#Prince speaks
prince-less · 2 months
Telling you this in the kindest, most well-meaning way:
So, the tumblr search function is wack. Always has been. It’s different on blogs than it is in the website-wide search. In the site-wide search, only the first 5 tags on a post are referenced. So for example, on a piece of art depicting 6 characters, tagging it as
#sourcematerial, #character1, #character2, #character3, #character4, #character5, #character6, #my art
…means that searching for “character5,” “character6” and “my art” in the site-wide search will not show that post, even though those tags are included on it. Because only the first 5 tags are searchable in the site-wide search. (On your own blog, it’s a little different. But that’s another discussion.)
I’m telling you this because it means that tagging multiple variations of a character’s name (for example, Gaster) beyond the first 5 tags will not get your post seen any more than not adding extra tags would. You are, of course, more than welcome to do whatever you want!! This is your blog and you are free to do as you like. If that is simply how you organize your own blog, that is your business! However, it seems a lot of extra work to write out so many variations of one character, when doing so will not return any increase in likes, reblogs, etc.
Please feel free to disregard this! I don’t mean to tell you what to do, in any capacity. You can tag as much as you like, for whatever reason. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. But I have noticed recently that many people do not know this about the tagging and search functions, and so if you were not aware, I thought I would say something in case it saves you some trouble or discouragement.
In any case, I hope you have a pleasant day!
Honestly, did not know this !! I appreciate the heads up !
I do do it mostly out of organizational compulsion, but also thought it would broaden it's field of veiwage.
I would like my art to be seen, so I will be adjusting how I tag.
Thank you again for letting me know !!! I also hope you have a lovely day !!!
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dumbf2ck · 11 days
wonder if he knows i want him to ruin my life ! 😚
his facial hair ohmygodbskabsajsbsn
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sleepytrolls · 11 months
So its that time again
I am opening pay what you want commissions because my pupper needs to go to the vet and my car needs to get fixed and I will be either without one or the other (Most likely Ronnie not getting to the vet because I wouldnt have a car.)
So! The run down! I will open five slots of comms (So I dont burn myself out) and you dm for one of the slots, I tell you thank you and you give me the jive of what youre looking for. I sketch it up and if you like it we proceed and you pay what you deem it worthy of.
Sleeps why is it pay what you want? Because I know not everyone can offer a huge amount all the time and Im an equal opportunity artist and wanna give everyone a chance ya know?
If you are just wanting to help out and be far too kind to me my Pisspal is [email protected]
Many thanks and much love to you all.
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lousiee · 7 months
im gonna be honest i havent thought abt DBD in like a solid 2 1/2 yrs but seeing the unknown mothgerfuckner crawling up like that is making me want 2 redownload it again
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pavusprince · 3 months
OK So the details that like seem kind of small but just really grabbed me and have me so in love right now
the first being her House's glyph being incorporated into belty jewelry bit on her skirt. AND THE SPARKLY LITTLE GEMS TOO. MWAH BEAUTIFUL(half-assed censor bc that's RIGHT UP on her bits)
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Second detail I love is the Eilistraee sword symbol on her top
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The transition for the scars on her arms to have the glowing????? Dead. Also just how pretty all the jewelry bits on her outfit art. Crit had the freedom to do pretty much whatever, I just provided the vibe and OMG that was the CORRECT call
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And finally just the attention to the little details about her design with all her scars and stretch marks.
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princesmeadow · 8 months
Hello friends!
@odetothetheoi @eclecticwitchlynn
I saw your tags, and i would like to let you both know that Theogamia, much like most ancient greek festivals, has a few possible celebration dates!
Not much is known on exact dates of festivals, so the helpol and hellenic pagan community tends to celebrate festivals in a 3 day to a week period of known dates from ancient Athens!
Also, for a bit of cultural knowledge, even ancient times, the dates were not exact, and many worshipers celebrated in small gatherings on days that fell generally close to the larger festivals held in places like Ancient Athens!
So essentially there is no pressure to celebrate on that exact day or time and im absolutely positive the gods are not and will not be upset at "late" offerings because its the spirit of the festival and the love of its preservation that really gets the energy across :)
Date conversion is complicated, and the ancient festivals were built for a world completly different from our current one
I belive the gods appriciate the thought and care to do it more than the time.
I hope this helps! I'm terribly sorry if i overstepped anyones boundaries.
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jabberwockprince · 2 years
why did it take me this long to realize that every character/group in sayonara wild hearts has a specific flag. like, the dancing devils are literally the trans flag, little death is the nonbinary flag, the hermit is the bisexual flag, stereo lovers is the lesbian flag and i have no fucking clue what the howling moons could be but theres probably something there too
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residualmanifests · 2 months
when is it my turn to be happy 💔💔
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regicidalpersecutor · 5 months
Prince’s Log
May 10th, 2024
The armadillos came back around tonight and that makes the second time they’ve been here.
They have yet to go for the cat food, that we know of.
I stood watch with doodle for a little while after scaring them off with my staff - I need a better staff.
Benjamin the opossum has returned to the food bowl. He might ward the armadillos off for now.
- End Transmission.
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knightedpuppy · 2 months
big strong knights covered in blood looking at you like a feral animal. that’s the post
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prince-less · 2 months
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May be working on another summer thing guys i may be cooking
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dumbf2ck · 7 days
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sleepytrolls · 8 days
My tourn
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resplendent-regent · 1 year
ah. accidentally went about 11 months without posting. but you see; i’ve come to my senses now.
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pavusprince · 4 months
Feeling very normal about the DA news. So normal and I am totally not drowning in Solana thoughts or anything. Nope. It’s totally good over here
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eyeball-freak · 1 month
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Rest in piss
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