#Personally i would immediately run away leaving no trace behind me the second i find out
idle-teen28 · 5 months
A QUESTION TO THE WİLLİAM AFTON GİRLİES (both movie and game girlies but especially the movie girlies) : if u find out that steve raglan (/dave miller) is actually william afton, who had a family before meeting u, owned a pizzeria that was big in the 80s and killed 7-8 kids and a few adults who are security guards with a cold blood, and you guys are dating
What will you do?
Srsly imagine that actually happened in real life, you never saw matt lillard ever in ur life or never played the games and then u met this guy, thinking u know him, but then you find out the truth behind that man, What. Will. You. Do?
İ repeat again : you find out, he doesn't tell you and probably will not
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catscidr · 7 months
im sorry i know i should be writing reqs but i just can’t stop thinking about slightly creepy office au coworker dottore...... im horn
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you have a boring 9-5 job, trying to find joy in the mundane, else you go crazy. waking up to birds chirping outside of your bedroom window, the tasty to-go coffee and breakfast sandwich you always get in the morning, and your coworker greeting your still-sleepy self when you step into the office. always one to gossip, she’d motion for you to hurry up and sit at your cubicle so she can gush about whatever rumor was currently roaming the building. 
“have you seen zandik lately? his temper is worse than usual! think he just got broken up with or something? honestly, i see why his partner would call things off, it seems like he’s always prioritizing work over people...” you take a long sip of your coffee, relishing in the newfound energy that flooded your system. it takes you a minute to process your coworker’s claim. 
“how do you know he was even in a relationship in the first place?” you ask, scoffing in amusement at how fast her brain seemed to work; it was almost impressive, really. “well, he’s handsome, for one. and he’s loaded! i don’t understand how he can afford such a nice car with a salary like ours,” she sulks as she finishes her rambling. you take the opportunity to finish your food, setting your half-empty cup down to start prepping your workspace. 
“inheritance? or he’s crazy good at managing money,” you suggest. just as you thought your coworker was about to drop the topic, she perks up and slams her hand on her desk a tad bit too loudly. “oh! or maybe he works a second job? y’know, the cost of living is getting pretty high, so maybe he has a 5-9 on top of working here!” 
someone shoots her a look that says “it’s still early, lower your voice”, and she grins at them awkwardly before turning to look at you with a smile that rivals someone that just uncovered the cure to a deadly disease. 
you pause your typing, fingertips resting idly on the mechanical keyboard. “why do you care about what he’s up to, anyways? usually you avoid talking about zandik or any of the higher-ups because you know they’ll probably get us in trouble,” you point out, your shoulder getting hit as soon as the words leave your mouth. giggling lightly at how dramatic her reaction was, you turn your attention from your computer to your coworker. you’re met with a petrified expression and uncomfortable body language along with the lack of natural light behind you. 
“and why, pray tell, are we gossiping about my foul mood?” someone says from behind you, though you could recognize its owner anywhere. your blood runs cold— the warmth from your morning coffee having vanished from your body, not a single trace left in the presence of the office’s most intimidating employee (arguably). your coworker flashes him a wide, albeit shaky smile, and shakes her head a bit too quickly for it to be considered normal. 
“n-not gossiping! we’re just concerned for your health! right?” she says your name, nudging your foot from underneath the desk. you don’t have time to decide whether you want to detach yourself from your predicament or to go along with her bullshit because zandik bends down to your level, flashing a smile that doesn’t quite reach his dull eyes as he speaks for you. “then avoid spreading rumors about my personal life, it gives me a headache,” he murmurs quietly.  
you’d catch the unspoken threat in his voice if you weren’t so flustered. he was so close you could smell his cologne— musky sandalwood that made your head spin, losing whatever train of thought you had just seconds ago. “s-sorry,” you’re the one that apologizes since your coworker was frozen in fear, looking more like a deer facing headlights than an office worker. 
zandik’s lips stretch wider, vermillion eyes narrowing at her before flickering over to you. you immediately look away, suddenly now noticing the sheer lack of space between you two. if what you were doing before was unprofessional, then this was beating it by a landslide. although you couldn't help but wish that he bent down to your level more often. though, at the same time, he looked good looking down at you…
he stays like this for a few more uncomfortable seconds before straightening his back and walking away, no words spoken between the three of you. your coworker exhales a breath she had been holding in, and turns to face her desk in silence. 
you're left with a rapidly beating heart and the need to take a bathroom break even though you just clocked in not even ten minutes ago.
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cosymelody · 11 months
Here's the second serving of food for the Four lovers!
Idk why but I find my writing to be weird but that's probably just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
.•♫•♬• 𝑷𝒕. 𝟏 •♬•♫•.
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.•♫•♬• 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝑷𝒕. 𝟐•♬•♫•.
You snatched a large stick from the ground and let out a mighty war cry, or what you would call a war cry. Using the force of your swing, you knocked out the closest monster by swinging the branch as hard as you could at it like a baseball bat. You and Four fought swiftly side by side until a single monster was left. A lone Lizalfos was the only beast left as it charged at Four while his back was turned, knocking him off his feet and causing him to drop his sword while leaving a small gash on his head from the blow.
Your eyes widened as you watched the situation unfold before mindlessly running towards him and sweeping his sword off the ground. He let out a yell you could barely hear as you raised the sword in the air and charged at the Lizalfos, only for your vision to be exposed to a blinding light.
Four looked on as you grabbed his sword and charged at the monster, making an attempt to call out to you and warn you not to do so, only for you to be surrounded in a bright light for a brief moment. Once you were visible once again, there wasn't just one of you, but four different versions of you. Each one was dressed in a different color as they each held a sword and glanced around confusedly. One of them was dressed in a deep, crimson color; another one was dressed in cyan; the third was dressed in a dark gray; and the final one was dressed in a bright, almost neon orange.
Each of them glanced at each other in confusion, clearly confused and startled by the whole situation that had just occurred. The version of you dawning the color cyan frantically glanced at the Lizalfos the second it moved and seemed to grow more panicked. The other colors immediately took notice of Cyan's fearful expression before the one in orange spoke up in a soft yet powerful voice while pointing at the crimson and gray ones with their sword.
"You two. Go distract and weaken the monster. Cy, come help me with Four." Crimson and Gray nodded in agreement, their expressions determined as they turned to face the Lizalfos. Cyan hesitated for a moment, torn between fear and loyalty, before finally mustering up the courage to join Orange.
Orange returned Four's gaze before swiftly walking over to him, Cyan close behind and crouching in front of him, their gaze piercing through his soul while also providing him with comfort. Orange wrapped their arm around his back and gently raised him up, carefully supporting him while leading him away from the battle to safer ground. Orange and Cyan examined him after Orange carefully placed him down beside a tree on the ground in front of them.
It was simple to distinguish between the various forms of you, especially Orange and Cyan, since Cyan appeared anxious and stood slouched, but Orange stood confident and upright in a reassuring, protective, and even parental manner. Four noticed connections between the Crimson and Gray versions of you as he returned his eyes to the battle. Crimson appeared to be the more aggressive of the two, standing in a dominant and powerful stance before charging at the Lizalfos with their sword raised high, whereas Gray appeared to be slouching and nearly unstable, cackling maniacally to themselves with a trace of insanity in their voice.
Each version of you wore a mask similar to the one you normally wear, but each one differed depending on the color they were wearing. Crimson wore a mask with aggressive, lightning-marked markings that reflected their violent mentality. Gray, on the other hand, wore a mask with swirled, complicated patterns that seemed to reflect their unstable personality. Regardless of these distinctions, both versions emitted a distinct aura of force and determination on the battlefield. Cyan wore a mask with a pattern similar to bandages covering their mouth, reflecting their quiet and stressed personality, whereas Orange wore your normal mask design, reflecting their protective and assertive nature. These various masks showed the distinct personalities and characteristics of each color, adding to the complete aesthetic.
Orange crouched down in front of him so they could see eye-to-eye as they swiftly pulled a red potion that Hyrule had given them for emergencies. Cyan cautiously returned their gaze to the combat raging between the Lizalfos and the other versions of you, who were viciously and brutally striking the monster. Orange instantly handed the potion to Four and placed it in his hands without hesitation.
"Drink this. It'll take care of that wound for now while we deal with this little issue we have. Cy, keep an eye on him so I can go finish the monster off. Four, stay put and don't even think about getting up and trying to help, got it." Orange's voice was firm and protective, leaving no room for argument. Four simply nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation and far too enamored with you to argue. With a determined look, Orange sprinted back into the chaotic battle, ready to face the Lizalfos head-on and protect their alternate versions as well as Four from any further harm.
Four watched in awe as Orange ran into battle, admiring the beauty in each of your personalities as they fought side by side. Four couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration for both you and Orange, realizing the depth of their love and loyalty. With each passing moment, Four's affection for you grew stronger, fueling their determination to ensure your safety and happiness in every reality they encountered...
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Ch. 31 // You’re Bearable Like That... // Day 22
Contents (Warnings): Observer, Safe Soft, and Willing vore?!, Touch of teasing and cravings, more character information, and further monster/magic explanations.
Wordcount: 2450 (A little on the shorter side tonight, sorry!)
(Oct. 7th Friday)
I bumbled in behind him as he yanked my wrist. And the first thing that caught my eye was a bear-like creature swallowing someone alive.
I cried out and pressed back into Alexander.
He flinched and grabbed my shoulders, "relax. You're safe with me." His hands lingered longer than they should have.
Our definitions of safe are very different! I exclaimed in my head.
My eyes remained down on the floor as he walked with me. I occasionally bumped near some of the empty, sturdy, tall, wooden table legs. He pushed me back onto one of the seats at the very back of the tent. I bounced once, gathering my barring's. As I went back in the chair, my feet no longer held off any part of it. I'm so small.
My hands stroked the fabric, trying to distract myself.
"None of them are going to eat you." He assured.
I pinched at the cushion, this was a bad idea. I thought. I shouldn't have came. I couldn't help my spiral.
I heard a snap near my forehead, I peered up, and realized how close Alexander was. His eyes had that paralyzing look again.
"Stay here, don't talk to anyone. I'm gonna get someone to eat."
My hands twitched up, I wanted to grab and stop him, plead for us to leave but I knew he was no different.
Each were more than big enough to hurt me.
"H-hey." A male who looked a few inches taller than me and fairly slim stopped Alexander. He bowed his head, adjusted his shorts, a shy smile on his face. He looked to from Alexander to me, "would either of you be interested in eating me?"
"Why would you want that?!" I blurted out.
"Ignore her," Alexander said. He didn't say a yes or no to the male.
His form grew larger, something I was familiar with so much so that I instinctively pressed back into the velvet cushions. He wasn't facing me and I saw he grabbed the male who was much smaller being held by him now.
I knew they were big, but being able to see the giant body compared to a normal person near my height was frightening. My legs twitched. I didn't see the male fight yet I wanted to help him. Not that I had time as Alexander quickly got them into his mouth.
What if he bites? I thought seeing how easily his body seemed to accommodate the dude.
I didn't even realize he was almost done. The males feet disappeared and pressed Alexander's throat. I put my hands to my eyes after.
How could I watch that. I hated every second of it, finding a new terror from seeing the act itself.
A looming pressure stunned me. I was afraid to move my hands, especially after I heard the exhale.
"Just what I needed." Alexander's voice hummed.
I slowly moved them down and his squirming abdomen blocked me from looking up.
A squawk fled my lips. That's how it is on the outside! I scrambled up and almost fell before he could sit down next to me.
"I want to leave, please!"
I stared at the floor, waiting to be denied, but he sighed.
"I've got a few hours with them, so fine."
Can he leave? I asked as I watched Alexander's shadow along the floor.
"Come on, Shrimp." He said.
I nodded, lifting my head up enough to follow his legs and trace over some of the higher tables so I didn't run into them again.
Once we reached outside, I wanted to bolt for the exit of the festival. I'm okay...yeah, my bags here, and running away wouldn't look good for work. I convinced myself.
He directed us to the nearest building and he let himself plop to the ground. He was still taller even sitting, but I could at least see his face.
Though, facing him my eyes felt drawn to study his filled section so I went on the wall next to him and slowly slid down instead. My hand brushed his own fingers. I pulled it back immediately, scared of the size comparison. He could encompass my whole hand, wrist and some forearm with his grip if he wanted.
I felt relieved he wasn't paying attention. He held his head was up and against the wall with his eyes shut.
I was too worried to say a word. Again, my gaze picked up on his abdomen and the lack of movement. It simply looked like he overate with the curved exterior. How could they talk to me the same after seeing me inside him...
My face held a heavy mixture of embarrassment and disgust.
"You're staring again," Alexander said. He side eyed me past his frames, "if you wanted me to-"
"NO, NEVER, NO!" I pushed my knees closer to my chest. "Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say."
He smirked taking his attention off me.
"How do you even like that?"
"I told you, humans taste delicious to me." He lazily gestured to me, "some way more than others."
I wrapped my arms around my head, "OKAY." He's so gross. "Don't you feel weird eating another person alive..."
"I've been doing it since I was in the fourth grade, maybe back then I did but now, no." Alexander replied.
I inched closer, "what!? But you'd be tiny, unless-" I couldn't imagine Alexander smaller than me.
He folded his arms, clearly he regretted what he said. "Do you think I ate an adult?"
"So-you turned into a monster and ate some classmates? And does that mean you went to a normal school? Or did you used to eat monsters?" And if you stopped eating other monsters, why?! Can you go back to doing that instead?
He looked away, "a classmate."
He paused, unfolded his arms, and closed his eyes. "usually Wendigos don't hit our hunger craze until adulthood..." As his head teetered more toward me I saw his embarrassment. "I-I'm a mix between two species, so things are a little different for me. I excelled quicker than most magus's but also excelled faster than anticipated with my wendigo half."
His next words came out like a hiccup, "and I couldn't stop myself."
"you couldn't help wanting...humans?"
He shook his head, "whatever species a wendigo eats first is what they will have a craving for for the rest of their life."
Like an obsession? Why couldn't he have at some kind of animal? Is that a thing? Should I ask or will I piss him off?
He shivered with disgust, "and everything else is either tasteless, or garbage flavored."
"The species aspect is the reason Zilla didn't try to attack me at first when we met, she didn't know if I ate Naga's or not."
I held back my animal question. "You're not big enough to eat her, why would she be scared of you?"
"I can keep her from changing to her other form, so technically I could." He said. "And you sound pretty condescending for someone who's pathetically short."
"I'm not-" I looked at another passerby. Who am I kidding, compared to a lot of people I'm small. "I was just saying Zilla's HUGE."
"I'm about half her size."
I narrowed my gaze, skeptically.
"In my wendigo form, shrimp, not this one." He had one hand on his gut and one on the dirt ground as he leaned closer. "What I'm doing now is size shifting. I can't force out my other form and I don't want to wait until I'm starved for it to come out." Alexander explained.
I'd rather you starve. I said in my head, jokingly. "Why can't you change by yourself?"
"I just can't."
"Do you go, shred happy?" I asked nervously.
"Shred?" Alexander got aggravated, "No." He looked ahead at the tent across from us. "I'm in far more control than other Wendigo's because I use size shifting regularly to eat instead of letting the full extent of my instincts take over."
Full extent of your instincts? What does that mean? "Are the other wendigo's generally crazy?"
"Some of them..." He trailed off.
I looked up at him. I felt like I pulled the wrong cord. I opened my mouth to say something but he leaned off with annoyance. "You're very talkative today."
Huh...he's right. His eyes were a lot tamer. I was glad he didn't stare at me constantly like he was about to grab and eat me.
"Well...you're somewhat bearable when I don't have to worry about you trying to-" I looked at his gut. "do the gross thing-" I felt my stomach churn thinking about it.
His squinted at me, and sighed with a light smile, "I'd still eat you now if I could."
"SEE and then you say stuff like that!" I scooted over, "you've already ate someone!"
Alexander patted his gut, "I'm not exactly full, let me-" he held his hand in the air like a bar, "most of the time, I'm hungry, and the more I'm around humans the hungrier I get until I really need to eat." He said, "and once I do, I feel relieved and pretty satiated."
He shushed me, "I said pretty satiated, not fully satisfied like I am with...." He trailed off again. "So about those hours-"
"NO!" I scrambled, "Edgar said not to do that to each other on the trip!"
I made sure to keep track of his movements, and accidently spoke aloud. "I don't get how someone could let you eat them."
"Some people don't mind when they get paid for it." Alexander said.
How did he hear me? Then I ran what he said in my head. "They're paid to get eaten?!"
He nodded, "yeah, why else would they agree?"
Good point, I wouldn't have stayed working where I am if I wasn't getting paid a ton of money for it...I'm not getting paid to get eaten...Ah, stop it thoughts, please!
I spoke out, "how could they trust anyone to bring them back safe? Couldn't you walk off with them?"
He lifted up his left hand and showed the stamp on his hand, "it's a bind mark. A contract that says, "I can't leave the festival with them" and it shows the guards that we have one of the givers in us." He tapped on the glowing human symbol. "And when our time is up, their mark will force our bodies to release them."
I guess as long as it's safe...and they're okay with it? "so bind marks help?"
"It depends...in this conversation, sure. They're extremely important, and nearly unbreakable." He pointed out, "so be careful if you ever make one with another monster, because you won't be able to leave it."
I slumped over and before Alexander could say anything else, Drake's voice chimed in.
He finally found them.
"Hey, guys." He saw Alexander’s form then peeked further over to see Lynette with her back on the wall hidden by him. Good.
“Where did you go?” Alexander asked, pushing himself up. 
“Back to the hotel room, I brought spare animal blood and left it up there.” 
“Drake, you’re at the life festival, this is probably one of the only times you’ll get a willing giver.”
Drake unintentionally focused on Lynette’s heartbeat and then pulled away, “I already cheated twice this week. I caved in Monday and Tuesday.” He exhaled loudly with his admission. "I can't keep doing that."
Alexander sighed, “no wonder you’ve looked like shit lately.” Alexander, still as a giant, passed Drake.
A smile crept on Drake's face, “fuck you.” 
He clearly laughed after, unbothered. Then he felt Lynette tap his back. 
“I think you look fine.” She told him.
She's clearly scared, she has been since she entered this place.
It at least helped Drake when he was around her. Though, the conversation with Lev lingered in his mind and he reached toward her as she went a little further ahead.
His phone started to beep, catching his attention. He got it from his hoodie. He could hear Lynette and Alexander started arguing in the background. Alexander suggested he should carry her, but she refused. Within reason. 
He looked over his texts and saw he also missed a call from Claudia. 
Claudia: Who’s ready for some shopping? 11:56 a.m.
Zilla: 🖐11:57 a.m.
Viola: 🖐11:57 a.m.
Lev: 🖐Are you paying?11:57 a.m.
Claudia: Sure, if you want to help me test my latest potion! 🤭 11:58 a.m.
Lev: 🤮 11:59 a.m.
“Are we meeting with the others?” Drake asked Lynette and Alexander.
Lynette looked at her phone and saw the others posted, “I guess…?”
Alexander sighed, “sure, yeah, ask them where they’re gonna be.”
Before Drake could, Lynette messaged. 
Lynette: Claudia, where are we all meeting? I’m with Alexander and Drake. 12:02 p.m.
Claudia: Shopping Zone! (She sent a picture of a building with the name, Eccentric Irregularities). 12:02 p.m.
“She said the shopping zone, at a place called eccentric irregularity…it sounds cursed.” Lynette commented.
“Probably knowing that little demon.” Alexander pointed to Drake, “hold her hand and make sure she doesn’t run into people, please, she won’t let me pick her up.”
“Imagine our roles reversed! Would you let me pick you up?”
“Why not?”
“XANDER!” She huffed. “YOU-would you let Zilla pick you up?”
“Hell no.”
Alexander groaned, “that’s totally different.”
“It’s not! Don’t think I forgot you were ready to get us killed yesterday!”
Drake raised a brow, “huh?” What are you doing to her, Alexander?
Alexander turned away, “I don’t know what you were talking about, and even if I did…it worked out.”
Lynette flicked to Drake, "he was going to eat me when we were trapped in the cube that filled with-” She yelped out as he bent back and picked her up. She struggled in his hands as he held her up. “LET ME GO!” 
Alexander fought to hold her, “stop making stupid prey comments and maybe I will!” 
“Alexander, just drop her, I’ll keep her.” Drake said as others started to stare.
“Please do, I don’t want to be near this beast!”
Alexander glared, “beast, huh? A beast wouldn’t hesitate to eat you.”
“Hey,” Drake called his attention, Alexander slowly placed Lynette down and Drake helped her the rest of the way. He tugged at his hoodie sleeve, motioning to it, “hold on here, okay?”
He traced up her bare arm, it looks so perfect...
He snapped out of it as Alexander stopped moving and he nearly hit his friends leg. He cursed in his head. Why did I let Wenna convince me to drink human blood, Monday!
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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dimestorefairytales · 5 months
Recent Reads - The Secret Society of Very Irregular Witches
I don't often write book reviews, but it is something I want to do more to discuss what I've read lately. Also, this book hit me very very hard. I got it off a library hold the morning of April 26th, which was a work day, but I still had it finished by noon the following day because I didn't want to put it down even when it was making me cry.
At its heart, The Secret Society of Very Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna is a story about accepting yourself, finding where you belong, and learning that you are absolutely deserving of being loved. These are things that are, essentially, a gut punch to me even at an age a good decade older than the protagonist, Mika Moon.
It is, however, refreshing to read a book with a protagonist in their 30s that isn't settled into their perfect life, but just the life that works and lets them get through one day after the next. In spite of the age difference, and very different public faces between myself and Mika, she was an extremely easy character to empathize with and as you get deeper into the story and her feelings I found myself in tears more than once because of deeply understanding those emotions.
The characters in this work are charming, and I appreciate how well the children are written. Each has a personality of their own that shines, without coming off as if they are miniature adults. The adults were also wonderful, with Ian being an easy favorite for his enthusiasm and desire to meddle, though Jamie runs a very close second. I do wish there had been more of Lucie, but then, a sign of a wonderful cast is wanting to spend more time with those characters and I would immediately take any chance to do that with these.
I've never been one to annotate books much, though I've been doing so more these days, and there were so many things in this that I found myself having to highlight through tears (and once through overjoyed laughter). The writing is amazing, and drives home the point with a simplicity that works perfectly in many cases, and artful metaphors that I found myself rereading three or four times just to experience them again.
One of my annotations, and a line I hope I never forget, though it makes me ache in sympathetic feeling.
"'People are usually like the sea, a constant, unerasable part of something bigger, but I'm more like a single wave that washes over the shore, ebbs away, and doesn't leave a trace behind.'"
This book has left far more than a trace behind for me. The story and these characters stole my heart, and I look forward to exploring more of this author's work in the hope that it happens again. As of now, this is easily my favorite read of this year and one that I will be buying to come back to over and over.
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lotus-flowerz · 3 years
hello hello I love your writings so far sobs I couldn't help but do an ask myself aa (it's my first ask ever help hwkajd) could I request perhaps gn reader that flinched away from the boys by reflex? (preferably with Diluc, Kaeya and Kazuha but you can add or remove someone if you want to!) like they were hanging out and reader was lost in thoughts and suddenly when they see in the corner of their eyes how the boys raise their arm for smth reader quickly raises their arms above their own head to protect it- how would they react and how would they comfort the reader? I hope it's not too much or if you're uncomfortable with it you can ignore it if you want to whaaaa
AHHH TY IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITING! i actually do this too, some of my old friends would make fun of me for it, so i hope that my writing here is accurate >.<
i also added beidou in here, hope you don't mind, i just had to since she's my favorite character <3
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The cherry blossoms fell silently from the trees under which you and Kazuha were sitting. Those had remained unchanged since you and Kazuha were children. The beauty of the pink blossoms falling towards the green earth without a care.
It had remained the same through the vision hunt decree, through the war, through watching Tomo get killed by the shogun, through both of you getting injured during said fight. Kazuha's hand was burnt from Tomo's vision, and your body had a large scar running from your knee to the side of your neck from a stray bolt of lighting from Tomo's divine punishment. If not for Kazuha's determination to not lose another friend and Beidou and her crew caring for you, you would be dead.
These days, although you and Kazuha both carried the same trauma, he seemed to be doing leaps and bounds better than you were. Your eyes flitted to Kazuha, who was writing poetry. The only sound that could be heard was his pen gliding across the paper, filling it with his eloquent words that always seemed to flow so smoothly.
You were deep in thought, when out of the corner of your eye you spotted something coming towards your face. Instinctively, your hands flew out to shield yourself, leaving a very confused Kazuha, who was only scratching his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
"Dove.. did you think I was going to hurt you?"
You slowly lowered your arms, guilt washing over you.
"No! It's just- sometimes, when movements are too sudden.. I.. you know, I try to protect myself because uh.."
His eyes drifted to your scar, then looked up at your face, only to find it tilted to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his, then kissing your forehead.
One hand snaked around your waist while the other traced lightly over your scar, sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around him as well, putting a little of your weight onto him.
He kissed your lips, squeezing you tight against him.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."
"Kazuha, it's not-"
"I know it's not my fault. And I know I couldn't have prevented it. But I promise you, you're safe now."
He brought his hand up to cradle the back of your head as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you." you said, squeezing him a little tighter.
"No need to thank me. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kazuha."
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You had been a part of Beidou's crew for just over a year now, after meeting her in the wharf of Liyue harbor after finally finding the courage to leave your abusive and toxic partner. You didn't have a place to stay and you were clearly distraught, so when she asked if you were okay and you immediately began to cry, she offered you to come on her ship. You trusted her, since she was the well-known captain of the Crux. After you had explained your situation, she offered you to join her crew. You agreed, and began dating her about six months after joining the Crux.
Because you had been aboard the Alcor for a year, you knew the crew was loud and prone to get drunk. You had never liked to drink, preferring to quietly sip a small glass of dandelion wine while sitting next to Beidou while she drank a few beers and talked with her crew.
It was now the one year anniversary of when you had left Liyue Harbor, and conveniently, the Alcor was anchored there for a bit for a supplies run, imports drop off, and exports pickup. While out and about with Beidou, you had seen your ex in the wharf. They were about to come and talk to you, when you had pointed them out to Beidou. Beidou had slipped her arm around your waist, glaring at your ex, who glared back and turned heel to walk away.
Now, you sipped your wine beside Beidou, deep in thought. The loud atmosphere wasn't helping your anxieties, and you couldn't get your ex's glare out of your head. You didn't even realize you were completely zoned out until Beidou raised her arm to sling it around your shoulders, after she noticed you were zoned out.
Your arms flew up to shield yourself, and you spilt wine all over the both of you. The cup clattered to the floor, but luckily no one else noticed what just happened.
Beidou's face dropped and she quickly picked up the cup, setting it back down on the table.
"Men!" she called out. "Y/n and I are turning in early tonight! Make sure you scallywags have this cleaned up by the morning!"
The crew cheered their goodnights, raising their beers to their captain and her first mate. Beidou smiled, slipped an arm around your waist, and led you back to your guys' shared quarters.
"Alright doll, what happened just now?"
She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed next to you, looking at you with a certain softness that made you melt.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my ex, and how we saw them earlier, and I couldn't get their glare out of my head.. and I left them exactly a year ago.. I don't know why I flinched away from yo-"
Beidou cut you off by taking both of your hands into hers.
"Y/n, don't say sorry! You know, your ex wouldn't stand a chance against even my weakest crew member. They will never hurt you again."
"I don't doubt that for a second," you said, a small smile growing on your face, "Thank you for taking me in, Beidou."
"No, the pleasure is all mine. I couldn't ask for a better first mate. You're safe now, okay?" she smiled, squeezing your hands.
You looked into her eyes for a moment before throwing your arms around her. She squeezed you back, kissing your head.
"C'mon, let's shower and get this wine off of us." she giggled.
You laughed. "Yeah, let's."
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Kaeya had told you his backstory, but you never mentioned yours. You just weren't ready to talk about it. Your parents had never been great, you always walked on eggshells around everyone, and everyone was all too rough with you, emotionally and physically.
You had met Kaeya in the tavern one night, while trying to drink away what you were feeling. Kaeya had noticed how obliterated you were and let Diluc know he was taking you to stay at the Knights Headquarters, and would keep an eye on you. The rest was history, and now you and Kaeya had been dating for a little over a year.
Kaeya had told you his backstory on Monday. That same day later on, you had a run in with your parents at Blanche's, where they had yelled at you for deciding to become a Knight, and proceeded to pick you apart from your very core.
In turn, you had been drinking a little more than usual for the entire week. You seemed more withdrawn and just not fully there. And it all came to a head when you were laying in bed next to Kaeya.
He went to put his arm over you, a loving gesture, but your arms came up on instinct to shield yourself. He sighed loudly.
"You're scared of me."
"Oh Archons- I didn't mean to- no, I swear it isn't-"
"You've been acting all angry and cold ever since I told you about my roots. I thought you would be the one who didn't leave me after I told them."
"No, Kaeya- please, just let me explain!"
"I'm listening."
You began to hesitantly tell him about your parents. His face grew angrier and angrier every time you told him another thing your parents had done to you.
"I'll kill them. I had no idea that that happened though. I'm sorry for assuming."
"It's alright, Kaeya. I didn't even consider that you might think I was acting weird because of where your confession."
"I swear they'll never get near you again, alright? You're safe now. It's alright."
He pulled you into him, wrapping you up in his strong arms and putting his legs over yours, making you feel protected and safe.
"No one will hurt you, not on my watch. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kaeya. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"No need for apologies, you were gonna tell me when you were ready. Now let's get some sleep, that dandelion wine I downed earlier is starting to get to me."
You giggled, burying your head further into his chest.
"Alright. Goodnight, Kaeya."
"Night, prince/ess."
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You and Diluc had been dating for a few months now, you had met when he had needed to hire a new bartender, and you volunteered your mixing skills to the Angel's Share. You had caught his eye immediately, and he had asked you out on a date soon after you began your work there.
Your ex wasn't a kind person, to say the least, so you had been hesitant to say yes. You assured Diluc that this was just because your ex was unkind to you, but you had never mentioned physical harm. You hadn't wanted to worry him.
You were sitting on the couch with Diluc, his arm slung over your shoulders while you stared into the crackling flames of the fire burning before you. Diluc wasn't paying attention, as he was reading a book in his free hand.
He raised his arm up, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable position, but you misread this. Your arms were shielding your face in an instant, and Diluc was looking at you with a shocked and concerned face that quickly morphed to anger.
"I'm going to kill him." he growled/
You lowered your arms and looked down, avoiding looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
"Did he hit you??"
"I, um, didn't want to worry you."
"Barbatos.. and this domestic abuser is just, what, roaming around Mondstat? No punishment for the pain he put you through?"
"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want him to come and hurt me. I also didn't want to cause any trouble."
Diluc rubbed a hand over his face, before wrapping you in a hug.
"You're safe here, alright? I will never lay a hand on you to hurt you. I won't let anyone else hurt you either, okay?"
"Thank you.." your eyes welled up with tears, "I thought you would be upset that I didn't tell you."
"No, never. It's a hard thing to talk about. If you'd like, I have connections. We can have him arrested."
"I don't want to cause trouble.."
"You won't. He won't be able to hurt anyone else this way. But we can discuss this later. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
"That'd be nice. Thanks, Diluc."
"You're welcome, angel. Tell me if anyone hurts you again, alright? I'll protect you."
"Will do. I love you."
"I love you too."
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giyyuzz · 3 years
learning about us — lee heeseung.
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pairing. heeseung x gn!reader
genre. school!au, angst, fluff, slowburn.
warning(s). mentions of blood, bruises and bad parents.
summary. you and heeseung were two sadness-filled souls who needed help and were lucky enough to find each other to help mend your hearts, and eventually you couldn't help but fall in love.
wc. 8.6k
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you cursed under your breath when you saw that today the sky was clear of clouds and it had no intention of raining, just thinking about finding an excuse not to come home early other than the rain already made you want to cry.
but your future self would worry about that, right now you just wanted to free your mind and were looking for some empty room to clear your mind but they were filled with students, either cleaning up so they could leave or it was the student council members working alone to have a little more silence.
you sighed turning around to go up to the third floor of the school, you hadn't been in that room for several weeks but apparently it was your last option.
while you climbed the stairs that seemed endless, your head began to feel increasingly heavy before all the thoughts you had running, your mind, your heart and your whole body felt overwhelmed.
and there was nothing you could do to relieve that feeling.
when you finally visualized the door to the music room, you hurried inside even if your legs no longer had any strength and immediately rested your head on the door you had just closed, sighing once more and letting the tears begin to fall.
you were about to let out everything you were holding in your chest at that very moment but a noise behind you made you jump and sent a shiver down your spine, you turned your head quickly only to see a boy sitting nearby from the window with red, swollen eyes and some traces of tears on his cheeks.
yours began to burn like fire and shame took control over you forgetting all the thoughts that drowned you seconds ago, you wanted to run away from there and never see that boy again.
"I'm sorry!" you touched your cheeks because of how hot they were, thinking they might burn your hands "I'm leaving now, sorry-"
"no no no!" his voice surprised you, it sounded desperate, you stood still waiting for him to continue "I mean... it looks like you need to be here more than me so I'll go"
that comment only embarrassed you more, you hated being seen as vulnerable.
then he stood up from the chair where he was, grabbing his backpack and walked towards you to open the door, you were nervous but you couldn't let him go as if nothing had happened.
you felt bad seeing how another person suffered just like you, you could see in his eyes that he was screaming for help, and you knew it because you had the exact same look.
"wait" you took him gently by the arm, he looked at you confused and even you were surprised by your action, you had to stop embarrassing yourself. "you can stay... if you want" you released him, you got more nervous when you felt his look and that he didn't tell you anything. you hesitated what you wanted to say "sorry, I guess... sometimes it's better to have a company rather than be alone"
and there he also noticed the look in your eyes, the same one he saw in the mirror every morning, he looked away avoiding seeing them and just nodded, did his eyes really look that miserable too? had everyone been able to see it? or is it that no one cared?
he left his backpack on the floor and returned to the place where he was without saying anything, just looking towards the window, allowing himself to be distracted once again by the birds that were flying free among the clouds.
oh how he wished to be free too.
you stayed a few seconds longer standing at the door, great, he decided to stay but now it was a bit awkward. you decided to sit a little further away from him, right on the seat in front of the piano, normally you only went there when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore and being alone didn't help anymore, your fingertips dancing on the piano keys that so many tears of yours kept calmed you down and made you forget all your problems and worries for a few minutes.
if there was one thing you could thank your parents for, it was that they forced you to play it, since you had now found love in those keys.
you forgot about the boy who was a few meters from you and closing your eyes you began to play, it was a piece that began with slow notes but with time they increased their volume and intensity, it was one of your favorite pieces since it showed all the sadness and anguish that kept your heart, how each time it was becoming bigger and more difficult to bear.
you had forgotten everything around you, letting your body express itself freely in music.
when you finished you noticed that you had been crying all that time, you looked up and met the boy who now had his chair facing you instead of the window. your face turned red again, you wanted to hide behind the grand piano to dry your tears as fast as possible.
although it no longer made sense. both had seen the other cry.
"I'm sorry" you said it for both things, for having played the piano without knowing if it would bother him and for crying.
"why are you apologizing? that was... that was the most beautiful thing i heard in my life" you never played in front of people other than your parents, so hearing that didn't help your cheeks and your embarrassment.
now you were playing with the tips of your fingers because of the nerves.
"thanks" looking at him you managed to recognize him, realizing that you shared some classes but never got to speak, and although you tried to remember you didn't know what his name was "what's your name?" that question just came out of your mouth by itself.
"heeseung" he gave you a weak smile, he was cute, it was a pity that he couldn't smile sincerely "and you?"
"y/n" and you gave him an equally sad smile.
that day you had met lee heeseung, and you had a lot to learn from him.
but he had already learned something about you besides your name.
that day lee heeseung learned that you played the piano in a really beautiful way, he also learned that his heart relaxed and tried to find comfort among those old and worn keys, just like you.
and that's how it became a daily thing for both of you to get together in that music room, with you playing the piano and him listening attentively and then praising you for how well you did it.
both quickly gained trust, some days you used to talk about your days and had even opened up about your problems, but neither had given great details, and others simply remained silent looking at the sky through the window enjoying each other's company without having to say any.
it was nice to finally have someone by your side who could understand you so well, even though you both had your respective groups of friends, the connection you had formed between you was something different, you could tell your things without the fear of feeling judged, you just let off all that pressure in your chests and both knew you had needed it a long time ago.
your hearts felt much lighter and when saw each other you could have a respite from the stifling world around you. that room was special to you and your hearts.
you learned a lot about him and he about you.
they were small things but it really made a difference.
"you have something to do?"
you were ready to leave after spending another afternoon with heeseung, this time wanting to teach him how to play the piano, you still didn't give up even though he told you that he prefers to listen to you instead of learning it.
"not really, why?" the last thing you wanted to do was go home.
"perfect then" heeseung just smiled at you as he gently grabbed your wrist to drag you across the school to the exit.
you only left him because it was one of the few times you could see a really genuine smile on his face and you didn't want to ruin that, you smiled too.
"where are we going?"
you received no response and just let him lead you to wherever he was taking you.
you looked down for a second and looked at heeseung's hand he was carrying you with, it was hurt.
with your free hand you caressed it a little without even thinking about it, you wanted to ask him what had happened to him but when he tightened his grip on your wrist you understood that he didn't want to talk about it.
you learned that from heeseung too, when his body stiffened or he just held your hand tightly out of the blue, it was because he didn't really want to talk about it.
you stopped in front of a convenience store, he let go of your wrist and you felt a little sad because of the sudden cold you felt in your hand.
"did you bring me here just because you were hungry?" he just turned his face to smile at you and both entered.
you always see heeseung eat ramen, it was rare to see him eat anything else, but you noticed that he always chooses spicy flavors.
it was hard to tell what else he liked besides ramen, but at least now you knew that spicy was his favorite. you saved that information for when you wanted to buy him something.
you weren't hungry but still heeseung kept insisting on buying something because he refused to eat alone.
and now that you remember, he always waited for you to be with him to take out of his backpack what he had bought to share it with you. maybe he didn't like to eat alone.
"I'll buy you these, I know they're your favorites" he pulled a small package of mochi from a shelf and you couldn't refuse.
you couldn't say no to him or the mochi.
everything had been going well for a few weeks, until heeseung wanted to do something different.
"today I want to get some fresh air... is it okay if we go to the rooftop?"
that music room had been the only place in the whole school you used to get together to hang out, although you shared some classes you never had the opportunity to talk because of your friends, besides the fact that exam week was approaching and the teachers didn't stop giving more homework to study, you just shared a few glances and smiled at each other, that's why you thought it would be a good idea to get out of the routine a bit so you accepted his offer and walked together towards the stairs that led to the rooftop.
heeseung stopped abruptly in the middle of them making you almost hit your face against his backpack, you looked at him confused.
"what's wrong?"
"nothing" he smiled at you and kept walking as if nothing.
you stayed stunned for a few seconds without moving, losing yourself in the little patch you gave him and that he still kept in his backpack, you ignored the strange feeling that traveled through your body, that was heeseung's first smile that didn't even had a single trace of sadness.
your stomach flipped.
you shook your head, he opened the heavy door for both. you closed your eyes tightly as you felt the sun hit your face, surprised that no one was there, both approached the edge of the rooftop that was protected by bars, trying to avoid any possible accident.
you took a deep breath letting out a long sigh at the same time and couldn't help but laugh at that.
and your heart skipped a beat without you letting it when you looked into his eyes.
and in that moment you knew you were fucked.
you knew his bambi eyes by heart as well as all his face, hair, body and his typical smile that lacked happiness, but you never saw him smile like a few minutes ago, you never saw him in the sunlight with its rays illuminating his face, now it shone much brighter and you discovered some details that you never knew were there at all, heeseung was always attractive but when you were with him you thought of so many other things that you never gave yourself the pleasure of observing him carefully.
you noticed the piercings he had in his ear, they were just as delicate as him, some marks on his face that were not visible in the dark, his eyelashes, the mole that was near his eye, and you also noticed his injured lip.
you worried about him but you didn't want to meddle too much, if he hadn't mentioned the subject to you before it was because he didn't want to talk about it.
still you were sure that he noticed the concern in your expression.
suddenly heeseung moved away from you to be able to sit in a shaded area, with his back against the fence and you had no choice but to follow in his footsteps, you hugged your backpack to be more comfortable and you were ready to get lost in the sky but his soft voice distracted you.
"I'm tired more than usual today, is it okay if I use your shoulder as a pillow?" you cursed your heart for starting to beat faster at that question, and you were getting scared by that weird feeling in your stomach that was getting bigger but you nodded anyway.
when you felt his head on your shoulder with his hair caressing your neck that tickled you, a wave of heat went through your entire spine.
you knew it.
you had fallen in love with lee heeseung.
and you felt bad for doing it, you felt that you had broken his trust, you didn't want him to see you as someone who took advantage of the state of vulnerability in which both of you were. you wanted to throw up, you wanted to run out of there and not speak to him again until you put your feelings in order.
or until you no longer felt anything for him.
even though the very idea of ​​walking away from him was stupid, you knew you could never do it.
a small noise that came out from heeseung's mouth stopped all your thoughts.
he had fallen asleep, now his face was much more relaxed and you couldn't help but stay several minutes admiring his beauty, when all his features weren't puckered he was much prettier, a fleeting thought about kissing him crossed your mind and you quickly took your eyes off him of him, you were so stupid.
by that time you would have run away to your house but you didn't want to wake him up, surely he hadn't been sleeping well the last few days, you could see the dark circles under his eyes and how he was nodding off in class struggling to stay awake.
you were worried, but you would talk to him another time.
from that day it became more and more difficult for you to be near him, although at the same time you couldn't help but pay more attention to him than before.
that's how you realized that he really enjoyed music a lot, now you wanted to show him your favorite songs and have him do the same with you. you knew in his free time he learned to play the guitar due to the small wounds on the tips of his fingers, and so you could name thousands of things you discovered about him that you previously overlooked.
for a few days you didn't want to be with him because of that strong pressure in your chest that you felt just by seeing him, you made up excuses to be able to leave much earlier than usual or you weren't even able to speak normally with him like before.
"hey, do you want to do something after school?"
you weren't doing anything in particular, the day was gray and you were just enjoying each other's company, you touching the piano keys from time to time, not playing any particular piece.
"uh, I don't think I can. I have to... do something." you couldn't even look him in the eye.
"oh okay, can you tomorrow? i want to show you something" you felt bad for lying to him, you didn't want to do it but being close to him turned your whole world upside down.
you saw the excitement in his eyes at mentioning that and your heart ached, your conscience would feel worse than you imagined later.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can either… not this whole week actually" you bit your lip, the look he gave you only made you feel worse. "look at the time! I have to go" you rushed to get up.
"i will see you later!"
you literally ran away from there, you put your hand on your chest trying to make your heartbeat not hurt so much.
most were in class so you stopped in an empty hallway and with most of its classrooms empty, you leaned your back against the wall throwing your head back.
you wanted to cry.
you didn't even know what to do, lying to heeseung made you worse than you expected, your body and mind also suffered a lot because of that and being away from him was worse for both of you, but you didn't even like the feeling he left on your body, as if you had run a whole marathon just by thinking about him.
was this ok?
you laughed to yourself, you didn't even know what you meant by that question.
was it okay to walk away from heeseung like that? was it okay to want to erase all those feelings that you had saved? was it okay to be in love with him in the first place, knowing that neither of you was alright? why did you feel like you were taking advantage of his vulnerability? he was your friend because you both helped each other and found comfort in each other.
it wasn't right to feel that way about heeseung.
did you even know how he saw you? like a friend? a random girl he hung out with every afternoon? someone he could lean on because you were more pathetic than him?
you hugged your legs hiding your face between your knees, letting the tears come out, you were no longer able to contain them any longer.
your body gave a small jump at the sudden voice, you raised your head trying to wipe away your tears as fast as you could.
but you stopped when you saw who she was.
it was yuna. your friend. she was standing just a few feet away from you.
"are you okay? what happened?" she immediately reached down and held your hands in hers.
when you felt her warmth you wanted to cry again, you had forgotten the good friends you had because of everything that was going on in your head, you felt like a lousy friend.
you didn't deserve any of that.
"why do you apologize?" you closed your eyes, trying not to keep crying.
but yuna wrapped her arms around your body, hugging you. and you could only sob louder.
you had needed that so much.
you didn't know how long you stayed like that, didn't even care if someone saw you either, at that moment you just wanted to stay in yuna's arms and never leave again.
but you had to do it, when your breathing normalized and the tears stopped coming out of your eyes as if they were waterfalls, you loosened the grip you had on her clothes and moved your face away from her chest.
"do you want to talk about it?" you nodded without thinking. many thoughts crossed your mind in that second but you weren't able to say no.
you tried to explain everything to her as best you could, from the moment you met heeseung, how over time you got closer and closer, the moment you realized you fell in love with him and how you were ignoring him now.
it was there that you realized that your whole friendship with heeseung was almost like a secret, even if you never intended it to be.
"and I don't know what to do now, I feel like this broke his trust, he told me his problems and worries because he wanted me to help him, and I fall in love with him? I'm so tired of feeling like my heart is going to explode in anytime when I'm with him, I really don't want to tell him but I also don't want to keep ignoring him and make him feel like he's alone."
yuna nodded to all your words, she listened to you carefully from beginning to end, she didn't interrupt you at any time and you were grateful for that.
letting go of all that was like taking a great weight off your shoulders, even your heart didn't hurt so much anymore.
"are you really in love with him? or do you just think you are because he makes you feel good?" you frowned at her question.
"I'm definitely in love with him, I don't think my whole world turns upside down just because he comforts me" you were sure of your words.
"and then? why do you care so much if you're taking advantage of his trust? It's not like that y/n, just by talking about him your eyes shine and I can hear the love you feel for him" you looked into her eyes, she held your hand one more time "listen, I understand that you might be confused by the situation but you definitely didn't take advantage of anything, you also forget that you're vulnerable, besides didn't you tell me that you even hung out outside of school, doing normal things? I don't think you realized that you two are actually teenagers who enjoy each other's company without the need to feel like all your encounters are a therapy session" you both giggled at that "also, nobody ever chooses who to fall in love with, right?
you nodded at her question "thank you very much yuna, seriously" you couldn't help but hug her again.
"It's nothing... besides, you've been acting weird and ignoring us so I assumed something was wrong with you, so I'm happy you told me all this"
you wanted to beat yourself up at her words, you had been ignoring one of the most important people to you and now you're doing it to heeseung because you can't put your feelings in order.
"I'm so sorry" tears appeared at the edge of your eyes again but yuna just laughed at you.
"you don't have to worry, much less cry" with her hands she wiped away any tears that dared to come out "you just have to put all your feelings and thoughts in order. and next time try not to push people away from you, okay? that will only make things worse"
she always found the right words to tell you, you were very grateful to have her as a friend.
"and don't forget that eventually you'll have to tell heeseung how you feel. as hard as it is and even if he rejects you, I know you'll feel better later"
you didn't want to think about that at the moment, it was already too much for you in one day and you just wanted to get home to sleep.
"I don't promise anything"
you both got up from the floor sharing one last hug, and just at that moment the bell rang for the last class of the day.
the next day you avoided heeseung every time you saw him in class or in the hall, you still felt overwhelmed by all your feelings and although you already had your thoughts a little clearer, you still had to think a little more.
and you knew that being with heeseung would ruin everything.
you were spinning in your head for hours, your lips were already bleeding from how much you had bitten them and your body already felt exhausted even though not even half the day had passed. you were still undecided, but you ended up deciding not to go to the music room that afternoon.
maybe that was a mistake.
you didn't want to see him, you could hardly think straight and you were convinced it was for the best.
but now you couldn't stop thinking that heeseung might be feeling abandoned, you were seeing each other every day for months without fail, it had become normal for you and you enjoyed each other's presence even if you didn't say a single word for hours , you knew what he thought about being alone, and now the guilt was eating you alive, you were questioning if it would have been better to have seen him that day and declare yourself once and for all, even with the fear of being rejected impregnated deep inside your heart.
you could hardly sleep that night, the only thing you could think about was him and you only wished for the hours to pass so you could talk to him.
and so it was, the next day came and you didn't want to wait to talk to him so you tried it in class but he was with his friends and at no time did he turn to see you.
guess you deserved it.
but you were determined, so the only thing you could do at the moment was wait until the usual time when you went to the music room.
you were walking slowly now, wishing time would stop so you could breathe, but you couldn't take it back now. thousands of possible scenarios about what could happen went through your head and you memorized what you wanted to say.
but it was all in vain, he wasn't there.
your heart ached as if it had been hit, your stomach began to turn nonstop and everything you had eaten that day began to rise up your throat. you wondered if heeseung felt that way when he didn't see you there yesterday.
even though yuna made you realize it, it took a little more time for your head to understand, but now you could say it with total certainty, it wasn't bad to be in love with lee heeseung.
even so you still didn't want to tell him, but just thinking about the reaction your body had when you didn't see him there made you wonder if it would get much bigger if you kept keeping your feelings to yourself and swallowing the thousands of words you wanted to say to him.
you left the room to start looking at the others to see if he wasn't there. all you wished for was that he was still in school and not gone.
half an hour later and still no sign of heeseung, you went through most of the floors and halls but didn't find him or his friends to ask them if they knew anything, you were worried that he went home and you were about to give up but the moment you started to walk towards the exit, the rooftop came into your head.
you've never been so happy to see that brown hair and tall figure of him. he was standing looking at the sky next to the fence.
"heeseung?" he heard you but still didn't move, he didn't even move his eyes to look at you.
you resisted the desire you had to hug him and took steps forward until you were in front of him. you stayed for a few seconds looking at his exposed neck before gently touching his shoulder.
his gaze stopped focusing on the clouds in the sky to settle on your eyes, your whole body felt weak and your heart wanted to come out of your chest.
you could never get used to that, to everything that heeseung provoked in you just by looking into your eyes.
"hey" all the things you wanted to say were erased from your mind, now you didn't know what words to say and you felt awkward.
"did you finally decide to stop ignoring me?" his question took you by surprise.
"I wasn't..." you felt bad for lying again. you should stop doing it.
"yeah, whatever you say" he let out a bitter laugh and you just watched his expression carefully, he was hurt.
"I'm so sorry" it hurt you to see him like that, it hurt you to think that heeseung believed that you didn't want to be with him anymore, or that you left him alone.
"what happened? did i do something to upset you?" he looked away and now you felt a lump in your throat that wouldn't let you talk.
"no! It's not that... I could never be upset at you heeseung, it's just..." you couldn't finish your sentence, and you didn't want to keep lying.
"you left me alone yesterday, i was waiting for you" you saw how the tears came to his eyes, and that was your last straw.
"I'm really sorry, I never meant to do this but it's just-"
"it's okay, you don't have to explain anything to me" he stopped you from confessing all your feelings towards him, you thought that you would manage to get rid of the knot in your stomach but it seems that it wasn't time yet "and you don't have to lie to me either, just... if something's wrong try talk to me next time, okay? I don't want you to lock yourself and keep me away when you're not good"
his hands caressed yours carefully and you intertwined your fingers with his. you wanted to laugh at that moment, how were you going to be able to tell him that you were in love with him now? that you wanted to run away because you felt you were taking advantage of him? that you couldn't stand your foolish heart going crazy in his presence?
"yes, next time I will, I promise" you let out a big sigh.
"are you okay now?" his concern just made you want to cry.
"yes, i'm sorry again"
he didn't say anything, he just stared at your linked hands, and from one second to another you had your head resting on his chest, with his arms enclosing your waist in a soft and warm hug.
you hugged him a little tighter, not wanting even an inch to separate you. you inhaled his scent, the one you liked so much, you never wanted to let go of him.
you wanted to feel the warmth of his body against yours forever, to feel his arms caressing your waist, you wanted his scent to stay on you, you wanted to hear his heartbeat.
you wanted to be with him forever.
the following days continued as before, the only difference now was that now you had heeseung's number, which he had given it to you "in case something happened" and you spent class chatting about everything and anything, both had already received detention for being with the cell phone instead of paying attention to the class.
even now before entering the first class shared in the morning, he would approach you to give you a small chocolate or some sweet and each time it was a different one, sometimes he would leave it on your desk too.
"why are you doing this?" you asked him one morning that he gave you a chocolate with peanuts, one of your favorites.
"because I want to" he shrugged "besides chocolate reminds me of you"
you were embarrassed to think that maybe he said that because he realized how much you liked to buy yourself a chocolate to eat between classes or when you did homework.
when you met again hours later you thanked him and he asked for your opinion on a score from 1 to 10, and so he learned what kind of flavors were your favorites.
and you repaid him by buying him ramen from a store near your house every afternoon.
you were in the last class of the day, for some reason today you felt more tired than usual, you even almost fell asleep on your books if it wasn't for yuna who kept you awake by touching your shoulder whenever you had your eyes closed for more than two minutes.
the school bell finally rang and you let out the biggest sigh of all, you stretched out on your chair while you watched as yuna was already on her way to the door, she waited for you to be ready, but you didn't even have the chance to get up.
heeseung sat next to you, right where yuna was before and without saying a single word to you he put his arms around your waist while he rested his head on your chest. all the heat of your body was concentrated in your face and you could see how yuna was making fun of you from the door, she greeted you with her hand while you made all possible signs for her to come help you but you were ignored.
you tried to breathe normally to calm down, you didn't want heeseung to realize how fast your heart was beating even though you were sure he already heard it.
when heeseung settled better that's when you passed your arms over his body, caressing his back and playing with his hair from time to time, his eyes were closed and you did the same.
you were enjoying the moment so much, and adding the tiredness you felt, you almost fell asleep right there, in the empty room, listening to the other's breathing while the sunset painted the whole place.
"can I walk you home today?" his voice made you open your eyes, remembering that you were not in the comfort of your room.
It was hard for both but finally you separated, at that moment you hated everything in the world for not being able to stay like this as if nothing else existed.
but now that you think about it, he had never asked you that, when it got too late you left but you never knew if he did too or if he stayed a while longer.
you could see it in his face, you also noticed his body language and you thought that maybe that day he just needed someone's company much more than other days. you smiled at him with a playful little tap on the shoulder. ready to go.
heeseung hated that people showed him compassion, he knew that you realized something was wrong and if you were someone else he would have thought that the smile you gave him was pity but he knew it wasn't, after all you were the one only person who could understand it.
the way home was much quieter than you expected, heeseung was always able to come up with topics of conversation out of nowhere or make jokes about anything, but today there was something different about him.
though you chose to ignore it.
and maybe you should have asked, you should have done a lot of things at that time. but you didn't.
"thank you for walking me home today heeseung"
"it's nothing" you smiled sincerely at him and he did the same "see you later"
but you noticed a change in his eyes, and when you saw his back move away from you you wanted to run after him, you didn't want to leave him alone. something was happening.
but what would you do then? would you let him into your house? that would only be hell because of your parents, you could barely stand being there, you didn't want to drag him down with you.
you had to repress the desire to shout his name so he wouldn't leave, and when you couldn't see him anymore you wanted to hit yourself with the first thing you found.
it was always the same. you were always too coward to do what you really wanted out of fear, you wished you could be different, you wished you could run after heeseung and tell him everything you kept in your heart.
but you couldn't. because you were a coward and you always will be.
heeseung didn't go to school that day and he didn't answer your messages either, you were still worried about him but he didn't show any signs of life until now.
you wanted to leave him for today, maybe he was busy or had something important to do, you also remembered that he mentioned something about a field so there was a possibility that he went, right?
but the days went by, the worry was eating your mind and the nerves were about to drive you crazy, you needed to know about him, anything was fine. you would have already gone to his house to see if he was okay but you didn't know his address.
you didn't know what to do, you couldn't even concentrate in class anymore and you kept leaving him messages but he didn't even see them.
"y/n can you please calm down?" yuna was worried about you, she had seen the dark circles under your eyes and every day it was getting worse.
"I can't do that, I haven't heard from heeseung for over a week and the last time I saw him... he wasn't well"
she was silent, she wished she could help you but what could she do? not even you who were close to him knew.
"wait... why don't you ask his friends? they might know something, or they might know where he lives"
you didn't have time to think that you had already run away, yuna had shouted your name but that didn't matter to you, besides it was recess so you could easily find them.
when you were finally able to see two of his friends, you mustered all the courage in the world to get closer and remember their names.
"hey, sorry, I know you guys don't know me but has anyone heard about heeseung? I haven't heard from him for days"
they both looked at each other and then returned their gaze to you.
"he actually hasn't been replying to our messages either" the one you thought was named sunghoon told you.
"excuse me, but what is your name?" that was jay, you knew it from his glasses.
"I'm y/n" you saw how they both looked at each other again, if you weren't so worried you would have been embarrassed.
"oh I see, I'm sorry but we don't know anything about him either"
"I understand..." you had to do it "you... you don't know his address? I really need to see him" your hands were shaking and you kept biting your lip.
"oh yeah, just... take care of him, okay? we're worried too"
it didn't take long for them to give it to you and when you made sure to thank him at least ten times, you almost ran out of school, you still had classes and you knew your parents would kill you as soon as they found out but you couldn't care less.
his house was a bit far from the school but in less than you expected you were already at his door. you stopped for a few minutes as you leaned on your knees, your chest rising and falling trying to catch your breath.
you raised your chest and took a deep breath. you rang the doorbell at least 3 times but nobody came out, you had been so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realize that the door had been open all that time.
you didn't know whether to go in but the gut feeling you had since the morning made you act without thinking.
at first glance there was no one, you knew what you were doing was wrong and you just wanted to take a look and then leave and you would try to come another day, but the place was messy as if there had been a big fight and your concern only increased.
you slowly entered a room that was completely dark.
and that's where you saw him.
you immediately approached him, he was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, you could hardly see his face but as soon as he heard your voice he raised it.
"what are you doing here?"
"what do you mean? you've been missing for days, I didn't know anything about you and you didn't answer my messages, not even your friends knew what was going on with you... I was worried"
"I'm sorry... but you didn't have to bother, really"
you took his hands in yours, which you noticed were rough and his knuckles scraped, when your eyes got used to the darkness you could see his face well. you covered your mouth with one of your hands to avoid letting out a scream, you had a lump in your throat and the tears already wanted to come out of your eyes.
his face was very injured, his lip and one of his eyebrows were split, both of his cheeks and one of his eyes had very large bruises and he still had dried blood on various parts of his face and even on his clothes too.
"heeseung what... what happened to you?" you were scared to hear his answer, but he didn't say anything. "tell me something please, is this why you didn't go to school?"
if that was the reason you didn't even want to imagine how his face had been days before, thousands of things were happening through your body, on the one hand you didn't want to know what happened because you knew you would end up throwing up due to anguish.
"can I hug you?" his voice come out so weak and carried so much pain that you felt your heart breaking into little pieces.
you didn't hesitate and you already had his body wrapped in your arms, you closed your eyes tightly wishing that all this was a bad nightmare.
"you didn't reach out to me" he started to cry in your arms, you felt how his hands tightened your clothes not wanting to let you go "you left me alone that day and I... I needed you"
you hated that, you hated that heeseung blamed you for whatever happened, but he was right. you knew there was something wrong with him that day but you ignored it, you didn't go running after him, you let him go and now you don't know what happened, he was like this because of you.
nothing could break your heart more than knowing that you were a horrible person who abandoned someone who needed her.
who abandoned the person you loved.
your tears fell nonstop, ending up on heeseung's hair and body. you felt so bad, you were always a coward, and what use had that been to you? you only missed out on things you really wanted and worst of all, you hurt the people you loved the most.
you would never forgive yourself for that.
you both stayed crying in each other's arms for a long time, you didn't even know how long you had been like that but your body already felt numb from the position you were in.
when heeseung was able to calm down, he abruptly separated from your body, wanting to get up but he couldn't.
"you can leave me alone now, get out of here"
you wanted to hug him again but he moved your hands away from his body.
"I'm so sorry heeseung" you looked him in the eyes hoping he wanted to listen to you "I knew there was something wrong with you that day but I didn't do anything for you, I didn't even ask if you needed help and I... I'm so sorry" you had to take a few seconds for the lump in your throat to go "but I'm not going to leave you alone now, not again, I can't afford to do it after seeing what happened when I was a coward for not going after you"
he didn't say anything, he didn't even look up at you. you dried the tears that were still falling, you would do everything possible to be by his side.
"at least let me heal your wounds... please" you begged, though you weren't just referring to the ones on his face.
that moment was becoming eternal, his silence was slowly killing you. but when he nodded you took quick steps out of the room trying to find the bathroom and find whatever it was that you could help ease the pain.
when you returned to the room he was sitting on his bed, you went straight to the curtains to open them and let the light into the place.
you stood in front of him and you had to swallow hard when you saw him again more clearly, he was worse than you imagined. from the box you took out a small cotton ball to which you put alcohol and gently put it on his injured lip, he hissed due to the pain and ran his face away from your hand.
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok" this time heeseung stayed still closing his eyes letting you do your thing, from time to time you could see him frown when you put a lot of pressure on the wounds and you had to be apologizing all the time "why are you crying?"
you brought one of your hands to your cheeks and they were wet, you hadn't even noticed.
you didn't want to answer, you knew that if you opened your mouth everything would be much worse and you couldn't control yourself.
heeseung slowly passes his arms over your waist to get you closer to his body, positioning you in the space between his legs, you were like that for a while until the position began to be uncomfortable for his neck, so he brought his hand up to your leg wanting to lift it and you instantly understood what he wanted. now you were sitting on his lap and he was fighting the urge to lay his head against your chest but he knew you couldn't heal him that way.
you were more nervous than before, your hands were shaking and your heart betrayed you in the silence, it was difficult not to look at his lips without wanting to kiss them and the closeness between your bodies didn't help.
"haven't you told your friends about this? they can help you" you decided to break the silence so as not to be tempted to kiss his lips, you also felt your heartbeat reaching his ears telling him all your secrets.
if you could do something, anything, to help him you would, you would have offered him to stay in your house for a while if he was okay with that but you knew that the situation in there wasn't much better.
"no... I never told anyone"
the cold breeze that entered through the window made your body shiver and at the same time took away all the tension you contained. it hurt to imagine all that he had to suffer alone.
but it wasn't going to be like that anymore, now you were there and you would do anything to help him.
"you should do it... I know you hate talking about your problems, I'm the same, but heeseung... you need help, you have to get out of here"
"and what can I do? they are my parents and I can't do anything for myself"
at that point you had already finished with all his open wounds, now it was time to put ointment on the bruises.
"we'll ask your friends for help too, they care about you, I can tell" As much as he disliked the idea, he knew you were right, it was time to tell them.
you remained in silence again, you felt like his gaze was on you making the simple task of moving your hand impossible. when you finally finished with his face you wanted to get away from him but heeseung tightened his grip on your waist.
"can I kiss you?"
you widened your eyes in surprise, you swore they could have gotten out of place, did you hear that right? you felt your cheeks turn red and heeseung's free hand was slowly climbing your neck.
"hm?" now he was looking at your lips with no shame, waiting for your answer.
"what?" the sudden ringing in your ears prevented you from thinking clearly. everything felt like a fever dream.
"I asked...can I kiss you?" his voice got deeper and the look in his eyes only made you fall for him even more.
now his hand was ending its journey on your cheek and you nodded slowly.
maybe time stopped when his lips met yours but the flutters only intensified. your heart pounded in your chest as you felt your body go numb. you could only focus on how soft you felt against his mouth, how addictively he invaded all your senses.
this was so unreal, if it was a dream you never wanted it to end. but you confirmed again that it wasn't when you felt his fingers dance on your waist. you curled your fingers through his hair as you gripped his shirt tightly, not wanting him to pull away from your body.
If there was one thing you hated at that moment, it was having to part from lack of air.
you looked into each other's eyes as you always did, as you had done thousands of times, but only now did both noticed the particular brightness they contained. you couldn't help but giggle when you saw him, his lips shone and his cheeks, despite the injuries, had a cute pink color.
you wanted to go back in time to change everything, so as not to have to see his face in that state in that intimate moment that you wanted to keep forever.
your head couldn't understand how with each passing second you fell more and more in love with lee heeseung.
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time" he hugged you and let his head rest on your shoulder as you stroked his hair lovingly.
"really?" you would never have thought that heeseung would reciprocate your feelings, you still felt dizzy and could only think of the ghost of his touch on your lips.
"yeah... but i was too scared to do it" you let out a small laugh, because that was the same reason you didn't.
you stayed like that for a few more minutes, just enjoying the other's touch, wanting to unite as one.
"I can hear how fast your heartbeat is going, so cute" he chuckled softly embarrassing you at how obvious your body was near him.
"shut up" you hit him playfully on the shoulder and he grabbed your hand to guide it to his chest, you could feel how his heart wanted to come out of there just like yours.
"I'm in love with you" he gently kissed your cheek "from the moment I heard you play the piano" he kept spreading kisses all over your face.
you closed your eyes tightly for a few seconds, how could he be so cute? wait, since he heard you play the piano? that was the first time you had seen each other.
"I'm in love with you too. from the moment we went to the rooftop" you saw him smile from ear to ear. you were so happy to finally see his real smile that you couldn't help but laugh a little.
"since that time and you never told me?" he pretended to be angry and his lips formed a pout, to which you stole a small peak.
"you didn't say anything either"
"true... but now I will" you turned your head in confusion "can I... be your boyfriend?" you've wanted to hear those words for a long time. and your heart seems to too.
"yes, only if you want to be mine" both laughed slightly, without taking your eyes off each other.
"deal" you couldn't say anything more because his lips interrupted you "now I will never leave your side"
heeseung kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at you every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination.
"never do, please"
both still had many things to fix, but now you just wanted to be happy next to each other trying to recover all the happiness you couldn't have in years, although you had been since you met but were too stubborn to realize it.
your souls had finally found the comfort they needed so much and your hearts joined as one like your lips did.
and his lips were soft despite being bruised, you found yourself loving them just the same, loving their shape and taste.
and even up to that point both of you were still learning things about each other and about yourselves.
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permanent taglist: @soobnny @ja4hyvn @yizhoutv @heejaies @jungwoniics @soobin-chois @w3bqrl @jakeyuni (send ask to be added!)
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Heeey! Can I request for the Father of Mine universe? Something along the lines of hickeys, maybe smeared lipstick all over their faces at an event, family dinner or something like that?
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“Just skip it and stay here with me,” Jason offered as he leaned against the bathroom frame, shirtless and with his arms crossed.
He had been watching Y/N get ready for at least 15 minutes.
She was currently putting on blood red lipstick that went perfectly with her black winged eyeliner.
Jason wasn’t a big lipstick guy – mostly because it prevented him from kissing his girlfriend the way he wanted to. But he couldn’t deny that it looked incredibly sexy.
“I can’t. I promised Bruce,” Y/N explained as she looked at him through the mirror.
“There will always be other charity events,” he answered with a roll of his eyes.
But he’d had enough of keeping his distance and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He started peppering kisses on her shoulders since her dress was leaving the skin completely exposed and he just couldn’t help himself.
“You know,” she began, “you could always come with me.”
Jason stopped his kissing.
“Guess that’s a no?” Y/N sighed with a shy grin.
But she didn’t really care.
Y/N understood that Jason hated these events. To be honest, she might hate them just as much. But Bruce kept asking her and she tried to go when she could. Sometimes she needed breaks and her father understood that.
Jason ignored her question and his hands started roaming heatedly across her body.
“Don’t even think about it,” Y/N warned, immediately pushing him away.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Jason laughed innocently.
“Not yet,” she spun around and pointed at him. “But you were going to!”
“And is that so bad?” He asked with a crooked smirk.
“It is when I’m running late. And the reason I’m late is because you couldn’t keep your hands off of me an hour ago.”
Jason tilted his head and narrowed his eyes playfully. “I didn’t exactly hear any complaints…”
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from laughing and shook her head.
No, there had definitely been absolutely no complaints from her.
“I won’t be there long,” Y/N promised.
Then she brushed past him and walked into the giant walk-in closet.
Barely even glancing at all the shoes, she grabbed a pair that matched her dress.
“Can we order pizza or something when I get back? I’ll be starving.” Y/N asked mindlessly as she slipped the shoes on, using the wall to balance herself.
Jason didn’t even realize he was staring.
But how could he not?
The dress was simple. Just a little black dress. It was a charity event after all. But it fit Y/N like a glove, hugging her in all the right places.
Her heels were at least 4 inches, putting her eye level with Jason – if not a tiny bit taller. She would be above the majority of men at the event, except for probably a small handful.
“What?” Y/N asked self consciously. “Too tall?”
“No such fucking thing,” Jason quickly answered.
Y/N usually wasn’t self conscious about her height. She kind of had to get over that back in high school when she was taller than most of the boys in her grade.
But that didn’t mean she completely stopped having slip-ups. Slip-ups that involved questioning her heels or outfit.
Thankfully, Jason was quick to remedy such situations.
“You just look so beautiful,” Jason added as he stepped forward and grabbed her hips possessively.
Y/N kissed him. “Thank you.”
But she opened her mouth to give another warning.
“You’re gonna be late,” Jason spoke for her. “I know. I know.”
Y/N tried not to laugh at her boyfriends desperation as she grabbed her clutch.
“Remember: pizza!” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.
Bruce and Damian were waiting for Y/N at the venue.
Dick and Tim skipped, going to these things less and less as they became fully grown men with lives of their own.
“Thank you for coming,” Bruce greeted as he kissed her on the cheek.
Y/N was about to turn her attention to Damian and give him a hug.
“What the hell is on your neck!?” The boy cried out before she could.
She blinked in surprise, completely unaware of what her half brother was talking about. Self-consciously, her hand went to the sides of her neck, not sure what she should be hiding.
“Can Todd not keep his hands to himself for 30 seconds?” Damian growled.
That’s when it clicked.
Y/N had a hickey on her neck.
“Damian, lower your voice,” Bruce warned his son.
Meanwhile, Y/N started feeling hot from embarrassment.
“Father, make him stop,” Damian whined.
To her surprise, Bruce cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Damian, Y/N is a grown woman in a relationship. She can do as she pleases.”
It was the right answer, but Y/N was still sweating from the embarrassment.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she quickly mumbled, before disappearing to the nearest bathroom.
But Y/N swore she heard Bruce continuing to scold Damian for his rudeness and for embarrassing her.
When she reached the bathroom, she lifted her head to see that she very much did have a hickey on her neck. It was perfectly hidden in the shadow of her jaw, which was why she hadn’t noticed it while getting ready. If she had, she would’ve put 5 layers of makeup on it to make sure her family didn’t notice.
Thankfully, she brought some cover up with her and quickly started going to work.
After 10 minutes, it was invisible and Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
She pulled out her cellphone, glaring at it as if were her boyfriend.
“You better start behaving. Damian and Bruce just found a hickey on my neck. I’m so fucking embarrassed,” Y/N texted to Jason.
“Who cares?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course he’d answer with that.
“Call me old fashioned, but I’d prefer not remind my father and younger brother that I do in fact have a sex life.”
“A healthy, satisfied, and passionate sex life *,” Jason corrected.
Before she could respond, he texted again with, “Did you cover it up?”
“What a shame. Maybe it would’ve kept the spoiled rich boys away from you.”
“You’re on thin ice, Jason Todd.”
“Ooo. I love it when you use the full name. Gets me all hot and bothered.”
Y/N sighed and tossed her phone back into her clutch.
She’d given up on making Jason feel any bit of sympathy. That man would never feel guilty about showing the world how obsessed he was with her.
Jason was reading on the couch when Y/N returned home.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted before returning to reading his book.
“Ugh. I drank too much champagne. I have the worst headache.”
“I’ll order some pizza,” Jason offered and pulled out his phone.
Y/N sighed in relief when she took off her heels and then she collapsed on the couch, laying her head on Jason’s lap as he placed their order.
Without thinking, his free hand when to her head and started massaging it, hoping it would help with her migraine.
“Hmm,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “That feels better.”
“Order has been placed,” he confirmed.
“Thank you.”
“Arrives in 30 minutes.”
She didn’t say anything, knowing exactly where he was going with it.
“What could we possibly do with 30 minutes?” Jason teased as he inched closer to her face.
She opened her eyes and giggled up at him.
“Ya know, I heard that sex helps cure migraines…”
“Does not!” Y/N yelled out.
Before she could argue with him further, his lips shut her up real quick.
For as large as Jason was, he managed to maneuver his body very gracefully, until he was hovering above Y/N while she lay comfortably on the couch.
“You look beautiful with lipstick,” Jason said it as if it was law. “But I like it even more when I ruin it,” he added with an almost evil smirk.
It was hard for Y/N to have a clever quip when he said things like that to her.
“How about I mark you up even more?” He threatened.
“Jason…” she warned.
But they both knew Y/N was pretending to be annoyed by it – or against it. When in reality, she kind of loved how obsessed Jason was with the idea.
Just when Jason hiked Y/N's dress up and was tracing her legs, someone cleared their throat.
Jason squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and actually growled. Then he quickly lowered Y/N’s dress and tried to make her modest again.
Y/N covered her face and groaned. “Please, please, please tell me Bruce is not standing at the window right now.”
Jason smirked. “And Damian.”
Y/N pushed her boyfriend off of her and sat up to face them.
There stood Batman and Robin.
Tonight was just not her night.
“You have lipstick smeared all over you,” Damian pointed out to Jason smugly.
“I’d say one day you’d see the appeal, but I’m struggling to imagine anyone ever having that kind of interest in you,” Jason shot back.
“Jason!” Y/N scolded in a yell.
Then she quickly turned to Damian with a sympathetic look, “Dami, he didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I did,” Jason corrected. “What do you guys want?”
“Red Robin is missing,” Bruce stated darkly.
“So…go find him,” Jason replied.
“We need your help,” Bruce clarified.
Jason groaned and rubbed his face. “Fine. But we’re setting some fucking ground rules from now on. I’m sick of you guys invading our personal space. We have a door for a reason. Use it.”
Bruce just nodded.
Then he looked down at Damian and with a glare, got him to nod, too.
“I gotta change,” Jason told them, annoyance clear in his voice.
Y/N followed him into their bedroom, to give them a moment of privacy.
“You don’t have to be so rude,” Y/N sighed as she sat on the edge of their bed.
“They spent all night with you and now they have the balls to interrupt?” Jason shot back. “And I want my damn pizza.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I promise I’ll save you some.”
Jason was in his full gear now, Red Hood helmet tucked under his arm.
He took in a deep breath, tension easing off of him as he saw how cute she was looking up from the bed at him. Her lipstick was half off her lips, but she still looked beautiful.
“Promise you’ll be careful,” her tone was nothing but serious.
“Don’t worry about me,” Jason dismissed as he leaned down at kissed her.
"And be nice to Damian."
Jason went back to the living room where Bruce and Damian waited.
“You might want to rub some of that off,” Bruce mumbled as he turned and jumped on the window.
Jason glared at Batman’s back as he reluctantly rubbed Y/N’s lipstick off his mouth with his gloved hand.
Then he looked at Damian. “Say another word about it and I'll skin you alive.”
Damian gave him a dirty look, “I’m not scared of you.”
Let me know if you liked it!!!
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
this is how i think it’d go if you went to visit bts at work and gave them a little peck on the lips
you’d probably walk into his studio and he’d be at his desk headphones in playing back some beat or revising some lyrics
you’d come up behind him and wrap your arms around his neck effectively stealing his attention away from the track
and that’s when you’d place a nice little peck on his lips
but that wouldn’t be enough for him so before you could even fully break apart he’d already be chasing your lips
he’d roll his chair around to properly face you placing one hand at the back of your neck bringing you back to him immediately slipping his tongue in your mouth
what once was a cute little greeting turned into a sensual experience as he gently massaged your tongue with his
and when he felt like he had his fill of you for the time being he pulled back, smiling, dimples on full display and said “hey, baby.”
the depth of his voice would send shivers down your spine and you would settle into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck picking up where he left off just bc he was done didn’t mean you were
you’d probably end up at hybe headquarters after seokjin called you when he was done with his day to get dinner together
you’d call him to let him know you’re outside and within a minute he’d be in your car
you’d lean over the center console to give him a peck to which he’d immediately complain
“woooowww i’ve been at work all day and that’s all i get”
you’d swallow down the urge to tell him that he not the only one that work in favor of rolling your eyes and pressing your lips to his again for a little longer
that wouldn’t be enough for him though “just one more,” he’d request.
“one more.”
“one more.”
he knew that asking for a kiss from you was a dangerous game
could feel it in the way he melted against you
could tell by the way he seriously thought about giving you one of his rolex watches you jokingly said you’d steal and sell
or one of his cars you said you’d steal and sell
thought about giving you the world just for one more kiss
with yoongi you’d probably enter his studio (he’s always in the studio) with the code he gave you
which the fact that you were the only one other than himself that had the code did inexplicable things to your heart you couldn’t really delve into without feeling like you were gonna explode
anyway you’d walk in the room and he already knew it was you like you said you were the only other one who could freely enter and he’d be at his monitor doing whatever producers do
“hey just gimme one sec”
and you knew how that one went sometimes it was actually just a few seconds sometimes it was a few hours until you had his attention but you didn’t mind you ain’t have anything else to do just wanted some company
you didn’t wanna disturb him too much but you couldn’t help yourself so you walked to him turned his head to face you and quickly kissed him before recoiling to the couch a few feet away
10-15 minutes later he was summoning you over to him, pulling you into his lap, and using his thumb and index finger to trap your chin bringing your lips back to his for a proper kiss
you sighed contentedly afterwards laying your head on top of his as he wrapped his arms around your waist, showing you what he was working on
hobi was usually a super organized person liked for everything to have a place and everything to be in that place
but you were his little chaos and organization was definitely not his top priority when he was with you taking second place to soaking up every ounce of your presence in whichever way you would allow him
so really it was no surprise when he texted you asking if you’d seen his little notebook where he wrote his lyrics and whatever other ideas or thoughts popped into his head
it took a bit of searching to find but you had it and he was very fortunate you liked him it was the only reason you were willing to drop it off before work
you made sure to let him know he was the reason you looked ugly today the trip to his office severely cutting your usual routine and he made sure to let you know that a) you were beautiful no matter what and b) he would make it up to you
it was only your second time at the new building your first time was when he invited you along for their first look at the hybe insight museum so it was safe to say you had absolutely no idea where you were going despite the detailed instructions one of the staff gave you upon entry if you hadn’t run into taehyun you probably would’ve been running around that building for another hour
you were thoroughly unamused with the situation but hobi looked so cute and sheepish when you entered the practice room wrapping his arms around you immediately alternating between expressing his gratitude and regretfulness that you couldn’t help but press a small kiss to his mouth
an action you instantly regretted bc a) it caused him to start pressing kisses all over your face in return b) it caused an eruption of various forms of shouting from the six other boys you failed to notice upon entry
you pushed at his chest as heat flooded your body from embarrassment preparing to leave you were going to be late for work “be good” you told him personally before shouting “have fun!” at the other members
your days off hardly coincided with jimin’s days off mostly bc he never really had days off always had to go in for one thing or another
but his days weren’t always jam packed some days like today he had a meeting in the morning and a meeting in the evening and not much else to do besides that
and he was the absolute worst at entertaining himself always needed to find someone else’s business to get into and as the object of his affection you were always his first choice
he tried not to bother you too much when you were busy though no matter how clingy he was and he was awfully clingy
if you two weren’t able to be joined at the hip in your free time you were definitely on the phone and if he wasn’t the object of your affection as well you would’ve started ignoring him a long time ago as it stands he was the best company
anyway he knew you were off today and had no plans other than finding a new anime to start so naturally when he found himself bored out of his mind he was in your ear purring down the line for you to come to him
it didn’t take too much convincing your attention span wasn’t on your side so you couldn’t really get into anything and even though you literally saw jimin yesterday you missed him :\
it’s why you didn’t hesitate to land a peck on his lips upon meeting him again and latching onto his arm firmly as he led you to one of the small practice rooms they had
“so tell me about your day”
you looked him over suspiciously he had that mischievous glint in his eye so you knew he was up to something
and you were right you weren’t more than two sentences in to your answer before he was pressing his lips to yours in a long lingering kiss
“i’m sorry continue”
“um...” your attention span really wasn’t with you and it was hard to retrace your train of thought with your lips tingling and the hairs on the back of your neck raised
you eventually found your mental footing and continued speaking about your day which had more or less turned into you ranting about haikyuu when again mid sentence he captured your lips between his own one hand tracing up and down your spine while the other held your head into place so he could lick into your mouth just the way he liked
“go on” he panted slightly breathless once you finally broke apart
“jimin...” you whined
he giggled at his own antics loved riling you up found it so cute how you couldn’t even try to keep the dreamy look off your face “you like me so much don’t you?” he asked with a self assured grin etched onto his face
you did
sometimes he felt so sorry to you hated cancelling on you because something came up or another thing ran over time
you were always cool with it tho never made a huge fuss of it which he was forever grateful for bc he really did love his job
but he really loved you too
he had to cancel three separate times just this week alone and he was missing you something bad
and even though he really wanted to take you out and do something nice for you like you deserved at this point he just wanted to see you
missed seeing you in person and having you in his arms
that’s how you found yourself on a bench tucked into a quiet corner of the upper garden at a table chairs side by side his hands toying with yours as you caught him up on your week so far
he was kinda obsessed with you and you loved it because having his undivided attention felt so so good
so you couldn’t help but close the gap, briefly pressing your lips to his
the slight blush that took over his cheeks had an insane amount of serotonin flooding your brain you loved him so much
even more so when he surpassed his bout of shyness and unabashedly brought you closer to him and attempted to make up for a week’s worth of lost kisses
sometimes life got busy for the both of you and even though you meant to meet up it just didn’t happen
but once you finished your work week you made it your mission to see him as soon as possible
you’d texted him when you got off and he told you he was finishing vocal practice then going to workout which left you with enough time to stop home and freshen up before he was done
as expected his trainer told you he was in the shower when you popped up so you decided to wait in the hallway for him to come out
“heeeeey what are you doing here”
you looked up from your phone to see your slightly damp very buff boyfriend grinning down at you
almost instantly you were hugging him arms wrapped around his waist before pulling back slightly pecking him on the lips
which set something off inside jungkook a shock ran down his body just from the feeling of your lips pressed against his
“let’s hang out” you agreed immediately “i just need to grab something from my studio first”
he laced your hands together dragging you alongside him and as soon as you entered the room he had you pinned against the door hands on your hips kissing you with far greater ferocity than you could have anticipated
and it’s like jungkook knew he missed you but he didn’t realize just how much until he had you in his arms your lips on his
kissing you felt like home and his introverted self never wanted to leave the house couldn’t even help the groan that escaped the back of his throat as you took control of the kiss and made a mental note to remember to never deprive himself of this pleasure again
one of his hands slid down your thigh lifting your leg until you got the hint to wrap both of them around his waist allowing him to show off his strength and grope you at the same time
“jk,” you said breathlessly, breaking the kiss
his lips were chasing yours the second you broke contact he didn’t care about breathing when a fire was spreading through his body
you indulged him for a few more seconds before breaking apart again
this time his lips traveled down your neck kissing and sucking until you were making the prettiest sounds for him
you felt like you were going to explode his hands were squeezing your butt and his lips were on your neck and you were going to explode
“jk...” you whined again tugging lightly at the hair on the nape of his neck
he made his way back up your neck pressing a hard kiss on your cheek before gently nudging your nose with his “hmmm?”
and suddenly you were staring directly into his eyes big and pretty and filled with stars shining just for you
you were going to explode “let’s get out of here”
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falling-pages · 3 years
A hug and chicken noodle soup: Takashi x Reader
Feel better @ohshcscenerios <3
Maybe love was as simple as a hug and chicken noodle soup.
Takashi Morinozuka x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Takashi was not used to being disobeyed.
The national martial arts champion, head of his own security firm, and father of three was used to holding power in his massive hands, for the room to fall silent at his command. He made the decisions, though with valid input from others, but he was the top dog, the one on whose authority they relied. Respect emanated from his veins, care and courage were his pedestal. When he gave an order, it was for the greater good of his company, or the safety of those he loved.
So when he returned home to find you washing the dishes, he was absolutely livid.
Not at your disobedience, per se. He was used to your sass, your jokes, your spitfire ways. Fourteen years of marriage would do that to a person, especially one as easygoing as him. But at your abject defiance, going against his advice for your own good--did you not trust him?
“What are you doing?”
You dropped the cup you were washing, the water splashing against your apron and the wall in retaliation. Soap bubbles clung to your arms, and with your deer-in-headlights stare, one would have thought he had just caught you stealing the Hope Diamond rather than just a simple chore.
“Takashi, I…” you sputter, wiping strands of hair away from your face. They had escaped from the bundle atop your head and creased your neck and forehead, though sticking with sweat or water he couldn’t be sure. If it were sweat, so help him, he was going to tie you down to the bed himself.
He left the shadows of the threshold and walked noiselessly towards you, groceries weighing heavily in his hands. You dare not move, pinned to the spot by his steely gaze. Your husband was a quiet man, not often prone to outbursts of emotions despite a wildly passionate heart. But like a predator towards prey, he came closer, until you saw the disappointment lining his brow.
Disappointment was always worse than anger.
But when he approached you, so close you could feel the energy radiating off his skin, so close but not touching, all that was left in his eyes was concern, a worried quirk on his lips that left knots in your stomach. Kindness framed him as he set down the groceries, took a towel, and wiped down your arms, leaving them soft and dry.
“I thought I told you to get some rest, love,” he whispered.
You swallowed, wincing at the ache in your throat. “I tried, I really did, but this was the only time I could get some chores done,” you whined. “The kids are with your parents this weekend, and it’s finally quiet and I can do stuff without worrying about watching them--”
“My parents took the children because you’re sick,” he responded, voice measured and even. His tone was stark, hands lingering on your wrist. Not tight enough to bruise, but enough to remind you of his strength. “You need to rest. I told you I would do the dishes once I got back.”
“But I--”
His eyes flickered with hurt, and though he was never a man prone to begging, he would do anything to stop you hurting. Every weak inhale you took he felt in his own lungs, trapped and weak and congested. With the raging fever you were sporting this morning, it was a wonder you were even standing right now.
With a sigh, you let the dish fall into the puddle and stepped off your footstool--everything in this house was freakishly tall to accommodate his height--as he untied your apron, hanging it on the peg behind you. While his hands wandered around your waist, enjoying how you felt in his embrace, he bent to press a kiss behind your ear.
“I hate it when you’re hurting,” he murmured.
His warm voice broke through the gauze wrapping around your brain, and you sighed, relaxing against his chest. So warm, the only stable thing in your swimming vision.
“There’s nothing you can do about it,” you said.
“Yes there is.” He scooped you up in his arms, bridal style, and smashed his mouth against your neck, kissing and nuzzling your sweaty skin. “Go to bed, and I’ll make you some soup.”
Despite your squeals, broken and congested before they left your mouth, hiccupped and weak, you didn’t push him away, finally letting him baby you into bed. He walked seamlessly to your bedroom and pulled back the covers with you still clinging to his neck. As he lowered you down, you could have cried at how soft the sheets felt, cool silk against your sore muscles, warmth immediately drawing you into sleep. He layered the blankets on top of you before walking to the other side of the bed, climbing in and drawing the sheets around him before spooning you back against his chest.
His arms were rapture in and of themselves, an escape from your burning head and weak lungs, so tight and strong that you knew he would keep you safe from any sickness trying to harm you. His gentle breaths against your ear calmed your heart, tickling that part of your brain that sparked with love. Even as his lips traveled across your cheek you could barely find the energy to scold him.
“Taka,” you whined, as seriously as your hoarse voice would let you. “Stop...you’ll get sick…”
“I’ll be fine,” he whispered, smooth and comforting like chocolate or rain. Another kiss to your temple, slicking down to the underside of your jaw. “My body has been through worse.”
Though that much was true, it still irritated you. How could he reprimand you for disobeying him and then not even listen when you do the same?
“‘S not the same,” you mumble. “Being shot is a different kind of pain, I’d imagine.”
Takashi chuckled against your neck. Your mind traced over the diagram of his body, the scars stretching across his chest and neck, dyeing his hands and striping through his legs. His line of work was dangerous, full of deceit and corruption, but you knew he’d never have it any other way. “You’re right, my love. A bullet hurts like hell.” He wrapped you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe, but you welcomed the loving suffocation. “But I’d take them all over again if it meant you and our little ones were safe.”
Grisly and gruesome though his words were, they comforted you, lulled you into the security that he worked so hard to provide. Though you prayed it would never come to it, you knew he would lay down his life in a second to ensure yours or your children’s happiness. He even showed his love in less extreme ways--for example, forcing you to rest, holding you as you slept, even at the risk of his own health.
Over and over again you were amazed at the selfless love of the man you married.
Before you could even stop it, the tears were falling from your eyes, stinging the hot skin of your cheeks. Your heart felt full to bursting, and its hammering through your chest didn’t help at all. The world felt full of sunlight yet you clinched your eyes shut to keep in the tears, but they didn’t fool him.
Takashi felt you shake and quickly turned you over onto your back, laying you beneath him as he hovered above, one hand wiping your tears as the other held fast to your waist. “Look at me,” he whispered, the urgency in his voice making your eyes pop open. He stroked your cheek, running his finger along your nose, cooing and shushing until your gaze met his. And as soon as you saw that beautiful smile split his tan face, you knew everything would be okay.
“There she is,” he whispered, tenderly stroking beneath your eye. “Does it hurt that badly?”
“No,” you whispered. “It’s not the fever. It’s the feeling of being loved so terribly.”
Never a man of words, he furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I love you so, so much.” A dry sob creases out your throat. “I’m so glad I married you, and I’m so glad you’re the father of my kids, and I’m so glad I not only know, but get to love such a wonderful man for the rest of my life.”
He chuckled at your delirious confession, words he had all heard before but sounded more tender in the context of your sickness. Such tenderness in your voice soothed the aches and quells of his body, the wounds he had sustained inside and out during his life, until all that was left was you with a rag and antiseptic and a bandage. He adored you so deeply that though he wanted to hear you say more, it was imperative that you rest.
“I’m so blessed to have you by my side. I love you,” he whispered, giving you a gentle kiss. He frowned at how hot your lips were and resigned himself for the afternoon. “Go to sleep, beloved. When you wake, I’ll make you soup.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, the crying finally tuckering you out. Pliantly, you rolled back over onto your side, and he laid back behind you, guiding your head to rest against his bicep and laying his other arm over your waist. As you drifted back off to sleep, you could only think of one thing.
Love really could be as simple as a hug and chicken noodle soup.
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Back To You
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When putting yourself in danger for the sake of saving Dean leaves you lost in the woods, Dean is less than thrilled until he finally finds you again.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: angst, injury, mentions of blood, swearing, comfort, fluff
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Dean was livid in that moment, and rightfully so. Any and every hunt has the potential to be dangerous no matter what it is, no matter how many times you’ve hunted that very same kind of monster. Each and every hunt is different and someone is always bound to get hurt, whether it be the hunter or the person you’re there to save.
That idea was something he could handle, something he could prepare himself for. But he was never ready when that person was you.
You’d gone and done it this time. You went and spiked his worry, his fear, sent it sky high all for the sake of saving him. To him, nothing was worth losing you, especially not himself. The fact that he was worth enough to someone to risk their own life just to keep him safe was laughable to him, especially when it was you who held him in such a high regard.
Of course you did. He didn’t give himself enough credit, he didn’t give himself any credit at all. There was no one who hated Dean Winchester more than he did himself, and that very feeling was something that boiled over that hunt.
Two werewolves. Three hunters against two werewolves seemed like something you could handle. Take that and add it to the fact that you’re in the woods in late fall and it becomes more difficult. Somehow, some way they got the upper hand on the three of you, targeting Dean. Maybe they knew he was a sweet spot to the two of you, maybe it was just dumb luck, but their efforts seemed to work out for them.
There was no way you’d let them do anything to Dean, not if you were there to do something about it and that’s exactly what you did. Against Dean’s wishes you shoved him out of the way before they could, the swipe of her claws grazing across your cheek instead of his. It wasn’t as deep as it probably would have been, but it stung nevertheless. But that was only the very start of Dean’s nightmare, because you’d gone and lured her away before he could stop you.
He knew you. He knew you were strong and he knew you could hold your own, but this isn’t some run of the mill vampire or a phony spirit. It was a werewolf with more than enough of an appetite and twice the strength.
Now here you were, stranded in the woods all by yourself with a dull and bloodied silver blade and a limp in your stride, your ankle strained from tripping in the midst of your fight with fangs and claws. You held your own, you took care of her yourself with more than enough of a struggle on her end. But you had no idea where you were and which direction was the right one, no clue at all just how far you were from Sam and Dean. You didn’t know if that other werewolf got away and came to finish you off.
All you had was yourself and a dead phone, and your own two fists.
It was getting darker out, the cold fall day turning colder now that nightfall was just around the corner. The drizzling rain didn’t help your cause, muddying the path you tried to follow as you navigated through tall trees and fallen leaves. They crunched every time you took a step, the sound near deafening in contrast to the quiet of the woods.
You were too afraid to call out for Dean, didn’t want to draw attention to yourself should it still be lurking. You were an easy target at this point—you were tired and you were weak.
Of all the hunts you’d been on, you can’t remember feeling quite so bad as this one. The scratches on your face burned and ached, the dirt that was surely smeared across it doing nothing to help as you tried your hardest not to touch your cheek. Your ankle throbbed with every step, the pressure placed upon it nearly pushing you to tears as you walked along as quickly as you could, hoping more than anything that you weren’t leading yourself further away from them, further away from Dean.
You knew he’d be mad, you knew he’d be absolutely livid when he finds you. If he finds you. That very thought weighed heavy on your mind and made your stomach twist in knots and swirl with nausea. There was a very real possibility that they wouldn’t, your battery was dead and it was getting all the more dark outside and you knew what your chances were but you tried not to think about it. You tried but it stayed in the back of your mind and tried desperately to push to the front of it.
He’d be pissed, he would and you knew it because putting your own life on the line for the sake of saving his was never something he’d want you of all people to do. You wouldn’t be surprised if he asked you to stop hunting with them, and the thought alone made a pang run through your heart.
You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought, brows furrowed as you took a deep breath. You’d hunted a myriad of different monsters, more than you can count and certainly a terrifying array of them. They were deadly and they were scary, they were dangerous and they were cruel but you couldn’t help the fear that settled within you now the sky was nearly completely dark. The lack of moonlight had worked against you, nearly impossible to see more than a few feet ahead of you amongst dozens and dozens of trees. Every gust of wind, every noise, everything.
You were scared.
You didn’t dare use your flashlight, too scared to cast attention upon yourself and you found it impossible for anything out there to not be able to spot you. You felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb with the way you heard your heartbeat in your ears louder than ever. Or the way your breaths were shaky and labored and unable to be controlled.
The rain that drizzled a little heavier over you was beginning to seep through your clothes, chilling any exposed skin and wetting your hair almost completely by this point. You were sure it’d be worse if there weren’t any trees, but then again you didn’t get so lucky.
You couldn’t help but remind yourself how utterly on your own you were, body stiff as you walked along in the mud. The mere sound of a stick snapping in the near distance had you on edge, tears welling in your eyes as you weighed over the options of your fate in your mind in a taunting loop of negativity and fear.
Your lip quivered and your hands shook, clutching tight to your bag as you looked all around you. Tears mixed with rain to the point where you couldn’t even tell if you’d been crying real tears if it weren’t for the pressure behind your eyes and the ache you felt from trying to suppress them. You weren’t going to bother trying to act tough in that moment, there was no need when it was just you.
It wasn’t until then that you heard that voice, the gruffness of that ever familiar voice in an echo of your name. Your heart flipped in your chest and at first you thought you might have just imagined it, might have just thought you heard it amongst the rain, but it sounds again.
“Dean?” You said softly, disbelief in your voice before you raised it. “Dean!”
You picked up your pace in his direction, glancing over your shoulder cautiously. The tears rolled faster and your heart rate spiked, that fear in your mind lessening a fraction at the sound of his voice even if it was still not as close as you’d like.
You overlooked the pain in your ankle no matter how much it hurt, too distracted with finding your way back to Sam and Dean. The sooner you found them the sooner you could get out of those woods, and the sooner you could get cleaned up in a place much kinder on the eyes than tree after tree in a rain-dampened and dark area.
It felt like something straight out of a movie and you were waiting for the antagonist to pop out in front of you, waiting to be preyed upon by some big scary monster and you knew that wasn’t so far out of the question for you. Not with the life you had.
The distinct sound of sticks snapping and leaves crunching behind you was unmissable, unmistakable as you tensed. You swallowed thickly at the slosh of the footfalls behind you, heart hammering nearly too loud to hear anything else. It wasn’t until you felt a hand grab your elbow that you screamed once more, expecting to hear Dean call out from farther away at the sound of it. You screamed and you turned around, eyes wide with fear.
“Sweetheart, it’s me. It’s Dean,” he rushed, voice calmer than you expected.
It took you a moment for you to realize, for your eyes to bounce over his face and for the fear to settle and your frown was inevitable as you fought your tears.
In a matter of seconds you wrapped your arms around him, face hidden against his chest and you didn’t care how much it hurt the scratches adorning your cheek. That tension you held loosened considerably in his embrace, and it’s something he didn’t fail to notice. You missed the way his brows furrowed as his chin rested atop your head or the purse in his lips, the way he squeezed his eyes shut or the look of relief he gave Sam with traces of worry and anger within it.
He found you now, and you were safe.
You were quiet as you stood at the small bathroom counter, leaned over the edge a little as you cleaned around the scratches on your cheek. You were proving to do an awful job and you could see it by the look on Dean’s face when he walked in the bathroom. He could see the way you winced even from where he stood by the bed of the motel room, he saw it and he knew you hated doing it.
“C’mon,” he said, patting the counter a couple times.
“I got it, Dean,” you say softly, the sharp gasp you take in immediately after doing nothing to help you.
You sigh as you drop the dampened cotton ball in his palm, hopping up on the counter. You saw the dimples by the corners of his mouth and you saw the crease between his brows, telling of just how discontent he truly was and it had you biting the inside of your other cheek.
He was quick to clean it up with a light hand, careful not to hurt you as his other hand settled on your cheek to hold you still. You could feel the tension in the small room, could cut it with a knife, and it wasn’t going to go away any time soon so long as none of you said anything.
You tried to think about the way his breath fanned over your face instead, soft and warm in the pattern of his breathing as he cleaned you up with all the gentleness in the world. Gentle and tender despite the frustration simmering in the pit of his stomach, threatening to spill.
Actually, it did.
“We gonna talk about what happened today?” He asked, voice quiet and tone angry as his brow raised a fraction.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” you mumble, averting your gaze as you turned your head, only for him to redirect it back as he finished what he was doing.
“‘Course not,” he said, breathing out a huff through his nose.
You roll your eyes and hop down from the counter, hearing his sigh as he tossed the dirtied cotton ball in the trash along with the others you’d gone through, his lips pressing together momentarily as he followed behind you into the room.
You still weren’t over it, you were still shaken despite this being your own fault. It was your fault and you knew that, you were the one playing hero and while you didn’t regret it for a second, you were still on the verge of tears. You were still cold and upset and still reaping the consequences of your decision by the pain on your face and in your ankle.
“Yeah, ‘course not,” you say, tightening his flannel around your shoulders before digging around in your duffel bag.
It didn’t last very long as he grabbed your hand and spun you around to face him, his displeasure more than evident.
“Please don’t try and save me, sweetheart, I’m not—”
“What, you’re not worth it?” You say, watching his lips purse deeper. “You might think that about yourself but I never will, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.”
“You nearly died, Y/n. Do you understand that?” He says, voice a little louder now. “You almost died out there all by yourself. How the hell am I supposed to live with that? How easy do you think it’d be for me to go on every damn day knowing you died just to save my ass?”
You were quiet for a moment as you looked up at him, brows knitted together. “Well, I’m not dead, Dean. So I guess you don’t have to.”
He scoffed as he threw his hands up, letting one fall back to his side as the other pinches the bridge of his freckled nose for a moment or two. He hates how you’re brushing this off, hates how you don’t know just how much of a wreck he was. Sam had never seen his brother so distraught, had never seen him so turned upside down the moment you were lost. It tore him to shreds, tore him apart from the inside out until he found you and that feeling still won’t stop. It won’t stop because he knows this won’t be the last time you do it.
“I’m not worth it, alright? I’m not worth layin’ six feet under, sweetheart. And not by the hands of some freakin’ werewolf either,” he says, frustrated as ever.
Your brows furrow deeper, frown tugs down deeper as you look at him.
“You think you’re the only one that gets to protect people? You think you’re the only one that gets to save someone? Is that what you think, Dean?”
“You might not give a damn about yourself, in fact, I know you don’t give a crap,” you say, your finger poking into his chest. “But I do. I care.”
You hated the way your voice faltered and the way your lip wobbled under the pressure of your tears, hated the way those very tears glossed over your eyes, ready to fall with a mere blink. He saw it, he saw it all and he pulled you close before you could crumble completely.
His hand ran over your head, hair still rain dampened and he could feel just how cold you still were. He could feel the way you shook, no matter how faint it was. You could act tough all you want, but he knew you were hurting and he knew when to shut up. You were stronger than he’d ever be, that’s how he always saw you and always will. But you fall apart sometimes and he’ll pick up the pieces without hesitation every single time. Every time.
“I’m here, sweetheart. I’m still here,” he murmured, words soft against your skin as he kissed your forehead.
You nod against him then, sniffling softly. You take a little while for your tears to die down, a little while of the soft sways of his embrace and it’s one that’s near bone crushing, of the way his thumb brushed back and forth against your shoulder blade, or the way his stubble felt brushing against your forehead.
It took a little while until you pulled back a bit, looking up at him with that look that turns his heart to mush every single time you give it. He sees those scratches on your face and he’s biting his tongue, fighting the anger that’s beginning to bubble up once more. Not at you, but at that werewolf that was two seconds from tearing his sweetheart to shreds. The thought made him furious but he pushed it down for your sake.
You lean on your toes and kiss him softly, one that lingered as his hand settled on your cheek. He kissed you once, twice, three times more as his nose bumps against your own, foreheads pressed against one another as your hand presses lightly around the back of his neck, your thumb brushing along his jaw. It set him at ease, you know it did.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere either,” you murmur, feeling his nod against you, felt his hum against your lips before he kisses you again. You knew he wouldn’t let it go that easily, knew it for a fact, but he’d bring it up some other day.
He’d always find you, you could count on it—he’d always find his way back to you.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @campingmonkey @agalliasi @deandaydreaming @lanea-1 @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @taikawho
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
can u do streamers with a plus size reader? ty i love ur fics ♡
+ reminder! every body type is beautiful in its own way, and I’m sure that all of the mcyts would want to date a person of any size! hope you enjoy<3
++ I also added a couple of insecurities that are common for a lot of people cause I felt like it ^-^
dating a plus size reader; mcyt x reader
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dream is an absolute softie for you
he will literally carry you anywhere you go
even if you insist for him not to
he just lifts you up into his arms and runs off with you
as I’ve mentioned before, he loves squishy places of the body
especially the booty ;)
so expect a lot of grabbing whenever he’s near you (with your consent, of course)
always tells you how amazing you look
even if you’re only wearing sweatpants and a basic tee and feel like absolute shit
and he would definitely have you pose for pictures of his merch
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he loves resting his head on you
uses your chest as his personal pillow
he thinks it’s absolutely crazy how you’re able to make every outfit look good
like, you could wear a plastic bag and still look like a model to him
you two go out to eat fast food at the most random times
some days midnight, some days at 5am
admires your confidence
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he loves your thighs sooo much and always has his hands (or eyes) on them
he almost holds your thigh more than your hand
and he just thinks you’re so gorgeous and can’t believe he can call you his
but when he finds out you don’t think so, his mind is blown
like... what?
are you blind????
he tells you how “you’re so fucking hot” every day until you start thinking so yourself
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loves baking cakes with you
and makes sure you’re always well fed
he absolutely adores your stretch marks!
he loves just tracing his fingers over the lines
following them around with his fingertips
and gets very focused about it to a point where he stops listening to you talk
he makes sure you never feel down about something as natural as stretch marks
and makes sure to kiss every place you're insecure about
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techno literally doesn't care what you look like
he only cares if you're happy, cause he really hates seeing you sad
especially when he can't do anything about it
so when he catches you one day looking at yourself in the mirror with a look of disgust 
his heart crumbles in his chest
sits you down to talk about it
and gets more touchy afterwards along with spurring out compliments more often
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wilbur soot:
wilby is also a big sucker for thighs
he’s not super grabby, but he gets his point across;
that he absolutely loves every part of your body
to be honest, like techno, I see wilbur as someone who literally does not care what you look like
if he likes you, he’ll love the way you look either way
he is very appreciative of soft, fleshy parts of your body
that he can just cling onto when he wants
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fuck, does schlatt love to have you on his lap
like he might not come across as someone who’s cuddly
but I’m telling you
he is super cuddly
he just wants someone to hold and to be held by
he needs that physical touch and he just can't seem to keep his hands off of you
he’ll tell you “you look so stupid right now”, laugh, and then give you a big ol’ bear hug
jokes aside, he makes sure you know just how dizzyingly beautiful you look 24/7
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corpse husband:
fishnets, legs, fishnets, legs
even if you don't like wearing fishnets, he’s just all; legs, grab, thighs, squish
no but seriously he loves your legs so much
they just catch his attention and immediately make him go soft
without you doing anything you’ll just hear him giggle at you
and then realise he’d been looking at you for a hot minute, just taking in how absolutely stunning you look
and he doesn't fail to let you know that :)
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karl jacobs:
like wilbur, I think he just genuinely doesn't care and loves you regardless of what you look like
we all know that karl’s way of showing affection is through touch
so he loves cuddling up to you
using your chest as a pillow and engulfing you in his arms
and he’ll be whining within a second if you even a much as try to move away from him
something he doesn't realise he does, but you do, is that he will just randomly hold on tight to a certain part of your body
even if you're just talking
his hands will be on you without him even noticing
and it’s really cute
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I’ve mentioned this before, but I think that skeppy really likes the way skirts look on you
or tight-fitting jeans
anything that compliments your body, really
though he does like the way you look without any clothes on
anyways, he fucking loves your body so much
and any person who thinks differently is not his friend
he’s always hugging you
or brushing his knuckles over your arms lovingly
small touches are his forté
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he can never seem to keep his eyes off of you
no matter how hard he tries, you’re just too gorgeous
isn’t the touchiest of the boys, but when he’s in the need for some physical touch, he’s very obvious about it
will start off by holding your hand
and then maybe move onto hugging you from behind
comes off pretty clingy once he needs that love and affection
he just loves touching you; maybe cause your skin is soft? he’ll never tell you (it’s his little secret)
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he looooooves loves loves  how, and I quote, “thicc you are”
and he gets so clingy, too
makes grabby hands at you if he needs to to catch your attention
and definitely, without a doubt, uses your chest as his personal pillow
he’s also a squisher
your thigh’s kinda become his little stress toy
alex will fully commit to being a complete simp for you - he does not care at this point
can get blushy sometimes when he catches himself looking at you for too long
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if you thought that sapnap would be wild when it comes to thighs, let me introduce you to this man
luke is a massive sucker for some thick thighs
and don't even get me started on the flesh on your hips
he lowkey has an addiction to constantly keeping his hands on there, but it’s not like you mind
it’s like his hands are glued onto you sometimes
holding on tightly or gently, doesn't matter
and sometimes he’ll even get lost in the way his fingers dig into your skin
can't fathom the fact that you're all his
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sam is literally the cutest🥺
gives you compliments all the time
and literally always has a hand on you to gently caress your skin
and he is always gentle with his touches
and I mean always
drawing circles onto your back or arm using his thumb
placing small kisses on your temple
he always posts pictures of you on his instagram and twitter
has like one or two pictures of himself, and the rest are of you :]
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literally smothers you with love and affection
he loves the little dents in your thighs from cellulite
finds it sooo attractive
loves to trace his fingers over the dents
notices immediately if there are changes in your eating habits
and will confront you the second he notices cause he can't bare the thought of you eating less than usual
makes sure it never happens again
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they have a special seat for you right on his lap
if you were comfortable with it she’d love for you to sit with them in his streams
SHOWERS you with compliments
and leaves trails of kisses everywhere
even if you whine about it being too much or distracting you
he ignores it and continues
can't believe she’s ended up with such a god/dess as you
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jack manifold:
jack was completely shocked when he found out you were insecure about your body
what was there to be insecure about?
to his eyes you were completely perfect, and he just couldn’t understand how… you couldn’t see that?
makes sure you now how absolutely stunning you are
can't help but to show you off to everyone (he is a leo after all)
and also let’s his hands roam all over you - with your consent, of course!
adores you so much
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tommy had seriously never thought of it before you’d said that you didn’t want a piece of cake after he asked
and he goes; why?????
and you’re like; I shouldn't eat it
and he’s even more ???
doesn't know what why or when you decided you “shouldn't” do something as normal as eating
it’s so very obvious how soft he is for you when it’s just the two of you
and even succumbs to his soft side in front of others if he gets too caught up in your beauty
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tubbo just… doesn't care
like, at all
but of course he notices the absolute beauty of you, and will simp for you
doesn't shower you with compliments, but gives subtle signs
a common one is squeezing your hand
or calling you cute or adorable
brushing a strand of hair out of your face
simplicity is his thing
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lots of hugsss
unintentionally squeezes too hard so you have to tap his shoulder 
and he just giggles
he likes resting his head on practically any part of your body
cause you're so comfy
wants to constantly fondle you in his arms
he’s become so used to clinging to you, it’s just by instinct at this point
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets​ @vernon-dursley​ @childhoodgrunge​ @fivxss @hexagonclash​ @crazyjuls12​ @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson​ @ineedtogetoutofhere​ @twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys​ @squiddyyyy​ @c0wc0ww​ @animeweeb019284​ @m00-bl00m-k0le @stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre @uhhhguiltypleasures​ @trappedchest​ @punzrights​ @trashgremlin36​ @cyberrsoot​ @elebeleb​ @k3nn3dis-crap​ @karlshoodies​ @rascal-in-banishment​ @heartbroken-writer​ @bartok-the-magnificent​ @ihavenoideashelp​ @goldiefox1​ @bethybop​ @helluhru​ @venuzblr​ @pha5ed5tar50 @cscooop​  @bethybop @lunareclipse-13 @http-strawberryy 
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emeraldiis · 3 years
Double Vision
A/N: this is so self indulgent i should be ashamed of myself
AO3 Link
Pairing: Loki x Reader, President Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary:  You and your boyfriend, 2012 Loki, are trapped at the end of time. But you're not alone. President Loki just got two new toys to play with.
Warnings: threesome, DUBIOUS CONSENT, dom/sub, sub!Loki, bondage, name calling, rough sex, mild knife play
You had been pruned seconds after Loki had in the battle in the TVA’s headquarters. Strangely, it didn’t hurt like you had expected. Just a faint sensation of completely and utter emptiness, and then everything went dark. Just like falling asleep. When you came back to your senses, it was just as gentle. You awoke in a bed of grass, staring up at a cloudy sky. A wave of relief calmed the rising panic in your veins when you turned to see Loki lying next to you.
You took in your surroundings slowly. The clouds looming above you looked threatening, like an impending storm, and far off in the distance was what looked like a ruined city. Crumbling skyscrapers pierced the horizon like jagged teeth. Heart speeding up in fear, you quickly shook Loki awake. “Wake up,” you hissed. “I have no idea where the hell we are.”
Loki grumbled and raised a disoriented hand to bat yours away, but still cracked open his hazy eyes to squint at you. A smile lit up his face when he saw you staring back at him, and you’d have been touched if it wasn’t important that he wake up right now. Upon seeing the anxiety written clearly on your face, he furrowed his brows and sat up, shaking his head to chase away the lingering confusion. You could tell the moment he realized something was very...wrong with the realm you found yourselves in, as his eyes widened and he was instantly on guard.
A deafening roar shook the ground, alerting the both of you to a looming danger, and you turned around to see a purple mass bearing down on you. You’d seen your fair share of fucked up things to know that this was not something you wanted to stick around for. Around you, small, bird-like creatures fled from the shadowy monster. In a flash, you were on your feet, tugging on Loki’s arm to pull him up with you. “Come on,” you yelled, raising your voice to be heard over the wind that had suddenly picked up speed.
Loki whipped his head around, desperately searching for shelter, then pointed at the city. “There, run!” He took off in a sprint towards the buildings, with you stumbling along behind him. The head start you got seemed to be enough to out run whatever was chasing you, but you didn’t dare slow down as you ran full tilt to safety. As the city drew closer, a sense of dread crept into your limbs, but you pushed it down. Better to race towards the unknown when the known was actively trying to kill you.
Your legs burned and your lungs were screaming out in protest, but Loki’s panted encouragements kept you on your feet and moving long enough to reach what looked like a half-collapsed hotel. Loki rushed inside the dilapidated building, holding the door open for you to scramble inside before slamming it shut. Another roar made the building tremble, and you bit your lip. As the ceiling shook and spat dust into your hair, you prayed that it would hold. Out of the frying pan, you thought to yourself.
Fortunately, it seemed as if the monster had moved on in search of easier prey, and you took the moment of fragile peace to sink against the wall and finally catch your breath. You dropped your head into your hands, trying to force your breathing back into a normal rhythm and figure out what the hell was happening. You’d just about calmed down when you heard Loki chuckle. “What’s so fu-funny?” You asked, still panting.
“That wasn’t me.”
“Huh?” You looked up, then felt your newly regained breath leave your lungs as another Loki emerged from the darkened hallway. He was dressed in what looked like a suit tailored after your Loki’s Asgardian armor, and he wore his horns proudly. A “Vote Loki,” pin sat crooked on his suit jacket. The flickering lights above him illuminated his grin, making him look like, well, a villain.
“You’re a variant,” your Loki said, stepping in front of you and eyeing his twin warily. The only ever Loki variant you had encountered was Sylvie, and she was questionable at the best of times. Loki was right to be on guard.
“I suppose you could call me that,” President Loki drawled, tracing a finger along the dusty wall as he stalked towards you. It left tracks on the wallpaper.  He leaned to the side to peer around you Loki, and you felt naked under his predatory gaze. You shrank further behind your boyfriend.
“My, what do you have here?” He asked, eyes lighting up in a way that made your hair stand on end. “What a pretty toy, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I had a turn?”
Your Loki groweld protectively, and he took a step forward. “Do not lay a finger on her.”
President Loki frowned. “That’s no way to treat the superior version of yourself.” He continued his march forward, then slowed to a stop inches from your Loki’s defensive frame. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen a beautiful woman.”
You were horrified to find a confusing sort of arousal settling into your stomach. This was, after all, just another version of Loki, the man who’d spent so many nights taking you apart and putting you back together again. You’d seen those same hooded eyes so many times, seen that same smile as Loki made you squirm. Despite trying your hardest to fight it, you could feel a dampness soak into your panties, making you shift uncomfortably.
Just as perceptive as your own Loki, President Loki seemed to sense your growing interest. His frown broke out into a wide smile. “Oh, you want it, don’t you? Go on, tell your guard dog to back down, so we can play.” He nodded towards your Loki, who had turned around to look at you with perplexed, hurt eyes. 
“Really?” He asked, flicking his gaze from the blush on your face towards your tensing thighs. He instantly recognized the arousal he’d seen so many times before, and his expression grew bewildered. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimpered, trying to defend yourself. “He looks just like you, I mean, he is you, and I…” you squeezed your eyes shut. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
This was all so fucked. Just minutes ago you were running for your life in a strange new world, and now all that adrenaline had shifted into a violent desire to be broken to pieces. Just so you didn’t have to think about the horror that was your current situation. President Loki was still staring at you, pupils now blown and tongue running across his bottom lip in blatant want.
“Oh, love. There’s nothing wrong with you,” the variant purred. His voice was a bit deeper than your Loki’s, but it still had that velvet smoothness that always made you weak in the knees. A bright flash of green shot out from his fingertips, ensnaring your Loki in glowing rope.
He gasped in surprise, and immediately began to struggle against the magic, but it was in vain. You cried out and reached for him, but President Loki was faster. He grabbed your Loki’s arm, then began to drag him away from you and down the hallway. With a sharp whistle, he motioned his head for you to follow, and found yourself standing and trailing behind the two Lokis like an obedient dog.
President Loki pulled yours into the depths of the hotel, you following anxiously. Your Loki shouted threats and harsh words, but the magic bonds kept him nearly immobile as he was guided by President Loki. You didn’t dare try anything stupid; you weren’t a fighter, and you suspected that this variant far outmatched both you and your lover in combat. All you could do was obey and hope he showed mercy.
You were led into a suite that seemed more put together than the rest of the hotel. Everything looked much cleaner, especially the bed, and most of the walls appeared to be stable. President Loki shoved your Loki into an armchair at the back wall of the room, and then positioned it so that it was facing the bed. “Well?” He asked, lazily gesturing towards the bed.
A gush of wetness seeped from your core at the same time as fear gripped your chest. Two conflicting emotions warred within you, and you felt hot tears stinging your eyes at the confusion of it all. On one hand, you loved your Loki. There was not telling how trustworthy this variant was, if he was going to hurt you or your boyfriend. On the other, this was the once in a lifetime chance to experience a threesome with only Loki. A fantasy that most likely no other person had gotten the chance to experience outside of their dreams.
You cast a helpless glance over at your Loki. When you weren’t looking, President Loki must have gagged him, because there was now an emerald piece of fabric stuffed between his lips. Your pussy throbbed in appreciation at the sight while your heart ached at the terror in his eyes.
President Loki rolled his eyes. “I can’t say I’ve ever met a version of me quite this soft,” he said, walking to his clone’s chair. “Let me help you relax.” President Loki straddled your Loki, chuckling at the muffled whimper that spilled from behind the gag. The variant brought his head down to bite at Loki's neck, and your mouth dropped open.
To your surprise--and hesitant delight--your Loki seemed to be almost enjoying the treatment. His head had fallen back against the chair, and he was breathing in that strained way that he did when he was turned on and trying to hide it. Kinky bastard, you thought to yourself.
President Loki paused his assault on your Loki’s neck to look back at you. “See? He likes it, dear. Now be a good girl and get on the bed,” he commanded. The growl in his voice let you know that he would not tolerate being disobeyed again, so you nodded and clambered on top of the bed. 
Sliding off Loki’s lap, the variant gave him a quick pat on the head and then made his way over to you. “Mmmf!” Loki mumbled, earning a sharp look from President Loki.
“I won’t hurt her. If you stay quiet like a good boy, I may let you have a turn.”
That sent chills down your spine. The thought of both of the Lokis having their way with you was almost too much, and your shaking knees finally gave out to send you sprawling onto your back against the pillows. Seemingly amused, President Loki snickered and crawled onto the bed. He crept forward until he was hovering over you, dark blue eyes raking across your trembling form.
You squirmed under his piercing gaze. The shivers making their way up and down your spine were unrelenting, no matter how hard you tried to keep still and quiet. “What happens now?” You squeaked out.
President Loki’s mouth opened in a wide green, revealing stark white teeth that almost looked sharp. “Now, we play.” Green light appeared at his fingertips again, and your hands shot up uncontrollably. You yelped in surprise and tugged on the rope that had appeared on your wrists. You were bound to the headboard, completely at the mercy of this variant. And fuck, it was exciting and terrifying and arousing all at the same time. What a mess.
There was that green light again. This time, it revolved around itself until it took the shape of a jet black dagger. President Loki ran his thumb along the handle, eyes leaving you to gaze lovingly at the knife. Your breath quickened in fear. “Stay still,” he purred. With deft fingers, President Loki raked the tip of the dagger down your shirt, cutting it open at the front. You let out an embarrassingly high pitched squeal as cold metal came in contact with your bare skin. But, as he promised, the variant did not hurt you. He made quick work of your pants as well, abandoning the knife in favor of simply yanking them down your legs along with your panties.
The cold air hitting your bare skin made you gasp. You tugged uselessly at your wrists, wanting to cover yourself in embarrassment at your sudden nakedness. Your frantic squirming made President Loki chuckle, and he leaned down to nip at your ear. “Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll warm you up.” His hot breath against your ear sent shivers of pleasure down your spine, and you couldn’t suppress a soft moan.
Suddenly remembering your restrained boyfriend, you managed to peer around President Loki to make sure he was alright. Your Loki was still bound and gagged, but now his face was alight with a crimson blush. Your eyes drifted downwards to the prominent bulge in his pants. When he caught you staring, Loki dropped his gaze away from yours, ashamed.
President Loki watched the silent conversation, amused. He trailed a thin finger up your thigh, then sat back to straddle your hips. “He’s enjoying himself,” the variant said confidently. He grinned at you. “I know because he’s me, and he likes what I like.”
All you could do was stare up at him with wide eyes, naked and defenseless underneath his weight.
“Oh? Surprised, are we?” President Loki drawled as he waved his hand casually. His suit faded away with his gesture, leaving him bare as well. His long cock mirrored your boyfriend’s, and it was swollen and dripping. You licked your lips. “I’ll take it you two haven’t fully...explored his interests. Us Lokis crave dominance, to be left at the mercy of a pretty thing like you.”
“So why aren’t you-”
He cut you off with a gentle slap to your inner thigh. When you sucked in a harsh breath, he chuckled. “Because there’s something else we love. Power.” WIth that, President Loki moved to place his legs on either side of you. He grabbed your ankles roughly and pressed your legs back until they sat atop his shoulders. You groaned at the stretch, then sighed heavily as he titled his head to the side to mouth at your ankle. “Ready, slut?” He growled.
You didn’t get a chance to answer. The air was stolen from your lungs as the variant plunged his hard cock into you, the stretch burning. You screamed out in pleasure and pain, listening to what sounded like both Lokis moaning in unison. The version that was currently buried deep inside of your heat rolled his eyes back in pleasure at the feeling of your pussy flexing around him.
“Oh, it’s been so long,” the variant moaned. “I want to make this last.” He began thrusting his hips lazily, more grinding into you than anything. You whimpered as you got used to the size of him. It felt like you were dreaming with how overwhelming it all was. Your core throbbed again and again as new gushes of arousal spilled from your cunt, and your head was spinning with the knowledge that just feet from you, your boyfriend was being forced to watch another version of himself tear you apart. And he loved every second of it.
From behind President Loki, your Loki whined, and you could just barely see him twitching his hips up into nothing. “Please,” he begged, and you noticed that he had managed to slip the gag from his mouth. You weren’t sure what he was begging for. To be touched, to touch you. Probably both.
President Loki looked at you with lidded eyes, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he ground his cock deep inside of you. “Should we let him play, too?” He asked, voice ragged.
You nodded frantically. Words escaped you, but you desperately wanted your boyfriend here. You longed for his touch, wanting to feel them both. President Loki nodded and waved his hand back towards the chair. Loki’s bonds vanished, and he was scrambling onto the bed as soon as he was free. 
He crawled up to the top of the bed, hands outstretched to grab your face and pull you in for a kiss. Your Loki gasped desperately as President Loki grabbed him by the hair, pulling hard so that he stopped just short of reaching your lips. Your Loki whimpered and went nearly limp in submission.
The variant let go of Loki’s hair, tsking at him like he was scolding a child. “You may not touch her without my permission.” His voice was surprisingly even, given how he was still thrusting into you. “Are we clear?”
Your Loki opened his mouth to argue, then thought better of it and nodded obediently. President Loki grinned wolfishly. “Good boy. You may kiss her.”
In a flash, your lover was leaning over you, pressing his mouth clumsily to yours. His tongue sought entry, and you let him in enthusiastically. You could practically feel the desperation seeping from his every pore. You’d never seen him this worked up, and silently wished you had discovered this kink of his a little sooner. “You look beautiful like this,” he panted into your mouth.
When you began to reply, it was cut short by a yelp as President Loki’s hand dropped down to play with your clit. Your Loki kissed you again, drinking in all of your moans as his variant brought you higher and higher with those deft fingers. With a growl, President Loki snatched your Loki’s hair again and dragged him away from your lips. Loki’s pitiful whine matched yours as you both gasped for air.
“Fuck her mouth,” President Loki commanded, increasing the pace of his thrusts with a growl of pleasure. His fingers kept up their assault on your clit, and you fought to crane your neck up and open your mouth to be ready for your boyfriend’s cock.
Loki hastily yanked off his pants and pulled out his weeping dick. He shuffled over to you, then leaned forward until he was close enough to guide himself onto your tongue. This was familiar, the heavy weight of Loki’s erection stretching your jaw. You closed your lips around him and began to suck, gritting your teeth against the cries of pleasure that threatened to break free from your throat.
President Loki let go of the other Loki’s hair and instead gripped your hip roughly as he began fucking you an earnest. “So tight,” he hissed. “Cum for me, little slut. Cum for your god.”
Helpless to do anything but obey, you felt your back arch up as your entire body convulsed. Pleasure ripped through you and left you a whimpering mess, drooling around you Loki’s cock. Your boyfriend cursed at the sight of you cumming, and began to pump himself in and out of your mouth. “I-I can’t help, fuck, help myself, darling. Ah, oh gods.”
“Such a good girl,” President Loki praised. He groaned at the tightening of your walls, then removed his hand from your clit to wrap a long arm around your Loki’s neck. Your Loki was forced to lean back against President Loki’s chest, only able to keep his cock in your mouth because of his lanky body.
Your Loki cried out, the sound broken up by his variant cutting off his oxygen. His hips stuttered violently, and you felt thick cum spurt into your throat. Somehow, you were able to force it down instead of choking, and you heard Loki whimper at the feel of his sensitive length being constricted by your throat. “Love, fuck,” he keened.
Seeing the two of you cum proved to be too much for the variant. “Oh, Norns, I can’t,” he groaned out harshly, then slammed himself into you and held his hips there as his cock pulsed within you. As he came, the magic binding your wrists dissipated, and you brought your arms down to rub at the sore muscles. Hot seed spilled out of you, running down to your ass. President Loki watched his cum drip from your swollen pussy in appreciation, panting softly. 
Your Loki had collapsed next to you, and was now snuggled up against your side. The variant frowned at the sight, and you could almost detect a rueful look on his face. You hissed in a pained breath as President Loki slowly lowered your aching legs from his shoulders. He sighed as he pulled out of you, a rush of liquid gushing out and wetting the bed. Most of the dominance gone from his demeanor, he shifted awkwardly, as if he wasn’t sure where he fit in this dynamic.
His sudden insecurity didn’t surprise you. After all, he was a Loki, and they were notorious for their false confidence. It tracked. After a moment’s hesitation, you reached up and grabbed his arm to pull him to lay down next to you. He stared at you in slight confusion, but obliged, leaving you sandwiched between the two Lokis. You turned to your boyfriend, who was already drifting off, too fucked out to keep his eyes open. With a soft smile, you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
President Loki cleared his throat, catching your attention. “I, uh. It’s a bit sad. Seeing what I could’ve had. I can’t help but be envious.” He chewed on his bottom lip and looked away, bravado completely gone.
You rolled your eyes and threw a tired arm around him, feeling a rush of satisfaction when he purred happily and cuddled against you. “I think I have room in my life for more than one Loki,” you whispered. And it was true. If Loki was born to be a villain in every timeline, then you were born to love each one of them.
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monako-jinn-stories · 3 years
Ahh thank you all for 104 followers! In honor of this mark, I am posting a little Wolffepack fluff.
Also, check out this amazing art that I requested from @three-fold-symmetry
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They’re just so cute🥺 the Wolffepack is my favorite battalion by far (besides my OC battalion, of course)
This is also my first attempt at a gender neutral reader, I thought it would be better to represent all my followers!
Master List
A Visit from the Wolves
Wolffepack/Plo Koon X Gender Neutral Jedi Reader
It had been a long battle. The men of the 104th were tired and dirty. They were also hungry, having not had time to eat for the three days the fighting had lasted. Even Plo Koon was as exhausted as his men, having fought by their side the entire time.
“Har’chaak,” Wolffe said, causing Plo to look in his direction.
“What is it, Commander?”
“We need to refuel, General. We don’t have nearly enough to make it to Coruscant.”
“Hmmm. What is the closest planet?”
“Dohbar,” Wolffe responded after looking at the map. He perked up slightly when he said this. “That’s where General Jinn is from, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is. I’m sure we would be welcome guests there if we stopped by. Y/n might even try to throw a party for us, if they are there,” Plo chuckled smoothly.
“Should I tell the admiral to head there?”
“Yes, Wolffe, please do.”
“Yes, sir,” he nodded before going to find the admiral, a new skip in his step. Plo smiled under his mask, thinking of how excited the rest his troopers would be when they saw you.
You were sitting in your garden, enjoying the nice sunny day when you saw the Venator slowly fly into view. You recognized it as Plo’s and jumped up excitedly at the unexpected visit.
“Plo!” You said as you burst into the hanger, seeing him and his troops exit the ship.
“What are you doing here? Not that I don’t want you, I’m just surprised!”
“We were running very low on fuel and I thought it would be nice to pay a visit to your home. You know I haven’t been here in a while,” he replied smoothly.
“Yes, it’s been far too long. And how’s the big bad Wolffe doing?” You tease as you glance behind Plo.
“Not too bad, General Jinn. Just a bit tired, that’s all.” You brought your brows together as you saw the bags under his eyes and the slight hollow to his cheeks.
“When was the last time you all ate?” You questioned.
“About four days ago,” Warthog said as he approached you.
“Four days?!” You nearly shrieked. “Maker! Go, take showers. All of you smell. Yes, even you, Plo,” you said as he gave you a look. “When you’re done, dinner will be ready.”
“Ah, you don’t have to do all that just for us,” Sinker said.
“Quiet, Sinker. Let them do what they want for us!” Boost said while giving his brother a look. You laughed to yourself at the boys. Boost loved your cooking, and he clearly wasn’t going to let his brother take away his chance at having more of it.
“Go on,” you said, shooing everyone away, Plo staying behind to talk to you. “I said you too, Plo.”
He chuckled to himself before he pulled you into his grasp. You sighed contently at the warmth emitting through the force.
“I’m glad you’re safe,” you mumbled into his chest. He hummed in response as he traced your back with a talon. You stood quietly in his embrace for a few minutes, enjoying the comfort of having him back with you.
“You still smell,” you joked as you pulled back slightly, looking up at where his eyes were covered by his goggles.
“I believe I recall you saying you enjoy my scent, my dear,” he countered playfully.
“Yeah, when you don’t smell like this. Now go, take a shower. I need to cook for your troops.”
“Whatever you desire, my dear,” he said before resting his forehead against yours. This was you little way of kissing, as he couldn’t exactly kiss you. You placed a gentle kiss on his antiox mask before pulling out of his arms and heading to the kitchen.
“Kriffing… Hells… Maker…” Boost said as he shoveled his food into his mouth. “General Jinn, I swear you never fail to make the best meals.”
You laughed as you watched him scarf down his plate, Sinker side eyeing his brother.
“Glad to hear it, Boost.” He gave you a thumbs up before he reached to get seconds. Plo sat beside you, fondly looking at all his men as they filled themselves up. The smell of soap and shampoo was overpowering, but you didn’t mind as long as they were happy.
“How’s the 17th been, General?” Wolffe said from Plo’s other side.
“They’re doing well. Sans still hasn’t forgotten the drink you promised him.”
Wolffe chuckled before responding. “Well, tell your commander that he better be ready to go out when I get back to Coruscant. I’m dragging him straight to 79’s.”
“Not until after the mission debrief,” Plo casually commented.
“Of course, sir,” Wolffe said.
“How was the mission?” You asked, glancing at Plo.
“It went well, my dear. It was a long few days of fighting, but in the end we were able to overcome our enemy.”
“Well, that’s good to hear.” You left the question of casualties alone. You could tell by the actions of some troopers that they had lost some close brothers. Instead you decided to talk about casual things. Well, casual for clones, such as what new weapons they’ve been wanting or new strategies to test out. Once everyone finished eating, you all agreed to go to an empty room and watch a holovideo. Half of the troopers piled onto a couch, squeezing until they were all elbows in ribs. They of course stuck you in the middle, making sure you were surrounded by their love. The others sat in front of it on the floor, sprawled out in a multitude of positions.
The only person awake at the end of the holovideo was Plo. He looked up from his spot on the floor to see your new position. He smiled when he saw how comfortable you were with his boys. You had moved so you were sideways on the couch, legs draped over Sinker’s lap as you leaned into Boost’s chest. Your arm hung down to loosely rest around the little Wolffe who was sitting in front of your spot on the couch. You moved slightly in your sleep, face nuzzling deeper into Boost’s chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you and pull you impossibly closer. Your legs also shifted in Sinker’s lap, and he gently placed his hands on top of them. Wolffe moved so that your hand would be in his hair, and in your sleep you began to gently run your fingers through it. Plo smiled a massive grin, though it was mostly hidden by his antiox mask. He took out a cam to capture the moment before he went to leave the room.
“Buir?” He heard a rough and tired voice call. He looked back to see Warthog covering a yawn. He waved Plo back over, moving so that he could have a spot on the couch between him and Comet. Plo’s heart swelled even more for his Wolffepack. He quietly made his way back over and settled down, Comet and Warthog both immediately snuggling up to his side. He heard a small giggle and looked over to see you watching him. You gave him a smile before closing your eyes again, falling back asleep surrounded by Plo’s Bros.
Tag list. Let me know if you want to be added!
@imabeautifulbutterfly @lightning-wolffe @namesmox
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Familiar - The Darkling x Reader
He was living his worst nightmare. You were in danger because of him. He swore to protect you, to get himself caught in the crossfire if it meant saving you but right now he was useless and you were suffering. He didn't know where you were or who took you from the Palace, the place he said was like a fortress, the safest place in Ravka. You were swiped from right under his nose, most likely roughly and mercilessly and it was all because you loved him.
He never wanted anyone to know of your relationship, you were his most protected and valued secret and he would put his life on the line to keep it that way. But now you were gone and he couldn't bare to look at himself. The promise he made to you was broken and he let you down.
For our love is a ghost that the others can't see
You agreed with it too, knowing that you would immediately become a target if Aleksander introduced you as his. But here you were now, sitting in the back of a moving coach, gagged and handcuffed with a blood and tear stained face.
The ride was more bumpy and painful than it was at the start, having now been on it for at least 4 hours, you knew you were far from home and heading to Fjerda.
The realization hit you as soon as you felt a pair of strong hands at your wrists, holding them apart in the safety of your chambers to prevent you from summoning. The festivities were loud and blocked out your shouts of self-defense and cries for help. That's where Aleksander's protection had run out, right there in your shared rooms.
You cursed yourself as more tears slipped out your eyes, you were a fool who didn't listen to their own advice. Ravka didn't know about you, the Darkling seemingly had no weaknesses until your irrationally tipsy behavior. Tonight's stupid actions would cost you your life.
'Enjoying the celebrations?' You held your fourth champagne glass of the night tightly in your hand as you walked up to Aleksander and Ivan. They were all business and no party as the Little Palace roared to life following a day of successful business negotiations. Grisha of all orders let loose and had fun, forgetting the troubles of war as foreign delegations joined in, all in unity for a single night of fun.
The Zemeni were dancing with the Kerch, the Shu were peacefully discussing with the Kaelish, it was a utopia. Your own mind was for once calm, be it the champagne or the vibes you didn't know and didn't care.
'You did a very good job Y/N, I'm impressed.' Ivan gestured to the party and pride filled you. It was stressful and nerve-racking to plan a banquet of this magnitude, but seeing it all accomplished and with no fights made you unbelievably happy.
'Thank you Ivan. Go enjoy yourself, I'm sure Fedyor is looking for you.'
He walked away just as you'd hoped, leaving you and Aleksander alone. You moved a step closer, taking his hand in yours.
'It is magnificent darling, you look magnificent too.' His head dipped as it usually did when he was about to kiss you, but he stopped himself and instead looked around the room, inspecting it to make sure no one was watching him.
'Relax, we're in a large crowd, I highly doubt anyone is paying us any mind.' With the foreign ambassadors here, Aleksander's black attire was balanced out with black tuxedos and suits. He wasn't sticking out anymore, he blended in. You wanted to be with him, and perhaps you could be right now.
'If you say so' Although your words did something to reassure him, his sweet lips were brief on yours. It was a short kiss, but he somehow conveyed his love for you in that quick second before he was back to his usual General persona.
'Alright General Kirigan, I'll go annoy Genya.' You joked and in the process knocked the glass over onto your fine silk kefta. 'Shit'
You didn't miss the look of amusement on his face as you tried to dry the stain with your sleeve. 'Or I'll go and change' you laughed, leaning into his laughing body.
You were certain the moment was intimate and private, that nobody was watching, but a pair of eyes closely watched the scene from afar, mouth open ajar as he found the Darkling's only weakness; You.
'Moi Soverenyi what is the meaning of all this?' Ivan didn't expect to be dragged out of bed at this hour and see the General's inner circle crowded around his war table in their nightclothes. He thought the banquet went well: nobody fought or got injured or even argued, it was the perfect night so to speak. But the powerful Grisha still dressed in his silk black kefta was restless and panicked.
His hair was disheveled and he looked ready to kill as he stood with his back to everyone, facing the big map of Ravka. The room was silent save for a few yawns and sighs. Nobody knew anything about why they were there but the tension surrounding their commander was hostile and frightening.
'Y/N Y/L/N is missing from Palace grounds. I think she may have been taken.' Ivan stilled, he was the only person in the room who knew of the relationship between his General and you and had grown to like your refreshing presence. He cared for you in a brotherly way and your disappearance ignited a fury in him.
'I need you searching the streets, interrogating the delegates, anything we can to bring her back.' His face was still turned away from them, and Ivan knew he wouldn't turn around.
Aleksander was beside himself with worry and guilt, he was on the verge of tears. You were gone and it was his fault. His mind was swirling with the accusations and the self-hate, but also with memories of you. Your life echoed around the walls of his head, bouncing off of his heart with a shatter.
He wasn't going to wake up tomorrow next to you curled up in his arms. He wasn't going to hear you rant over breakfast. You were gone and it was his fault.
He was trying so hard to devise a plan to find you, to command his Grisha and be a General, but in that moment he was just Aleksander, Y/N's Aleksander. Worry took up his mind and all the commanding bones in his body yearned to have you next to him.
He turned his head briefly to Ivan, who had the same expression on his face that Genya wore when he woke her up searching for Y/N. She was already out in the streets of Os Alta with David, trying their luck with tracking your jewelry.
'We leave in 10 minutes. Every single Grisha in the Second Army will be used if need be.' If you listened closely, you could hear the edge to his voice, a slight pang of heartbreak and anguish. He was trying to hide it, but alas he was only a man.
The Grisha started muttering amongst themselves and Ivan caught a few words of their conversations and couldn't help but let the rage rise in him 'She's not even that good of a soldier.....' 'Who is that?' 'I want to go back to bed....'
'A foreign dignitary had the audacity to kidnap a Grisha after we let them into our home and you speak of going to bed?'
'Ivan.' Fedyor warned him.
'Moi Soverenyi, with all due respect, Y/L/N was simply a teacher to the younger Grisha, not a high-ranking soldier with valuable intel. Should we really assume a kidnapping happened? For all we know it was desertion. Y/N found a good moment to slip out and escaped.'
Every shade of us you fade down to keep
Them in the dark on who we are
The second those words were spoken by Polina, Aleksander's black shadows let loose. They crept up her legs and around her throat, tightening and tightening until air could no longer enter the inferni's lungs. She was petrified, she was simply stating another perspective on the situation but her General's and Ivan's responses told her her opinion was not wanted at all.
Aleksander stopped himself before he killed her. It was his fault, all of it. His Grisha didn't take this seriously because they didn't know who Y/N truly was to him, perhaps a secret ready to be shared, spoke a voice deep in the back of his head, not your voice though. He wouldn't tell anyone anything until he had your approval. If he ever got it.
'Believe me, Y/N was no deserter.'
'10 minutes!' Barked Ivan at the Grisha when none of them moved from their tired trance.
You didn't know Fjerdan fluently but you knew enough to make out the most important words 'We crossed the border', 'Witch', 'let her burn'. It was enough to drown your hope of escaping and coming home to Aleksander and your Grisha.
You never got involved in any war or fighting, simply choosing to teach the young students the basics of summoning. It made you content and happy, whereas war made you anxious and nervous. Your body had only ever known the luxuries of the Little Palace, the feel of a pen or book in your hands. To add to it, your powers were never used in a defensive way only summoned when you taught, so this was a drastic turn of events to say the least.
Being dragged and beaten by the Fjerdans, insulted in a foreign language, and cuffed so the one comfort you had available to you was useless, brought you to your knees despite the initial training you received when you joined the Second-Army. I am no soldier, I am a teacher.
The border had been crossed and you were officially a Fjerdan captive, ready to sit a trail where you would be found guilty and hanged for your gifts. The chances of Aleksander finding you were slim to none as you tried to remember if any clues were left behind at the scene of your kidnapping. The Fjerdans were quick and concise, neat and skilled, leaving no traces of their presence in your chambers.
The back of the carriage yanked open and let in the evening sun, blinding you in the process. You stopped counting the time after the 8th hour passed and your space was still pitch black. The shadows once were a comfort, now they were simply a tool to frighten you even more.
'Let's go, Witch.' A tall man spoke as he grabbed you by the arm, dragging you as if you didn't weigh anything. You complied, not seeing a reason to tire yourself by fighting back. It was pointless and futile.
You were in the middle of nowhere, a field of open green space with patches of snow. Fjerda. You'd never been anywhere near the border even, but the cold wind was whiplash-inducing just as Aleksander once described it.
'I thought I am to face trial.' You had barely spoken a word in fear in the carriage but the suspicion had rousted you to mutter the words.
'You? I'd rather kill you right here' joked the man and his companions laughed along as if what you said was the beginnings of a hilarious joke. 'You are the Demon's vulnerability, we hurt him for revenge' He pushed you to your knees roughly.
This love is gonna be the death of me
It's a danger
'So I am to die in a field?'
'Not before you tell us everything about the Darkling' then a kick to your stomach shut down your senses.
'We are crossing into Fjerda Moi Soverenyi' Ivan shouted over the galloping horses. Not even 2 minutes after the meeting, Fedyor noticed 3 Fjerdan delegates missing from their rooms in the Little Palace and raced to tell his General who was now fiercely riding his black stallion with a fury no one dared to comment on. He had Squallers feeling the air for you, Durasts tracking your jewelry, and Heartrenderers listening to heartbeats as they all made their way up to Fjerda, the enemy country.
As time passed, the fear rose and turned into a strange combination of denial and grief. Aleksander tried to desperately shoo it away, to rid the thought as it came. You were alive. You had to be.
He felt his crew getting restless and tired but he didn't dare slow his pace. His stallion seemed to understand the urgency of the situation and for lack of a better word, legged it as his master requested.
'General, we think we can feel something.' The Durast and Squaller riding right behind him suddenly burst out. 'About 5 miles northeast, I can direct us from there.' The man in the purple kefta bellowed and Aleksander's heart picked up the pace to a deadly rhythm. He was immortal, but he was sure this was going to be the death of him.
It took every ounce of courage and pride to not give in but you hurt all over. Your ribs were cracked, lungs quickly collapsing, your arms and legs unmoving. The only aspect of you that looked normal was your face
'I'll leave it, let him see you dead in a coffin with only your pretty face as a reminder of how disgusting he is, how disgusting all of you are.'
You had told them nothing, not a word, not even a cry of pain to satisfy them. If these were truly your last moments, you wouldn't go down as a traitor. Your eyes closed on their own accord a while ago, your ears stopped listening when you heard the first bone crack in your leg.
You didn't see Aleksander's shadows flood the field, cutting down everything in his path. You didn’t hear the Fjerdans scream out in pain and fear. There was blood everywhere, not just yours as he ran to you.
'HEALERS NOW' you didn't see him, you didn't hear him, but he saw you beaten and dying right in front of him. His hands traced the side of your face lovingly as a small tear escaped his eye. You felt it, his touch on yours and your lip pulled up in the faintest smile you could manage. He was here.
Ivan was next to you in an instant, attempting to quicken your heartbeat, fill your weak lungs with air and keep you alive but his shaking hands were rigid and stiff with fear at the possibility of losing his friend. The other Grisha watched with perplexed faces as they quickly approached, the Healers running for dear life to get to you in time. You were only a teacher in their eyes, not the General's love or the Heartrenderers comrade.
'Y/N you'll be okay, I promise.' Aleksander left a kiss against your forehead, keeping his lips there for as long as he could before the red keftas swarmed around you and fought to save your dwindling life.
And the dark was opening wide, do or die
You registered his touch, his kiss, before the itching took over and the pain slowly lifted. The darkness was back as a comfort and death seemed far away.
The Darkling only had one weakness, one vulnerability, and only one reoccurring nightmare; the death of Y/N Y/L/N and he made sure to let the world know if you ever came to harm, he would kill anyone and anything in his path.
Here’s my masterlist 🥰
Taglist (Tell me if you want to be added!!)
@aleksanderwh0r3 @theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @lostysworld @0-artemis @exo-1204 @staradorned @bookfrog242 @simp-for-ben-barners @keepdaydreamingbb @acciorudolphx @pansysgirlfriend @pansysgirlfriend @justmesadgirl
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fanfic-wonderland · 3 years
For the tom x assassin can u do after they kill his dad they have sex and she’s the son and toms the sub virgin
😏 Although I do read smut, I'm not used to writing it, so I hope this isn't too cringy. 😂 You can read the first part here, if you haven't already.
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Assassin!Reader
Warnings: Language, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), sub!Tom Riddle
Killing off Tom’s father was easy, but disposing of the body and the evidence was much easier. It came with the advantages of being a wizard.
Tom set the body on fire until there was only a mere pile of ashes left, which he quickly got rid of with a single wave of his wand. You did the same thing with the blankets covered in blood, which was now dry, and replaced them with fresh new ones. You turned to Tom once he re-entered the room after finishing with his task, a proud smile on your face. "You're quite the learner, aren’t you?"
His lips curled into a smirk. "I guess so."
"Come," you sat down on the neatly made bed and patted the empty spot next you. "sit with me for a bit."
He wasted no time in making his way towards you, sitting much closer than you had expected. However, just because it surprised you didn't mean that you minded it.
His eyes stared down at your face, and his musky scent hit your nostrils immediately. You both had taken a shower almost half an hour ago, and it was getting hard for you to ignore the small details that you were just starting to notice about him. Like how his hair was still wet (and yet it still looked stylish, somehow), or how the gray t-shirt and black shorts that he was now wearing made him look ten times cuter, if that was even possible. "You must be exhausted."
"Are you?" He questioned.
You leaned closer and you saw how his eyes dropped to your lips, the proximity between you two becoming dangerously close. "Not at all."
That was the last thing you remembered saying before you guys were already kissing, hungrily reaching out for each other as if you wanted to touch each other in every way possible, all at the same time. Your hands took a hold of his wet curls, tangling them around your fingers while his hands went down to your waist, and you didn't have to think twice before climbing onto his lap to gain better access to him. All of him.
Your tongue coaxed his as the kiss deepened, neither of you daring to be the first to break apart. You've kissed your fair share of people before, but this one was the most intense so far. There was just something in the way that Tom responded to your actions that made you go weak in the knees.
Once you felt his hard-on through his shorts, that was when you had to pull away in order to take off the random, oversized shirt that you had found around the house. Throwing it aside, you watched Tom’s blank gaze move down to your bare breasts, his upper body going stiff. You suddenly realized why. "Tom," you grabbed his face, in order to force him to look back up at you. "have you ever done this before?"
He stared at you for a few seconds. "No. Never."
"Is that so?" A smug smile crept onto your face as you softly pushed him backwards, so that now his back was pressed against the mattress. "So I'm the very first person to witness you like this?"
You noticed how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Witness me how?" He whispered.
You bit your lip, your hands beginning to wander around his clothed torso. "So... bare. So vulnerable. It's fascinating."
He chuckled, his hands landing on your hips, the friction between you and his pants becoming almost unbearable -even more so when you began to slowly grind against him-, but he had no intentions in showing you how much it affected him. "You find me fascinating?"
"Very." Was your answer as you leaned down, so that your faces were only inches apart.
Instead of kissing him again, you went lower and pressed your lips against the soft skin of his neck. When he felt your tongue slithering against it, and then your teeth nipping at a certain spot, he couldn't help but let out a sigh. Clearly, he wasn't someone who let people take charge that easily, but he would be lying if he said that he wasn't enjoying the way you were making him feel at that moment. You, of all people, he never would have guessed.
You helped him take off his shirt -fucking finally- and it probably landed somewhere alongside your own, but you did not care as you kissed down from his chest and then tracing down to his stomach, where you disposed of his shorts, quickly followed by his boxers. His length was now in full view and you couldn't help but look up at him, almost like you were asking for permission to touch him. He didn't look nervous, nor did he want you to stop, so when he gave you a small nod of approval you began to stroke him. You didn't miss the way his breath hitched as soon as you touched him, and it made you smile in satisfaction. You looked back up at him to see his reaction; his head was thrown back and his eyes were now closed shut. It was probably the hottest thing you had ever seen, the fact that Tom was usually so collected but now you had him wrapped around your finger.
"Should I keep going?" You asked him. Your hand did not stop its movements.
"Yes." He breathed.
"As you wish." You didn't want to make him wait any longer; you ran your tongue through his length, slowly licking all around it and then lightly sucking on the tip.
"Fuck." He muttered quietly. His hand tugged on your hair; you weren't sure if he was aware of how hard he was pulling, but you did not stop. You took him in fully, your head bobbing up and down as you sucked him off; one hand was still stroking him, while the other one was holding onto his thigh. Small grunts of pleasure escaped his mouth every now and then, and it made you smile against him. "Fuck, I think I’m going to-"
When you were sure that he was close, you unwrapped your lips from him, but increased the speed on your hand movement. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, and soon enough warm drops of his cum fell flat on your tongue. Even when he was finished you licked around him a few more times, just to make sure that you got everything.
He finally fluttered his eyes open when you were crawling back up, leaving yet another trail of kisses behind, until you found his lips again. He grabbed your chin, holding you in place as he kissed you roughly, tasting himself on your mouth, and maybe that was the hottest thing ever. "Did you like that?" You asked him against his lips.
"It was amazing." He replied, kissing you shortly. His hands were running up and down your back as you continued to grind against him. "You're amazing."
"I'm not done, yet." You let him know as you took off your underwear, the only thing separating you from being skin against skin completely. Before he could say anything else, you aligned yourself against his tip, and then you took him in, all in one swift movement.
You moved against him, his length hitting every inch of your inner walls perfectly, and you let out a few moans that could not really be kept in even if you tried. He lifted himself up a bit in order to capture your lips once more in yet another sloppy kiss. His hands got much more curious, cupping your breasts and playing with your nipples almost subconsciously, and it only made your moans duplicate. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you both stared at each other for a moment, his lips parted open while your foreheads pressed together. You felt your release building up at the pit of your stomach, which only made you go faster, harder. His facial expression told you that he was close, too, and he wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer to him. He needed as much from you as possible.
Although the pleasure was out of this world as soon as you finally finished, your favorite part was watching him come undone for the second time that night. Both of you were breathing heavily, trying to calm down and process what just happened. Tom buried his head in the crook of your neck while his chest was still heaving up and down, your bodies still tangled with each other because neither of you wanted to let go. It was too nice of a feeling to have his warmth embracing you whole. "How was it?" You asked him once you could speak again.
You felt him kissing your neck. "It might have felt just as good as killing off my father."
You laughed as he looked up at you, again, while a toothless smile decorated his lips. You combed his hair with your fingers. "Good to know."
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