#Princess Euphora
jacscorner · 7 months
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With Princess Euphora defeated and the Space Pirate Sara Scorpion standing triumphant, the Forever Star seems farther away than ever before. Will the brave crew of the SDF Catalina ever escape Planet Vox or is this the end of the journey? Tune in next week on the next exciting episode of Jumplight Odyssey! The most ambitious crossover of 2024: a game that ran out of funding and a hentai OVA. I didn't think I'd ever wanna do a crossover with Space Pirate Sara and Jumplight Odyssey, but here we are!
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beachlifelez · 26 days
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Princess Desiree retreated to this well-hidden chamber in the castle before dawn. She learned about the chamber, and the ritual which was about to happen, from one of her nannies some years ago.
She lit the proper number of votive candles, murmuring her incantations as she did. As sunrise approached, she stood amid the candles and draped her entire body in a soft, sheer shroud. It was time. She summoned the goddess she had come to know as Euphora.
“Take me, oh mighty Euphora; take me to that hallowed place, where my body belongs to you, to use for your purposes.”
A swirl of wind began encircling Desiree. As it picked up speed, Desiree’s body was lifted off the ground. Her back involuntarily arched, thrusting her loins out in front of her.
Then, almost imperceptibly at first, the sensations began. Like tiny pin pricks all over her body, stimulating in their provocative way. Desiree’s body writhed in stimulation. She knew what was coming next.
Pin pricks turned into the feeling of a thousand tongues, on every part of her torso, arms and legs, and more intimate places. Her nipples grew rock hard. Her legs parted, as if a dozen lovers were competing to have her sex on their tongues.
And the mystical tongues went deep, very deep. Inside her womanhood and her nether hole. Was it minutes or hours she was captured on that near orgasmic state, body writhing, wanting to release but being held just so?
When she knew she could take no more she cried out Euphora’s name three times in a throaty, gutteral tone. And it began.
Her body tensed. And then relaxed. Tensed, then relaxed. One more time. Then, the convulsions began. The thousand tongues fed on her sexual need. She fed on them. And BANG!
Her whole existence focused on the tongues attending to her royal pearl. They never let up as her climax ripped through her body. In fact, they sped up if that was possible. Her moaning was loud, turning into shouts of unintelligible words. She writhed in joy and Euphoric Lust.
She could not count how many times she came in succession. It was always thus when she worshipped Euphora. The candles all went out simultaneously. Her body and her mind was spent and the spell dissolved. Desiree slumped to the floor. She fell asleep with a finger between her legs, lightly massaging the button that had brought her so much pleasure.
When she awoke, the shroud still covered her. She sat up, body aching from its earlier session. But it was such a good ache. She slowly stood up, removed and folded the shroud, and dressed.
As she returned to the main castle, she thought of the hot bath that awaited her. Time to luxuriate and attempt to relive this morning's ritual in her mind, fingers abuzz in all her warm crevices. And wonder how long it would be before she felt Euphora's call, in her mind, and elsewhere.
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avenger09 · 2 years
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Trevor Falke
A starfighter pilot taken and crudely enhanced by Zutopans after almost perishing in the dire battle which unmade his homeworld.
Turned against his former comrades alongside likewise unfortunate survivors, Falke was meant to serve as a cruel insult to those who yet remained free of the Zutopons tyranny, by hunting them down. But Falke remembered his true self upon encountring Princess Euphora in person aboard her ship during a daring attack, whose pleas to her former subjects to resist their captors reignited Falke's sense of duty to the crown, burning away the insidious hold the vile Admiral Voltan had placed upon him.
Though back among his people, doubts yet linger about Falke's remaining humanity, both from weary starship crew, but most of all, himself. 
A character design I came up with after seeing the trailer for Jumplight Odessey. A fascinating space sim, which seems to be mixing the style of classic sci-fi anime and the base management gameplay of Evil Genius.
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lowrollshighhopes · 4 years
Sunland Episode Forty-Seven: A Euphoric Reception
While their paperwork was being filed, Cam and Hope went shopping. Lord Thail suggested Adventuring and Expedition Supplies as the place to go for diamonds, and he wasn't wrong; Cam was able to obtain diamond dust without issue. Hope then went in search of some expensive chocolates for Eurphoria, as an apology for breaking into his room.
Harmony spent the day trying to get the book he'd bought from the Skeleton's Closet open, and eventually Hope commanded it to open and it did so with such alacrity it nearly broke its spine. Cam decided to get her revenge on the dwarf who was so rude to Hope; and so she was rude right back – in letters of cloud across the sky above Silring, much to the bemusement of all and sundry.
George studied.
The next day, the party was permitted through the portal to the Academy of Arcane Sciences. The stepped through in the early morning and arrived moments later at nearly noon, into a hot, sultry atmosphere.
The Academy was a confusing tangle of fantastical and magically constructed walkways and buildings; the most mind-bending of which was a single tower at the base and a kalidoscopic collection of towers at the top; the tower the viewer focused on always pointing upwards.
They were greeted by a great booming voice, that turned out to be thaumaturgically enhanced, and belonging to an elderly gnome, who introduced himself as Merji Wendlewalk. He was accompanied by his imp, Sirdulmurr, who was making notes on a scroll. Wendlewalk was very friendly and informed them that the great secret of the Academy was that no one knew who built it, how, where they went, and whether or not they would ever return. He seeme torn between delight and paranoia at this.
The party's official liason arrived then, and introduced herself as Yesvaris. She apologised for Wendlewalk, who apparently kept an alarm spell active on the portal so he could premtively greet new arrivals. Yesvaris explained the Academy had two rules: no demon summoning, and no experiments on other researchers or students without proper paperwork and informed consent. Everything else, she said, worked itself out.
She showed the party to the building for visiting scholars, and told George that his talk was scheduled for the next day. Until then, all they needed to do was acclimatise themselves.
Harmony messaged Euphoria, who invited them to visit him in the Masters' Towers. It was easy to get directions to the crystal staircase to Euphora's tower and upon knocking Euphoria himself flung the door open and welcomed each of them with an enthusiastic embrace, although he declared it unsatisfying to hug Hope in full armour.
He invited them into his tower; a larger, presumably less illusory version of the room he'd created in the palace. Over the chocolates he told them that the hag was working on his dreams again, and that perhaps they should let her for now, in case she switched to an unknown person. He used to tutor Princess Telula, and said she was talented enough that a fellow student would have to be very lucky to successfully assassinate her. In the meantime, they should start working on an alibi so it wouldn't be so strange if they did spend the night in his tower; thus he invited them all to dinner. He'd also been doing some research, and had acquired a book on hags, which he was happy to lend to Harmony. They decided, to help lull the hag, that Euphoria should offer to tutor the princess again.
George left to examine the room he was to give his demonstration in, and locate the princess, whom he found talking with other students; he kept out of sight.
The others tracked down Wendlewalk, hoping his nosy habits could give them a lead on Mara. He was able to confirm that she hadn't. Not as herself at least.
They then thought to visit Balgrum who they found tending two flail snails in the caverns beneath the Academy. He was delighted to see them, and interested in the portal up north, and proud to show off his snails. He was also very impressed with Cam's earth elemental form, and clearly missed Rock Struck by Lightning Now Resting in Soft Earth.
As it drew towards evening, the party thought to gather for dinner, although it really felt like lunch.
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creative-robot · 6 years
Quick Scythe character descriptions
Main cast
Mara Lorelei: A Siren training to be a seer
Deli: A Genie with a broken bottle
Mallory: A princess turned Daelus
Zilla Kennedy: A Reaper who’s never died
Holo: A soul haunting a robotic body
The Ghost Rose
Top Teir: A Purge with an agenda
Cloud: An Elf with four eyes who ran from home
Flower: A Nymph who specializes in flowers
Bunny: A Mute Mermaid with quick fingers
Butterfly: A Naga who feels too strongly
Crow: A Human hiding from hate and distrust
Clock: A Weep who’s always melting metal
Humphrey Huxley: A sidestabbing Reaper with too much passion
Terii Dews: A backstabbing Mermaid who’s only purpose in the story is to die really
Euphora: An Outer Wisp who works as a shopkeeper, is very knowledgeable about weapons of all kinds
Merice: An Angmon married to Euphora, knowledgeable about potions and is still very much in love
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jacscorner · 5 months
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Princess Euphora's quest for the Forever Star has hit a very noticeable road bump…
Jango here is just answering everyone's feelings about LOG abandoning Jumplight Odyssey.
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