#Power Instinct 2
kanataueda · 1 year
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calochortus · 25 days
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spider-man-2o99 · 10 months
hits the disinformation machine with a bat a big bat a big heavy lead-core thick wood bat kablam whack whack whack whack whack. miguel ohara does not have "spider instincts," he has never in even one piece of official material ever had nor experienced the phenomenon that fandom colloquially refers to as "spider instincts," okay, that concept is entirely and 100% a fandom-born headcanon that people created post-ATSV as an excuse to write the guy as a stupid Feral Brown Beast-Man caricature . lord have mercy. it takes. two seconds of research 2 not perpetuate racist malarkey. do better
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collieii · 1 year
idk if this is controversial but i don't think vash is ashamed of his scars. i think vash is mainly concerned abt the picture he presents to the world and other peoples well-being/feelings. so the reason he doesn't like others seeing his scars is because he think it will make them uncomfortable, and it also sort of undermines the image he wants to project of someone who's very sillygoofy/carefree etc. similarly, i don't think vash is ashamed or insecure about being a plant/having those inhuman features, more he's concerned with how other people react to them. (the plant stuff esp makes sense to hide given how people literally stoned him lmao)
but yeah i don't think he's filled with self loathing over the scars and being nonhuman. i feel like vash's self image is fine, he just prioritizes how others feel and reacts based on that. his whole philosophy of covering up how he feels inside (that smile is fake!) is based on this principle, it doesn't matter if he's depressed as hell as long as he can pretend it's ok, because external presentation and how you affect the world is what really matters to him.
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
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You need to go out and talk to your servants from time to time. They are wary of you. You need to earn their trust back. OUR SKYY 2 | Never Let Me Go
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void-damned · 1 year
Thoughts on the marking process. When do you think the other marked except Corvo and Emily got the mark of the outsider?
Thoughts? I have a lot of those!
First of all, the Outsider gives his Mark to people who seem to be at a low point in their life and who possess the drive and the opportunity to cause change in the world. But not all live up to those expectations - the Outsider seeks interest but as we all know, the paths are endless and they are not linear. Where Fate shall ultimately take his Marked is unknown. And he seems quite fond of gambling with that, high risk-high reward style.
We know of Marked like Corvo, Emily, Daud, and Delilah, all who caused great ruckus in the world, whose paths diverge and converge, change with the slightest actions. But their impact is felt heavily.
We know of Marked, who merely are, who might have had potential but became quite dull or too much, such as Granny Rags.
But we also know of Marked who had barely stirred much talk if any at all. I would say that the Lonely Rat Boy is one of them but I also like to think that he might have contributed to the spread of the plague. Others are barely mentioned.
Chronologically, we can speak of an almost clear timeline, actually:
(Potentially Daud's mother, who would have been marked circa 1790 before Daud's birth)
The Unknown rune-carving woman, marked c. 1800—3
Vera Moray, neé Dbhghoill, marked c. 1807—10
Daud, marked c. 1820
Delilah Kaldwin, born Copperspoon, marked 1831
The Lonely Rat Boy, marked 1835
Corvo Attano, marked 1837
Emily Kaldwin, marked 1852
Another potentially marked person, who'd have been marked around the same time as either Corvo or the Lonely Rat Boy, is one of the noble attendees of the Boyle party in DH1. If you point the Heart at the woman (chosen at random by RNG, I believe), the Heart tells you this:
"She had to dismiss the maid-servant who saw the Mark of the Outsider, branded on her back."
Either we are talking about the real thing or perhaps, as the gossip around the party went, someone who'd worshipped and prayed to the Outsider, enough to brand themselves as Zhukov and the Cultists did.
In any case, all years are more or less confirmed - however, we do not have much info on the when-circumstances other than Corvo and Emily. Vera, according to the Dunwall Archives, had been marked on her journey to Pandyssia, seeking the occult and religious practices native to the lands. We can only wonder just what she had witnessed and how the Outsider eventually approached her but whatever she went through, and whatever she saw, came at the cost of her vision and kickstarted her instability and steady decline into madness. With how men had begged for her, she might have had the potential to unmake the entire Empire. And wouldn't that be fun to watch? (But Vera had strayed from her path.)
Daud is said to have been marked after scouring the Isles and seeking out the Outsider's shrines. If there was ever any obsession, I would say it was the yearning for power and wishing for survival, yet with craving for blood - Daud had been a mercenary for hire since his young age. Who's to say that what ultimately lead to Jessamine's death wasn't a part of his resentment and thirst for revenge after what had been done to him as a child? He had inadvertently set things into motion but came to regret his actions - maybe he had realised he had become someone who he had fought his whole life against.
Delilah was at her worst. Young and so full of anger and despair. 'He came to us in 1831,' she whispers to you. She begun her apprenticeship under Sokolov in 1828 but perhaps the Outsider's Mark was the last push she needed (or maybe he merely wanted to spite Sokolov by marking her, who knows) - she learnt how to weave the Void into her art to get what she wants. The life she was always promised. And one she would make real one day, through the blood of her blood and flesh of her flesh. Even if it meant destroying everything in her path.
The Lonely Rat Boy was marked at the beginning of the plague. Of course he would be the target of all the adults who had immediately written him off for death. Another case of being wronged and being angry, of seeing revenge. And survival. But the boy had burned through his gifts immediately and paid the price too soon.
And the rest, we can only hypothetise as there are no accounts other than the bone-carving woman whose son's journal we get to read. Her story was of survival too, of running away from the Abbeymen that had pursued them.
The Outsider really is just someone tapping at the glass surface separating the waking world and the Void, like it is merely water surface and he (and his Marked) is creating ripples. To see what will happen and what people are capable of. Whatever happens, happens. He's there just to observe the human nature and how power shapes men when they are given access to it.
(And what of Morris Sullivan, you might ask? I believe his teacher, Vera, had merely shared some power with him in the same way Daud shared his through an Arcane Bond or Delilah had. But we can see him being immune to Bend Time, which oof.)
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amechyofsorts · 1 year
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You know you are in a bad place mentally when you fill out one of these fucking things.
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death-limes · 9 months
>our pitbull got rowdy at me during present exchange
>thinking its a dominance thing, briefly consider barking back & establishing that im not below him in the social pecking order
>remember the breed im talking about
>want to snap myself back into reality by looking up cases of pitbull attacks
>end up on anti-pitbull websites full of fearmongering, misinformation, and ppl advocating for killing them
>can i please just find photos of gnarly bite wounds to remind myself how strong these dogs are without having to read the cruel ramblings of ppl who think an entire category of dog is just inherently evil
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scorpius-rising · 1 year
The narrative team should be feeling very self satisfied rn, because Eris Morn Alien Apotheosis Arc is just such a perfect escalation of both the immediate seasonal story, and the ongoing plots & themes that have been in bubbling away since D1+ Shadowkeep
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supernightboy08 · 11 months
My favorite Dragon Ball Transformations:
1. Kaioken
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2. Super Saiyan
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3. Super Saiyan 2
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4. Super Saiyan 3
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5. Ultra Instinct
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6. Beast Gohan
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
puts my hands on your shoulders and looks into your eyes with my eyes. jon and daisy not being treated the same way in regards to their status's as avatars isnt a plot hole or smth jonny did bc he hates jon. they're different characters with different relationships to basira of course shes going to give daisy a pass and resent jon bc thats exactly what shes been doing since she met daisy. basira is not a nice person shes not kind shes utilitarian and she doesnt trust the fears ergo she doesnt trust jon anymore. thats the plot of season 4. hello hello can anyone hear me hello
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
I've played something like up to mid act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 now, have opinions on origin characters and companions. SOME MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD. But I'm trying to be as vague as possible.
Maybe I will start with the good because there's less of it but it's what keeps me from crying.
Karlah - best girl, no notes. She's got a very fun personality, her back story is very good and her behaviour tracks really well with that back story. Same goes for the things she approves of an disapproves. She's also very attractive and that's a bonus. She's for a good playthrough mostly but I'm not into evil playthroughs so I don't really care. She's a very reliable party member but barbarian isn't the best class solo, I multiclass her for better efficiency.
Lae'zel - very solid character, she's kinda scary and better than though in the beginning but her skills and efficiency really explain some arrogance. The githyanki are a specific society and she's very into their way of life but as I spent more time with her and did her quests I liked her more and more. It's funny how she's proud of her brainwashing. Her behaviour and approval also makes sense. And damn she's got game. She's a little too skinny looking for me but I think it's because that's how githyanki are, she's still hot.
Wyll - he's interesting because he really wants to be a good person but isn't the best at getting there. His back story is really good and he's personality is interesting. I find myself rooting for him to find himself, to actually be the man he wants to be. His behaviour is consistent and what he approves of and doesn't also makes sense. Hottest among the guys, no contest. The problem is that warlocks aren't the strongest class, another candidate for muliclassing to make him stronger.
Halsin - daddy, Larian let us cuddle the bear and it offsets some of the shitty writing Larian is so so guilty of. Alas it shows that he was put in because of fan pressure, there's not that much story tied to him and that lands him slightly below Wyll. His personality is very pleasant and looks wise he's a fan favourite for a reason. Halsin is a druid that makes him very useful and very strong. I wish Larian'd actually planned to make him a companion from the start.
The sadly disappointing.
Astarion - the biggest disappointment since early access. I used to like him a lot, he's got very good dialogue early on. He also has an interesting back story that initially makes his attitude very understandable. But it feels like the writers had no idea what to do with him. The more I spend time with him the more he annoys me. It's really hard to predict what he will approve or disapprove of. A lot of time he just seems contrarian for no reason. He feels disconnected from the main story, it doesn't feel he grows closer to my character, unlike with Lae'zel for instance where I feel the change of gaining her approval. Looks wise he's average, I'm really not into the pale and white haired.
Could go either way.
Minthara - idk anything about her, I have never and am not planning to side with the Absolute. Her looks are average so no temptation there. Her religious fanatic thing also isn't tempting because I already have Shadowheart and she doesn't ask me to slaughter refugees and animals to grace me with her shitty company.
As to the characters returning from the previous games. I'm very against this move by Larian or the DnD overlords, whoever is culpable. One of those companions had such an extensive quest in BG 2 that honestly it's annoying they're here to have more personal quests. Also this character kinda annoys me when it comes to their personality and affiliation. The other character that's coming back is less aggravating to me personally though they are an acquired taste for some. I wouldn't mind them joining my camp and serving as advisors or even romance options, but them taking up companion slots is really a big minus of the game. Either way I have no intention of ever having them in my party, I'm not interested in them. I'm so mad we couldn't get Alfira, or Barcus, or Isobel, or that guy from the githyanki hatchery as a companion. Those and possibly others I'm forgetting, could have been good companions with interesting potential.
Now we're getting to the bad. And honestly it's not simply bad, it's instantly very bad.
Shadowpout - idk what to say, Her personality is grating, she's pouty, she thinks she's mysterious but she's just a poor liar. She's constantly in self denial that borders on stupidity. I don't respect her goal to become a fanatical enforcer. Her moody dialogues that I guess are meant to be ironic or sarcastic are just annoying, I've told her to shut up several times, like out loud, towards the screen. She's also proud of being brainwashed, like Lae'zel, but her arrogance really isn't backed up by any skill. Gods with her built in specs she's useless in a fight, mele, spells single use or concentration based, healing, you name it she can't do it well. Multiclassing or respecking her is a must above the lowest difficulty if you want to have her in the party - and a well speced cleric/druid in the party extremely useful. Honestly it's easier to run a party without a wizard/sorcerer/warlock than without a cleric/druid - that's why I still take her into the camp and revive her when she dies. Her looks are average but her personality is so off putting that she kinda grosses me out.
Gale - the fucking incel. He's a walking nice guy mansplainer stereotype. He's even worse than a normal mansplainer, he's a wizardsplainer. He will wizardsplain magic to a sorcerer character and the people who wrote it think that's flirting, at least that's how I understand that scene. What the actual fuck. That scene gave me the creeps, together with that scene where he explains his back story of: he had a thing with that one gal, it finished, she broke it off, stopped taking his calls, he couldn't take a no and decided that if he makes a grand romantic gesture she will take him back. Oh, and he still has a spell where he projects an illusion of her face to stare at her. But he's also monogamous, will not allow for the player character to branch out. I kid you fucking not. And he manages to be condescending with almost everything he says, fucking his his tone is at least as annoying as Shadowpout's. Gross, I judge anyone who pursues a romance with him. Because he's like this I actually stopped meeting him since mid early access, there's actually a way to never meet him in the game. And it pains me because his affliction feels like such a nice handicap to have in your gameplay. But he's a wizard so he's replaceable.
The Dark Urge - shitty edgy Larian writing at its fucking worse. The little introduction of the Dark Urge is all about resisting. But there's nothing to this character when you resist. There's only stuff for those who will play to embrace the urge and like what's the point of having a character like that in a Role Playing game which supposedly is about player choice!? It's completely pointless and it's doubly insulting to me as someone who grew up with BG1 and BG2 because that character references that story line the most directly. First of all that's stupid because the point of that story was to reach a conclusion but also that story was all about living with a horrifying legacy and making choices on how to handle it and you could play it as good, bad or neutral as you wanted and it didn't shut you out of most of the content related to your character.
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
You know :)
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nccts is funny. anyway cyberbullying prism is a way of life and i am committed to it i am putting her in a shoebox with no airholes and floating it down the Alafia River to be carried to and sink to the bottom of Tampa Bay where she will be torn asunder by the sharks
#considered marking 'i like them enough to project my own issues onto them' but thats not quite accurate#the nccts have made prism's character into a frighteningly real depiction of an abusive parent that reminds me of my own experiences#and so theres stuff that feels almost instinctively true about her and her relationship with the cods that isnt#bc im seeing my family in it and probably projecting a little because of the parallels im seeing#so i guess it's more 'wow... they are LITERALLY my dad' (derogatory)#i hate her very much (she is an extremely effective antagonist)#she's metatextually interesting bc 'narrator thats a character aware that its a story and has godlike power over it' is not a New concept#but shes a very interesting take on it because shes proper introduced several seasons in#and shes grounded in the world she exists in because her actions have consequences in it on people who are just as real/fake as she is#so its easy to fully invest in the idea that this world is meaningful even if it isnt real unlike some other metafiction thats so consumed#by pretentious metatextuality that it becomes kind of hard to care if thats not the point because it undermines itself and your investment#but cpuk comes with 1) so much investment from seasons of fun and goofy storytelling beforehand#and 2) a thin 4th wall to begin with#so its neither surprising nor undermines its world that the emissary of the highest god of its reality is Literally A Narrator#that polices and alters the narrative to her whim with the goal of driving it toward a meaningful and satisfying conclusion#whether the characters would Really be ultimately happy with their predetermined trajectories as chosen by her or not#because she wont doesn't and doesn't know How to understand them deeply enough to really know what they Need#just what they want on a surface level. without really understanding why they want it. because she can't really imagine something deeper.#which leads her to an often flawed idea of what their 'happy ending' would be especially when she doesn't want to face an ending at all#and thats not even getting into how she's come to view her wards the ciblings like sacrificial lambs on the altar of meaning#someone has to keep things in line. someone has to be a tragedy. someone has to be the villain.#even if it means shaping the lives of the fellow immortals in her care for the worse so that they ultimately hurt themselves and others#girl i think you gave your youngest son a paranoid complex that if someones too Nice tm to him theyre lying and only cruelty is honest#and on top of that your daughter has literally disowned you and her godhood about how you make her feel#your only kid who trusted your opinion on Anything came to you for advice on connecting with people and you gave him an identity crisis#i cant say i dont understand why prism's like this. and i empathize with the problem. but i am still hissing and killing and biting also#*because she can't really imagine a state of content#she can imagine people having depth she just. cant imagine a state of contentment with the self and ones own life#so how's she supposed to really help other people to reach that point
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Console Fighting Games of 1994 Part 3/5 #shorts
Part 3 of 5 featuring fighting games released on console in 1994, this third video features Kart Fighter, Kasumi Ninja, Kidō Butōden G Gundam, King of the Monsters 2, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Osu!! Karate Bu, Power Instinct and Ranma 1/2 Chōgi Ranbu hen.  #fightinggames #gaming #videogames #consolegaming #1994 #powerrangers #ranma½ #kingofthemonsters
For the Full Length Videos of these games see the following playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CF-R5w4NujQcYo8cCcOMHYv
For other Gaming related shorts check out this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CF5oVPNNxPlLJPambfM5BIj
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gazelessmenagerie · 23 days
Wait wait Broly is it actually possible for you to have four more arms? If not you can't be teasing us with such a good time.
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" In what world do you live in where I possess six arms? " Could it be this worm had simply drank too much liquor and were simply seeing triple? The calming effect of chamomile left its taste in the air and upon his tongue, cascading down his throat with an additional honeyed flavor to make it ever sweeter to drink. His tail twitched to the side, curling a tighter semi-circle round his seated frame as he reached for a kettle and poured himself another cupful of the tea.
Six arms.. where the hell did these morons think these things up? He didn't even know how they'd attach to him without it being awkward in his mind. Perhaps claws would be a better addition to his arsenal, providing a savage means to claw and tear at flesh along with his fists pulverizing anyone caught in their midst.
" Take your drunkenness elsewhere before I get irritated by your pathetic self. "
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goodguygadgets · 4 months
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