#Pro Power Peel
robertreich · 11 months
No Labels Isn't What It Claims to Be
The “No Labels” Party is not what it pretends to be. It’s a front group for Donald Trump.
Now I understand, if you’re sick of the two major parties, you might be intrigued by a party that claims to be a “common sense” alternative that finds the middle ground.
But if you or anyone in your life is planning to vote for No Labels — or any third party — in 2024, please watch and share this video first.
Here are three things you need to know.
First, No Labels is a dark money group with secret far-right donors. Investigative reporting has revealed that they include many of the same Republican donors who have pumped huge sums of money into electing candidates like Trump and Ron DeSantis. They also include the rightwing billionaire Harlan Crow, who spent years secretly treating Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to a lifestyle of the rich and famous.
If the No Labels Party is backed by Trump donors, in an election where Trump is on the ballot, there’s actually a label we should give to “No Labels.” Clearly, they’re a pro-Trump group.
Second, the premise No Labels is based on — that Donald Trump and President Biden are at equally extreme ends of the political spectrum — is preposterous.
Trump has been impeached twice, found by a jury to have committed sexual assault, is facing 91 criminal charges in four separate cases — two of them in connection with an attempt to effectively end American democracy.
There is no “equally extreme” candidate as Trump!
Finally, the structure of the Electoral College means that as a practical matter, a third party only draws votes away from whichever major party candidate is closest to it. No third party candidate has ever won a presidential election.
And in this particular election, when one of the major parties is putting up a candidate who threatens democracy itself, we cannot take the risk.
Donald Trump has already tried to overturn one election and suggested suspending the Constitution to maintain power. It is no exaggeration to say that if he takes the White House again, there may not ever be another free and fair election.
Democracy won by a whisker in the last presidential election. Just 44,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin — less than one tenth of 1 percent of the total votes cast nationwide — were the difference between the Biden presidency and a tie in the Electoral College that would have thrown the election to the House of Representatives, and hence to Trump.
If candidates from No Labels— or any other third party, like the Green Party or the Libertarian Party —  peel off just a fraction of the anti-Trump vote from Biden, while Trump voters stay loyal to him, Trump could win the top five swing states comfortably and return to the Oval Office. And No Labels’ own polling shows they would do just that!
Let me be absolutely clear. Third-party groups like No Labels are in effect front groups for Trump in 2024, and should be treated as such.
The supposed “centrism” No Labels touts is nonsense. There is no middle ground between democracy and fascism.
Please share this video and spread the word.
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hydrobunny · 1 year
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breakup songs
tags: fluff! (I promise), established relationship, taylor swift songs
"cause i was there when you said forever and always...you didn't mean it baby," you sang passionately with the car's radio. "i don't think-"
the music stopped suddenly. "i don't like this song," sae itoshi grumbled. "pick something else."
you frowned, turning in your seat to face your long term boyfriend. like a good driver, he kept his eyes on the road, expression passive.
"but i like it," you huffed. "and you said i get aux privileges for the next week."
bright teal eyes flicked over you for a moment. "no."
your jaw dropped. "sae! at least tell me why."
"just pick a new song, y/n." his fingers tapped a steady rhythm on the steering wheel. "or i'll do it for you."
pouting, you opened your spotify. "stupid football players and their stupid egos. so used to getting everything they want," you mumbled.
sae ignored your complaints.
"you better like this one."
for the nth time that day, taylor swift's oh so familiar voices leaked through from the high quality speakers all around the car:
"once upon a time, a few mistakes ago-"
sae's hand jumped up to hit the power button. "we're going in silence."
you sputtered nonsensically. "it's another hour until our destination! what's wrong with my music?"
he opened his mouth and closed it. as you fired at him, sae itoshi shrugged silently.
you leaned back into the leather seats, crossing your arms. you couldn't understand why sae was being so shifty. it's not like he had ever minded your music choices before.
in fact, the pro football player had always let you belt out any song you wished, even joining in with enough pleading. it was only in the past week or so that he'd been more annoyed.
frowning, you chewed on your lip nervously. this wasn't a good sign, was it? maybe sae had finally gotten sick of you- found someone better.
you saw him glance at you again. avoiding any eye contact, you turned your gaze toward your hands.
god, when was the last time you had gotten your nails done? your previous polish - a reddish color that matched sae's hair - was chipping from all sides already. you almost frantically picked at the peeling paint.
"y/n," sae's voice was steady. "leave your nails alone."
you jumped, head snapping towards him. "huh?"
he raised one eyebrow, pointedly staring at your hands.
you reddened. "it's not a big deal- keep your eyes on the road. pretend i'm not here or something."
with a narrowing of his eyes, sae turned back to the road.
it was another three miles before you heard him sigh.
"they're breakup songs," sae muttered quietly.
the light in front of them flashed red. with another sigh, sae turned his upper body toward you.
"your music. they're always breakup songs now. that's why i don't like them."
you gaped at him, feeling way too much like a goldfish. "what?"
he stared at you. anyone would have assumed he was as indifferent as ever, but you could see that hint of red climbing up his neck.
sae itoshi was embarrassed.
"you're kidding!" you blurted, grinning like a maniac.
he immediately turned his attention back towards the road, but even he couldn't hide the twitch of his lips.
"you're sad because i sing breakup songs?" you managed out past your laughs. "sae, that's so cute!"
"and now i take it all back," he mumbled.
you leaned towards him suddenly, landing a kiss right onto his cheek. sae cursed, car swerving slightly.
"y/n, what-"
"i love you," you said breathlessly, effectively shutting him up. "and i would never break up with you, no matter what taylor swift says."
he snorted. when he replied, his voice was soft all the same. "i love you too."
"...can i have my music back now?"
sae groaned, but there were no complaints as you eagerly tapped through your phone once again.
"we can leave the christmas lights up till january..."
reblogs & feedback appreciated!!
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
something i havent seen you do is Bakugou with an equally famous or successful reader, like she's still quirkless but maybe an idol of sorts? i think it could be interesting
Bakugou Katsuki x darling
TW: yandere, some slight nsfw, obsession, coercion, abuse of power
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Your face is on the poster plastered right next to his, only you look like his stark opposite.
Flowers instead of explosions frames you and your dewy skin. Glittering with the spritz of perfume you’re commercializing instead of the droplets of sweat and grease he’s smeared with.
A catlike grin plays deceptively soft in the corner of your glossy lips, whereas his bear a crazed maniacal demonstration of canines like a rabid mongrel.
And your eyes, painted with a seductive blend of smokey colors similar to the smudge of his war paint, though refined to make you look oh-so-lush and divine, like a queen, and he, only a lowly sooty footsoldier in comparison.
He buys magazines you’re featuring in and reads them before bed.
Ending up with a hand bobbing beneath the cover.
Feeling lucky like none when the poster within is a large A3 foldout of you in something rather risqué. 
He reads your interviews from cover to cover or watches them on TV.
His heart pounding when the segment of your nameless childhood bully is brought up. Happy to see you haven't forgotten him.
He was a complete desperate mess when you did that extremely private lingerie commercial that had you showing off nearly all assets on a set of pillows and plushies.
Losing his mind looking through the mesh and chiffon right to where your nipples teased him with their perky strut. 
Not to mention your face and your expressions… 
You really know how to play to the camera. So much so it makes him jealous of the photographer. 
He’d like to be the one to tell you to pose and give him a pout. Pretending he is when slowly peeling each page over to view the following image. Throat tight and dry and palms sweaty, watching you crawl and give a rather intimidatingly large teddy bear a kiss on the cheek.
You’ve definitely become something different from your shared days in middle school.
Something confident and alluring.
Something he wants to play with in a wide new variety of ways than before.
It’s good that your industry often intertwines with his.
He knows exactly which model to request when his agency wants to shoot a new campaign poster starring Dynamight saving a Damsel in Distress.
No one but you fit the role so picture-perfectly, being both a beautiful idol and a quirkless citizen.
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You’ve learned to refrain from asking your handler any questions, just doing what the strict woman tells you, be it what jobs to take, how to dress, or what to eat. It’s better that way. She’s a professional, and you owe your entire career to her wisdom. But once you get to the photo shoot and start recognizing the props of a certain hero decorating the stage, you get queasy with unease upon understanding exactly which pro hero you’re going to be shooting with. 
Swallowing thickly, you bar yourself in your dressing room for a minute. Your handler already shouting at your ear enough to make you wince with tears at the ready as you try to explain the sticky situation to her. Naturally, your cries fall upon deaf ears, and soon enough, you’re convinced you’re being silly. This is a huge opportunity, after all. Dynamight is on par with Deku, having shared the title of the number one hero ever since they graduated. It would be career suicide to decline a collab with him, especially now that you’re already under contract with his agency.
You splash your face with cold water to calm the swelling left by your tears and get dressed in the silky white summer dress provided to you. It’s a pretty article, you think without being overly happy about it. It’s a thin, nearly see-through, backless model with a rather deep dip reaching down between your breasts. And though it isn’t at all the first time you flaunt your body in a nearly nude state in front of the world, it certainly is the first time you do so in front of the guy who used to pick your appearance apart until you cried. You only hope he doesn’t recognize you and that the shoot will be over before he eventually can.
You’re glad your handler does what her job suggests and handles all handshakes and greetings on your behalf. But though all the formalities of the work fall upon her shoulders, the part of the actual modeling is something only you can do.
You’re able to remain professional for the most part, barely ever glancing in his direction, though picking up on his mass from the corner of your eye and through the veil of fake lashes where you keep your eyes glued to the floor as the photographer gives instructions for the new pose. But then comes the direction you were dreading, the one which has the two of you touching. And even though you knew it was inevitable, you still flinch when he puts his hands on you.
And though the assistants, handlers, managers, and photographers are all oblivious to your discomfort, he notices, smiling at your tiny shivers and how well you hide them.
He’s so much bigger than you remember, you think while you try steadying your breath and convincing yourself that it isn’t any different from all those other times you’ve gone out of your comfort zone for the sake of a good deal. The shoot you did for Playboy Magazine had practically been a porno, and that time you’d been surrounded by a great deal of big beefy men, much similar to the one touching you now. 
Still tough... you had a laugh that time around. You had fun.
This wasn’t fun.
“Funny this.” He spoke, and you feared he was speaking to none other than you.
Holding you in a scoop of a bridal carry, you felt the harsh metal of his costume dig into your skin, not more than the grip of his hands clawing at your flesh like a predator sinking its teeth into caught prey. The grime on his fingers dirtying the white of your dress.
“Or… ironic is a better word for it.” He adds, and you finally look up into that face that still sometimes haunts you in your dreams despite having been out of your life for years. “Oh- don’t say you don’t remember me, Quirkless?”
After the shoot, the photographer praises you on your ability to portray true distress, unbeknownst that the sentiments in your expressions were genuine, and you almost trip over the stage props while thanking him, wanting to leave the set as quickly as possible in favor of going home.
But obviously, shooting a campaign poster isn’t why you’re there.
“Have dinner with me.” He says, with his hand, seemingly made to break bones, wrapped tight around your twiggy wrist. Stopping you from running away.
And just as expected, your handler accepts before you can make the costly mistake of refusing.
tip-jar: Kofi
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okkalo · 11 months
heartsteel yone x reader headcanons
genre: fluff
hello i love him
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- absolutely will do those small tasks for you just to make your life easier.
- if you ask for an orange he doesn’t even have to think about it either; he literally just starts peeling it for you while multitasking with something
- perfect for if you easily forget things too
- where’s your keys? he’s already got them because he knows you struggle
- you’re in the car and forgot to grab a coat? you look over and he literally has one in his hands for you
- so yeah he’s very acts of service
- has come to the point where he always gets your choice of drink whenever he gets his cold brew (maybe even a little snack for you as well)
- absolutely loves it when you two get to the point where you don’t always have to talk and you both can just exist next to the other
- comfort in silence
- i saw a headcanon somewhere else that said yone is a good cook and i absolutely agree
- he mostly makes japanese dishes and they’re always so good
- if he ever visits you while you’re busy he will always bring some food because he knows how hard it can be to keep track of eating while also working
- on the topic of working
- you are the only thing keeping him sane <3
- he needs someone gentle to bring him peace after chaotic days with heartsteel
- he’s a man of few words but when it comes to ranting about heartsteel he has a lot to say
- please just listen, that’s all he needs
- maybe even grasp his hand if he seems more annoyed than usual
- i headcanon yone isn’t really one for physical touch (he likes it but he just doesn’t often hug or such)
- but when it comes to hand holding it’s completely different
- he won’t like it in public but in secluded scenarios he cherishes it
- it’s a way to let him know that you’re there and you actually care
- you can also hold his hand to make him less angry/more reasonable
- kayn just broke something expensive? grasp yone’s hand before he has the chance to explode and he’ll let out a huff before thinking his words over
- heartsteel has come to love you for that btw. you’ve saved them from some bad punishments
- sometimes kayn lets out a gag or groan at your affections, however, which just ruins your efforts in saving him
- his fault
- sometimes (a lot of times) yone works late
- you have the power to make him retire for the night though!!
- try to coax him while gently rubbing his arm
- if he still puts up a fight then just sit next to him while he works with the excuse “i want to be close to you”
- few minutes of that and he feels too guilty, and thus leads you to go to bed with him
- not much of a cuddle person when going to bed
- he will if you want to though!!
- his favorite is your head in his chest while he rubs your back <3
- pro tip: rub his back too; he needs/loves the comfort
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unedited thanks for reading!
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Berle, I been getting a headache after these bumps appear on my head. My teeth hurt and can't stop gnawing on everything and parts of my body is getting sore. What's happening to me?
The prince pauses his ingredient mixing. One of the strawberries lost a lot of mass today, he's going to have to add a lot onto them. Berle sucks each of his fingers clean to the point where you worry he might peel his own skin off, then hums as he looks you over.
" Mhm. MmmmmHHhmmm. Yes. Yes, I see it. "
He grabs onto your head a little too eagerly, thumbs over the very faint nubs on your forehead.
" Well I'm no doctor, lollipop, but this is clearly what I mentioned way back, around... " He squints, tugging at those brain cells. " Our fourth-ish date. Life in Hell has so many pros, and just wouldn't you know it, you get to look a little different after a while, hm? Get to look a little more familiar, a bit more natural to the lands! "
The way you start making a thousand yard stare doesn't sit right with him. The demon opens your mouth and prods at your slightly larger incisors and your reshaping molars. You've been biting your cheeks a lot, poor thing.
" Now now, I don't want you making that face! This is great- Really! One, you become more powerful, able to fend for yourself in ways a human can't. Two, you don't have to be constantly doing skin care routines because of the overwhelming heat. Three, you'll become a lot more magically apt than usual. And four, you're gonna like this one, you live longer! "
The prince of Gluttony stops playing with your tongue and begins looking over your fingers to see if you're developing claws, then checks for spots along your skin.
" Oh oh OH- Since I'm of higher rank, and also the demon you are closest to usually, you may take on some of my traits. I think I'd like to see that on you, hmm yes I would. "
Berle grabs you by the forearm and sits you down on a spare chair.
" This is not going to be very pleasant overall, I've heard it can be excruciating at times, like a second puberty packaged into a couple of painful years- Actually, yours is going to be much quicker, cuz of me... "
He's not helping.
" But I need you to never ever EVER scratch those budding horns okay? They're going to break the skin and bleed a lot and get inflamed and you're going to want to claw them. And bubblegum, I will put a collar on you if I have to, but you're not going to ruin those horns. I absolutely don't want you touching your tail either. It hasn't come in yet, but it will soon and you're going to have to start wearing loose things. In case your feet shape changes, I personally- "
You have stopped listening to Berle. The image of yourself as a smaller version of him is spine-chilling.
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"Hey bro, how does a crew battle work...?"
Hey, it's me again! The name's James. Last time we checked up like this, I hopped my roommate's body so he'd get better at fighting games. His name's Korrin, but he prefers Kor.
I gotta admit, these powers were a pretty sweet deal. He suddenly had a brand new genre to enjoy and I got to play with his body every once in a while. Seemed like a win-win, right?
Well, we got caught up talking just a bit too much shit during one of the weeklies. Think I ended up messing with my roommate's personality a bit too much while I was jerking off as him. He was far cockier than before I started taking over.
"Yeah, that's right. $500 crew battle," said Kor, flexing his muscles through the tight t-shirt I had mind-fucked him into preferring to wear. "Me and James could beat the shit outta everyone in this venue. Easy."
I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, saying, "Chill the hell out before you spend all our rent money," through clenched teeth. In response, he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss before talking more shit.
We didn't have to play everyone in the venue, but now we were stuck in a 4v4 crew battle; and Kor had successfully pissed off just about everyone who was a regular. We had two weeks to find two other guys to fill out our team or we'd be going hungry for the next month.
The ride home was quiet, although Kor didn’t seem to mind. He stared straight ahead, one hand on the steering wheel while another was on my thigh. Occasionally, he would squeeze while smiling at me. The way his eyes lit up whenever we were together dazzled me. I couldn’t stay mad at him, especially when it was my fault he was the way he was.
"Aww, don’tcha worry," said Kor as he massaged my shoulders, another trait I had bestowed him. My bed was a bit small for the two of us, and Kor had often wondered out loud if we could fit a queen sized bed in my room. “I’m sure we’ll find some guys. Even if they’re dead weight, you and me can wipe the floor with everyone there.” Before I could say anything, he leaned over and kiss my neck. I shivered, toes curling as he greedily licked one of my more sensitive spots.
After I let out a few… unbecoming moans, Kor pulled away and tittered. “Love making you cry out like that,” he said in a sensual tone. “Well, good night. Gotta get to the gym early tomorrow.”
As the door to his room shut close, I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. I had a few other friends that liked games, but they had no interested in fighting games like me. Of course, that had never stopped me before…
Two weeks should be enough time to make two pros, right?
The first guy on my list was Jason. He was a buddy of mine that I met in college. Smart, kind, and eager to show off the gains he'd made at the gym. "I spent three years to get this bod," he had bragged to me, showing off his toned and sweaty torso. Even so, he still enjoyed playing games, particularly RPGs. He was always throwing one my way or another--with tons of fan translations and cryptic guides as well.
I'd have to play one of them to completion one of these days to thank him for the service he was about to provide.
The night after Kor made his bet, I made my move. I locked my door and focused on flying. My body slowly lost its weight, density, and then mass in general. Skin peeled away and disappeared into dust, waiting for the chance to reform once my mission was complete. Organs twisted into neat little knots that blinked out of existence. My bones ground up against each other before vanishing.
It was only during those few precious moments that my soul was free. I sailed through the sky, unable to feel the wind on my face yet elated all the same. The moon was so close to my fingertips that it felt unfair that I couldn't grasp it. However, I knew exactly what I could grip instead.
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I phased through Jason's apartment with little issue and found himself soon afterward. He was playing a battle simulator without a shirt on. "It's about a 73% to one-hit KO," he muttered to himself as he clicked through an innumerable amount of tabs. I knew for a fact some of them were months old and untouched for just as long.
Probably another habit I’d have to kick, but it was hard to focus on that when I kept focusing on that tight body he had. I would’ve licked my lips of I had any in that form. Not wanting to waste any more time, I hopped into him.
“Hnng…! Ahhh…hah…!” Jason let out a moan, tongue sticking out involuntarily as a shiver of pleasure ran all throughout his body. “Wh-what the fuck—is happening—“ Jason moaned as he turned around and began to hump his seat cushions. “AH! NRGH AAAAAHHHH!” Any words Jason would’ve tried to cry out were soon overpowered by panicked pants of pleasure. His hands, which would’ve normally reached for his phone to call for help, could only play with his chest and sensitive nipples.
My will overpowered his own, but Jason didn’t seem to mind. He kicked off his shoes, socked toes curling up in pleasure, and rubbed his trembling body all over the coach. “I-I…! K-Keep go—OOAHH—Keep going!” He said, panting and laughing the whole time. His back arched once more as he let out a strangled scream while his erect cock spewed semen all over his shorts. Jason, mind drowning in a hurricane of euphoria curtesy of me, collapsed covered in a sweaty, semen-covered mess.
Eventually, I opened my new eyes and felt my chiseled body. “Mmm, oh Jason. Let’s get your hand-eye coordination to my level.” As I began to strip so I could play in the nude, I saw angry DMs from Jason’s opponent.
Smirking, I walked over to the laptop and messaged him back. “Sorry bro, too busy playing games and fucking bussy to play with a pussy like you. GG you win, loser.”
I laughed as I got another stream of profanities from Jason’s old opponent, but I didn’t care. I was covered in sweat, smelling like a real man, while I was playing my favorite game.
Once Jason was done and truly mind-fucked, I had one more person I needed to visit.
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ferigrieving · 5 months
kiss me (until my lips fall off).
⊹ ࣪ ˖ kiss me until my lips fall off / kiss me until i start to rot
⤷ masterlist ; requests open
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your copy of dracula was well worn. its cover had irreparable water damage, peeling in the corners, and a concerning amount of tabs sticking out of its side. it was well worn, post-it notes on every other page, and indecipherable annotations crammed in every open space. 
tokoyami had looked at you like you were holding a bomb when you had handed him the book, convinced that the manuscript for the original was in your hands with the state it was in.
now he found himself at his desk, pouring over the book, while you lounged on his bed, idly flipping through a FRUiTS magazine.
“have you seen my quill, love?” the boy across from you inquired, rummaging through his drawers to no avail. 
“mm. i ate it, sorry.” you giggled, rolling over and placing the magazine back where it belongs.
he raised a brow at you. “haha. real funny.” he huffed, continuing looking through his drawers, mumbling something about always replacing things. 
rolling your eyes, you reached under the bed and rummaged around, pulling out one of the many things you had hidden a multitude of his things. with the tip of your wing, you dropped it in front of him, not without a light shove to the shoulder.
with a click of his beak, he thanked you, turning and dipping it into his near-empty inkwell. you made a mental note to buy a new one when you went out.
you watched tokoyami with amusement as he meticulously flipped through the pages of your battered book, careful not to rip or tear anything, as if that would make any difference. his furrowed brow and intense focus were a stark contrast to how you laid on his bed, borderline falling asleep. 
you had read thru this issue more times than you could count, and you decided watching him struggle with the book was more than enough to keep you entertained.
as fought to decipher what exactly was going on in your annotations, you couldn't help but admire the way his silhouette was illuminated by the soft glow of his many candles. 
the room felt cosy, and you figured it would only seem that way to the two of you, and maybe that one bird pro-hero you had forgotten the name of. his bed resembled that exactly of a bird’s nest, except it was made with pillows, stolen stuffed animals, and layers and layers of comforters.
feathers were jammed between each and every pillow, ranging in size and colour, but most were that of either his, or yours, a result of being too lazy to clean them up after moulting. in the corners of the bed, stuffed animals of various shapes and sizes were nestled, the only pop of colour in the entire room. among them were different birds of prey, but a majority were either ravens, or crows, meticulously arranged as if they were guarding the two of you as you slept.
“hey,” he started. “have you read wuthering heights?”
tokoyami knew the answer. of course he did. he had watched you attempt to read it during lunch, and put it down after ten pages. you had told him that you didnt have the brain capacity right for it at the moment. he never saw you pick it up again.
“you have not. otherwise you would have rambled about it in excruciating detail by now.” he tapped his quill against the table, huffing. “i was thinking we could go to the library to check another book like it. one that takes less brain power, of course.”
“on a date? how sweet.” you grinned, sitting up and tucking your knees to your chest.
“i suppose it is.” he quipped, standing up and making his way over to you. “you’ve been laying in bed all day, love. my legs are going numb.”
he tucked into bed beside you, laying his head on your lap and playing with the tips of your feathers. “do i now?” you wrap your wings around his body in some sort of makeshift cocoon, making up for the blanket you were hogging.
you loved these moments of affection between you two. you pressed a kiss on his forehead, and he responded with a grumble, pressing his face into your stomach. tokoyami lay there with you for a solid ten minutes before glancing at the clock.
“love,” he sighed.” “we should probably get dressed, lest we wish to not make it to the library before it closes.”
“that means i’d have to get up!” 
“a horrific possibility.” he hummed.” “we could always go tomorrow, if you are feeling lazy.” he stood up, stretching and ruffling his feathers. “however, we both know that neither of us will be awake before noon tomorrow, so lets just go now, okay?”
you pout, removing your wings as some sort of punishment as you turn away from him.
he raised a brow. “what an injustice. i offer to go on a date with you, and you refuse to get out of bed. im going to have to resort to violence it seems.
in one swift move, he pinned you down on his bed, an indistinguishable smile on his face. “i suppose ill have to drag you to the library.”
“nooo…!” you whined, thrashing playfully.
he giggled, kissing the side of your jaw. “oh, dont be so overdramatic, dear. its just a couple of books, and perhaps some food afterwards. is that so bad?” he gave you another kiss, and another, and another, until your whole face was tingly from the feeling of his beak against your skin.
“are ya’ gonna treat me to dinner, fumi’?”
“thats not even a question, of course i will, my love. now come on, we have a library to go to.” he hummed, pulling you up along side him. “lets get dressed, then we can go on our date.” hopping to his feet, he opened his closet, sorting through until he found something suitable.
“love, where is my vest?”
you looked away from him, buttoning up your dress shirt as you pointedly ignore the vest wrapped around your body.
he smiled, chuckling as he nudged you in the stomach. “where did you even find that?” without waiting for a response, he grabbed one of your vests that you had left in his room the day prior and pulled it on over his band tee.
you’re wearing borderline the exact same outfit, as always. “so, are you ready?”
he grabbed his keys off his desk, and shoved them in his pocket. without saying another word, he pulled you out of bed once more, and began to tug you out the door. “lets go, my darling.”
tokoyami, pulling you down the street, thumb rubbing over the back of your palm. “do you wanna fly, my love?” you grinned.
with one large flap of your wings  you propelled yourself up into the air with tokoyami in your grasp. he could fly too, and you often launched him into the air after you like some sort of rocket launcher. the sight of the city below you two was always breathtaking. you could never get tired from seeing the world so high up.
tokoyami, of course, was holding onto you for dear life. flying was all fun and games right up until the moment when it wasnt.
this time, he held on tight, the wind whipping through his feather, his face buried in your neck. all he could smell was the strawberry of your perfume. he was content like this, holding onto you for his life, as the two of you approached the library.
as you landed, pulling him onto the ground with you, tokoyami’s knees wobbled. he clutched your shoulder for dear life, not trusting in his body to stay upright and not embarrass him.
“you’re  a nightmare, love. i swear, one of these days–” he started, walking through the library entrance after you. “one of these days, what? “
he glanced away, muttering something about ‘one of these days im going to have a stroke.” 
he let go of your hand for the first time since leaving, and led you through the shelved. he paused occasionally, skimming his fingers over the dust jackets. “you never did tell me what you were looking for.” he commented idly.
“anything but wuthering heights, maybe a little life. i heard shoji talk about it over lunch.”
he chuckled, running his fingers over a shelf dedicated to fantasy. “of course you’d pick one of the most depressing books to read over spring break. you’re such a romantic.”
“love you too, fumi’.”
he shook his head, a small smile on his face. “i love you too, dearest.”
he finally stopped at the gothic lit section, and you watched his eyes light up. tokoyami walked  along the section, examining each book. he pulled a few books from the shelf, and began flipping through one. “the picture of dorian grey. i’ve been meaning to pick this up.
he flipped through a few more, and added another few books to the ever growing stack he and dark shadow held. the bird was not pleased about it, and cawed something about ‘children’s books’.
you rolled your eyes, and took some of the books from the bird, placing them gently in the basket you held. tokoyami had something of a frown on his face, trying to take the books back from you. “i can carry them just fine myself, love.”
“yeah, but then you wont be able to get more, dumbass.”
he stared at you in shock, placing his hand over his chest in mock hurt. “how rude. is this how you show your love for me? calling me names?”
“blah blah blah, i dont wanna fuckin’ here it, fumi’!” you grin, taking a seat at one of the many tables littered around the library. tokoyami set his books down at the table, and crossed his arms. he stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your neck. his head rested on your shoulder. tokoyami seemed unwilling to let you go, and you weren’t inclined to fight him.
“i love you, evem if you dont listen to me. and take my books. and call me names.”
“i love you too, bird brain. now, lets go check out, yeah?”
tokoyami grumbled something unintelligible underneath his breath, but nodded anyways. he released his hands from your waist slowly, and grabbed the cart of books. 
“did you forget your card again..?”
he scoffed as you led him towards the front desk, placing the books down at the counter. “me? never.” tokoyami reached into his pocket, averting his gaze when he realised he had in fact, forgotten his card.
“i swear you do this deliberately.” you commented from beside him, already pulling out your card.”
“i dont, i promise!” he defended himself, feathers bristling at the accusation.
“yeah, yeah. whatever man.” you roll your eyes and scan all the books, handing it back to your boyfriend to place in his tote bag.
he grumbled, mock offended. “i know, im horrible. im the worst.” tokoyami waited impatiently as you sorted through the books. he was beginning to become restless, rocking back and forth on his heels, dark shadow whining and tugging on your wings.
“mhm, sure. is there anythin’ else you wanna do while we’re out, fumi’?” you hummed, holding the door open for him as he left. the sun had set, casting the buildings across from you in bright hues of orange. “anything but fly home.” tokoyami huffed, purposefully stepping on your toes. 
“can’t make any promises, love.”
“ah, you’re a horrible person.”
“love you too.”
keeping your silent promise, you walked through the streets of musutafu, one hand on your tote bag, and the other intertwined with your boyfriend’s. he had awfully cold hands for a warm blooded animal. you were planning on beelining straight to the dorms and curling up in tokoyami’s room to read, but god forbid you dont get a sweet treat when you can.
you found yourself in front of an array of pastries, all catching your eye in their own unique way. you werent particularly picky when it game to baked goods, as long as it was good. asking your boyfriend was no help either, he was like an eightball with only two answers. “i have no idea,” and “whatever looks good to you, my love.”
“just a dozen brownies, please, ma’am?” you smiled, placing the yen on the tray and taking the box gently. you watched tokoyami reach into his pocket to presumably pay, but it was clear that he not only had forgotten his library card, but his whole wallet.
he took your hand once more outside of the local cafe you had just visited, dark shadow opening the box of brownies and shoving them in his beak. “so good,” he mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate.”
“stop talking when you have food in your mouth, weirdo!” you smacked him with your wings playfully, sticking your tongue out at him in fake disgust.
he rolled his eyes, waving a brownie in your face. “you want one, darling?”
“well, i was saving those for when we got back home, but someone decided to get a head start. not gonna name names though.”
“stop complaining ! i know for a fact you want one.”
“i do! but if– if i eat them now, i wont have any later..” you pouted, taking the brownie and placing it back in the box neatly.
“seriously, love. i cant believe youre passing up an opportunity to eat something sweet.” he tutted, taking the brownie he had offered to you and swallowing it whole. “what kind of monster are you?”
“a terrible, terrible, one, that only an aspiring pro-hero can tame…”
he stood up on his tip-toes, bumping his beak against your cheek in a ‘kiss’. “unfortunately, i have come to love this dreaded monster.”
you find yourself close to the dorms, and without warning, you pick tokoyami up like a sack of potatoes and launch yourself up into the air, giggling as you shot through his window and landed in a heap on his bedroom floor.
as always, tokoyami was not particularly fond of your behaviour. he was muttering something along the lines of ‘god, kill me now.’ and ‘why did i even agree to this relationship.’ 
after a few minutes, he sat up, and gave his best attempt at a scowl as you could get with a face like his. “do you derive some form of sick, twisted delight by doing that?”
“...a little.”
he sighed and shook his head. he knew better to argue by now. all that mattered were that the brownies were in one piece. he got to his feet, dusting himself off before offering a hand to help you up. “the things i do for love.”
“aww, you love me? how sweet.” you crooned, placing your hands together and twirling him around.
“of course i love you, dear.” he said, taking your hand and lifting up to his beak, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.. “its horrible.”
tokoyami tugs you closer, slinging his arms around your waist and pulling you down onto the rug. he placed another kiss on your forehead, “absolutely horrible.”
he sighed, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “why did i ever agree to date you? i was so normal before you, y’know.”
“youre literally like the least normal person i know, fumikage.”
he gave you a pointed look, “and you think youre normal, dear? youre anything but normal. youre… insane.”
“hey. i never said anythin’ about myself now.” you hummed, feeling yourself become drowsy from how comfortable it was laying in each others arms. it was oddly comfortable on your boyfriend’s floor. “i think… ill just fall asleep here. forget the books.” you felt yourself get lifted up by the waist, getting hauled over to tokoyami’s bed and flopping you down like a ragdoll. “we can start the book later, my love.” he shifted around a little, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
it was quiet, for a moment, a comfortable silence you’d grown to love. 
“yes, love?”
“...stay here?” tokoyami inquired, voice barely above a whisper. you mumbled an ‘mhm.’ against his neck, he was so warm.
you were fighting a battle against sleep and loosing. “read to me, fumi’.” you murmured.
you felt him nod, moving your wings out of the way to reach over to his desk and grab your copy of dracula. he flipped through the pages once more, searching for the handmade bookmark you had given to him on valentine’s day. his voice was soft, the monotonous hum lulling you into a deeper sleep.
not even five minutes had past before he felt your wings go limp, and when he looked up from his book, he found you passed out on his lap, a bit of drool seeping our your mouth. gross.
he gently closed the book and put it back where it belonged, and rolled over, wrapping his arms around you once more. 
in nothing but the soft glow of the moonlight, tokoyami watched as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, breathing steady and serene. with a smile, he leaned down to brush a stray locke of hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear gently. 
carefully, he adjusted his position, making sure not to ruffle your feathers as he held you close. your warmth was intoxicating. he felt like he couldnt get enough of you.
with a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing himself tosuccumb to the soothing rhythm of your breathing, knowing as long as you were by his side, he was exactly where he belonged.
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Monsters Reimagined: Asmodeus, Lord of all Hells
I think I know what may be happening....You’re trying to atone me, and I didn’t do anything wrong...You want to know what I’ve always hated about mortals? why I spit on your forgiveness, why I loathe your redemption? To reach a hand down to somebody they need to be beneath you,
And I’m Beneath Nobody.
Brennan Lee Mulligan as Asmodeus for Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
@pikablob​ was asking about my ideas on devils and mentioned Asmodeus in the process, and while I’ve already done a monster’s reimagined on devils, I figured it was a good opportunity to talk about my take on the biggest of big bads. To summarize, I like to go back to the mythological roots of devils less as agents of a universal evil but as individual manifestations of judgment, looking to test or punish mortals for their failings. This ( along with Brennan’s showstopping performance in calamity) gave me the idea of an Asmodeus as the ultimate critic of mortalkind, an entity that can see all of our flaws and nothing of our virtues.
TLDR:  There are many evil gods, wicked things that preside over cruelty and misfortune in all its forms, but there are few that would claim to be the god of evil itself. Though to hear the lord of all hells tell it, there is nothing touched by mortals that is NOT evil: no act that is not in some way rooted in self interest, no moment of self determination that is not a transgression, no soul that is not some way corrupted. To allow the Father of Sin into your heart is to accept that people are fundamentally wicked creatures deserving of punishment, and that punishment cannot come soon enough.
Bio: Ruling from the lowest depths of the pit, Asmodeus sits a throne surveying an empire built on torture and damnation and deems it insufficient. There is evil in the multiverse and that evil is called mortals, things gifted with the tiniest spark of life who every day choose the wickedness of existence. His purpose is  to be the scourge that drives the animal towards the slaughterhouse, to take hold of mortal life and shape it into useful purpose, with the only useful purpose being the ultimate destruction of all wicked things
The hypocracy of being an evil god punishing evil does not for a moment shake Asmodeus. Spirits cannot choose their nature, nor can animals, but mortals which live in the intersection choose to be evil every day, and worse yet, have the capability to choosing evil at any time. In spite of his divine status, and in many ways because of it, Asmodeus is actually incapable of perceiving good in mortals, believing that good intentions or earnest affection are yet more lies and hasty justifications that mortals buffer themselves with to excuse their faults and selfish action. None can then judge the atrocities he commits because none are without sin, even if to find that sin he needs to peel back layers of causality and unconscious feelings to find a thread of wrongdoing. 
To purge the universe of the blight of mortals Asmodeus cultivates power and fear: Power in the form of legions of devils and devoted servants who’s hateful hearts he feeds like a furnace, fear in the form of agents which sow division in mortal hearts and a myriad of private hells filled with infinite forms of torment.
Swear to serve Asmodeus, say his mouthpieces, and you will be spared the infinite torment when the boot on your neck breaks through to your spine, or when his hordes come to put your home to the torch.  Give up on the falsehoods of hope, love, and kindness,  visit punishment on others and you may be rewarded for your service
Behind the scenes: I’ve talked quite a lot about how d&d uses the idea of objective evil as a staple of its worldbuilding, and how in doing so it ends up falling face first into pro genocide rhetoric. In attempting to make badguys that the party is 1000% justified in killing on sight it ends up stumbling into some very fucked up thought experements.    Monsters in vanilla d&d arn’t just evil because they do bad things, but they do bad things because they are inherently evil:  They pillage, they enslave, they despoil, not because these things benefit them ( as it invariably gets them killed by adventurers) but because these acts serve as an outlet for their wicked natures.
If our heroes’ enemies are fundamentally evil, then any action which opposes them must be good, and any pillaging, enslaving, or despoiling the party does can be excused provided the targets belong to the designated ingroup. This is almost identical to the reasoning that was used by crusaders, conquistadors, slave owners, and fascists, and what is now being used by the evangelical to deny people rights and life-saving aid to this day.
What I wanted with Asmodeus was an entity that looked at the party like a group of murderhobos look at an orc: an ugly brutish thing that is only useful in so far as its suffering and death can benefit them.  Maybe it’ll be funny if they make it beg for its life. The party feel they’re justified in this because they know the orc is objectively evil ( because the books said so), just like Asmodeus is justified in plucking the souls from mortals and making them suffer for eternity because he knows, in his flawed omniscience, that they are deserving of it.
Signs: The sounds of tortured souls wailing from below, symbols of power glowing red hot, the manifestations of lesser devils.
Symbols: A five pointed star made of jagged metal, a black throne or crown atop numerous bodies.
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foreverlogical · 1 year
In a New York Times profile of the Michigan Republican Party, state Rep. Lisa McClain offers a quintessentially stoic midwestern insight about the ailing state party that perfectly sums up the GOP's national dynamic too.
“It’s not going real well," McClain told the Times' Nick Corasaniti.
“The ability to raise money," she continued, "we’ve got a lot of donors sitting on the sideline. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact. It’s just a plain fact. We have to fix that.”
Though McClain was assessing the divide between the state's monied benefactors, such as former Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and its Trumpy grassroots activists, she may as well have been talking about national GOP donors' frantic search for a savior as the MAGA grassroots coalesce around Donald Trump for the 2024 nomination.
In fact, Corasaniti's piece—an anatomy of GOP dysfunction encapsulated by the Republican Party in a Rust Belt swing state—mirrors rifts emerging across the country at both the state and national levels. Corasaniti portrays a party coming apart at the seams after its drubbing in the '22 cycle in a state where Republicans roundly lost the gubernatorial contest, every statewide executive office (e.g., attorney general and secretary of state), and control of both legislative chambers. A hat trick, if you will.
The key cast of characters includes:
Tudor Dixon, 2022 gubernatorial nominee, Bible-thumper, anti-abortion activist, and former right-wing news host.
Fervent 2020 election deniers Kristina Karamo and Matthew DePerno, 2022 GOP nominees for secretary of state and attorney general, respectively.
Meshawn Maddock, former co-chair of the Republican Party and leader of Women for Trump, who has been charged in the fake elector scheme.
The DeVos family, longtime Republican Party donors and Michigan establishment heavyweights.
Every one of those is effectively a stand-in for similarly situated Republican players in GOP apparatuses around the country.
Following Michigan Republicans' midterm election implosion, a round of rapid-fire finger-pointing broke out, with MAGA party officials blaming Dixon for a toxic near-total abortion ban position and soft fundraising, Dixon blaming both the party and old-guard donors for her campaign's collapse, and party officials chastising donors for insufficiently funding their cuckoo election-denying candidates.
Corasaniti writes:
A state party autopsy days after the election, made public by Ms. Dixon, acknowledged that “we found ourselves consistently navigating the power struggle between Trump and anti-Trump factions of the party” and that Mr. Trump “provided challenges on a statewide ballot.”
True enough. On the national stage, every 2024 Republican hopeful but Trump is presently trying to thread the needle of enthusing high-dollar donors while managing to peel away pro-Trump voters open to alternatives.Campaign Action
Back in Michigan, establishment type Dave Trott, a retired GOP congressman and former state party donor, dished about the Republican elite's distrust of former GOP co-chair Maddock, a MAGA activist.
"Meshawn was never connected to the donor base, and so having her as the vice chair [of the party] for a lot of us was a showstopper,” Trott explained. "We just knew she would never be someone that would be rational in her approach to state party politics."
In response, Maddock expressed a reciprocal lack of trust in the party's establishment muckety-mucks.
“The state party needs the wealthy RINOs who often fund it to come to terms with what the actual voters on the right want,” Maddock told the Times. Wealthy donors, she added, need to treat the base "with an ounce of respect for once.”
The same could be said of national Republican donors who have never crossed paths with actual base voters and apparently still believe Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin can save them from Trump.
That same mutual distrust and disgust between establishment Republican donors and state party officials is also playing out in Georgia, where popular Republican Gov. Brian Kemp warned well-heeled donors earlier this year they could "no longer rely on" the state Republican Party to win elections. Kemp has effectively built a parallel political apparatus after urging donors to abandon the pro-Trump state party.
And then there are the anti-abortion zealots pointing fingers at everyone else for their own deeply unpopular position. Dixon's support for a strict abortion ban doomed her candidacy, just like the efforts of Ohio Republicans to ban abortion there sank an anti-abortion ballot measure earlier this month.
Following that loss, the nation's premier forced birther group, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life 
America, castigated establishment Republicans and the business community for not pulling their weight in the battle to pass the measure, which would have significantly raised the bar for enshrining abortion protections in Ohio's constitution.
All across the nation, the Republican Party is reckoning with the deal it cut with the devil. In swing states like Michigan and Georgia, red states like Ohio, and nationally, the GOP is cracking up as different factions variously cling to or reject Trump. The damage done may not be fully realized until voters cast their ballots next year, but the Republican Party is entering 2024 in a position so precarious that it almost defies historical comparison.
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honeeslust · 11 months
Katsuki Bakugo | Pro Lover
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🖤 WC a little under 2k
🖤 I'm thinking about an inexperienced Bakugo whose hung to the gods but never learned how to properly use that deadly cock and so you decide to teach him...
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Its like you're in grade school all over again. Him, picking apart everything you do just to have an excuse to talk to you. You'd call him a childish loudmouth to his face and one of the hottest partners you've ever had behind his back.
And what you couldn't know was that behind every insult was a need. A need for you, your and your smart mouth, your touch, your kisses, your everything. Every night, this mounting frustration would have Katsuki tugging at his engorged length to the thought you you on top of him.
He thought you were sexy as hell whenever you would manage to take him down. He loved it so much that he'd live in that memory of sparring with you. Plush thighs around neck, squeezing until he tapped. He closes his eyes, recalling your pretty face as he strokes away the tension until his tight abs were decorated with thick ropes of cum as he called out your name.
The more you carried on like this, the more frustrated you yourself became. Always wanting to punch him his dumb face when he mocked you and then wanting to kiss him when ever you'd catch him eyeing you from across the room.
Fast forward to the end of the ever so epic will they won't they bs and everything comes to a head. More than enough harsh words about why you both couldn't give less of a fuck about the other are exchanged before you slapped the shit out him. Your body trembles, the fire burning in your veins for him making you want to lash out in a different way. Whether he saw it in your eyes or he himself just needed a reason, —any reason at all to act on the feelings for you that he had stifled for so long, it didn’t matter. Either way, it was maddening and you were too irresistible to keep pushing away.
Not a moment after your hand makes contact with the hardened jaw, your foul mouth is met with his own. An agile move to restrain you, he claims your wrist, arresting them behind you and pulling your small frame to his immense one. His perfect lips meet yours and his tongue pushes its way inside. A second of thought is all you can manage before you're own is entangled with his and fighting for dominance.
You thought of every time he pinned you with his rough and calloused hands, his powerful grip keeping you from breaking free until you yielded to him. But this time, you weren't fighting to get free, instead your chest was heaving against his broad and impeccably swollen one. Your racing pulse mirrored by his as you both pour every ounce of frustration into the hot and heavy lip lock.
His tongue is immaculate, slipping against yours like he savors the taste of you. Your teeth clamping down on his lower lip exacts an unexpected whimper from his blissful lips into your mouth. His grip on your wrists release and smoldering hands begin to explore the unknown terrain that is your body. You're instantly weak in the knees for the way he possessively palms your ass like it had been his to claim all along. Impatient to feel more of him, you pry yourself away from the hungry kiss, licking the taste of his mouth from your lip as you reach for the hem of your shirt.
Katsuki can't hide his excitement when you strip from your top and eagerly assist him in peeling your body out of your tight shorts. When he comes out of his muscle tee, your teeth cut into your lip at the sight of him, every tight muscle, glistening with his sweat and dying to be licked. A delicate placed tongue to his neck has him making that same sweet sound, and then again when the slippery appendage rounds his ear.
He's burning red, never having made that sound before and what's worse is he liked it.
His hands find your face to pull you back into a kiss, afraid he would make more of those pathetic sounds. Too bad for him, you like the way the hot headed menace succumbed your touch. It was power you planned on yielding over him to the fullest.
Pushing him to the wall, You kiss him on his neck, blowing softly over the wet trail you left behind, your fingertips ghosting the inside of his arm. Your slow and methodic touch so torturous that he can't help but fall slack jawed calling out your name as if to question why your touch left him this powerless.
Needing to overcome what you were doing to him, he moved, forcing your body to the bench behind you so he could return the favor. As he lay you there, his lips placed heady, feverish kisses down the side of your neck and chest until a skillful tongue flitted around your nipple, forcing your body to arch in pleasure.
Impatient, you grab for his waistband, inviting him to skip the pleasantries of foreplay. You wanted him now. The shorts and boxers would come off and his endowment would make you clench instinctively as if your nana was reaching out for him. He towers over your body, that heart shaped spear throbbing and taunting you as he hovers over your entrance, spreading the slick between your labia. With gleaming eyes, that first little push has your toes curling and your hands flying to his abs, almost asking him to ease up a little.
His smug expressions turns to one of ecstasy as he plunges deeper, not giving you a chance to welcome him. Again he's almost crying, loving the way your walls strangle his dick as he starts to move.
He takes off, pumping you full of him, fucking up your tender cervix. Again, your hands fly to his stomach, forcing him back to give your poor little cunt some relief. He stops immediately, flushed so red as he asks if your ok. - to which you panted hunni, take your time, where the hell are you going so fucking fast?
Giving you a shy and confused look he tries to save face. Too big for ya' he laughs half heartedly worrying that he blew his chance. You smile, telling him it's ok while pressing a small kiss to his lips. Lucky for him, you're patient. Too many people let good dick go to waste, being to proud to teach. Your smirk was met with his infamous scowl. Not my fault you're so tight. To which you interrupted him. Says the fucker who couldn't stop whining a minute ago. Just shut up and and listen.  You can follow instructions right? Dangling a delicate ankle before him your tell him, take my leg. He glares at you but obliges. Kiss it. He does, dotting little pecs to your inner calf making it tickle. Like you mean it, Katsuki. He obeys, sucking softly, nipping here and there, before placing it over his shoulder. He grips harder, earning your soft moan of approval. Yea just like that.
An audible sigh leaves his lips as he feels the little fluctuations between your legs. There you go, now move, move—ahh, slow, just like that. Good boy. Your praise makes him weak in the knee and he squeezes your thighs, pumping slow, muttering how good you feel. I know you say slyly as he continues. Mmm-hmm, keep that pace, just like that you whisper to him spreading your legs to welcome his movement. It was such a pretty picture, him disappearing inside as the whites of his eyes glittered, looking down at you like he had found a little piece of heaven inside you.
His rythym sets in, much to your satisfaction, eyes softening on his crimson ones, the definition of every muscle leading down to his sex rippling with each pulse. How do I feel? You say encouraging him. At first he can't even answer, he only bites his lip, he grabs a handful of your waist needing to tether himself to some sense of control. Feels like, your pulling, ahhh, pulling me in. Mmmhh.
Ahh yea?? you say as your eyes start to roll. What else?
You're soaked, mmmm, sss so- so wet baby. So goddamn tight.
Yea, you say digging new grooves into the enameled wood beneath you. He fights to hold on as long as he can. Powerful callused hands squeeze your waist as he rocks a little faster, finally finding the motion he needs to get you wet enough to take the way he was about to murder that pussy.
A sweet smile parts your lips just as you were ready to taunt him, but he bucks, fucking you harder, your body bouncing with his thrust. The vice his powerful hands have you in make it hard for you to hold back your pleasures moans. This hold keeps you  steady so he can fuck you deeper. He's aiming to please now, willful thrusts meant to make you feel how much he'd held back from you, how much you drove him crazy just by existing.
Lustful eyes meet yours once again, a hint of desperation behind them earning a tight clench from you. Feeling the friction stroking at his ever hardening cock, he drills into you. It still hurts but you take it all, the gummy warming of your walls meeting his rigidity so perfectly that you welcome every blow. Now it was your turn to whimper for him as he kissed that sweet spot inside. Yyuhh- mmm- yer, gunna make me come. He would already know it, the tight grip of you was proving to be to much. God you're fuckin perfect he hisses through clenched teeth. Your arch, a spur of your wetness making the most illicit sounds as he continued his onslaught of blows until he had to force himself to pull back. Ohhh fuck, He grunts, shooting his hot and sticky essence on to your stomach.
When the world stands still again, your eyes lock onto his, Leaning over you, his scarlet eyes almost glowing with satiation, he kisses you. It's slow, it's warm, it's mesmerizing. He smirks hands clamping down on your thighs and giving you butterflies in your stomach. Maybe you can teach me something after all.
From the honey pot 🍯
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crimsonender · 24 days
I think Lily Orchard leans toward more the Green Party. Whether or not they have great intentions, their acts are either questionable at best or harmful at worst.
Uh. No. Definitely not. Lily is far too violent and advocates for rural rot and indigenous assimilation. She thinks because she's a good person that her and people that agree with her should be judge jury and executioner. Also taking a listen to her opinions on addicts and drug use should make it really clear what she is: Lily is a a Neo-Liberal which is right of center, sitting somewhere between the Progressive Consercative party and the Liberal party. Green Party is the furthest left party we have in Canada that has any seats in parliament. NDP is our only left wing party with any amount of power. A lot of Halifax, the county she lives in, is NDP, including in her riding. (5 of the 6 NDP Members of the Legislative Assembly are in Halifax, 1 is in Cape Breton. There are 15 in the Liberal Party, 33 in the Progressive Conservatives, and 1 independent.)
Lily has the same politics as Reagan and Thatcher tbh. Comparing her to the Green Party means you're either really uneducated on politics, especially Canadian politics, or you've fallen for Lily's grift to some capacity. Just because you slap a pro trans sticker (that's peeling off because let's be honest Lily is extremely transphobic, biphobic and homophobic towards lgbtq people she doesn't agree with) doesn't mean you're any less of a Neo-Liberal.
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bastardofvairemont · 2 months
|| Smash or Pass: Sebastian de Vairemont ||
Rules: pretty self-explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Quick Facts
Height: 6'3"
Age: 27
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual with a heavy male lean
Is an excellent dancer
Will compose music for you
Well dressed
Well spoken
Will court you properly like any good nobleman should
Claims he's not a poet, but can be quite poetic
Will ruin someone for looking at you funny
Has somehow managed to keep himself socially relevant without name or title
Difficult to truly get to know
Wears many public masks to the point that it can be difficult to tell what is a mask and what is Sebastian
Power hungry
Desperate to prove his worth
Slow to trust
Afraid of love and it being manipulated as a weakness
Terrified of being abandoned
Is a blooded heretic
Struggles with anger
Morally questionable at best
Is known to have ruined his own sister's marriage and reputation
Is a walking scandal
Is a bastard with no true name or title
Is known to be the bastard son of Lady Ysabel de Vairemont and the executed heretic Declan Mercer, leaving him with one foot in high society and one foot in the Brume. Though, neither world will truly claim him.
Is thought to be the brains behind the running of House Vairemont. While is sister is the formal regent until his nephew reaches his majority, most believe Sebastian to be pulling the strings. A nobleman in all but name.
Lives for music. He plays the violin, piano, and the cello, on top of singing quite well.
Composes music in secret, sharing it only with those he loves. If you receive a piece he has written for you, it is safe to assume he's fallen for you, even if he has yet to say those words.
Can be quite dramatic. He is prone to throwing himself across divans and bemoaning whatever it is that is bothering him in the moment.
Likes to give and receive gifts. In both cases there's usually a crack in his facade and he appears a bit like a kid on starlight.
Is known to be a rake. Most of Ishgardian high society is aware of the fact that Sebastian has slept around quite a lot. Some regard him as something to try at least once before marriage. Though, it's unknown if this is still true given that he is recently betrothed.
Is a blooded heretic and has all of the ups and downs that come with that. Including the fact that he sometimes struggles to control his draconic gifts and can suddenly sprout scales and horns should his emotions get the better of him.
Is rarely ever seen without a cravat and waistcoat. He wears the trappings of a nobleman like armor. If he arrives on a date with his collar open or his sleeves rolled up, he is putting a good bit of faith and trust in you. He might even have feelings.
He is quite intense. Both in his passion for those his loves and his in his quest to prove himself to the world as something more than an bastard that should have been left to the Brume when he was born. This can be a lot for some people. Too much, even.
His alignment is absolutely neutral evil. While this won't be immediately obvious to most who interact with him, the closer you get and the more layers you peel back the more apparent it becomes.
Sexually: Sebastian prefers to take a dominant position in the bedroom. While one could say that he is a switch/Verse, to get him to that point would take quite a lot of work and only one person has been successful thus far. So for all intents and purposes he is a Dom/Top who leans heavily into praise and rewards. He will be as adventurous and experimental as his partner is willing to be.
Romantically: Polyamorous. Depending on his partner he can be quick to catch feelings but slow to reveal them. Love is terrifying for him. Sex is far easier. He will often lead with a sexual relationship only to fall in love later on and struggle with just how to express those feelings, if he should even trust them at all. He is the sort to say 'I love you' in every possible way he can think of before uttering those three little words. Though, once he has fallen in love with someone, they are his world. His everything. His eternal muse. There is very little he won't do for those he loves. And as someone with questionable morals, that says a lot. But, he also tends to open up and become more vulnerable and more honest. There is a sweet, casual, and sometimes goofy side to Sebastian that only those closest to him are allowed to see.
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ramu-ego · 2 years
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(nsfw) ROPE BUNNIES :: x femdom!Reader
♡ - requests open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, bondage/bdsm themes, nipple play, handjob(s), anal fingering, pegging/cum lube, vaginal penetration (Nagi's), sex toys, general sexual themes word count: scenario headcanons character(s): Barou Shoei, Itoshi Rin, Koun Wataru, Bachira Meguru, Nagi Seishiro
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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THE CRAB :: nylon ropes + nipple play
Barou huffed, face flush with color almost as rosy as his nipples and red eyes in a dull haze after you'd peeled the tape off of one of the bullet vibrators previously adhered to his chest. One still alive and humming on his pec as he watched you take the rest of the tape off the other tiny vibrator with a grin. "Ahh look how much you like it my king." You rolled the hard plastic between your fingers while your other hand reached out to pinch and pluck at his uncovered nipple. Immediately getting Barou to rolls his eyes into the back of his head. Muscles jumping to life as they strained against the ropes criss-crossing his chest as well as the snug knots keeping his legs and arms tied together in the classic crab like pose. You smirked down at the muscle idiot soccer player under you and saw nothing but a helpless horny idiot, "Want your titties played with huh? Does the king have sensitive little tits begging to be played with?" Wedging yourself rightfully between his bound legs you turn on the freed bullet vibrator and let it gloss over his skin as you get comfortable. Barou's legs spread and bound upwards allowing you complete access to his chest. Cock, while screaming for attention with a purple and red head glistening with precum, was not your desire at the moment. Leaving him to groan deep in the back of his throat when your front leaning over him gave him only a miniscule amount of relief brushing his cum heavy balls and throbbing cock. All of that passed up in favor of cupping your hands along the ropes crossed over his chest. And squeezing the prominent muscles in the pro's chest. Pushing them together and watching Barou melt like a horny teenager getting their tits fondled for the first time. Squeezing them together and smiling you graze your thumb over Barou's one uncovered nipple as the other one was still being subjected to the bullet on it's highest setting taped to his chest. With only one uncovered you couldn't stop at just rubbing and pinching it. Leaning down and giving his cock even more to rut and grind against in his vulnerable position on his back. Your lips encircle his sensitive little bud to lavish it with attention from your tongue. Sucking and grazing your teeth over his nipple as Barou writhes in pleasure under you absolutely unable to do anything this bound up with his favorite ropes. At your mercy until you finally popped your lips off his nipple. Licking the excess salvia from your lips but letting what clung to his nipple give him shivers the second cold air hit it. Growling but powerless under you, Barou tried to glare up at you but had no real power as you once again reached out and pinched his nipple until it was growing as red and rosy as the bridge of his nose, "Lets see if you can cum from just your nipples this time...like a good boy."
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THE PUPPY STYLE :: spread bar + milking
Your hands slip down and grab at the thickest part of his thighs to pull him back against your pubic bone playfully. Rin folded over in half in front of you. Face down, ass up; with his head turned only enough so the idiot didn't suffocate himself. He was for them most part immobilized by the black bar keeping his knees shoulder width apart. Perfect positioning for you. "Such a good boy..." Words thick with that sweet praising tone Rin fought tooth and nail for, you could feel him groan when he heard you. In addition to the cute butt wiggle he did back against your pelvic area, "Ah, do you wish I had the strap on?" Eyes rolling back in his head Rin's face pinched a little before he relaxed with a heavy groan, "Shut up..." Moving away from him. Releasing his hips entirely and earning a moan of protest at even the slight friction you were giving him. Rin wiggled and pulled at his cuffs keeping his hands snug next to his feet in the spread bar. His words a direct correlation to the attention he would get. And he knew this. Reaching out to caress a single finger down the seam of his cum heavy balls. You amuse yourself with the faint touch running down the underside of his cock as Rin tries with all his might to push back into you and relieve some of the ache knotting up in his stomach due to his throbbing cock. And as your finger tip swiped past his leaking tip you indulged the brat with your fist closing around his cock. "With an attitude like that you're not gonna get anything but my hand." You reprimand him with that sickeningly sweet tone but with the worst threat of them all. Rin shakes his head in deniable about that. Burying his face into the fabric under his face as the first long languid stroke of his cock sends a shiver right up his spine. Goosebumps prickling all over his skin you can't help but draw a feathery touch down his spine as your fist slowly pumps away at his cock, "Is that really a threat though when you love to be milked like a common animal?" Rin could snap at the strongest of teammates. Argue with world super stars on a global scale. But you. You were impossible to disagree with. Not when his cock continued to leak into your fist. Fingers curled around his throbbing length in the most delicate way. Pumping him up and down slowly as your free hand switched from stroking down his sensitive spine to fondling his balls. Rin couldn't fight back because as long as he remained strapped into his spread bar, he would always be nothing more than a common animal you could milk dry.
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BOXTIE :: fingering + cock rings
One prominent vein running up the side of his cock throbbed the second Kuon saw you dip your fingers in the lube. Sticky fingers scissoring and spreading the lube about on your digits right in front of his face. His face heating up as he looked down at himself naked, on his knees with his arms pinned behind his back with the ropes crossing over his torso. "You look so good in this color baby..." You hinted at the purple role, just a little shiny, looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous on him now that he was all done up like a little present for you. Leaning forward so your tits pressed into his bare chest, your lube covered finger slipped down between his cheeks to tease his enterance as you nipped at his ear lobe, "Lemme see if I can make you put some white on those pretty new ropes." Out came a shaky breath that only turned into a choked moan when Kuon pressed back into your fingers. Gooey wetness of the lube giving way quickly to the filling pleasure of your fingers searching for the right spot inside him. An easy mark to find when your slow search pushed your knuckles in deeper and one slight curl of your finger found the perfect spot. Kuon's cock twitching between your bodies. While the cockring around his base prevented him from blowing his load this early in the scene. Your perfect mark against his prostate was only made worse when a thicker bead of precum streaked with white bubbled from his slit. "S-Shit-" Kuon managed feeling the bit of water cum wanting to leave his cock but the cockring making it impossible for him to blow his load so quickly, "I- I wanna cum-" Introducing the other slimy finger into him, you succeeded in drawing out another milky white drop of cum from the tip of his untouched cock. Smearing most of his juices on his own abs. But you helped out by mashing your tits into his chest and letting your breath tickle his neck as you slowly began pumping your fingers in and out of him, "If I wanted you to cum would I have put the ring on you?" A moment of silence, a slight shimmy back on your fingers as he tried to fuck himself on them and then a sigh when Kuon lulled his head forward against your shoulder and leaned into you, "No ma'am." "Exactly." You quickened the pace of your fingers inside him. Stirring him up and abusing that man's cute overly sensitive prostate as he remained bound and knelt in front of you, "Now be a good boy and save all that cum for when I ride you." Kuon, shaking with the pleasure taking over, found more and more of himself leaning into you. Until he was bent over relying on you to hold him up. Face bright red and panting. Unable to cum and unable to get more of you inside him. His cock leaked over his stomach and begged for more than just the light friction of your bellies together. But he couldn't form a coherent word with your fingers wiggling around inside him. He'd really have to wait until he finally got to blow his load to even have a coherent thought again.
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REVERSE CHAIR :: breeding + pegging
"Fill me uppppp." Bachira whined as all he could do was wiggle on the chair and voice his neediness as he lulled his head over the edge of the chair, "I want your cum in me noooooow." "Jeesh you're demanding for the one tied to a chair." You placed your hands on either side of Bachira's hips and rutted the toy into him. Slight squeak of the chair that had put up with your fucking this long. Your strap disappeared into him completely and you rutted against his ass as your hands searched for what was attached to the other end of the cum tube, "Wanna be filled up to the brim huh?" With cum lube filled syringe in hand, you pushed down ever so slightly on the plunger and just that much more slimy, white fake cum was pumped into Bachira. "Fuck..." Bachira groaned as he remained limp over the back of the chair. Drool pooling in the corner of his mouth as he got that second feeling of fullness with even the meager amount of fake cum you pumped into him, "More." He managed through blissful groans. Slowly pulling out just till the tip of you toy sat at his entrance, you pushed down on the plunger some more before slipping your strap back into him fully. Thick gooiness of the cumlube making it that much easier to bottom out in Bachira as you kept pushing more and more fake cum into him. Knowing full well that he'd be happy until he was bloated with your slime if given the chance. "God you're such a slut..." You teased more with another push of the plunger. Even more of the thick mess being pumped into him and earning a pathetic groan from the soccer player tied to the chair, "I'm gonna fill you up then watch it all pour out of you like a proper creampie..." Your words always made Bachira's spine tingle and mind race. He couldn't do much but take you from his set in stone position on the chair. And as you finally pushed down on the rest of the syringe hooked up to your faux cock, Bachira was still trying to desperately wiggle down on your length even as the base of the toy was already soiled and disgusting with the lube leaking out of him. And just like you had said. You pulled out the fat silicone cock. Gushes of fake cum rushing out of him and down his balls and drooling down his cock. Bachria sighing with such relief as the sensation of being pumped full to almost empty was bliss in its own way. Only to be caught by total surprise when your hand curled around his slopy, messy cock. All the cumlube that had drooled out of him now on his cock. Leaving it a sticky slimy mess that you could stroke carefree as he remained tied to the chair. Bachira's senses immediately going on overdrive as you pumped his cock as he was tied on his knees to the chair with nowhere to go. You couldn't help giggle as you slathered the cumlube over his balls and went back to jerking him off without a sign of stopping, "Lets add some real cum to the mix, shall we monster?"
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SPREAD EAGLE :: overtimulation + condoms
Three huffs and Nagi weakly pulled at the ropes keeping his legs and arms spread apart on the bed under you. He couldn't stop breathing hard as you threw your leg over his side once more. Dismounting him just to look at the cum filled condom so pathetically clinging to his cock after his orgasm. "Aww you still have some in there," You peeled the used condom and hung it up between the two of you so Nagi could see the globs of cum pooling in the tip of it just as well as you could. A disgusting little trophy and a signal that he still had more to give, "Guess we'll go again." "What a pain..." Nagi turned to mumble into the pillow under his head but showed absolutely no sign of signaling an end to this as you tore into the packaging of another condom. Even going as far as groaning when you unraveled the thing down his shaft. Stroking him for good measure and for his reaction. Before swinging your leg back over him and sinking yourself down on the fresh new condom as the one you just took off him was tied and placed next to the three already tied off and full of cum on the night stand next to you, "Can't I just cum in you...." Nagi's whine the closest to a beg you'd get out of him. "Did you earn it?" You asked, purposely moving your hips on him before he was able to form a proper answer. "N-No-" Nagi managed through gritted teeth. Both the sensation of knives tearing at his core as well as the overwhelming sensation of toe curling pleasure did their dance as his cock was once again being abused by the gummy soft walls surrounding him as you used him. The ties spreading him out on the bed more for show than formality. You could ride Nagi dry any day and he wouldn't move a muscle. Still the contrast of his skin to the beautiful red ropes excited the both of you. Paired with the slight fact that the six four man truly would have to ask you for help if he wanted out. Making it that much easier to ride him as he never went hard between orgasms just because of the simple ropes binging him helpless under you. You'd bounce on his cock and scrape your fingers down his chest until that tell tale groan left his barely open mouth. Watch the sweat bead on his forehead and make his hair clumpy. Until Nagi was curling his toes and shooting blanks into the condom like you expected him to do. But considering how much cum he was still emptying into that fourth condom. He had a ways to go until you drained him dry and decided what fun was to be had with all those wonderful balloons of cum.
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kopfkino-o · 2 years
In Defense of Azriel: A Dissertation, Part One
One thing I see a lot within this fandom is the suggestion that Azriel, somehow, feels entitled to Elain, that he is some raging incel or some torture-loving freak or a white knight only interested in pursuing unattainable women, etc etc. And I am just not okay with that.
Azriel is SUCH a nuanced character and the fact so many people fail to see the context of his personality, his role within the narrative, and the obvious themes SJM is using in regard to his character is just... baffling to me. Especially when he has the potential to be such a powerful male character with an important story that deserves to be told.
So here we go, I'm defending Azriel with my whole chest. This is obviously a pro-Azriel post with pro-Elriel undertones, so if that isn't your thing then SCROLL.
Thx love you all bye.
1) Azriel suffers greatly with his sense of self-worth, so much so he thinks he is deserving of nothing.
We learn first from Mor that Azriel thinks so little of himself, no doubt a direct symptom of his childhood, that he harbors a deep sense of unworthiness. So much so that even if he were a prince, even if the woman he loved (I question this, but that is a whole other post I'll save for later, so I digress) stripped naked before him he wouldn't feel worthy enough to act.
"The issue, actually, wouldn't be me. It'd be him. I could peel off my clothes right in front of him and he wouldn't move an inch. He might have defied and proved those Illyrian pricks wrong at every turn, but it wouldn't matter if Rhys makes him Prince of Velaris--he'll still see himself as a bastard-born nobody, and not good enough for anyone. Especially me." - Mor, ACOMAF, Chapter 52
I think this is a great line to turn to when trying to understand the value Az places on himself. Mor says it herself, she could strip naked for him and he would still see himself as undeserving, still see himself as someone who shouldn't be granted the chance to have her affection. If he feels his way with Mor, someone who he supposedly has loved for centuries (again, I question this lol), then I think it's fair to claim he probably sees himself this way with all women.
This feels like the furthest thing from entitlement to me.
We can also see this inclination towards self-loathing come up again in the ACOSF Az bonus chapter when he gifts the necklace to Elain for the first time.
"He knew it was wrong, but there he was, sliding the necklace around her. Letting his scarred fingers touch her immaculate skin." - Azriel, ACOSF, Bonus Chapter (1 of 2)
These thoughts don't come from him thinking that he and Elain are wrong for wanting to be together, that their shared moment of affection (both now and as hinted at by the "This was the furthest it had ever gone" line) is wrong, but rather from this innate feeling of unworthiness. Az sees himself as nothing (see point below) and cannot fathom why someone like Elain, lovely Elain who resembles hope and the sun at dawn, would ever stop and see him. Give him her time, her offer and permission, would ever call his scarred hands-- the physical reminder of his trauma--beautiful.
He thinks it's wrong because he believes someone like him could never deserve a woman like her.
"Until he felt nothing. Was again nothing at all." Azriel, ACOSF, Bonus Chapter (1 of 2).
LIKE COME ON. This man sees himself as nothing. The fact he spoke up regarding his thoughts on the Cauldron potentially being wrong to begin with was a big thing for him, he who has many secrets, and Rhys SHUT HIM DOWN. 500+ years and even Cassian states Az is slow to open up, see below:
"Cassian knew it was a lie, but didn't push it. Az would speak when he was ready, and Cassian would have better success convincing a mountain to move than getting Az to open up." - Cassian, ACOSF, Chapter Nineteen
Az did speak this time, he felt so strongly and questioned fate itself so fiercely that he opened up to Rhys. He questioned the Cauldron, the fatemaker itself, not because he is entitled to Elain, but because there is something between them, something that has been brewing between them ever since their first meeting, something so fierce he is (finally) compelled to open up, to speak because he was ready. Think about how important that is for a character like him. Azriel, whose brothers of 500+ years could move a mountain more easily than get him to open up, did in fact, open up...
And he was shot down.
Of course, he wasn't going to wax off a lecture about Rhys's suggestion being wrong--because it was Rhys, not Azriel, who suggested entitlement.
Rhys's face drained of color. " You believe you deserve to be her mate?"
Azriel never suggested anything like this. An overwhelmed, distraught Rhys who feared for his mate and unborn child did.
And Azriel shut down, just as he did when he first confessed his feelings to Mor, and immediately abandoned the conversation in favor of silence. Not because he was pissed, or felt he was wronged, but because he saw these moments as validation of his nothingness, proof he was nothing, would always be nothing.
2) "If I Fail, They Will Leave Me" Complex
One thing I think that is important about Azriel's character that is often overlooked is his liberation from his father's dungeon. He wasn't set free when his hands were burned, rather returned to his "dark, airless cell" where was forced to continue on, burned and broken, for three years.
Three bloody years.
It was only when/sometime after his shadowsinging gifts first emerged that he was granted freedom. If you can call it that. Not because he was a little boy who deserved freedom, but because he had magic: a tool of value, a weapon to be used.
And used it was.
We learn from Rhys that Shadowsingers are highly coveted...
"Shadowsingers are rare--coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things others can't." - Rhys, ACOMAF, Chapter 16
And that Az was sent to the camp only AFTER his gifts were discovered.
"Az's father sent him to our camp once he and his charming wife realized he was a shadowsinger." - Rhys, ACOMAF, Chapter 16
This all goes to say that Azriel's freedom was largely granted because of his magic. What would this say to a literal child? He was only valuable because of his magic, because of what he could do.
And this need to please, this need to serve, and the subsequent fear of failure are very prevalent within Az's character. He runs himself ragged, he brings too much onto his plate, he is so busy he doesn't sleep, he always volunteers to put himself into harm's way because he thinks that is all he has to offer. I suspect his time working as the personal spymaster for Rhys's father might also have contributed to these feelings, but I don't have enough info at current to delve any further into that.
Moving on, all this also goes to combat the "pro-torture" argument I sometimes see. Do I think Azriel loves slicing and dicing? No, not really. Same as Rhys doesn't like breaking into people's minds. I suspect Az sees his work in Hewn City as a similarly necessary evil, something he must do (rather than anyone else) because he is already "tainted", something he has to do to be worthy. Something he does because, regardless of how it makes him feel, provides value to his loved ones. I suspect Az probably feels if he were to stay no, if he were to refuse, then he would be deemed useless, unworthy, and abandoned as a result. Not that this would ever happen, but I think Az probably sees so little value in himself he thinks only his magic and skills are all he can provide his brothers. Not because they don't love and support him, but because years and years of trauma reinforce this idea.
It's really, really heartbreaking if you think about it.
Anywayssss, that's all I have in me for tonight, but I've got a few other points I will be adding to expand this post! I love (civil) fandom discourse, so feel free to drop in thoughts and opinions below.
Thanks for reading this behemoth!
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mrsdesade · 1 month
I love Ophera! Tell us more about her, please 🙏
Sure of course, your giving so much love to my girl! 💖 I'm always happy to talk about her and giving you more OCs content! Instead of a simple info dump I got the occasion of this question to recreate a live TV interview with her!
Ophera interview;
Pairing: no one, just Ophera stuff (mentioning of her relationship with Homelander and some other characters) TW: nope Timeline: late season 1 Words count: 1,6k
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���Welcome back to The Daily Show. I'm Cameron Coleman. And tonight, we have a very special guest. She's one of the most powerful, most enigmatic figures in the whole Vought. She's a superhero, a musician, and a global icon. Please join me in welcoming the incredible Ophera!”
The studio audience erupted in applause as a stunning woman with obsidian black hair and piercing red eyes stepped onto the stage. Ophera, the third member of The Seven.
Cameron's voice, smooth and polished, echoed through the studio, introducing Ophera to the world once more. But this was no ordinary interview. Behind the dazzling facade of the superhero, there was a woman haunted by secrets. As the cameras rolled, a different story was about to unfold. A story that would delve deeper than the carefully crafted public image.
“It’s an honor to have you here. You’ve become a symbol of hope for millions.''
"I just try to do my part."
"And do it you do, spectacularly. The world needs heroes like you, Ophera. But let's peel back the layers a little. Behind the invincible superhero, there's a woman. A woman who's faced unimaginable challenges. Today we are here to ask you some questions, your audience wants to know more and more!"
''Whenever you want, shoot, I'm ready.''
''Let me ask you first, something related to your musical career.''
Where do you draw your inspiration for your music? Is there a particular artist or genre that has influenced you?
"Inspiration is everywhere. A city at night, a broken heart, the taste of iron - it’s all fuel for my music. I've always been drawn to the raw energy of rock, but I'm not afraid to experiment. Oh, I deeply admire Michael Jackson's works and carreer.''
Do you have any pre-show rituals or superstitions?
"Superstitions? That's for amateurs. I prefer a good warm-up and a shot of espresso. If that counts as a ritual, then I'm guilty as charged."
What are your favorite things to do when you're not saving the world or performing on stage?
"When I’m not fighting crimes or performing a stage, you can find me on my motorcycle, lost in thought. Or perhaps in a dimly lit bar, enjoying a drink with my friends. Hey Lara! She wanted to be greeted on live TV!''
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on stage?
"Let's just say that once, during a live concert, my metal manipulation went a bit... rogue. Imagine a guitar flying into the audience. It was a show, alright."
''Working for Vought must be such an experience, right?''
How do you view your relationships with some other members of The Seven?
"The Seven…It's a peculiar little family, isn't it? Maeve, a warrior, a seasoned pro. We have a mutual respect, born from years of shared experiences. Starlight, well, she's a breath of fresh air. Her idealism is infectious, even if she can be a bit naive sometimes. Also there's The Deep… let's just say he's a fish out of water. But hey, who am I to judge? We're all just playing our part in this grand spectacle, aren't we?"
What’s the most challenging mission you’ve faced as a member of The Seven?
"Every day is a challenge. From rescuing kittens from trees to stopping world domination, it's a rollercoaster. But if I had to pick one, let's just say it involved a really, really high skyscraper at deep night. Alone. Without flying assistance."
How do you balance the demands of being a superhero with the pressures of maintaining a public image?
"It's a delicate dance, that's for sure. You have to be able to switch gears in a heartbeat. One moment you're saving the world, the next you're on a red carpet. It’s like being an actor, except with superpowers and way less wardrobe malfunctions."
There have been rumors about the darker side of The Seven. What do you think about the growing anti-superhero sentiment?
"Rumors are like shadows, Cameron. They linger in the dark, feeding off fear and ignorance. The Seven are a symbol. Some people prefer to focus on the shadows rather than the light. It's a choice they make."
What is the most challenging aspect of controlling such immense power?
"The most challenging aspect? Resisting the urge to use it on people who deserve it. Power is a double-edged sword, Cameron. It can be used to create or destroy. The trick is knowing which is which."
How do you feel about the limitations of your powers, if any?
"Limitations? No no, I prefer to think of them as challenges. They keep things interesting. Besides, who wants to be invincible? Where's the fun in that?"
Do you believe that the ends justify the means, or do you adhere to a strict moral code?
"Morality is subjective. What's right for one person might be wrong for another. I believe in consequences, however. Every action has a ripple effect."
''Let's get straight to the point, your relationship with Homelander.''
Can you tell us more about how you and Homelander first met? It seems like a match made in heaven.
"A match made in hell maybe! Well, my beloved Homelander. A force of nature. We collided, quite literally, during a mission. It was chaos, destruction, and an undeniable spark. Classic superhero love story, don't you think?"
How does it feel to be considered one of the most powerful couples in the world?
"It's a curious thing, fame. It magnifies everything, including the mundane. Homelander and I are partners, in life and in work. The world sees us as a power couple, but our relationship is far more complex than that."
Girls wants to know. What's the most romantic thing Homelander has ever done for you?
"Homelander? Romantic? That's a new one. Let's just say he knows how to create a good quality moment after dinner."
Fans often look up to your relationship. What advice would you give to couples who aspire to have a love like yours?
"Communication, trust, honestly, and a really good therapist. Just kidding about the last one. Kind of. Or simply: don't date superheroes. It’s messy."
''Your family, quite a delicate topic.''
Could you tell us a bit about your brother, Illuminatio? What was he like?
"He was my rock, my partner in crime. We were inseparable. He had this infectious laugh that could brighten anyone's day. Such a showman...I honestly miss him everyday."
How do you keep Illuminatio's memory alive? Is there anything you do to honor him?
"I try to live a life that would make him proud. And I talk about him all the time. He loved being in the spotlight, he always looked for his place in the world of entertainment. I will do my best to never let his legacy disappear.''
What kind of legacy do you hope to leave behind? Is it more important to be remembered as a hero or as a person?
"A legacy, huh? I'd rather be remembered as a catalyst for change. Someone who challenged the status quo, pushed boundaries, and inspired others to be their best selves. Hero? Person? Why choose? I am both. And I'm proud of it. But if I had to pick, I'd say it's more important to be remembered as a person. Because heroes come and go, but people are forever."
''People wants to know something more about your private life!''
You've been in the public eye for years. How do you manage to maintain a sense of privacy in such a demanding role?
"It's all about finding those quiet moments. A good movie, a glass of wine, and maybe a locked door. Sometimes, even superheroes need a little 'me time'."
Your style is always on point. Who are your fashion inspirations?
"Anyone who's not afraid to take a risk. A bit of edge, much glamour, and a good sparkling dress. Even If sometimes you've to sacrifice your comfort. Except for shoes, oh love, you can't save the world in uncomfortable shoes."
Aside from your superpowers and musical abilities, are there any other hidden talents you possess?
"I'm told I have a talent for driving people absolutely insane! Is that the kind of talent you had in mind?"
Last question! Are you truly happy with your life?
"Happy? Well, It's a complex emotion. I'm content, fulfilled, and occasionally amused. But happiness is a fleeting thing, isn't it? Like a shooting star. Better to focus on making the most of every moment."
The studio audience is on its feet, applauding. Ophera sits on the couch, a relaxed posture contrasting sharply with the intensity of some of the questions. A little smile playing on her red lips. Cameron, visibly impressed, stands up and walks over to Ophera. He extends a hand for a firm handshake.
“There you have it, folks. A glimpse into the life of Ophera. From her humble beginnings to her status as a superhero, she's truly an inspiration. But as she's shown us tonight, even superheroes have their vulnerabilities and their doubts. Ophera, thank you so much for joining us. It's been a pleasure!”
''Thanks to you Cameron for having me, it was fun, let's do it again sometimes! And thanks to all of you who support us every day, you guys, are the real heroes.''
Ophera returns the handshake, her grip strong and confident. The audience erupts in another round of applause. She stands up, her tall figure commanding attention. She walks to the edge of the stage, taking a deep breath. With a wink at the camera, she blows a kiss to the audience. The lights dim as she steps off the stage, leaving the audience buzzing with excitement.
Thanks again for the request, honestly one of my favourites to write, hope you enjoyed! Kisses <3
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gothhabiba · 10 months
Partition without Consent
[...] [T]he UN 1947 partition was not the legal, moral, fair, balanced, pragmatic, practicable "compromise" formula that it is made out to be. [...] The UNGA altogether failed to address the very serious legal challenges posed by the Arab delegations in the form of draft resolutions submitted to the UNGA meeting to discuss the Palestine problem. The Arab delegations requested that before a decision be taken, the International Court of Justice be asked for its opinion on the following subjects: (a) whether or not Palestine was included in the Arab territories that had been promised independence by Britain at the end of World War I; (b) whether partition was consistent with the objectives and provisions of the Mandate; (c) whether partition was consistent with the principles of the UN Charter; (d) whether its adoption and forcible execution were within the competence or jurisdiction of the UN; and (e) whether it lay within the power of any UN member or group of members to implement partition without the consent of the majority of the people living within the country. The voting on the issue of UN competence to partition Palestine—a combination of (d) and (e)—is particularly instructive. The draft counter resolution that said that the UN did have the authority was carried by only 21 votes to 20 in the Ad Hoc Committee whose total membership was 57.
Nor is there much evidence that moral considerations played a significant role in the pro-Zionist votes of the member states or that these were genuinely motivated to alleviate the plight of European Jewry. In the spirit of UNSCOP's [...] recommendation of international responsibility for the Jewish plight, the Arab delegations had proposed a draft resolution to the effect that "Jewish refugees and displaced persons . . . should be absorbed in the territories of members of the UN in proportion to their area, resources, per capita income, population, and other relevant factors." The resolution in the UNGA, again meeting as an ad hoc committee, was not carried. The voting was 16 to 16, with 25 abstentions. [...] Neither the UN as a whole nor the United States as its paramount leader rose to the moral occasion [of accepting refugees in significant numbers].
[...] [The] absence of consent [was] at the heart of the 1947 UNGA partition resolution. Ever since the Peel Report's recommendation of partition (itself much less radical than its UN successor) triggered a massive escalation in the Palestinian rebellion in 1937, there had been no illusions among the Zionist leadership or outside observers about the [...] dedicated Palestinian resistance to the principle of partition. [...] Nor were there any illusions among the Zionist leadership or any of the UN member states supporting partition that it could be implemented other than by the use of massive force in the face of Palestinian and Arab resistance. How else, in the absence of Palestinian and Arab consent, could the Zionist domain expand from 7 percent to 55.5 percent of the land of Palestine assigned to the Jewish state, a 900-percent increase in territory, thick with Palestinians?
– 1997. Walid Khalidi, "Revisiting the UNGA Partition Resolution," Journal of Palestine Studies 27.1, pp. 5-21.
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