#Pia Petersen
marcogiovenale · 2 years
esce il nuovo numero (22) di 'sud'
Esce il numero 22 della rivista “Sud” diretta da Francesco Forlani. Ci sono due racconti inediti di Pascale Privey e Pia Petersen in traduzione italiana (a cura di Luigi Toni). Ci sono alcuni “objets” inediti di Marco Giovenale. Poi tante altre “cose, atlanti, lime, soglie, coppe, chiodi”. Dentro ci sono: Fernando Arrabal, Giuseppe Catenacci (Cento anni di Raffaele La Capria), Gianni Biondillo,…
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isabelle201180 · 2 years
La vengeance des perroquets de Pia Petersen
Editeur : Les Arènes – Equinox Derrière ce titre étrange se cache le roman le plus intelligent que j’aurais lu en 2022, un roman que je n’hésite pas à placer dans mon TOP10 tant il pose des questions dérangeantes pour un scientifique de formation, humaniste comme moi. Il est enfermé dans cette geôle, sans fenêtre, sans […]La vengeance des perroquets de Pia Petersen
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les-toupies-h · 6 years
« Je me dis qu’écrire c’est donner de l’âme aux mots et le faire avec tant de force que même la manipulation de l’imprimerie ne pourrait rien faire contre ça, contre la magie. » Pia Petersen | Une fenêtre au hasard
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artdelivre · 7 years
Je suis toute seule avec tout cet amour qui déborde de partout.
Pia Petersen, Une fenêtre au hasard
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
astland - Chicago - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeanne T. Arrigo, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Doug Hara, Derek Hasenstab, Erik Hellman, Malcolm Ruhl, Michael Barrow Smith, Scott Stangland, Tiffany Topol, Claire Wellin, Monica West, Lillian Cummings, Doug Pawlik Elegies: A Song Cycle - Off Broadway - April 17, 2003 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Betty Buckley, Carolee Carmello, Christian Borle, Keith Byron Kirk, Michael Rupert Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February 15, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: filmed by 2 cameras Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (Kronprinz Rudolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 (3) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - March 22, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Anton Zetterholm (Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) NOTES: Pretty good shoot of the Vienna run. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Jörn-Felix Alt (u/s Franz Joseph), Gernot Romic (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 8-9, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Lukas Perman (Kronprinz Rudolf), Dagmar Hellberg (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - Elisabeth In Concert - Apeldoorn - June 15, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie) Elisabeth - Essen - January 13, 2002 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Carsten Lepper (Luigi Lucheni), Michael Shawn Lewis (Franz Joseph), Jesper Tydèn (Kronprinz Rudolf), Gabriele Ramm (Sophie), Claus Dam (Max in Bayern), Annika Bruhns (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Single cam proshot of Pia Douwes's last show. Audio not from soundboard. Includes three bows and an encore performance. Elisabeth - Scheveningen - October 19, 1999 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: NFT CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie), Nico Schaap (Max in Bayern) NOTES: Multi-cam proshot Elisabeth - Scheveningen - June 2, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Marleen van der Loo (u/s Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Antonie Kamerling (alt Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Willemijn Verkaik Elisabeth - Shanghai - December 20, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marle Martens (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Thomas Hohler (Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern) Elisabeth - Third European Tour - March 7, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Roberta Valentini (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Michael Souschek (alt Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (alt Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Paul Elias Marxer (Rudolf als Kind), Caroline Sommer (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - Thun - 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elisabeth), Christoph Goetten (Der Tod), Sergio-Maurice Vaglio (Luigi Lucheni), Jan-Martin Machler (Franz Joseph), Nico Gaik (Kronprinz Rudolf), Manuela Floryan (Sophie) NOTES: ProShot of the show mixed with lots of backstage stuff Elisabeth - Vienna - August 25, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Proshot of the dress-rehearsal. Multicam proshot. Elisabeth - Vienna - August 29, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie), Wolfgang Pampel (Max in Bayern), Christa Wettstein (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Proshot of a dress rehearsal Elisabeth - Vienna - December 26, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Single-cam proshot. Emilia - West End - May 29, 2019 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nadia Albina (Lady Katherine Howard), Nadia Albina (Desdemonda), Nadia Albina (River Woman), Anna Andersen (Lady Mary Sidney), Anna Andersen (Margaret Johnson), Anna Andersen (Hester), Jackie Clune (Lord Thomas Howard), Jackie Clune (Eve), Jackie Clune (Lady Helena), Saffron Commber (Emilia 1), Lauren Drennan (Ensemble), Jenni Maitland (Countess of Kent), Jenni Maitland (Mary), Jenni Maitland (Bob), Carolyn Pickles (Lord Henry Carey), Carolyn Pickles (Judith), Carolyn Pickles (Priest), Sarah Seggari (Lady Corelia), Sarah Seggari (Flora), Sophie Stone (Lady Margaret Clifford), Sophie Stone (Midwife), Sophie Stone (Man 1), Charity Wakefield (William Shakespear), Charity Wakefield (Man 2), Amanda Wilkin (Alphonso Lanier), Amanda Wilkin (Emilia in Othello), Tankia Yearwood (Lady Anne Clifford), Tankia Yearwood (Lord Collins), Tankia Yearwood (Dave) NOTES: Two-camera archive footage from the show filmed in May, 2019. Streamable from November 10 to November 24, 2020. 3 Versions Available : Without Subtitles With Subtitles Audio Described Emojiland - Off-Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Laura Schein (Smize), George Abud (Nerd Face), Jacob Dickey (Sunny), Lucas Steele (Skull), Taylor Iman Jones (t/r Princess), Natalie Weiss (Construction Worker), Felicia Boswell (Police Officer), Heather Makalani (Kissy Face / Information Desk Woman), Ann Harada (Pile of Poo), Max Crumm (Man in Business Suit Levitating), Dwelvan David (Guardsman), Jordan Fife Hunt (Man Dancing) NOTES: Well filmed from back of the house. A little shaky at times. Heads in the bottom of the frame, but they don't really interfere with the action onstage. Endgame - The Old Vic - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Daniel Radcliffe (Clov/A), Alan Cumming (Hamm/B), Karl Johnson (Nagg), Jane Horrocks (Nell) Escape to Margaritaville - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alison Luff (Rachel), Andre Ward (Jamal/Ted), Don Sparks (J.D.), Eric Petersen (Brick), Ian Michael Stuart (Chadd), Lisa Howard (Tammy), Mike Millan (Jesús), Paul Alexander Nolan (Tully), Rema Webb (Marley) Eugenius! - Off-West End Revival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Houchen (Eugene), Laura Baldwin (Janey), Daniel Buckley (Feris), Neil McDermott (Evil Lord Hector), Alex Bourne (Lex Hogan), Scott Paige (Theo), Emily Tierney (Carrie/Super Hot Lady), Simon Thomas (Gerhard/Tough Man), Christopher Ragland (Eugene's Dad/Lord Tough Man), Alison Arnopp (Space Diva/Mrs Truthstretcher), Tom Senior (Stock Jock/Laurence/Flock of Eagles Singer), Mark Hamill (Voice of Kevin the Robot), Alex Tranter, Amy West, Ben Darcy, Dillon Scott-Lewis, Lauren Concannon, Sasha Wareham, Titus Rowe NOTES: Archive footage that was released on their Facebook during theatre closures to help raise money for Acting for Others. Ripped from the Facebook video so some quality loss but not too much. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - August 21, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Layton Williams (Jamie New), Rebecca McKinnis (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Bill Ward (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Rita Simons (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Emily Kenwright (Vicki), Marvin Charles (Mickey), Luke Latchman (Sayid), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) NOTES: If you can hear me breathe pretty heavily it’s because I’m trying not to cry. The finale is very shaky because I was clapping and the sound it a little bit distorted because I was holding the camera in my mouth (yes. In my mouth). Includes full audio, which was recorded separately. 16.05 GB in total. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - December, 2019 (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Latchman (alt Jamie New), Melissa Jacques (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Preeya Kalidas (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (u/s Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Zahra Jones (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Biancha Szynal (s/w Vicki), Alexander Archer (Mickey), Marvyn Charles (s/w Sayid), Adam Taylor (s/w Cy), Daniel Davids (Levi), Tilly La Belle Yengo (Fatimah) NOTES: All of act 2 and 30 mins of act 1 highlights. Act 1 shot around very obstructive heads and about a quarter of the stage is completely blocked, but watchable. Act 2 is much better and only Beautiful is majorly obstructed. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - July 5, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John McCrea (Jamie New), Josie Walker (Margaret New), Lucie Shorthouse (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Shobna Gulati (Ray), Tamsin Carroll (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Daniel Jacob (Sandra Bollock), Ken Christiansen (Jamie's Dad), Lauran Rae (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Kirstie Skivington (Vicki), Ryan Hughes (Mickey), Jordan Cunningham (Sayid), Shiv Rabheru (Cy), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) Everyman - National Theatre - July 16, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  Other video (see notes) CAST: Chiwetel Ejiofor (Everyman), Philip Martin Brown (Father), Paul Bullion (Sound), Adam Burton (Passion/Goods), Michelle Butterly (Sister), Sharon D Clarke (Mother), Dermot Crowley (Death), Kate Duchêne (God/Good Deeds), Amy Griffiths (Vanity/Goods), Nick Holder (Strength), Nicholas Karimi (Smell), Joshua Lacey (Sensuality/Goods), Penny Layden (Knowledge), Coral Messam (Conscience), Nadine Cox (Touch), Itxaso Moreno (Taste), Ira Mandela Siobhan (Sight), Kiribati Stamell (Discretion), Clemmie Sveaas (Insecurity/Goods) Evil Dead: The Musical - First National Tour - September 13, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Di Rosa (Jake), Callie Johnson (Annie/Shelly), Creg Sclavi (Scott), David Sajewich (Ash), Demi Zaino (Cheryl), Julie Baird (Linda), Ryan McBride (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions of the 2014 National Tour. Campy slasher musical based on the 1981 movie. A Evil Dead: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 17, 2007 (Closing Night) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brandon Wardell (Scott), Daryll Winslow (Jake), Jenna Coker (Cheryl), Jennifer Byrne (Linda), Renee Klapmeyer (Annie/Shelly), Ryan Ward (Ash), Tom Walker (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Single cam proshot of the closing night performance. Includes Broadway Beat appearance and press reel. Evita - 20th Anniversary US Tour - June 12, 1999 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Natalie Toro (Eva Perón), Raúl Esparza (Che), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Perón), Tom Flynn (Magaldi), Angela Covington (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony. Some generational loss. Evita - First Broadway Revival - March 14, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elena Roger (Eva Perón), Maya Jade Frank (Young Eva), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Great Capture of the due Broadway transfer from London. Elena is a great Evita, the addition of Michael, Ricky and Max are excellent. A lavish and well executed Evita that was due for a date with Broadway. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 13, 2012 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (t/r Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress), Ashley Amber, Bradley Dean, Colin Cunliffe, Eric L Christian, George Lee Andrews, Kristine Covillo, Margot de La Barre NOTES: Very nice video; a couple of short blackouts towards the beginning of the show but otherwise well filmed with good close-ups and sound. Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 15, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessica Lea Patty (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Jessica in the role of Eva with a fresh take on the character. She brings a great element to Eva, since she is normally in an ensemble track, her dancing flourishes with perfection! A Evita - Nashville, Tennessee - September 13, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Eden Espinosa (Eva Perón), Ben Crawford (Che), Anthony Crivello (Perón), René Millán (Magaldi), Mia Rose Lynn (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new production by Studio Tenn & TPAC. This was a huge show with a very large cast. Some terrific staging moments and of course Eden did a fantastic job as Eva, beautiful production! A Evita - Netherlands - May 22, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Eva Perón), Bill van Dijk (Che), Jeroen Phaff (Perón), Frans Limburg (Magaldi), Marleen van der Loo (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Netherlands (2008) - 2008 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Marjolein Teepen (alt Eva Perón), Stanley Burleson (Che), Roberto de Groot (Perón), Paul Walthaus (Magaldi), Loes Worm (u/s Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Highlights: in total 1h 28min Evita - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre - September, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Samantha Pauly (Eva Perón), Trent Saunders (Che), Ektor Rivera (Perón), Adam Pearce (Magaldi), Frances Mayli McCann (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: A Stellar Video of this Cast, slightly washed out with zero obstructions and plenty of wides and zooms. Released in 4 MTS Files with a cast list - 13.55 GB Evita - Second National Tour - September, 1982 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Valerie Perri (Eva Perón), John Herrera (Che), Robert Dalton (Perón), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Valerie Perri (Eva Peron), John Herrera (Che), Robert Alton (Juan Peron), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Peron's Mistress). Professionally Shot footage of tech run of tour's opening at The Shubert in Chicago. Starts with "Eva, Beware Of The City" and goes through end of "Waltz For Eva And Che". Does not contain all numbers, but does have most. A- This is a single camera video recording with occasional zooms that is a little over an hour of Hal Prince directing the second national tour of Evita during a final dress rehearsal. It is fascinating to hear Prince give direction while watching the show and a great piece of theatre history. Evita - Seventh National Tour - September 22, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), Josh Young (Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Josh and Caroline do a great job as Che and Eva. A solid tour, great performances and production value! A+ Evita - Seventh National Tour - December 14, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress)
Evita - Sixth National Tour - August 7, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kathy Voytko (Eva Perón), Bradley Dean (Che), Philip Hernandez (Perón), Gabriel Burrafato (Magaldi), Kate Manning (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Village Players, Toledo Ohio - 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Foster (Che), Sutton Foster (Perón's Mistress)
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lepanierdejanis · 4 years
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Pia Arke, stills from Arktisk hysteri (Arctic Hysteria), 1996, video, 5min 55sec. Courtesy Søren Arke Petersen and the Estate of Pia Arke, Copenhagen
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mimixis · 6 years
Towards the sun - Part 1: Towards the sun
Paring: Ivar x OC
Word Count: 3092
Summary: Pia just wanted to go to work, but oh well, shit happens.
AN: Hello there! I’m kind of new to posting on Tumblr and there may occur some errors on my part, but please, bear with me. :)
I’m not native English speaker, I’m still learning so if you catch some mistakes, feel free to let me know. :)
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“Fuck!” she swore for the fourth time.
Pia took a deep breath in and then exhaled, wanting to calm down. She has gone through this forest many times on her way to work regularly, but now she felt like she was in a completely different dimension. There was no path she always used, she didn't pass the house of the gamekeeper, and she couldn't see the tall chimneys of the factory behind the crowns of the trees.
She cursed again, more annoyed than alarmed. She pulled out her phone to call her boss to inform him she would be late but it refused to obey. There was no signal. She sat on the ground and leaned against a tree. Pia wasn't a person who panicked quickly and without a reason, but this situation seemed too stressful.
First of all, she had no idea where she was. Unquestionably, it was not the forest, that separated her house from the main road, and the passage to the city. Secondly, her phone didn't work. She had no way of contacting anyone to ask for help. Thirdly, it was dusk and Pia didn't feel safe.
She trembled. She didn't know whether it was because of cold or out of fear. She started humming to get hold of herself. When her heart beat more calmly, and she was sure of her voice, she sang.
“Turn your face towards the sun. Let the shadows fall behind you. Don't look back, just carry on. And the shadows will never find you,”
She took a breath to keep sing, but when she heard a rustle in the bushes, she stood up immediately. She opened her mouth to question who it was, but she didn't fancy being a stereotypical dumb blonde girl from horror movies. She took off her backpack, clenched her fingers on it, and pressed her back against the tree, hoping to blend into it. But nothing like that happened, and the noises became clearer.
When a figure crawled out of the bushes, Pia nearly screamed. Her eyes were wide open in horror and shock. The boy stopped moving and looked at her. However, she wasn't looking at his face, but at his legs. She didn't see blood, but he could be injured. His unusual clothes also caught her attention.
“Are you in need of help?” she asked weakly. The boy raised his eyebrow. “Your legs...”
“I'm a cripple.”
"It seems to me, that 'a person with a disability' would be a more proper term," she said, watching him crawl toward her. She wanted to step back, but she hit the tree behind her.
“You don't have to be afraid, sváss snót*,”
Pia didn't know how to react. Not only to his unknown words but also to his behaviour. She moved away a few steps to give him room to lean against the tree. Though, before she could pull back completely and run away, the boy grabbed her ankle. Her brown eyes met his blue ones. She lost her footing for a moment, but somehow she regained her balance.
"Sit next to me," he demanded.
Pia sat down when his fingers disappeared from her ankle. Her heart was beating fast, her body was shaking, she broke out in a cold sweat. She felt like crying. She got lost in the woods, she didn't have a phone signal and a strangely dressed psychopath would kill her. She leaned against the same tree as he, put her backpack between her legs and began to rummage through it, feeling his eyes on her. She took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
“Would you mind terribly if I had a smo...” she started out of habit, but quickly stopped. If she was about to die, she had the right to the last wish.
She pulled her scarf down. She put a cigarette between her lips, lit it and immediately relaxed. For a few seconds, she even forgot that someone was sitting next to her. She looked at him and her lips parted. She was looking at him earlier, but now that her mind was not overwhelmed by fear, she could see how gorgeous he was. Thick, raven-black hair, piercing eyes and sharp features. For a moment she wanted to touch him. She directed her hand with the cigarette in his direction, offering him some instead.
The boy had been fascinated by what she was doing, but now he seemed unsure. Pia understood that despite her suggestions, he didn't know what to do.
“You take a cigarette between your fingers. Then you put it in your mouth, you drag on it, so that the smoke reaches your lungs,” She showed all the steps in turn, and then released the smoke, creating circles. ”Then you exhale.”
She gave him the cigarette again and this time he accepted it. Pia hid her face in the scarf and watched how the stranger tried to do everything as she said. He inhaled and then coughed. Pia laughed, ignoring his furious look. The boy threw the cigarette away, ignoring her 'hey!' and grabbed her shoulder tightly.
Pia paled. These few minutes of relaxation were a mistake. She shouldn't have left her guard down. The boy took off her hat with his free hand and then unwrapped the scarf. Pia tried to break free, but it didn't work. His grip was too strong. When he finished, he looked at her and she saw her reflection in his eyes.
Tousled hair, glazed eyes, red cheeks and nose. Her lips were gently parted, ready to scream.
"You are different from everyone I know," he said. His voice quiet, the accent very hearable. He put his dirty fingers on her neck, ideally placing them on the pulsing vein. “You don't behave like people from England, and yet you speak their language. You don't dress like them or like my people. Who are you?"
“What do you mean?” she asked confusedly. “Who are your people? Where am I? Who are you?”
"Answer my questions first," he growled, his face dangerously close to hers.
“I'm Pia Petersen, I was born in Great Britain, I'm twenty-two years old and I'm studying acting.”
“Where is Great Britain? And what acting is?”
Pia stared at him blankly for a long moment. She didn't know whether to take it seriously or as a joke. She blinked several times. She changed her position so now she sat in front of him, not beside him.
“No, no, no! Now is my turn! Where am I? And who are you?”
“I'm Ivar, and you will come with me.”
Pia followed Ivar for three reasons.
The first, quite obvious one, she didn't know this forest and had no idea where to go. Secondly, she preferred to look at him than to have him to look at her. Thanks to that, she felt a little safer. The third reason why she didn't run away the first moment he looked away was, she had no idea where she was and she really needed help.
Pia didn't ask questions as they walked, but she listened intently to what Ivar has been saying to himself in his mother tongue. It was very similar to Icelandic, her mother's native language. She knew only basic words. As a child, she was not interested in acquiring another language, and she had to start learning it when she moved to Iceland with her mother five months ago.
Ivar spoke mostly about that his brothers would not believe him, that Floki would be astonished. She had no idea, who his brothers and Floki were or what was fascinating about her, but she calmed down. The boy's slow movements had put her in a trance, which she had only wrested out from when Ivar turned to her.
“Answering your previous question, we are in Kattegat. Only a few people know your speech. None of my brothers has that skill, so don't be surprised when they do not answer your questions.”
Pia nodded, listening to him with one ear and letting out with other. All her attention was absorbed by the bustling town. The merchants were shouting all at once, women were looking at the fabric to buy. The crowd was so huge, and Pia was afraid she would get lost among them. There was also another problem.
“Ivar, right?” she asked, wanting to be sure she was pronouncing his name correctly. He looked at her. “I don't want to be rude, but... How are you going to get us through this? Will you be like Moses for whom the sea parted?”
“Who is Moses? And how did he do it?”
“It's a story for a different time,” she replied after a moment, shocked. “But in short, it's a character from the Bible.”
“Are you a Christian?” he snarled, grabbing her ankle hard.
Pia groaned, feeling his fingers leaving bruises on her skin. She tried to escape, but the boy jerked harder and she stopped moving.
“And why does it matter?”
"Are you?"
“No!” she answered truthfully. However, she had the impression that if she were, she would have to lie for her own good.
Ivar stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes glistening dangerously. A smile crept over his lips and he threw a satisfied 'good' in her way. They turned to the right and Pia guessed that it was for them to be able to walk smoothly. She wrapped the scarf around her tightly, when the wind blew harder.
She saw that people who were passing them send her questioning looks, but she tried to ignore that. Even when they entered building full of people, that was staring at her, she tried to act with dignity and didn't hide in her too large jacket.
Ivar stopped and slid on the bench near the table. He talked to people resting there, leaving her alone. She stood in front of them and pretended that everything was perfectly all right and that she didn't feel awkward and uncomfortable at all.
She eavesdropped once again. This time not only on the boy but on his conversations with other men. The situation was more difficult now because alcohol made their speech less understandable. She understood, however, that they were talking about England, Odin and revenge. She didn't comprehend what exactly because she only knew that three words. She craved to take the cigarettes out of her backpack, but she was embarrassed to make any move. She didn't feel confident enough and the boy's behaviour wasn't helping.
"Don't be shy, come closer," Ivar said, beckoning her with a wave of his hand.
Under normal circumstances, she would mumble, she was not a dog, but in this unfamiliar environment, she preferred to fulfil his simple desires. She came up to him without even looking at his friends. He extended his hand, pulled off her hat in one movement and with the other her scarf. He put them on the table and Pia wanted to ask him to give her things back for two reasons. Firstly, she had nowhere to hide her face. Secondly, they were made by her grandmother and she for sure didn't want anyone to spill anything on them.
She gave up quickly because someone distracted her. A hand appeared on her hip and Pia without thinking, knocked it down. She moved closer to Ivar and caught his tunic with her thumb and index finger like a child holding its mother's skirt when they were afraid. Her behaviour was amusing, even to the person, that touched her. Ivar was pleased like the cat that got the cream.
"Hvitserk just wanted to say hello," he laughed and then spoke again. “It's Ubbe, Bjorn and Sigurd. Hvitserk, you've got to know. They are my brothers.”
Pia smiled crookedly and put her hand forward to greet them, but they stared at her blankly. She withdrew, feeling blush on her face and cleavage.
“You don't shake hands to say hello, do you?” she asked embarrassed. Ivar looked at her with amusement, nodding. “Please, let them know it's nice to meet them.”
He did it, and they lifted the goblets up and then drank from them. Ivar shifted to the side and patted the seat between him and Ubbe. Pia sat down and instantly clam up, not wanting to touch any of them. She put her hands on her knees, not knowing what to do with them. She felt someone put her hair behind her ear. This move was so delicate and unexpected that Pia jumped up, bumping into Ubbe.
Her large eyes were focused on the boy's face and his raised hand. She quickly returned to her position, seeing that hurt passed through his face. It sounded strange in her mind, but she didn't want him to feel rejected. She might have been afraid of him at the very beginning, but now she didn't have a reason to be. He brought her to the village, she wasn't lost any more, and she hoped that he would help her. Sure, he was a bit bizarre, but everyone here seemed to be.
"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to..." she began, but seeing that her apologize meant nothing, she made her hair go back to its previous position and smiled shyly. “Try again, this time I will react correctly.”
Ivar's jaw was clenched and his eyes shone wildly. And though he looked intimidating, Pia was not afraid. She turned her head towards him and waited for his move. Finally, after a time that seemed like an eternity, Ivar once again tuck her hair behind her ear. This time his fingers touched her skin. He caressed her forehead, her cheek, and stopped at her neck. Pia shivered.
"So..." she started the conversation, trying to get rid of the well-known feeling in her lower abdomen. The names of his brothers, as well as his name, seemed familiar to her and she only wanted to determine her preposterous assumptions. “I know you certainly have questions, but let me ask you one first?”
"If you promise to answer mine," he said, ignoring his brothers, who wanted him to translate something.
“Of course,” This assurance seemed enough for him. She took a deep breath. ”Is your father Ragnar Lothbrok? Are your brothers Bjorn Ironside and Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye? Are you Ivar the Boneless?”
“The answer is 'yes', to all your questions,” he whispered as if he was revealing his innermost secret, but there was a mocking smile on his lips. ”It's my turn now. Who are you and where is Great Britain?”
Pia heard him ask her a question, but the shock didn't let her do anything. So she looked at him with her mouth wide open and wondered how all this was possible. There was no doubt that what was happening was real, but how?
Ivar awoke her from her thoughts. He pinched her cheek firmly as if she was an unruly child.
“Great Britain doesn't exist yet. And as I said before, I'm Pia Petersen, I'm twenty-two years old and I'm studying acting.”
“How can you come from a place that doesn't exist?” His fingers disappeared from her neck, and he was caressing her hair. The boy's voice perfectly expressed his feelings. Apparently, in his eyes, she was quite simple-minded. “And explain what acting is, please.”
"The simplest answer to almost all your questions would be... And please, don't think I'm mad," she stammered stressed out, moving closer to him. She put her hands on his and squeezed. “As you probably have noticed, I don't fit here, and that's because I'm not from here. Please, believe me, I really do not lie... I'm from the future.”
Ivar looked at her for a long time. Then he looked at their joined hands, how their knees were touching. Then he looked back at her face. She knew how she had looked. Hair stuck to her face from sweat, her eyes wandering and her breathing shallow. Despite the fact that she felt like a woman who had just fled from the asylum, Ivar's lips rose up and now he looked like a lunatic one.
He leaned to the left to look at his brothers. He spoke to them very quickly and Pia didn't understand a word. The brothers looked at her, then at Ivar. Disbelief and awe on their face. Bjorn laid something on the table and told Ivar something about the map. Ivar focused again on her.
“What did you tell them? Did you tell them I have lost my mind?”
“Do not be ridiculous, heimskur.** I told them the truth. Gods sent you to show they are supporting us," he paused, seeing that his words were not reaching her. “Now be a darling and read this map.”
Pia didn't ask unnecessary questions. She preferred not to know what he meant and why his gods would do it. That's why she looked at the map. And yet she had some question.
“So what do you want to know?”
“Everything you know.”
"I've never been good at geography so it will not be much," she murmured and studied the map. “Well, it's a map of Europe. One of the seven continents. We're part of it, England is part of it.”
Bjorn pointed to the unsigned part of the map, and Ivar translated his question.
"It's Spain," she answered and waited for another question.
Bjorn turned the map over and put something on it, that was supposed to be used for drawing. Ivar explained to her that his brother wanted her to draw a map of the world she knows. Pia looked at Bjorn with a raised eyebrow. He only urged her with a wave of his hand. She lifted the backpack from the ground and took out a notebook and a pen. She laid it on her knees and drew a map of the world with awkward movements. It was not perfect, but it was best she could do. Bjorn wanted to continue asking questions, but Ivar didn't let him.
“It's time to go to the ritual.”
“Ritual? What ritual?” she asked, terrified.
“Oh, do not worry. You will not be sacrificed. Gods have only now given you to me, haven't they? Now come on, I do not want to be late.”
Pia took her hat and scarf, but before leaving, she grabbed goblet from Sigurd's hand and drank its contents.
"I needed it," she said, looking at his startled expression.
Sigurd didn't know her language, but he understood what she wanted to say.
(Part 2)
*sváss snót - sweet lady **heimskur – silly Pia sings Rihanna song 'Towards the sun'.
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puchkinalit · 4 years
Rumeurs d’Amérique
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L’auteur congolais de Petit Piment et de Verre Cassé Alain Mabanckou est installé aux Etats-Unis depuis de nombreuses années. Il est actuellement professeur de littérature francophone à l’Université de Californie. Depuis le balcon de son appartement du Mid Wilshire, un quartier bigarré de Los Angeles, arborant le poster de Muhammad Ali, son idole de jeunesse, l’écrivain nous fait entendre les bruissement d’une Amérique multiple. Dans de courts chapitres, il nous parle de tout et de rien depuis ses conversations téléphoniques avec son fils Boris installé à Paris jusqu’à son amitié avec Pia Petersen, l’adoption de son chien Moki, les restaurants californiens, la mort de Kobe Bryant ou d’un rappeur criblé de balles au coin de sa rue, la visite de Rokhaya Diallo et surtout la Sape, la Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes dont il est un des plus grands ambassadeurs. Mine de rien, Alain Mabanckou cartographie L.A. et nous fait respirer l’air du temps de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique jusqu’à l’apparition de l’épidémie de Covid-19...
Rumeurs d’Amériques / Alain Mabanckou.- Plon.
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J’ai peur qu’on me regarde, je ne veux pas qu’on découvre que je suis insuffisante.
Pia Petersen 
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desairsdemots-blog · 4 years
"Je suis toute seule avec cette amour qui deborde de partout".
Pia Petersen, Une fenêtre au hasard
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2000/2001 TV Awards
2000/2001 Best Drama Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer ER Law & Order The Sopranos The West Wing HONORABLE MENTION: Boston Public, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Practice, Queer as Folk Best Actor - Drama Series: Anthony Edwards, ER - "Piece of Mind" James Gandolfini, The Sopranos - "Amour Fou" Dylan McDermott, The Practice - "Friends and Ex-Lovers" Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Victims" Martin Sheen, The West Wing - "Ellie" Sam Waterston, Law & Order - "Teenage Wasteland" HONORABLE MENTION: Jesse L. Martin, Law & Order; Chi McBride, Boston Public; William Petersen, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Hal Sparks, Queer as Folk Best Actress - Drama Series: Gillian Anderson, The X-Files - "Per Manum" Lorraine Bracco, The Sopranos - "Employee of the Month" Amy Brenneman, Judging Amy - "The Undertow" Edie Falco, The Sopranos - "Second Opinion" Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Body" Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Abuse" HONORABLE MENTION: Marg Helgenberger, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Kelli Williams, The Practice Best Supporting Actor - Drama Series: Dominic Chianese, The Sopranos - "Another Toothpick" & "Second Opinion" Michael Imperioli, The Sopranos - "Fortunate Son" & "Pine Barrens" Rob Lowe, The West Wing - "The Drop-In" & "Somebody's Going to Emergency..." Joe Pantoliano, The Sopranos - "Employee of the Month" & "University" Richard Schiff, The West Wing - "The Leadership Breakfast" & "17 People" Bradley Whitford, The West Wing - "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" & "Noel" HONORABLE MENTION: Fyvush Finkel, Boston Public; Anthony Heald, Boston Public; Eriq La Salle, ER; James Marsters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Tony Sirico, The Sopranos; John Spencer, The West Wing; Noah Wyle, ER Best Supporting Actress - Drama Series: Lara Flynn Boyle, The Practice - "Gideon's Crossover" & "Public Servants" Loretta Devine, Boston Public - "Chapter Three" & "Chapter Sixteen" Allison Janney, The West Wing - "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" & "The Stackhouse Filibuster" Janel Moloney, The West Wing - "Somebody's Going to Emergency..." & "17 People" Maura Tierney, ER - "The Dance We Do" & "Sailing Away" Aida Turturro, The Sopranos - "Proshai, Livushka" & "To Save Us All From Satan's Power" HONORABLE MENTION: Emma Caulfield, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Stockard Channing, The West Wing; Tyne Daly, Judging Amy; Sharon Gless, Queer as Folk; Alyson Hannigan, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Laura Innes, ER; Alex Kingston, ER; Kristine Sutherland, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Best Writing - Drama Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Body" - Joss Whedon Law & Order - "Phobia" - Wendy Battles, Lynn Mamet & Kathy McCormick The Sopranos - "Employee of the Month" - Mitchell Burgess & Robin Green The Sopranos - "Second Opinion" - Lawrence Konner The West Wing - "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" - Aaron Sorkin The West Wing - "Noel" - Peter Parnell & Aaron Sorkin HONORABLE MENTION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Gift"; ER - "Sailing Away"; ER - "The Visit"; Law & Order - "Teenage Wasteland"; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Abuse"; The Practice - "Mr. Hinks Goes to Town"; Queer as Folk - "Pilot"; The Sopranos - "Amour Fou"; The Sopranos - "Pine Barrens"; The Sopranos - "Proshai, Livushka"; The West Wing - "Ellie"; The West Wing - "Two Cathedrals" Best Directing - Drama Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Body" - Joss Whedon ER - "Sailing Away" - Laura Innes The Sopranos - "Amour Fou" - Tim Van Patten The Sopranos - "Employee of the Month" - John Patterson The Sopranos - "Pine Barrens" - Steve Buscemi The West Wing - "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" - Thomas Schlamme HONORABLE MENTION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "The Gift"; ER - "Homecoming"; ER - "The Visit"; Law & Order - "Phobia"; Law & Order - "Schooldaze"; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Countdown"; The Practice - "Poor Richard's Almanac"; Queer as Folk - "Pilot"; The Sopranos - "Army of One"; The Sopranos - "Fortunate Son"; The Sopranos - "Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood"; The West Wing - "Noel"; The West Wing - "Two Cathedrals"; The X-Files - "Redrum" Best Guest Actor - Drama Series: Michael Emerson, The Practice - "Mr. Hinks Goes to Town" Murphy Guyer, Law & Order - "Teenage Wasteland" Dakin Matthews, The Practice - "Officers of the Court" Joe Morton, The X-Files - "Redrum" David Pittu, Law & Order - "Phobia" Oliver Platt, The West Wing - "The Fall's Gonna Kill You" HONORABLE MENTION: Dayton Callie, The Practice; Michael Cerveris, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Bruce Davison, The Practice; John Larroquette, The West Wing; Richard Thomas, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Best Guest Actress - Drama Series: Khandi Alexander, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Paranoia" Sally Field, ER - "Where the Heart Is" Debra Mooney, The Practice - "The Deal" Hayden Panettiere, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Abuse" Emily Procter, The West Wing "And It's Surely to Their Credit" Annabella Sciorra, The Sopranos - "Amour Fou" HONORABLE MENTION: Khandi Alexander, ER; Tovah Feldshuh, Law & Order; Rosemary Forsyth, ER; Lindsay Hollister, Boston Public; Felicity Huffman, The West Wing; Linda Hunt, The Practice; Marlee Matlin, The West Wing; Tracy Pollan, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; CCH Pounder, The Practice Best Ensemble - Drama Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Law & Order The Practice Queer as Folk The Sopranos The West Wing HONORABLE MENTION: Boston Public, ER, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Best New Drama Series: Boston Public CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Queer as Folk Best Comedy Series: Everybody Loves Raymond Gilmore Girls Malcolm in the Middle Sex and the City Will & Grace HONORABLE MENTION: Ally McBeal, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Frasier, The Job, The King of Queens Best Actor - Comedy Series: Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Interior Decorator" Kelsey Grammer, Frasier - "Frasier's Edge" Denis Leary, The Job - "Elizabeth" Eric McCormack, Will & Grace - "Lows in the Mid-Eighties" Frankie Muniz, Malcolm in the Middle - "Bowling" Ray Romano, Everybody Loves Raymond - "Ray's Journal" HONORABLE MENTION: Kevin James, The King of Queens; John Lithgow, 3rd Rock From the Sun; Donal Logue, Grounded for Life Best Actress - Comedy Series: Calista Flockhart, Ally McBeal - "Falling Up" Lauren Graham, Gilmore Girls - "Christopher Returns" Patricia Heaton, Everybody Loves Raymond - "The Canister" Jane Kaczmarek, Malcolm in the Middle - "Traffic Ticket" Debra Messing, Will & Grace - "Lows in the Mid-Eighties" Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex and the City - "Running with Scissors" HONORABLE MENTION: Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls; Leah Remini, The King of Queens Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Series: Peter Boyle, Everybody Loves Raymond - "The Wallpaper" & "Frank Paints the House" Bryan Cranston, Malcolm in the Middle - "Lois' Birthday" & "Casino" Sean Hayes, Will & Grace - "Grace 0, Jack 2000" & "Love Plus One" Edward Herrmann, Gilmore Girls - "Kill Me Now" & "Christopher Returns" Matt LeBlanc, Friends - "The One with Joey's New Brain" & "The One with Joey's Award" Peter MacNicol, Ally McBeal - "Reasons to Believe" & "In Search of Barry White" HONORABLE MENTION: Robert Downey Jr., Ally McBeal; David Eigenberg, Sex and the City; Will Ferrell, Saturday Night Live; Jeff Garlin, Curb Your Enthusiasm; Greg Germann, Ally McBeal; Darrell Hammond, Saturday Night Live; David Hyde Pierce, Frasier; Jerry Stiller, The King of Queens Best Supporting Actress - Comedy Series: Kelly Bishop, Gilmore Girls - "Rory's Birthday Parties" & "Rory's Dance" Kim Cattrall, Sex and the City - "Easy Come, Easy Go" & "All or Nothing" Kristin Davis, Sex and the City - "Attack of the 5'10" Woman" & "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Megan Mullally, Will & Grace - "Coffee and Commitment" & "Swimming Pools...Movie Stars" Cynthia Nixon, Sex and the City - "Are We Sluts" & "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo" Doris Roberts, Everybody Loves Raymond - "Ray's Journal" & "Humm Vac" HONORABLE MENTION: Jennifer Aniston, Friends; Jane Curtin, 3rd Rock From the Sun; Rachel Dratch, Saturday Night Live; Cheryl Hines, Curb Your Enthusiasm; Lisa Kudrow, Friends; Jane Leeves, Frasier; Melissa McCarthy, Gilmore Girls; Molly Shannon, Saturday Night Live Best Writing - Comedy Series: Everybody Loves Raymond - "Ray's Journal" - Jennifer Crittenden Gilmore Girls - "Christopher Returns" - Daniel Palladino Gilmore Girls - "Rory's Dance" - Amy Sherman-Palladino Malcolm in the Middle - "Bowling" - Alex Reid Sex and the City - "Running with Scissors" - Michael Patrick King Will & Grace - "Lows in the Mid-Eighties" - Jeff Greenstein HONORABLE MENTION: Everybody Loves Raymond - "The Canister"; Frasier - "Frasier's Edge"; Friends - "The One Where They All Turn Thirty"; Gilmore Girls - "The Breakup, Part 2"; Gilmore Girls - "Pilot"; Gilmore Girls - "Rory's Birthday Parties"; The Job - "Massage"; Malcolm in the Middle - "Lois' Birthday"; Sex and the City - "All or Nothing"; Sex and the City - "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"; Will & Grace - "Coffee and Commitment" Best Directing - Comedy Series: Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Interior Decorator" - Andy Ackerman Gilmore Girls - "Rory's Birthday Parties" - Sarah Pia Anderson Gilmore Girls - "Rory's Dance" - Lesli Linka Glatter Malcolm in the Middle - "Bowling" - Todd Holland Sex and the City - "Running with Scissors" - Dennis Erdman Will & Grace - "Lows in the Mid-Eighties" - James Burrows HONORABLE MENTION: Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Porno Gil"; Curb Your Enthusiasm - "The Wire"; Frasier - "And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon"; Gilmore Girls - "Christopher Returns"; Gilmore Girls - "Pilot"; The Job - "Massage"; Malcolm in the Middle - "Flashback"; Malcolm in the Middle - "Lois' Birthday"; Saturday Night Live - "Sean Hayes/Shaggy"; Sex and the City - "All or Nothing"; Sex and the City - "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"; Will & Grace - "Swimming Pools...Movie Stars" Best Guest Actor - Comedy Series: Rene Auberjonois, Frasier - "Frasier's Edge" Robert Culp, Everybody Loves Raymond - "Fighting In-Laws" Sean Hayes, Saturday Night Live - "Sean Hayes/Shaggy" Val Kilmer, Saturday Night Live - "Val Kilmer/U2" Robert Loggia, Malcolm in the Middle - "The Grandparents" David Sutcliffe, Gilmore Girls - "Christopher Returns" HONORABLE MENTION: John Cleese, 3rd Rock From the Sun; Bryan Cranston, The King of Queens; Ted Danson, Curb Your Enthusiasm; Patrick Dempsey, Will & Grace; Gregory Hines, Will & Grace; Derek Jacobi, Frasier; Sydney Pollack, Will & Grace; Saul Rubinek, Frasier; Michael Winters, Gilmore Girls Best Guest Actress - Comedy Series: Jane Adams, Frasier - "And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon, Parts 1 & 2" Jami Gertz, Ally McBeal - "The Last Virgin" Cloris Leachman, Malcolm in the Middle - "The Grandparents" Jean Smart, Frasier - "A Passing Fancy" Elaine Stritch, 3rd Rock From the Sun - "My Mother, My Dick" Kathleen Turner, Friends - "The One with Chandler's Dad" HONORABLE MENTION: Patricia Clarkson, Frasier; Ileana Douglas, Frasier; Katherine Helmond, Everybody Loves Raymond; Christine Lahti, Ally McBeal; Megan Mullally, 3rd Rock From the Sun; Bernadette Peters, Ally McBeal; Tania Raymonde, Malcolm in the Middle; Marion Ross, Gilmore Girls; Jean Smart, Frasier; Frances Sternhagen, Sex and the City Best Ensemble - Comedy Series: Everybody Loves Raymond Friends Gilmore Girls Malcolm in the Middle Sex and the City Will & Grace HONORABLE MENTION: Ally McBeal, Frasier, The Job, Saturday Night Live, 3rd Rock From the Sun Best New Comedy Series: Curb Your Enthusiasm Gilmore Girls The Job Best Animated Series: Daria Futurama King of the Hill The Simpsons South Park HONORABLE MENTION: Family Guy Best Voice-Over Performance - Animated Series: Pamela Adlon, King of the Hill - "Chasing Bobby" Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons - "HOMR" Tracy Grandstaff, Daria - "Boxing Daria" Mike Judge, King of the Hill - "Hank's Back Story" Trey Parker, South Park - "Fat Camp" Billy West, Futurama - "Luck of the Fryrish" HONORABLE MENTION: Nancy Cartwright, The Simpsons; Kelsey Grammer, The Simpsons; Seth Green, Family Guy; Johnny Hardwick, King of the Hill; Wendy Hoopes, Daria; Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy; Kathy Najimy, King of the Hill Best Reality Series: The Mole Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge Survivor HONORABLE MENTION: Making the Video, Road Rules
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les-toupies-h · 7 years
« Je me dis qu’écrire c’est donner de l’âme aux mots et le faire avec tant de force que même la manipulation de l’imprimerie ne pourrait rien faire contre ça, contre la magie. » Pia Petersen | Une fenêtre au hasard
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artdelivre · 7 years
Je sais que je ne pourrai jamais l’oublier, jamais, il est entré dans ma vie et il s’est déposé là, dans mon cœur et il ne s’en va plus et tant pis pour moi.
Pia Petersen, Une fenêtre au hasard
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lepanierdejanis · 4 years
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Pia Arke, Untitled (Put your kamik on your head, so everyone can see where you come from), 1993, black-and-white contact sheet, 20 × 15cm. Photograph: Peter Baastrup. Courtesy Søren Arke Petersen and the Estate of Pia Arke, Copenhagen
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/danish-man-jailed-2-years-jet-ski-crash-killed-2/61266/
Danish man jailed for 2 years after jet ski crash killed 2
COPENHAGEN, Denmark/January 04, 2018 (AP)(STL.News)—A 24-year-old man was sentenced to two years in jail for aggravated manslaughter Thursday for crashing his jet ski into a boat, in Copenhagen, killing two American students.
The Copenhagen City Court said the Danish man, who cannot be named under a court order pending a possible appeal by the prosecution, fled after the fatal crash on May 6, 2016, to a suburban harbour where he was arrested. He has admitted steering the jet ski that slammed into a rental boat containing a group of students.
Leah Bell, 18, of Madisonville, Louisiana, and Linsey Malia, 21, of Easton, Massachusetts, were killed. They had gone on the trip with five other students from the Copenhagen-based Study Abroad in Scandinavia foundation.
The man had denied aggravated manslaughter and told the court he lost control of the jet ski.
Defense attorney Jane Ranum told Denmark’s TV2 the man “is relieved it is over,” and he will not appeal.
Seven other people — six men and one woman — also were on trial in the same case but were not charged with aggravated manslaughter. All were given fines for riding jet skis within the city harbour without proper permission.
Judge Pia Petersen said the eight people didn’t meet beforehand to sail as a group but joined each other as they rode through the harbour.
A license to ride a jet ski has become mandatory in Demark following the crash. The government has called for some identification of jet skis, like a registration plate. Many lawmakers say rules forbidding the use of recreational watercraft closer than 300 meters (330 yards) from the coast should be enforced.
By Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (JS)
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5h29 · 7 years
J’ai peur qu’on me regarde, je ne veux pas qu’on découvre que je suis insuffisante. 
- Pia Petersen 
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