#Pixle Berry
greenbookreclaim · 1 year
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Red berries. Now that's some familiar stuff. Pixle art dump. Yay I have internet again. Rose hip, wild strawberries and raspberries.
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your-local-crypt1d · 4 months
It's pride month so here's some pride headcanons for the empires s1 members
Most people have pots and pans, Jimmy solidarity is pan with POTS
Kinda stolen from my favourite fanfic but he's also polyamorous
People in the ocean empire and codlands often have multiple romantic partners over their lifetimes, and they don't like to be told who or how many to love
On that note, Lizzie has bi wife energy to me
Joel is as cishet as they come but is also the biggest ally ever, buys cakes with the bisexual flag on it at Lizzies' cake shop specifically for her
Along with already being gay, Scott is bigender to me (he/she pronouns). She's mostly referred to as the Elvenking of Rivendell, but it's not uncommon for his subjects to switch it up to Elvenqueen here or there
Elves are just very fluid with their gender
Both fWhip and Gem are trans and they swapped names as children. Because they're identical twins, they nearly swapped identities on accident because of this
fWhip is also gay you can FIGHT me on that
This isn't exactly a new idea but Xornoth is non-binary and uses they/he pronouns
Pixl strikes me as an aroace kind of guy, the kind who doesn't mind a kiss on the lips from his friends yknow?
Pixl "It's not gay to kiss the homies goodnight" riffs
Katherine Elizabeth the angry bisexual and Shrub Berry the even angrier lesbian, that is all.
Also because mlm wlw besties with Joey and Shrub
Anyway I leave you all with this final image
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
Having big feelings about my fanon Empires SMP timeline and worldbuilding so I'm handing out the list of the names I use for both the season one and two emperors, as well as their parents (and siblings).
I think I was doing slow reveal with my family doodles but I was looking at them again and I miss them, so names below the cut!
Names in quotations are the "true names" of characters who deal with fae naming conventions ;]
I bolded the cc's character names just for readability :]
Have fun! I don't offer any culture/lore explanations but if u wanna ask about why things are the way they are I'll answer reblogs and asks with delight!
Queen Mairieth (Ansley) and Prince Consort Druindar (Devnet) of Rivendell, parents of Prince Smajor (Scott) and Prince Xornoth (Conan)
Lady Fable G and Lord Casilo E of House Sausage of Mythland, parents of Mythical J of House Sausage (I totally fucked this up in the art and called them king/queen, that's not true lol)
Empress Angie of The Ocean Empire, mother of Princess Lizzie and Prince Jimmy
Emperor Marley and Empress Kimber of The Lost Empire, parents of Prince Joey, Prince Mickey, Princess Nickey, and Princess Tammy
Lady Kitty (Kaitlyn-Aldreda) of House Blossom, parent of Lady Katherine(-Elizabeth)
Queen Ariel of Mezalea, predecessor of King Joel
Mr LeeryDoe & Ms KeenBronze from The Grimlands, parents of FailWhip* and GeminiTay
*FailWhip is Fwhip's given name, Fwhip is a nickname he prefers.
Guardian Jillian and Aureate Moon of Gilded Helianthia, parents of Pearlescent Moon
Queen Techna Riffs and Vigil Keeper Innov Riffs of Pixandria, parents of Pixl Riffs
Shrub Berry's parents canonically have names already (Fern and Rose Berry) so I havent replaced them :]
Starting off saying because of how my fanon works for empires the following Emperors won't have named parents: Joel, False, Oli, & Gem 💔
Joram M of House Sausage, King of The Gilded Mythlands & Ms Saga, servant of House Sausage; biological parents of Mythical J (Sausage) of Sanctuary
Mrs Jessie & Mr William Solidarity from Tumble Town, parents of Sheriff Jimmy Solidarity
Mrs Clink & MrThwip from The Goblands, parents of Fwhip
Mr David SaorseBright & Ms Ailis MajorHart, parents of Lord Scott SaorseMajor of Chromia & Conan SaorseMajor
Mrs Taffy & Mr Jodie from Animalia, parents of Mayor Lizzie
Mrs Bonnie & Ms Rob from Eversea, parents of Pirate Joe
Queen Christine and King Theodore Elizabeth of Glimmer Grove, parents of Princess Katherine Elizabeth
Tekh RiffSafe & Jane Lakcrash from Cogsmeade, parents of Pix LakRiffs
I also named Witch Shelby's Grandmother Willow :]
That's everyone! Thank u for indulging me if you're reading this! I have so many thoughts about Empires <33
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meteor752 · 2 years
Flower Husbands This Day Aria AU
(Technically it would be ‘A Canterlot Wedding AU’ but like the song is the best part)
Jimmy and Scott are set to be married, and Lizzie is not happy, partly because there’s a lot of fish courting traditions that were just skipped (Including the one where Scott had to ask her for permission, which he never did), and partly because protective big sister mode. Also, she received the news from a fricking wedding invite, not face to face.
Most of the other Emperors were given tasks to help organize the wedding (Joel and Gem is on decorating, fWhip is on the aftershow, Pearl is on food, Katherine and Joey is on clothes, Sausage and Shubble is on music, Pixl is officiating), but as the sister of one of the grooms Lizzie is set to take of everything and make sure everything’s alright.
And boy is she pissed when she arrives in Rivendell, chewing out her little brother for everything. Jimmy defends himself, saying it was a bit of an impulsive decision, and that he’s been too busy with organizing everything that he hasn’t been able to go to The Ocean Empire himself.
Lizzie is still seething, but forces herself to calm down because her lil brother does seem rather ashamed about it.
Her rage flares up again when Scott approaches them, dismisses her entirely, acts cold towards Jimmy, then leads him away.
Oh yeah something’s up.
None of the other emperors have the time to even notice the change in how Scott’s acts. Pearl is preparing food for two white empires and then some, and even with a full kitchen staff she’s still running around like a mad man. Doesn’t even notice how Scott throws away the Sweet Berry tarts she gave him.
Gem and Joel are in disagreements on how it all should be decorated. Gem thinks it should be subtle, with a lot of lights, and illusions of fish and snowflakes in the air. Joel believes in more bolder colours and grander designs. Scott sneers at them that neither is fitting.
Katherine and Joey try their best to design the Uniform Scott will be wearing (As Jimmy will be wearing his mother’s old dress), and yet how many times they make it he never seems to like it. They shrug it off as him just wanting what is best.
Scott yells at one of the birds apart of the musical choir. It was singing off pitch, but needlessly rude.
fWhip is busy in his workshop and barely sees the guy.
It all comes together when Lizzie goes to Jimmy and Scott’s room to discuss it with her brother, only for her brothers fiancé to take him to another room, berate him for the dress he’s wearing (Again, his mothers dress), and then seemingly cast some form of spell on him that made him all woozy. Lizzie runs away in shock.
She goes to tell the others, but surprise surprise! those who weren’t already Jimmy’s bride maids and men (Joel, Sausage, fWhip, Gem), has been chosen as Scott’s (Katherine, Joey, Pearl, Shubble was already best maid). They’re clearly also under some form of spell, Lizzie concludes.
She chooses to confront Scott in front of everyone during the wedding rehearsal, because sometimes Lizzie ain’t that smart. She yells at him, saying that he’s evil who’s casting spells on her brother, being all demanding towards and friends, and just genuinely being evil. Scott runs away crying, and Lizzie stands there all smug, feeling good about herself for approximately two whole seconds.
Then she turns around, and meets her brothers furious eyes.
Jimmy yells back at her, saying that Scott has been demanding because he’s been planning an entire wedding that’s trying to incorporate two very different cultures, plus dealing with his advisers who’s been holding meetings for hours on why marrying Jimmy is such a bad idea. And the spell he cast on him wasn’t because he was “evil”, but because he’s been having trouble breathing in the high altitude, and sometimes the air breathing enchantment on his cod head just ain’t enough.
He leaves the room to go find and comfort Scott, but he snarls at her that maybe it’s best if she don’t show up at the wedding.
Everyone else leaves the room as well to go and comfort Scott (And give Lizzie quite dirty looks as they do), and Lizzie is just left there on the floor crying.
And then, Scott appears in her field of vision, with a comforting smile. She apologizes profusely, says that she never meant to hurt him, but he just chuckles as his eyes gleam red for a second, and then Lizzie is no longer in the throne room…
This Day Aria part 2, aka this is where the second episode starts and it’s gonna be way shorter than this because the pacing on the second one is shit
Lizzie is surrounded by red-pinkish fire, and when it vanishes, she finds herself in a crystallized cave. She can see her reflection in all the glittering cave walls. That is, until a familiar face shows up.
Scott’s eyes have a very distinct red glow as he appears in the thousand of reflections, but Lizzie is too pissed off to even notice. He taunts her, saying that this is old underground Rivendell mines that have been forgotten by even the oldest of elves, and that no one will find her there. Lizzie grows so enraged that she throws her trident at one of the reflections, making the cave wall crumble to show a bigger part of the caves.
And there stands Scott, dirty and bruised, but in the flesh. Lizzie doesn’t even wait a moment before she throws herself at the elf, fully intending to kill.
This is of course the real Scott, who is very confused over how Lizzie ended up there, but all he knows is that he needs her to calm down quickly.
So he grabs her wrists to stop them from pulverizing his face, and does the only thing he can think of to prove his real identity. He starts singing.
Deal with Destiny is a song only the two of them actually know. Lizzie’s siren song was heard across most of the server, but it was vague and most misinterpreted the lyrics, and it couldn’t even reach Rivendell.
It was Scott.
The elf explained himself, that he’d been taken weeks ago, before him and Jimmy had even gotten engaged. He doesn’t know who took his place and why, but he knows that he will do whatever he can to get back and save Jimmy from whatever horrible fate the Imposter has in store.
Que This Day Aria. This whole AU is centered around the song, of course we’re gonna have it be apart of it. If you wanna know what happens in this segment, then listen to the fricking song. Thank you.
So the wedding has begun, Jimmy fully brainwashed and not even aware of what’s going on, with Fake-Scott standing tall with pride. But just beneath them, Lizzie and Scott are trying their best to find a way up to the surface. Lizzie spots a light source not too far away, and Scott grab’s onto her and flies her up, just as the vows are coming to a close and the wedding is nearly over.
In the middle of Pix saying his final words and announcing that the two grooms now can kiss, Lizzie barges in all feral, standing at her full eleven feet with murder in her eyes. And while most of the guests were fucking terrified, I mean that was the ocean empress of crying out loud, most of the emperors were just kind of annoyed.
That’s until other Scott, real Scott, bursts into the room.
And Fake-Scott looses his sad crying facade, replacing it with maniacal laughter as the ruse is up, and red flames engulf him.
Red vines pop out of the ground, snaring Lizzie and Scott in their clutches (The guests have all escaped or something lol), the flames subside and in their place stands Xornoth,
(Plot twist you all saw coming, waaaaw)
And here the plot is unveiled.
So this AU is basically, Xornoth didn’t immediately start harassing people across the server, but instead waited for the perfect time to strike. Their biggest and only threat was Scott, so they needed something to keep him in line, something that would stop him from trying to fight back.
Enter Jimmy.
Xornoth watched the two grow closer and closer, go on multiple dates and form a relationship. They was frost gonna wait for the two to actually get engaged, but turns out that’s a long ass process, something they don’t have the time for. Exor is waiting after all.
So they yoinked Scott, put him in the mines, and took his place. They proposed to Jimmy, and used a slight bit of mind control to get him to agree to Wes right away and not have a long courting process.
When Lizzie started to get suspicious, Xornoth knew that their ploy wouldn’t last forever, so they kept using their mind control magic they now have absolutely, to keep Jimmy in line. It was easy to get him to believe the breathing spell lie, Jimmy is quite Gullible.
And now they have Jimmy under their control, and neither Scott nor Lizzie can do anything to harm them, unless they want the poor cod boy hurt.
But there was one thing Xornoth didn’t saw coming.
And that was Joel with a steel chair.
He yells at Gem and fWhip to get Gem’s spell book, while Shubble and Katherine work on getting Lizzie and Scott free and the rest do what they can to distract Xornoth.
Gem and fWhip run for Gem’s room where she left it, and as she collects it and on their way back they’re suddenly blindsided by a flurry of red blue and yellow feathers. Because while Xornoth didn’t go on the attack at once, they have been busy collecting allies.
So Joey and Sausage who managed to sneak after them in all the commotion is standing there ready to stop them from getting anywhere close to the throne room.
The twins put up an honorable fight, but both are holding back on their punches since they don’t wanna hurt the other two emperors, so they’re easily taken down. Gem does manage to slip a small crystal into her robes before Sausage grabs her spell book and wand.
When they’re escorted back into the throne room, they’re greeted by Joel, Pearl, Katherine, and Shubble hanging upside down by vines from the ceiling, Lizzie properly snared down beneath them, vines holding onto her so tightly that she can’t even wiggle, and Scott standing helplessly in front of the throne, where upon Xornoth sits with a wide grin, Jimmy by their side looking at them like they hung the moon in the sky.
Hypnotism will do that to ya.
Xornoth grins widely when then enter, easily catching the spell book that Sausage toss them. All the emperors yell at Sausage and Joey, calling them traitors, but only Lizzie can detect that familiar red gleam in their eyes. She stays quiet.
Xornoth burns the spell book in their grasp (Gem and fWhip are very upset by this, that was their fathers old book), and as a classic villain they of course begin to gloat, saying that the emperors will all turn their power over to them and not fight back, unless they wish Jimmy any harm.
Fuck it maybe they sing the reprise as well, that shit’s a banger too.
While they’re monologuing, Sausage and Joey by their side, fWhip sneaks up to Scott and gestures to him to go to Jimmy.
And the sight of Jimmy, eyes glazed over from the hypnosis, is enough to make Scott crumble to his knees in front of him, burying his face in the cod hybrids neck.
And yeah true love and all of that, a subconscious part of Scott’s magic manages to free Jimmy from the hypnosis.
Still, cod boy is weak and absolutely not a fighter, and Scott doesn’t wish to harm his brother nor his friends, so there’s little to do with that.
Xornoth is to put it simply, just a tiny bit pissed that Jimmy is freed, but they don’t let that put them back. They still have all the emperors captured, two of them possessed to do his bidding, and the entirety of Rivendell is under a panic because of the red vines sprouting all over the kingdom.
They can still salvage this.
So just as they are about to summon vines that will snare Scott and Jimmy as well, the power of love happens.
Scott and Jimmy together, through their love cause eugh, summons a powerful spell that blasts Xornoth back, or more exactly, blasts them into the small crystal Gem manages to sneak with her.
So yeah, happy ending for all, the vines vanish from Rivendell, Joey and Sausage are snapped out of their trance, and Lizzie can take pride in the fact that she was right.
Then they decide to actually get married. Sure, they rush things and skip the courting process, but after all that you could say that they’ve earned it. Plus, down in the mines Lizzie saw how determined Scott was to get back to her brother, so yeah.
They replan the wedding, Scott loves all the things the other Emperors organize, Lizzie is put as the best maid, happy ending.
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Dumb headcanons
How Empires season 1 members consume caffeine
Tea: Pixlriffs, Lizzie but weird ocean tea, Jimmy but like pine needle tea sweetened with berries, Scott, Katherine
Coffee: Very rarely Pixlriffs and it’s like black with half a spoon of sugar, Jimmy but take similar notes to the tea, the entire Witherrose alliance and from Fwhip, Gem, Sausage, Pearl they add an increasing amount of milk sugar and in Gem’s case specifically she adds chocolate and magic as well,
No caffeine: Shrub and Joel 
Season 2!
Tea: Scott, Jimmy, Joel, Fwhip, and Katherine
Coffee: Gem, Shubble, False, Fwhip, Joey, Sausage but Sausage puts chocolate in his
Pixlriffs very specifically has made his own kind of energy drink, the only other person who hasn’t vomited drinking it is Shubble and who knows what she consumes.
Oli has been banned from caffeine but secretly he can drink energy drinks, Pixl has paid him in caffeine once
Funny and cute duos I think would be hysterical to see
Tubbo, Joe Hills, Cubfan, and Scar. Tubbo is a new kind of chaos to their dynamic, I think it’d be great the jokes they could bounce off each other. Give me this team mcc
Zloy, Doc, Cleo, and Grian. I feel like there would be such a weird composition of vibes that the entire thing would feel like 4 people playing marco polo but they’re all playing marco
Sausage and either Stress, Wels, or Iskall. I feel like they would simultaneously vibe with Sausage while being completely flabbergasted.
Honestly wish Zloy was also on hc rn for the crossover. It’d be great seeing the considered Recap duo doing things with the hermits
Oh Doc, Tubbo, Puffy, and Zed for sheep/goat 
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sicks-posts · 2 years
👑Empire smp👑
Season 1
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👑Scott of Rivendell❄️
🧰Count fWhip☢️
👸Queen Lizzie🐟
🌲Mythical J. Sausage👑
🍄Shrub Berry 🫐
🌊King Joel of Mezalea🤴
🔮Wizard Gem🧙‍♀️
🦜Emperor Joey 🐯
💜Lady Katherine🦋
💚Pearlescent Moon👑
🧡The Copper King👑
🌊Jimmy the Codfather🐟
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👑Empire smp 👑
Season 2
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🦙Scott of chromia🌈
🧌Goblin Fwhip⛰️
👑Princess Gem🍯
🦜Pirate Joe🏴‍☠️
👑Princess Katherine💝
😸Mayor Lizzie💗
🧹Great Witch Shelby🧙‍♀️
🙏Joel of Stratos⚡
🧨The Sheriff👮
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👑Empire smp
Season 1
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👑Empire smp
Season 2
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years-of-minecraft · 2 years
in empires smp dnd au what is everyone’s Alinements
So! As a Dm I don’t actually tend to work on alignments very much. You’ll get a vague idea of what to expect from them, but they’ll break that mold if they deem it appropriate
All of this is based on my understanding and view of alignments
Good means how much you’ll go out of your way for others
Evil means how much you’ll go out of your way for yourself
Lawful means how much you’ll adhere to a code you follow (could be the law or could be a personal one)
Chaotic means how much you’ll readily change your code based on the moment
Neutral means neither one way or the other
That being said, here’s everyone’s alignment for both season one and two emperors!
Season One:
Scott of Rivendell - Lawful Neutral
Count Fwhip - Chaotic Neutral
Wizard Gem - Lawful Neutral
Emperor Joey - Chaotic Evil
Lady Katherine - True Neutral
Queen Lizzie - Neutral Good
Lord Sausage - Chaotic Good (Chaotic Evil while Possessed)
Farmer Pearl - Chaotic Good
The Copper King - Neutral Good
Shrub Berry - Lawful Good
King Joel - Chaotic Neutral
Codfather Jimmy - Lawful Good
Season Two:
Scott of Chromia - Chaotic Neutral
False - True Neutral
Goblin fWhip - Chaotic Good
Princess Gem - Neutral Good
Pirate Joey - Chaotic Neutral
Princess Katherine - Lawful Good
Mayor Lizzie - Chaotic Neutral
Sausage - Neutral Good
Pixl - Lawful Neutral
Great Witch Shelby - Chaotic Neutral
Joel - Chaotic Evil
The Sheriff - Lawful Neutral/Evil
Oli - Chaotic Neutral
I’m not sure I’ve gotten everyone quite right but I think I’m at least in the ball park. But this is my generalization of the ridiculousness that they put us through
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hileywwe · 4 years
Hear me out - I think the skinny snake must have threatened Kiara and her family somehow and thats why she said 'aye'. hear how she was gonna tell MC before she was interrupted... I don't buy it.
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Storyline makes no sense 😂 why give the heir of the country to a person that not only had unfit finances but left his own flesh and blood for years with no contact about him being alive? And yet MC X LI are unfit parents? Wow. The actual nerve it's laughable
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sh3riffs · 2 years
I like how the Empires rulers last names are implied to be their channel name.. with the exception of “Scott Smajor”, “Shrub Berry”, and “Fwhip Tay” .. (In season 1, as he was related to Gem..)
False “Symmetry”
“fWhip” Maybe goblins don’t have last name..? Lore.
(Gem)ini “Tay”
Jimmy “Solidarity-Gaming”
Joel “Smallishbeans”
Katherine “Elizabeth-Gaming”
Lizzie “Shadowlady”
Oli “Orionsound”
(Joe)y Graceffa obviously..
Pixl “Riffs”
“Mythical J. Sausage”
Scott Smajor of course..
and Shelby “Shubble”
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rainyunknownllama · 3 years
First, I DO NOT CLAIM I MADE ANY OF THESE SKINS! I AM ONLY MAKING THIS POST. Also, I be restoring skins and their original photos in posts I will be making and adding to this list! Also, some of these skins should be under ALL ages but for some reason they fell under Lana female skin category, so they be on this list! THESE ARE THE SKINS I COULD FIND THE REST ARE GONE! 
1. Marshmellow Skin by Marshmellowsims: HERE 
2. Frozen Elsa Skin by G-Dragon Sims: HERE 
3. Orchid Skin by Sims3melancholic: HERE 
4. Lady Gaga Skinblend 2017 {plus eyebrows & clothing) by Monsternoirsims: HERE 
5. May Blues Skinblend {plus sim download} by EntertaingSimmer: HERE 
6.  Happy Holidays Skin Collections {different skins, in a collection and separate files} by TreeSimz: HERE 
7. Female Face “Disney Skin” Retexture Skin by Sebom {Naver download}: HERE 
8. Halloween Tattoos on Skin by 2sxy4usims: HERE 
9. Albino Skin by KaletheGrey: HERE 
10.  Estefania Skinblend by Pandelabs: HERE 
11. Followers Gift by EntertainingSimmer {ALL SFS link works} : HERE 
12. 2016 Lady Gaga Skinblend with Gaga’s Tattoos by MonsternoirSims: HERE 
13.  TS3 Skin #7 by Synestesia: HERE 
14. Palamas Skin by Melancholic: HERE 
15. Polly Skin by Melancholic: HERE 
16. Lush Skin by Little Noire: HERE 
17. Pearl Skintone by Melancholic: HERE 
18. Blanic Skin by Melancholic: HERE 
19. Monolo Skin by Melancholic: HERE 
20. Asian Skin by Melancholic: HERE 
21. European Skin by MissDayDreams: HERE 
22.  Jin Vein Skin {Non-default both genders} by Jin-Sims: HERE 
23. Freckled Berry By Brntwaffles: HERE 
24.  Kinemortophobia’s Skinblend & Realistic Eyes Set by Brntwaffles: HERE
25. Everything nice a berry friendly verison skin by Fairsteadsims: HERE 
26. TSB GALAXIES V1.6 by That Sims Blog: HERE 
27. Semi Doll Skinblend by Simutation: HERE 
28. Asian Skinblend by Tudart {mediafire link}: HERE 
29. Tainted Skinblend by Starza {mediafire link}: HERE 
30.  Warren Skintone V1 by Chisimi: HERE 
31. Rosy Skintone {Default} by sk-sims {dropbox link only}: HERE 
32. Angelina Skin by MissdayDreams: HERE 
33. Jane Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
34. Rosa Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
35. Marigold Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
36. Xia Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
37. Lella Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
38. Mari Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE
39. Jude Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
40.  Avett Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
41. Cora Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
42. Fyfe Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
43. Sofie Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
44. Hanna Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
45. Maisy Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
46. Angie Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
47. Ming Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
48. Mary Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
49. Anna Skin by Sketchbookpixels: HERE 
50. Edrea Skin by Chof- Pixls: HERE
51. Fog Skintone by T-Enebraenonmoriatur: HERE 
52. Milk Skin by T-Enebraenonmoriatur: HERE
53.  Puckerskin by Heijou: HERE 
54.  Vitiligo Skin by Simplykitsch: HERE
55.  Doll Face Skintone by Asksims: HERE
56.  Aino Skin by Verakasthethird: HERE
57.  Noir Redux by Theothersim: HERE
58.  Custom Sim & Skin by Maggisims: HERE
59.  Ivy Skin by CakeNoodles: HERE
60.  Vitiligo Skin by Devilishsimbrl: HERE
61.  Bittersweet Skin by Tenebraenonmoriatur: HERE
62. Starfruit Reupload by Kurasoberina: HERE
63.  Feckless Light Skintone by Tenebraenonmoriatur: HERE
64.  Tenko Skin by Inanokun: HERE
65.  Castanic Skin by Itsoceansecret: HERE
66.  Lithium Skin by Simsatmidnight: HERE
67.  Skin 9v2 by Ulito4ka: HERE
68.  Inuendo & Invierno Skin by Pills-n-Sims: HERE
69.  Nox Skintone by GolyHawHaw: HERE
70.  Birth 2.0 Special Skin by Pills-n-Sims: HERE
71.  Birth V 1.0 w Nose Mask by Pills-n-Sims: HERE
72.  Wolfie Skinblend by FreyaSims: HERE
73.  Teniskin Skin by Cakenoodles: HERE
74. Rosewater Skin (Clean) HD Skin by Kurasoberina {Click updated download link for download}: HERE
75.  Fresh Sart Skin by Tallsimmer: HERE
76.  SS Asian Skin by ShadowSimblr: HERE
77.  Alonzo Skin by Golyhawhaw: HERE
78.  Taylor Skin by SimmerAddiction83: HERE
79.  Chloe HD Skin by Littlenoire: HERE
80.  M.3 Skin V2.0 by GolyHawHaw: HERE
81.  M.B Skin by GolyHawHaw: HERE
82.  Nola Skin by Cakenoodles: HERE
83.  Dolly Skin by GolyHawHaw: HERE
84.  A Matter of Youth Skin by GhostbabyPixels: HERE
85.  Scarlett Skin by Pandelabs: HERE
86.  GolyHawHaw’s Cosmetics Skin: HERE
87.  FMNS Skin by ForgetmenotSims: HERE
88.  Dephry Skintone by GolyHawHaw: HERE
89.  Youthful Glow ND Skin by Pixelore: HERE
90.  BloodDrinkers Skin by Moonskin93: HERE
91.  GabriellabareskinV1 by Cakenoodles: HERE
92.  Catch Me If You Can Skin by NoodleSims: HERE
93.  H.I.L.D.I Skin  by Cyberryeezus: HERE
94.  Chester Skin Dark Tones by Cakenoodles: HERE
95.  Pity Party Skin by LLS: HERE
96.  Velvet Skin by Yoonhaon: HERE
97.  Skin by Simplychic: HERE
98.  Sketchmark Skin by Technicolourclouds: HERE
99.  Cakley’s Skin by TheOtherSims: HERE
100.  Wintersun Freckled by Itstraumhaus: HERE
101.  MS Skin by  Simply-one-hell-of-a-simblr: HERE 
102.  Devon Aoki Skin by MomoSims: HERE 
103.  WARRENS Skintone V1 (non-default) by Chisimi: HERE 
104.  Rosy Skintone ND by Sk Sims: HERE 
105.  Winter Elf Skin ND by Plumb-Barb: HERE 
Backups of some of these female skins: HERE
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tev-the-random · 3 years
The Crystal Cliffs Academy of Wizardry is finally open, which means it’s time for me to headcanon.
> Mineralogy and Crystal Healing classes are the most popular in Crystal Cliffs due to the empire's huge natural collection of magical minerals.
- Gem is particularly knowledgeable in this field, as it is the basis of her magical studies. Surprisingly, - or perhaps not so much - Fwhip also excels in this subject, and he sometimes helps Gem with the classes.
> A class closely tied to Mineralogy is Tool Crafting. The students learn how to craft staffs and wands that can amplify, direct and purify their magic. General studies of minerals, wood properties, carving and sigil-making are applied, as well as the general handling of magic tools.
- This is another subject Fwhip likes to help with, specifically when it comes to applying technology to the craft - meanwhile, Gem knows best of the traditional crafting and magical applications of said tools.
- Pixl sometimes provides copper wires to be used in Tool Crafting. Gold sometimes is provided by Scott, while Joey offers a small supply of jungle wood.
> Sigils is another popular class, due to its sheer usefulness. Though Gem likes to keep these classes objective, she doesn't aim for mere memorisation of the symbols. Their history and properties are explained, as well as their formation, so students can create their own sigils or simplify/stylise existing ones without losing their effects.
- Shubble Shrub Berry's Forest Golems are used as a prime example of sigil carving for giving life, and although Shrub is having a hard time right now, I can see Gem asking her to bring some more of her carvings to be presented to the students in Sigils class.
- There is a whole section on most students' grimoires dedicated solely to the sigils discovered in Rivendell.
- Although material is provided for writing down sigils, it's not rare to see loads of sigils written everywhere, as students often do. On the desks, sometimes on a wall, behind tests, on any susceptible wooden structure... sometimes on cheat sheets - the headmistress doesn't allow those, though. Although Gem is very proud to see her students applying their Sigils learnings, she sometimes has to use magic to remove the symbols scattered around the school.
> Classes on Fairy Circles are sometimes available; Gem learned just how useful they can be during Xornoth's time. Lizzy, Shrub, Katherine and Gem herself give the students their own teachings on the subject.
> Lizzy's classes on Sea Magic sometimes alternate with the usual Study of Magical Beasts. Her insight on the magic of the deep ocean, oceanic structures, water-based magic and aquatic creatures is considered almost cryptic, and sometimes field trips to the Ocean Empire are scheduled to give the students a better understanding.
- There are many benefits to being a marine biologist-
> Gem dreams of being able to take her students to see dragons. Growing up amongst those creatures, she knows there's a big difference between studying Draconology in theory and actually meeting dragons.
- Although the dragons of Crystal Cliffs aren't hostile towards the students, they're not exactly cuddly either. They keep a close watch of Hope's egg and act rather territorial to strangers. The headmistress would rather not bother the ancient creatures.
> Although she was hesitant at first, Gem has classes on Dark Arts and Demonology. Less so people can practice them and more so they know how to deal with it. What happened to Sausage and Joey should not repeat itself with anyone else, and that'll be much easier to accomplish if more people know how to avoid being tricked into those things.
> People like Joey, Scott and Pixl often have tips to offer about elemental magic.
> Though a lot of the initial students in the Academy are directly invited by Gem, the school will be open for anyone who wants to enrol and learn about their magic. Some people are sent from other empires through recommendation. Some are travellers that stumbled upon the Crystal Cliffs and decided to stay. Some travel far with the intent of finding other wizards and learning more. And some, like the very first students Gem housed, came with an initial hostile intent, but ended up caught up in the wizard's business and, through some threatening hospitality, decided to abandon the bandit life and stay at the school.
> Travels to the elder Elven Library are scheduled at least once per semester. Scott doesn't mind it, and Gem thinks the vast knowledge of the old tomes are a unique learning experience she shouldn't study alone.
- Although some students are prone to trouble, the Great Wizard believes they'll be able to do great things with their knowledge. If not, then it pleases her immensely that the magical arts are being revived trough each and every one of her students, and she can see the old wizards the lived on these cliffs would be proud as well.
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empires-recap · 3 years
fWhip Episode 1 Recap
Link: EmpiresSMP: My New Starter House! Ep #1 Minecraft 1.17 Survival Let’s Play 
Run Time - 25:33
Date of Release - June 12th, 2021
Other Players Featured - Gem, Sausage, Katherine, Pearl, Pixl
Intro and Series Details: fWhip opens up the episode by welcoming us to Empires as a whole, something he has been working on for a while while he is joined by 9 other MC creators. He explains the goal of the SMP for everyone to build up and rule over their own kingdoms and experiencing the stories that brings. he shows the land he has claimed: a plains biome stretching from a nearby forest to a mountain more off in the distance. As he begins the early game grind, he talks about have a shared texture pack that’s he has been working on for the series that fans might recognize from his Hardcore Series.
Early Game Action: A lot of the beginning of this episode is dedicated to the Early Game Grind. This includes getting supplies like ores and food, defeating monsters, and crafting armor and weapons. During his exploration, he raids two villages, finds a double skeleton spawner, makes friends with a dog, and finds a desert for harvesting sand. He also claims a mountain under the title of Count fWhip.
The Mining Expedition: fWhip heads to Sausage’s and meets up with him along with Gem, Pearl, Katherine and Pixl. Sausage has villagers in a “prison” that he says not to look at before showing the others the cave they will be exploring. They split into 2 teams, with fWhip going with Katherine and Gem. Gem is the first one to find diamonds with Katherine shortly after. He mines some to get the advancement before handing the two he mined to Katherine for her to make a pickaxe, also using sticks and a crafting table Gem and fWhip had because she didn’t bring any. fWhip is the first to find an amethyst geode and they all take a second to admire how pretty it is. They find a ravine and while mining gold, Katherine makes the joke it looks like butter. They also find a zombie spawner where Gem and Katherine get some name tags
Quick Sausage Encounter: fWhip goes to get some dark oak and gets yelled at by Sausage in a boat with a panda (the general) for taking stuff from his land, the dark oak forest. fWhip argues with him, saying that Sausage’s land is across the lake from where he is chopping while Sausage says everything the Dark Oak touches is his kingdom. fWhip then points out the plains biome behind the little dark oak patch he was mining in and they ring a bell of friendship. fWhip warns to be careful of Wolfie, and when Sausage doesn’t take it seriously, fWhips sicks Wolfie on him.
Base Upgrade: Farmer fWhip is going strong. He’s been growing a ton of berries as well as almost other crops. He also has places where has grown Spruce, Dark Oak and Jungle Trees and is slowly trying to grow dripstone. He also shows off some of the veins of Diamonds he has found when deepslate mining for his starter base. He mines one 7 block vein for diamond tools before launching into Timelapse Mode. He shows off the house interior before expanding the dripstone farm with the OptiFine Beta. He cuts away to show he has reorganized some of his crops, mainly the berry bushes and gotten 2 more dogs. He clears out land closer to his base and relocates the wheat field. He tries to build walls on the side out of polished deepslate before deciding it was too dark and replacing it with andesite walls instead.
Carrot Hunt and Wrap-up: fWhip sneaks past Gem’s base in order to get to the village he found earlier. He only finds wheat and villager trades that want carrots, but this man is determine to get all the crops. There is a montage of him killing cows and horses to get leather, only paused when he remembers they installed the Mob Head Data Pack. He shows the brown and chestnut horse head before calling himself a bad person. He find a carrot finally, and then the continuation of the Cow Horse Killing Montage. fWhip goes to Gem’s place to check it out and sneakily trades one of his horse heads for a moss block, running away as Gem calls him a killer. Despite all the killing, he still builds a temporary pen and attracts a few cows and two sheep over. He then tries to mine one of the blocks of diamonds from the untouched vein with a Fortune 3 Golden Pickaxe he found by a ruined Nether Portal he found on his carrot quest before learning the hard way gold can’t mind diamond. He then wraps up the episode.
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hileywwe · 4 years
Hear me out : do yall think the leather jacket person could be bisexual or trans? I'm trying to think of the sexuality part of the storyline. I'm open to suggestions. It would be very interesting if choices did this.
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hileywwe · 5 years
Yall ain't loyal 💀😂
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hileywwe · 4 years
This is pixle Berry we are talking about. Robin may smile to your face and is a goody goody character but we never JUST have one villan 👀 that's all I'm saaaayyyyyiiiiinnnnn
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