#Prince Daida
yourcommissar · 1 year
Episode 1-5
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thedacious · 1 year
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pkstarstruck · 1 year
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Random bullshit go ‼️‼️‼️
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Ranking of Kings Season 2 Episode 9: Miranjo and The Demon | The Prince And His Treasures
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I need to get my soap box and megaphone out so I can tell the world about how much I love this season. Maybe it's because I knew what we were in for before it came here, or maybe it's because Wit has been working animation magic these last few years. But this season of side stories for Ousama Ranking has been so amazing. Absolutely zero shortage of heartwarming and important and creative moments.
Starting with Miranjo's story as a child, where she finds the wish granting demon child in the forest. I think it's a really incredible story about duality. She finds herself lost in a deeper part of the forest after hitching a ride on some deer, only to spot the young demon feasting on a wild animal of some sort.
Right away, that dichotomy appears as Miranjo is peaceful and accepted by the wildlife, while the demon boy is shunned by it. You can say that they're also hostile and violent towards it, but that's a complete misinterpretation of the scene. They have to eat to survive, so they're unable to create that peaceful bond like Miranjo has, which I think is a rather impactful statement. And those comparisons and differences continue, with Miranjo always being in light and the demon boy remaining in the shadows.
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But, the story turns on its head pretty quickly, as the demon child flees from Miranjo, and she chases after him before leaving him alone, and huffing and puffing on her way home before she gets lost. I think it's a really great pairing of pieces, as the foliage covers overhead of Miranjo in both scenes, dulling them in comparison to when the demon boy helps Miranjo find her way back home. It's incredibly cute because the light that Miranjo brought into the forest is the same light that the boy returns to her to help her home. The cramped forest that appeared around the demon boy, and that Miranjo poked through, is the same forest that the boy returns to so that they can find Miranjo. It's a circular story, reciprocative, as Miranjo brings happiness and light into the boy's life, and he returns the favor and in turn begins their friendship.
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It's just so wonderful. The colors are amazing, the art style is incredibly precious, the direction is perfectly fitting for a fairy tale style, and I love how they use the forest to frame the various scenes. Using trees and foliage to create a suffocating and encroaching feeling before opening it up to allow for freedom and brightness later on. Such a wonderful story of how Miranjo and the demon boy came to be friends.
And quick side note, I really like that little backstory we got for the boy. Not cause it shows there's a whole town or whatever of demons, but how the story views adults and those seeking power as inherently evil and repulsive.
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Anyways, on to part 2!
What a cute and endearing second half. Far less a cohesive story as it is the culmination of memories and experiences as Bojji runs all around the castle to deliver his treasures to the people whom they were discovered with. A lot of similar stuff, so I just want to highlight the importance/significance of the items.
First, we've got Bebin with the snake skin from a young Matsumata. Of course, it can signify his growth and the changes he underwent to get to where he is, but I'd also like to think it's a testament to how caring Bebin is inside that outer shell.
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Next up, we've got Apeas (who was sporting some really awesome combat animation in his training), to whom he gives what looks like a piece of obsidian in the shape of a spear. I think it's an equally rewarding gift that commends Apea's honing of his abilities, and is in a way, Bojji recognizing the strength and power of Apeas, whom struggled greatly with that concept through the end of the first season.
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Following Apeas, we have a double feature with Domas and Hokuro, who share the same gift of the shell of a cicada. I think this is a really precious one that does great at symbolizing how both of these characters have broken out of their shells and grown. Plus, over-emotional Domas is incredibly fun and endearing.
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We've got another duo after this pair, with Hiling and Dorshe. Hiling sports a feather from some sort of bird, while Dorshe is given a fang. You'll have to forgive me, but I can't think of any symbolism or prior event for Bojji to give Hiling a feather for. Dorshe on the other hand? His gift of a fang makes perfect sense as a reward and treasure for how fiercely he defended Bojji's mother.
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And last but not least is Daida's acorn. I think it's a really cute one that's equal parts innocuous and important. There's the whole idea of growth and strength associated with it, but more than that I feel its importance stems from the shared memory that Daida wants to cultivate with Bojji, by turning the acorn into a tree within the castle.
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Now, there's a bit more to cover before I get to the end, so I just wanted to share some of the outstanding layouts from this episode. The use space and slightly warped perspectives through most of them is really creative and gives a refreshing twist on what can sometimes be typical layouts for "good" series.
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This scene with Bojji giving Miranjo a crystal ball though has to be the best of the episode. Such a creative idea with incredible execution.
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And then we get to the end, where they use the song from the first OP for the anime. Need I say much more? Incredibly endearing and precious, it's the perfect way to approach the end of such a nostalgic and memorable episode.
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cutebabygurl · 1 year
Daida marrying Miranjo, fuck me up so bad that i started reading the manga just to see if this bullshit makes sense in the manga, cause it didnt in the anime.
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ashkama · 1 year
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topazstrange21 · 1 year
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Queen and princelings <3
happy Mother’s Day!!!
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nou-von · 2 years
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Day 12: Love - Ranking of Kings 王様ランキング
Queen Hiling for Best Mother Award. She’s my favourite in the series
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kidron · 1 year
Ousama ranking Masterlist
★: headcanons || ◆: fanfictions
Prince Daida
★no specfic topic
★no specfic topic
★no specfic topic
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doublesama · 1 year
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While the first story in Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage Episode 6 followed Bojji during his time as king, the second story follows Daida during his reign.
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noyusu · 2 months
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missjackfruit · 1 year
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Prince Bojji in 14-17 years old body
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emimir-art · 2 years
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seathrifter · 2 years
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This one secret trick will make you hesitate recommending a show to your peers forever!
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Ousama Ranking Season 2 Episode 7: The Snake Charmer with the Crooked Smile | The Big Four's Banquet
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What an episode with such commanding direction and storyboarding from (mostly) Kameda. Perspective is incredibly strong, and a great deal of the high and low camera angles are used to establish hierarchy and scale throughout. Of course, there's more than just simple praise to the episode, otherwise I wouldn't have much else to say.
Starting with the A Part of the episode, I really enjoyed getting to follow Bebin in his pursuit to become one of the Heavenly Kings. It's a really great story that feeds into his beginnings from Season 1, and gives viewers a glimpse into how these characters have achieved their talent and standing in the kingdom.
Before I talk more about Bebin though, I wanted to speak about this piece with Bojji. Early on, they establish Bebin as against Bojji becoming king, but he doesn't speak ill of him. In fact, it's Bebin's partner/friend, Mitsumata, who speaks highly of Bojji. Of course, it's an incredibly uplifting moment, but the visuals speak to it even more than the words. The low set angle gives Bojji a sense of scale and size that he doesn't normally posses, as if he grows to meet the expectations and hopes of Mitsumata themselves.
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Also, as I'm sure many have pointed out, this cut from Takeshi Minami (they've done some great work in Ousama Ranking S1), is really incredible. Alongside Atsushi Takahashi's storyboarding, the weight and anticipation of the movements is just wonderful. The zoom ins feel packed with preparation and tension, and the pauses/hanging on certain poses only serves to accentuate that feeling.
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Moving past moments like these that play into the hands of specific animators, this slight rotation/parallax effect is something we see quite often throughout the episode. Personally I enjoy it as it's more unique than just a simple translation, and plays really well into the nature and scope of these types of fights.
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And just another outstanding example of that parallax effect.
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Overall, this first half of the episode is really great. Lots of fun and progression for Bebin, alongside plenty of creativity and ingenuity. It takes a simple story and finds countless ways to inject energy and eye-catching action to it.
Now, on to part B. This one is really interesting as it's Kameda themselves behind the storyboarding, and it immediately shows. Part A certainly has a lot of what appears in part B, but at the end of it part B is really just on another level. Right away, the scale and camera angles are far more frequent and strong, with using it to establish the separation between King Daida and his Four Heavenly Kings.
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Especially with things like this latter layout. I love how the FoV bends and distorts the environment. It really just adds something to the sense of perspective throughout.
Apart from the FoV and camera angles, I really like these layouts that block characters and refuse to allow of them to be visible in a single scene. It makes the conversation and interaction feel much more alive when you're not given everything in a single layer.
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Also, I really love the ambition in this scene. Sure, it's static, but just the detail in the lattice appearing on Daida's face is just so stunning to look at.
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And of course it wouldn't be some great creativity without a first person cut. I really enjoy how shaky the camera movement is here to stay closer to a true first person perspective.
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To cut to the chase though, it's a very strong episode, with perspective and camera angles being used constantly to play into the scale and feel of the episode, even if it's a fun little filler piece that's meant to show how the Four Heavenly Kings end up bonding and get better at working together.
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From start to finish, this episode was such a treat. Creative to the max, with a strong sense of direction that only was heightened as Kameda takes over for the B part. Equal parts silly and serious, it takes a rather simple and straightforward pair of storylines and brings out the best in them for viewers. This season very may well be "filler", but it's filler to the best possible way. It's filling in the gaps, it's exploring the pieces of the story that we couldn't reach in the first season, giving viewers answers to what they might be curious about, and forging new connections to the source material. Just such a fun thing to be able to experience.
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cutebabygurl · 1 year
Ngl, if someone made a smoothie out of my deceased father and forced me to drink that dilf juice, i will most likely NOT marry them
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