#Psy Answers
psybrepunk · 6 months
🥰🥰🥰🥰 Right back at ya, dear
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
Curious as to what you think of the resurgence of click bait articles claiming Percy has been taken out of Wednesday season 2? Went to do a quick check on him on Google and it was the top results again after a blissful period of silence. Also I love your mood boards <3
I think everything should always be reviewed with a critical eye, within context, and as a whole.
I think it’s worth noting that there was a “blissful period of silence.” Slow periods of gossip like to be filled with more gossip. I feel like these days “X male actor caught in accusation scandal” is low hanging fruit.
It’s very easy to get the gullible riled up and angry, as we’ve witnessed with PHW antis.
We also see that in short succession, we also saw Trump lose a second defamation case against E. Jean Carrol AND Danny Masterson just got 30 years for his rape trial.
I don’t specifically think it was a concerted effort by this particular gossip rag to write about all them together, but I think they can see what will get a lot of clicks given the current social climate.
I will say that the Daily Mail article had the most decisive language to date in terms of outright saying he was kicked off. But they still did CYA later on by specifying that a) Netflix hasn’t confirmed this and b) it was a “close family friend” who “told” them. The latter also gave me pause because it’s different that the normal go to “insider.”
Both the decisive language and different “source” did more to make the story seem credible, but it’s still all sleight of hand mind tricks. In context, additionally, the Daily Mail is also a bigger gossip rag than the rando, smaller gossip sites.
IMO, Daily Mail can be more aggressive in their language because they’re bigger and probably have a more robust legal department. They can flirt closer with libel than other sources simply because they have money. Money is intimidating and a shield, they can say things with more confidence even if they know it’s all bullshit.
I wouldn’t be surprised, nor would I blame anyone, if people were more worried about this article than the others.
I would not worry at this point, because despite the more aggressive language, it still has the pitfalls of the nobody sites such as Poptingz or whatever.
It’s a gossip site, it’s bread and butter are clicks and getting people talking. I think there’s an expectation that it’s not a reliable source, legally most of them are categorized as “Entertainment” vs News. There’s no money in being ethical, factual, or writing the truth.
Why now? The accusations are almost a year old and PHW hasn’t been arrested nor is there a hint of a police report. There is documented evidence of the accusers retracting and clarifying that PHW hasn’t done anything criminal to them personally, only that they heard or speculate that he did something criminal to others. It would be strange IMO to drop him now, rather than earlier when the fervor was at an all-time high AND before the accusers incriminated themselves and tossed away any shred of credibility they might have had.
I think Netflix has enough problems right now, they don’t need to get a reputation of not standing by their talent when there is such poor, unsubstantiated evidence. It would also set a precedent that all a competing actor needs to do is create a sock account and accuse someone of malfeasance.
These idiots on twitter and tumblr were believing accounts with no name or real PFP, screenshots that could easily be faked and also showed no criminal intent, and the accusers bragged about “canceling” someone across MULTIPLE social media sites.
I would be hard pressed to believe that any reasonable company would see loud idiots on twitter and Insta as a bellwether for real life sentiment.
The idiots stick to their safe space of social media rather than real life for a reason. These people don’t actually care about women, victims, or justice. They simply see an easy and trendy way to take the moral high ground to justify being their worst selves.
They basically want a pat on the back for being gullible, telling someone to kill themselves, and falling face first into fascism (which is what arresting someone with no evidence is).
They can only do this on social media. I would bet money that no one in their real life is aware of their beliefs or what they’ve said to people online.
Overall, I think the only time we should be really worried is if any NEW accusations AND actual, substantiated evidence are brought forth, AND an actual police report was made, followed up by charges from the Crown.
Otherwise, it’s just recycling the same bullshit and stirring the pot.
Glad you like the moodboards! Thanks for liking and reblogging.
I do respond to asks, so feel free to put in a request. I just can't guarantee a time frame. lol
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psychicmisfortune · 10 months
Hey psy can you roast your favorite tmnt character?
listen man. ok. been thinking about this for awhile but.
ain't no way any other leo would even SAY they share a name with rise leo cause wtf was that "took ya long enough" at the end of the movie???? "are you trying to fire donnie" "we'll discuss that later"????? THE SHIT HE WAS ON AROUND HUESO????
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meimeimeirin · 2 days
uve seen muzzle wrio, i give you this
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salivating..... i mean what. i mean.
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zhongrin · 5 months
Rin, i believe this is for you :D
??????? wh. what is????
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bluejay-ism · 3 months
Introjectism is extremely funny, because yes, I am an introject. No, I look nothing like this. No, I don't remember any of that. Anymore confusing questions?
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riverdale-retread · 2 months
favourite minor riverdale character and why
Sweet Pea. Mr N.M. What is N.M. RAS? N.M. For Never Mind?
Why? Because he actually had the physicality to be a convincing child biker gang member, not just from size but also from demeanor. He was a terrific foil to Jughead: he was as romantic and as needy (with Josie McCoy), as snippily bitchy and sort of a nerd (he reads the town newspaper's editorials religiously; he likes being sent to the school with better resources), fully dorks out during the G&G (calls Jughead MASTER), he's capable of exciting violence like Archie, but he's best friends with the little tiny Fangs and even tinier Toni, and before they wrote him off and out of the show, he had undercurrents with Jughead and Bret that were very rich for fanon imaginings. You could say that there was no therethere to this character, but that only adds to the fun of him. He'll round up 'his boys' to go challenge Archie's football players to a fistfight (only to get knocked out like a pathetic ragdoll by the smaller Archie because plot armor), then a couple years later he auditions for the school musical and will dress up in full Hedwig drag with the same people.
As a character he's capacious and flexible enough that my long fic with Sweet Pea as the protagonist is over 300K words and I am still having such a good time playing around with this particular doll.
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beauzos · 6 months
also the funny thing about me going to the other BN is somehow customers can detect the vibe that i work at BN. just not that one. i had an old man ask me if i did, and then had a mom and her young adult daughter ask me. i did help those ladies though because i knew the section they were looking for lol. i just can't help you find stuff IN the store, i just know what SECTION it'll be
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fefairys · 1 year
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
For Psy lol
32 - heh u already know they be shoplifting all da time 😏 they have committed many crimes. many. many not so petty crimes. you'll see ♥
27. hm idk! cause i think they've only ever received presents from their mama and [SPOILERS] and it's always been good gifts that they've loved! nobody else has given them gifts so theyve luckily never really received any bad ones ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yet.
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usernose · 8 months
The Real Dupsy accused your girlfriend too???I was in the precure fandom and she did the same thing to me and many others!
Uh, no, she was out at the time Dupsy was whining and bitchin to Otter and Grim (2 members of the server). She only accuses them of being groomers, I came in later siding with the other members, same with another member @elreed. My gf came in the conversation later on as Dupsy was getting a little bitchy with the members as they were telling her to please be nicer to other people opinions and such. There's more to it, but I ain't good of explaining it, so I suggest you could ask @otterpopgames07 (sorry for the @) for more details about it.
But Nah, she didn't accuse my girlfriend, just Otter and Grim, aka 2 people who were just telling her to be nice about others' opinions.
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the-v01d-sys · 24 days
we got termed</3 this is deeply unfortunate because we had so fUCKING MANY SIDEBLOGS WE HAVE TO REMAKE NOW /VOD
- Sun
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pigeonstab · 25 days
Can I vent in french here ?? (nothing horrible dw)
ye ofc!
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psychicmisfortune · 10 months
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meimeimeirin · 5 days
Rin he's waiting for u
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Get him!!!
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zhongrin · 1 year
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are you
are you saying this man is
buffer than haitham???? ???? ???
holy archon macaroni
fold me in a half like a pretzel and breed me rn sir pls and thank u
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i completely solved a cryptic crossword for the first time the other day! this is huge for me because i've always been so annoyed by them lol. but i kinda get it now, it is very satisfying to figure them out.
that said, there are several answers where i still do not totally understand the clues. if anyone who is familiar with cryptics (sometimes just called "crosswords" outside of the US) wants to help me out, i'd be very interested to hear your take!
this cryptic was in the 2022 puzzle mania edition of the nyt (released at the very end of the year), so if you are planning to solve it and haven't yet, i guess don't read this? lol. since i waited five months to do it i feel like that will apply to no one, but just in case.
i realized after drafting this post that the answer key is available online (here), but it did not actually answer my questions in every case, so i've kept my original text but added the answer key answer after each one in case it makes more sense to you than it does to me.
13A. Has misgivings about deception to an auditor (4): RUES. so "has misgivings about" is the definition of "rues". but i don't know what "deception to an auditor" is doing. could it have something to do with the fact that "rues" is a homonym and anagram of "ruse", a kind of deception? but i still can't figure out what "to an auditor" is for.
the answer key gives "homophone ruse" for this, so i guess i was right about the deception part, but i still don't get the auditor thing.
14A. A con almost grabs actor's awards left unbalanced (10): ASYMMETRIC. so EMMYS is hidden backwards in "asymmetric", which takes care of "actor's awards" and "left", and "asymmetric" means "unbalanced", i guess. so that leaves "A con almost grabs", along with the A and TRIC of the answer. i can't figure out how to make those relate to each other.
answer key says "a(symmE)trick – k (rev. Emmys)". fuck does that mean?? why are we subtracting the k? and i'm still not really sure what the con is there for?
26A. Concentrate for spare and strike (5): THINK. "concentrate" is the definition of "think". what is the "for spare and strike" doing??
answer key: "thin + K". okay i see how thin = spare but wherefore this K? does K stand for strike in baseball? that sounds vaguely familiar...
28A. African country returned Los Angeles family inheritance (7): SENEGAL. senegal is an african country, and it's also an anagram of angeles. i'm guessing the "returned" is a clue for the anagram? but what is "family inheritance" for? oh wait, senegal backwards is LA genes!! but then is it just a coincidence that "angeles" anagrams to "senegal", or is that indicated in the clue somewhere???
answer key: "rev. L.A. + genes". okay so it does sound like angeles being an anagram of senegal is a coincidence, or at least not covered in the clue?? seems like a missed opportunity but what do i know.
5D. Largely moderate Arizona city (5): TEMPE. tempe is a city in arizona. what's "largely moderate" doing here?
answer key: "temper – r". am i to understand that this is saying moderate = temper and the "largely" part of the clue is telling me to keep most but not all of "temper"?
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