#People who were born and blessed with greater abilities than others have to use their power for the world for the people. Hurting others wit
princess-ibri · 9 months
King Magnifico Backstory Part 2
(Sorry it took so long. The holiday rush caught up with me, and it hasn't ended yet, so this is probably gonna be a three parter, actually. But here's the link to Part 1 and some other meta that connects to the backstory!)
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The young man and his new bride sailed through time and space, through storms and starlight, out into the sea of a new world
Their ship crashed upon the shores of an island, on which stood the remains of a great castle and above which shown a brilliant star, shining as if it were a good omen that here they could build a new home for themselves
And such a home they built. The magic of the young man seemed to swell even greater beneath the light of the star--(the star he did not know was the home of his own fairy godmother)-- and as he and Amaya built their new home, others began to flock to them, as if also drawn there by the star.
The young couple welcomed them, and the young man used his magic to aid them in their dreams in exchange for their help in creating a new kingdom, where he hoped to be able to use his powers to bless those worthy of it--for he still felt the swell of love and happiness and wonder that came from helping to grant the wishes of others, so powerful it felt almost tangible at times.
They called the island Rosas, after the favorite flower of Amaya, and took the rose and the shining star above them as their symbols. Indeed, the star was already engraven on many parts of the now refurbished castle.
And soon enough, with the help of their new friends and subjects and the magic that flowed around them, a beautiful kingdom rose up, with Amaya as Queen, and the young man the people began to call “Magnifico” as King.
As the years passed, King Magnifico granted many wishes, and Rosas grew in prestige and beauty, people from the farthest flung places in the world began to flock to it, seeking its joy and bounty, and the chance to have their wishes granted.
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Eventually the kingdom's population grew so great and so quickly that Magnifico--who had learned his lesson on granting wishes indiscriminately--decreed that only those who had lived in Rosas for a year and a day would have their wishes granted, and only then their greatest wish--so as to have time to prove their character and loyalty. Eventually this was raised to three years, then five, and finally all those who were born in Rosas and reached 18 were to have their wish granted, once per month at a grand ceremony.
To help aid and protect his new home, Magnifico studied magics both great and small, dark and light. He had books brought to him from all the lands that came to Rosas, and--though he did not know it at first-- the natural magic that drifted down from Rosas's guardian wishing star helped to aid him in becoming one of the greatest sorcerers in this new world, where magic was not as bountiful as the one he had been born in. One so great he managed to mostly stave off even old age for himself and his beloved queen, so as to keep their kingdom stable and secure
(And perhaps there was something of vanity within this. Having been starved of true affection for so long, Magnifico had became rather susceptible to flattery, and took perhaps more pride in his appearance then was healthy).
But for all his powers, and all his ability to grant the wishes of others, Magnifico found over the years that he was unable to grant the greatest wish shared between him and Amaya--to have a child of their own.
At last, one night, in desperation, remembering the vague story he had heard of his own birth, he wished upon the star above them.
And the star answered.
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They named the child Maroula, “Wished for Child, or, Star of the Sea”, as she was born with the mark of a star on her forehead
The couple adored their daughter, as did the whole kingdom. Neither Rosas nor its rulers ever knew greater happiness than in caring for the young princess and watching her grow.
One day though, as young Maroula was playing in the rose garden of the palace, she heard a soft voice calling to her, though she could not see from where.
“Maroula, Maroula, wished-for-child of a wished-for-child. Great will be your power, but great too will be the trials that come to you from it. Would you face them when you are young, or old?”
And the little princess thought, “Far better to get anything bad over with sooner than later. Then, once it's done,I can live happily ever after without worrying about it”
So she answered “When I'm young”
"So be it" said the voice, and faded away...
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And yet the years went by without any sign of these promised trials, until Maroula had grown into a beautiful young woman.
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The princess has always been close with her father, and over the years he had taught her magic as well, and eventually she became his official apprentice, as well as his heir
Maroula studied hard, and became wonderfully proficient in all manner of spells and sorcery, helping her parents to bless their kingdom and aid in its prosperity
All seemed well, until the eve of the Princess's 18th birthday…
Part 3
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thedarkdisgrace · 6 months
Here is my thread from twitter i wrote about my theory about Fyodor’s ability not working on ability users. I wanted to get this posted here before we learn even more about it than in the next chapter probably lol I’m probably wrong given how old Fyodor is there’s probably plenty we don’t know and haven’t seen yet. But I still think this is interesting to talk about :) (Also I had more images to add but I will have to wait till i have access to my PC to add more cause the mobile app won’t let me)
So what if Fyodor can’t use his ability on ability users? We haven’t really seen him use it on other gifted, we’ve seen him shoot/manipulate gifted but not use Crime & Punishment on them.
People he did use it on were normal people and the people who have touched him & lived are all ability users.
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If Fyodor has used C&P on an ability user, please let me know but I can’t find a particular instance he does.
Either way, his ability is probably something he either is consciously controlling or the ability itself is selective in some way with normal people because this kid touches him with a cloth.
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Meanwhile this agent has gloves on but Fyodor still kills him with C&P. So, clothes/cloth isn’t the difference on its own.
Like i said, it’s gotta either be he *does* have control in some capacity or Crime & Punishment is selective on its own, regardless if it affects gifted or not.
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But even if it is selective or controlled why never use it on the gifted?
The people he claims to want gone the most? It would also make sense why he really wants the book to write ability users out of the world. If his ability doesn’t work on them, maybe that’s why he see them as sinners.
If Fyodor has an ability he believes is a blessing or something that’s “holy”, something bestowed upon him by god then him believing ability users are sin/sinners because that “holy” ability doesn’t work on them could make sense. It’s why he wants the book to completely erase them.
But also, a different extension of this is maybe Fyodor views the book as holy because of its power. Maybe someone say, stole the book to create ability users. Fyodor would want to correct that “sin”. And maybe his ability doesn’t work on anything made by the book, thus why it doesn’t work on ability users.
But that aside, either explanation could also explain Fyodor’s fascination with Dazai (aside with his intellect), Dazai’s a walking contradiction.
The ability user who cannot be unaffected by abilities. Fyodor may even see it as Dazai can’t be touched by their “sin” and maybe is tied to the book in some way. Of course such a thing would grab his attention.
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It could also explain Fyodor’s reverence for Sigma, a being created by the book. He seems to hold the book in high regard & even Ranpo himself says the book was created by smth “greater”.
If Fyodor sees the book as a tool from god, he would think highly Sigma being born from it. Similar in the way he may view Dazai
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I don’t believe Fyodor did anything to Sigma. (Addition to this repost: I still believe this. I still think it’s just information overload. That’s why he’s not waking up with skk. We were told about this for a reason and given Fyodor is old af it makes sense he as SO MUCH information to go through)
As Ango explained, you can pass out from too much information & Atsushi passed out from a small amount.
Sigma requested to know *everything*. I think Fyodor knew what he knows would fry Sigma’s brain. That said, I think Sigma will wake up.
(Again, addition to this repost: now that we know it’s like hundreds of years of information of course that would be hard for his brian to process)
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(I will add to this next bit because we have more information from chapter 113.)
Whatever Sigma learned, he knew he had to tell the agency right away. He obviously knows more than just how Fyodor’s ability works but i’m sure he thinks the agency needs to know something *specific* he learned about Fyodor and/or his plans & ability.
(Addition: It’s interesting Sigma said this given he’s only *just now* going through Fyodor’s memories and seeing how old actually Fyodor is. I wonder if that is what he wants to tell them or if it’s *how* Fyodor is so old that he feels must be shared with the agency. I feel it’s definitely Sigma wants to tell them that he knows *how* Fyodor is that old. As he says “I know *what* Dostoyevsky really is. Not who, *what* he is. Interesting.)
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Back to the main point, assuming his ability wasn’t used on Sigma (it wasn’t), Fyodor hasn’t used his ability to kill ability users.
He shot Dazai’s accomplice, he “shot” Katai as well. He manipulated Ace into killing himself. He wanted these people dead, why not use his ability?
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Chuuya & Nikolai touched him without anything happening. Of course like I said, Fyodor can either control his ability or it’s selective on its own. So he could’ve chosen *not* to use it on Chuuya & Nikolai or for some reason his ability just didn’t care about them.
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But still, why hasn’t he used it on other gifted? Like the first 3 i listed, he wanted dead right? He also choses to manipulate gifted like Mushitaro or mutilates them like Ivan & we’re not sure if he touched them or not. If he himself did the surgery on Ivan he had to have touched him.
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Even with Shibusawa, Fyodor cuts his throat. He doesn’t try to use crime & punishment. Of course, Shibusawa was “dead” already so it could be a different case.
He also never went up against Natsume directly in untold origins, although in the novel Fyodor is only eluded to and we never see. But maybe Natsume is “that man” Fyodor refers to. (Though now it could be Bram given 113?).
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You could also throw in Fyodor stabbing Mori instead of using his ability on him in there. But in this case Fyodor’s objective was to pit the ADA & PM against each other so they would take each other out. Though there’s an argument he still could have done that & kill Mori here.
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But let’s just assume he didn’t want Mori dead because of his plan to pit the two organizations against each other. So, I won’t touch more on Mori other than he must’ve touched Mori when he stabbed him, but since Fyodor seems to have some control over C&P let’s also say he just didn’t activate it here.
No one knows how Fyodor’s ability works aside Fyodor himself (Sigma might know now, we’ll probably know in a chapter coming up).
Even Dazai, which is why Dazai hasn’t wanted to give him the opportunity to touch him. He’s see what we have, people touching him & dying. So until Dazai knows for sure how his ability works, why risk touching him.
That’s why Dazai was hoping Sigma would help (assuming we believe Dazai when he says he doesn’t know how Fyodor’s ability works).
Sigma should now know both Fyodor’s plans & his ability & i’m sure he’s going to wake up and tell skk. Then Dazai will know.
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But what if Fyodor was secretive about his ability because it doesn’t actually work against gifted? He wants ability users gone & it only benefits him for people to believe he can kill anyone with a touch. So why wouldn’t he play into that assumption?
We also haven’t seen too much of his interaction with other DOA members (Addition: aside we now know Fyodor and Bram go way back and Bram may even know more about Fyodor's ability, but he might not). We've only seen Nikolai & Sigma & we only see Sigma touch him once, to get information & Nikolai holding his hands. Nikolai admitted he doesn’t know about Fyodor’s ability either, hence saving Sigma to help.
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I believe Fyodor would want to use his ability on gifted if he could, like Ace or Katai etc. People he knew he wanted dead and wouldn’t serve another purpose. But he doesn’t seem to use it. (Again if we have seen him somewhere use it on an ability user please let me know). But since he doesn’t seem to use it on gifted, maybe he just *can’t*.
He could just be choosing not to for all those instances for one reason or another & it does work on gifted and we just haven’t seen it yet. We just don’t really know but I’m sure we will soon.
This is just a fun theory, one that will probably be proven wrong to be honest haha so take it as you will. Everyone has their own interpretations and we will find out in canon soon enough.
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lucy-the-cat · 1 year
Maven Calore and Mental Illness / Disability
[this was a response to @lilyharvord's ask of what diagnoses Maven has that ballooned into an over 3k thesis oops. please reblog]
Content Warning: BPD, narcissism, sociopathy/psychopathy/ASPD, brief mentions of SA, abuse, discussions of trauma and ableism
As someone preparing to study in this field, I'd say definitely a Cluster B personality disorder. They're defined by symptoms appearing in negative impacts on other people, and while the most common diagnosis is Unspecified Cluster B, I'll take a stab at it. There are four types within this cluster: Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Anti Social. Histrionic is being reevaluated in the DSM-5, but it is the one disorder I think he shows no traits for, so that's kinda irrelevant lol
The predominant disorder he exhibits seems to be Anti Social, a condition defined by habitual lies, backstabbing, cruelty, and law breaking without remorse, especially in regards to using others to do so. There are two cluster patterns within this disorder, that of the sociopath, and that of the psychopath. These terms were created long before the diagnosis of ASPD was created, but are useful for delineating a distinction given their pop culture connotations. There are many differences, but the defining one is this: while psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made. They tend to be more impulsive, more prone to lashing out, and have a greater ability to empathize than psychopaths. And Maven is quite impulsive, from his offer to save Mare in the dungeons, to his decision to murder an infant, to taking Mare captive at the expense of his brother's capture. ASPD, like all personality disorders, is a spectrum, and while the defining diagnostic criteria are a lack of empathy and remorse, those criteria are not absolute. Those on the lower end, like sociopaths, can feel some degree of empathy and remorse, as Maven does around Mare. You'll also hear that they don't love in a neurotypical fashion, forming obsessions around their targets of affection.
It is treatable generally only if the patient has other issues that urge them to seek and accept help, which many would otherwise reject. It's not uncommon for ASPD patients to sit in therapy while refusing to talk to the professional. There is, however, a treatment called "cognitive empathy", wherein the patient is trained to manually go through the process of empathy and remorse to moderate success. This point is moot because the only treatment suggested by the narrative is very violent and traumatic, crushed before he can even emotionally process the idea, and his understandably muted reaction to "hey you could've had another lobotomy to try to turn you back into a person you no longer identify with" is held as proof that's he's completely unfixable but that's an can of ableism worms for another post
Back to diagnosis, all ASPDers also have NPD, or Narcisstic Personality Disorder, which manifests in four types: Grandiose, Covert, Vulnerable and Communal. All involve an outer shell, a persona that is better than other people, but they manifest in different ways. They are divided into introverted and extroverted presentations, with Grandiose and Communal being extroverted and Covert and Vulnerable being introverted. Grandiose is your classic narcissist: their shell is that of a god, a genius, a virtuoso that blesses the room with their presence. They are pathological liars who will boast non-existent accomplishments to disguise their (most likely) mediocrity. Maven may be a liar, but he does not boast. His lies are calculated, clever, meant to disguise instead of further delusion. Communal Narcissists express their superiority through charity, moral goodness their shield against all insecurity. Maven's charity has always been self-consciously to further his own power, a self-awareness communal narcissists by definition lack. Vulnerable Narcissists, contrary to those above, tend to not advertise their symptoms, as they originate in a belief that their pain is more meaningful, more sympathetic, more heart-wrenching than anyone else's. Mare actually expressed a lot of symptoms of this in Glass Sword, and is the monster she feared becoming through her arc. If Maven were a vulnerable narcissist, he would've lashed out at Mare for belittling his trauma instead of accepting Mare's judgement. Maven doesn't like to define himself by his trauma because it makes him feel powerless, his agency taken away by forces beyond his control. He would rather think of himself as a monster than a victim.
That leaves Covert Narcissism, defined by an introverted form of Grandiose Narcissism. They think they deserve much better than the average person, crave status and elevation, but do so quietly, simmering in their own frustration of their lack of recognition. And Maven DOES think he's better than you: he just won't say it out loud. He doesn't advertise his cold calculation, his master plans, only sharing with a select few (Mare, mostly).
The final disorder I'd like to explore is Borderline Personality Disorder, characterized by emotional instability, desperate attempts to avoid rejection and abandonment, and fierce anger at those who do them wrong, whether those slights be real or imagined. A lot of Borderlines identify with Maven, thinking of themselves as monsters for the horrible things they often do out of fear and anger. It's worth noting that fierce anger is a symptom of all Cluster B disorders, as they are deeply insecure and a threat to their outer shells is a threat to their entire being. While I think the ASPD and NPD coding is intentional, I highly doubt the BPD elements are, and most Borderlines are quite upset that Maven didn't get a redemption arc. BPD IS the most treatable of the Cluster B disorders, and I highly suggest those writing redemption arcs lean on that coding as I often do. There's a tension between Victoria's clear intent to vindicate victims of narcissistic and anti-social abuse and the judgement Borderlines see themselves facing on a daily basis. That's why I don't like how heavily Maven's condemnation relies on the horrible things he's done rather than lack of self-awareness and rejection of REASONABLE treatments for his own monsterhood and misery. Mare doesn't have to forgive him. She doesn't have to absolve him. But it's worth noting that Borderlines will do horrible, often abusive things, to the people close to them and still find treatment and redemption in support circles away from the people they've hurt and abused. Not all Borderlines are treatable: there are some who express externalized symptoms, or are have co-morbid narcissism that prevent them from internal self awareness. This is expressed somewhat in the text, but not (in my opinion) to a satisfactory degree. You kind of have to be more direct and nuanced on subjects like this, especially for a younger audience, because all people, including neurodivergents, have some nugget of internalized ableism born from the belief we have complete control over our own actions because the alternative is existentially hard to deal with. There's also a practical reason for ableism that suggests we'll never truly get rid of it in that the mind is the decision-making organ, and decisions have consequences that affect other people and society at large. We should help who can be helped, because that is a) compassionate, and b) more productive for society as a whole. But it's a waste of finite resources to argue with those who stubbornly insist there is nothing wrong with them, and that is, on some level, a form of ableism. It's not their fault their brain is wired in a way that makes them unable to reckon their ego with the need for change, but it's emotionally draining to live with such people. Moral judgement of them is a bit of a necessity to summon the emotion needed to cut them from your life. It also prevents lashing in, the self doubt and internal hatred that can come from internalizing abuse. Think of how Mare decides that she is selfish and a coward for not giving in to Maven's murderous attempts to bully her into coming back to him.
There's also two political angles to this, in that Maven's a white guy, Mare's a brown girl, and the brand can kinda be seen as an SA metaphor? Not exclusively, it's more a generalized act of severe abuse, but the coding's definitely there in that it's done for possession and control of a subject of desire. A lot of abuse and SA by white men (or just men in general) to POC women (or women in general) tends to not get justice, and the burden is often put on women to quietly deal with it or actively try to "fix" their abusers. I'm not advocating for that. I think VA's motivation for doubling down on the insistence that Maven is un-fixable stems from an opposition to this norm, which she's said in interviews she got a lot of requests for Mare to do. An admirable theme, one I found catharsis in on first reading, but it unintentionally raises a question on BPD and men.
Men are far less likely to be diagnosed with BPD, in part because the presentation tends to be different, but also because of our own biases. To paraphrase the book Stop Walking on Eggshells, if a woman discovers her partner is cheating is on her, kills the cheating parties, then herself, psychoanalysts will often conclude she had BPD. If a man does the same thing, he will often be dismissed as just an abuser, with little regard paid to his suicide afterwards. This stems from our perception of men as more violent and dangerous, which is often true, but can be disproportionately amplified, as can be seen with POC men, especially black men. There's a tendency for negative stereotypes about dominant power groups to trickle down to overlapping, but far more vulnerable groups. And mentally ill men ARE a more vulnerable group than neurotypical men, and the burden falling on women to take care of them is generally a response to their lack of resources and societal acceptance of their vulnerability. I don't think you can properly reject the idea of women having to "fix" their current or former partners without tackling the root, and it speaks to a wider contradiction that while the series understands systemic issues and dismantling them in the context of political power, it individualizes mental illness and poses the addressing thereof as philosophical and a matter of personal responsibility. This is true to some extent: the tug between genes and environment is a prominent and ultimately philosophic debate in psychology, and often introduced as early as 101 classes. And, as we've discussed, you cannot improve yourself if you abdicate agency for all your actions and resign yourself to your fate. But there's a problem with this approach, in that the brain is not often designed to handle this process without systemic structures to support it. This is why we have therapy, this is why we have medication, and the lack of this presence is a bit disappointing. Montfort is presented as a beacon, an imperfect beacon, of systemic justice and hope, and the modern-ish, though dystopian setting somewhat resolves the fantasy problem of healing often being medieval or magical. Characters are forced to deal with their trauma alone, and while this lessens throughout the series as Mare learns to open up, there's a level to which she needs a therapist to help her to properly process what she's been through. She never talks about her time as a prisoner besides what is useful to the cause, and processes Maven's misguided attempts to seek help from her as not mattering because she can't personally fix him. It is a response to protect herself that should not be dismissed, but deconstructed, as she sees the worst aspects of herself in him. It would enrich her arc to accept those parts of herself non-judgmentally without enabling them, which she does somewhat in the text without truly tackling the root of it. Maven must die, just not by her hand, because that will corrupt her beyond repair. He is unfixable because he is morally condemned, not because his ego can't handle the concept of change.
A neutral party, such as Davidson, would be the best avenue to truly offer him a chance he can either accept or reject. I don't think Cal is a great option to try to help Maven, as while, as a man, he doesn't have the political baggage of gender roles, he is still a victim of Maven's abuse and he has a tendency to split Maven into either a monster, or a brother stolen from him. This is likely a result of Maven's turn being so sudden for him, but it has an air of . . . I don't wanna say condescension, but something adjacent to it. It's an inability to truly understand Maven as a person who still exists, who could still use the comfort and validation of someone who cares enough to confront what he truly is. That's part of why he prefers Mare: she gives him agency over his actions, forces him to confront what he is, and while that is far from kind or healthy, it is a form of comfort by reinforcing the role he has chosen for himself. In a way, Mare DOES enable him by accepting his framing of himself, even as she rejects his framing of her and Cal. I would understand the objection that this requires an emotional maturity from both of them that they don't owe him, which is why I abdicate the responsibility to Davidson as a detached adult with plenty of political cause to offer Maven help in exchange for abdication.
I also REALLY don't like how the decision to execute Maven was handled. It's a mock trial where Cal is treated as having no choice but to go through with it, because otherwise he will seem weak to his allies. Maven's rejection of the offer to spare his life is treated as the final nail in the coffin of his damnation to execution, but, like . . . he had no reason to accept it? It's bad foreshadowing to Cal's emotional turmoil. Because, at the core . . . Cal doesn't HAVE to execute him. He can give him a proper trial. He can give him the option of not guilty by reason of insanity. This option can still be rejected by Maven, but like, imagine how much more emotionally powerful and resonant it would be for Cal to go, what happened to you wasn't right. I know you're a monster, but you still deserve justice and mercy. Maybe you'll still die. Maybe you can't be healed. But you deserve a chance. Because execution of the mentally ill is a real problem. There's a reason we have not guilty by reason of insanity, and if the philosophical questions raised by Maven's trauma are meant to have any meaning, this should at least be a moral quandary. There are political reasons to execute Maven: it might be a necessity for securing Cal's reign, but that has nothing to do with his crimes or whether he deserved it. Maven can be offered abdication of all claims in exchange for a fair trial after he is captured, which he can still reject out of a pride but would be an offer that makes sense and show Cal had done all he could. Without this rejection, there's no reason Montfort shouldn't execute Cal, Evangeline, and Ptolemus on the same political basis. I know this was likely done because grief for the misconception you often have of your abuser can be hard to face, but in doing so, the narrative makes Maven's execution all about Cal, and I think that could've be handled with more grace and nuance.
There's also the newblood whisper thing, where Cal is treated by Mare and Julian as naive for trying at all, rather than naive for looking for a quick fix solution. Any treatment is going to take a long time, with incremental improvement, and is going to involve Maven's consent and cooperation, which you will never get if you start mentioning the word "whisper." Maven will not be able to be released to the general public, and likely will not for a long time, but that should be evaluated as a cost benefit analysis of dubious morality rather than an impossibility.
Looping back to Borderline Personality Disorder, I would still characterize him as having Borderline traits rather than a pure expression of the disorder. The main reason is the lack of splitting, a categorization of people as devils and angels with no in between. Borderlines in general have a hard time with moderation, which makes them difficult to please even with narratives that sympathize with them. This is not absolute, as many are in therapy and working on this symptom, but it would be dishonest not to include. It's also part of the reason I don't entirely trust this fandom to handle this discussion with maturity. Two examples: a) a user once proclaimed Maven as bad bi representation because he was "bat-shit crazy", which is not . . . tasteful and is pretty ableist on the face of it, but it's the kind of ableism that's understandable and would likely be resolved with a thirty minute patient conversation. Maven stans did not take this route, calling OP neurotypical when they weren't, and generally being very hateful towards a minor about their opinion on a fictional character. A lot of neurodivergent folks will performatively distance themselves from less stable and more volatile members of their community in an attempt to protect themselves from being characterized in a similar way. It's also worth noting that OP's neurodivergence was a mood disorder, which may have contributed to the extreme nature of the post and thus should have given those concerned with ableism a reason to extend understanding and forgiveness. b) A year or so ago VA was bombarded with asks declaring Maven's death ableist and problematic for VERY shaky reasons, including one user who insisted it promoted stigma against schizophrenia, which, uh, no. Just no. I'm not dignifying that with an explanation. VA responded to these accusations by simultaneously claiming that she wrote Maven the way she did to represent how there are people we can't save, but that she doesn't think he's un-savable actually what are you talking about. I abruptly stabbed myself in the chest forty two times and died.
Anyway, this was supposed to half an essay and turned into a thesis oops
Tl;DR: Maven is ASPD, specifically a sociopath, NPD, specifically a Covert Narcissist, and has BPD tendencies. I had a long ramble about how this is handled in the narrative that I will not summarize because condensing it leaves me open to misinterpretation. Do not, under any circumstance, spam this at VA. If you do, I will skin you, sell your organs on the black market, turn your hair into a wig and cackle on a mountaintop covered in blood. Have a nice day, and please reblog!
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childofchrist1983 · 2 years
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But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. - Matthew 11:9-11 KJV
In this Bible passage, Jesus Christ says very clearly who John the Baptist is, what his mission was and his importance as the "greatest born of a woman." But He also says that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. Who is the greatest?
Lots of people claim that title: The greatest boxer, the greatest actor, the greatest magician, the greatest athlete, the greatest – whatever is a title fought over. Even the Apostles tried to juggle for position with Jesus Christ. If we want to be the greatest, Jesus tells us we need to be the least. The greatest is the one who serves the others.
John the Baptist never claimed greatness for himself. He made a point of saying that he wasn't even worthy of tying the sandals on the feet of Jesus. There are people who truly are great, and history will tell us if they are or were the greatest. But these are not usually people who claimed greatness; they are usually people who used their God-given talents to the best of their ability. John was humble; he did what he was called to do, prepare the way for Jesus.
Humility is an interesting virtue. It comes from the Latin word for Earth – Humus – and refers to being grounded. The humble person knows that he or she is gifted and nurtures those gifts so that they might grow and then uses those gifts for the benefit of others. The humble person doesn't take credit for the gift, rather accepts that it is a gift from God and gives God the glory. Pride is the vice that takes credit for the gift.
Jesus Christ did not come as a prince, or a king being born in a palace. He came as a baby of humble origin. He wanted us to know that He was one of us, so that we could know and relate to Him better. May we all use our gifts to the best of our ability and always remember to thank the giver for the gift. May we thank God for all He has done for us and for giving the example of John the Baptist for showing what true greatness is. May He help us to have the humility of John and to use the God-given gifts we have for the good of God, His Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of others.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time daily to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in the Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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senatushq · 1 year
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First daughter of Eden, like the others, Nettelia was crafted by the artisan Prometheus and given life by Titania and Ulthar. Chosen by The First to safeguard the people of Eden and the Two Trees: Laurelin and Telperion, Nettelia and her siblings grew up eating the ambrosia fruits harvested from the trees and lived to protect the perfect realm that they had been born into. Beautiful and unchanging, Nettelia studied the creatures that Epimetheus crafted and memorized their shapes, marveled as Oztalun gave them life and lavished under the gold and silver light that cascaded from the Two Trees. In this age sickness and disease never touched Eden, the people were blessed with a true immortality that had been shepherded from the realm of the Gods. Seeded by the Gods themselves before their departure from the realm, it was Nettelia’s sacred duty to see to it that this paradise went unprovoked. Humanity and the offspring that would later be called demigods were born with a cursed fate, but Prometheus held a secret that he gifted to Nettelia first: the man behind the curtain who bore a terrible secret. The truth of the Gods was nestled in the truth of their immortality, to Uthenera they slumbered when their bodies were destroyed and their magic retreated, but only immortal hosts could contain their souls upon their return. Eden was a garden, but not for humanity. Prometheus brought free will to Eden, with Nettelia as his accomplice as he stole from Ulthar himself. Punished before the days of Lucifer’s rebellion, Nettelia would have followed had the most beautiful of the seraphim not refused to kneel. 
Eden burned and the Two Trees were destroyed, in the cruel sweep of fire mortality was brought to the race of humanity. Grief defined the archdruid, but she was possessed also by a far greater purpose, she bore the truth of the Gods and their intentions for the race of mortality. Watched as the Inferno was crafted by Oztalun and understood that the demons that crawled forth were also unfit, but their divine children when strengthened with the lines of fey would prove enough. It was in the aftermath of Eden’s pillage that Nettelia unearthed some truth to her abilities, that her power of transference could do more than mend a wing or help a plant recover, but she could heal and rend curses. The whispers came and those she confided in wouldn’t hear her, Nettelia, the grief-ridden sister who ranted at the injustice of the Gods, who turned those that she thought were possessed of the sort of righteousness that wouldn’t allow them to falter. More and more her dreams haunted her, in them she saw visions of a binding, of a transference, of sacrifices too great to number. She’s seen so many die before, fallen wings and monstrous cries of anguish and pain. This was her solution, her salvation and means to an end: her answer came in the binding of the necronomicon, to its blood hewn pages that were born from the lives of countless supernaturals. Nettelia had enough time to break Prometheus’ chains, then her siblings came for her, learned the truth of what she’d done, and slayed the chimera that she had become. 
Aren: Of her three siblings, Aren slumbered while she was killed after her descent. He remains the only one who did not see her at her worst, and for that she is grateful. 
Apollo: Companion of Eden, Nettelia got her first lessons in the healing arts from the God. While Gods are fickle, Apollo at least has always been upfront about his nature. 
Pythia: Her grief manipulated, Pythia used Nettelia’s anguish and hatred for the Gods against her - twisted her thoughts towards blood magic and aided Tiamat in instructing Nettelia on how to craft the necronomicon. 
Author: as the creator of the necronomicon, Nettelia is immune to necromantic spells and manipulations. 
Immortal: as a druid, Nettelia will always reincarnate after she dies. Her lifespan lasts for up to five-centuries before she will inevitably begin to fade. However, her connection to the necronomicon will see to it that she is resurrected shortly after her destruction so long as the book remains. 
Archdruid: as an archdruid, Nettelia’s ability to turn into the chimera was destroyed, but she has retained her ability to shift into animals. An archdruid only has to look at a creature for a short while before understanding their habits. 
Transference: an elevated power of transference allows Nettelia to move magic and souls from one location to another. To this end she is able to heal any injury, illness, or curse.
Mortality: While durable, Nettelia’s body is still mortal and she can be killed by mortal means. 
Binding: Several witches, druids or fey can bind her to the necronomicon if killed.
Animal Binding: Several witches, druids, or fey can bind her to an animal form if banded together. 
Lycanthropy: As an archdruid, Nettelia cannot be turned into a lycan, their bite however is poisonous to her and would prevent her from using her magic until recovered.
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bramblewatchescharmed · 9 months
The thing that gets me about male Charmed fans pushing for a male version of the Charmed Ones is that, AFAIK, there wasn't as much of an obsession with the idea until Joey Falco came out on social media with his plans for a hypothetical fifth season of Charmed (2018) that would have introduced a "triquetra-verse" where one universe was that of the Halliwells', the second was the Vera/Vaughn/Dansos' universe, and the third was for a universe where the Charmed Ones were male witches . . . only they would be college frat dudebros and exist solely to prove Falco's point that men can't handle magic.
(Weird take, considering the reboot he was a writer on since season 1 and then showrunner for season 4 went out of its way to show that male witches don't exist in its universe, but okay. The only male magic users in the reboot are Whitelighters, demons, and whatever the hell Jordan is by the end of the show with his healing ability.)
Plus, if people are that desperate for male!Charmed Ones:
The original series already had this concept with the Rowe coven of warlocks, with each generation of the Rowe line becoming stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three brothers who would inherit an evil version of the Charmed Ones' Power of Three.
Season 5 under Brad Kern changed the sex of Piper's unborn child from a daughter to a son, and to top this all off, Wyatt was born on Imbolc (a Wiccan Sabbat) + was the never-before-mentioned prophesized Twice-Blessed Child with super-powerful magic potentially greater than that of the Charmed Ones. To make things worse, Season 6 reveals that he eventually inherits Excalibur and is basically the next King Arthur.
Fanboys wanting male Charmed Ones, to me, completely undermines and misses the whole point of why the original series (and even the 2018 reboot) has the Charmed Ones being female, and why the 1998 series based its witchcraft in Wicca.
Charmed (1998) was created by Constance M. Burge, who based the lead characters of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe on herself and her two sisters. The Craft came out two years earlier in 1996 & Practical Magic was also released in 1998: Hollywood riding on the sudden wave of popularity of Wicca in the United States now that the Satanic Panic from the previous decade was over. Teenage girls and young women were very much into exploring witchcraft / Wicca as a counterculture to the dominant mainstream religion/culture of Christianity.
Through using magic and witchcraft as an allegory, Charmed was able to explore real-life issues women face through its female leads: sexual harassment, work-life balance, mistreatment in the workplace, stalking, kidnapping, domestic violence, murder, religious & gender discrimination. It didn't shy away from the fact that women can, in fact, be abusers, murderers, and sexual predators. It also was not afraid of its female leads showing sexual interest in men and pursuing their desire on their terms, something not even Buffy the Vampire Slayer did: Buffy was punished by the narrative for having consensual sex with her vampire boyfriend Angel by him losing his soul and becoming Angelus.
All this, while having powerful female leads, and still including male characters who are powerful in their own right: Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, Darryl Morris, Andy Trudeau, Victor Bennett, Sam Wilder. Charmed (1998) has its heroines being the most powerful good witches on Earth, saving Innocents and helping other witches, while allowing for the existence of male witches (in fact, it's stated in the pilot that all warlocks were once good witches who killed another witch to steal his/her power, making Jeremy, Rex, Nicholas, and all the other male warlocks seen on-screen former male witches--at least, those who became warlocks by killing other witches to steal their powers). The first male witch explicitly identified as such that we meet is Max, a thirteen-year-old boy who inherited his power of psychokinesis from his witch mother. (Max, his father, and his mother are all Black --- this is something not even the 2018 reboot did, by the way, despite two-thirds of that show's heroines being Afro-Latina.)
I could do without a male version of the Charmed Ones, because, frankly, men are not lacking in that sort of representation in other media: John Constantine, Doctor Strange, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Marvel Comics' take on Thor and Loki. Powerful male characters with superpowers (supernatural or scientific) are a dime a dozen. The Charmed Ones themselves are undermined in the later seasons with the introduction of Wyatt, whom one of the Whitelighter Elders conspires to kill in season 6 because they are so scared of his power level: that it's too much for one person to have. More, that he's the son of a Charmed One and a Whitelighter born on a Wiccan Sabbat, and the Warren line of witches was destined to become more powerful. This is also after Brad Kern, a straight cisgender man, took over the position of showrunner and executive producer from Constance M. Burge, the woman who created the series.
Charmed does not need a male version of the Charmed Ones, and fanboys pushing for it after coming into a female-led, female-created show, in a fandom primarily dominated by women and LGBTQ+ people (both, even!) have missed the point entirely.
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riverdamien · 1 year
A Wider Rainbow!
"A Wider Rainbow!"
National Mental Health Month!
Damien of Molokai
"I make myself a lepers to gain all for Christ!"
"But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself to them because he knew all people. .John 2:24
John 15:1-15:
"I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower. . .This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."
a blessing for those who care about strangers
What a waste.
That wasn’t going to get you a nicer apartment.
Bless those who give their health in service of patients who might not even deserve it.
What if that patient took unnecessary risks or was selfish or was never going to say thank you? You could have been protecting yourself or God forbid, sleeping through the night.
Bless those who listen to long, winding stories from lonely hearts.
Instead of rushing off to more interesting friends.
You picked boredom or patience instead of the warmth of being known.
That was your time and you’re never going to get it back.
Bless those who loved people who weren’t grateful.
The sick who endangered your health,
The deeply boring, who know you have things to do.
Loving people can be the most meaningful thing in the world, but it can also be hard and scary and boring and disgusting or sad or anxiety inducing with zero overtime.
Thank you to all those who make these bad investments.
Those acts of love that are not going to add up to success in the way that the world sees it.
You, my darling, are the definition of love.
This blessing was inspired by my conversation with nurse and writer Christie Watson
Newly published CDC data found that 1 in 4 teenagers identified themselves they were attracted only to the opposite sex; this does not include transgender, non-identifying numbers of youth.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24 and the Trevor Project found that LGTBTQ youth are four times as likely to attempt suicide, 1.8 million and at least one every 45 seconds, and 45% LGBTQ considered attempting suicide this past year.
Messages such as the one I received today from my sister is similar to the message many youth receive from others. I have not talked with her in forty years, and she has refused to talk with me:
"River Sims
You are my brother. But the sin you live in and condone goes against what Paul wrote in Romans 1:26,27 which was inspired by God. God does not accept homosexuality. You were not born this way. You made a bad choice"
One's sexual orientation is not "chosen" it is one we come with at birth. And after ten years of tough therapy with a well known shrink I came to truly understand the words of Jesus:This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." and true mental health as:
What is good mental health? In his book, Ash Wednesday, J. R. Mabry has the Sheriff say: "If I have learned anything from my mother, Jake, it's there are no good people. There are only people in various stages of being fu. .cked up. Some less, some more."
Good mental health is the ability both to value life and to engage in a life of affirming other people and creatures and value their lives as we do our own, seeing them as independent from us. Good mental health means the ability to behave differently depending upon the circumstances and not expect every thing go our way. Good mental health is our ability to see everyone, regardless of social status, sexual identification, and color, simply as a fellow human being.
Messages like the one I received can truly hurt people, and push some towards suicide. I have had kids become suicidal and they truly do not forget them. What I have learned to do is the message of Jesus:
"But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself to them because he knew all people. .John 2:24
Words hurt more than a knife. My friend and Spiritual Director Jay Swanson sent me this poem to close with:
a blessing for those who care about strangers
What a waste.
That wasn’t going to get you a nicer apartment.
Bless those who give their health in service of patients who might not even deserve it.
What if that patient took unnecessary risks or was selfish or was never going to say thank you? You could have been protecting yourself or God forbid, sleeping through the night.
Bless those who listen to long, winding stories from lonely hearts.
Instead of rushing off to more interesting friends.
You picked boredom or patience instead of the warmth of being known.
That was your time and you’re never going to get it back.
Bless those who loved people who weren’t grateful.
The sick who endangered your health,
The deeply boring, who know you have things to do.
Loving people can be the most meaningful thing in the world, but it can also be hard and scary and boring and disgusting or sad or anxiety inducing with zero overtime.
Thank you to all those who make these bad investments.
Those acts of love that are not going to add up to success in the way that the world sees it.
You, my darling, are the definition of love.
This blessing was inspired by my conversation with nurse and writer Christie Watson
Fr. River Damien Sims, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
River's Creed:
"I write  because this is the way I protest".
Ministry on the streets is the way I resist, dong what I can to proclaim the Gospel of Love to every human being with out judgment."
"Now I hand down to  you what has been revealed to me: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures."
0 notes
destinyimage · 2 years
Release Angelic Prosperity with This Simple Decree
We decree angels who connect us to places, people, events, business, material properties, sales, jobs, and job promotions that prosper us—be loosed in Jesus’ name.
If we believe that the devil and the kingdom of darkness can hinder the blessings of God from entering our lives, then why wouldn’t we believe that Christ’s angels can assist in releasing them?
If the heavenly hosts are connected to a giving God, then why wouldn’t we believe they have the ability to release blessings upon us? The Scriptures are clear—angels avidly assist us in obtaining resources, finances, and other benefits to help us in establishing God’s Kingdom here on the earth.
Angels connect God’s people to places, people, events, businesses, sales, and material property that will prosper them. It is a part of the angels’ assignment where born-again ones, heirs of Christ, are concerned. It’s a fascinating principle all over the Old and New Testament that is rarely ever mentioned or taught. It’s a magnificent benefit that we are told we should not ever forget.
In Acts 10, an angel appears to a Gentile, a Roman army officer of the Italian regiment by the name of Cornelius. When the angel appeared to him, he made note of Cornelius’ prayer life and financial stewardship. Of all the things an angel might address, someone’s giving record would not seem to be a priority. But the angel said to Cornelius in Acts 10:4 (NKJV), “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.”
The Greek word for memorial, mnemosunon, means “a reminder, a record, to rehearse something, make mention, or to bring to remembrance” (Strong, G3422). A memorial draws your attention to something that needs to be remembered. It tells us about a life-changing event through the medium of chiseled stone.
Hello, World!
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In referring to Cornelius’ memorial, the Angel of the Lord says, “Cornelius, your giving record has come up before God and it has His attention. It has been talked about in the throne room, Cornelius. God is rehearsing your giving history. Your offerings have been remembered before God.” Then the angel said to him, “I want you to send men to Joppa and ask for the apostle Peter to come to your house.”
Peter continued with them to Cornelius’ house, where he preached the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. In Acts 10:44 (NLT), Luke says, “Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.” Everyone in Cornelius’ house was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. What a blessing. It’s an eternal blessing of far greater value than any other blessing. It is because of Cornelius’ prayers and offerings that angels were able to work in his life and his family’s life. His offerings got the attention of God and His angels, who are sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation. As Christians, we must understand that one of the ministries of angels is to connect us to the blessings of Christ, as well as to assist in prospering us.
Holy Spirit,
Thank You that Your angels are assisting me now to bring me into places of great blessing and favor with You. I welcome Your angels to connect me to people, places and opportunities to bring new measures of prosperity in my life and in the lives of those that I care about.
Also Read: This Decree Activates Angelic Holy Spirit Outpourings
Words that Yield Harvest
I decree God’s word, in my mouth, will plant the heavens and the earth and I will see an abundant harvest.
And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may plant the heavens, lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “You are My people” (Isaiah 51:16 NKJV).
In this verse in Isaiah, God talks about words sounding forth from the mouths of His sons and daughters, His heirs, into the realm of the heavens or the earth. This again emphasizes that words are seeds—word seed decrees. This also includes prayer because prayers are words of communication seeded into the heavens and into the earth. Prayer is speech to God making a request, but it is also, at times, a decree of God’s promises. Prayers express confidence in God’s answering abilities, or they may ask for divine intervention into a situation.
From the very beginning, God’s original intent was for His sons and daughters, His heirs, to open their mouths and declare His words into the earth. He has put His Word in your mouth so that He may plant it in the heavens and the earth. The word for plant is the Hebrew word nata, and it means “to plant, to fix, or to set in place” (Strong, H5193). God Himself was the original Gardener, and we have inherited that job from Him as His heirs.
The entire universe is made to hearken to the voice of God’s Word. Heaven and earth are made to respond to the voice of God’s Word. Angel armies are made to respond to the voice of God’s Word. Amazingly, human beings, made in God’s image and likeness, are also carriers of God’s voice when they are activated at the new birth. As His seed on the earth, we are to open our mouths and plant the heavens and the earth with God’s Word.
We are to declare the words of God into the heavens and the earth, mankind, nations, government, congregations, and people everywhere to set in place foundations for stable government and society. We are to be stewards of what God said was to be. If the foundations are not set according to God’s Word, then at some point that society is going to crumble under the weight of iniquitous roots. Jesus said that such a house will not be built upon rock; it will be built upon sand, and when the storm comes it is going to fall (see Matt. 7:26).
The Body of Christ is to open their mouths and plant God’s Word into the earth. “I have put My words in your mouth that I might plant the heavens and the earth.” Words are the seeds we plant with.
Your words still carry the greatest hope for humanity. Your words still create life and bring transformational change. Show me today how to declare Your Word into the culture around me. Fill my mouth with Your promises and give me wisdom as to how to plant Your Word with intentionality and courage.
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manifestingsage · 2 years
The term “lightworker” was first used about 40 years ago by a man named Michael Mirdad. It wasn’t used much again until Doreen Virtue wrote a book called The Lightworker’s Way.  In today’s world, more and more people are waking up to the fact that they are a lightworker and that they incarnated on Earth to help spread love and teach humanity divine lessons of the universe. What is a lightworker? A lightworker is someone with an innate ability to help others. It is typically someone who is also empathetic and sensitive to energy. Knowing what kind of lightworker you are can be tricky, and it’s possible you are more than one type. That said, the more work you do on yourself first directly correlates to your lightworking abilities on Earth. If you are unsure whether or not you are a lightworker, continue reading below to learn the common signs of a lightworker.  What Is a Lightworker and How Many Types Are There? There are many names for a lightworker:  Indigo child Crystal baby Earth Angel Starseed  Whatever name you prefer, you have a divine purpose of serving humanity. As a lightworker, you were given the opportunity to incarnate on the Earthly plane as a divine-human. You have the ability to make incredible changes in the world. If you feel an immense pull to help others or to share your wisdom with those around you, you could be a lightworker.  Lightworkers are said to be blessed by Source to feel great compassion and empathy towards others. This allows them to do their work properly. It is also said, anyone has the opportunity to access this divine power. Some people are born with an inner knowing that they can access this power, while others have a “spiritual awakening” later in life that gains them access to such power.  These two different types are known as Newly Awakened Lightworkers vs. Retro Lightworkers. One is not dominant over the other, but without Retro Lightworkers, Newly Awakened Lightworkers essentially wouldn’t exist. There at least, wouldn’t be as many Newly Awakened Lightworkers today.  It seems as though it could have something to do with generations as a whole. Many Retro Lightworkers of today’s world are Millennials, or at least there seems to be a large number of Millennials that are here to serve humanity, and they are helping with the great energetic shift that is happening in the world right now. More and more people are becoming Newly Awakened Lightworkers and using their power to help change the world for the better.  As you harness your power and step into your light, you can begin to identify with where your power lies in the sense that you’ll start to notice the easiest ways for you to share your light with the world.  At the end of the day, that’s all light working is. It is someone that is born with an inner knowing or someone that goes through the shadow work to gain access to their inner light. This light is what fuels them. It is their strongest passion in life. When you learn to harness this passion and use it for the greater good of humanity, you are essentially practicing light working. The Many Types of Lightworkers Just like anything else in life, some people are better in one area, while others succeed in a different area. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Some people also work on a collective scale by helping humanity as a whole, while others work best in individual settings with one or a few people at a time. Below are the common types of lightworkers walking the Earth today:  The Transmuters Another name for The Transmuters is The Neutralizers. They are particularly good at dispelling bad energy. Doing so then restores and neutralizes the energy, which in turn brings balance to the environment or person in question.  The Travelers/Dreamers This type of lightworker does his or her best work through dreamscapes. If you are particularly good at lucid dreaming and astral projection, you can use your lightwork energy to manifest things into the physical plane via your dreams. 
The Ascension Guides The Ascension Guide Lightworkers are more of the visionaries. They work on the higher plane to create new possibilities and broaden the horizons for the future of mankind. You likely are in fluid communication with the Ascended Masters if you are this type of lightworker.  The Messengers Those that have the inner power to spread crucial messages across the world with a captivating and relatable flair are known as The Messengers. People love to listen to or read the words of The Messengers because they possess a likable and knowledgeable trait that humanity can respect and connect with. These types of people are blessed with practicing their lightwork as motivational speakers, writers and bloggers,...   Click here to read this complete article. Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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lnnocentis · 4 years
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts in front of Karlheinz’ castle
Yui: ( His answer...? )
Shuu: Basically you’ll quietly let yourself get killed?
Karlheinz: ...No.
I will kill you.
Shuu: !?
Yui: Shuu-san!!
( Karlheinz-san’s hand is reaching towards Shuu-san...! Don’t tell me he’ll actuallyーー! )
Shuu: Kuh...!
Yui: ...!!
Shuu: ...
...You never change.
Yui: ...Shuu-san...?
Karlheinz: ...Hah...
Yui: ( ...!! There’s a knife stabbed inside Karlheinz-san’s chest...! )
Karlheinz: Kuh...
Shuu: Like you did just now...You see right through my plans, always making sure you’re one step ahead.
Expecting me to follow in your footsteps is unreasonable. I simply had no other choice but to give up.
Karlheinz: That is exactly.... how those standing at the very top must be. It is how, you will guide your people down the right path...
Next....I must guide you. 
Shuu...In what lies ahead of you, you will surely be thrown into a state of disarray.
However, that is your...destiny. One which you could never escape, from the second you were born as my son...Your dark fate. (1)
However...You have already decided you will no longer run away, no? For the sake of those you wish to protect.
Shuu: ...Yeah.
Karlheinz: ...Perfect.
You have fully awakened as Adam. I shall give you my answer as well.
Shuu...You did more than a fine job trying to reach my level. And right now, you have even surpassed me. 
You, who has learnt how to love and feel, should now possess powers much greater than my own.
Go ahead, my son. Take my head...
The head of none other than the King. I am sure it will be useful to you in many ways...
Shuu: ...Ugh...
...Yui, close your eyes. You don’t have to see this.
Yui: ...No, me tooーー
Shuu: It’s fine.
In return...Whenever I will recall this moment in the future, please quietly stand by my side.
Yui: ...
ー Yui closes her eyes
Karlheinz: I’m leaving everyone in your care...
Yui: ...!?
( What is going on...!? This overwhelming forceーー... )
( I can’t...I can’t endure it... )
ー She collapses
Shuu: Yui!?
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Ayato: ーー Take a look at the sky...
Kanato: Is that enormous magical energy...Father...?
Laito: ...It’s Shuu.
Subaru: He actually killed him...?
Reiji: ...!
Laito: Isn’t this for the best? To us Vampires, death is a blessing.
I’m sure he yearned for it as well.
Ayato: So he finally took his final breath? Well...He lived for long enough.
Laito: You’re being awfully optimistic, Ayato-kun. The King of Vampires just died, you know? Furthermore, the Vibora are without a leader right now as well.
Kanato: I can only imagine chaos will break loose in the Demon World. I’m sure there will be many wars as well.
Subaru: You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me...As if this place isn’t enough of a hellhole already...
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Reiji. Whatcha gonna do?
Reiji: ...Let us go meet Shuu.
There are a hundred and one things...I want to ask him, and say to him.
Laito: Let’s go pay our dear older brother a visit then.
Subaru: Cut it out, you’re makin’ me gag!
Reiji: ...Father...
Shuu: ーー Oi, Yui.
Yui: ...
ー Yui wakes up near the castle
Yui: ...Shuu...san...?
Shuu: ...You’ve regained consciousness, huh?
Yui: I...
Shuu: You had fainted. I assume from the magic energy.
Yui: Magic energy...?
Shuu: ...When the Old Man died, his power was let loose. You witnessed that right before your eyes.
His magic energy was the strongest of anyone in the Demon World. I guess a human simply couldn’t endure it. ...Are you okay?
Yui: Yes...
...How about you, are you alright?
Shuu: ...
...To be honest, I’m not quite sure myself yet.
Part of me regrets killing him, but at the same time, I also feel somewhat relieved.
Yui: ...Do you believe you made the wrong choice?
Shuu: I don’t know that either.
I never thought of him in terms of ‘like’ or ‘hate’ but...
Right now, I understand very well that my Father has always been an impactful figure in my life.
All in all, I might have actually viewed him as my family. For some reason, I feel as if I’ve lost a part of me...
Yui: Shuu-san...
Yui: Ehーー...?
Yui: Ririe!?
Yui: Ririe...!
Shuu: ...He was alive?
I figured he had died because we gave him that name but...I guess you weren’t that weak after all.
...Come here.
Shuu: Even when something is lost...Life goes on. That might be the true meaning of a family.
Haah...My list of things to protect just keeps on growing.
Yui: ...Will you protect us? Both me and Ririe?
Shuu: You’re still asking that now? Isn’t that what it means to be a family?
...I’ve made up my resolve. I will take responsibility. I will go head-to-head with my own destiny.
Yui: Shuu-san...
Ayato: ーー Oi, there they are!
Yui: You guys...! Is everything okay now?
Ayato: In what world? My whole body hurts like hell!
Laito: But I’m glad to see you safe as well, Bitch-chan.
Kanato: That being said...Where did that cat come from?
Yui: Ah...Ririe, you can’t! Come here.
Subaru: Ririe...?
Shuu: ...Shut it, you guys.
Where’s Reiji?
Reiji: I am present, right here.
ー Reiji walks up to him
Reiji: ...Shuu. Do you remember what I told you?
Shuu: The part about not forgiving me if I were to kill the Old Man?
Reiji: ...So you did kill Father after all. 
Shuu: Yeah.
Reiji: Did he have...any final words?
Shuu: He asked me to take good care of all of you.
That isn’t what brought forth this decision but...I’ll be playing his role from here on out.
Reiji: ...!
Kanato: You’ll ascend the throne?
Ayato: A sloth like yourself? ...For real?
Reiji: Are you saying...You will become the Vampire King?
Shuu: That’s what it’ll boil down to. The late King has died.
From here on out, I will lead the Clan of Vampires as their new King.
Yui: ( Shuu-san... )
Shuu: The Demon World is in disarray ever since what happened to the Vibora. Once the news of the Vampire King’s death hits the masses, it’ll only get worse.
After losing their leader, the Vibora were swiftly conquered by the Founders and lost their clan’s pride.
I can’t let the Vampires go down that same path. I won’t allow for that to happen.
I can’t let those guys...run loose forever.
Even if my struggle is in vain, I will fight till the bitter end.
We haven’t seen the last of this yet...
Ayato: ...But can you pull that off though? Us Vampires are already running low in numbers after the recent attack. 
Shuu: Of course, I don’t believe I can fix this all by myself.
I’ll obviously rely on you guys’ help as well. I won’t take no as an answer. As members of this family, you’ll follow my lead.
Laito: Good grief...Seems like we got ourselves another tyrant on our hands.
Shuu: Reiji. You’ll be my right-hand man. Lend me your strength as the second son of the Sakamaki household. Understood?
Reiji: ...
...I did not fathom a day would come on which I get to hear such a clear order from you.
Very well. For the sake of our family, and our clan, I shall do everything within my ability.
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Shuu: First we must retroop our people. Then we can move on to uniting them.
Reiji: You make it sound so easy.
Shuu: Of course, I don’t believe it’ll be a breeze. Therefore, first upーー Yui.
Yui: Eh? Yes?
( I wonder what he’s going to say? He’s staring right into my eyes... )
Shuu: I’ll marry her.
Yui: ...Eh?
Ayato: Hah?
Kanato: ...What are you saying?
Shuu: That’ll increase my prestige, no?
Subaru: You’re marryin’ her over that reason!? Don’t you feel bad for her!?
Shuu: Haah...Ridiculous. You really think I would go through all the trouble just for that?
I’m obviously marrying her out of love.
Yui: ...Shuu-san!?
Laito: Haah...I didn’t think I would hear those words come from Shuu’s mouth one day.
Kanato: Seems like he won’t even bother listening to Yui-san’s reply.
Shuu: Because I don’t need to. ...Right, Yui?
Yui: ...No fair...
Shuu: You’ve been stuck in this destiny with me since forever. You can no longer escape.
So you should make up your resolve as well.
Reiji: Haah...You decide such an important thing on the spot. I fear for the future...
Well, I suppose it is fine. Right now, we have something to celebrate first.
The birth of a New King, and his spouseーー 
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Yui: ...I didn’t think I would one day get married in the Demon World.
Shuu: Really? I anticipated this.
I told you, didn’t I? That I was aware this moment would come one day.
You were naturally there as part of that imagination as well.
Yui: I...How should I know without you telling me?
Shuu: I’m not the type of guy who expresses himself with words. I’m pretty sure I told you that before as well?
Yui: Gosh...
Yui: Ririe. Did you wake up?
Yui: Fufu, come here.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“What? You think I look lovely in these clothes because it’s so different from my usual attire? ...Haha. Dare I say you don’t look half bad either?”
“I’ve had let alone time with you ever since this little guy came along. ...However, from here on out, you’ll always be only mine.”
Shuu: ...Don’t you think you spoil him a little bit too much?
Yui: You think so? Not as much as with you though...
Shuu: What do you mean?
Yui: I think I spoil you much more than I do Ririe.
Shuu: ...Hah, you tell me.
Shuu: In that case, make it a little more obvious.
You always claim you don’t understand me but...Your behavior is confusing as well.
Yui: I-Is it...?
( I always thought I was pretty straight-forward...I wonder if that didn’t quite convey to him...? )
Shuu: Don’t look so anxious. ...It properly got through to me.
Yui: Ah...
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Shuu: You’ve made it more than clear that you love me ...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
Shuu: Nn...Haah...
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Shuu: Haha...Now you are one of us as well.
Yui: Am I?
Shuu: Even if your body is human, you’ll marry the Vampire King, so I’m sure that will happen.
The King’s spouse is a human, huh? Well, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing?
Yui: Yes?
Shuu: Chaos still washes over the Demon World to this day. I can only imagine the war will get intense.
Yui: ...Yes. 
Shuu: As long as you stand by my side like this, you will surely get involved with this dark fate as well.
That must be rough as a woman, and a human on top of that. I can understand why you would rather turn a blind eye to it.
Yui: ...I’m prepared.
I’ve always stuck by your side, well aware that this would happen.
Shuu: Heh...I guess I worried for nothing.
Well, not that I was going to let you go either way.
Father was right. I...lose all meaning in life when you’re not with me.
Stay with me until death. I’ll protect you till that day.
Become my new family, and live by my side.
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu: Then kiss me.
Yui: ...Where did that come from!?
Shuu: Just words aren’t enough. Promise it with your body as well. Come on...
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Yui: Nn...
Shuu: Hah...I really like this way much better than just mere words.
Shuu: ...Don’t interfere. She belongs to me.
Yui: Oh come on, don’t compete with a cat.
Shuu: I guess every time we welcome a new member to our family, I’ll have to reconfirm that you’re mine.
Haah...I fear for the future. Having a family really is a drag after all.
Well, I guess I can live with it if they’re directly descended from you. 
Yui: ( Does he mean...? )
Shuu: From here on out, I’ll protect both you and my family with my own two hands.
To live alongside my precious family, and the woman I love...
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu: ...We still haven’t said it, huh?
Yui: What exactly?
Shuu: The oath to become a family.
Komori Yui. I...love you.
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Karlheinz drops this term in the general prologue as well. He says 闇の運命 or ‘yami no sadame’ which means ‘the law of the dark’. However, ‘sadame’ is written with the characters for ‘unmei’, which means ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ instead of 定め.  
Within the DL franchise, ‘the dark’ is often used as a synonym for demons/those who live in the Demon World. For example, in HDB, the boys will often call themselves ‘yami no juumin’ or ‘residents of the dark’. Personally, I believe he implies that all Demons are born with a set path in life already drawn out for them and in Shuu’s case, it was his destiny to one day become Adam, kill his Father to inherit his powers and become the next Demon King.
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hypechrry · 3 years
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"People who were born blessed with greater abilities than others have to use their power for the world, for the people."
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
Why God HAD to Create the Universe
: By David Cogburn     Published on: September 29, 2021
We live in an amazing universe created by God. Its vastness seems infinite and almost more than we can comprehend. But here is a good question: Why did God even create a universe in the first place? God is eternal and lives inside eternity, so why go to the trouble of creating something like our universe? The truth is God “had to.” This article will explain why, but first, let me digress a moment.
As we all know, God is a Trinity God existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Just as water can be a solid, liquid and gas helps explain how God can be one God with three essences. We also all know God is a God of love, and this occurs because God “IS” a “Relationship” through the Trinity, and relationship is what brings God His greatest joy. You can only have love if there is free will, which means you cannot have love unless you have the ability not to love.
He enjoys it so much that He decided to create more of it by creating angels to have a personal relationship with Him and with each other. Each angel was created perfect, sinless and holy in heaven. God loves them, and they love Him back, and each one is receiving the “best” God has to offer.
But then the unthinkable happened. Lucifer, God’s greatest angel, decided he, too, wanted to be worshipped like God. He took his eyes off God, put them onto himself, and committed the first sin in the Bible – pride. He rejected what God had to offer. Love is putting others first. Pride is putting yourself first, and Lucifer was powerful enough that his influence with the other angels caused one-third of the angels to also reject what God had to offer. They, too, fell from God’s grace.
God, knowing all things, obviously knew this would occur. It certainly saddened Him to know that His best was not good enough for one-third of His angels, and this appears to be about the time God may have decided to do something “incredibly different.” It’s easy for sinless, holy angels living in heaven with God to know Him and enjoy everything He offers. What would happen if God created a different kind of being to have a relationship with – human beings – whom He knew would sin from the beginning and would not be holy, sinless beings living in His presence and receiving the best He had to offer?
There is a saying in Las Vegas that applies to eternity. What happens in eternity STAYS in eternity. Once one-third of God’s angels fell from His grace inside eternity, there is “no way” for them to ever receive redemption and have their sin forgiven. God’s eternity is a perfect, holy, sinless eternity, and no sin can dwell there. Thus, God had to create a place inside eternity that was separate from where He dwells; this is why He created hell.
The Bible seems to show that once God creates a sentient being like an angel or a human being that He does not allow an eternal “annihilation” type of death to occur where you die and don’t exist anymore. It is an eternal “separation” type of death, which is actually far worse than an annihilation type of death. And since there is no physical death in eternity, there is no way to have “someone” die and pay the price for your sins, like in the case of angels. This is why Jesus said it is better never to have been born than to be born and end up not being saved.
The name of the game for everything is ETERNITY, period. Everything revolves around God, and life is not about some temporary 100-year life span on earth; it is about eternity with God or separated from God. How important is everything we do while alive for one second on earth compared to infinite trillions of years in eternity, and especially WHERE we live in eternity?
So now we get to the question of why God “had to” create a physical universe.
The answer is as simple as the nose on our faces. He had to create TIME, and that’s what the universe does. It creates TIME, which is temporary. Obviously, God does not need time, but when He decided to create human beings –knowing they would fall from His grace at the beginning and that all of humanity from that point forward would be born spiritually dead with a sin nature – God HAD to make sure we were not created and born with a sin nature INSIDE ETERNITY. What happens inside eternity “stays” inside eternity, so He had to provide us “time” to come to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ so that when we “do” enter eternity at our physical death, we enter “eternity” either saved through Jesus or not saved without Jesus.
Now, let’s sit back for a moment and try to contemplate what God has actually done. We know from His word that His plan has always been to spend eternity on earth with us human beings, so it appears He creates this incredible infinite-type universe for one main reason – to give us “time” to know Him and be saved, and that would mean this WHOLE UNIVERSE was created for one MAIN reason – for US and just us.
Just about everyone, it seems, believes in extra-terrestrial aliens, and most of them think of them as aliens from other planets. But the best answer is they are demonic and come from another dimension vs other planets. We know from Genesis that at one point, some of God’s fallen angels were allowed to become visible and have relations with human women to produce the Nephilim, the giants of the Old Testament. The Bible says the end times will be as they were in the days of Noah, so demonic beings becoming more and more active these past few decades could easily explain what is going on.
But surely, God would not create a universe as vast as ours for only us, would He? Why not? We know from His word that His plan is for His saved children to spend eternity on “earth” with Him forever, and we also know from His word that not only is this what happens but also when that happens.
After Jesus comes back and rules our planet for His millennial 1,000-year reign, Satan will be released to gather up his great multitude of people who have rejected Christ with their sin nature during His millennial reign. They are destroyed, and then we have God’s great White Throne judgment in which all unbelievers of all ages will be judged and be separated from God forever in hell. It is THEN that the sinful human race is over with. God ends up creating new heavens and a new earth in which the New Jerusalem in heaven comes down onto the new earth. There is no more sin due to no more mortal human beings, and we spend eternity with God just like He planned all along.
But here is another good question: God created perfect, sinless, holy angels inside eternity where there is no sin. Why would God now want to create a whole different kind of being in His image that “is” sinful, cannot live in His presence, will have to live our lives in this sinful universe, and have to fend for ourselves due to sin?
In heaven, God takes care of “everything” for us. We will want for “nothing.” On earth, WE have to provide everything for ourselves. We don’t live in God’s presence, but He’s still here, watches everything we do, and has given us His word, which explains His plan from the beginning to the end. It explains everything we need to know about how to live our lives from every perspective. Best of all, how to come to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him through Jesus and go from being spiritually dead for all eternity to being spiritually alive for all eternity.
Time is a paradox. It is the greatest blessing God ever gave us and also the greatest curse God ever gave us at the same time. With “time,” the greatest blessing is that we can become saved for eternity through Christ. And it’s the greatest curse because “time” destroys “everything.” Nothing in the whole universe can survive time, including the sun, moon and stars, as well as ourselves when we physically die.
What is the greatest difference between us sinful human beings and God’s holy angels? The difference is the GREATEST thing that God has ever done, and this appears to be the MAIN reason why God created us in the first place. It certainly pleases God when His angels serve Him, but angels do not have to have “faith.” You don’t need faith in heaven. There is symmetry in the Bible, and we know that one-third of the “saved” angels fell from God’s grace. And the symmetry is that it also appears from the Bible that approximately one-third of the “lost” human beings will be “saved.”
ALL human beings are born LOST and are spiritually DEAD. It appears all religions think you are saved if you do enough good works. However, you could be a Mother Theresa 1,000 times over, and you are still spiritually DEAD without Jesus, who paid the price to remove ALL of our sins. The name of the game on entering eternity is sin or no sin. It’s as simple as that when it comes to heaven and hell, and ONLY God could remove our sins by sacrificing His Son Jesus on a cross to pay for our sins.
So, what is it that God really wants from us sinful human beings? He wants to get MARRIED. He wants a BRIDE for His Son. God has set up marriage to be the most INTIMATE relationship there is when TWO become ONE in every aspect. Soul mates, as we like to say. This is why the church is called the bride of Christ. God did something far, far greater than most people, including born-again Christians, even have a clue about. It is such a big deal to God when an eternally lost human being comes to know Him through faith in Christ that He decided to share HIMSELF with us.
In John 14, Jesus tells us, “I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” God the Holy Spirit comes to indwell all born-again believers. We literally become CONNECTED to God in a small way. Think of God as Windows and angels as Mac. Mac is separate from Windows but serves Windows. We are a Windows upgrade or update. We are a part of God now; chew on that a bit. WE ARE A PART OF GOD NOW! As in marriage, we are now TWO become ONE, and this also helps to understand why the Bible says we shall rule over angels in eternity. We have more “rank,” if you will.
We are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. God did not share Himself with His angels. It took eternally lost human beings, who never see God visibly and who are not now receiving the best He has to offer, to still come to have faith and love Him through His Son Jesus and become His bride for now and forever. WOW!!! How incredible is that? Of course, we will not truly know what all of this means until we enter heaven.
I used to be concerned that since some angels used their free will and goofed up and sinned, does that mean there’s a chance that I, too, might goof up and sin somehow inside eternity? The answer is that would be impossible for one simple reason: We are connected to God, and just as God would never sin, we will never sin. We will be able to love like God loves, and a myriad of other things too incredible to even know right now. As the Bible says, there is no way we can grasp all of the incredible, wonderful things God has in store for us in eternity. And this is why God wants us to be His ambassadors and share Jesus with others. He wants us to live our lives in a way that shows Jesus to others so that they, too, might desire to come to know Him as Lord and Savior.
One final thought: Let’s look at how God views things from a color perspective. Everything with God represents the color white, which is associated with Holiness, goodness, joy, pleasure, and ALL things good because they come from God, and this is what you have in heaven. God is Light, and white light is a “combination” of ALL colors in the color spectrum, which you would expect with God. In hell, where God does not dwell, everything is the total opposite of what you get with God in heaven, such as darkness because there is no light without God, unholiness, no joy, pain, suffering and torment, and all things bad. Black is the “absence” of ALL colors in the color spectrum. Thus, inside eternity “everything is ALL good with God or ALL bad without God, and it is impossible to combine any part of good with any part of bad.
BUT the universe is Gray. It is the ONLY place located inside “time” that God allows good and evil to co-exist together. Why would God do this? Because the universe with “time” is a sinful universe due to Adam’s sin and our sin natures. And God, knowing He would be invisible to us, does manage to make Himself “visible” in a different way through ALL of His incredible creation and through His holy word in the Bible. “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” is the perfect acronym because God tells us everything we need to know about Him and about everything else.
As I mentioned a moment ago, God wants to get married and have a bride for His Son. But why would God pick as His bride the sinful human race over His holy angels? The answer is simple – opposites ATTRACT. We humans are one hundred percent the opposite of God in every aspect. Angels are too much like God and thus not a good match for a bride.
God, being a God of love, loves and is attracted to ALL human beings as marriage material. But just like us humans, He, too, is only interested in a soul mate who also loves Him back. Opposite attraction works both ways. God is 100 percent the opposite of us, and you would think we would be attracted to Him for that. But the huge problem is that humans have a sin nature that prevents us from being naturally attracted to God.
But because God has revealed Himself through ALL of His creation and through His word in the Bible, many humans DO see Him and fall in love with Him and want to get married to Him since He has made that possible.
As humans, most all of us desire to grow up, find our soul mate to marry, and hopefully have a wonderful and perfect, loving marriage relationship for the rest of our lives with each other. Our sin nature makes it less than perfect, but it seems that marriages between couples who love the Lord and are connected to Him do much better than those couples who do not know Him. Here is the best news: Our marriage to God “IS” the ONLY perfect, intimate loving relationship that is even possible, and it lasts forever. There is no divorce with God.
I am guessing that many of us have never even thought of our relationship with the Lord in these terms, but we will be officially married to Jesus when He comes for His bride at the rapture, which could be super soon. We will go back to celebrate with Him our 7-day/year wedding feast, and then we come back with Him for His 1,000-year millennial reign. If all of this doesn’t get us excited big time, I don’t know what will.
I hope this article has helped to not only show why God created the universe but also to show why He created us, which is to be a perfect, holy, loving bride to His Son and be joined to Him now and forever. There are simply no words to describe how truly GREAT He is, and the good news for us is that Jesus is coming SOON!
Maranatha, Lord Jesus.
David Cogburn
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cherrymixer · 4 years
November 16 is the Night of Hecate which begins at sunset. This is the night of the Three-formed Goddess. Hecate is part of the most ancient form of the triple Moon goddess as Crone or Dark Moon. This is also the night of Hecate’s supper at the Crossroads. People who worshiped Hecate honoured Her by performing Sympathetic Magick and holding a supper at what they believed to be the Crossroads.
Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess, the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.
But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.
A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).
Usually classified as a "moon goddess", her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.
A lover of solitude, the Greek goddess Hecate was, like her cousin Artemis, a "virgin" goddess, unwilling to sacrifice her independent nature for the sake of marriage. Walking the roads at night or visiting cemeteries during the dark phase of the moon, the goddess Hecate was described as shining or luminous.
In other legends she is invisible, perhaps only glimpsed as a light, a "will-o-the-wisp". Perhaps it was this luminous quality that marked Hecate as a "moon goddess", for she seemed quite at home on the earth.
Some scholars believe it is also was because her mother was Asteria (the Titan goddess of the Shining Light or "Star") or perhaps it was because she sensibly always carried a torch on her journeys.
Like Artemis, Hecate was usually depicted with her sacred dogs, although Hecate and even her animals were sometimes said to have three heads and that they could see in all directions. Although usually depicted as a beautiful woman having three human heads, some images are fearsome indeed (one with a snake's head, one with a horse's, and the third a boar's head).
This farsightedness, the ability to see in several directions at once (even the past, present, and future) featured largely in her most famous myth, the abduction of Persephone. For it was the goddess Hecate who "saw" and told the frantic Demeter what had become of her daughter.
The goddess Hecate continued to play an important role in the life of Persephone, becoming her confidante when she was in the Underworld. Hades, thankful for their friendship, was more than hospitable, honoring Hecate as a prominent and permanent guest in the spirit world. Surely this had the effect of enhancing her reputation as a spirit of black magic with the power to conjure up dreams, prophecies, and phantoms.
Hecate's ability to see into the Underworld, the "otherworld" of the sleeping and the dead, made her comfortable and tolerant in the company of those most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding.
In her role as 'Queen of the Night', sometimes traveling with a following of "ghosts" and other social outcasts, she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge". In Rome many of the priests in her sacred groves were former slaves who had been released to work in her service.
The goddess Hecate was often accompanied on her travels by an owl, a symbol of wisdom. Not really known as a goddess of wisdom, per se, Hecate is nevertheless recognized for a special type of knowledge and is considered to be the goddess of trivia.
Hecate's farsightedness and attention to detail, combined with her extraordinary interest in that which most of us discount as irrelevant or arcane, gave her tremendous powers.
She knew what the rest of us did not.
Not surprisingly, the people thought it best to give the goddess Hecate (and any friends that might be accompanying her) a lot of honor and a fairly wide berth. When darkness descended they wisely retired to the fireside for supper, but put the leftovers outside as an offering to Hecate and her hounds.
That the homeless and destitute were often the actual beneficiaries hardly mattered...after all, they were under Hecate's protection.
In a similar fashion, food was often left at the crossroads to honor Hecate, especially at junctions where three roads converged --what we often call a "Y-intersection".
Frequently a pole was erected at the intersection and three masks would be hung from it to pay homage to Hecate and to request her guidance in helping to choose the right direction.
Three-faced masks also adorned the entrances of many homes, honoring the goddess Hecate who could, of course, wield her influence over "the spirits that traveled the earth" to keep them from entering the household.
It is hardly surprising that a woman who needed to make a trip alone at night would say a brief prayer to Hecate to seek her protection. The goddess Hecate, like her cousin Artemis, was known as a protector of women, especially during childbirth.
Not only was Hecate called upon to ease the pains and progress of a woman's labor, but especially to protect and restore the health and growth of a child.
Similarly, Hecate played a role that, in contemporary times, we would describe as "hospice nurse", helping the elderly make a smooth and painless passage into the next life and staying with them, if need be, in the otherworld to help prepare them for their eventual return to the earth in their next life.
Familiar with the process of death and dying as well as that of new birth and new life, the goddess Hecate was wise in all of earth's mysteries.
The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.
New beginnings, whether spiritual or mundane, aren't always easy. But Hecate is there to support and show you the way.
She loans her farsightedness for you to see what lies deeply forgotten or even hidden, and helps you make a choice and find your path. Oft times she shines her torch to guide you while you are in dreams or meditation.
Hecate teaches us to be just and to be tolerant of those who are different or less fortunate, yet she is hardly a "bleeding heart", for Hecate dispenses justice "blindly" and equally.
Whether the Greek goddess Hecate visits us in waking hours or only while we sleep, she can lead us to see things differently (ourselves included) and help us find greater understanding of our selves and others.
Although her name may mean "The Distant One", Hecate is always close at hand in times of need, helping us to release the old, familiar ways and find our way through new beginnings.
Goddess symbols, individualized for each goddess, were incorporated into the worship of the ancient goddesses, were often worn as jewelry, and also used in the household decor as talismans to seek the goddesses special gifts, blessings, or protection. A large number of goddess symbols have survived in statuary and other works of art.
Many of the goddess symbols come from the legends surrounding a specific goddess and were "characters" in her story. Other goddess symbols were derived from the rituals used in the ancient rites of worship of these pagan goddesses.
Hecate, "The Distant One" ( best known as Hecate, Greek goddess of the Crossroads) is often represented by symbols associated with her personality traits and her role as Queen of the Night. Since Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, it should come as no surprise that many of her goddess symbols play a prominent role in the celebration of Halloween.
General: Torch, dark moon, raisin & currant cakes, crossroads, three-headed animals or statues, the number 3, masks, and candles.
Animals: Dogs, horses, sheep (especially black female lambs), owls, bats, snakes, and boars.
Plants: Willows, dark yew, blackthorn, groves of trees, saffron, raisins and currants, and gourds (especially pumpkins)
Perfumes/Scents: Queen of the Night (a light flowery fragrance), cinnamon, myrrh, mugwort, honey, lime, and lemon verbena
Gems and Metals: Sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, black onyx, hematite, smoky quartz and any stone that is dark or luminous
Colors: Black, orange, yellow-orange, and red-orange
Offerings: red mullet, (a scavenging fish that was taboo in other cults), sprat, breads, raw eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey. Ideally, the offerings are left at a crossroads and you should leave without looking back.
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November 16th: Night of Hecate
November 16 is the Night of Hecate which begins at sunset. This is the night of the Three-formed Goddess. Hecate is part of the most ancient form of the triple Moon goddess as Crone or Dark Moon. This is also the night of Hecate’s supper at the Crossroads. People who worshiped Hecate honoured Her by performing Sympathetic Magick and holding a supper at what they believed to be the Crossroads.
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Hecate (or Hekate), Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft.
The pronunciation of Hecate’s name has been muddled and changed over the years. But there is a correct way to say her name. Most say “heh-kah-tay” or “heh-kah-tee” with no emphasis on the middle syllable. But in ancient times, her name would have been pronounced with emphasis on the middle syllable like this: heh-KAH-tay or heh-KAH-tee. Practice that a few times out loud. Feel the difference? Pronouncing her name correctly is one simple to honor the goddess of witches.
Once a widely revered and influential goddess, the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron, but nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.
A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).
Usually classified as a "moon goddess", her kingdoms were actually three-fold: the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.
A lover of solitude, the Greek goddess Hecate was, like her cousin Artemis, a "virgin" goddess, unwilling to sacrifice her independent nature for the sake of marriage. Walking the roads at night or visiting cemeteries during the dark phase of the moon, Hecate was described as shining or luminous.
In other legends she is invisible, perhaps only glimpsed as a light, a "will-o-the-wisp". Perhaps it was this luminous quality that marked Hecate as a "moon goddess", for she seemed quite at home on the earth.
Some scholars believe it is also was because her mother was Asteria (the Titan goddess of the Shining Light or "Star") or perhaps it was because she sensibly always carried a torch on her journeys.
Like Artemis, Hecate was usually depicted with her sacred dogs, although Hecate and even her animals were sometimes said to have three heads and that they could see in all directions. Although usually depicted as a beautiful woman having three human heads, some images are fearsome indeed (one with a snake's head, one with a horse's, and the third a boar's head).
This farsightedness, the ability to see in several directions at once (even the past, present, and future) featured largely in her most famous myth, the abduction of Persephone. For it was the goddess Hecate who "saw" and told the frantic Demeter what had become of her daughter.
Hecate continued to play an important role in the life of Persephone, becoming her confidante when she was in the Underworld. Hades, thankful for their friendship, was more than hospitable, honoring Hecate as a prominent and permanent guest in the spirit world. Surely this had the effect of enhancing her reputation as a spirit of black magic with the power to conjure up dreams, prophecies, and phantoms.
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Hecate's ability to see into the Underworld, the "otherworld" of the sleeping and the dead, made her comfortable and tolerant in the company of those most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding.
In her role as 'Queen of the Night', sometimes traveling with a following of "ghosts" and other social outcasts, she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge". In Rome many of the priests in her sacred groves were former slaves who had been released to work in her service.
The goddess Hecate was often accompanied on her travels by an owl, a symbol of wisdom. Not really known as a goddess of wisdom, per se, Hecate is nevertheless recognized for a special type of knowledge and is considered to be the goddess of trivia.
Hecate's farsightedness and attention to detail, combined with her extraordinary interest in that which most of us discount as irrelevant or arcane, gave her tremendous powers.
She knew what the rest of us did not.
Not surprisingly, the people thought it best to give the goddess Hecate (and any friends that might be accompanying her) a lot of honor and a fairly wide berth. When darkness descended they wisely retired to the fireside for supper, but put the leftovers outside as an offering to Hecate and her hounds.
That the homeless and destitute were often the actual beneficiaries hardly mattered...after all, they were under Hecate's protection.
In a similar fashion, food was often left at the crossroads to honor Hecate, especially at junctions where three roads converged --what we often call a "Y-intersection".
Frequently a pole was erected at the intersection and three masks would be hung from it to pay homage to Hecate and to request her guidance in helping to choose the right direction.
Three-faced masks also adorned the entrances of many homes, honoring the goddess Hecate who could, of course, wield her influence over "the spirits that traveled the earth" to keep them from entering the household.
It is hardly surprising that a woman who needed to make a trip alone at night would say a brief prayer to Hecate to seek her protection. The goddess Hecate, like her cousin Artemis, was known as a protector of women, especially during childbirth.
Not only was Hecate called upon to ease the pains and progress of a woman's labor, but especially to protect and restore the health and growth of a child.
Similarly, Hecate played a role that, in contemporary times, we would describe as "hospice nurse", helping the elderly make a smooth and painless passage into the next life and staying with them, if need be, in the otherworld to help prepare them for their eventual return to the earth in their next life.
Familiar with the process of death and dying as well as that of new birth and new life, Hecate was wise in all of earth's mysteries.
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The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.
New beginnings, whether spiritual or mundane, aren't always easy. But Hecate is there to support and show you the way. She loans her farsightedness for you to see what lies deeply forgotten or even hidden, and helps you make a choice and find your path. Often times she shines her torch to guide you while you are in dreams or meditation.
Hecate teaches us to be just and to be tolerant of those who are different or less fortunate, yet she is hardly a "bleeding heart", for Hecate dispenses justice "blindly" and equally.
Whether Hecate visits us in waking hours or only while we sleep, she can lead us to see things differently (ourselves included) and help us find greater understanding of our selves and others.
Although her name may mean "The Distant One", Hecate is always close at hand in times of need, helping us to release the old, familiar ways and find our way through new beginnings.
Goddess symbols, individualized for each goddess, were incorporated into the worship of the ancient goddesses, were often worn as jewelry, and also used in the household decor as talismans to seek the goddesses special gifts, blessings, or protection. A large number of goddess symbols have survived in statuary and other works of art.
Many of the goddess symbols come from the legends surrounding a specific goddess and were "characters" in her story. Other goddess symbols were derived from the rituals used in the ancient rites of worship of these pagan goddesses.
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Hecate, "The Distant One" ( best known as Hecate, Greek goddess of the Crossroads) is often represented by symbols associated with her personality traits and her role as Queen of the Night. Since Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, it should come as no surprise that many of her goddess symbols play a prominent role in the celebration of Halloween.
General: Torch, dark moon, raisin & currant cakes, crossroads, three-headed animals or statues, the number 3, masks, and candles.
Animals: Dogs, horses, sheep (especially black female lambs), owls, bats, snakes, and boars.
Plants: Willows, dark yew, blackthorn, groves of trees, saffron, raisins and currants, and gourds (especially pumpkins)
Perfumes/Scents: Queen of the Night (a light flowery fragrance), cinnamon, myrrh, mugwort, honey, lime, and lemon verbena
Gems and Metals: Sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, black onyx, hematite, smoky quartz and any stone that is dark or luminous
Colors: Black, orange, yellow-orange, and red-orange
Offerings: red mullet, (a scavenging fish that was taboo in other cults), sprat, breads, raw eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey. Ideally, the offerings are left at a crossroads and you should leave without looking back.
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cheshiresartblog · 4 years
Demon/Angel Thing
Alright. Due to popular demand I’ll start with this one.  Also, straight up, I literally do refer to it as “the demon/angel thing” cause I don’t come up with titles until the end.  Also I started this entire thing when I was 14 years old. I’m 24. So this is my longest running world I guess. I have a lot of worlds I’ve made over the years. I will admit my dirty little secret here, but what jump started this for me was watching Black Butler for the first time as a kid. Got me interested in the whole demons and angels thing. That’s where the similarities end, though. 
Also, I will not be going really deep into the plot simply because Spoilers since I def wanna make something out of this. 
Stuff below the cut cause it’s  l o n g 
The World
Basically, there are three interconnected realms; Earth, the Heavens and Hell. Also, the Heavens and Hell are not related to the afterlife. That’s a whole other can of worms here that ya’ll already got a bit of a taste of with my BNHA Reapers Au a while back. But yeah. They’re three interconnected realms. The Heavens was made by the God of Order and Hell the Goddess of Chaos. Earth was made by the missing Goddess of Life. Angels are being of Order and Demons are beings of Chaos and Humans fall in between the two. Also I’ve been at a loss for names for the Deities here but I do have two for sure. The Goddess of Life was named Gaia and the Goddess of Chaos was named Lilith. 
Basically Heaven and Hell had always been at odd with each other and Earth was a common battle ground. The earliest I can go with the timeline that’s relevant would be what I call the Princes Era. 
Prince Era (World Statuses) 
Earth: Humanity is young, they are mostly just coming out of their hunter-gatherer stage of things. The planet is mainly used as a battle ground for the warring Angels and Demons, inspiring myths of old to come. Magic is wild and free in this time on the planet. When Lucifer fell it disrupted the ley lines of the planet resulting in a steady decline of the magical on earth for years to come.
Hell: Hell is in chaos itself. While dealing with the war with the Angels they are dealing with heavy infighting between the demon variations and Lilith being unable to completely control her creations. After much thought Lilith decided to choose seven(eight) demons with blood from the seven ruling families to become the first seven Princes of Hell and unite Hell into one unified force to defend themselves properly from the greater threat that are the Angels. 
The first seven(eight) Princes are the following: 
Baphomet of the Superbia family, the Prince of Pride and the next chosen King of Hell whenever Lilith decides to step down. 
Beelzebub of the Grykësi family, the Prince of Gluttony. 
Leviathan (Identical twins Via and Anthel) of the Invidia family, the twin Princes of Envy who both share the identity of Leviathan in the public.
Asmodeus of the Libidine family, the Prince of Lust.
Mammon of the Avaritia family, the Prince of Greed. 
Sathanas of the Ira family, the Prince of Wrath. 
Belphegor of the Tristitia family, the Prince of Sloth.
Notes 1: Prince is just a title here. Sathanas and Beelzebub are women Notes 2: The Princes were all granted the ability to use Hell Fire by Lilith personally after she assessed deemed them all worthy in one way or another. 
Heavens: A world ruled by the God of Order through the chosen King. At the time it’s extremely militaristic. Working under the King and God of Order are the four Archangels; Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel and Raphael. Though, under the surface there’s a rebellion brewing. (I will be honest, I always focused a bit more on the Hell as a world when thinking about this Era.) 
Notes: What sets the Archangels apart here from regular angels besides rank is that they were blessed with the ability to harness the power of Holy Fire, which is something more explained story wise. Just know it would kill the average angel if they tried to use it.
Modern Era
The Modern Era is marked by the a huge event. The destruction of Hell. In their ever going war, 100 years before present time, an attack by the Angels lead to Hell being rendered unstable, which resulted almost half of the population being killed and the other half escaping to Earth. Some kind of peace treaty was made and it allowed the Demons to stay on Earth but with conditions. Also, with this event the Angels too more charge on Earth than they were before and humanity was now pulled fully into the know about Angels and Demons existing. 
This also established something very important to the story itself. The Zones. Most high population areas were split into Human Zones and Demons Zones, with a few cities gaining a third Zone due to the humans refusing to move and/or being sypathetic to the demons. This is the Neutral Zone. Aka, a home for society’s misfits. The main setting of the story is one of these three zoned cities. Right now it’s called Half-Light City but that name is subject to change most likely lol. 
The Zones 
The Human Zone is fairly well maintained for the most part. It has it’s occasional bad section, but those are closer to the Neutral Zone’s border fence. All and all it is the most upkept part of the city and is home to Humans, Angels and Half-Angels. It is heavily guarded and you need an ID to get in from the Neutral Zone, along with the requirement of being human. Demons and Half Demons are not allowed unless summoned. The Human Zone is protected by the Hunters, a group that is somewhat a cross between the police and the military. This section of the city is run by a chosen Council which answers to the Angelic Council of the Heavens. The occupants seem rather ignorant to the going ons of the other parts of the city and seem to go on with life without a second thought. Most of them at least.
The Demons Zone has a surprisingly decent upkeep, but then again they usually have to do it themselves because the money given to them by the city is not that much. The zone is mostly populated with full Demons, with the occasional Half-Demon or Demon with a Human partner scattered about. The fence between them and the Neutral Zone is actually quite open and in a state of disrepair, though Demon Zone residents and Neutral Zone residents alike guard it, it is usually quite easier to pass between these two Zones than it is for either of them to pass into the Neutral Zone. The Demon Zone was formerly run by a Demon Council made of Noble family survivors or descendants but was recently overthrown by a shady organization that needs a new name so bad. I’m so embarrassed of the old name I will not mention it but I will say I abused Google Translate as a teen so bad.
The Neutral Zone is basically the slums with a few nicer parts of town. It's a dreary and gray place at first glance honestly, but underneath that is a sense of unity between its people. Humans, Demons, Half-Breeds of both sorts and Fallen mix fairly well. The Neutral Zone is home to swindlers, mercenaries and all sorts of illegal activity giving it and it’s residents a negative reputation in the Human Zone. The Zone is co-lead by the two leaders of the two biggest Mercenary groups in the zone; the Triad and the Freelancers.
A more detailed description of the Heavens and Hell 
The Heavens are a set of floating islands that float around each other similar to a solar system might. The middle Island is The Capital City, and the roads are literally paved with gold and as well as some buildings being made of gold as well. It’s where the wealthy and powerful often live and is the center of their government. It is the largest single island whereas each other section of the Heavens is more of a string of islands.
The closer a set of islands are to the Capital the more privileged and wealthy the citizens are, and the higher the rank. There are a total of six rings of islands around the Capital. The outermost two hold the most farmland, forests, orchards, etc. Those two rings are the most populated and are where the lesser angels live.
Most Lesser Angels will never see Earth unless they join the military or join missionary work.
There are two islands floating above the Capital. One is the prison and trial area of soon to be Fallen Angels, and the other larger one is for military training. They never move from their fixed positions above the Capital.
While there are trains and such, most Angels get around via walking or flying, though flying is more common.
Angels higher up either dress like royalty or business men/women. Depends on the family. Lower class Angels dress in things like tunics and kinda, you know, greek-type of shit unless their employer gives them a more modern uniform. 
Angels use portals that appear like a glowing mass of light to get around Earth.   Hell
Hell is a Realm that exists solely in an underground location. It is said that the surface is way too hot to even walk upon, let alone live. There are Seven Circles of Hell and each Circle is responsible for a different area of their government, with Pride being the most powerful of them all.
The First Circle is the closest to the Surface and the most resistant to the heat found there. That would be the Wrath Circle. Physically they are the most capable of the variations of Demons and their Noble Family is the one in charge of the Military.
The Second Circle is Lust. Lust demons are the ones in charge of the Magical Regulations in Hell. That being said, they have the most Mages born to them, and some of the most powerful Magic users. They also are in charge of any and all Seers born in Hell.
The Third Circle is Greed. Greed demons are the ones in charge of the economics of Hell.They honestly have the most boring job, but it brings in the most money. They simply don’t mind because hey, the like to hoard riches anyways. They are said to have the biggest hand in the slave trade in Hell though.
The Fourth Circle is Envy. Envy demons are the ones in charge of the Judicial branch of Hell, handling criminals, legal matters, and prisoners. The latest raining families of Envy Demon Nobles have been well known for being cold and unbiased.
The Fifth Circle is Sloth. Sloth demons are the ones in charge of the Health care in Hell to put it simply. Someone has to be in charge of it. It also helps that Sloth demons have the largest amount of natural Healers born in their variation.
The Sixth Circle is Gluttony. Gluttony demons are surprisingly the second in charge after the Pride demons. The Noble Family of the Gluttony Circle has a deep history with the Pride royal family. Other than being the second in command the Gluttony demons are the ones in charge of Education and History keeping.
The Seventh and most powerful Circle is Pride. The Pride demons are the ones that run things, they are in charge of all the other Noble Families, and contain the Royal Family and the current ruling King or Queen of Hell. They have the final say in everything, but normally let most of the Noble Families run their domain as they see fit to.
Demons have technology based around magic, so magic teleporters, communication orbs, shit like that, is pretty common place.
The Slave trade is common and highly accepted by older demons though the newer generations are beginning to be against it. The slave trade in Hell often consists of captured humans, half demons, Fallen and rarely half angels and extremely rarely angels.
They have a potion that can make a Demon appear like a human for 24 hours meant for spies but a lot of teenagers use it to sneak to earth to party.  
Jewelry is huge in their culture. Like, seriously, so much jewelry.
A lot of Circles are mixed with the type of demons that live there but they usually have a slightly higher population of the type of demon the ring is named after.
I will probably make a separate post going more into detail about the species of angels and demons themselves. Demons, btw, consists of 7 different races of demons separated by sin type. They all have different traits. 
Magic Stuff I guess
Angel Magics (From common to rarest)- Healing, Aura Sight, Defensive and Protective, Weaponry Enchantment, Runic, Elemental, Precognition, Holy Fire (this one is literally the rarest thing for an angel to have).
Demon Magics (From common to rarest)- Illusions, Elemental, Contract Magic, Enchantment, Energy Draining/Aura Draining, Binding Magics, Witchery (Jinxes, charms, etc), Healing Magic, Possession, Shadow Magics, Shapeshifting (Rare for non Gluttony Demons only), Hellfire (Super Rare, actually marks the next Heir of a Ring of Hell to have it.), Precognition.
Human Magics (All human Magics are considered rare)- Witchery (Gained naturally or through demonic contract), Healing, Aura Sight, Runic, Elemental, Precognition.
Everyone can brew things such as potions.
Demons have more magic energy than Humans or Angels tbh and mages are way more common with them, though Healers are more common with Angels, and less common with demons.
Technology is advanced and exists and is built to work alongside magic.
Weaponry such as swords are still used though with Angels and Demons.
Alright folks. This is basically a world info dump. I will do a species info dump like I said once I got some decent pictures or I’ll do it in relevant chunks. 
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