#Piett and Veers
musewrangler · 4 months
How about some kind of Lord of the Rings-y rangers sort of au for Piett and Veers? Take as much or as little inspiration from LOTR as you like!
You, my friend, know what I like to write. ;D Thank you so much!
Piett spent several years training side by side with elves. His small frame and quick eye made him an ideal human candidate to move through the trees without being seen. He's one of the best shots with the bow that the Rangers have, though his propensity to sacrifice himself first in dangerous situations is one that Veers is determined to root out of him.
Veers was born in Rohan, but adopted as a baby by an aristocratic family in Gondor. His coloring and stature were very reminiscent of his home land, but he fit very naturally into Gondor. It surprised most people therefore, when he graciously turned down the offer to serve as other high born sons did in the city guard, and instead asked to be placed with the Rangers under Captain Faramir. Three people were not surprised by this---his wife, Myra, his best friend, Firmus, and Boromir, whom Veers grew up with and trained with.
Max initiated the friendship between himself and the quiet Ranger Captain who was Captain Faramir's right hand. They had worked together on several campaigns now and Veers had noted the man's keen insights and understated sense of humor. It was after the fifth such campaign that Veers had decided he wished to serve with the Rangers. They were on the front lines and he had always been a man of action---the need for the hunt strong in his Eorling blood.
He'd been in the Rangers for four years when Piett was captured by the Southrons as he was scouting on the west boarder. Captain Faramir didn't even have a chance to ask for volunteers before Veers stepped forward to lead a rescue party. Had Piett been taken by orcs, the cause would almost certainly have been futile. They all knew what orcs did to captured men. But while the Southrons were cruel, there was still a chance he lived. Piett was well liked and the men pushed hard to follow the trail. It was Max who let the Rangers fight the battle while he cut his friend free and wrapped the brutalized body in his own cloak to carry him on his horse. The Southron camp burned behind them as they rode back to Ithilien. Firmus opened his swollen eyes once and gave a little sigh when he saw who held him before sliding back under.
And it was Piett who nursed Max through that awful fever for five days. It was just the two of them---the rest of their men had been snatched by the orcs in the Rangers' attempt to save a cart load of civilians who had risked too much as they travelled from the coast toward Gondor. He'd hidden them once it was apparent Veers could no longer ride, and rationed their water carefully---scouting for healing herbs and roots they could eat. Faramir had given them up for dead when they rode into camp and a great celebration was held that night in honor of their return. Piett slept through a lot of it, but no one minded.
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marvelstars · 8 months
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I really love Vader´s short scenes with Daine Jir, General Veers and Admiral Piett, they were bassically his right hands there, he listens to them even when it´s advice he doesn´t agree to and they are in fact working together as group. As long as they were competent and did their job Vader worked with them and listened to their advice.
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I like the prequels but in a way I believe some creators post PT have forgotten this about Vader, especially in the comics, they are trying to write Vader as a kind of extension of Anakin circa 23 years in the middle of his breakdown in ROTS instead of writing him as the 40 year old man Darth Vader is, the guy who wanted to bring order to the galaxy, who actually believed the Empire was the best way to achieve that, who believed the Senate still had a part to play in this whole thing and who believed the Death Star was a tecnological terror, who actually had forgotten about Obi-Wan and Yoda and whose only disloyalty towards the Empire and the Emperor was over Palpatine´s intention of killing Luke.
As Lucas said Vader at 40 is a man with a job with a twisted perception of reality and deep in the darkside but whose main motivation, peace in the galaxy, was something that still appealed to him. He didn´t go on a killing spree every tuesday for shit and giggles.
This also can be seen in his interactions with Lando and Boba Fett.
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I personally love the part from ROTJ novelization in which Vader thinks to himself why is Luke saying he has to let go of his hate if he doesn´t hate anyone(except for himself, deep denial there but this is Vader´s honest pov)
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pianopadawan · 1 month
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Another unhinged imp alignment chart.
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accidental-spice · 5 months
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Emotional support background characters my beloved
Happy Star Wars Day, and may the Force be with you!!
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madelgard · 2 months
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fandomsniper · 5 months
Imp memes part 3 (I think so)
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zeldurz-art · 5 months
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Late to posting it, but some Formal Uniforms for May 4th, based loosely on that one guy from Andor
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months
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F/o list meme because I miss posting about them but don't have all to much energy for other stuff currently, so memes it is😂 I lowkey wanna do more of these alignment chart memes now (both self ship and others), they're just fun :D
Template by @strawberry-selfships!
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thrawns-backrest · 4 days
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a piett pose study from this post
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sosooley · 9 months
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в отпускУ
nice ass man
great palm rest too
max has a fantastic bikini body i swear
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ask-sad-ghost-piett · 7 months
Wanting to make up for the frequent Force choking and show that Piett is still his favorite admiral, Lord Vader seeks a gift.
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He gets the largest pear he can find and presents it to Piett.
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Unfortunately, the pear proves too much for Piett to handle.
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General Veers rushes to rescue the Admiral.
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Piett finds he likes the pear a little better in sliced form. He still isn’t very fond of it though.
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musewrangler · 3 months
Veers took a few moments to just breathe in the gozanti, trying to settle his rolling stomach and get a grip on the pain in his head. He knew he was dehydrated—no surprise as he’d not had time to drink much water on this campaign.
Vader had been ruthless —-but he could push as hard as he liked, no Luke Skywalker had appeared. The five day hunt in the blistering heat had cost Veers seventeen men. Eight more were in serious condition from sunstroke.
Not all of them had temperature controlled suits , Veers thought bitterly.
His own uniform was stained many times over with sweat rings and his stubble was itchy after too many days without shaving.
The best that could be said was that Vader hadn’t actively blamed Veers for Skywalker’s absence.
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overlord-of-fantasy · 6 months
Pietts fantasy
Palpatine: Piett , you'll be working with Vader and Veers. Piett: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: *blank stares* Piett: ...Of people on a team.
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pianopadawan · 2 months
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gramriel · 8 months
Piett: My mom is calling...hi mom.
Jerjerrod: Come on guys, stop. He's talking to his mom.
Motti: *loud fake sexual noises*
Needa: *is asleep*
Thrawn: *gets really close to the phone* Tell her I said hi.
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madelgard · 4 months
Text posts from the Galactic Empire
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