#Percy De Sardet again
envyfelled · 5 years
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great service would tip 80% on the bill for this man @sleepfight
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sleepfight · 5 years
[fic] caught in your tangles
Fandom: Greedfall Rating: G
Chapter Warnings: None
Pairing/Characters: Kurt/Percy De Sardet, some cats
Six days out of the week, they camp on the road. But on Sundays, when the rare occasion arises where there is nothing to do, they lie in bed together.
Kurt is never awake when Percy makes his way home and slips into bed on Saturday nights. Their schedules are unpredictable and chaotic and the unrest on Tir Fradi often separates them for days at a time. So it is an indulgence when they are allowed to rest together in the mornings, quiet and still with the curtains drawn shut, trying to avoid the tiny sliver of golden sunlight that they can never quite block out. 
Sometimes, they share a pillow. Mostly, they do not, though, because Percy does not sleep, Percy nests, and if Kurt does not have his own pillow, he won’t have one at all. The covers are rarely shared either—they can never agree on how many are necessary. They are both big men and the heat can tip into the unbearable, particularly under the feather comforters that Percy prefers over Kurt’s more practical collection of cotton sheets.
Not that either of them minds. Better to be too-warm together than too-cold alone.
Kurt, most of the time, is awake first, but not by much. It’s in that half-awake state that he can appreciate how silent the house is and how comfortable he is in those precious seconds before he opens his eyes to what will inevitably be Percy drooling against his shoulder or their cats sensing that someone is conscious. Many of Kurt’s mornings have started with claws walking up and down the length of his chest, demanding breakfast. He prides himself on the fact that his cat is better about this than Percy’s. Percy’s one-eyed tortoiseshell is the most excitable hairball Kurt has ever had to live with other than its owner.
He’s more attached to them both than he’s capable of admitting yet, though.
If there is enough light, Kurt will sometimes turn Percy over onto his side, halting his low snores, and just look at him until he wakes. Somehow, Percy’s face never changes, even when at rest; he always has the same dopey grin, the same perplexed crease between his eyebrows. He’ll often talk in his sleep, sometimes in ways that make Kurt feel small and helpless, but the midnight debates he has with his dreams can be amusing when they aren’t keeping Kurt awake, which is more common. 
Kurt has been a light sleeper his whole life, which should make them utterly incompatible bed partners. Percy huffs, he squirms, he clings, he kicks, he does every annoying thing that a person shouldn’t be capable of doing while unconscious.
And yet.
He’s kind of cute when he has his face buried in Kurt’s armpit.
On the last Sunday of January, as snow blankets the streets of New Serene, an unusual event occurs: Percy wakes up first.
Kurt is tugged from the depths of his dreams by a tingling sensation in his fingertips. It takes his brain a moment to process it—he isn’t sure if it’s real or not until the feeling spreads to his knuckles, accompanied by a very, very gentle pressure. He hesitates, lingering on the bridge between sleep and awareness, too comfortable to want to be up but curious enough to crack his eyes open. 
He blinks, groggy, still not all there, and manages to register that the room is dark and the cats are silent, wedged in the crack of space between his and Percy’s legs. He’s bitter for half a second; they are still curled all over each other and dead to the world. Unfair.
Slowly, he turns his face out of the pillow and exhales through his nose. His fingers twitch—the tingling has turned into small circles in his palm.  It would seem that the source of the odd feeling is coming from Percy.
“Greenblood,” he murmurs. “What’re y’doin’?”
From somewhere in the darkness under the covers, Percy makes a bleary, non-committal sound. “I’m awake.”
“Can tell.” There is a shifting in the sheets and warmth envelopes his hand as it slides between both of Percy’s palms. “Asked what you’re doing.”
“Admiring you.” The tip of his thumb presses down on the top of Kurt’s wrist and slips down in a long line, straight to the tip of his index finger so he can hook it around his own. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
Kurt does his best to suppress the crop of goosebumps that shoots up his arms in the wake of Percy’s careful touches. He isn’t sure he’ll ever get used to this kind of attention, no matter how much he enjoys it. 
“You did.” Kurt breathes in slowly. “S’alright.”
“I didn’t say I was sorry.”
“Implied it.”
“Did not.” 
Percy scrapes his fingernails in a light pattern down Kurt’s forearm, mindless little swirls over hardened scars and ticklish flesh alike that make Kurt shiver and smile. He slides his other arm out so he can slip it under Percy’s neck, prompting him to come closer. 
“What time is it?” He asks.
Percy wriggles into the embrace and wraps around Kurt, scooting over until he has Kurt beneath him. “Early.” He yawns. 
He laces their fingers together and rests his head on Kurt’s shoulder, breath tickling the hair on Kurt’s chest when he starts to drop a line of kisses along the cut of Kurt’s collarbone.
“How early?”
“Too early.” He mumbles. Kurt can feel Percy’s eyelashes pat against his neck as he starts to doze off again. “To be awake anyway.”
Kurt rolls them both over, ignoring Percy’s half-hearted protest, and drops an arm over his soft belly so he can spoon up behind him, pressing his lips into Percy’s tangled, brown hair. 
“Should go back to sleep,” he says. “Nowhere to be today.”
Percy hums in agreement and from between them, the cats begin to stir. Percy’s cat--Dolly-- pushes herself into a big stretch and pads across the bed, bumping her forehead against Percy’s ear from where she settles expectantly on top of Kurt’s neck. 
Percy groans. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” he grumbles. He brings a heavy palm up to stroke her head. “Did we disturb you?”
Dolly chirps and forcibly plops herself into the minute space between their heads, balling up so that she can nose at Percy’s cheek and flap the dense tuft of her tail all over Kurt’s face.
Kurt mentally congratulates his cat on being the more mature animal.
Still, when she begins to purr, Kurt can’t help himself and reaches out to join Percy in petting her. “Gonna have to feed them soon.”
Percy groans. He hides his face in her fur. “I did it yesterday, it’s your turn.”
“Cat’s lying on me, love,”  Kurt sighs. “Can’t get up now.”
“That’s playing dirty.” Percy yawns in perfect unison with his pet. “Besides, your cat is on my legs. I can’t get up either.” He burrows deeper into the covers and sighs, slow and even. “So I suppose we’re trapped.”
Kurt squints as the first rays of morning begin to filter through the crack in the curtains and splays his fingers out on Percy’s back, stroking gently. He lets his head sink back into the pillow. It’s still early. There is no rush.
“Guess so.”
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sleepfight · 5 years
[fic] shiver on high, the ancient limbs
Fandom: Greedfall Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: lightly suggestive content, non-sexual nudity 
Pairing/Characters: Male De Sardet/Vasco, Kurt, Constantin, Flavia, Lauro, original Naut characters
Chapters: 2/5
Vasco makes a satisfied hum after finishing his drink and fixes Percy with a wry grin, tongue darting out to catch a drip of water from the corner of his mouth. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” he drawls. “But if you’re trying to get me to go easy on you, I’m afraid you’ll have to bring a better libation, Excellency.”     
“I’ll make sure to bring the good rum next time, then,” Percy smiles. He steals a glance back to Vasco’s face and finds him gazing out over the ocean again, lips pursed. On the surface, he appears relaxed and calm but years of playing the game at court has given Percy a keen eye for people wearing masks. 
Something is bothering Vasco and he is trying to hide it.
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