#Phoenix W. Halliwell
phoebehalliwell · 3 years
How would you have liked to see them reboot Charmed? With the P's in a new storyline, brand-new characters with no connection, or a mix of the two?
For me, when I first saw the potential 70's reboot they were planning, I thought that would have been a perfect AU setup. We could have seen Patty and Penny (and the little Charmed Ones) from the POV of these outside witches - maybe some witches that Patty worked with. And then, for the AU element, Patty gets pregnant in '77 and ends up asking the other witches to raise Paige.
tbh i wouldn't want to see the sisters in another storyline bc like. they already did that shit man let them rest like how you know they've not that new comic coming up w like buffy in her 50s still fighting vampires like doesn't that just depress you? obviously if i could have anything it'd be a next gen reboot but very crucially i want like all nine kids i do not want a wyatt & chris centric story ik like a lot of people were on that charmed sons kick back in the day but fuck no if i'm not getting a campy feminist show out of this then like. what's the damn point you know.
however, to completely undermine what i just said (& i've mentioned this previously) i think if you want to leave the warren bloodline alone going for a magical morrises au would so go hard bc like. it has just enough severance from the original lore that you aren't boxed in by charmed's relatively restrictive 8 season canon and you get the wonder of you know siblings discovering exactly what it means to be witches and you can add vague allusions to the halliwells but you get a story and characters that are wholly your own
in regards to a retro set up, i think it could have been cool to get some history on patty and penny, tho i would love it from a more internal standpoint, bc i want Info on patty and victor and patty and sam. only downside is it all eventually has to build to her death. every accomplishment, every victory, only pushes her closer to drowning in front of prue which like. harsh. total downer.
a young penny story tho could be really interesting bc like i think she was the one who really like settled the halliwell manor considering she was born in boston i think post cousin murder her mom moved away so penny you know got an adventure moving to san francisco to reclaim that seat of power
honestly if we're going really au i would love a source's heir bit that completely deviates from canon but i think would be just really fun and a nice way to continue the charmed line with a limited cast
tbh like. i think completely separate characters would be dead last my choice for a reboot just because the original was still like relatively recent and like. clearly wanted a next gen reboot & alluded to that like multiple times so just to completely upend that and go it's all brand new!!! it just like. & i've complained about this before. it's not quite charmed like just make a new witch show with your new sisters sister witches have been a thing forever in media and there are so many different places to go rather than just the "charmed" route.
& while i'm on the topics of reboots/spin offs now this one's a reach but i have a headcanon & i'm p sure i'm not the only one that prudence warren melinda warren's daughter was also matthew tate's daughter, making her half warlock, which i think could be righteously fun as a storyline. esp with coming off the salem witch burnings (which like i gotta make clear did not actually happen i just wanna say) But Coming Off The Salem Witch Burnings we could also get to see the rise of the phoenix clan
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lameiskate · 8 years
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? KATELYN RAMSEY APPARENTLY
Venus: What’s your first language? English
Earth: Where’s your home? 'MURICA
Mars: What’s your sexuality? SUPERHEROSEXUAL LOL
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? Ya 2 older brothers
Saturn: Any pets? No
Uranus: What’s your hobby? WASTING TIME
Neptune: When’s your birthday? August 31st
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 2:53pm
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? Special Education - Adapted Curriculum
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? BOY HAVE I
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? Yes :)
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? HELL YEAH
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? no
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? PROBABLY
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? "why did you kill my mother?” “because i hate you”
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? THE PROTECTION OF ALEX DANVERS AND MAGGIE SAWYER
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? no
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? nothing major
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? LMAO
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? LOTS OF THINGS I’M FULL OF REGRET
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
Orion: Favourite month? none???
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Delphinus: Favourite study? GROSS STUDYING
Hercules: Favourite instrument? Piano
Gemini: Favourite song? Without You - NCT U
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? MY BED
Libra: Favourite colour? white, green
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? giant ecu shirt w no pants :)
Aries: Favourite movie?
giant ecu shirt w no pants :) I MESSED UP THE BULLETING OH WELL IT’LL FIX SOON
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
the sun is out but it’s slightly windy so it’s not too hot but not too windy that my hair is all over the place???
Hydra: Favourite sound? IDK
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? ...idk man
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? mostly no
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? no it’s stupid :) oops :)
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? LOL
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? BAD PROBABLY I DON’T DO IT
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? no
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? IT WAS MY BROTHER WHAT DO U THINK
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? no
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? ..probably haha
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? blinks
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? actually no
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream? I ONLY WORK WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT BUT I STILL GET PAID $90,000 A YEAR
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? THE SAME THING AS ABOVE but with a dog
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? MY FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? PRUE HALLIWELL
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? RANDOMLY HAVE A BUNCH OF MONEY
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? PAY BACK MY PARENTS FOR LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVER
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? PRUE HALLIWELL
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? PRUE HALLIWELL LIVES
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? PRUE HALLIWELL ALIVE AND WELL
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enchanted--roses · 4 years
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OC Halloween Challenge — Day 8 —
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU — Phoenix W. Halliwell 
"This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we discuss the mysterious substitution of the musical theatre actresses and Broadway sensation Phoenix W. Halliwell.”
“Substituted? But I saw her played last week!? “
“It’s said that the Phoenix Halliwell we see now, it’s not the real one, but another version of her”
(wheeze) “Another version of her from where?!“
“A new dimension maybe? Let’s find out!“
Forever Tag: 💠 @fiercefray  💠 @ochub  💠 @ocappreciationtag​​ (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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enchanted--roses · 4 years
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OC Trope Challenge — Day 9 ✨ Living with the Villain
Phoenix Halliwell & Carter Alden
Phoenix knew she should have seen the sign that something was not right with Carter, but he was her lifeline in this new reality and she didn’t want to see anything else, than the man he was showing and not the puppet he really was. 
Forever Tag: 💠@fiercefray​ 💠 @eddysocs 💠 @wokenhardies​ 💠@ochub​ 💠@ocappreciationtag​ (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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enchanted--roses · 5 years
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Phoenix Halliwell & Relationship part 2 In the new reality Parker, Peyton, Tamora and Kat doesn’t exist, so the relation is based of what they were in Phoenix orginal reality… Credit for some of the gif can be found here. (stupid apps keeps deleting my link if a change something in a post.)
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I am having Thoughtstm about Bianca.
Have you thought about what her relationship would be with the rest of the Halliwell brood? Like does she get along with white!future Wyatt and Melinda? And what does she think of Henry Jr and his desire to make his Mark on the Halliwell Line?
Also I for some reason see her getting along really well with Dency? I know they don’t exist in the same universe but I could see them being friends? Maybe roasting Chris together and being good sparring partners? I think she’d dig Dency’s little detective thing she’d got going… and I know Bianca is with Chris but like… Bianca x Dency ? 👀 👀 Could be cute 😂😂
okay so for starters i think bianca gets along p well with all of the next gen but like. it wasn’t an immediate thing like. i think esp with wyatt because wyatt really is kind of like. like he's the kind of epitome of the next generation son of a charmed one and a whitelighter he's hella powerful blah blah blah and like. he kinda sits at the top of his class. which is like bianca. so i think bianca thought that wyatt would be like her because you know how like if you're only raised around people like you you kind of start thinking like how your brain works is how like everyone's brain works? i think bianca thinks wyatt is like her so she doesn't like him because well. you can guess. but i think upon meeting wyatt i mean he's just really like gentle really passive he doesn't like. like he doesn't hate magic. but it doesn't feel ingrained in him despite who he is he doesn't live for the battle like looking at him you see no markers that he's one of the most powerful witches of his generation and bianca's kinda just like huh. you don't have to feel the compulsive need to be the best at everything all the time and like make sure people know you're the best and also people kind of hate you for it because they'll never be as good as you so u decide to hate them first you decide you will be the bitch you craft a persona they're basically guaranteed to hate so when they reject you it's on your terms you wanted them to do that you basically forced their hand because the alternative is being genuine and that way if they do reject you it's not a mask they just saw you and didn't like you because let's be real there's not much to like. and wyatt's like hmm. no? i think she wouldn't really get along as well with wyatt as she would with chris because her and chris are very much both witches at heart you can feel it in everything they do but i don't think she like. doesn't get along with wyatt. i mean okay for starters wyatt kind of operates the opposite as bianca whereas bianca will throw up her stone cold alpha bitch mask before anyone can decide whether or not they like her again she kind of forces their hand because she needs this to be on her terms. wyatt does the exact opposite because again the elders almost killed him as a bebe and he's always kind of worried that some day they'll realize he as a person is just not worth the risk so he tries to be so super likable and genial and like. good witch!! at all times. and it's kind of like calls to like game recognizes game where both bianca and wyatt can tell the others wearing a mask no one's that nice and no one's that cold so like. i do think they like each other. they feel like they can be honest around each other (eventually. it does take wyatt a very long time to overcome that phoenix hurdle because again he's well read he knows what's up he knows they're like an organization of like superwitches smart deadly all of the above and he doesn't wanna be. giving up his secrets to them you know? much less the halliwell secrets. but i think once it becomes clear that bianca is her own person once she breaks from the phoenix then like. like you know they have to trust each other first. but once they do, they're buddies) i also think bianca's studied art history so i think they can talk about that and chris is like. okay? because like. no he gets it shure it's cool but also how long reasonably can you talk about a single painting like come on now.
as far as melinda goes i think like i think melinda comes off as really passive really kind a nurturing type like in her day to day life or whatever like oh she's such a sweetheart but she's kind of shy again like s1 piper is really my jumping off point for mellie that and she has leo's big heart That Being Said i do not think that shows At All when she's home i think she drags her brothers for filth like nail on the head baby she's like. if you're being a dick (which, between chris and wyatt, happens relatively frequently) she's gonna call you out on it!! in a very brutal and personalized, but at the same time still kinda funny way. she definitely has receipts. so i think just first hearing the way chris and bianca engage the way she like. like she respects chris's skills as a witch bianca does she thinks he's very talented she would trust him with her life but at the same time chris u fuckin idiot i think they have a very playful raport but bianca is very starstruck by him she's never lost in the layer and layers or fog that surround chris's identity i think like too many of chris's lis (not that he like ever does relationships really) are just kinda like. lost in the image. whether it's charmed one or brooding skinny brunet w daddy issues they are many images of chris u can see instead of the real one but bianca sees chris as he is which i think gives her immediate points from melinda melinda is also an empath and i do think bianca is protected against empaths but like melinda's like oh you two are In Love in love. as far as personal relationships go between melinda and bianca i think melinda would be the one who most consciously tries to make bianca feel like a part of the family like a halliwell. chris, respectfully, i love him, doesn't think of like. inviting her to some family events, especially not early in the relationship because like. he just doesn't. but melinda's like chris!! thanksgiving u gotta invite her 2 thanksgiving. because again. melinda can't feel bianca. but like. she's been an empath her whole life she knows what she's looking at and like. bianca needs a loving family. and she is totally willing to provide that!! and then for what it's worth i think despite all her skill bianca isn't nearly as good at reading mel as melinda is at reading her. like i think she sees the soft external melinda and then the melinda who roasts her siblings and is like okay i kinda get it. and like melinda want to be a nurse or doctor she wants to fuse her empath with a mortal career to best help people like sure. but i think like. but them on a solo mission together (i guess duo mission) and bianca'll fine she's just really misread melinda like in general what she thought she was looking at is not the witch melinda is and i think it's just because bianca's unaccustomed to seeing someone who has power like melinda who can fight like melinda who undeniably has her mother's unbreakable fierce spirit just be like how melinda is in her day to day life. like someone who's that great at what she does just choose kindness and gentleness daily not because the elders are breathing down her neck or like she needs allies or like she has some epic prophecy to fill she just like. chooses kindness because she wants to. she wants a kind world. and bianca's like huh. bc lowkey forgot that was an option. but it's difficult seeing all the shit bianca has.
in regards to henry i think henry jr and bianca get along famously because they just like feel really similar like. like bianca was never liked in the phoenix because well a) she's a bitch b) she's the best and c) like she was always clearly people favorite so like. others were it was jealously call a spade a spade this is like elementary era it's jealousy when you're eight and trying your hardest and the other eight year old gets praise the praise u really want and she didn't even try she didn't even care she didn't have to because she's just so much better than you. like!! yeah so kids at school never liked her, esp within the phoenix (ftr i think phoenix go thru a normal education system so like can like function/blend in real well in normal society and then Also go to phoenix academy, so kinda like what gen2 does with magic school). bianca's never fit it, but she's also wicked smart. so kinda like henry! like paige kind of runs magic school henry's sisters go there like henry's been at magic school. he doesn't take classes, but he's always there. he burns through the books in the library. he knows everyone just calls him the mortal, he doesn't care, because he also knows they know he's smart than them like if they could swallow their pride and ask him for help like most of these kids would become better witches but they don't because henry's a mortal. bianca doesn't care, the kid knows his shit. so what if he doesn't have powers, like, dude, he's basically a walking encyclopedia, and he's read the book of shadows cover to cover like a dozen times, do you know how rare that knowledge is? that's the sacred book of the warren line like that's a crucial ancestral item and henry's like. like in bianca's mind not only is henry a warren witch like he's Thee warren witch no other person alive knows that magic better than him. i also think they have similar senses of humor.
dency!! i mean i think if dency were born any later she'd be besties with like all the phoenix i think magic isn't at a stage where they're really integrated into society yet and there's still kind of that cultish structure but that's not the reason light magic doesn't engage right they don't deal with the phoenix because they're neutral so they will work with demons meaning working with them as a light magic practitioner is forbidden. and then for what its worth i think dency being demon/charmed one is really gonna herald in an era of just kinda like acceptance for those who are neutral or even born of dark magic but like. that hasn't happened. yet. but like. in regards to bianca specifically. i think they'd vibe. i think bianca would throw up her cooler than u bitch personality as she always does and i think dency'd be so into it. and then, of course, dency doesn't look down her nose at the phoenix like most other witches do, again, because she's the source's heir. from what vantage point can she judge others? i think for bianca just seeing someone who's so kinda unabashedly themselves like honest about it too dency's not like. a role model. like there's penn who's really put together and always trying to seem pristine and polite and then they're dency who like hasn't showered in four days because she's out of shampoo so she needs to buy some Then she can shower. there's like. an honest about being kinda uncool kinda a fuck up that makes dency like. cool. like because we all do it (maybe not specifically the shampoo thing, but) like we all have some elements of ourselves that are just kind of truly pathetic and dency doesn't try to cover it up with some shiny veneer she doesn't she not like wyatt with his perfect mask or even bianca with her bitch one dency doesn't wear a mask take me or leave me baby and i think bianca really loves her for that. it genuinely depends on were in the timeline in chrisbianca does bianca meet dency because like. dude. powercouple. i don't think it'd go anywhere i don't think we're necessarily hitting soulmatism or kinda the raw vulnerability we'll get from a latestage chrisbianca but like. dude. like. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀. like. !
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Oh what kind of power set do you think Chris and Bianca’s kids would have? Also wouldn’t it hilarious is they had triplets? The Power of 3 all in one go 😅 Like would they have the Telekinesis/Molecular Manipulation/Precognition on top of powers from Bianca? Or would they split like Piper’s or would the mix of their parents powers create something new?
so hmm the way i write the phoenix is that they’re witches naturally born without active powers that basically function like normal witches with two main caveats: they can do dark side without ever become warlocks, like it doesn’t matter how many innocents they kill they’ll always be immune to power’s like piper’s molecular immobilization & they have no power limit. so like what we saw with dr williamson in astral monkey or paige in the fifth halliwell or richard lmao if you have powers you have meant to have it takes a toll mainly mental but if you really stack up it can be physical too. phoenix do not have that. you could literally shove all of the charmed ones’ powers into a phoenix witch and she’d be fine. and then also being a phoenix, just like we see with being a normal witch, is a dominant gene. (like how almost every woman in the warren line married a mortal but like all of their kids were witches. basically every phoenix born is well. a phoenix. u can tell by the birthmark.) i also. i don’t know if they’d have three kids. just because like. you know chris loves his family but i don’t think he particularly like loved his childhood wouldn’t leave it a rave review and then of course bianca was basically raised in a cult so there’s nothing to write home about there either. i think they would want two kids because chris was raised w/ siblings n would want his kids to have siblings, and bianca was like and only child and it kinda sucked so she’s also game. zoinks, i think if they had triplets,,,, i mean goodness gracious me that’d be a lot i think chris would just have like a constant rotation of relatively on the phone like hi it’s me chris help please. i feel like. just given the bloodline like how strong how powerful the warren witches are like. i think both of their kids would be born phoenices, but would come with like. a power preinstalled. which is good lmao because the phoenix themselves have a power back where you can get just about everything you need but they’re also like a cult and bianca wouldn’t really want to raise her kids in that environment so like. They Do Not Have Access To It. i can’t really decide which power tho. i kinda wanna just say telekinesis. it’s a classic. it’s hella practical. but it’s just so commonplace i think i want a more traditional charmed power. i do like. i do like the split of someone getting the primary powers and someone else getting secondary. so like one has telekinesis / freezing / premonition and the other has like molecular combustion / empathy / healing. i’m torn on whether or not to give them more. they’ll both be part-whitelighter, so maybe orbing telekinetic orbing cloaking omnilingualism and part of me says like i don’t wanna make em Too Stacked but like also. magic gets stronger w each generation. they’ll v likely be heading up gen3. so like. i could. but i’d probably just have it be an insanely slow process to unlock each power like they’re initially born no active powers like a phoenix and then by like schooling age they each get one at preteen two at teenager three and then like mid to late twenties four. i think. they’d have to have family names. from the halliwells probably because i don’t think bianca really likes her lineage that much but i think she’s also you know. attached to it. i think the phoenix all carry the last name of their ancestor burned in the salem witch trials (bishop) and since you know they don’t get married or anything really fathers aren’t a big part of the phoenix there’s never really been any need to modify. and i just. i think bianca likes her last name. yes it’s last name of the phoenix - but she is a phoenix. and it does honor her ancestor and she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with that like what the phoenix currently is is fucked up training kids to be guns for hire but that’s not was they Are you know they are the witches who rose from the flames daughters of the witches you could & 100% did burn women the world wanted dead but who refused to die. there’s power in that name. i think they’d probably hyphenate. i also think they’d both have daughters as the warren line has a female slant as does the phoenix line, so just like statistically they’re having two girls, and as far as names the eldest probably gonna be victoria and victor 100% cries a lot about it and the youngest. hmm. probably leona. eldest victoria piper halliwell-bishop and youngest leona elizabeth halliwell-bishop, elizabeth being the name of the first phoenix.
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enchanted--roses · 4 years
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Aesthetic Series:  Phoenix W. Halliwell
Born to witch Phoebe Halliwell and whitelighter Sebastian Weir, two loving parents despite the fact that they were not a couple. But can we really say that this is her story if the Phoenix currently in this world is not the original one, but that of another universe? Phoenix in her original world was born to Phoebe and Sebastian, but she didn't have the love of her parents, in fact, Sebastian didn't even know she existed until he met her when she was 14 and Phoebe was doing everything to forget the presence of her daughter she did not want. Growing up, she received her family love from her grandfather, her stepfather Coop, the Alden family, her cousin Chris and her half-sister PJ. As soon as she could, she left San Francisco and went to live in New York as an actress on Broadway and an architect for a big company. She was followed by Carter Alden with whom she began a romantic relationship that progressed to engagement shortly before her 31st birthday. At 32 when Chris came to her asking for help killing demons who still resented the Halliwell family and who had decided to prey on the children of the sisters. They were on the roof of her apartment with Carter when the demon turned to her and sent her waltzing down the building, passing out before hitting the ground. She woke up in the San Francisco hospital with her family at her bedside worrying about her, with a few missing members which was very strange for her…
Forever Tag: 💠@fiercefray​ 💠 @eddysocs 💠 @wokenhardies​ 💠@ochub​ 💠@ocappreciationtag​ (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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enchanted--roses · 4 years
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Character Profile: Phoenix W. Halliwell [insp.] [insp.]
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all!”
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enchanted--roses · 5 years
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Phoenix Halliwell & Relationship part 1
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