#Pete And Gerry Appreciation
dylanblakesgal · 7 months
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The Tennis Bros.
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first/second boots you will always be famous to me
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starryluminary · 2 months
Who is your favourite rr character? :< (mine are Jacques, spud, Mickey, kitty and MacArthur :3)
That is such a hard question. I love so many of them that it’s hard to pick a favorite. I am leaning towards Mickey and Jay but. Chet and Lorenzo are also so good. And you can’t go wrong with the goth no wait scratch everything I just said it’s Gerry and Pete. Yeah it’s Gerry and Pete
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kinderartifact4 · 4 months
TD Magic AU assigned species: RR Cast pt.2
❗️Almost none of them have additional notes because I do not know this cast that well, so any and all suggestions would be appreciated, like what birds the winged contestants wings should be based off of and such❗️
Chet- Vetëtimë Demon
Lorenzo- Ajror Demon
Jay & Mickey- Harpies
+Raised by an Angel
+Their flying is a little wonky because of the slight difference in Angel flying methods and Harpy flying methods, and the Angel raising them didn’t know anyone who could teach them
Kelly & Taylor- Humans
Jen- Mer
Tom- Elf
Laurie- Faun
Miles- Elf
Gerry- Satyr
Pete- Human
Tammy- Human
Mary- Neko
Ellody- Faun
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elrondhalfelven · 1 year
What is the best gotg comic to start with/buy first to read?
i would say it largely depends on what you want! have a look through and see what tickles your fancy.
generally though, guardians of the galaxy (2008) by abnett and lanning is widely considered the best run and for good reason. it’s tightly paced and full of character and defined the guardians. basically everything since has been riffing off that run. if you start here, make sure to finish it off with the thanos imperative, which is the real ending! and if you want a massive epic that shows how the guardians got together, alongside nova shenanigans, it can provide that too. you can read the annihilation and annihilation conquest events (they’re basically unofficial guardians books, everyone shows up and it’s how they are formed), then guardians of the galaxy (2008) alongside nova (2007) because they both spin out of annihilation, then at the end of those read the thanos imperative in which the two storylines converge again. it’s good stuff and beyond a couple of early 2000s-isms (gamora spends half the time basically naked. i mean, power move, but still) it has aged pretty well.
al ewing’s run is by far my favourite alongside that, but I’m not sure how well it would work as a jumping on point as it relies on a lot of prior knowledge of relationships and traumas and has a really big cast, some of whom aren’t exactly developed to their fullest potential because the book was prematurely cancelled. the three books we did get were great and al ewing did an amazing job characterising peter, rich and gamora in particular (rich specifically. legitimate perfection).
if you want something closer to the mcu to dip your toes into, the 2017 run by gerry duggan was decent. people don’t really talk about it much i guess because while it starts off alright it unfortunately finishes with a bit of a whimper with the infinity wars event. but by all means it’s a not-very-intimidating place to start. it has the five from the first movie as leads. it’s not exactly top tier gotg, as i said, but it works well enough if the movie is the dynamic you’re used to and you want more of something familiar to get started.
in terms of solo books, once and done, groot had a fantastic solo book in 2015 (at least I think it was 2015? it’s by jeff loveness) which I would recommend to literally anyone, gotg fan or not. that’s also a shout. yeah, read groot. it’s not a massive commitment and it’s very wholesome.
the star-lord grounded solo book i never shut up about is a favourite of mine but, again, it relies a lot on prior knowledge of peter as a character because he’s coming to terms with a lot of stuff about himself. that’s not to say it can’t be enjoyed as a new fan, it can and i know people who started with it and enjoyed it. i just think it’s better appreciated when you know more about what makes him tick. it’s inherently not a good representation of gotg as it normally is (no space shenanigans, it’s set entirely on a few streets of NYC) but it does a great job as a little character study of pete. but if you see the summary and think it looks good well, why not! <3
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 024: Shang...ri-La (GSSM 2, ASM 138-140)
Today's post features Fu-Manchu, a bromance, purple, a bear (<3) and psychic powers, woohoo!
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In our first issue, Spider-Man faces (and then fights with) Shang-Chi, who you may now know from the MCU. Back when I was a kid, I heard of him through Giant-Size Spider-Man #2.
The story begins with Spidey interrupting thievery by men who soon die unexpectedly, just as they start telling our hero about their master (Shang-Chi... or is he?). I feel like that idea of criminals dying as soon as they're about to tell all secrets has already been used recently on the comics but I'm too lazy to look that up. Shang-Chi's the son of Fu Manchu, the actual baddie and a cliché of the West's vision of Asia.
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[Sorry, I used Ctrl Z again on Tumblr and it removed like half my text ugh]
The issue's nice, it's an obvious imitation of typical kung-fu movies and it works much better than other SM 100% fighting issues.
Now, onto the main plot...
Here's how ASM 138 opens:
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I'm putting those panels for two reasons:
to show Peter is still a handsome motherfucker (affectionate)
to appreciate the continuity! Last ish, Harry did blow up their condo, and there's consequences for that! It's great to see.
Peter calls each one of his acquaintances, but none can house him (not surprising considering how much of an ass he was after Gwen's death), except one... as Peter's last call is for his old frenemy Flash.
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AND THUS BEGINS THE FLASH/PETER SHIP'S GOLDEN HOUR. Look at Peter in the third panel, acting like a school girl who just asked her crush out. You go, Pete! Go get him!
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Gerry Conway and Ross Andru seemed quite attached to realism. Why not! I do appreciate the purple.
There's an ugly villain with mystical powers just waiting to feed on Peter's aura, but we've got more pressing matters, such as:
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"Slugging", huh...
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I'm probably putting too much panels, but this issue is plain gorgeous.
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The villain's story is absolutely horrifying, just like the premise of his powers.
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I'm sorry, I don't have many observation to give, it's just an interesting issue to me and visually quite gorgeous (purple pants!!!).
Charles S. LeCates thinks that the Jackal is actually Richard, the Kingpin's son. He's apparently the only one who had that thought! That's not a bad theory... but it's incorrect. Oh well! Other theories are: the Jackal isn't a costume and the Jackal is the thief who murdered Uncle Ben. Hmm! Still wrong.
In the opening pages of #139, Peter says it's been "a few months" since Gwen died and "three weeks" since he became Flash's roommate. His life has been pretty hectic!
Unfortunately for me, he's already found a new appartment thanks to Liz when I was fully ready to see some Peter/Flash shenanigans. They were too gay to be featured as roommates for more than a single issue!
The Grizzly suddenly attacks the Daily Bugle, but Jameson's not interested.
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(He's still attacked anyway.)
Jameson is saved by Spidey, who ends up following the Grizzly as Peter...
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Can I just say how much I love this ending? It's a great moment. A bit silly on Peter's part, but very gloomy. Frightening, actually. My child self was scared of the Jackal's hand jumpscare hahaha. It's very effective! The penultimate page is actually quite liminal.
This is also the end I was left with for at least a decade.
...Well, not exactly. See, I also read those little jewels:
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The first one compiles issues 144-151, that is to say, most of our next batch (the OG Clone Saga), so I haven't read issues 140-143, but I still know what happens after that.
The second one, while I'm at it, covers issues 30-35 of ASM Vol. 2 (2001) and thus ends just after Peter reveals his secret identity to a certain somebody... and I still don't know how they react!!!!! Can't wait to get there in, like, ten years.
So we have a final issue in this batch, one that I've never read. What are we waiting for?
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You know me, I'm always here to see Peter get manhandled.
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Gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS colors. Ned's wearing a pink jacket! I love it. I love it so much. Hell yeah!
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You can't see it, but I'm slurping deliciously because between the arm & hand p0rn, the whump, and the colors, I really love those panels.
Later, Flash helps Peter move in.
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I think I remember her so I'm pretty sure she features in later issues. Hmm, a model... Is Marvel trying to introduce a rival to MJ?
Flash is very interested in her, but she's obviously much more into Peter.
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So here's some more arms and colors, because we all deserve it.
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Hoping the Jackal was bluffing, Peter tries removing his bracelet... and succeeds with the power of blue flames! I wish he hadn't been able to discard it so quickly, especially considering the Jackal should know Peter's quite smart...
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...and also a joker.
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Jameson isn't so bad himself. He ruined the Grizzly's wrestling career!
Following those revelations and a few gags, Spidey tracks down the Grizzly and proceeds to strip him.
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With the Grizzly neutralized, Spidey assures him that someday, he'll get the Jackal.
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Okay, before I close this post, please remember this panel for the next batch:
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The Jackal sure looks agile... Who could it be?
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mrepstein · 4 years
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The Beatles Book Monthly (No. 5, December 1963)
‘A TALE OF FOUR BEATLES’ by Billy Shepherd
Part IV opens in June, 1961 and charts Brian Epstein's early involvement with the Beatles.
And so the Beatles, with two experience-garnering trips to Germany behind them, got back to Liverpool. A swingin’ scene... and they were very much a part of it. It was the end of June, 1961.
But though they liked having more money to spend, they hadn’t the foggiest idea of just how much they were worth. The offers came in. Anything between £6 and £14 was the pay-packet, to be shared between Messrs. Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and drummer Pete Best.
“We just didn’t know,” admits George. “We loved the work, the excitement. We didn’t realise we were often being exploited. But it was hard work and somehow we didn’t seem to have much money in the kitty after we’d kept our equipment up to scratch...”
July, 1961, could go down as a summit meeting in Merseybeat history. A steamy, summery, shimmery night at Litherland Town Hall. A young promoter named Brian Kelly announced his attraction: The Beatmakers.
George Harrison was on lead guitar. Paul McCartney on rhythm. John Lennon on piano. Drummers were Pete Best and Freddie Marsden. Les Maguire operated on saxophone, Les Chadwick on bass guitar - and Gerry Marsden nipped on and off behind a big grin to take the vocals.
Gerry and the Pacemakers and the Beatles had linked up. For one night only and for a fee which is the smallest fraction of what they’d command for such a show now.
It led to friendships between the group members... but it didn’t seem to be leading to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the Beatles.
Says John: “We went on knocking ourselves out night after night but somehow there was a bit of frustration creeping in to it all. It didn’t seem to be leading anywhere.”
But the audiences were greatly appreciative.
Says Paul: “We started accepting dates further south. We got pretty near London on some of them. No change of material for us - still the stuff that went down so well in Germany. But we were veering away from the leather gear. Don’t make this sound big-headed, but the fact is that a lot of other groups were copying the way we looked on stage. So we changed to more ordinary clothes for a while.”
But in September, depression set in. Paul and John took themselves off to Paris for a holiday. They remember being flat broke. Remember having to search through every pocket to rake up enough francs for a Coke. Now, of course, they can go where they please and not count the cost.
And George and Pete stayed on in Liverpool, virtually lost to the Beat scene. Ray McFall, owner of the Cavern Club remembers seeing Messrs. Harrison and Best around the lunch-time sessions but they seemed dispirited. They took a lot of persuading even to join in on the impromptu roar-ups.
Let well-known Liverpool show compere Bob Wooler fill in the background to this black spot in the Beatles’ history.
“I’ve known the boys since the early days. I’ve been a long-time admirer. What they really needed was a manager in those far-off days. They seemed content not to argue about the fees they were offered. And they didn’t seem to realise that they were pulling in crowds on the strength of their own name and performance.
“After all, they had to live. They had to look after their equipment - and they often had travelling expenses to pay. It’s all very well being popular and enjoying your work, but you should be paid what you’re worth as well.
“Ray McFall at the Cavern was different. If the crowd was good, he upped the fee. That’s why the boys have always been so loyal to the Cavern. But you can understand them being puzzled at the lack of hard cash from their other venues where they were so often doubling the attendances.”
Paul and John were meanwhile spending a lot of time on their song-writing. You’ll see how much they’d already achieved in this direction as the story pushes on to the first recording days.
John and Paul could never sit down and simply write a song to order. They admit: “We have to wait for the ideas to arrive. It can happen anywhere. On a bus, or a train, or backstage at a dance-hall or theatre. Sometimes the title suggests itself first. Then we get going on the words and music. Sometimes we’ve finished a very successful seller in less than an hour.”
But their most pressing need was for a manager. Paul has told me “When we first started on paid jobs, we honestly thought we weren’t manageable. We thought nobody would want to bother with us. We were a pretty off-beat bunch of characters, to say the least. And we had a sense of humour which somehow involved us all and which was hardly in the interests of discipline. So, for a long time, we just didn’t take any notice of the advice that we should be properly handled. ‘Who’d WANT US,’ was the way we thought...
“And that’s where we were wrong...”
A MANAGER. Liverpool man Allan Williams took on the chore for a while... he now runs the Blue Angel Club on Merseyside.
But the man who was to make show business history with the Beatles knew nothing about the group in that September of 1961. That man, of course, was Brian Epstein, one-time drama student, member of a family which owned a chain of furniture and radio-TV stores in Liverpool.
He was not exactly WITH the beat scene. But he WAS in touch with the public taste through his work in the record department of the stores. He’d been there for five years, building up the business, enlarging the staff roster and increasing the turnover.
And in September, 1961, he was a puzzled man. Fans kept approaching him with: “Have you any records by the Beatles?” Brian mused. Pondered. Wondered. One young lad was particularly persistent in his demands. Brian dug deep into the record-lists. And found reference to that “My Bonnie” single, recorded in Germany, on which the Beatles played a strictly supporting role to guitar-star Tony Sheridan.
“I became Beatle-conscious for a while,” he says. “I always tried to work on the theory that the customer was right - and if they wanted the Beatles, well... I’d do my best to supply the Beatles. Eventually I traced the source and ordered some 200 copies for the record-stores. They sold quickly...
“Then out of the blue I heard they were Liverpool boys, had a rapidly-growing following - and were actually playing in a club near the store. It was a place that I’m sure I’d visited before, a sort of teenage gathering-place, but I really didn’t know much about it.
“After a while, I thought I’d better pop down there and see what all the fuss was about.”
Brian Epstein went to the Cavern. Met the Beatles. And things really started happening for the ambitious but not-too-sure group.
There are two ways of looking at this near-historic meeting. Brian Epstein’s. And the Beatles’ viewpoint.
Beatles first. Said George: “He started talking to us about the record that had created the demand. We didn’t know much about him but he seemed very interested in us and also a little bit baffled.
“He came back several times and talked to us. It seemed there was something he wanted to say, but he wouldn’t come out with it. He just kind of watched us and studied what we were doing. One day, he took us to the store and introduced us. We thought he looked rather red and embarrassed about it all.
“Eventually, he started talking about becoming our manager. Well, we hadn’t really had anybody actually VOLUNTEER in that sense. At the same time, he was very honest about it all - you know, like saying he didn’t really know anything about managing a group like us. He sort of hinted that he was keen if we’d go along with him...”
Brian, quite honestly, thought that the Beatles looked a mess. He wondered what exactly they thought they were trying to be. Their strange jackets, the rather scruffy jeans, the hair-styles, which could only have been styled on something called “chaos.”
“But there was something enormously attractive about them,” he recalls. “I liked the way they worked and the obvious enthusiasm they put into their numbers. People talk about the Liverpool sound but I sometimes wonder what exactly they mean. These boys put everything into their routines but they didn’t use echo. That struck me as being a very good thing.
“It was the boys themselves, though, who really swung it. Each had something which I could see would be highly commercial if only someone could push it to the top. They were DIFFERENT characters but they were so obviously part of the whole. Quite frankly, I was excited about their prospects, provided some things could be changed.”
And Brian told his friends: “This could easily turn out to be the biggest show business attraction since Elvis Presley.” It’s a tribute to his foresight and intuition that that is precisely what has happened.
Brian decided to get the boys together at a round-table conference at his store. A time was fixed and the boys agreed. But Beatles are not always the easiest of people to organise. Brian sat waiting... and waiting... and waiting. He was trying to cope with the vastly complex figures of Christmas orders for the store and minutes were precious to him.
Eventually THREE Beatles arrived. George, John and Pete. No Paul. Story goes that Brian got George to ring through and see what had happened to the left-handed guitar-star. And that Paul admitted he was still in the bath... but wouldn’t be long!
Brian was rather on his high-horse. He felt it was not the right thing for someone who wanted to talk business to be kept waiting. He pointed out that Paul, the cherubic one of the four, would be extremely late. “Yes,” said George, forcing back a grin. “But he’ll also be extremely clean.”
Says Brian: “That sense of humour is invaluable. You could hardly feel annoyed at their lack of business ability. They were just four individual and off-beat characters.”
Prior to Brian taking such an interest, there was great concern among Cavern people that there was a chance of the Beatles packing in all thoughts of show business careers. Bob Wooler had tried hard to get BBC television producer Jack Good interested in the group. Jack had produced beat shows, like “Six-Five Special” which had been the stepping-stone to success for artistes like Cliff Richard. But Jack was also in demand in the States... and he’d gone there to further his own career long before Bob could get any decision from the telly-folk.
Brian, having eventually assembled all four Beatles in the same room, put his propositions to them. He went through a process of brain-washing, though he did it all very tactfully. He didn’t like their manner of dress. Wasn’t knocked out by the unruly hair-cuts. Was singularly unimpressed by the way they casually drank tea on stage while in the middle of shows.
He pleaded with them rather than ordered them. He knew they were a valuable property and he was knocked out at the way their personal following was growing through the Merseyside area.
Said John: “He’d tell us that jeans were not particularity smart and could we possibly manage to wear PROPER trousers. But he didn’t want us suddenly looking square. He let us have our own sense of individuality.”
He added: “We respected his views. We stopped champing at cheese rolls and jam butties on stage. We paid a lot more attention to what we were doing. Did our best to be on time. And we smartened up, in the sense that we wore suits instead of any sloppy old clothes.”
It was a master-plan. A long-term plan if necessary but it was aimed at making the most of four young men who clearly had that star quality in them... even though a recording contract was still more than nine months away.
Obviously, Brian Epstein’s main job was to get the group on record. He knew the strength of their popularity in Liverpool and he felt it wouldn’t be a hard job to interest some of the London companies. But that was where Brian was wrong.
He even delayed any sort of action until the results of the 1961 “Mersey Beat Poll” were announced. That came up at the end of the year. And the Beatles were high and dry in top place in this important survey of how the public felt about the myriad groups operating in the scene. Said Brian: “I thought this was the ‘Open Sesame’ to the recording scene. I felt that Liverpool was important enough to have London executives falling about to sign the boys. I was wrong...”
Brian, though technically still in charge of important parts of the family business, threw himself into the job of getting the Beatles known nationally. He had the backing of the Beatles’ parents and it was to be no holds barred for the major break through.
He started visiting London. Hopefully. Optimistically. But record executives showed an alarming tendency to register non-committal gloom. Brian had to keep reporting apparent failure to the boys - by now riding higher than ever in popular acclaim in Liverpool.
Cont’d next month in No. 6
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theenbynightingale · 3 years
Don: I think we should just take a moment and appreciate how lucky we are.
Pete: I thought you were dead, Gerry.
Gerry: No. I'm gonna outlive you, then I'm gonna nail your wife.
Pete: Screw you, you old coot.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
I don’t want to be rude, honestly. I appreciate what these people were trying to do, but something went wrong. At least, from my point of view. This doesn’t mean that the people involved are bad professionals. Not all stories can be greatest hits. Well, this is a list of stories that I just cannot recommend.
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My problem with most of the stories in this list is how they disrespect the reader. In this story, many of the “facts” are just random bullshit. There is a limit for suspension of disbelief. Here the mayans (who are still around and kidnapping gingers they confuse with gods, in public touristic sites), mostly fit the needs of the writer. It was so much easier to create a new civilization, just for this story.
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My problem with this story is that there is no need for it. It’s just Thomas making the Justice Society tell stories about their past, with no real importance to the plot and then having a very over-complicated story around a not very bright Batman of Earth-2, solving a crime indirectly. And the villain kills himself. Until he appears again during Crisis, of course.
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Some things were created with the illusion of (mostly) making money, and when they don’t work... those things are abandoned and forgotten. Such is the case of Archie Comics’ Mighty Mutanimals. They couldn’t land a cartoon and toys deal, so they decided to kill them all in one panel. Hey Kids, Comics!
But this issue has nothing to do with that. After several crossovers, the Mutanimals go into a new mission that consist on vomiting facts about whale hunting (and lessons in poor broken Spanish). I am actually impressed this wasn’t written by Steve Murphy.
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Speaking of ambition, the TMNT / Savage Dragon crossovers are never a full experience, you have to know what is going on Savage Dragon to read them. This is great if you are a Savage Dragon fan, but not so great if you are a fan of TMNT. The story is boring and you will forget about it in 1 minute.
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It isn’t enough to explain what your character is. You need to show the reader what you mean. In this story we are led to believe that Barry is a very smart man, just because Batman says so. With Williamson, Flash is always one of the smartest men in the universe, you know, because other characters say so. But he never really shows this intelligence in his stories. This is very annoying. After sixty-something issues, there is still nothing unique about Barry Allen.
But nothing about this issue feels natura. This is a tie-in with Heroes in Crisis (that miraculously didn’t make it into this list), which is already awful, and it is also a cross-over with Tom King’s Batman... that is also going nowhere at the time I am writing this. So it is hard to tell who to blame for this issue. I don’t think this story was written by one person, and I am under the impression, it was written by editorial decisions. At least I hope so.
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The reason this issue made it so high in the list it’s because it is quite boring, unnecessary and generic. It doesn’t really need Steel in it. Any character could have done the same. Sadly, it is a Crisis tie-in (but you can skip it).
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These Rob Liefeld early issues are very hard to understand, and just looking at the art doesn’t really help. You will feel completely taken out of the story by the horrible anatomy and the horrible dialogue.
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I honestly think, this story could have gone higher in the list, but because no one want to acknowledge they wrote the thing, I think at least there are enough signs here to avoid the issue. However, if you like feeling outraged by a comic, give it a try.
In this issue, Carol Danvers comes back, pregnant, gives birth, then the baby grows up to reveal he is his own father that raped Carol to have himself. Then the Avengers let her go with him to the rape dimension.
Chris Claremont would later “fix” this story as much as possible.
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Mostly by Brian Michael Bendis, Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.
Superman is one of those comics that suffers a lot when a new writers comes in, without understanding the characters. Mostly because it is pretty obvious right away. Add to that, when a writers wants to completely ignore what was loved by fans, it’s just doing things to generate controversy, and that doesn’t make good storytelling (generally).
At least when John Byrne updated the character, it was a reboot. Bendis came just after a successful run that is still canon, but the way he thinks Lois Lane “functions” and his aging of Jonathan Kent, plus Superman being a complete different character, is making this run one of the lowest points in Superman history.
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Mostly by Tom King, Mikel Janín, Tony S. Daniel and Jorge Fornés.
Many things have been said about this run by outraged fans. I do not agree with some of them... but I have to agree whenever it comes to story. Tom King demonstrated a lot of craft with his Mister Miracle series. But here, he falls prey to lazy writing. Add to that some editorial meddling and you have a three-year run that you should mostly skip. There are good stories in the middle of this run, but in the end, it doesn’t make sense. King took the main Batman hostage for three years (and we are about to get it back).
The good thing is that every now and then, the same teams deliver good stuff. So as I said, not all of them can be Greatest Hits, but the top two are something to take seriously, as these are the two main DC properties, and with those titles failing, I do not feel motivated to read the rest of the line. I cannot be the only person going through this.
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peoplediedrobert · 6 years
What about Cain and Moira? Pete and Rhona? Charity and Vanessa? Sam and Lydia? I really need to see a Robron double date and there’s so many possibilities. I’m not even going to ask about Bernice and Daz though
Double Dates Part 2
Cain and Moira:Moira would be *slightly* dreading this because it’ll be Robert and Cain in one room and given their history… but what happens is that it turns into Dad!Cain and Dad!Robron hour and they compare pictures of Isaac and Seb the whole time and talk about first words and how Isaac is about ready to start fucking driving because he’s a giant (and no one ends up in the boot of a car so it’s a win).
Charity and Vanessa:They go to a gay bar against Robert’s wishes. Charity cracks jokes about coming out late in life which Vanessa and Robert do not appreciate (Vanessa may be on the wrong side of 40 but she can still kick Charity’s shins like she’s 25). Robert and Charity do nothing but insult each other the whole time with mostly affection. Charity mentions Alex a bit too much for Aaron’s liking though.
Pete and Rhona:Might be the most grown up and least exciting double date they have but it becomes a bimonthly standing event. Rhona and Robert will never be close but Pete’s nice enough and it’s just normal. 4 average adults sitting around with no drama. (That’s also a lot of eye candy for Rhona so good on you, girl)
Sam and Lydia:Dear God Sam and Lydia. The sweetest couple in the world but remember that face Aaron and Robert made in the pub when Lydia was telling her insane story to Gerry’s “uncle”? That’s the exact face they make throughout the whole dinner. Lydia mothers both of them and gives them insane advice that actually might be helpful. She’s a little eccentric but she makes Aaron and Robert comfortable. Sam is just an awkward bean who holds Lydia’s hand pretty much the whole evening.
Doug and Brenda:Brenda is too nosy and asks too many questions that make Aaron and Robert uncomfortable (she’s weirdly obsessed with details about their affair and no ma’am). Doug is super sweet and offers them advice about Liv and Aaron gets a little teary eyed because Liv deserves a good grandpa.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 6 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 7th September 2018
- for a Sarah Bagshaw episode, I actually enjoyed it quite a lot.
- Overall, I liked getting all of the continued aftermath of the Lachlan stuff with everyone getting scenes to talk about how the events of the week affected them. From Sam and Lydia to Marlon and Jessie to the Dingles to Doug and Brenda. It’s great. That kind of aftermath is not always present so I always like to really appreciate it when it is there. 
- Sam and Lydia’s moment, reassuring each other that they were not to blame for any of this was lovely. And Samson saying Sam was his hero and giving him that little hug was wonderful. They really are a great underrated family unit. 
- April with Ellis was great. That look at the end and him getting the cupcakes was perfect. It’s been a while since April has had someone else to interact with and I’d love to get to see more of this relationship. 
- Also definitely intrigued about the Jessie/Ellis secret. I hope it’s good. 
- I hope Ellis’s chili worked out better than Pete’s. 
- I was glad to see more of Doug talking about what Gerry meant to him. Only Doug would find that much enjoyment out of community service but I love that he built that wall for his friend Gerry. It was a very sweet moment. I do hope they do more with him and Diane though, talking about all of this and what it did to their relationship because I’d hate to think that that will just get dropped. That said, I don’t mind him and Brenda if they did want to go that way at this point. 
- Matty and Vic are a mess. Haha. Ah the part of the slow burn where they both avoid each other and have way too much to say about each other’s love lives. I’ll be curious to see just how long the slow burn lasts with them. 
- I’m so happy that the Ryan secret is out now and that even though Charity and Noah’s relationship is fractured, that she can now at least start having honest conversations with him and with Debbie about everything. It’s so much less frustrating to watch because there’s plenty of room for drama without stalling on the truth for that long. 
- I love seeing Robert at the Dingle’s again. Sure, the Aaron and Liv excuse of not being able to get an earlier flight is kind of bullshit but whatever, they’ll be back next week and hopefully from the start. But it’s just so great to see Robert accepted by them, getting handshakes from Zak and thanks from Cain. What a weird world. Though it is hilarious to see them all thanking him for literally running her over with his car. Haha. I love it. Only in Emmerdale. But I do just love that they keep asking him how he’s doing too. 
- And yes, he, along with the cops too of course, was leading the Rebecca charge today but he was doing it in a much more low key manner than usual. He wasn’t shouty about it today or obsessively talking about how she’s the mother of his son so all in all, it felt much more normal and natural. I know he’s going to go a bit manic next week to lead to the seizure but I’m glad it hasn’t been that way from the start and that part of it does feel like it might be fueled by guilt and that’s not just from our meta. Basically...so far, they’re handling it better than I thought they would and that’s how it needs to remain going forward.
- I feel terrible for Belle but big shout out to Hotten General and their miracle cures! I bet all of the characters that are forced by the plot to remain injured or end up dead in that hospital are really jealous of those who can get hit by cars and leave the next day. 
- But anyway...Belle blaming herself is so sad. It makes sense though and I’m glad she’s getting this time to get all of her feelings out and that her family is there supporting her through it. 
- I loved Lachlan sitting how he was while he was getting interviewed and just being like ‘yeah i’m not going to tell you anything’. Thomas is so great. And his smile is so creepy but brilliant at the same time. It was a bit frustrating that the episode ended without any new information about anything and ended in much the same way as yesterday, especially because poor Belle might have to go back. Who knows how they will play it. I wonder if all those people who claimed they saw Ryan and Thomas at the studios will be right about Robert going to visit Lachlan in prison. 
- overall this was a very solid week and I very much enjoyed it. 
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dylanblakesgal · 7 months
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Pete getting inpatient and Gerry freaks out.
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Deal &    District Strokes Newsletter JULY 2022
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The Royal Marines commemorative concert on the bandstand  and one expected  to see everyone there on Sunday 10th July for a wonderful day
    Hello to everyone
Well here comes the summer, totally expect to be moaning that it is too hot by next week or maybe it is just an age thing.  Lovely to be able to do more with the club and seeing everyone again is the best thing of all.  Please note that August and September’s information is added to this newsletter as members of the committee are not available to hold a meeting in August.                                                                          
FRIDAY, 1th– Gerry gave an interesting talk at the meeting about the basics of genealogy and advised that anyone wishing to look into a family tree further and requires help that he belongs to a group that help.  If you wish to speak to him, please contact Pete Savage who will be able to put you in touch.  (Pete’s mobile is listed at end of newsletter).
FRIDAY, 15th– The outing to Wingham Wildlife Park has now been arranged by Wendy who is sorting out lifts for people who require them, please contact her if you need an update.  (Wendy’s mobile is listed at end of newsletter).  We should all be there for 11.00am and Wendy will sort out who needs to pay and who does not.  Any who have this year’s letter from DWP regarding PIP, DLA or Carer’s Allowance should bring this letter as proof of their disability.  This will enable DDS to claim discretionary tickets.  Also, please note that if you do not wish to buy food at the park you should bring any food required - packed lunch.
FRIDAY, 5th – The meeting this month is given over to Smart Project who run Dover Art Group. Dawn and Laura represent the group and will be keeping us busy.  Please also at the meeting speak to Pete regarding their event on 21st (see overleaf)
TUESDAY, 16th– We are hoping to put together a fish and chips outing on Walmer Green between bandstand and RNLI building.  We will update you about parking but hopefully the RNLI will allow us to park on the green to the right side of the building.  On the below form please list whether you will want fish and chips or sausage and chips.  As we expect most will require seating, please bring an outdoor chair, speak to someone on the committee if you have a problem with this.  Please bring a drink with you as drinks will be difficult for us to get. Please note that if it rains this outing will be cancelled.                                                    PTO…                                                                                                                                                
 SUNDAY, 21st – Lee and Pete are kindly putting on a garden party and it will run from 2.00 – 5.00pm.  They will provide drinks, tea and coffee, but request anyone coming please bring some sort of food as their abilities are limited, anybody willing to help would be appreciated.  If any going can all bring a little something to eat it should be really lovely afternoon.  If it turns out to be a rainy day it will, of course, sadly have to be cancelled. Please let Pete know (or provide him with form) if you would like to go as numbers will be kept to 16 because of garden size.
FRIDAY, 2nd – We are looking forward to a talk from the RNLI for the first half of the meeting and bingo (with money) for the second half.  Apparently, people really enjoyed the thought of being a winner!  Norm and I never seem to be able to win anything.
TUESDAY, 20th – An outing to Betteshanger Country Park, Mining Museum is being organised.  This will commence at 12.00 noon.  Betteshanger has now been much improved and there is a nice Café and we are currently looking at what refreshments are available and will update you with that.  Although the building is on two floors there is a lift to the 2nd floor. It would be nice to have an idea of how many would be interested so please let us know on the form below and give it in at the August meeting.
 The pier walks are carrying on every Thursday and it is especially pleasant now the summer has arrived and feel, as it is such a convenient location, we are lucky that Aspendos is happy for such a large group to descend on them  
 The seated exercise classes are going very well and most people seem to gain a lot from it.  Julie is happy to talk to anyone individually following the class to answer any questions they may have.   This will carry on every Wednesday between 1.00pm - 2.00pm
 As usual Rebecca will contact people to arrange their appointments for reflexology but should you wish to speak to her personally her mobile number is: 07970 416504 .
 No birthdays for July, August’s  birthdays are Betty Scott’s on the 9th and Nick Standen’s on 25th, for September Diane Riordan’s is on the 15th and Diane Ferris’ is on the 24th.  Wishing you all have a very Happy Birthday.
 With best wishes from all the committee members
Dorthe – (H) 373880 or (Mob) 07929 028016, Ann – (H) 360653 or (Mob) 07760 246543,    Janet (Mob) 07707 684548,  Liz – (H) 612448 or (Mob) 07958 779577, Pete – 07747 715998 and Wendy’s (Mob) 07542 448884 or email: [email protected]
  AUGUST, Tuesday 16th – 12.30pm on Walmer Green by RNLI Building – Fish & Chips or Sausage & Chips
NAME(S) ……….………………………………………………………………  FISH (1 or 2)    SAUSAGE (1  or  2)
Transport required   YES / NO  (please try to get there yourselves, if possible)
AUGUST, Sunday 21st – 2.00 – 5.00pm – Garden Party at Lee & Pete Savages, Meerkat Korner, 12 Reading Road, Walmer  CT14 7RD
Tea and Coffee to be provided but please bring something to add to the food table.
SEPTEMBER, Tuesday 20th – 12.00 noon – Betteshanger Country Park, Mining Museum
Transport required     YES / NO
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curutquit · 3 years
Turmeric Deviled Eggs. Learn how to prepare this easy Turmeric Deviled Eggs recipe like a pro. Deviled eggs get way more interesting when the eggs are pickled in a tangy brine that also dyes them a lovely color. The brine features turmeric, an orange-fleshed root that lends the eggs golden color.
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These Turmeric Deviled Eggs take a Mediterranean turn. Skip the mayo and reach for protein-packed Greek yogurt instead and a little bit of tahini. Tahini is a sesame paste usually found in hummus and.
Hello everybody, hope you're having an amazing day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a special dish, turmeric deviled eggs. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Learn how to prepare this easy Turmeric Deviled Eggs recipe like a pro. Deviled eggs get way more interesting when the eggs are pickled in a tangy brine that also dyes them a lovely color. The brine features turmeric, an orange-fleshed root that lends the eggs golden color.
Turmeric Deviled Eggs is one of the most favored of current trending foods on earth. It's appreciated by millions every day. It is easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. Turmeric Deviled Eggs is something that I've loved my whole life. They are nice and they look fantastic.
To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can cook turmeric deviled eggs using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make Turmeric Deviled Eggs:
{Take of hard boiled eggs, cut lengthwise.
{Prepare of salad dressing.
{Prepare of sea salt.
{Make ready of Splash of extra virgin olive oil.
{Get of ground turmeric.
{Get of Scallion sliced very thin.
{Make ready of tomato sliced and seedless.
{Prepare of Turmeric to garnish.
Deviled eggs take on a life of their own with wonderful additions like curry and cumin. A fun and colorful deviled eggs recipe that's perfect for Easter festivities provided by Pete & Gerry's organic eggs. These delicious turmeric deviled eggs are a healthy snack and a great appetizer at your next party. A simple and colorful dish that is sure to please!
Instructions to make Turmeric Deviled Eggs:
Remove eggs yolk to a bowl. Smash and add ingredients, except the tomato; including the pinch of turmeric..
Mix well and fill the egg whites by spooning the seasoned egg yolk mixture. Garnish with the ground turmeric, and tomatoes..
Remove eggs yolk to a bowl. Deviled eggs get way more interesting when the eggs are pickled in a tangy brine that also dyes them a lovely color. Turmeric-Pickled Deviled Eggs This recipe originally appeared on Cookinglight.com. As a child, deviled eggs were one of my favorite picnic items on the fourth of July. As an adult, I appreciate the traditional seasonal and ritual aspect to food, and.
So that's going to wrap this up with this special food turmeric deviled eggs recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 021: A Jackal and a Wedding (ASM 129-131)
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The Punisher and the Jackal are introduced! How fun. What an iconic cover. But more importantly, we ponder on whether Peter has been more objectified with Ross Andru's takeover and you'll see my opinions have evolved throughout this batch.
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The Punisher is tasked by the Jackal to eliminate Spider and does so by generously showing us his wonderful butt, that I oddly hadn't noticed when I was a kid but now can definitely appreciate. The Punisher thinks Spidey killed Norman (which, sort of). As for the Jackal's reason? Uhhhh we'll see that next year.
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Spider-Man out of context.
The Punisher realizes thanks to Spidey that the Jackal would have killed him after Spidey's death and him and his fantastic skin-tight suit go away (to his own magazine?). In the last panel, the Jackal pretends the reason he wants to kill Spidey is to take over the city, which, as you might know, was retconned later. Hmm.
In the comics on Readonline (I love reading reactions, makes me feel like the fandom isn't dead!), we can see this:
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And I kind of disagree, so much as I don't see why this comment is on this particular issue. Peter has been objectified since his beginnings but particularly when Romita Sr took over. Ffs, his first issue was a gay BDSM romp. Peter is very clearly handsome, but he has been for about 80-90 issues (and you could argue he also was handsome in Ditko's style). The issue contains two panels with shirtless Pete, and I didn't find them particularly erotic.
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HOWEVER! I do think he is made to look like the perfect husband, be it the pin-up pose in the first panel or the sewing in the third one. He's a domestic husbando. I wonder if that's intentional. But I wouldn't call all of those objectification... maybe the first one. His shirt is in a corner, it's vaguely sleazy, but the focus is on the traditional biceps, not so much on his butt (and we saw in this very issue that Andru has no trouble giving cake to men).
I do think it's an interesting observation though. It's the first time I see that aspect called out.
The next issue (130) features Hammerhead, which never made anybody feel joy.
Hammerhead has injected a chip in his henchmen's heads that explodes if they try to say his name. Sure! Spidey has other priorities though, and he wakes up his boyfriend (Hmm... *Are* the men more objectified than before, with Ross Andru? Huh. I'm starting to think this might be true...).
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SO WE FINALLY GET THE SPIDER-MOBILE. When it appeared in Into The Spider-Verse's credits, I jumped, I'm telling you. It's iconic! very lovely. I don't quite know why everybody hates it, I think it's a fun concept. As the car soars in the street, Gerry Conway's narration explains that "a legend is born" and he didn't know how right he was.
Rimbaud's death from #120 is referenced, and he apparently died for Ock's plans... which seems outlandish to me considering what those plans actually are.
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...Okay, I'm really starting to think dear Nathaniel might be right. Oh, my ovaries... I think I'm pregnant.
Anyway, while I'm very glad to see MJ again, Peter is very frustrated because her being close will make his Spidey job harder. But they're cute together! It's heartwarming to finally see them having a cute scene where Pete isn't being an ass.
At Betty and Ned's Christmas party (<3), Peter reaffirms to himself that he's not yet ready for another relationship, with MJ trying really hard to get in his pants--understandable, honey.
The issue closes on another iconic reveal, what Ock had planned all along, a storyline years in the making...
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May looks ravishing, hah.
The concept is ridiculous but I'm completely here for it. But what is Ock's real objective, you say? Can't it be love?
...Okay, here you go (and I completely forgot about it).
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I had completely forgotten about that, and it's no thanks to how completely absurd it is. Spidey eventually flies away with May, because he also learned how to fly a plane apparently.
And what happens when a Hammerhead meets a nuclear bomb or whatahavit... happens.
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So Ock and Hammerhead are thankfully dead (for now, boo).
To be fair, it's a gorgeous panel.
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And the closing panels are great too.
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SHE DON’T CARE ABOUT TIME The Byrds: An Appreciation
by David
For the past several months I have been listening to The Byrds obsessively, which is, I believe, the best way to listen to them.  Though they have produced a number of amazing songs – “Mr. Tambourine Man,” ” Eight Miles High,” “So You Want to be a Rock and Roll Star” – they are much more about a sound than a song.  Their greatest hits package does not do them justice and allows only a vague approximation of their true greatness.  
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They were the first major US Rock and Roll band to emerge post British Invasion (you know – Beatles, Stones, Dave Clark 5, Zombies, Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Animals, etc..) I am, of course, excluding the soul and Motown stuff which was also dominant on US charts before, during and after all those English hits.  And, no, Gary Lewis and the Playboys don’t count as “major,” though they beat The Byrds on to the pop charts with their own teeny-bopper sound.   Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs also conquered the charts earlier with their superbly frenetic, “Wooly Bully.”  Other American bands, like The Beau Brummels and The Sir Douglas Quintet, had hits prior to The Byrds.  They were really good bands who tried to cash in on the British Invasion, with deceptively British names despite their distinctly American sounds.  They did not sustain their pop successes but each had noteworthy careers as cult acts in the years following.  Also remember that those contemporary charting behemoths The Beach Boys with their sunny West Coast sound, and The Four Seasons with their East Coast doo-wop predated all that cross-the-ocean stuff.  All in all, the top 40 charts of 1965 were a wild and wonderful place to be.  
And so went the Byrds with their name alluding to The Beatles, and their sound reminiscent of The Searchers – sweet, high harmony over jangly guitar.  Play “Needles and Pins” after a listen to “Feel a Whole Lot Better” for convincing.   Listening to both terrific songs, you will also hear that The Byrds did a fuller, more rocking version of that sound.  
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Released on April 12, 1965, “Mr. Tambourine Man” was a revelation.  Anyone who heard it on the radio was challenged to stop, look and listen. That opening is still magic: a few seconds of ringing 12 string, followed by a sonorous, melodic bass, and then the wispy, barely heard harmonies emerge. You are hooked whether you hear it on a tinny car radio or a state of the art hi-fi set . It was a huge hit, and announced the beginning of Folk-Rock, paving the way for Bob Dylan’s own entrée to top 40 radio.  For a few blessed weeks, starting July 3, 1965 the best selling singles in the US were “Can’t Help Myself,” “Satisfaction,” “Mr. Tambourine Man,” eventually joined over the weeks by “Like a Rolling Stone,” “I Got You Babe,” “ Do You Believe in Magic,” “ Help” and “California Girls” -- The Greatest Summer of the Greatest Year in Rock Music!  That summer, pop music had expanded its reach, both musically and lyrically, and grew up (or, at least, reached later adolescence.)    
Starting with their first album, The Byrds begot hypen rock, moving from folk-rock on to pioneer psychedelic-rock (“Eight Miles High”), electronic-rock (“2-4-2 Foxtrot” with its sole lyric of “Come ride a Learjet baby”) and country-rock (“Time Between,” etc.)  Their harmony laden, folky strum sound laid the foundation (for better or worse) for Buffalo Springfield, CSNY, The Eagles and the whole LA mellow sound. Their guitar sound was crucial to REM who spawned College-Rock, and in their Sweetheart of the Rodeo phase they were a cornerstone of the Americana and Alt-Country genres.  Though their shape-shifting, and their willingness to incorporate diverse sounds in their music was emblematic of the time and represented a generally held restlessness and exploratory impetus, they were, I have to say, frequently first.  The Byrds were, in short, an astonishingly important and influential band with myriad pleasures to be gotten beyond their singles.  
What’s significant about the Byrds is not their musical diversity but their core sound which remained essentially identifiable through all the innovations.  Jon Landau wrote that “what makes their eclecticism so interesting is that the style they have concocted out of all these musical sources is very uneclectic and is, in fact, a style of incredible consistency.”  Jim (Roger) McGuinn’s distinctive voice was a constant, but other better singers contributed – Gene Clark, David Crosby, Gram Parsons.  The harmonies remained largely singular, their instrumental sound, anchored by McGuinn’s 12 string and Chris Hillman’s bass, was easily identifiable, and the way their voices were mixed under the instruments remained constant. Their music seems to have a consistent density. The liner notes for their first album quotes Jim McGuinn reflecting that they wanted to create a modern sound which mimicked the whoosh of a jet plane.  And that sound is what makes immersion both necessary and pleasurable.  
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They couldn’t do funk or hard rock – compare their “Hey Joe” to Hendrix’ for a laugh – and they vie with The Beach Boys for the whitest sound of all time.  They really could not jam.  I once heard a live version of “ Jesus is Alright With Me” that went on for an entire album side that was a monstrous snore.  But they were all about lyricism and beauty and enveloping sonic transcendence.  Their signature and central irony is that they took songs important for their lyrics – Dylan and Pete Seeger for example – and drained them of their meaning and emotions to create pure loveliness.  I’m not sure how many listens it took me to realize that the mining disaster ballad “The Bells of Rhymney” was supposed to be sad and accusatory. You sure could not tell it from the sound.  In the Byrds’ version it is a startlingly lovely song, angelic and shimmering.  Andrea debated a high school teacher about this very idea.  This approach worked perfectly most of the time -- “Mr. Tambourine Man,” “My Back Pages,” “ Turn, Turn, Turn,” etc – and sometimes it failed – the jolly sounding “The Times They are A’ Changing.”  The best way to listen to them is to submerge yourself in their sound, preferably alone, at length and at high volumes.   Yes, The Byrds can be background music, but that’s not them.  
When I talk about the Byrds, I am talking about their first six albums, and the song, “The Ballad of Easy Rider” which I love.  And I’ll recognize The Notorious Byrd Brothers here, one of the most gorgeous, unheralded albums of all time, a gem of psychedelia.  Even their sixth album, Sweetheart of the Rodeo, seemed to signal a decisive change in aesthetics:  beautiful, yes, but more country then rock, and more Parsons then McGuinn.   They were hi-jacked by the immensely talented Gram Parsons, who left the group after four months and went on to make the brilliant, first Flying Burrito Brothers album, The Gilded Palace of Sin with Byrd’s bass player Gene Hillman.  During and after this transition, The Byrds as we know them were no more.  
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Though they wore those goofy Beatle bowl cuts, The Byrds had a rough hewn quality in photos.  They seemed like men rather than teenagers, and though I can’t prove it, I think they were the first act to pose in blue jeans and denim jackets, like brawny cowboys rather than fey Brits.  Just look at the beautiful cover of “Turn, Turn, Turn.”
McGuinn was the group’s leader, but the real most valuable player of the first two albums is Gene Clark, their first songwriter.  He was thrown out/left the group after their second album. (I heard fear of flying, I suspect alcoholism.)  His songs were knotty little minor key ditties about love’s complexity that took a while to sink in and when they did, attached themselves to your brain for days. His songs are the exception to the disjuncture between lyrics and sound.
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Which brings me to “She Don’t Care About Time,” a B-side (to Turn Turn Turn) non-album obscurity that I discovered for myself a few years ago.  With cryptic, mysterious lyrics and joyous music (“Ticket to Ride” riff) this song is about an idealized romantic space where time is of no consequence: “time stands still” is the cliché. But this song extends that stale sentiment in unusual ways.  The female in this song  is beyond extending judgment (cf Dylan “she knows too much to argue or to judge”) and time stands still not only when she is with him, but when she is not there because she stands outside of rationality and temporality.  Because of this the narrator is able to psychologically incorporate her into his being (introject a psychoanalyst might say) and keep her with him continually.  This song alludes to religious space, to mindfulness, to cosmic consciousness, and to the psychoanalytic unconscious.  
 She Don't Care About Time
The Byrds
Hallways and staircases everyday to climb To go up to my white walled room out on the end of time Where I can be with my love for she is all that is mine And she'll always be there, my love don't care about time
I laugh with her, cry with her, hold her close she is mine The way she tells me of her love and never is she trying She don't have to be assured of many good things to find And she'll always be there, my love don't care about time
Her eyes are dark and deep with love, her hair hangs long and fine She walks with ease and all she sees is never wrong or right And with her arms around me tight I see her all in my mind And she'll always be there my love don't care about time
Songwriters: Gene Clark
She Don't Care About Time lyrics © BMG Rights Management US, LLC
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#mrtambourineman #geneclark #byrds #jimmcguinn #shedon’tcareabouttime
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