#Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
ot3 · 2 days
crazy how professor layton vs phoenix wright: ace attorney has some of the best art and writing out of all of the games in either fanchise and no one will play it because they don't have enough love and whimsy in their hearts
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inbarfink · 1 year
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linklethehistorian · 4 months
“Choose Violence” Asks: Ace Attorney fandom
Y’all asked for it, you got it. I have answered the entire question list for the Ace Attorney fandom; hope you enjoy!
Answers below the cut both due to length, and for spoilers for various games. Proceed at your own risk.
the character everyone gets wrong
Unpolished ramble answer from livestream:
[Transcript from Linkle Plays: Persona 3 Reload (Live)] “I… *sighs* Offhand I only have a few…in mind; I’m sure that I could come up with…more than that when I actually write it out…but…at this moment in time… *sighs*
The character that I feel…m— a lot of people get wrong, in a sense, in Ace Attorney would be…*sighs* probably Athena Cykes, because….a lot of people…try to claim that’s she’s — well, at least a lot of people that don’t like her — claim to tend that she’s…just kind of a replacement for Maya and I don’t…really feel like that’s the case at all. I don’t think that they’re even comparable by means. I…feel like… *sighs* I feel like Athena, she…has an entirely…different vibe to her. …I-I — I know people miss Maya, and she’s beloved, but I gotta be honest; between the two of them —
*sighs* I’m not saying Maya’s not an interesting character, or that…the — or that…people loving her is unfounded, but, I feel Athena kind of has deep — deeper story from the get-go. I…very much enjoy her story in — in Dual Destines; I think that she’s…very strong — has very strong story, and…for me, the things that she went through — and…spoiler alert, if you haven’t played that, so uh…if your worried about the spoilers, maybe, mayyyybe mute meee…for a few minutes, but — I feel like, she — what she went through as a child, with…her mother experimenting on her and — and…her bonding with Simon Blackquill, and…then having to — despite her…issues with her mother and believing that she was…doing this and using her as a Guinea pig, when that is not the truth and her mother loved her very much, but I feel like…watching her mother die and, believing that she was responsible so much that she blocked this out, and Simon coming and saving her and taking the blame, purely to protect her, and her living her entire life trying to get him out of his situation because she believed so strongly he was not responsible, despite everything, I…feel like she had a much stronger and deeper and more well-written backstory from the very beginning, whereas Maya, she — kind of just was what she was; yes, she lost her sister, but…beyond that — I mean, come on, let’s be honest: she was getting framed for something every day of the week practically in most of the Ace Attorney games, let’s not even lie here — it — she was just kind of there to be…Phoenix’s reason for doing things, and…not so much — where Athena was more her own person, and…was separate from that, and…from the very beginning, and — yeah, I could definitely write about this better, but…I think that a lot of people don’t really give her enough credit, she’s really an amazing character and, I’ve always liked her? I don’t think that it’s fair to compare the two; I think they’re two very…very different characters, I…don’t dislike Maya — I think she’s very likeable, but…yeah. [/end transcript]
Polished answer:
Athena Cykes — not necessarily in terms of fanfiction and the like, which I feel like this question would usually be interpreted to mean, but rather just on a more basic, fundamental level of misunderstanding.
There is this really unfortunate attitude within the Ace Attorney community that Athena only exists as a stand-in and/or discounted replacement for Maya, and I honestly find it really insulting and diminishing towards her character and all that she is — not to mention just plain wrong.
Don’t get me wrong — I know Maya is a really beloved character to a lot of people in this fandom, and I’m not meaning to ignore or put that down in any way; I think it’s completely valid on every level, but…calling any female lead that happens to enter the scene “just a cheap replacement for Maya” is just plain absurd, especially when it’s a character like Athena, who from the very get-go of her introduction case and game automatically came with a clear unique personality, ability, and deep, complicated story, motivation, and narrative masterfully interwoven with the other characters within the game.
With all possible due respect to Maya and her fans, it is my personal opinion that between the two characters, if we are talking about a sense of narrative relevance and involvement and the complexity and depth of backstory, Maya by far pales in comparison in the vast, vast majority of her games to Athena in just her one singular introduction game alone.
While yes, Maya did lose her sister in her intro case and get framed for her death and that’s very, very sad — that’s about all the depth there is to her character for the entirety of the game; she was the sister of your mentor character, who unfortunately just happened to be visiting at the wrong place and wrong time and then somehow ended up tagging along with you from that point forward because her power to channel spirits came in handy. Aside from her first case and the last few cases in the third game, she didn’t really serve much purpose other than to be that character who is Phoenix’s silly, goofy, quirky sidekick and when the situation called for it, his motivation to put up with absurd circumstances — usually because she was either being framed for something, or kidnapped, or otherwise put at threat of serious danger if he didn’t; I mean, let’s be completely real here — lovable, iconic character or not, she was practically getting into trouble every day of the week like it was her fucking hobby. She was, in essence, his damsel in distress in need of constant rescuing like Princess Peach/Toadstool in the older Mario games.
And then, on the other hand, we have Athena, who is someone Phoenix took in initially not out of guilt but out of seeing sincere promise in her ability in a lawyer and passion for seeing her dream through — a deep, moving, endgame plot-relevant dream of saving the man who believed she snapped from her torturous experiments into her power and killed her (in her own eyes) cold and abusive scientist mother, choosing to shelter her and damn himself to take the fall for the woman’s death to the point of receiving the death penalty. We have Athena, who spends the entire game having blocked out the memory of what she supposedly did from the sheer trauma of that moment, and yet still believes so intensely in the innocence of the man she once called a dear friend that she continues to chase desperately after that dream and rush to become a lawyer and frantically search for a way to clear his name — even as the month and day draw ever nearer and all seems hopeless and without a single loose end to be found.
Whether you believe Maya to be the best female character in the series or otherwise (I personally do like her a lot, though I would never go that far), Athena is nevertheless not a mere cheap stand-in for her absence, but completely her own character with a unique identity and purpose all hers and hers alone.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Ron DeLite is SO not a top, and he would never top, and you cannot convince me otherwise. lol His wife, Dessie, has all the top energy that exists in that relationship and he just has absolutely none of it. He is very smol and timid and submissive — especially to her, and I think she adores that about him.
So yeah. I’m not saying Ron could never top anyone ever physically, but I just really don’t think he wants to, you know? I imagine Dessie is absolutely on top no matter what they’re doing, and I think he’s very comfy with that — with letting his wife have all of the control in the situation, since he loves seeing her happy and would do anything for her at all. He probably gets pegged sometimes, too, honestly.
I love them.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I’mma be honest; I’ve never been on Ace Attorneyblr, and I have no idea whether that is a blessing or a curse, but at the very least it means that I don’t have any horror stories from Tumblr to share with y’all.
As for a description of the worst take I’ve seen anywhere ever…well, probably just in general any of the takes that talk about any new character just being a discount replacement for one of the old ones, or Dual Destinies being the weakest game in the series…but we’ll get to the latter issue later.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I’ve never blocked anyone in the Ace Attorney fandom, and I’ve never really felt the need to, yet, either; all my disagreements with a lot of this fandom’s general opinions aside, I’ve never really had a bad experience in this fandom that ever inspired me to block someone. Lovely fandom all in all when it comes to respecting each other — from what I’ve experienced, at least.
Here’s hoping it stays that way.
5. worst discord server and why
I’m not in any Ace Attorney servers, so…sorry; I can’t really comment on this one.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
To be honest, I can’t really think of any ship fans in this fandom that are really particularly annoying on the whole… I mean, sure, there are some annoying shippers out there, but like…isn’t that just true of nearly every single fandom and even semi-popular ship that exists out there in some manner?
I guess if I had to pick out ships in this fandom in particular that have an at least slightly noticeable level of annoying people in them, it would probably be NaruMitsu and NaruMayo — but both for totally different reasons: certain NaruMitsu fans for allegedly sometimes bullying the NaruMayo fans out of ship rivalry (though this cannot be confirmed, as I’ve only ever heard about and never seen this happen firsthand), and certain NaruMayo fans for playing the victim card constantly about being oh-so-tiny and “not popular enough” and daring to tell others in and out of the fandom that “you’ve never experienced a small fandom if you don’t ship them”, when, in fact, they are basically the second biggest ship between the main characters of the first three games. -_-
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
As I said in my Legend of Zelda version of this post, I’m not really typically the type of person who can have a character or ship or fandom ‘ruined’ for them by association to something negative, so obviously, there’s no one in this series that has become hated by me because of such things.
I guess the closest thing I can say is just that although I do still like Maya as a character a lot, I do end up thinking a lot about the childish tantrums this fandom has thrown over her every time I see her. 😅
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Well, also like I’ve said in a previous post for a different series, I don’t believe that an opinion — if it is truly an opinion — can, by definition, be wrong; the very nature of opinions is that they’re supposed to be subjective personal feelings on something, so there is no such thing as right or wrong ones — merely different ideas.
However, there is such a thing as a false statement, and unfortunately many so-called “opinions” are actually this — something that regardless of anyone’s personal feelings, is just plain factually incorrect in terms of canon, so today I’ll just talk about those instead.
For starters, there’s the stupid widespread attitude where every new sidekick, main lawyer, or detective is treated as though they are just a weaker, more watered down bootleg version of the original cast from the first game; that’s just absolutely absurd.
I don’t want to get into explaining why they’re wrong about every single character that’s gotten accused of this, as this would get much, much too long if I did, but I’ve already given a very good example of what I mean back in the first question when I was talking about Athena Cykes.
Athena is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey or Apollo Justice or Phoenix Wright; she is Athena Cykes, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Trucy is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey; she is Trucy Wright, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Ema is NOT a cheap replacement for Maya Fey or Dick Gumshoe; she is Ema Skye, a character with her own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Bobby is NOT a cheap replacement for Dick Gumshoe; he is Bobby Fulbright, a character with his own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
Apollo is NOT a cheap replacement for Phoenix Wright; his is Apollo Justice, a character with his own personality, talents, well-written character arc(s), motives, and place within the series.
They all have different personalities.
They all have different strengths and weaknesses.
They all have different character arcs and well-written backstories and motives for what they do.
They ALL belong, just as much as the OG cast.
And as for another major “opinion” this fandom is wrong about, it’s that Dual Destinies is the weakest game in the series.
Everyone is allowed to have their own preferences and opinions in regards to which is the subjectively best or worst game in the series, but when it comes down to calling Dual Destinies the “weakest” in the series, this is just plain untrue; love it or hate it, in terms of its main overarching plot, even from a purely standalone perspective, Dual Destinies is literally the most structurally sound and well-put-together story in the entire series, possessing the most and best-written foreshadowing throughout the entire game that any main entry in the Ace Attorney franchise has ever managed.
I could write an entire essay on that game — and someday I probably will — but seriously, calling it weak very simply is not correct, even if you for some reason absolutely hate the story.
Feel how you will about that game, but weak is not a word you can factually use to describe it. It’s just absurd, and I hate that peoples’ weird bitter biases lead them to claim shit like this.
9. worst part of canon
Definitely not a point a lot of people are going to agree with me on, but honestly, for me, it’s some of the very poor writing decisions in Spirit of Justice that bother me the most — from the fact that despite having Apollo recite the very most important parts of his life and the people in it to his adopted father, he somehow forgot and failed to mention his lifelong best friend who was murdered only just the prior year, to setting up an entire case merely so that you could pit Apollo and Phoenix against each other in what felt like a very ham-fisted and unnatural way.
10. worst part of fanon
I’m not really sure; I can’t say that there’s a lot in fanon that I hate enough to call it the worst, but I suppose the constant erasure of Miles’ long-since officially confirmed asexuality is a little frustrating.
I’m of the opinion that it’s perfectly fine to do whatever you want in AUs (though I will question at some point if you change a character so fundamentally why you don’t just create an OC instead), but a lot of people I’ve seen in general tend to act like Miles’ asexuality doesn’t necessarily exist in canon, and it’s kind of annoying. It’s very rarely acknowledged.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
None, yet; that could change someday, but for now, there are no words or tags I’m filtering when I search for something.
I suppose in this case, it’s because, aside from being a little loud in an irritating way from time to time, it’s definitely not the worst fandom ever to be in. Far from it.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Well, I already went on a long rant about Athena earlier, so I suppose she’s definitely on the list, but I think another one would be Pierce Nichody; while there are definitely some extremely human characters and even antagonists throughout the series, I think that Pierce is above all one of the most tragic antagonists to exist — slotted right alongside Godot, and certainly sharing his grief over a lost loved one, but quite unique from him, as well.
While Godot’s decision to risk his life to protect his late fiancé’s sister is definitely one of the forms that love and grief can take and infinitely healthier than Pierce’s, there is still something so compelling to me about the idea of grief over loss of a loved one being so intense that their entire world stops at the moment of said loved one’s death and they become so overcome with anguish and despair that they are willing to burn the world over that event and to try to “fix” things (whatever that mean for the individual character and circumstance), even though they may know it’s not necessarily the right thing to do or even what their dearest would want.
And Pierce’s pocket watch — the one belonging to his late fiancé, that broke on the day of her fatal accident — somehow finally advancing time again at the end of the trial to remind him that he could move forward and let go and that she would always be with him, and having him break down over that and the weight of his actions, is so absolutely heart-wrenching and beautiful.
There are a lot of other characters I could talk about, yes, but I think Pierce is definitely the one who deserves the most credit and appreciation and yet never gets it.
13. worst blorboficiation
*shrugs* Still can only guess what this means, but even then, I don’t think I’ve necessarily seen this in this fandom; usually when there’s a character being mischaracterized here, it’s because someone has a chip on their shoulder against them — not the opposite.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
NaruMitsu….? lol Other than that and a few other popular ships, not really much comes to mind as typical to see in an Ace Attorney fic — either positive or negative.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Again, just some typical ships: NaruMitsu, KlaPollo, for some reason Simon Blackquill x Bobby Fulbright despite it not being super popular outside of art… Beyond that, not a lot to comment on.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Spirit of Justice in general, compared to Dual Destinies; don’t get me wrong — SoJ did have some good moments and even good cases, and I don’t think there was anything wrong with it in concept overall, it’s just that…it’s quite weak compared to DD plot and writing wise?
My best guess is that it’s because Maya and Ema both come back — though especially Maya — in that one, and since people worship the ground those characters walk on for whatever reason compared to some of the newer cast, the nostalgia bias is making people prefer it, but really I just found it underwhelming.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Platonic (or hell, even romantic) ClaPollo and JuniPollo art in general would be nice to see, and I’d definitely like more fics that are written in the same format of the games (I came across one like that once and it was super awesome, though I can’t for the life of me remember which one right now), but at the end of the day, as I’ve said, people should really just write and draw whatever they’re inspired to — not what I *personally* or anyone else would like to see.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Like I said, Dual Destinies in general, and also Spirit of Justice’s DLC case, Turnabout Time-Traveler — the latter of which not only is the case Pierce is in, but it’s also just an incredibly wild, plot-twisty, deep, and heart-wrenching ride altogether for a lot of the case-specific characters involved. Also Turnabout Stoyteller’s Athena and Simon dynamic with Simon on co-counsel; it is so fucking good and just…nobody appreciates it enough.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Simon/Bobby (once upon a time I actually knew the ship name for this, but I’ve forgotten and I’m too lazy to google at the moment lol), as a ship.
Like….I don’t ship it at all, personally, but I have to admit I do find the concept of it so appealing, considering how it would mean that Simon fell in love with this absurdly altruistic detective bent on saving him from himself and reforming him and getting him off of death row, only to later find out that the man he cared so much for was actually dead (potentially even before he met him — I can’t remember when Fulbright started hanging around him) and all along this has been an imposter essentially wearing his skin, who actually is the reason he was charged and put on death row to begin with, and is actively seeking to destroy him and the only other people in his life that Simon cares about. It’s just…a really cool and exciting and heartbreaking concept. So yeah, I get it, even though on one hand I can’t possibly bring myself to actually ship it or even see it as being truly plausible in canon.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I don’t know… I guess Justice for All had some cases that were really kind of flops — especially the first Maggey Byrde case (2-1); they weren’t all bad, though.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
I guess just Maya Fey and Spirit of Justice in general, for the reasons I’ve already stated.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Not to repeat myself for the umpteenth time, but definitely Dual Destinies as a whole, SoJ’s DLC case, and the Simon and Athena dynamic present in Turnabout Storyteller.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
NaruMitsu — I was originally a NaruMayo fan back in the early days simply because I used to buy into the “if there are a male and female protagonist, they must be in love” rhetoric with no further basis needed, and I used to see Miles as so AroAce that he would never pursue a romantic relationship with anyone, but over the years and having seen enough canon evidence to the contrary, I’ve eventually stopped thinking that for me Phoenix and Maya really have that kind of vibe in canon, and come around to the idea that perhaps Miles may be Ace and on the spectrum of Aro, but Phoenix is an exception for him, though he hates to admit it.
I’m not sure if I actively ship it or not, but if I don’t I’m very close to doing so as it is and only very slightly bordering on indifferent whether they’re romantic or platonic. I definitely think Phoenix likes Miles, at the very least.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
I don’t know… I can’t really think of anything in particular at the moment, to be honest; this fandom is relatively chill overall.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Again, this attitude that in order for another lawyer character to exist, be they male or female, but especially female, they must be a replacement for another character.
Also the Dual Destinies hate, and Apollo supposedly “having three backstories because they couldn’t choose one”, when in reality what actually happened — aside from some moments of poor writing I can’t and won’t defend — is that he was a character that grew and was expanded upon over the course of multiple games, and none of what was revealed ever necessarily conflicted with or contradicted any other part of the backstory.
People are allowed to decide to expand on their characters further and add new details to their lives — y’all don’t need to take everything so personally.
Question List
Previous Answers for Questions 4 and 16 (all fandoms)
All Questions Answered (Legend of Zelda fandom)
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nocontexteastereggs · 2 years
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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2012)
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sheepwithspecs · 2 years
|| PLvsAA || Rated T ||
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Espella can't keep her mouth shut, and now Darklaw has plenty of reasons to stare across the room at the former Inquisitor Barnham while he works.
Eve Belduke had a staring problem.
No, that wasn’t entirely true: she had a Barnham problem, one that had been thrust upon her by the Storyteller years ago and, even now, continued with no end in sight. The Leader of the Order had always taken his duty to aid the High Inquisitor seriously. While she was at first wary of working with someone in another, albeit smaller, position of power, she’d been grateful for the assistance. That, however, was before he’d become an impediment to her work.
The problem wasn’t that he was incompetent, or prideful, or unwilling to hear criticism. In fact, he was something of a model coworker: his ethic was admirable, his manners impeccable, and his demeanor (mostly) pleasant. His every action was in accordance with the same high expectations he demanded of his men. The Story’s end and the Inquisition’s dissolution had not changed his behavior. When it came to those qualities, she held no objections.
The true grievance—if it could indeed be called such—lay in the fact that he was, quite frankly, a distraction. His voice was far too loud; in order to be heard over his armor, he had to speak at a tone that echoed in her ears long after he’d left the room. His eyes were much too sharp, and his hair was unruly at best. Part-time work in Mrs. Eclaire’s bakery had made his calloused hands even rougher, and now the sweet, yeasty fragrance of fresh bread accompanied him everywhere. His laugh was too gentle sometimes and his smile was cute, especially when his nose crinkled in that certain way….
In any case, he was too much of a distraction. It had become impossible to get any amount of work done while he was seated across the room, oblivious to her most poignant of gazes. She was supposed to be hard at work on renovating the marketplace; the city map was spread over the bulk of her desk, her best quill sharpened and parchment at the ready. But although her nails dutifully tapped on the neatly penned streets, her mind simply refused to focus on the task at hand.
Cheek pillowed on her fist, Eve watched as he worked his way through the seemingly endless paperwork. It was true that as an Inquisitor he’d had a mountain of messily organized papers littering the four shabby corners of his desk. Now that his apprenticeship took up the bulk of his time, there seemed to be far more than usual. The poor desk was already on its last legs, and now she feared that the slightest breeze would cause an avalanche of scratched wood and crumpled parchment.
“I’m already running three days of unpaid overtime for Labrelum as it is,” he’d argued just last night. He’d patiently listened to her complaints, standing outside the Courthouse with his arms crossed against the late autumn chill. “Mrs. Eclaire was promised four hours of my time per day, and I’ve men to muster and a squire to train besides. As highly as you think of me,” he’d added, grinning, “even I need sleep.”
“N-nonsense.” It was that sort of teasing that unnerved her, always. She’d found herself fumbling for words, cheeks burning brightly in the dusky moonlight. “You were awake at all hours of the night during the witch trials. There’s no need for you to fall behind… it would be done already, if you’d just put your nose to the grindstone.” He’d rolled his eyes at her good-naturedly before parting, and she’d thought no more of it until this morning when he told her he’d spend the day catching up— with her blessing, of course.  
As dutiful as ever, Eve thought now, watching as his uneven scrawl filled page after page. His free hand worked tirelessly with the weights he kept at his desk, running through reps the way others might tap or fidget. He only paused his one-armed workout to clip each report to its corresponding memos, throwing them into a loosely stacked pile for the morning courier. He chewed his lip, muddling over an old missive from the week prior, and she fought the urge to scowl. He had a nice mouth, with full lips that looked softer than they should: another damning mark in her growing list of distractions.  
She had never watched him so closely before, not even when they were side by side on the forklift. Well… perhaps that wasn’t entirely true. More and more often, she caught herself sneaking furtive glances whenever they weren’t in danger of being seen by anyone else. It was an innocent curiosity— or at least it started that way. She merely wanted to catch a glimpse of the man beneath the knight’s stoic mask, the Zack that tavern patrons spoke of with friendly ease. From what she’d overheard, he acted differently when off the clock; a small part of her was a little envious that others were allowed to see what she could not.
The more she watched, the more she liked what she saw. He was patient with children, and civil towards almost everyone… provided they did nothing to rouse his ire. He was surprisingly good with machines as well, despite missing a decade of technological advancement. Years of garrison training had given him good dexterity, as well as a knack for throwing knives—or any blade, for that matter. Even his baking skills were rapidly improving, proven by the increased softness of the bread he brought to her.
Eve had fully meant to stop her observation before things got out of hand. Now it was too late; she was over her head. Every time a woman dared to flirt with him, be it a tourist or a member of the self-proclaimed “Barnham fan club”, she found herself absurdly jealous. More than once her hands had spasmed in barely controlled anger, teeth clenched tightly as she watched them make utter fools of themselves in public. She couldn’t stand the obnoxious cooing, or the way they preened like garish birds while batting their eyes up at him.
These bitter feelings both bewildered and concerned her. There was absolutely no reason to feel so harshly. After all, their precious Sir Barnham was single; that alone made him free game for anyone bold enough to play. Besides, she was no more entitled to his attention than any other person in Labyrinthia.
That being said, the logic of the situation wasn’t enough to keep heartache at bay. Her only consolation was that he seemed just as oblivious to their regard as he was to hers. Subtle hints and wayward glances had no effect on him; young or old, he treated all woman with the same detached courtesy. They might as well have been baby-faced Petal, or withered Old Rootie. In the end they always surrendered their little love games, leaving the bakery with hanging heads and heavy hearts. Although she was no more successful than the rest, she couldn’t stop the proverbial monster in her chest from purring in triumph at the sight of their crestfallen faces.     
It didn’t help that his actions towards her, although friendly and innocent, were entirely cryptic in nature. Every time she thought she’d overcome her feelings, he’d do something that left her pondering over his actions for days on end. She was mystified by his overwhelming eagerness to please, even when doing something as simple as delivering an order or offering to walk her home. Sometimes she couldn’t help but hope that he fancied her, even a little. That seemed unlikely, as he never gave any real sign of returning her hopeful affections. He didn’t appear interested in dating. In fact, he never spoke of romance at all, even in passing. When it came to the finer points of l’amour, he seemed rather… obtuse.
Argh! Forcing her eyes to the map, Eve glared daggers at the neatly curled script designating the marketplace. This is all Espella’s fault! That technically wasn’t true either, but Espella was undoubtedly the catalyst for this latest bout of Barnham-centric thoughts. It seemed that Cantabellas were by their very nature meddlesome; after taking one look at Barnham’s subpar birthday gift, the girl had decided to become Labyrinthia’s unofficial matchmaker. To her growing horror, Eve found that she was the first unwilling client on the books.
She’d tried to explain about her anxiety surrounding relationships, how having a crush on someone didn’t always equal a willingness to flirt, and that she would do something about her feelings when she was good and ready. Pleas and demands both fell on deaf ears; so long as Espella thought she was doing some good in the world, she would stop at nothing to ensure her friend’s happiness. Most of the time it was easy enough to ignore her, but a few days ago she’d let loose a very interesting piece of information….
“You know, Eve,” Espella mused, twirling one plait around her finger, “I think Mr. Barnham has finally settled in at the bakery.”
“Is he?” She’d only been half-listening; otherwise she might have recognized the scheming undertone in her friend’s words. “I’m glad to hear it. If he’s half as good at baking as you claim, Mrs. Eclaire has chosen a worthy apprentice.”
“Oh, yes! He’s a fast learner, to be sure. I think he might be a natural at baking. And it’s great to have help with the chores. But…” Engrossed in her work, she missed the wide, mischievous grin on Espella’s face. “When I say that he’s settled, I mean that he’s become more relaxed around Aunt Patty and me. It was clear he wasn’t used to living with women.” That statement had been enough to make her freeze.
“W-what do you mean?”
“He wasn’t rude, if that’s what you’re thinking. I only mean that it took time for him to become… how should I put it? Informal. Like I said,” she continued, adopting a blasé tone, “he’s settled in well. Maybe a little too well? He even walks around the living quarters in his pajamas.” She leaned across the desk, positively beaming with wicked glee. “And what’s more:  he doesn’t wear a shirt to bed.”
Her face had to have been redder than Espella’s vibrant cloak. Of course it was only teasing— Espella was as bad as Barnham in that regard —but her jealousy had flared at the thought. Here she was, practically begging for scraps, while her friend (who clearly didn’t give a damn what he looked like) got to see him in a constant state of undress!
Eve couldn’t stop thinking about it. She didn’t dare lower her guard for an instant, lest her traitorous brain conjure images unfit to see the light of day. She could easily guess what he looked like shirtless; the garrison training outfit he wore when sparring left little to the imagination. Over and over again he popped up in her thoughts: shirtless, broad-shouldered, a roguishly handsome grin on his face as he went about his daily business. She thought of his deft fingers kneading dough, sweat beading at his temples from the oven’s relentless heat.
None of it should have been inherently arousing, and yet the very thought was a curse she couldn’t escape from. It was all she could do to keep from hiding her face in her hands each time the tableau resurfaced. It was worse when she had time to consider it fully, idle moments where the Barnham in her mind met her eyes, offering a warm, beckoning whisper—
Miss Eve….
“Miss Eve? Is something the matter?” She snapped out of her reverie, blinking as she looked about the room. His desk was as close to clean as it could be, the outgoing stack of paperwork wobbling precariously as it reached new heights. He stared blankly at her, brow creased in apparent confusion.
“I—no, no. Everything’s fine.” She sat up, praying that he hadn’t caught her mid-fantasy with her mouth hanging open. No amount of witchcraft or hellfire could purge that sort of embarrassment from her mind. “You’ve made considerable progress,” she acknowledged, clearing her throat. “I think we should call it a day.”
“’Tis barely half past six,” he protested, but she’d already risen from her desk.
“The rest can wait until tomorrow,” she said, faking a yawn. It was better for him to believe that her odd behavior was caused by exhaustion rather than emotion. That was enough; he said no more, though his frown deepened at the sight. Her eyes followed the lithe movement of his arms as he stretched, cracking his neck twice before following her example and leaving his desk.
“Shall I walk you to the gate, then?” He wore the same hopeful expression she’d grown used to over the past year, courtesy and kindness and something she couldn’t quite name. She nearly consented, if only to indulge in a moment of weakness; as pleasant as it would be, she had other plans for the evening.  
“No, I—I’m going to the bakery, to visit with Espella.”
“At this hour?” He faltered, sharp eyes scrutinizing as he looked her over. “Are you sure? It will be late when you start home.”
“She won’t be asleep.” She brushed past him, head high. “And I’m not afraid of walking around Labyrinthia at night. I used to do it all the time when I was High Inquisitor; you know that.”
“Even so….” He followed uncertainly, a sleepy Constantine at his heels.
The courtroom was dark and foreboding, without the lights and fanfare of the theatre to liven its vaulted ceilings. They passed through the doors, nodding to the sentries stationed in front of the Courthouse before turning onto the quiet lane that let towards the eastern side of town. Either concern or habit kept Barnham glued to her side, his eyes sweeping the alleys as they walked between rows of houses and shoppes.
Labyrinthia was its most peaceful at this hour, with firelight glowing from windowpanes and candles flickering behind closed shutters. Now that the nights were long and cold, most of its citizens opted to remain indoors. The streets were all but abandoned, shop owners locking up for the evening while a few last-minute patrons hurried home with their evening purchases.
The moment she entered the bakery, Mrs. Eclaire fell upon her with the force of a gale. No matter how often she frequented the bakery, she was always somehow looking thinner and paler than before. Her weight was optimal for her height, and Beldukes were naturally fair-skinned, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy Mrs. Eclaire. In her eyes, Eve was a walking case of illness waiting to happen: she needed all the carbohydrates she could get if she wanted to bulk up for the cold winter nights, would she not sit down with some toast? It wouldn’t take long at all, not with the fire banked—
“Actually, I’m here to see Espella.” Barnham offered her one last strange, sidelong glance before rushing upstairs without a word. She huffed under her breath, shaking her head. What’s his problem?
“She’s up in her bedroom.” Mrs. Eclaire smiled, clapping her mitts together with the joy of some secret joke. “And don’t worry,” she winked. “I’ll bring the toast up in a jiff.”
“I—yes, thank you very much.”
  It wasn’t until the midnight bell tolled that Eve realized the hour. Its slow, deep peals rang out over the otherwise silent city, a testament to their negligence. Espella looked up from her book, head cocked as she, too, listened to its last dying echo.  The two women glanced towards the clock on the bookshelf, sharing a grimace as they realized their mistake.
“Oh no,” Eve groaned, rubbing her forehead. “I didn’t mean to stay out this late.”
“It’s not your fault,” Espella stood, marking her place before putting the book facedown on the small table in the center of her room. “Tomorrow is my day off, so I won’t have to get up early and stoke the fire.” She glanced out the window, one hand on her chin. “But will you be alright, walking through the forest this late at night? I can lend you one of our lanterns….”  
“I’ll be fine.” Eve joined her, peering over her shoulder. Past the shadowed roofs, the full moon was a perfect white circle in the cloudless sky. Stars twinkled over the sleeping houses, and she knew that on a night like tonight, the sea would be a calm, glittering canvas. “There’s more than enough light to see by, and there are knights patrolling the streets after dark. I doubt I’ll run into any problems.”
“I’ll walk you downstairs,” Espella offered. “I’ll need to lock the door once you leave, anyway.” The two crept from the room as quietly as dormice, shushing the creaking floorboards beneath their feet. The bakery’s upper story was divided into two portions by a landing, with wooden partitions keeping the bedrooms separate from the cramped living quarters. A steep flight of stairs, surrounded by an ancient wooden railing, led down to the bakery’s back room storage. Espella herded her towards the stairs, one icy finger prodding her in the kidneys.
They had nearly reached the railing when a rattling sound startled them both. Espella nearly clambered onto Eve’s back, clutching two handfuls of her shirt as she let out a terrified squeak. Eve’s heart jumped into her throat, hand automatically searching for the dagger that hung on her Inquisitor’s belt. It wasn’t there, of course; she had opted for a more comfortable attire, leaving the Inquisitor’s outfit at home.
“Oh,” Espella managed shakily. “That must be M—”  Her whisper died entirely as the door to their immediate right opened, flooding the corridor with candlelight. Spots danced in front of Eve’s eyes as her vision adjusted, forcing her to blink rapidly. There, standing in the open doorway, was Barnham. Barnham as she’d never seen him before: shirtless, tousled, with the waistband of his loose-fitting joggers clutched in one fist.
Her mind ceased to function.
He didn’t notice them at first, eyes locked on the mobile phone in his hand. Espella shrank against her spine as he walked blindly into the corridor, looking up only when he realized he was about trample someone’s bare foot. In the time it took him to raise his eyes, the sight was already branded permanently onto her consciousness. She couldn’t help but look, cataloguing everything from his soft, sleepy expression to the way the joggers rode down his hips in the front, dangerously close to showing her something she’d never recover from. Every last detail was seared into her thoughts, tucked away to torture her with later.
Their eyes met and she froze, heart thundering in her chest. Dread settled in her stomach as she watched his expression shift from drowsiness to confusion… and then to horror. A flush spread slowly over his face, darkening his cheeks before creeping down towards his neck. She stared helplessly up at him, eyes wider than dinner plates.
“Mr. Barnham!” Espella spoke in a whisper, her voice strung highly enough that the words held the jagged edge of a shriek. It was enough to make him break eye contact, quietly stepping back into his bedroom and shutting the door with a soft click. They were thrown back into darkness, even blacker against their vision now that they’d seen the light.  
“Barnham….” Her lips formed the name, but nothing—not even a breath—was able to escape. A wail of despair rose up through her chest, stifled in her throat before it was a danger. I’ll never be able to—not in a thousand years—how can I look him in the eye after this?! She pressed one palm against her racing heart, willing it to slow as everything from her ears to her chin burned with a fire that rivaled the witch’s court.
Espella trembled against her spine, hands shaking as she smoothed Eve’s blouse over her shoulder blades. Eve cleared her throat, intending to ask if she were alright; before she could gather her wits to speak, one stifled giggle sputtered into the night air. It was quickly followed with a snort of pure mirth, Espella’s forehead resting against the back of her neck as she tried to rein in her laughter. Of course you would laugh, she grumbled to herself, not seeing any humor in the situation. You’re not in danger of combusting the second you look at him.   
Barnham’s door opened again. This time he was more than adequately clothed; along with his joggers he wore a threadbare tunic, the stretched fabric draped haphazardly over his shoulders. His socks were mismatched and had been yanked on with such haste that the heels were at his ankles. On top of everything else was a thick blanket, held fast at his neck as though it were a cloak. White fur dotted the dark cloth, clinging to the textured surface for dear life.
“Pardon me,” he choked, attempting to sidestep them in the narrow corridor. “My utmost apologies, Miss Eve—if I had known that you were still—” Espella, looking up from Eve’s shoulder, finally got her first glimpse of his new haute couture. The floodgates were thrown wide open; the girl let out a true witch’s cackle, falling against the wall with her arms around her stomach. She slid down the plaster in near hysterics, tears gathering in her eyes as she pointed wordlessly to the blanket around his shoulders.  
“Augh!” Before she could process what had happened, Barnham leapt across the landing, reaching the other side of the wall in three long strides. He yanked open the bathroom door, diving inside and slamming it behind him with a thud.  
“What on earth!?” Mrs. Eclaire appeared, hastily tying a wrap over her nightgown. “Are we being robbed? With all this noise, there had better be a—” She caught sight of Eve and stopped, her mouth rounding in surprise. “Good gracious, child! Are you still here? I thought you’d left ages ago!” She frowned, hands on her hips. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Forgive me,” she managed. “I didn’t realize the hour. I’ll leave now.”
“You’ll do no such thing!” Mrs. Eclaire scolded. “It’s far too late for a girl to be wandering the streets alone. Espella’s bed is large enough for the two of you.”
“I… I wouldn’t dare encroach on—”
“Encroach?” the baker clucked, shaking her head in disbelief. “Of all the things!” Her eyes burned with an obstinate fire. “I don’t want to hear any more backtalk! It’s late, so get yourselves to bed! Now, sleep well,” she added in a motherly tone. “I’ll see the two of you at breakfast tomorrow.” Without further ado the door was shut, leaving them alone in the hallway. Silence reigned once more, with only a few creaks to suggest that Mrs. Eclaire had returned to her bed.
“Well,” Espella wheezed, wiping the tears from her eyes as she picked herself up off the floor, “you’d better stay. You’ll get a tongue-lashing otherwise, and trust me—you don’t want one of those from Aunt Patty.” She giggled again, stumbling back towards the bedroom. “C’mon, I’ll see if I can find something for you to wear to bed.”
“You… go on ahead and start searching. I’ll only be a minute.” She turned on her heel, crossing the landing as quickly and quietly as possible before rapping lightly on the bathroom door. There was no answering signal from within, nothing to suggest that anyone was inside. She tried again, making sure that the sound was loud enough to be heard before trying the doorknob. It was unlocked, and she turned it once before letting go with a sigh. Propriety stopped her from throwing the door open, potentially startling its lone occupant. Should I just—?
“M-May I come in?” she asked, hating the clear uncertainty in the question. She had never been fond of feeling unsure of herself. It was often the only method for keeping her innate shyness at bay. This was why she’d taken so well to the nom de guerre thrust upon her in childhood. Eve was timid and didn’t know how to handle tricky emotions, much less talk about them with others. Darklaw, on the other hand, could be self-confident and brazen; her boldfaced nature was often mistaken for iciness.
If she could just be Darklaw again, even for five minutes, this would be nipped entirely in the bud. And yet it wasn’t Darklaw who wasn’t in control of her own urges, who couldn’t stop staring at him, thinking about him, an addict who would do anything necessary for one more hit. That was Eve, and so Eve was the one who needed to speak before things got even more out of hand.  
“I’m coming in,” she warned when she received no response. Steeling her resolve, she opened the door and stepped into the bathroom, shutting it behind her and trapping them together in the small room. Her eyes widened when she was faced with an empty room—no, not empty. There was an obviously Barnham-shaped shadow in the shower stall, obscured by frosted glass that had been added during the bakery’s modern renovation.
Eve slid the glass aside, bracing herself for whatever she might—or might not—see. Barnham stood in the dry shower, still fully clothed with the blanket draped across his shoulders. He leaned against the far wall, eyes turned towards the ceiling as though not looking at her would somehow make her vanish from the room. She crossed her arms, glaring at him until his cheeks darkened and he began to visibly fidget.
“Come out of there,” she demanded sharply, stepping back to give him room. She put the bathmat between them, fighting the urge to rub her neck. The last thing she needed was for him to see her apprehensiveness. Taking her lead, he stood against the sink basin and copied her posture; they might have been sharing an ordinary conversation, had they not been standing in a bathroom together at midnight. She swallowed hard, looking around the room for something her eyes could settle on and finding nothing. They finally landed on a tiny bit of grout that hadn’t been properly sanded down. “Why are you acting so strangely?”
“A-Am I?”  What kind of question—?! She bit back a fiery response; in his defense, this wasn’t out of the realm of standard Barnham behavior. His mortification had been made worse by Espella’s laughter, and he’d retreated from the situation as elegantly—or at least as hastily —as possible. Perhaps she was the one acting strangely, and just hadn’t noticed until now. If this had happened even a year prior, what would have been different? She couldn’t answer that, and it only added to her mounting irritation.
“For heaven’s sake,” she grumbled, both at him and at herself. “Do you call yourself a man?”
“I’ve told you that already!” He scowled. “Who do you take me for?”
“A fool!” she snapped, cringing when he flinched. “I don’t understand you at all… do you think you’re the first man I’ve seen without his shirt on? Half the garrison runs around naked in the summer, or nearly so. And Espella says you do it when I’m not around. So why are you suddenly embarrassed? Is it that big a deal?”  
“I… not….” He mumbled, scratching nervously at his cheek.
“What? Speak up!”
“I said that—it’s only that—I don’t make a habit of—”
“You see—” He lapsed into silence, brows furrowed.
“Yes?!” It seemed that his wellspring had run dry. He smiled weakly at her, offering a little shrug. “Ugh.” She shook her head in frustration. “Weren’t you enough of a distraction already?” Immediately she clapped a hand over her mouth, biting her tongue hard enough to taste blood, but it was too late.
“…Eh?” Damn it! He’d heard enough, which was already too much in her opinion. “A… distraction?” Puzzled, he tilted his chin down to better study her. “What do you mean? In what way am I a distraction?”
“You—it’s— ugh!” This is absolutely ridiculous! She was across the room before she could stop herself, grabbing him by the blanket. The logical part of her intended to throw it from his shoulders, but instead she found herself yanking him down to her level, ignoring his surprised yelp as she pressed her lips desperately to his. He stumbled as she pulled him down, ruining her angle so that she caught the corner of his mouth rather than a full kiss.
His startled gasp feathered over her cheekbone and she set him free, somewhat shocked at her own impulsive behavior. Barnham clung to the edge of the sink, lips parted as though he meant to speak but couldn’t find the words. As she watched he ran one shaky hand through his hair, looking… confused? Surprised? Dazed, she thought belatedly.
“That wasn’t meant to happen,” she said stupidly, as though it were nothing more than an unwilling blunder. Her voice cracked slightly. “Goodnight.” He let out a strangled croak, catching her by the wrist and pulling her back to face him. He found her other hand, holding them both in his as he struggled to bring himself up to speed.
“Miss Eve?” This time he was the one caught staring, his eyes boring into her as if truly seeing her for the first time.
“What?” She tugged halfheartedly, but his hold on her fingers was too tight to break free of easily. “Zacharias,” she whined, feeling her face grow redder by the minute. “What are you doing? Don’t—don’t act as though it was something more than—”
“You kissed me.”
“Y-yes.” My first kiss, she wanted to add, but things were already bad enough. Her first kiss, unwittingly claimed by the man she longed for, a man who might not even share her feelings. It should have been something planned, saved for a moonlight stroll or a first date. Not stolen from him in a bathroom. She closed her eyes with a wince.
“Eve,” he breathed, and the absence of the polite miss was enough to make her shiver. Only the cold tile on my feet, she lied to herself, wishing she could rub the gooseflesh from her arms. “Eve, you kissed me, you—” His voice was rough, causing her heart to flutter in her chest. “I never—” he rasped, and her eyes flew open at the sound. She’d never heard him speak like that before. His gaze pinned her in place far better than the grip on her hands did.
“Eve—” he repeated again, her name almost a groan as he leaned forward. “I—pray, let me—” She shook her head quickly, turning her face away as he moved to kiss her again. He faltered, all  expression slipping from his face.
“We shouldn’t.” Not can’t or won’t, but shouldn’t. It was the best excuse she could give—the only excuse, seeing as there was no other worthy argument in her mind. He wanted to kiss her, she wanted him to kiss her, but…. At any moment, Espella could come to find her, or even worse, Mrs. Eclaire. As chaste as it seemed in the moment, this was still far too compromising a position for them both. “Let me go.”
“I have.” He was right; his fingers loosely cupped her hands, while hers were curled tightly around his palms.
“Oh.” She let them slip free, holding both fists to her chest protectively. Her entire body was in confusion, heart and brain and stomach all vying to be the center of attention. She stood before him, hot all over with shame and yearning and other things that she couldn’t easily put a name to. Was it normal to feel this disoriented after a kiss? Her head was fairly spinning with it all. Clearing her throat, she began to back towards the door. “I’ll just, um… goodnight, Zacharias.”
���Eve?” Her hand touched the knob, but she couldn’t bring herself to open the door. He stood in the space she vacated, watching her with a look that seemed both forlorn and hopeful. “Am I—Do you still find me to be a distraction?” She allowed the question to linger between them before turning the knob. It was only when faced with the cool, quiet darkness outside the bathroom that she felt she could answer. She took a deep breath and nodded mutely.
“Ah.” His rushing exhale sounded suspiciously like relief. “Alright then. Goodnight.” What does that mean? Alright? She wanted to look over her shoulder, if only to see what answers his eyes held. But she didn’t trust herself. If she looked back she might shut the bathroom door again, and then it would be over. His hands would find hers and he’d whisper her name, filling the air with spoken caresses in that rough voice, a siren song she’d be powerless to resist….
She thrust herself into the darkness before she had a chance to change her mind. This is really the best way, isn’t it?  The question wasn’t really a question; she had no good answer at the ready. Back across the landing, down the corridor, nearly tripping over the other Eve. Both slunk through the shadows in opposite directions, one heading towards Espella’s bedroom while the other began its first patrol of the night.
Eve expected Espella to badger her with questions and sly jabs the moment she entered the bedroom. To her immense relief she was already dead asleep, eagle-spread on the bed and snoring with a smile. A spare nightgown was folded neatly on the table next to the lamp. She changed, refusing to look at herself in the mirror as she ran her hands through her hair. She didn’t need a reflection to tell her that she was still shaken.
She unceremoniously shoved Espella out of the way before crawling in beside her. Thankfully her bedmate was a heavy sleeper; her snores didn’t break stride once, even with her cheek pressed against the wall. Moonbeams shone through the upper window, casting an eerie blue-gray glow over the entire room. Barnham walked as quietly as possible down the corridor, the floorboards muffled under his heavy feet. He paused for a single heartbeat outside their door; she fisted her hands in the sheet, teeth digging into her lower lip. It was only when she heard the soft click of his own doorlatch that she let herself relax completely.
What now? She turned onto her side, clutching the pillow to her face for breath after ragged breath. Where were they supposed to go from here? It would have made everything so much easier if she only had the answers! It’s his fault… he’s too unpredictable. Another lie, but it held wisps of truth. He was predictable enough for everyone else; it seemed that she was the lone exception.
She thought about how unsettled he’d been, and all over something as simple as a kiss. It raised the question of what he’d do if she went even farther than that. Would he freeze? Reciprocate? Or would he turn her away with his usual chivalric charm?
What would he do if she appeared in his bedroom, in her flowing nightgown? If she crawled into his bed and clung to his neck, pressing kiss after soft kiss to his cheeks? Did he ever imagine her in his bed? Did his hands itch to touch her, the way hers sometimes did? Were his fantasies as chaste as she imagined, or were more animalistic tastes hiding beneath his gallant exterior?
There was no way to know. She didn’t want to know; that sort of information would torment her with endless what-ifs. It was enough to have kissed him, to steal his breath and hear him whisper her name in the night. To know that she could be the distraction, too.  
She pressed her fingertips to her mouth, still faintly tingling with the aftershocks of her courage, and smiled.  
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neonglowxx · 15 days
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smashtoons · 10 months
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Don't ask the Professor for the story behind his hat.
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peachducy · 5 months
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moss-on-a-pebble · 2 months
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So I’ve never actually played the crossover game but I feel like this would be their dynamic
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hhhhomnom · 4 months
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so im playing professor layton v phoenix wright
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If you haven’t played PLvsAA the most important thing you need to know is that Phoenix has a cunty little stance:
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Laywright week day 1 holiday
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I just got an idea from a artwork where Trucy dressed up as Luke and Mr Hat as the Professor.
I like the thought that the Wright Anything agency and the Layton family would dress up as each other. I just did fathers and daughters in this one.
(Also there’s reference in here)
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doydoune · 10 months
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it's the year of our lord 2023 and I'm only now learning about Phoenix's and Maya's baker era
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pov: you're living your best life making bread and a Lego figurine bursts into your bakery and now you have to prevent a girl from being burned alive as a witch
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mooseghost · 9 months
(Spoilers for the setup of the first case of each Ace Attorney game)
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cat-shouty-13 · 6 months
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and an important amendment suggested by my good friend @sleepnos
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