher spoke with a kind and soft voice, she has always been my favourite teacher
“And now, Hunter.” By the end of her sentence the sound of a electric guitar blasts in the class room
We all gasp and jump in our seats looking towards the back of the class where the sound was coming from
“Death closes all, But something ere the end. Some work of noble note. May yay be done not unbecoming men that strove with gods.” Hunter spoke through out the class as he walked around
“Tennyson’s Unysses. You might know it from your English class. This speech is about metal” Hunter then slams his foot on the desk next to mine and I flinch, he then plays a fast rhyme right in my ear
I sigh and roll my eyes, he stops playing and continues on with walking around the room “Metal is about what ‘Ulysses’ was about. Striving with gods. Striking out for unknown territory. The people that crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 years ago?” At the end of the sentence he plays the same riff again “Metal”
“That Kon-Tiki guy?” He asked and thanked again plays the same riff “Metal” I look down at my page with a questioning look on what ever the hell he was talking about
“The people on the Mayflower…” he plays a loud short screeching note “…would’ve been metal if it weren’t for all the Jesus crap. And Ulysses l, what did he do? Huh?” He walks down the aisle where I’m sat “Read Dante. He’ll tell you. Ulysses got together the baddest ass crew he could find, and then he sails off beyond the Pillars of Hercules, and then he was drowned, and pulled right down to hell.”
He starts to play the riff of Master of Puppets “Eighths circle” and then plays while he’s speaking “What is more metal than that? Only the ninth circle. So… achieving your dreams with fellow badasses…” he walked by me and had a fist pointed towards me “…going to hell if you have to…Oh, that sounds great, right?” He simply asked, my breathing started to get heavy as I started to get pissed off with his speech
“But it wasn’t so easy for Ulysses. See, he had, um… He had Penelope” and as Hunter said that he stared right at me, as my breath picked up even more as he talked “Mrs. Ulysses, keeping him down.”
He started talking in a Scottish accent while still starring at me as he knew his speech was getting to me, and I caught on to what he was talking about
“Stay home, Be king, Go to work every day.” My face twitched with anger
“He wasted decades of his life on that shit” and the teacher saw the look on my face and realized what was going to happen “Hunter”
Hunter ignored her and played his guitar “Stop it” I muttered as my eyes started to water a little at the amount of anger I was holding in
“But one day, Ulysses decided he was finished with his woman.” He stated as he walked closer
“Hunter, that’s enough!” The teacher yelled at him but Hunter just kept going 
“It was inevitable. Sooner or later, the metal inside him was bound to rise up…And crush whatever stood in its path!”
He was finally at the foot of my desk yelling at me and I finally snapped, I broke the pencil in my hand and yelled “Fucker! You fucking cunt!”
“You’re fucking crazy!” He yelled
As the rest of the kids ran out of the class I stood up out of my seat and grabbed my book threatening to throw it at Hunter “I’ll fucking-- I will fucking kill you!” I screamed and through the book at him “Don’t you ever come near me again!” I ran to grab a chair, I picked it up, and ran at him with it screaming “Not the guitar!” The next thing I knew was the sound of the guitar hitting the ground.
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Scene skip
Hunter’s POV
After the whole incident I was sent to Dean Swanson office “That was inappropriate, bordering on inexcusable.” She said while shaking her head “I completely agree” I said and held the ice pack to my head
“I’m talking about you.” And my eyes widened and look towards her “Wait, what?”
“Is that what you’ve learned from your interactions with the vicious morons like Skip Hoffman? Hmm? How to torment people weaker than you?” I asked in disbelief
“Look, I’ve got some personal issues with her--” but she cut me off with a stern tone “I could give a shit about your personal issues with that poor girl. That girl has been through way too much much. Now you’re going to write down exactly what you did.” She placed down a note pad and a pen on the desk “If Miss Johnson corroborates your account, I’ll include it in the disciplinary notice I’ll send to your father. If she doesn’t, I will suspend you.” I take the pad and pen and leave.
Part 10 🥁
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
TC chapter 6 reread thoughts, part 2
A rush of old memories went through Laurie like a pain. “I’ve never noticed […] that the competition to take things on was as killing as all that.” I love how Laurie takes Ralph’s side and tells him he’s done nothing wrong. One of my favorite aspects of their relationship is their camaraderie, the feeling that Laurie is playing on Ralph’s team. That’s also what makes the horrible crap he says to Ralph in chapter 16 so terrible: for the entire book, Laurie has been Ralph’s cheerleader, cheering him on when he’s feeling down or when other characters put him down, but then Laurie suddenly joined the others in denigrating his character from a position of superiority 😢
“He was staring at Ralph, who was standing in the thick of the crowd, hard and crisp and gay, laughing at someone’s dirty story, his battle-scars put neatly out of sight. I wonder what the punishment is for heresy, Laurie thought.” Here, his idealized image of Ralph as some otherworldly higher being who is above crude human desires is challenged, and he finds himself so compellingly drawn to Ralph that he can’t simply ignore it and retreat into his fantasy version of Ralph. But again, his revulsion at Ralph laughing at someone’s dirty joke is really the pot calling the kettle: “Gareth. That’s what my stepfather-elect’s called. I suppose he was conceived with Tennyson in limp suede sitting on the po-cup-board.” Reg coughed repressively. […] He sometimes found Laurie’s conversation highly obscene, and would have voiced his disapproval to anyone he had liked less.” Ralph would have laughed at Laurie’s obscene joke and Laurie would have been pleased 🤷‍♀️
My favorite Laurie lines from this chapter: “If you mean Ralph Lanyon […], he’s a friend of mine, I’ve known him for years.” And, “It’s the Odyessey all right. It’s the one where the man comes back from war and finds the flash boys on his pitch and runs them out.” Again, despite many reviews pointing out Ralph’s attempts to insert himself into Laurie’s life, we see here that it was Laurie who made the first move, showing up to the party acting like he is Ralph’s boyfriend in front of all his friends. Like, consider this party from Ralph’s point of view: guy you haven’t seen in seven years and kissed one (1) time crashes your ex-boyfriend’s party to see you and “only you”, follows you around with his eyes like a love-sick puppy, starts telling everyone that he has known you for years (Ralph: um, we had like one (1) conversation, but sure), and declares to your would-be suitors that you are the Penelope to his Odysseus (Ralph: I was not aware of being married with just one (1) kiss, but ok). Just who is being presumptuous and “proprietary to the point of arrogance” here? No wonder people at the party were like, who the fuck is this guy and what the hell happened to Bunny, his actual boyfriend???? Like, Laurie, you can’t just act like a guy’s boyfriend and then be all surprised when he thinks you wanna be his boyfriend 🤣🤣🤣
“[Ralph] went off rather stiffly to the drinks table. Really, he can be awkward, Laurie thought, but he felt no serious discomfort.” Awwwwww Laurie’s thoughts are so tender. And Ralph being awkward in front of Laurie is simply too adorable 🥰
“Now we’ll see something, thought Laurie not without satisfaction.” It’s so interesting to me how Laurie expects Ralph to react to Bim with contempt, but Ralph surprises him by reacting with gentleness and compassion. And this prompts Laurie to see past Bim’s “hard glitter” and see his “feverish and taut” demeanor. Like, Ralph is actually a soft and gentle person underneath that hard layer of self protective roughness.
“Not the Odell?” I love this parallel to chapter 12: not the R R Lanyon? They’ve both been telling their loved ones about each other for years ❤️❤️❤️ (Lucy & Alec: 🤝)
Laurie throws a jealous fit and wants to leave the party because Ralph is driving Bim home. “He’d be up before the major and have his passes stopped for a month; but, he thought bitterly, there wouldn’t be much hardship in that.” We can infer from this line of thinking that Laurie was already expecting to see Ralph regularly and was planning to use his late passes for this purpose. Renault conveys this to the reader in such an indirect way, showing how Laurie is unaware of the desires that drive his thoughts. Consciously, Laurie hasn’t made any kind of “choice” to date Ralph, but unconsciously, he has already committed his future late-pass evenings to Ralph, and this is before Ralph has even asked him out! I think throughout the book, Laurie makes a lot of decisions and choices, especially w.r.t. Ralph, without acknowledging them. And this is one such example. He’s not a passive participant being dragged into a relationship by chance and Ralph’s will.
“What makes me cross about people like Ralph is the way everyone used them. [….] Their life gets like one of those ham spy films where they brief the agent and say, “But remember, one slip and you’re on your own.” This is such an apt description the way Ralph has been abandoned by everyone and every institution his entire life! one slip, and his parents beat him, one slip, and he was thrown out of school and home, one slip, and he lost his naval career, one slip (that wasn’t even his fault), and Laurie seems to have abandoned him too. Until Laurie comes back and becomes the only person to not abandon him when he doesn’t live up to their expectations. Laurie is the only person who loves him enough to allow him to fail ❤️❤️❤️
“Ralph’s tragedy is that he’s retained through everything a curious innocence about it.” It being the idea that “sacrifice uplifts the redeemer and casts down the bought.” I don’t agree with this observation about the nature of sacrifice, but I do think Ralph is unaware of the way his giving nature coupled with his unwillingness to receive help leads to a “trade deficit” in his relationships, which breeds resentment. He showers his loved ones with love, but doesn’t give them the opportunity to dote on him in return.
“You said he’s in a spot. […] Can I do something? […] No, tell me, please, if I can do something. I want to know.. […] I’m not sleepy. When Ralph comes back, if he’s in a fix you’ve got to wake me. No good keep talking about he’s in trouble, and not do anything.. […] I won’t go away. I’ll wait for him here if it takes all night.” All Laurie wants is to be able to do something for Ralph 😭😭😭 like, screw the rules, if Ralph’s needs him to, he’ll stay all night. All Ralph has to do is say he needs him 😭😭😭 (Ralph: I can’t admit I need Spuddy! I need to be strong and brave in front of him! Or he won’t admire me anymore and he’ll leave me 🥺🥺🥺. Me: 🤦‍♀️)
To be continued…
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heroicmultiverse · 8 months
heroicmultiverse Hunger Games: Day 1 - Fallen Tributes
26 Cannon Shots can be heard in the distance.
Honey Lemon
Princess Dorathea
Pam Isley (DC SHG)
Kim Pine
Supergirl (Regular DC)
Black Widow
Violet Parr
Harley Quinn (Regular DC)
Captain Marvel
Penelope Spectra
Poison Ivy (Regular DC)
Gwen Tennyson
Black Cat
Mona Lisa
Jenny Wakeman
Peni Parker
Ghost Spider
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“oh the point isn’t the homecoming to Ithaca itself it’s about the journey” MAYBE the man just wanted to get home and see his WIFE have you considered that??? maybe it ABSOLUTELY was about the homecoming????
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lady-of-lyon · 4 years
Broke: Adult Gwen dresses like this
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Woke: Adult Gwen dresses like Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
Kendrix and Penny have a lot in common
- Both are preteen daughters of infamous supervillains
- Both have a complicated relationship with their siblings (yes Kenny counts as Kendrix's technical half brother)
- Both are actually incredibly strong for their age but lacks experience and emotional stability
- The root of their strengths are positive emotions
- Both have heat related powers (fire and lightning respectively)
- Both are troubled girls looking for their place in the world
- Both have to learn to be better heroes by interacting with older teens
- Both had superheroine moms that their fathers loved very much and their death/disappearance was a major motivation for their evil deeds
- Both have a major rivalry bordering on antagonism on a prominent female character but realize they are not so different
- Eventually reconciling their differences which serves as a final piece to their character arcs
- Both are designed to stand out without being love interests for the male characters
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juniaships · 3 years
Here are a list of OCs of mine that are related to canon because I'm feeling salty rn:
Penelope Paine: She's the 13 year old daughter of Alexander Paine from Alpha Teen On Machines, which also makes her Samantha/Magness's sister. Penny can control electricity as opposed to her sister's magnetism. Unlike Paine and Magness Penny is a hero & allied with the Alpha Teens. Her goal is to try to find out what happened to her mom
Melvin Levin: The cousin of Kevin Levin, she is a metal rock star who tours all over space.
Stephan E. Levin: Kevin's grandmother, former socialite and wife of a Politician beforr she got exiled after her son's death. Spent exile in the Null Void evading Aggregor, and came back around the time of the Rooters to rescue her grandson and put Servantis in his place.
Kendrix Tennyson: The daughter of freaking Ben Tennyson (granted the Eon from Omniverse but still a big deal)
Kyra Lyons: The maternal cousin of Cole Evans (Wildforce Red Ranger) who becomes the team's Pink Ranger. She studies zoology.
Beckie Lee Scott: The daughter of Jason Lee Scott (the first red ranger) and my OC Maria. She becomes the Ninja Steel Green ranger, hopes to move out of her parents shadow
Letty Sanchez: Beckie's sister (which also makes her Jason's kid) who is a part of SPD as that team's Purple Ranger. Serious and coolminded but also has something of a temper and a rivalry with Sky.
Literally most of my Descendants OCs are the kids of Disney characters sans Paige
Maggie Phenomenous: The niece of Professor Phenomenous (that zany old guy from Power Rangers In Space and Lost Galaxy) and the purple Galaxy Ranger. Originally was an astronomer on Terra Venture before becoming a Ranger
Orlando Pedrosa: The brother of Raimundo and a Dragon of Training, shy romanticist; Raimundo canonically has multiple siblings but none of them appeared in canon so I made one up.
Edith Flaversham: Sister of Hiram and Olivia's aunt and Basil's love interest who behind the proper Victorian Lady persona is actually a clever sleuth
Alma Mater: Niece of Tow Mater (don't think too hard on it) who goes from a Californian beauty to agent of C.H.R.O.M.E
Regina Blackgaard: The daughter of Edwin Blackgaard from Adventures in Odyssey
Vanessa, Edwin's niece and Regis Blackgaard's daughter. Hates her dad, is a novelist and art curator at Whit's End and dated Jason Whittaker
Mikayla J Warner: Spunky Niece of Zadavia from Loonatics Unleashed (making her a princess), Optimatus's child, and adopted cousin of the Warner Sibs; I know it sounds Mary Sue at first but it's complicated Warner lore
Rhodanthe: Shrek and Fiona's in-law through her marriage to Fiona's cousin Artie, not a blood relation but felt to add it here
See I have OCs who are fankids/fan relatives of canon but they still have interesting personalities outside those connections. I'm sorry but I'm really irked right now and want to be petty XD
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selena-snape · 3 years
Familia Snape
Primera Generación:
¤ Morphin Nikolai Snape y Tallulah Aurelia Snape
Segunda generación:
¤ Ilona Octavia Snape y Viktor Kirtking Snape
¤ Bellona Demetria Snape y Aurelius Amadeus Willowdee
¤ Tanith Marcellina Snape y Albion Casimir Snape
Tercera Generación:
¤ Gabriel Soren Snape y Conan Levi Malfoy
¤ Sonja Cassandra Snape y Lucian Rowland Snape
¤ Selene Belladona Snape y Michael Thomas Corvin
¤ Morgana Drucilda Willowdee y Octavius Mortifer Dollins
¤ Belvina Anastasia Willowdee y Alexander Andreas Kane
¤ Silvanus Alestair Snape y Minerva Dorinda Primrose
¤ Cornelius Devereux Snape y Nocturna Evelyn Nightwood
¤ Almeric Lazarus Snape y Amarah Senka Lonwood
¤ Esperanza Medea Snape y Mereida Azura Blackwood
¤ Theodocia Isidora Snape y Centar Ismaband Blackwood
Cuarta Generación:
¤ Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore y Gellert Amadeus Grindelwald
¤ Aberforth Florian Leighton Soren Dumbledore y Belvina Vega Black
¤ Ariana Odolette Wilhemina Dumbledore y Arcturus II Alioth Black
¤ Tom Marvolo Riddle y Kara Sonia Milford
¤ Valens Basilius Snape y Charles Hunter Levin
¤ Tobias Vincent Snape y Eileen Aiko Prince
¤ Pamela Demetria Malfoy y Elias Paul Voorhees
¤ Abraxas Ariel Malfoy y Renatha Edith Oswald
¤ Evageline Ethel Malfoy y Lazarus Granville Sparda
¤ Bianca Brooke Di Angelo y Thalia Eliza Grace
¤ Nico Ethan Di Angelo y Perseus Lorcan Jackson
¤ Theodore Lev Snape y Marcus Casimir Corvinus
¤ Ethan Joseph Snape y David Monsse Conberg
¤ Eve Ilaria Corvin y Logan Brad Fowler
¤ Raymond Vincent Dollins y Juliette Umbra Walker
¤ Sebastian Andrew Dollins y Adrianna Asura Walker
¤ Micah Vladimir Dollins y Raven Tenebra Walker
¤ Benjamin Caleb Kane y Aaron Leonard Luthor
¤ Natalie Eileen Snape y Bastian Abraxas Prince
¤ Octavian Demetrius Snape y Abigail Aura Cooper
¤ Percival Valentine Snape y Willow Delilah Lake
¤ Archibald August Snape y Phineas Atticus Moose
¤ Piper Delilah Snape y Alvin Nicholas Dream
¤ Flora Alyssandra Snape y Louis William Afton
¤ Colette Silver Snape y Kenneth Horace Orville
¤ Nikolaus Rafferty Snape y Nika Dominika Winston
¤ Evageline Danica Blackwood y Claude Tobias Harley
¤ Gabrielle Victoria Blackwood y Gideon Silas Murphy
¤ Belladona Tabitha Blackwood y Quentin Ulysses Orson
¤ Nimue Andromeda Blackwood y Balthasar Ignatius Fitzhugh
¤ Valtor Phoenix Blackwood y Ninette Madeline Sutton
¤ Dimitry Avalon Blackwood y Thalassa Estelle Rex
Quinta Generación:
¤ Credence Aurelius Dumbledore y Lycoris Lyra Black
¤ Modesty Orianna Dumbledore y Michelle Caroline Miller
¤ Valentine Desmond Dumbledore y Leroy Samuel Cooley
¤ Octavius Theodore Dumbledore y Minerva Ursula Parker
¤ Cassandra Eliza Dumbledore y Zivar Pollux Galanford
¤ Callidora Eridanis Black y Harfang Ernest Longbottom
¤ Cedrella Oriana Black y Septimus Ronald Weasley
¤ Charis Scorpia Black y Caspar Dorian Crouch
¤ Trish Clarice Riddle y "Lady" Mary Ann Arkham
¤ Vanessa Octavia Riddle y Tom Spencer Peters
¤ Delphinie Savannah Riddle y Serena Angelette Denford
¤ Dominika Hazel Levin y Thomas Downey Richardson
¤ Vincent Alexander Levin y Daphne Rosie Campbell
¤ Niven Finnian Levin y River Aura Stone
¤ Malorie Estella Levin y Ivan Adonis Novak
¤ Severus Tobias Snape y Ulaz Devereux Snape
¤ Ryou Nathan Snape y Krolia Serenity Kogane
¤ Jason Ezra Voorhees y Michael Gideon Myers
¤ Diana Madeline Voorhees y Mason Samuel Kimble
¤ Lucius Abraxas Malfoy y Narcissa Meissa Black
¤ William Joseph Dixon y Cassandra Allegra Lewis
¤ Vergil Amon Sparda y Faith Mackenzie Myron
¤ Dante Alastor Sparda y Hope Catherine Myron
¤ Victor Jethro Grace y Ryan Christopher Everett
¤ Aurelia Peregrine Grace y Sebastian Artemis Jensen
¤ Ian Mason Jackson y Bellona Damara Huxley
¤ Ada Demetria Jackson y Azura Jasmine Brooks
¤ Kitty Xanthe Jackson y Charlotte Marcellina Donovan
¤ Sansa Calypso Corvinus y Thomas Nicholas Parkinson
¤ September Lev Corvinus y Tanith Amara Walker
¤ Flora Pandora Snape y Xenophilius Leland Lovewood
¤ Thora Margot Fowler y Marc Anthony Marcelly
¤ Lyra Beatrix Fowler y Lorenzo Finnian Donnelly
¤ Morgan Ariella Fowler y Nolan Cassander Delaney
¤ Ruby Hilda Dollins y Miles Oliver Corwin
¤ Luna Stephanie Dollins y Theon August Dresden
¤ Noah Jonah Dollins y Helena Roxane Ansel
¤ Stanford Nathaniel Dollins y Nita Evelyn Paxton
¤ Mortimer Morphin Dollins y Martin Jonathan Flint
¤ Elizabeth Tallulah Dollins y Valens Vatlos Braken
¤ Janeth Mirella Dollins y Stefano Nova Fox
¤ Arya Eloise Kane y Constatine Nikolai Hudson
¤ Angelette Lucille Kane y Yuri Vladimir Ivanovich
¤ Azrael Finnian Kane y Luciana Angela Ortiz
¤ Niven Ezra Kane y Mikhaila Juniper Orion
¤ Carlisle Damien Kane y Serena Laurel Ranger
¤ Basilius Sebastian Prince y Ida Scarlett Lennox
¤ Felix Robert Prince y Jane Ophelia Miller
¤ Jasper Wyatt Prince y Marlene Elora Lawson
¤ Edward Henry Prince y Selene Stella Harper
¤ Adrien Scott Snape y Calliope Ivory Bronx
¤ Raphael Patrick Snape y Mirah Colette Cain
¤ Richard Lawrence Snape y Galilea Lyra Dexter
¤ Francine Eliza Snape y Michael Francis Oakley
¤ Connie Violet Snape y Tallulah Vera Lake
¤ Melissa Barbara Snape y Eugene Jordan Morrinson
¤ Morticia Moira Snape y Kiyoko Asahina
¤ Morterius Mortimer Snape y Reina Matsumoto
¤ Jeremy Vincent Dream y Sabrina Addison Riley
¤ Nathan Samuel Dream y Piper Aurora Harrow
¤ Bruce Steven Dream y Nicolette Grace Tyson
¤ Adeliza Morigan Afton y Emmett Blake Cartet
¤ Daemon October Afton y Darrel Cael Ossory
¤ Violetta Ursuline Afton y Jeffrey Hunter Jefferson
¤ Minerva Rowena Afton y Leonard Robert Leighton
¤ Doria Judith Orville y Dominic Alexander Edevane
¤ Ryan Joshua Orville y Alice Isidora Jones
¤ Agatha Rachel Orville y Jeremiah Andrew Evans
¤ Carlotta Katherine Snape y Owen Stephen O'Kelly
¤ Ethan Elijah Harley y Larissa Daphne Davis
¤ Giovanni Mortimer Harley y Ariel Danica O'Ryan
¤ Vincent Oliver Harley y Amelie Luna Roberts
¤ Bastian Lynx Murphy y Arya Ruby Forrest
¤ Theodore Niven Murphy y Ursa Aries Black
¤ Dominika Valda Murphy y Arthur Russel Glenwood
¤ Callista Eliza Orson y Callista Addison McCoy
¤ Morterius Finnian Orson y Jessamine Robinia Bathory
¤ Victoria Hilda Orson y Sabine Belladona Volkov
¤ Margot Elizabeth Orson y Pietro Leroy Carrington
¤ Riven Alexander Blackwood y Petra Victoria Hayden
¤ River Stella Blackwood y Jasper August Moore
¤ Chloe Henrietta Blackwood y Griffin Cyrus Lexington
¤ Vanessa Tabitha Blackwood y Miles Herman Goodwin
¤ Ivan Septimus Blackwood y Rosie Olive Brown
¤ Amadeus Artemas Blackwood y Hariett Emily de Loughrey
Sexta Generación:
¤ Lilith Moira Riddle y Julian Cameron Gray
¤ Bloom Larissa Peters y Sky Aurelius
¤ Hazel Opal Peters y Magnus Roman Watson
¤ Theodore August Peters y Meredith Mavis Monroe
¤ Cora Stephanie Riddle y
¤ Arabella Diane Riddle y
¤ Francis Ezra Riddle y
¤ Aaron Christopher Riddle y Verena Michelle Dyer
¤ Joshua Stephen Riddle y Esther Amalia Holt
¤ Charles Samuel Riddle y Ruby Stephanie Saffron
¤ Iris Aurelia Riddle y Marshal Everett Conrad
¤ Theophania Calliope Richardson y Corinne Roxanne Everleigh
¤ Arabella Beatrix Richardson y Henry Oliver Brookes
¤ Kai Dominick Richardson y Flynn Milo Wolf
¤ Willow Cosima Levin y Nicoletta Pomona Wilford
¤ Fern Violet Levin y Marie Honoria Ollivander
¤ Euphemia Alessandra Levin y Jhon Florean Palmer
¤ Dorothea Giovanna Levin y Elladora Eloise Gibson
¤ Salazar Lucius Levin y Holly Avalon Barnes
¤ Eleanor Hope Levin y Savannah Genevieve Shaw
¤ Gracie Isadora Novak y Marvin Declan Sullivan
¤ Alec Aurelian Novak y Claire Piper Johan
¤ Mason Ezekiel Novak y Clementine Octavia Albion
1)¤ Lotor Comet Snape y Raphael Percival Rosier
2)¤ "Moon Demon" Darius Angelo Snape y "Dark Angel " Arianne Alysson Snape
3)¤ "Killer Shadow" Lazarus Ignatius Snape y "Ice Demon" Urania Calliope Snape
¤ Morterius Viktor Snape y Hisirdoux Artemas Casperan
4)¤ Regris Niven Snape y Acxa Valda Snape
5)¤ Kevin Ethan Snape y Gwendolyn Stephanie Tennyson
8)¤ Regulus Orion Snape y Abel Austin Khemse
9)¤ Cygnus Arcturus Snape y Frederic Alistair Weasley
10)¤ Elle Rigel Snape y Matsuda Touta
11)¤ Beyond Aurelian Snape y Mikami Teru
15)¤ Alexander Valens Snape y Magnus Sebastian King
16)¤ Lysander Nikolaus Snape y Vladimir Micah Masters
¤ Keith Akira Snape y James Oliver Griffin
¤ Morgana Kendra Voorhees y Karin Delilah Summers
¤ Jessica Lorna Kimble y Steven Malcom Freeman
¤ Audrey Andromeda Malfoy y Andre Perseus Bourgeois
¤ Gabriel Bastian Malfoy y Emilie Calliope Graham de Vanily
¤ Roynard Hydra Malfoy y Violet Rowena Deekers
¤ Raymond Lynx Malfoy y Cedric Atticus Diggory
¤ Draco Lucius Malfoy y Astoria Coraline Greengrass
¤ Merle Ariel Dixon y "Jesus" Paul Finnegan Rovia
¤ Daryl Hunter Dixon y Rick Jonah Grimes
¤ Vitale Astaroth Sparda y Luka Nicholas Sparda
¤ Neron Asura Sparda y Kyrie Serena Kiernan
¤ Merak Emory Sparda y Portia Manon Hendrix
¤ Loretta Margot Grace y Calvin Raphael Foxglove
¤ Julius Grant Grace y Ivy Roxanne Baxley
¤ Benjamin Vidar Grace y Edgar Zachary Maddox
¤ Ophelia Nozomi Jensen y Cordelia Avery Bkwie
¤ Eileen Victoria Jensen y Silvius Dael Sinclair
¤ Thomas Lysander Jensen y Othello Natalie Reeve
¤ Nova Genesis Jackson y Allison Leah Reid
¤ Losa Iris Brooks y Briar Anais Tedford
¤ Nina Rosie Brooks y Asa August Harding
¤ Connor Cyrus Brooks y Sandra Sabine Simmons
¤ Esme Aurora Donovan y Maxine Riley Crosby
¤ Arabella Cassidy Donovan y Robert Dashiell. Davenport
¤ Arianne Odette Donovan y Terrence Gideon Graves
¤ Kendra Alessandra Donovan y Alexis Scarlett Bishop
¤ Cassandra Abigail Donovan y James Anthony West
¤ Pansy Genevieve Parkinson y Theodore Phineas Nott
¤ Ursa Alexa Corvinus Y Narcissa Hazel Ripley
¤ Nora Alyssa Corvinus y Lydia Skylar Abernathy
¤ Annabelle Danica Corvinus y Rowan Vladimir Norwood
¤ Luna Pandora Lovewood y Rolf Elijah Matthew Scamander
¤ Ronan Artemis Marcelly y Adam Timothy Reed
¤ Giovanni Octavius Marcelly y Robin Mikhaila Mckinley
¤ Ivan Alistair Marcelly y James Christopher Peters
¤ Mika Valentina Donnelly y Arthur Ethan Bowers
¤ Damien September Delaney y Melione Rowena Robinson
¤ Kira Dominika Delaney y Marlon Oliver Williams
¤ Kanna Amelia Delaney y Gael Ethan Byron
¤ Nicholas Hadrien Delaney y Madison Edith Emerson
¤ Armand Demetrius Corwin y Persephone Aspen Cormac
¤ Tatiana Aubrey Corwin y Marcella Carolinne Cervenka
¤ Pandora Evageline Corwin y Cecilia Honoria Van Frietag
¤ Natasha Penelope Dresden y Donna Mary Berkshire
¤ Emily Alisha Ansel y Nana Eliza Martin
¤ Isabelle Veronica Ansel y Carmen Emilia Reyes
¤ Kenneth Paul Dollins y Ella Isabella Evans
¤ Joseph Herman Dollins y Juliet Corina Rogers
¤ Hailey Amelia Flint y Lucia Naomi Barnes
¤ Ashley Jasmine Flint y Maxwell Benjamin Norton
¤ Piper Savannah Flint y Louis Howart Daxton
¤ Chase Akira Braken y Felix Lucius Quinn
¤ Florian Narcissus Braken y Colin Leonard Frone
¤ Callum Daniel Fox y Marjorie Katie Vance
¤ Dante Ezra Fox y Leila Juniper Thomson
¤ Nathan Soren Fox y Matthias Isaac Parker
¤ Magnus Gideon Fox y Desmond Ethan McReynolds
¤ Lucian Harrison Fox y Apollo Anthony Greene
¤ Jude Eli Hudson y Theodore Declan Vesper
¤ Olive Genesis Ivanovich y David Cameron Canyon
¤ Tate Roman Ivanovich y Molly Aurora Wiley
¤ Ivory Leah Ivanovich y Diane Barbara Jennings
¤ Devon Julian Kane y Ophelia Pauline Colins
¤ Claudine Barbara Kane y Matthew Benjamin Rothchild
¤ Castiel Dominc Kane y Charlie Isaac Lauder
¤ Natasha Bella Kane y Mackenzie Riley Hills
¤ Caroline Samantha Kane y Sarah Emma Fuller
¤ Harper Eva Kane y Daniel Michael Baker
¤ Henry Jasper Kane y Duncan Joshua Evas
¤ Nathan Pietro Kane y Elijah Maxwell Crimson
¤ June Opal Kane y Felix Octavius Rhodes
¤ Jane Ophelia Kane y Angelo Dominic Lowell
¤ Aldora Corinne Prince Amora Lyra Stout
¤ Odolette Lila Prince y Thalia Cora Fulton
¤ Amon Rowan Prince y Elira Bianca Thorton
¤ Amelia Robin Prince y Nicolo Dorian Guthrie
¤ Alastor Robert Prince y Dinah Pandora Pearson
¤ Gavin Marshall Prince y Megara Eloise Lang
¤ Sean Colin Prince y Rebecca Odette Douglas
¤ Renee Tara Prince y Miles Edgar Lambert
¤ Eric Lance Snapey y Millicent Corinne Curtis
¤ Marlon Levi Snape y Lily Alyssa Yancer
¤ Luther Garth Snape y Judith Naomi Tailyour
¤ Hannah Ebony Snape y Lincoln Nathan Penfold
¤ Marie Clarice Snape y Leslie Regan Eastwood
¤ Jade Tiffany Snape y Leah Eliana Rees
¤ Grant Devin Snape y Geraldine Annalie Harfield
¤ Dean Leighton Snape y Fiona Charity Wheeler
¤ Mason Riley Oakley y Cartie April Willis
¤ Morgan Harley Oakley y Ian Paul Wenman
¤ Robert Damian Lake y Marion Corinne Turner
¤ Roy Ethan Morrinson y Griffin Rhett Essex
¤ Joy Ebony Morrinson y Kilian Lee Rowell
¤ Holden Ethan Snape y Eleanor Nadia Heron
¤ Corey Silas Snape y Jane Lydia Orchard
¤ Astrid Juliette Snape y Rhonda Hope Pataki
¤ Tate Julian Snape y James Ronan Poole
¤ Soren Jaspn Snape y Carmen Marianna Rojas
¤ Edgar Samuel Snape y Ingrid Ianthe Lauder
¤ Castiel Gabriel Dream y Cecilia Ember Bonavich
¤ Callum Paul Dream y Avalon Ginevra Carmichael
¤ Cedric Ernest Dream y Bathilda Sibyll Irvine
¤ Garett Elia Dream y Padma Orla Astor
¤ Austin Jordan Dream y Magenta Pomona Hearst
¤ Daryl Silvanus Dream y Nuru Sura Van Doren
¤ Calliope Scarlett Dream y Gemma Pomona Windsor
¤ Cordelia Maribelle Carter y Ivar Rainn Kline
¤ Howart Steven Carter y Sylvia Peyton Bechtel
¤ Lysander Casimir Carter y Enid Jivanta Galumba
¤ Pierre Milford Afton y Kylie Olivia McKeehan
¤ Rupert Stanley Afton y Andrea Jocelyn Varner
¤ Warren Philip Jefferson y Michelle Sabine Castle
¤ Ellie Audrey Jefferson y Shireen Monroe Marks
¤ Giselle Corina Leighton y Mia Velvet Bushnell
¤ Odette Marina Leighton y Nicoletta Verona Goldstein
¤ Larissa Dirina Leighton y Winry Carmina Montgomery
¤ Magnus Cassidy Edevane y Harry Leroy Baker
¤ Stella Andromeda Orville y Harold Russell Mcquiston
¤ Lucille Arabella Orville y Jace Colton Rutledge
¤ Lee Amos Evans y Zoey Makayla Camfield
¤ Cadmus Orion Evans y Trudy Nayala Lovell
¤ Florean Newton Evans y Xenia Sybil Herron
¤ Ivory Ooal Evans y Edmund Wilfred Frankham
¤ Luisa Veronica O'Kelly y Connor Evan Carson.
¤ Finn Andrew Harley y Portia Marilyn Curtis
¤ Abel Nolan Harley y Bonnie Thea Proudley
¤ Louis Xander Harley y Petunia Jamie Deakins
¤ Claire Norah Harley y Lance Chandler Western
¤ Camille Loena Harley y Myrtle Denise Golby
¤ Cora Adelaide Harley y Selma Kelsey Hicks
¤ Juliette Theodora Harley y Daisy China Kempster
¤ Cyrus Maximua Harley y Meredith Shannon Crocker
¤ Horatio Gideon Harley y Heidi Antoinette Deacon
¤ Dorothea Euphemia Harley y Terence Xavier Croucher
¤ Violetta Leopoldine Murphy y Franklin Leonidas Burton
¤ Nova Orion Murphy y Faustina Spencer Odam
¤ Comet Sky Murphy y Yvonne Wilhemina Hibberd
¤ Phoenix Bianca Murphy y Rosalie Simone Stratton
¤ Celestine Xiomara Glenwood y Rylan Waylon Mills
¤ Isla Cosima Glenwood y Neil Rowan Lee
¤ Jacqueline Glennda McCoy y Jarome Staley Orline
¤ Ann Marie McCoy y Ridley Everett Anderson
¤ Apoline Elian McCoy y Simom Edward Thompson
¤ Aubrey Lynn Orson y Braxton Hunter Young
¤ Amelia Faith Orson y Ryland Linden Allen
¤ Lucy Ella Volkov Jacob Jhon Wright
¤ Freya Leah Volkov y Rome Canyon Adams
¤ Martin Lane Volkov y Brianna Mirella Collins
¤ Monet Valentina Volkov y Callahan Anselm Morris
¤ Robinia Venus Carrington y Aragon Glorianne Watson
¤ Damon Micah Carrington y Selie Nia Rise
¤ Calla Seraphina Balckwood y Ariel Calyx Reid
¤ Adriana Norah Blackwood y Windsor Athen Foster
¤ Trevor Narcissus Blackwood y Larry Eugene Fraser
¤ Heather Kalina Moore y Lucilius Nicholas McIntosh
¤ Bernadette Alexa Moore y Ares Gabriel McLean
¤ Althea Ruby Lexington y Trinity Elizabeth Bland
¤ Camellia Iris Lexington y Damian Anthony Boswell
¤ Taylor Sidney Lexington y Fabian Dominic Bartlett
¤ Elena Vittoria Lexington y Athena Aubree Birch
¤ Oris Edward Goodwin y Ryleigh Nadia Chapman
¤ Archer Emrys Goodwin y Paisley Autumm Pannell
¤ Raphaela Esperalda Goodwin y Ryder Quentin Hamilton
¤ Ike Neron Goodwin y Bailey Stephanie Adams
¤ Lilianna Persephone Blackwood y Jared Fabian Crawford
¤ Albert Christopher Blackwood y Gemma Alyna Gibson
¤ Alfred Stella Blackwood y Nicholas Julian Munro
¤ Rose Mary Blackwood y Sebastian robert Walker
¤ Bernard Alden Blackwood y Katherine Calliope McGregor
¤ Benjen Isaiah Blackwood y Seraphina Harper Docherty
¤ Lewis Beckett Blackwood y Samirah Luna Ross
¤ Vlaire Harley Blackwood y Aurora Isabelle Gordon
Septima Generación
¤ Abigail Elizabeth Gray y Angel Nicholas Romero
¤ Jareth Jefferson Gray y Nimue Manon Valerian
¤ Lucille Hazel Gray y Helena Danica Valerian
¤ Wendy Elora Gray y Diana Amelie Valerian
¤ Jamie Arlan Peters
¤ Star Demetria Peters y Beck
¤ Blue Danae Peters
¤ Caroline Victoria Watson y Elijah Phineas Butler
¤ Sophie Marianna Watson y Seth Dorian Deacon
¤ Garth Theodore Watson y Rosalie Tabitha Willett
¤ Evangeline Tallulah Peters y Malody Colette Ray
¤ Angelo William Peters y Luciana Angelica Rodriguez
¤ Arthur Elijah Riddle y Gwendolyn Stella Huntington
¤ Hank Bernard Riddle y Ralph Franklin Grimaldi
¤ Olive Ocravia Riddle y Mabel Charlotte Clemonte
¤ Ocean Lavender Riddle y Terra Olive Grigg
¤ Terry Wilder Riddle y Violetta Harper Quantum
¤ Alan August Riddle y Barbara Amelie Warner
¤ Ronald Victor Riddle y Micah Cassius Ferrell
¤ Nancy Cosima Riddle y Desmond Julian Norton
¤ Mary Juniper Riddle y Felicity Ottilia Ansol
¤ Cheryl Marina Riddle y Raphale Simon Loomis
¤ Timothy Riven Riddle y Loretta Elise Hopkins
¤ Linda Euphemia Riddle y Edwin Max Oakland
¤ Lucius Ethani Riddle y Daniel Miles Stevens
¤ Malia Portia Weston y Gavin Dylan Wells
¤ Claire Georgina Weston y Bob Stanley Cooper
¤ Julian Alden Weston y Vivienne Rodinka Mustow
¤ Cameron Thaddeus Weston y Percy Monroe Parker
¤ Camille Opal Weston y Leora Winter Joles
¤ Savannah Honoria Weston y Othello Scarlett Pike
¤ Annalie Electra Everleigh y Millicent Rhonda Weir
¤ Seth Edgar Everleigh y Matilda Rosalie Weir
¤ Hermione Isadora Brooks y Marlon Carlton Tenne
¤ Herman Ignatius Brooks y Julius Oliver Cooley
¤ Judith Lavinia Brooks y Hugo Gilbert Jones
¤ Jedidiah Jasper Wolf y Ezra Thomas Miller
¤ Isidor Hadrian Wolf y Gretcher Genevieve Douglas
¤ Ingrid Avery Wolf y Parker Logan McKay
¤ Melanie Ariana Wolf y Matthew Roman Burns
¤ Grace Mackenzie Wolf y Ophelia Lyra Bell
¤ Demetrius Niccolo Levin y Mackenzie Meissa Giles
¤ Castiel Timothy Levin y Roxanne Ivory Sherwood
¤ Giovanni Balthazar Levin y Henrietta Marine Pinford
¤ Felicity Alexa Levin y Claude Victor Isaacs
¤ Serenity Adeline Levin y Gilbert Leonard Pierce
¤ Nellie Elizabeth Ollivander y Grover Zachary Janos
¤ Valerie Lenna Ollivander y Theodore Dustin Rose
¤ Gael Francis Ollivander y Martha Emily Newland
¤ Ella Louisa Palmer y Arthur Jared Sbeen
¤ Philomena Emersyn Gibson y Julian Milo Holland
¤ Michelle Natalie Gibson y Henry Joshua Sandler
¤ Draco Artemas Levin
¤ Evan Alastor Levin
¤ Regulus Leland Shaw
¤ Druella Lilian Shaw
¤ Sarah Makhaila Sullivan
¤ Nora Hope Sullivan
¤ James Luka Sullivan
¤ Katie Violetta Novak
¤ Bartemius Amos Novak
¤ Marietta Jean Novak
¤ Fenrir Viktor Novak
¤ Baghilda Alice Novak
¤ Rolanda Severina Novak
¤ Lee Thomas Novak
¤ Morterius Aries Lestrange
¤ Morticia Ursa Lestrange
¤ Honerva Piper Lestrange
¤ Allura Rhaella Lestrange
¤ Severus Vincent Lestrange
¤ "Mad Thrill"
¤ "Infernal Void"
¤ "Mercenary Shadow"
¤ "Assassin Silver"
¤ "Defiant Spear"
¤ Valtor Christopher Volturi y Ogron Demetrius Kymer
¤ Dimitry Raphael Vanderwood y Jihyun Kim
¤ Aizawa Otsutsuki y Enji Todoroki
¤ Rhaegar Targaryen y Elia Martell
¤ Leslie Aaron Volturi y Ruben Kenneth Victoriano
¤ Evan Nova Casperan y Leigh Taylor Ainsworth
¤ Firkle Jonah McNamara y Ike Harley Broflovski
¤ Brick JoJo y Momoko Atsutsumo
¤ Boomer JoJo y Miyako Gōtokuji
¤ Butch Jojo y Kaoru Matsubara
¤ Levi Alexander Ackerman y Erwin Joseph Smith
¤ Avalon Jason Snape y Josie Terra Marion
¤ Saeyoung Choi y Jumin Han
¤ Saeran Choi y Yoosung Kim
¤ Castiel Vincent Sparda y Nathaniel Jacott
¤ Shaena Targaryen y Benjen Stark
¤ Richard Jhon Grayson
¤ Pitch Kendall Casperan y Jackson Ice Frost
¤ Armin Ariel Casperan y Lysandro Ainsworth
¤ Alexy Matthew Kogane y Kentin O'Connor
¤ Daeron Targaryen y Urrigon Greyjoy
¤ Jason Peter Todd y Roy Xander Harper
¤ Osomatsu Matsuno y Reiji Sakamaki
¤ Karamatsu Matsuno
¤ Choromatsu Matsuno
¤ Ichimatsu Matsuno y Yuma Mukami
¤ Jyuchimatsu Matsuno y Shuu Sakamaki
¤ Todomatsu Matsuno
¤ Gaella Targaryen
¤ Gaelle Targaryen y Nymeria Sand
¤ Aegon Targaryen y Lynesse Hightower
¤ Timothy Jackson Drake y Lucien Draven Bloodmarch
¤ Alesandro Darius Volturi y Marcus Donovan Volturi
¤ Jaehaerys Targaryen y Obara Sand
¤ Viserys Targaryen y Aurane Velaryon
¤ Damian Wayne y Jonathan Kent
¤ Rhaedall Targaryen y Domeric Bolton
¤ Rhaemyra Targaryen y Mya Stone
¤ Riven Thrall y Helia Thrall
¤ Duncan Thrall y Gwen Violet Rusell
¤ Simon Abaader
¤ Scarlett Abaader
¤ Nora Naida Abaader y Alfor Raphael McClain
¤ Geralt Nicolo Casperan y Jaskier Dandelion
¤ Mei Ling Young
¤ Chloe Bourgeois y Kagami Tsuguri
¤ Adrien Matthew Malfoy y Luka Keith Couffaine
¤ Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy y Albus Severus Potter
¤ Devlin Nikolai Snape
¤ Ruby Peregrine Snape
¤ Vladimir Lev Snape
¤ Levi Damien Khemse
¤ Leonora Arabella Khemse
¤ Micah Oliver Khemse
¤ Lavi Dawn Weasley
¤ Ezra Calyx Weasley
¤ Desmond Perseus Weasley
¤ Narcissa Daphne Weasley
¤ George II Norman Weasley
¤ Mikhaila Larissa Weasley
¤ Mihael "Mello" Keehl
¤ Nate "Near" Rivers
¤ Mail "Matt" Jeevas
Octava Generación
14 notes · View notes
movedyoakkemae · 3 years
mains & exclusives list.
i  will  write  with  duplicates  that  are  on  this  list  ,  but  if  i  reference  to  these  characters  in  any  threads  or  the  like  ,  it’s  referring  to  these  specific  interpretations  of  these  characters.  i’m  always  willing  to  talk  about  being  mains  !  i  am  also  willing  to  have  three  duplicates  as  mains.
for  boku  no  hero  academia  muses.
todoroki  shōto:  aizawa  shōta  (  @livesforgttn  ).  uraraka  ōchako  (  @uravitix  ).
for  clamp  muses.
li  tsubasa:  hanekoma  sanae  (  @catncore  ).
li  xiaolang:  kinomoto  sakura  (  @goldenloved  ).
for  criminal  minds  muses.
spencer  reid:  aaron  hotchner  (  @holmesdepot  ).  david  rossi  (  @holmesdepot  ).  derek  morgan  (  @holmesdepot  ).  luke  alvez  (  @fcrmata  ).  penelope  garcia  (  @holmesdepot  ).
for  descendant  muses.
ben  guillory:  belle  (  @holmesdepot  ).  allie  fleur  (  @loetise  ).  uma  (  @heiresea.  ).
chi  yaling:  allie  fleur  (  @loetise  ).
for  dc  muses.
dick  grayson:  bruce  wayne  (  @genreic  ).  jason  todd   (  @genreic  ).  joey  wilson   (  @bodytheft  ).  peter  parker  (  @fcrmata  ).  stephanie  brown  (  @bctgrl  ).  talia  al  ghul  (  @shedeadly  ).
rose  wilson:  cassandra  cain-wayne  (  @genreic  ).   joey  wilson   (  @bodytheft  ).  stephanie  brown  (  @bctgrl  ).
for  harry  potter  muses.
harry  potter:  severus  snape  (  @holmesdepot​  ).
liu  suyin:  harry  potter  (  @holmesdepot​  ).  severus  snape  (  @holmesdepot​  ).
for  twewy  muses.
kanade  rindō:  hanekoma  sanae  (  @catncore  ).  
sakuraba  neku:  hanekoma  sanae  (  @catncore  ).  bito  rhyme  (  @hackereaped  ).
i  will  not  interact  with  any  duplicate  that  are  on  this  list  for  the  specific  muses  mentioned.  anyone  else  that  isn’t  on  the  list  is  completely  fair  game.  i  will  very  rarely  have  exclusives  on  the  blog.
gwen  tennyson  (  @manaborn  ).
6 notes · View notes
a-beneficial-union · 6 months
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I accidentally collapsed all of the colored layers on Pen at some point, so I had to redo a fair bit of that. Even so, it turned out fairly well.
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Her magic's a lot less refined than Gwen's, being used mostly to charge enchantments on items or the potency of potions. Because of this, it rarely ever sharpens into refined lines or the magenta hue of carefully crafted magic.
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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The Girls (or The Gremlins depending on who you ask). KO and Dendy’s little girls, don’t let their cuteness deceive you. They are as mischievous as they come. Penny and Jenny Kincaid aren’t on the No-Sit list for nothing. 
The Bodega better keep an eye on these two. >:)
Penelope “Penny”
10 (though youngest by a few weeks)
Impulsive as her father was
Eager to help, and not afraid to drag siblings along
Tends to have more people information
Better at hand to hand
ADD makes school work harder as she is utterly uninterested (thx dad)
Shorter temper with things she does not understand
Think Street fighter
Rough and tumble
Tends to use Turbonic energy more
Primary Punk
Jennifer “Jenny”
Older twin sister to Penny
Dark blonde hair
Responsible one, though will listen to her sister’s impromptu ideas, mischievous or no
Laid back
Tends to have more tech/ structural information
Is not afraid to use to her advantage
Seemingly more refined but really isnt
Tends to use coding more
Random stuff
Bright green with darker green markings when wet
Higher intellect
Learning coding from their mother
Learning combat from their father
High energy (turbonic and regular)
Tiny terrors
Excellent at finding loopholes
most locals are fooled by their cuteness into underestimating
Very cuddly (think KO)
Rarely if ever go barefoot as they both inherited their mother’s feet and they are sensitive to the ground
Their joints tend to be more fragile due to their Kappa heritage
Electric kicks
Power fists
Shadow Travel (how they sneak up on people)
Hacky-Packs (their own takes on their mother’s hack pack)
Friends with
Glitch Tennyson
The Tartakovsky Triplets
Conner Universe
15 notes · View notes
bookandcover · 4 years
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This was an absolutely beautiful novel with a subtle allure that will linger in my mind for a long time. I love Miller’s writing style, which seems to pay homage to the Classics she loves and studies in depth. 
It’s rare to meet a main character who is immortal, but here we have Circe, side figure in The Odyssey where she is painted primarily as a villain, born of an ancient god and a river nymph, yet living alone and on the fringes of the social stratification among humans and gods—a situation which, Miller must have intuited, bespeaks a woman who has not conformed to society’s expectations for her, the quintessential “witch.” What could growth of character within the experience of immortality possibly look like? This seems to me to present a real literary challenge, as so many books rely on character development, a change in the protagonist from beginning to end. Why would someone who is immortal grow or change? Why would their life play out with any type of directionality or plot arc? 
I realized these problems with an immortal heroine part way through the book and started to ask how the structure of a novel could be forced onto the life of an immortal. How could Miller’s novel end? What makes the conflict and the resolution when the novel started with her birth? If Circe lives on and on, what might tell us that some part of her story has arrived at an ending? 
These questions get brilliantly answered as (spoiler!!) Circle chooses mortality. In the process of the protagonist making this choice, the book poignantly reflects on what gives life meaning. Is immortality meaningless, when we have no motivation for growth and no motivation for life itself, as each day, each forever, we could do and try anything, ad infinitum? Is it our mortality, and our awareness of it, that makes any moment meaningful and life-changing? The meaning-making power of mortality is something Circe sees, and longs for herself, in observing the mortal lives around her. But it takes her falling in love with a mortal—Telemachus, strangely the son of her once-lover Odysseus—to make the final change in her, to bring about her own mortality through her magic. Circe’s relationships with both Odysseus and Telemachus capture the strangeness of immortality, as she is able to experience the lives and love of both men in a kind of stasis, while they change and age. Yet, Circe herself is changing internally and she is changed by each of her lovers. She is different when she loves Telemachus, softer and more open, although, in part, this must be Telemachus’s goodness to which she responds. 
This book was incredibly satisfying, but also challenging (i.e. I didn’t always agree) in its re-characterization of familiar characters. Odysseus, who I kind of dislike in the original source text (sure, he wants to go home, but he also seems to be really “out there for the adventure”), was characterized according to his most epithet-worthy traits, a man so twisted by his own mind’s machinations that he doesn’t have much space for kindness or for receiving other people as people (this characterization seems pretty accurate to the original text). He’s also strongly associated with his true love for Penelope, a love he speaks about and references, but that seems strangely performative here (particularly as he falls willingly into Circe’s bed). I actually think Odysseus of the original text seems more likable, more loyal when compared to this portrait of him. I think he was characterized as too likable, too charged with uniqueness, in the middle part of this book when he’s first introduced, and while I felt weird about his affair with Circe, his preciousness is later dramatically challenged via the viewpoints of his sons. Telemachus, much gentler than Odysseus, is haunted by the murders he committed, on his father’s orders, of the maids Penelope’s suitors took for lovers during their sojourn in the palace. Circe’s son Telegonus is drawn to Odysseus and longs to go him, leaving Circe in order to go to Ithaca, only to accidentally kill the king with the weapon he’d brought with him (the string ray tail of Trigon given to him by Circe as a form of protection) when the king of Ithaca’s tries to seize it from his son who he will not listen to. We also see the ending of The Odyssey when Odysseus returns home and destroys the suitors through Telemachus’s eyes, the shocking changes in Odysseus, mad with suspicion, who is willing to eliminate all the nobility of his island country who have tried to usurp his place in his long absence. 
I really love both Telemachus and Penelope in the original, and Telemachus offers, in so many ways, the counter-point to his father’s harshness and objectivity, both in The Odyssey and in Miller’s novel. Is Telemachus the man who modern readers will feel most drawn to in The Odyssey (I felt this, and would theorize that his virtues are widely appreciated)? Does his popularity—and the, therefore, fitting choice to have him be the real romantic love interest in Miller’s novel—reflect changing standards of masculinity with culture and time (is Telemachus admired in time periods later than that of pillaging Greece?) or a change in The Odyssey’s readership, as Telemachus appeals to female readers who once wouldn’t have consumed any reading, and especially classical reading, at a high volume? Selecting Telemachus, the ideal man, to play the romantic lead seems like a smart update of this text for the 21st Century audience. 
        This is my son, mine own Telemachus, To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle,— Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil This labour, by slow prudence to make mild A rugged people, and thro' soft degrees Subdue them to the useful and the good. Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere Of common duties, decent not to fail In offices of tenderness, and pay Meet adoration to my household gods, When I am gone. He works his work, I mine.
~an excerpt from Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Miller’s novel reminded me, though, of how much more I adore The Iliad than The Odyssey, and examining the casting of Telemachus as the ultimate love interest over Odysseus, Hermes, and Daedalus, reminded me of the character that I’ve seen modern audiences most deeply adore: Hector. Several years ago, my new co-worker and I bonded over reading a student’s personal statement for college that was all about his love for Hector from The Iliad. This moment felt like joining a secret club of people who inherently understood each other, who felt some deep recognition of each other, who felt seen, because we loved and treasured Hector. “Hector, am I right?” “YES. Hector.” Hector was something beyond any words we had to explain him. We just GOT IT. I loved seeing a 17-year-old boy from Beijing, China read The Iliad and be like “HECTOR THOUGH” to me and to his other teacher. Hector is the softer counter-point to Achilles in The Iliad, the family-man, the son, the brother, the golden Prince of Troy. He is steadfast beside Paris’s ridiculousness. He’s the son for whom his old father will risk his life to reclaim his body. He’s the nearly unbeatable warrior who also gets the most touching of moments, gently holding his toddler, speaking with his clever wife. This is the man across Homer’s two books who was, for me, the most modern-day ideal. Maybe Hector has to remain, though, for all of us, shared among our common imaginations. Telemachus, it was fine if Circe claimed him. 
Circe, at the beginning of the novel, is not a likable heroine. She’s clueless, bumbling, not attentive to way she’s being used by others. She doesn’t seem to have a lot of backbone. Yet, I was astonished at how much she changed and how beautifully wrought the gradual changes in her were. As she grows in independence, she grows immensely in likability. Although she has a happy ending with Telemachus, this love story somehow never felt inevitable. The different men she loves are part of her story. Yes, she is shaped by them, as she is shaped by her friendships, her rivalries, her relationships with her horrifying siblings. But the story is all about her. Circe is the center and her experiences with lovers shape her and her growth; she is not a side character in someone else’s story, bending to support them. She does change her immortality in response to love (in the sense of trying to fit herself to what someone else expects), but she brings about this change through her own power and strength of will. I can’t explain this right, but it’s true: it feels like a revolutionary notion that an independent woman be the main character and the story be just her story: the things she goes through on her own, with others, others passing through her life, her thoughts and feelings, her sequence of growth. It doesn’t sound revolutionary because we see female protagonists maybe 50% of the time these days across many genres (how far we’ve come!) yet how often do we see love interests exist in plots not to further the love itself (not to be arrived at, as a happy end point, a relationship, a marriage), but to further the growth of the female protagonist? Men, somehow, get to be the center of their own stories. Women, do they really get to have this? To be just THEM, and not be playing any role within society or within a family? Circe’s story arc made me SEE her as the main character in a way that somehow far too many female-led narratives utterly miss. 
I realized, for the first time (which is frankly alarming), while reading this book that because Ithaca (New York, in my case) is my birthplace, I ought to feel a strange affinity for Odysseus. Ithaca is home. It has a mythic quality. I’ve lived in a lot of places. I’ve traveled a lot. I’ve seen things, people, landscapes, creatures beyond what I could have imagined. My life has been my own odyssey, and I’ve left Ithaca far behind. Unlike Odysseus, I’m not trying to go back. The world out here is full of adventures. 
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starwarned · 4 years
Day 4 - Side Characters
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Carry On Countdown Day 4 - Side Characters 
Walk Through My Garden on AO3
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” - Alfred Tennyson
Walk Through My Garden
Penelope Bunce is very good at answering her phone. Ask anyone. (Is there such a thing as too good? Answering too quickly and with far too much gusto?) 
And the one moment that Agatha needs her to actually pick up her phone, she’s subjected to Penelope’s obnoxiously peppy outgoing voicemail message - Hi, it’s Penelope Bunce! Leave a message and have a magickal day. 
Agatha rolls her eyes before doing just that (not the magickal day part. She hasn’t had one of those in a long time). “Hey Pen,” she says. “Just wanted to talk to you about something. Give me a call back. I’d say text me, but I know you’ll just call me.” She hesitates, wondering if she should give Penelope more information before deciding against it and hanging up.
Agatha sets her phone face down on the edge of the counter and sits down on the nearest bar stool. She bounces her leg and leans her elbow on the counter. She bites at her nails - a habit she’s developed recently.
After the events of the summer before last, Agatha made the decision to live by herself - well, with Lucy, of course. She and Ginger still keep in contact - that’s part of the reason Agatha needs to talk to Penelope and made the decision to call her instead of texting. It felt too important. 
Even after Agatha went back home with Penelope, Simon, and Baz, she knew she wouldn’t stay long. She visited her parents, spent a few nights with her Normal friends, gave in to Penelope’s movie night invitation, and packed her wand to go back with her to America. She hasn’t touched the wand since returning, but it’s nice to know it’s there if she really needs it. 
Agatha anxiously locks and unlocks her phone, waiting for the returning call. She knows Penelope is done with classes now (Agatha begrudgingly learned her schedule so she could purposefully ignore her calls) so she should be receiving a phone call any moment now. Her lockscreen is a photo of her and Ginger standing outside Agatha’s new house when she helped her move in. They’re hugging and Agatha thinks it’s the happiest she’s ever looked in a photo. 
The phone rings. 
Agatha gives it a solid few seconds before answering. (She doesn’t want to seem desperate - Penny will take that as an excuse to call Agatha even more often than she already does.) 
“Hey,” she says. 
“Agatha!” Penelope says brightly. Agatha doesn’t have to be in the same room as her to know how big she’s smiling right now. “How are you?” 
“I’m okay, Pen.” 
Penny launching right into conversation. “Good! What did you need to talk to you about? Your voicemail was very vague.” 
Agatha smiles. She does love Penelope - she really does. She’s a lot but she’s always been there for Agatha, even years ago when she and Simon broke up. And even though she knows Penelope is certainly the best person to talk to about this, Agatha starts to get cold feet. “Right,” she says softly. “You’re straight, right?” 
Agatha sighs and bites at her lip anxiously. “You heard me.” 
Penelope laughs a bit nervously. “Yes, I am. Why?” 
“I’m… Not.” 
There’s a pregnant pause. It’s not uncomfortable - Agatha just wishes it wasn’t happening. 
“Okay,” Penelope says. 
“You know,” Penny starts (and Agatha rolls her eyes. She knows where this is going). “I reckon I knew.” 
“Right,” Agatha says. 
“I did!” Penny insists. “You and Simon broke up and you really didn’t seem that hurt about it.” 
That’s truly not why Agatha was alright after she and Simon broke up - that had a lot more to do with yearning over a life other than her own and a significant other who didn’t see her as an end goal, a happy ending that he didn’t have to worry about the journey of. But if Penelope really wants to believe that she had it figured out even before Agatha did, that’s fine. 
“Aggie,” Penelope says. “You know this doesn’t change anything between us, right?” 
“I dunno, I was hoping you would stop calling me so often if I told you.” 
Penelope laughs. “I still live with Simon who started dating his enemy. You’re just lucky you’re across an entire ocean or you’d never be rid of me.” 
Agatha can’t help but smile. 
“Is it Ginger?” Penelope asks after a moment. 
Agatha can feel her cheeks flush. She hums an affirmation. She’s not sure that she can say yes verbally. “Or-” she finally says, but immediately cuts herself off. “It was her. First. I think I’m in love with most female celebrities.” 
Giggling quietly, Penelope agrees. “Of course.” 
“I don’t know how to tell Simon.” 
Penelope scoffs at this. “I think Simon is legitimately the one person who will understand. As much as I can empathize with you and support you, I am woefully heterosexual.” 
Agatha nods. “Right,” she says. “I have plans to visit my parents for the holidays so maybe I’ll stop by your flat.” 
Penelope perks up. “I’ll decorate for you!” 
“No,” Agatha insists. “Please, it’ll be casual. I’ll stop by for a chat and that’s it.” 
“Fine,” Penny concedes. “Text Simon before you come. You know how he gets when he doesn’t hear from you.” 
“‘f course.” 
“Thanks for telling me, Agatha.” 
“Thanks for listening, Penny. I’ll call you later?” 
“No, you won’t.” 
“You’re right.”
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Tolkien and Dante
So, in Inferno there’s a sequence with Odysseus (eighth circle), who recounts how, after the events of The Odyssey, he convinced his men to sail to Purgatory. In Dante’s cosmology/spiritual geography, Purgatory is a vast mountain located at the precise opposite side of the globe from Jerusalem (i.e., somewhere in the South Pacific). At the very peak of the mountain is an earthly paradise, from which redeemed souls enter Heaven.
When I escap’d
From Circe, who beyond a circling year
Had held me at Caieta, by her charms,
Ere thus Aeneas yet had name’d the shore,
Nor fondness for my son, nor reverence
Of my old father, nor return of love,
That should have crown’d Penelope with joy,
Could overcome in me the zeal I had
T’explore the world, and search the ways of life,
Man’s evil and his virtue. Forth I sail’d
Into the deep illimitable main,
With but one bark, and the small faithful band
That yet cleav’d to me. As Iberia far,
Far as Morocco either shore I saw,
And the Sardinian and each isle beside
Which round that ocean bathes. Tardy with age
Were I and my companions, when we came
To that strait pass, where Hercules ordain’d
The bound’ries not to be o’erstepped by man.
The walls of Seville to my right I left,
On the’ other hand already Ceuta past.
“O brothers!” I began, “who to the west
Through perils without number now have reach’d,
To this the short remaining watch, that yet
Our senses have to wake, refuse not proof
Of the unpeopled world, following the track
Of Phoebus. Call to mind from whence we sprang:
Ye were not formed to live the life of brutes
But virtue to pursue and knowledge high.”
With these few words I sharpen’d for the voyage
The minds of my associates, that I then
Could scarcely have withheld them. To the dawn
Our poop we turn’d, and for the witless flight
Made our oars wings, still gaining on the left.
Each star of the’ other pole night now beheld,
And ours so low, that from the ocean-floor
It rose not. Five times re-illum’d, as oft
Vanish’d the light from underneath the moon
Since the deep way we enter’d, when from far
Appear'd a mountain dim, loftiest methought
Of all I e're beheld. Joy seiz'd us straight,
But soon to mourning changed. From the new land
A whirlwind sprung, and at her foremost side
Did strike the vessel. Thrice it whirl’d her round
With all the waves, the fourth time lifted up
The poop, and sank the prow: so fate decreed:
And over us the booming billow clos’d.
The imagery of this, of attempting to sail to Paradise (associated with a great and fair mountain), and of being drowned in the waves, recalled Númenor to me quite strongly, though I have no idea whether it was part of Tolkien’s inspirations. Although whereas the Númenoreans sailed to conquer, Ulysses appears to attempt to sail to Paradise because it’s there; or, more specifically, out of desire for knowledge and the wish that, as he’s going to die soon, he’d rather die doing something epic. (Or maybe he really is trying to sail to eternal life? In which case the Númenorean parallels become even stronger.)
The passage also seems to fit the tone and content of Tennyson’s Ulysses very closely, more so than anything in The Odyssey, to the point where I wonder if this was what Tennyson was thinking of when he wrote his poem.
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