hearts401 · 1 year
hey guys love the fic! *screams into my hands and kicks my feet*
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Surprise adoption
Warning: Mentions of violence, non consensual hypnosis and kidnapping.
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Even as a young kid, the forest always creeped you out. With all the urban legends about monsters roaming around, hunters disappearing or ending up gravely injured, it certainly didn’t help your bias against it.
So imagine your horror that your older brother, Izuku wanted to take you on a little expedition in the damn place. You and Izuku were orphaned, but were generously taken in my Toshinori, head hunter and beloved icon of your town.
Whereas you preferred to stray clear from all the gritty things hunting entailed, Izuku was fully invested in it.
“I wanna go home, please Izuku?” You asked, hands tightly clutching your clothes.
The moon hung overhead, sounds of chirping from birds, water flowing through streams and crunching of leaves highlighted your surroundings.
Izuku looked at you, his hand reassuringly patting your H/C locks.
“Don’t worry Y/N! Just one more thing and then we can go back.” He said, handing you the lantern.
You frowned as the two of you walked on. One thing Izuku noticed was how pungent the air was over here, it reeked of venom and rot. He cracked out his notebook from his satchel, quickly writing it down. “How weird.” He muttered, you huffed.
“Izuku, it smells over here.” You whined, visibly cringing at seeing a rabbit’s skull.
“D-do you think we might be in naga territory?” You asked, Izuku’s breath hitched at the possibility. Ah, naga. Fearsome creatures with deplorable reputations to boot. Half man, half serpent.
Toshinori once recounted his encounter with a naga once, who was bold enough to attack him head on. Long fangs, red eyes that rivaled rubies, shaggy blue hair.
Many legends circulated about this particular naga, especially about his thirst for destruction and murder. Izuku looked down at you, a friendly smile on his face.
“Probably not, it’s probably just some poisonous frogs or something. But even if it was, I would never let them hurt you.” He assured, you felt a little better.
“We’ll sock them in their faces and skin them for boots!” You announced, Izuku nervously smiled.
“Probably not sis.”
Another notable thing about naga is how some tended to hunt at night, at least Tomura Shigaraki did. The most feared creature in the jungle, by man and beast alike.
It didn’t help that he was accompanied by his equally violent and dangerous mate, Dabi. A alluring, handsome creature but equally deadly.
Blue and black scales slithered across the floor, as the two searched for a late night snack. “Seriously Tomura, I don’t know why you insist on doing this at night. It’s too damn late for this.” Dabi complained, Tomura regarded his mate with a mere look.
“The big and juicy rabbits tend to come out at this time of night. Besides, those stupid, fucking hunters drive away our larger game.” He said, sniffing the air.
Dabi shrugged, his mate did have a point. Possums, sloths and the occasional taste of human flesh wasn’t cutting it. “I thought that those dumbasses would take the hint from the last time.”
Shigaraki gave a raspy chuckle. He really outdid himself that time, they still had the chunk from the hunters leg in the den! “You’re quite the sadistic bastard.” Dabi said in a loving way.
“Which is why you mated with me~” Shigaraki taunted, nuzzling Dabi’s face before narrowing his eyes and sniffed the air again.
“What? What do smell?” Dabi asked before sniffing the air himself. Humans, filthy humans. Shigaraki loathed them, Dabi loathed them.
The two followed the scent, eventually finding themselves in a tree, spying on you and Izuku.
“Oh, it’s Toshinori’s brat.” Shigaraki hissed, his rattle shaking slightly. His hate died down a little once he saw you, clutching onto Izuku’s hand as he gave you some facts.
Oh, how you looked utterly adorable to him. Shigaraki and Dabi had been wanting some hatchings of their own, as nagas tended to feel that way. “She’s precious.” Dabi muttered, a paternal spark igniting in him.
Shigaraki nodded, turning towards his mate. “I’ll go greet our guests.” He said, slowly slinking into view.
“Well now, it’s a hunter in training!” You froze at hearing the raspy voice, Izuku flinched as well. He turned around and was met with the sight of the naga. “GAH!” Izuku yelped, nearly dropping his lantern as you gave a yelp.
“Now now, there’s no need to be scared.” Shigaraki said, Izuku frowned whilst you hid behind your brother. “I’m a friend, always eager to assist with a weary traveler.” He assured, his red eyes looking at you.
You whimpered and hid behind Izuku. “Aw, what’s a little cherub like you doing out so late?” Tomura cooed, Izuku cleared his throat. “Back off, we don’t need your assistance. Besides, we all know what you really want.”
Shigaraki’s eyes narrowed, Toshinori sure knew how to raise a stubborn brat. “Oh? Would you mind telling me then?” Shigaraki taunted, inching closer to Izuku.
Their noses barely touching. Izuku could smell the venom from Shigaraki’s breath, he remained firm. “Tsk, tsk, so stubborn.” Shigaraki said, his tail prodding at you softly.
You yelped as Izuku stood protectively in front of you. “L-leave us alone!” He snapped, Shigaraki didn’t flinch, only giving an amused look.
“You must be so tired, let me fix that.” The naga purred, inching closer from his branch perch. Izuku instinctively stepped back as you hid behind your brother. “No need for the fear fawns, you’ll fear as right as rain once we’re through..” Shigaraki assured, his voice raspy yet sweet. Like candy covered poison.
Shigaraki had a variety of powers but his most useful one was hypnosis. Often used to ensnare his victims into a state of calmness. It was his method to use if he was feeling lazy. Izuku stepped forward, a dagger in hand. Oh, how naive was this poor boy? No worries, Shigaraki and Dabi could make it right.
Izuku attempted to speak but nothing came out, his body felt heavy, all thoughts of resentment, escape and fear slowly melted away. It was like he was trapped inside his own body. His mouth felt unusually dry, like it was stuffed with cotton. Yet, he felt nice? Oddly relaxed even. His joints went relaxed and posture was lazy, his legs felt like jello.
“Izuku?!” You cried, tugging on your brother’s clothes. “Zuku!” You helplessly whined. Shigaraki frowned before inching closer, Izuku couldn’t hear you. He stumbled around like a newly born deer before ultimately dropping his weapon and almost collapsed to the floor himself. If it wasn’t for a black tail with horrifying purple scars, which caught him with ease, it wrapped around your brother’s torso. Much to your horror, you attempted to run but Shigaraki tripped you and swiftly coiled his tail around your ankle. The flaky and rough scales dug into your skin, causing you to whimper and wince at the pain.
“Don’t worry fawn, he’s alright and soon, you’ll be too.” Shigaraki said, quickly ensnaring you in his power as well. You weakly fought back as your defiant words withered away into weak whines and squirms. Your body eventually succumbed to Shigaraki’s control, your vision hazy and eyes droopy. “Zuku..” You muttered softly. You wanted to go home, the smell of the venom and dirt made you sick.
You craved the crisp vanilla and poppy smell of Toshinori’s manor. To be tucked into your bed, surrounded by the comforts of knowing that the monsters couldn’t get you.
“Aw, my sweet hatchling.” Shigaraki crooned, picking you up and cradling you. He nuzzled you, obviously excited to bring you to his nest. Dabi joined Shigaraki’s side, a lazy smirk on his face.
“She’s quite precious.” He mused, kissing Shigaraki’s cheek. “But, what about her brother?” The two looked at Izuku, who was still in Dabi’s grip. The black haired male frowned. Izuku kinda reminded him of someone he desperately wanted to forget. Shigaraki handed you over to Dabi before taking Izuku in his own grip. He regarded his mate with a devious smile, his fangs on display and crimson eyes filled with satisfaction and plotting.
“Well, you know what they say, two is always better than one.”
You and Izuku should’ve stayed home
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Idk if you're still taking requests but imagine one day Kazuha finds Creator's death note diary and finds a bunch of names. Realizing those are the people who killed the Creator before, he went "Ykw, I'm giving Our Holy One some therapy with the help of my friends" and kidnaps grabs Fischl, Mona, Xinyan, and finally you for an adventure-therapy or something something-
*cutely inserts Tomo breakdancing in Celestia*
PFFT that would be obviously hilarious and adorable.
I can definitely see the group having so much fun, probably telling stories of their lives that aren't mentioned in game. Maybe the creator also gaining information on how these specific characters views others. Like Mona's views of Fontaine or something.
Bonus if where they went was towards those summertime event islands.
But if we're considering Death Seeking Creator (I should probably make it known if those who send in asks don't want me to talk about Death Seeking please just tell me cause otherwise I'll just assume and we know what happens when assuming) though I don't think it would be possible considering he also was someone who killed the creator. Now I don't think he did it out of pure religious reasons, he's more level headed than that. He's someone who only kills "imposters" out of mercy, like Kaeya actually.
He makes it as quick and painless as possible, sometimes having done sneak attacks (so in the diary, the entries would only mention what the day as like before they write about them suddenly seeing darkness and then waking up in another nation). Not too mention the creator would use every single opportunity to experience another death.
They definitely would question Kazuha on why he's doing this, maybe even have some small breakthrough of where they're screaming at him and hurling insults that were thrown their way. Just absolutely trying to beat a dead horse essentially of why they have to die and that they don't understand why everyone is suddenly saying the opposite.
Tbh this makes me think of how confusing any therapy would be for Death Seeking Creator, because I can imagine them as this childishly stubborn person who refuses to see it as any other way purely because everything they did, they tried to do to change the outcome, always resulted in death no matter what. Peaceful talks? They couldn't get a word in before being sliced down. Fighting like a wild animal? Like they could defeat a god with their bare hands. Hiding and never greeting another person? They're always found out somehow, it's like the characters are drawn to them. Disguises? Even that doesn't work. Nothing they did work. So it had to be destiny right? They had to have this role of constant death? Why? Who fucking knows? They're not a god, they were never supposed to be a god. Why question the ways of a being they have no comprehension of how they think? It would be better to just play the role given, to be the the target every hunter wants. To be that white rabbit that gets chased by Alice throughout the story. But how they go? Well that'll be up to them, if the gods want some sick entertainment, why not make it more interesting?
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chris-prank · 2 days
Peaceful post-apocalypse settings have always been one of my favorite tropes! There's just something so freeing about the thought of humanity being set back to simpler times...(boomer ahh mindset but wtvr)
That said, may I request more Martin content?🙏 He's such a sweetheart!! Maybe something about reader wanting to join him on a hunt? Him teaching them how to? Or just any ideas you have for him really
Hope you have a lovely day mwuah :)
With the deplorable state of our world right now, it’s perfectly fair to prefer a time without the complicated life of the city 😆 so I totally get you 🤝 Also I’m so happy that you called Martin a sweetheart 🥺, if we take away if yandere tendencies he really is! And have a great day too ❤️❤️❤️
Yandere hunter x GN reader
CW: animal death, manipulation sorta, reader get frozen by fear/ fear response
“You want to go hunting with me?” Martin asked, surprised, while casually throwing his crossbow over his shoulder.
He felt extremely flattered that you wanted to take part in his daily duties and by looking in your hopeful eyes, he couldn’t dare deny you anything. So after you changed into more appropriate clothes, the two of you were ready to go into the forest. You walked hand in hand, looking like you were going on a romantic stroll. In reality, this adorable display was a safety major, since the surroundings were filled with traps Martin had previously set up. He said that it was to make sure that nothing or no one could escape him while he hunted. Whatever that meant.
“So what are we looking for exactly?” You asked while keeping an eye out for any sounds in the crisp autumn leaves.
“It depends… there’s usually deers roaming around this time of year.”
“We’re going to kill a deer?!” You repeated, your jaw hanging wide open. You thought you were going for something smaller like a rabbit or a bird at the very least.
He grinned and winked at you. “Only if you can actually do it.”
“Hey!” You pushed his arms while sticking your tongue at him. “I’m a very independent and capable person.” You added while puffing your chest out jokingly.
The man next to you seemed to mumble something under his breath, but since he didn’t repeat himself despite your lack of response, you figured it was nothing important.
You couldn’t believe you two had found one. Of course, you knew that Martin was skilled in tracking animals, but still, what were the odds! The deer was lazily drinking from a small pond, unaware of the crossbow pointed at its neck.
Martin had helped you get in the right spot and revised with you the shooting position he had taught you before. But you kept shaking. The idea of killing an animal seemed so simple and inconsequential, but now that you were faced with the reality of the situation you just couldn’t do it. That’s when you felt his warm embrace enveloped you, your back now pressed against his chest. His hands crept up to rest over yours, steadying your grip on the weapon.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to do anything.” His voice was so calm, so enticing. It was pulling you in a sense of comfort and stability that few people had the chance of experiencing, “you can just rely on me.”
You simply nodded, you just wanted to lose yourself in his presence and forget that you had the life of a living being in the palm of your hands. Then his finger was over yours and, without hesitation, pulled the trigger. Everything went by so fast, as a shrill shriek followed by a loud thump made all the birds take flight from the surrounding trees. You slowly lowered the crossbow, still a bit in shock of what had just happened. In response, Martin rubbed your arms up and down in a soothing manner.
“You were so brave for me.” He whispered against your ear, “but don’t worry, you won’t have to do it ever again, I’ll be brave for the both of us if you let me.”
Karma love to make a fool out of me 💀 it’s always when I say “oh it’ll take a while for me to complete” that I suddenly get a wave of inspiration. Not going to complain too much though, it’s always better than having writer's block.
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brokenpieces-72 · 3 months
Dark Reader Anyone? Haven't seen any of that anywhere. Like it's always dark 141 this or that but never DARK READER.
I disappear to the abyss now
Oh we going into the darkness now… excellent. To be honest didn’t know how this would go. Now it’s sort of an alternate timeline to the current hybrid story line. For some context you’re the mother in this one.
TW: Dark reader, Manipulation, obsessive parent, kind of yandere, mentions of a foster system, mentions of child neglect, let me know if I’ve missed any.
A young girl with antlers and rabbit ears, it’s hard to over look that description. You’d finally get your daughter back but she was working for mercenaries. All you had to do was enlist. You had your own methods of persuasion, it was a matter of using them. Each proved a challenge, but once you showed an interest in Hunter beyond making the other hybrids jealous it was easy enough.
Rodolfo is human, and while his mutts were protective of their vessel it was easy enough J to garner favour with them. Working with him got you closer to Alejandro too, but of course you couldn’t let them know that. Rodolfo was the only one you were focused on around him. If he brought up Alejandro on his own then you would talk about him, learning more about weaknesses. Rodolfo is a caring person, you understand that.
Alejandro, such a good kitty. He taught you to fight and you didn’t back down from him. A gentleman, maybe but you had him in your clutches with a smile. The only thing that could kill Alejandro was Alejandro, but you don’t need him to die. You just needed him to know your troubles. With a few comments and subtle hints you got him to build sympathy for you, brushing off initial inquiries. Then an invitation for a private conversation, concerned words, and his worry for your little one is matched to yours, but of course you love your baby more.
Johnny was a sweet puppy and showed himself to be friendly enough. He was so easy to play with, oh if you could keep him all to yourself you would. And when he shifted to full size, trying to impress you, it was adorable. He was on an easy leash in no time.
Kyle was stuck in his shell only poking his head out to help everyone else. Some eggs needed to be cracked. A visit with him and confessing you were a mother who lost your baby girl to hunters all because she was different was so easy. He offered to look out for anyone by your daughter’s description, wanting to help you. Such a pretty bird he was, willing to watch over you, and retrieve your baby bunny for you.
Simon, what could you say about Simon. He was a hard, cold man. There was a darkness surrounding him constantly. A hurt, one that you would try to remedy but a soft touch made him pull away almost immediately. He took the longest to gain trust from. Showing an understanding of boundaries was perfect, as he slowly opened them to you. Learning more about his past you show sympathy, despite you knowing he was an absolute monster. No way in hell would you want him near your precious child. Clearly he was in control now, but you needed to be careful. One wrong move in front of him meant losing everything you were working on.
Price was the key though, one that took pleasure in the pleasure of his men. If his men felt safe and happy, he was content. Joining his hoard wasn’t easy. Now you may as well be the shining jewel, proving yourself to be invaluable. You understood medical, were a great shot, and pushed yourself. Your relationship with each of them was strong, but something did bother him. Your past was redacted in some areas, so he called you to his office one day. Seeing the file your heart skipped a beat, fearing what he may have found.
“You have a daughter?” He asked. You nodded.
“I’m sorry sir.” You said.
“She was taken from you.” He continued. “Hunters found her and she was removed from your home. They assumed neglect. What is your side?”
You looked up at him finding concerned eyes. Eyes that wanted to help you. The face of a man who was empathetic.
“I had to raise her as a single parent. Sometimes life was difficult because she couldn’t always go out with her friends. I should have noticed it sooner but she became very sick, and when I was out one night she wandered outside. With her antlers and ears and her clothes being torn and dirty…” you cleared your throat, biting back your tears. “Couldn’t give her a good life so they took her away from me.”
You didn’t make eye contact with the captain, feeling ashamed. You know you did your best, you tried so hard to make her happy, but everyone kept trying to take her from you. She worked hard for you too, hunting and finding food for herself. It wasn’t good enough though. Price was still quiet, while you played with your hands.
“We’ve found her.” He said. You looked up at him, his face showing he cared. There was a hint of a smile, pleased to see your hopeful gaze. Behind it, there was a catch. Something that would make it difficult to see your sweet girl again. “Your daughter was put in a program intended to help rehabilitate hybrids, much like a foster care program. They’re assigned a mentor of sorts to keep them safe, teach them about their abnormalities, help them with basic education, etc. and your daughter was recently assigned to a position.”
“How do you mean?” You asked, voice shaking. They were helping you, they would get your daughter back.
“Hybrids can be assigned to companies and work positions where their abilities can be beneficial. Sergeant Garrick had been looking into some of the organizations and learned about your daughter’s placement. Which brings me to another question.” The captain said. You tensed a little, knowing what he would ask about.
“Your daughter is labelled in her file as a jackalope hybrid but with a shifter form. A Wendigo.” Price went on. Your expression told him everything you wanted. That you had no idea, no one had told you, information about your baby girl had been kept limited.
“No no… she’s…” you trailed off. The captain sighed, letting out some wisps of smoke. You were a poor mother who had her child ripped from her with little explanation. Now you’ve learned your daughter this whole time had been a monstrous man eater. It’s hard not to laugh at how easily Price was falling for it.
“I can imagine it’s rather difficult to hear this.” Price said. “She was placed in KorTac, a group of mercenaries. They have other hybrids there, and her mentor is still present ensuring her diet is kept regulated so the Wendigo does not endanger anyone.”
“Why would they put her there?!” You blurted. A moment of weakness in your facade hearing your precious daughter had been placed in such a dangerous environment. Price’s tail flicked once, a little startled by your outburst. To be expected though he figured. You cleared your throat, apologizing for your behaviour.
“We believe it’s related to her Wendigo side. She’s okay there, and missions are kept simple for her at the moment along with proper training.” Price continued. You nodded, trying to show some understanding. There was a paise before you asked the very question any caring mother would ask.
“Would it be possible to see her?” You asked.
“No.” Price said, empathetic. You nod as if you could understand why.
“We intend to get her back for you.” Price said. When you looked back up, you see a smug look on the captain face. You give him a hopeful smile, trying to hide your desire to laugh at him. He was so willing to go head first into danger with the rest of the team. Price stood up and circled around his desk looking down at you, arms crossed.
“I’m not about to let one of my best be denied her rights. That little girl deserves her mama.” Price said. You stood ready to go as soon as he gave the order. For now you’re given his gentle hands on your shoulders, and a gaze from the most pleased dragon, with a hint of glass.
“It will take some time, but we will get her back, kicking and screaming if we have to.” Price assured you. You’re dismissed and you returned to your room, tears running down your face. The other men offer some smiles to you, and you return them until you get to your room and shut the door.
Finally, you’d have your baby back… and you had a task force of monsters in the palm of your hands ready to kill anyone standing in your way.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends
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brewstersbru · 11 months
Got inspired so enjoy some bloodweave!!! <333
“What are you reading?”
Astarion jumps a little at the suddenness of the question, he’d been reading, alone, for hours now and had assumed all of his companions to be asleep. It seems he had erred in his assumption, as Gale peers at him, squinting in the dark. Astarion sighs, burdened.
“What could you possibly need from me, wizard? Shouldn’t you be cuddled up, all snug in your bedroll?” Gale laughs a little, strained and careful, but continues his approach. Astarion rolls his eyes, snaps his book shut with a decisive whack, and sets it aside. 
“Couldn’t sleep. And I see you reading every night, it’s only natural that I’ve wondered what genre of tome could possibly enrapture you so, a man normally much too aloof for anything to grasp onto.”
His voice carries a kind of smug tilt to it, like he’s trying to tease but is too sincere of a man for it to come out as anything other than a collection of awkward observations. Astarion returns a more practiced smirk. 
“Mmm. I see.” The words rumble and slur together into something almost animalistic, Astarion’s not quite sure what overtakes him, in this moment, but there’s a kind of vulnerability to Gale. A soft belly upturned to the world, a rabbit twitching its nose but refusing to run. 
As a predator- a hunter, at times- Astarion is well practiced in spotting and pouncing on these vulnerabilities. He smiles toothily. 
“So you’ve been watching me?”
And Gale? Well, Gale laughs. Quiet, but boisterous and chortling. He shakes his head. 
“Did that really work on people?” He continues to laugh. Astarion draws his brows, puzzled. He hadn’t intentionally been trying to draw him in, but in hindsight that’s probably what it looked like. After years of honeypotting, his purr and growl are often one and the same. Astarion allows himself a small smile, but stows it as soon as Gale draws close enough to bathe in the candlelight.
Silence hangs for a moment.
“It’s a romance novel. Drivel, really, but I’m not one to be picky.”
Gale hums and inclines his head towards the book. “May I take a look?” Astarion nods and shuffles to the side, “Please, be my guest. Fair warning, though, it will rot your brains.” 
A laugh then, as Gale settles next to- but notably far enough to not touch- Astarion on the rug he’d pilfered from some poor sap’s home. It’s quiet, again, as the wizard flips his way through the pages of the book. It’s clear from the quick dart of his gaze that he’s not really reading it, just scanning the most interesting parts. Astarion waits quietly, a state quite unnatural to him but that feels right in the muted intimacy of the moment. He watches the way Gale’s eyes change as he reads, bright, always, but with intermittent flashes of surprise, and mirth. It’s not a bad look on him. Astarion refrains from mentioning that. 
“Well,” Gale sighs heartily and gently places the book back where it had been sitting, “that was quite possibly the worst thing I’ve ever read. I mean really, her ‘evil’ orc boyfriend who ‘changes’ for her and shuns his entire family for the sake of their union? And don’t get me started on the more intimate scenes, if I ever read the word “member” again I think I’ll-“
Astarion can’t help himself, he bursts into a tight, brief set of giggles before hunching over himself. By refusing to look up, he misses the pure glee and adoration in Gale’s expression. Astarion shakes his head.
“Gods, you’re right. It’s horrid, isn’t it?”
Gale nods, somber, “Detestable. Truly, you have found no other books to occupy yourself with? I would argue this,” he points at the book with an accusing finger, “does more harm than good. You’d be better off simply not reading.” 
Astarion shakes his head; something about the low candlelight, the relative isolation of his tent and the illusion of privacy it offers- it makes him want to be open, honest. To show his soft belly to someone who’s just trusted him with theirs. 
“I- well- I would normally throw this wretched thing in the river.” He waves a dismissive hand in the book’s general direction. “It’s just, well, before I never had much time to read frivolous things like this. What with all of the screaming and agonizing and seducing I needed to do.” Astarion laughs a small, humorless giggle at himself, “It’s nice just to be able to sit in the warmth of the sun- when it’s actually daylight of course- and read. Even if it is mindless drivel like this.”
Gale hums, more to himself than anything, but eventually his eyes catch on Astarion’s, something warm and mischievous glinting within. “Do you trust me?”
Now it’s Astarion’s turn to laugh. “About as far as I can throw you, wizard. Which is to say I would pass out before I did.” He gestures to the thin wiry ropes of muscle that wrap around his bicep. Gale gives him another soft laugh.
“That’s fair, I suppose. Will you do me a favor then, and come with me for a moment? Leave the book.” As he speaks, Gale rises from the rug, knees giving twin creaks as he straightens. He winces at himself and smiles something small and self-deprecating. 
Astarion, equal parts dubious and curious stands with him. “Well now I have to know. Lead on, wizard.”
“It’s Gale, you know.” Gale comments, as they begin walking back towards the circling of tents a bit closer to the campfire. Astarion huffs. “I know.”
He lets the silence settle, and sit for a bit. 
Gale chuckles and shakes his head, “Yeah I suppose I should have guessed that’s what you’d say.” 
It’s not long before they come upon Gale’s own tent and the wizard opens the flap, disappearing inside. Astarion waits near the entrance for a couple of minutes before Gale’s head- hair adorably unkempt and still squinting into the darkness- pops out to usher him in. “Thought you didn’t need an invitation to enter anymore? Or is the tadpole’s magic so limited?” 
Astarion rolls his eyes and smacks lightheartedly at his head as he ducks inside. “You’re such a little shit!” Said shit only grins and returns to… whatever the hell he’d been doing. 
The inside of his tent is almost impossibly spacious but Astarion guesses that has something to do with being a wizard. There are scrolls and ink pots just kind of lying around but the chaos is rather cozy. The largest thing in the tent, however, is the absolute leviathan of a bookcase off to the right, which Gale is now rummaging through, muttering to himself.
“Romance… Romance… Wait, does he even- ASTARION- oh you’re right here, perfect, do you even like romances? What’s your preferred genre?” There’s an urgency to his words and movements but it’s not frantic. Rather quite the opposite actually, he looks more at home here and now than Astarion thinks he’s ever seen him. 
“Oh- uh- well, darling, I’m not quite sure. It’s been a while. I do think I’ve always enjoyed romance when it’s- well- good.” Gale nods decisively and returns to his task, a man on a mission. Astarion tries not to notice how sweet he is, how sweet the whole situation is, really. He’s just appreciative of the arts, can’t go around letting people besmirch its name with nonsense like this stupid book or anything. 
“Aha! Here-“ Gale lifts a rather thick tome from the shelf, it’s got quite an ornate cover- a mix of dark blue with gold embossing- and he shakes it like he’s just found a particularly useful scroll, “it’s an enemies to lovers epic surrounding two clerics- one of shar and the other of selune- and their struggles with their respective faiths and the adventure they embark upon.” His smile is almost blinding in its intensity and Astarion finds he has to look away. Has to squash this warmth fluttering in his gut.
“Did you just read that from the summary?” He’d tried for a snarky sneer, but all that came out was genuine curiosity. How many times would one have to read something to be able to recite its summary from memory like that? Although, Gale’s always been quite bright. 
“Not at all. I’ve read this enough times I could probably recite the first chapter from memory!” Gale’s still smiling but there’s something strained and uncomfortable to it that makes Astarion unreasonably unhappy. He thinks for a moment.
“Would you? Darling, my eyes were just starting to hurt from the prattling prose of that hack of an author, they could use a bit of rest… Would you mind terribly getting me started?” His face had just seemed so puppy-like, so eager to share his interest in this piece of fiction that even the thought of implying that that was bad or annoying or at all anything but hopelessly charming was… well… unthinkable. As a reward for his kindness, Gale absolutely beams at him. 
“I would be honored, my friend! But first-“ With a snap of his fingers all of the candles snuff out, leaving the two of them in complete and utter darkness.
“Uh, Gale, dear, as much as I do enjoy good mood lighting I don’t think you’ll be able to actually read in-“ Before Astarion can finish speaking, a bright, almost blinding orb of light materializes in the palm of Gale’s hand. He gestures to his right and the orb moves itself into the corner of the tent. 
Blinking, Astarion notices the comfortable warmth seeping into his skin from the rays of light the orb is emitting. He grins over at Gale, who had already been looking at him, furrow of trepidation between his brows. 
“You mentioned you liked to read in sunlight, and, well, it’s not like either of us is going to sleep tonight, right?” His smile is more sheepish, this time.
Part of Astarion wants to cry, part of him wants to kiss Gale on his pretty mouth, part of him wants to destroy this tent and all of the books in it.
He decides to sit. Gale joins him after a moment. He reclines himself on the pillows that line the other man’s bedroll and then rolls himself into his lap. Gale simply huffs, mutters something about “Tara” and situates the book in his hand in such a way that allows for his other hand to card through Astarion’s hair. 
Astarion really does cry, now, but the tears are silent and Gale graciously pretends not to see them. 
“The moon cannot shine on it’s own. Each night the sun caresses its cheek, granting its light and we are able to watch this act of love from a distance…” 
They fall asleep, or rather, Gale does. In the midst of a sentence his daylight spell blinks out of existence and he kind of slumps in on himself, hands going lax. Astarion is only able to catch him and the book because of his almost impossible dexterity. 
Astarion huffs a ghost of a giggle at him, but carefully bookmarks the page, sets the book aside, and tucks the wizard in. He sleeps like a rock, it seems, because even with all of the jostling he remains steadfastly unconscious. 
After a moment of gazing and contemplating at Gale’s relaxed face, Astarion uses one of the many available inkwells and quills and scribbles out a short note.
Had a great time tonight, darling. Let’s do it again sometime, I’m aching to know if Shenra and Kaye actually kill each other.
He doesn’t kiss Gale’s forehead as he leaves but the thought crosses his mind, and he regrets not doing it when he reaches his own tent.
Damned wizard. Damned Gale. 
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Small idea/headcanon time!
• Moth cryptid adults (The Professor, Magneto, Storm, Mystique, Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Beast) carry their moth kids (and human-turning-into-moth-beast) in strong silk pouches/holders around their chest and stomach. It is warm, it's strong, and the kids can sink into it like a beanbag or a little hidey-hole to nap in. Plus they have fluffy moth chest + belly to sleep on too~!
• Adult moth cryptids/beasts have long, sharp needle-like hairs/barbs that they can extend from their nails, knuckles, or wrists, that contain a venom or nectar that makes their kids very, very tired and very, very compliant and needy. It's injected at the base of their skull amd into their nervous system and brain, so it hurts, a LOT. Expect lots of moth kisses amd cuddles and grooming and cooing after they do it, to comfort their crying kid, clean them up, amd soothe their own tears too...
• Moth cryptids are not necessarily based on real moths, but are inspired by death's head moths, Mothman, fuzzy and venomous caterpillars, and the generic moths that flutter about. They can have designs on their wings, they're fluffy all over, but especially around their necks, chest, wings, and shoulders. Adore lights, will chirp at the moon and stars, love how their human kids have skin that very, very barely glows in the dark (if you know, good for you!).
• They usually lay really soft, jelly-like eggs, but this colony had all of their's, except for one, smashed and dissected... They were all very, very sad, and very, very angry... They weren't safe for humans to be around after that...
• Build nests and tunnels, made of and stuffed full of twigs, pine needles, rabbit pelts, random blankets and pillows from hunter cabins, moss, shiny and smooth rocks, bear furs, deer pelts, shed fluff, and old jackets and sweaters they raided from the cabins nearby... They love their nests, they are very proud of their nests, don't mess with their nests, or they will attack the perpetrator and unalive them...
• Are very crazy and protective over their human-turned-moth bbyies. They keep them very clean, feed them any berries or nuts that are sweet and safe to eat, keep them sedated and sleepy during the winter months, make them silk blankets and cocoons for the other months, and overall love on them and purr and chirp and hunt anything that comes near them.
• Can produce milk, all of them. It tastes like chocolate milk. Their venom tastes like mountain dew.
• Hole up in their nests and colony that's in a cliffside facing the woods, keep everything dark and warm and quiet save for their glow crystals and their happy croons and chirps. Will actually nurse their mothlings during this time, so they don't go hungry amd so they're wrapped up in their mothling pouch without worry. Lots of sleeping, crooning, soft snores, distant blizzard noises, amd the warm, sweet smell of pine needles and fluff...
(I love this au. It's sweet and dark and fluffy and I love it. Enjoy it. Bask in its fuzzy feels!)
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suraemoon · 6 months
MOTA: Post-war
~ Easter Sunday Headcanons ~
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🐣: Easter Sunday lends itself so easily to daydreaming about post-war suburban life. Here are some ideas I thought up yesterday of how some of the boys and their families celebrate Easter. I hope you like some fluff. (Bunnies, eggs, and happiness galore)
💛: @precious-little-scoundrel gave me the idea to post these after I was yelling them to her yesterday. I hope you all aren’t Eastered out just yet.
Being some of the earliest birds to the nationwide baby boom due to a four-week New York getaway, the Crosby’s quickly become professionals at the Easter Sunday routine
After an hour of hiding yawns and dozing off while standing in their pews at Easter Sunday Service, all the neighborhood kids show up at the Crosby house for their famous annual Easter Egg Hunt.
As soon as their car rolls into the driveway, Jean and Harry watch in wonder as their crew of excited kiddos doubles, triples, and soon quadruples in a matter of minutes
Hiding spots are determined days in advance and as the years go on, the amount of eggs that Jean has to buy grows exponentially to account for the adopted little bunnies that come strolling by with baskets the size of their whole torsos
Mrs. Jean Crosby puts out chairs and a group of adoring parents get to gradually watch their children grow up before their loving eyes every April
The same toddlers who first waddled around on the newly mowed grass trying to find their footing all those years ago soon become elementary school kids with minds enthralled by the competition
Soon these toothy grinned kids become teenagers who keep the magic alive for the newest toddlers while also taking the time to show the next-gen elementary kids who are the professional easter egg hunters
The Crosby’s haven’t always had the holiday nailed though
One year after much convincing from his wife throughout the whole month of March, Harry agreed to dress up as the easter bunny
When he suddenly stuck his costumed head out from the top of their white picket fence, a church choir of crying and screaming ensued
Instead of being faced with the excited wonder-filled faces that he expected, Harry was met with wide eyes full of terror and dropped jaws full of shock
Children flailed to the protection of their mamas instead of going to hug the famous mascot of the season
He spent an hour going around to every child with his furry head off and shamefully cradled in his hands
apologizing and ensuring that yes, it was just Mr. Crosby, not a giant rabbit who hopped out of nowhere and scared the communion wafers out of them
In his adult life, John Bucky Egan never really cared for Easter festivities up until his eldest daughter was born
When sunny April came around the year that Little Miss Egan turned two, Bucky was excited to take her to the Easter egg hunt ran by the local Church
While the older kids go haywire in their now dirtied church suits and fancy dresses trying to pick up as many eggs as people they counted in church pews just a half hour before, Baby Egan waddles around gently.
Every egg she picks up is taken slowly and carefully from the soft grass beneath her Mary Jane’s, looked at with soft eyes as if being examined and if found fit, is put into her pink basket
Bucky, being impatient and full of excitement for this newly unlocked family activity, sneaks a few extra eggs into her basket to make it look like she has more
His little princess shouldn’t have to hunt for all her own eggs and risk getting her white lace dress dirty anyways
Egan is the only adult collecting eggs with a bunch of random kids. His excuse is that he and his little one share a basket of course. She needs her daddy to teach her how egg hunts are done in order to be better prepped for next year.
The Egan’s aren’t the only ones with a knack for egg hunts.
The Rosenthal children do not celebrate Easter but it does not stop them from showing up to the park’s “Eggstravaganza Hunt” every year
Being the determined little Rosies that they are, they dominate the competition. These kids will have their baskets full to the brim with eggs in a matter of minutes.
You notice a child with a head full of bouncy brown curls, pink cheeks, and grass stained knees run by you? You better hope that your little Bobby can keep up.
Rosie watches on like a focused parent at their child’s soccer game
His children with their chocolate and sugar covered faces furrow their eyebrows and tilt their heads when a random woman with a crying child tells them “Do y’all really need all that candy? Jesus would want you to share, don’t you think?”
The Mini Rosenthals come back home with sugar rushes that can power the whole neighborhood for a week straight
An upside for Rosie and his wife who have to deal with these energized little roadrunners is that the kids crash an hour earlier than usual
leaving room for extra alone time on a cool Sunday night
One easter, Benny Demarco randomly walks through the foyer of his home with a white floppy eared bunny wearing a perfect little bow tie
Is that the one you wore to our date last weekend? His wife can’t help but shake her head at her husband’s audacity as the children gather around their newest sibling with eyes full of happiness
The kids are excited but Mrs. Demarco has to try to put on a smile because “Who the hell is going to take care of that thing?”
Soon enough, a hutch is built in the backyard and more bunnies are added to the family
Mrs. Demarco falls in love and calls them her “bunny babes”
She’s met with a “I knew it was a good idea” from her husband every time she is seen cradling and baby-talking to one of their beloved pets
I mean…they are both major pet lovers. It’s one of the reasons they work so well together. But is one more responsible of the two? Definitely.
The excited squeals of children and adorable nose twitches of cute little bunnies makes it all worth it
The Demarcos aren’t the only 100th household with their own personal Easter Bunny
When John Egan jokingly told his four year old that leaving a baby carrot under her pillow would lead to a special gift from Mr. Easter Bunny himself, he did not expect her to take it seriously.
At midnight, Bucky wakes up with eyes hardly open and gets out of bed with a mission
This annual mission is to tiptoe into his daughter’s bedroom and carefully exchange the aluminum foil wrapped baby carrot tucked carefully under her soft pillow for a few cents from his wallet
As more children are born, the tradition continues
Even future generations of Egans continue to buy bags of baby carrots as Easter Sunday approaches
Not only to snack on them all of Spring Break but also to place one in a sandwich bag or wrap one in saran wrap to hide underneath each child’s pillow
Not necessarily knowing why they’re the only house that participates in this unusual tradition
Not knowing that it started from the unbreaking belief of a wide-eyed four year old and her father who stopped laughing when he realized that he was stuck playing off-brand Tooth Fairy for the rest of his life
Gale Cleven’s household has a more relaxed Easter Sunday compared to the rest
After Church, some Easter themed activities, and a well-needed nap upon arriving home, the Cleven’s go to their garden to plant new flowers
Fresh tulips, chrysanthemums, and pansies are all beautiful, refreshing signs that spring is here
Why do the Cleven’s have such green thumbs you ask? Maybe their blonde hair resembles the comforting sun, the plants can’t help but feel warmth. Maybe their caring blue eyes are as nurturing as water, the plants can’t help but thrive.
They started growing flowers and vegetables in their garden when the first after they bought their house
It was the Clevens’ first step towards making it a home
The flowers represented new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth. Essentials after everything they have been through.
Hope you enjoyed! Wishing everyone a happy, happy Spring🌸 My first time writing something and posting it in 4 months…ahhhh. There’s more where this came from, my mind just does not stop.
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So what do you think is Non-human Riddle? A porcupine? Maybe a hedgehog? How about a stoat? Those things are adorable but actually fast hunters and deadly to things 10 times it size, aka a bunny
It would be so cute and funny if he was a hedgehog. The ones at Heartslabyul consider him their ruler.
Man, stoats are the cutest little things but so dangerous. Being able to hypnotize rabbits, always going for the throat, and even being a danger to dogs. Interestingly enough they're actually an invasive species.
I can imagine he would get pissed at being mistaken for a weasel, especially since their actually smaller than stoats. It would be cool seeing his fur color change in the winter.
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fafnir19 · 6 months
Bunny Hunt
As Lenny trudged through the woods, his hunting gear slung over his shoulder, he muttered to himself, "Maybe I should've just stayed home and watched Netflix."
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The young man was well aware of his lack of luck with women, his shyness often getting the best of him in social settings. So, instead of facing potential rejection at parties, he found solace in the quiet solitude of the forest. Finally, after hours of stalking silently, he spotted his target - a plump brown rabbit nibbling on some clover. With shaky hands, he lifted his gun, aimed, and fired. *BANG!* The rabbit fell with a soft thud, and Lenny approached it slowly. But as he knelt down to collect his kill, his eyes widened in astonishment. Beneath the unfortunate bunny lay a massive pile of colorful eggs, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. "What in the world?" he gasped, scratching his head in confusion. "Did this rabbit rob the Easter Bunny or something?" Shrugging it off, Lenny retrieved the rabbit and decided to make the best of the situation.
Back in his cozy apartment, he set to work preparing the rabbit, humming a tune to himself. The aroma of the simmering rabbit ragout filled the room, making his stomach growl in anticipation.
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With a satisfied grin, Lenny sat down at the table, ready to indulge in his meal. As he savored each bite, his mind couldn't help but wander back to the strange discovery in the woods. Rabbit and eggs - a bizarre combination indeed. Scoffing at his own thoughts, he shook his head. "Well, at least this rabbit gave me a memorable meal. Maybe I have stumbled upon the secret recipe for an Easter feast!"
Later that evening a peculiar sensation overcame him. His scalp prickled with an unbearable itch, causing him to scratch furiously. Much to his horror, he felt two long furry ears sprouting at his head.
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In a panic, Lenny realized he was transforming into something...more hare-like. The compulsion to hide eggs tugged at his mind, a strange urge he couldn't resist. Without a second thought, he dashed out of his home, scattering eggs throughout the neighborhood under the moonlit sky. The realization dawned on him like a thunderclap - he had devoured the Easter Bunny, and now he bore the burden of taking over its mantle.
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After a night of frenzied egg-hiding, Lenny found himself drained and weary, longing for the familiarity of his own bed. In his exhausted state, he encountered a striking young woman on her way home, her eyes alight with curiosity as she beheld Lenny's rabbit ears. "Those ears are simply adorable! Can I touch them?" she asked with a coy smile. As her hand caressed his velvety ears, a primal instinct stirred within Lenny, flooding him with overwhelming desire. The urge to mate, to cover, to take her like a hare buck consumed his thoughts. In a whirl of confusion and arousal, Lenny found himself giving in to his newfound rabbit instincts, guided by the young woman's willing acceptance of his advances. Their lustful encounter under the watchful moon left Lenny breathless and bewildered, his world forever changed.
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After a restless night filled with strange dreams of eggs and rabbits, Lenny awoke on Easter Sunday with a jolt, unsure of how he had returned to his apartment. His rabbit ears had vanished, leaving him feeling strangely incomplete. Deciding to take a stroll through the forest to clear his mind, Lenny wandered along the familiar paths, the fresh scent of spring filling his lungs. It wasn't long before a figure approached him, an older woman of ethereal beauty and a sly smile on her lips.
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"There's my Easter bunny," she cooed, her gaze holding a mysterious gleam. Lenny blinked in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" The woman chuckled softly, her voice like silk. "I am a witch, dear boy, and you, my unsuspecting rabbit hunter, hold a debt to repay." Lenny's blue eyes widened in shock. "A witch? Debt? What are you talking about?" The witch's laughter danced through the air, carrying a hint of mischief. "You see, dear Lenny, in your haste to hunt, you unwittingly crossed paths with the Easter Bunny himself. By shooting and devouring him, you have inherited his duties." Lenny's jaw dropped in disbelief. "But that's...that's impossible!" "Ah, but the whims of fate are as fickle as they come," the witch purred. "Now, as penance for your transgression, you must fulfill the Easter Bunny's role. And not just any role, my dear Lenny."
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A shiver ran down Lenny's spine as he realized the gravity of his situation. "You mean...I have to be the Easter Bunny?" The witch's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Not just any Bunny. You, my dear, have the instincts of a buck bestowed upon you as well." Lenny's cheeks flushed crimson as he grasped the implications. "Instincts of a buck? What does that mean?" With a sly grin, the witch leaned in closer, her scent a heady mix of exotic spices and forbidden allure. "It means, dear Lenny, that any woman who shows interest in you will awaken desires within you that you cannot control. You will mate with her, as a bunny buck does with a bunny doe in heat, driven by primal impulses." A wave of panic washed over Lenny as he struggled to comprehend the witch's words. "But...but I can't just...I don't want to..." Before he could protest further, the witch's soft hand caressed his cheek, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure down his spine. The familiar surge of rabbit instincts mingled with newfound urges, overwhelming his senses. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, the witch whispered, "Submit to your nature, Lenny. Embrace the wild within." As if in a daze, Lenny found himself unable to resist. The air crackled with tension as desire and confusion warred within him, until finally, he succumbed to the irresistible pull. Their bodies entwined in a dance as old as time, passion igniting like a blazing fire between them. Lenny's newfound buck instincts took over, driving him to mate with the witch in a frenzy of lust and longing. As they collapsed in a tangle of limbs and heavy breaths, the witch's laughter echoed through the forest, a haunting melody of amusement. "Well done, my adorable buck," she purred, her eyes dancing with mischief. "You have begun to embrace your fate."
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Lenny lay panting, his mind reeling from the whirlwind of sensations that had overtaken him. Confusion and desire churned within him, mingling with a newfound sense of resignation. As the witch vanished into the shadows, leaving Lenny alone with the weight of his newfound destiny, a single thought echoed in his mind: Easter would never be the same again.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
could I please request yandere prompt 3, from the G section of writeformesinpie's prompts for otis driftwood? Just recently watched house of 1000 corpses, pretty fun horror movie ^^
I feel like I can't write him without making him horrendous... so prepare for that.... Y'know, it must be good if writing it made me uncomfortable.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Otis Driftwood Prompt G-3
“One, two, Daddy is coming for you. Three, four, knocking down your door.”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Sadism, Manipulation, SFW Daddy kink, Possessive behavior, Biting, Blood, Disturbing/Dark themes, Kissing, Isolation, Post-Kidnapping, Dehumanizing behavior, Mature themes/Themes of intimacy, Blood drinking, Forced "relationship".
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You're the best toy he's had in a long time.
Otis has had many victims, many toys. Many cute rabbits to chase and hunt until their time was up. However, none were quite as entertaining as you.
That's why you've lasted so long with him...
He's let you.
He lets you because you're his favorite rabbit. The family lets him keep you because he adores you so much. No one else is allowed to touch you... for better or for worse....
There's many games he likes to play with his rabbit. He likes to bite pretty marks into their skin. He likes to hold them close and explore his little pet. But his favorite game?
He loves to chase.
He loves it when he sets you loose, watching you run off to hide from him like the scared rabbit you are. Otis loves to play hunter to his sweet rabbit. He finds it so cute that you think you can hide.
It's adorable how you think anything will stop him from keeping his rabbit.
"Oh come on, baby... you can only run and hide for so long...!" Otis coos, stalking you through the home. The family had assumed he was playing his games again... allowing him to be with his rabbit.
You don't answer, staying in a locked room with your legs to your chest. You're shaking like cornered prey, hearing Otis call your name and several other sickening nicknames as he hunts you in the hallway. You don't know why you bother anymore.
He was going to find you eventually... and subject you to whatever fresh torment his twisted mind thought of.
"Sweetheart... my little rabbit..." Otis calls, stopping beside the door you locked yourself in. By this point you were used to the smell of blood and rot. No doubt all due to Otis' little art projects.
"You in there? Are you waiting for me to come get you? Aren't you having fun?" Otis taunts, knocking on the door playfully with a chuckle. "You want daddy to come and find you?"
You cringe at the nickname he used. You hated when he said that. He uses it like he's supposed to be some sort of guardian to you... He's far from it. You swear he does it because you hate it.
"I know you're in there..." Otis hums, knocking on the door harshly as you hide beside the stained furniture in the room. "Don't you want to come out and reward me for finding you? Doesn't daddy get a kiss?"
You feel nauseated when he taunts you. Your heart won't stop thumping in your chest as he knocks on the door. Each knock becomes more and more insistent....
"Come one, baby... Open the door for daddy...." Otis hums, trying the doorknob. "You're going to make me wait for it, huh?"
You hear him push on the door, ramming his side into the wood. You freeze, cowering as you watch the door give slightly. Another ram, another jump of your heart.
"Daddy doesn't like waiting, baby...." Otis sighs, the door rumbling as he hits it. "Don't make me upset, baby...!"
You squeak when the door moves again. The lock creaks, threatening to give way due to his strength. It almost hurts to breathe with how nervous you are.
“One, two, Daddy's coming for you..." Otis sings, the door creaking more as he rams into it. "Three, four, knocking down your door.”
You scream when the door flies open. It's so fast the door slams into the wall. You swore if you looked there would be a dent.
However, you were too busy staring at Otis to care.
"There's my bunny!" Otis purrs, stepping closer to you with a chuckle. You panic, stepping back as you look for a way to defend yourself. Unfortunately, like a wolf to a rabbit, Otis lunged at you.
You slam onto the floor, stunned as you feel Otis laughing. You try to push him off, only to feel him bite into your flesh. He meant it to be playful or teasing... yet it just hurt.
You sob when he laps at your blood, pinning you to the floor with a bloody grin. Once again, he has won his game. He has won his rabbit.
"Aw, honey, you kept me waiting for so long...!" Otis pouts before howling in laughter. "Don't you know I've won? I always win, baby...."
You try to sputter out some sort of plea, but Otis just leans forward, breath ghosting over your lips.
"Now where's daddy's kiss, little bunny?"
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yearningaces · 8 months
The concept of Nyx’s Partner being a hunter is so interesting to me. Like Nyx is in danger? Boom! Whatever animal is attacking is immediately dealt with. Nyx wants some clothes to keep him warm? He now has an entire collection of furs and coats at his disposal. I just wanna give him and his family all that I can offer~💖
- 🪩 Anon
And they will forever adore you- their own special human!
For some fun, little ideas I keep rotating in my brain:
Rabbit-hybrids are small, like... 3/4ths the size of the average human at best.
They tend to live in burrows together or at least burrow side by side(hobbit-esk design if you need a visual)
This means, the bunny-folks home is tiny compared to a human. And once Nyx's family gets to know you, how gentle you are with their Nyx and with them as extention? Well, that practically makes you family already! Not like Nyx will ever leave your side, everyone in his family can see how enamored he is.
So what do they do? They make you your own chair at the supper table, larger and stronger to support you. They make silverware and dishes that are more your size, grandpa bun even crochets you a blanket twice the size of his normal ones so you can be cozy when staying there too
Grandpa bun, ever the burrow bun(as opposed to house husband) will also try to learn how to cook different sorts of meats for you. It's clumsy at first, but Nyx(who's been studying this like he's in fucking Harvard) helps and Grandpa bun has a good steak and skewers and chicken cooked like a pro
The younger rabbit-hybrids want to play chase and who better to play than the big scary human that they know is super nice? They will swarm you. They might just grab onto a leg or an arm and hang on, just keep walking it's fine it's entertainment.
The elders will want to ask you about your instincts, ones that don't seem useful to you but to them is life changing. What do you mean you have standoffs with other creatures and the first to move breaks the standoff? What do you mean you just throw your weight around to get what needs done done. You can see in the dark? To an impressive degree to them. So if you were hunting and the prey did this what would you do? For no reason other than their own knowledge of course.
The buns your age can be the most weary, they're old enough to know danger, but too young to recognize peace without a plethora of proof. Give them time and you'll be part of the gossip group, it's worth the wait I promise
Nyx will have to fight his own kin away so he can have you all to himself... For a few minutes at least. Just hold his hand, let him sit in your lap and he'll be happy.
Also, humans are carnivorous leaning omnivores. Predators in nature we could say. Any big predator needs naps. The buns are energetic to the nines but the first time you've visiting Nyx's family and you fall asleep on that soft couch? Lounging across it, blissfully sleeping?
It doesn't take long for Nyx to find you, crawl up to lay on your toreso, curling up and falling asleep... Then the young buns gather around, some trying to lay on or next to you, some sprawled on the back of the couch. The young adult buns are next, laying a blanket on the pile, maybe one or two joining but most lounge around the couch. Eventually the elders join as well. Seated in their respective spots and relaxing too.
Human designated nap time is the unspoken burrow law now, so don't be too surprised when you wake to that whole situation.
Welcome to the family!
Oh, and Nyx is total burrow bun material. Learned to cook the foods you enjoy as a human, concerts your home into a nice mix of bunny and human styles for the most comfort, and is pretty much bouncing by the door waiting for you to come home so he can literally jump into your arms, and that's if he didn't leave the house with you.
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Okay so here’s some more of my Ted talk, Illumi’s (one sided) relationship with Killua.
Illumi loves Killua but it’s deeper than that he’s obsessed with him, I think he loves Killua as a brother sure but he’s also jealous of Killua. Killua has everything Illumi could ever want and more. Their entire family adores Killua he’s their golden child, he’s the next heir to the family, his dad doesn’t get mad at him for breaking the rules he actually encourages it as long as he fulfills his purpose; to be the heir. In the Zoldyck family praise and attention is one of the many problems, if you stand out from the rest of your siblings you get the most attention. It’s a be the best get the best mentality so the kids are encouraged to push themselves, do whatever it takes just to be better than your siblings. I don’t wanna say it didn’t apply to Killua but he had so much potential that he didn’t have to try. Illumi had to try see this through the story in the Hunter exam for example Illumi sits at the front, he sits up straight he pays attention he does his best. Killua is also able to stand up to his parents, all the Zoldycks have been conditioned to blindly trust their parents but Killua breaks free of that. Illumi wasn’t able to do that.
Illumi understands why Killua is going to be the heir but it still makes him jealous, however he is unable to recognize his feelings as jealousy and perceives them as love. It’s not only that he is jealous of Killua he genuinely wants to be Killua but, he can’t so he tries to do the next best thing; control Killua. It doesn’t work so he uses nen. Illumi is so deep in his rabbit hole of hatred, jealousy, love, admiration and expectation. He loves Killua because he is his brother, he hates Killua because everyone loves Killua and Killua didn’t have to earn it, he’s jealous of Killua because he is everything he wants to be and he’s expected to love and train Killua, he’s expected to not have these other feelings.
Killua escaped the hell that his the Zoldyck mansion but Illumi didn’t. Killua isn’t fully broken down yet, in the Hunter exam Killua has the same feelings towards Gon. He wonders why everyone likes Gon because he’s not as strong as Killua but for some reason they all love him but Killua also likes him because he was nice to him, because he’s a good person. Killua and Illumi are actually very alike and Killua knows this. Illumi is also
The Zoldyck family dynamic is rooted in the characters trauma, it’s a cycle. Milluki is part of it however he is not as present because he recognizes he doesn’t like Killua.
The parents messed up Illumi and Milluki because that’s what they were told to do by their parents. (Okay new thought on this, Kikyo had Illumi at 18 and since she wasn’t born into the family she probably had to undergo training as well and that’s why she’s such a suffocating mother, she wanted to prove herself to the Zoldycks so she did the training would be my assumption anyway so I’m assuming she is also a victim but she still messed the children up bad along with her crap husband)
Illumi messed up Killua by not understanding his own emotions because the parents messed him up.
Killua messed up Alluka ( and Kalluto indirectly) by abandoning her, it was the best option but it still probably gave her abandonment issues.
And Alluka messed up Kalluto by being Killuas favorite. (It was not her fault more Killuas but Alluka is who Kalluto blames.)
Illumi is also jealous of Gon but he can recognize that because Gon isn’t related to him, he isn’t supposed to love Gon so he can hate him.
Illumi cannot be the Zoldyck heir because his nen is specifically made for manipulation and quickly killing something yes he can fight but it’s easily countered, Killuas nen is more broad and has a lot more uses in terms of he can fight a lot more opponents with a better chance of winning, Illumi it a very strong manipulator proved by Shalnark who says that a manipulator can’t use their nen if they don’t have their object (Illumi’s needles) which we see Illumi do York new when turning into Hisoka.
Anyway therapists in Hunter x Hunter are working overtime.
The Zoldyck family dynamic is so sad and I mean you can see it on the surface but going deeper into it, it just gets worse. I want to make it clear that NONE of the Zoldyck children are to blame they do not know any better and that Alluka didn’t do anything it’s just the way Kalluto perceives it. This doesn’t excuse what they’ve done but it makes sense of it at least.
if anyone wants to make a hate squad for Kikyo and Silva I’m totally down.
let me know if I missed anything
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lollytea · 11 months
And when Willow’s actually ready for a relationship? Oh, Hunter doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s been so ready for so long but now it’s actually happening and it’s taking all his energy not to go absolutely ballistic to instead be like “oh awesome can I have a hug?”
[Refering to situationship]
Agsvdhbk Willow's decision was a very spur of the moment thing. At some point, she just could not take this anymore. She wanted him and she had him but it still felt like there was so much she couldn't do until she asked.
Hunter didn't catch on to the build up, so it was all very sudden. It threw him off balance. And now suddenly all these months of boldness with initiating affection and straightforwardness about wanting a real relationship all goes flying the window and it's like they're back in Camila's house again. Back in their usual wavering dance, where she flirts loudly and he blushes quietly. It's only until the initial shock wears off but it still packs a wallop. Like getting hit with a mallet.
The moment she says it, he goes very still. Like a prey animal. Eyes blown wide. Even his nose twitches like a nervous rabbit. And then there's an abrupt flash of gold light and Willow can't hold back her laughter as her brand new boyfriend (!!!!) is literally bouncing off the walls like a rogue pinball.
And then all at once, it stops, and he's once again standing in front of her. He straightens himself out, clearing his throat with all the dignity he can muster.
Willow politely does not acknowledge that just happened. He still gets a little embarrassed about his involuntary flash zoomies. She thinks it is one of the most adorable things he does, and she's really struggling to not just grab him and smooch all the life and soul out of him. She's already buzzing with her own excitable quirks. She doesn't notice her butt is doing that damn ridiculous waggle and her feet are pattering anxiously until Hunter manages to find his words.
"Awesome," He says with an attempt at polite nonchalance. He sounds like his vocal chords are being held together with nothing but patches and prayers.
"Can..." He chokes on his sentence and then pretends he didn't. "Can I have a hug?"
Willow's jittering nerves cause her relieved exhale to shake. They've gotten lost in hugs so many times that the grooves and curves of their bodies may have altered just to better cradle the shape of the other person. Hugging Hunter is safe. It's familiar. And at a time like this, when she's willingly jumbling her life around and turning everything upside down just because she's utterly obsessed with him, hugging Hunter is such a welcome invitation.
Her hugs have always been too tight. They're of the bone snapping variety. Uncomfortable to some, soothing to others. Hunter is the latter, thank Titan.
They sink into each other. And for a moment, everything is still. Everything but Willow. She can feel herself wiggling. She's over the moon. She's over the sun. She's over every stupid planet in Hunter's space book.
"Okay, I-I gotta...." Says Hunter breathlessly, arms still looped around her.
Willow peers up at him, her stomach already pooling with warmth from the sight of his twitchy smile and glowing red ears.
"I gotta, well, I-...this is. I have a lot to say and I've been waiting to say it." He is continuing, even when it seems like every word is strenuous. "About you. About how I think you're so--I mean, well when I'm with you, I feel-!! Lemme start over,"
Willow tilts her head as she watches him babble, drinking this up like she's trying to get drunk on it.
Hunter inhales, deep and steadying. Then he blurts out "I just want you to know that I--!" only to stagger to a halt when he meets her eyes. The corner of his mouth tries to tug itself upwards. There's a second of resistance, before all of his battle readiness melts into a wide dizzy smile.
"Stop that," He says to her. "Stop that and let me talk,"
Genuinely confused, Willow's smile widens and she finds that her facial muscles won't let her smile any wider. "Stop what?"
"Looking at me like that!"
"How am I looking at you?"
"You know!"
"I really don't," Willow says through a spurt of laughter.
But now he's pointed out that she's looking at him a certain way, she can easily imagine how.
These last few months, he's been looking at her with a kind of soft honest lovesickness that made her bones melt. When she made the mistake of glancing his way and getting caught under his gaze with his eyes burning like that, it became impossible for her to operate as a normal person. She had been all giggles and air.
If she's currently looking at him with any ounce of the power his expression had held, no wonder Hunter is fumbling so bad.
"How am I looking at you?" She repeats, snaking her loose arms a little tighter around his waist.
He loves getting his waist hugged.
It is like being back in Camila's house. When Willow knows she's doing something he likes and she keeps experimenting with combinations (e.g. touching his inner forearm and telling him he's really smart at the same time), just to see how flushed his face can get.
It takes him a moment to formulate an answer. The waist hugging certainly isn't helping him find his words any faster. She sees the way his eyes briefly widen as he feels the squeeze around his midsection. His fingers are on her shoulders and they're worrying the material of her shirt.
Hunter's smile is only getting worse. Wider. Wilder. The limitations of facial muscles simply did not correlate with the volume of emotion that Hunter was capable of.
"Like you like me," He says simply, looking both mortified and elated, that huge grin never faltering. He stared fixated on her collarbone, unprepared to look into her eyes again. "You're looking at me like you like me and it's...it's a lot..."
"I'm a lot," Replies Willow breezily.
"I know..." He mumbles.
Another squeeze around the waist. "And I do like you,"
A panicky giggle falls out of him. His eyes are shyly flicking to hers for brief intervals, as though he's adjusting to the intensity. "I know..."
He does adjust. With time, he's making himself perfectly at home under the light of her hopelessly infatuated eyes, while she is likewise learning to exist under his.
He gets his words out too. And he managed to spit them all out with only minimal stammering, even while Willow continued to have the audacity to look at her boyfriend like she likes him.
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rosazoldyckk · 2 years
-Yandere Illumi Zoldyck X Reader-
⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of kidnapping, obsessive behaviour and loss of limbs near the end.
Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Characters: Illumi Zoldyck
A/N: I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes, I didn’t have any time to proofread any of this. But I hope it is good and worth the read anyways♡︎♡︎♡︎
1539 words
Only when you finally ran out of adrenaline did you notice the freezing cold of the night against your skin. For the longest time, you hadn't felt even a soft breeze ruffling through your now scruffy hair. But now, paired with the sound of leaves rustling in the midnight wind, you were engulfed by all these normal-strange sensations you had missed out on for so long.
Even though your feet hurt from all the running, and your lungs couldn't get enough of the air all around you, you felt so alive and happy, you were barely able to contain yourself from screaming in joy. Leaning against the brick wall, you decided to take a small rest in the alleyway, having come far already. How long have you been running for? Probably a bit more than hour, straight down a mountain and left and right and uphill and behind buildings. You'd have put rabbits to shame with how you sidestepped just to escape.
But…what now?
Many would call you sick in the head. That you'd run from a man that loved you so much wouldn't be taken positively by any thick-headed person around you. You couldn't go home, or to your parents, after all, if you were him, that's where you'd look first. Police? But what would you tell them? That you were kidnapped locked away for months by some psychopathic assassin? Illumi had told you more than once that it was utterly pointless to go anywhere - especially without him - after all, he made sure that no one would believe the terrible things you wanted to tell them. Everyone was under the assumption you were doing splendidly with your new boyfriend - a crazy assassin boyfriend who you didn't even know existed.
You had been seen with the assasin so many times around York new city that people liked to assume that what you had was a somewhat normal ‘Zoldyck’ relationship. They didn't know that he kept forcing himself into your personal space, that you didn't want to go anywhere with him anymore after he monopolized and clung to you for the better part of weeks. Eventually doing so much as to brutally murder anyone who even looked in your Direction, using the excuse that they were going to kill you and that you simply weren’t safe without him. Everybody knew that he was a Zoldyck and most definitely a man who lived up to his name, so there was very little that anyone could do to help. One could assume that after all he's done in the past and went through with all the Zoldyck training, his brain took a big hit, his arrogance and confidence only feeding into his egotistical views. But that he'd kidnap the person he claimed to adore, kept them holed up, and did things you didn't want to think about anymore that's not something anyone would accept easily.
In fact, if you two were ever again confronted with each other, he might blame you for giving him all these surreal emotions that made him lust for you so dearly! No... You decided then and there that you didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. You just wanted to go somewhere he couldn't find you. Somewhere you'd be safe and could start over without drawing any attention. Calm and peaceful, but most importantly, alone and safe.
At least, that was the plan, but biting the tip of your thumb, you realized you were still stuck in the middle of the city, with no money, no phone, and nowhere to go for help or safety. Perhaps if you visited the bank and asked for money from your account personally, they'd be able to provide you with some, but it was already late, and you doubted there was any bank near you that had a late-night clerk waiting for customers. You didn't like to settle somewhere outside for the night. You wanted to be gone as fast as possible, but what were you supposed to do? Clothed in just an oversized shirt and short shorts, you sunk to your bottom, pulling in your legs. At least, hidden behind some dumpsters in between buildings, no one would find you, simply assuming that you were a sleeping beggar.
This was still far more nicer than being with him.
Nicer than sleeping in his suffocating hold while he whispered his seemingly endless confession in your ear, your body bruised and fragile from his deathly touches.
Sleeping in some dirty alleyway was paradise compared to it.
"Ah, look at you," Illumi hummed as he stepped into the alleyway. Even though you had been dozing, immediately, your eyes snapped wide open, and you took on the stance of someone about to jump up and run again. However, your eyes could only fixate on his legs, standing right in front of you and blocking your way out. Even if you thought it was safest to hide, you didn't calculate the risk of getting found. "Oh dear, you must be freezing."
There was mockery in his kind words, but illumi was quick to strip off his Jacket and squat down, laying the fabric around your shoulder. Everything about him - the beady co eyes, the smell of his cologne, the rough tug he made as he adjusted the jacket over your shivering shoulders - made you want to vomit. Pictures of things he had done and things he was able to do to you popped into your mind while you sat there utterly frozen, trying desperately to come up with an escape plan.
"H-how did you...?" you mumbled, questioning yourself more than her. "What kind of a husband would I be if I could even find you? I missed you. Were you scared I wouldn't come?"
No, you were scared all along that he'd find you.
"B-but why?" you whispered, shoulders slumping. Illumi's lips curled into a pitying smile, one he probably imagined signaled empathy the best. But really, was there even a spark of humanity in this man that would let him feel these kinds of emotions? You doubted it more than anyone in the world. Hands falling from your shoulders to your hips and dragging forward over your thighs to your knees, Illumi took a deep breath, taking in every inch of you appreciatively. Like fine art, a rare sight to see, that's how you must have looked in his eyes.
"I told you I missed you, so I came–"
"No, why are you doing this. Why me? What do you want from me?"
Your voice sounded exhausted more than anything now. Now that you realized illumi had won, you were tired. There was something animalistic in the way he touched you. Possessive, victorious. He was the white lion prowling in a habitat that didn't fit him, and yet, he benefitted from it. However he did it, you knew he wasn't just passing by and found you. If you didn't know it better, you'd say he always knew where you went all along, every second of your escape. But it was inexplicable how, when, and why he knew, and it frightened you even more that he was so much more aware of everything going on around you than you were.
Illumi smiled, hesitating to answer while he thought hard about what to say. "You. I always wanted you. I want you to love me and cherish me. Make the whole world stop for a while without me having to worry that you will disappear from it. I am doing this for you as much as I am doing it for me, don't you understand? Won't you rely on me to do what is best for us?"
"Please…I don't want that," you replied firmly, not even a moment of hesitation on your side. No matter what he said, you couldn't decide if illumi was telling the truth or if he lied. You were sure he was manipulating you, but at the same time, he did it with the face of an angel, hiding much, much more than you'd ever know even if you expected there to be hidden meaning behind it all.
"Oh dear...I see," he sighed, the smile never leaving his glazed lips no matter how he was feeling at the moment. Was he angry? Disappointed? Enraged? You weren't sure if even Illumi himself knew. But you did notice his grip on your legs growing harder as he kept squeezing down on them. "Then I guess I will make you rely on me."
Surely enough, you couldn't keep up your scared-up-stance for much longer as he seemed to force you to the ground. You could feel your expression harden in pain as you gasped, pushing at his shoulders desperately. However, illumi used the moment of your focus shifting to move forward to your face, kissing you in a moment you were stunned by his unexpected actions. "Please my dear, don't hate me too much," he mumbled, almost sounding... remorseful.
"I just think those legs don't do us any good as long as they are attached to you. After all, we both need to make sacrifices."
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astationwagononmars · 9 months
Lego Dreamzzz: Dream Chasers and the Riddle-Spokens book obtained & read.
Favorite bits (+ spoilers) under the cut:
Logan's memory is terrible and he's proud of it.
Cooper dropped his voice to a whisper. "Do you even remember what happened at lunch?" "I don't remember anything longer than I have to," Logan proclaimed proudly. (Page 38)
It is confirmed that Sneak is supposed to resemble a cat! He is described as a "cat-shaped grimspawn with one bulbous eye" on page 75, and a "cat-like grimspawn [with] a devious mind and a lie waiting on his tongue at all times" in the glossary.
Mateo and Cooper bonding over their fear of failure was a delight, plus Cooper mentioning "parents" instead of just "mom."
Cooper looked a little stiff. "Uh, um… I don't know about that. My parents get pretty upset if I don't get things right the first time." (Page 47) [Cooper] rubbed the back of his head as he stopped in front of them. "Yeah. My parents wouldn't like to hear about me leaving class early, but I told the teacher I was friends with one of the artists." (Page 183-184)
The Night Hunter while Izzie & Mateo are arguing.
The Night Hunter blinked. "Um- excuse me, I'm trying to threaten you over here." (Page 82)
Across the square, the Night Hunter was clearly annoyed that he wasn't being paid attention to. (Page 84)
The Night Hunter has claws!
He clenched his claws menacingly. (Page 151)
It the show Bunchu is from is an anime called Bunchu Bunny Kung Fu Rabbit.
Logan responding to positive reinforcement.
"Logan! That was so smart!" Cooper ran over and clapped his shoulder. "Well, you know. Sometimes I can focus, too." Logan shrugged, smiling hesitantly at first, like he was genuinely touched by the compliment. But then he cleared his throat and turned a wink and a grin on Zoey. "What'd you think, Zoey? Pretty good, right?" She was annoyed about a lot of things. But she had to give it to him- it was smart. So she sighed, striding past him, and nodded. "Sure, Logan. Nice job." He perked up even more and and followed her across the room.
Logan attempting to be nice, being surprised when it works.
"Well, I think the judges are obviously really dumb," Logan said, way too loud, and everyone looked their way. "Z-Blob is super awesome in your drawing! Even I can't laugh at him. He should've at least won first place. The art teacher must have something in both of his eyes." Z-Blob stuck his [head out of Mateo's] backpack and gurgled, as if thanking him for the compliment. For some reason, that was all it took to break Mateo's tension, and he started to laugh. Logan looked surprised before he started grinning."
Final Thoughts:
As far as writing-quality goes, this book is about what you'd expect. It won't blow you away, but it's still good. Other than a handful of typos, I couldn't find any problems with it. Absolutely adored the characters' personalities in this story, and their subtler actions really made it for me!
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