#Preventing Obesity
timikaschambers · 3 months
The Seeds We Plant Series #14: Health and Wellness
Hi there! I hope all is well with you and yours! As we age, it’s common to look for healing outside of ourselves. We become reactive instead of proactive, suffering when we don’t need to suffer. All of this happens when we forget who we are and the function of our bodies. In today’s podcast, I share ways to help sew the seeds of health and wellness in our children. Yes, it’s important to get…
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To prevent and manage obesity, a comprehensive strategy including a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and lifestyle modifications is required. Nutritionists, exercise instructors, and other healthcare professionals can provide invaluable guidance in managing and reducing obesity for improved overall health and quality of life.
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How Desserts with Excessive Sugar and Fat Affect Health: A Deep Dive into the Sweet Dangers
Desserts are woven into the fabric of human culture. They are synonymous with celebration, comfort, and indulgence. From festive cakes to everyday cookies, sweet treats often symbolize joy, but beneath their delicious exterior lies a more concerning truth. Desserts loaded with excessive sugar and fat can silently wreak havoc on our health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how these…
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hormonesclinics · 1 year
Managing Obesity: Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle
Obesity is a major health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. This is a condition in which excess body fat builds up in the body, leading to a variety of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. It can be treated with medical intervention. This blog post will go into detail about different ways to treat obesity.
One of the most important factors in managing obesity is diet. A healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. It is important to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in saturated and trans fats.
Physical activity is also important in managing obesity. Exercise helps burn calories, improve muscle mass, and boost metabolism. It is recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This can be achieved through activities such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or strength training.
Behavioral changes
Making behavioral changes can also help manage obesity. This includes setting realistic goals, monitoring progress, and staying motivated. It is important to identify triggers for overeating and develop strategies to overcome them. Seeking support from friends and family, joining a support group, or consulting with a healthcare professional can also be helpful.
In some cases, medications may be prescribed to manage obesity. These medications work by reducing appetite, blocking the absorption of fat, or increasing feelings of fullness. However, medications should always be used in combination with diet and exercise.
For those with severe obesity, surgery may be an option. Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that can help reduce weight and improve overall health. This surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach or bypassing a portion of the small intestine to limit the amount of food that can be consumed.
obesity is a serious health condition that can be managed with the right lifestyle changes and medical interventions. A healthy diet, regular exercise, behavioral changes, and medical treatments can all help manage obesity and improve overall health. It is important to seek support from healthcare professionals and loved ones to ensure long-term success in managing obesity.
For More information Visit: www.hormoneclinic.in
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
there are only 2 types of anon hate i get
1. being autistic doesnt mean you have to be cunt // kys autistic whore
2. you're a "porn obsessed man" kys you bitch
and sometimes, bizarrely
3. STFU about your ED and how you fatshamed for being a size 6 in your early childhood, you act like being a size 6 is so fat you skinny whore
i genuinely wish i could say I'm surprised but given i constantly tackle transphobia and racism being linked, autism and ableism, and fatphobia amongst other SJ topics.... it's not surprising that all any haters have to use as an insult is just more ableism, sexism, and fatphobia.
yall are so laughably pathetically predictable babes.
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luisamariatraumer · 2 years
"The Whale: In Conversation with OAC" is a heartfelt and honest conversation between lead actor Brendan Fraser, playwright Sam Hunter and the Obesity Action Coalition volunteers who helped shape the portrayal of someone living with severe obesity for Charlie, the film's main character. The group discusses the realities of living with severe obesity, Fraser's powerful portrayal of Charlie and the film's profound impact on viewers.
The Obesity Action Coalition is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to elevating and empowering individuals affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. They work to raise awareness of and eliminate weight bias and discrimination in healthcare, education, media and the workplace; fight to improve access to science-based treatment and care of obesity for those who choose to seek it; and provide support through education and community events.
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indizombie · 2 years
Tiffany Petre is the director of The Obesity Collective — the peak body for obesity prevention in Australia. She says the health system has spent too long telling people that "if you're fat, it's your fault". Weight stigma, Ms Petre says, can have a greater impact on people with a disability, who for a range of reasons, already find the health system difficult to access and navigate. And when considering higher rates of obesity in regional and remote areas, Indigenous communities and for people trying to make ends meet, she says it's clear there are other factors at play. "Some of the people who would particularly benefit from treatment to help manage obesity and health may be least able to afford weight management support. Of course, we all have a major role to play in our own health and wellbeing, but we have set people up to fail and then blamed them for it ," she says. No matter your size, eating healthy food, managing stress, getting enough sleep and keeping active by doing something you love are key factors for long-term health, she adds.
‘Have you experienced weight stigma? Body shame and blame highlights a problem in our health system’, ABC
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kamini-vidrawan-ras · 22 hours
Chronic Diseases: Understanding Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Obesity Prevention
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Chronic diseases are long-lasting conditions that often require ongoing medical attention and can significantly impact quality of life. Among the most prevalent chronic diseases are diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Understanding these conditions and their prevention is crucial for promoting overall health.
Understanding Diabetes
Types of DiabetesType 1 Diabetes: An autoimmune condition where the body doesn’t produce insulin.Type 2 Diabetes: Often linked to lifestyle factors, this type involves insulin resistance and is more common in adults.
Risk Factors Key risk factors include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and family history. Identifying these factors can help in early intervention.
Prevention StrategiesMaintain a Healthy Weight: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.Balanced Diet: Focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.
Understanding Heart Disease
What is Heart Disease? Heart disease encompasses various conditions affecting the heart, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias.
Risk Factors High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and a sedentary lifestyle are significant risk factors for heart disease.
Prevention StrategiesHealthy Diet: Incorporate heart-healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats (e.g., olive oil, nuts).Regular Physical Activity: Exercise strengthens the heart and improves circulation.Avoid Tobacco: Quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke are crucial for heart health.
Understanding Obesity
What is Obesity? Obesity is defined as an excessive amount of body fat, often assessed using Body Mass Index (BMI). It increases the risk of various health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.
Risk Factors Factors contributing to obesity include genetic predisposition, poor dietary choices, lack of physical activity, and emotional factors.
Prevention StrategiesHealthy Eating: Focus on nutrient-dense foods while limiting processed and high-sugar items.Regular Exercise: Aim for a mix of aerobic and strength-training exercises to help manage weight.Behavioral Changes: Mindful eating and maintaining a food diary can help foster better habits.
(Click here to know about- Kamini Vidrawan Ras)
Understanding chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity is vital for effective prevention and management. By adopting a proactive approach that includes healthy eating, regular physical activity, and awareness of risk factors, individuals can significantly reduce their risk and improve their overall health. Early intervention and lifestyle changes can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life.
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familythings · 3 days
How the UK is Combating Child Obesity with New Advertising Rules
The United Kingdom is working to reduce childhood obesity by changing rules on fast food ads. Starting in October 2025, ads for unhealthy foods high in fat, salt, and sugar will be limited. Right now, these ads can be shown after 9:00 PM, but the new rules will make them less visible to children. This change is part of a larger effort to improve health in the country. Public Health Minister…
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ruffinmedicalgroup · 3 days
Obesity remains a pressing concern in today’s corporate world, impacting not only individual health but also overall workplace productivity. At the forefront of addressing this issue are comprehensive wellness programs, such as those offered through family practice in Linwood, New Jersey.
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eurisko-bohemia · 4 days
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Gear often changed prevented progression
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juuraju19768 · 6 days
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kids-worldfun · 17 days
Childhood Obesity: Tips for Parents and Caregivers
by Dr. Shanthi Thomas Shane hardly spoke to anyone at school. At recess time, what did she do? She did not go to the playground. She sat alone at her desk, reading a book. Often, she would long to talk, but it looked as though no one was interested in talking to her. She hated looking at the mirror. Shane had childhood obesity. If you have a child who was obese, what do you do? Important tips…
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in-sightpublishing · 18 days
WalletHub: Cassandra Happe on Disconnected Youth
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): The Good Men Project Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/08/23 Cassandra Happe is a WalletHub Analyst. Here we talk about some states most and least affected by drug issues based on a report by WalletHub. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Which states are the worst and best for disconnected youth? Cassandra Happe: Louisiana, New Mexico,…
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familydocblog · 22 days
Transform Your Health: Strategies to Combat Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Feeling overwhelmed by the risks of obesity and metabolic syndrome? Discover practical tips and insights to take control of your health and prevent serious complications. Your journey to a healthier you starts here!
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The Benefits of Family Meals for Healthy Eating Habits: A Comprehensive Exploration
Family meals are more than just a shared experience; they are a foundation for healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime. In today’s fast-paced world, where schedules are tight and distractions are plentiful, the simple act of gathering around the table can have profound impacts on physical health, emotional well-being, and social development. This text delves deeply into how family meals…
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