#Presidential election
perseuspixl · 2 days
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Well Regulated Meal-itia
#embarrassing af
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adhdburnout · 3 days
Ok I’m sorry to my like- 5 followers for posting about politics again, but I keep seeing a lot of comments everywhere about there being “problems on both sides” (cough chappell roan cough). Which is fair. Absolutely, of course there are problems on both sides. The Democrats are far from perfect.
But if you are continuously arguing that there are problems on both sides, what is your plan? To not vote? Vote for a third party candidate? If so, you are actively, willingly helping to elect a man who is a rapist, misogynist, white supremacist, and felon. I’m sure I missed something there, but you get the point. You are rolling out the red carpet for the guy who has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a dictator. To deport all immigrants, legal or not. To persecute LGBTQ+ people. To take away a woman’s basic bodily autonomy. To strip away voting rights.
It is perfectly reasonable to say there are problems with both parties. But for the love of all that is holy do not pretend they are the fucking same. It is not the intelligent take you think it is. Because you may not like Harris or the Democratic Party, but if Trump is elected, there will be a far, far worse outcome. If you are not a rich cis straight white Christian male, the GOP does not give a shit about you. In fact, they probably are actively trying to make life worse for you. In case you haven’t noticed, the GOP is full of literal Nazis.
So if you aren’t voting, what the actual fuck are you thinking? Honestly. I get that you may not like the Dems position on the war in Gaza. You want to support people’s right to exist. But if that is what you truly believe in, then there is a VERY clear choice here. Please, please make the right one.
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@totally-california @pyxilate
We never said “you can’t vote for your favorite genocidal maniac.”
Vote or don’t vote, but never be deceived that it will make a difference, there’s literally no lower form of political participation. That’s why they give you a sticker.
Here’s Kamala Harris mocking people who say “we need more education” and vehemently asserting that “we need more prisons” https://youtu.be/4HZjLnj7WGM?si=LFyg9EyfWJL-IQSF
And here’s Kamala Harris clearing rapist killer cops while degrading black women, her continuum as DA: https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-mitrice-richardson-closed-20170202-story.html
Picture is a mosaic of the black men Kamala Harris threw into cages.
Thinking that because someone isn’t for one genocidal maniac the must be in favor of the other genocidal maniac is fallacious thinking, it’s known as a “false dichotomy,” sometimes referred to as “black and white thinking.”
We are anarchists, it’s not in our nature to accept tyrants as legitimate authorities, but anyone who knows anything about politics would be able to tell you that.
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The Substance of the 2nd Amendment (Update)
Reading the comments of those opposed to gun control laws reminded me of the book The Lord of the Flies. A real shame that this book appears on most lists of banned school books in red states.
Some commenters took offense that I would hope for a day in which guns are no longer viewed as weapons to be used against another human being.
They are so convinced, just like Jack and Roger, that our collective "normal" should be to be on guard (ready to kill another person) always, that it becomes offensive to hear or read someone state that "it doesn't have to be this way."
And there are those that continue to call for a bill to "arm our teachers" without really considering the extra danger that would put school children in. They also do not consider that most teachers, for personal or religious beliefs, would never hold a gun up to another person - to many teachers "thou shall not kill" is not a suggestion.
When God looks down on us and he sees that, in over two thousand years, we have not figured out how not to kill each other, I know he shakes his head in disappointment. If you want to know why I support gun ownership, as a natural right to protect oneself, and at the same time support sensible national gun control laws, it's that I hope God will look down on us one day and he won't be disappointed.
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deadpresidents · 22 hours
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mutopians · 2 months
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before we get an official announcement on who is replacing biden as the nominee, im just going to put this out there: do not mess this up. i don't care how little you like politics. i don't care if this new nominee isn't your first choice.
our alternative is trump. third party splits the votes, and abstaining is just going to fuck the entire united states over. your vote (AND support) matters, and i better see anyone who doesn't want trump to be elected and the United States to become a fascist, authoritarian regime throwing their full support behind this new nominee.
we have three months to go. we're in crunch time. if you don't want to lose your rights, support this new nominee with everything you've got.
edit: just in case this somehow wasn't obvious, this is NOT the post to be a pessimist on. don't say we're fucked. say TRUMP is fucked. we can't go back and change the nomination timeline, but we can absolutely support our new nominee and ensure they get elected.
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spale-vosver · 3 months
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"Don't vote to teach the Democrats a lesson!" Great thanks my Jewish disabled queer ass will just die then
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perseuspixl · 1 day
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“I have concepts of a plan”
My dude the election is less than two months away did the dog eat your fucking presidential homework??
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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p00p-sc00p · 1 month
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destiel-news-channel · 2 months
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' running mate.' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
This is according to a source that told CNN, he has not been formally called by Harris yet. CNN link
EDIT: It is now official!
Tim Walz is the one who started the tactic of calling Republicans 'weird', by the way.
Tim Walz is in his second term as the Minnesota governor. He is 60 years old and a former high school teacher.
Memorable information (click the text for its source)
Walz is "a champion of Democratic causes, including union organizing, workers’ rights and a $15-an-hour minimum wage."
eliminated nearly all of Minnesota's abortion restrictions
protected gender-affirming care for transgender youth
legalized the recreational use of marijuana
"free school meals to children, free tuition at public colleges for students whose families earn less than $80,000 a year, a paid family and medical leave program, health insurance regardless of immigration status, gun violence prevention, abortion rights protections, voting rights expansion and more"
Feel free to add more.
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hush-pup-py · 2 months
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edit: if yall are going to claim that the shooter was trans, gender dysphoric, or democrat, can you please provide sources?
You keep avoiding my questions and it’s annoying.
For democrat, sure he donated $15 to ONE progressive cause, but he was registered republican and his classmates described him as “definitely conservative”. Source: BBC
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And the only source I could find about being trans or gender dysphoric was on salon.com in which the claim began on Twitter using a photo of an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON and claiming her to be Crooks. The tweet has since been deleted but was amplified by those with a large social media following and a knack for conspiracies.
You’re “but the shooter was trans” has so far proven to be just another Twitter discourse. Grow up.
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wonderlandmoonrose7 · 2 months
Hey. In the wake of this news, I better not fucking see any of you talk about not voting or voting third party (specifically in the presidential election). Biden has endorsed Harris, so she is absolutely the nominee unless something else crazy happens. You know what that means? You’re gonna vote for her. I don’t fucking care if she isn’t your first choice, I don’t care if you think your vote will do nothing. You vote for her, if not for yourself then for everyone else in this goddamn country. You vote so we actually have a chance to vote when the next election rolls around. None of this defeatism bullshit. You vote to keep the other option out of office, even if it’s not the best choice. We can discuss better options for presidency after our rights don’t hang in the balance with Project 2025. So go. Fucking. Vote.
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awkward-sultana · 16 days
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A few Harris memes to enjoy while you cook your pets, guillotine your newborns and schedule your prison sex change.
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geminisee · 16 days
ain’t no way a former president just got on tv in front of the entire country and fervently asserted that evil democrats are “aborting” babies AFTER THEY’RE BORN. how the fuck does he just get up there on stage and LIE
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