#Pjmasks luna girl
1v31182m5 · 2 years
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Of course it looks better on the pc (the second one is before I edited the image, it is what the picture was like when I first emailed it to myself from the comp)
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elmushterri · 21 days
Quick question, which characters get mind controlled in season 4 and how do they snap out of it?
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Basically everyone besides Amaya, Connor, and maybe a couple side characters such as Carly and Cartoka (they don’t have chest implants). So Grayson Gunn basically doubles down when Greg, Amaya and Connor start to doubt GunnTech so he captures and controls Greg, Luna and so on (such as Newton- who is the most powerful GunnTech kid and has literally star power) I’m not sure Nori gets mind controlled, actually! If they do, it scares the heck out of Connor because he’ll never have seen Nori so quiet. They also get gray GunnTech suits when trapped in the facility.
Oh also unrelatedly, the GunnTech logo is a G and a T combined rather than just a G. I say that cause I draw it too ambiguously usually. It’s GT hehe 🤣.
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pjblob · 3 months
Today we have Lunakko. Just the two of em painting together 💜💚
This one is for u @pj-trashh
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inkydavinkygal · 6 months
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Luna Girl as a PJ Mask! Raccoona! 🦝🦝
Her powers are based on stealth and dexterity, like climbing and being sneaky, but she also has night vision and can grab things with her grabby hands while also retaining some of her moon powers.
She uses her tail as a comfy seat whenever there isn't anywhere comfortable to sit.
She frequently steals stuff even as a "hero" for her own personal reasons.
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yourlocalnameless · 10 months
RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‼️‼️‼️😨😨😨 *Evacuates to deep sea about 3000 meters below ground*
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prondesss3022 · 2 months
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A new sketch with the LUNA😼🌷
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cha0s-1 · 2 years
I made a pjm ship tier list cause i haven't posted anything in months and haven't updates my fanfic cause of second hand embarrassment 😃
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EDIT: i moved gekkninja to "WHY ISN'T THIS CANON?"
Btw "i ship this" is a mixture of "i kinda like it", "i love this ship." And "MY OTP", i didn't want to put all my otps on the "WHY ISN'T THIS CANON??" Cause some of them makes no sense, and i just want to put the most logical ones.
Btw if someone else wants to make this here is the template and pics (if you made one please tag me/notify me i rly want to see your oppinion):
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lunaeclipse2024 · 2 years
All of the main 6's duo's(my opinion)
Catboy and Night Ninja (athletics)
Owlette and Romeo (intelligence)
Gekko and Luna Girl (confidence)
Catboy x Owlette (the icons, the writers ship this)
Gekko x Luna Girl (sunshine x moody)
Romeo x Night Ninja (brain x brawn)
Greatest Enemy:
Catboy vs Romeo (top hero vs villain)
Owlette vs Luna Girl (the girls, and Luna's the only one to hurt Owlette emotionally)
Gekko vs Night Ninja (don't really have a reason, Night Ninja gave Gekko a run for his money in some episode)
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owlwingwind · 2 years
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newton-star · 2 years
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> lunalette gifs from heroes of the sky!
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atlaskrr · 3 months
everytime i remember im sapphic and into fandom i remember how i can never answer the truth when ppl ask me my fav wlw ship 💀 how can i say owlette x luna girl from pjmasks. i sound fucking insane
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1v31182m5 · 3 years
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Raindrops 🌧
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elmushterri · 3 months
Is Luna trans as well!? (Because she has short hair as a kid) Don't worry, I'm not against that; I'm trans myself. I just wanna knowwwwwww
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That is the intent 🧡✨! In my video I was tempted to give her short hair in her super hero form as well, but by that age she’d be presenting femininely anyways, as she’d have transitioned a while before that.
So the main characters that are (explicitly?) trans (or at least, my interpretation is solid about it) are Connor, Luna and Nori (non binary, though people in the community have differing opinions on whether that counts or not but I think it’s up to the individual, correct me if I’m wrong. 🧡✨)
Also just a bit of style/lining experimentation don’t mind it
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inkydavinkygal · 6 months
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Luna contemplates if she made the right decision and what her life would have been like if things had turned out differently.
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yourlocalnameless · 10 months
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Dont ever breathe near me mate😭🙏 I'll snatch your tail and arma-roll you into a cinnamon bun. NEVER SPEAK EVER AGAIN!!💯💯🔥🔥 (Cartoka had to help pharoh with forming a sentence with slang 😭)
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cha0s-1 · 2 years
[Romeo edition] [ft. REDEEMED! AU HCS]
Normal romeo:
His least favorite enemy/hero is catboy, though CB treats him better than how the other heroes treats him.
Rats are his favorite animal. He'll adopt sewer rats and somehow make some type of chemical that could get rid of any diseases that those rats may carry. That's also the reason he dislike catboy more than the other heroes, catboy's a cat, and cats eat rats.
Romeo is allergic to cats. That's also why he dislike catboy alot.
Romeo is from Germany.
Romeo lives alone.. with no adult supervisor. I'm still making a head canon on WHY they would do that.
Romeo can LEGALLY drive, and actually have a license. (Still making a hc on WHY the law gave a 6yro a driving license)
His goggles has an X-RAY VISION and NIGHT VISION feature.
His only friends (up until like idk 15 or smt) are NN and LG
He's arospec bi
He has poliosis
His father is a famous inventor + rich.
He has a soft spot for people when they're emotional /depressed/ suicidal/ etc. And usually checks up on them every 15 minutes no matter who they are.
He loves plushies. He'll have little tea parties with them, celebrate their birthdays, sleep on a bed full of plushies, make up stories w/them, and plays with his plushies w/luna.
That's all i can remember rn AIGHT GN
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