#Politics I guess
acidicvampire · 11 days
heard trump almost got shot again. go get aim trainer or something
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adorablenonsense · 1 year
"That balloon literally gathered so much data from us."
No it didn't and you're pretty stupid for thinking it did.
“The Chinese balloon that flew over the US earlier this year managed to gather intelligence from military bases for days before it was shot down.”
“The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so, according to two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.
“China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times flying figure-eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time, the three officials said. The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel, rather than images, the officials said.”
I can list more news sources saying similar things about how that balloon collected sensitive US military data.
Also love how you couldn’t respond to me with a reblog or in the replies and had to send me an anon to avoid looking foolish for being wrong.
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
i'm sleep deprived and tired so the words may not word properly, but something about how people will say all men should get vasectomies in response to abortion bans feels heavily influenced by the twisted idea of feminism as man hating and the idea that men are inherently bad and always the problem.
like first of all the patriarchy hurts everyone but second of all you don't actually believe in body autonomy if your solution to attacks on reproductive rights is to restrict the reproductive rights of the other half of the population.
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humblefryingpan · 4 months
Does anyone else make really controversial posts and just stick em in the drafts for like a month? I've got like 3 really political posts in there and I have no intention of posting any of them but I needed them out of my head
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seenthisepisode · 5 months
the way i hate with my whole heart the fact that Labour Day just stopped existing in my country. i mean officially it's today, officially everyone has a day off, but no one talks about it like it's some dirty secret, all the politicians talk about is the anniversary of joining the european union
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fishin-in-a-graveyard · 11 months
Why do you rich fucking white  (Able-body, Neurotypical, Cisgender, Straight Etc) people insist on seeing every socio-political conflict through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization?
This isn't about you! So either get with it or get out of the fucking way!
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Donald Trump said that Joe Biden, who he refers to as "Sleepy Joe", is doing cocaíne. But if he's sleepy... I mean doesn't cocaine... ummmm...
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defectivegembrain · 2 years
Also like I haven't gone into this because it's really a semantic thing and not necessarily at odds with the ideological intent, but. I do always feel somewhat off about the whole "people wouldn't be considered disabled if X" thing, just in the sense of like. "Disabled" is a huge identity thing, and I can't picture discarding that. And I don't associate it primarily with formal accommodations and practical things, it's a very emotional word for me and it's about having a community and knowing how I fit with those other people with similar experiences, who are not all autistic. Having a unifying name for that.
Because of the misunderstandings of autism, I had to learn I was disabled from another kid when I was already in special ed. We were talking about being bullied in mainstream school and she said "but we're all disabled here". And that was the first time anyone had said it so plainly, that I was treated that way because I was disabled, and now maybe things would be different. And that's what disability means from me. And there's no legal or structural change that's going to immediately take away ableist attitudes, and even if you somehow managed that we still have to live with that experience and that pain and I sure as hell am not giving up the language that helped make it bearable.
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Been wishing for some new mutuals to talk to! I post the following:
Fall Out Boy
Doctor Who
The Adventure Zone
Star Trek (mostly TOS and Voyager but sometimes TNG, Lower Decks, TAS, and Strange New Worlds; in the process of watching DS9; Have not finished Enterprise, Picard, Prodigy or Discovery)
Dungeons and Dragons
Aro & Ace positivity
I occasionally post about:
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Leftist politics
Other things I wanna add
As always, TERFS, racists, homophobes, transphobes DNI!! Y'all can go eat shit instead:)
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okay but why is there an actual culture war going on over the freaking Mario movie like you guys all need to chill
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hermit-called-he · 1 year
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I fell for you partially through your story 
Your feminist threads and all that political glory 
I could never like a man who thought of me as lesser
If I did, I might as well have the personality of a wooden dresser 
I think it's part of the reason you like me
Because we want everyone to be 
Equality is something we both want 
Even if we endure a taunt 
You are so quick to look at my story 
It's shocking, really 
First to respond, the first man in that category 
To see the world ideally 
And not rest when so many have already 
Laid down their arms 
And surrendered, lied down in the eddy 
Of conformity and made it a farm 
Please keep interacting with my story 
It makes me feel like I'm worthy 
Of knowing you and not like a British tory 
Who's waiting to be tarred and feathered and branded unworthy 
It's a way to feed the greedy demon 
Without giving it enough to grow into an able bodied seaman 
Because our long chats are its fuel 
And I'd rather stop it from trying to duel 
With my logical mind 
And putting it in a bind 
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einaudis · 2 years
How do I say this?
Fire of Love was robbed.
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ragchaser · 2 years
Can we stop prioritizing race and/or gender as the ONLY important things about a character?
I get it, you want to see characters that look like you, I'm with you on that (hell I wanna see more autistic females in shows, that's not a puppet or some kind of fictional creature, a human is what I want to see)
But when you make it the ONLY driving points for a character, than there's a problem
"Making it to represent modern era" is not really a good thing
Your putting identity first not anything else and that's how all these shows,games, and movies are doing awful and are hated by alot of people
They're not -ist or -phob for not liking it or for criticizing it, they're just tired of being belittled, things being forced down their throats, and in some cases, demonized.
I want good media again, I don't want to be continually called a monster, told that I owe people that I don't even know or care about, for events that I had no part in
I want media to be fun. I'm tired of it all being 'if you don't say your not for this, your clearly support it'
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jianghuchild · 2 years
Nothing, Just A Blank Page
Are you afraid yet?
You, on your Mandate of
Monkey-havocked heaven?
Are you afraid yet, you
On your divine right of
One who says, "I never
"Knew you," are you
afraid yet?
History spirals but never
Circles and in 33 years
My sisters have tasted your iron-blood,
The iron-blood of a man you imprinted
In us under tank-treads and burning buildings.
Even he was not
Alone and
Now they are not alone.
We are not angels.
Be afraid.
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The main difference between overeating-disorders and under-eating disorders
Is that under-eating disorders are treated with empathy and compassion “Oh you poor thing”. (Obviously, people with under-eating disorders still get treated like s*** sometimes)
Meanwhile, people with overeating-disorders are treated with malice and dehumanized and told that this problem is all their fault 
All eating disorders should be treated with the same level of empathy
(Just going to say this here just because somebody's chubby or fat does not mean they have an overeating disorder. When you say that all “overweight” people have overeating disorders you are creating under-eating disorders and taking away from those who genuinely have overeating disorders)
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lizardsfromspace · 9 months
"Look at this video of a child disappointed at their expensive gift! Children are so spoiled these days!"
That's cool. So, why did their parents upload their small child being upset online? In a public video, shared to the entire video? Why did they even save the recording?
Like. The kid in that scenario could be saying the most entitled nonsense in the world, and if their parents post it online to be publicly shamed, I'd still support the kid 100%. Thinking your child's life is a toy to exploit freely for #content is "spoiled"; when faced with mommy vlogers, kids should be demanding three PS5s and a new Bugatti, and we should be applauding them for it
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