#Quote: I’m almost jealous. When we get you home you’re going to have so much good stuff ahead of you. I wish I could do it all again.”
hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Any thoughts on The trio of Lily, Petunia and Sev's life in industrial cokeworth? Like right up until Lily and Sev's graduation from Hogwarts?
I have seen so many takes on Lily being a doormat in just taking the abuse from Petunia but... I don't know.
Well, they weren't exactly a trio from what little we see of them in the Prince's Tale. There are the sisters Lily and Petunia and their dynamic and then there are Lily and Severus and their dynamic. Severus and Petunia just seem to dislike each other.
Severus drops a branch on Petunia and clearly looks down on her calling her in his head: "just a muggle" as he almost slipped and said that to Lily. Petunia views Severus in contempt, she thinks of him as a freak and makes fun of his second-hand clothes and poor background:
Then a small rustling noise behind Harry made him turn: Petunia, hiding behind a tree, had lost her footing. “Tuney!” said Lily, surprise and welcome in her voice, but Snape had jumped to his feet.
(DH, 564)
Petunia was breathless, alarmed at being caught. Harry could see her struggling for something hurtful to say. “What is that you’re wearing, anyway?” she said, pointing at Snape’s chest. “Your mum’s blouse?” There was a crack. A branch over Petunia’s head had fallen. Lily screamed. The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears.
(DH, 564)
And Lily is kinda stuck between them calling out both of them when they're being mean. Lily is trying to play peacekeeper between Severus and Petunia and while she isn't as aggressive as Severus or Petunia, she's far from being a doormat. Lily loves both Severus and Petunia and wants the people closest to her to get along, but she doesn't allow herself to be treated badly. When Petunia really hurts her, Lily swings back with venom with something she knows would bother Petunia:
“—you think I want to be a—a freak?” Lily’s eyes filled with tears as Petunia succeeded in tugging her hand away. “I’m not a freak,” said Lily. “That’s a horrible thing to say.” “That’s where you’re going,” said Petunia with relish. [...] “You didn’t think it was such a freak’s school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you.” Petunia turned scarlet. “Beg? I didn’t beg!”
(DH, 565-566)
And she calls Severus out for his treatment of Petunia:
But Petunia was running away. Lily rounded on Snape. “Did you make that happen?” “No.” He looked both defiant and scared. “You did!” She was backing away from him. “You did! You hurt her!”
(DH, 564)
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she said in a constricted voice. “Why not?” “Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore.” “So what?” She threw him a look of deep dislike. “So she’s my sister!”
(DH, 566-567)
In the memories we see of the young Lily, Petunia, and Severus it's very clear Lily just wants everyone to get along. This doesn't seem to work for her.
I mentioned here how I think Severus stayed with the Evans family during the summer, like during the day, he went back home in the evening. This is how he probably had the chance to retrieve Petunia's letter to Dumbledore mentioned above. But again, they weren't a trio. They were two duos that Lily tried to marge into a trio but Severus and Petunia never got along.
Also, after Lily starts her first year, I think her relationship with Petunia gets much worse. The scene I quoted with Petunia calling her a freak in the train station is just the beginning. Petunia is clearly bitter and jealous even years later:
“Knew!” shrieked Aunt Petunia suddenly. “Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that — that school — and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was — a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!”
(PS, 41)
So, I think after Lily started Hogwarts her relationship with Petunia just soured. She still loved her sister, but the relationship was strained. I think during these vacations after 1st year but before 5th year, Lily actually spent more time with Severus than Petunia, Petunia was never really part of it.
Lily tends to leave situations she doesn't like, she doesn't stick around to hang out with people who upset her — she cuts them out of her life like she did with Snape after SWM.
With Petunia, it was different. She was her older sister, whom she loved, and Petunia loved Lily too. I think a lot of her initial antagonism of Snape and telling Lily she shouldn't do magic before they knew what it was comes from a protective place. Petunia is the older sister and she is protecting Lily in the way she knows how. But then she becomes jealous and bitter over all the attention Lily gets, all the wonders of magic she could never have...
As I mentioned, I think Lily gave Petunia more chances than she gave Snape after SWM. I think Lily kept trying to reach out to fail every time before she gave up. It doesn't make her a doormat, it makes her someone who cares about her sister. But even then, at some point, she probably didn't make as much effort as before and drew back as that seems to be how Lily handles these things.
We know Lily and James were present at Petunia and Vernon's wedding, so it seems Lily never fully gave up on her sister. The same can't be said for Petunia who refused to attend James and Lily's wedding. Lily was noted as upset over Petunia not wanting her as a bridesmaid. So, even after Hogwarts Lily still made an effort to have a relationship with Petunia, but Petunia didn't let her. Again, it's not that Lily's a doormat, she just cares and is trying to reach out to her sister whom she used to love as a kid and doesn't want to lose. I think that's completely reasonable behavior, and it's clear from what we see of them as kids and from how Pottermore words their interactions in the wedding:
The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant, while Lily burst into tears and James (a little ashamed of himself) promised to make things up with Vernon at the earliest opportunity. This never happened. Petunia did not want Lily as a bridesmaid, because she was tired of being overshadowed; Lily was hurt.
(From pottermore)
That Lily never just "took abuse", she made sure her displeasure was known, but she loved her sister and wanted to get along with her, and for Petunia to get along with the other important people in her life, whether that be Severus when younger or James when she was older.
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chicken-delight · 8 months
speech to text. God remember my speech to text erathat was fucking crazy. I need to start doing that again. Ever since I discovered Pamela des barres freshman year of high school, or actually really, it goes as far back to like being in the One Direction and being fascinated, by whoever it was the normal girl that Louis Tomlinson was dating that Eleanor girl. And like Louis was my guy but I wasn’t jealous of Eleanor. I was like fascinated with her because I guess a little bit of it was like wow she got my man, but I also was fascinated with how she dressed, and was really bummed out that like she didn’t have a strong social media presence. Anyways. But when I discovered Pamela des barres, it really cemented the fact that I love the presence of “the woman“ in my favorite forms of art. And this entire thought was queued by that picture that has a Jane in the background the picture of Richard and Robbie and is it Elliott? I can’t remember, even though I just looked at it. but I don’t know. The woman behind the man is always just been more fascinating and more alluring to me. Because it takes a lot to be in a relationship with a man in general, but it takes a lot to be in a relationship with a man who is a creative. Because OK I already know this isn’t gonna come out the way I want it to come out but I’m just hoping that you guys are understanding where I’m coming from. Because there is something about a creative man, and I’ve only really had experience with musicians and writers where they are like children who just got done eating a lot of candy and just have all that energy. Except the energy is creative energy. And they have so much of it that they don’t know what to do with it and a lot of the time it’s you know the tale is old this time that there is the number one love and everything comes after that. I think Anita Pallenberg has a quote about that. Is like you can be in a relationship with a musician, but you must always know that the music is going to come first. And it’s not the way it should be, but it is the way that it is. and there’s not a very clear line between if it’s just how creative people are in general or if it’s the person. But they have all this energy. They just need to focus on getting it out or else they’re gonna explode. So it takes a lot of patience. It really is like raising a child. Willy is my child. He is my father. It’s like your nurturing it but you’re also in awe and it moves you. One of my favorite things about Pamela des barres. is she can describe the feeling you get when you listen to something that really moves you and how that makes you wanna be connected with the people who make it and make you feel so good. And it’s beyond good it’s very spiritual. It’s like the closest thing to ecstasy that I can imagine. Is when you listen to a song that really speaks to you. so there’s a weird dynamic in between whoever is making it and their partner who loves them but must also love the art. it obviously doesn’t have to be a woman it’s whoever is on the receiving end of that. And it’s even cooler when we find out that the partners of these Rockstars are creatives themselves because then that makes the relationship i think a little bit different. It’s a mutual muse. Anyways, I’m just rambling. Don’t read this. But read it. So just makes me happy especially because the band is heavy on my mind to see pictures of Jane of Dominique and ricks wife. I forget what her name is. because the partner of any creative. And I don’t just mean art. Teachers are creative. Lawyers are creative journalist are creative being a stay at home parent is creative. But there’s a certain role of the partner that is very sacrificial. And in the most healthy of relationships understand that whatever their partner is doing whatever they are creating is bigger than them. The energy is so wild and so big that it is almost beyond them and when it’s bursting it’s bursting and it needs to get out. And I think what the band we’re doing out, Woodstock is the prime one of the prime examples of that that I know of where
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blackacre13 · 2 years
“Will you read to me?” Debbie yawned. “Like you did when I would wake up with nightmares. I just need help falling asleep better. And knowing you’re right there helps.”
Found this quote from Debbie to Lou in one of the old sickfics and now of course we need a fic about how that happened 🥰
Tumblr media
(Edit created by the lovely @waterlooedits ✨)
“You never read to me,” Debbie smirked, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the wall.
Lou was closing the door to their guestroom quietly, creeping backward into the hall with a children’s book under her arm, jumping as she almost smacked into the brunette.
“You’re not seven,” Lou rolled her eyes, whispering the statement. “And I’m definitely not your babysitter.”
“You’re sweet with her,” Debbie murmured, looking up at her partner. “There’s something different about you with kids. Lets me see softie Lou.”
“You get plenty of softie Lou,” Lou huffed, tugging Debbie towards the stairs. “On second thought, no. No, I did not just admit that.”
“Your secret is safe with me, Miller,” the brunette laughed, swapping their places and leading Lou down the steps. “What’s the next part of babysitting? How’s it go?”
“I mean our part is pretty much done, Deb. The kids are asleep. So now we just wait.”
The blonde checked held up her wrist, waiting for the sleeve of her blazer to make view of her watch as she clucked her tongue.
“Tam should be home in about two hours. They’re fed, bathed, and at least pretending to be asleep. Job complete.”
“It’s no con,” Debbie shook her head. “But I guess it’s still something you like?”
“Don’t act like you weren’t having fun. You built a lego castle,” Lou grinned.
“And was the first to finish paint by numbers,” the brunette grinned.
“Slow your roll, Ocean. Those other criminals might get jealous when they hear about your latest con. Duping a seven and nine year old. Oof.”
“Can it.”
“You want to watch a movie or something? Raid Tammy’s fridge?”
“Deb, we’re not having sex on her couch.”
“I never said anything about the couch.”
“Deborah,” Lou sighed, shaking her head, but she was grinning, her eyes bright. “We’re not Fucking in Tammy’s bedroom. Again. She had a cow last time.”
“Party pooper,” Debbie sighed dramatically, flopping onto the couch, already flipping through the tv stations until she found a secret favorite romantic comedy of Lou’s. Lou settled beside her, Debbie snuggling up against her.
She couldn’t remember what she watched, or Tammy coming home, or the ride back to the loft. Just Lou’s lazy smile as she rubbed her shoulder and gently roused her from the car, murmuring something about her being a pillow princess and how it was a good thing they hadn’t taken the bike.
And then she was back in her cell. But somehow, Claude was there. With a shiv. Backing her into a corner. The cold concrete of the cell against her skin. He pushed her back towards it. Hard. His hand tight against her neck. Hissing at her. Telling her not to move. Not to scream. Raising the shiv. Slamming her head against the concrete. She could taste rust on her tongue. Her stomach dropped.
“You thought you could frame me, Debbie? You thought you could outsmart me?”
“I’ll make you wish you never pinned the blame on me. I’ll make you wish you—“
“Debbie? Debbie? Honey?”
Debbie was blinking her eyes open, her heart racing. She scanned the darkness of the room, finding tiny green lights in the dark flashing on the clock. 3 am.
She was drenched in a cold sweat. Her own hand on her neck like she’d been choking herself. The sheets and blanket were all tangled up. Her other hand in a death grip on Lou’s wrist.
Lou unfurled her fingers slowly, and Debbie wanted to sob seeing how deep her nails had dug into the blonde’s palm.
“It was him again, wasn’t it?” Lou whispered softly, taking both of Debbie’s hands in her own and kissing them gently. “You were crying. And then you called for me. And I—I wasn’t there to protect you, was I? You were alone.”
Debbie nodded, tears starting to fall as she tried to piece together the nightmare that was already starting to dissolve. But she didn’t want to dare close her eyes again. Or sleep.
She was about to ask Lou to hold her, but the blonde was already enveloping her arms around her partner pulling her close as she laid them back together, murmuring softly and carding her fingers through her hair.
“I’m here now. You’re here with me. He’s not here. You’re home. You’re safe.”
“Just keep telling me that.”
“I have a better idea,” Lou spoke suddenly, sitting up. She rolled across Debbie’s stomach, reaching into her nightstand, coming back with a book. “Seriously?” She arched an eyebrow, waving The Art of War in the brunette’s face as Debbie gave her a sheepish grin.
She rolled back to her own side, fumbling around on her side, producing a book of poetry that Debbie only vaguely remembered seeing years ago and opened it to a page, an old receipt falling out of it from a Chinese restaurant.
“I read this a lot while you were…” Lou’s voice drifted off before she cleared her throat, pulling Debbie closer against her. “You don’t have to close your eyes or sleep until you’re ready. And you don’t have to be ready. You just let me know what you need from me.”
She was already reading before Debbie could protest, the words flowing like honey from her tongue. Debbie didn’t know who had written them or what they meant. But she liked the way the words sounded in Lou’s voice. The way they landed against her ears. The way they whispered their way into her mind, until her eyes felt heavy and Lou’s voice sounded far away. But the words never stopped. Her voice didn’t stop.
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hischierdevils · 2 years
Prompt List
Here’s a prompt list you can request from, Please include the full prompt (ex: 1. “Come over here and make me.”) when requesting along with the player you want me to write for. You can find what players I write for here. 
“Come over here and make me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Kiss me.”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.
“Just once.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“I fucking hate you”
“He’s dead, again.”
“It’s hard to get used to...” “what is?” “Being someone that someone cares for...”
“The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
“It hurts...” “what?” “Loving someone who doesn’t love you...”
“Let me do this, please.”
you’re not as funny as you think you are
i’m just getting comfy
just because you can doesn’t mean you should
how don’t you know the difference between your left and right?
thank you for being in my life
text me when you’re home
you are such a nerd
why are you so cold?
stop laughing at me
you were put on this earth to give me a headache
you’re ticklish
can we go home yet?
you are a terrible influence
one of us is clearly smarter than the other
you need some sleep
how have you survived this long by yourself?
are you just quoting song lyrics?
i’m only here for the dog
sleep is for the weak
that was you?
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"What? I have never-"
"I do not have an answer for you."
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"At least I didn't break any laws."
"What did you do this time?"
"How do we get out?"
"I don't hate you."
"Don't call me that."
“Just marry me already.”
“Did I stutter?”
“Did I just say that out loud?”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.”
“Is that what you call an apology?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Somebody’s in love!”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“I’m never leaving...I promise.”
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
“I like you, like like you like you.”
“Be my Valentine?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“God, I love you.”
“You’re so fucking cute.”
“Stop being a fucking prick.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“You’re my everything.”
“I love seeing you smile.”
“i’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“ i can’t get enough of you.”
“i like being close to you. you’re warm.”
“i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.”
“is this okay?”
“this is a one time thing.”
“you know where to find me.”
“you’re really good at that.”
“here’s my hotel room number.”
"don't be shy now, sit on my face."
“Wanna join?”
“Stop doing that”
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
"Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."
“ i think i might be in some kind of love with you.”
“say you want me, and i’m yours.”
“you need a place to stay for the night”
“i want to taste you”
“i love it when you talk dirty
“if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god”
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”
“i don’t know what to do” “then let me teach you”
“i forgot my towel”
“this feels dirty” “that's because it is”
“don’t cover you’re face, i want to see you”
“are you sure about this?”
“ive never wanted to fuck someone as badly as i want to fuck you rn”
“do you want help with that?”
“im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name”
“bend over the desk love”
“is that my shirt?”
“my mother adores you.”
“is that a drawing of me?”
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“stop looking at me like that!”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“you wrote me a song?”
“i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“this isn’t adrenaline, i want to spend my life with you.”
“do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold”
“My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“fuck you.” - “when?”
“no one’s ever made me feel like this.”
“here, let me help you.”
“we’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “so no pizza?”
“you’re insane.” - “people keep telling me that.”
“you’re pretty.” - “you’re drunk.”
“i told you i’d come home to you.”
“i’ll keep you safe.”
“i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.”
“i didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
“please never stop smiling.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“Shut up and take your pants off.”
“Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
“How are you this perfect?”
“I’ve waited so long for this.”
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“Just let me finish this/this level and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
“Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..” “Want some help?”
“Tell me again.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
“I don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
“Stop distracting me.”
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auxiliyum · 6 years
Fic recs!!
Hi everyone!
So for awhile I’ve been looking around for good fics of my fave pairings and after some serious searching I found and compiled a list of my own personal favorite fics. I don’t have all the pairings I love but I put the ones that have been on my mind lately and will likely add more later! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!
Bakugou x Kirishima: Completed Fics
slow it down (go easy on me) – newamsterdam
· Alright I’m like slightly biased because I love ALL of their work. I’m not kidding, they haven’t written anything that I haven’t probably sobbed over. I love their work so much it makes me feel SO MUCH.
· Anyways it’s basically a future/ time travel fic done REALLY well like it has one of the softest lines in all of history in it I think and one of my favorite quotes ever which I’ll put in the tags so there are no spoilers.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/11738184/chapters/26450931
 but i’ve got an angry heart – newamsterdam
· basically an angry boi falling in love with a happy go lucky boy but in an AU with really deep topics that make you think, I really loved this story because I’ve been on both sides of struggling with anger problems and struggling to deal with someone with anger problems. I think it’s done very well.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/11086329/chapters/24730503
 2 AM Knows All Secrets – Unbreakable_Red_Riot
· Pretty much super cute story about Bakugou having nightmares and Kirishima being the Best Bro TM. I like how the character are portrayed and how the relationship develops so naturally.
·  https://archiveofourown.org/works/8738770/chapters/20035240
 The Lost Continent – cattchi, paglykos
· Alright yall, this one made me cry because it’s just really, really good. Like a PIRATE AU. Fantastic.  Like the world building is amazing, the story itself is spectacular, but what got me is the relationship that develops so naturally and sweetly between these two. Like I had no idea what to baby at the ending. Not because it’s sad but because it’s so good.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/11633196/chapters/26162388
 good to you – Authoress
· this is another author that I LOVE. I always enjoy reading their work.
· I really like this story because it was actually one of the first Kiribaku stories I read, and it was so wholesome I smiled the whole time. Basically it takes place right after the Bakugou Rescue
·  https://archiveofourown.org/works/6904558
  yes, you say you’d like to – Authoress
· another amazing work that had me smiling the whole way. It’s just a fun “omg I like them and I know they like me so wtf” story
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/10660773
 parted, and never parted – Authoress
· this is probably my FAVORITE fic by them. I love the fantasy/god/goddess au so much and it’s done so beautifully. Honesty, I cry every time I read it. If you like fantasy and true love, this is your story.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/10669527
 Tonight, We’re the Sea – idratherhaveyou
·  A quaint Oceanside love story AU? Sign me up. I always love fics that explore a more mature side to Kirishima and Bakugou while putting a twist on their conventional stories. Like we know kirishima has a heart of gold but does his own family know that? We know that Bakugou feels robbed but this is such an interesting take. Plus!! Artist!Bakugo AU.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/11711982/chapters/26377485
 Things soft and precious – gloop
· I like this story a lot because it’s from Mitsuki’s perspective and I think it’s just really really sweet.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/12369906
  Todoroki x Midoriya: Completed Fics
 *Note: for personal reasons, I don’t read a whole lot of Todoroki x Midoriya even though I LOVE them. I love artwork and fics of them but I can’t read them a whole lot, but I figured I would give the one fic I’ve read and Loved a shout out.
 Burn and Breathe – PitViperofDoom
· Soulmate/Soulmark AU. Listen. I love soulmate au’s, I’m trash for them, but this is on a whole other level. I love this story because I love how the story is told and how the soulmate/mark is done so well. I also have to say this is easily my favorite characterization of Midoriya. I think it’s the most true to his character and still do.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/11066478
  Sasuke x Naruto: Completed Fics
 Flesh and Bone – dawnstruck
· Ouch, talk about pain but an amazing story. I didn’t know what to expect whenever I first read this fic but I was actually pleasantly surprised. The arranged marriage AU is hard to fit into the pairing, but it’s done really, really well and I think it’s actually really sweet.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/7440055
 Baby Animals, Weddings, and Other Things Not Normally Associated with Uchiha Sasuke – prettypriestess
· This is probably my favorite sasunaru fic ever. It’s so happy and cute and I feel like the characters are actually truly in character. It always makes me feel good which is really rare for a SNS fic I feel like (or maybe I just struggle with finding good ones?)
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/390357
 Kakashi x Iruka: Completed Fics
 In Bond and Blood – thehoyden
· Dads, marriage because they have to? Or marriage because they secretly super-secret want to? I love this story. It’s a very feel good, wholesome fic.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/212688
 How to File Form 39-B – thehoyden
· CUTE. So cute. I love silly Iruka
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/46222
 Possibility – megyal
· Fake dating trope? I’m in. I love when my boys accidentally fall in love.
· https://archiveofourown.org/works/646945
 Touchstone- paxnirvana
· This is probably one of my favorite Kakairu stories, both of my boys are portrayed and written so well, I loved every moment of it and the concept behind it too like it’s very original and well thought out.
·      https://archiveofourown.org/works/123110
 Fireflies – KobutoriRisu
· Now THIS, this is my all-time favorite Kakairu story. I’m a sucker for stories where people fall in love young but this story spins it in a different way I wasn’t expecting and was so happily surprised by. I treasure this story because after reading a few bad sasunaru fics and kakairu fics I was really disappointed and doubted I would find any good stories every again (everything that’s been listed here is exempt from this of course) but then I stumbled across this beauty and idk it just really made me emotional. I highly recommend it.
·  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1332166/chapters/2774941
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writinginstardust · 3 years
150 Random Writing Prompts
There’s some fluff, some smut, some angst, and some funny prompts all mashed up from a bunch of prompt lists I’ve found. Absolutely none of these prompts came from me, I just threw a bunch of ones I liked together. 
“Come over here and make me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Kiss me.”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“I fucking hate you”
“He’s dead, again.”
“It’s hard to get used to...” “what is?” “Being someone that someone cares for...”
“The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
“It hurts...” “what?” “Loving someone who doesn’t love you...”
“Let me do this, please.”
you’re not as funny as you think you are
i’m just getting comfy
just because you can doesn’t mean you should
how don’t you know the difference between your left and right?
thank you for being in my life
text me when you’re home
you are such a nerd
why are you so cold?
stop laughing at me
you were put on this earth to give me a headache
you’re ticklish
can we go home yet?
you are a terrible influence
one of us is clearly smarter than the other
you need some sleep
how have you survived this long by yourself?
are you just quoting song lyrics?
i’m only here for the dog
sleep is for the weak
that was you?
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"What? I have never-"
"I do not have an answer for you."
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"At least I didn't break any laws."
"What did you do this time?"
"How do we get out?"
"I don't hate you."
"Don't call me that."
“Just marry me already.”
“Did I stutter?”
“Did I just say that out loud?”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.”
“Is that what you call an apology?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Somebody’s in love!”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“I’m never leaving...I promise.”
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
“I like you, like like you like you.”
“Be my Valentine?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“God, I love you.”
“You’re so fucking cute.”
“Stop being a fucking prick.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“You’re my everything.”
“I love seeing you smile.”
“i’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“ i can’t get enough of you.”
“i like being close to you. you’re warm.”
“i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.”
“is this okay?”
“this is a one time thing.”
“you know where to find me.”
“you’re really good at that.”
“here’s my hotel room number.”
"don't be shy now, sit on my face."
“Wanna join?”
“Stop doing that”
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
"Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."
“ i think i might be in some kind of love with you.”
“say you want me, and i’m yours.”
“you need a place to stay for the night”
“i want to taste you”
“i love it when you talk dirty
“if you interrupt me one more time�� so help me god”
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”
“i don’t know what to do” “then let me teach you”
“i forgot my towel”
“this feels dirty” “that's because it is”
“don’t cover you’re face, i want to see you”
“are you sure about this?”
“ive never wanted to fuck someone as badly as i want to fuck you rn”
“do you want help with that?”
“im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name”
“bend over the desk love”
“is that my shirt?”
“my mother adores you.”
“is that a drawing of me?”
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“stop looking at me like that!”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“you wrote me a song?”
“i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“this isn’t adrenaline, i want to spend my life with you.”
“do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold”
“My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“fuck you.” - “when?”
“no one’s ever made me feel like this.”
“here, let me help you.”
“we’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “so no pizza?”
“you’re insane.” - “people keep telling me that.”
“you’re pretty.” - “you’re drunk.”
“i told you i’d come home to you.”
“i’ll keep you safe.”
“i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.”
“i didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
“please never stop smiling.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“Shut up and take your pants off.”
“Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
“How are you this perfect?”
“I’ve waited so long for this.”
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“Just let me finish this/this level and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
“Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..” “Want some help?”
“Tell me again.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
“I don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
“Stop distracting me.”
12K notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction || He Thinks You’re Cheating [Request]
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Trust was everything in your relationship between you and Chan, you trusted him to go off and tour the world and you thought he trusted you to be loyal to him but lately, he'd been acting so odd around you. Since you were working more often than not lately it had been getting harder to spend time with your boyfriend who was already busy enough without you throwing your schedule into the mix. 
"You've been working all week and you're telling me you don't have the weekend off?" You could hear just how annoyed he was about you cancelling your weekend together but you couldn't help it when your boss was behind which meant your whole department was behind and had to stay to help him out.
"My boss is behind Chan, you know what that means." You sighed as you tried to get it through to him but he just began sighing and shaking his head despite you not being in the same room as him, 
"I do, it means my own girlfriend is making excuses. Look, if you're sleeping with the guy let me know so I can get over this quickly," He snapped before hanging up the phone leaving you shocked as you stared down at the mobile in your hands, instead of staying to work you made an excuse of being sick and left without another word. Heading straight to the dorms to figure this out with Chan, there was no way he could get away with accusing you of something like that and leaving without another word. 
"You think I would cheat on you?" You questioned as you walked through the door, he was home alone as he glanced up from his laptop, 
"You've decided to grace me with your presence!" The sarcasm oozed from his voice as you rolled your eyes at him, you didn't want this to turn into some stupid fight that was over nothing. 
"There's nothing going on between me and my boss," You spoke calmly knowing that if you got angry he would double down on his thoughts about cheating. 
"Please, all that time you spend with him? All the 'extra hours'." He said sarcastically as he air quoted his words but you shook your head, sitting down on the sofa and sighing as he continued to rant about all the time you'd been spending at work lately but you couldn't hold it back anymore. 
"I work all the time because I need to pay my bills Chan! My stupid landlord raised my rent and I can't afford it!" You finally cried out, admitting to him that you were struggling with money as tears ran down your face,
"I would never cheat on you, I would never do anything to hurt you," You sobbed into your hands as you finally broke down, the weight of being almost kicked out and dumped hitting you all at once but as soon as Chan saw you crying he cradled you in his arms.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I-I didn't think." He whispered as he continued to soothe you, rubbing your back as you cried into his arms.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered as he rocked you back and forth,
"I didn't want you to try and help, you always try and give me money you know I can't take," You sniffled as he held you closer to him, not letting you go for even a second as he rocked you. 
"Then how about I don't give you money...I-I buy us a place together..." He suggested as he pulled away to look into your eyes, you frowned wondering if he meant it but he smiled at you and that smile could relax you every moment of every day. 
"Think about it first," He whispered, kissing you softly before going to make you a hot drink and get you some food.
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It came as no surprise to you when Minho thought you were cheating on him with one of his members, you were close with all of the boys but Minho was a little insecure when it came to relationships but you didn't blame him since his ex cheated on him. 
"Do you really think I would do that to you?" You questioned as he sat across from you on the bed in his bedroom, Felix and you had been asleep on the sofa together when he walked in. 
"I-I don't know, yes." He was stuttering as he spoke to you and you knew it was past experiences clouding his judgement so you couldn't hold it against him, 
"I walked in and you were asleep...H-He had his arm around you, you were snuggled against him and I-"
"We fell asleep watching a movie Minnie," You cooed as you reached out to touch him, trying to relax him but he moved his hand away from yours and shook his head. 
"You never cuddle like that, if he's just a friend you shouldn't have cuddled like that," You knew it looked bad to someone who had been in a situation where they had been cheated on before and you knew there was nothing you could say to him that would put his mind at ease.
"There would never be anything between Lix and I, he's like a little brother to me." You whispered as you nudged his hand, taking it into yours and locking your fingers together as he sighed. 
"She's right...We didn't mean to sleep like that, we were watching a movie and we just got too comfortable," Minho looked at you both and then back to looking at just you, searching in your eyes for any indication that you were lying, he knew you were never a very good liar and as soon as he saw how upset you were he hugged you. 
"I'm sorry." He whispered over and over again while you tried to convince him that it was fine, he didn't outright accuse you and that you understood why he was so scared about it. 
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Changbin wasn't normally the over protective snoop through your phone kind of guy but as of late he'd been getting anxious about your relationship, whenever you were together you were always on your phone, laughing or smiling at it while you text back and forth with someone and whenever Changbin would ask what it was about you would shoot him down but he'd had enough of it, he needed to make sure you weren't cheating on him. 
"Binnie?" You gasped as you walked back into the bedroom to find him trying to unlock your phone but it looked as though he didn't know the password to your phone as he struggled,
"What are you doing?" You snatched your phone away from him placing it down onto the bed as you stared at him waiting for some kind of excuse but he was done,
"I want to know who you've been texting so much, who's making you smile this much..." You could hear the hurt in his voice as he said it to you, you knew he'd been desperate to see what you were doing but it was supposed to be a surprise, 
"It's no one Binnie, please just sit down." You tried to calm him but he stepped away from you shaking his head as tears welled up in his eyes, 
"No, you're cheating on me...Aren't you? That's the reason you hide your phone and you're always laughing and smiling at it." He was blowing everything out of proportion and you knew that it was only going to get worse the more you denied it or told him that he was imagining things.
"Don't tell me I'm imagining it, I'm not. I see you all of the time," You knew how bad it must have looked so you sighed at him, shaking your head as you handed him your phone. 
"The password is your birthday," You whispered waiting for him to see who you had been texting all of this time behind his back and you saw the blush creep onto his cheeks. 
"Wooyoung and I were planning on bringing him to the dorms to surprise you," You admitted as he read through the messages, finding memes of Changbin back and forth to one another, 
"See...Nothing is going on behind your back but you better act surprised when Wooyoung gets here tomorrow," You pouted as you sat down on the bed with Changbin, he hugged you tightly whispering to you how sorry he was for accusing you of something so harsh.
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Hyunjin had been under the impression that when you said that you were going to lunch with a coworker it meant you were going to be with another female co-worker but when he walked by your local cafe to see you sitting with another man he freaked out in the inside, coming up with all the ways you would be cheating on him. 
"You're being overdramatic, I would never cheat on you least of all with Rylan," You laughed at the thought of it but Hyunjin wasn't finding any of this funny, all he could picture was you and Rylan sitting so close to one another, you were almost sitting in his lap. 
"You could have been kissing him! You were practically sat on him!" He yelled out making you roll your eyes, you knew Hyunjin was dramatic but you didn't expect him to overdramatise everything that happened in your life.
"There wasn't much space, I sat close to him so a woman with a baby could get in," You tried to defend yourself but Hyunjin was already clear in his mind what was happening behind his back even if it wasn't true. 
"So you just so happened not to tell me you were going out with a male for lunch?"
"I didn't think it was a big deal, you eat with girls at work all of the time and I don't get jealous and accuse you of cheating," You snapped as he stared at you, scoffing at the thought.
"Because I would never-"
"Neither would I," You cut him off before laughing to yourself at the thought of Rylan asking you on a date, 
"What's so funny?" Hyunjin mumbled as he looked at you but you shook your head, 
"It's just Rylan...I'm not really his type." You laughed again but Hyunjin still wasn't laughing, 
"You're more of his type..." As soon as the words left your mouth a blush crept onto Hyunjin's cheeks as he realised what you meant and you smiled. 
"S-So you're not-"
"No, I'm not." You laughed again and this time Hyunjin nervously joined in as you shook your head at him, giving him a kiss as you smiled weakly. 
"You have to trust me," You whispered, locking your hands together as he nodded his head at you.
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Jisung's whole body froze as he stared down into the bin in your bathroom, he felt sick to his core as he saw the three pregnancy sticks poking out from the bin. Neither of you had been together intimately yet so he was going through every emotion in his body at the thought of you sleeping with someone else when you were supposed to be with him.
"Can you find it?" You laughed as Jisung didn't come straight back from the bathroom, he'd headed in there to get you the first aid kit so you could have a plaster for a small papercut but when he didn't respond you giggled and went hunting for him,
"Did you get lost? You practically live in my apartment you couldn't have gotten lost," All the while Jisung's eyes began to fill with tears as he saw the three positive tests sitting there,
"Babe? Everything okay?" You giggled walking into the bathroom and froze in place when you caught what he was looking at but you knew where his mind was going to go if it wasn't already there.
"I can explain-"
"How you have three pregnancy tests in your bin when we haven't had sex and been dating for two months...Go on. Explain that one to me." You knew where his mind was but you couldn't let him believe for one second that they were yours, you'd only bought them but you didn't take them.
"They're not mine," He scoffed as he tried to move past you to get out of your small bathroom but you wouldn't move out of his way not wanting him to believe that it was yours and storm off in the other direction. 
"That's the oldest excuse in the book," He mumbled still attempting to move away from you and ignore you but you grabbed onto his hand pleading with him to stay with you but he was already set in his way. 
"They're not mine! I promise, my friend came around earlier and she took three," You pulled at his hand to try and make him believe you but he wouldn't look at you, 
"Jisung, you know I can't lie to you. You know when I'm lying look at me," You begged but he struggled out of your grasp and began making his way to your apartment door when it opened suddenly and your best friend stormed her way in, 
"I need another one, I don't....It can be wrong three times right!" She cried out as she walked into the bathroom with another pregnancy test in her hand, you stared up at Jisung who was a little shocked. 
"They really aren't yours?" You shook your head as you walked over to him, looking into his eyes and pouting when you saw how much he had been crying. 
"I would never do anything to hurt you Jisung...I'm in love with you and only you," You whispered to him as you stood up on your tip-toes to kiss him, pulling away when you heard the toilet flushing. 
"Go and make a hot drink? I need to calm her down." You whispered to him as you patted his chest softly. 
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Rumours were everywhere in the industry and hard to be avoided especially when you were dating someone who was in a popular K-pop band, while you were someone who just introduced acts on Korean variety shows normally you and Felix would do your best to ignore the rumours but lately they'd gotten worse. Branching for a hidden pregnancy to you cheating on Felix with another band member but you knew it was to get attention for the new show the boys were taking part in. Felix had come backstage accusing you of sleeping with Wooyoung when he saw the articles, he wanted you to be honest with him but when you tried he shot you down.
"Don't be an idiot Felix, why would I ever sleep with someone else?" You questioned as you stood backstage at the music core set getting ready to go on stage with Hyunjin but Felix was being paranoid, 
"So I'm an idiot?!" You sighed as you heard him say this, you knew he was angry and just blowing everything out of proportion, that morning there had been an article claiming that you were dating Member Wooyoung from Ateez which couldn't have been further from the truth. The two of you were long term friends and your friendship grew closer since you and Changbin were also close with one another. 
"Lixie, I would never cheat on you. Wooyoung is a friend," You whispered as you tried to kiss his cheek but he moved out of the way so that you would miss, 
"Lix...Do you really think I would go behind your back on something like this?" The look on his face made your heart feel like it was breaking into pieces, he shouldn't have to think about it he should just know you would never even think of cheating on him.
"I've got to go," You mumbled as they began calling your name, you moved away from him and headed onto the stage, putting on the biggest smile you could manage before presenting. 
The show ended and Felix was still standing in your changing room but you didn't want to fight with him over something that wasn't real and you didn't want to start something now. 
"Look. I haven't cheated on you, the closest I've ever been is when I had a dream I kissed the monopoly man but that's it Lixie...You have to believe me that there is nothing going on between me and Wooyoung." He nodded his head as he got up from the sofa and hugged you tightly in his arms, apologising for believing in the rumours when he should have believed you first.
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"What do you expect me to do!?" Seungmin yelled from across the living room of your shared apartment, he'd walked into the apartment to find you and Jeongin sitting close to one another and acting suspiciously as soon as he came home.
"Trust me! Trust me enough to know I would never cheat on you," You yelled back at him hoping he would see how hurt you were from the accusation but he was past seeing how hurt you were, he could feel his heart breaking at the thought of you sleeping with Jeongin behind his back. 
"I should have seen it coming! You're always so close with one another, laughing and joking about things, having secrets!" You rolled your eyes as he listed things that all friends did with one another but because it was you and Jeongin it obviously meant there was something else going on between you when there clearly wasn't.
"He's a friend Seungmin, you're being ridiculous," You sighed as you looked up at him but he was still shaking his head, thinking of all the signs he should have seen before it got to this point.
"Do you guys sleep together behind my back? Do you sneak around to the dorms to see him when I'm not there?!"
"Enough!" You finally screamed out, throwing your hands up into the air as you stormed away from Seungmin, grabbing the plans you and Jeongin had been working on for months. 
"You want to know what we've been doing?!" You snapped, storming back into the living room and dropping the papers onto the coffee table so he could see everything laid out in front of him, 
"That! We've been planning a surprise birthday party for you," You yelled as you showed him all of the documents of what you had planned, the room you'd booked, the invitations, the guests, everything was there in black and white for him and you saw the look of regret hit his face. 
"So no, I'm not cheating on you with one of your best friends, we were trying to do something nice for you." As soon as the realisation hit him was when he began to apologise for ruining the plans and accusing you of cheating on him, telling you that he would pretend to be as surprised as he could on the day of the party.
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"It's nothing, you're taking things out of context," You tried to tell your boyfriend as he continued to pace back and forth in your living room, he was red in the face with anger and had been since he'd seen photos of you hugging and kissing another man,
"They saw you! They saw you hug and kiss him!" Jeongin yelled as you stared up at him from your apartment sofa, he'd come to your apartment after you'd dropped your cousin off at the airport. Fans and reporters had seen you kiss your cousin and put two and two together to get five as they began spreading rumours of you sleeping and dating someone else that wasn't Jeongin. 
"Jeongin...Please," You sighed rubbing your temples as your headache was beginning to set in from all the yelling he was doing, Jeongin had no idea who the boy in the photos was but he was upset when he saw the photos of you kissing the guy. His mind instantly clicking to your cheating on him instead of looking at the larger picture when you'd previously told him you were spending the weekend with your cousin, 
"You could have just told me you wanted to see other people! It would have hurt a lot less," The way his voice broke, broke your heart and you rushed to him hugging him tightly as you tried to reassure him that it was nothing. He sat down on the edge of the sofa crying into your arms as you held onto him tightly kissing his cheeks,
"He's my cousin, I kissed his cheek, he hugged me and that is all because he's my cousin." You repeated it over and over again until he finally began to believe you, you knew how hard it must have been with all of the rumours and photos that made it look like something it wasn't so you weren't going to hold it against him, 
"I love you Innie...Nothing happened, I promise." You kissed his lips softly and he kissed you back, apologising for even accusing you of something like that.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @minholuvs​
2K notes · View notes
paigesmaze · 2 years
Prompt List (And Requests!)
Hey, Loves! I’ve been wanting to post a prompt list in order to start writing some fics. I write for all Markiplier egos. Feel free to send asks with the prompt number, a character, and a genre (ex. prompt no. 23, Dark, fluff). The number of genres can be more than one and so can the prompt numbers. You can come up with your own prompt and send in an ask as well! :)
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“Come over here and make me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Kiss me.”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“I fucking hate you”
“The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
“It hurts…” “what?” “Loving someone who doesn’t love you…”
“Let me do this, please.”
“You’re not as funny as you think you are”
“I’m just getting comfy”
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”
“How don’t you know the difference between your left and right?”
“Thank you for being in my life”
“You are such a nerd”
“Why are you so cold?”
“Stop laughing at me”
“You were put on this earth to give me a headache”
“You’re ticklish”
“Can we go home yet?”
“You are a terrible influence”
“One of us is clearly smarter than the other”
“You need sleep”
“Are you just quoting song lyrics?”
“Sleep is for the weak”
“That was you?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“What? I have never-”
“I do not have an answer for you.”
“In my defense, I really wanted to.”
“At least I didn’t break any laws.”
“What did you do this time?”
“How do we get out?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Just marry me already.”
“Did I stutter?”
“Did I just say that out loud?”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.”
“Is that what you call an apology?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Somebody’s in love!”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“I’m never leaving…I promise.”
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
“I like you, like like you like you.”
“Be my Valentine?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“God, I love you.”
“You’re so fucking cute.”
“Stop being a fucking prick.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“You’re my everything.”
“I love seeing you smile.”
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“I can’t get enough of you.”
“I like being close to you. You’re warm.”
“Is this okay?”
“This is a one time thing.”
“You know where to find me.”
“Stop doing that”
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
“If you interrupt me one more time— so help me god”
“Is that my shirt?”
“I didn’t mean to say that but yeah, I love you.”
“I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“Stop looking at me like that!”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“I’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold”
“My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“Fuck you.” - “When?”
“No one’s ever made me feel like this.”
“Here, let me help you.”
“We’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “So no pizza?”
“You’re insane.” - “People keep telling me that.”
“You’re pretty.” - “You’re drunk.”
“I told you I’d come home to you.”
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hiya~ Can I request quote 9) "Are you jealous?" for Lucifer in Obey Me! pretty please😊
This was so much fun to write! Luci know that he gets jealous but never wants to admit (his jealousy is worse than Mammon but you didn’t hear it from me 🤭) and sorry this got kinda long! Reader is gender neutral!
TW: suggestive/spicy themes, but nothing extremely graphic is mentioned
Prompt: “Are you jealous?” with Lucifer!
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Lucifer is pissed.
He’s tapping his foot, and constantly checking his phone, waiting in his study for you to either walk in or call him. It’s late, and you’re still not home yet. He asked his brothers where exactly you are, and when Asmo told him that you’re out with the same “friend” you seem to blow all of them off for some time now, it just makes his mood turn even more sour, the scowl on his face deepening.
Now, Lucifer is not opposed to you making friends, as long as they aren’t a threat to you, his family, Lord Diavolo and the other exchange students. He understands that it’s very easy for you to connect with others, intentional or not, and he encourages it to a certain extent. However, this same “friend” that you’ve been increasingly been hanging out with for the past couple of weeks is starting to rub him the wrong way. Of course he’s met this “friend”, a classmate from your Seductive Speechcraft class (which just made him feel more unease with you being with them), and they seemed harmless enough (for a demon at least). Annoying, but harmless, at first.
Then began the constant need for your attention.
It started with the messages and calls under the guise of studying, the “innocent” demon begging you for help so that they can pass the class, and you being the naive nice human that you are of course obliged their request. Then it escalated from once a week, to three times a week, to almost staying after school every day just to “help”. He didn’t like that, as it’s him or his brothers that always walk you home every time, and this demon (who he found is Yuki, a demon who feeds off of sexual energy nonetheless), is messing with the routine, but he kept his cool and forced his brothers to do the same. He- They weren’t happy about this, but at the end of the day, you’re still coming home to him- them, and nothing is changing that. Not to mention how he made sure that someone had their eyes on you, whether it’s Mammon, Beel, or even himself (which he preferred).
Until Yuki decided that you need to hang out more, without him or his brothers.
That’s when he made it known of his dislike towards them, and dislike is putting it lightly.
You started to come home right at dinner, right before Beel devoured your plate. Mammon obviously voiced his displeasure aloud, with the others silently agreeing or making passing comments, but Lucifer would just shut the conversation down before anyone gets too upset, mainly for himself. He doesn’t want to lose control over something trivial like this, he can’t, he won’t- he’s well above some minuscule pest like them, and it would be a waste of time and energy to be worried about someone who is clearly below him!
He’s already irritated with Yuki integrating themselves into your everyday life, but he’s also trying to fight the increasing sinking feeling in his stomach the more you both bond.
The more you two become more than acquainted with one another, the more Lucifer tries to fight and hide this feeling. He buries himself in more paperwork, practically locks himself in his study, avoids anyone’s questions or concerns, and has become overall snappier than usual. He’s even snapped on Lord Diavolo, Lord Diavolo of all people!
(Granted Diavolo just thought it was overall stress, so he just simply laughed it off, but it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone, including you).
Now Lucifer is not stupid, he’s a very intelligent and powerful demon, and he doesn’t have to say it to be known. He made sure to do some research himself on Yuki, and didn’t put anything past them. You’re still surrounded by demons who wouldn’t hesitate to swallow you whole if allowed, and some are still desperate enough to try anything, so he’s very cautious with others being around you.
Which leads to now, you being out again with that demon at The Fall. Ever since, Lucifer retired to his study, constantly checking his phone for any updates. He refused to look distressed in front of everyone, and he knows that you’re smart and not so gullible, you’ll be okay, you had to be.
It’s well going on 1 in the morning, and you still haven’t answered any of his calls and texts? You swore that you would always answer him, so something had to happen. What exactly were you doing? What exactly were you two doing? We’re you okay? Are you safe? Has that Yuki tried anything with you?
Were you two doing anything now?
All of these questions swirling around in his head, his worry only adding on to his frustrations and building tension going through his body.
He already marched down to the door, coat forgotten and tie undone, flinging it open and scowl so deep that his fangs were bared. That Yuki better hope that you come home in one piece and spotless, or else he will make sure that they regret being alive-
He couldn’t wipe the surprised look on his face when he made eye contact with you, who was matching his own expression, hand frozen in the air mid knock.
“Lucifer? What are you still doing up? Are you about to go somewhere?” His expression quickly morphed to one of high distaste, the irritation displaying clearly on his face and his grip tightening on the door.
“I was still awake waiting for you. Have you forgotten how to use a phone, or are you too good for one now that you’re with your ‘friend’. And I remember specifically telling you to let me know when you leave, did I not?”
“Oh. Well...my phone kinda died, but I was already on the way home and-”
“By yourself?! Do you know how irresponsible that is? Do you forget that you’re a mere human?”
His irritation is rising to pure anger at this revelation. So that demon didn’t even have the decency to walk you home? To make sure that you arrive safe? And yet you still have the nerve to spend time with them and practically ignore him?!-
“Well- um, Lucifer? Lucifer!”
He snapped out of his murderous thoughts, and stepped aside to let you in.
“Come inside now, it’s late, and we have much to discuss.”
Your face scrunched up, showing confusion in how he’s acting. You know that’s he mad about your phone being dead, but he’s mad enough to leave the door barely hanging on its hinges? But you knew that arguing or pointing it out would just make things escalate, so you just stepped past and began to make your way up the stairs.
You can feel his eyes bore into the back of your head, but you just didn’t understand why. It’s about more than just your phone, it seemed like he’s been on edge for awhile now. You want to approach him, to ask him what’s wrong, to have him open up, but of course Lucifer being Lucifer, it was to no avail.
You racked your brain as he lead you to his room and began the “conversation” about how irresponsible you were being (really it’s just him getting whatever he needed off his chest and not you giving any input). Was it because of you going out so late? No, you didn’t drink, you and Yuki stayed together the whole night, and you let him know hours before. Was it Yuki? Now that you’re think about it, he has been frowning more it seemed like every time you brought up their name-
The pieces are starting to fit together now.
Oh my Diavolo.
You couldn’t stop the words escaping from your mouth before you could realize it.
“Lucifer, are you jealous?”
He choked in the middle of his sentence, and the room went quiet. You’re pretty sure that you can’t even hear him breathing, and his face just went entirely blank, no expression whatsoever.
Oh no, you broke him-
A gust of wind erupted, so strong that you had to shield your eyes for a second, and when you removed your arm, you were met with massive black wings and a very enraged demon.
“Excuse me?”
You stepped back until you stumbled onto the bed, as he stalks closer and closer to you.
“Care to repeat yourself?”
You knew better than to respond, and you felt frozen on the bed. You also know that Lucifer won’t attack or try to kill you, but it didn’t take away from the fact that he has moments where he’s very intimidating, one of those moments being now.
He’s looking down at you like a predator would to its captured prey, his ruby eyes glowing deviously in the dim room. He didn’t stop moving until he was on top of you, caging you in.
“Me? Jealous?” He scoffed. “I am the Avatar of Pride, the most powerful being in this house, yet you assume that I’m jealous of a demon that’s beneath me? You insult me, MC.”
He took hold of your chin, “Do you not remember what I said when we made the pact? You are mine and mine alone. Not anyone else’s, but mine.”
You felt like your nerves were getting the best of you, but you couldn’t force yourself to tear away as he leaned closer. He sealed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, one that you gladly accepted, not before uttering the words that made your heart race even faster.
“Maybe I should remind you of who you belong to, hm?”
“Had a fun night, MC?”
“Yeah, it was”, you coughed in your hand. “Very nice, very fun. We had a great time.”
“Hmmmmm...you and Yuki or you and Lucifer?”
He giggled, “I’m just saying dear. I don’t sense the pent-up sexual frustration from Lucifer anymore, and he seems back to normal and even relaxed. Though I must say MC, I wish that you had spent the night in my bed instead.”
“Of course you do Asmo.”
“Besides, I would have covered your hickeys much better-”
“MC, are you ready?”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear has never been more true than now, as Lucifer appeared behind you both, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Huh? Oh, yes, sorry.”
“Eh? Where are you two going?”
“And without me?!”
“Yes. Now, leave us be”. Lucifer moved his hand from your shoulder to your own hand, leading you both out the door. You two had plans for the day after the...eye-opening talk from last night, and he didn’t want to waste anymore time than he already had.
Asmo waited until he heard the door click, and then quickly whipped out his D.D.D. to text Yuki. He knew that the plan was going to be a success! A tense Lucifer made things more difficult for everyone, and he has too much pride to open his mouth so he decided to step in and team up with Yuki, who already knew about the whole ordeal.
Lucifer was already on the edge of snapping and letting his primal instincts take over anyway, so Asmo just gave him a little push in the right direction.
Thank Diavolo the plan worked, or else it would be hell for them both. He did owe Yuki some exposure on his socials in exchange for this and backing off of you now, but it was well worth the trouble.
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey lol i hope i'm not bothering bug if that's okay could i request the first years + Grim {platonic only for the gremlin lol} (sorry i just love them they're all so precious🥺) with a MC who has demonic heritage? Like, when the mirror judged them he talked about them being stronger than the average human or something and they just shrugged went "ah yeah, it's because my grandparents are demons".
They're still human since they're the dominant genes but as i said previously they're stronger than an average person and have heightened senses. they're not as strong as a demon or a half-human half-demon but they're capable to defend themselves if needed.
Bonus if they actually get to meet their demon relatives and their relatives are super sweet to them. Sorry i just love the thought of a thousands of years old creature being soft for a kid 👉👈 gsksgs sorry that this is so specific gsksgsk
A/N: There’s nothing wrong with specific asks bby I love this prompt! I will be making a part two where the first years meet the grandparents :)
Y/N is gender neutral
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Epel Felmeir, Jack Howl, Sebek Zigvolt, Grim (platonic ofc)
-You both had to study for an upcoming test for Magical History
-Ace texting you, and I quote “PLZ HELP”
-With a ridiculously, large textbook with leather fastening laid out on the table and other resources you began your session
-”Okay, I understand every section of this book. But the last one is about demons, but I really don’t understand it. It’s in this forgien text and I can’t read any of it.”
-You turned to look at the page, looking it over, you understood it perfectly
-”It’s discussing magic potion compounds demons use. It’s nothing that we really need to study in depth.”
-Ace looked at you like you grew another head, “How could you understand any of that, Y/N!?”
-”Well, my grandparents are demons after all.”
-”Y/N, what the fuck.”
-You can’t just drop a bombshell like that?? So casually??
- Ace had been crushing on you forever, and just now you’re confessing this to him??
-I mean he knew that you were incredibly strong, but he just thought that was how humans from this place you call Earth come from
-He was so shocked and in a state of disbelief that he just had to meet your grandparents
-There had been rumors of a dark evil from within the forest, something otherworldly
-”Hey Deuce, wanna go check out of what's in the forest?” you asked, bored on this Friday night
-”W-what?! Are you crazy? I’m not going with you and you shouldn’t either-”
-And there he was, by your side roaming through the dark forest with a flashlight
-Hearing the coos and caws of different creatures lurking within
-”Ah new humans to devour, my favorite!” a new voice exclaimed.
-And while Deuce screamed, he got infront of you to protect you “Y/N get behind me now!”
-You recognized that voice. “Eren?”
-”Oh, well this is awkward-”
-”Now what did your mother tell you about terrorizing the innocent?” you asked, gripping the shadow beast’s...ear?
-”Now you best go home, otherwise I’ll tell Aunt Acheron!”
-Deuce was in a state of shock, mouth gaping open at your exchange
-”Sorry, that was my cousin Eren” you said sheepishly.
-”What do you mean cousin?” Deuce asked, not believing what was coming out of your mouth
-”Well my grandparents are demons. Almost my entire family is!”
-You were just… full of surprises aren’t you Y/N…
-Pomefiore was hosting a “Party for the Ages” as Vil called it
-And they needed to get these decorations on point, so Epel called Y/N to help aid them
-They needed to hand the streamers from the upper handrail of the stairs, which keep in mind is a completely second story
-”Hey Y/N, could you please hang these up there?” Epel asked, handing you the streamers
-”Oh okay cool” you replied. Wait why are you running- oh my god you jumped to the second story of the dorm
-”Y/N!” Epel yelled out.
-”What did you just do?!”
-That was superhuman strength, no human being could jump from the ground to the second story of a house, let alone a mansion like building?
-Once you both finished decorating you told him about your heritage with demons
-” I-I see”
-He understands but he is still in shock
-He always knew that there was something strange about you
-Your abilities were flat out inhuman and your smell was different
-But he just couldn’t figure it out
-Until one day, he just had to ask
-You decided to help the organize the Rugby field with him in the afternoon
-”Hey, Jack! Catch!” you said, about 80 feet away from him
-And there you threw, except you didn’t quite aim it right
-And...the ball went right out of the vicinity
-the display looking like a comet as it blistered with so much heat it turned a bright orange-fiery hue
-Jack gasped at what just happened
-”Y/N, what even are you?” he asked, still bewildered
-”Well, a quarter demon. I’m not as strong as my grandparents though” you smiled.
-Jack loves you dearly Y/N, but god did you confuse him
-Ah, Sebek he really did try to keep his feelings for you at bay
-I mean, him with a human? Pathetic, it could never happen
-But everyone did see how he treated you more gently than others he had distaste for
-When he realized your true power and when you told him about your family was when you challenged to spar him
-Sebek decided to just go easy on you and throw out a couple of magical beams or whatever to help your skills in combat-
-Wait you’re beating his ass hold on-
-Even though Sebek won, the fae started his own little fit
-”What was that?! T-That isn’t like weak humans at all!”
-”Well, technically I’m not human since my grandparents are demons.”
-You grabbed your towel since you started to sweat
-”Well I’m going home, nice sparring match, Sebek! You did super good!” you complimented, giving a soft pat to his forehead with the back of your palm
-If he struggled this much fighting someone who only has a ¼ or ½ human DNA (he doesn’t know your parent’s DNA after all) then how powerful is a fullbread demon?
-The man has so many questions that he will bother you about
Grim (platonic):
-He knew during the first few months of school when you both had ghosts in your dorm
-And while you didn’t mind, there were a few in particular that seriously got on your nerves
-Those ghosts had to go
-One day they just wouldn’t stop messing with Grim
-And while he is a slight menace to society, Grim didn’t deserve it
-So you decided to take out your Amina Box (Soul Box), or your Soul Snatcher as you liked to call it that your grandmother had gifted to you
-Once you opened it, in the ghosts went inside vacuum like
-Grim was so weirded out
-”They were bullying me the whole time and you didn’t bother to stop them?! And where did you even get a box like that, stupid human?”
-”First of all, it was a little funny. Second off, I’m not really a human, after all my grandparents were demons.”
-Grim stayed in silence, connecting the dots until the light bulb went off and he got a little jealous
- “How come all the cool stuff happens to you?” Grim said, pouting.
-”Don’t worry, Grim. If ‘cool stuff’ happens, I’ll be sure to take you with me. I promise.”
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supercitycarnival · 2 years
Prompt Time!
Send me a prompt for one of these pairings:
Cat x Kara Chrisjen x Bobbie Seven x Raffi and I’ll attempt Keyla/Joann 
150 Random Writing Prompts
“Come over here and make me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Kiss me.”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“I fucking hate you”
“He’s dead, again.”
“It’s hard to get used to...” “what is?” “Being someone that someone cares for...”
“The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
“It hurts...” “what?” “Loving someone who doesn’t love you...”
“Let me do this, please.”
you’re not as funny as you think you are
i’m just getting comfy
just because you can doesn’t mean you should
how don’t you know the difference between your left and right?
thank you for being in my life
text me when you’re home
you are such a nerd
why are you so cold?
stop laughing at me
you were put on this earth to give me a headache
you’re ticklish
can we go home yet?
you are a terrible influence
one of us is clearly smarter than the other
you need some sleep
how have you survived this long by yourself?
are you just quoting song lyrics?
i’m only here for the dog
sleep is for the weak
that was you?
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"What? I have never-"
"I do not have an answer for you."
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"At least I didn't break any laws."
"What did you do this time?"
"How do we get out?"
"I don't hate you."
"Don't call me that."
“Just marry me already.”
“Did I stutter?”
“Did I just say that out loud?”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.”
“Is that what you call an apology?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Somebody’s in love!”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“I’m never leaving...I promise.”
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
“I like you, like like you like you.”
“Be my Valentine?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“God, I love you.”
“You’re so fucking cute.”
“Stop being a fucking prick.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“You’re my everything.”
“I love seeing you smile.”
“i’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“ i can’t get enough of you.”
“i like being close to you. you’re warm.”
“i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.”
“is this okay?”
“this is a one time thing.”
“you know where to find me.”
“you’re really good at that.”
“here’s my hotel room number.”
"don't be shy now, sit on my face."
“Wanna join?”
“Stop doing that”
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
"Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."
“ i think i might be in some kind of love with you.”
“say you want me, and i’m yours.”
“you need a place to stay for the night”
“i want to taste you”
“i love it when you talk dirty
“if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god”
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”
“i don’t know what to do” “then let me teach you”
“i forgot my towel”
“this feels dirty” “that's because it is”
“don’t cover you’re face, i want to see you”
“are you sure about this?”
“ive never wanted to fuck someone as badly as i want to fuck you rn”
“do you want help with that?”
“im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name”
“bend over the desk love”
“is that my shirt?”
“my mother adores you.”
“is that a drawing of me?”
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“stop looking at me like that!”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“you wrote me a song?”
“i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“this isn’t adrenaline, i want to spend my life with you.”
“do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold”
“My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“fuck you.” - “when?”
“no one’s ever made me feel like this.”
“here, let me help you.”
“we’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “so no pizza?”
“you’re insane.” - “people keep telling me that.”
“you’re pretty.” - “you’re drunk.”
“i told you i’d come home to you.”
“i’ll keep you safe.”
“i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.”
“i didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
“please never stop smiling.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“Shut up and take your pants off.”
“Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
“How are you this perfect?”
“I’ve waited so long for this.”
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“Just let me finish this/this level and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
“Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..” “Want some help?”
“Tell me again.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
“I don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
“Stop distracting me.”
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
38. Set it up, break it up
For everyone who's been supportive of these| fluff |making out |harry set draco up with someone Only to realise he liked draco all along |
" when was your first time ?" Seamus smugly asked Draco as he drank his butter beer from across the room sprawled over the bean bag
" I will prefer not to answer the question. It is highly confidential and that information shall only be revealed to Someone I'm with. So dear Seamus you can enjoy asking this question to other, while I would refuse to answer " Draco sophisticatedly replied, tilting his head to put on more emphasis upon his words.
" Merlin, you could've just said I'm not answering that. No need to go all Shakespearian " Ron rolled his eyes at Draco.
Harry chuckled as he joined Draco over the couch, putting his legs over Draco's laps, not that either of them ever minded that physical touch " that's Draco for you. He'll never give a direct answer. I can bet, if he were in an English Muggle class, he'd top "
" I topped nonetheless " Draco rolled his eyes, his hands automatically falling into a pattern of softly stroke the bottom of Harry's leg, a habit he's grown attached to.
" really? From what I remember I got 7 owls while you got only 6. It's just as if I was infact better than you " Harry smirked
" whatever Harry. I was the headboy " Draco rolled his eyes at harry, yet again but then again he liked these small bickerings with him. Blaise eyed them from the corner of the room, enjoying it himself, not Daring to say anything.
" and I was given the opportunity, I just denied "
" as if "
" whatever helps you sleep at night darling" Harry teased as he pinched Draco's cheeks softly
" don't " Draco growled as he swatted Harry's hand away
" one angry kitten aren't you " Harry chuckled, picking up his can of butter beer and drinking it.
" don't call me that " Draco sneered, not in a furious way, just slightly threatening way.
" anywaysss " Seamus echoed, breaking off their not so private conversation " when was your first time harry ?"
" Ron, you might wanna cover your ears for this one " Harry chuckled. Ron gave him a look but refused to do so " it was after war, when I got back with Ginny, in the time we were going out for a short time "
" what about in 6th year ?" Dean asked snuggling closer to Seamus on the bean bag
" we couldn't really ever get to it. I mean for one neither of us were ready, and we were just kids. Although when we did it after we got back together, we realised almost instantly it wasn't something we enjoyed, not that part, just with opposite sex kind of thing. Well mostly her, no offense. Or it could've been we weren't just attracted to each other that way " Harry explained
" really ? I always thought you guys would work out you know " Dean said. Harry looked at Dean amused but didn't say anything.
" I never thought you guys would end up together really. Never seemed as if so " Seamus added
" interest me in why ?" Harry asked
" it just, I always knew you were sort of bi even before you started going with Ginny. It was Evident really sometimes. And with Ginny herself, she didn't seem like a person to be with a guy. I mean coming from I figured my sexuality really early on, I just sometimes knew it.. besides after the first time you guys broke up, it seemed almost impossible for it work later on " Seamus explained. Everyone including Draco thought about what he had said and nobody could even deny that it was a lie.
" what's your dating track anyway right now Harry ?" Blaise asked standing over the chair behind Ron.
" oh it's not that bad. I do go out on a few dates. I went on a date last week infact and believe me that guy was really good, dashing, almost ced- well Cedric diggory Kinda hot but right in the middle of the date, I feel something going up my leg. I almost choked on my Tuna fish and he goes, do you like it ? I was more shocked than anything else. It was weird if anything "
" so what next ?"
" I didn't call him back. I think somewhere along the date, he might've said he had feet fetish.. he would much rather make love to my feets than me and it was just plainly weird "
" people have all different sorts of fetishes " Ron frowned
" yeah, I respect them but feet fetishes just creeps me out " Harry almost shivered at the thought of it.
And everyone soon fell into talking about weirdest kinks and fetishes, something they all were rather amused to be in conversation about, except, Harry.
Draco stopped stroking Harry's leg for a moment to softly clutch on them to seek his attention.
" it's alright Harry.. you can't change anything.. besides I think he lived a good life" Draco softly said.
" I still can't forget though. It's almost as if I can still see it happening in front of my eyes " Harry Whispered back.
" I know. He was a brave guy though. You can't do anything anymore. I'm sure- he'd want you to get over it too " Draco whispered. Harry bit his lip softly before nodding. To provide comfort, Draco again started stroking Harry's legs.
" feels nice" Harry smiled at Draco, who simply smiled back.
" talking off that, what say about going on a date with someone ?" Harry asked Draco but had inevitably grabbed attention from a few others in the room.
Draco raised his eyebrows in strange surprise " really ?"
" I met some guy at the animal shop across the street. He seemed like someone you could date " Harry replied
" why me, why not you ?" Draco defensively asked
" well, he's not my type but he's yours and he did seem to notice you with me a couple of days ago, so I thought maybe you could talk to him and see if you'd like to go out with him " Harry suggested.
Draco frowned at harry before clearing his throat " I'll pay that animal shop a visit then "
" great " Harry grinned
" I'm gonna use the loo " Draco sighed and got up abruptly
" unbelievable " Blaise announced. Harry looked around the room to receive strange looks " what are you all staring at me for ?" Harry asked confused
But nobody responded except that most of them groaned, leaving Harry more confused. Draco returned a few minutes, chatted a bit and then left claiming he had to feed his cat.
As a few weeks goes on by, Harry discovered that draco did started going with the guy he had told him about and was infact in a happy place to be with him. And it was all fun and games until Harry was offended that Draco no longer gave him that much time anymore or the fact that he kept cancelling on him over and over or that he longer was interested in watching movies with harry but sure had fun plans with his so called boyfriend or the guy he's dating, he cared no less. By which he meant, he did cared. To say his friends were tired of Harry ranting on about Draco cancelling on him that one time Ron even put up muffalito charm on him. It was splendid how things were going, in a sarcastic way of course until Draco decided it was time for him to make everyone meet his boyfriend, and harry wanted to burn himself on flames.
" I frankly don't understand why the expensive dinner, I mean, couldn't he had just invited us to his place or his so called boyfriend's place " Harry vented air quoting boyfriend
" Harry you were the one who set him up in the first place, stop being mad at him and jealous not to mention " Hermione rolled her eyes eating the chips off the packet
" jealous, I'm not jealous " Harry defensively said
" sure " Ron rolled his eyes.
" look Harry, you're clearly jealous that he isn't spending as much as time with you and its bothering you, so just talk to him about it " Hermione suggested shrugging her shoulder
" look, I don't know what's cooking in both of your brains but I'm-not-jealous " harry slammed the cloth over the counter and went inside his bedroom
" I miss the time when he wasn't such a dramatic ass " Ron taunted
" I can hear you " Harry yelled from inside the room, hearing faint whispers from Ron and Hermione in the living room..
And the truth infact was that Harry was jealous, which he Only discovered over the dinner when Draco was practically almost all over him that harry wanted to tell him to just sit in his lap, didn't of course. And to make it worse, he was jealous of how good they actually looked, which resulted in harry losing his appetite and almost groaning every five minutes. Hermione had to kick him under the table to behave a couple of times.
Spending the night in his thoughts, Harry came across things he wished he had known earlier or things he never felt but whatever it was, he felt frustrated in himself to set Draco up and he had no idea what to do next, so he decided to take advice from the only man he knew the best was at.
" Harry ? What a pleasant surprise. Ron's not at home though " Blaise said as he opened the door for him
" I actually came here to talk to you " Harry sighed as he went in. Blaise frowned in surprise before walking behind Harry himself
" well what can I interest you in, a joke, a mimickery,-"
" an advice actually " Harry groaned as he slumped down on the couch.
" oh- Ron's better at that-"
" he isn't, he told me to talk to you " Harry replied. Blaise walked into the kitchen, opening the window to the living room to converse through the kitchen.
" did he ? What can I help you with then ?" Blaise asked as he poured water for Harry and walking in to give it to him.
" I think, that I might have feelings for Draco" Harry replied
" you are officially the last person to know that " Blaise chuckled as he walked back into the kitchen and fetched something to eat.
" what ? You guys knew that ?" Harry sat uptight
" of course " Blaise scrunched his eyebrows as an obvious face
" why didn't you guys tell me ?" Harry asked agitated with his friends
" because these are the things we're not supposed to tell you, you're the one supposed to tell us, you dimwit " Blaise rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air.
" well you could've at least warned me " Harry groaned
" how could you not have known !! When did you even figure It out anyways?" Blaise asked as he shut the cabinet for the last time, bringing a packet of cookies and chips with him and slumping down in front of Harry.
" I think I've known for a bit since he started going out, but last night i was pretty confirmed that I was jealous " Harry Told him
" well I'd like to say you are that ruined your chances but guessing you came for advice, you came here to know how to fix it and I'll tell you, I do not have even the slightest idea how to fix your shit soup "
" what ?" Harry emphasised
" Harry, you yourself set him up with someone almost exactly like you. If Draco even Liked you at some point, now he knows that you don't like him and he's probably moved on and supposedly happy in his newfound relationship "
" Blaise, If I wanted to listen to how I fucked it up I wouldn't had come to you. I need to know how can I fix this " harry sarcastically responded raising his eyebrows
" look the easiest way is to simply confess or move on. I can't help you harry even if I wanted to. Draco seems happy " Blaise told him emphatically.
Harry was disappointed but knew Blaise was right, there was possibly nothing he could've done to make it right, at least not something that would sabotage their relationship.
It took harry a couple more days to become normal with the fact that draco was dating and finally paving his way to move on, which was definitely hard. And harry could've assumed he was doing good until Draco invited him for a picnic, claiming they haven't gotten out individually in a while. Normally harry would've been very ecstatic about it but considering the phase he was going through it was hard but didn't deny his sweet offer.
" took you a bit long- and your boyfriend's here too " harry pressed his lips in a thin line when he saw them coming together.
"it was just us but his plans got cancelled last moment so he tagged alone.. i hope you don't mind " Draco plead guilty
Harry sighed before giving him a firm smile and nodding " it's going to be one hell of a day "
Halfway through the picnic, harry Would've assumed he would be the thrid wheel but it was infact quite opposite, his boyfriend, jake was infact the third wheel who basically had no idea about draco's life which surprised harry a little more than it should have.
" you- jake, you alright ?" Harry asked looking over draco's shoulder at his boyfriend who looked puzzled
" what? I'm fine, just thinking " he gave them a firm smile.. draco leaned a bit into jake as if to give him the feeling he was still here but jake rejected it, much to draco's surprise.
" what you thinking about ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows.
" what exactly I'm doing here?-"
" shit- I'm sorry for making you feel as if I'm intruding-"
" no, it's not that. It's just so clear that you both are so meant to be together, yet here I am on a picnic with two people who are supposed to be together but are not because of me-"
" that's not true " draco interjected
" is it not ? " Jake asked more firmly than before, not forgetting to give a smile so as to not sound harsh.
Draco opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.
" even if it is true for me, I don't think Draco feels that way . Besides you guys are dating, I don't want to be the reason for your break up" harry replied sympathetically
" you're not harry. I just- I can see it, maybe you two are blind but I'm not.. Enjoy yourselves " jake said as he abruptly stood up
" jake don't be like that " draco too stood up
Jake sighed taking draco's hands in his own " I'll stay if you admit you don't have any feelings for him, if you've never wanted to be with him, if you've felt anything closer to what you feel for him about Me. Admit it freely and I'll stay"
But draco couldn't say anything..
" thought so. I'd be fine by the way. I don't think I've seen two people belonging to each more than you two " and jake departed.
Draco stood there a few minutes watching him walk away, his shoulder slouched as if not believing that he'd just been dumped.
" draco-"
" you're a jerk " draco turned around
" what ?" Harry asked confused
" you're an insolent jerk " draco picked up from dry leaves from the ground and hitting harry with that.
" what the fuck did I do ?" Harry shielded himself as draco threw more and more leaves and grasses
" you fucking moron, you were Flirting with me " draco huffed stopping for a moment
" I wasn't flirting " harry whined. Draco gave him a look before picking up more leaves and throwing it at him
" okay, okay. I was but hey it's your fault to go along with it " harry stumbled back over the ground
" well it's not my fault if you're bloody good at it "
" is it my fault that you enjoyed and I'm not the only victim here, you were flirting too " harry looked up at Draco from the ground
" I wasn't flirting " draco narrowed his eyes. Harry hooked his leg around that of draco, making him trip over and fall over harry, who he instantly rolled over, pinning draco to ground.
" were you not ?" Harry breathed
" it doesn't matter-"
" you were flirting back" harry commanded
" okay, fine I was but you had no right- hmph" draco moaned softly as harry kissed him over the lips, kissing until the need for oxygen finally had made sense again.
" now tell me, how long have you wanted this?" Harry huffed.
Draco rolled his eyes, still pink from all the kissing " I haven't wanted this "
" okay " harry frowned as he leaned down, his lips lightly brushing over that of draco's " you sure ?" Harry asked not moving an inch closer or further
Draco's breath choked down, desperately wanting to lean forward to kiss him again but didn't to avoid giving harry the satisfaction of having the upper hand.
" you don't want me to kiss you again then? That's right yeah " harry whispered as he bit Draco's lower lip, earning a soft moan and his body involuntarily pressed against harry's
" seems otherwise " harry whispered.
" merlin " draco moaned. Smirking harry pulled away looking at Draco from a distance.
Sucking his cheeks, draco immediately pulled harry to him and kissed him again, this time in more desperation and rush.
" guess who's got the upper hand now " draco moaned as he freed his hands and put them in his hair.
" you" harry chuckled, Thoroughly enjoying kissing draco himself.
" jerk " draco chuckled
" you're the jerk " harry chuckled
" and you broke his heart " harry whispered against his lips smiling
" eh, he always knew it anyways " draco shrugged
" you really are a jerk then " harry smiled as he pulled away a bit, admiring draco.
" and you're the jerk who just broke my relationship and has basically manipulated me into kissing you " draco raised an eyebrow amusingly
" I don't regret it " harry regret
" me either " draco smiled and leaned in again.
Requests open
Day 37- you're my home, draco | Day 39- cuddle me in
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so I've been rewatching a lot of friends lately and I see so quite a bit of monica and chandler in nesta and cassian and in one mondler storyline chandler rushes back home to new york because monica said she met the funniest guy ever and chandler is all WHAT I'M THE FUNNIEST GUY I want cassian to go ballistic cuz another male made nesta laugh I think that'd be cute lol
Oh I used to be a MASSIVE friends fan. Drifted away but I could still probably quote more than I��d like to admit. Totally get the Monet vibes. Here’s some more jealous Cassian, but this time I decided to give poor Eris a break from Cassian’s ire. I’m calling this one jealousy but make it roasting Cassian.
Nesta didn’t smile often. Almost never, in fact. Not in public at least. When he was at home with his beautiful fiancé, she often cracked a grin at his antics or laughed as he lifted her up off the ground to move her out of the way of the kitchen drawer he required.
But out in the real world… that was a different Nesta. A Nesta who used dark red lipstick like it was chain link armour and strapped into her Louboutins like the spiked heels were a sword. She was a badass. A sexy, bossy, never lost a case, badass.
She couldn’t go around in floral dresses blessing just anyone with her smiles. Because then the cheating men she squeezed by the balls in divorce agreements would think that she was another pretty little thing to be leered at.
Which she was not.
Cassian loved that Nesta was only free and unguarded around him. Even her sisters didn’t know her like he did. Because Cassian had put in the time to let her open up. Reassured her over and over that he wasn’t going anywhere. That he wouldn’t judge her. That he wanted to know.
Cassian straightened up as Nesta stepped out of the courthouse, a smile on her lips and her suit jacket strewn casually over the top of her designer handbag that claimed to be “Neverfull” but certainly seemed to be bursting right now.
Wait. A smile? Yes, Nesta was definitely smiling. Not only that, she was laughing. Not her fake little chuckle that she used in public or the condescending snort she bestowed upon the male lawyers who thought they could beat her in court (they couldn’t). No, this was a real laugh. Bright and floating and loud enough that he could hear it from where he leaned at the bottom of the steps, her half sweet iced matcha in hand.
“What’s so funny?” Cassian knew his tone was brutish. Harsh and weird and defensive, but he couldn’t help it. Who was this woman. This beautiful, exotic, apparently hilarious woman who was making his Nesta laugh.
That was his job.
Nesta raised an eyebrow, but only shook her head. “This is Emerie,” Nesta smiled as she said the woman’s name. “She was opposing counsel.”
“And Em, this is my fiancé, Cassian, who is usually much better at hiding the fact that he is a caveman when we are in public.”
Emerie laughed, and Nesta laughed along with her. What the fuck was happening?
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh with opposing counsel before.” Cassian tried to lighten his voice, but it was still gravelly.
“That’s because opposing counsel is almost always some wrinkled up old white dude trying to call our clients gold digging whores.” Emerie answered for Nesta and the two of them smirked knowingly. This was a conversation they’d had already, clearly.
“Who knew divorce could be so civil when opposing counsel was being reasonable.” Nesta smiled. And it wasn’t her lawyer smile! It was her REAL smile. Soft and pulled up slightly higher on the right side.
“Right?” Emerie looked down at her watch. “Oh I’ve got to go, but drinks on Friday! You’ve got to meet Gwyn, you’ll love her!”
“Yeah, just text me the details or have your assistant contact mine- she can put it in my calendar.”
And now this woman was being granted access to Nesta’s calendar?! Just like that?! It took Cassian two years before he was granted that holy grail.
“Thanks babe, I needed this.” Nesta smiled, wrapping her lips around the straw of her now half melted drink.
“No problem.”
“Ok what’s up?”
“Nothing,” Cassian shook his head. “It’s stupid.”
“Tell me anyway.”
Cassian swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing hard along with his choked down apprehension. “You were laughing.”
Nesta blinked up at him. “And?”
“You usually…” he brought his hand up to rub at the back of his neck. “Usually I’m the only one who can make you laugh like that.”
And then Nesta gave him the exact laugh he loved to hear from her. “You’re jealous!”
“No, I-”
“Aww, my poor baby. My poor big strong gym owning BABY.” Nesta cackled. “Oh I can’t wait to tell Em about this at drinks.”
“You really like her, huh?” Cassian sighed, taking the teasing that he very much deserved right on the chin.
“I do,” Nesta nodded. “And I don’t have a lot of lawyer friends so don’t scare her off with that caveman routine again, ok!”
Cassian smirked. “Only if I can take you home right now and get all the caveman feelings out.”
Nesta hummed, “You drive a hard bargain counsellor. But I think I can meet your demands.”
“God the things that courtroom voice does to me.”
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stewy · 3 years
Excerpts from Yoko's 'Revolution Chaos' tape (4 June 1968)
This is mostly for my own organization, but I thought people might find it interesting. I can't find the actual tape (I think it was removed from YT because I once heard it there), but here is the full transcript. They couldn't actually hear her, btw. She seemed to be on the back of the studio with a tape recorder on, while they were recording Revolution 1. Trigger warning for psychoanalyzing John Lennon's handwriting!
Andy Warhol and Mario Meyer shot today in New York, I’m so glad that I wasn’t there. Because I would like to be there if I were in New York, oh, but that’s something that I should tell John, it’s so funny Mario used to, because he’s a f*g, I guess I don’t know what it is, but anyway he was very, I think he’s a real f*g, as much as he could as a f*g, I think terribly interested in me and all that so what he does is he would just sort of like touch me on the neck or like on my back or something like that or sort of scratch my arm or something like that when I’m talking to somebody.
John: Can you think of anything else?
Paul: No. Just. . .
J: Oh yeah, that’s the end.
P: Yeah, just organ and drums.
J: Should we just tape this?
Y: I wish John was in me right now, inside of me. [...] So, I was just thinking about it. It’s so important that you come inside me, instead of coming in my head or something. You see, and then you say that there’s no difference, but if you understand the difference of that, that’s when you would really start to understand what it means to love somebody it sort of occurred to me that . . . and the other thing is sex, in other words, like just physical sex senses, that the sensual things, but this bed is like all life reaching, reaching each other and giving something. And the fact that you gave me your sperm, I don’t know, probably. At some time of your life you had a situation where you became scared of a straight relationship, of giving to each other and instead of giving to women, you’d rather spit on the sky or shoot it to the sky kind of thing. I mean you said it, that’s like a strange kind of nihilism of kind of a “fuck you all” kind of thing. It’s avoiding, avoiding something. Avoiding communication. It’s like you don’t want to.
[...] Nothing that I notice today that I really feel proud of, is that for instance, your handwriting, it’s always been like, all your letters were going backwards, leaning backwards, which means tremendous insecurity (for fuck's sake). But today I’ve seen, that all your letters were leaning forward, not all, but most of them were sort of leaning forward. At least that you’re suddenly starting to, instead of being reticent, starting to become forward and aggressive. Which is like a very normal thing, for men. Their leaning backwards handwriting is typical of, sort of, insecure, terribly insecure high school girl or something like that. It’s very rare to see it in a man, did you know that? And when I saw, when I first saw your handwriting, I was really amazed ‘cause you very rarely see that in a man. And I always felt that I saw your secret there, in something, but now, it’s starting to change, and it’s beautiful. Why, why that insecurity? And the passiveness, paranoia, I hate to say, but I really think that that had a lot to do with, with her, your marriage. Or maybe you were like that, and that’s how your marriage became that. I don’t know, that seems like a long relationship like that, would really screw somebody up. Like I was screwed up. That it could screw up, screw people up, rather. Then again, it could be a good thing. But anyway that handwriting, and your marriage, somehow I felt that sort of an intuitive thing, the first time I saw it, I thought that there was a definite connection.
J: What are you saying?
Y: I’m just saying how I miss you.
J: Well, ladies and gentleman, I also miss her, and it’s a terrible feeling. Alone in a crowded room.
Y: You look so nice when you’ve been playing awhile, and perspiring and everything. It’s looks like you had a drink or something . . . so insecure about something and about. . .
Y: [...] And it’s silly because actually all I want to do is to just not say anything. Oh, John, I really miss you, you don’t know how. [singing begins] I don’t know you...
J: Smashing Rooney the steak.
Y: ‘Cause I don’t know you.
J: Oh, no it is too late for me.
Y: ‘Cause I don’t know you.
J: I have been stab-bed in the brass vertebrae.
Y: Who did that?
J: I did it myself.
Y: Don’t you ever do that.
J: I must do it now and then to keep myself in tune.
Y: No, you mustn’t do anything without me.
J: I wasn’t exactly doing it without you. I was just doing it in the corner. Oh, Mother McRae. Excuse me. I must just let myself reek a minute. Because I’m sweating to my boots I’m going to have a look at the photographs of the family. [end of singing]
[Insert quote about Paul being a threat had he been a woman, etc, Air signs, etc]
John is such a genius. This is the first time that just once in a while, I almost get jealous of his talent, which is really amazing because I was never jealous of any artist. Whenever I get sad about his work, I almost feel like kneeling down and kissing his feet.
[...] you look like a real nervous wreck. You’re a very nervous person, apparently. You looked that way, suddenly I remembered you looked that way when I first came to EMI to pick up some scores, I mean, a manuscript from you, you looked like somebody who was terribly nervous and difficult, and feel like a difficult artist or something. If I had seen you that way, probably, I’d be scared, if I didn’t know you, and all that, if I just meet you that way. I wonder what John really is thinking about. You really look like a tense, nervous person. Why do you look so difficult? Like as if you want to scare a guy or something, I think that’s amazing. Anybody who has some project in their mind to approach you with or something would really be scared with that look. But it’s kind of nice, it’s very masculine [cut] or something. I don’t know how you have that shift of character of very sharp, strong eyes and sometimes very soft and beautiful eyes. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m following you too much. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m looking at you too much and so I haste to go near you. Right now you’re in the other room, and I’m just sort of embarrassed, and I don’t know if I should be coming or not. But you’re in my mind all the time, so I guess that’s what it is. You look so intense. And maybe you’re angry or something with me, I don’t know. So I’m afraid to go near you now.
[...] I’m so nervous now because I’m always trying to find out when Cyn is coming back.
P: Jot the melody down.
GM: Can you hear me?
Y: I feel like running out of this room. This is Tuesday, sixth of June, 1968. If anybody in the world would know how I feel now, because I’m the most insecure person in the world right now. Is this what love is? It’s so unfair that you have to suffer so much for loving someone. John is not here, he went out into the hall. I don’t know for what. He’s out for a long time. I think probably he’s calling home, I don’t know. He’s been with her for over a decade and their other child, I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t want to think about it. It’s either that he had a terribly weak character or he was in love to her (well, I'm glad they decided to go with the weak character version! How dare John be in love with anyone but Yoko?). I just don’t want to think about it. I’ve never been with anyone for so long so I wouldn’t know. If I think very hard, then I know, I mean I don’t even think I have to think hard, I just get so jealous about it I almost think I’m going to go insane.
(RIP to your mental health if you read all that, really, I'm so sorry)
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crowsnotvultures · 3 years
here it is, favorite SoC+CK quotes pt. 2! (pt 1)
(This one’s way too long too and I’m not even done with them)
an obvious winner: “He was going to break my legs,” she said, her chin held high, the barest quaver in her voice. “Would you have come for me then, Kaz? When I couldn’t scale a wall or walk a tightrope? When I wasn’t the Wraith anymore?” Dirtyhands would not. The boy who could get them through this, get their money, keep them alive, would do her the courtesy of putting her out of her misery, then cut his losses and move on. “I would come for you,” he said, and when he saw the wary look she shot him, he said it again. “I would come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together—knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.”
“Kuwei turned to Jesper. “You should visit me in Ravka. We could learn to use our powers together.” “How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?” Wylan said with a very passable imitation of Kaz’s glare. 
“I don't like this," said Matthias. Jesper had smiled his reckless gunslinger’s grin. "To be fair, Matthias, you don't like much.” 
“I don’t hold a grudge. I cradle it. I coddle it. I feed it fine cuts of meat and send it to the best schools. I nurture my grudges, Rollins.” emo kaz my beloved
“You’re better than waffles, Matthias Helvar.” A small smile curled the Fjerdan's lips. “Let’s not say things we don’t mean, my love.”
“Has anyone noticed this whole city is looking for us, mad at us, or wants to kill us?""So?" said Kaz. "Well, usually it's just half the city.”
“Meeting you was a disaster.”
“They get to know each other intimately.” Matthias’ jaw dropped. “In the cave?”
She would fight for him, but she could not heal him. She would not waste her life trying.
They all looked at Matthias. “This is where you tell us how awful we are,” she whispered. He shrugged. “They all seem like practical choices.”
“Sugar,” said Kaz. Jesper nudged the sugar bowl down the table to him. Kaz rolled his eyes. “Not for my coffee, you podge.”
There was blood everywhere. Jellen Radmakker had fallen to the stage and was bellowing, “I’ve been shot!" He had not been shot.
Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an antidote.” Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van Sunshine.” i feel like we collectively forget the origin of that nickname this boy is brutal sometimes
He sometimes suspected they could forgo all of Kaz's planning and simply let Jesper and Nina flirt the entirety of Ketterdam into submission.
“Yes,” said Wylan, glancing briefly over his shoulder, his cheeks now red as cherries. “I’d like to make a down payment.” 
She’d tricked him. The decent, honest, pious Wraith had outsmarted him. He turned to look back at the long expanse of roof he was going to have to traverse to get back to the boat. “Curse you and all your Saints,” he said to no one at all, then realized he was smiling. 
Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.” Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.” She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again.
“Please, tell me more about Fjerdan girls.” “They speak quietly. They don’t engage in flirtations with every single man they meet.”“I flirt with the women too.”
“I think you’d flirt with a date palm if it would pay you any attention.” “If I flirted with a plant, you can bet it would stand up and take notice. Are you jealous?” “All the time.” 
“You’re stupid about a lot of things, Wylan, but you are not stupid. And if I ever hear you call yourself a moron again, I’m going to tell Matthias you tried to kiss Nina. With tongue.” Wylan wiped his nose on his sleeve. “He’ll never believe it.” “Then I’ll tell Nina you tried to kiss Matthias. With tongue.”
“Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.” 
Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her. 
“My mother is Ketterdam. She birthed me in the harbor. And my father is profit. I honor him daily.” shakespeare kid kaz rights
Jesper Llewellyn Fahey
He swept the red cloak around Inej's shoulders in a rain of petals and blossoms as she continued to strap on her knives. She looked almost as startled as the flower seller. "What?" he asked as he tossed her a Mister Crimson mask that matched his own. "Those were my mother's favorite flower." "Good to know Van Eck didn't cure you of sentiment." "Nice to be back, Kaz." "Good to have you back, Wraith.” 
���We’re nothing alike,” Wylan said indignantly. “He’s not even that good at science! Half his notebooks are full of doodles. Mostly of you. And those aren’t good either.” 
Two of the deadliest people the Barrel had to offer and they could barely touch each other without both of them keeling over. But they’d tried. He’d tried. Maybe they could try again.
“Don’t worry, Da. People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It’s basically a handshake.” “Is that true?” his father asked as the scholar grudgingly moved aside and they shoved the heavy desk in front of the door. “Absolutely,” said Wylan. “Certainly not,” said the scholar.
"Nina," he said, pressing her hand to his heart. "I am already home.”
I have been very patient with all of this, Jesper, but I am at my limit. I want you down here before I count ten or I will tan your hide so you don’t sit for two weeks.” Colm’s head vanished back down the stairs. The silence stretched. Then Nina giggled. “You are in so much trouble.” 
"That berth belongs to you too. It will always be there when―if you want to come back." bc we all know he’s not only talking about the berth
Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?” Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured.
Had she really thought the world didn't change? She was a fool. The world was made of miracles, unexpected earthquakes, storms that came from nowhere and might reshape a continent. The boy beside her. The future before her. Anything was possible.
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peach-pops · 4 years
Famous S/O HC
This is very self-indulgent cause I’m the type to make up fake scenarios where I’m famous and going on interviews and press tours asfjdks. If you guys want, I’ll make more of these! Oikawa+Tsukishima underneath the cut!
How The Haikyuu Boys Find out that You’re Famous
-Bokuto- (Pro-Athlete) 
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Bokuto knew you were an athlete but he had NO IDEA that you were super famous. Like he always thought it was normal for people to come up to you after your game to ask for pictures or autographs ??? 
I mean that’s why he was so drawn to you because of how much passion you had for your said sport cause duh he could relate
One day when you two were out at the mall, he told you that he needed to get new shoes to work out in and so the two of you went into the Nike store so he could look around
He was looking through the shoe aisle and after almost two hours of looking through the same shelves, he finally found a pair he liked (shopping with him is so time-consuming but that’s for a different day) 
when he found a pair he liked, the two of you made your way to the cashier to pay for his shoes. As the cashier was ringing Bokuto up, his eyes traveled up to the large poster/banner that was directly behind the cashier’s area and smiled to himself
It was a colorful promotional banner with a bunch of top athletes from around the world and as he’s looking at the banner, he sees this girl and he nudged you like,” Babe, she looks like you!” 
You look up from your phone and sure enough, you’re plastered on the wall posing with other athletes
“ Oh yeah, I didn’t think this shoot would come out until next month.”
Bokuto didn’t even process what you just said but my dude behind the cash register stopped scanning the shoes to turn his head to the banner and he turned PALE. 
He even does a double-take cause hold up, is there seriously a pro athlete in front of him?
“ Oh my god...You’re Y/N L/N!”
“ How do you know my…” Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the banner again and he even squinted like hold up
“ Y/N? That’s you!” 
“ Yeah-”
Bokuto can’t even believe it and he totally spaced out when you take a selfie with the guy behind the register with the banner in the background like UMMM HIS GIRLFRIEND IS FAMOUS WHAAAAAA
Dude is totally making a scene in this store but he does not give a single fuck
As he’s walking you back home, he’s looking up all of your stats and even watches a compilation called “ 100 times Y/N L/N was a beast!” and he’s just shooketh 
“ I didn’t think it was a big deal I mean, you’re pretty famous too babe.” 
He’s not salty at all he’s just a bit emo cause he felt bad that he never even noticed before
As your fame grows, so does Bokuto’s with his volleyball career. You and him are described as a powerhouse couple and it really hypes the two of you up like THE POWER YALL POSSESS TOGETHER ON AND OFF THE COURT/FIELD/WHATEVER
Lots of training together and joint interviews together like Wired autocomplete or your favorite ~THIRST TWEETS~
“ ~Bokuto could spike a volleyball in my face, crack my nose in two different places, and I’d thank him~ oh my god that’s horrible I would never do that.”
“ I mean, you’ve done it before haven’t you?”
“ That was different anyway, your turn Y/N!” 
*passes that clunky ass bucket*
“ ~Y/N L/N, please tie me up and- oh my god this is too dirty I can’t! My mom will watch this!” 
If you’re a pro volleyball player, you two get compared a lot and it bugged you at first since you felt like you two were two very different in terms of playing style but after a while, you both started to encourage the idea of your own playful rivalries like comparing stats and wins
But if you’re in a different sport, you two get asked questions like who’s sport is harder or what it would be like if you two switched sports like??? But because you two are in different fields, you both have such major respect for each other cause you can’t even imagine how much hard work it is 
He absolutely does not mind it at all when fans approach you two if you guys are on a date. He knows how important your relationship with fans are, especially if they’re younger girls who look up to you as a role model
Bokuto will fall in love with you all over again whenever you crouch down to a younger fan ughhhghgh
He doesn’t care for the paparazzi to be honest. he knows it comes with the territory but he will get a bit protective if they start to get too close to you 
“ Hey, we’re just trying to get back home so just let us through please,” but if it continues, he will not give a single fuck about being nice,” dude, what did I just say? Back off!” 
Mad!bokuto will be the death of me
He knows how stressful it is being a pro athlete but he will always remind you how proud he is of you and if he ever sees you overworking, he will make sure you take a day off even if that means just napping together all day
Long story short, Bokuto would be amazing to have by your side as you’re navigating being in the public eye and you may quote me on that
-Oikawa- (Actress)
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This attention whore I swear 
So Oikawa knows that you act but he doesn’t know that you’re an actress (which is basically the same thing) 
Like as a kid you were in commercials and you had a small role in a tv show but it wasn’t like it was super popular. 
But what Oikawa didn’t know was that a couple months before you two started dating, you were flown out to America to star in an upcoming and highly anticipated movie 
since you were under a contract, you weren’t allowed to talk about it until the trailer dropped and it ate away at you because all you wanted to do was tell people especially your boyfriend 
ANYWAY He decided to take you on a date to the movie theatre and as you two were getting popcorn, these girls came up to you two 
“ Hi! Is it okay if we can get a picture with you?”
“Of course, how could I ever turn down my lovely fans-”
“ No, not you, Y/N!” 
Oikawa is just flabbergasted as the girls hand their phone to him so he can take a photo of you with your fans he deadass thinks it’s some prank
After the girls left, he gave you a weird-ass gaze and asked you what that was about but you just shrugged and told him that maybe it was because of ur mini part in that one tv show
So he thinks nothing about it and teased you that it was so cute how you had a mini fanbase and you weren’t going to lie, it was pretty freaking cool 
You guys entered your theatre and got settled into your seats as the movie trailers started to play. 
(Oikawa loves watching trailers like this dude is the type to take you 45 minutes before the movie actually begins JUST to make sure he doesn’t miss anything)
As you’re chilling in your seat, you see the trailer to your movie so you do your best to keep your eyes on your boyfriend and the screen at the same time cause you want to see his reaction
The trailer plays and Oikawa seemed to be interested in the movie but again, it’s like any normal trailer UNTIL he hears your voice coming from the screen and he immediately sits up in his seat 
“ Wait- was that your voice?”
“ My voice?”
“ Nevermind, I think I’m going crazy-”
AND THEN HE SEES YOU ON THE SCREEN! Since it’s a trailer it was just about five seconds of an intense/dramatic scene but it’s enough for Oikawa to lose his mind
This prompts some people in the audience to shush him but Oikawa doesn’t care
“ Toru oh my god yes that’s me but stop screaming or they’re gonna kick us out!” You whispered loudly as Oikawa clamped his hand over his mouth 
He’s so happy and he’s beaming with pride so he pulls out his phone and  records the trailer to post it in his group chat cause duh he wants to show the boys how proud he is but when he sees you kissing someone else for .6 seconds, Oikawa just (ㆆ_ㆆ) and stops recording
“ Are you okay babe?”
“ Was that real or CGI?”
“ The building crumbling is all CGI-”
“ No...the kiss.”
“ Why didn’t you tell me you were this good?” 
“ I- I was always this good! But I couldn’t say anything, I’m under a contract!”
“ But you could’ve told me! I wouldn’t have told a soul!” 
That’s a whole ass lie, if he knew, he would’ve bragged about it to Iwaizumi 
But foreal, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend like as months pass and your following gets bigger, he just gushes cause yep that’s his famous girlfriend ( he will 100% use you sometimes for clout)
this dude LOVES bragging to his friends that he’s dating a famous actress. Like he was always showing you off and hyping you up before but it gives him such an ego boost when people find out the two of you are dating
Oikawa is an attention whore like I said so you know whenever the paparazzi appears, he eats it up and will pose which is SOO embarrassing like pls why do u do this
But there are some days where you don’t want to get recognized and he 100% understands so the two of you will wear disguises as to not get recognized. One time you two ended up getting caught so he just grabbed your hand and the two of you SPRINTED back to the subway
He will have all of your movies on DVD and if your movie is on a streaming service, he will buy a membership JUST so he can watch your movie
Sometimes you’ll come over to his house and he’ll always try to make you watch your movie for the millionth time 
“ Toru, can we please watch something else?” 
“ But my extremely talented and beautiful girlfriend is in this movie why would I watch anything but this?” 
Don’t be fooled he WILL skip through any kissing scenes or scenes where your character shows any type of affection to another character
LOVESSS tagging along with you to photoshoots, interviews, red carpet events ALL OF IT
Red carpet events give him a chance to dress up and lowkey his outfit is always one of the best there. He won’t outshine you per se but fans actually look forward to see what he’ll be wearing and he’s not even in any of the movies I- 
Your schedule gets pretty busy once your career takes off and even though there are certain time periods where you’re across the world, it won’t stop him from sending huge bouquets to your set 
Basically, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend and is overall so proud of how you managed to juggle your studies with your acting career 10/10 best boy 
-Tsukishima- ( Musician/Singer)
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You and Tsuki had only been dating for a bit and since it was all still new, he kept it on the down-low because the last thing he needed was his teammates pestering him about a girl 
Tsuki knew you liked to sing and write songs but you never told him about how well known you were simply because he never asked
He just assumed it was a side thing for you UNTIL he showed up to practice and some of his teammates were huddled around Noya watching something on his tablet
“ Move your elbow! I can’t see-”
“ Watch your hand-”
“ Shush! I can’t hear her-”
“ What are you idiots watching?” Tsuki asked as he craned his neck to look at the screen
No one answered him so he started to watch the music video and low and behold, your face popped up on screen singing along to your lyrics that he’s heard a million times
Tsuki is a bit taken aback cause why is his girlfriend in such a high production video and why is his heart feeling some type of way seeing you in that outfit
Like lemme just take off my glasses and see that again ( •_•)>⌐■-■
” Where did you guys get that video?”
“ What do you mean, it’s online? She’s trending right now-”
“ God all of her songs are so good I want to see her live-” 
“ I can’t believe she goes to school with us-”
“ I wish she would step on me-”
“ Hey, don’t talk about my girlfriend like that,” Tsuki said dryly as he glares at the back of Noya’s head, which prompted everyone to turn around
“ You’re dating Y/N L/N? Ha! That’s funny Tsuki!” Tanaka laughed as he slapped Tsuki in the back harshly
At first, even Tsuki was questioning himself like wait, is he even sure you’re dating? cause this girl in the music video was NOT the same girl he was on the phone with last night
 If you had asked Tsuki 10 seconds ago if he would ever reveal to the guys he was dating someone, he would say helllll no but now that he knew about this, he didn’t care about keeping the relationship a secret especially if they were thirsting over his girl
He had all the proof in the world that he was dating you but took the salty approach to prove it to them. He pulled out his phone and shot you a text even though you were in class
Tsuki: Come to the gym right now
Y/N: is everything ok?
Tsuki: just come quickly
You left your class to “use the restroom” and practically rushed to the gym thinking that something was wrong with your boyfriend. You slid into the gym, causing the boys to look up from the tablet and you ignored their shocked faces
“ Where’s Tsukishima?” 
The boys slowly did a doubletake from the music video back to you to make sure they were seeing correctly and even though you were a bit embarrassed to hear your song playing in the background, you were just worried about Tsuki
Tsuki walked out to you from behind the guys and you rushed over to him
“ Babe, what’s wrong?” 
“ BABE?!” 
The boys were shocked and the second years practically FAINTED in your presence 
Tsuki pulled the tablet from Noya’s cold, dead hands and showed you the screen,” Care to explain this?” 
“ I- Um, it’s my music video…”
“Well are you famous or something?” 
“ I wouldn’t say famous…more like upcoming artist?” 
And then the next week you’re a nominee for the VMA’s asjfkghdk
 honestly out of Oikawa and Bokuto, he probably handles it the best on the outside, he doesn’t make too big of a deal out of your fame but on the inside he’s can’t even believe it
He doesn’t go around shouting to the world that he’s dating the Y/N L/N but he has his own ways of supporting you. He’ll listen to your songs whenever he’s walking in the hallway or doing homework at home and he’ll catch himself liking tweets that are about you as long as they’re positive
He’s def the type to argue with people online if they say mean comments and will report/block them before you can even see it 
IDC how much he tries to hide it, he is deadass ur biggest fan. Tsuki will tease you about how nervous you act during interviews/award shows but he will ALWAYS go with you to ease your nerves even if he had prior plans
If you ever write a song for him, he gets SO RED AND EMBARRASSED so pls do that 
Will def call you baka for doing so but deep down, he’ll fall in love with you even more cause you’re able to put into words how he feels about you 
I don’t think he’ll be too comfortable with you posting about him but he knows he can’t do anything about people taking photos of the two of you out together in public
Tsuki would never be rude to your fans though like if you were recognized during a date, he wouldn’t make a fit and will take photos of you and your fans to speed the process along
He HATES HATES HATES the paparazzi’s like it’s one thing for fans to come up to you when yall are in public but he gets mad when the paparazzi harasses you with questions/pictures/comments
“ Y/N! Turn around and give a smile!” 
“ Not right now, I’m sorry.”
“ Oh come on, don’t be shy! Just show the camera a little skin!”
“ How about you shut the hell up before I smack that camera out of your face.”
Head empty, no thoughts, just thinking about Mad!tsuki
It’s a big adjustment for Tsukishima that he has a girlfriend in the entertainment sphere but he knows how hard you’ve worked for it and he would never tell you to stop living your dream 
Sometimes he’ll feel insecure because you’re so successful and he doesn’t want to hold you back but since he can’t imagine being without you, he just pushes those thoughts away and enjoys every minute with you 
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