serenityquest · 7 months
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grhmwtts · 22 days
you’re the smoke in my lungs
the lump in my throat
suffocating me sweetly
if only a coughing fit
would befit
your release
i would hold you tight
my last sign of life
you’d squeeze
you had your chance
now i find breath in dance
and life in song
i reached for the moon
and fell from your view
an illusion of blue
it’s been six months now
since i last smoked a cigarette
since i last saw your face
funny how one unhealthy habit
could make a whole world
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starheart-blog · 11 days
Someone in 'ask me anything' box said that: "sorry kiddo but you are just talking to yourself in these ask boxes, no matter no one talks to you about your stuff because you nobody in this Tumblr Community, lol"....
I...I think I am going to quit being on Tumblr...
Yes, i ask my questions on ask me questions but only some of them tho...
But...maybe I don't belong Tumblr or anything...
Maybe...I just nothing....
I guess...that what I always going to be nothing....
This may be my last post on Tumblr...before quitting...
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dudja · 22 days
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sanddollarpoems · 16 days
I left my job in May. It wasn't a decision I had been planning to make. I may not have loved my job, but it was a paycheck, and I didn't have anything else lined up. The worst thing about my job was navigating my unhinged boss' mod swings. One day, I would be her favorite employee, showered with praise and compliments. But then, like a switch had been flipped, the next day, she would find fault in everything I did. She would verbally berate me and make me wonder if I was actually a terrible employee. This bizarre behavior was starting to leave stress marks on my life. I hated the days that she was in the office, and I was terrified any time she would come to talk to me. I didn't know what was wrong or how to fix it.
It ended one day when she called me into her office.
"I'm writing you up." She said it almost smugly. I tried to hide the shock and horror on my face. Write me up for what??
I remained professional and calm, trying to keep my mind clear on everything she was saying. There was a vague "isn't living up to work expectations" and a comical "overly social" (my work responsibilities required me to be very outgoing). She even threw in something from months ago that had already been resolved. None of it was legit.
I went home, and my shock turned to anger. I've always been an extremely hard worker, dedicated, professional, and kind. This wasn't my fault. But being targeted in such a way by my direct boss felt like total betrayal. When I shared it with my friends, they all agreed that she was just doing the paperwork to eventually fire me. They said I should stay and let her play out her plan so that I could sue the company for wrongful termination. I wanted to do that. It sounded so vengeful. But the thought of letting that woman continue to abuse me was more than I could do. Instead, I wrote my resignation letter and turned it in the very next day. I worked out my two weeks, not because I had to, since it was an "at will" company. But I've always given two weeks everywhere I've worked, and I wanted to keep my own standards. It was a painfully long two weeks.
I want to say that I left and never looked back, but the truth is, the words she said to me still hurt. There's still a part of me that wonders if she was right. There's still a feeling of insecurity and fear that I'm actually a failure. I think the hardest part was that there was still that similarity between her and my mother. The way she made me feel so worthless and weak felt too familiar. Perhaps that's why it's so hard to shake.
I have taken the opportunity to go back to school and finish up my degree at last. I know the right job will show up at the right time. I can feel that providence in my life. A part of me is scared. I keep thinking about the chance of getting another boss who gaslights and abuses me. After fighting to get where I am now, I won't take that anymore. I want to find a way to prove to myself that I can make my own success without risking my emotional safety. I need to have a reason to say, "See? She was mentally ill and cruel. I am really good at this. She was a liar."
She was a liar.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
How to Quit a Job: Giving Notice with Dignity, Poise, and Tastefully Subtle Shade
Keep reading.
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honeeyyymoon · 7 days
hey guyss, it was a great time on the app but too many old men, 18+ blogs are following me which i specifically stated about in my introduction pinned on my page, but i met some nice girls so thanks to you guys but i just dont feel comfortable having 18+ blogs following me and i dont have the time to go through them all, and i just dont have any motivation to post either.
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comicbookcovers · 1 year
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Quittin' time, part 1
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thedeb · 2 months
Hello there dear Undertale au fandom
This will be a bit of a rant but I'm going to talk about my reasons for taking a break and hopefully be able to quit and also talking about the fandom.
First of all, I'm very aware the fandom would not give one or two flying poops about me since I'm a small account but I still wanted to make this.
The reasons why I'm quitting and the talk about the fandom will be mixed so
The reasons I'm quitting are because I realised I'm never going to get anywhere in the Fandom I did everything anyone could name and nothing worked 2-the fandom makes me overly uncomfortable and I don't know why 3-its taking a terrible toll on my mental health, I have been fixated on the fandom for years and it's just ruining me.
Also, the fandom is just insane not in a good way, MOST not all of the fans are selfish and refuse to go outside to see that other people are alive as well and it's not just only them, they feel entitled to everything and they cross boundaries daily and are just mostly straight up rude, despite the fandom being a pretty good size the people littery have 0 urges to communicate with other fans I have been literally begging for friends in the Fandom but only ended up getting 2 in the span YEARS and I understand why people don't want to blindly make friends but also the fandoms NOT friendly at all I'm general, especially towards small accounts you barely get any support and even if you do it's a tiny group of people, i feel like they absolutely despise small accounts for 0 reasons and they literally do nothing to help you on your journey and also try to claim that their good people and love to help and painting a picture where their all a Saint in which is not true.
More info about me: you guys need to keep in mind that I have terrible depression and I struggle with being neurodivergent there's 0 way for me to get diagnosed in the country to know what I exactly have that's under the umbrella In the country i live in and it's impossible to get any help, all therapists will do is try to shove some pills down your throat, but me being in this state still doesn't change the fact the undertale au fandom is setting itself up for failure.
Also, another thing I should mention is the fandom has normalized a lot of things that should NOT  be normalized, this goes for a lot of fandoms in the end however au fandom isn't the only one I want to say there are a lot of things I want to quit like drawing, I love drawing but I can't handle it anymore.
I want to get rid of my fixation on the characters that's why I'm only going on a break for now in hopes I can get myself to stop making my mental health suffer because of a stupid fixation, I hope I can quit drawing and the fandoms I'm in, I'm just tired of people not understanding not everyone's rainbows and sunshine or just "silly" I'm not silly IM MENTALLY ILL and I'm tired of being labelled as silly by people online for being terribly depressed or just struggling with being neurodivergent.
That's all.
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Hope this will be one of the last drawings I do.
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lotus-ciacia · 1 month
I quit be artis...
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Why I quit because not media who bully me or something... Is about my school... My oc call ugly, weird art style and other... My mental is breakdown... I need rest and focus on the school and Chinese school. I may draw but not post like my Instagram, tiktok and Tumblr... I probably show to my real friend in discord... I will come back next year or December... So thank you for supporting me or other... I see you later in future bye bye
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serenityquest · 1 year
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academic-vampire · 2 months
I have never felt more seen
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
He shouldn't have done that with his badge. It wasn't like the old days. He had responsibilities. He should've stayed on and made things just a little less--
No. That never worked.
Terry Pratchett, Jingo
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butchonarock · 4 months
Ran my cigs through the washing machine last night, they were the last three I had in my quit smoking pack. This is a sign from god and I am upset about it LIKE DAMN, I REALLYCWANTED THOSE
Too stubborn and broke to buy more. A heartbreaking conclusion
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lunarthefrieschild · 4 months
Before deleting this app.. I want to tell u guys that it was a incredibly wonderful experience meeting all of u!! I wish y'all have a good day because I wouldn't be any active here now. Thank u for our journey!! If u want to see me follow my Instagram @luvniekii <33
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