#Probably for the best that Yuu's not his son
violetlunette · 5 months
Okay I already mentioned the plot twist of Yuu ending up with Lilia because dat thigh game too strong. 🦵 💪😤 🤣
But here’s another plot twist: what if Lilia’s papa bear/adopt children instincts somehow get triggered and latch onto Yuu?
Like, obviously, he’s focused on protecting Silver from Yuu, but there’s been a couple times where we see that, when Silver is NOT there, they CAN coexist.
And this last post of yours, with Crowley telling Lilia he can’t keep kicking Yuu because of the structural damage… that made me think “huh. You know. Crowley is supposed to be taking care of Yuu. Like… Yuu is technically all alone here. Lilia is fae. Yuu is obviously older but like. A free child is a free child. 🤷‍♀️👀💀”
So now Lilia is trying to bring Yuu into the family and telling Yuu that Silver is now Yuu’s BROTHER and Yuu is like “NO. THAT’S THE LOML.” And now Yuu and Lilia are fighting for a completely DIFFERENT reason because Lilia is now determined to take in this poor child that had to SELL THEIR KIDNEY TO AFFORD FOOD WHEN THEY FIRST GOT TO TWISTED WONDERLAND DEAR SEVENS?! while Yuu is screeching that LILIA CAN TAKE CAN CARE OF YUU WHEN YUU MARRIES INTO THE FAMILY BACK OFF BATMAN!!!!
Meanwhile Silver is watching in sleepy confusion, Sebek in horrified confusion, and Malleus in just plain confusion (but he’s happy to be there 😊)
Sorry for the long ask - I just love that series and for some reason that idea just popped into my head and was super funny to me and I wanted to share with you since your series was what inspired it! 💜
Referencing this series
Lol, I love the idea of Lilia slowly developing affection for this problem child to the point of wanting to adopt him.
This be hard for different reasons than you stated, however, as Yuu has a strong aversion towards family for—reasons. He’s also fiercely independent and would rather tear himself apart than depend on others (and he has). (Though the kidney thing isn’t a big deal. He got another one later. Leona should be careful where he naps...) He’d also have to fight Crowley for custody.
You’re on key for Yuu’s reaction though. “You can have me as a son in law, Batty!” lol.
But if Lilia thinks that adopting him will stop Yuu’s pursuit of Silver, he’s got another thing coming. Yuu can call Lilia daddy and Silver hubby easily. (Down internet, you know what I mean.)
I’m so glad people are liking my Yuu and my silly little posts! And I love that people are willing to share their thoughts on the series. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feel free to send more!
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
What do you think would happen if Floyd were to meet Riddle's mother?! Cuz I just read your Mama/Papa leech Headcanons about meeting their sons crush. But what if it’s reversed? Riddle's mother Meeting Floyd? (I would also say Yuu's parents meeting Jade, but unfortunately, that won't be happening)
“Wow, I thought Lil Goldfishie was a stick in the mud, his mama has a whole branch up her—” *gets kicked in the groin*
I have very mixed feelings about Riddle's mother, in that with the context we have right now she's a bitch and if I ever see her it's on motherfucking sight. But she must love her son still, right? Is she harsh because he wants to set Riddle up for success, but only knows the way she was raised? Is she scared of her kid getting hurt or failing, and so she tries to shield him from all possible harm? Is she so hyperaware of all the dangers in society that she feels the need to keep him in a little bubble, knowing in the back of her mind that making mistakes and getting hurt is part of growing up? A good mother would never want to see their child ever get hurt if it were up to them. I mean, she must care for him in some way, but how? In the manga or novel (not sure which) they mention that she fought back against the school to keep him in, but was that because she wanted him to have the prestige of NRC in his background or because she wants what's best for him? She homeschooled him herself to the point that he's an immensely powerful mage already as a teen, so she could've hypothetically kept doing the same thing, right? Is she a mother that truly cares for her son but suffered the same childhood, but she “turned out fine” so it must be fine? Or is she just a bitch, lol. Either way, she is emotionally and affectionately neglectful and doesn't realize it at best, and emotionally and psychologically abusive at worst.
I have a lot to say on the topic of Mrs. Rosehearts, about her parenting, the cultural differences of child-rearing that EN players and JP players might have. This post talks about it in depth, but I can say more on the topic later.
In regards to Floyd meeting Mrs. Rosehearts, probably against Riddle's wishes or while he's distracted, the poor guy is set up for disappointment. While it's implied that Mama Leech is overprotective and that she calls very often, if not daily, to check in on her sons, they still had enough freedom growing up to get into shenanigans and hijinks. I mean, they beat up a sturgeon and took some of its scales to fashion into earrings like a trophy. And they both speak very fondly of her, so Floyd is going into meeting Mrs. Rosehearts with the expectation that she might be a bit stuffy. But, she raised Riddle, his crush and favorite human! He's strict and mean at times, but he cares a lot for his dorm and is super diligent, she must be like that too!
But she's so…critical. She looks at him unamused, very standoffish, but is polite. He guesses. He can see where Riddle got his strictness from.
“Hello. Who might you be?” She probably didn't expect to have some random student, not even from her son's dorm, come up to her. He was...tall. Towered over her, and based on the color of his hair and sharp teeth, most likely wasn't human.
“Huh, you're not as red as my Lil Goldfishie is.”
She blinked and frowned, resisting the urge to chastise the strange fellow for his informal tone and rube behavior. Not her son, not her problem.
“Pardon? Do you often speak to your elders like this?” she asked, eyeing him as she turned away to watch her son give orders to his dorm as they managed an informational booth.
“Yeah, why not? They're just people. Not like I'm being rude or anything” She would strongly disagree. “You're kinda prickly, like a lionfish.”
“W-what?” She changed her mind, someone needs to put him in her place. “Now listen here, young man, it's quite rude to call people anything other than their na—”
“They're real mean, ya know. Venomous, a nuisance, can't even mess with it cause it has a bunch of spines—oh! Imma call you Mama Lionfish.” The young man snapped his left fingers like he made a revelation.
Mrs. Rosehearts had learned to control her temper, but she still had her moments, Her face been bright red, her lips thinned, and she opened her mouth to start berating the young man.
“Floyd Leech! What did I tell you about calling people names?” A tall, slender women came up to them, pale skin and hair hue similar to the man in front of her. She wore a cream-colored dress and matching blazer, adorned with gold and pearls, and a matching wide brimmed hat. She was followed by Riddle, who looked a mix of anger and concern.
“Never do it in front of people, yeah, yeah.” The man named Floyd pouted, but brightened at the sight of Riddle. “Oh hey Lil Goldfishie! What's uuuup?”
Floyd jogged over to Riddle, halting him midstep as Mrs. Rosehearts noticed Riddle almost bristle, trying to sidestep and get around Floyd. He was failing.
“I apologize, you know how boys can be!” The woman in front of her also towered over her, though not nearly as much as her son did. “My Floyd doesn't mean anything by it, he just a silly boy.”
The blue haired woman laughed, then abruptly stopped, narrowing her golden gaze as she thinly smiled.
“You're the man's mother, I assume.” Mrs. Rosehearts replied, smoothing out her skirt and clutching her hands together. “He's very...spirited. He's from the Leech family? Is it safe to assume that your the Leech family matriarch?”
The other woman's sharp toothed smile grew as she nodded. “Yes. It's not often that I come to the surface. But it's wonderful to know that I'm as—oh—well-known, on the surface, as under the sea.”
Mrs. Rosehearts wouldn't use the word 'well-known' as much as she would infamous.
“Yes, well. I would just remind your son to not so blatantly call people names to their faces.” she said, clenching and unclenching her fist in an attempt to sooth herself. “I'm not sure what your customs are under the sea, but up here he would be considered a riffraff.”
For all her talk about politeness, Mrs. Rosehearts forgot herself at time and let things slip out of her mouth faster than she processed. She knew she pressed a button when Mrs. Leech's smile disappeared.
It was only for a moment, but with the blank face and the way her gold eyes bore into her, it felt like her body and soul were being grasped by something dark and violent.
Then that feeling was gone as Mrs. Leech smiled again and closed her eyes, tilting her head.
“He'll be fine, I'm sure he'll find his people. After all, it seems he's already found someone in your son.”
Both women moved their gazes to the pair, now bickering. Well, Riddle was, the one called Floyd, was just swaying on his heels as he grinned and make a comment here and there. Each one after the other seemed to fluster her son further, his cheeks growing in color as they spoke. Most people who knew her son would assume that the red was attributed to his rage, and it mostly was. But (fortunately or unfortunately, she couldn't decide) her son was much like her. It wasn't rage that made his eyes dart away each time their eyes met for too long. It wasn't rage that made him scuff his foot every so often. And it most certainly wasn't rage in his eyes.
Mrs. Rosehearts cleared her throat, turning away from Mrs. Leech and walking to her son.
“I don't know what you're implying, but I must be going now. My son and I still need to tour his dorm.”
Mrs. Leech watched the other woman walk away, sighing.
“Oh, what a disdainful woman. And her son is so lovely too…she really is like a lionfish.”
“Yeah, it's a good nickname for her, right Mama?” Floyd came bounding over, stretching his arms. “Is' too bad she's a stuck-up, gonna real annoying if she's my mother-in-law.”
“Hm, I'll just have to overcompensate then and be the best Mama for you and the little Riddle!” Mama Leech clapped her hands excitedly, sighing in bliss at the thought.
“Oh, it will be so wonderful to see the family grow big...oh! By the way, Floyd.” Mama Leech walked away, Floyd following after diligently. “I might have mentioned a little 'something' to him about your cute rambles about him. He was so cute, all red and flushed when I said you're positively infatuated, calling him cute and—”
“Aw what! Mama!”
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
I’d like to hear a little about Idia’s Yutu. I bet he was pretty startled to see his hair suddenly catch fire + any other physical changes associated with the curse. (Do you think the yellow eyes and shark teeth are even caused by the curse?)
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Idia is a popular boy and I have a lot of thoughts about him in general; I feel like I gave him a lot to deal with in this particular au... Jade is probably having a worse time mentally but Idia has a bunch of work I know he wasn't asking for.
As for the talk about the curse, I kicked it around in my head a bit and I am going to say yes the teeth are caused by it but the eyes are just something Idia got from his parents. I know I talk about thinking there is something wrong with Trey, but I don't think that's because of a curse and his eyes are definitely yellow. Idia's do seem to glow a bit so if you want your Yutu to have different colored eyes I think it would make sense if they had a bit of a glow to them, but that's just me.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. For this post, I would recommend reading this explanation of what happened to the boys as Idia has a pretty big role in the bad timeline, and his actions will be somewhat referenced here.
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Idia has the benefit and the literal curse of being in charge of S.T.Y.X., meaning that when blot investigations are conducted he tends to be in the know. His Yuu and Yutu should have been safe from anything the Marshall's decided to do but they weren't. Unlike pretty much everyone else in this AU, Idia learns what happened to his family. He knows that Yuu was cursed, he knows they were sent back to their world. But that's about it, he tries to find some sort of way to make contact with your world so he can bring you home but then things go to shit and his progress is severely delayed. By the time he has to help bury Leona it's stopped completely. Ortho tries his best to help, but Idia doesn't really want him to. As much as he wants to see you again, he doesn't want you to have to suffer through any overblots again, nor does he want to raise a child in a dying world.
Sometimes when he is alone, energy drinks scattered around his desk he'll look over to the little digital photo frame he loaded up with pictures of you, from back at NRC all the way up to your wedding and wonders if he should just let you go. There's a chance you being forced to forget about him means you would have moved on, maybe met someone else and had other kids. Was his kid anything like him? He hopes they ended up looking mostly like you, and knowing there is no way for the Shroud curse to reach them does make it slightly easier to sleep at night. He tells himself when he comes back to work tomorrow, he'll put the frame in a drawer along with his wedding ring but he never does. In his mind, he is still your husband, just waiting for fall to come so you can try to be together again. Fall might be another life, but Idia surprisingly doesn't mind. He can wait for you.
Idia! Yutu was a massive crybaby when he was a baby. Very clingy to Yuu and very afraid of his own shadow let alone his teachers and peers. He grows out of the crying as he gets older but not the social anxiety. Yutu wants friends, he just sucks at making them and is extremely stressed out by being around people. I could see Yuu maybe getting an animal of some sort to help with the stress and anxiety their son was feeling. And just by typing that I have become attached to the concept: Ida! Yutu gets a dog Yuu feels inclined to name Cerberus. Yutu adores her and takes very good care of her without any fights about his chores.
Yuu remembers Idia as being more of a cat person, but they tell Yutu they think he really would have approved of Cerb. They remember him as being a socially awkward, but extremely passionate about his work and hobbies. His love of retro games causes a lot of Yuu's cursed pains, they know he liked those sorts of games but they can't for the life of them remember the titles. Yutu tries to reassure his parent it's just nice knowing a little bit about his dad and that he doesn't need the specifics. Hearing about his dad's interests motivates him to learn about emulators as he gets older, and he builds Yuu a nice family computer after scrounging for parts.
Yutu prefers single player or local co-op games, but makes an exception if Yuu has a long term MMO or something like a genshin account because he does like playing with Yuu. It helps soothe his social anxiety to talk to people while he knows his parent and Cerberus are near by, but when they aren't online he's essentially a solo gamer.
Unfortunately for Yutu's potential inner gremlin, Yuu also remembers Idia's shut in tendencies and is determined to get him outside from a very young age. Cerb does her best to help with that too, it's Yutu's job to walk her and he swears she keeps trying to introduce him to people. He's had so many awkward conversations with the people in his neighborhood because of her. His other chore used to be helping out in the little vegetable garden Yuu started to help cut down grocery costs, but that quickly ceased being a chore and became a full blown passion.
Idia! Yutu loves flowers. He fills his windowsills with plants that are safe to be around dogs and has Cerberus help him dig a flower bed around your home so he can plant more of them. Sure the veg garden is nice too, but he loves the significance of and variety that can be found in flowers. If you live in a place that can keep bees then he will absolutely bug you about wanting to get some.
Twisted Wonderland looks horrible to Yutu. It's dark and cold, he's been snapped into a room full of people in a place he doesn't recognize, and his parent has gone non responsive as he tries desperately to shake them awake. He tries snapping at the fancy looking man that comes to help and accidentally bites his tongue, and that's when he notices it.
Mostly because Cerberus tackles him and tries to put him out.
"Owowowowowowowwww-" Yutu tries to push Cerberus back but she keeps whining and trying to lick at his face. She yelps as Yutu catches his breath as he sees what she's trying to paw at. His hair is on fire, or to be more accurate his hair is fire. He can hold it, he can tug at it, it's warm and is not burning his clothes but his hair is on fucking fire-
"STAY." The voice is so commanding that both Cerb and Yutu freeze, the strange man from before with his dual colored hair looks oddly nostalgic at his little command, eyes obviously softening at the dog as he shakes his head. "Good girl, no need to worry. Your little master is ok, he isn't going to combust." Cerberus whines, but she relaxes and Yutu stands shakily. "Though full warning you might feel like you are once I am done explaining things to you."
Idia and Ortho are called to NRC for an emergency and debriefed on their way over. Yuu holds on to life just long enough to speak with Idia a little, the first time Yutu meets his dad the two of them are saying goodbye to a now comatose Yuu. The silence is awkward, but the hold Idia has on Yutu isn't. I like to think that Idia and Yuu had talked about what they would have wanted to name Yutu, and that memory had carried across the world so there was no awkward introduction phase between the two of them. The sort of fall into each others lives immediately, the want for the other to exist overriding anything else.
Cerberus helps too. Idia might be more of a cat person but cute doggies are good too. ESPECIALLY one with such an awesome name, she's the most spoiled girl in the entire apocalypse. She's an old dog at this point, so Idia takes her back to S.T.Y.X. where she becomes a sort of unofficial mascot for the research teams. Idia makes her a uniform and everything. He regularly sends pictures to Yutu while he's busy at school.
Because of Yutu's love of gardening trumping his interest in technology, he ends up in Heartslabyul instead of Ignihyde. He is very embarrassed about this at first (he really hates the uniform) but Idia reassures him that he doesn't care about that. His kid could probably kill someone in front of him and he would not care, especially not at this point. So long as he is able to talk to his child about manga and games he doesn't care what extra circulars they're into. I can't see him being super excited about having to go to sports games, but then again maybe he would just think about it like a sports anime to help psych himself up to go (his kid would obviously be his favorite character).
Bad timeline Idia is a lot calmer than his younger self. He still loses his temper and goes on smug rants, but in general he speaks exactly like he does in book six to the S.T.Y.X. employees. His true personality only really comes out when he's alone with Ortho and Yutu, but he tries to keep his more pessimistic side in check. He wants Yutu to have some hope for the future, but the more he runs the numbers the bleaker things look.
Ortho is beyond excited to have his nephew back. He always liked hanging out with Yuu because of the lack of data he had about them. Every conversation he had with them was unique, and he was really looking forward to having the same experience with Yutu. He was just as if not more distraught than Idia when you both disappeared, so having Yutu back brings a bit more spark to his soul. Yutu was so stressed out from all of the changes he was experiencing that meeting Orhto felt weirdly normal. What's weirder: having an artificial humanoid for an uncle, technically being part alien, having fire for hair, or having a spell that literally opens the gates of hell. Yutu is not taking option one that's for sure.
Ortho and Idia are the ones who propose going back in time, but when it's their Yutu who is making the journey the suggestion is extremely difficult to make. Idia doesn't like the idea of asking his son to do this, it feels selfish. But then, Idia also feels like bringing him into existence before he could break the family curse was selfish, no matter what Yutu was always going to be doomed. But that just means he should be the one taking responsibility for this... Ortho volunteers himself for the mission but Yutu points out that that would probably be even more dangerous than sending him. It's a tearful goodbye, everyone knows that if the missions succeeds this timeline will cease to exist and they will never get to see each other again. They have a little party at NRC and Idia takes Yutu aside to visit Yuu's grave, firstly so they can say goodbye and secondly because he has a confession to make
"I was mega cringe when I was at NRC." His dad can't even look him in the eyes, and Yutu swears he sees him shaking. He has to blink a few times to make sure he is seeing things right, this doesn't look like overworked dad, or stressed dad, or angry at something mundane dad. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he was-
"Well isn't everybody?" The tips of Idia's hair turn pink at the question and Yutu's quickly mirrors him from feeling like he's done something wrong. All he's done is repeat his dad's own advice back to him though. "You're always so cool and confident-" Idia wheezes and Yutu almost has to catch him. "I mean I'm sure you can't be bad as me-"
"Oh you are going to regret saying that." His dad can't really bring himself to elaborate further but the thousand yard stare does all the talking for him.
Idia! Yutu was given three very simple instructions by Uncle Ortho about going back in time:
1) don't try to lie to me about who you are, I will run scans and figure it out. Grandma and Grandpa finding out would probably be bad and just complicate things. Easy enough, having Uncle Ortho on his side makes the transition between future and past a lot easier. Current Ortho might be a lot more innocent? Naive? He isn't sure if those are the words he would use, but he is certainly less used to having a soul and being his own person than his Uncle is. Not that this makes him any less accepting of Yutu... if anything he is even more excited about him than he was in the future.
2) try to keep who you are a secret from Yuu, but get close to them. We need them to stay alive, even if we don't know why yet... Less easy than hanging out with Uncle Ortho, but still easy enough. I tend to write all Yutus as not fully realizing how much they missed or loved Yuu until they got to see the younger version of their parent... but out of all of them Idia! Yutu is certainly up there for just how hard it hits him. Mostly because of Rule 3:
3) I am so fucking sorry for what you're going to have to deal with please be patient with me!!! I promise I love you and your parent so much I'm just not going to know-
So that obviously came from Idia and not Ortho, but Yutu really disregarded that warning until he accidentally ran into his dad while trying to find Ortho and saw him take out a tablet? That he used to talk with and got very panicky about when he asked a very simple question about it. Uncle Ortho helpfully tells him later that Idia uses it to help him speak in public because of his anxiety, and is very pleased to learn Yutu has never seen him use it in the future. But that doesn't really change how things are now...
On the one hand, Yutu gets it. He has bad social anxiety himself, but because he had a very supportive parent who worked with him to challenge himself in healthy ways he never got to the point that Idia is. He also was a lot older when he had his first experience with a traumatic loss and had Idia (who is a bit too experienced) and Ortho (who is just so understanding) there to help him through it. He knew that was not the case for his dad, they talked about it a lot in the future because Idia felt like he had a right to know, but I don't think he fully comprehended how bad Idia's mental health was.
Because no matter how much he might get it, this guy is still his dad and Yutu really wants to interact with him. He wants to impress him and maybe finally beat his high score on Star Rogue, Yutu just knows there are a bunch of stories he never got to hear because his dad was too embarrassed to tell him and this is maybe his one chance to find all of them out. But his dad is such a shut in he barely even interacts with Yuu! Yutu was always way too embarrassed to ask him about how they got together and now he swears he'll never know because him being in Ramshackle seems to have scared his dad off.
That's only half true, Idia doesn't really see Yutu as a romantic rival... like Cater he assumes you are related in some way because of the similar appearances and tastes in manga. Even when the two of you deny it he shrugs it off, hey maybe Yutu is just you from a different reality? He thinks he read a manga like that once... either way not his monkey not his circus. But like. It could be, Ortho really does like to remind him that Yuu is much less judgemental than everyone else on campus so if he wanted to make some progress on his journey of self improvement talking to them might not be such a bad idea. wink wink nudge nudge! But going over there still means he has to interact with someone other than Yuu and Mr. Grim and that's stressful.
He doesn't think about it at all when Yutu keeps finding excuses to not be there when Ortho drags him to visit because of how relieved he is to not have to socialize with him, at first anyway. He notices when Ortho excuses himself too, they certainly seem to be buddy buddy which isn't something he's going to complain about but as Idia does get closer to Yuu and *ugh* admits to himself he's got some feelings he starts to feel like he should at least know something about the kid other than his name. He does not completely figure it out, but he notices all of the relevant data points before he's slapped in the face with who Yutu is.
Like Lilia! Yutu's reveal, I think Idia finds out about who Yutu is in the middle of a fight. Yuu gets injured by a really strange blot phatom Idia has never seen before and Yutu absolutely looses it. His hair flares up and for snaps his hood to cinders as he's roaring out spells and trying desperately to make sure that thing doesn't touch his parents. Something you both hear loud and clear.
At first this makes Idia beyond excited. He probably joins the little fit his son is throwing except in raw joy because he's fantasized so much about this! He even has a little sims save where Yuu and him are married and they've got a kid and a cat and wow just look at Yutu he looks even cooler in real life than he does in a life sim! Yuu look at him, you guys have a-
A kid. You have a kid. With him. One that's got his teeth and hair and your nose and is sobbing in his arms about how much he missed you both and doesn't want to watch you die again. The sheer worry eclipses his second hand embarrassment at his own smugness as he awkwardly holds on to the sobbing Yutu and looks towards you for help. He's never been good at this whole emotional comfort thing, pls assist. So you pick yourself up and join the group hug and all three of you just sort of sit there for a bit while Yutu tells his story. About growing up in your world, how he came to NRC and his friends in Heartslabyul (Idia is blaming that on you, as a joke ofc he doesn't care what house his kid is in), and the plan to go back in time because of how hopeless the future is. It's not a story Idia takes lightly, especially when Ortho confirms it and sends him all of the data he and Yutu have collected so far. Idia is a bit gloomy and prone to complaining, but if you are in a bad place there are few people more reliable. He is a lot like death in a way, he'll always be there in the end.
Idia is a bit awkward around Yuu for a bit after the reveal, I like to think of you as being newly together at this point so Idia hasn't really revealed just how... detailed some of his fantasies about you are just yet. There are a lot of them, he has uh. Maybe written some of them down, pleasedon'tmakehimreadthemoutloud and most of them are perfectly normal and respectable (lies). It stops when you tell him Yutu had to come from somewhere and he dies, buries himself under his covers, and rises again a changed man. Yeah that's right, his kid did come from somewhere NORMIES. He had se-
He's not super big into PDA but he is comfortable being clingy around Yutu and Ortho, though he tries not to be overly cheesy around Yutu. He hates seeing his parents be all lovey dovey with one another and he likes to keep his compliments quiet and for your ears only anyway. I do like the idea of Yuu being a tiny bit more outgoing and embarrassing him a bit around "the kids" (Grim and Yutu) so his hair is in a damn near permanent shade of pink any time he's around Ramshackle. It's one thing to have your younger brother think the world of you, but to have a kid think so highly of you that he travels back in time to save you from an apocalypse? Idia feels super unworthy, it fuels his determination to work out the "problem" Yutu has given him even if his natural pessimism makes him want to give up.
"... Just leave it to your dad." It's an echo of the only other promise he 100% intends to live up to. He really does mean it, Idia is not loosing this match. Just you wait and see...
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harzilla · 3 days
Hello! I sent an ask a while ago, but my WiFi has been finicky at the best of times, so I wanted to ask and make sure it didn't get eaten. Do you happen to have a question regarding the lost sibling au with a focus on voices?
Hey anon! I'm pretty sure I did.
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If this is you. I saw it, I just hadn't answered because I wanted to mull over it before answering(and I've been busy this past week with work and throwing a party)
I swear when it comes to this AU we're all feeling the angst potential aren't we when it comes to Malleus and Lilia?
I've already had one ask about Malleus catching a familiar sound, but now thinking about how Lilia would react. He's been through so much. The two people he deeply loved are long gone and he's been raising their son. He still clearly remembers them after all this time.
Raising and watching Malleus grow up, he probably see so much of both Levan and Maleanor in him. Malleus especially takes after his mother.
But imagine Yuu takes after their father more. Everybody that Yuu has met so far, Lilia is the only one who actually remembers what Maleanor and Levan look and sound like.
Lilia, who one day catches Yuu and Malleus hanging together and it makes him reminisce about Levan and Maleanor when they were young.
Lilia, who hears Yuu laughing and he's struck by how they laugh so much like Levan. Even to the certain way the corner of their eyes crinkle up like his did.
Lilia, who also caught himself looking for whomever made the happy sounding dragon noise in the cafeteria because the only ones he EVER heard make that noise were Maleanor and Malleus
Lilia who stops dead in his tracks when he hears Yuu humming the lullaby Maleanor would hum to her eggs in a rare moment of calm and peace. Perhaps Lilia is one of the only people who can still sing that song, and perhaps he'd hum it to Malleus when he was still in his egg. One of the few connections he could keep with Maleanor. He's trying to figure out every possible way Yuu could know that song.
Lilia, who begins to question who and what this child actually is. To everybody, Yuu just looks like another human. But to Lilia, he's beginning to see more and more of his old friends in them and it's leaving him with a lot of questions he's not sure he's ready for the answer.
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Mmmmmm more twst x hsr thoughts but this time
Twst mc/yuu getting transported into hsr
Imagine it's after graduation, Crowley after years finally finds the best solution for everyone! You can travel back and forth between your world and twisted wonderland, amazing right? Wrong because the moment you step through the mirror your tumbling face first onto the floor of... A train? Huh? And staring back at you is 5- no 6 very confused faces a tall older man with brow hair that seems to be starting to grey, a beautiful woman with red hair, a cute girl with pink hair- a guy with black hair and another person with grey hair- and of course the most adorable bunny thing you have ever seen
The older man- welt- is immediately asking your business and where you came from- cane and black hole at the ready
You try to quickly explain that you came from the mirror- now mysteriously in the corner of the astral express lobby. And that you were just trying to get to your home world- rather home universe
You are confirmed not a threat and allowed to stay on the astral express, therefore becoming a nameless
When you aren't helping with trailblazing you travel back to twisted wonderland, telling the others about your adventures in this new world (deja vu anyone?)
The shenanigans are crazy, trying to explain that you went from a modern world, to medieval wizard BS, to the future is a harrowing experience already
Even funnier if you end up getting some kind of elemental ability/blessings from a aeon because now you finally have a leg to stand on
Whether or not the blessings work in twst is up to you
Some funny things I can see happening :
Welt being truly horrified at Crowley and his negligence
You/yuu managing to drink himekos coffee because you have suffered lilia's... Everything tbh
Showing March your magic camera (I feel like the camera isn't talked about enough in the twst fandom) and all the pictures you have taken
Grimm being jealous of the cat cakes because every time you come back you smell like them and also have pictures with them
Grim getting jealous of pompom (vise versa)
Being unfazed by the stellaron much to everyone's shock and dismay ("grim would probably try to eat it")
Being unfazed by boss fights and explaining that at least 8 people have tried to kill you and that's being on the low side
Seeing silver-wolf and thinking "ah shit not again" because it reminds you of idia
Being on the loufu and meeting Jin Yuan like "if I had a nickel for every :3 general I met with a sword son I'd have two nickels"
Seeing dang heng in his IL form and immediately blurting out "HORNTON?!" because Obviously
Telling malleus you met two new dragon
This interaction :
Twst!nameless : *completely unfazed by entering the dreamscape, honestly a little on edge*
Sunday : you seem on edge despite also seemingly being unfazed by entering the dreamscape for the first time, is something perhaps bothering you?
Twst! Nameless : well I've been in a dreamscape before- long story with a dragon- and the last time I was in one I fought in a war-
Sunday : WHAT????
Alternatively twst! Nameless being suspicious of Sunday for the entire time and once he reveals everything its just "see! Never trust a traumatised religious man with grey hair!" Rollo flash backs are real
Or twst! Nameless going "the last time I attended a important singing event/competition with a beautiful singer someone turned into a monster and everyone almost got poisoned and died, the whole place was wrecked... Thankfully we had a dragon to help but-" *the entire penacony quest happens* "I spoke to soon and cursed us"
Just another chaos maker on the astral express
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sunthyme · 8 months
Okay y'all made the mistake of encouraging me so here's my headcanons and some ocs for Heartslabyul!
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Sorry for how small it is but format-wise, I'll discuss the dorm leader, then canon characters in descending year order, then ocs in descending year order.
Also, decided to make the school co-ed because 🌸 girls pretty 🌸! And safer for Yuu. Additionally, as a general rule of thumb, if a character is the same gender as the og reference, I tend to make them transgender in some way.
♥️Riddle Rosehearts♥️
(she/her) Transfem - Panromantic and Demisexual
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- Firstly, transfem Riddle has my heart so there's that.
- I made her mixed, probably British and Chinese, though I'm open to suggestions cause these are pretty much first drafts.
- From the get-go I wanted her to have hella freckles, idk they're cute.
- Also toned down her og hair, too many damn gingers in this house lol. Gave her grey streaks from her stressful ass childhood.
Next up,
♣️Trey Clover♣️
(he/him) - Bisexual
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- I made him black. No particular reason other than his og skin was waaay to pale in contrast to his hair, in my opinion.
- The reason he and Riddle seem so close is 'cause he and Che'nya were the first to know Riddle was trans and he does his best to cover for her.
- Autistic, dental hygiene is a strange special interest but whatever floats his boat.
- Also, he still wears glasses, I was just lazy lol.
♦️Cater Diamond♦️
(he/they) Transmasc - Pansexual and Demiromantic
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- Stayed more or less the same. Gave some lighter blonde streaks for 🌟flavour🌟. You can decide whether those freckles are real or not.
- The first of the Depression Club(tm) characters because I love Cater angst. Wait til you find out my kin list omg.
- If we're talking my college AU, he'd be a cosmology or cosmetology major, whichever the makeup one is idk. He was taught by an older sister (who works at a tattoo shop/piercing parlour) how to do piercings and is the primary piercer on campus. He did Trey's probably Riddles, Adeuce's lip piercings and more characters that'll show up later.
- The one natural ginger left in Heartslabyul (I hunted them to near extinction lmao). Also, transmasc. I think his mom really wanted all girls and was not thrilled about him being trans. Anyways!~
Ah, now for
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
(he/him) - Bisexual
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- Made him half Hispanic, half Asian. No particular specifics (again, open to suggestions pls I love hearing others' headcanons). Also got some freckles, I fucking love birthmarks lmao.
- As mentioned, I'm on a crusade against the gingers /jk but I did give him dyed hair. He and Deuce dye their hair together, idk cute date idea tbh.
- Adeuce also got lip piercings together, even though Deuce tried to warn Ace that lip piercing aren't the best first ones, Ace insisted. Cue Deuce having to help take care of Ace's piercing cause he's a dumbass. Can you tell I love them? And their one collective braincell.
- Crippling ADHD, this bitch cannot sit still to focus on anything.
Speaking of Deuce,
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay
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- He's half-Filipino, half Vietnamese(? Not quite sure yet) and I gave him dyed hair too, obvi.
- Gave him his momma's blonde streaks and some scars from his delinquent day, plus some piercings.
- Couple moles for funsies, and made his eyes brown.
- He is soooo AuDHD, people can fight me on that. On god, he's my son. Also transmasc, his mom is an amazing ally (she's probably bi herself nvm).
Onto my ocs!
🔮Oki Chiang🔮
Third Year - (she/her) - Asexual Aromantic
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- So this is my girlie twisted from the Blue Caterpillar. She's not a smoker or anything but I think she's be a total incense and perfume and whatnot girl.
- Spiritualistic and whenever you walk into her room, it smells amazing. If you want a tarot reading, she's your girl.
- Oki's very reserved and tends to keep to herself, often reading or quietly sipping some tea with Riddle as they work.
- She's Taiwanese and also autistic. Her whole wardrobe is blue, so are most of her things and she love nice smells.
Next up is
🎀Luna Madden🎀
Second Year - (she/they/it/whatever, she doesn't care too much) - Bisexual Aromantic
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- You'll never guess who she's based on /j. My Mad Hatter character! I didn't have a particular ethnicity in mind for her but she takes heavy inspiration from Harujuku fashion.
- She and Cater have to work together to dye her hair every time it needs touch ups. It's a huge pain in the ass but she likes how it looks and Cater is fine helping.
- Has acne and uses those cute lil star and heart cut-out patches to cover it.
- She LOVES bright colours and has way too much fun prepping for the tea parties. Owns a ton of weird and neat lil earrings that she likes to mix and match.
- Also has ADHD. I feel like that's obvious lol.
Now for
⏳Bunnie Chrona⏳
First Year - (she/her) - Asexual Lesbian
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- Twisted from the White Rabbit, and a super creative name I know... I don't have a ton of explanation here other than I thought it would look neat.
- I was super close to giving her all white hair but I didn't want another character with dark skin and light hair (which will be relevant in later designs too) so I gave her a gradient. All natural, by the way.
- She's autistic too and gets extremely anxious whenever she's late or someone else is late (Adeuce constantly give her heart attacks because of this).
- She's also a part of the track and field club!
Last, but certainly not least
💥Ness Benoit💥
First Year - (she/they) Transfem - Bicurious?
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- Last girl and she's based on Lock from The Nightmare Before Christmas movie. Spoiler, she is one of three triples, I assigned them to different houses, and they have an older sister based on the Boogeyman.
- I thought it'd be cute to give her little devil horns as a hairstyle and I made her makeup the same as the og characters'.
- It's been a hot second since I've seen this movie so I can't remember much about the kiddos' characterisations but my dad said Lock was the brains of the of operation so she gets book smarts.
- Also, her name is a silly little joke on 'loch-ness' because I was too lazy to try and find something else.
Thank you so much if you read until the end, this was a massive post to make. I'll make my Savanaclaw one tomorrow, hopefully. If I remember lol.
Love you! 🩷🩷🩷
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apenguinbird · 10 months
Animal familiars in NRC
So, you know how Master Trein is the only character in the entire school with an animal familiar? (If we don’t count Yuu having Grim)
Welp, I started to think which animal would fit the best for each NRC student along with some headcanons about them, such as:
Familiars have a special magical connection with their respective mages, which is like an invisible bond.
Not every magic user gets a familiar.
Having a familiar is similar to unique magic, they can arrive at any moment and they make your magic stronger.
You don’t need them by your side 24/7.
They can’t talk unless you use magic like the one in Animal Linguistics class.
Think of some of the animal sidekicks of some Disney movies like Cinderella’s mice, Mula’s horse, or better yet, think of the villain’s companions like Maleficient’s crow, Shang Yu’s Falcon, Iago, etc.  
The magical bond allows for things like the animal having a bit of a longer life span (more on that later) and adapting better to other environments.
NRC has measures in place to take care of the familiars and fit things like good living places, health, and diet requirements.
Here are the headcanons! We began with Heartslabyul along with some headcanons of their dynamics with their respective familiar, the other dorms will come in later posts (Savanaclaw and Octavinelle, Scarabia and Pomefiore, Ignihye and Diasomnia)
Riddle: Hedgehog.
I decided to name the little hedgehog Quinte.
Riddle met her as a kid some days after the incident with his mom happened.
He was looking out his window wishing Trey or Che'nya would appear again when he saw something moving in the bushes of his house. Against what he would consider his better judgement he decided to go and check what was there.
That's when he found Quinte! He knew about familiars and he also felt something special when he saw the little hedgehog but at that moment he just wanted to make sure she was going to be okay so he brought her inside and although hesitantly, told his mom.
I honestly think Mrs.Rosehearts wouldn’t have approved of Riddle having a “distraction” but she realized her son had found his familiar so she allowed it. 
In NRC everyone treats Quinte with the same respect they have for Riddle. Quinte legally can’t break any rules.
One time a student confused her for one of the normal hedgehogs the dorm has so he put her in the same place as the others go. 
Cue Riddle desperately looking for his familiar and worried sick for something bad happening to her until he finally found her with the other hedgehogs, cue absolute relief but also a student losing his head for like a week.
I can see Cater getting her a little crown to match Riddle.
Trey: Rat
Hear me out! This works both for an Alice in Wonderland (I know the animal there is a mouse but still) reference AND a Ratatouille one!
Did you know rats are actually pretty clean animals?
I was so tempted to name the rat Remi, but I won’t. I was thinking of the name Peres, let’s call him that for now, but I’m not sure, if you have any ideas let me know.
Yes, Trey’s parents weren’t thrilled when he found his familiar, probably in his mid to late teens. But you can’t do much about it so they made sure Peres was well-cleaned and groomed, also he wasn’t allowed inside their bakery, a bit mean but they couldn’t afford to have customers seeing a rat. 
Once in NRC however, Peres helps Trey in the kitchen with things like getting ingredients or tools. The sub-chef who takes his work seriously.
Say something rude about Peres and your pastries will taste like clams.
Cater: Dog
He was a difficult one, I might change it later
A caterpillar jk
Probably a race like a terrier or a bloodhound, I have no idea why but I think his name would be something like Princess/Prince.
His magic cam is full of photos of his familiar along with cute accesories which his familar uses willingly and like a diva.
I can see him getting the dog right before entering NRC or maybe in his first year.
The dog is lucky because there is always someone taking care of it, either Cater himself or one of his copies.
Deuce: Rabbit
Was planning on giving him a chicken ngl
Deuce loves him with all his heart.
I can see Deuce naming the rabbit something like Carrot, don’t worry, he investigates and soon realizes the appropriate diet for a rabbit.
His mom was so proud.
The two found each other the same week Deuce decided to turn his life around, he took it as a sign he was going in the right direction.
Do anything to scare the rabbit and he will throw hands.
The bunny is very willing to bite and kick. Unfortunately, that also includes some furniture damage.
Also, he brought Carrot with him to the White Rabbit Fest. “Carrot, give me your rabbit wisdom.” “...” “Thank you.”
Ace: Hare
Please help. I have no ideas for the name and I don’t think Ace would call his familiar March.
Yes, he and Deuce see the irony too.
Ace insists his familiar could beat Deuce’s in a fight.
His brother probably teases him for an animal such as a hare but Ace's comeback is that his brother doesn’t even have a familiar yet.
That hare is as teasing as Ace, a nightmare duo. If you find bite marks or missing things you know who is to blame, Ace will insist his familiar is innocent and if it isn’t c’mon is just a cute hare.
If Riddle could he would collar them both.
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ithseem · 1 year
What Your Favourite Twisted Wonderland Character Says About You
**Disclaimer: All of these are jokes, so if any of you are offended, sorry 😅. Anyway, on to the assumtptions! Also, I cannot say how accurate this is**
Riddle Rosehearts:
You thought his uptightness was too much for you, but post-book one he became your favourite and you can't help but respect his growth. I don't blame you, his backstory was a tear-jerker
Trey Clover:
You want a malewife
Cater Diamond
There's a 40% chance you're bi and there's a 30% chance you follow Danny Gonzalez (and/or one of his clones)
Ace Trappola:
You either have no filter or you wish you could get rid of yours
Deuce Spade:
You think the Bad Boi + Himbo combo is cool and lowkey simpable. There's also a 40% chance you're neurodivergent
Leona Kingscholar:
You're the therapist friend in your group who desperately needs therapy. That or you're really horny
Ruggie Bucchi:
You didn't grow up with much money, and you relate to his struggle. Also, you'll never forgive Andrew Tate for what he posted
Jack Howl:
The more you get to know him, the more you see him as a tsundere puppy. There's also a 20% chance you made at least one pun about him e.g. bro's really JACKed up
Azul Ashengrotto:
There's a 40% chance that Mammon is your favourite Obey Me character. You're also probably an aspiring business owner
Jade Leech:
Your favourite colour is red. That's why you like this walking/swimming red flag
Floyd Leech:
You say he's really cute, but he's also a walking/swimming red flag. Also, if you had to die, you'd say the best way is to suffocate by him squeezing you
Kalim Al-Asim:
There's a chance you mistook him for Mammon from Obey Me. You also see him as the school's therapy dog
Jamil Viper:
You're probably Desi/Arab and you relate to being forced to suppress your emotions just to make sure you keep the peace
Vil Schoenheit:
You thought he'd be a Regina George/Sharpay Evans/Gordon Ramsay reskin but now you respect him more than you respect your IRL friends. Either that or you want him to step on you
Rook Hunt:
You appreciate the fact that he's a goofy mf and owns it. That or you're insane
Epel Felmier:
Your life's motto is "Short People Rule!" There's also a 30% chance you're feral asf
Idia Shroud:
You're a gamer/anime fan. There's also a 45% chance you're autistic
Ortho Shroud:
You either want him as a little brother or as a son
Malleus Draconia:
You're at least 45% of the fanbase. You also think goths are just neat
Lilia Vanrouge:
You're an e-boy/girl/other-gender or a menace to society
Sebek Zigvolt:
You've lost track of how many times you wanted to bully this boomer of a sixteen-year-old
You have good taste 😎
You're a cat person
Yuu (manga/game/novel):
You're cool 😎
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lisaas2418 · 1 year
I noticed that while the TWST students would all generally get along or at least tolerate their villain counterparts, the teachers would absolutely hate theirs.
Crewel also loves fashion, but absolutely adores dogs. The second he hears that Cruella tried to make a coat out of puppies (Dalmation puppies, his favorite breed), he's cursing her and poisoning her food. As an apology I see him coming over for tea with Anita, bringing dog treats, and teaching the couple how to make good dog sweaters for the winter.
Despite being strict, Trein loves his wife, daughters, and, presumabely, his step son. Even if he didn't, he wouldn't dream of abusing any of them the same way Lady Tremaine did to Cinderella. Not to mention, he would never let his daughters become as spoiled as Drisella and Anastasia. Plus, he radiates parental insticts and deeply cares for all his students (from what I hear, he vowed not to retire until Leona graduates). Trein probably wouldn't stand being in the same room as her. Meanwhile, I see him being very polite and taking a teacherly role for Cinderella. (bonus: what do you think the Lion King cast thinks when they here Trein's vow?)
Vargas would beat the absolute shit out of Gaston the second he opened his mouth. As exhasperated as he seems, Vargas never gives up on any of his students. While he may not entirely get his students interest when they're so different from his own, he doesn't ever criticize them and instead does his best to boost their confidence. Not to mention that to even be considered qualified as a non-magical PE teacher, he needs to have a lot of knowledge on different work out techniques, sports, health, body systems, etc. Vargas is basically an encyclopedia of workout and introductory health knowledge and I see him getting along fine with Belle (if encouraging her to put on some muscle). Vargas probably openly calls out Gaston for being a jerk and should Gaston target any of his students, the guy's gonna lose some teeth. This would go double if the Yuu in this scenario is a girl.
Oh yeah the teachers would be FURIOUS with their counterparts. They won't let them live down with it.
As to Crewel I imagine Anitas, Rogers and ofcourse the Dalmatiners being surpised to see that Crewel is nothing like Cruella, in a positive light ofcourse, so they definitly get along. Also Crewel bringing his dogs aswell and all of them just play togehter would be so wholesome 🥹
Trein just refuses to talk to Tremaine or her daughters. Maybe a lecture on how bad she is as a mother figure but thats it. I agree with you that Trein would act very kind to Cinderella since she didn't had a good upbringing due to Tremaine, Anastasia and Drizella (yes I know that Cinderella had a kind father but he died when she was young)
As to the lion kings cast reaction to Treins Vow......well most of them would hope that Leona will be able to graduate even though they are a bit unsure due to Leonas behaviour. None of them say that ofcourse.........except Zazu who openly says that Trein better retire when he has to, even if Leona didn't graduate simce Leona will probably-
And at that moment scar tried to eat Zazu on how dare he say that.
Vargas doesn't need to know what Gaston did in the movie. He sees how Gaston acts and thats all he needs to know, that he is a bad influence. Yeah Vargas is pretty muscle focussed and what he did in the event "Vargas Camp" and the sequel to it, was pretty irresponsible of him to put it lightly, but atleast he has the best interest of the students at heart. Also yeah he doesn't let Gaston come near any of the students, and yeah if Yuu is a girl at that day he is being extra overprotective of them, since he saw how Gaston acts towards women.
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meloyellow236 · 25 days
Meeting 1 For the Manhwa AU!
This is one of the ideas I had as to how my Yuusona (Yuri) and the Yuu made by @twstfanblog in their Manhwa AU! I have a second idea that I need to finish and edit, but once they’re both out I’ll probably make a poll and whichever one wins will be the one I go with moving forward if I choose to make anything else within this AU. Enjoy!! :) (This was formatted in Google Docs, so it may look a bit odd on Tumblr)
Yuri walked into the large estate, where the housemaid that collected them led her through the halls to a drawing room, where the older man waited. She rocked the child in her arms, Alyx stirring as she moved to curtsy to the Grand Duke. 
“Good morning, Your Grace. Thank you for inviting me into your home.” Crewel nodded at that, giving her a light bow in return. 
“Good morning to you as well. It is a pleasure to have you; I’ve heard many things from the other nobility about you and your son.” He said, gesturing to the baby in her hands, tufts of dark hair on his hair as he opened his brown eyes, a far cry from her or her late husband's appearance. Even so, she smiled. 
“All good, I hope?” 
“Of course, Lady Yuri.” He responded, smiling at her. “You are free to stay in the room with me as I do your son’s fitting, or you pay leave and allow your lady’s maid* to accompany him. I myself am a father, and the chance to relax with an infant is always a blessing.” He said the pleasant demeanor that was used with customers coming out. She nodded, smiling and handing over Alyx to the servant. After all, there was no reason to hang around if she was unneeded and her ‘son’ would be taken care of by someone better at caring for children, anyway. 
“I’ll be on my way, then. I trust that you still have the designs that I sent to you to be edited the other day? I give you the final say on whatever you think is best for him. After all, ”
“Of course I do. Just return to get him before six.” He responded, as Yuri gave a final kiss on the cheek of her son, and a bow to Crewel before she left the room. That would give her two hours' worth of free time, maybe enough for a long nap in her carriage if she was able to get her coachman on board with it. Turning through the large corridors, attempting to find her way out of the beautiful trap that was the Crowley estate. Within the first few minutes, she was lost, not knowing the layout of the mansion that was most likely enchanted in some way. Or, at the very least, it was a bit too large for the front exit to be easily found from one of the many guest parlors**. Either way, she walked through winding hallways, gradually zoning around from the similar appearances of the various doors and columns, the only differences being the paintings she had long since found were only of dogs and crows.
At that moment, she bumped into a dark-haired woman, causing her to get pushed back. Between the expensive fabrics and dark hair, it was clear that this was Yuu, the only child of the Grand Duke. She curtsied low, as she was far above Yuri’s station as an Earless, an apology falling from her lips to smooth over any annoyance that could have been caused.
“I apologize, I wasn’t looking where I was going, Lady Yuu. I will be more careful next time.” The slightly older woman nodded and gave a slight bow in return. 
“Very well, you may rise.” Yuri did as she asked, rising and meeting her eyes. She raised an eyebrow at the woman and narrowed her eyes, asking, “Who are you? You’re far from either of my father’s parlors.” 
“I am Yuri from the Northern Earldom***. I came here today for my son’s fitting, but His Grace instructed me that I needn’t stay for the entire visit.” She answered, her voice calm and steady. Yuu seemed to accept this answer and nodded. 
“Very well. Shall I show you to the door?” 
“That would be much appreciated,” Yuri answered, allowing herself to be led by the other woman, staying a few steps behind her. They paused at a set of large doors, in which Yuri could only assume that the fabled library owned by Grand Duke Crowley resided. 
“You can wait here for a moment. I need to get something.” She said, walking inside. Yuri stepped to the side, waiting for her to exit the doors. Alone for a moment, she yawned. Taking care of a newborn was tiring work even if she loved Alyx, and the lack of sleep was surely catching up to her. They would only close their eyes for a moment, just to rest them until Lady Yuu came back. She leaned against the wall, eyes closing softly. Just for a few moments…
She sat up with a start, not recognizing the area that she was in. For a moment, she wondered what had happened, until she looked around and saw the lady in red reading across from her. She quickly stood up, smoothing over her dress and bowing as deeply as she could. Before she could speak, the seemingly bored woman said, 
“It’s fine, I could carry you no problem. You’ve still got another half an hour before the appointment has to end, so you can keep resting.” She responded, looking up at her and closing her book. “You don’t talk or move or anything in your sleep, so it’s not a big deal to have you here while I read. You could do this at your son’s next fitting as well.” Yuri raised an eyebrow at that, and stood up straight, sensing something was off. 
“Why would you suggest that? We have had no contact before today, and you have no incentive to befriend me just to let me sleep next to you for a random amount of time.” Yuu sighed, her book moving onto the table in front of her. There were on opposite settees with a table in the center, where a book and a tea set sat untouched. Yuu brought a teacup to her lips and took a sip before responding. 
“If I tell you, will you agree to come here again?” 
“That depends entirely on what you have to say.” 
“I have multiple men attempting to woo me at the moment. Trying… Very often, in fact. By having a female friend I often have over, it might stop my suitors from trying during certain hours of the day.” Yuri sat back down, still a bit suspicious, but willing to hear her out the rest of the way. “You are clearly in need of some rest from taking care of an infant and your Earldom, and I’d like to have some peace and quiet for a couple of hours. It’s a situation in which everyone wins.” Yuri nodded, mulling it over. 
“I have no problem with that. However, I can’t just use the Grand Duke as a free nanny, and I haven’t found one competent enough to be hired yet.” Yuu nodded at that, weighing options for the deal. 
“I have a friend with a nephew that recently outgrew his nursemaid****. I’m sure that they can do good work, after all, they worked for the Sunset Savanna royal family.” She said, “If they can work for you, then you could reasonably stay with me for an hour or two every week to rest, without needing to worry about Alyx.” 
“Yes, but if I have a nursemaid, I’ll have less work to do. By that logic, I’ll have no reason for such common visits.” Yuri countered, to which Yuu answered. 
“I would have no reason to recommend you the nursemaid, then. Without their contact information and my urging, you would be unable to find them as they are still in the Sunset Savanna.” Yuri smiled at that and answered. 
“Very well, that’s a good point. Do Saturday afternoons at tea time work for you? I can host this upcoming visit.” Yuu smiled back. 
“Why yes, they do. I’ll give you the nursemaid’s information then. Need any help getting back to Papa’s parlor?”
“That would be greatly appreciated,” Yuri responded, standing at the same time Yuu did. Yuu walked out first, but they quickly followed, barely a step behind her. It seemed as though Yuri would have to prepare for a guest in the next few days, and maybe for a new friend in her life over the next few weeks. 
*A ‘lady’s maid’ is the female equivalent of a valet or a noble’s personal servant. One could go with a noble lady to shop or go to a fitting as was done in this case.
**A parlor is where someone would host guests in the Victorian era. In the houses of the wealthy, there would often be more than one, with one for hosting guests and another for being with family. In this case, the fitting is taking place there, and both Crowley and Crewel have their own parlor to have their guests in. 
***An Earldom is the land that an Earl owns and controls, like a dukedom or a kingdom. 
****I’m referring to Cheka as he is 5-6 years old in canon, which is the age at which a child in the Victorian era would outgrow their nursemaid.
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violetlunette · 4 months
So, I’m thinking—and hoping—that after book 7, we get get book 8. Here are my theories and what I personally want to see.
Minor twst spoilers
What I think will happen;
*Rather than having time pass between the books, 7 will end with Grim eating Malleus’ blot stone and turning into a beast. Book 8 will pick up from that moment.
*Naturally, Grim’s gonna be the one to over blot. It’s been set up from the prologue that he would, mainly due to the blot stones he’s been eating. He’ll probably be overpowered as well, due to having a combination of all the overblots before him.
*Speaking of Grim, Book 6 set up a mystery with him that I’m sure will be revealed here. (I swear, if Grim’s Malleus’ daddy I will never stop laughing.)
*I think that Malleus will be a major player to make up for his lack of screen time in book 7. However, something will happen so that he’s not as overpowered, like maybe he’s suffering from his overblot or something.
*Ace and Deuce will most likely return as main characters as they’re the MC’s best friends.
*Crowley will also have a role to play, though I’m not sure as what. (I really hope he’s not Malleus’ dad.) Twst doesn’t do villains--ironically--so he’ll likely have another role.
*Mickey will likely have a role too and will help Yuu in some way.
*I think if Grim isn’t revealed to Malleus’ dad, Lilia will step up to take Yuu’s place so Grim can continue to go to school and he can remain with his family.
Now on to what I want;
*I want to learn the mystery behind Yuu; why they were summoned to wonderland and the works.
*I want to learn more about Ramshackle dorm. It used to be a dorm, right? Why isn’t it anymore and who was its founder?
*Personal, but I want Silver and Sebek to captured or placed in some sort of peril just so we can see Lilia and Malleus worry about them and come to their rescue. (I wanna see both in papa wolf mode.)
**In loo of that, I want to at least see Silver and Sebek still recovering from their venture. That could be the excuse why Lilia’s not with Malleus; he’s taking care of his son and pupil.
*I want Yuu to FINALLY take an active role in the story.
*I want answers about the overblots. Why are more appearing lately?
*I think it would be fun if the ghosts had an active part in the story.
So, how about you? What do you think will happen in book 8 and what do you WANT to happen.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Hello, I really love your 'the crocodile, cat, and yuu' au.
What if as the book progresses, Yuu starts to see Sebek as their child, and starts treating them like their child, and acting more like Sebek's parent?
What do you think Sebek's reaction would be like when Yuu calls him 'son'? Also how do you think the other twisted wonderland characters would react if they heard Yuu call Sebek their son?
It wouldnt necessarily be Yuu starting to see Sebek as their own child, but the way they interact with him makes it seem like it. There's definitely a running gag between them where Yuu keeps on calling Sebek "son," to his embarrassment.
Its more like big sibling-younger sibling with Yuu and Sebek. The first years would probably jump into teasing Sebek for being called "son" by Yuu, while everyone else isnt exactly surprised by Yuu's nickname for him if theyve gotten used to their antics. Theyve kind of established themselves as a duo atp.
The first time Yuu called him "son" was during a quiet morning in Ramshackle. Sebek was trying to cook to the best of his abilities with Ramshackles' little utilities. Yuu just woke up, saying something about heading to the bathroom and that they "can only function once I brush my teeth." "WHAT ARE YOU, MY FATHER?" "Good one, son."
...thats it. That was that. Yuu just calls him son as a joke, Sebek rolls his eyes, life moves on 😭😭
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yuri-is-online · 5 days
Weird Yutu thingy but what if Yuu came from the Pokemon world
I believe the support system in the Pokemon world is much better than Earth so-
Single parent with a raging teen-
Add some emotional support Pokemon
And when Yutu comes to his parent's timeline Yuu gets so excited to see new Pokemon (that love them for some reason. Almost as though they were their first trainer-)
Oh Yuu and Yutu would be in such a better place if they came from the pokemon world. Yuu gets a house with a bunch of neighbors and nearby a lab and no one really cares about not knowing who Yutu's dad is.
The pokemon part is a bit trickey though... would they remember Twisted Wonderland? Probably, I couldn't see the magic marshal's keeping the pokemon? But I could also see one of Yuu's team staying with Yutu's dad by accident. Maybe it helps keep the boys who remain alive that much more sane, maybe it stands reluctant guard nearby where the phantom resides, unable to think of anything else to do until it sees Yutu and gets some of its old energy back. This whole ayuu is based off of Fire Emblem Awakening so I have to mention Cherche and her wyvern Minerva... her son Gerome takes up his mother's mount and brings her back in time with him, it's how she recognizes him even before he shows her the wedding ring... perhaps something similar happened with Yutu where he has one of your pokemon and you just know that he's lying to you even before you know he's your son (Gerome's supports with his dad made me so mad because I always S ranked Cherche and Libra because Libra actually learns to speak wyvern in their support chain but that's not reflected in his support with Gerome because it's generic and i wanted to scream every time i read iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I sort of based Jade! Yutu's attitude towards his dad on those supports though)
But back to nicer thoughts, I always struggle with pokemon aus because half of it is just assigning the pokemon, and then I get super caught up in what region everyone is from and just bleh
Riddle! Yutu has to have a Roselia right? It just makes sense, maybe he has the shiny stone for the evolution all ready to go but it was the last present Yuu ever gave him so he's reluctant to use it. Maybe, if you want some extra angst, when he comes to Twisted Wonderland he still just has a budew because he's not super into pokemon battles but he struggles to raise the friendship level enough for budew to evolve once he's there. He's so upset about losing his parent and budew is trying their best tm but it's not enough until they see Overblot Riddle and finally get on the same wavelength.
The triplets... one of them has to have a Fidough that's just a given. I was tempted to say they all have one? But I like the idea of Yushi having a Swirlix since she's more into candymaking. That's 2/3 fairy types so I was scrolling looking for another one when I saw Sinistea and went "oh that would be cute and the perfect fit for a cafe themed se-" and then I realized I could give that to Yutres. Could. For funsies. But it makes much more sense and is less cruel to give her a Milcery. So Yutu gets Fidough, Yutres gets Milcery, and Yushi gets Swirlix for a cute little fairy cafe set.
Cater! Yutu is trickey, he's big on mindfulness and I was really tempted to give him my favorite pokemon because of that, but he also really likes music... I feel like psychic pokemon sort of fits his vibe? And I am torn between Chimecho and Espurr. Espurr is supposed to have difficulty controlling its power, so maybe Chimecho and Yutu could have been focused on helping one out. Cater is super underrated so why shouldn't I give his Yutu two pokemon, it'd be very cute.
Ace! Yutu is pikachu coded to me <3 They would fight so much because both pikachu and Yutu are little brats but once they get in sync watch out they're super scary. Easily the pokemon most excited to see Yuu again... perhaps all that ego clashing is just something that happened in Yuu's world because pika and Yutu bonded while grieving Yuu. Maybe Yutu never evolves his pikachu because that's how Yuu gave it to him. Maybe Pikachu doesn't want to evolve because that's how Yuu left it.
Deuce! Yutu... there aren't any explicitly chicken pokemon outside of maybe Moltres but there is Togepi who is an egg. Baby Yutu loves his bestest friend in the whole wide world, Delinquent Yutu is sort of embarrassed by them. After he catches a houndoor he stops actively using them in battle... he doesn't hate Togi, he just doesn't let anyone in his gang see them and gets really violent with anyone who might try to hurt them. Probably defends fairy types any chance he gets before stammering out some sort of excuse trying to play it off as someone else's opinions. Maybe his boys catch on and one of them gets the idea that maybe they could like... start using impidimps. Make Grimmsnarl the icon of the gang instead of Houndoom, just cause you know maybe fairies are kinda neat maybe. they all want it to be togi instead please boss we made them a little biker jacket isn't it so cu- i mean badass?
Leona! Yutu is loved by cats and he loves naps. Litleo feels like the most thematic pokemon for him, maybe they were napping under a tree one day and a Munchlax decided to follow him home because sleeping on Leona! Yutu was actually pretty warm and Yuu makes the best snacks. His dad probably didn't appreciate the correlation between him and his son's pokemon but as I have said before, he's very much that dad who doesn't want the cat but ends up asleep on the couch with it in his lap two days later. Except this time it's him feeding all his vegetables to Munchlax.
Ruggie! Yutu is my little dandelion prince so he gets a Hoppip. I like the idea of him coming home with one stuck in his hair and they've been best friends ever since. He feels like the one most likely to take over training Yuu's team, if he had continued living in your world I don't think he would have become a trainer. He would have been happy to have a normal job and maybe never evolve his pokemon, but he doesn't regret taking on the role of trainer in the bad future. It gives him a lot of self confidence.
Jack! Yutu... I will bestow him the honor of giving him one of my favorite pokemon. He gets Cacnea because Yuu remembers that Jack liked succulents. Yutu is very serious about taking care of him and making sure he has the best possible habitat at home. Cacnea is under the impression it is doing the same for Yutu and Yuu, but the stubby little hands it has make helping with chores difficult.
It's really tempting to give all of the Octatrio kids water type pokemon, maybe left over memories from Twisted Wonderland make Yuu think that would be a good idea. But I want to give Azul! Yutu a Clobbopus sosososososo bad. It's such a cute pokemon and I think Yutu would agree that his pokemon is super cute. So does everyone in Savanaclaw much to his annoyance, it's like his pokemon is the dorm leader and not him.
Jade! Yutu feels like a Mareanie guy. Water type since he's a merfolk, poison type because that's pretty punk rock, and it looks just enough like a mushroom to be thematic. I could see one of Yuu's pokemon staying in Twisted Wonderland with Jade... a Shiinotic who helps him at the bar and is the best cared for mushroom out there that Yutu is envious. Why does his parent's pokemon love his dad so much? Why won't it agree to come with him into the past where you are still alive because it insists on staying with Jade, saying that's what you would want?
Floyd! Yutu's favorite pokemon ever since he was a little boy was Sharpedo. He asked, suspiciously politely, to be given one when he was old enough to get his trainer's license. He even made a power point, how cute! The answer was still no, instead Yuu convinces the lab near by their house to take Yutu on as one of those trainers with a pokedex who goes on a journey to collect all the gym badges. He really likes being a trainer, probably would have been the annoying rival to his next door neighbor, definitely picked whatever pokemon was strongest against whatever they picked. He still catches his Carvanha and doesn't hold it against Yuu for not giving it to him, he thinks that was probably for the best.
Kalim! Yutu deserves a Whooper. It's cute, the little face is always smiling and Whooper and Quagsire are such joyful little guys I think Kalim would love them. Oricorio feels like a good choice too because of how much it likes dancing... but I feel like Yutu would have a hard time choosing what form to train because they are all so cool. His dad would be such an enabler, sure son lets have all four! And throw a themed party for each one lol
Jamil! Yutu also feels like a good candidate for a pokemon rival. Sure, Ekans and Arbok feel like good pokemon for him thematically, but I just know he would have a well balanced and thought out team of pokemon he deeply loves and takes great care of. Keeping with the snake theme, lets say he started out with Snivy. Serperior fits Jamil's overall vibe pretty well, it's a beautiful pokemon and very regal. Other pokemon I could see him having are Gastrodon, Clefable, and Scizor.
Vil! Yutu loves to draw but I do not like Smeargle in the slightest and will be pretending it does not exist. I feel like anyone attached to Vil should get a Buneary, it's a cute pokemon with a friendship evolution who has real hate in its heart. It is more like Vil than any poison type pokemon fr fr. I could see Vil! Yutu doing well as coordinator, but being a bit uncertain of who else he wants to add to his team, but catching an evee with the intent of evolving them into... something he just doesn't know what.
I hit the text block limit lol, I should just. Stop being distracted by cassette beasts and get back to writing. Or replay a pokemon game.
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somefanchick · 10 months
-Deuce’s Winter Break-
(This story is from Deuce's perspective during the events of book four. I only know information from the English server story and events so sorry if anything is terribly out of character. This fic is platonic and is cannon for my female Yuu-sona, but I do just call them Yuu in the story. Yuu uses she/her pronouns. Hope you enjoy! Ps. There is a little bit of cussing. Found the pictures in a post by @ naruryun, they are not mine.)
“We should trade Magicam IDs now that you've got a smartphone,” Ace pulled out his phone and began typing out Yuu’s account in the search bar, “Y'know, in case something comes up.”
I smiled as I pulled up the app on my own phone, “Oh, good idea. I'll share mine, too.”
Yuu’s ID was a play on the fact that the headmaster called her “Beast Master” after we got back from the dwarf’s mine. I could always tell she was secretly proud of that title. 
Ace finished adding her, “Feel free to hit me up if you get bored over winter break.”
She smirked, which was her form of a smile, “Thanks, I'll do that.”
“Man, you take everything I say so seriously Yuu,” Ace chuckled, “I was joking.”
I glared, “Then it was a lame one,” I then turned to smile at Yuu as I added her, “Anyway, feel free to reach out if you need anything at all,” I quickly tucked my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag, “My mom's probably waiting on me, so I'd better go,” I began walking towards the Dark Mirror, “Happy holidays guys.”
I could hear Ace behind me, “Yeah, I'll do the same. See you next year!” I could hear him running to catch up with me, but I was already whispering the name of my street and stepping into the murky abyss.
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It was hard to see my mom among the other kids meeting their families. Children cheering as their older siblings came home from their schools, parents hugging their grown babies and fussing over their bags of laundry, and the students basking in the attention that coming home brings. 
I looked through the crowd and found my mom. My grandmother always said I was the spitting image of her. She had straight, navy blue hair cut into a bob, blonde streaks weaving into a larger mass of hair.  Her eyes looked gray in the afternoon sun, but I knew they were really cyan. 
She caught my eye and lit up, “Deuce!”
I ran over to save her the trouble, “Hey Mom.”
“Let me get a look at you,” Mom gently grabbed my face and moved me around, “I can barely believe that’s my son.”
I pulled back and put my hand behind my neck, “I guess I’ve changed a bit since I left.”
She smiled, “You have no idea how proud I am of you.”
I flushed under her gaze, “Let’s head on home.”
She giggled, “As long as you tell me all about school.”
I gathered my bag under my arm, “Fine.”
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Home was the same as it had been when I left. A small apartment with blankets piled on every chair and letters piled on the kitchen counter. I set my bag in my room and then moved to the kitchen, where Mom had begun fixing dinner.
“I’m making folded egg sandwiches,” Mom had her back turned to me, “Is that alright?”
“Yeah,” I sat down at the dining table, “So what do you want to know?”
“Everything,” Mom moved to the stove, “I haven’t heard anything from your teachers.”
“Well I’m doing okay in class, but that might just be because Trey, Riddle, and Yuu help me out.”
“Who are they?”
“Well, Trey and Riddle are in Heartslabyul with me. Trey’s the vice-housewarden and he’s like the dorm mother hen. He’s done most of the tutoring, but Riddle helps him sometimes. Riddle’s the housewarden and he’s ridiculously strict.”
“Oh really?” Mom started grating cheese, “And who’s this Yuu person?”
“Yuu is one of my-” I tried to think of the right word. Our group never calls ourselves ‘friends’, but that seems to be the only word to describe how we are. Yuu calls us “Dumbass Beasts”, but I don’t want to tell my Mom that.
“She’s one of my best friends.”
I could hear Mom’s eyebrow raise, “‘She’? Isn’t Night Raven an All Boys school?”
“That surprised me too, but Yuu’s an exception to a lot of rules,” My phone vibrated with a message, I spoke as I went to pull it up, “She doesn’t have magic, she’s only half a student, and she isn’t even from this world.”
Mom grabbed the bread from the breadbox, “I’m going to need you to explain all of that.”
“I wish I could.”
The message was from Yuu; Cater has been tagging me in his old photos for the past two hours. How did he even know I got a Magicam account? I couldn’t help but laugh. 
Mom scooped the folded eggs onto the bread, “At least explain the ‘half a student’ comment.”
“Well,” I sat my phone back on the table, “Since Yuu doesn’t have magic she and this monster named Grim share a single enrollment. But Yuu’s in charge of him since she’s the Ramshackle dorm prefect.”
“Ah,” Mom set the plate down in front of me, “Is that all your friends?”
“Nah, I’m friends with Ace too,” I got up to get something to drink, “He’s one of my roommates.”
“Ace Trappola?” Mom began making her own egg sandwich, “I think his father works at your grandfather’s company.”
I poured a glass of orange juice and made my way back to the table, “The four of us have done a lot in one semester.”
“Like what?”
“Well Ace and I challenged Riddle for his title.”
“Yeah,” I took a sip of my juice, “Ace got in trouble for eating Riddle’s tart and then it became a huge deal. Riddle ended up overbloting.”
I swear Mom’s eyes bulged out of her head, “Overblot!?”
“Yeah. Yuu led all of us into battle to keep the other student’s safe and to keep Riddle from destroying himself. But that was only the first overblot.”
“The first?”
“Yeah don’t worry about it,” I took a large bite of my sandwich, “Yuu always has it under control. Even if she’s just directing us. It’s amazing.”
Mom sat down next to me, “Do you have a picture of your friends?”
I picked up my phone, “Not unless you count pictures Cater took while we weren’t expecting it. And then posted on Magicam with a dozen hashtags.”
“Maybe you could ask Yuu and Grim for a picture? I’d love to see them.”
“Sure,” I opened up Yuu’s message, “It’s not like they have much else to do at school.”
“At school? Did they not go somewhere for winter break?”
“They didn’t have anywhere to go.”
Mom set down her food, “Invite them to come here in spring. I’d be happy to host them.”
I chuckled, “Alright,” I texted Yuu; Hey my mom wants to see a pic of you and Grim. Mind sending one?
It took a moment for Yuu to respond; Yeah sure. Just let me get the weasel.
I set my phone down, “She’s gonna send a picture of her and Grim.” 
“How sweet,” Mom took the moment to begin eating. 
Our conversation dissolved into specific stories and the basics of our lives apart. It was weird how I felt so at home, while only feeling like a guest in the apartment. My Mom gushed and worried in waves as I talked about the Spelldrive tournament and the final exams. It was sweet to see her so happy about my actions. About who I was. I had given her a son to be proud of.
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I spent the next day with my mom, meeting with other family and shopping for the holidays. But that night my phone lit up with a message from Yuu; Trapped in Scarabia, I’ll explain later. 
I was up all night, waiting for my phone to buzz again, but the only notification I got was Ace messaging me to ask if I had heard anything else from Yuu.
Eight AM came around and I chugged two cups of coffee before heading out on a walk to keep my mind off of Yuu’s vague and semi-terrifying message. 
“Hey Deuce!” I froze in my tracks, turning to see my old ‘pal’ Hatter, his lackey Coney trailing behind. 
Hatter was the leader of the delinquents I hung out with in middle school. He called me his equal until I went straight. His appearance hadn’t changed; hair bleached a platinum blonde, green eyes that constantly had a crazed look as they dashed from victim to victim, a trailing black jacket with copper buttons, and of course his iconic evergreen tophat with the price tag sticking out the brim. 
Coney matched the jacket, but he had his own brand of insane to portray. His hair was bleached to a honey blonde and his brown rabbit ears stuck out of his head with copper piercings along every furry edge. His black eyes always seemed to be watching Hatter, as if he was waiting for the signal to attack. 
“How have you been, man?” Hatter wrapped his arm around my shoulder as if we had only been apart for a week or so, “Coney here was just saying how much he missed seeing you on that blastcycle of yours. Right Coney?”
Coney nodded like his life depended on it, “Yes! Yes!”
“Look guys,” I made an effort to move out of their reach, “I’m not-”
“Aw,” Coney stopped nodding, “Are you not fun anymore?”
“Sounds like you hit the bullseye Coney,” Hatter began messing with his brim, a signal to change their approach, “I guess you were serious about that ‘going straight’ thing.”
“I am,” I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, “And I have to go.”
“Go?” Hatter came closer, backing me into an alleyway, “But we just reunited!”
“I’m not like you guys anymore,” my hand gripped my phone in my pocket, praying that it would buzz again, “I have friends who need me right now.”
Coney’s hand drifted towards a bright blue dumpster, “You think you're better than us?”
“No way mate,” Hatter smirked and whipped his own magic pen out, “Tea Party!” My arms went flying up, my phone and other valuables making a mad dash for Hatter’s and Coney’s open hands. Hatter caught my phone and looked at the message, “This ‘Ace’ fella is.”
My heart sank, the message wasn’t from Yuu.
Coney looked over, “Oh what’s this? You and this ‘Ace’ are talking about a girl?”
“What did he say?”
Hatter smirked, “Oh? So this ‘going straight’ thing is for the eye of some lovely lady. I’m hurt.”
“No,” I marched forward and grabbed my wallet from Coney’s hand, “I’m becoming a better person for myself. I want to be an honor’s student and I’m doing a damn good job. Yuu is just a friend.”
“Sure,” Hatter rolled his eyes, “I’ll believe that,” he changed his voice to mock mine, “‘Look at me, giving up my freedom for some stupid dream of being an honor’s student.’ No way. You’re not built for that Deuce.”
My phone buzzed in his hand.
“I used to respect you Spade,” He put my phone in the ribbon of his tophat, taunting me, “Now look at you. You’re a fucking chump.”
My phone buzzed again. Something inside of me snapped like a dry twig. I could feel my body heat from the inside out, old mussels returning to their place. I didn’t reach for my pen. I just punched the bastard.
Hatter went flying back into the wall, clearly expecting to have to taunt me longer before I took action. Coney didn’t hesitate to pounce on me, knocking me to the ground under him. He fired off punch after punch, leaving the taste of blood on my lips. I kicked him off and into Hatter, aiming to get my phone back. I had to see if it was Yuu. 
It all turned into a blurr. A barrage of fists coming from all directions. All I focused on was Hatter’s stupid tophat.
I got the phone back and backed away. No one followed me.
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All of the messages were from Ace.
Yuu hasn’t explained. What does her text even mean?
Should we go back and check on her?
I’m going. I don’t know what’s happening but it sounds like trouble. Meet me at the bus stop in town in two hours if you’re joining me.
I cleaned off in a park restroom before running home to pack a duffel bag. Mom was immediately understanding and packed me a few sandwiches for Ace and me. She smiled and reminded me that Yuu was welcome to come back with me, as well as telling me to text her when I was coming back. I nodded and gave her a hug before running out the door.
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The two hours were up and I met with Ace at the bus stop.
Ace was pacing, waiting for the noon bus, “Who just messages that they’ve been kidnaped and then doesn’t respond for twelve hours!? Yuu’s going to be the death of us.”
“Calm down,” I hid my own anxieties, “This is Yuu we’re talking about. If anyone can handle being ‘trapped’, it’s her. Plus, Grim should be with her.”
“You say that like that’s a good thing.”
“Fair enough,” I kept going, “But despite the fact that it’s Grim, he can still fire off spells. Plus he’s pretty good with fire magic. Maybe we’ll arrive to see Scarabia in blue flames.”
“Again, you say that like that’s a good thing.”
“It’s the best thing I can think of.”
The PA system cracked to life, “Bus to Night Raven terminal is now boarding on platform three.”
“Come on,” I grabbed my bags and began walking, “Our friend needs us.”
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octavianstar · 2 years
A Concept Idea
So upon the Au Idea that I had Twisted Wonderland where Yuu gets Kidnapped into a Non-Disney school, I had a concept idea of who exactly is the headminister of that very school.
And who else wouldn't it be than... Her
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The Idea of a Twisted Wonderland Version of this particular Fairy Godmother would almost parallel of how She had meet with Fiona in the sequel.
Rather this scene.
Of where Yuu is downright miserable and tired after the countless times they/he/she had to deal with some dangerous shenanigans or overblots (or both) due to Crowley's downright mistreatment and lack of being an actual headmaster and letting Yuu due the hard work for him.
And where due upon the unfortunate circumstances, they do "the Disney crying" moment before they get introduced by the Fairy Godmother.
Of course Yuu would be really confused of who the hell she is while She's "comforting" them and where she's convincing them into assigning into her school where they/he/she are more happier there than at NRC. Of course, They/She/He rejects due to their/his/her growth around NRC, Adeuce, and Grim who consider them as family and friends. In which Grim secretly overhears because he was just about to go downstairs to get a midnight snack and was rather touched that he was considered as family (especially during after in Chap. 6). But it backfires and eventually leads up quickly to Yuu getting kidnapped and Grim attempts to fight them off but was too little, too late and can't follow after them.
Which Grim would then head to Crowley's office before to the other dorms to inform of their/her/his kidnapping. Of course Malleus would be pissed because their best friend/potential love interest ( doesn't have to be romantic) got kidnapped and couldn't do something about it in time, Adeuce would be panicked as hell and Crowley would either be very scared or rather angry.
For one, someone stole his servant student without his awareness and would definitely use them/her/him for blackmail against him. And for two, The Twisted Wonderland Version of Fairy Godmother was Crowley's old ex-lover he had dumped on before they both became up most rivals (Maybe right before RSA took that place in particular) to be one the very top until Crowley was elected to be the next headmaster of NRC, not her.
Due to her being downright furious, she made the Non-Disney College (Still looking for a name) in order to one day one-up Night Raven College or eventually take Crowley's place and would either way do anything in her power to get into that very position into the top of the heat or even higher with Yuu as their key. (Almost like the Little Mermaid plot without the Mermaids or Stealing Voices).
And I would think in her defense, she would absolutely hate such people like Crowley, Azul, Malleus, Grim, or basically anyone who is particularly like a fairytale monster/villain. Like how in Shrek 2, Fairy Godmother was absolutely against Shrek not only ruining her chances for her son marrying into royalty but also him being a Orge, being a 'monster' that shouldn't never had a happily ever after.
Which probably everyone's gonna get triggered, ngl.
Oh, and I do have a concept idea for the version of Yuu would be in the Au but I'll explain that another time if I can. And since it is a concept idea, this can change if it doesn't fit right.
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You know, there's something that's been on my mind lately. What if Yuu was like Dexter Morgan from "Dexter"?
[OOC]: Hi! Writer here. Yeah…MC/Yuu being like Dexter Morgan sounds like an interesting concept. I mean the show itself is extremely mature with both homicidal and…other elements.
Let’s just focus on the murder! Wow. That sounds terrible out of context…
So about MC/Yuu being like Dexter Morgan, that’s gonna raise suspicions around NRC as almost everyone in the magical academy is guilty of something. Though I’m sure MC/Yuu Morgan may understand these students and friends of theirs are just acting like how normal teenagers behave.
Except I’m thinking whenever they defeat an Overblot battle and learn how the Dorm Leaders were the way they are, there’s gonna be blood shed.
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MC/Yuu Morgan is meticulous when it comes to deposing human bodies and there is a lot of victims on their list of people who harmed their friends.
I don’t think I can write everything as there’s obstacles like Royal guards, high magical security and so on, but I can give an example to how MC/Yuu Morgan does their duty.
[Example: Dr. Rosehearts a.k.a. Riddle’s Mother from HELL]
(I hate her so much because she’s a prime example of the Authoritarian Parenting style.)
If MC/Yuu were able to travel to the Queendom of Roses, they need to be equipped with whatever sharp instruments they can find and supplies for keeping blood stains off of surfaces.
Also finding drugs to incapacitate their first victim in another strange world, Mama Rosehearts from the darkest corner of the Underworld.
They would sneak inside the Rosehearts Residence and if she’s still awake, they’ll quickly inject her with a syringe with the drugs from earlier.
Next cover the kitchen area in plastic, set up the surgical tools and other handy equipments to butcher the remains.
Also the laboratory glass sheets for collecting biological samples. (Blood samples, to be exact.)
Then they strip and tie the body down on the kitchen table.
Dr. Rosehearts: *Wakes up perplexed* Hm?
MC/Yuu Morgan: *In a monotone voice* Oh look. You’re finally awake. *Pulls out their scalpel*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Gagged with tape sealed on her lips shut* What is the meaning of this?!!
MC/Yuu Morgan: Do you know why you’re stuck like this? *Cuts her cheek as it bleeds*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Winces*
MC/Yuu Morgan: *Takes the blood sample as their reminder* You forced your son to be in misery. You took away what every child deserves. A childhood. A happier, safe kind. I have murdered plenty of those kinds of people back home. *Holds their scalpel against her neck* I hope your choices are what is best for you, not him. *Pulls their tool away*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Sighs in relief*
MC/Yuu Morgan: *Pulls out a huge cleaver*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Muffled screams*
MC/Yuu Morgan: Shhh…It’ll be over soon. Or now. *Swings the cleaver down and chops right in the neck*
[The head and the body are severed, pools of blood spills off the table and on the floor shielded with plastic. With 10 seconds of remaining consciousness, Dr. Rosehearts can only see a haunting glare of the conditioned serial killer.]
MC/Yuu Morgan: “Off with your head.” Seems appropriate in Riddle’s case.
They would hack up the body like an anatomical puzzle game and stuff them in trash bags with tons of weights to prevent floating. Like what Dexter did filling his bags of victims with rocks.
MC/Yuu would throw them in the ocean, hoping no Mer-Creatures would scavenge through.
The news broke out of Riddle’s mother going missing for a week.
Nobody knows it was the Ramshackle Prefect responsible for the disappearance.
Almost all of the cases of missing people and horrific threats were caused by the unassuming magicless Ramshackle Prefect.
Now if there is an ending for MC/Yuu Morgan, they’ll probably change their name and identity like in Dexter: New Blood and try to pass on from their past actions, but keep coming back.
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That concludes if MC/Yuu acts, behaves and pursue like Dexter Morgan.
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