#Post grad
in-love-with-movies · 1 month
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Post Grad (2009)
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jecroisenmoi · 2 months
Technically the first day of class.
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Hello, guys! Today's technically our first day, yesterday we don't have class. I am nervous af. I'm grateful that today is really just an "introduce yourself" type of thing. But tomorrow might be hell— our subject would be Persons and Family Relations plus our proff. is a Judge. So good luck to us! Anyways, today is still quite good, even though I could already tell that our proff. is terror ( why so terror for a minor subject? anyways I can't complain— I chose this for myself, To find yourself, you need to think for yourself-Socrates). Did some readings on our subject for tomorrow. It is tiresome (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) Good luck and God bless me! Hoping for better days!
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asyastudieskorean · 9 months
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1.04.2023 — First chapter and vocabulary quiz due on Monday, so I’ll be cooped up in my room, watching lectures, reading, and studying, this entire weekend. I have to record an introduction video tomorrow for a discussion, so that’ll be… fun. During winter break, I bought a big ring light tripod thing, so maybe I’ll get fancy with it. We’ll see.
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thesmallerfry · 3 months
finishing work at 7:30pm after being sick all day feeling downright murderous, blasting new money from the great gatsby to keep me tethered to reality
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Still feeling very barbie, but the post grad life is gonna kill me.
A progression.
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Lately, I’ve been taking to heart the idea that we choose who we let into our lives.
I deleted my Instagram because it felt too personal and vulnerable to share aspects of my personality with people I met once through class five years ago.
I don’t go out of my way to be overly friendly if I feel uncomfortable around someone. I don’t really care if they like me or not. I like me.
Protecting myself has been more important during this transitional time of opportunity and loss. And I don’t need to pretend or let people in that don’t deserve to stand beside me.
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c4liginous · 6 months
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april 2nd, 2024.
today was supposed to be way more productive than it actually was, but from the get go I realized I had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed - i was so stressed out and irritated at anything and everything. still tried though: i did the dishes, cleaned up the house and got a bit of citations logged from Secchi’s Public Policies book. not enough productivity, not by far, but something is still better than nothing!
🎧 listening to: careful - paramore
📖 reading: Politicas Públicas (Secchi, Coelho & Pires)
💭 feeling: anxious & stressed out
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outofccontext · 9 months
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source: Craig of the Creek. S1E2: "You're It"
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runfast-runfar · 6 months
I never posted about this but the company I worked for the past almost two years pulled the plug (it was a seven year old startup) and so everyone was laid off 2 weeks ago. I am very lucky that they provided a good severance packet and I am in a good financial place to be unemployed for a while if that ends up happening, but man... I loved that company. Not so much the job itself, I'd happily never be an office manager again but the people there were some freaking special people. I met my best friend there (she left the company last year, but that's where we met), it was the most supportive and caring environment I think I have ever been in... and to know that is gone is just very sad.
I got placed at that job through a recruiter a few years ago, so I reached back out to him and he connected me with a potential job that I just had my first interview with today. It is a contract job (May-the end of August) which isn't ideal at all.. but it's a cool sounding company, it is in the realm of social justice/social sciences (versus last job was a tech job) and my dream job would involve research and writing which this company could be a segue into. While it is a contract role the recruiter I spoke to today said there is possibilities of it this role leading to a full time role potentially but it's not guaranteed.
Alsooo, tech pays a lot. Even for HR/people ops roles.. social justice/nonprofits, not so much. And I while what I do is very important to me, so is pay. And so I'm a bit worried the pay won't align with my hopes. But that's a bit far off. Just did the first interview today, and got the word from the recruiter I am working through that I did great and am going to the next round. There will be 3 phone interviews (first one done) and then a final in person interview.
Oh how I did not miss job hunting/interviewing etc lol
But glad to at least be getting interviews at the moment!
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tiredapocalypse · 11 months
oh you want to have a life? you'd like to take a break? here's 5 articles to read per week. they're all crucial to the exam. hope this helps! :)
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sohlidarity · 8 months
Taking active steps to get over people pleasing is so difficult and the craziest part is everytime you take a small step towards being yourself and not trying to please someone, it feels like you are doing something wrong. Changing your thought pattern, feeling safe in making decisions that make YOU happy are surprisingly not easy. At the end, all of this hardwork also has no reward if you don't prioritize your inner happiness. Over the last couple months I've lost a lot of friendships. Two friends who I was especially very close to and cared about a lot despite knowing that they a) took me for granted or b) kept expecting so much from me that nothing was ever enough. When I chose to consciously step away from these friendships rather than reflecting on what they might have done wrong I was blamed for not speaking up about my discomforts sooner. When things are coming to an end and extreme decisions are being made, people will question you why you haven't taken the preventative measures earlier, why did you not confront, is it really worth to lose a friendship, aren't you being too harsh, where is this coming from, nothing really happened so why now suddenly? And all I can say is that it took me a while to realize that my mere feelings of discontent are enough to step away from people and it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else as long as it makes sense to me. Time is precious but so is my energy. After realizing that life isn't supposed to be so hard and friendships don't have to be so demanding and just being yourself is enough, you will realize how much low quality shit you are putting up with because you called yourself "dramatic" instead of honoring your emotions. Society tells us to adapt and be positive, stop dwelling on the negative so much. But the real truth is, negativity is as important as positivity. I'm grateful for these people that have come into my life and showed me that my self-worth was so low that I couldn't step away from people that didn't support me. So now I've decided to start over, build trust with myself, stopped dismissing my emotions and start creating those boundaries. At the end of the day, YOU are the prize and the value of it will remain high when you start valuing yourself and keep those around that also value you. No one outside of yourself will determine who you are except for your behaviors. So what & who are you willing to put up with?
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homesickpiranha · 8 months
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Post Grad (2009)
"You are a no talent screw up..."
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jecroisenmoi · 2 months
Late Morning reviews.
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second subject we met— our proff. is a Judge so the pressure is on. And it really is on we are instructed to pass index cards and prepare for recitation. I am still quite chill here ( the nic on the side tells it all, or maybe I'm not I'm more inclined to nic when I'm stressed lol). I should have braced myself for the worst.
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monsoonsosoon · 9 months
lowkey finna enter my isolation era, I'm just tired of everything already and it's only the 7th. idk what path to take in life, idk what job I want, my friendships confuse me, my relationship drained me, I just need something to go right.
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proseandpeonies · 9 months
does anyone have any wisdom about applying to international universities for postgrad? i need to get the fuck out of the us lmao
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c4liginous · 6 months
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april 3rd, 2024.
today was football + reviewing + sustainability presentation day. thought it was going to rain since it was so cloudy, but the weather just got muggy instead - the worst kind of weather imo.
🎧 listening to: midas touch - kiss of life
📖 reading: my master’s research project
💭 feeling: tired and with a headache :(
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