vitaliskravtsov · 2 years
(this is @prepnursey)
patater, magical realism and sunflower for the reverse ask game?
Title: ink, flowers, and a minor cat calamity
Summary: Soulmates au (in a universe where all soulmates manifest differently) where Kent has a sunflower tattooed on his thigh because his soulmate loves sunflowers. From the moment he meets his soulmate (at a hockey award ceremony in like 2010), the sunflowers multiply in tasteful ways, growing to make a sort of "garden". He discovers, however, that the growth slows when he plants some in a community garden. For years, he maintains sunflowers in this tiny corner of a garden in Vegas and the flowers on his thighs stay just the size they were before. Then, he gets traded to the Wild and everything goes belly-up, and the sunflower growth begins again with a fervor... until he learns that Minnesota is the 3rd highest producer of sunflowers in the US and that it's a GREAT place to restart his garden. The next year, Tater signs with the Wild, and they end up making friends. When he finds out that Tater has a cat, Kent must meet her immediately and they bond over taking care of something the other loves (at some point Tater finds out about Kent's sunflower garden). During one of their first games, Tater gets an injury. Kent spends all his free time the next day taking care of his sunflowers to distract himself from how worried he is. Tater is magically feeling better. It's not until the fourth or fifth time that one of them gets hurt and the other takes care of the thing on their soul tattoo that they figure out that's how they're bonded.
ALTERNATIVELY (i am having too much fun with this prompt)
Title: sunflower ink
Summary: Tater is a garden witch who's new to the area. Kent owns a bookstore that is half books and half gardening. The gardening half is run by Swoops, his best friend. Tater comes in looking for advice about the soil and sun levels, and though Kent doesn't know much about gardening, he does know this guy is INSANELY pretty and SO sweet and maybe he lies a little about how much he knows about planting in their area. But it gets Tater to come back!! so that's good! and it's all FINE until Tater wants his help planting "since you're such a good garden witch, you know what they are wanting here so I can learn". Kent TRIES to talk Swoops into making him a garden witch (doesn't work because that's not how powers work, and Kent is. Potions and Plants are not even adjacent talents Kent.) but ultimately just goes to hang out with Tater and admits that he's got nothing on plants and Tater is all "I know but you're cute" and they kiss and that's that.
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homobiwan · 3 years
how would nursey fall in love with bitty? (@prepnursey )
Nursey has a competency kink.
It’s why he gets a crush on Dex. It’s why he gets a crush on Holster (who is admittedly a disaster himbo but makes a pretty good powerpoint). And it’s why he gets a crush on Bitty.
Bitty’s a demon on the ice, in Nursey’s opinion: fast and sharp and always ready to smile. He’s a demon off the ice, too, in unexpected ways.
(I’m not saying Bitty’s ability to parallel park turns Nursey on. But also: it turns Nursey on.)
Nursey starts to notice how much Bitty takes care of his friends. And he aches a little inside because he’s so used to having to be chill about everything. Rarely did people stop and look at him and say, “It’s okay if you’re stressed; it’s okay if you’re angry and hurting.”
One day in particular, Nursey feels close to tears because his assignment was turned in late, which means an entire letter dropped automatically in his grade. But he can’t freak out. He’s Nursey; he’s the chill one, the one who doesn’t get caught up on this kind of shit.
Bitty bakes him his favorite pie and holds him, stroking his hair as he buries his face in Bitty’s apron. He’s crying. He has flour on his face from Bitty’s apron, and the kitchen smells like wildberries. Bitty’s hands are so, so gentle, and Nursey for one moment wants to stay here in Bitty’s arms and never move again.
It’s a small realization: Oh.
But it’s fine. It’s chill. It’s just a crush.
Send me a character and I’ll write how they fall in love with Bitty!
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
22 and 40 for the fanfic asks? (this is @prepnursey )
22. already answered!
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
when i feel like its done, and someone has beta'd (if i want a beta for that fic), i go through the google doc and add the html then copy and paste into ao3. double check the coding. check again. and wait i missed something one more pass through. hit post. inevitably find one more typo. make a tumblr post so that people who aren't subscribed to me on ao3 can find out about it <3
list of questions here
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pecanplease · 4 years
hey you mentioned a trans stevie bittle fic in the tags of my post (i'm @prepnursey ) and i was wondering if you happened to have a link?
I absolutely do!
The series is called highways and bi-ways by palateens.
The first one is rated T, it's titled everything you don't say.
The second one, weighing your options silent is rated M.
Both are about 5k and definitely two of my favorite Check, Please! fics, highly recommend
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backwardscapsmh · 4 years
🥺 (@prepnursey )
or 💜
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shygryf · 3 years
bitty's room, montreal? (this is @prepnursey )
Thanks so much for asking! 
Bitty’s Room: Tell me about your walls? Posters, no posters? Pictures? Blank? What’s the deal with your walls?
I have lived here since September, have so much art, but none of it is hung. I have a terrible fear of putting nails in walls and every one I have asked for help has said yes then not come over 
Montreal: What’s a place you love but can’t go very often?
I don't travel very often, I finally got a good job with actual vacation time then pandemic happened. I want to go back to the grand canyon and to Cedar Point in Ohio. I haven't been back to either place since I moved away. 
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hashtagdex · 3 years
ooo nhl au? i was about to write "what's it about?" but umm i think the title is fairly clear, so who is it about? (@prepnursey )
lmao yeah it is you’re right
but! this nhl au born out of spite will be about dex’s journey to the nhl! he signs with the bruins organization right out of college and gets sent to their providence team. jack and bitty let him live with them, which is really nice of them, but tha also means dex has to watch them be happy and in love every time he’s home all while he’s trying to figure things out with nursey (they’re very much in love with each other and they both know, kind of, but things just keep getting in the way of, well, them).
it’s a lot of hockey, it’s even more yearning for a relationship that’s already right there at your fingertips but still out of reach, and it’s so much pining for your roommate slash best friend slash love of your life.
i think you can guess what number dex decides to wear once he’s on the nhl roster for good ;)
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omgchyeahplease · 3 years
@lilacborrower tagged me on main for top 5 songs on repeat but i am a) lazy and b) tired and c) on mobile, so here's a screenshot, last one courtesy of @bittysthesis:
Tumblr media
tagging @zimms @exitcheckplease @omg-whiskey @prepnursey and @exitcheckplease
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fryguy · 4 years
Tumblr media
thanks @willdexington for tagging me!!
i’m tagging @exitcheckplease @birlcholtz @prepnursey @manicpixiezimmerman and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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purple-is-great · 4 years
Info and sideblogs
Hi! Welcome to my blog! Here’s notes on what you can expect to find here
@purple-is-great main blog. funny things, art, social commentary, queer stuff and me being unable to resist talking about Finland
@sipelius Finnish blog, everything in Finnish or Swedish goes here, along with The Unknown Soldier fandom stuff
@radio-star-still-alive podcast blog.
@prepnursey Check, Please! blog, aka me begrudgingly learning about hockey because I like a gay webcomic.
@gaynerd-n-rugbylad my Osemanverse blog
I try my best to appropriately tag my original posts with content warnings, but I cannot guarantee the same for reblogs.
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vitaliskravtsov · 2 years
9, 13, 35 and 49 for the fanfic asks? (this is @prepnursey )
9. Favorite fanfics?
SO MANY. Uhhhhh I’m gonna answer this for omgcp tho and not like leverage and the musketeers etc We Are The Crowd by birds89birds; 6k; Chowder has tumblr! that’s the fic, it’s really lovely
out in the open by wit; 35k; Bitty is a YouTuber but Jack’s still in the NHL and they become friends (iirc?), in any case it is literally the most GORGEOUS epistolary fic ever and you don’t have to rotate your phone to read it it is excellent
Like Baby Bird by editingatwork; 1k; Tater and Kent flirt via chirping, it’s great
(this is not remotely a complete list I will happily take more of this question askdjfhaskhj)
13. What is your planning process? 
Bold of you to assume I have one aksjdfhaklsjf. Uhmm. My planning process is dumping my idea in texts to @pinkviper and/or The Enabler Fam tm. I don’t really plan at all!!
35. What is your favorite review?
OH that’s hard.... maybe a tie between the LONG, point-by-point comment Lin left on my 7+1 about Kent and the LONG, point-by-point comment Pink left on im going home to deck the halls. 
Outside of omgcp, probably the one I got from a writer I really admire on a fic that’s the main pairing they write!
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
OOOH. Mostly irl, honestly. Weird shit happening/funny shit happening/sad shit happening... it all goes into the fic soup lol
Thank you for the ask, this was so fun!!
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homobiwan · 3 years
Tango: What’s a question or a mystery you wish you knew the answer to? (@prepnursey )
I answered this one already :)
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Congrats for 100 followers! Lardo and Chowder's bathroom, 5.28 am?
shared bathroom, 5:28am
Lardo trudges into the bathroom in a kegster-induced haze - they need water before crashing and there is a stash of cups in here for that very purpose for them and Chowder. They're so ready to drop, Lardo is only vaguely annoyed that Chowder left a pile of Sharks stuff in here. The occasional pile of teal clothing isn't a problem normally.
But right now its in front of the sink. Lardo tries to nudge it with their leg when the pile of clothing makes a noise.
Alright Lardo, fortify. And focus.
Squatting slowly to investigate (and not fall over), Lardo's bleary eyes focus long enough to register that it's not a stranger in their bathroom before gently shaking Chowder awake.
"Chowder?" they croak.
"Dude, roll over or something - I need the sink."
Executing an impressive wriggle, Chowder flops enough out of the way for Lardo to get the elixir of life. Taking pity, they get a cup for Chowder too. Chowder's 15th shut out meant the kegster was in his honor.
Chowder only went upstairs when Cait made him around an hour ago. But he definitely shouldn't sleep off that much of a kegster on the floor of their bathroom. It's unbefitting of such a SMH Champion, Lardo thinks. In their cross-faded and sleep deprived state, Lardo knows the best option is to roll Chowder to his doorway and then pull him at least onto his carpet.
It takes all the muscles Lardo doesn't have to get enough momentum for the first roll, but they keep at it. A series of shoves (and one kick) later, Chowder is at the doorway - still fast asleep. Stepping carefully over limbs (don't break the starting goalie), Lardo steps lightly into Chowder's room, the teal doing their headache no favors. Grimacing, Lardo gets their hands under Chowder's armpits and starts to pull.
"Holy shit!" Lardo whisper-screams as they drop Chowder unceremoniously and spinning around, heart racing,. Lardo's eyes finally land on Cait, looking at them confusedly from Chowder's bed.
Trying to get their breathing back to normal Lardo manages to say, "He was blocking the sink."
"Sure, sure," Cait says. "But why did you drag him so far?"
"Rolled 'im first."
Cait just raises one eyebrow.
Lardo will go to their grave saying that rolling him matters. "Jus' sayin'. Rolled him first. Didn't seem right to leave the starting goalie on the floor of the bathroom. 'specially after that last beaut of a shut out."
"Oh," says Cait. Then she climbs out of bed and kneels next to Chowder. She leans over his face, brushing some hair out of his eyes tenderly before saying firmly, "If you don't get yourself in bed right now, I'll make sure Bitty doesn't make you a pie for two full weeks."
Chowder's eyes wrench open as he leaps off the floor like he was electrocuted and dives into bed, burrowing into the blankets immediately. Cait pads softly back to bed and rapidly tucks herself around Chowder. They're both asleep again almost at once.
Lardo is left blinking next to the doorway. They'll process that later, and heads back into their room, closing doors as they go. It's only after Lardo's in the perfect spot in bed and halfway asleep when they realize:
Their water is still on the bathroom counter. Fuck.
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pecanplease · 3 years
@zimms tagged me in these Get to Know You questions! Answer the prompts and then tag 9 people! Thanks Abby! Also we have some songs in common lol
five songs i’ve been playing on repeat:
Timothy Hay - mewithoutYou
This Year - The Mountain Goats
Easier - The Crane Wives
Wanderlust - Frank Turner
I Am Disappeared - Frank Turner
last movie: Godzilla vs. Kong
currently watching: The Mandalorian
currently reading: I’m actually in between books! I just finished Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five and I’m about to start the companion book for the musical Come From Away
No pressure to do it if you guys don’t want to but I will tag @bisexualnursey, @unconventional-turtle, @omg-whiskey, @comsiclatte, @virgosfr3ckles, @adambirkholtz, @deniceford, @prepnursey, and @fullmetalleg
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backwardscapsmh · 3 years
i was tagged by @pecanplease (thank u samantha!) five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat!
1) achilles heel by j. maya
2) cherry wine by hozier
3) slipping through my fingers by abba
4) i am not a robot by marina
5) she used to be mine by sara bareilles
as we can see...a mix of things
uhm....i’ll tag @tingo-tango, @fryguy, @prepnursey, and @birkholtzlovebot (and as always, anyone else who feels like doing it)
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prepnursey · 4 years
url change to celebrate nursey week (also because i don't id as nonbinary any more and it felt kinda weird)
shitty-nb-knight >> prepnursey
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