#Punzel chapter 1
surrealsunday · 3 years
I'm so happy for your new story. You have no idea. It's just the first chapter and I already want to be in Eliott head. In Lucas eyes he is so confident and collected, but is he really? The longing and the jealousy ugh. It will be a long ride.
I’m so glad 🥺❤️❤️❤️. And yes Lucas’s POV is 100% skewed - it’s part of the fun in writing from it 😉. He and Eliott both see one another a particular way and even though they’ve known one another for years, there are layers to peel back there for sure. I hope you’ll love it!
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (10/?)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did… helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Totally harmless fun, nothing out of the unusual! Snow days! Varian fights for Eugene's hand!
Read the rest on AO3
A lot of this was inspired by jokes and plot bunnies from the Scar AU server, big thanks to them! And to all of you for your words of love on this fic! Forfeit all mortal possessions to baby. I'm debating whether or not to redo chapter 1 bc i'm not a fan of how ooc eugene is so if u have any opinions on that feel free to share
The wind howled, beating mercilessly against the windows. At this rate, Eugene would spend tomorrow morning cleaning the yards of debris. Captain always gave him labor when he got pissy, and Eugene’s been pushing the man’s buttons lately. Or rather, he keeps letting Varian mess with him.
Eugene tries to be strict, he really does! It’s just whenever he looks into those baby blue eyes, so full of love and adoration, he forgets whatever he was going to say and gives Varian whatever he asks for. Cassandra and Rapunzel tease him mercilessly for it, and every single time, Eugene swears he’ll be stricter, only for the process to start all over again. 
Case in point, the door to his room creaks open, letting in the hallway’s candlelight. A familiar mop of black hair peeks in. Its owner debates whether or not to enter, and Eugene sighs fondly. As he sits up, his young son grips tighter on the doorknob, deep in thought.
“Bud,” He whispers, and Varian starts. “You coming in?”
It takes a moment for him to make up his mind, but sure enough, Varian toddles in. “Couldn’t sleep,” He mumbles. “Sky is loud.”
“The storm?”
“Mhm.” Varian responded, struggling to climb up onto the bed. His short legs kicked wildly as he finally pulled himself up to Eugene’s side. He really needed to start enforcing boundaries. Varian needed to sleep in his own bed. Then again, he usually did, this stuff only happened once a week. Was that normal at his age? Or was it an anxiety thing? He needs to buy more parenting books...
“Don’t like storms, they’re cold,” Varian mumbled, snapping Eugene out of his spiralling panic. 
Eugene’s teeth bit into his bottom lip, worrying it. Then, silently, he lifted the covers up, and let Varian snuggle deep in. 
It wasn’t enough, apparently. Varian let out a whine, and reached his arms up towards his caretaker. He gave a little grabby motion, making Eugene laugh. 
“Use your words, bluebird.”
Varian pouted, cranky tears budding. “Cuddles?” He asked, and, ope, there’s those big puppy dog eyes again. 
Cassandra and Rapunzel were right. He’s weak. 
“Of course,” Eugene grabbed a blanket from the end of his bed. The soft velvet swaddled his kid like a burrito, and he wrapped Varian in tight. He looked like a little worm, wiggling about in the bundle, but unable to escape. It was for Eugene’s safety; Varian liked to kick in his sleep. On one of the first nights, Varian had kicked him in the face and gave him a bloody nose. 
He swept Varian up, bouncing the sack in his arms. Only Varian’s head was visible, and it was one of sleepy delight. His eyes struggled to stay open as Eugene rested them both on his back, Varian’s ear up to his chest. The father’s heartbeat thrummed like a lullaby. 
“Goodnight, Varian,” Eugene whispered.
“Night, daddy,” Varian yawned. They fell asleep in minutes. 
Varian smushed his face against the window, marvelling at the power that fell from the sky. Snow usually meant a day inside, bundled up by a fire, with his momma showing him an ounce of concern by letting him have cocoa. But now that he was with Eugene, snow meant play! It meant Eugene had the day off from teaching! To spend all day with him!
He bounded out of his room and skidded down the corridor, passing guards and maids alike. It was as if he was flying, he was so excited!
“Eugeneeeeeeeee!” He cried, jumping onto his caretaker’s stomach. The man knew what he wanted, and was able to catch him.
“Oof, you know I have ribs, right?” He grunted, swinging Varian up into his arms. Since he’d moved in, Varian had gotten a good bit heavier. That wasn’t a bad thing, quite the opposite; the doctors are very thrilled at Varian’s turn in health. His cheeks were plump and pinchable with baby fat, as they should be. “So, what’s up?”
“It’s snowing!” Varian gushed, wiggling around in his dad’s arms. “Can we go outside, pleeeeeease?” 
The man hummed in thought. “Well, since you said please, sure. But!” He held up a finger to stop Varian from bouncing out of his arms. “We gotta bundle up or there’s no going outside. That means shoes, young man!” That earned him a pout. He and Rapunzel had more than just freckles in common. 
Thankfully, Varian was too eager to go outside to complain, so they were bundled up and in the yard pretty fast. To be honest, Eugene hated snow. It was wet, and not the fun kind. It was the “ruin your socks and hair” kind of wet. But since everyone else in Corona seemed to be a fan, he had no choice but suck it up. 
Hey, at least the kid was enjoying himself. Varian’s cheeks were flushed a rose red, and snot dribbled down his nose, but he wasn’t complaining. Eugene bundled him up so tight it was a miracle the kid could move, let alone run and play, but Varian waddled around like a penguin without a care in the world. Each step was accompanied by the crunch of snow under his feet, and a flurry of powder from when he lifted his foot. 
At some point, a patch of snow fell from a tree and onto his head, earning Eugene the privilege of hearing Varian’s delighted squeals. You’d think that would upset him, but no. Eugene could never predict what would upset the kid, and what would be laughed off. 
And hey, if Varian liked the first few spatters of snow on his head, Eugene was content to watch him tempt fate. 
Varian decided to try and recreate that feeling, the shock and joy of extra snow coming from the sky, and so he ran from tree to tree, smacking the bark and shrieking when snow fell. He was small, so it wasn’t like he could knock too much snow…
No wait, spoke too soon.
Eugene bit back laughter as he watched. Varian, overly confident, marched up to a large pine tree, one with massive mounds of snow trapped on leaves. He seemed to be under the assumption that more snow was more fun, and so he backed up, and threw his entire body at the tree. 
It worked too well. A cascade of snow fell from the heavens, and god, Eugene felt so bad for laughing, but the face of horror at what he’d done just moments before being buried in snow… it was priceless. The snow fell with a whump, and Varian completely vanished from view. The only remainder of the kid was the pom pom of his hat. 
For a moment, there was silence. Varian stood still, shocked at what had happened. Then, he started kicking, trying to get to the surface of the mound. It stretched on forever, his entire sight was white! (In reality, It was maybe 3 inches taller than him.)
Eugene silently fell to the ground, laughter shaking him to his core. The laughs only got more intense when Varian, panicking and trying to escape, somehow ended up upside down. Only his little boots were free, and they kicked wildly. It seemed this was when Varian gave up, as he let out a siren’s wail. 
“Oh, buddy,” Eugene wheezed, jogging over. Through the snow he could hear Varian’s muffled screams and tears. He could breathe, the snow wasn’t nearly dense enough to suffocate him, but it was certainly scary. “I gotcha.” With a quick tug, Eugene pulled Varian feet first, and found himself at eye level with a distraught toddler. His entire face was red, eyelashes covered in white crystals, and pudgy cheeks were covered in tears. 
“Stop laughingggggg,” Varian whined, but it only made the man laugh harder. The shaking of his abs made it hard to hold onto his squirming child, but it was totally worth it. 
“Here’s the brush you were looking for, sunshine.” Eugene hummed, holding a now dry Varian in one hand and his gift in the other. Rapunzel brightened at seeing them, happily taking her brush back. 
“Thanks, Eugene,” She said, pecking him on the cheek. Varian frowned, confused at how Eugene’s cheeks warmed at her touch. And what was that expression, all gooey and smiley? He’d never seen anything like it, not from momma, or any villager, he’d only seen it between those two! He let out a noise of complaint, and reached out to grasp Rapunzel’s hair. 
“Oh, Varian, did you want a kiss too?” she asked, chuckling. He was the biggest lovebug, delighting in all sorts of hugs and snuggles. Whereas Cass couldn’t handle more than a few seconds of her notorious bear hugs, Varian sought them out when he was feeling sad. It was a refreshing change that she very much appreciated and adored. 
But Varian shook his head, further incensed. “Why’s he making that face?” he asked. 
“Who, Eugene?” Said man snapped out of his love-lorn trance to watch the conversation. 
“Hey, my face is flawless! It’s cuz I love her, that’s all.”
“But I love Punzel too!” Varian whined. He didn’t make that expression, did he? Oh gosh, he hoped not! It looks so stupid! 
“It’s a different kind of love, Varian,” with a smile, Rapunzel took one of Varian’s hands in her own. “It’s a kind of love you only share with one person, and it’s very special.”
“The best kind of love there is,” Eugene agreed, and oh, there’s the expression again, except Rapunzel was making a similar one. They came together in a kiss, squishing Varian in between them. While he did enjoy the closeness, the words caught him off guard. Love you share with only one person? Does that mean Eugene doesn’t love him? Rapunzel…. She stole Eugene’s love from him! 
“Fight me!” 
Rapunzel and Eugene broke apart, shocked, as if they had forgotten he was there. He glared daggers at Rapunzel. “Fight me for Eugene’s love!” 
Eugene sputtered in shock. “W-what…? Buddy, you don’t need to fight for-”
“Swords at dawn!” the child roared, fussing until he was let go. He landed on the floor squarely and puffed up his chest. 
Despite his attempts to look intimidating, it failed spectacularly. He looked like an angry marshmallow. It didn’t help that his outfit for the day was a fuzzy, oversized sweater. Rapunzel bit back a laugh. 
“Where did you hear that term, young man?” She joked, hands on her hips. Varian wasn’t deterred and didn’t respond, only puffing up his cheeks. The princess shook her head fondly. “He gets it from you,” she muttered to Eugene, who gasped, insulted. “Me? It’s totally from you!” 
Varian stomps his foot. “Hey!” he cries, and the attention goes back to him. 
“You’re right, it’s totally me,” Eugene runs a hand over his face. “You don’t need to fight Rapunzel, Varian, I love you both equally!”
Varian shakes his head. “You said your love is only with one person, and it’s special! Well, I want it! I’m special, right?” 
Eugene couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed and slightly bewildered. “Y-yes, but this is a different kind of special…!” His face burned a bright red. 
“I’ll do it.”
Both father and son turned to Rapunzel, who gazed at Varian with a smirk and fire in her eyes. “You and me, we fight for Eugene’s love tomorrow, sound good?”
“Winner takes Eugene, loser dies!” He crowed. They shook hands, completely ignoring Eugene’s face of dumbstruck horror. 
The rest of the day, Varian and Rapunzel kept their distance, Rapunzel’s glare more teasing, while Varian’s was full of fury and jealousy. All the while, Eugene bounced and forth between both of them, trying to stop the fight before it began.
“Come on, bud, you love Rapunzel, right? Just like I do. You don’t have to do this,” he pleaded over the dinner table. Varian crossed his arm, a glob of food falling off his spoon and onto his sleeve. 
“I’m fighting for your honor!” 
“I regret reading you Flynn Rider.” 
Rapunzel bit back a laugh, letting the child stare her down. She ignored the confused looks of her parents, sticking her tongue out in return. Varian wanted a fight? She’s more than willing to throw down. Not for real, sun no, she’s not crazy. But the look on Eugene’s face was so funny… and besides, it’s her turn to be the fun parent! Even if that means fighting over the other parent. Varian seemed so eager, and hey, she’d always fight for her right to love Eugene, no matter who the opponent was! Eugene glanced over at her, desperate for help, for Rapunzel to admit that this was an elaborate ruse. She simply smiled and dug further into her meal. 
What’s the harm?
Quirin paced back and forth in his room, wearing the wood thin with his weight. 
“I should tell the king… no… it had to be a coincidence, right? I saw Ulla take it, but she says she doesn’t have it, it could be a lie…!” He mumbled to himself.
He couldn’t sleep last night, nor the night before. In fact, he’d struggled all week. Laying awake, thinking about what he’d seen. 
A small child.
A shriek.
A black spike, jutting out in perfect harmony with his cries. 
A glowing stripe of hair.
The moonstone. 
Everything he’d ever known, every clue, every trace seemed irrelevant. He’d been spending the past half a decade looking for the moonstone. Had he been looking in the wrong place? Has each new spike, each life ruined, not been the work of a sadistic woman, but rather a scared child? It seemed preposterous, he didn’t steal the moonstone, after all.
No. He knows who did. 
Ulla had been… well, not nice, never nice. Accepting, maybe. Calm. Apparently her old partner ditched her to raise a family, so she’d latched onto Quirin after saving him from bandits (he didn’t need saving, thank you!) . As a man constantly on the move, he’d made no complaints. Company was very much needed on the journey he was on. 
It was hard to figure out where the rocks were headed, back then. They’d seemed aimless, forever wandering in search of the missing sundrop. It’s why King Frederick sought him out, after all. If the rocks pointed to the sundrop, where he’d find the sundrop, he’d find the princess. 
Alas, that trail ended cold, but all’s well that ends well for the King, at least? 
Ulla, curious, scientific, genius Ulla, she’d begged to see his homeland. His family. The place from which the rocks originated. And while Quirin had been loathe, the longer they traveled, the harder he found it to say no. She was cunning, and quick, and all the things Quirin wasn’t. Opposites attract, so they say.
But that also meant she wasn’t loyal. 
The day she’d betrayed him was the worst day of his life. 
He had let her in, shown her his legacy, his purpose, his destiny. And then Ulla had stolen it. She’d reached out and grasped the stone with a hunger Quirin had never seen. A bright light consumed her, blinding him, and when it vanished, the stone vanished too. 
Ulla had been just as confused as he, but the rocks began to sprout at her feet. When she ran, she left a trail of rocks in her wake. Enraged and humiliated, Quirin had no choice but to follow. He saw the trail of destruction, the despair she left in her wake. 
But then she had vanished. The rocks stopped sprouting at her feet. They only appeared sporadically, causing problems in isolated villages, one after another. By the time Quirin arrived to investigate, she was long gone. 
Until now. 
Now, he had a lead. A lead that wasn’t her. But… if it was correct… and this child truly possessed the moonstone…
Could he do what needed to be done? 
The next day came, and Varian was ready. 
He’d spent the whole night preparing, thinking sad thoughts, scary thoughts, every instance he could remember where a rock had bothered him. His mood was in the drain, and he was fully prepared. 
“Last chance, bluebird, you know I love you, we can call this off!” Eugene said when he came to dress Varian for the day. 
“Death before dishonor!” 
“Where did you even learn- never mind. Sure, fine, Rapunzel is waiting.” 
From around the corner, Cass snickered. She’d come to watch, eager to see the two sweetest souls engage in mortal combat. And also mess with Eugene.
Mostly the latter. 
“If you need a weapon, Varian, I got a few knives you can borrow!” She offered as the three made their way to the battlefield. Eugene’s ghostly pale face resembled that of paper with its waxy, white sheen. It was amazing. Before Varian, she’d only seen Eugene this stressed when he had a bad hair day. Now, his hair seemed like the least of his worries. Not when he has a feral child to keep alive. 
“No knives, please and thank you, I would like to live.” He moaned. 
Cassandra’s grin only grew. “Are you even alive right now? They say the old self dies with fatherhood.” 
“No one says that.”
“They could.”
He swatted her away, grumbling. But Varian paid them no heed. His mind was focused on only one thing: victory. By any means necessary. 
The three of them finally made it out into the courtyard. Snow still covered every surface, bathing the world in a glittery white. Rapunzel stood in a warm dress, not wearing shoes, but rather a pair of fuzzy socks. Cassandra wouldn’t let her outside with at least some warmth. She hadn’t bothered to put her hair up for the day, either. 
“You still wanna do this, little man?” She teased, hands on her hips. Eugene sent her a glare. 
“No one loves Eugene more than I do!” Varian declared, letting go of Eugene’s hand and marching forward.
Rapunzel was unfazed. “Really? I changed my whole life for him, remember?” 
Eugene had told him how he and Rapunzel met the other day. Well, most of it. Something told him Varian would not take too kindly to Eugene dying. Or the bit about a cruel mother. Maybe save those for when Varian’s older. 
“So did I!” Varian yelled. They began to circle, a delicate dance. Prey and predator. Friend and foe. 
“He offered you a new life. I convinced him to give it to me.” From the sidelines, Cassandra gasped. “Ooooh, you gonna take that, Varian?” she cried. 
“No!” He answered, and charged at the princess. A blur of yellow engulfed his vision, and like a fly in a trap, he was ensnared, swallowed by a mound of hair. 
With a pull, Rapunzel pulled him close. Grabbed him. And moved her fingers across his sides.
“Noooooo!” He squeaked, trying to wiggle out of her hair, but it was no use! She had him in place, right where she wanted. 
“Surrender!” She cried, tickling his sides. 
“N-neeeever!!” His lip wobbled, and little tears formed. Oh no, did she go too far? It was just supposed to be a little teasing! Rapunzel faltered. 
Just as he’d expected. 
He summoned all the anger built up in him. There would only be one shot at this, after all. He let out the telltale scream of an upset child.
Sure enough, the rocks heard his call. 
They spiralled out from his spot, jutting out in all directions. Rapunzel dropped him with a gasp, narrowly avoiding getting pierced. Her hair floated up, swirling in the sky like clouds that covered her sun, in tandem with Varian’s own hair lighting up and floating. The whole yard reeked of magic.
Everything went still. No one dared move a muscle. Then, like a breath being held, it all deflated. The rocks shrunk down beneath the surface again, and all hair dropped. 
Eugene stood in shock, frozen in place. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. Sneaking a glance at Cassandra told him she was just as bewildered. 
Varian opened his eyes. That… that worked…? It worked! He let out a victorious laugh. In your face, momma! No more electric chair for him! All he needed to do was think sad thoughts!
“I did it!” he crowed, jumping up and down. Thrilled, he threw himself at Eugene, happily burrowing himself into his dad’s arms. All that love, all for him!
“Well, you certainly did… something…” Eugene muttered, still dumbstruck. The adults all shared nervous glances. What on earth just happened? 
Quirin stood on the balcony, gripping its railings with white knuckles. It was the only thing keeping him from collapsing. 
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huangerr · 3 years
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kingreywrites · 4 years
I’ll breathe again - Chapter 2
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 2907
Chapter 1
Summary: His vision was tunneling, but he felt oddly numb to it, comforted by the fact that Rapunzel would be there until the end. And he knew that, despite everything, she would stay strong for her kingdom - so he would stay strong for her, because he didn't intend to die today.
Warning: Stabbing, blood (mostly in chapter 1), angst with a happy ending.
Note: 2nd and last chapter, I hope you’ll like it!!
Read on ao3
Eugene knew something wasn't right. He had known since he had gotten a glimpse of an intruder at the party, had known since said intruder disappeared in the crowd, and had known as he was talking to Stan about it. He trusted his men to do their best to arrest him, had trained them for it, but still, as he danced with Rapunzel, he couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong.
As a dagger was buried into his flesh, his first weirdly disconnected thought was "ah, I knew it".
Then it was "it's not in the back this time".
Then he didn't think anything, because he fell backwards and pain erupted in his gut, so encompassing that it took his breath away - he thought he screamed, but he couldn't be sure.
His head was swimming, his eyes were tightly closed and it hurt so much he honestly thought he was going to be sick. Everything was too loud, too confusing, and he knew the attacker hadn't gotten to Rapunzel but what if- what if- his thoughts were too muddled to make sense. A weight pressed down on his wound hard and- he might have blacked out for a moment, because suddenly Rapunzel was calling his name and everything hurt and he wanted it to stop-
Rapunzel looked about to cry, so he asked her if she was okay. The weight came back, and he wanted to yell but it came out as barely a whimper while he tried desperately to get it off of him. It hurt.
"You have to stop moving," he thought he heard, and Rapunzel sounded scared so he tried to.
He felt her hand on his cheek, and it was warm, but she took it back and he didn't have enough energy to ask her to stay. He blinked and suddenly Stan was there, and Eugene was cold and Rapunzel had blood on her cheek. He hoped it was his. God, it hurt. Eugene mumbled an half-nonsensical question, and Stan said something about everyone being alright and that- that was a relief.
"Good," Eugene whispered, meeting Rapunzel's eyes.
They were shining green and golden, because of the warm light of the castle and the warm tears she was keeping at bay - and even then, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. His vision was tunneling, but he felt oddly numb to it, comforted by the fact that Rapunzel would be there until the end. And he knew that, despite everything, she would stay strong for her kingdom - so he would stay strong for her, because he didn't intend to die today.
"Good," he repeated feebly, "because I- I think I'm gonna pass out."
Her eyes widened and she called for him but it was too late; he closed his eyes and lost consciousness.
Eugene didn't know exactly what happened next. He remembered waking up, which was good - and he remembered pain, which was less good.
He remembered opening his eyes to voices and hands, not knowing where he was or who he was with. He had tried moving away, had tried calling for Rapunzel, but his body was on fire and he barely had time to twitch before he was left gasping, eyes unseeing with pain. When he became aware of his surroundings again, the hands and the voices had disappeared, so he must have passed out again.
His head was pounding, his throat was burning and his entire body ached. But there was a weight on his arm and the sounds of tears he knew all too well, and that pain got pushed to the back of his mind.
"S'nshine," he whispered, blinking his eyes open with difficulty. Though his vision was still blurry, he could recognise the green eyes that appeared above him anywhere.
"Eugene," Rapunzel said, her voice between a sob and a laugh as her hand softly stroked his hair. It was nice.
He wanted to push her rebellious strand of hair behind her ear, like he always did, but his fingers barely twitched and moving his arm was a lost cause. He frowned, and woke up his terrible headache with this move, which made him groan and scared Rapunzel. Yay.
"Don't move," she said, even though he had no desire to try that again, "I'm gonna go call the doctor."
"'Punzel," he mumbled, but she was already gone.
He didn't want her to be gone. His body was hurting and his head was hurting and he was feeling dizzy again. He missed Rapunzel's hand - missed its softness and its warmth, as everything seemed uncomfortable and cold to his body. His stomach was burning and he tried to stay awake, because he knew Rapunzel would be worried otherwise, but black overtook his vision before he could choose to close his eyes.
The next part was even blurrier, if that was possible. He remembered being too hot and too cold at the same time, remembered water on his forehead and whispered reassurances in his ear that he couldn't make sense of. He remembered feeling so parched he thought he might die, and coughing so hard he wished he had - well, no, he wouldn't do that to Rapunzel, but by the end of his fit, tears were streaming down his cheeks and he felt like he couldn't breath. He was grateful for the loss of consciousness, this time.
All in all, he was not having a good time. At some point, a doctor threw around the word fever, and it would have been pretty eye-opening if Eugene managed to stay awake and conscious for more than five minutes.
When he was not awake, he was dreaming and, somehow, it was worse. Gothel made an appearance in most of his nightmares, knife in one hand and manacles in the other. His attacker from the party was here too, more like a shadow than anything, since he hadn't gotten a good glimpse of him. But the worst ones were the one with Rapunzel in it - the one when she was the one with a knife piercing her skin, the one laying in her blood, the one he couldn't save. Those were the nightmares that made him fight and yell for her, struggling against invisible forces that kept him down when he needed to go to her, he needed to save her, he- he-
He was tired.
The next time he truly woke up, Rapunzel was still here, but she wasn't crying, thankfully. Eugene felt marginally better, so that must have meant that his fever broke, and he opened his eyes to see his wife pouring over some papers, her hair a mess and huge circles under her eyes. He wondered how long she had slept since the party - then wondered how long it had been since then, because he had no idea. He could guess, though, that the nightmares that plagued him must have haunted her too. He hadn't forgotten the tears he had witnessed the first time - hadn't forgotten how scared she looked, when she had thought she was alone. If he didn't regret protecting her, he hated that his wounds hurt her too, hated that he was part of her nightmares.
Rapunzel sighed, and the sun shone on her hair just right, making it look like she was crowned by the sunlight. Despite the obvious exhaustion and worry resting on her shoulders, she was still as beautiful as ever.
"Hi," he whispered, knowing he wouldn't be able to say much more. Rapunzel's head whipped toward him, and when she saw his opened eyes, she gasped, a blinding smile forming on her lips.
"Eugene," she exclaimed softly, trying to keep her noises low for him. 
Pascal appeared on her shoulder and went down, settling on Eugene's chest with a squeak and drawing a weak laugh from him. One of Rapunzel's hands cupped his cheek and he sighed, content. She was warm, and even though he didn't feel as cold anymore, he had missed her. She might have been at his side through it all, but he hadn't been conscious enough to know it.
"Oh, Eugene, you scared me so much," she murmured, choked up.
He tried to ask her how long, but coughed, and she immediately went to help him drink. He was sad to lose the touch of her hand, but when he had finished drinking, she buried her fingers in his hair and - yeah, that was great too. That was when he noticed that she kept her other arm cradled toward herself. Rapunzel caught his worried glance, and smiled, petting his hair.
"Don't go worrying about me when you're the one who've been-  who's in the infirmary," she corrected herself quickly.
"How-" he whispered, already feeling drained. "Is it broken?"
She hesitated and nodded, because she knew that lying wouldn't help anyway. It took him a moment but he finally pieced the chain of events back together - more precisely, he remembered pushing her to the ground harshly, because he didn't want her to be hurt. He thought about saying sorry, but Rapunzel's eyes were watering and he didn't think it would help.
"Can we- can we not talk about that?" she asked, not meeting his eyes. "You were… Eugene, I thought-"
She didn't finish her sentence. He didn't say anything. Slowly, she kept stroking his hair, and he kept looking at her, feeling like he should say something even though he wasn't sure what it was. Since Zhan Tiri, and the near destruction of Corona, their lives had been pretty peaceful - no near death experiences, until now. And Eugene felt more rattled than he had expected.
He hadn't wanted to die. He didn't want to die.
Not that he ever wanted to, but there had been a point in his life when he thought that he wouldn't mind dying if it was to protect those he loved - to protect Rapunzel. And if he was still willing to do anything for them, if he didn't regret pushing her out of the way of the dagger, he had been terrified. When Gothel had stabbed him - when he had been sure he would die and then did - he was scared, because he finally saw a meaning in his life and he was about to lose everything anyway. This time had been worse. This time, he knew exactly what he was losing, and knew exactly how devastated Rapunzel would be - terrified didn't even begin to cover it.
He didn't want to die, because he had never been so happy and he wanted to live for his family and for Rapunzel more than he wanted to die for them.
That wasn't new, per se, but it was the first time it was so clear in his mind. He smiled at Rapunzel, knowing that he wouldn't stay awake for much more, and she smiled back weakly. Gathering his forces, he raised himself on one shaky arm and touched her cheek lightly, as she immediately went to support him while Pascal scampered down from his chest.
"Hey," he laughed as she pushed him back down gently, taking his hand and holding it to her face for him, "I love you."
"I love you too," she smiled, emotion shining through her eyes.
She hesitated, and he was about to ask her to lie down with him when she took the initiative herself, carefully curling up to his non-injured side. Thankfully, it was also her non-injured side. Pascal climbed back between them with a happy squeak, and Rapunzel kept petting his hair gently, the movement so soothing Eugene was getting drowsy.
Rapunzel started humming softly, and Eugene's blinks were getting longer and longer - he was warm, and they were alive, and there was nothing more he could ask for right now. Well, perhaps not getting stabbed would be good too, but he'd take this.
"I won't let you die," Rapunzel promised in a breath, and he chuckled his eyes closed, because he could totally see his wife dragging him back from death itself if need to be. He tried to tell her that, but he wasn't sure all the words got out - he was exhausted.
Rapunzel smiled, and kissed the underside of his jaw softly, and he knew that it would all be alright with time.
A few weeks later, Eugene wasn't quite on his feet, but he was back in their shared bedroom and, overall, was on the path of a total recovery. Which meant that he was also pretty bored - he knew he couldn't be back on active duty but he wished he was all the same.
Today, however, it wasn't boredom troubling him - but his attacker's trial. More precisely, Rapunzel's state of mind about it.
She had been pretty closed off about the details of the investigation. Unfortunately for her, Eugene was Captain of the Guard, and his men kept him informed enough - even if he wished she would talk about it. The attacker, a young man named Anton, had tried to stab Rapunzel because of a political issue concerning a nearby kingdom. The party had been the best occasion to make a statement, and killing its hostess was the easiest way to be remembered.
Under Frederic's reign, Anton would have been sentenced to death.
However, since she became Queen and even before that, Rapunzel had worked hard to make the justice system fairer. She had all but eradicated the death penalty and, if she still had a say in the verdict, she had also reduced her own influence in it a lot. Her end goal was forming a justice system completely independent from the monarchy, where everyone was given a fair chance at bettering themselves. So, if Anton was looking at a serious condemnation, nowadays Corona tried to redeem people more that it tried to imprison them.
Rapunzel had refused to comment on it, even to Eugene, despite his many attempts to broach the subject.
Stan and Pete had visited him during his recovery, and they had evoked a certain incident after he lost consciousness - involving the Queen, and a sword, and death threats. That sounded unlike her, but Eugene couldn't say he wouldn't do the same if she had been stabbed. Scratch that, he wouldn't have stopped at death threats. Anyway, he had tried to get Rapunzel to talk about this too, because he could see how terrified she still was, and each time she had evaded the question by asking about him, his wound and his pain levels.
And today, right now even, Anton was being judged and Eugene only had Pascal to keep him company while he worried about his wife. Said chameleon squeaked indignantly at him whenever he dared to try and leave his bed, so Eugene was stuck brooding.
Finally, the door opened, and Rapunzel silently entered. Eugene wanted to ask her how it went but, before he could open his mouth, his wife climbed in the bed next to him, snuggled under the cover and hugged him. The move was still awkward because of her broken wrist, but he immediately obliged, putting his arm around her.
"Hi," he tried when it was clear that she wasn't going to talk.
"Hi," she mumbled.
"... So?"
Rapunzel sighed, her hand going to grip his shirt. "Anton will be imprisoned in his home country," she recited mechanically, "and Corona will try to help settle the political issue that caused all of this to begin with, and make sure that his sentence isn’t too heavy."
Eugene put his hand over her gently. Technically, he knew that this was the best course of action - knew intimately that overly punishing a criminal could only bring more crime if the deeper issues weren't resolved - but still. That man had tried to kill Rapunzel. And he could only guess how much worse it was for her, who had seen him being stabbed, who had administered first aid, who had kept vigil for days at his bedside. The trial had to have been hard on her, and Eugene couldn't be more proud.
"I know that this sentence is a sign that the system I am trying to reform works better than it did before," Rapunzel finally said, "but I'm still so angry."
Eugene simply hummed, hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head. She was hiding her face on his chest, but he could hear the emotion choking her, and could barely imagine how much self-control she must have used during the trial. Her hand strayed down, toward his new scar, and she didn't have to talk for him to understand what was going through her mind. He nearly killed you, Rapunzel thought, but couldn't say yet.
I wanted to kill him, she didn't dare to voice, even in her own head. Eugene understood anyway.
But despite this, despite the Queen and Captain of the Guard's personal implication in this crime, Anton had still been judged fairly. And even if it was hard to live with for now, this was a victory - a proof that Corona was becoming a better kingdom than it was before. A proof that Rapunzel was an incredible Queen.
They would be proud of this accomplishment later. For now, they were alive, and they were together, and everything would be okay as long as that was true.
So Eugene held Rapunzel tighter, and Rapunzel held Eugene tighter, and the world was a little more right for it.
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ao3feed-j2 · 5 years
Stars Align
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RpEBm7
by compo67
The stars align. Mysterious forces of the universe combine. A kaleidoscope of cosmic influences shift into one, luminous experience.
In other words, Jared and Jensen start their Friday with an hour of R-rated adult time.
However, their day takes them on a few interesting turns.
Words: 7560, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 33 of Punzel Verse
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Original Characters, Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins/Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Established Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Family, Family Issues, Family Bonding, Gender Identity, Gender Roles, Explicit Sexual Content, Drag Queens, Parenthood, Therapy, Children, Childhood, Triplets, Slice of Life, Light Angst, Childhood Trauma, Family Feels, Self-Acceptance, Mpreg, Post Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RpEBm7
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forkanna · 6 years
WARNING: This story will contain coarse language, incestuous romance between a mother and daughter (even if they are the same age), and some brief smut. If you have a problem with any of those things, DO NOT READ.
NOTE: Special thanks to Azimov, T43 and @pankite​​ for their contributions to the early chapters!
Here's a red-letter date in the history of science: November 5th, 1955. -Doctor Emmett Brown
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This has been a loooooooooong time in production. In fact, it's technically still in production, BUT we're coming close enough to having the entire fic ready that we felt confident enough to post the first chapter on the most important date in Back To The Future history - even surpassing October 22nd, 2015 (the day Marty arrived in the future in Part II). You have no idea how bad I've always wanted to do something in the BTTF verse - and combining it with these silly sisters (even if they aren't sisters in this fic) is like a dream come true.
Fractal The Future is going to be released in three parts, like the original trilogy, and altogether will be pretty long - even if each part will be a more manageable "paperback novel" length. There may also be some spinoffs, but we'll get to those when we get to them.
Hope you're ready! Where we're going, we don't need roads!
- @fruipit and Jess
                             CHAPTER 1
For the first time in months, Anna McFly felt like she was on top of the world. Weeks of practice and gruelling training had led her to this moment. After weeks of sleepless nights and stress and worry, listening to her parents gripe at her for making so much "racket" in the garage, this was it. The moment of truth.
With a "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!", they were cranking out the sweet sounds of the Eighties. Her throat was almost raw from practicing this cover night and day, but she thought that only helped "The Power Of Love" sound even more authentic. Well, as authentic as it could when it was coming out of the mouth of a teenage girl.
They were playing for the judges – assessors of their talent or some such – but Anna only had eyes for one person. Her friend and strongest supporter, Jennifer Punzel, was watching from the sidelines of the gymnasium and biting her lip in excitement.
On top of the world.
But, like everything in her life, it wasn't destined to last. "Thank you!" the teacher said into the megaphone as the last strain faded out. "Thanks, that's all we need. We'll be in touch."
"What, Mr Lewis?" Anna yelled out as the feedback squealed. She glanced over at Merida, who shrugged helplessly as she tried to turn off her amp.
"I'm afraid it's just too darn dated. Can't you play anything from this millennium? It's a good song but the other kids at the dance won't know it."
Frowning, she grumbled under her breath, "It's younger than you are, you old coot." Running a hand through her fiery red bangs, she called out to him. "You said anything goes – within reason. This is within reason!"
Still, he shook his head and repeated, "Thank you, Ms McFly. We'll be in touch."
Rolling her eyes, she pulled the guitar strap up and over her head as Mr Lewis went off to chat with the other teachers. "If it was good enough for my parents, it's good enough for these jerks."
"Told you we should do something by Panic or Florence," Merida hissed at her as they started packing up their gear. "People act like they want retro but they don't really."
"Well, I think you sounded great." It was Punz, her rock, her BFF. Always positive even when nobody else was.
Anna gave her a grateful smile, her cheeks perhaps a little pinker than she wanted them to be. There was silence for a few moments before Punz gave a little jerk, eyes widening as she tore them away. "So, uh. They finally reopened that café. How about we go and get a celebratory pick-me-up? My treat." She smiled and Anna couldn't help but return it.
Of course Merida ruined the moment. Anna hadn't even noticed that she'd left to put away her instrument and grab her bag.
"Oi, you two still here? Hurry up or get a room, I don't really care which. I just wanna eat."
This time, Anna was positive her cheeks were basically on fire, and she scowled in a dismal attempt to hide it. Punz looked a little mortified.
"Merida!" Anna hissed. "We're not- we don't- we're just friends."
Merida rolled her eyes. "Easy choice then, eh? Hurry up!"
Grumbling yet again, Anna stalked off, taking the strap off her guitar as she walked. There was no reason to get so upset at Merida for coming up to them – and telling them to get a room meant nothing. This was high school, after all. Everything was about dating and sex, and teasing your friends about it. And it was always funnier when it had no basis in fact.
If she didn't want to get teased, then she shouldn't have taken so long. Simple.
Still, she found herself glancing up at her friends a few more times as she put away her guitar, watching Punz say something to Merida and Jane that had them snorting, grinning and arguing. Even though she couldn't hear what was being said, it still brought a smile to her own lips.
Of course, it was impossible to miss Merida's eye-roll when she looked to see what was taking so long. Shaking herself, Anna quickened her pace, and within a few minutes had returned to her friends.
"Finally ready to go?" Merida's voice contained only a little bit of snark and a whole lot of 'I'm going to give you so much shit later'.
"Sure," Anna replied with a grumpy expression, more a 'don't say a fucking word' than anything else.
When Punz noticed her suddenly sullen mood, she did the only thing a best friend could do and linked arms with Anna, beginning to lead their small group towards the door.
Ah, to hell with Merida. This was worth it.
                                  ~ o ~
The Café 80s was one of those abysmal joints that banked heavily on nostalgia to bring in customers. Neon lights, vintage movie posters, New Coke on tap, Michael Jackson pumping out of the jukebox. There were even a few old-school arcade cabinets in the corner, like Centipede or Wild Gunman. It was ridiculously over-the-top.
Anna loved it. Jennifer liked what Anna liked, and the rest of the band tolerated it because they were all into retro music and it sort of went with the territory.
"I could eat a fecking ostrich," Merida groaned, almost knocking Jane over in her haste to grab a booth and order.
Anna just rolled her eyes, following behind her friend. "Yeah, you always say that, but who ends up finishing your fries half the time?"
"Not today!"
Out of the way and in the corner, the booth was the perfect place to watch the comings-and-goings of the restaurant. Anna always sat against the wall. It gave her a perfect view of a faded poster of some eighties band with a bangin' hot chick, and it never failed to cheer her up; Aimee Mann was life.
Or, it would have had Anna actually been able to concentrate on anything other than their less-than-stellar performance – not even that. The reaction to their performance. They sounded great, she knew it. Too bad the stupid teachers had no clue.
"Aww, don't mope," Punz said when the other two girls went to order. "You were fantastic today, and I bet you're only going to get better. Still think you guys should cut a demo."
Anna quirked a small small, head coming to rest on her friend's shoulder. "Thanks. It just… I was really looking forward to playing at the dance."
"Guess you'll have to find an actual date like the rest of us plebs," Punz commented airily.
Wait, was that…? Did Punz want to go with her? She lifted her head and opened her mouth to ask if perhaps Jennifer didn't have a date already, and would she maybe like to go with Anna – just as friends, if that was what she wanted! But then her eyes met Punz's, and she couldn't finish her question. They were so intense, flicking between her own. Even if Anna's mind hadn't completely emptied at their faces being so close together, she doubted she'd have the voice to ask anyway.
'I'm such a chicken,' she admonished herself as she took in the couple of freckles on Punz's nose, her sparkling green eyes. The very slight buck teeth that people made fun of her for back in junior high – earning them a punch to the face from a very overprotective Anna. Because she thought they were adorable. Everything about Jennifer Punzel was adorable and should be protected at all costs.
It was just when Anna started wondering if Punz was going to lean over and finally – finally make a move – that an unhinged looking woman in frumpy old clothes came up to them to shake a can in their face. "Donate to the 'Dell Valley Clocktower Preservation Society'? Any amount you could give would go to opposing the Mayor, that so-called 'progressive' Tiana Rose-Wilson, and her initiative to desecrate a piece of history! We believe it should-"
"Um, listen," Anna chuckled a little awkwardly, finally finding her voice. It was still a little weak, and she coughed before continuing. "I feel for you, I do, but… we're kind of in the middle of something?"
"Don't be mean," Punz hissed under her breath. Then she reached into her purse and rummaged around for her spare change. "Will this help?"
"Of course," the woman said, beaming at the both of them as though Anna had never tried to shoo her away. "Here, don't forget to take a flyer."
Nodding, Anna took it while Punz put the coins in her collection jar and the woman left. Then she folded the flyer and flicked it over to Punz.
"Phew," she muttered, "You know, sometimes I wonder why a marshmallow like you wants to hang around an asshole like me."
"Huh," Punz commented. When Anna lifted an eyebrow in confusion, she continued, "Why does a marshmallow like me want to hang around with an asshole like you?"
Anna's mouth opened in mock-offense, and Punz giggled and poked her in the cheek. "I'm sure there's a reason," she said, leaving little doubt that there was. Anna felt a red flush creeping up her neck and she looked away.
"W-well maybe I could try and be a little less, y'know…"
But Punz was still smiling, and maybe she was a little pink, too. Anna bit her lip. Maybe the moment was right, and this was no time to be a coward. Sucking in a breath, she leaned forward, just a little bit.
"Hey…" she repeated, more softly. It was Punz's turn to lift an eyebrow. "Do you…" she trailed off. She'd lost her nerve, as she knew she would, but that was okay. She just had to find it again. Punz didn't try and speak, even as the words died on Anna's tongue –hell, she didn't even ask what Anna had wanted to say. She just kept looking at her with those same round eyes, open and encouraging.
Sucking in a breath, Anna bit her lip and moved her hand. It came to rest atop Punz's where it sat on the table. She got to rub at the soft skin, using the distraction to lean a little closer. A blonde eyebrow lifted in a question, but still Punz didn't interrupt. Her face was flawless, and the only thing that seemed to exist were the two of them. Anna felt her heart beating like a drum in her chest. "Do you, uhh, maybe…" she tried again, finding her courage—
—before Merida and Jane dropped into the opposite booth bench, setting a basket of fries down in the middle of the table. Anna jerked her hand away and leaned back, heart thundering in her chest. Goddammit!
Jane was clearly focused on her stomach, because she was already grabbing for the ketchup bottle, but Merida looked highly suspicious.
"Did we come back too early?"
"Wh-what?" Anna asked, trying to look like she had done nothing weirder than ask Punz what time it was. Probably failing because her hand had jerked back and both had shot away like they'd been shoved in opposite directions. "I mean, yeah, if you were getting more food than fries." Merida looked at her. "We were just talking!"
"They're going to bring out the rest," Jane said, oblivious. "Apparently, on a skateboard. It's really very fascinating, they seem to want to cram as much nostalgia in as is humanly possible."
The remainder of lunch was absolute torture. Punz was perfectly happy to discuss Mr Beaker's art assignment, leaving Anna to studiously ignore the stares from Merida. It was almost commendable how cool and composed Jennifer could remain under pressure or when in uncomfortable situations. This time, it simply fed into the insecurity that perhaps she was imagining things and Punz simply wanted to be her friend.
Not even the arrival of heaps of fast food delivered by high speed skateboarding waitress brought relief from Merida's interrogative gaze; Anna's hopes of talking to Punz about anything of consequence were dashed. Halfway through the lunch, she excused herself from the table to go to the bathroom, feeling a little more dejected than she knew she had any right to. Even if they hadn't been interrupted, chances were that she would have chickened out anyway.
Just as she had entered the short hall to the facilities, a welcome voice rang out behind her.
"Hey Anna, wait up!" Punzie looked… different when she approached. There was a spark in her eyes that was a little bit excited; perhaps hopeful. "You wanted to ask me something earlier?"
"N-no. Well yes. Maybe."
When Punz simply looked at her, expectant, Anna caved. Biting her lip, she dragged a hand through her hair.
"So, um, here's the thing. Dancing. It's happening, a-and since they probably won't let us play, I kinda need someone to go with. Like you said! Well, I mean, not that you… uhh…"
Punzie had closed the distance between them while Anna was busy trying to wrangle her unruly thoughts. She leaned forwards with a small, soft grin before reaching her hand around behind Anna's back. The redhead let out a whimper as she felt Punzie's hand trace a pattern on her back jean pocket before being very disappointed with its sudden withdrawal.
"Grandma's address and number. My phone's being fixed by the Geniuses at the mall right now, and we're staying there while they finish renovating my bathroom so we have to go back to the stone ages and use a landline. Pick me up at seven. Dress nice!"
When Anna's brain refocused on the present, she discovered that Punzie had scrawled a series of lines on the back of the Clocktower flyer, each as precious as gold dust to a horny teen. Her putting it in Anna's pocket was just a very nice icing on an even nicer cake.
"O-kay," she managed to sputter as she slipped it back into her pocket. Funny how she could normally be so confident – even "a cocky slacker" according to Vice-Principal Weselton – but Punz could turn her into a jellyfish with an almost-butt grab, soft words and a smile. "And did you think about… you know, the plans for after?"
"Driving up to North Lake?" Punz bit her lip, finally looking a little less than completely sure of herself. "We'll see if I'm ready. But I'm leaning toward 'hell yes'."
Anna's grin could have lit up the dark side of the moon. "Great! I mean… yes, that's… yes. Hope you feel ready when the time comes. Might even uh, have a little surprise for you…"
"Even if I don't, it's not because I don't like you," she reassured her, that same soft smile on her face. "It's just new. You and me, we've been friends forever, so changes are… weird." Then she nudged Anna and tacked on, "But this change… I don't think I'm gonna have a problem with. Also, nipple piercings aren't a surprise when you take me to get them because you're too chicken to go on your own."
And with that parting remark, the smirking girl backed away, returning to their table. Anna gazed after her for a moment.
"'M not a chicken…" she mumbled to herself.
It was only when Punz glanced back over to her that Anna remembered why she'd gotten up in the first place. Right, yes. Things to do. Ogling could wait until after. But she was on top of the world and nothing was going to knock her off that perch. Nothing but a nuclear explosion.
                                  To Be Continued…
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compo67 · 6 years
Can you tell me about your writing process? I’m very passionate about writing and I’m always fascinated with how other people get the motivation to write or what routine they have before/during writing. Plus your writing is goals so 🤷🏻‍♀️💕
Hello there!
First off, thank you so much for your kind words! I have taken them and knitted a warm scarf for myself. XD
You sent this ask while I was working on the latest chapter to the B-Side with my beta D. Good timing! 
Finding the motivation to write is tough. It’s tough in general, then you add in Life and multiple chronic illnesses, many of them which make you sensitive to the light from the laptop screen or make your hands hurt because of typing... yikes. There are days when it’s just too overwhelming--physically and emotionally--for me to write and I have to force myself to be okay with that. 
So I find motivation by allowing myself time to recharge. If that makes sense?
Sometimes, absence does make the heart grow fonder. If I haven’t written in a while, I’ll find myself craving it and I will make time to do it. 
Other motivation includes making sure Patreon folks get a (somewhat) timely update every week. I had a teacher in grade school who said I procrastinated too much on assignments (she wasn’t wrong). Her words of wisdom were, “Once begun, half done.” As irritating as that saying is, she is (sigh) right. Once I update something, it’s easier to work on the next update because I feel super productive. 
Other motivation is my drive to see AO3 emails in my inbox from comments on work, because those make my fucking day. 
Basically, whatever I can use as a carrot to hang off a stick in front of me.... XD You find motivation where you can. Same with inspiration. My advice for inspiration is to observe everything. File away weird details or words or phrases because you never know when they might come in handy. Collect observations like crows collect shiny buttons.
What is my process? 
Sometimes it’s super complex and formal. Like I hunker down at the library and research. I’ll read, read more, take super neat notes, plot things out, and discuss things with my betas in a timely, calm fashion.
But 90% of the time I’m frantically texting/calling my betas for a brainstorming session while I run errands or beg them to help me at 1 AM because I had an idea or I was on a roll...
Sometimes I’m writing in my underwear and a hoodie at 3 AM. Sometimes I’m writing in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. But even if I’m not physically writing, I’m “writing” in the sense of thinking of plots, dialogue, and scenes in my head, rolling around ideas for what’s next. 
In an ideal sense I like to have a venti green iced tea from Starbucks, strawberries, and music on while I write. I usually put on something acoustic or classical so I don’t get distracted, but tonight, before my beta called, I had Fall Out Boy on Spotify. I tend to listen to my fic playlists while writing their respective updates. I have playlists for Back Pocket, Model, Boat, Punzel, TCV, etc. 
I think the best advice I can give you would be:
-You don’t have to write every day. Recharge. Rest. Take a break. 
-Read. Read things you normally wouldn’t. I’ve found the loveliest words and inspiration out of books on hiking or floral arrangements. Good writers read.
-Listen to music. Listen to things you normally wouldn’t. Invest in something like Spotify or Pandora etc. to gradually expand your musical word. On days when you recharge, listen to a playlist and imagine your writing set to that music. 
I hope this helps. TL;DR by writing, you are already a great writer.
Let me know if I can help answer or clarify anything else! 
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space--butterflies · 4 years
4 and 18
1.Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
“Cassandra—” he wheezes. “Cassandra listen to me! It’s okay to be angry!” the rocks around him stop crushing him and she looks at him with uncertainty. “Look, I get it! You’re angry, you're hurt, you feel like everything you knew about yourself is wrong and you're desperate to figure out who you are, right?”
I dunno why really, but I’m super pleased with how I worded this one hehe
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
I do! I have plenty of scrapped plotlines for Beyond Corona’s Walls, either because they didn’t go anywhere, I couldn’t fit them in, or as the story developed they didn’t work anymore.
One scrapped plotline has Eugene and Cassandra pretending to be Varian’s parents to get him out of trouble
Another one will actually be the plot of the next chapter of Plus Est En Vous
And another one involved my bandit ladies but i forgot what it was lol
I played around with the idea of Varian taking the Moonstone instead of Cass to try and protect Rapunzel, he would have tried to run off but Punzel would manage to talk him down and talk him into coming home with them. I never came up with a resolution for that because I decided to stick with Cass taking the stone.
A scrapped plotline for Plus Est En Vous, is that when Rapunzel and company return to Corona, it’s been taken over by the Saporian’s and Lady Caine and Arianna was leading a resistance since she managed to get away somehow, but I decided that “Hey, these guys need a break” and also decided to save the Saporian’s and Caine for later (they’re coming I swear)
and... Yeah that’s it for now.
I also have an AU of my AU that I talked about here and I think about it constantly.
0 notes
ao3-rickylmerthurj2 · 6 years
The P-Word by <a rel="author" href="/users/compo67/pseuds/compo67">compo67</a>
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CHzDZd
by compo67
The D-word was inevitable.
Since the day of their birth, Jensen and Jared held onto a tiny hope that the kids would never utter that ten-letter word. The last of that hope dies a cruel death two Tuesdays before Christmas.
Words: 1618, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 32 of Punzel Verse
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Original Child Character(s), Original Characters
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins/Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Additional Tags: Timestamp, Family, Family Feels, Kid Fic, Childhood, Parenthood, Parent-Child Relationship, Tenderness, Protective Jensen Ackles, Established Relationship, Established Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Gender Issues
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CHzDZd
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swimmersdaily · 6 years
Rouwendaal and Rasovszky: historic and heroic
Heroism at its best: the Netherlands’ Sharon van Rouwendaal and Hungary’s Kristof Rasovszky managed to earn a medal in each individual event in open water swimming by making the podium in the gruelling 25km race. Italy could clinch gold in diving in the women’s 3m synchro and that event finished with a Russian 1-2 in the men’s 10m platform final. Italy and Russia managed to earn medals in all four aquatic disciplines.
RASOVSZKY Kristof HUN Men 25 Km Glasgow 12/08/18 Loch Lomond LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Andrea Masini/ Deepbluemedia/Insidefoto
BRIDI Arianna ITA Women 25 Km Glasgow 12/08/18 Loch Lomond LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Andrea Masini/ Deepbluemedia/Insidefoto
Bertocchi Elena ITA Pellacani Chiara ITA gold medal Edinburgh 12/08/18 Women’s 3m synchronized springboard final Diving Royal Commonwealth Pool LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Giorgio Perottino / Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
Bondar Aleksandr RUS gold medal cheers Auffret Benjamin FRA bronze medal Edinburgh 12/08/18 Men’s 10m platform final Diving Royal Commonwealth Pool LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Giorgio Perottino / Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
Bondar Aleksandr RUS gold medal Edinburgh 12/08/18 Men’s 10m platform final Diving Royal Commonwealth Pool LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Giorgio Perottino / Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
Podium : Bertocchi Elena ITA Pellacani Chiara ITA gold medal, Hentschel Lena GER Punzel Tina GER silver medal, Bazhina Nadezhda RUS Ilinykh Kristina RUS bronze medal Edinburgh 12/08/18 Women’s 3m synchronized springboard final Diving Royal Commonwealth Pool LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Giorgio Perottino / Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
RASOVSZKY Kristof HUN 25km Men Glasgow 12/08/2018 Open Water Swimming Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Giorgio Scala /Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
BELYAEV Kirill RUS Silver Medal RASOVSZKY Kristof HUN Gold Medal FURLAN Matteo Bronze Medal 25Km Men Glasgow 12/08/2018 Open Water Swimming Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park LEN European Aquatics Championships 2018 European Championships 2018 Photo Andrea Staccioli /Deepbluemedia /Insidefoto
History was in the making in Loch Lomond as Kristof Rasovszky (HUN) was heading to become the first man to earn a medal in all three individual events in open water swimming at the European Championships. Sharon van Rouwendaal was out for completing a sweep of four titles, something never seen before either.
Swimming 25km in wet-suits in a lake measured at 17.2C requires heroic efforts – but two dozen swimmers were ready to face this challenge. The men’s race, as it has become usual, came down to the final sprint even after almost five hours. For a while title-holder Axel Reymond (FRA) seemed to take the upper hand but Rasovszky switched the fifth gear, passed the pack and was heading towards the finish with a 5-7m lead. However, Russia’s Kirill Belyaev and Italy’s Matteo Furlan staged a late surge but Rasovszky focused on the touch at the panel to avoid the same scenario which had cost him the title three days earlier in the 10km and kept 1.1sec from his advantage.
The Hungarian completed a historical feat: he is the first male open water swimmer ever at the European Championships who managed to medal in all three individual events – and he wrote this chapter in style with two golds (5km, 25km) and a silver (10km, lost by 0.1sec). In major events only the German legend Thomas Lurz could achieve this at the 2013 Worlds where he won the 25km, had a silver in the 10km and a bronze in the 5km (plus a gold in the team event).
The women’s race offered even more drama. With almost two laps remaining, Sharon van Rouwendaal was set to repeat the golden treble of Britta Camrau (GER) from 2004. But to the horror of the Dutch staff, she missed a buoy and had to swim back almost 120m to pass the red buoy on the right side which dropped her from the leading positions to 10th with more than 30sec behind the leaders. However, the Olympic champion geared up again and caught up the pack in the last lap. With only 50m to go she seemed to have it, but racing in the special event of 25.12km burnt all her reserves and Italy’s Arianna Bridi could find an extra gear for the last 15 metres and could out-touch the Dutch by 0.1sec to claim gold.
Still, Rouwendaal enters the history books by becoming the first female open water swimmer capturing four medals in a single edition of any major championships: she won the 5km, 10km, the team event and came second in the 25km. Racing 40km in five days as Rasovszky did and 45km (plus 120m) as Rouwendaal did and arriving first or second (by 0.1sec) at this level of competitions might put these two great champions among the top heroes of Glasgow2018 if not they were the greatest amongst all.
Waves of applause rocked the lakeside and the athletes’ lounge when Angela Maurer hit the panel: the oldest competitor in the aquatic disciplines came 4th in the gruelling race once more, at the age of 43. Lisa Pou (FRA), who finished 5th with further 1:20 minutes adrift, was born in 1999, when the German legend earned her first ever medal, a silver in the 25km at the European Championships in Istanbul…
Edinburgh saw the first Italian gold in the diving event as Elena Bertocchi and Chiara Pellacani finished atop in a thrilling final in the women’s 3m synchro. The British duo of Grace Reid and Katherina Torrance led before the last round but a badly missed dive pushed them out of the medal contest and the Italians earned a win by 2.46 points ahead of Lena Hentschel and Tina Punzel of Germany.
The men’s platform final was the highlight of the meet once more but this time not the excitements but Alexander Bondar’s tremendous show grabbed the spectators’ attention. The Russian was amazing, his third dive earned three 10s from the judges, none of his attempts scored less than 81 points and he finished the afternoon with two more 90+ pointers to claim gold with a winning margin of 60.90 points. Compatriot Nikita Shlekhter came second, only 0.55 points separated him from France’s Benjamin Auffret.
The last day’s results mean that Italy could earn gold in three of the four disciplines (swimming, diving, open water) and had medals in synchro – just as the Russians who won gold in swimming, synchro and diving and had a medal in open water.
With Day 10, the European Aquatics Championships came to an end in Glasgow, Loch Lomond and Edinburgh. The first numbers were tremendous in all fields and encourage all stakeholders to repeat the multi-sport European Championships in four years time.
The best of aquatics action shall return to Glasgow in December 2019 with the European Short-Course Swimming Championships, while the next edition of the European Aquatics Championships will be staged in Budapest (HUN) in May 2020 (open water swimming in June at Balatonfured).
For detailed results, medal tables, visit <a href=”http://www2.len.eu/”>www.len.eu</a&gt;
<em>Press release from LEN, photos courtesy of Deepbluemedia/Giorgio Scala</em>
Glasgow 2018 European Championships – Day 10, Summary Rouwendaal and Rasovszky: historic and heroic Heroism at its best: the Netherlands’ Sharon van Rouwendaal and Hungary’s Kristof Rasovszky managed to earn a medal in each individual event in open water swimming by making the podium in the gruelling 25km race.
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surrealsunday · 3 years
I have to ask about the hickeys - does Eliott understand the implications or is he really just messing with Lucas? It just looks a bit like marking territory or smth
So you know how in the show it seemed like Eliott was able to compartmentalize in order to protect himself? Like he basically put things into certain boxes and tucked them away so he wouldn't have to think about them? Like: Him deciding to be with Lucas while believing Lucas wouldn't be with Eliott if he knew he was bipolar. Eliott is a little (a lot) like that in this fic. He tucks many things away for his own reasons (which we will explore) and doesn't consciously acknowledge them. That is what is going on here.
All that rambling is to say, no Eliott isn't just messing with Lucas. There is absolutely something deeper going on there. But is Eliott consciously acknowledging that to himself? Not exactly.
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surrealsunday · 3 years
You got me wanting Lucas to hook up with someone else because of the piningg. That’s so bad to say probably but I mean they’re endgame so I feel like it’s fine 😂😂 this kind of story always has to have some pining and oh boy did you go in lol
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^^ me laughing in chapter 2 😈
But yes, I feel you. And I definitely hit hard with the pining from the get-go. Had to establish dynamics 😏. I think it is very fair for you to want Lucas to get some at this point… or at the very least have boys falling over themselves for him. I’ll provide 😌.
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surrealsunday · 3 years
I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban!
Seriously I REALLY love your work! They are very deep and thoughtful! Mood Tattoo Lucas is my everything!
I have a feeling that Eliott put his Punzel in so high tower that now even he is not good enough to reach his precious Lulu ...
sorry for my english:)
The fact that you said "sorry for my english" in the same message that you said something as perceptive as, "I have a feeling that Eliott put his Punzel in so high tower that now even he is not good enough to reach his precious Lulu ..." My friend 👌👌👌... that's the crux of the main metaphor of the fic so... well done. And no apologizing when you speak multiple languages!
I love MT Lucas so much too. I think you'll really like this version. I fell in love with him as I wrote him. Getting to show Lucas as a young teen and a uni student in the same fic gave me a lot of opportunity to really sink my teeth into his character. I hope you'll love how I did so! 💞💞💞
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surrealsunday · 3 years
1/5 Oh my God, I finally got to sit down and read the first chapter and- wow, I’m absolutely in LOVE. I mean, I saw it coming, my favourite trope and my favourite author, it was kind of inevitable😌 I was like 3 minutes in when I realized “Oh fuck, shit’s gonna hurt.” What are you doing to me?? Making me wish Lucas actually goes and hooks up with somebody who’s not Eliott??? Making me not hate the idea of Lucas with Chris (bless you for choosing the most attractive OG character)???
2/5 But at the same time not wanting it at all because clearly there’s more to Eliott that Lucas doesn’t see? One second I’m mad at Eliott for how possessive he is but at the same time I absolutely get it because it’s Lucas. We all wanna protect Lucas. And who would want to share him, right? Ughhh. What am I supposed to do with all these mixed feelings??
3/5 Also not me hoping they would at least like cuddle from time to time... And then Eliott goes and attacks Lucas’ neck like that, right in the first chapter too??? My reaction was literally this: https://c.tenor.com/ex3E3z-r4WUAAAAC/take-a-look-say-what.gif I was SHOOK. Just bro things. Literally, according to Eliott. “Fuck off Eliott” was literally what I said after reading the brothers line, it’s like Lucas and I became one😂
4/5 I’m scared of the other chapters because if the first one was like this, the next ones are probably gonna hurt like a bitch. And yet here I am asking you to go ahead and wreck me because I can’t wait to read more. I’m very curious what the kiss they shared was about that Lucas believes Eliott barely remembers it. (I bet Eliott’s secretly cherishing said memory, ‘cause really, how could he forget kissing Lucas.) And I’m also curious about the time period in which it happened.
5/5 Gotta add that the childhood scenes are adorable, I loved the parallel of Eliott seeing Lucas first while Lucas wasn’t aware. And overall I couldn’t help but smile and laugh (the humour is brilliant) through the entire thing so yet again thank you😌 This feels way too long for a tumblr ask, I should probably comment on AO3 instead but I just wanted to let you know that I’m in love and that Punzel Elu already live in my head rent free😌
Ahhhhh no apologies for long asks. I love!!! It's so great to hear your thoughts.
I am adfakjsdfkajs over everyone's first reaction being 'oh no, it's gonna hurt'. Lollll. I mean... you're not wrong. But I think there is a fair bit of fun, sweetness, and heat in there for all of you too.
And yes, I have some fun with Chris in this one hehe. I mean... he's an all-time babe and also an unapologetic hoe so... how can I not love him and give him his due? Plus... a hot babe like him appreciating Lucas? Much fun to be had there.
You'll get cuddly best friends too. These two don't have a whole lot of boundaries which leads to both sweet things (cuddles) and less appropriate things (hickies... ELIOTT).
I had sooooo much fun with the flashback scenes. They weren't supposed to become a parallel story but then they took on a life of their own and I had no control. I think you guys will enjoy though. I really love the ones you get in chapter 2.
Thank you again for this comment. I hope you continue to love the ride!
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surrealsunday · 3 years
Not to go into full speculation mode after 1 chapter but I could see eliott obviously being in love with Lucas for years but you said that his character obviously compartmentalizes real heavy so I could see that maybe ~something happened when they were younger that might’ve just been terrible timing for some reason and it like cause Eliott to retreat abort mission on him and lucas being a thing? While also simultaneously being in love because they’re dum dums? Idk can’t wait to see what it will be. I’m also probably just bringing real life into it because this happened to me and reading the first chapter I was triggered 🤣🤣 I was 100% the lucas. It even ended happily but i still get sad thinking about all the sad girl hours mopey times lol
I love reading your speculation. I won’t answer obviously but I will say it’s quite perceptive. Both Eliott and Lucas fuck up throughout various points in their friendship. And I project while writing too so I feel you. It’s the only way I know how to make emotions really ring true. But we’re gonna get a happy ending here so hopefully it won’t allow you to stay stuck in mopey feelings because I don’t want that ❤️❤️❤️.
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surrealsunday · 3 years
waaaaaahh jamie !!! just finished the first part of of punzel and while im terrified at how the Hell Chapter/s (for example, Hollow Edge chapters 8/9 🥺) are gonna go i cant wait how all that pining and angst are gonna be resolved by the end !!! and im also rly excited that u added some non-skamfr characters !!! gotta love a good crossover 💕
Ah yes. Well there is angst sprinkles throughout tbh, but I never really know how to judge the main angst 😂. I think you’ll be alright. It’s more like a truly necessary change at that point in the story.
I had fun including other characters! Sobbe side story was fun to figure out. And Chris sort of took on a life of his own in this one and I loved including him. I think you guys will enjoy him too 😌.
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