#Petillant Naturel
wine-porn · 2 years
Pet Not
I’m glad the hey-day of Cab-franc petnat seems to be waning, because I have never been much of a fan. This one is a dirty, cloudy orange with dusty-rose core, smelling cidery and funky as almost all of these things do. Heavy spritz fades rapidly, leaving a flad, relatively dull liquid smelling of burnt tires and mint chutney. The fruit a light splash of strawberry in the entry, the middle sharp…
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byroniuspunk · 5 years
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Tuff Nutt Pet-Nat, a fantastic sparkler by Deliquent Wine Company.  I’ve become obsessed with this variation now (the Pet-Nat, or petillant naturel) and with this wine.  More info:
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burde · 2 years
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Tendenza #PetNat è e assimilabili su @bp_italy in edicola! • • • • • La più grande tendenza del vino italiano degli ultimi anni insieme ai vini rosa è senza dubbio quella dei vini spumanti ancestrali e rifermentati senza sboccatura, per intendersi quelli che potete gustare torbidi e con i lieviti ancora in sospensione nella bottiglia. In Veneto e in Emilia era tradizione popolare andare nelle zone di Valdobbiadene o nel modenese e nel reggiano per acquistare il vino nuovo in damigiana in inverno, sapendo che il vino aveva ancora un residuo zuccherino. Si imbottigliava in casa e in primavera, con l’aumento delle temperature, partiva la fermentazione e ci si produceva in casa il frizzante da pasto bianco o rosso. Oggi li chiamiamo “Petnat” che è la fusione delle due parole francesi Petillant e Naturelle e serve come termine ad indicare gli spumanti ed i frizzanti naturali. Il processo che li accomuna con vini come il Prosecco DOC e DOCG è una fermentazione alcolica in un ambiente a pressione controllata che però nel caso dei pet nat è la bottiglia stessa mentre nella maggior parte dei prosecco e lambrusco oggi è un’autoclave. Durante la fermentazione alcolica del mosto, che avviene spontaneamente in botte, barrique o in vasca, nel momento in cui si raggiunge il perfetto equilibrio tra tasso alcolimetrico e residuo zuccherino, si procede ad un travaso di sgrossatura e si imbottiglia il liquido che è mezzo mosto e mezzo vino. La fermentazione continuerà nella bottiglia fino a consumare tutto lo zucchero e sviluppando la CO2 (anidride carbonica) e i lieviti a quel punto moriranno e termineranno la loro funzione fermentativa restando in sospensione. A questo si può sboccare eliminando i lieviti ed ottenere un vino limpido (che oggi non ci interessa) oppure lasciarli dentro ottenendo la ricercata torbidità stile birra. • • #petnat #ancestral #ancestrale #metodoancestrale #andreagori #businesspeople #inedicola https://www.instagram.com/p/CiHxc4itBa4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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purewines · 4 years
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☀️ Petillant Naturel ☀️ by Chateau Tours des Gendres from Bergerac, France. Sauvignon Blanc/Chenin Blanc. Spring is in the air. In the first blossom buds on trees, in mornings that greet you with a cloudless blue sky, in realising that it’s too warm for the third jumper you put on before heading out. Wherever you look the world is fizzing with new life. If you’re after a bottle that encapsulates that feeling, this PetNat might do the trick. Freshness burst out from the crown cap into your glass. On the nose, notes of ripe green apples tingle in the tiny bubbles. On the palate a zinging acidity shaped by notes of pear intertwines with just a hint of honey, meaning that this PetNat is playful and fun, one to be poured in the park as bright spring sunshine dances in the foamy bubbles.
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marie-bradshaw · 2 years
Vous connaissez ce feeling, quand quelque chose de vraiment bien vous arrive - tellement bien - en fait, que vous avez l’impression de rêver éveillé(e). 
Autant de bonheur vous paraît presque irréel, surtout si comme moi vos cellules sont programmées pour se battre et survivre. 
Vous vous réveillez chaque matin en vous pinçant mentalement, parce que oui, la personne qui vous procure autant de chaleur, est bien là, sous les draps à vos côtés.
C’est le moment où j’esquisse un sourire en général. 
Je baisse les yeux un instant pour remercier le ciel, Dieu pour moi, de m’avoir permis de goûter à ce sentiment de plénitude à mon tour, de l’avoir mis sur mon chemin…
Et c’est le moment où il marmonne en me ramenant contre lui pour me dire de vite revenir dans ses bras.
Là j’oublie tout.
Mes parents infectes, mes cicatrices, les epreuves, ma crainte de ne pas être “assez”.
Il eteind tous les feux par son etreinte, par son amour, et en embrase un bien plus puissant. 
Tout est allé si vite, s’est fait si facilement, avec tant de naturel, qu’on a l’impression de s’être toujours connus.
Nous nous comprennons, parlons le même language, arborons le même drapeau dans nos coeurs.
Celui d’une nation de deux exhilés, écorchés vifs, qui se seraient enfin retrouvés. 
Quand je le regarde, ébahie, quand je ris aux éclats avec lui, ou quand il seche mes larmes avec douceur par de petits baisers salés en me susurrant:
 “ Comment ne pas t’aimer? Si ils ne voient pas ta valeur, la personne extraordinaire que tu es, c’est leur probleme, moi je ne laisserai plus personne te faire du mal”
Je vois plus qu’un partenaire- je vois l’homme avec qui j’ai envie de passer le reste de ma vie. 
Il n’y a pas de comparaisons possibles.
L’un comme l’autre n’avons jamais ressenti quelque chose comme ça. 
Cette evidence, cette facilité. 
Nuls faux semblants ici, pas de place à la manipulation, au mensonge ou à la recherche d’une fausse idée de contrôle. 
Pas besoin de defenses non plus, quand deux personnes sont faites pour être ensemble et s’aiment sincèrement. 
Alors quand je coordonne mal mes mouvements, que je me cogne, ou que je renverse la moitié de ma bouteille d’eau à côté en ratant ma bouche (ce qui arrive assez souvent…), je songe un instant:
“Et si tout ça n’était que fabulation d’un esprit malade, l’effet d’une tumeur au cerveau peut-etre? Je vais vite redevenir citrouille…”
Il me regarde, avec tendresse, l’air tout aussi ebahi que moi, un grand sourire posé sur ses lèvres, et ce petit air qui m’est exclusivement réservé où je peux voir ses yeux petiller.
Là je sais qu’il est bien réel, que c’est enfin le bon timing pour nous, pour l’histoire du reste de notre vie, ensemble, et je n’en suis que plus reconnaissante à toute force divine ou mage de Poudlard qui nous ait fait cet incroyable cadeau… 
Tout arrive à point à qui sait attendre, et pour une bonne raison. 
Gardez la foi en l’amour, il est le cadeau dont nous rêvons tous.
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nwbeerguide · 3 years
There most innovative idea yet, Steamworks Brewing releases Piquette. The brewery's first foray into wine but still approachable for the beer-minded.
Press Release
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image courtesy Steamworks Brewing
Burnaby, BC … Steamworks Brewing Co. announced the release of their Piquette, a libation that isn’t beer, but can be imbibed just like it. 
Piquette boasts high drinkability thanks to its delivery of light, fruity effervescence and low ABV (typically only 5-7%). Most easily compared to petillant-naturel, a piquette offers a palate of bright acid and soft tannins. A perfect summer sipper that has been steadily gaining popularity as its exposure and availability has increased!
Made by adding water to the skins and other material left behind after grapes are pressed and fermenting the resulting liquid until it sparkles, piquette was traditionally made by vineyard workers as a way to give a delicious and refreshing second life to grape pomace. A refreshing secondary wine product made by the people, for the people. Sadly for British Columbians, VQA rules prevent many of our local Okanagan vintners from producing a-typical products like Piquette without forfeiting their VQA credentials, meaning the selection in our local liquor stores has been very limited. For the team at Steamworks, the opportunity to divert a small amount of this winery waste stream and experiment with a sustainable and unfussy product was an exciting prospect not to be passed up! 
“When our team started thinking about piquette we realized it was a perfect product for our team’s skillset,” says Brett Jamieson, R&D Lead at Steamworks Brewing Company. “Piquette is unpretentious and easy-drinking in a way that made us think of beer, and it’s a wine that would be totally appropriate to break out at typical social occasions when diving into a bottle of 14-16% ABV wine might be a bit full-on.”
Steamworks Piquette is made with BC-grown Viognier and Cabernet Franc pomace, fermented with wild yeasts, and conditioned in bottle with Fraser Valley Honey and cultured m. reukaufii. 
Features and benefits of Piquette include. 
A wine drinker’s answer for early afternoon refreshment and onwards thanks to a low alc./vol at 6.2%.
Easy to share with a unique flavour that appeals to both wine and beer drinkers.
Smaller carbon footprint with an inherently sustainable and ecofriendly production process.
Piquette will be available for purchase at select local retailers beginning the week of June 14. 
About Steamworks Brewing Co:
For over 25 years, Steamworks Brewing Co. has been at the forefront of craft brewing, innovation and taste. Named after the central steam system that powers its Gastown brewhouse and world-famous steam clock in Vancouver B.C., Steamworks proudly brews distinct, delicious, and award-winning craft beers. For more information, visit us at www.steamworks.com
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3gbeGuo
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notquitedailyamy · 6 years
Red, White, Rosé....Orange?!
Suddenly that trip to Italy isn’t QUITE so urgent. 
Under the hitherto faultless culinary guidance of my studio partner-in-crime Tim, I was led one lunchtime through the doors of Brighton & Hove’s very own Italian wonderland, Cin Cin.
What a discovery. Modern Italian cuisine executed to perfection, and, in the Hove branch, prepared before your eyes in their magnificent open kitchen. The plates are beautiful, fresh, perfectly proportioned, and topped off by a welcoming, informal atmosphere. We were greeted at one point or another by each of the heads we could see bobbing behind the counters. Everybody was so warm and friendly to us, and responded to any questions we had with such distinct knowledge and enthusiasm that you couldn’t help but relish sharing in it. 
Cin Cin’s carefully curated wine list is another winner (a glass in hand = requisite to “cin cin” with of course), and one of the things I learned about on that first visit was skin-contact wine. Also referred to as orange wine or amber wine, this is a variety of white wine that is essentially prepared as though it were a red. 
MASSIVE SIDENOTE - I experienced my first ever glass of skin-contact white with my Ox tongue, beetroot & caramelised onion lasagne of dreaaams:
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Let’s also just spare a moment for those insane Nocellara del Belice olives - oh for a bowl of them to be a staple one of my five-a-day. 
Anyway, back to the promised subject matter. I had never heard of skin-contact wine before, but it’s been one of those things that, since having come across it once, now KEEPS cropping up. It seems to be increasing in popularity - great news seeing as now, thanks to Cin Cin, I am totally in the know.  
The main point of difference in the productions of red and white wines is the amount of time the skins are kept in the mix. The process of steeping the skins in the juice before and during fermentation is called maceration. This step is pivotal when it comes to making reds. The flesh and juice of both red and white grapes is almost colourless, so for a start the skins are required to impart their rouge to the Rouge.
In addition, many of the sensory components of reds depend on the extraction of additional tannins from the skins, seeds and stems of the grapes. Tannins affect colour, ageability and texture e.g. the dryness. 
On the other hand, most of the aromatic components of white grapes are located in the pulp and juice. For white winemaking: usually any period of maceration is avoided, and the skins are removed prior to fermentation. Failure to moderate exposure to the skins can result in unwanted bitterness and astringency. 
But the skins of white grapes can have something to offer. Additional aromatic compounds and tannins, reserved on the reg for reds, can be extracted and exploited to make for a characterful and compelling glassful of blanc.  
Enter the skin-contact white...
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Image source: TIM
Skin-contact. Orange. Amber. You can pretty much glean all the info you need from the names that have been bestowed upon it. (Glad I left that little revelation till this point in the post...) Let skin & grape spend some quality time together - carefully controlled of course, and as well as that enticing deeper hue you end up with enhanced aroma, more complex flavours and a distinct freshness. This combo supposedly makes skin-contacts the dream versatile accompaniment to food. Shout out to those phenolics, flavonoids, monoterpenes & a host of other runabouts we can leave in the chemistry lab for now... or forever.
Though the tipple may appear only recently to have begun permeating the consciousness of the connoisseur, records evidence its production in Friuli, Italy as far back as the 1840s. Back then, a chief bonus of macerated wine would’ve been its increased longevity - those antioxidant-rich tannins being a preservative an’ all.
Cool - so now both you and I are ahead of the game on the vogue vino, can we go back to the food for a tiny sec. So far I have only provided you with a dodgy phone pic of my lasagne. Tim was kind enough to whip out his camera in aid of the orange wine, and while he was at it...
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NB: am having to tackle this blog post when NOT hungry... 
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Birra-misu - Cin Cin’s twist on the classic ft. espresso stout... Also - remember that “NOT hungry” lie I told? 
Finally, I must tell you that I have another urgent port of call when I return to Brighton. Plateau is a wine bar situated in The Lanes, and apparently they are champions of natural, organic and you guessed it, skin-contact wines. In fact, rumour has it that they are the ones responsible for bringing the orange to B-town. So once again, over and out for now, with a crucial TBC...
SuSo: “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant” by Billy Joel / https://open.spotify.com/track/3utq2FgD1pkmIoaWfjXWAU?si=RjAZQGy5T82gK64htjl8Vw ...from the album The Stranger - the first of Billy’s I was properly introduced to (ehem, a shameless thanks to “Vienna”’s appearance in 13 Going on 30. If y’know, you KNOW).
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dandelionwineshop · 6 years
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Anita Klein, Angel Drinking Pink Champagne from the 'Ordinary Miracles' portfolio 2004, Screenprint with woodblock www.anitaklein.com
We hope y'all had/are having a great holiday. We love to celebrate here at Dandelion and when we do, we love to pop bottles of pink bubbly. There's something just so festive (and delicious) about it. So during this rosé season, consider drinking the fizzy version. Tonight our very own David Johnson will be manning the bar with 4 sparkling rosé from around Europe. You don't want to miss this one! It's gonna be a good time... plus as always cheese fromEastern District and bread from She-Wolf Bakery. DANDY LOVES YOU! XOXO
42% Xarel.lo, 37% Macabeo, 14% Parellada, 7% Monastrell
“Conca del Riu Anoia”, Catalunya
methode tradicional, 18 mos+ sur lies
Seriously Biodynamic & Certified Organic
This perfect pink bub is back! For years, it was my go-to wine for getting ready to go out, like the Beyoncé of pink bubbly, it always puts me in the right mood.
Dandelion's Jed says this abut it: “'De Nit'” means 'of the night' in Catalan, and that is definitely when I want to drink this. Everyone says the Monastrell is the key; for color and for kick. For me there’s a lot of soft, perfectly ripe and zesty pink fruit here, and a little citrus, draped over a well-structured backbone of high acid and fine, persistent bubbles. Nice volume and a clean, chalky finish. Unbeatable value at this price for those who value crisp over all things." $25
40% Baga, 40% Touriga Nacional, 20% Cabernet Sauvignon
Bairrada DOC, about halfway up the coast from Lisboa, coastal, clay & limestone
De-stemmed and lightly pressed, methode tradicional, 3 mos sur lies
One of my 'no brainer' picks after a trip to Portugal... it was so well-made and well-priced like many wines coming from this region, but hard to deny given the nature of this wine; pink and bubbly.
Olé Imports says this: "Touriga Nacional gives intense rose petal aromas and Baga a bright red fruit character. Cabernet lends depth and herbal notes. On the palate, delicate and persistent bead makes for a silky, rich texture. Bright strawberry and red raspberry on the mid palate, complemented by mineral, white pepper and more floral tones. Racy acidity cuts a beam through the middle, making for a food-friendly sparkler." $21
Organic, old-vine Gamay on clay and flint with siliceous limestone in Montlouis sur Loire and Touraine
Natural: “living soils”, hand-harvested, native yeast fermented in neutral barrels, disgorged after four months
unfiltered, unfined, minimal-zero sulfur at bottling
I was surprised to hear this would be in the line-up tonight as Exilé is one of those bottlings that is as often out-of-stock as it is in-stock. A popular Pét-Nat (Pétillant Naturel), this is very dry with strawberry and meyer lemon notes. Not as "natty" as some Pét-Nats... clean and crisp, like many of the wines that hail from the Loire. Lise and Bertrand believe in "living soils" with high microbial activity, a "living" vine, and a balanced life between plants and animals. There is zero use of herbicides or pesticides across the 25 parcels ranging in age from 30-130 years for the oldest vines. Drink it ice cold on a hot day on it's own or with a light lunch of mezze. I'd suggest grabbing a couple bottles, as one usually isn't enough of this stuff. Get it while you can. $24
50% Nebbiolo, 50% Pinot Noir
Calcareous soil in Roddino, where Barolo meets Alta Langa in Piemonte
Saigneé, metodo classico, on lees for four to five years
The Vajra family of Barolo are some of the most charming people I've met in the industry. And this is a fun wine; the ruby red color, the flavors of wild strawberries and orange rind, the richness yet dryness suitable for a serious meal, and named after a small chapel (“Nostra Signora Della Neve”) that is situated on the slopes of the vineyard. How much more charming can you get?
Here's what Jed says: "Apparently inspired by some apocryphal story about Thomas Jefferson popping by Piemonte and proclaiming Nebbiolo 'about as sweet as the silky Madeira, as astringent on the palate as Bordeaux, and as brisk as Champagne.' I personally love this wine and find the combination of these grapes in a Spumante unsurprisingly racy and fun, the garnet color exciting and the deep red fruit flavor a fun detour in the world of sparkling. Pair with hangar steak and fries." $40
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vinhonosso · 6 years
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Há tempo queria provar este vinho, o “In Vitro” da @vinhasdotempo e finalmente tive a oportunidade! . Este é um “pét-nat”, abreviatura de "pétillant naturel" – como são chamados os espumantes naturais do Vale do Loire elaborados através de uma única fermentação em garrafa. . Produzido pelo @dlopess87 em Encruzilhada do Sul (RS), é 100% Pinot Noir e muito diferente do que estou acostumado. Um vinho despretensioso e descontraído, para beber sem complicações. . Na taça, possui essa coloração alaranjada linda, pouquíssima perlage e aromas de pêssego e tangerina. Na boca os aromas se repetem, e mostra corpo leve, acidez média e bastante frescor. Tem um discreto amargor e final curto e frutado. . Fácil de beber e com 10,5% de álcool, mais parece um refresco e vai bem geladinho! . . #invitro #petnat #vinhasdotempo #vinhonatureba #petillantnaturel #petillant #pinotnoir #vinhobrazuca #vinhodescomplicado #vinhonosso #instawine #winetime #winetasting #tastingnotes #winebottle #wineglass #vinho #wine #vino #vin #wein (em Campinas, Sao Paulo)
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bedford-cafe · 4 years
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南オーストラリアの”Delinquente”のナチュラルワイン(自然派ワイン)です。 全店舗で提供しております。 在庫が終わり次第、終了となります。  タフ・ナッツ 品種:Bianco d'Alessano (ビアンコ・ダレッサーノ) タイプ:White (白) 、Pet Nutt、Petillant Naturel (ペティアン・ナチュレル) 栽培:オーガニック SO2:無添加 度数:9%  インポータコメント 穫後ただちにブドウは 100%除梗され、プレス。 2トンのタンクにて野生酵母による醗酵。 残糖が規定レベルに達したところで瓶詰。 酸化防止剤不使用。  シトラス系フルーツにクロワッサンのような香ばしさ。 フレッシュかつタイトなテクスチャーだが同時にトロピカルなフルーツ感も。  ウィーピング・ファン 品種:Vermentino (ヴェルメンティーノ) 90%、Lagrein (ラグレイン) 10% タイプ:Pink (ロゼ) 、Pet Nutt、Petillant Naturel (ペティアン・ナチュレル) 栽培:オーガニック SO2:無添加 度数:10.5%  インポータコメント ラグレインを使いよりドライな印象になったロゼ・ペッ トナット。 ヴェルメンティー ノは100%除梗され、プレス。 野生酵母によって醗酵 (残糖なし)、ステンレスタンクへ。 ラグレインも野生酵母によって醗酵、残糖が規定の値に達したところでヴ ェルメンティーノとブレンド、瓶詰。 酸化防止剤は不使用。  ラズベリーのアロマと裏腹な辛口スタイル。   スクリーミング・ベティ 品種:Vermentino (ヴェルメンティーノ) タイプ:White (白) 栽培:オーガニック SO2:20-50mg/l 度数:10.5%  インポータコメント 収穫後ただちにブドウは 100%除梗され、プレス。 野生酵母によって醗酵させ、完了後は良質な澱と共に6週間ほどそのままステンレスタンクで寝かせます。 少量の酸化防止剤を添加しボトリング、ノンフィルター・清澄剤不使用。  通常よりもさらに早いタイミングで収穫し、瑞々しさとテクスチャーを備えた素晴らしい出来に。   プリティ・ボーイ 2019 品種:Nero d'Avola (ネロ・ダーヴォラ) タイプ:Pink (ロゼ) 栽培:オーガニック SO2:20-50mg/l 度数:12.5%  インポータコメント 収穫後ブドウは除梗され、 約7時間スキンコンタクト、ステンレスタンクへプレス。 野生酵母によって醗酵、残糖が3.2g/Lに達したところで温度を下げます。 少量の酸化防止剤を添加しごく軽いフィルタリング(清澄剤は不使用)をしてボトリング。  新鮮なイチゴと爽やかで心地よいラズベリーのアロマ。 キレの良い酸とクリーミーな質感がこのロゼの奥深さを構成しています。   バレット・ドジャー 品種:Montepulciano (モンテプルチアーノ) タイプ:Red (赤) 栽培:オーガニック SO2:20-50mg/l 度数:13.2%  インポータコメント これまでで最も早いタイミングでの収穫となったブドウは除梗され、10トン の開放タンクで野生酵母による醗酵をまちます。 その後、マロ醗酵を行い、ステンレスタンクにて熟成、少量の酸化防止剤を添加しボトリング、ノンフィルター・ 清澄剤不使用。  フルーツバスケットを頬張るような果実感に、程よいタンニンと酸が見事にワインを引き締めてくれます。 少し冷やしても美味しい赤。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFn0UR-n7zd/?igshid=1vfum2pchhipo
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wine-porn · 2 years
Mind Your Manners
If you watched my stories, you know this is way colder than I usually drink such things… But still, it’s not hurting it a bit, and since it’s been 78 in my house the past couple days, feels quite refreshing. Solid milky pale yellow, a nose of mousse and crushed apple: papery and crisp. Great balance on the palate, no sharp edges to catch on the integration of acid and spritz. A sweet juiciness…
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byroniuspunk · 5 years
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Weeping Juan pet nat by Delinquent Wine Co., the same folks who made Tuff Nutt.  The descriptions are wild:
Pleasantly creamy mouthfeel gives way to the spritzy, dry, acid driven finish, Weeping Juan has summer party vibe written all over his face.
It's unfiltered, dirty and stinky, but its light, delicious and so much fun. Spritzy and yeasty, with bracing acidity bouncing off sweet dark plums and berries, this ragtag blend of grapes from The Riverland is sure to bless your palate, and maybe get you into a little trouble too.
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tiptopdailymarket · 4 years
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Chateau Tour Des Gendres Pet Nat (FR) Dangerously drinkable, naturally sparkling wine from Bergerac. Petillant Naturel, or Pet Nat for short, is a sparkling wine made in the 'methode ancestrale', which is to say, bottle with residual sugar which then continues to ferment in the bottle, finishing relatively dry with pleasantly frothy bubbles. This bottle is a natural progression for Prosecco drinkers looking for something a little more interesting, while still being easy and fun to drink. Bright with acidity and tart orchard fruit, which balances the slight sweetness. Origin: Bergerac, France Vintage: 2019 Grape variety: Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc Food pairing: Aperitif, Sushi, Smoked fish, Goat's cheese ORGANIC / VEGAN / LOW SULPHITES #cheninblanc #sauvignonblanc #petnat #naturalwine #naturalwines #sparklingwine #vegan #veganwine #organic #organicwine #frenchwine #wine #winelover #winetime #winestagram #winelife #plazahills #plazashamrock #countryclubheights #villaheights #noda #plazamidwood #charlotte #clt #charlottesgotalot #tiptopyadontstop #finelivin #moreplease #allthebeveragessnacksandrecordsfitfordailyconsumption (at Tip Top Daily Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTuM0yJNEC/?igshid=2in7cr6hg6td
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renedianadventures · 4 years
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On all our tours in Africa (save for Waterfalls and Wildlife) as well as on our South American tour, we ride through some amazing wine regions. And since we enjoy a glass of wine on occasion (off the bike, of course!) we thought it a good idea to introduce @grapeunknown to you. This online portal is all about wine and was started by our dear friends Jaco & Serena Vienings, Jaco is a brilliant young winemaker that learned his trade in Stellenbosch, South Africa and currently resides in Los Angeles. They are offering, among other things, very interesting and enjoyable virtual tastings and have a special this month for their "Summer Sippin' Series" - New members can join the Summer Sippin' Series, as well as have access to the Club for a full month for only $1 USD! There is no commitment - you can leave whenever you like. Sign up using this link - https://grapeunknown.thrivecart.com/grape-unknown-club-experience-sss/ For the next 3 Sundays straight, Jaco will be hosting live virtual wine tastings on Zoom starting July 19th through August 2nd These tastings will be covering Pét Nat, Rosé & Vinho Verde - where you'll learn: - Where this wine style is from, the history, origins - What makes these wines so delicious/special - Flavors and aromas to look out for - How to understand which element you like in these wines This Sunday they will start off with a virtual wine tasting on Pét Nat Pét Nat or Petillant Naturel is a "naturally sparkling" wine made by monks in the South France before Champagne was even a thing. Jaco will let you in on everything there is to appreciate and understand about this fascinating wine! Hope to see you this Sunday! #grapeunknown #renedianadventures #adventurebikeriders #motoadventure #adventurerider #advrider #dualsport #advmoto #dualsportadv #mototravel #whyweride #motolifestyle #advlife #makelifearide #adventurebikerider #adventurebike #mototouring #motorcycletravel #turkanagear #adventuretouring #bmwmotorrad #bmwgs #bmwgsriders #spiritofgs #renedianadventures #klimlife @turkanagear @pikipiki_overland_blog @pikipiki_overland_photography @bartang.eu @uclearnorthamerica (at Stellenbosch Winelands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwHWc4nxvQ/?igshid=f3dbbo3wouox
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thearizonawinemonk · 4 years
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Celebrating today! My baby birb, Samwise, has hatched! Pulling out my last bottle from my visit a few years ago from @oldwestminsterwinery: the 2017 Petillant Naturel Pinot Gris from Libertas Vineyard. I'm honestly not sure why I've been aging this bottle, but bubbles are *always* good for celebration. (I would have also grabbed a cigar, but it's a bit chilly and windy out today for that.) Sure, The label has been a bit battered from cellar time, two moves and time... but... well.. So many people say that Pet-Nats don't age well, but.. i personally feel that's untrue when it comes to the genre as a whole, and this one has aged beautifully. Yeah, it's a cloudy pale gold. It's a pet nat. Duh. Of course it's gonna be just slightly cloudy. That doesn't mean there's no sun behind the clouds [expletive deleted]. On the nose, perhaps, this wine is showing it's age with flint, minerals, yeast, and really high-end kettle-baked potato chips, intermingling with apricot, pears, and fresh grass, but the palate... the palate is where this wine shines. It is bright and vibrant, with little bubbles tickling acidity on the tongue, bringing forth bursts of apple, pear, and apricot, which intermingle with seasalt, lemon peel, and flint. The finish is short, but bright like fireworks, or lightning at night. This wine is lovely. Bright, smiling, adorable, cute as a button. The 2017 Pinot Gris pet-nat is a bubbly adorable blonde that gives wonderful hugs and always has the cutest, most heartwarming meme to show you. She's precious. #petnat #petillantnaturel #oldwestminsterwinery #bubbles #celebrate #whitewine #wine #sparklingwine #pinotgris #pinotgrigio #wineinthetimeofcoronavirus #winereflection #winereviews #marylandwine #drinklocal #🍾 #libertasvineyard #oldwestminster #cheers #cheersofinstagram #winesofamerica #winesofinstagram #instawine #naturalwine https://www.instagram.com/p/B--rQC-nZdg/?igshid=1gji2th2ikcwn
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beermebc · 3 years
Steamworks Brewing Makes First Foray into the World of Wine with the Release of Piquette
STEAMWORKS BREWING MAKES FIRST FORAY INTO THE WORLD OF WINE WITH THE RELEASE OF PIQUETTE Piquette boasts high drinkability thanks to its delivery of light, fruity effervescence and low ABV (typically only 5-7%). Most easily compared to petillant-naturel, a piquette offers a palate of bright acid and soft tannins. A perfect summer sipper that has been steadily gaining popularity as its exposure and availability has increased!
Iconic Vancouver Brewing Company Applies its Knowledge to the “Wine of the People” Burnaby, BC (June 9, 2021): Steamworks Brewing Co. announced the release of their Piquette, a libation that isn’t beer, but can be imbibed just like it. Piquette boasts high drinkability thanks to its delivery of light, fruity effervescence and low ABV (typically only 5-7%). Most easily compared to…
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