#Public trust
alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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the fix is in!!
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omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Unmasking the Actions of Corrupt Politicians: A Closer Look at Political Malpractice
Corrupt politicians engage in a wide range of unethical and illegal activities to maintain and expand their power, often at the expense of the public interest. Some common actions and behaviors associated with corrupt politicians include:
Bribery: Accepting money, gifts, or favors in exchange for political favors, such as favorable legislation or government contracts.
Embezzlement: Misappropriating public funds for personal use or diverting money intended for public programs.
Nepotism: Appointing or promoting family members and close associates to government positions, often without regard for their qualifications.
Cronyism: Favoring friends and allies in political appointments, regardless of their competence or suitability for the role.
Kickbacks: Receiving a portion of the funds from government contracts awarded to certain businesses or individuals.
Extortion: Using threats or coercion to obtain money or support for personal or political gain.
Money Laundering: Funneling ill-gotten gains through legitimate financial channels to conceal their origin.
Corrupt Campaign Financing: Accepting illegal campaign contributions or using campaign funds for personal expenses.
Obstruction of Justice: Interfering with investigations, destroying evidence, or intimidating witnesses to avoid accountability.
Vote Rigging: Manipulating election results through voter suppression, ballot stuffing, or other fraudulent means.
Abuse of Power: Using one's political position to harass, intimidate, or retaliate against perceived enemies or whistleblowers.
Influence Peddling: Selling access to government officials or decision-makers to private interests seeking favorable outcomes.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor one's political party and ensure re-election.
Lobbying Malpractice: Engaging in unethical lobbying practices, such as misrepresenting facts or exerting undue influence on legislators.
Conflict of Interest: Failing to disclose or address personal financial interests that may compromise one's ability to make impartial decisions.
Corrupt politicians undermine the principles of democracy, erode public trust in government, and divert resources away from essential public services. It's crucial to combat corruption through transparency, accountability, and legal mechanisms to uphold the integrity of political systems.
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nando161mando · 2 months
What to expect from the corrupt government response to disability royal commission
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"When you're a writer, when you're a journalist, and people don't trust you - it's always your fault."
- Matt Taibbi, The Munk Debates | Mainstream Media (11.30.2022)
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worldwatcher3072 · 1 year
"We The People" Are Supposed To Have The Power, But Do We Really?
As Americans, we are taught from a young age that we live in a democracy where "we the people" have the power to elect our leaders and shape the policies that govern our lives. But recent events have raised questions about whether that power truly resides with the people or if it has been usurped by wealthy interests and political elites.
The rise of Super PACs and dark money in politics has allowed corporations and wealthy donors to wield enormous influence over our elected officials and the policy decisions they make. The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010 opened the floodgates for unlimited corporate spending in our elections, effectively giving corporations the same rights as individual citizens when it comes to political speech.
As a result, we have seen the rise of a political class that is more responsive to the interests of big donors than to the needs of ordinary citizens. This has fueled widespread cynicism and distrust in our political system, as many people feel like their voices are not being heard and their votes do not matter.
But there are signs of hope. Grassroots movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the Women's March have mobilized millions of people to demand change and hold our leaders accountable. These movements have demonstrated the power of ordinary citizens to effect change and challenge the status quo.
The upcoming elections will be a test of whether the power truly resides with the people or if it has been completely captured by special interests. We must continue to demand transparency, accountability, and a level playing field for all citizens in our democracy. Only then can we truly say that we the people have the power to shape our collective future.
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skaptheappraiser · 2 years
Appraisal Management Companies and what no one is telling you
When it comes to refinancing or purchasing a home, you need to get an appraisal done by your lender. Unlike any other service profession, you the consumer are not entitled to pick your appraiser, rather you will be assigned an appraiser that will perform the inspection and report for you. Seems pretty simple, right? The answer is NO and this blog is going to explain everything that you, the…
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stinstitute · 16 days
At ST Institute, we understand the vital role security personnel play in maintaining safety and order. Our healthcare training in Rosemead, California, has laid the groundwork for developing comprehensive programs that cater to various professional needs, including our specialized security guard power to arrest training. This program is designed to equip security guards with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties effectively and responsibly.
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townpostin · 23 days
East Singhbhum SSP Conducts Surprise Inspection of Sakchi Women's Police Station
SSP reviews station maintenance and directs full attention to complaint handling. The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of East Singhbhum conducted a surprise inspection of the Sakchi Women’s Police Station, focusing on maintenance, security, and cleanliness. JAMSHEDPUR – The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of East Singhbhum made an unannounced visit to the Sakchi Women’s Police Station…
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vizrecon · 1 month
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inspire-me-77 · 2 months
The Dangers of Granting Police Immunity from Prosecution
Trump's proposal to give police officers immunity from prosecution is not only a legal misstep but also poses a significant threat to the principles of justice and accountability. Immunity could embolden some officers to act with impunity, knowing they are shielded from legal consequences. This approach risks deepening public distrust in law enforcement and the judicial system. Upholding the rule of law requires that all individuals, including those in positions of power, are held accountable for their actions. "Read Full Article"
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
BBC's Decline in Journalism Quality:
As I perused the latest news articles from the BBC, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of disappointment. It seems that the once-revered bastion of journalistic integrity has fallen prey to a trend of weak and pathetic reporting. Who exactly is responsible for this decline in quality? I can't say for certain, but it's abundantly clear that something has gone awry within the BBC's newsroom.
Gone are the days when I could rely on the BBC for unbiased, well-researched reporting. Instead, what I find are shallow, sensationalist pieces that lack depth and nuance. It's as if the BBC has traded in its commitment to excellence for the sake of chasing clicks and controversy.
Take, for example, their coverage of recent political events. Rather than providing insightful analysis and balanced perspectives, the BBC's reporting often feels partisan and one-sided. It's disheartening to see a once-respected news organization succumb to the same pitfalls as tabloid rags.
But it's not just their political coverage that leaves much to be desired. From science to culture, the BBC's reporting seems to lack the rigour and thoroughness that I've come to expect from a reputable news outlet. It's as if they've lost sight of their mission to inform and educate the public, opting instead for sensationalism and clickbait.
Of course, I'm not alone in my criticism of the BBC's journalism. Many others have voiced similar concerns, calling into question the organization's commitment to journalistic integrity. It's time for the BBC to take a long, hard look in the mirror and reevaluate its priorities.
As a reader and a consumer of news, I deserve better. We all deserve better. Since my days in college, I was a young media student taught to question everything. Read/watch multiple news sources. I honestly believe the best days of the BBC are well and truly behind them.
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wausaupilot · 3 months
What a leading state auditor says about fraud, government misspending and building public trust
The pandemic created an increase in fraud risk, as remote work increased and federal stimulus dollars flooded into state and local government accounts. ProPublica reports:
by McKenzie FunkProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.When the COVID-19 pandemic upended the workplace, jobs went remote, offices had to adopt new technologies and longtime employees suddenly departed. Federal stimulus dollars flooded into state and local government accounts, and…
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jtoddring · 4 months
Mexican President Obrador (AMLO) Leaves Office With Overwhelming Popular Support
Brief thoughts on the Mexican federal election, being held here today – and the plague of propaganda, which now infects the world: Mexican President Obrador, known by his initials, AMLO, leaves office with 80% popular support – making him one of the most trusted and popular political leaders on Earth. Question everything. Propaganda is now the pervasive norm. JTR,San Cristobal de las Casas,…
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bioethicists · 3 months
every time a new SA allegation of a favored celeb arises, i'm reminded of the absolutely soul-crushing experience of the depp/heard trial in which i learned that dozens of ppl i loved + respected + trusted were also willing to engage in the basest form of misogyny if the woman Seemed Crazy Enough. there was a horrifying 2ish weeks on this website + much longer irl where i genuinely felt unsafe voicing my discomfort as i relived something eerily reminiscent of the aftermath of my own assaults playing out on screen, commented on by true crime youtubers like it was a red sox game.
it happens time + time again with every new allegation + it's truly the most agonizing + exhausting part of being a survivor. i am begging you all to consider that survivors are watching you engage with this stuff like theater + it erodes our trust in all of you + compounds our grief.
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Remarks at Organizational Session of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
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Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to declare open this organizational session of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.  On behalf of the Secretariat, I would like to welcome everyone present here today and following online via UN Web TV.
The General Assembly established this new, ad hoc intergovernmental body by its resolution 78/230 of 22 December 2023.  This was a historic step forward in promoting inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the United Nations.  It is also a key step in achieving the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Aggressive tax avoidance and tax evasion have a corrosive effect on public trust, financial integrity, the rule of law and sustainable development across the globe.  Advancing inclusive and effective international tax cooperation can address these challenges and foster trust. It can also help countries mobilize domestic resources and support investment in the SDGs.
This UN intergovernmental process can help shape an international tax system that serves multiple purposes.  The system must respect countries’ sovereignty and the way markets operate and business is done in our modern world.  It must also establish transparent international tax rules and procedures that respond to the needs, priorities, and capacities of all countries. 
Distinguished Delegates,
Great strides have been made in international tax cooperation, at the OECD, the United Nations, and in regional and sub-regional tax organizations, that engage all stakeholders in tax systems.
Despite best efforts to address global taxation issues, many developing countries still feel that they have little to no contribution in setting the international tax rules that address their priorities.
This Ad Hoc Committee convenes for the first time, with the mandate to develop draft terms of reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. 
All UN Member States must make the most of this rare opportunity to develop an instrument that addresses global challenges that are not adequately addressed by existing arrangements, including the priorities of developing countries.  Such an instrument would strengthen synergies with existing arrangements.
 A framework-protocol approach would not solve all the challenges or create opportunities in international tax at once.  Yet, it could lead to increased revenue collection, curb tax evasion and illicit financial flows, and ensure tax is used more effectively as a policy lever for sustainable development in the short to medium term.
I would like to thank the Bureau-designate for its hard work in preparing for this organizational session over the past several weeks, in consultation with Member States through the regional groups.
It is now up to this Ad Hoc Committee, over the next three days, to lay the Committee’s approach, the organizational foundations, and initiate substantive preparations to deliver on its mandate.
The first task before the Committee is electing its officers.  The resolution specifies that the bureau of the ad hoc intergovernmental committee shall be made up of not more than 20 members.  It shall consist of one chair, one rapporteur, and 18 vice-chairs, elected on the basis of balanced geographical representation and taking into account gender balance, with each of the five regional groups equally represented. 
I wish you every success in this session and on the delivery of your important mandate. 
Thank you!
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trust-registrations · 5 months
Difference Between Public Trust and Private Trust
Explore the nuances of public and private trusts in India. From legislative governance to beneficiary structures, delve into their differences, legal frameworks, and operational dynamics for informed decision-making in trust establishment and management.
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