#Pia beloved
croissant-enthusiast · 8 months
frage 9 und 12 für pia👀
Hallo Eva!!!
Pia Nation rise! *Hier diesen Feuer Elmo einfügen*
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
(DE: könnten du und der Charakter Mitbewohner sein?)
Wieso könnten, wir sind schon Roommates.
Absolut kann ich mir das vorstellen, aber chaotisch wird's wohl denke ich. Zwei Nachteulen, ADHD-coded, die nicht auf sich selbst aufpassen können? Passt. Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, dass es ne ziemlich gesellige WG wäre, mit Filmabenden und zusammen Lasagne machen (oder Nudeln beim Chinesen bestellen), wenn sie nicht unbedingt drei Tage am Stück im Büro ist.
Es würde wahrscheinlich regelmäßig passieren dass wir unabgesprochen gleichzeitig nachts um drei nach Hause kommen, sie aus dem Büro, ich weil ich noch in der Garderobe versackt bin (Kontext: ich mache Theater).
Aber so die Wäsche und das Geschirr würde sich schon stapeln, könnte also auch anstrengend werden.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
(DE: was ist ein Headcanon, den du für diesen Charakter hast?)
Also, dass sie ADHS hat hab ich ja jetzt schon ein paar Mal erwähnt (ist auch ein Thema in der fic, die ich gerade schreibe 👀). Aber weil sie der current Blorbo ist, hab ich eine Menge mehr! Hier eine Handvoll!
Sie ist als Einzelkind bei ihrer alleinerziehenden Mutter aufgewachsen und hat eine richtig gute Beziehung mit ihr. Sie wohnt nicht in der Nähe, deswegen sieht sie sie nur selten, aber sie nimmt sich regelmäßig Zeit, um sie zu besuchen.
Dass sie queer ist, ist ihr recht früh aufgefallen und war Zuhause auch nie ein Problem. In ihrer Studienzeit war sie auch mehr involviert in der queeren Szene, jetzt hat sie einfach keine Zeit mehr. Wenn sie es schafft, geht sie aber gerne auf den CSD.
Sie hätte wirklich gerne eine Katze, aber in ihrer Wohnung darf sie keine haben (was vielleicht aktuell auch ganz gut ist, so selten, wie sie Zuhause ist). Aber wenn sie eine hätte, würde sie ihr Tricks beibringen. Stattdessen versucht sie sich immer wieder an Topfpflanzen, die aber aus gleichem Grund nur mehr oder weniger gut überleben.
Okay, ich glaube das reicht (aber ich hab noch mehr, also ask away 😌)
Schickt mir Asks aus dieser Liste und einen Charakter!
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piassportjacke · 3 months
Sehr spezifische Beschwerde, aber ich finde es sollte mal einen "Einführung in das StGB"-Kurs für alle Drehbuchautor*innen von Krimiserien geben. Wenn der Tötungsvorsatz fehlt, ist das kein Totschlag!
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
Intro mentions MC's step-mom is a CEO, I think it would be fair to assume MC is at least above average in terms of finances. Plus they literally move to one of the wealthiest cities in Germany (based on GDP, Hamburg is in second place) on short notice and can optionally rent a flat without a roommate as a uni student, once again not a cheap feat in a metropolis. MC has to have money saved in the corner.
What I wonder though, is why MC chose Hamburg instead of Berlin or any other European country. Do they have a canon connection to the city? Birthplace, one of their parents is German, etc?
That‘s an A+ with a sparkling star for your homework Anon.
Regarding the living circumstances of MC.
Ok, i will give as many hints as possible without spoilering, so pay attention to every word following, ok?
MC needs money to move out into an apartment. And they have different possibilities to get that money, if they want to move out into an apartment. There‘s more hints in the Intro post…
Did the MC really choose? Did they have a say in it? Their father is leaving for their job for the next x years and they could not stay in their country because their life situation is not stable (on their own). So Hamburg was the only way because their Step-Mom lives there.
I am not sure I mentioned it already or if it is in my notes because Tumblr search does suck yes… but the MC speaks German….
I‘ll update this response once I found the post or note. Damn, i really don‘t remember…
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gay-impressionist · 10 months
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December also means... advent calendars !! ❄️🔥
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michelangelinden · 2 years
Kaffee und Croissants (und blinde Küsse im Morgenlicht)
Hey gay people. Are you gay? I am.
Wir sind alle in need für mehr Esther/Pia fics, I am doing my part.
Hier ist ein bisschen softness für die Seele. Danke @starlighnes fürs beta lesen!
AO3 link findet ihr im Reblog <3
Pia zögert noch kurz, dann drückt sie endlich die Klinke der Tür runter und tritt heraus.
Sofort umgibt sie der warme Geruch von Kaffee und Gebäck. Es sollte unangenehm sein, nach einem Abend wie gestern sollte sie der Gedanke an Frühstück eher abstoßen, aber wenn sie so durch den Flur tapert, der gewebte Teppich ein bisschen grob unter ihren nackten Füßen, kann sie sich nichts schöneres Vorstellen als mit Esther am Tisch zu sitzen, Kaffee zu trinken und sich ein Croissant zu teilen.
Esther steht in der Küche, vor den Ofen gebückt. Er wirft seichtes, warmes Licht auf ihr Gesicht und die Lüftung pustet die feinen Haare ihres Ansatzes aus ihrer Stirn. Pia erkennt das blaue T-Shirt von gestern, aber sie trägt Sport Shorts von Pia an Stelle der Hose, die noch im Schlafzimmer auf dem Boden liegt.
Wenn Pia sie so aus dem Türrahmen anschaut, noch aus sicherer Entfernung, kann sie nur denken, dass sie wunderschön aussieht.
The one, wo Pia am nächsten Morgen aufwacht, und Esther immer noch in der Wohnung ist.
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theoniprince · 2 years
The Witches of Saarbrücken
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(random note under the cut)
Well I had a vision and a concept in my head. Yesterday I started this first draft in the evening. Actually I wanted to draw a proper version today, but when I came home I had something like a creative blockade. Maybe I can work this out in the near future, because I like the idea and want to share my progress with you.
Happy Halloween 🎃
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pia-writes-things · 10 months
Did I just realise I keep screaming about the unfairness of Donna's lack of self-confidence and yet my first reaction to any kind of compliments or praise is to say I'm not that important/good/special ? Yes. I'm a clown.
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moestiel · 2 years
pia will schnell nach Hause ins Bett, she gets me
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saecookie · 1 year
New level of fic attained: getting a vocal abt it
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philliamwrites · 2 years
To choose between Emil and Eren... No, no, no. That's not gonna happen. So I hope there is an option to choose both. Or you will prepare a completely different ending that will depress us all.
if Emil comes back as a young man, I'm very curious about how you will portray him to us.
You've brought a completely different perspective to AOT. I'm obviously very excited~
god i just want to tell you guys everything about them and the end of this story.
there will be a turn where hopefully everyone will feel like this might be an additional sub-plot of the original story (though ofc i am nowhere near isayama's narration skill)
all i can say is that maybe you don't have to tell any of them goodbye for now :)
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croissant-enthusiast · 8 months
Drew the women again!!
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Ich kann nicht aufhören, über diese Szene nachzudenken!! Esthers erste Frage ist, wo Pia ist? Might as well be „Was hast du gerade an?“ aber in a caring and loving way, I can’t!! Und während sie selbst aussieht wie ein Engel, von der Sonne angestrahlt, und Pia ein bisschen wie ein gerupftes Huhn, weil sie gerade aufgewacht ist. Girlfriends.
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theneesan · 2 years
One thing about me is that I'd kill for a proper tom yum goong
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lovelyisadora · 2 years
Uhhh 5 10 77 and 99 <3 for the spotify thing
5. Awakening // Stormfolk
10. Could Have Been Me // The Struts
77. Boote in der Nacht // Elisabeth das Musical (Pia Douwes and Viktor Gernot)
99. Built My Home on Hollow Ground // Daisy the Great
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drunk-person · 3 months
Day off (Modern Au) P.3
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and uncle and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
This chapter is a part of a main story The gossip, you can find the previous chapter, summary and general tags by accessing the link.
Summary of the chapter: The birthday party brings much more than imagined, and after a completely crazy night comes the next morning. The breakfast? Gossips!
Warnings of the chapter: 18+ mdni! Smut, p in v, slight codependency, no description for reader.
A/N: I hope you like the new chapter, I'm very happy and grateful for all the dear people who commented on the previous chapter, thank you very much, your comments inspire me! Comments and suggestions are welcome 💕
Word count: 7,500 k
"Good morning Kings landing, it seems that the birthday party of our dearest Cece Lanister was the event of the year. From what our columnists heard, Y/n Targaryen attended her former friend's party, but apparently she didn't stay for long Did our beloved Targaryen's time in Old Town change her that much?"
The flavor of seven tea house was packed as always for breakfast. At a table further away, sitting with her cell phone in her hand and visibly impatient, was Floris Baratheon.
-I haven't been able to talk to Aemond since last night. - Floris commented in the group of friends in annoyance.
-He dropped you off at home? - Nia asked, curving her eyebrows.
-No, he disappeared in the middle of the party, I know he doesn't like this type of event, but he must have had a good reason to leave without warning. - She commented with a frown on her forehead, looking at the cell phone display while the group's friends looked at each other.
-What's it? - She asked when she saw the expressions on their faces.
-I don't know, Floris, don't you think it's strange that he disappeared in the middle of the party yesterday, right after she returned? - Pia said, slightly biting her lips in apprehension.
-She who? - Floris asked rolling her eyes.
-Y/n Targaryen.
-Time please. - She rolled her eyes even more deeply and spoke in a mocking voice. - Are you believing the gossip from the servants now?
-I don't know if it's just gossip.
-They are cousins ​​Jane. Cousins.
-Yes, just as her father is Laena Valaryon's cousin and the two are married in Pentos.
-Look, his mother assured me that this was all just malicious gossip spread by servants who have nothing better to do.
Everyone raised their eyebrows at the prospect that she had asked Aemond's mother about the matter.
-Flo I don't know, this whole story is very strange. Do you remember your school days? The two of them were always together and had those strange looks at each other. - Jane said a little unbelieving.
-Okay, that's enough. - Floris protested irritably with her friends. - Aemond doesn't have anything to do with his cousin!
-Okay, we won't say anything else. - Elyrio said, raising both hands in surrender. - But you have to admit that it is strange.
-Do you want to know? I have to go, my dad needs me at the company today. - Floris picked up her own coffee and phone from the table and left, slightly tense, and Jane thought she saw the name Alicent in the phone book on Floris' cell phone before her friend left.
-You know what people say about why she went to Old Town. - After Floris left, Elyrio continued with a mischievous smile while wagging his eyebrows. - It looks like she was sent away because his mother caught them playing doctor in his room.
-I don’t know, but from what they say he was the gynecologist. - Lion blurted out in an even more malicious voice.
-How do you know about that? - Jane asked with wide eyes.
-We can't be sure, but the Targaryens' gardener is the brother of our family's cook. - Elyrio continued the conversation excitedly. - And from what we heard her talking to the other employees…
-It's not just rumors. - Lion concluded for his brother.
-That's so low, even for you guys - Nia rolled her eyes at the two brothers with a look of disbelief. - Aemond and Floris like each other.
-Oh please, has anyone ever seen Aemond kissing Floris? - Jane rolled her eyes as she said while drinking some of her own iced tea. - Whenever he's around he has that disgusted look on his face, it looks like someone put a rotten fish under his snobbish nose.
-I think it's just his way. - Nia defended, curving her eyebrows. - The family is all kind of weird after all, what with the royal descent thing and everything.
-Helaena Targaryen is not like that, I saw her picking up trash on the beach last week. -Lion smiled when he said that, but not in the malicious way he did when he talked about Aemond and Y/n.
-Helaena doesn't count. - Jane intervened at the same moment. - The girl is sweeter than any other human being that has ever walked the earth, I don't even know if she is even human.
-Have you spoken to Aegon yet? - Elyrio asked with an incredulous look as he moved his own coffee straw with his fingertips. - He makes you think that we have returned to the time of conquest and that everyone around must obey and serve him.
-But you guys forget that Aemond wasn't always like this. - Lion dragged the conversation back to Aemond. - Which brings us to the original subject of this conversation, when we studied KLH together he was all smiles and helpful.
-But only when he was with his dear little cousin. - Elyrio shook his eyebrows mischievously as he drank more coffee, and then looked around before whispering to the others. -Jason Lanister swears that one day he saw him put his hand up her skirt in high school.
-Jai is a liar. - Nia grumbled irritably.
-Well Lin Blackwood said that he once saw a very obscene note in her locker signed with an A at the end. -Jane said while she bit her lower lip.
-Which could mean millions more people. - Nia once again refuted her friends' gossip.
-Okay, but what about that trip to Harrenhall? - Lion said looking Nia in the eyes mockingly. - That the club had a technical problem with the lights and sent everyone out and they were both red and sweaty in that corner?
-We were on a dance floor, everyone was red and sweaty.
-Nia, don't you remember how strange he was after she went to Old Town? - Jane asked, staring at her friend fixedly. - He disappeared from college for over a month and when he came back he had lost weight and wasn't talking to anyone.
-And now he just disappears without answering the night she comes back? - Elyrio concluded hastily, as if gossiping was fuel to make his soul happy.
Pia's look at this point was even more apprehensive, as if she was holding air in her lungs and was going to explode at any moment. Elyrio, realizing this, raised his eyebrows curiously as he looked at his friend.
-Pia. - He hummed her name. - You know something!
-I do not know anything. - She immediately denied it.
-Hurry up! - Lion said, pulling the chair closer to hers. - We tell you what we know, now you have to tell it too!
-It’s not exactly gossip. - She started, still biting her lip. - Or maybe it is, I don't know. But last night at Cece's party I heard two girls say that they saw Aemond leaving with Y/n and that the two seemed very close.
Everyone looked at each other in shock after hearing this.
-That doesn't prove absolutely anything. - Nia interrupted. - They are cousins, Aemond could just be giving her a ride.
-Or giving other things. - Lion said smiling while drinking his own coffee. - And from what we know he probably loves giving her rides.
-How mean you are! - Nia grumbled while biting into a pretzel.
-It's not about being mean, it's about being realistic! - Elyrio came to his brother's defense. - There is something very wrong with those two. Even you have to admit it Nia.
In the Targaryen mansion Alicent paced back and forth as she poked her fingers irritably. First Aemond didn't answer her and now all the calls were going straight to voicemail. She didn't want to accept it, but this could only be the work of that poisonous viper that had entangled itself with her son without her realizing it.
The phone rang and Alicent looked at it expectantly, but the name that appeared on the screen was not what she expected.
Alicent's heart froze even more, and with slightly shaking hands she answered the phone, trying to appear calmer than she really was.
-Good morning Mrs Targaryen. - Came the gentle voice on the other end of the line.
-Hello my dear, how can I be of service?
-Do you happen to know where Aemond is? I can't talk to him and I'm already getting worried.
Alicent could feel the irritation in Floris's voice and she knew that just like her, the younger girl might also have her own suspicions.
-Aemond isn't feeling very well. In fact, he hadn't been well since yesterday, he told me he only left home yesterday so he could accompany you. - Alicent lied with a smile on her face.
-Is he at your house?
-Yes. - She confirmed it at the same moment.
-Then I'll come by and see hi…
-No my dear, I think it's better not to. - Alicent interrupted her mid-sentence. - Aemond is sleeping, I gave him some soup and medicine. You can rest assured.
-Are you sure Mrs. Targaryen?
-Absolute. - Alicent's voice left no room for disagreement, and after saying goodbye she hung up her cell phone, even more irritated if possible.
According to Oto told Alicent, Floris Baratheon's importance to Aemond was almost immeasurable if he even wanted to have a chance of succeeding Viserys as CEO of Targaryen Inc. one day. Using the possibility of uniting the two large companies would be a huge advantage over Rhaenyra since she had married and had children with Harwin Strong.
For Alicent, this wasn't as important as making her son forget about Y/n. Her main objective with this relationship was to make Aemond stop thinking about his cousin and not wanting to return to her. He was very reluctant when introduced to Floris, and only agreed to take the initiative when Oto told him it would be great for business.
But Alicent didn't see him talk about her, she didn't see him approach her, she hadn't even seen her son touch the girl for more than a minute. And she knew who was to blame for all this, even if she was miles away.
And now Y/n had been back for less than 24 hours and Aemond had disappeared from the map. Which made Alicent think the worst, her dear son could once again be involved in sinful acts with that little snake.
And after dozens of unanswered calls, an idea flashed through Alicent's head and she quickly dialed the number of the maid who cleaned Aemond and Aegon's apartment.
-Good morning Mrs. Dancil, is my son at his apartment? - She spoke in a sweet voice, but her tone quickly soured when she heard the woman saying that Aemond didn't let her pass the doorstep in the morning.
-He was alone? - She asked in an extremely irritated voice.
-I don't know ma'am, but from what I saw he had just gotten out of the shower.
Alicent hung up the phone without asking any more questions. For the seven, she would like to understand why all her children wanted to destroy their own lives before the gods and before society. Even her sweet and dear Aemond associating with that family destroyer.
The sun was high outside and entering the room strongly, with everything that had happened Aemond even thought about closing the curtains. The phone's annoying vibration woke him from his deep sleep, and the sunlight made him wake up for good. He reached down and pulled his phone out of his pants pocket and read the name on the display.
-mmnn. - Aemond just muttered and turned off the cell phone, throwing it on the carpet, once again lost among the discarded clothes.
When he turned to the side he could see her, naked and tangled between the sheets, her hair falling wildly over her face and shoulders, the skin on her neck with bruises forming, her cheeks still red from the slap he had delivered. She still looked so beautiful sleeping, and Aemond knew he would never see a more beautiful sight in his life than that.
He knew he shouldn't be doing this, that it was wrong and the two of them shouldn't be together. And the night before Aemond had tried to resist, he really had, but it was impossible. It was one thing for her to be miles away in Old Town, it was another for her in front of him to speak in that melodious voice while she rubbed her own body against his.
And he had missed her so much, missed the moments when he could open his eyes and find her naked body next to his. And with his eyes still full of longing, Aemond took his hand to her waist, leaving soft caresses with his fingertips, going up and down from her hips to the curve of her breasts, outlining her curves with softness and adoration.
Now away from the frenzy of pleasure he paid more attention to the necklace around Y/n's neck. She continued to wear it, even after years, Aemond ran his fingers gently over the pendant, sighing at the memories that came back. Y/n's 16th birthday, the day he gave her that necklace. The day she gave herself completely to him. Aemond could never forget that moment and what he felt that night.
-Aem? - Her sleepy voice came, making him shiver.
-Hey. - He replied with his voice still hoarse from sleep, making Y/n stretch.
She raised her arms, stretching her muscles sore after the previous night, not even bothering to cover herself from Aemond's eyes. He had seen everything there was to see in her so many times, he had no reason to hide anymore.
-Still using it. - He said looking at the pendant between her breasts.
-I never took it off. - Y/n shrugged her shoulders as she took the pendant between her fingers. -It always brought me good memories.
She looked him in the eyes and Aemond felt himself shudder as he grabbed the back of her head and placed a wet kiss on his cousin's lips. Little by little he pulled her more and more into his own lap until Y/n was straddling him while they both kissed each other deeper and deeper, to the point where they almost lost their breath.
Aemond caressed every part of her body he could get his hands on. He touched everything that belonged to him. Squeezing and caressing her soft thighs and ass, going up her waist and squeezing her full breasts, only to then move his hands up to her neck and hair. It was as if Y/n would disappear at any moment, as if she were a fever dream that he needed to enjoy as much as possible before it ended.
Y/n was the same way, it was as if Aemond was water and she had been dying of thirst for a long time. She kissed him and caressed him back with the same desire and the same hunger for affection, running her fingers around her thin waist, caressing his chest, sighing with contentment when she could finally feel him against her again. Running her nails lightly down his back just like she knew he liked, and then tangling her fingers between the long strands of silver hair.
Both were drowning in each other. There was nothing else in the world at that moment, there was no family, responsibilities, scandal, companies, rumors or names to protect. Just them and the overwhelming desire they had for each other.
Aemond gently got up from the bed as he held her tightly against himself and walked towards the bathroom.
-Shower or bathtub? - Aemond spoke against her hair.
-Bathtub. - She sighed against his neck, and Aemond placed her delicately on the bathroom counter to fill the bathtub with hot water. A
After it was almost full he helped Y/n get in and sat behind her hugging her and caressing her belly, waist and breasts.
He slowly wet her hair calmly and gently, as if her hair were strands of the most precious silk, and then slowly washed it. Y/n closed her eyes in contentment, his hands against her skin and scalp, the smell of his shampoo all over the air intoxicating her.
Aemond rinsed her hair, washing away all the foam and leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head as he sighed as he smelled his own scent now completely attached to her. Y/n turned to face him and with a mischievous and sweet smile at the same time, she gently wet Aemond's hair as he closed his eyes.
She then did the same to him, but looking him in the eyes while she did it. She washed and massaged Aemond's hair with affection and devotion, caressing the locks with all the love she could while she felt herself being consumed by his gaze. Aemond felt softened, and knew that if he hadn't been sitting down he would probably fall to the floor at that moment, her soft caresses that he had missed so much leaving him floored. Y/n smiled as she rinsed his hair, feeling the soft, damp strands against her own hand.
Aemond and Y/n bathed each other with care and gentleness. As if one and the other were made of the finest and most delicate porcelain and would break at the slightest hard touch. Their fingers soaped and rinsed each other's skin, hungry for touch, hungry for affection.
And when Aemond touched Y/n in her intimacy she sighed and fell onto his chest in anticipation. He caressed her even more gently in that area, he could feel her wetness against his own fingers, he could feel how much she wanted him. The sweet and soft noises she made made his mind spin, and with a gentle thrust he entered Y/n's interior with his own cock already hard and throbbing for her.
Y/n held onto his shoulders with her head buried in the hollow of Aemond's neck, her eyes firmly pressed as she felt him inside her once again. And taking a deep breath, she moved over him, making some of the water come out of the tub, but neither of them cared. Her movements were firm and slow while Aemond held her tightly around her waist and hips, throwing her head back in ecstasy.
The two exchanged sweet, soft kisses as they moved against each other full of longing, holding each other tightly as they lost themselves in the frenzy. As the waves of pleasure passed through the body, both movements became stronger. Y/n held him tighter, just as Aemond held her, and they both looked into each other's eyes as they panted and moaned in sweet pleasure and contentment.
Y/n came first, shuddering over Aemond as she felt a wave of pleasure cross her own body and leave all her nerve endings out of control as she collapsed onto Aemond, who came soon after, feeling her cum against his cock, pressing his eyes tightly and pulling her even closer to him in a hot, breathless hug.
The two stayed there, just hugging each other, with Aemond still inside her, both missing each other, wanting to be close to each other for as long as possible, without any barrier separating them.
The water was already cold when the two got up from the tub and walked towards the bedroom again. Aemond dried Y/n's body, admiring every little detail of her, memorizing again every spot, every mark, every line.
Y/n showed off to him without any shame, feeling comfortable under her cousin's watchful and hungry gaze like she didn't feel anywhere else in the world.
And Aemond pulled her towards him again, hugging her tightly to the point that they both felt each other's hearts beating against their chests. He caressed the sides of her body with adoration, as if he needed to make sure it was all real. And when the two let go of the hug, Aemond returned to staring at her body with that same look that was a mixture of love, passion and hunger.
-As much as I love being admired by you, I'm going to need some clothes. - She said, smiling and caressing Aemond's neck with her fingertips.
-I prefer you naked. - He smiled mischievously at her who just kissed his neck.
Aemond gave Y/n a white shirt and watched with a slight smile as she got dressed, then he put on just a pair of black sweatpants and went towards her again.
-Let's eat something? - He asked smiling at Y/n who agreed instantly with a smile.
-I haven't eaten anything since before the party. - She then extended her arms to Aemond with a pout. - My legs are weak, can you carry me?
Aemond just rolled his eyes before picking her up in his arms and lifting her off the ground with ease while Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist.
When he arrived in the kitchen, he placed her on the counter and after a quick kiss on the lips, he went towards the refrigerator, but was interrupted by the incessant ringing of his own cell phone in the room.
-Just give me a minute. - He sighed to Y/n heading towards the bedroom, returning shortly after with his cell phone in one hand and Y/n's silver heels in the other. Aemond smiled and raised his eyebrows as he placed her shoes and his, which had been thrown haphazardly around the room, together on a sideboard near the door.
-Still with an obsession for organization? - She asked, pouting, mocking him.
-Ever. - Aemond approached the counter and bit her lip as he responded, making her sigh.
He looked down at his cell phone and saw hundreds of messages and missed calls, and after that it didn't take long for the doorbell to ring and Aemond looked at the door in confusion, only to remember that the cleaning lady was coming that day.
-Shit. - He went towards the door still wearing only his sweatpants and with his damp hair falling over his shoulders.
-Good morning Mr. Targaryen. - The woman spoke as she was already entering, but Aemond stopped her from going through the door.
-Your services will not be needed today, Mrs. Dancil. - Aemond spoke in a serious voice and before the woman asked questions he continued speaking. - You can take the day off, or clean Aegon's house, whatever you think is best. The woman stared at him blankly as she tried to discreetly look into the apartment through Aemond, and then left without asking any more questions.
After telling the maid to leave, Aemond called the concierge.
-I'm not for anyone today. If anyone asks, tell them that I left for now and haven't come back yet.
Y/n watched him still sitting on the kitchen counter with her legs crossed, biting her lower lip slightly, while Aemond made another call.
-Good morning Mrs. Mayotte. - Aemond spoke in a polite voice. - Reschedule all my appointments today. Reschedule lunch with the supplier, I don't mind. Put the paperwork on Aegon's desk and say that I told him to stop being lazy and work like everyone else. You can say with these words, I guarantee your job. If anyone looks for me, tell them they don't know my whereabouts. - He hung up the phone and threw it onto the living room armchair.
-I enjoyed hearing your business voice. - She said, swinging her legs in the air, jumping off the counter and walking towards Aemond. - You'll have to talk to me like that later.
Aemond rolled his eyes and pulled her towards him by the waist, placing a tender kiss on her lips.
-I'm all yours for the rest of the day. - He murmured against her lips.
-You are always all my Aemond. -She whispered back with a smile as she slowly brushed her own lips against his.
After exchanging soft kisses, Aemond and Y/n prepared potato rosti, their favorite food throughout their lives.
-You're doing it wrong Aem. You definitely don't add that amount of onion. - Y/n complained, pulling the knife from his hand.
-And since when did you become a culinary expert? - He raised his eyebrows as he looked at her, pouting.
-Since your parents left me five years ago in a conservatory in Old Town. - She rolled her eyes and left a kiss on his chin. - The septas force us to work. Did you know that?
-It must have been horrible. - Aemond mocked.
-ha, ha, ha, you're hilarious. -Y/n faked a laugh while pouring water into the potato pot. - You wouldn't survive two days in that conservatory, Aemond.
-And why not? - He arched his eyebrows in offense as he put the things he wouldn't need back in the fridge.
-Because you, my dear cousin, are the devil. You don't know how to exchange two words with anyone without ironizing the person in the exact way you are doing now. - She said, looking at him with her hand on her hip. - You would live trapped in some punishment.
-And what did you do? - He looked her up and down as he asked. - Since in my experience you are no angel.
-I pretended to obey. I did what they told me. The conservatory isn't that bad after all, I learned a lot of cool things and the teaching program is really good. - She spoke in a monotonous voice while stirring the pot looking away and Aemond realized that she wasn't comfortable talking about the conservatory at that moment.
-But? - Aemond asked, approaching and holding her by the waist, bringing her towards him.
-Don't be cocky. - Y/n rolled her eyes more comfortably while biting Aemond's lower lip and pulling it lightly with her teeth.
-I didn't say anything. - His ironic look said it all.
-I really missed you. - She confessed, looking at him in that way that made Aemond's heart hurt. - Not just having sex, of everything. Being able to talk and stay by your side. You're my best friend Aem, it was horrible being without you.
-I missed you too. - He said putting a lock of her hair back. - Every day.
Suddenly Y/n's gaze changed and when she looked at Aemond again the heat was gone, and now pure anger burned in its place. With the memory of why she went to Cercei Lanister's party.
-Well it wasn't what it seemed since according to all the gossip magazines in the city you should announce your engagement at any moment. - Y/n's voice was hateful when she said that, as if the words were bitter in her mouth.
-What? No! - Aemond opened his eyes wide in shock. - Me and Floris are definitely not getting engaged.
-So there is a you and Floris? - She arched her eyebrows ironically.
-Y/n I don't like Floris, my grandfather and her father think that uniting us could be good for business… - Aemond held her by the shoulders while he said this, as if he was afraid that she would evaporate into thin air, or run away .
-I know you don't like her because you love me. -Y/n's eyes burned with anger as she spoke as she pointed at herself. - But Aemond, if you let that bitch touch you…
-Y/n.. - Aemond started to speak but was immediately interrupted.
-And don't you dare lie to me! - She practically growled. - If you let her put her hands on you I will never let you touch my body again and I will kill that bitch and I will feel pleasure from it. -She held Aemond by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes as she spoke, and he could see the jealousy burning through the surface.
-You know I would never let someone else touch me. - Aemond hissed offended, as if the mere idea of ​​being touched by someone other than Y/n disgusted him. - We promised this to each other.
-I told you yesterday that I haven't slept with anyone else since you left! -Aemond placed his palms against the sides of her face as he spoke, looking into her eyes.
-No, you didn't say it! - Y/n moved a few centimeters away from him and the irritation in her voice was palpable.
-I think the fact that I came inside you in less than ten minutes in a coat closet in the middle of a party says a lot about it. - Aemond rolled his eyes and threw his head back in annoyance.
-Do you swear? - She questioned him, looking at him with that needy look that made Aemond want to move all the mountains in the world for her, and hypnotized, he approached her again before answering her. - You swear you didn’t touch her the way you touch me?
-With all my heart. - He said, carefully stroking her hair. - I was only with you, just as we promised that night.
-I'm sorry for acting crazy. - She sighed looking at her own bare feet. - But just thinking that that bitch could have put her hands on you makes me…
-I am yours. - Aemond interrupted her by placing her hand over his heart. - Only yours.
-That's just business and company stuff. My mother and grandfather think that if I marry Floris Baratheon I can be chosen as CEO in Rhaenyra's place in the future.
-Marry? - Y/n asked in disbelief and Aemond could see her eyes suddenly shine with tears. - This is what you want? - She asked, looking into his eyes, trying to get away from him again and Aemond could see the feeling of betrayal in her eyes. - Marry Floris Baratheon and become CEO?
-No! - He denied it immediately as he pulled her back towards him, surprising even himself for not caring about anything else other than making her believe him. - I want you, Y/n, only you.
– Do you swear? - She asked, but now with an irritated voice.
-I swear! - He growled against her face without excitement.
-Then end this lie, because I won't share you! - Y/n practically growled as she held Aemond's face tightly between her hands. - She's the other one and not me, she was the one who arrived later trying to steal you from me.
Aemond agreed and kissed her on the lips, he could feel the possessiveness in her kiss, the way she pulled his hair and bit his lips, pulling him more and more towards her, as if she was hungry, as if she needed to prove that he was of hers.
-Give me a week to resolve everything. - He said breathlessly with his forehead touching hers after breaking the kiss. - I promise you that within a week I will get rid of it.
-You're lucky that I love you. - She rolled her eyes and left a kiss on his chin.
After the discussion, the two decided not to talk about Floris Baratheon anymore that day, and after eating they went towards the living room and lay down together on the biggest sofa. The familiarity of it all made Aemond feel like Y/n had left for Old Town five days ago and not five years ago. At that moment nothing mattered to him, the only thing that existed was him and Y/n, how good it was to be by her side and how he wanted to stay that way forever.
-I haven't eaten this since you left. - He said, stroking Y/n's hair gently, and she just smiled and looked at him through her eyelashes, but now in a really innocent way, just love in her eyes. - It felt wrong without you here.
Y/n caressed Aemond's face and ran her hand down the long strands of hair that were now loose.
-You didn't finish telling me how things are here yesterday. - She said caressing his face. - How is Helaena? I wish I had seen her yesterday.
-She has a huge project to save the turtles in Black Water Bay. - He spoke affectionately. - Our father decided to finance it, and now no one can bring disposable objects to the beach anymore. Apart from all the supervision of the beach during breeding periods.
-That's totally like Hel. - Y/n smiled as she imagined her cousin making her dreams of caring for endangered animals come true.
-Speaking of reproduction. - Aemond said, turning to face her and Y/n smiled mischievously. - Were you serious or not last night?
-I was just teasing you. - She rolled her eyes playfully, making herself better comfortable in his lap. - I know you get all crazy and possessive about this pregnancy thing, and I like it when you get like that, I missed it. - Y/n murmured rubbing her lips against his neck.
Aemond felt a mix of relief and disappointment, he knew she was probably joking, but the idea of ​​having a part of him and her mixed together forever made his insides vibrate with joy.
-I want to have a child with you. - He said looking into her eyes and giving her a soft kiss on the lips - You know that.
-Yes, you've been saying that since we were 16 years old. - She smiled melancholic with some memories while steadied herself on his shoulders, looking deeply into his eyes. - I will give you a son, as soon as you marry me as we agreed.
-We're getting married. I promise you. - He said, squeezing her hips and smiling, that same look of pure adoration that he always had when he looked at her making Y/n's heart melt. - Nothing changed.
-I believe in you. - She kissed him softly. - And speaking of children, how is JaeJae?
-Aegon takes him to work almost every day. - Aemond rolled his eyes, laughing. - To be honest, his secretary has more work to do with Jaehaerys than with paperwork.
-He must have grown so much. - She said, leaning her head on Aemond's chest and smiling, remembering her younger cousin.
-Last week I went to get a report from Aegon's desk and he was sleeping on the couch while Jaehaerys made paper airplanes with the pages of the reports and threw them around the room. - Aemond grumbled, laughing lightly while stroking Y/n's hair.
It was a scandal when Aegon impregnated a model three years older when he was 17. Alicent almost died upon receiving the news, and then almost killed Aegon. Y/n got chills just remembering that day, Aegon running around the house with Alicent behind him throwing things and slapping wherever he could reach.
-How is your mother's mood about this? - Y/n's voice suddenly became slightly tense.
-Oddly enough, she's not so mad anymore. She only hits Aegon twice a week now, if he reduces the amount of alcohol he consumes it could be as much as one slap every Friday. - Aemond tried to lighten the mood by talking about Alicent as he felt Y/n's body become rigid with the subject.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, her aunt always scared her a little by being very strict, but nothing too serious until that terrible night five years ago. Before that, she was too focused on Aegon to fight too much with her, Aemond, Helaena or Daeron.
-What about Daeron?
-She's still in denial, but she stopped threatening to send him to Old Town with you.
Y/n rolled her eyes, Daeron was gay and Alicent was a crazy, controlling mother who followed the faith of the seven diligently. A combination that would hardly go well.
-First of all, this is archaic, secondly, why was I the only one who ended up in old town? - She looked at him indignantly, making Aemond laugh. - You fucked me, Daeron is Gay, Aegon is Aegon. Why was I the only one who ended up in Old town? That's not fair!
-My mother got it into her head that you are a poisonous viper sent by your father to destroy her children. - Aemond said while looking at the ceiling.
-Why is everything that goes wrong in this family always blamed on my father? -Y/n questioned indignantly, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of pain knowing that was what her aunt thought of her.
-Because your father is your father. He's completely crazy, you can blame hundreds of things on him if you try hard enough. - Aemond stated, rubbing his nose against her neck as he smelled his own scent mixed with hers.
-And Rhaenyra? - Y/n changed her focus when remembering her cousin.
-If we are going to talk about my older sister I will need to call a family therapist. - He spoke in a monotonous voice against her neck and Y/n laughed in a nasal way.
-Rhaenyra isn't that bad. She would bring chocolate every time she came to visit. - Y/n smiled at the memory, the expensive chocolates that her old cousinbrought always caused fights between her and the other cousins, everyone always wanted to choose first, but she and Aemond always shared theirs. And like a frenzy, Y/n's eyes lit up with an idea.
-Let's have hot cocoa. - She said suddenly excited and Aemond arched his eyebrow looking at the radiant summer sun that came through the window.
-It must be about 30 degrees outside.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she got up and walked towards the thermostat, lowering the air conditioning temperature even further, making Aemond laugh slightly as he laid his head on the back of the sofa.
-Okay, now we will have a pleasant 15° degrees of autumn for a hot cocoa. - She smiled at him, already going towards the kitchen to prepare the hot chocolate while Aemond went towards the bedroom without warning.
When Y/n lifted her head again she saw in his hands a worn navy blue blanket with silver embroidery and couldn't help but give a bright smile as she felt his eyes handling it.
-I can't believe you kept that.
-It's the hot cocoa blanket. - Aemond shrugged smiling and Y/n kissed his cheek as she was flooded with memories. Shortly after Y/n moved in with her aunt and uncle, they went to Driftmark for a weekend to visit Rhaenys, the place was beautiful, but it was cold like Y/n had never felt before. Y/n always thought Rhaenys looked like a hawk, had a smart look and didn't miss anything, but after that weekend she discovered that the woman could be very sweet and affectionate too.
Especially when she covered Y/n and Aemond with that same blanket and made two large cups of hot chocolate for them. And when they left she said they could take the blanket since it was very cold and they both liked it so much.
From then on, the two always drank hot cocoa together when the weather got cold, and they always did it under that blanket that was now old and worn out.
After the chocolate was ready the two sat back down on the sofa covering themselves while they enjoyed the hot drink and smiled at each other, both exchanged soft and warm kisses while caressing each other affectionately.
-I missed you. - Aemond whispered while rubbing his nose against hers, warming Y/n's heart, after they both finished the chocolate.
-I'm never leaving again. - She promised rubbing his nose back. - I promise.
The two were snuggled under the blanket, with Y/n still on top of Aemond as he slowly stroked her scalp as he knew it made her soften.
-How it was? - Aemond finally gained enough courage to ask in a melancholy voice, but almost in a whisper. - Your time in Old town? Do you want to talk about it?
-I hope I never have to go back there again. - She sighed, placing her hand on Aemond's chest. - I learned a lot of things at the conservatory, the teaching schedule there is incredible. - She spoke as if she needed to justify this part so it wouldn't seem so bad.
-But the rest was terrible, we are not allowed to access the Internet in the conservatory, so no chance of any attempt to contact us. -Her voice sounded sad as she played with her fingers looking down. - No movies or series. And books only those pre-approved by the septas.
Aemond arched his eyebrow, sighing and pulling her closer to him. Y/n always loved watching TV more than anyone he knew, to the point where he knew the programming of his favorite channels by heart when they were younger.
-The diet was also very restricted, only healthy foods from a menu prepared by a nutritionist and pre-approved by the septas. No cookies, chocolates, soda and things like that. - She continued speaking and Aemond felt his heart ache when he saw y/n with her shoulders slumped and a sad look on her face.
-I really missed chocolate. - She gave a slight smile, but still with a sad look.
-We'll buy all the chocolate you want as soon as we leave the house. -He spoke seriously, looking at her, making Y/n smile softly as she laid her head again on his chest.
-There are so many rules that I think in five years I haven't memorized them all. - She rolled her eyes. - In the first few days I fought back, didn't obey and thought I was going to get out of there. But it got easier when I just started pretending to obey. - Y/n sighed against Aemond's chest, hugging him. -At least they didn't give me excessive work as punishment anymore.
-They wanted me to stay, take the oaths and become a septa. - Y/n lifted her head from Aemond's chest and looked into his eyes. - But I could never do such a thing. Not when I thought about you every day and the moment when I would be of age and could return.
He gently pulled her by the back of her head, tangling his fingers in her hair and kissed her with love and sweetness letting out a sigh when they separated.
Aemond's heart hurt hearing Y/n say all those things, knowing what she had to endure to be there again, his beautiful girl deserved much more than being trapped in a place like that. And Aemond promised himself that he would never let anyone take her away from him again.
-There wasn't a day that went by that my heart didn't burn and cry out for your presence. - He stroked her cheeks lovingly using his fingertips. - You are like a sparkle of love and joy in my life.
The smile that appeared on Y/n's lips when she heard him say those words almost took his breath away, and he knew that no one would ever make him feel that same feeling.
Y/n was like a vice for Aemond. And away from the exhibition he managed, at least for a while, to pretend to everyone around him that he wasn't completely and utterly addicted to it. And now entangled with his cousin again, he knew there would be no second chance. His body and mind had already been exposed again, and he was too high on her to make any decision other than being together forever.
He had made his choice when he took her home again and ran away from all obligations just to be there, with her body pressed against his, and Aemond knew that this time he would be strong enough, he wouldn't let anyone separate them.
next chapter
tag list: @afro-hispwriter @fan-goddess
211 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 1 year
My Queen, it has a appear that after the wild ride with Hunter of the phermones.
Someone has requested of a… *reads the paper out loud*
“My Queen, I request for Pheromones but with Echo please Queen of Clone Fanfic to witness the feral within of beloved Echo and kindly… make it nasty smut.”
But if you wish to rest, kindly ignore this, please.
You should not unleash me, especially not on Echo, yet here we are...
This has gotten out of hand. Well, you wanted nasty.
Echo x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Good Girl
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Warnings: Sexual Content/Smut/Dirty Stuff/Dom-Echo/Sub-Reader/Pollen/Dub-Con/PiV/PiA/FiV/FiA/Rough Sex/"Toy" Use/Dirty Talk/Well, a lot of really smutty stuff/ 18 +
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When the Bad Batch boys return to the Marauder after a mission to an unexplored planet, Echo feels feverish. What none of the men know is that Echo has inhaled pollen from native plants that are about to take their extreme effect. Still feeling strange as the boys leave for their next mission shortly thereafter, Echo stays behind in the Marauder with you. Echo lies in his bunk, most parts of his armor already removed. He is much too warm, his pulse is racing. He can't explain what's going on, because he doesn't really feel sick, but he senses that something is wrong with him. "You didn't have to stay here because of me," he says, taking off his gloves as you come into the main room. "It's okay, Echo. I'd rather be here in case your condition worsens," you say softly. He takes off his bracers, wearing only his Blacks and codpiece. "Didn't you have a date with a friend today?" he inquires. You wave it off and say, "That's not too important. I can make up for that meeting another time."
He smiles at you, you smile back.
When you turn around and bend down to pick something up, you have turned your back to him and Echo has a perfect view of your rear end. A tingle goes through his body, he feels himself getting even warmer and his cock swells behind the codpiece, against his will. He can't stop staring, only when you straighten up again and turn around does he tear his gaze away. You look at each other. You can tell by the look on his face that something is wrong. "Echo? Is everything all right?" "Sure," he says hurriedly. You ask him cautiously, "Can I leave you alone for a moment? Tech asked me to take care of something in the engine room." Echo swallows, he finally nods hastily, trying to suppress the impulses that suddenly force themselves on him. "Of course, go ahead." Echo watches you disappear into the engine room. His imagination runs away with him, his head a wild jumble of images of you sucking his cock, of him pressing you against one of the machines and taking you from behind, of him shoving his scomp link up your ass. He shakes his head, sweat standing on his forehead.
He mumbles softly to himself, "What the hell is wrong with you? You've had the hots for her for a while now, but your fantasies have never been this wild and intrusive." Echo can't help himself, the images won't let him go, the thought of hearing you moan and whimper while writhing in ecstasy is incredibly seductive. Quite automatically, he removes his codpiece without really thinking about it. His pants are very clearly bulging at the crotch. Like a sleepwalker, he stands up and walks towards the machine room. The corridors between the machines are very narrow, you can't run away from him here. He spots you, half bent over one of the machines, screwing the lid of a container back on. As if controlled by a stranger, he walks directly toward you. Echo presses against you from behind. You let out a startled little cry. Through the thin yoga pants you are wearing, you can very clearly feel the bulge in his Blacks pressing against your buns. "Echo?!"
Shakily, his hand reaches forward, moves under your shirt and up to your breasts. You have no idea what's gotten into him. Echo is actually rather reserved, even when flirting. But now he's pressing up against you. He literally rips the bra off your breasts, you can hear the material tearing. The next moment, he gets hold of one of your tits and kneads it greedily. It's all so surprising and seems basically wrong, but you can't help it, you're instantly aroused. Even though your pulse is still racing from shock, you feel a pulsing in your pussy as your clit swells and moisture gathers in your panties. He rubs his hard length unabashedly against your buns through the fabric of your clothing. You hear how hard he breathes. You're sandwiched between him and the machine, barely able to move. The arm with the scomp link moves forward and rubs over the fabric between your legs, over your pussy. The end of the scomp-link rubs right over your pearl. He murmurs in a smoky voice, "I wish I still had two hands". You moan his name softly, then give a low squeak as he gently bites your neck. Close to your skin, he murmurs, "I'm going to fill all your holes with cum." His dirty words are unexpected and trigger a pulse inside you. Automatically, you push your pelvis back, into his grinding motions, harder against his crotch.
"Good girl," he growls softly. He's so hot, his mind still racing with wild sexual fantasies of you. Echo feels the irrepressible urge to have you, in every way he can imagine. Suddenly, he jerks you around to face him. You look into his eyes, which look so dark, almost black. He stares at you without blinking. "On your knees," he growls softly. You don't even think about contradicting him, you automatically get down on your knees and see him pull down his Blacks. Right in front of your face, his hard cock plops out from behind the fabric. Long, thick, gently curved and pre-cum leaking. He slides the scomp link under your chin to lift it slightly, grabs the base of his cock with his other hand and guides the tip to your lips. "Be a good girl and take it in your mouth". His voice is raspy, rough, as if he can barely speak due to his arousal. You lick over his tip, it tastes salty. No sooner are your lips open than he pushes his cock into your mouth with a moan. The surprised sound that wants to come out of your mouth is muffled by his cock. "Suck!", he exclaims almost desperately, as if he is in pain, and only you can take it from him.
You start sucking on him, with one hand gently fondling his balls. His hand grips your hair, tighter than you expected. The tugging brings tears to your eyes. Echo doesn't really give you time to adjust or prepare. As you suck on his cock, your tongue pressed against the underside of his hard length, he keeps advancing so far that you can only suppress the gag reflex with difficulty. By now, tears are running down your cheeks, your mascara running and leaving little black trails on your face. His beat is ruthless, hard, fast. Echo looks down, hears and sees you sucking him, struggling to keep up with him. Part of him is ashamed of what he's putting you through, but in the foreground is his horniness, and the sight turns him on so much that his thighs begin to tremble. His balls tighten, the knot that has formed in his stomach loosens, and he cums in your mouth, shooting a thick load down your throat that you almost choke on. As he takes his cock out of your mouth, you try to swallow, catch your breath and want to wipe your face, but he immediately yanks you back to your feet, turns you around and bends you over the machine in front of you.
Echo is far from done with you. He is still hard, still hot, still hungry. He pulls your pants with a jerk, including your panties to the ankles. Impatiently, he brushes off your shoes and finally your pants, tossing both carelessly to the side. With one knee, he forces your legs apart, which again elicits a small startled sound from you. You still can't believe what is happening here. You are definitely horny, but also intimidated, insecure. Yet you want him, you want him to use you. You don't even try to complain or fight him off. Suddenly, you feel his fingers between your legs and bite your lower lip. His fingers shakily slide through your damp folds, dipping a tiny bit into your sensitive, wet hole. "Nice and wet, that's good," he growls. The next moment, you feel the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance. He immediately applies pressure, sliding into you, not roughly but not exactly slowly either. You let out a little cry as he fills you so suddenly, stretching your little hole with his thick cock.
Echo immediately picks up speed and starts thrusting into you while he presses you onto the machine with his hand on your back. The room immediately fills with the wet sound of his cock thrusting into your dripping pussy and his pelvis slapping your bare buns with each thrust. He gasps, moans and grunts uninhibitedly as he takes you. Your pussy clenches greedily around his cock as if it had longed to be fucked so properly. Your clit pulsates and your hand automatically moves there, your fingers begin a wild dance on the bundle of nerves. Suddenly you feel his hand leave your back, his thrusts slow down temporarily. Then you feel him dribble something on the small hole between your buns, it's cold and slippery. You don't know where he got the gel, but when he starts rubbing it into the tight ring of muscles, you're thankful he has some, because shortly after, he puts on his scomp link and shoves it up your ass.
You moan hoarsely, almost screaming, but your fingers continue to dance over your clit unperturbed and his thrusts pick up speed again. His cock drills into your pussy while the scomp link, between your buns, begins to vibrate. It feels shameful, but at least as horny. The vibration in your anus, his cock working between the slick walls of your pussy, the sounds he makes that your bodies make. The intensity of the pulse in your pussy peaks. Your orgasm is so violent that your whole body twitches and trembles as he shoots another load into you with a long-drawn-out moan. With a smacking plop, he pulls the scomp link out of your ass. Echo is still hard, still hungry. He pulls his cock out of your pussy, pushing your ass a little further down to his level with his hand, then you feel his tip press against your lubed up anus. "Fuck!" you groan out, "Echo, you're too big!" His hand claws at your hip as he very slowly applies pressure. He's shaking, he's completely tense, trying with all his might to hold back, to take it slow. He applies more pressure and his tip gently sinks between your buns. Echo moans out again. You feel very clearly how he stretches you, the line between pain and horniness becomes thinner and thinner.
"I'll fill that hole with cum, too," he growls. The idea is hot, but also scary. You are not properly prepared, the scomp link is too narrow to stretch your little hole sufficiently. He slowly penetrates further and further. You moan and whimper softly as your fingers move to your clit again. Echo sees what you are doing, he laughs softly and growls aroused, "That's a good girl. Rub that little clit while I fuck your ass". Hearing him talk dirty like that gives you that extra kick. The pulse in your center builds again. Finally, he is completely absorbed in you and your thighs tremble slightly with arousal, nervousness and tension. He begins to move. The feeling is intense, it hurts a little, but the arousal prevails, and your fingers diligently continue to rub over your little pearl. "Perfect tight ass," he growls, kicking it up a notch until he's moving so fast again that the room is filled with the sound of his pelvis slapping your buns. He fucks your ass intensely, thrusting into the small hole between your buns again and again, panting, grunting, moaning. "We should do this every day," he growls. His fingers on your hips are still tight against you, leaving marks. But suddenly his grip loosens, he slows. His thighs quiver, his thrusts become erratic. "Oh Maker," he moans, his voice suddenly far from raspy and rough. Again, an orgasm pulses through your pussy as his cock throbs in your ass, and he spurts his warm load into your rear entrance. He breathes heavily. "Oh Maker," he repeats, sounding downright terrified. He carefully leaves your body, pulling his cock out from between your buns and taking a step back. For a moment, Echo stares at your body as his cum drips from both of your holes. "Uh... are you okay?" he asks cautiously, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me"
The heat has escaped his body. Whatever has been in his system has now dissipated. You groan, whimpering softly. "Oh Maker," Echo says again, breathlessly startled at himself. He carefully helps you up and takes you to the refresher, where he undresses you completely and puts you in the shower. He has pulled his Blacks back up and his cheeks are flushed with embarrassment as he gently washes you and supports you, so you don't fall over. Echo hurriedly gets you fresh underwear, a long shirt, helps you dress and takes you to one of the bunks. As he carefully tucks you in and brings you a glass of water, he says shyly, "You haven't said a word yet." You blink, take a sip of the water, then say honestly, "I have no idea what to say" "You probably hate me now," he says, swallowing. "No," you say shaking your head, "You've got me a little scared, surprised, maybe a little overwhelmed. But I don't hate you." Echo takes a deep breath, then says, "I suspect this fever I've had since we were on this planet has something to do with the whole thing" "Possibly," you say thoughtfully.
When your eyes meet, Echo shyly avoids your gaze, but you grab his chin and force him to look at you. "Hey, you just fucked pretty much every one of my holes, so I guess you'll be able to look me in the face," you tease him. His cheeks turn red again, and he blinks, but he holds your gaze. You look at him gently and say, "Now I've earned some cuddles, don't you think?" Echo raises his brows in surprise. "You want to cuddle with me?" You nod with a smile. "Oh, of course," he says hurriedly, "I'd love to." Echo carefully lays down with you and gently wraps his arms around you. He whispers, "You know I have a crush on you, right?" You laugh softly and say, "Good thing it's mutual, otherwise we'd have a problem now."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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pia-writes-things · 11 months
New chapter is up! Apologies for the delay, life has been a lot lately.
Hope you'll like the angst 😈😈
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