#Pigskin binding
upennmanuscripts · 2 years
Ms. Codex 1057 is a psalter for secular, not monastic, use, written in Trento, Italy, around 1350. Decoration includes illumination, penwork initials and animals in some margins. It's bound in late 16th c. blind-stamped pigskin with brass clasps.
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Annotated Cicero
411G Cicero 106 B.C.-44 B.C Epistolarum familiarium…libri XVI, ex Christophori Lo[n]golij eloquentiss. oratoris castigationibus recogniti, quàm antè hac multò etia[m] à mendis curiosiùs adserti; elenchum eorum, quae adiecimus, versa habet pagina Coloniae : Apud Viduam Marini Gymnici, 1551                                     Price $3,300 Edited by Christophorus Longolius (Christophe de…
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thebeautifulbook · 3 months
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DIE VIER VND ZWENZIG ALTEN. by Otto von Passau (14th century) source [Library of Congress]
Blind-tooled pigskin binding (Strausberg, 1500) credited to Johann Schott.
‘Blind tooling is the most common decorative technique found on bindings up until the sixteenth century. A dark impression is made by impressing dampened leather with a heated brass finishing tool. The twelfth century saw an outpouring of creative blind tooling on leather book covers, and a number of these Romanesque bindings survive today, mostly in European libraries. This period of stamping with small decorative tools was short-lived, however, and most late medieval bindings were probably very plain, with any design limited to a few blind lines. In the fifteenth century, with the increase in book production brought by the printing press, bookbinding became a viable commercial and secular enterprise. Binders acquired assortments of decorative stamps, which came to distinguish their work from that of other shops. These stamps, made of brass and mounted into wooden handles, produced a wonderful variety of shapes and images: birds and animals, flowers and intertwining leaves, human figures and abstract graphic forms. We see them used in combination with blind lines in various layouts, often associated with differing regional styles.’
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zhalfirin-binds · 2 years
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Sewing on different sorts of leather strips
One of the traditional materials that was sewn on is leather and parchment. While parchment is often used like bands are nowadays, leather offers different options due to it’s flexibility. Direction wise any strip will do, but it helps the stability and durability to cut the strips with the less stretchy direction running parallel to the long side of the band. Now the leather can be used as a flat band, or curled up to a cord. Top to bottom we have
- a calfskin strip with a slit from a bit longer than the book block is wide and the thread passing through the slit in the leather, wrapping around it with the loop passing under the thread and back through the slit into the signature. 
- the same procedure but this time on pigskin, you can see the three ‘holes’ left in the skin by the thick bristles that grow in a characteristic triangle pattern that reaches all through the pig skin.
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- goatskin. the strap is slit and then twisted by pushing on end of the strap through the slit a few times until the sides curl before being sewn just like it were two cords. Any sewing technique for two cords works here and it doesn’t matter whether the  smooth or the rough side is on the outside
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- cowhide, a strip of leather without further preparation rolled up a bit when firming the first loop and pulled in shape by tightening the loop. The sewing can be any as mentioned for the single cord binding. Shown here is the thread wrapped as high as the signature.
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- goatskin, in contrast to any other binding this one has the bands  half sunken into the signatures. The signatures are clamped and rasped in a semi circle. The strip of leather then gets moistened, rolled up and simply sewn over.  
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When opening the middle of a signature the band is visible as a small dot of colour with this style.
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muspeccoll · 1 year
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Leather: A tanned animal skin and a popular binding material. The most common animal skins used for bookbinding leather are cow, goat, sheep, and pig. Sometimes skins would be prepared with alum salts, in which case they are said to be “tawed” rather than “tanned”, resulting in a tougher but less flexible material; tawed pigskin was popular among medieval German binders. Different kinds of leather often have fancy names based on their color or historical origins. If the skin is not tanned or tawed, but is instead stretched and scraped thin, then you are dealing with parchment.
(via Jobbing — Lithography · Rare Books: A Glossary · Special Collections and Archives)
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talesofpassingtime · 9 months
The Heidelberg bag quakes under the torrent of abuse. “Sister-sleeping pigskin bag from Abroad full of foreigners’ tricks. Big-shot bag. Now if a man breaks an arm that bag will not let the bone-setter bind it in leaves. Now a man must let his wife lie beside that bag and watch knives come and cut her open. A fine business, what these foreigners put in our young men’s heads. I swear: it is a too-bad thing. That bag should fry in Hell with the testicles of the ungodly.”
— Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children
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leticiagalicia · 1 year
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The Gutenberg Bible is published
It is 1454 in the Rhineland town of Mainz and three friends have come together to collaborate in publishing a document. These three friends are Johannes Gutenberg, an inventor, Peter Schoffer, a printer, and Johann Furst, a financier. Until now, there have been vernacular versions of the Bible that were attempted by proto-protestant Wycliffe and others, but these copies are very expensive and were limited to the elite or are only given for monastic and scholarly usage. Gutenberg’s production is considered complex, will require an extraordinary amount of careful labor, and will change culture for the rest of history. This labor includes setting up 42 lines of text per page and a font of 300 distinctive pages. This Bible will run about 1,300 pages and will weigh around 66 lbs or 30 Kilos and the text will be set to have a Latin translation known as Vulgate. The Bible is also set to be printed in double columns and the capital letters and headings are ornamented by hand in color.  Despite the amount of pages and the weight of this book, it will have a binding that has metal features such as claps and embossed corners to ensure protection Also, the binding seems to be in a white pigskin texture. The printing of this Bible is considered the Gutenberg Revolution. Printing will no longer rely on woodblock technology.  This use of moveable metal will allow a more flexible, efficient, and most of all cheaper way of printing. Besides that, this printing revolution will reduce the number of mistakes since it will have accurate and reliable reproduction among volumes. Culturally speaking, this new technology will bring more readers and indirectly more debate about religious conflicts or interpretations since a greater amount of people will have access to what is considered one of the most important books at this time. This event will culturally and technologically revolutionize our lives moving forward since the industry will model this occasion and recreate other documents and since more people will have access to different information sources than in the past.
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aureostuff · 4 years
Drunk HCs
Will be more clingy, would be vulnerable and will cry. All pride is just forgotten.
If you look away for even a millisecond, he will throw a hissy fit.(inspired from @beelzebubisbestwaifu‘s post.)
“MC! Don’t look away from me, got it?!”
Although that aside, he is very adorable. 
If he ends up passing out he’ll always ends up passing out on your shoulder. He’ll be pretty heavy, not gonna lie. But he’s also very fucking adorable. 
At the end of the day, you’ll end up either seeing Lucifer in a new light or just end up looking at Lucifer most of the time.
(Sober) Lucifer is nothing compared to drunk Mammon.
Would be less obvious about his attraction to MC, but would be very scary towards his other brothers when they try to talk to his human.
“Hey MC, wanna watch this new- Never mind....”
If you thought that he was possessive before, the possessiveness levels have just reached new heights.
His chin will be resting on your head as his arms are wrapped around you tightly. His head might land in the crook of your neck.
You’ll either be shaken up from his menacing aura, or be a blushing mess.
Taiga Aisaka who?
If you think he was a big tsundere before, well you are sorely mistaken.
He will act all tsundere even if you did something as small as a hello. 
“Hey Levi-” “BAKA!”
His brothers would be laughing hysterically at how ridiculous he’s acting. Meanwhile, you’d be wondering what’s wrong with Levi.
He’s just a blushing mess.
If the cards showing pictures of drunk Satan mean anything, it certainly means that he’ll be a very silly drunk.
He’d be giggling for no reason at all and you’d just be clueless on what’s so funny.
“Hehehe.” “Satan, please tell me what’s so funny.”
If you kiss him when he’s drunk he will literally stop functioning. 
If you do anything affectionate with him, LIKE anything at all, he’ll be like: satan.exe has stopped working.
Satan’s two main emotions: Hysterical and Flustered.
Flirt percentage: 100%
Telling you every pickup line in existence.
“Do you have a name, or shall I call you mine?” “Asmo, please, I can’t sleep if you keep flirting with me.”
Is gonna be more fierce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
You might end up waking up to a drunk Asmodeus leaving hickies on your neck for no reason.
If you thought he was flirty before, you are sorely mistaken.
You need to keep any alcohol out of his vicinity. He would drink it all in a matter of seconds.
You’re arms would feel tired from pushing Beel away from the alcohols hidden location.
“MC, please let me have more.” “Beel, no.”
He’s going to be very clumsy and might fall down the stairs if nobody is there.
He’ll literally attack the fridge and eat everything inside without a moments notice. 
Lucifer might have to bind him down to a chair.
Completely different person.
He’d be super energetic and hyper. He’d want to do a lot of activities such as sports.
“MC! Let’s play some football.” “Belphie, we don’t even have a pigskin.”
He would ask Beel if he’d want to workout together, but you managed to convince Beel to disagree for fear that something bad might happen.
He would literally cuss at Diavolo if their in the same room and would actually attack him.
Lucifer might also have to bind him down to a chair, only if Diavolo is there.
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uispeccoll · 5 years
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What can we say, we love books! Enjoy this glimpse of a beautiful one--Only Love, a collaborative artists’ book featuring haiku poetry from jeweler and blacksmith Albion Smith in a Peter and Donna Thomas made book. Created in 2016 in a run of 30 copies, the piece features haiku from the master jeweler in a bronze ornamented black pigskin binding. The 1,217 letters printed throughout were handsawn from copper sheet, mounted on blocks, and handprinted onto handmade colored papers made from Albion’s workclothes made by Peter and Albion. The artists’ book is accompanied by a booklet on the making of the book. The book is an excellent exemplar of the possibilities of intricate details and collaboration between artists, the books they create, and the readers who have the luck to enjoy them.  
Happy Valentine’s Day! May it include books and chocolate. ♡
x-Collection N7433.4 .S5515 O5 2016 
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uchicagoscrc · 6 years
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Today we bid a fond farewell to Special Collections Project Cataloger, Jennifer Dunlap, as she embarks on a new adventure at the Houghton Library at Harvard University. We wish her well! Jennifer’s parting gift to us (and you!) is a highlight of some of her favorite items here at the UChicago Special Collections Research Center. 
Top to bottom:
1. Duns Scotus’ Ordinatio I. [Venice] : [Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et Socii], [1481]. This volume contains the first part of Duns Scotus’ Ordinatio or Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard). This volume is perhaps the most interesting binding of all the SCRC incunabula featuring blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards with brass “furniture” (metal attachments on the cover, usually to protect the binding), catches, and clasps. (Incun 1481.D9 Rare c.1) 
2.  Boethius. Boetius De philosophico consolatu … [Strassburg] : [Johann Grüniger], [1501]. Aside from the wonderful hand-colored woodcut illustrations, SCRC’s copy is full of provenance information including annotations, manicules, former owner’s inscriptions, and a few manuscript poems. (alc B659.D2 1501 Rare)
3. Barentsz, Willem. Deliniatio cartae trium navigationum per Batavos, ad Septentrionaelm plagam, Norvegiae, Moscoviae, et Nova Semblae … [Amsterdam] : [Cornelius Nicolai], [1598]. This map was produced to highlight the three expeditions undertaken by Dutch explorer and cartographer Willem Barentsz (c.1550-1597) between 1594 and 1597 in search of a Northeast Passage. It depicts he Arctic regions including Greenland, Iceland, northern Scandinavia, and northern Russia, as well as the routes that Barentsz’ ships took, not to mention numerous map monsters. (alc ff G3270 1598.B3)
4. Tennyson, Alfred. The ode by Alfred Tennyson on the opening of the Exhibition, 1862. [Coventry] : [Charles Newsome], [1862]. Part of the Gerald N. Wachs Collection of Nineteenth-Century English Poetry, this silk souvenir ribbon from the 1862 International Exhibition features Tennyson’s Ode on the opening of the Exhibition and a woven image of the Crystal Palace, where the exhibition was held. Tennyson was asked to write a piece which would be set to music by composer William Sterndale Bennett and performed at the opening of the Exhibition. The ribbon was designed by Edwin Rollason and produced by ribbon manufacturer Charles Newsome of Coventry. Newsome’s intertwined monogram appears at the top of the design in gold and cream. (ff PR5568.O15 1862)
5. Apian, Peter. Astronomicum Caesareum. [Ingolstadt] : [Peter Apian], [May 1540]. Another beautiful hand-colored 16th century imprint, this edition includes 22 volvelles, several of which feature the striking dragon design seen on the title page. SCRC’s copy is inscribed by Tycho Brahe to mathematician and astronomer Paul Wittich. (alc ff QB41.A639 1540 Rare)
6. Gart der Gesundheit. [Augsburg] : [Johann Schönsperger], [5 June 1486]. This German herbal printed in 1486 includes a wonderful example of a printer’s error, that of fallen type, near the end of the text. Fallen type occurs when a piece of type gets snagged on the leather covering of the ink balls while one of the pressmen is inking the form, gets pulled out of its place in the form, and ends up getting imprinted long-wise onto the page. These errors are fairly infrequent as the error would typically be noticed when the paper was removed from the press and the printer would return the fallen type to its place in the form and continue on with the job. (Incun 1486.G17 RareCr)
7. Dante Alighieri. [Divina commedia]. [Venice] : [Bartolomeo de Zanni de Portesio], [17 June 1507]. This copy of the 1507 printing of Dante’s Divine comedy has been heavily censored, probably in accordance with "Index librorum prohibitorum et expurgatorum ... D. Sandoval ex Roxas" of 1612, with the questionable sections of the text completely crossed out with wide vertical stripes of ink. (PQ4302.B07)
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banagelatin07 · 2 years
Banagel Co., Ltd is Starting to Send Product Samples to Customers!
10th Aug 2022:  Banagel Co., Ltd. offers high-quality Bovine and Fish gelatin. They provide pharmaceutical-grade gelatine and edible-grade gelatine to make products such as soft and hard capsules, marshmallows, ice creams, and much more.
It can be tough to find gelatin that conforms to international standards, and it is even more challenging to find gelatine made according to Islamic law. As various companies use pigskin to produce gelatine, it is not considered halal and is hence forbidden in Islam religion. However, Banagel Co., Ltd. has the right solution. They offer top-notch halal gelatin made from Bovine and Fish skin (Pangasius) and scale (Tilapia). With more than a decade of proficiency in this industry, they plan to export their products by November 2022.
Banagel uses high-quality raw materials obtained from trustworthy sources for manufacturing their products. Their aim is to help the food and pharmaceutical industries by offering reasonably priced superior quality gelatin. Prospective clients interested in their products can request a sample from them for evaluation. You can even reach out to them through their mail-  [email protected] to request samples for assessment.
The quality of their gelatin and the the excellence of their service delivery team set Banagel apart from other manufacturers. If you are looking for a credible gelatin supplier, then you must visit Banagel Co., Ltd. After assessing their bovine and fish gelatin from the samples, customers can now be confident that the product suits their needs and not be disappointed.
About the company:
Find tailor-made gelatin at Banagel Co., Ltd. They are a leading manufacturer with a vision to export gelatin worldwide, especially in the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, and other counties. They focus on producing halal-certified edible gelatin and pharmaceutical-grade gelatin made from bovine and fish. On their website, you can find top-notch gelatin suitable for food and confectioneries, including gummies, marshmallows, and ice-creams. You can even get pharmaceutical-grade gelatin to produce a soft gel, soft capsule, hard capsule, and tablet binding.
Address – No. 379, Pattani Industrial Zone, Village No 8, Bana Sub-district, Mueang Pattani District, 94000, Pattani Province, Thailand.
Zip code/ PIN code – 94000
Phone Number – +6673719913, +66829757223
Company Email ID –  [email protected]
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upennmanuscripts · 2 years
Ms. Codex 1079 is a treatise on the cultivation of virtue and avoidance of sin within the framework of Christian teachings, written in Germany in 1433. Its impressive binding is contemporary pigskin over wooden boards, with two strap-like clasps
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Sammelband of Six Aristotle Science Texts from the sixteenth century.
A truly striking pig blind stamped pigskin binding over wooden boards with a blind stamped image of Aristotle, with eight works of Aristotle on scientific subjects. All rare editions. 688J sammelband ARISTOTELES. Physicorum Aristotelis libri. [Of Physics]. Joanne Argyropylo & Francis. Vatablo interprete. Bound with: ARISTOTELES. De caelo libri quatuor. [Of Heaven]. I. Argyropylo interprete.…
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thebeautifulbook · 1 year
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IDYLLS OF THE KING by Alfred Lord Tennyson. (London: Edward Moxon, 1859) Art binding by Sangorski and Sutcliffe.
A magnificent binding in dark blue blue morocco, bejeweled, mother of pearl inlays, all edges gilt, white pigskin end leaves.
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blueweave8 · 2 years
Gelatin Market Growth, Industry Trends, Report 2022-2028
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that the Global Gelatin Market was worth USD 2.4 billion in the year 2022. It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%, earning revenue of around USD 5.9 billion by the end of 2028. The significant growth of the Global Gelatin Market is attributed to urbanization, changing lifestyles, rising consumption of protein-rich food, expanding Food and Beverage industry, rapid technological innovation, and increasing usage of Gelatin in the food industry to make marshmallows, fruit snacks, candy, desserts, gummy bears, cheesecakes, jelly chocolates, and other gelatin-based snacks. Also, it is widely used in pharmaceuticals to make hard capsules, soft gels, ointments, and drug coating purposes, it is used in cosmetics, and animal feed. All these factors increase the demand for gelatin, hence, influencing the growth of the Global Gelatin Market during the forecast period. Furthermore, Global Gelatin Market is one of the most booming markets that grow continuously owing to the fast advantages and integration of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and others. There is a surge in demand for dietary supplements, functional, and processed food products in various countries around the globe and to meet this demand various market players are promoting new gelatin-based protein-enriched food products. Thus, Gelatin is essential for a healthy lifestyle. However, some factors like side effects due to an overdose of gelatin, and gelatin consumption concerns among vegetarian consumers as gelatin is extracted as a by-product by the slaughtering of an animal.
Request for Sample Report @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/global-gelatin-market/report-sample
Due to this people's fear of buying gelatin-based products are the major restraining factor for the growth of the Global Gelatin Market. Moreover, nowadays plant-based food supplement is popular owing to the shifting preferences of consumers toward vegan and organic food products, resulting in driving the demand for plant-based gelatin. The demand for gelatin in cosmetics, photographic process as a binding agent to hold the silver halide crystals that are used in photographic film, and medicine for weight loss, improving hair, and skin problems, and to protect the content inside the capsules, in general, is gaining huge popularity among consumers across the globe. Gelatin-based food, gelatin-based tablets, beauty products, healthy organic powder, gelatin jellies, candies, and other products have already carved a niche for themselves in the market, hence the market is anticipated to proliferate during the forecast period (2023-2028) around the globe.
Based on the Source, the Global Gelatin Market is segmented into Pigskin, Cattle Bones, and Marine & Poultry. The Pigskin segment dominates the market owing to its health benefits. Pigskin has rich protein collagen, which is the best form of gelatin. Pigskin gelatin is widely used in various capsules, and cosmetics as a stabilizer, and binding agent owing to its health benefits such as managing blood sugar, weight loss, improving hair and skin-related problems, and others. Based on End-User, the Global Gelatin Market is segmented into nutritional products, Food and Beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal care, and photography. The Food and Beverages segment dominates the market during the forecast period because the major consumers of gelatin are associated with the Food and Beverages industry owing to its benefits such as being rich in protein and suitable for healthy functional and nutritional food and beverage. Gelatin is naturally obtained from animal connective tissue and thus it is considered a clean label ingredient. Moreover, the pharmaceutical segment is also increasing the demand for gelatin due to the increasing demand for cosmetics, tablets, capsules, and ointments.
Geographically, the Global Gelatin Market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Latin America (LATAM), Middle East & Africa (MEA). The Europe segment accounts to hold the largest share in the market owing to the urbanization, and rising purchasing power of consumers, development in the food and healthcare industry in this region. Moreover, the wide availability of raw materials and key gelatin manufacturing are driving the growth of the Global Gelatin Market. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 negatively impacted the Food and Beverage industry, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture, and there was a huge decline in the global economy, supply chains, health, and quality of life of people. People are more aware of food consumption and are buying new products during the pandemic which restrains the demand for gelatin. Moreover, due to the economic crisis, government-imposed social distancing norms, and shortage of raw materials, there is a halt in the production of gelatin which negatively impacted the growth of the Global Gelatin Market. However, post-pandemic, there is a surge in demand for healthy and nutritional processed food products which in turn increases the demand for gelatin during the forecast period.
The leading market players in the Global Gelatin Market are Gelita (Germany), Darling Ingredients (US), Nitta Gelatin (Japan), Weishardt (France), India Gelatine &Chemicals (India), Tessenderlo Group (Belgium), Trobas Gelatine (Netherlands), Italgelatine (Italy), Sterling Biotech Group (India), Lapi Gelatine (Italy), gelnex (Brazil), Junca Gelatines (Spain), and other prominent players. The Global Gelatin market is highly consolidated with the presence of multinational Food and beverages and pharmaceutical companies. These companies constantly launch a wide range of products with innovations to attract consumers and significantly invest in research and development activities to further innovate their offerings. Furthermore, the adoption of competitive strategies such as partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, collaborations, etc., is also prominent in this market.
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BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding online and offline products and services. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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muspeccoll · 6 years
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Our copy of Johan Hervagius' 1557 edition of Herodotus features a particularly fine alum-tawed pigskin binding. The two portraits are of the reformers Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. PA4002 .A2 1557 #herodotus #martinluther #philipmelanchthon #johanhervagius #finebinding #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklover #rarebooks #specialcollections #librariesofinstagram #iglibraries #mizzou #universityofmissouri #ellislibrary #ifttt
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