#Pete doesn't want you because you're perfect
luveline · 11 months
hiiii jade!!!! could i please request something with peter with reader who’s maybe put on some weight recently and is insecure about it?? (totally not self indulgent at all) i totally get it if you’re not comfortable writing that stuff though so no pressure
hi lovely! ty for requesting. fem, 1k
cw for negative weight talk/ weight gain
Everybody gains weight during the holidays, you think, tracing your figure in the mirror. Though it's not strictly holiday season yet, it's edging toward the end of the year. Maybe my new year's resolution should be losing a few pounds. 
There's a thunk of the bedroom window being yanked open and footsteps across the floor. You tense until your hear Peter panting for breath, likely having swung to you at high speed, or fresh from a fight with an usurped criminal. 
You rush back into your t-shirt, knowing exactly what path he'll walk. He barrels into the bathroom, sees you at the mirror and smiles so wide his cheeks look fit to burst. "Hey," he says, peeling the suit off and exposing his boxers to you without shame, "hey hey hey. Can I persuade you in with me?" He nods toward the shower. 
"Not this time, Pete." 
"Too bad," he laments. 
You look away as he strips out of his underwear. The shower turns on and he takes you by the hips to move you out of his way with a murmured apology, near lost to the drum of the spray. Peter has moments where he doesn't know his own strength, but the majority of the time he treats you like you're something precious. 
"Stay in here!" he demands as he pulls the curtain shut. 
"I'm not going anywhere." You close the toilet and sit on the lid. "Tough day protecting the people?" 
"Apart from tripping into a deceptively large pothole, it was fine. Why won't you come in here with me? I wanna rub your shoulders." 
"You want me to wash your hair." 
"Exactly. So get naked and get in here. Don't make me beg." 
You really don't want to, and you're not going to, but it's not a big problem. Peter doesn't truly mind, he just loves you. "What do you mean, deceptively big? Like, knee height? Higher?" 
"Mid thigh, I'd say. The people of New York are never gonna let me live it down. One guy was recording me and said he was gonna put it on YouTube for the ad money." 
"Anything else?" 
He gives you the rundown, describing what perps he faced and an older man he helped use an ATM machine. You hum distractedly, pinching at the fat where it spreads on your thigh, sitting down as you are. 
He sticks his face through the curtain gap, hair slicked to his cheeks. "What're you doing?" 
"You told me to stay, so I'm staying." 
He's nervous for a split second, glancing back into the shower as though there's an answer there waiting for him before angling himself toward you fully, his naked chest dripping and shining in the bathroom light. "Okay, fine, we need to talk about something. But I want you to know that you forced my hand here. Okay?" 
"Okay." You nibble the inside of your lip, used to his theatrics. "What have I done?" 
"It's not something you've done. It's something you are. I can't even say it. I," —he pulls the curtain in front of his face, moves it aside again– "just need to tell you. Lately it's like you don't even realise how beautiful you are and I'm tired of it. You're radiant. Like, glowing." 
Your recent internal debate must show on your face, that doubt, because he gives you a steadying smile. "Really, really beautiful," he says more seriously.
It's easy to smile at him. "Thank you, Pete." You scoop his suit off of the floor. "I'll go scrub the tetanus out of this in the kitchen sink." 
He can't just get out with suds in his hair, giving you the perfect escape plan. You have ten minutes to yourself filling the sink with soapy water and steeping the fabric before he's out of the bedroom in pyjamas, trousers tucked into his socks and hair damp from ferocious towel scrubbing. "You're such a– such a– thing," he decides. "I'm telling you you're beautiful and you walk off so you don't have to hear it? What's wrong with you?" His voice slips into a kinder register. "You do know you're pretty, right? I'm not just saying it to say it." 
"I'm just feeling icky," you confide. 
"About what?" 
You want to tell him, you find. "You know how I've gained weight?" 
He doesn't need any more explanation. Peter knows you've gained weight, you've mentioned it to him, and it's visual, and he can likely tell whenever he decides to flex his strength. "What, and you think that makes you less pretty?" He puts a damp hand behind your neck to bring you forward. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, a little." 
He kisses you. His nose bumps your nose, his lips crushed to your as he holds you in place. Despite this, it isn't an overly rough connection. It's definitely not shy. "You're beautiful," he says in the space between your lips. 
"It doesn't suit me–" 
"It does. It really fucking suits you. Have you seen yourself? You couldn't look better." 
"Even when I was thinner?" 
"You look just as perfect then as you did now." His intensity fades and he encourages you back enough to see your face, his thumb rubbing a short line into your neck. His brows are furrowed, dark eyes darker for it. "Weight isn't a factor." 
"No, but you have to say that." 
"I don't. Not really. I'm sure there are a thousand shitty guys who'd tell you something different, but I'm not– I love you, the whole you. I like you like this." He grins. "Which should be obvious." 
You tsk at him, to his delight, his laughter boyish as he buries his face in your neck with a hug, kissing a messy circle up and into the soft line of your jaw. You trap him there without thinking, chin hooked down, squirming as he blows hot air into your skin. 
"I've been putting it on too," he says. "It's happy weight." 
"It's not happy weight for you, Pete, it's just more muscle." 
"It makes you happy, doesn't it?" he jokes, smiling and kissing and hugging you all at once. "Just like it does on you for me."
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reareaotaku · 3 months
Hey, I'm semi new to the extremely goofy movie fandom. I made a few ocs (main oc and she has two sisters) I was wondering if you have any birthday headcanons for Max and his buddies and the gammas at all?
I'm new to it too. In fact, I only just watched the movie for the first time a few days ago... I only did Brad and Tank [And Goofy, since he was technically one] for the Gammas, because I didn't really know what else to doo....
[I have an obvious favorite]
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Max Goof
He would never forget your birthday, just like his father. In fact, your birthday has been stressing him out
What if you hate it and break up with him???
It has to be perfect!
He's scared if you don't have a great day, you'll hate him forever and you can never live your little cottage life in the forest with kids and sit on the bench on the front porch when you're old- Okay, maybe he's getting ahead of himself... Still, his point still stands
The day doesn't go at all how he plans
Your outfit got a drink over it when Pj accidentally knocked into you
Bobby messed up the music and started playing some random, highpitched noise for a few minutes, before Max finally unplugged Bobby's system
The table that had your gifts collapsed on itself [Hope there was nothing breakable/fragile in those packages]
The cake was late to the party
But the final straw was when he was finally getting the cake set up. It was perfect; The exact cake you wanted, favorite flavor/stuffings/cake kind/ decorated exactly how you wanted with pretty little candles. And then, when he was a foot from you, he accidentally drops the cake
You'd think he just watched his childhood pet get shot with the look on his face
Everybody was so taken aback and he just dips. He can't be there anymore
You go out to find him [With help from dad] and you try asking him what happened?
He tells you about how he was worried about it being perfect, you leaving, the cottage house- And then much to his dismay, you start laughing
"Oh, Max. I don't care about some party, presents or even cake."
"Really? But that's what birthday's are about."
"Max, being around you is good enough for me."
"No, you're just saying that to be nice."
"No, Max. I really mean it. Why would I need any of that when you are everything to me?"
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Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
He's been trying to be sneaky about it, because he wanted to throw you a surprise party
He always wanted to throw one, but never got the chance
It was perfect
You were absolutely terrified when coming home and tons of people jumping at you, but besides that it was great
You're impressed with all the decorations and food
He wanted you to feel as loved as you made him feel
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Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday? Someone's birthday is coming up? Who's?
Yours- SHI- How could he forget it????
Oh, right, he's always high
He's a simple guy who comes up with a simple plan
Just you and him- You know like you always want
Nobody else
It's a really relaxed day
Tries to get you to chill and loosen up
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Bradley Uppercrust III
He forgot. Doesn't even realize he forgot it
The Gammas set everything up and make it seem like Brad did it
And of course he takes credit for it. I mean, he is the perfect boyfriend is he not?
He likes that you're gushing over the party and inturn gushing over him
He gives half-assed thanks to the Gammas for setting the party up
They're pissy about his attitude, but decide to keep it to themselves
He's really arrogant about the party and your praises only increase his ego
He might actually just throw you a party by himself just to get this attention again, because he kind of likes it... Like a lot
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He forgot, but once he realizes, he's freaking out
How could he forget????? God, he feels like such a fool
He needs to plan something special
He pulls something together last minute and it's obvious, but he tries to make it seem not so last minute?
You're fine with it, because Brad the other Gammas aren't there
He really is the sweetest to you and promises to never forget again [After confessing he forgot]
Turns out he had your birthday in his calendar on the wrong day
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He remembered and has a plan
He wants to make you as happy as possible
Wants to make this day as special as possible
And while there are a few hiccups, it all comes together by the end of it
The night ends with you both outside looking at the sky and Goofy tells you he loves you
You're a little taken aback, because he's never said that before
Neither of you had
You sit up. "You love me?"
"Of course?" He looks at you confused, "I have for a really long time you know."
Your face was lit up like Rudolph's nose. You turn away from him, quickly covering your face, before you let out a meeped, "I love you, too."
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cherry-flavored-sigh · 4 months
a lil headcanon about the end of NPMD (spoilers ahead, obvs)
i was thinking about NPMD this morning (as you do) and i realized something.
by the end of NPMD, when max's soul is taken by the lords? who do you think is going to torture him the most?
let me explain.
who was tinky watching like a hawk during "the summoning"? pete. another spankoffski. another prize for his toybox. he could hardly keep his hands off him. you could see that he wanted to lunge at pete and grab him right away. he probably even got a bit mad when wiggly stroked the boy's face.
but it was okay. because this would be perfect! he'd have a Petey all of his own! and then he could torture the brothers together and they can watch each other suffer which will make them BOTH suffer more-
but then. BUT THEN.
max stopped steph from shooting pete. and either max moves at super ghostly speed or some magic imbued in his undead form from the waylon place gave him time-slowing powers. but either way, he stopped that bullet.
pete was going to die. and he wasn't going to heaven or hell. he was going to be taken to the Black, where he would definitely be tinky's new favorite toy.
so how dare this shitty zombie jock use this ripoff version of his time-controlling powers. and ESPECIALLY how dare he use them to keep pete from getting shot and his soul falling straight into tinky's terrifying grasp?
then he has to watch grace and max have sex, which is absolutely fucking disgusting. he was already seething, but now he knows that he's not going to get a good toy out of this deal. he's getting this stupid shitty kid that no one liked.
and he's not a spankoffski.
so when the lords do take his soul, when max is pulled into the Black, of course wiggly is gleeful about this. all of them are. oh, how they'll enjoy torturing him for all eternity, exposing him to unimaginable horrors and unspeakable evils. what a fun new toy!
but they decide that their furious bastard of a brother should get first dibs. after all, they knew tinky was really looking forward to having a Petey. and it's the only thing they can think of to calm him down, because "rage" doesn't even begin to describe how tinky's feeling right now.
besides, now that they have grace as their fun little soulsnatcher, they'll have plenty of other toys to play with.
so they gladly hand max over to tinky.
max thought he knew what fear was. skele'ns, ghosts, people forgetting about him, his (probably abusive) father.
this is going to be way worse.
he sees tinky's horrific, goat-like grin, feels his crackling, angry energy radiating in the Black and surrounding him.
tinky's voice is low, a deep growl that shakes max's bones. he wears a smile that is anything but happy.
"you're going in the box now, maxie-poo. i hope you have..."
"... a great time." 💛
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skyforlays · 7 months
Hot for a Teacher
Sub Ðilf Toji X Dom Black Coded Tall curvy Teacher Reader
Cw: Handjob, ,whimpering,Toji being a filthy slut, titty sucking a tad of feminization if u squint 😋
(My breedable bbg anyways)
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Toji was a needy man. He was a single dad raising a child, and for Pete's sake, he needed something like a woman. He couldn't recall the last time he was put in his place, wanting to be on the receiving end for so long. After his ex-wife left him with a child, this is all he had: Megumi and work. He was a pretty boring man, he'll admit that, but to his surprise, he received a call from his son's teacher.
Mr Fushiguro I’d like you to come in for a parent-teacher conference to speak with you, you said in a calm tone.
"Yes, of course, I'll be right there. Toji gets in his car and begins to drive to the school. He enters the school as he ponders why his son's teacher is asking to meet. He walks to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Toji Fushiguro. I'm looking for my son's teacher.
"What's your son's name, sir?"
Megumi Fushiguro Oh, alright, follow me, sir. Toji followed the lady to your classroom, and he couldn't believe what his eyes laid upon. Tall, around 5'9 in height, curvy in all the right places, he felt as though he could stare at you for hours.
"You must be Megumi's dad. You go and extend your hands to shake it. Mr. Fushiguro, you ask politely, Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I apologize, he says in a nervous tone as he awkwardly shakes your hand.
“Um, can I ask why you wanted to see me?".
"Well, sir, I just wanted to congratulate you. congratulate me why?
"Your son is highly advanced. He is only in second grade, but it seems like he doesn't even need it; he's very intelligent."
"Oh, thank you. I just try my best to read to him and practice his skills. He says to her, Is that all you called me here for?"
"Yes, sir, I just wanted to give you a heads up on how your child was doing. I thought you would be interested in the process of your son skipping a grade. He is very advanced beyond this class, and I want all my students to be challenged."
"Will you still be his teacher?"
"Yes, Mr. Fushiguro. I would still be your son's teacher. Alright, then I am perfectly okay with my son skipping a grade. When would this take effect?"
"Immediately, he would be in a new third grade around next week once I informed my principal and made sure he was all caught up with the new changes."
Alright, thank you for meeting me here today. You must be extremely proud of your son.
"Yes, yes, I am.".
I hate for you to leave empty-handed, you say as you look at him cunnigly. Would you like to stay for a cup of coffee? I understand if you're too busy or if you probably have a wife at home. You say you're hoping to find out if he's single or not.
No, no wife, just me and Megumi; she left me.
Oh, I'm sorry if that was personal. 
No, no, it's okay. I don't mind at all.
Are you married by any chance to any wife or husband at home?
No, I am single and nothing with nobody for a long time.
Ah, perfect—not perfect. It's just good to work on yourself and weed out what you like and don't like.
I would love to stay for a cup of coffee, if you don't mind. Plus, Megumis is at home with the babysitter anyway, so he's alright.
perfect. The evening felt magical. You and Toji talked for what felt like hours, talking about your favorite movies and shows. It felt like you, too, were really connecting.
After laughing at the millionth joke, tonight you decide you should wrap this up.
It was lovely talking with you, Mr. Fushiguro. 
Toji, please call me Toji. 
It was lovely talking with you, Toji, but we should go.
You both felt the sexual tension as you both didn't want to say goodbye and end the night just yet. 
I know we just met, but I know you can feel that spark between us. He says getting closer to you would be so wrong if I wanted to kiss you right here and right now.
You bit your lip in anticipation, no, because I'm feeling it too.
You passionately kiss him as Toji lowly moans in your mouth. As the kissing gets more aggressive, you push Toji down on your desk and start kissing his neck. 
His back starts to arch as he moans lowly as you lick and suck his milky neck, leaving red marks all over him. 
"Please mistress more, he says, so out of it, after being touched for the first time in two years, Toji was enjoying his time being pampered.”
"What do you want Mistress to do, baby? you whisper as you nibble his ear.”
“anything he says, whimpering” 
You immediately unbuckle his pants as you start to slowly stroke his cock.
“You’re  so big, baby, you whisper in his ear.’’
You continue your slow strokes as Toji begins to suck on your tits in pleasure. You lowly moan, trying not to make too much noise.
You pick up the pace as you squeeze Tojis big tits as he sucks on yours. 
“m-mistress, please, I want to cum. Please let me cum.”
“You want to cum You want to be a good girl and cum for your mistress?”
“Yes, mistress, I want to be a good girl for you. Please let me come, he says as his voice begins to crack and slow whimpers begin to escape his gorgeous mouth”.
Then do it cum for me cum for mistress.
He cums in a silent scream as he tries to regain his breath after one of the best orgasms he ever had.
You kiss him lovingly as Toji wraps his hands around your neck, wanting to pull you in closer. 
That was one of the best orgasms I ever had.
Well, baby, you better get used to a lot of orgasms like that because you belong to me now, you whisper in his ear.
You take his phone and put in your number. Get home safe, Mr.Fushiguro. You say you are fixing yourself as you leave your classroom.
Toji gets a message from his phone. 
unknown:Clean my desk for me, baby, you made quite a mess.
Toji looks at the mess he made. Fuck, he's never letting you go now.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hello there Bee, your writing for Miguel O'Hara was perfect, thank you so much for it 🫂
I was wondering if you could do one where he's so deeply in love with her but doesn't want to tell her because he's afraid of being rejected, he wants to protect her so they always go to missions together until one day she gets hurt and because he's afraid of loosing her, he finally tells her how he's been feeling for a long time
Thank you so much c:
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AN | It’s been a minute but here we are with some more grumpy x sunshine! I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Nondescript mentions of violence, Language
Pairing | Miguel x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main, Spider-Man
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Inhale. Exhale.
That's what you kept repeating to yourself as you approached the front doors to the Spider Headquarters. Your heart beat around your chest but you tried to push away all your worries and insecurities.
Well - the one major worry you had anyway. Most things didn't scare you anymore, you were well past that point in your life. It was one singular person that made you nervous. Miguel O'Hara. 
The man that appeared to hate you more than anything or anyone else. You weren't even sure what you had done to bring on the hatred but it had appeared slowly at first and then all at once. Now you just tried to avoid him as much as you could, but in the event that you were faced with him, you tried to be as kind as possible. There was no reason to be mean, right? You hoped that one day Miguel might get that memo as well.
When you got inside, you looked around and tried to see if anything seemed out of place or…if there was some sort of chaos. But it all seemed utterly normal so you walked towards your little desk area. 
"Hey there!" You startled at the sound of Peter's bright and happy voice, spinning around in your chair to find him watching you with an overly cheery smile, "how're you today?"
"I'm just peachy, Pete. What's going on?" The man's face flushed and you knew immediately that something was going on. He was so easy to read despite his best efforts.
"Umm…well," he waved his hands around for a moment, stammering nervous as you just stared at him, "well, I don't…your day might get worse."
"Oh?" You leaned back in your chair as you raised an eyebrow at him, "and just why is that? What do you know that I don't?"
"You're supposed to be partnered with…Miguel today," he said it so quickly that you almost didn't catch it. But the name stood out so clearly that you were immediately able to figure out what was going on, "just so you know, you know?"
"How do you know that?"
"Word spreads fast around here," he volunteered lamely, as you sighed at him, "and ugh, it might be my fault."
"What?!" He was afraid of exactly this reaction and flinched slightly, "Peter - why?"
"I have to be home today," he cleared his throat, "big family thing with MJ and Mayday. So…you know."
"Fine," you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration, "fine. Only because I love your wife and daughter as much if not more than you."
"I am so sorry," he grimaced, "I'll make it up to you somehow."
"It's…it's fine," you swallowed the lump in your throat. It did suck…but you'd live and would just be as kind as usual. And it would be over before you knew it, "this is going to be…fantastic."
“Just don’t kill each other and it should all be fine,” Peter kept taking a few steps back, creating a further distance between the two of you, “and then we can all resume our normal programming next week!”
“I don’t hate him,” your voice softened as a frown tugged down the corners of your mouth. You truly didn’t hate him and you hated the idea that people would think you did. You always tried to treat everyone with the same kindness and you were known for being a ray of sunshine, “I think… I think he might hate me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Peter shrugged slightly as you sighed lightly, “he’s just that way with everyone. He’s a huge douche, you know that.”
“As much as I appreciate your opinions Parker,” both of you froze at the sound of his voice. He sounded just as annoyed and frustrated as ever, “I believe you were supposed to leave already to get back to your wife and daughter, no?”
“Uhh, yup…that’s…gotta go!” he looked between the two of you before offering you a small grimace and turning to basically sprint away. You bit the inside of your cheek before turning your attention to the man in question. 
“Miguel, I-”
“Get suited up,” he didn’t even spare you an actual glance. He merely caught your eye before turning around to leave again, “we’re leaving in twenty. We’ve got a job to do.”
“Don’t be late,” he was already walking away again and all you could do was sigh, “or I will leave with you.”
Yeah, okay, cool, cool, cool. This apparently was going to be the absolute worst; part of you was almost tempted to be late just so you wouldn’t have to go. You weren’t feeling very welcome but at the same time, your duties were important and you weren’t about to let him go alone. 
“Well then,” you attempted to psych yourself up, “let’s do this…and get it over with.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Miguel had been silent, to the point of it being almost eerie, besides giving you some instructions and directions. You'd tried to make some small talk at the start but the only responses you received were grunts or scoffs. It had definitely deflated your mood and after a while you gave up and remained silent.
"Hey," Miguel waved his hand in front of your face as you snapped back into attention. You hadn't realized you'd spaced out so much, "are you even paying attention?"
"Y-yeah…yes," you offered him a tight smile as he hung his head with a heavy sigh, "sorry. Could you just run that by me again?"
"I need you to focus," he caught your eye and there was a dangerous glint to him that caused you to swallow thickly, "otherwise I'll send you right back and this is the last time you'll get to go on a mission."
"That's not fair!" You hadn't meant to sound like a petulant child, but at least you hadn't also stomped your foot. His jaw twitched as he glared at you, "you've never said that to anyone-"
"He's a child," you ran a hand through your hair in exasperation, "this isn't fair, Miguel and you know that. Why do you hate me so much?"
If you'd been looking at his face you'd have noticed the way his face fell momentarily. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to control the squeaking and stop the tears that threatened to well up.
"You're also so mean to me!" Alright. Maybe you were already sounding hysterical but it was a lot of emotions at once, "its always me! I try to be nice, Miguel. I don't like not being nice, it's just…not in my nature. But you make it so hard. A-and I'm not asking for anything spectacular, just a hello once a while or at least don't totally ignore me when I'm talking to you!"
“Are you finished?” his tone was the same as it always was: cold and calm and calculated. You tried to blink away the burning of your eyes. 
“No,” you put your hands on your hips and stared him down, “if you’re going to be mean to me or act like I’m the worst thing in the world, can you at least tell me what I did to offend you so much? I mean - why even have me working with you and the rest of the team if you don’t trust me or think I’m worthy of being here! If I’m such a horrible person, just cut me loose and let me go so you never have to see me again!”
By the time you were done, angry tears had run down your cheeks which you hastily brushed away. You felt like you had just put your heart and feelings on the line and he didn’t seem phased. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow before sighing heavily, “if you’re done, we’ve got some bad guys to catch.”
“Y-you’re not even going to say anything to what I just said?” your lip trembled with effort not to cry further. He’d already turned his back to you and started to walk away. Only this time, you didn’t run after him to catch up, “fine! You know what? I quit! Do this yourself!”
You didn’t even wait for a response before turning on your heel and walking in the other direction. You were already out of sight by the time Miguel turned around and realized that you’d been serious. He ran a hand over his face in exasperation before stomping after you, muttering under his breath. He hadn’t wanted this at all; especially because this meant that he couldn’t keep any eye on you.
“Hey!” you’d been walking around for a bit when you finally heard the angry voice. Your shoulders stiffened when you realized that Miguel had found you. Instead of giving him the satisfaction of falling back to him, you kept walking with your head held high. But then you felt a harsh hand wrap your bicep and pull you back. 
“What the f-”
“Finally,” oh. That voice definitely wasn’t Miguel. You slowly turned around and found yourself with…well, the bad guy. He looked at you with a wicked smile that caused goosebumps to well up all over your skin, “I’ve been looking for you, little Spider. Only I was hoping you’d be with that big, dumb guy.”
“Listen buddy,” you tried to pull out of his iron grasp to no avail, “I’m already having a shitty day and I don’t need you making it worse. The big dumb guy isn’t around, it’s just me unfortunately. And I recommend you let me go before I make you regret your decision.”
“You’re so funny,” he leaned closer so he was almost face to face with you. He smelled terrible and looked even worse; the worst realization of all was that he was a murderer…and you were alone with him, “you really think you could stop me all by yourself? So cute.”
He reached out and ran his hand along your jaw, instantly making you feel disgusting and gross. Your heart started beating rapidly and you willed yourself to regain your muster and strength. It should have been so easy to overpower him, but he was surprisingly strong. That was one of the worst things about dealing with other powered beings…someone always had the upper hand. 
“Let me go,” you hissed through gritted teeth.
“Why don’t we make a deal?” he took your jaw harshly in his hand turned your face to his, “help me catch Miguel O’Hara and I’ll let you go.”
“Nope,” you might not have been in the Miguel fanclub at this point but you weren’t about to betray him or put anyone else at risk. You figured that the longer you were able to stall, it might give Miguel more time to get to you and take him. You’d never hear the end of it, but it was better than nothing, “sorry buddy.”
“Bitch!” he let go and pushed you back before striking you across the face, causing you to stumble and trip over your feet. You feel onto your backside with a groan before touching your stinging face, “it could have been so easy! We both want the same thing - to get rid of the Spider!”
“I don’t want to get rid of him,” you tried to scramble to your feet as he loomed over you but your hope was quickly starting to dissipate, “he-he’s fine! The only person I want to get rid of you is you!”
“Too bad,” he cackled before shrugging his shoulders, “I hate to break the news to you, but you’re not getting rid of me. I’ll be getting rid of you…and eventually that big idiot will come looking for you and then I’ll have him too. A two or one deal - can you imagine? What a dream!”
“Hate to break it to you,” your hands before getting scraped up as you tried to pull yourself out of his reach, “but he’s not going to come looking for me. He doesn’t care that much.”
“Don’t kid yourself,” you couldn’t hold back the scream that escaped your lips as he stepped on your ankle and crushed it under his boot, “you’re a pretty face, that’s enough for most men to come running. It’s almost a shame to kill you but-”
The next thing you heard was a sickening crack before the pressure on your ankle was gone. You opened your eyes and looked around the alley, only to find your would-be murderer on the ground and bleeding. A choked up sound escaped your lips as you looked up to find Miguel standing over you.
You prepared yourself for him to begin yelling but, to your immense surprise, it never came. Instead you watched dumbly as he bent down and scooped into your arms and stood back up with you clutched to his chest.
He studied you for a moment before tenderly wiping away the little bit of blood that had trickled down from the corner of your mouth. You had never realized that he could actually have such a gente touch. 
For a few moments he walked in silence before letting a heavy sigh and shaking his head, “I don’t hate you. I never did.”
Your brow furrowed in surprise but you remained silent. Your head felt foggy and you weren’t sure you wanted to push anything just yet. All you wanted to do was go home and get some rest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few days had passed since the incident with Miguel and you felt well recovered, except for the faint bruising that remained on your face. Really, though, that was the least of your worries. Ever since then, you’d been trying your best to avoid Miguel, while continuing to be surprised that he hadn’t booted you from the team yet.
“Hey,” you froze at the sound of his voice and turned around to find Miguel standing at the edge of your cubicle space. You swallowed thickly before squeaking out a response that made you cringe internally, “can we talk?”
“Umm…yes?” you looked at him and waited for him to make the next move. He turned and motioned for you to follow him. It felt like some sort of walk of shame as you trailed after him like a puppy. He didn’t stop, ignoring the whispers and titters from the other Spider-People as he beelined for his office. You kept your gaze trained on your feet and almost ran into him when he suddenly stopped, “oof.”
“Sorry,” you’d never heard him apologize before. Odd. He closed the door behind and leaned against it, “listen, I think we need to clear some things up.”
“We do?”
“Mhmm,” this time he found it difficult to look in your eyes as you hopped up and sat at the edge of his desk, swinging your legs, “I just…I don’t want you to think that I hate you know or ever hated you. It’s never been like that.”
“Could have fooled me,” you shrugged slightly, already having made peace with his dislike of you. 
“I know, I…fuck,” he ran a hand over his face in exasperation, “It was supposed to be easier this way.”
“What way?”
“If you hated me,” he finally managed to get out as you blinked at him owlishly, “then it would have made it easier for him to keep my distance.”
“But I don’t hate you,” you shook your head, “I don’t hate anyone…and I could never hate you.”
“Even now?” he chuckled harshly, “when you definitely should?”
“Even now,” you confirmed you heard his small exhale of relief, “now I just…I guess I’m just confused as to how you do feel about me.”
“When you left me and I couldn’t find you and then…when you’d been hurt…I thought…” he trailed off, clearly at a loss for words. You let his words sink in and tried to process the meaning behind him, “I didn’t know what I would do if anything had happened to you. All I could think about was beating that bastard to a bloody pulp.”
“Oh,” the gears were definitely turning as you came closer and closer to your conclusion. And then it hit you all at once and your entire face turned warm. You looked over at Miguel and could see that his cheeks were a darkened pink, “oh.”
“Umm…yeah,” he scratched at the back of his neck nervously before nodding slightly, “I just never know what to do or say. I-I’ve never been good with words. Keeping people at a distance makes things easier. If there’s no attachment then there’s no room or heartbreak.”
“I understand that,” you agreed softly, “but that’s no way to live.”
“I’m starting to see that,” he allowed himself to meet your eye and the two of you exchanged shy smiles, “so I guess I just wanted to say sorry.”
“Is that all you wanted to say?” you felt a little bolder now, nerves buzzing with everyone he had said and things that were left unspoken.
“No,” he agreed, “but it’s a good starting point, I think.”
“Yeah,” you nodded softly, “I think so too.”
“Cool,” he ran a hand through his hair nervously, “cool. Listen, I…want to do this right. So can I umm, do you want to-”
“Yes,” you slid off the desk and almost skipped over to him, “I’d love to.”
“You’re sure?”
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casmick-consequences · 11 months
i rewatched the finale just now, and I have some thoughts.
mainly, i want to thank taika and david for this wonderful show that's brought me immense joy this last month, and i'll always take it with me no matter if we manage to get a third season or not.
did i like the finale? yes, i really did. did i think it was very rushed, had weird scene placements and could've gone with another episode to even things out? also yes.
as far as izzy goes (and this is where it gets extremely controversial knowing how much this fandom loves him); i am actually glad his storyline ended here.
this entire season, we got to enjoy him and we got to see his redemption arc. from someone who is obsessed with this monster of a being, to someone who learns to come into his own, away from all the toxicity and poison. he gets to find out more about himself, and with that grow closer to the people around him and allow himself to have friends. a family, even. would i have loved to see him live a full life like this? definitely. but story-wise, this is a perfect ending for him. "you born alone, you die alone" he said, and then he passed peacefully surrounded by his family and in the arms of not blackbeard, but edward.
i need the people of this fandom to understand that just because your favorite character died, doesn't mean that it instantly turns into a bad show/season/whatever. you have to look outside of your bias, and instead of going "no fuck this show because i did not want him to die" you could go "i am incredibly sad that he died but i'm so happy to have known him and to have him in my life". it's a show, the character isn't going away simply because he died.
but then again, izzy didn't mean as much as he did to the majority of you and i don't wanna go around telling people how to feel, because feelings and emotions are real and if he meant a lot to you then yes, of course you're hurt. and that's 100% completely valid. just don't take it out on the rest of the show and the show writers (saw some ppl say that nasty things were being tweeted at djenkins and that's not ok. at all.)
idk, even after watching it twice i feel kinda... weird.... like too much happened in little time. but i am OVERJOYED that lucius and pete got to have their little wedding <3333 they're mateys!!!! i just wish it wasn't over in 30 seconds, as well as completely overshadowed by izzy's death 2 minutes before.
but i do think the finale had some GREAT bits in it. even if most of it felt rushed, there was comedy, emotion, romance, GREAT kisses (the way gentlebeard was handled in this episode made me very giddy!!)..... it just always delivers.... and watching this with everything else that happened in s2 I can safely say that this might be my favorite season of any show out there.
once again; THANK you taika and david <3 love youuu
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machinegunbun · 3 months
rereading benanigans and just...
You and Pete are friends with benefits. You'd decided that's all you'd be the first time you had sex, when he told you it would probably be best if it didn't go any further because he's mentally ill and he doesn't want to make his problems your problems. He knows he can be a unreliable sometimes, because sometimes to get better you have to be selfish, and being selfish didn't feel like a good trait for a boyfriend to have (kind of like TKOSI).
"That sounds lonely." you told him
The two of you had spent almost every day together since, just friends... and other stuff. You were both perfectly comfortable with the situation as you found yourself being non-committal at times, too. It seemed like the easiest way for no one to get hurt.
And one day you're hanging out, his friends are over, and its all laughs. Everyone is having a good time, but you're distracted. You've just got off a long day of work where all you could think about was Pete. Pete touching you, teasing you, talking in your ear, helping you relax.
But, of course, his friends were over. They always seemed to be. It wasn't necessarily that Pete wasn't paying any attention to you, because he definitely wasn't ignoring you, he just wasn't paying you the attention you wanted.
He sat on the couch, one leg bent up on the cushion next to him and the other flat on the ground as his torso faced down the length of the couch, laughing at a dick joke, his arm laid on the back of the couch, his hand absentmindedly rubbing the soft material. It was all completely inconspicuous, but after the day you had it was driving you all the more crazy.
You try not to stare at the sweatpants adorning his legs, or think about how good it would feel to wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face in his sweatshirt while he fucked you nice and slow, your hips lifting to meet his.
Pete's eyes drift from his friend over to you as he laughed, his hand coming up to block part of his smile. His eyes meet yours and when he realizes you're staring his gaze drops to floor, a soft blush covering his features.
"You want something to drink?" He asks, reaching down to grab his own cup before standing, a slew of uninvited drink orders following. You weren't sure if it was a playful dig at you being 'thirsty' (did people still say that?) but, it didn't matter much anyway, because you knew you would follow him to the kitchen for much more than a drink.
"I would've gotten you something, too." He turns his head as he walks, hearing your soft footsteps close behind.
"I know, I just miss you." you respond, turning into the kitchen, which offered little cover, the island bar and cabinets that hung directly above the only thing separating you from the former.
You stand behind him as he prepares everyone's drinks, your arms wrapped around and your head peaking out under his arm to watch as he worked. The island barely rose to Pete's naval, and any of the boys would've been able to see your arms clearly if they chose to look back, so you tried your best to slyly run your hand down his torso until your pinky met his waistband. It took a bit of wiggling, but your hand slid in, preparing to wrap around what you'd been waiting for all day when Pete grabbed you by the wrist, pulling your hand away.
Your gaze rose to his, a small pout on your face as he shifted away, hands filled with an array of drinks.
You wandered around the kitchen, looking for a snack to ease your newfound oral fixation, when your eyes fell on Pete in the other room. He was sat in your former chair, with a perfect view of his friends on the couch, and also the kitchen. Turning, you opened the freezer door, bending down to check if you had more of those ice pops you loved so much. Really, Pete didn't care for them, but he knew you did and so they were on the shopping list every time. It was one of the many sweet things about Pete, and you couldn't think of a better way to thank him than teasing him in front of all of his friends.
Tossing the sticky plastic wrapping into the trash, you leaned forward on the island in front of you, trying to get back into the conversation. Your lips wrapped around the cold tip, an innocent look on your face, trying your hardest look like you were paying attention to the story being told from the couch. You could see from the corner of your eye when Pete's attention fell on you, glancing quickly from where his friend was sat and up to you, before going back again.
Knowing you had his attention, you let the icepop slide further into your mouth and slowly back out again, licking your lips and holding it infront of your face, your gaze never meeting his, instead taking a faux interest in the sweet treat. You pretended to notice it begin to drip, letting your tongue out to lick at the base and back up before sucking it into your mouth once again.
Pete was well aware of what you were doing, and was almost embarrassed at how well it was working. Casually as he could, he slid a pillow that was resting on his lower back into his lap, a small insurance.
I have to go cook dinner booooo responsibilities
@kidtheekid @cclynn88 @lonerlee @friedwangsss @rumoured-whispers @nichmeddar @triplexdoublex @myfatbottomedgirls @bakedcolson @chokemeshaw @olafsidehoe @bieberhoodforever @gg @classyunknownlover @jennajenna11world @Close-your-eyes-and-d13
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Drive In
Pairing: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Present Day) x Female Reader.
Summary: After unsuccessfully navigating the crazy world of online dating apps, you meet Pete “Maverick” Mitchell and agree to go to a drive-in and perhaps you have finally met your perfect match.
Warnings: Fluff, romantic, some profanity, toxic dating app horror stories.
A/N: This was requested by Anon. Hope y’all enjoy! :)
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Back in the day, Maverick considered himself to be quite the Casanova. It used to be so easy, come so naturally. Maybe because thirty years ago he was a lot younger and his jet black hair wasn't fading. His body was still firm and taunt, in his line of work it was a major priority to keep in shape, but his face had become worn, the skin around his green eyes now had wrinkles.
"You're still a very good looking man," Phoenix told him when she, Coyote, Payback, Bob, and Rooster was helping him make his dating app profile.
All eyes were on her when the aviator quickly added, embarrassed:
"Respectfully speaking, of course, sir!"
The guys chuckled while Maverick tried to hold back his amusement.
Coyote let out a low whistle.
"Ooo, Phoenix got the hots for Captain." He teased.
"I do not!" Phoenix defended. "And I swear to God, if this gets back to Hangman, I'll kill you."
She shot a death glare at Coyote, that made him straighten up quick. She shot the look to all the guys meaning business.
Maverick patted Phoenix on her shoulder to assure her it was OK.
"Thank you, Phoenix. I appreciate the compliment."
He held up his phone and returned his attention back to the profile.
"Are you guys sure this is the right thing to do?"
He wrinkled his brow. The whole process seemed so unnatural to him.
"If you filled out all the questions honestly the algorithm will try to bring you the best possible matches." Bob commented.
"But the algorithm doesn't get it right 100% of the time." Payback added, looking at Maverick. 
"What do you mean?" Maverick asked.
"He means there might be a dud or two," Coyote answered.
"But still the odds are in your favor." Phoenix encouraged.
Maverick sighed as he closed the app and pocketed his phone. He was tired of thinking about it for now.
"There used to be a point in time when I could just sing to a woman in a club as a way of flirting."
"Sounds lame," Rooster finally chimed in.
Maverick gave him a pointed look.
"Lame, huh?” Maverick chuckled, the memories coming back to him. It all seemed just like yesterday but also a lifetime ago.  “Guess who was my wingman?"
You were two seconds away from throwing your phone across the room. You'd do it, too, not caring if it broke, the only thing was you knew how much you needed the damn thing.
Stupid dating apps. After trying a month without them, you were having zero luck dating out there "in the wild" so, reluctantly, you downloaded the toxic app again, damn well knowing it would all still be the same old bullshit. If it wasn't some fake bot, it was just the same losers over and over you matched with. You were going to pull your hair out if another dude sent "wyd?" at 11 am on a Wednesday.
You wanna know "what I'm doing?", Chad?! You thought. I'm at work at this time, that's where I am! Why aren't you doing the same?!
You didn't even want to think about how you basically had the same conversation over and over with these guys.
"Hello, beautiful baby gurrl. Good mornin!'"
"Hi, there. Good morning."
"How you sleep last night?"
"Just fine, thanks. HBU?"
"It could have been better. I'd rather be waking up next to you, babyyy."
" ... "
"Send me a pic?"
"Why not? You shy?"
" Hello?!"
*incoming unsolicited dick pic*
"You like dat? You like what you see? ;)"
" ... "
"Dat could be alll yours and more! You wanna come over later?"
"I don't think so."
"Why not? It's not like I'm gonna kill you..lol"
"Sooo...you gonna come over or...I could come over there?!"
"No. I don't even know you! I just met you five minutes ago."
"Don't waste my time! Ya know, a lot of girls like what I got. You're lucky I'm even giving you the time of day!"
"K. Go text one of them then."
" ... "
"Man, fuck you, bitch. Your loss! I didn't want your ugly ass anyway. LOL."
You sighed. Why was trying to find your person so physically and mentally taxing? Some of your friends actually had good luck on the dating apps but it was just not working out for you. You thought about all your options: keep trying the apps, try in person again, hell maybe even switch teams?! The best option was the idea of becoming an old, single, crazy cat lady. At this point, it sounded like the most peaceful choice.
You were laying on your back on your bed with one arm slung over your eyes, trying to block out all your frustrations.
Your phone next to you vibrated, signaling you had a notification.
Oh great, You thought. Can't wait to see what this one's got to say.
You picked up your phone, punched in your pass code, and opened the app.
Pleasantly surprised was an understatement! You had matched with the most handsome man you'd ever seen on any app ever.
He was definitely older, much older you were sure of it, but the age gap didn't bother you. He only had a few pictures but you saw he had dark hair, green eyes, perfectly chiseled nose and jawline.
Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, USN.
As good as he looked, you couldn't help but have reservations. Living in San Diego, you had been on a few dates with military men before. They could be just as shady as the civilian Joe Blows, if not even more. Plus, he was way too fine looking to still be single. You tried not to judge. Divorced? Widowed? Perhaps he was looking for a last minute fling before his next naval cruise?
Your phone vibrated again and you saw he sent you a message.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Pete Mitchell. But everyone calls me Maverick or "Mav".
"Nice to meet you! I'm Y/N." You typed back. "Cruise to any where fun lately, sailor?"
"What gave it away? The picture of me in my dress whites?"
"Not a bad picture, I must say." It was true. Technically he was old enough to be your father but he was still a smoke show. Silver fox, indeed.
"Ha, ha! Thanks. Ah, no fun cruises. I was recently called back to North Island for work."
You told him what you did for a living and you found out he was career military. A naval aviator for over thirty years. You kept chatting back and forth for the next two days and exchanged numbers. On Friday night Maverick called you.
"Look, I'll be honest with you, Y/N." Maverick explained. "This dating app thing...it's not really my style. My kids put me up to it. They said I needed to get out more and this is the way people do it nowadays. I just don't know..."
"Kids?" You repeated, slightly surprised he never mentioned it before. "You have kids?"
Maverick chuckled. "I'm sorry, I guess I should rephrase that. They're actually a squadron of Top Gun graduates I train. I call 'em my kids even though they're all about thirty-something years old."
You exhaled a sigh of relief. "Oh, I see."
"Anyway," Maverick went on. "How would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?"
You were pleasantly surprised again. Most guys you encountered on the apps were either one extreme or another. Some wanted to come over right away and others it was like pulling teeth to get them to actually take you on a real date.
"Is that OK with you?" Maverick asked.
"Oh, yeah!" You said. "Yes, that would be great! Dinner and a movie?"
"You read my mind," Maverick confirmed. "I was thinking I take you to the drive-in. They're doing an 80's movie theme night."
"Drive-in?" You repeated. You hadn't been there in ages. Maverick must have misunderstood your tone because he went to explain:
"Yeah, it's where they have a big outdoor projection screen and you pull up in your car..."
You burst out laughing.
"Pete," You started. "Come on. I know I'm younger than you but I do know what a drive-in is!"
Maverick laughed at himself.
"Sorry. Of course you do."
"That sounds like fun, Pete. Let's do it."
You knew you were breaking your own rules by allowing Maverick to pick you up but you felt like you could trust this man. Your jaw dropped when you saw the forest green vintage race car pull up in your driveway.
"She's a '56," Maverick explained as he helped you into the car. "She can go from zero to one seventy in about six seconds."
"Wow," You said, resting the bouquet he just gifted you in your lap. Out of curiosity, you ran your fingers along the dashboard. You'd never been in a car like this before.
Maverick started the car and began backing out.
"I usually just ride my motorcycle but this seemed more appropriate for the occasion."
You smiled. "I guess you have the need speed on the ground as well as in the air."
Maverick turned to look at you then as he shifted the car into drive and you weren't exactly sure how to describe it. It was like a mixture of surprise, curiousity, and a touch of sadness.
"Did I say something wrong?" You asked, concerned.
Maverick shook his head.
"No," He assured you. "It's just...so funny and...kind of weird you said that. 'The need for speed'. I haven't heard that in a long time. I had a friend I used to say that to. A long time ago. It was like...oh, what do you call it? Something that you and one other person knows?"
"An inside joke?" You suggested.
Maverick smiled. "Yeah," He agreed. "An inside joke."
"You don't talk to that friend anymore?" You asked.
"Oh, I do." Maverick replied. "I sure do. It's just...he's not here with us...physically anymore."
"Oh..." You realized and you felt a twinge of gulit in your stomach. This wasn't the best way to start off a date.
As if reading your mind, Maverick took one hand off the wheel and softly brushed the side of your cheek with the back of his hand. His hand felt callous, the result of decades of working on all sorts of aircraft, but it also felt strangely comforting. The feeling guilt in your stomach dissolved and felt something like butterflies replace it.
"It's OK, sweetheart," Maverick said and he really meant it.
After dinner, you two drove in the drive-in. A triple feature of John Hughes movies were playing. You and Maverick laughed when Kelly LeBrock turned Bill Paxton into a talking blob in Weird Science and cheered as Judd Nelson pumped his fist in the air at the end of The Breakfast Club. The final movie was Sixteen Candles and you couldn't help but sigh when Molly Ringwald finally got to kiss her dream guy.
"This is one of my favorite movies," You said.
"You like the romantic stuff, huh?" Maverick teased and you laughed.
"Yeah, I know it's cliche," You said. "But I can't help it. I'm such a sucker for it."
"Nothing wrong with that," Maverick told you. "Just between you and me...I'm a romantic myself."
He leaned in and kissed you and you couldn't help but smile against his lips.
When the two of you parted, your eyes fluttered open and you said:
"I know we just met but I feel so lucky to have found you. I was about ready to give up. The apps were driving me crazy."
Maverick rolled his eyes at the mention of the dating apps.
"I don't get them either," He said. "But I saw your picture and...I don't know. I just...thought you were really beautiful and I'm glad I met you, too."
You felt Maverick take your hand in his.
"If it's OK with you, would you see me again?"
You smiled and answered by kissing him again.
"Sure, I'd really love that."
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batboyblog · 2 months
Seeing the post about Jasmine, I can literally feel an ulcer grow within me. Are people actually this fucking stupid? Spreading VERY blatant and easily debunakable misinformation? Are they MALICIOUSLY trying to sabotage shit? Also the antisemitism only grows stronger. You literally have spoken in support of Palestine multiple times and yet these people start to froth at the mouth when they find out you're Jewish, these people have the reading comprehension of a fucking brick!!! And seeing the quote by Malcom X... Literally that's the most disgusting shit to act like you're a white liberal when Jews are not seen as white, are seen as lesser than white, the lack of self-awareness this person has is stunning. Sorry to make such a long post but what the fuck, seriously what the fuck is people's problem.
what the fuck is people's problem is a great question that I really wish I had an answer for.
I mean on the antisemitism front I suspect that the thrill of bullying transcends ideological views, just because you say you're a socialist doesn't mean you're also a good person. Just means you have justify your behavior through a new lens, so its fine to accuse Pete Buttigieg of being a sexual pervert like some conservative Catholic, if you're doing it as a "joke" because he's "Neo-liberal" or whatever, or post snakes at Elizabeth Warren, or or etc etc as long as you come up with an excuse its fine to be horrible as long as you do in the name of leftism! or whatever.
as to the wider question? why blow up chances to make progressive change by supporting nonsense candidates who are just unfunny versions of Vermin Supreme? hm I don't know, but I suspect that for a lot of them, politics aren't really real to them. It's like ideological football for them, the most important thing is to "be right" and "win the argument" over in reality, we have to sometimes work with people we loath, sometimes we have to put up with shitty things to get what we really want, and always always always its slow work. Listen, in 1912 Teddy Roosevelt put forward the idea of a national health service, over 100 years later we're still fighting for universal health care. Now we've made important steps, everyone over 65 those who need it most, have health coverage through Medicare, others have been added to Medicare, we have Obamacare which regulates the health markets and helps people get affordable coverage and more people are covered now than every before. But people like we're talking about would rather than was Nothing for anyone, that everyone was not covered at all, than take an answer that helps people but isn't perfect.
Just isn't my style really, idk I just can't help but think about all the people whose lives got saved by Obamacare and just, what we should have let them die? progress builds it doesn't just appear nothing just happens, so each term you move closer, but each time a Republican gets it, they undermine, undo, go backward. I mean for example, Trump literally wants to get rid of the job in government that advices all the many federal departs on how to be greener and replace it with a guy who's job it'll be to push departments to use more oil and gas.... literally thats a thing, what a perfect example of what a Republican Presidency is about, going backward. Then when we have a Democrat rather than making progress they have to undo all the damage to get to baseline and then start improving.
I also think there's a small group of cynical grifters, when Democrats/liberals/people on the left whatever we want to call them, are scared and frustrated and upset, ie when a Republican is in power and elections are years away, they invest, money, time, energy into things to try to feel like they're making a difference or that they're heard, or validated. Left wing podcasts boom, left wing groups that are good at social media boom, people can become kinda stars and make money. Now many of those people drift off to normal life when there's a safe Democrat not doing horrifying shit every day, the money dries up. So the cynical crowd 1. tries to undermine Democrats to keep that feeling of frustrated hopelessness alive in listeners so they keep toning in and 2. they want Republicans to win! of course! its good for them!
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ohanny · 8 months
so fun fact, i've been feeling like crap and spiked a fever and literally dreamt this so from my actual delusions to you...
give kim something to do and get these three fraternizing:
basically, there was a deleted scene where pete hears about kim roaming free and he's like “oh, how did he escape?” and his henchmen informants (or way) are like “he didn't, rumour has it kenta let him go” and pete is like “... interesting.” because kenta serves tony’s interests. kenta doesn't disobey. kenta does not argue, ever. so the fact that he even at bare minimum dared to start giving tony suggestions on what to do? mmh.
so pete calls kim like “hey, we gotta talk? like i need to know what you said or did to kenta to make him let you go. come over, boo, let's chat” and let's be real, it's not like kim has anything better to do so he's like “sure” and arrives to the scene (which in my head took place in pete’s office, shh) just as kenta is about to kebab skewer pete.
and kim is like “KENTA NO!” using the same voice i use when i see my dog have something she definitely should not have in her mouth. and he grabs kenta’s shoulder and shoves him back and kenta just… goes. and pete is like “... interesting.”
kenta has scampered up and points the knife at kim, asking him to just “please leave, this has nothing to do with you, you got out so just GO!” but kimberly of justice is like “nah, kenta, we can't just shish kebab people” and starts walking towards kenta, pissed off, all “huh, whatcha gonna do? stab me too?” and the second his chest is about to touch the knife kenta yanks his arm back because yeah, no way is his knife getting anywhere close to hurting kim as seen before. and pete just lays there like “.... INTERESTING INTENSIFIED”
kim squares up with kenta going “you know what, you can stab pete if you want to but you have to go through me first.” and kenta is already at the breaking point and he keeps saying “please” as if he repeats it enough, kim will just step aside but no. kim is all “you helped me so let me help you” and kenta is all “i don't -” and kim rolls his eyes like “yeah, you really don't deserve it right now, look at you, but you can change. you can do better. you can earn it. you're nothing to tony. aren't you tired of just being his tool? don't you want to be a person again?”
kenta lets out this strangled scream of “i don't know how!” and kim is like “for starters you're gonna give me that knife and sit the fuck down so we can talk instead of stabbing each other” and pete - who in the midst of being INTERESTED has slowly inched his way back up to his feet - says “i'm sorry i didn't do more for you then. i should've just knocked you out and dragged you out with me but let me do it right this time.”
and when kenta turns to look at pete, kim grabs his wrist and twists the knife out of his grasp and as the knife falls, it's like all of kenta’s strings have been cut. kim catches him, saying “it's okay, i got you” and kenta basically just blue screens and passes out and then kim is like “oof, pete? little help here?” and then pete sweeps kenta up from kim’s arms and lays him down on the couch so kim can fuss over him, put a pillow under his head and straighten his clothes.
pete’s looks at kim all “yeah, that's why i wanted to talk to you. what did you do to him?” and kim huffs, offended, with a flip of his perfect fluffy fringe, “absolutely nothing. who do you think i am? i'm not part of your freaky little super squad.” and pete is like INTERESTING.
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anne8510 · 11 months
The Perfect Balance
Tony and Peter have been together for about 6 months now and Peter has moved into the penthouse. They sleep better when they are next to each other, less nightmares and night terrors and more actually rest. They have kept it a secret for a while only telling May, Happy and Ned. Three months into their relationship Tony took Peter to the security office with Happy had him meet all of the security staff so there would never be any issues with Peter having full access to everything in the tower and all of Tony's properties world wide. Peter now has a badge that is Alpha2 and the only one that is equal to Tony's. Friday allows Peter access to everything by biometrics even if he doesn't have a badge and this includes Tony's lab. This is huge for Tony, no one has ever had unlimited access to his lab but he trusts Peter with his life and he likes having him by his side as often as possible.
Today is Friday and Tony is in the lab working on making the Spider-Man suit a stealth suit and he has out the lab into blackout mode knowing it won't affect his boyfriend's access but will keep other interruptions away.
As Peter walks through the front doors of the Tower, he waves at the security officers at the desk and heads to the the private elevator. Once he is inside Friday welcomes him home and tells him there are visitors outside the lab waiting to talk to Boss but can't because of the blackout protocol. Peter hums to himself and tells Friday thanks for the heads up. He then asks about how Tony has been through out the day and Friday reports that after finishing meetings in the morning he has been in the lab for 4 hours but has managed to eat all the snacks Peter left for him before he left for classes which makes Peter smile. They have been working on Tony taking better care of himself and to hear he remembered to eat while he was working is a big step.
When Peter gets off the elevators he steels himself to see who is waiting in the hall and takes a few deep breaths when he sees Pepper and Rhodey. Rhodey is on his phone looking fairly relaxed and Pepper is the exact opposite looking pissed and tapping her nails on the keypad on the lab door. Rhodey is first to see Peter and gets up to greet him "Hey Pete how's it going?" "Hi Rhodey. I'm good how about you? What brings you down to the science level? " asks Peter with a smirk." "Just thought I could use a catch up since I finally got the higher ups off my back for our latest political moves." Peter smiled "Tony will be happy to see you and I can give your leg braces a look over while you're here if you want." Rhodey laughed and nodded to the offer. Peter had visited him several times while he was recovering from his injury and helped Tony make his braces. Rhodey knew that after the shit show in both Germany and Siberia Peter had been the one who continued to show up for Tony and Peter was the one Tony found the most comfort in now.
Pepper took this moment to clear her throat and address them both "As much as this reunion is great, it's probably not a good intern day, kid. Tony isn't letting any of us into the lab and the access codes have all been changed since I was last here. Friday isn't really acknowledging me either so probably best if you go home today." Peter took a sharp breath in and moved towards the lab door, "oh I am not here as an intern anymore, I live here and Tony has placed the lab on a blackout protocol which locks out everyone except me. You missed a lot in the last few months Miss. Potts." Peter put his hand on the keypad and the lab doors automatically open, Peter turned to look at the two visitors, "Follow me if you would like to talk to Tony but please keep your voices down until he knows we are here. He doesn't need to have a panic attack thinking there is an attack on the Tower."
As Peter walked into the lab he saw Tony working on the spidey suit at his desk, head down and in the zone. Peter waves his hand and Friday lowered the rock music to a much lower level. This sparked Tony's attention and he looked up to see Peter and smiled widely. "Hi sweetheart. Is it 4 already?" Peter nodded and walked over to give Tony a kiss on the cheek. "Yup 4 on the dot and I brought the best sandwiches in Queens for your next snack." Tony laughed "Thanks love. I am a little hungry now that you mention it but I did finish all the fruit you left me. Thank you for bringing it down here before you left this morning." Peter looked softly at Tony, "Of course. You have some visitors who I let in with me."
Tony looked up to see the two standing near the door while Peter was getting the food ready and starting up his own work. Tony grinned widely when he saw Rhodey, "Honeybear it has been too long. I hope you have some real leave from those government dictators and can stay a few days." Rhodey nodded, "Got a week or two to hang around and annoy you... and Pete is seems." Tony looked over at Peter as the younger man handed him his sandwich and a bottle of water. "Yes Peter will definitely be here too." "Thank you Pete."
Tony took a bite of his sandwich and turned to Pepper, "and I can only assume you have some important paperwork that needs signing to get you all the way down here Miss Potts." Pepper finally unfroze and continued to walk further into the lab. Frustrated she slammed her paperwork down on the table and almost growled "What is going on here Tony? My access codes don't work, Friday is ignoring me and you just called your intern sweetheart!?"
Peter was now up and moving to sit in on the stool next to Tony with his own sandwich in hand. He boldly glared at Pepper and put his hand on Tony's arm to ground him and reassure him he was still by his side. Tony sighed heavily, put his hand over Peter's and gave it a squeeze to say thank you and then looked at Pepper. She had been on the west coast for almost a year and she made no contact with him unless it was business related. Tony spoke firmly "Your access codes work for the parts of the building you are allowed to be in, which is no longer this lab or the penthouse. Those are my personal spaces and now Peter's as well. Peter and I are in a romantic relationship and have been for months now. He has officially moved in and has Alpha2 clearance, the exact same as me, not only here but in all my properties and businesses."
Pepper was furious and could barely get her words out, "What are you doing Tony!? Have a fling. Fine. But you can't give any old kid that kind of access or trust. This is ridiculous you are blinded by a good lay, just great and I am going to pay the price."
Tony steeled himself and spoke with a furious tone that sent a shiver down Pepper's back, "Don't you ever speak that way about Peter again. He is by far the best possible thing I have found in my entire life and I am beyond lucky he sees me as worthy to stand by his side. I trust him with my business, with my secrets and with my life, it is much more than I have ever trusted anyone. You fucked off to the west coast because I was too much to deal with, too many problems but I am not a problem to Peter. And Peter was here when no one else was when I was at my lowest and he brought me back. You and I are not even friends anymore, you are the CEO of this company and that is as far as our communication will go."
Pepper glared at Peter who had finished his sandwich and was now causally rubbing circles on Tony's hand trying to ward off any increasing panic. "Fine whatever when this blows up don't come to me to fix any of it." She tries to hand Tony the paperwork but he doesn't make a move to take it and she pales at the realization he doesn't want to be handed anything from her anymore.
Peter reached over plucked the papers from her hand and placed them in front of Tony. He pushed out of his chair and walked over to his desk to grab a pen. While he was walking back he grabbed a scrap piece of metal from one of the lab tables. "Here is a pen Tony," he says softly and hands the man the pen as he is finishing up reading the contracts. Tony takes the pen without even glancing at Peter. Pepper scoffs at the interaction. Peter is flipping the metal in his hands and finally stands straight in front of Pepper slowly his starts to bend the metal with his bare hands until it goes from a straight line to a small circle in his hands. He looks Pepper in the eye, "Listen I know this is probably a lot to take in all at once and I would be sore if I lost Tony so I don't blame you for not being my biggest fan but I'm not going anywhere and we are happy. It also might serve you well to remember that I am not your average college student which is why we get each other like no one else does."
As he is speaking he throws the metal ball he has crushed in his hands at the wall where it makes a hole in the concrete. Tony looks up at the noise then looks around at the lab tables then looks to Peter with his eyebrows asks what was that?" Peter smirks and says "You can call T'challa and let him know the vibranium did not hold up to my spidey strength." Rhodey now is intrigued and walks over to pick up the metal ball from the floor "Vibranium ... Pete that makes you stronger than Cap. You could break the shield." Both Tony and Peter tense slightly at the mention of Captain America, Peter places a hand on Tony's shoulder and looks to Rhodey with a smile, "That's exactly what it means and I would enjoy that rematch very much."
Tony pushes the signed paperwork over to Pepper who is frozen and pale looking at the dent in the walls. She is not sure how she had momentarily forgotten the boy was Spider-Man but now she sees how he is standing at his full height radiating strength and protectiveness over Tony while Tony is looking at Peter as if he hung the moon.
Tony takes Peter's hand and gives it a quick kiss turns back to Pepper, "Like Peter said we are happy and we plan on staying that way for a very long time. If there isn't anything else.. there are some schedules and new legal updates Friday has forwarded you. Peter's college schedule will reflect my own schedule now, meaning all business trips over a day long will have to be on one of his breaks or in the summer. I will be only doing work for R&D during any of his exam weeks - no meetings and the week of the Fourth of July we will be abroad and should not be bothered. I think that's all I have for you right now Miss Potts."
Pepper was stunned, Tony never so much as remembered her birthday but yet he was arranging his entire life around Peter's academics. "I'm not sure any of this scheduling will work, this is business and it happens fast you have to be available for emergencies and meetings. You can't just kick back with your boy toy. What will I tell the board of directors!?"
"This is the schedule that I will be following and that is my final word. You may be CEO but I'm still the owner of this company and I won't go to any meetings and deal with any emergencies unless I see fit. And you can tell the board I am with my partner and they can shove it. Any other issues please email me. This floor is no longer accessible to you once you have left today." Pepper stomped out of the lab after grabbing her papers and yelled "You are going to ruin everything you have built Tony!" Before the door closed Tony yelled back "I already did that!" And he looked over at Peter who was already staring back and him, "I am putting it back together now." Peter blushed slightly and brought Tony into a hug. "I'm sorry for the things she said sweetheart." Peter sighed and kissed Tony on the nose "It's ok Tony, nothing I didn't expect."
Rhodey cleared his throat and walked back to sit down at the table, "So that was not fun in the least. What's next on the agenda my nerdy lab friends?" The two other men chuckled and Peter picked up his tools, walking towards Rhodey. " Well I 'm going to check out your braces, start scanning Friday, then Chinese for dinner before I have to patrol. Think you could keep this one company for a while?"
Tony huffed "I'm not a charity project and why wouldn't he want to spent the night with his long lost best friend?"
"Oh I think I have some free time to listen to your ego for a bit ya know since it comes with Chinese food." Rhodey winked at Peter.
Tony threw his hands up and raised his voice a bit, "Wait wait wait! You aren't going to say anything about us being together? No comments? No questions? What gives Platypus?"
Rhodey laughed, "I already assumed you two were together. The only surprise is that Pete has moved in and his clearance level. Not that either of those is a bad thing in my opinion." Rhodey looked from Tony to Peter who were both wearing confused looks, he sighed and muttered "Two geniuses just the same. Look while I have been away I call to check in and if you are busy Tones or have a protocol up I don't insist that Friday push my call through. However, Friday does give me a current update at how you are and what is happening. After Germany I got a lot of Boss has locked himself in the lab and is not accepting any calls but then Friday would say but Mr Parker is due to come at 4 and he will have access to the lab and he usually brings dinner for Boss. Then it became Boss is in the lab but Mr. Parker is currently persuading him to get dinner and go to sleep. And so on, I knew Peter had it handled and once you started returning the calls Tones I could hear it in you voice that you had settled a little and weren't so lost. If you are looking for my opinion - I approve, not that either of you need it."
Tony was up on his feet and walked over to his best friend hugging him tightly he whispered a thank you. Then he cleared his throat, gave Peter a kiss and head towards the door. "I'm going to go take a shower and I'll have Friday order the food. Do you want extra dumplings for when you get back from patrol Pete? " Peter nodded "Yes please, 2 orders" he responded. Tony hummed in response and turned to Rhodey "Anything special for you Honeybear?" "Dumplings sound good and fried rice if it is from that place on 5th." Rhodey responded. As Tony walked out they heard him tell Friday to add on the extras and have it delivered in an hour.
Peter returned his focus on the braces and holograms he was working on while Rhodey took a moment of silence before leading into the next part of what he wanted to tell the younger man.
"So.." Rhodey began but was quickly cut off by Peter who snapped his head toward the man, "Please don't say all of that was a lie, he has been nervous about telling you, said he really doesn't want to lose another friend." Rhodey sighed, "No no I meant everything I said Peter, I only wanted to tell you in private thank you for taking care of him. He looks healthier and happier than I've seen in a very long time, hell maybe ever. And he is so stupid if he thinks he is ever getting rid of me." Peter let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. He turned back to work as he spoke softly "Thank you for your support. It means a lot and it means the world to Tony. I'm so glad he is doing better but I am not doing too much. Those first days were rough and there are still bad days but it's getting easier and he helps me through my own bad days. It's a good balance. I'm happy to be here with him." Rhodey turned serious after thinking for a moment. "Not much, Peter you are doing more than you know. You are accepting Tony for Tony which no one has ever done before. It's everything to him." Peter shrugged and moved the holograms to the side. "He is everything to me so I guess that is fitting. He doesn't deserve all the shit that has happened and now he deserves to have some peace."
Peter worked on updates to Rhodey's leg braces for the next hour while telling some funny stories from his latest patrols. Rhodey enjoyed the stories just as he has when Peter would visit him while he was still recovering in the hospital and rehab. Friday alerted them that dinner had arrived as Peter finished the updates.
When they arrived in the penthouse Tony had all the food set up on the table and was coming out of the kitchen. "Come on. I know you're hungry sweetheart, you only had one sandwich for a snack." Tony declared as he pulled Peter into a quick hug. Rhodey laughed, "Damn spider metabolism lucky you're a billionaire Tones." Peter blushed but stacked his plate and started eating. Tony laughed and began eating himself, "Oh he is worth any food bill I have to pay. Right my little spider dumpling?" Peter almost choked on his fried rice and whines "Toooony!"
Dinner was nice with the friends catching up and soon Peter was suited up and ready to swing back to Queens. He said goodbye to Rhodey and took Tony's hand to pull him out to the landing of on the roof. They stayed hugging for a few minutes whispering I love you, be safe, I'll be waiting and enjoy time with your friend, I'll be back soon, I love you.
And with that Peter swung off the roof and began to get some stats from Karen. Tony watches him swing until he was out of sight and then turned around to go back inside. Rhodey was sitting with a chess game out on the table, "Should we throw it back and have an old school game while we wait?" "Oh sure if you came to lose I'll be happy to help you out." Tony responded.
In the middle of the first game Rhodey decided to dive into the elephant in the room, "So you doing ok after this afternoon, that was a lot with Pepper." Tony scratched his neck and sighed "Yea I expected that I'm glad you and Peter were there so it wasn't a one on one show down but I won't let her hurt Pete. I hope she realizes how serious I am and I won't allow anyone to hurt him." Rhodey nodded, "From her reactions I think she does, she was shocked but I think she saw it is very real. I'm not going to lie she went white as a sheet when she remembered Peter was Spider-Man." Rhodey chuckled and Tony shook his head, "People love to underestimate him, all smiles and so skinny but he can do more damage than the Hulk if he wanted to." Rhodey hummed in response and went on "You know I would like to help you guys out so why don't I go and see Pepper tomorrow tell her this is for real don't mess around just make the changes ya know? Maybe that will help." Rhodey paused and glanced up at Tony, who was looking at him intently. "You both were there for me when I needed someone and I want you to know so have your backs with this even if others don't see it. I see how you two are good for each other and I like seeing you happy Tones." Tony was speechless for a moment then smiled and said "Thanks Honeybear that means more than you know to both of us. It's going to come out and it's probably going to be a shit show but I can't lose him. I will lose everything I have if it means I can keep this with Peter." Rhodey only nodded, a quiet understanding between the two longtime friends.
They played a few games when they were interrupted by Friday stating Peter was ten minutes out from the tower and Karen was reporting a small laceration on his leg but no other injuries to report. Tony huffed and took out a first aid kit from the kitchen, "Friday start the shower at Peter's temperature setting," he ordered with a wave of his hand.
Rhodey watched as Tony busied himself getting ready to take care of Peter and once the elevator beeped to signal the younger man's arrival Tony was waiting at the door holding him in a tight embrace as soon as he stepped out. "Shower is all set for you baby and then I'll fix that cut up and make you a hot drink." Tony said softly as he guided Peter towards the bedroom. Peter nodded quietly, gave Rhodey a little wave and disappeared into their shared room. Tony came back a minute later and started warming up hot chocolate. "You want tea, coffee or hot chocolate Honeybear? It's good for Peter to unwind a little after patrol so he usually likes a hot chocolate which I do make the best one around." Tony takes as he worked around the kitchen. Rhodey watched intently, "You make a good hot chocolate? Well I never thought I would see the day but I'll take one of those."
Peter appeared in the door of the kitchen in comfortable clothes, laughing, " Yes he is a very good barista now." Tony gave Peter a quick kiss and pointed to the couch, "You go and sit, I'll look at the cut and then the drinks should be ready."
Now Rhodey saw the other side of the balance Peter spoke of earlier in the day. Tony taking care of Peter gently and being his comfort as much as Peter was that for Tony in a different way. Rhodey brought the hot drinks into the living room to see Peter's cut was a lot larger than he expected but Peter looked up with a wink and said "Don't worry Rhodey it will be healed by morning." Rhodey huffed this time "Must be nice to have that healing factor." The three enjoyed each other's company while they drank their hot chocolate, it was a rare quiet night for any of them.
In the early morning hours as Rhodey came out to the kitchen to get some coffee, he found the two men cuddled on the balcony couch. Cozy in many blankets with Tony's head in Peter's lap with Peter slowly petting Tony's hair and Tony's eyes red from a night terror. Rhodey smiled behind their backs and started making breakfast after having Friday snap a picture and started a new folder called the Perfect Balance. He would help keep these two soulmates together he made a silent promise to then and himself.
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ae-azile · 5 months
Progression, Chapter 27: Preview
Chay: Kim and I have a son now. 🥹
Khun: Kim’s PREGNANT?! 🤰🏻 Kim! Why wouldn't you TELL me? 🖕🏼
Kim: I don't have the parts for that. 
Chay: Don't remind me ��
Porsche: I'm going to ignore you just saying that and instead ask for clarification. Whose baby did you steal? You're too young to be a parent. You have your college interview and practical coming up. 
Macau: Does P’Pete’s dad have another baby he was mistreating that you took?
Pete: I am in this group chat, Macau. 
Macau: Sorry 😬
Chay: He's not a human baby! He's a dog! 
Porsche: Chay! Dogs are a big responsibility! What about college?
Chay: I can walk him on some parts of campus! You are acting like I can’t take him anywhere. And even if I can't take him somewhere, you are acting like you won't watch him. 
Porsche: I won't! You got yourself into this mess! I'm not taking care of him! 
Chay: Meet Koda! 
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Porsche: …I will protect him with my life. 
Pol: Awwwww ♥️
Nalin: You already are an uncle, Khun! 🙂♥️
Arm: Why are you in this group chat???
Nalin: To gather stray gossip about you. You're SO interesting despite how boring you can be. 
Arm: Who added you?
Nalin: Why do you not want me included? You could just be grateful that I take an interest in your life? 
Arm: Huh? 
Porsche: Did he pose like that? 
Chay: Yes! He was jumping for a ball. When I pulled my phone out to take a picture, he looked at me, then stood up on his hind legs and gave me that look! He's SO smart and sweet. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. 
Porsche: Wow. Kim and I are RIGHT HERE. 
Kim: He has said it fifteen times to me and your ma already. We both accept it. He's a sweet dog. Great actor too. He acted sickly and depressed while we were at the shelter. We took him to the pet store and that all stopped. He kept pulling us through the aisles and taking all the toys he was interested in off the hooks. 
Chay: And he got every single one because he deserves them. 🥰
Kim: Not for his abilities on a leash. 
Chay: Fine. He needs some practice on a leash. But he doesn't jump on anyone unless you prompt him to jump up on his hind legs. He's perfect. And he wasn't faking being sick, Kim. You know he has problems. We can both see the polyp and inflammation in his ear! But Kim is telling the truth. His personality changed within minutes. It must have sunk in that he finally found a loving home. ♥️ Mindset and support can do wonders to alleviate depression and chronic pain! He's not even 3 yet and the staff said his asshole owner dropped him off there when he was only 8 months old! He was there for over two years and no one showed him any interest because of his ear problems. I can't believe that vet wouldn't come out and operate on him for another week. That's why we got a hold of Phoenix’s vet. We dropped his paperwork off at the office and he said he could do the surgery in two days. 
Kim: Probably for the best. That way, you aren't stressing about it and compromising your interview and practical. 
Chay: Or when we meet with your label next weekend. 
Kim: OUR label. 
Arm: Are you both sitting at the park together but talking through here? 
Chay: You all are free to jump in at any moment. 
Nalin: Your dog is really cute, Chay! I love dogs. ♥️
Macau: You do? I do too! I’ve been thinking about getting a dog. 
Vegas: Since when? You've never even had one. 
Macau: I've always wanted one. 
Nalin: If you get one, Preeda volunteers at a rescue near our apartment. 
Macau: I'll go there first ☺️
Nalin: 😁
Arm: 🤨
Vegas: 🙄
Pete: Do you have more pictures, Chay? 
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Pete: Very cute. 🙂
Kinn: I'm looking forward to meeting him. 🙂
Tankhun: I am too! 🤗 Although, it is bad timing. 
Chay: Getting Koda today was PERFECT timing. 
Kim: He will not take any critique that includes Koda’s name in it. Watch it. He's come up with three songs about him in the last twenty minutes.
Porsche: Aww. Are they good?
Kim: They’re…songs. 
Tankhun: I'm not critiquing a new family member. But I was going to reach out in a bit to see if you, Kinn, Vegas, and Macau were available tonight. I wanted to go to Yok’s together and rent out the VIP room for long overdue brotherly/cousinly drunken bonding!!! 😩
Vegas: You want to get drunk together?
Tankhun: Of course! 
Vegas: What's your angle?
Tankhun: Finding out Pa’s angle is my angle! And I want to spend time with my brothers - who know him the best, as well as with you and Macau - who hate him the most!
Vegas: How did the breakfast with him go? 
Tankhun: He arrived set on ending the relationship and ended up taking away Arm’s guard status!
Nalin: You don't have a job anymore, Hia???
Tankhun: He gave him a better job. Arm is to solely focus on the technical aspect of our security system. The only duty he will be keeping from his time as head guard is overseeing the intake and routine trainings. To fill up his time, Pa has offered him the Chief Information Officer for the Theerapanyakul Luxury and Amenities Brand. And then, he called him “son.” 🤢
Vegas: Sounds like he actually approves, but has taken an interest in him. That sucks. 
Macau: Congratulations on the new job, Arm. 🙂
Arm: Thank you? 
Vegas: 🙄 Suck up. 
Arm: What? 
Nalin: Glad you're not jobless. You get dangerous when you're bored. That's what Malai and Hansa always say.
Arm: They exaggerate. 
Pol: You literally built toy cars that explode on a slow work day. 
Vegas: YOU built those? 
Tankhun: To be fair, I gave him the idea. 
Vegas: Well, I figured that. 
Tankhun: Let’s get drunk together and move past it! Macau too! 
Vegas: No Macau. 
Macau: Hia, I am legally allowed to drink now. 
Vegas: Not around me.
Macau: Fine. I will just go somewhere else and drink. Alone. 
Vegas: You won't. 
Macau: Why can't I see you drunk? You're a messy drunk, aren't you? 
Vegas: No
Tankhun: I can't speak for Vegas, but I can assure you I am incredibly classy and low-key when I am under the influence. 
Arm: 😂🤣😂
Pol: I don’t remember Arm ever golfing when he was drunk…
Nalin: I want to see Hia drunk. 
Arm: Absolutely not. 
Tankhun: I promise we will have a girls’ night, Nalin. I am in full support of Arm inviting you girls to spend time with Pete, Pol, and Porsche. If you choose to drink together, that's your call. But I feel like an exclusive hang out with my brother and cousins is needed at Yok’s
Nalin: Fine. I will crash your hangout at Pete’s, Hia. 
Macau: I will be home too. Hia doesn't want me to go to Yok’s. Sorry, Khun. 
Vegas: Changed my mind. You can go. 
Macau: It's okay. I don't want to make you feel weird. That's how nice I am. 
Tankhun: You're going, Macau. It's required! 
Macau: Whatever…
Nalin: 🫶🏼
Tankhun: Aw, Nalin. You're so sweet. ♥️ you too! 
Chay: Kim can go. Koda and I will be fine. We're heading back now. 🙂
Tankhun: Yayyyyy! I can't wait to meet my new nephew and spend time with my brothers and cousins tonight!!! It will be so much fun!
Vegas: If you say so? 
Macau: …Yay.
Tankhun: Oh, fuck off! We all made up! See you at 8. 🖕🏼
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
Listen: cyclone and you have been dating forever but everytime he comes home ranting about Pete Mitchell and his idiotic decisions you can’t help but wonder what other idiotic decisions he would make in the bedroom. And because Beau what’s everything for his girl - he’s willing it make it happen.
Hey Sunny — Okay. So. The sailor sandwich fic. It’s finally here. I hope it’s everything your thirsty little heart wanted ❤️
Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x F!Reader x Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Word Count: 6000 Warnings: Smut, possessive Cyclone, Mav following the rules, then Mav breaking the rules, piv with and without a condom (wrap it before you tap it!) Minors DNI
Sailor Sandwich
Iceman would be rolling over in his grave laughing if he knew, but Cyclone really hopes he doesn't. This is Ice's fault, anyway — bringing Maverick back to North Island when they both knew he was a shitty teacher the first time.
He'd hoped some tension would've eased once the mission was flown. That hope, however, had been quickly dashed. It wasn't anything against Maverick personally until it very suddenly was. Because Pete "Maverick" Mitchell was everything Iceman had promised he'd be, but in all the worst ways. And he hadn't strictly kept those thoughts to himself.
Cyclone has been complaining about Admiral Kazansky's pet pilot for weeks, and you have been there to listen every night when he gets home. Warlock should send you flowers because Cyclone knows that the Rear Admiral can only take so much, and he seems to have worked with Mitchell before.
And Jesus, Cyclone is getting a headache just thinking about this getting out to Warlock. Because Cyclone, to put it in the simplest terms, doesn't want this. But he hadn't been able to say 'no.'
The problem began where most of Cyclone's do: when he makes a very stupid, very avoidable mistake. The particular day's infraction? He forgot his lunch at home. And you — his darling girlfriend, love of his life, and perfect angel who has never done anything wrong, ever — decided to bring it to him. Typically, this would lead to a pleasant lunch in his office, a sweet kiss, and Cyclone would return to his day with a rare smile.
But, well, Maverick.
Now, Cyclone doesn't believe that Maverick knew you were his girl when he started hitting on you. Even Mitchell had a moral compass. And frankly, Cyclone can't blame him — except that he can and he absolutely will. Because when Cyclone arrives on the scene, Maverick is laying it on thick and has you practically wrapped around his little finger.
It had been an awkward night, to say the least, but Cyclone couldn't bring himself to deny you anything. Especially not when you asked so pretty and gave him that look. Which is precisely how he'd ended up booking three consecutive rooms at the Grand Hyatt with you sitting on the bed and Maverick knocking on the door.
Cyclone moves to stand between you and Maverick when the door shuts. "If we're going to do this–" and god help him because you were "–there are going to be rules." Maverick looks like he wants to roll his eyes, but he resists. Whether because he knows it's childish or for Cyclone's benefit is up for debate, and Cyclone chooses to focus his glare on him. "Number one: if she says 'stop' for any reason, you stop." Maverick nods. "Number two: You want to touch my girl–"
Without missing a beat, Maverick shoots you a cocky wink. "I think we can all agree that I'm here because she wants me to touch her."
"–you will do exactly as I say. No veering off-script."
"Should I submit my requests in writing, Admiral?"
Cyclone chooses to ignore him. "Number three: no kissing."
"At all?"
"C'mon, Beau," you say from your spot at the edge of the bed. "He's got to kiss me a little bit."
"Yeah, Beau."
"If you kiss her lips, you're done," Cyclone practically growls. There's no room for argument. No bargaining his way into more. Give Maverick an inch, and he'll steal a multimillion-dollar jet.
"Fine," Maverick agrees.
"And no marks."
"That rule number four?"
"No. It's a non-negotiable part of rule three."
"Hey." You stand from the bed, cup your boyfriend's cheek and give him a sweet kiss that's meant to calm, but Cyclone remains stiff as a board. "We won't do anything you aren't comfortable with."
Cyclone hesitates, and you clock the reaction just like you pin a name to the emotion swimming in green eyes: unease. Instead of telling you that he isn't comfortable with any of this, that you're his and he doesn't want to share, he says: "That's why we have rules."
Your eyes follow your boyfriend's as they once again land on Maverick, who is trying to act casual. Brushing your thumb over his cheekbone, you bring Beau's attention back to you. "Don't think about anyone else." Easier said than done, you know, so when he opens his mouth to object, you cut him off with a gentle "It's just you and me right now" as your eyes drift to linger on his lips. "Just do what you'd normally do."
And that sounds a little too much like the don't think, just do that Cyclone keeps hearing over the comms, but then your hands are in his regulation short hair, and you've tipped onto your toes for a kiss. Getting lost in your kiss is practically second nature at this point. Cyclone lets his mind go blank, hands that know your body better than his own landing on your lower back and gently pulling you in. He tilts his head to the side and slots his lips against your own, feeling the way that your smile curls and your breaths quicken.
And Maverick is being so uncharacteristically quiet that it's easy to forget that he's in the room. Until he clears his throat, and the illusion is shattered.
You eye Maverick, intrigued. From the way that Cyclone's hands clench, you hazard that his look is far more irritated. Maverick, though, looks hungry. Eyes rake over you, vintage bomber jacket hugging him in all the right ways, aviators tugging down the collar of his t-shirt. Just as you think that you wouldn't mind Mav having a taste, Cyclone lets you go. Your eyes follow him as he sits at the standard-issue desk near the foot of the bed.
"Permission to engage?" It's sarcastic but not unkind. You roll your eyes anyway.
Cyclone must be surprised, but the only thing that gives it away is the rise of a single brow. "Permission granted."
Maverick crosses the no man's land between the threshold and the bed in three quick steps, then he's all up in your space. And he's so different from your boyfriend, a mechanic-rough hand cupping the curve of your jaw and drawing you close enough that you're worried he's about to break a rule right off the bat — after all, Maverick isn't known to be a rule follower. He stops just short of your lips but breathing in your air. "Normally, this is the part where I'd kiss you," he husks, and you gulp because you definitely want him to. "But I think I'll see how far playing by the rules gets me."
Chapped lips brush over your cheek, down to your jaw, and you sigh. You moan at the light scrape of teeth as he trails down your neck to your collarbone, lips taking your skin with gentle pressure.
"Mitchell." A warning.
Maverick releases your collarbone with a wet noise. "No marks." He steps away from you and tips your jaw up so Cyclone can rake his eyes over you to assess any perceived damages. Anything that can be left behind. All the while, your skin grows cold where Maverick's spit lingers, the disappearance of his body heat leaving you chilled. When he gets a nod to continue, Maverick takes you by surprise. You fall onto the bed with a surprised squawk, bouncing on the mattress.
"Rule number 2," Cyclone snaps.
"I do what you say."
"Did I tell you to push her onto the bed?"
Cyclone's fingers steeple the way they usually do when he's agitated. "So what were you doing?"
Maverick's green eyes lock with yours, and his tongue peeks out to wet his lips. "Can't kiss her lips, so I was going to get my mouth on something else." You moan, a thrill racing up your spine and thighs clamping together to relieve some of the pressure that's building up there.
Cyclone's eyes harden, and he leans forward in his seat. "Exactly as I say. Are we clear?" Maverick nods. "Take off her shirt." Maverick shrugs out of his bomber, letting it crumple to the floor as he pushes your shirt up until it bunches in your armpits. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" Cyclone asks, but he doesn't expect a response. He knows you're beautiful. Maverick knows you're beautiful — that's what started this whole mess.
Maverick dips down like he wants to put his lips on all of your freshly revealed skin. "Can I–"
"No," Cyclone cuts him off. "Take off her shirt." Maverick pouts but complies. He lifts the shirt over your head with a bit of help from you, and now you can feel where he's beginning to fill out his jeans. "Now, her bra."
A single hand reaches around your back, and you feel your bra come undone. Maverick looks up at Cyclone, his hands carefully avoiding you though you can feel the heat radiating off him. Can feel his need to touch. "What now?"
"Touch her."
Maverick doesn't need to be told twice. His hands are on you. Running up and down your sides, thumbing over your nipples until they pebble, pressing kisses right above the waist of your jeans. You sigh into each new caress. Then his hands move further down, kneading at your jean-clad thighs and scratching at the sturdy cotton twill until you shiver at the faux-cool sensation.
He's propelled up at your gasp, lips finding their way up to your nipple as his hips settle against yours, and the friction of jean-on-jean lights your clit aflame.
"Pants." The instruction gives Maverick pause. He bites his lip like you wish you could.
"Hers or mine?"
Cyclone's lips twitch like he's pleased that Maverick asks. Like the simple question proves that Maverick is actually going to play nice, for once. Like he's the slightest bit reassured. "Hers." And when Maverick's fingers first brush embossed metal: "Slowly."
Going slow is as much torture for you as it is for Maverick, but he's staying true to his word and seeing how far following orders will get him. He plays with the pull of your zipper before dragging it down one tooth at a time. You bridge your hips to help him kick your pants onto the floor. Your panties, however, remain because Cyclone hadn't said anything about them one way or the other. They're cute, lace trimmed and delicate but nothing special; you don't want your boyfriend thinking that you've dressed up for the occasion. Special or not, Maverick appreciates them if his groan is anything to go by.
His head thunks against your hip bone. "What about her panties?"
"Leave them." So the lace stays. Clinging to your hips. Then Maverick looks up at you from between your legs, his eyes tracing from your lips (still red and puffy from Cyclone's kiss) down to the fabric stained dark at the apex of your thighs. He licks his lips as his stubbled cheek nuzzles against the inside of your knee. Calloused hands run up and down the outside of your legs.
"Aw, sweetheart," Maverick purrs. "Already so wet." You spread your legs shamelessly, not the slightest bit self-conscious about how Maverick and your boyfriend are both still wearing their clothes.
"Don't touch," Cyclone says when Maverick reaches up toward your core. Instead of taking it back, Maverick lets his hand hang there for a second like he's thinking about touching anyway. But then Maverick brings it down on your leg, massaging circles into the sensitive flesh of your upper thigh with his thumb to keep himself from doing anything reckless. "Make her feel good, but don't touch her pussy."
Maverick stands back to take his shirt off, undoes and takes off his belt but doesn't reach for the button or zipper as he toes off his shoes. Then he's between your thighs, fingers roaming up to play with the flimsy fabric of your panties and tickle high up on your thighs, but never coming close to scratching your itch. Lips and tongue tracing up from your knee almost to the seat of your panties and drawing in a deep breath, his heady groan sending little waves of pleasure straight to your pulsing cunt.
"What do you know," Cyclone muses after some time of watching Maverick flawlessly follow his orders, "you can teach an old dog new tricks." You aren't entirely sure whether or not Maverick heard him. Regardless, his head stays buried between your thighs, kissing and licking just shy of soaked lace and breathing in deep, a hand coming down to palm himself.
"Beau." His name is a whine on your lips as Maverick continues to rub the inside of your thighs raw on his cheeks while dutifully avoiding what you need the most.
"What, baby?"
You arch your back, trying to shove your hips closer to Maverick's roaming tongue, but to no avail. "Please."
"Please, what?"
"Let him touch me."
"He is touching you." And there's no way to hide all of the disdain that leaks into the simple fact as he glares at Maverick hunched between your thighs. But he relents. "Mitchell." Maverick sits up to look at Cyclone, his lips pink and breathing the slightest bit sped up. "I believe you said something about putting that mouth to work."
Maverick swallows, Adam's apple bobbing. "I did."
"Well," Cyclone gestures to the bed, to you, "get to it, then."
Maverick doesn't waste a second taking your underwear off, just thumbs it to the side and dives right in. You both groan from the first touch of Maverick's tongue to your slick folds. "Taste so good, sweetheart," he rumbles. Another desperate noise slips past your lips at the praise, your back bowing at the sudden, electric touch after so much teasing.
And Maverick is ravenous. You can feel it in the way his hands press your legs up and further apart so that he can sink his tongue further into your pussy, lick at your walls, and moan as his lashes flutter. The way his nose nudges against your clit until you're rolling against his lips with your head tossed back and hair spilled across the pillows. "That's it," he husks as you grind against his face, loving the dichotomy of smooth tongue and rough cheeks. You're on the cusp, your cunt buzzing with each new touch, but you need more. "Don't worry, sweetheart," Maverick murmurs, a hand releasing your hip and trailing down until a thick finger prods at your entrance and presses in, "I've gotcha." And he does because that's it. That's perfect. You press into his finger and his mouth, see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel your walls begin to squeeze down around him and–
"That's enough."
With a reluctant groan, Maverick releases you. He turns to say something but is hit with a box of assorted condoms. "Oh," Maverick says, looking at the box like he isn't entirely sure what he's expected to do with it. Like, aren't we a little old for this? He tries to return the box to Cyclone. "I'm clean."
"That is so not the point." There is abso-fucking-lutely no way in hell that Cyclone will let Maverick raw-dog his girlfriend.
Breaking the seal on the box, Maverick cards through the condoms. He kicks the rest of his clothes off as he rips one of the foils open and rolls it onto himself, spitting into his palm to slick over the latex and give himself a little relief. And you can't help but stare as the rest of him is revealed to you: all golden skin and well-hewn muscle from years in the cockpit. And for a small guy, he sure had a big cock.
"How are we doing this?" Forest green eyes are on you, but the question is undoubtedly for Cyclone — he's the one running the show.
"On her hands and knees," Cyclone says with certainty as if he'd already thought about it — about how missionary was too intimate and spooning was too soft. "I want her to look at me while you fuck her." Maverick rearranges you until you're on your knees. Bent over the bed, resting on your forearms with your ass in the air.
You can't help but look at Maverick over your shoulder, giving your ass a cheeky shake when you catch him staring, but Cyclone brings your attention back to himself with a gentle command — always so gentle with you. "Eyes on me, darling."
Then, he's giving Maverick the okay.
If given the time, you'd be able to go on and on about how Maverick's hands fit on your hips. But you're not. Maverick gives you a split second, then he's slowly sinking into you, and your mind blanks. "Fuck, sweets," he groans through gritted teeth. "So fucking tight 'n hot. No wonder Cyclone wanted to keep you all to himself." You moan helplessly at the stretch and his praise, eyes threatening to close as you fight to keep them locked on Beau. You aren't sure if you're burning from the desire or the shame of how much you like Maverick fucking into you while Beau watches, has been watching this whole time.
Eventually, Maverick's hips press snug to your ass. You can't help that your thighs quiver at the stretch, and your walls clench around him in sweet anticipation.
"Wait," Cyclone commands from his throne.
"Yeah," Maverick says, but it sounds like it's been punched out of him. Like he's a little breathless. Like you have as much of an effect on him as he has on you. "That's not going to be a problem." You clench down on him again — on purpose this time, just to be cheeky — and delight in the shiver that runs up Mav's legs.
Maverick leans down to kiss your shoulder, only to back away when Cyclone shoots him a look. His hands shift uncertainly at your sides, petting you and rubbing reassurances into your skin, fingers following his eyes to where you're joined and running a finger over your stretched pussy lips. Slowly, you begin to relax beneath him, Cyclone's eyes no longer boring into Maverick's and, instead, lingering on your face. And it's without looking at him that Cyclone finally gives Maverick permission for takeoff.
Except, Maverick still isn't really in control.
Yes, Maverick is inside of you. Stretching and filling you deliciously, but Cyclone is the one to set the pace. A slow in-and-out that serves to wind you both up more than it does satisfy the want that's been building in your loins. The odds were always stacked against him from the beginning. Maverick was bound to break eventually. And he does, spectacularly, when you shove against him with a high-pitched keen.
Sunkissed hips cant back, strong hands pulling you into the next thrust, each faster and firmer than the last. Maverick leans down, delivering a nip to the base of your neck that stings delectably. You rock with the motion of it, lips falling open as Maverick gets a couple glorious thrusts in that make your eyes roll before Cyclone seizes the reins once more.
"Mitchell." It's nearly a shout. Cyclone's hands white-knuckle the arms of the desk chair. Maverick's hips stutter to a stop as he gets ahold of himself.
You whimper beneath Maverick. You want to push back against him, desperate for stimulation. For someone to fuck you, to fill you. But, something in the clench of Cyclone's jaw tells you it's best to stay still.
"Since you can't do what you're told…." You watch, thighs trembling as Cyclone reaches down. You hadn't noticed the bag sitting in the shadow of the desk, but he's tossing something onto the bed. Cool metal lands on downy sheets. "Lie down," Cyclone directs at Maverick. His tone leaves no room for argument. "Hands above your head." You're not surprised when Maverick doesn't move and Cyclone's eyes simply shift to you. "Cuff him to the headboard."
"Wait," Maverick says, slipping from your warmth to sit on his heels as you take the cuffs in hand. "You're serious?"
"Rule number two," Cyclone recites, "you want to touch my girl, you do exactly as I say. What part of that didn't you understand, Captain?"
"The part where–"
"Because I think I was pretty clear."
"Is this another one of those laws as immutable as gravity?"
The muscle in Cyclone's jaw ticks. "Cuffs or leave. Your choice." Beau may be a pushover when it comes to you, but Cyclone isn't known to bluff. You watch the two of them with rapt curiosity and a growing discomfort as the tension builds to fill the room. Finally, Maverick caves and flops back onto the bed. When you turn to look, his hands are above his head.
You take the key from Cyclone's outstretched hand, then crawl up the bed to work the metal tight around Maverick's wrist before looping it around the corner beam of the sturdy wooden headboard and securing the second cuff. It doesn't look comfortable, but you can imagine that Maverick has been in tighter spots. Honestly, you're a little disappointed that the cuffs haven't been used on you, but there will be time for that later.
For the first time since he took his seat at the desk, Cyclone moves. He settles on the other side of the bed, leaning against the headboard so he can see your face, but he's purposely avoiding looking at Maverick. "Do you think you can ride him?" he asks. You nod with a pitiful noise, your cunt clenching around nothing and feeling empty just at the thought. "Alright." He nods for you to get to it.
You straddle Maverick's lap, run your hands up his chest and scrape your nails down, down, down until he's arching into the pain. Then, you line him up and sink onto him with a satisfied groan, head thrown back as your ass rests on his thighs. You grind against him for a minute, getting used to being on top and a feel for his cock so much deeper inside of you; then you rise up and let gravity bring you crashing down. Maverick moans, his cheeks flushing pink and mouth hanging open as you work up to a fast pace. Much faster than Cyclone had allowed your first time around. "Jesus– fuck," he curses. "Look so good bouncing on my cock, sweetheart."
More praise tumbles from his lips, and just when you can feel your orgasm growing low in your belly, hands grip your hips. You stutter out of sync.
When has Cyclone moved from the headboard?
Maverick's eyes blink open and settle curiously over your shoulder as Cyclone guides your hips in a much slower rhythm, one that has you whining in protest. This isn't nearly enough, but Cyclone knows that, and it's all that he'll let you have. "There you go, baby," he murmurs against the shell of your ear, and you wish he'd lick it, but he doesn't. "Nice and slow. Can you do that for me?"
You nod, gulping. Sure, you want Maverick, but you'll always want to be good for Beau. Even though everything in you screams to go fast, to chase that glorious high, you force yourself to move to the beat of Cyclone's drum, jolting each time Maverick strikes that spot inside of you that makes you see stars but knowing that you're not allowed to chase that feeling.
Cyclone's hands return to your hips more than once to slow you back down as you subconsciously begin to speed up.
"Beau," you whimper.
"What, baby?"
"I wanna cum." You can feel it simmering low in your gut, but it's still too far away. Too far out of your grasp. "I can't–"
"I know." He leans in and takes your earlobe between his teeth, and a shiver races up your spine. "'Cause only I can make you cum."
"But I need–"
Cyclone brushes your hair back so he can press a gentle kiss to the skin where your neck meets your jaw. "If you want to cum, it'll be on my dick. My tongue. My hand. Not his," he spits out the last bit without sparing Maverick so much as a glance.
Maverick opens his mouth to say something clever–
"If you want to cum, I suggest you keep it to yourself."
–and closes it with an impudent glare, but the effect is ruined by his exertion-pink cheeks and the clench of his jaw each time you take him to the root. Then, the next time you try to drop onto Maverick's cock, Cyclone's hands stop you. You look over your shoulder with a question on your lips, but his eyes are on Maverick.
"Fuck her."
Maverick doesn't. From the corner of your eye, you can see that he's just as confused as you. "What?"
"You heard me," Cyclone says, his hands increasing their grip on you until you're sure there will be bruises in the morning. "That's what you wanted, right?" And his tone is mean, but his words are true.
Maverick shifts beneath you to plant his feet against the pillowtop mattress and thrusts up. Gently at first. As if he's testing that Cyclone really means it, really wants him to fuck you. But Cyclone just holds you steadily above him. Then, because Cyclone has let him have full rein or because Maverick's a little too far gone to care, he lets out a needy moan and picks up a fast and dirty pace.
Your back arches, nails digging into Maverick's chest. "He's getting close, isn't he, baby?" Cyclone says, his forehead pressed to your sweat-slick temple as he holds you at just the right height for Maverick to hammer into you. Lets the Captain use you to chase his own pleasure.
"Don't talk about me," Maverick pants, "as if I'm not here."
But Cyclone ignores him. "You can feel it, can't you?" he continues in your ear. "How badly he wants to cum." Your thighs jiggle as Maverick increases his speed, his cock finding your sweet spot and slamming into it over and over until you're practically howling. "What do you want?"
You don't even have to think about it. Don't have the brainpower to think of much else right now. "Wanna cum."
"Not now," Cyclone snaps. "Not with him. He's just a pretty tool, baby. What do you want?" All that comes out the next time you open your mouth is a strung-out mewl. "Want Mitchell to cum so I can fuck you?"
"Yes," you hiss, clenching around Maverick's cock at Cyclone's words.
"Ask him nicely," Cyclone murmurs, his eyes sharp as he catches the hand that darts toward your clit.
"Mav, fuck. Cum for me. Please, please, please."
That's all it takes for Maverick to lose it. His thrusts grow sloppy, the cuffs rattling against the headboard as he flexes his arms and arches into you as he finally breaks, filling the condom with a strangled groan. His eyes closed and head thrown back as his hips stutter to a stop. He's oversensitive, jerking as your hips follow his to the bed.
Usually, you'd be more sympathetic, but Maverick had gotten off, and you still haven't.
He'd gotten you so close at the end, his hips pistoning into yours, pressing against your sweet spot each time, and then… nothing. Cyclone hadn't let you finish yourself off.
You don't have too much time to dwell on it.
Cyclone's grip on your hips changes. Maverick hisses as Cyclone snatches you off his sensitive, softening cock and bends you over so that your face is stuffed into Maverick's tits. Cyclone wastes no time ripping off his belt and pushing his slacks down far enough to get his dick out. Then, he's rutting into you with a sharp thrust that has you keening.
Maverick gasps and tries to jerk away, but you're pressed tight to him. Your middle rubbing against his overstimulated cock as Cyclone sets a brutal pace. One hand fisted in your hair and pulling back so your moans aren't caught against Maverick's chest. "Yeah, baby? That good?"
"Tell him." The hand releases your hair and instead presses down on your neck until your cheek is pressed into Maverick's chest as Cyclone's hips snap into yours. "Tell him how good I make you feel."
You do what you can to look up at Maverick with Cyclone's hand burning against the back of your neck. "'S so good. Fuck!" Cyclone smacks your ass with his free hand, and that's harder than he usually plays with you.
"Come on, darling. You can do better than that," he goads. Jaw clenched. Eyes sharp.
"Beau!" Your eyes are glassy as they meet Maverick's. "Fuck. So good."
"Looks like I've fucked the words out of her," Cyclone says, smug. "What's your excuse?"
Maverick doesn't have anything to say, possibly for the first time in his life. Brows bunching and drawing down to wrinkle his nose. His dick wasn't ready for this. For your face shoved into his chest. Moaning so sweetly in his face but just out of reach. If only he were younger, but he isn't — and though his dick twitches in a valiant effort to get hard again way too soon, everything about his current situation is too much.
Cyclone startles when you jerk away from a particularly rough thrust with a soft cry, your head turning to peek at him over your shoulder, tears collecting in the corner of your eyes. And he realizes that he's been gripping your hips way too hard, little half-moons marking the spots where his short nails had dug into your soft skin. What had he let himself slip into?
Beau pulls back gently and gathers you in his arms as he picks you up off Maverick and lays you down atop the cool sheets on the other side of the bed. On your back, this time, as he wipes away the tears that still threaten to fall from your lashes. He presses slow kisses into each angry mark framing your hips, then up to your neck. When his lips finally find yours, it's soft. The kiss tastes like love and an apology, and you can't help but melt into it as your fingers trace up Beau's arms and around his shoulders.
He stays poised over you, massaging your thighs and only abandoning his gentle kisses to pull his shirt over his head and kick off his slacks. Then, he asks if you're ready and, at your nod, pushes into you gently, capturing your lower lip between his own as you gasp. He knows that you're close — he's kept you there all night — but he lowers himself on top of you until your chests are pressed together, and you're sharing the same breath through your noses, lips brushing together and your heel tracing a line up the back of his leg.
Once he's dizzy from breathing you in and your heart flutters against his ribs, he moves. Your head tips back, so he mouths at your jaw, lets himself taste the salt on your skin, feels the breath as it escapes your lungs in a silent plea, and you tremble in his arms. He's kept you on the cusp for too long; he knows that. You're not going to last long, but that's okay. He doesn't need you to. He just needs you.
"Tell me what you need, princess." His earlier questions were bitten out, but this one washes over you like silk. Wraps around you and draws you further under his spell. Your head lolls, turns to the side, but before you can catch Maverick's eyes — which isn't your intent — Beau is turning you back to him with gentle fingers on your chin. "Eyes on me." He kisses your forehead. "I've got you."
You whimper. Needy and in love and so very far gone for this man who would give you the world if you asked. "Beau."
"I know." He licks at the corner of your lips, follows it up with a small kiss. "What do you need, baby?"
You need to cum, but you don't know how to put it into words, your thoughts loose and your tongue looser. So you settle on: "Please."
"Shh," Beau soothes. "I know what you need." He presses one last kiss to your lips before pushing up onto his forearms. "I'll take care of you." You mewl when he rolls his hips into the cradle of yours, still gentle but firm. Confident and caring and perfect. Moves like Maverick isn't in the room. Isn't still on the bed with his wrists bound and cock spent.
Your fingers scramble for purchase along Beau's back, nails pinching as you attempt to drag him in for another kiss, but he resists so he can look at your face. The way your heavy lids threaten to close as pleasure takes you and your lips twitch and your brows crinkle. "So good for me," Cyclone whispers like it's a secret he's letting you in on, and you shudder, goosebumps rising along your arms, nipples taught and tingling where he brushes against them with each sway of your bodies.
You reach your peak with Beau's name on your lips and he doesn't last much longer, pressing your mouths together with a grunt as he shudders through his own high.
You're still catching your breath, limbs pleasantly fuzzy, when Maverick speaks up to let you both know that he's losing feeling in his fingers. In response, Cyclone kisses your cheek and suggests that you go and get a shower started in your room. "I'll be there soon," he assures you as you grab your clothes and disappear through the door that adjoins this room to the room you and Beau will be sleeping in, careful to leave the door ajar for him.
You've just stepped beneath the spray when you hear the heavy adjoining door shut, followed by the rattle of the chain lock. Then, cold air rushes in to replace the steam that the bathroom door yawns away, and Beau joins you. He gathers you in his arms and hugs you close, your back to his front, and you relax into him. Together, you stand under the warm spray, unmoving until Beau squeezes some of the hotel's expensive shampoo into his palm and begins working it into your hair. It lathers as he runs his fingers over your scalp in a gentle massage that never fails to lull you into a half-sleep. Floating somewhere high and loved and not entirely in your own body. Once he's done, he slowly turns you, tips your head into the spray to get rid of the suds, then goes through the same process with the conditioner before he grabs a soft washcloth and runs it over you gently.
Before he can wrap his hands around you, you turn to hug him, your face pillowed against his collarbone and over his steadily beating heart. "You know I love you, right?" Because this shower isn't for you, it's reassurance. It's for Beau. He hesitates before bringing one of his arms to wrap around your shoulders, the other hanging low, weighed down by the wet washcloth as water cascades over you both.
You try to gather all your love for him and put it into your eyes. Because you need Beau to know that Maverick was fun, but he — Beau — is it for you.
"I know," he says softly, but it echoes off the tile anyway.
"And nothing will ever change that."
The kiss on your forehead feels like thank you as Beau hugs you the slightest bit tighter. Holding you close until your skin begins to prune.
That night, you fall asleep in the middle of a movie, Beau's shirt falling off your shoulder as you curl further into him beneath the luxurious hotel linens and draped in his love.
Maverick is the furthest thing from your mind.
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godlytemperance · 11 months
npmd headcanons because my brain is rotted <3 <3
heehee hoohoo i am rotating the entirety of hatchetfield in my brain
im updating this as i think of more stuff so bear with me if this gets stupidly long
richie has audhd. i know this because he is me i am him we are EACH OTHER /j
ruth and richie met in the anime section of barnes and noble in middle school and nearly screamed when they realized they were going to the same high school later on
steph is lactose intolerant and is not brave about it ever. tries to share a hot chocolate with pete and spends the next three hours miserable
grace is doomed to kill in every timeline but it can be prevented by her best friends keeping her too occupied with mundane nonsense for her to find a gun
richie has so much tboy cringe energy. that man kins sasuke you cannot tell me i'm wrong
i have hit them all with my transgender and gay beam >:3c they're the friend group that hit their gender and sexuality realizations in waves. someone's egg cracked first (richie) and it set off a chain reaction
pete is genderfluid and usually presents masc (he/they)
bi with no strong preference either way
only recently began to dabble with femininity in his gender presentation
steph is gnc transmasc (he/she, used interchangeably)
bi with a masc preference
no matter who you are, if you have a crush on steph, you're gay. them's the rules pal
richie is transmasc (he/it)
aroace spectrum! he's demi on both ends, fluctuates pretty often.
somehow incredibly perceptive to romance unless it directly involves him, then he's as dense as a brick
ruth is a girlthing because she's swag like that (she/it/they)
pan with a fem preference
her preferred type is pathetic mascs and intimidating fems
grace is fem-presenting nonbinary (she/they)
formerly closeted lesbian
had the WORST case of comphet until she realized she didn't necessarily have to be attracted to MEN to be attracted to masculinity :3
max is transfem (she/he)
she's a butch lesbian!!! she doesn't feel pressured to be hyper-feminine after realizing she's trans, because she's already pretty happy with her outward presentation
saw all her new friends going through their various gender and sexuality realizations and is just "i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me :)" (it did)
OH also paul is richie's uncle! richie's dad is paul's older brother. they don't interact much but it is literally Autism to Autism
if the group were to fall victim to any of the Lords in Black, it'd probably be as follows:
max - wiggly. rage hatred biting nightmare nightmare >:3
steph - nibbly. he's got the closest ties to the CotSC and also we need more nibbly rep
pete - tinky. duh. probs gets trapped in the box in timelines where steph dies before him and he desperately wants to bring her back
richie - blinky. idk it's just vibes to me. he seems like the kind of guy to go nuts for eye symbolism
ruth - pokey. she's a theater kid and i think that pokey would have a field day shoving her into the fucked up and evil spotlight
grace - all of them. they take turns babysitting her in various timelines. she is their favorite child
richie 100% uses anime terminology to describe normal ass situations. he calls steph a tsundere once and steph has to act like her world wasn't just shifted two inches to the left for the rest of the day
oh also in redemption timelines they have movie / bingewatch nights!! they cycle between everyone's favorite shows or films. it's the best part of their week every single time
max was cast as a leading role the one and only time she ever auditioned for theater and it freaked her out so much that she declined the role
richie's hair is Like That because he tried to get the cool anime spiky hairstyle to work for him (it didn't) (he doesn't realize this until college)
pete was a greek mythology girlie i just know this. something about him screams "i read percy jackson way too much as a kid"
after grace realizes she doesn't have to be a "perfect" christian, she swears like a sailor
also grace hand embroiders all her clothes as a hobby! (this is semi-canon, since she has embroidered strawberries on the cuffs of her jeans in the show)
the first time steph smoked ouid, he made the mistake of using cbd oil and a pipe at the same time. man was in SPACE
all of them are poly with each other but at different levels:
steph and pete are Dating dating. so are max and grace. wholesome yaoi VS toxic yuri
ruth and steph are almost definitely "best friends" in the historical sense
richie and ruth are qpp. if they were both 100% straight they'd probably be the most annoying couple in the world
pete and richie kiss sometimes but its genuinely platonic for them. just bros being bros (they are so deeply in love and neither of them realize it until years later)
ruth and pete are friends to ??? to lovers to friends who cuddle sometimes
richie and steph are polar opposites but they love each other to death. black cat and orange cat kind of relationship
max and grace barely intersect with the nerds but they still consider all four of them to be part of their weird situationship
(grace definitely experimented with all four of them, with max's permission. just to be Sure. y'know.)
max is doing her best to make amends with the nerds but it is very slow going. she has gotten to casual fistbump level with them though!
the nerds usually just look at max and grace from the sidelines like they're watching two wild beasts circling each other in their enclosure. their flirting is NOT rated pg and it still baffles them how the local prude and the highschool football star managed to get together
richie unintentionally dropped the fact that he has a fursuit - a timberwolf, because i'm projecting - and ended up helping everyone design their fursonas. pete is a traditional chimera (goat, snake, and lion), steph is a plain black cat, ruth is a flemish giant rabbit (she did research), grace is a sheep, and max is a checkered-tail nighthawk.
any time that the group gets spam calls, all they have to do is hand the phone to ruth and they get taken off the lists the moment she speaks. ruth was frustrated by it at first but it became a game of "how many companies can i inconvenience before they stop calling hatchetfield numbers entirely"
steph braided pete's hair once and he damn near proposed on the spot
ruth knows how to sew (from doing tech) and helps teach max how to mend her clothes! max ends up being really good at it! she goes on to teach the entire football team how to fix their uniforms and ruth ends up being the honorary team favorite for at least a year
im taking jon matteson's "richie should have blue hair in a movie version of NPMD" and fucking sprinting with it. he dyes his hair at least once a year and it's a wildly different color every time
ruth is the kind of gal to love games with lots of violence because it makes her feel like a badass vigilante (she can barely do a push-up in real life) (just like me)
steph is deeply afraid of large bodies of water. major L on his part seeing as he lives on a fucking island
bouncing off of the above hc, pete's afraid of planes. these two can't travel out of hatchetfield without one of them nearly shaking out of their own skin
max doesn't actually like football that much. she's REALLY good at it, yeah, but she'd prefer to play most other sports even if she isn't good at them! she likes the challenge of doing something she won't automatically win!
grace probably writes lists of things to keep everything in order. she's got lists of all her favorite foods, a checklist of daily chores, etc etc (it's also because she's got undiagnosed autism and she functions better when she has a Routine)
no matter what, pete will always stop and talk to the homeless man downtown. he doesn't really know why, though. (ted wishes he could say something to pete, but he never does. best to keep him at arms length.)
ruth really really really reeaaaally wants to cosplay but she's nervous that she'll be deemed as the "cringy weirdo" by other con-goers. she eventually admits this to richie, who rallies the group into a group cosplay for moral support
it takes a lot of convincing for them to find a fandom they all want to cosplay from. they settled on FNAF, specifically security breach bc it's Timely (they go to the con in 2022)
pete is glamrock freddy, steph is monty, ruth is glamrock chica, and max is roxy!
richie was glamrock bonnie and he gets so mad when the official design comes out a year later bc it was completely different than what he imagined
grace eventually agrees to dress up as vanessa (she never played the games) (she thinks FNAF is a real animatronic restaurant) (everyone they meet thinks she's method acting)
they end up crashing at ruth's place absolutely DRAINED. they all have imprints on their arms from carrying around an absurd amount of merch. pete nearly started a fistfight in the parking lot with a bakugo cosplayer. max nearly finished it.
they all agreed that it was one of the best things they've ever done and also to Never Do It Again
richie had a brief phase where he was obsessed with black butler and he regrets it to this day
grace and max both have scary dog energy but in different directions. max (post-transition) looks really intimidating at first glance but she's got golden retriever energy. grace will stare at you with the scariest fucking eyes if you're mean to retail employees
steph has always wanted a pet, but her dad never allowed it. when he moves out and gets an apartment with the nerds, they all agree to rescue a pair of bonded cats for his birthday. steph doesn't stop crying for at least an hour
steph and pete named one of the cats, while ruth and richie picked the other one's name.
Mittens is the Lautski baby, a black and white girlie who is incapable of mischief. she's like the disney ideal of a cat. she's a cuddle monster and will be so sad if you have to get up and do things without her
ruth and richie are the proud coparents of Sir Jotaro Gooberton (the Third). he is the most stupid tabby you will ever meet in your life and he has made the crime rate in the household go up tenfold.
a very common Lautski date night is going to the candle section of walmart and just sniffing every single one of those bad boys until they get a headache
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Hey Chai, and others who have come to the defense of him, and making valid points against Vivienne.
I know I thanked you privately for this, but I want to thank everyone else who has publicly gone on Twitter and YouTube and Threads to make valid cases against Viv.
Trigger warning for CSA, noncon, rape, bondage, etc. down below. I'm going to come out with a brief version of one of my stories.
It relates to Viv, I promise. I'm sorry this is going to be long.
I'm a CSA victim. I have been abused by men and women.
Both have been sexual and nonsexual. With my experience with a woman, it was my caregiver at the time, and I was 14 years old. I started getting periods and she signed me up for swimming lessons. I made the mistake of telling her I didn't want to go that night because of my period.
She told me that "Those lessons cost a lot of money. You're going. You need to put a tampon in."
I went to the bathroom and tried, but I hated it because at the age of 12, I was raped by my 15 year old "step" brother. Not to mention, I am just very sensitive in that area anyway.
I should've lied to her. I was stupid enough to tell her I couldn't do it. She told me to go lie on my bed and take my pants off. I did.
When she came back in, I had started having second thoughts and told her I didn't want her "helping" me. I tried getting up to stop her, but she forced me down on my bed. She pinned me down as she put the tampon in. I remember crying, screaming and wrestling with her. Even beating and clawing at her face. She didn't stop and ended up getting her way. At first I felt... "happy" because it was in. Then I started coming out to my relatives about it and they were mortified.
One of them called her out on it and she was in such denial about being in the wrong, that 2 years later, when I was 16 and had a job, she went to my coworkers and boss and asked if what she did was bad.
I wrote a short story about this experience. But it's disguised under implications and ended up being bondagey without meaning to be.
After years of therapy, I still have a noncon/dubious kink.
I don't get off on these experiences at all.
But you do.
Viv, if you got off to that Dynastie video, where a woman is screaming, fighting, while being bound and gagged WHILE THE CAMERA PANS TO A BABY CRYING AND WATCHING, you are sick.
I don't care that the context is "the man saved the baby from the woman who kidnapped him!!! There's no SA!!!!"
It wasn't uploaded to show the man being a hero. People watching that scene aren't watching it for the plot. Look at the channel's favorite Playlist. The context doesn't matter on this case. Look at the comments saying how "hot" the video is.
Stop defending her. Just stop. Fetishes aren't all sexual. Look through her Zoophobia art. Jesus Christ, look at HB and now HH. There's consensual and nonconsensual bondage in both shows and in her art. Look at the fucking patterns.
Tuca and Bertie perfectly encapsulates the complex feelings and emotions and sexuality and fetishes and kinks. Her therapy sessions, Pastry Pete's getting his karma, and her guilt/empowerment are all so special to me. That show had a perfect blend of comedy and seriousness.
Viv does not capture this at all.
Viv said Raph was an SA survivor. He claimed before that he is not. She either lied or outed him.
She victim blamed the minor Raph harassed. It doesn't matter if he knew the age or not, Vivienne. An employee of yours behaved extremely unprofessionally, and if I were you, I'd be mortified.
I'd be even more mortified to have Raph boarding extremely sensitive topics and blatantly fetishy scenes. Fizz and Blitz in a cage? Raph boarded that too.
And what was Raph's reaction to all this? A screenshot from Twitter posted on his IG story saying: "that's what all the drama is about? A crewmember having a CNC kink?" And him getting a kick out of it, saying "he wants to frame this tweet".
As someone who is into those fetishes and a CSA victim, you are not handling it appropriately, in my opinion.
Especially a nonvictim boarding a very serious scene. Someone who so casually said "it's not a pedo ship, it's a rape ship 🙄" so casually. Someone who has made tons and tons of ValAngel art.
ValAngel is NOT consensual. It's not CNC. It's straight-up rape. I'd also like you to stop liking Val art that depicts him as sexy. It's not helping your case.
The way your employees behave (Morgana included) is horrifying and should absolutely be fired.
The way you behave is absolutely unacceptable.
You don't deserve to have your own show. You and I both know you didn't watch those bondage videos for the plot. You and I both know you've been getting away with hurting others for far too long.
Amazon should pull that show away from you.
You don't deserve to be at the top.
Get fucked, Vivienne.
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But also...
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Thank you so much for your story, Anon. And I really, really do think her day is coming.
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reidslovely · 1 year
how would frat!peter react to you calling him bc you failed an exam?
his heart would hurt for you. I know personally failing an exam for me always felt like a guy punch and it would just leave me with a lingering empty feeling for days on end.
he can hear the strain in your voice, your speaking in a whisper like your holding your tears back.
"i failed Pete. i failed my intro to clinical psych exam."
"oh bug." his voice carried sympathy as he spun in his computer chair. "i know you studied really hard for that. sometimes that just happens, but at least you tried your best."
"if it were my best i would have passed." a sob broke through your words, his heart squeezed in his chest as he heard you snivel on the other end.
"no that class is really hard. it's your first test in there, you can always ask to retake it. he's your advisor he wants to see you pass."
you hiccup. this is bad he thinks.
"it doesn't feel like it. it feels like he wants me to fail they all want me to fail. i'm a failure"
"I don't want you to fail. no one does, you're catastrophizing right now baby."
there's silence and he could cry he hurts for you so bad right now. "i'm on my way over..ii don't wanna talk about it anymore."
peter nodded even though he knew you couldn't hear it. he mumbled a I love you and hung up. he spent the next ten minutes setting his room up to be the perfect area for relaxation. turning off his big over head light and turning on the led lamp on his table to a soft blue color. he draped your favorite blanket and pillow on the bed even though he knew you'd end up laying on his chest.
he walked down to greet you, holding you in a tight hug and kissing your head. he just really wants to take care of you because of how hard this hit and how poorly it makes you feel.
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