bob425608 · 3 months
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【香港高才优才专才申请】办Columbia毕业证,留信 大使馆认证Q/微892798920办哥伦比亚大学毕业证书,哥大硕士文凭,哥大研究生文凭,Certificate.改Columbia成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校Columbia University fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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syarousi · 5 months
パート・アルバイトも有権者!有給休暇の基本と注意点#年次有給休暇 #比例付与 #パートタイム #アルバイト
こんにちは!皆さん、今日は特にパートやアルバイトの方々にとって重要な年次有給休暇について、分かりやすく解説していきます。特にシフト制で働く場合の有給休暇の計算方法に焦点を当てますので、ぜひ最後までご覧ください。 年次有給休暇の原則と基本条件 日本では、労働者は一定の条件を満たすことで年次有給休暇を取得できます。これにはパートやアルバイトも含まれ、以下の条件を満たす必要があります。 勤務開始から半年間の継続勤務 その期間中の全労働日の80%以上の出勤 「全労働日」とは、労働者が通常勤務すべき全ての日数を指し、企業が定める休業日や国の祝日などは含まれません。病気や怪我での休暇も、特定の条件下では出勤とみなされる場合があります。  比例付与による有給休暇の計算方法 週所定労働日数が4日以下かつ週所定労働時間が30時間未満の労働者の付与日数の労働者には、「比例付与」という制度が適用…
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koikatubu · 5 months
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antsloveyun · 5 months
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der7commission · 5 months
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正比與多人Q版 複雜插圖
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rokalo16 · 2 years
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我有預感..這兩人會成為好友..並且在半夜起來喝咖啡聊是非..😨😨😨 #都是鬼娃 #相較之下q比君真心巨大 #米奇 #明太子q比 #小泉悟快閃台灣站 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIQdNNS7Bl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bob425608 · 3 months
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【美国名校保录取】办Columbia毕业证,留信 大使馆认证Q/微892798920办哥伦比亚大学毕业证书,哥大硕士文凭,哥大研究生文凭,Certificate.改Columbia成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校Columbia University fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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qolvwkkr · 2 years
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jie-c-c · 2 years
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#台灣fun心玩 溫和秋天 在 AjangHome 阿將的家23咖啡館 身旁鳥鳥炊煙 喝著阿里山特產的咖啡 搭配贈送的鬆餅甜點 每個角落精彩的畫面 不捨的喵星主人道別 悠遊進入 奮起湖大飯店 帶著自備的半島鐵盒 耳邊響起周杰倫的音樂 飯店問著半島鐵盒哪裡買 也將傳承許久的鐵路便當裝入半島鐵盒 收下米其林1+2星的推薦伴手禮 #奮起褔米餅 跟著 #阿里山號 #穿越時光隧道 走進 多林車站 野生愛玉 撲香的筍乾味道 突然腦中想起一道一道我料理的美食 中午時分到來 奔向 得恩亞納合掌村 期待大雪覆蓋的仿日本夢幻景點 吃著鐵盒中傳統鐵路便當 可惜養生麵包沒有營業 只好休息片刻 繼續前往 Hana廚房 雖然不是可用餐時間 但是已經在心裡默許安排想吃的 #薄餅披薩 環繞的雲霧山路 抵達 太平雲梯 漫步在濛濛細雨中 親撫山嵐雲霧 耐心的等待撥雲見日陽光明媚的雲海 結果 #巴比Q 了 只好走入 #太平老街 #空氣圖書館 #三元宮 在日落漸漸來臨時 沿著太平36灣 回到了現實的生活 跟著 我們的旅程 享受生活 為疲憊的身體找到能源補充站 😊😊😊 阿將的家23咖啡館(不供正餐,入場方式/營業時間見臉書公告) 0933 683 420 https://maps.app.goo.gl/KU8QgTf1LFy5ABAc9 奮起福米餅店 0900 770 117 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BaEQkj9EFqVWK2u67 多林火車站 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hRW63NMa3pnebzWXA 得恩亞納社區-小瑞士-合掌村 https://maps.app.goo.gl/27SXZ35bYG8ghoYi9 太平雲梯遊客服務中心Visitor Service Center(附設雲中找茶複合式餐廳) 05 257 1215 https://maps.app.goo.gl/peE1RMJ8TpnpgUtB6(在 奮起福餅創始店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDNinsykOK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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der7commission · 1 year
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fantasticeagledream · 2 years
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办理美国学历认证+Q号薇信269❼❷❽❽251,购买哥伦比亚大学毕业证成绩单,出售哥大本科学位证《造假Columbia University diploma》,伪造国外证书,定做哥伦比亚学院 offer,需要哥大录取通知书,办假哥大文凭证书,毕业证丢失办假的多少钱,办证网站,留信认证,do Columbia University in the City of New York 毕业证书
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yoga-onion · 6 days
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[Image above: D. T. Suzuki (11 November 1870 - 12 July 1966) was a Japanese Buddhist scholar and doctor of literature. ]
A message from 23 nights temple Q&A: Part 2 [Part 1]
Next question was, want to know more about Tendai Buddhism and how to do face-to-face learning outside of Japan:
More than 1,400 years after its introduction, Buddhism in Japan was born from the founders of sects in Japanese history and culture. Today, about 13 major sects exist, including the Tendai sect. Of these, three are Zen sects: the Soto, Rinzai and Obaku.
Among them the most representative are, Saicho, founder of the Tendai sect, whose head temple is Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei; Kukai, founder of the Shingon sect, who brought esoteric Buddhism to Japan, whose head temple is Kongobu-ji on Mt. Koya; and Dogen, author of the Shobogenzo, a philosophy book said to be a manual for Zen meditation practice and originator of mindfulness. Founder of the Soto sect, whose main temple is Eiheiji Temple.
Buddhism means 'Buddha's teachings'. In the beginning, everything was transmitted orally and it was only after Buddha's death that documents and scriptures were created. All of the Buddhist scriptures that remain today were described by the memory of Buddha's disciples. In the meantime, it underwent various transformations through the views of translators and other factors, and representative gurus from different countries established and divided into sects. The Tendai sect is one of these sects, founded by Master Saicho. Incidentally, my trusted teacher is a Zen monk of the Soto sect, and he says that one should not be confined to a sect. It is because Dogen, the founder of the Soto sect, taught that the Buddha's teaching is one and that we should not be obsessed with sects.
Those wishing to study face-to-face or Buddhist thought outside Japan should visit your local Buddhist temple or Zen centre. You can easily find one by hitting the usual keywords. However, not all are good teachers. It is recommended to search patiently for a teacher or centre that suits you. For international learners, books by Japanese Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki are relatively accessible. He wrote on Zen in English and introduced Japanese Zen culture to the rest of the world. He was also a prolific translator of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Sanskrit literature.
In fact, the teachings of Zen that we are learning are not like there is a holy scripture that says this is the absolute truth, nor is there a founder who says that this is the absolute truth.
And it is best not to decide on a teacher based on sect or culture, but to knock on the door of a person you can identify with. More importantly, he or she may not only be in the temple.
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二十三夜堂からのメッセージ Q&A: その2 [その1]
伝来から1400年余りの年月を経て、日本の歴史文化のなかで、宗派の開祖たちから生まれたのが「日本の仏教」。 現在、大きな宗派として存在しているのは、天台宗を含め約13宗派。その中で禅宗は、曹洞宗、臨済宗と黄檗宗の3宗。
中でも代表的なのは、天台宗の開祖の最澄、総本山は比叡山延暦寺、日本に密教をもたらした、真言宗の開祖の空海、総本山は高野山金剛峯寺、そして、坐禅修行のマニュアルとも言われている哲学書「正法眼蔵 (しょうぼうげんぞう)」の著者でマインドフルネスの元祖、曹洞宗の開祖の道元、大本山は永平寺など、が挙げられる。
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szmxsm · 2 months
【Commission】 Honkai: Star Rail
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Same customer for drawing demon slayer! I didn't play Honkai series before, so I put a lot of effort for drawing their clothes. Commission open, DM me if you need to draw anything! —— 委託人這次要求繪製崩壞:星穹鐵道裡的一些人氣角色!因為自身是沒玩遊戲加上人物服飾比較複雜,所以在將人物轉換成Q版上費了一些功夫。 委託開放中,有需要可以直接私訊詢問詳情哦!
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bob425608 · 3 months
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【香港高才优才专才申请】办Columbia毕业证,留信 大使馆认证Q/微892798920办哥伦比亚大学毕业证书,哥大硕士文凭,哥大研究生文凭,Certificate.改Columbia成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校Columbia University fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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spray-poka · 7 months
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【DK】P(スプレー使い)作、 ドンキーコング キャラ 身長対比表。
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A、ドンキーコングよりマリオを見たほうが 身長の大きさが分かりやすいからです。
Q, Why is Mario there? A, Because it is easier to see the size of Mario than Donkey Kong.
A.マリオがだいたい150cmくらいだから だいたい1マスで25cmで 2マスは50cmくらいです。
Q.How big is one square?
A.Because Mario is about 150cm. One square is about 25cm. 2 squares is about 50cm.
Q.How did you find out? A.First, I referred to the character height comparison chart from The Super Mario Brothers Movie. Next, I compared them in the scene of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, where the two are standing side by side.
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der7commission · 1 year
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