#Progressive myopia
eyecarenexus · 2 months
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The Growing Concern -"Unravelling the Prevalence of Progressive Myopia"
Myopia is a common eye condition that causes blurred distance vision, also known as short-sightedness. In recent years, eye care professionals have identified an alarming increase in the prevalence of progressive myopia in children and adolescents.
Discover the factors behind this growing concern and why early detection is more important than ever. Learn more with us https://nexuseyecare.com.au/myopia/the-growing-concern-unravelling-the-prevalence-of-progressive-myopia/
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disgruntledexplainer · 3 months
Architectural Myopia
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enigmaticpink · 1 year
Wow one eye only got worse by like -0.25 diopters and the other got worse by a whole diopter
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jakei95 · 4 months
After 20+ years of wearing glasses permanently, I've finally been approved for eye surgery! Weee!
To be honest, I like my glasses since they've become a part of my body image, but there are some daily issues with my vision due to myopia and astigmatism in both of my eyes. After several exams, I was finally deemed eligible for laser surgery.
With this procedure, I won't have to wear glasses anymore. However, I'm considering getting some new glasses for work since I spend all day at the computer, and I want to protect my eyes as much as possible.
The surgery is scheduled for next week. I won't be able to work on my animations for a while, but I want to let you know that the progress on Underverse 0.8 Part 1 is going great! I can say I've reached at least 50% of the animation, considering this one has a lot of movement, lol.
I only hope my recovery goes well so I can get back to animating as soon as possible because I'm really excited about this episode :D See you later!
I hope I'm nervous ngl
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the-secret-garden1 · 6 months
Here is my list of Palestinian families you can help evacuate. If you can’t donate pls share, reblog, etc. To boost and get their stories heard and the support they need.
Shahed Naim’s family ⬇️
Shahed is an eighteen year old girl from Gaza. With a sight threatening disease called ‘progressive myopia.’ So does her brother Mohammed, she dreams of becoming a translator.
Her tik tok account: @shahedaloul
Their Goal 🥅: €54,565 / €70,000
Ahmed Wael’s family ⬇️
Ahmed has a small family. Consisting of his wife, Hind. And their son, Osama. Who is only four years old. His sixty six year old Mother lives with them after the passing of their father. He also has a sixteen year old sister named Sally. Who unfortunately did not get to finish her academic career due to the genocide taking place in Palestine.
His tik tok account: @ahmed.wael6284
Their Goal 🥅: £3,695 / £50,000
Basant Mohammed’s family ⬇️
Basant is 21 years old. She was studying at the faculty of Medicine at Al-Azhar University in Gaza before the war/genocide started.
Her tik tok account: @basant.muhammad65
Their Goal 🥅: $45,807 / $55,000
Adam Mohammed’s family ⬇️
There house was located in Northern Gaza before it was bombed. They lost their money, their work and any source of livelihood.
Their tik tok account: @em.adam.mohammed201
Their Goal 🥅: £1,187 / £50,000
Reem Alhafi’s family ⬇️
At the beginning of the war, my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighbourhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 24 years is gone, and we're homeless now. Currently, there is no safe place for them to live or to go, as of now they are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people.
Their tik tok account: @reem.alhafi
Their Goal 🥅: €119,262 / €119,000
Mohammed Mortaja ⬇️
Mohammed and Islam, two brothers pursuing their Master's degrees in Biomedical Engineering in Turkey, are leading a heartfelt campaign to aid their family's escape from the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Amid the turmoil, their family's once vibrant home, filled with cherished memories, now lies in ruins. With the relentless dangers they face daily, Mohammed and Islam are determined to secure funds to facilitate their family's safe passage out of Gaza.
Their tik tok account: @mohamedmortaja
Their goal 🥅: €20,001 / €50,000
Hisham Rezeq's family ⬇️
Lara Ahmed’s family ⬇️
Dear Kind Hearts,
‏My name is LARA I live in Gaza
‏(Palestine) and I’m organizing this fundraiser to evacuate my family from the ongoing war in Gaza to Egypt.
‏We are a family consisting of a mother, four daughters, and one child. Lara, 18 years old, Yara, 16 years old, and Assem, 14 years old. We lost my kind, caring father in this damned war. Please help us get out of this cruel war. I do not want to lose another person from my family. I cannot buy food
Their tik tok account: @larawael158
Their goal 🥅: £50,000
I will continue to update with more families as I go! And remember your donation no matter how big or small makes a difference.
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Myopia progression in 10 years…
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 1 month
Just speed consumed all of addison lee very much enjoyed I am waiting with my popcorn for next chapter! I did have a wonder while reading, what is Wriothesley's scope of vision? Is it like this needs to be 3 inches in front of his face? Can he see faces clearly if he's close enough? Loving the fic, keep writing!
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The short answer is:
No matter how close he gets, it's still gonna be unclear. It's not quite like myopia/short-sightedness where the blurriness can change with glasses/distance. His vision is more like looking through foggy glass. If something is pressed right up to the glass, you can see it more clearly, but it will still be foggy. Additionally, the guy has always been red/green colour-blind, so that doesn't change even after his war injuries, but because his vision is worse in general, he can barely tell colours apart lol. Unless it's bright blue.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA HEHEHHHEHEHHE WHUAGHAHA sorry. I like to infodump about my fics.
Not kidding when say this: I have a document that have notes on every single year in the 10 years between the Celestia war and current INGITAL events.
Unfortunately this was all planned before Sigewinne release, so I didn't have her canon birthday (AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT CANON ANY MORE I'm burying my head in the sand.) but it accounts for every year that Sigewinne grew up and some other random lore bits. "What does this have to do with my question?" you ask. Well, I have the 10-years progression notes specifically to keep their life events in order and Wriothesley's and Neuvillette's healing progress consistent KJNDSKJNSANSKJHASDJNJSNDKJNASJNDSAJNKSAKJ.
SO. Detailed answer is this:
At this point in INGITAL, if you stand 1-2 meters away from him and wave, he's gonna notice if he's looking at you, paying attention, and you're both indoors, or he's wearing sunnies. He's not gonna be able to recognise anything, though, he can just tell something is moving. He can sort of read regular text on a computer screen at about 2-3 inches (on a good day) using his better eye (left, so he always sorta lean that way when he's trying to look at something), but it's a struggle and he'd rather not do it. His right is worse.
There's also his field of vision. So like, his peripherals are pretty much gone, and he has some dark patches/blind spots. He's also light-sensitive, so everything's kinda painfully bright sometimes, but his vision is also bad in the dark, so he needs a happy medium, but that can shift from day to day.
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Very rough idea of what Neuvillette might look like to him on a sunny day. Veeery rough idea. I'm not blind I just researched a lot.
And then, regardless of what he can actually physically see, if his eyes hurt or feel too sensitive to keep open, it's all moot anyway. And once again, usually that depends on the day.
When Sigewinne was born, he had functionally decent vision in one eye (had a corneal transplant on his right). Legally can't get his driving licence, but y'know, he still felt confident enough to drive (Neuvillette did not let him, though.) The transplanted eye deteriorates over Sigewinne's first few months, and so did his better eye. He got another surgery for his left eye (the better one) when Sigewinne was about one, and that lasted for a bit, but by the time she's two, he's pretty much considered legally blind. By the time she's four, he does most things on his own and his other issues are managed as well, which is why they decided to have a second kid, and they had Carole when Sigewinne was 5. But Neuvillette struggled a bit with that second pregnancy. I mean, his first wasn't exactly rose and rainbows, but he his mental health nose-dived with the second one for a while. It's because he's been so focused on keeping it together while Wriothesley recovers that he hasn't fully dealt with his own trauma until his second pregnancy. Because yeah, thinking your husband died while you're carrying your first baby was traumatic. They've both got PTSD. By the time Sedene comes about though, they're all good. Sedene's pregnancy was a breeze, there was just Covid lockdowns HAHAHAHA. And then, if I go through with another pregnancy at the end of INGITAL, well... That's for me to know and for you to ponder.
[By the way, Clorinde mentioned going over to their house for Wrio's birthday 8 years ago in Chapter 9, which is when Sigewinne was 3 and he was 28. His previous birthday (his 27th) was a disaster. Had a big fight with his husband. So that's another morsel of lore from the 10-years-of-plot document.]
There's a scene planned somewhere in all this, where Neuvillette shows him some of their photos on one of the days when his vision is better. Photos of eeeeveryone their kids and their friends and all. He printed them out and edited them to raise the contrast so Wriothesley can see it more easily. Wriothesley voice: Ajax is fucking ginger? [This is lore relevant. No spoilers though.]
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slotumn · 6 months
It's all headcanons and theories, but I think there's actually a really simple reason for why Almyra would want to invade Fódlan during the story aside from just "they like to fight lol"
Money and trade.
No seriously, consider how the 3H world (or at least the portion we know of) would look like from Almyra's POV:
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Not only is Fódlan an untapped market, if you can get through Fódlan you can get to Brigid, and then Dagda, which is a whole another continent that they can make money in.
What would really piss off Almyra from an economic point of view is that, technically, Fódlan does trade with them. But presumably there are lots of limits for foreign merchants, given that the Church places bans on various items. Probably means a bunch of stuff is going to waste after they've gone through the effort of hauling it over the border. Like damn we brought all this good shit over and you're telling us we can't sell it??? Oh my god what are you doing don't fucking throw it away!!!!
And it would be one thing if this was for like, a hundred years, but Fódlan has been on this shit for about one thousand years. Imagine.
From this perspective, I also think it's interesting that the big Almyran invasion that resulted in the establishment of Fódlan's Necklace and Officer's Academy happened a few decades after Leicester, seemingly the most mercantile of Fódlan's nations, became independent.
If they've always been Fódlan's neighbor, and if they have an army that's capable of fighting (to say the least), why did the big invasion occur in 961? As in, why not earlier? What exactly was the thing that made them go, "okay fuck it the best option is all-out military action?"
Maybe something like the newly formed Leicester Alliance promising freer trade but walking back on it or not delivering?
Tbh I think that practically, Fódlan would actually be an unattractive place to outright annex and rule for Almyra. Achieving military victory is one thing, being able to integrate them into your rule is... another thing. Fódlan would probably be a difficult and annoying vassal state, given their long history of isolationism bolstered by religion.
But even if you don't outright annex them, you can totally drag over military forces to get favorable trade terms!
(Linked examples aren't obviously comparable 1 to 1 to Fódlan and Almyra's situation considering they're from 19th century while 3H world is still pre-industrial as of canon era, but the gist is, military action on isolationists due to economic motivations)
Of course the catch is that the Almyran invasion of 961 was driven off, and if the motivations really was something like what I theorized above, they failed to achieve their goals for the time being.
Nonetheless, the invasion still had tremendous impact on Fódlan's history; it took a lot of effort to drive the Almyran military off, and it put all of Fódlan on high alert, to the point that they established Officer's Academy to fend against such future threats. It's also notable that unlike in the First Mach War, the Fódlanis apparently couldn't afford to try a counter-invasion on Almyra like they did with Brigid and Dagda— whether that was because Almyra was too strong, or because Fódlan was too weak (and falling behind technologically), or both.
And on the one hand, you can see Fódlan's combination of isolationism + myopia + superiority complex from the reason why Officer's Academy and Fódlan's Necklace was established, but on the other hand, that was probably when some smarter Fódlanis began to realize: things can't keep going like this, something has to change. They managed to drive off the invasion once, but what if it happens again? If they stay stuck in their own bubbles while the rest of the world progresses, if other nations gain weapons and technology that can surpass the Relics and Crests, Fódlan is completely and utterly fucked.
Then fast forward about a century later and, indeed, something does change, due to the events of 3H. No matter the route, Fódlan changes. And Almyra probably got some nice trade deals with their neighbor there so, good for them.
Tl;dr if I was an Almyran ruler I'd totally invade Fódlan then force them to sign an unequal trade agreement, and I would have done it way earlier than 961 so I think the Almyrans were pretty patient in-universe, actually
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Jonathan S. Tobin
Also featured in the Times Magazine article is Nicole Carty, one of Borgwardt’s black allies, a BLM activist who helped train IfNotNow members in radical tactics. Despite her ties to Jews who share her visceral hate for Israel, she bristles with contempt for Judaism, even complaining about the fact that Passover seders are about the Exodus of Jewish slaves from Egypt and not equally interested in the black experience. Just as repellent is the way she views the efforts of some Jews on the left to mourn the Oct. 7 victims equally with Palestinians who have been killed as wrongheaded and evidence of Jewish “trauma myopia.” For her, Jewish victims had it coming, so they deserve no mourning.
But it is the comments of Rabbi Susan Talve, the spiritual leader of the Reform synagogue where Borgwardt’s family belonged when she was a teenager, that illustrate the tragedy of liberal American Jewish institutions. Talve, a devout political liberal who marched in the Ferguson protests, was dismayed by the BLM rhetoric about Israel. She foolishly thinks that the Jewish community lost people like Borgwardt by not giving them a more even-handed education about the Middle East, although it’s clear that the IfNotNow leader seems to know little, if anything, of the arguments for the justice of the Zionist cause or even basic facts about the conflict. It is precisely Jews like Talve that Borgwardt regards with special animosity because they want to support African-Americans as well as Israel’s right to exist.
It is telling that Borgwardt claims that when she sees “Fiddler on the Roof,” all she can do is weep about the nakba—the Palestinian term for the birth of Israel that means “disaster” or “catastrophe.” For such people, Jewish experiences are not simply unimportant but deserve to be erased altogether, including the lives of the 7 million Jews of Israel threatened by her Palestinian allies.
Her journey from a typical liberal Jewish background to activism for Israel’s destruction makes for a disturbing tale. It matters because it demonstrates that woke progressives aren’t so much interested in saving Palestinian lives as they want to erase Jewish life. For them, the only acceptable expression of Jewish identity is in support of other peoples—never their own interests or rights—even when it is a matter of life or death. They seem to be saying that Jews are the one people on the planet for whom self-determination must be forbidden. The ideas that helped transform Eva Borgwardt into a willing accomplice to Hamas’s genocidal campaign have not just turned some Jews against their own but have made antisemitism fashionable on campus and in the pages of The New York Times Sunday Magazine.
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
So for those of you who are unaware, I'm visually impaired. I have a rare genetic retinal disorder, congenital nystagmus, generally bad vision and astigmatism.
I bought new glasses today since my vision got worse again (yay for adult progressive myopia I suppose.) My insurance covered $250cad of the $717cad total. I paid the other $467cad out of pocket, which I don't really have the money to do alongside my other expenses.
I'm on government disability and am paying off student loans, so I don't have a lot of money to spare for things like this, but not having functioning glasses isn't an option.
If anybody has any money to spare (please only if you have extra) and would like to help, I have a Ko-fi, but please don't feel pressured to give. I know that things are hard for everybody right now.
This is the bill. It was $309.99 per lens and $99 for the frame, totaling to $717.00. Insurance (the name of which is censored for privacy) covered $250.00, and the remaining patient total is $467.00
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karmacat107 · 7 months
i don't normally make my own posts about the situation in palestine (i think it's pretty clear what my stance is, and i prefer to repost good information directly and uplift voices more well-spoken than my own), however i would like to share a fundraiser that was shared with me by a friend of the organizer irl at a pro-palestine event.
while i was talking with people at this event it became apparent to me that a lot of things like this are primarily on tiktok, and while it's a great platform to reach many people quickly, i know myself and plenty of others on here don't use it so i'd like to do what i can to maybe get it in front of a different audience.
from the page:
"My brother Mohamed and i we have progressive myopia in our eyes and it’s genetic. We were born with this disease and the older we get the worse our situation becomes, we can barely see with glasses. Recently we have discovered that we have fibers in the retina and the longer we delay the treatment the more fibers will grow and it will lead to vision loss, we travelled for treatment but the costs were high so we couldn’t afford it. We were trying to get a treatment but suddenly the war began and destroyed our dreams and hopes in everything. Because of the war my memories, town, home and college and all the hospitals has been destroyed so we need to get out of this war in order to get a treatment and to start a new life in a better and safer place and to get a chance of not losing our vision .
Any money donated will be used to help us to get out of Gaza in order to save our life and to get a treatment so we could start a new life. We can’t travel without paying a huge amount of money that we can’t afford."
the person that shared this with me was incredibly kind and incredibly concerned for this family. they told me they had used the last of their money to make and print copies of a QR code for this gofundme to distribute. if anyone can spare even a few bucks i know it would mean the world to them.
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eyecarenexus · 4 months
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Progressive myopia in children is becoming increasingly common, but there are effective ways to slow its progression. Nexus Eye Care share few important tips to help protect your child’s vision:
◾ Monitor your children’s eye health with regular eye examinations: Ensure they have frequent eye check-ups to catch any changes early and get appropriate guidance from eye care professionals. ◾ Limit screen time and other near-based activities to less than 20-30 minutes at a time: Reducing prolonged periods of close-up activities can help minimize eye strain and slow myopia progression. ◾ Set an example by also limiting your own time on electronic devices in front of your children: Children often imitate their parents’ habits. By managing your own screen time, you can encourage healthier behavior in your children. ◾ Encourage approximately 2 hours of daily physical activity outdoors in natural sunlight and remember to wear a hat and sunglasses: Outdoor activities in natural light can benefit eye health. Make sure your children are protected from the sun's harmful rays by wearing hats and sunglasses.
Visit Nexus Eye Care for more expert advice and personalized care.
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hello!! I would like to request the romantic Hazbin Hotel match! thanks🫐🫐🔦 about me: I'm Morven (call me Morv or something else). I am INTP 5w6 531 so/sp LII VLEF RCUEL true neutral phlegmatic. she/her >> anybisexual🔦 I am a very smart, reserved, purposeful person, I prefer to give my best for the sake of high results. I adore and respect emotional people, although I myself am not particularly emotional and often exist with a completely indifferent expression on my face.my height is 5.5, thin build. i have shoulder-length black hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. I dress loosely, comfortably, comfortably and androgynously, I have terrible myopia and wear square glasses.🔦 sometimes I can be stubborn and selfish, but I also try to do a lot for my loved ones. most often I prefer solitude instead of company, and in general I consider myself a self-sufficient personI’m very tolerant of other people’s mistakes and it’s unusual for me to hold a grudge for a long time, I know how to set and maintain my boundaries and I’m very happy with that haha. I always control myself and never allow myself to lash out at anyone. I can’t decide on my love language, but I can adapt to my partner’s love language. I don’t have clear ideas about how to build relationships, but it is very important for me that my partner feels accepted and significant with me, does not feel like a burden and understands that I will go to great lengths for their sake🔦 I am very passionate about higher algebra, astrophysics, robotics, programming, mechanical engineering and everything related to innovative technologies, I believe that I can become a significant engine of scientific progress. I speak several languages, such as german, spanish, french and russian, and I can also imitate different accents well, I play cello and bass guitarI like: assembling a PC, caring for reptiles and arthropods, watching old sci-fi, analyzing bass lines in my favorite songs, nintendo switch, cybercore and steampunk aestheticsI don’t like: leaving my comfort zone, noisy crowded places, when I’m not taken seriously
hello morv!! this was a hard call, but i went with…
Sir Pentious !!
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You and Pentious share an obvious love for anything innovative, which is how you both first became friends, and then he fell for you thanks to your smarts and respect for others
Pentious wants nothing more to lay down with you and cuddle the day away, he loves being close to you and having the opportunity to be in your warmth
He just thinks the world of you, he thinks you’re extremely talented, he is amazed by the number of languages you speak or instruments you play, sometimes he thinks he doesn’t deserve you
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poppyandzena · 9 months
So there was a looott of "interesting" things from that last stream that others have already pointed out (ie, Zena & Poppy telling their audience multiple times not to look them up on here, more lies about Poppy's exes + metamors, Poppy continuing to show how horribly cut out for poly she is, etc.) but I also wanted to say how aggravating it is to hear Poppy talk about how "cis people can't have dysphoria".
Like, nevermind that "dysphoria" is an extremely broad term that describes any strong/enduring sense of discomfort and hat Poppy is using it to refer only to *gender* dysphoria without actually specifying that. I can almost let that slide because she's far from the only person who does this nowadays.
But as an intersex cis woman, I would like for people like Poppy to please stop erasing intersex experiences over and over. Because yes, we can have gender dysphoria too! This is shouldn't be hard to figure out if you think about us for more than 2 minutes (but I'm gonna guess the most Poppy has ever thought of intersex people is as fetishes).
Honestly the fact that a licensed therapist doesn't even know the non-gender specific use of "dysphoria" and fails to consider the reasons why a cis person could have gender dysphoria is alarming. Unsurprising though.
Cis people 100% can have dysphoria. Much like how people forget glasses are a disability aid, things like cosmetic surgery, hair regrowth products, steroids, and even makeup are gender affirming tools. You think men get enlargement pills and put their schlong in a wringer because they AREN'T dysphoric?
People with EDs often have ideals aligned with their assigned gender presentation. This is dysphoria. Dysmorphia is more so the distortion of one's own body against reality. Dysphoria is dissatisfaction with what they lack, not a complete warping of their self-image. Women with EDs will usually work towards a goal that is their ideal of femininity, or at least the ideal human form. This is dysphoria.
Poppy is willfully dismissing the suffering of an entire population of human beings because they're cis.
Poppy is myopic and only regards her OWN worldview. She can barely comprehend the true intentions, feelings, or opinions of other human beings. This isn't a typical level of self-absorption. Based on what we've heard from her own mouth, this is a maladaptive trait that has and will fuck up uer relationships.
She centers her politics based on what is best for her and not what is best for everyone. Yes, incidentally, that can fall into progressive takes, but her myopia really shows when it comes to shit she has no personal stake in--like woke colonialism, the policing of black people's mannerisms.
And she's a therapist, meant to assist people into getting the lives THEY want and deserve. How troubling.
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fetznerdeathrecords · 21 days
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Eccentric Pendulum - Perspectiva Invertalis
Progressive Death Metal from Bangalore, India
Eccentric Pendulum is a metal band that was formed around 2009-10 in south India, Bangalore. They had started off as small unit playing thrash metal in the beginning, in 2011 they were the first band to represent India on an international stage at Wacken Open Air (Germany).
1. Churning of the Blood Ocean 2. In Exile 3. Encaged Visions of the Unobstructed 4. Cyclic Vicissitude 5. Narcissistic Myopia 6. Immersed in Reverence 7. In Pretense
Release date: September 6th, 2024 via @subcontinental.records
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the-secret-garden1 · 6 months
Shahed Naim
An eighteen year old girl from Gaza with big dreams. She’s graduated high school and dreams of being a translator. Unfortunately given the circumstances her dreams have been put on hold. As well as her sight threatening disease her and her brother has. Called ‘progressive myopia,’ this young girl and her family deserves the chance to live a happy life. To fulfil their dreams just like the rest of us.
If you have the money please donate to her go fund me link down below to get her family to safety. If you don’t please share, comment, repost, etc. To get her story out there. So her and her family get to have a chance at living the lives they deserve.
Your voice matters, please use it.
And as always, free Palestine 🇵🇸.
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